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* hyperair kicks lightdm02:07
hyperairit refuses to log me in, and i don't see *ANYTHING* in the logs.02:08
hyperairokay, so removing ~/.Xauthority did the trick.03:20
* hyperair sighs03:20
hyperairit would be nice if lightdm actually said something somewhere about this03:20
micahghyperair: sounds like a bug somewhere unless you were tinkering with the file manually03:21
hyperairmicahg: i don't know, really03:21
hyperairmicahg: what creates .Xauthority?03:21
hyperairbesides lightdm?03:21
hyperairi had a root-owned .Xauthority for some reason03:21
micahgsorry, this is one area i know very little about, maybe robert_ancell could help03:22
pittiGood morning04:22
dholbachgood morning07:11
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cjwatsontkamppeter: it looks as though c2esp needs to be updated to version 26~rc4 or so to handle cups 1.6 (it's showing up on http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/nbs.html) - is that something reasonable that you could take care of, or does it need the relevant changes to be backported instead, or ...?08:12
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dupondjeWe stay on kernel 3.5 for quantal?08:56
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cc11rocksHey guys. Just started fixing bugs today. Fixed 15 spelling/grammer <package>/debian/control files (package descriptions). I have already proposed them. If you want to accept them : https://code.launchpad.net/~cc11rocks09:37
cc11rocksGoodnight everyone09:38
cc11rocksWill try to find time when I get up to do a few more09:38
cc11rocksTakes approx. 4-5 min for each fix total (downloading, etc)09:38
cjwatsonSigh, if I'd caught cc11rocks in time I could have advised him to stop and submit to Debian instead09:48
cjwatsonI've commented on one of the MPs to that effect09:48
cjwatsondholbach: ^- we should amend our docs somehow to discourage this - it's well-meaning but new people don't realise the ongoing merge cost it incurs and it ends up filling up sponsorship queues09:49
xnoxcjwatson: I believe typpos is one of the developer initiatives we are running =) so I guess we should accept them & push to debian.09:49
cjwatsonIf it is that is horrendously misguided09:49
cjwatsonWe should stop09:49
seb128cjwatson, I think it's https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/BugFixingInitiative09:50
cjwatsonWe should be making rational cost-benefit analyses here, not "developers at all costs"09:50
pittiyeah, I used to reject those MPs as well and sent the diff as Debian bugs instead09:51
seb128that page is a bit misleading09:51
seb128it does ask to open a mr first then adds09:51
seb128"There are obviously more packages to be fixed, but as they are also in Debian, we'd prefer to get them fixed in Debian, so you might want to take these steps as well: "09:51
cjwatsonIt does have a tiny note at the bottom that you might want to submit to Debian09:51
MCR1cjwatson: I would prefer software without spelling errors, so if someone takes the time to fix those they should ofc be accepted. Why not ?09:51
seb128yeah, it should probably be the other way around09:51
cjwatsonMCR1: Because there is a significant ongoing cost in diverging from Debian09:51
seb128MCR1, because the fix should directly go where it's useful for everyone and less work to maintain09:52
cjwatsonMCR1: I too prefer software without spelling errors; what I'm saying is not that they should not be fixed, but that they should be sent directly to Debian rather than going via merge proposals to Ubuntu09:52
MCR1Then those should be somehow pushed upstream09:52
cjwatsonThat's what I'm saying!09:52
cjwatsonThe submitter should do that directly09:52
cjwatsonIt's no harder than preparing merge proposals (arguably easier - there's a different learning curve I suppose but the technology stack involved is simpler)09:53
cjwatsonI don't think this is cc11rocks' fault in any way, just that he should be given better direction09:54
seb128we should reverse the instructions' order on that page09:54
seb128tell them to first send to Debian (if it applies there), then to open a m-r with a link to the debian bug09:55
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cjwatsonIn general people should only do one of those; we should be careful to avoid advising them to do both09:55
cjwatsonOtherwise duplicate effort etc.09:55
pittiI don't think we ever want MPs for those09:55
cjwatsonAnd if that fails some kind of "should be of direct benefit to Ubuntu" test, perhaps we should consider advising people to do other things09:56
seb128right, that's what I was going to say, I think the idea is to get people contribute to Ubuntu (directly)09:56
seb128so maybe those typo fixes are not what we should recommend09:56
seb128dholbach, ^09:56
cjwatsonIt's a good classroom exercise for preparing merge proposals, but ...09:57
xnoxI am ok with highly visible spelling error fixes. E.g. fontconfig started complaining a lot -> visible on the stderr on every app launch -> had a spelling mistake and we fixed it cause we are pedantic like that09:57
xnoxif on the other hand the spelling error is GB vs US locale in an error message I will never see in a low-popcon package....09:58
cjwatsonAnd for errors in things that are Ubuntu-specific09:58
cjwatsonBut most new contributors won't have the ability to discern that, more or less by definition09:58
cjwatsonExcept in the odd obvious case09:58
cjwatson(Agreed on fontconfig - that was bugging me just this morning)09:59
Laneythose warnings are irritating me enough that I will probably take some time to fix some of them this week09:59
Laneyand I've seen some people worries in bug reports09:59
pittixnox: you mean fontconfig s/was/fixed/will be fixed/? it's still complaining a lot here (but then this doesn't seem to be a simple typo)10:00
Laneythere was some english error in the warning message10:00
xnoxpitti: it used to complain with a spelling error. Now it complains in correct Queen's English.10:00
seb128pitti, I think he said the error message has a typo10:00
MCR1xnox: Apropos fontconfig :) - I've fixed a bug in font-manager - Can I speed up the merge of this somehow ? : https://code.launchpad.net/~mc-return/font-manager/font-manager.fix-961034/+merge/11499110:00
pittioh, the "may not works", I guess10:01
cjwatsonxnox: Either your fix hasn't landed yet, or your fix was buggy :-)10:01
cjwatson(If that was yours)10:01
cjwatsonFontconfig warning: "/etc/fonts/conf.d/25-wqy-zenhei.conf", line 11: Having multiple values in <test> isn't supported and may not works as expected10:02
xnoxcjwatson: it was not mine =) I saw it somewhere10:02
xnoxoh well, it's still there10:02
MCR1haha, yes I know this error message :)10:02
xnoxMCR1: it's annoying as hell =) i get a screenful of them on every xdg-open call10:03
seb128xnox, there is a bug with the details, I pointed to a diff to fix one of the package and gave details on how to fix those10:05
seb128xnox, I just didn't have time to work on them before ff10:05
seb128ogra_, infinity: thanks for the unity fixes, could you guys commit them to the vcs?10:14
seb128ogra_, why not? ;-)10:14
xnoxno commit access to lp:unity?10:16
ogra_because the packaing has to be fixed anyway, whoever that does can pull in the fixes in one chunk ....10:16
seb128xnox, the packaging is lp:ubuntu/unity and those who can upload can commit there ;-)10:18
xnoxseb128: meh =) for ubiquity we use lp:ubiquity only10:19
seb128xnox, bad you guys, no cookie10:19
ogra_xnox, desktop is a bit weird in that regard :)10:19
seb128ogra_, lp:ubuntu/... is not the desktop weird way :p10:20
seb128ogra_, the desktop weird ones are lp:~ubuntu-desktop/source/ubuntu10:20
ogra_oh, indeed, sorry :)10:20
cjwatsonlp:ubiquity is because it's a native package10:21
cjwatsonWhich is a choice I'm happy to defend since it's the Ubuntu installer and not really intended for use elsewhere10:22
cjwatsonIf anyone ever gets to the point of being able to use it elsewhere then we might reconsider that10:22
seb128cjwatson, the only issue I have with those is that it means coredev doesn't have commit access to the vcs10:23
seb128but it's not the end of the world, and not like ubiquity needed uploads from people out of the ubiquity team often10:23
cjwatsonWe could fix that by making ubuntu-core-dev a member of ubuntu-installer, and almost certainly should10:23
cjwatsonThe only reason I haven't is that I wanted to think about what that would do to bugmail10:23
seb128well, then it means you might give access to trunk to more people than you want to10:24
cjwatsonI'm happy for anyone in core-dev to have commit access10:24
cjwatsonI suspect that we should have separate "commit access" and "bug mail" teams10:24
tkamppetercjwatson, I will update c2esp to said version. Thanks for the hint.10:31
seb128tkamppeter, what version? with the patch I sent you?10:33
cjwatson09:12 <cjwatson> tkamppeter: it looks as though c2esp needs to be updated to version 26~rc4 or so to handle cups 1.6 (it's showing up on http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/nbs.html) - is that something10:34
cjwatson                 reasonable that you could take care of, or does it need the relevant changes to be backported instead, or ...?10:34
cjwatsonseb128: ^-10:34
seb128cjwatson, thanks, I had a patch locally to fix the ftbfs and I emailed it to Till for feedback but that staled since10:34
seb128nice to see that upstream fixed it though ;-)10:35
seb128I couldn't find their vcs by then10:35
dholbachcjwatson, on the wiki page I advertised only Ubuntu-only packages and mention submit to Debian (and how to submit) a couple of times - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/BugFixingInitiative10:39
dholbachit looks like c11rocks picked a bunch of others10:40
dholbachI'll try to make it even clearer10:40
dholbachand start a discussion on the mailing list about getting some help picking "useful, but easy" things10:40
LaneyI suppose it's pretty hard though, since if the fixes are useful and easy then they are likely to be fixed fairly rapidly by existing developers10:45
dholbachor we could try to bundle them - a lot of the packages which haven't been touched for a while might have multiple problems10:46
dholbachin any case I agree that as much as possible should be sent to Debian10:46
dholbachso I'll take care of that one10:47
dholbachbut first I'll have to get lunch, so see you in a bit :)10:48
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* xnox If you use bzr-cia please pull new revision to get it working again!11:02
ogra_xnox, bug 1044717 (see last comment)11:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1044717 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "ubi-partman crash during Quantal daily install on Panda board" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104471711:11
ogra_i assume thats not arm specific ?11:12
xnoxogra_: uno momento misseur11:12
xnoxogra_: *sigh*11:13
* Laney eyes xnox11:14
ogra_how did i know you would say that :)11:14
xnoxogra_: I swear I tested it......11:17
ogra_wel, i find it inbtresting that we dont drown in similar bugs from other arches11:17
dupondjeWe stay on kernel 3.5 for quantal?11:23
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ogra_xnox, i can confirm it on my panda, exact same issue here11:30
xnoxogra_: yes. if you try to do something which needs to show warning box, it will fail.11:30
xnoxon any arch11:31
ogra_ah, thats why we only see it on arm11:31
LaneyI added it to the pad as a respin trigger11:31
ogra_its the only arch with a warning box by default11:31
xnoxogra_: installation medium mounted.....11:32
ogra_i still think we should just blantly hide the mmc11:33
ogra_(in desktop ... but keep it shown in i.e. netinst ...)11:34
cjwatsondupondje: that's my understandng11:34
cjwatson"installation medium mounted" is liable enough to happen in other situations, so worth a respin on all arches11:34
xnoxogra_: can I send you a file to test?11:35
dupondjeok thx cjwatson  :)11:35
xnoxogra_: see PM11:36
ogra_cjwatson, whats your opinion on having the mmc (source media) show up at all in the partitioner ? it fails if you dont pre-format/pre-partition the device, i really think we shouldne encourage third party partitioning installs ... if users want to install to their source media they should better use netinst11:36
cjwatsonThere's a general attempt in partman to stop the installation medium showing up11:37
cjwatsonDoing something that's specific to MMC is likely wrong11:38
cjwatsonFeel free to improve the existing code if you can do it in a general way, though11:38
cjwatsonPerhaps first try to understand why whatever your current situation is doesn't trigger the existing checks11:38
xnoxcjwatson: partman prevents changing the partition table of the installation medium, but it still shows it's partitions for the installation mount points.11:38
xnoxogra_ proposes to not show installation medium partitions / disk at all11:39
xnoxand the window saying "you cannot change the partition table" does show up in the d-i and ubiquity currently. (as seen on panda boards)11:39
cjwatsonIf there's no remaining usable space on a disk due to the installation medium consuming it all, then I would say we should hide the dis11:41
cjwatsonI wouldn't be in favour of hiding individual partitions from a disk with usable space, since I think that could easily get confusing11:41
xnoxcjwatson: ok. except that you can't change empty space =) so it has to be a pre-made partition or show nothing then?!11:43
cjwatsonI don't understand the question11:43
* ogra_ would already be fine with a preseedable option, we set aubarch specific kernel cmdlines anyway on the arm images11:43
cjwatsonWhich of the above two cases are you talking about?11:43
cjwatsonogra_: I wouldn't11:43
cjwatsonogra_: Similar situations arise in other cases where that is much less convenient; general code is always better where possible11:44
xnoxogra_: for desktop if the sd card is less than 9GB (1GB for the installer image + 8GB for the minimum ubuntu desktop install size) i think it makes hence to hide the installation media from the partitioner.11:46
xnoxin the ubiquity installer.11:46
cjwatsonxnox: Could you please expand on "except that you can't change empty space =) so it has to be a pre-made partition or show nothing then?!"?  I don't know which case you're talking about here.11:47
Laneyhow did the current fix test out?11:47
* Laney would like that in soon if possible11:47
cjwatsonWe should never be silently hiding only some parts of a disk11:47
ogra_well, moving with cjwatson's argument from above yu could use a 2G partition on the SD as /home ;)11:47
cjwatsonIndeed, which is why it is invalid to make deductions about free space usability based on the minimum desktop install size11:48
cjwatsonLet's not do that11:48
ogra_(if it was pre-formatted and nothing treis to touch the partition table)11:48
xnoxcjwatson: right so. If I have an SD card: 300 MB FAT boot partition, 1.2GB ubiquity/installcd partition, the rest is empty (20GB) for example.11:48
cjwatsonYou can generally append to the partition table even if an earlier partition is mounted11:48
cjwatsonThe thing you can't do is manipulate anything <= the latest busy partition11:48
ogra_cjwatson, well, it seems to be pretty fragile11:49
ogra_i get bugs about it occasionally but its not always reproducable11:49
xnoxbut partman doesn't seem to let me make any changes to the partition table. Not even "append" operation as you say technically is possible.11:49
ogra_(about partman trying to touch the part-table regardless)11:49
cjwatsonIt should permit it with a warning11:49
cjwatsonThis has worked in the past11:49
xnoxhmm.... Ok will test again.11:49
cjwatsonAnd it's important in some USB-related use cases11:49
ogra_it often enough works for me when i try to verify such a bug11:50
cjwatsonISTR that some $bigcorp factory install scenario relied on it11:50
cjwatsonSo please don't break it :-P11:50
ogra_but these bugs come up11:50
xnoxcjwatson: =)))))) not only it's a bigcorp it also has monies on the front =)11:51
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dholbachdoes anyone have an idea how to fix https://launchpadlibrarian.net/114487674/buildlog_ubuntu-quantal-i386.ubuntu-packaging-guide_0.2.3-0~135~quantal1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz?12:19
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tkamppeterseb128, cjwatson, I have uploaded a fixed c2esp now, but note that I have used 25c with seb's patch, as the upstream change is a mess. It is untested,m according to the README, file and it seems to be written completely from the top of the head of the author, not working at all.12:23
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cjwatsonFair enough12:24
tkamppeterseb128, sorry for getting to that only lately, I had higher-priority things like auto driver download integration into s-c-p iteself and CUPS USB fixes to do.12:24
seb128tkamppeter, no worry, thanks for getting that uploaded12:24
seb128tkamppeter, the s-c-p and cups work were higher priorities so you worker in the right order ;-)12:25
tumbleweeddholbach: as far as I can tell. missing build-dep on texlive-lang-cjk12:46
dholbachthat'd be too awesome to be true12:47
dholbachlet me try12:47
tumbleweedit's pretty confusing12:47
dholbachI tried all kinds of other things already, but if that's it, that'd be awesome :)12:47
tumbleweedbut ja uses a different latex, which isn't pdflatex, causing the error we saw there12:48
dholbachtumbleweed, does 'make pdflatex-ja' work for you?12:55
dholbachfor me it doesn't :/12:55
tumbleweeddholbach: it does, now13:00
dholbachhum, can you maybe pastebin the output of   dpkg -l | cut -d' ' -f3 | grep tex   somewhere? I might be missing something13:03
* tumbleweed has quick play in a chroot13:04
shadeslayerseb128: telepathy-glib is depping on valac >= 18, but valac depends on valac-0.1413:25
shadeslayercauses telepathy-glib to go into build dep wait13:25
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seb128shadeslayer, thanks13:25
seb128it should depends on valac-0.18 I guess13:25
seb128Laney, cjwatson: ^ is that something you would like to see fixed for beta1 or should we keep it depwaiting?13:26
shadeslayerdon't know enough about vala packaging to give my opinion =)13:26
cjwatsonI think we only care if there are important bug fixes we don't in practice have on images due to the dep-wait13:27
* Laney grumbles about alternate build-depends13:27
tumbleweeddholbach: erm, dirty environment :( . So, we need something like the first hunk of https://bitbucket.org/birkenfeld/sphinx/pull-request/33/style-fixes-to-handle-japanese-documents#chg-sphinx/texinputs/sphinx.sty13:31
seb128cjwatson, no, they are none, I will get that fixed after beta113:32
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brendandis there a version of pyflakes that likes python3?13:51
cjwatsonI haven't found one; I just write code compatible with both Python 2 and 3 and it's OK with that13:51
cjwatsonAside from a few warnings about duplicate imports13:52
dholbachtumbleweed, great - I'll have a look13:54
tumbleweeddholbach: (and then a platex to build it, which was the missing build dep)13:55
dholbachtumbleweed, still no dice over here, but I updated the bug and subscribed you as well14:19
dholbachI'll have a look at it tomorrow again, now I need to finish some other bits first :/14:19
tumbleweeddholbach: not building the PDF on JA for now is the easy answer. JA PDFs are a weird special case14:20
dholbachtumbleweed, I guess you're right14:24
rbasakI'm going to need linux 3.2.0-30 in precise-updates d-i netboot for maas to deploy highbank correctly. It's got an RTC fix I need, and is in precise-proposed at the moment. What's the policy on bumping d-i in a stable release in order to get a new kernel?14:46
cjwatsonIt's already done in -proposed14:51
cjwatsonWould have replied last week but you'd quit IRC14:51
cjwatsonThe policy is JFDI14:51
cjwatsonOf course d-i will need to wait for all contained kernels to go to -updates before it can go to -updates itself14:52
cjwatsonBut after that we can JFDI the copy14:59
Riddellmhall119: any idea when we learn about UDS sponsorship?15:06
mhall119Riddell: hopefully today15:14
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rbasakcjwatson: got it - thanks!15:45
dpmhi cjwatson, would you mind approving the e-mail I just sent to ubuntu-devel?18:06
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cc11rocksBash script for repetitive bug fixes (instructions and explanations in link) : http://pastebin.com/a6AJQzJg20:47
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cc11rocksUpdated, refresh20:49
jtaylorcc11rocks: don't overdo it with typo fixes20:52
jtaylormany of them aren't worth deviating from debian20:52
jtaylorbetter forward the fixes to upstream/debian20:52
cc11rocksCan I do both?20:53
xnoxcc11rocks: ubuntu specific packages -> send to ubuntu; if package unmodified from debian -> send to debian/upstream20:53
cc11rocksSo I'll have to look at each package manually beforehand to determine?20:54
jtaylorin 9X% of cases its a package from debian20:55
cc11rocksOkay, thank you20:55
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brycecc11rocks, you could add a script that helps identify where fixes should be sent, and helps forward them the appropriate way21:01
cc11rocksEh, have to look this stuff up...21:02
cc11rocksAll I have to run is submittodebian ?21:04
cc11rocksAnd I deleted the packages and such that I changed. Can I forward my packages from/through the LaunchPad branches?21:05
jtaylorjust download the branches again21:07
jtaylorwith bzr branch ...21:07
cc11rocksBut "submittodebian" will successfully forward it to debian?21:11
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cc11rocksIs there a Colin Watson here? If so, please PM me (related to Ubuntu/Debian bugs...)22:29
xnoxcc11rocks: his irc nick name is cjwatson and he is here.22:30
cc11rocksThank you xnox22:30
xnoxcc11rocks: it's better to actually type your question to start a conversation in a PM.22:31
cjwatsonYes, although I prefer to talk on channel if it isn't private22:31
* xnox steps away =)22:31
cjwatsonThat way others can help22:31
cjwatsoncc11rocks: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/09/03/%23ubuntu-devel.html#t09:4822:33
cc11rocksI was wondering whether I could submit my changes to both Debian and Ubuntu...22:33
cjwatsonPlease don't22:33
cjwatsonUnless it's actually urgent22:33
cjwatsonOtherwise it just duplicates effort22:33
cc11rocksAnd yes, that is how I got started from that link22:33
cjwatson(above discussion - up to maybe 09:57 or so, then it goes off on a few tangents)22:34
cjwatsonI think this is very much our documentation directing you in an inappropriate way22:34
cc11rocksShould I delete my 30+ requests in LaunchPad then :| ?22:34
cjwatsonIf they're all spelling fixes, I think they should all be forwarded to Debian rather than being applied directly to Ubuntu22:34
cc11rocksAw, crap22:34
cc11rocksAlrighty then22:34
cjwatsonIt's unfortunate nobody managed to give you better advice before you'd done a ton of work, and I'm sorry about that22:35
cjwatsonThe intention of the docs was (as I understand it) to fix up spelling issues like this in Ubuntu-specific packages22:35
cc11rocksOkay, thank you22:35
cjwatsonIn such cases of course the option of forwarding to Debian isn't present and it's fine to work in Ubuntu22:35
cjwatsonYou can use rmadison or packages.debian.org or packages.qa.debian.org to see whether the package is in Debian22:35
cjwatsonOn the upside you are now presumably thoroughly familiar with branching source package branches and creating merge proposals and such and can re-apply those skills22:36
cc11rocksWould this work : http://pastebin.com/PeDF5LJK22:36
cjwatsonAnd it should be possible to extract the actual patches you wrote pretty quickly and reuse them22:36
cjwatsonYou don't necessarily have to use submittodebian as such22:37
cc11rocksIt's edited from my old one...22:37
cjwatsonNot a lot of point doing the whole branching dance22:37
cjwatsonPatches sent to Debian should be against Debian, for obvious reasons :-)22:37
cc11rocksHere was my old one : http://pastebin.com/a6AJQzJg22:37
cjwatsonIf the package is currently in sync between Debian and Ubuntu then there's no difference22:38
cjwatsonIt would be quicker to extract patches from your existing branches, surely22:38
cc11rocksbzr branch lp:debian/$package?22:38
cjwatsonYeah, or pull-debian-source22:38
cc11rocksOkay, thanks22:38
cc11rocksSo this will work fine : http://pastebin.com/PeDF5LJK22:38
cjwatsonsubmittodebian relies on a build having happened22:38
cc11rocksOops, meant to ask you to refresh, not repost...22:38
cjwatsonWell, a source package build22:39
cjwatsonI don't think it's appropriate here22:39
cjwatsonDon't commit, just use bzr diff and send that in a bug report22:39
cjwatson'reportbug -B debian' can help you file it, or you can see the Debian bug tracking system docs and send mail directly22:40
cjwatsonBut, the point of the page you were following was to try to encourage people to contribute to Ubuntu; perhaps you want to find something where directly sending patches to Ubuntu would be appropriate?22:40
jtaylorcc11rocks: if you forward stuff to debian now don't be let down if the patches won#t be applied swiftly, debian is currently frozen so updates only happen if they are important22:40
cjwatsonIt's a cost-benefit trade-off - causing a package to diverge from Debian is a hidden cost because somebody will have to manually merge or sync it later, but that can be offset by a sufficiently beneficial change22:41
cc11rocksRefresh again and confirm please :)22:41
cc11rocksI see22:42
cjwatsonI would suggest you try the procedure by hand and then script what works for you, rather than trying to write a script first22:42
cc11rocksMy bad22:42
cc11rocksThank you22:42
cc11rocksWell, I cannot do anything more today as I have a ton of homework to do22:43
cjwatsonSo we often enough take patches for, say, applications that are crashing in Ubuntu, and simply encourage that patch to be submitted to Debian in parallel22:43
cc11rocksTalk to you guys soon. Thank you cjwatson and jtaylor for your help22:43
cjwatsonBecause that's something where having the patch earlier might make a real difference to users22:43
cc11rocksI see22:43
cjwatsonOr maybe I should say a substantial difference22:43
cjwatsonSpelling errors aren't imaginary :-)22:44
cjwatsonI don't typically drive the entire cycle from a single script in my normal work22:44
cc11rocksSo how long approximately would it take for a low level fix (spelling error/etc) to show up/be applied/etc?22:45
cjwatsonDepends entirely on the activity level of the maintainer best placed to apply it22:45
cjwatsonCan't really give you an approximation22:45
cc11rocksWithin a month usually?22:45
cjwatsonCan't say22:45
cc11rocksOkay, thanks22:45
cjwatsoncc11rocks: I do want to emphasise that we appreciate the effort - and I think this is totally our fault (collectively) for the docs being a bit vague on what the point of it is22:47
cjwatsonYou clearly have the patience needed :-)22:48
cc11rocksNo problem.22:48
cc11rocksI am a Java dev and am scared to get into real bug fixing. Will I be okay if I dove into Python/C++/etc code?22:49
cc11rocks(Scared because of the language differences)22:49
cjwatsonPoor jamespage might appreciate some help with bugs in our various Java packages, which we currently tend to hurl in his direction :-)22:50
cc11rocksAlso, because of the possible massive references, will I have to learn thousands of codebases to understand a variable, etc?22:50
cjwatsonIME your second language tends to be about half as hard as your first (you have the concepts but have to unlearn a bunch of stuff too); after that it gets progressively easier22:51
cjwatsonBetter to learn to search effectively22:51
cc11rocksI've tried to dive into other languages, but it is very frustrating due to the syntax differences22:51
cc11rocksit seems to be not worth my time, though in the long run it would be22:52
cjwatsonVariables are usually local to a single codebase; functions are (hopefully) namespaced reasonably rationally so that you can figure out what package they come from, but worst case there's always google22:52
cc11rocksAlready, thanks22:52
cc11rocksSo, to confirm, delete all my bzr branches...22:53
xnoxcc11rocks: keep the branches, for personal reference. Delete/reject the merge proposals.23:10
cc11rocksI deleted the branches. The merges should be gone. Thank you23:10
xnoxcc11rocks: fair enough. Thank you for your persistence. And sorry for re-directing you so late.23:10
cc11rocksNo problem. Will try to work on it throughout the week, though I'll get most work done this weekend23:11
cc11rocksVery busy with school and work, so don't know how much I can get done, but I'll make an attempt to do it a bit :)23:11
cc11rocksIf we are supposed to send to Debian, how come the bugs at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/BugFixingInitiative got accepted23:20
cc11rocksA lot of them have "fixed (andreagrandi)" next to them, indicating they got fixed already through Ubuntu...23:21
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jtaylorthey aren't fixed with an upload23:23
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