
=== md_5|away is now known as md_5
jeanice to see that ubuntu is being used in a channel 9 news story08:12
jeasagaci: there is a new chat client in thunderbird 15 that supports irc08:21
jealooks alright in my very brief use of it08:21
sagaciah ok haven't used thunderbird for a while08:21
sagaciI've only really used xchat/irssi on ubuntu08:22
jeaare you using chatzilla in firefox?08:22
sagacichatzilla standalone08:22
jeairssi is actually quite good08:22
sagacichatzilla only for windows08:22
jeai haven't ever looked at chatzilla08:23
sagaciI don't rely on irc in windows so as long as it looks OK and works flawlessly08:24
jeawindows irc clients seem to be a bit like that08:25
sagacithe beta due on thursday08:28
jeabeta for quantal? i didn't realise it was so soon08:28
jeaI must get translating if that is the case 08:29
sagaciyeah, well final is 18th Oct08:32
jeaok. when do the translation packs need to be done?08:32
sagaciearly october, I think08:34
jeaok. still a few weeks then08:35
sagacibusy time @ uni?08:35
jeayeah, it has been quite busy08:35
jeai have two group projects that are taking a lot of time08:36
jeaand the other two subjects have exams/assignments due this week08:36
=== md_5 is now known as md_5|away
head_victimjea: Ubuntu was on channel 9?13:15
jeahead_victim: yes, very briefly in a story about wifi security13:16
jeathe 'hacker' was using it to connect to WEP routers13:16
head_victimOh so it was framed in a negative, lets use this to do bad things, instead of a positive, this is a secure way of achieving things.13:17
jeaWell they didn't actually mention Ubuntu by name - you just saw it briefly when they showed the person connecting to another network13:17
jeaThe story was trying to convince people to change their wifi security to WPA2 instead of WEP13:18
head_victimAh well that's fair enough. Nothing's perfect, but making it harder is always preferred.13:18
jeaHopefully it actually helps to make people realise they should improve their security13:21
head_victimFingers crossed, and on that note, I peered at the clock and nearly fell of my chair. I think it's time for bed, cheerio13:23
jeayep, definitely time for bed13:24
jeasee you later13:24
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=== ldunn is now known as sickdunn

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