
ActionParsnipbethebunny: did you md5 test the iso?00:15
bethebunnyI'm having trouble booting the install CD. The framebuffer window (with keyboard == human) appears fine, then the ubuntu loading screen is fragmented as though it is attempting to render the image to a different resolution than my monitor00:16
ActionParsnipbethebunny: did you md5 test the iso?00:16
bethebunnyI'll go do that, but I'm having the same problem with an old 10.04 build on the same machine.00:16
ActionParsnipbethebunny: why did you not test it before?00:16
bethebunnyActionParsnip: It might be good practice, but I'm generally not in the habit of md5 testing my downloads >.>00:17
ActionParsnipbethebunny: you should, the data needs to be perfect00:17
bethebunnyActionParsnip: Yes, the hash matches.00:26
ActionParsnipbethebunny: what video chip do you use?00:28
bethebunnynVidia GT550TI00:28
ActionParsnipbethebunny: tried the boot option: nouveau.blacklist=100:28
bethebunnyActionParsnip: It said something along the lines of "`1' is an invalid value for nouveau option `blacklist'", but then successfully booted without further graphical errors (well, it's not exactly full-featured, but I suspect the remaining problems are due to using a fallback graphics driver)00:38
ActionParsnipbethebunny: some chips don't like the nouveau driver.00:39
ActionParsnipbethebunny: you should know basic stuff like that if you want to use pre-release, its not ready for the lay-user00:39
bethebunnyActionParsnip: I'm sorry I tried dabbling in your deep and dark realm. I'll try growing out my neckbeard. Or maybe I should just switch back to gentoo.00:40
ActionParsnipdid the boot option help?00:53
vividbethebunny: nouveau is totally broken for me on that same GPU00:59
ActionParsnipin updated version its not shabby00:59
vividi managed to install using the mini.iso and then manually installing nvidia-current and kubuntu-desktop via a base system01:00
vividits still broken as of yesterday, when i cleaned up this system01:00
vividso, dont be surprised when you get into a broken gui, be prepared to ctrl+alt+f1 and shut down lightdm01:01
vividand quickly, the perpetual loop of lightdm restarts is a pain01:01
vividbethebunny: and....i have a totally pimp neckbeard right now.  definitely helps getting through nouveau01:03
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ActionParsnipvivid: have you tried kdm instead?01:29
vividno need, default desktop installs lightdm and the aim is to get default working for the majority01:30
vividand lightdm works wonderfully01:30
ActionParsnipvivid: from what you say, apparently not01:30
vividthe problem is nouveau01:30
vividon GF11401:30
ActionParsnipi see01:30
vividActionParsnip: alternatively, we could argue that no vesa fallback is an issue as well01:37
lapionis it possible to install quantal to a btrfs-oonly system ?05:16
lapioncannot get it to install grub05:19
ActionParsniplapion: can you install it from liveCD?05:20
lapionfailt to install grub05:20
ActionParsnipisit a known bug?05:21
lapiondo not know am trying to install it again, this time will try to manually install grub before exiting install environment05:23
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lapionit gives me core.img unusually large error05:30
lapionI already found that one and was reading it.05:36
lapionthis only happens to systems whose hdd partition table is erased and recreated.05:37
lapionmaybe the default chs should be something like n n 96 or something..05:37
lapionhmm no xz support in grub-mkimage05:44
lapionhmm installing synaptics in the live environment seems to make the system totally useless06:23
lapionhas anyone tried to install synaptic in the live version ?07:05
smartboyhwlapion: You mean live CD?07:05
lapionthe grub error is a partition related problem solved by "creating" a new partition table, or recrating the mbr07:58
lapionhmm at least the not enough space error did nit repeat, but still no booting08:10
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vega-seems most of new stuff on 12.10 will be "under the hood" type of things?09:51
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lapionbooting with a btrfs is not working it cannot find the files because when you mount the btrfs all files and folder of the fs reside in the folder "@" in stead of "."11:00
BluesKajHey all11:41
pfarrellhi, there seems to be a bug in the slepc package in quantal. Where should I report it?12:07
smartboyhwpfarell: Open a terminal and type ubuntu-bug slepc12:18
lapionubuntu cannot handle btrfs12:55
KM0201i thought it was still pretty experimental12:57
thoongyou guys suffer from nouveau booting problems from kernel 3.4 - 3.5? is it confined to kernel  or distro specific? currently running ubuntu 12.04 and fedora 17.  new kernel updates in f17 is giving me grief. was wondering will future ubuntu suffer same fate?13:42
sandyd_awaybobweaver, http://i45.tinypic.com/14nub5.png15:12
sandyd_awaythat is what it looks like15:12
bobweaverOh ccsm unity arch nemesis . Not sure that I can help with that sorry sandyd_away  maybe others can15:14
sandyd_awayits alright, thanks for looking bobweaver15:15
bobweaversandyd_away,  what happens when you go to font settings and play with them15:15
bobweavernot sure that is a great question15:17
bobweaverI thought that it was under gnome-control-panel but I can not seem to find15:18
sandyd_awaynvm - fixed the problem15:18
bobweaverAnd font viewer is not seeeming to do anything but hang15:18
sandyd_awayccsm doing funky stuff15:18
bobweaverhow did you fix it ? ccsm ?>15:19
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BluefoxicyIs 12.10 going to use 3.4 instead of 3.5.3 or 3.6?17:14
trismBluefoxicy: depends on what you are talking about, for nautilus, yes, for kernels, I think we are sticking with 3.517:15
Bluefoxicyheh that was ambiguous.17:17
trismyeah too many similar version numbers this release17:25
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hd1what happened to /usr/bin/X in quantal?19:44
trismhd1: -rwsr-sr-x 1 root root 10192 Aug 23 13:37 /usr/bin/X (seems to be there, what's the issue?)19:46
hd1what package is it to be found in?19:47
trismhd1: xserver-xorg19:48
hd1thanks trism, for some reason that package wasn't installed :p19:49
cjohnston_Is anyone else having a problem with ubuntu-panel-search using huge amounts of CPU? 99+%?19:52
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trismcjohnston: maybe bug 1041354 (though a recent libreoffice update should fix that)19:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1041354 in libreoffice (Ubuntu Quantal) "unity-panel-service uses ~100% CPU when libreoffice-gtk is installed and enabled" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104135419:56
hd1trism: ok, thanks19:59
cjohnstontrism: that sounds about right19:59
cjohnstonI'm updating right now, maybe ill get it19:59
cjohnstonthanks trism20:00
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