
MOSHUHi! I have some problems after upgrading Ubuntu from 10.04 to 12.04..... One is upgraded MySQL 5.5 (from 5.1) didn't start.... Can anyone help me, please?00:47
dlentzMOSHU, please use #ubuntu for support00:52
MOSHUWhy? It's an apparmor upgrade bug00:53
MOSHUAnyway... The bug is reported since april, so.... sleep well, guys.00:54
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lotuspsychjei have this bug thats been unsolved for years now, and affects many users in different forms..can i paste this here?05:57
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 556782 in linux "[rs690m] Graphics corruption with ati x1200" [Critical,Confirmed]05:59
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paul_Having bug issue with Display on a new Samsung laptop. It revolves around the brightness changing on the Display.13:10
TheLordOfTimeif a bug being filed is a regression between oneiric and precise, should it be tagged `regression`?15:40
TheLordOfTime(or precise and quantal, or other such regressions that only show up between releases)15:41
brendandregression-release (i believe)15:50
micahgTheLordOfTime: regression-release with a task added16:19
micahgand the release the regression is in as a tag as well16:19
TheLordOfTimemicahg:  ah, i see.16:20
TheLordOfTimewell, considering the bug that *is* a regression between oneiric and precise is already awaiting SRU team approval, i don't think that'd be necessary, but now i know what to do :P16:20
cousteaubug #919899 is marked as a duplicate of bug #961741 but I think it shouldn't; could someone confirm this?17:12
ubot2`Launchpad bug 919899 in console-setup "Compose sequence apostrophe+c produces a cedilla instead of acute (dup-of: 961741)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91989917:12
ubot2`Launchpad bug 961741 in unity "REGRESSION: can't type characters with accent (dead keys)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96174117:12
cousteaufirst one is about a compose sequence printing a different character than it used to;  2nd one is about dead keys not working on Dash17:13
cousteauhmm...  I just clicked "Remove duplicate link" and the duplicate notice just disappeared.  Is it that easy to remove duplicate notices?17:16
maprericousteau: yep, it is so easy :) LP is for lazy people :)17:23
cousteauwouldn't that lead to dupe/undupe wars?17:24
cousteauuser A thinks bug is a duplicate and marks it, user B thinks it isn't and unmarks it, user A considers B didn't understand the problem and marks it, user B is "what's A doing??" and unmarks it, etc17:25
maprericousteau: we hope users wil follow the CoC also if they don't sign it17:29
cousteau(which reminds me, maybe I should sign it...)17:30
cousteauok, thanks for the help  :)17:35
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Logan_Can somebody please make Bug 1044429 public, assuming that it doesn't contain any private information?20:06
jibelLogan_, done20:24
Logan_jibel: Thanks. :)20:24
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phillwhi, any staffers in from ubuntu bugs?23:15
phillwI have a complaint from QA that I'd like resolvng,23:15
hggdh_phillw: try it -- perhaps we can help23:16
phillwhggdh_: one of the testers has complained that his bug report has been marked as a dupe to a private bug report. This means he can not access it to update it. This is not a wise step to do for a ubuntu tester. It does cause them to raise a complaint with me & my having to come here.,23:19
jtaylorwhich bug?23:20
hggdh_well, this can indeed happen. But instead of a complaint, they could have pointed it out. When this happens, we look at the bug, and decide if there is private data justifying keeping the bug private23:20
phillwjtaylor: hggdh_https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/102420223:20
ubot2`phillw: Error: <Bugtracker.plugin.Launchpad instance at 0xa2d980c> bug 1024202 not found23:20
hggdh_but, as jtaylor pointed out, we need the bug number23:20
ubot2`phillw: Error: <Bugtracker.plugin.Launchpad instance at 0xa2d980c> bug 1041007 not found23:21
phillwthey have been marked private23:21
hggdh_stacktrace bugs are born private23:22
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hggdhbut, for apport, I doubt there will be private data. The stacktrace does not have it23:23
phillwI've asked the tester to attend23:23
hggdhI marked it public23:23
hggdhbut, ideally, they should point out the bug is private here. It will happen, and it will still happen, at least for a while23:24
phillwhi guys, can you please explain in simple language to nm_geo and myself why he cannot access his own bug report?23:24
nm_geoyes please23:24
hggdhhis *own* bug report he certainly can23:25
nm_geono the private that mine was dupped too23:25
hggdhsomebody else's bug report -- like a bug _yours_ was dupped against -- is a completely different thing23:25
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hggdhnm_geo: OK. Here's what happens:23:26
nm_geoI do understand that23:26
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jtaylorit was automatically dupped23:26
nm_geoThat is what I thought23:26
hggdhwhen a stacktrace bug is opened (an apport bug, specifically), this bug is opened private. Apport then goes, and GDBs it, and prints out a nice formatted stacktrace23:27
phillwand how do you dupe a public bug into private so he can no longer access it? I guess we have to come here and ask you guys?23:27
hggdhthe problem is there *may* be private data being shown on the output of 'thread apply all bt full'23:27
nm_geoThat is why I test using test as a password23:28
hggdhso apport leaves the bug private, pending someone with crash access to look and release23:28
hggdhnm_geo: it is good you test with throw-away private data. But not all bugs are from tests, some are from real usage :-)23:28
nm_geoWell I decide to Public mine hoping it would help but then it got dupped23:29
jtayloryou can remove the duplicate status23:29
hggdhwhenever that happens (a private bug, with dups against it), then the best option is to come in this channel, and ask for someone to look at it23:29
nm_geojtaylor: ok23:29
jtaylorbut its better to ping someone here to make the master bug public23:29
nm_geoI will do that in the future if it appears to be needed bug Thank you guys23:30
hggdhnm_geo: and this is what I did -- I went into the bug, and looked at the potentially-private areas, saw nothing critical, made it public23:30
hggdhnm_geo: BTW, thank you for helping :-)23:31
nm_geoHey you guys are the ones that have the tough job I just try to find them23:31
TJ-Whilst we're on the subject of bug reports going private I had a similar issue recently. I was actively working on a bug that I'd assigned to myself, I'd attached a debdiff patch and subscribed sponsors, and then next time I tried to get into the report to add my linked lp bazaar branch, the bug was no longer accessible. I'm a member of bug-control. It is/was bug #100828923:31
hggdhTJ-: I also get a message stating there is no such bug. Was it a security issue?23:32
TJ-hggdh: It was apt sending a truncated token for auth to the private PPAs for purchased apps, so it could have become that I guess. I got no notification as a bug subscriber though23:33
hggdhnm_geo: you would be amazed, then, to find out that *we* really appreciate your help. Really.23:33
nm_geoSome day when phillw and Lubuntu get tired of me I might try on the bug-squad23:33
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TJ-hggdh: And as I was assigned to it last time I looked I was very confused for a while!23:33
hggdhTJ-: this is indeed weird. Perhaps you should ping the folks at #ubuntu-hardened23:34
jtayloryou could ask in -hardened23:34
hggdh(cuz I also have no access to security bugs)23:34
TJ-hggdh: Oh that's encouraging! If you think it's weird too :D23:34
jtaylorif its no security issue then its probably a bug for #launchpad23:34
TJ-hggdh: It would be nice if, at least, the bug owner and anyone assigned got a courtesy email telling them the big was being made secure and who to contact about it23:34
hggdhTJ-: usually it is very difficult to re-bag the cat once it is out of the first bag23:35
TJ-Oh I dunno... I'm a farmboy... never had any problems with that here :D23:35
hggdhone can always try a larger bag, but still..23:35
phillwhggdh: would you prefer me to update the QA area for this answer, or can you guys put it up on bug wiki?23:36
* hggdh now goes to bed, 44 hours up & running are starting to tell me I am not young anymore23:36
hggdhphillw: if you could, yes, I would really appreciate23:37
hggdhI am tired as hell23:37
jtaylorI got to get to bed too, n823:37
phillwhggdh: I'll catch you after we have sleep :)23:37
hggdhphillw: tomorrow morning, US CDT time :-)23:38
phillwI'm on 24:38 GMT / UTC23:38
TJ-44 hours is a slow train wreck! Get some sleep!!23:40
phillwhggdh: remind me at phillw@ubuntu.com23:40
BHO1I just installed Xbuntu yesterday.  Today I forgot to plug in my laptop and it died.  Ever since it died, my screen has been dim and i can not figure out how to brighten it.23:51
phillwBHO1: join #xubuntu that is where the support team is23:57

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