
pcluserHello,  I want to use the transcoding features of mythtv. After a recording, I can edit out commercials, then it gives me a menu to transcode low, medium, high.02:22
pcluserI know haow to use handbrake or womble stuff to work with my videos manually.02:23
pcluserI want to know how to set up the mythtv gui to allow a wife to do it.02:23
pcluserI am ok with linux cli (PCLinuxOS advocate), I dare you to make it wife usable. (She uses pclos, and is not afraid of gui's but cli is out of range at the moment for her).02:25
pcluserThe backend setup menu has places to put stuff, but the wiki and docs don't show much. As I type, I'm trying things, but they fail. Thanks.. I am logging this window, but will check in often.02:26
pcluserA drunken monky procedure would be nice, but just point me to urls is ok.02:27
* pcluser listens02:28
=== pcluser is now known as pcluser_afk
bkellypcluser, there's a transcode button in the mythweb interface03:59
pcluser_afkhi bkelly04:03
bkellyBTW, I am new to mythbuntu ... only converted over from mythdora a few months back04:04
pcluser_afkafter  you edit, there is a choice to transcode... also a bug or something when I re-installed  a problem where the "transcode" hung, it said to at least check the lossless box. I want to set up the 3 transcode options in the menu, I can be clearer, bear with me.04:06
pcluser_afkWow, I still have scars from mythdora, my first myth attemt in '03.. not their fault, we need to bbe geekier there I think.04:07
pcluser_afkbkelly,  so you are saying do it from the web interface, not the menu on the gui? OK, I didn't know that, that is a good option.04:10
bkellyyea - i do pretty much everything from the web interface04:11
bkellyi just find it easier and faster and almost always have a laptop or tablet in front of me anyway04:12
pcluser_afkso I can pick a recorded show, and choose the three quality options? does it edit the commercials too?04:12
bkellylast time i did it it removed them - as long as they were marked04:12
bkellymind you - haven't tried it since i upgraded to 0.2504:12
pcluser_afkcan you give me a dunken monkey procedure, and why isn't this in the wiki?04:13
bkellylol - not sure re wiki - i guess us as users need to go write more stuff there more often :-)04:14
bkellyso u want step by step procedure that's not going to scare your wife?04:14
pcluser_afkactually just tell me how to do it on mythweb04:15
pcluser_afkand i will be all over you like a loose suit to tell you how t fix anything in your house with my 50yrs experience.04:16
bkellylol - tks - there's a transcode button on the individual recording pages under Recorded Programs tab04:19
bkellybugger - my myth box just fell over when i pressed it04:19
pcluser_afkbut I think you have to set it up first... looking04:20
pcluser_afkyes, but they are not set up to any commands04:21
pcluser_afkFor the bug, I set up transcode to lossless checkbox, at least it does not hang, but i want to transcode to other than regular quality.04:22
pcluser_afkbkelly,  it sounds you don't know more than I do, and I appreciate the help, don't pull your hair out.04:23
pcluser_afknice you try to help here...04:24
pcluser_afkwhat do you use your mythtv for?04:24
pcluser_afkI love mine since '03, and use hdhomerun tuners.04:25
bkellyyea - i don;t - i did get this to work once before - will let u know next time i do get it to work04:26
pcluser_afkI copied my mythicDRAGON V1.0 BOX OVER TO A 20 DOLLAR YARD SALE BOX OF 3 YRS OLD04:26
bkellyi use mythtv as media centre for all TV's in the house04:27
bkellyvideos, TV recordings & music04:27
pcluser_afkexcuse the caps, i would be lost without mythtv for off-air channels.04:27
bkellybeen using it for 5 years or so now - love it04:28
bkellyi haven't tried homerun tuners, just use standard hd terrestrial dvb04:29
pcluser_afkApple tv of course would be 10% of the features we mythtv people know, and all the sheep will think it is the bee's knees.04:29
bkellylol - yup, indeed04:29
bkellyi would like to use myth for iptv but my internet not yet fast enough04:30
pcluser_afkhdhr is great for me, linux lover here, but hdhr sees to set up ok on windows boxes, i sugggest looking for some on ebay, they just fell into myth stuff, where i lost hair on pchdtv products.04:31
pcluser_afktell me ore about myth and iptv, you mean amazon or netflix, or just local lan video playing?04:32
* pcluser_afk should correct typos04:34
=== pcluser_afk is now known as pcluser
bkellyyea - i only have linux - no windows for me :-)04:35
pcluserPCLinuxOS is my bag04:35
bkellyiptv is just tv broadcast over internet rather than RF - like shoutcast ... its coming04:35
pcluserbut they messed up their repo on the latest livecd install disk04:36
bkellyi haven't tried that distro04:36
pcluseryeah,  a repeo setting04:36
pclusershould be kde rather than kde4 line in the adress or something04:37
pcluserif you d/l their latest livecd iso, it will not update from the repo04:38
pcluserother than that, it is a bulletproof tested os if you want your machine to run anyting important, I use it it at aq large observatory04:39
bkellyok - will keep that in mind for my next server project04:40
bkellydeb or rpm based?04:40
pcluserstuff has to be proved first. Mythbuntu, like ubuntu likes t play with new things, I don't object to that, just keep it in mind.04:41
pcluserpclinuxos uses synaptic and rpm, but it think is looking into replacing synaptic.04:42
pcluserusually compared to or is thought from mandriva, but was forked loooong ago, totally it's own distro.04:43
pcluserthey even play with mythtv, but my Dragon box was well running from 2003 till power failure, and I just put it in 20.00 yard sale box.04:46
pcluserI think ubuntu is 800 lb bully, but any linux is good linux in my book.04:46
pcluserand i trust it more than mac/wintel/ms folks04:47
pcluserhave a imac here with cheap blown caps from college, apple wants 700. to fix04:48
pcluserI volunteer engineering at raio station, I hope i can get 200.00 to fix04:49
pcluserseeing I have a few thousand invested in bench equipment.04:50
bkellywow - good luck04:51
pcluserso what do you get your video from?04:52
pcluserI mean tuner, or if off cable, or even isp like netkix04:54
bkellytuner cards - leadtech ones04:55
pcluserbtw I am not into pirating, but we need to fight the media companies owning our government04:56
bkellyhave 1 dual dvb-t and 1 hybrid04:56
* pcluser jumps off soapbox04:56
pcluserso you record off cable co?04:57
pcluseror off air?04:57
bkellyoff the air04:57
pclusercool, like me04:57
pcluserwife dropped irectv, 61.00 usd a month, and there is plenty of content.04:58
bkellynot much cable available here in Australia - most cable is satelite - or over the air04:58
pcluserI must admit, not off air yet04:58
pcluserwe pay basic cable, but I have other hdhr tuner and antennas in attic for testing.04:59
pcluserstations are in different directions, so we pay minimal cable, but i am sick of it.05:00
bkellyps: once my transcoding profiles got setup i am now able to kick off a transcode job from mythweb05:00
pcluserok, I'm going to mythweb, tell me how to pick out a recording and transcode it.05:01
bkellyso go to Recorded Programs05:02
bkellyand click on  any recording05:02
pcluserhow do you set it up, and where do you put it? I am now looking, so don't answer yet.05:02
bkellydidn't do any setup - i am assuming it picked the auto-detect profile05:04
bkellyand also assume it will replace the original05:05
pcluser somewhere i set up a job to transcode experiment 105:05
bkellyit is currently encoding to the same location (/var/lib/mythtv/recordings)05:05
bkellyinto a the same filename with ".tmp" appended05:05
pcluseri picked it,05:05
pcluserI tink i need to explore the web interface more than wiki05:06
pcluserok, i retract the wife friendly need.05:07
bkellymythtv    2654  2653 91 14:57 ?        00:09:18 /usr/bin/mythtranscode -j 93 --profile autodetect --verbose general --loglevel info --syslog local705:08
bkellyso definitely chose autodetect profile05:08
pcluserThe menu in the mythtv frontend prompts you to transcode in 3 seetngs after editing, i guess that is a "feature to be" i'll use the web interface.05:09
pcluserLike Meade telescopes, they should take out unused lines from the menu if it is not enabled.05:09
bkellythose profiles are definitely there in the setup - perhaps you need to run through them from mythtv-setup to enable?05:10
pcluserso you are saying, in the latest mythtv jobs/ whatever that set it to autodetect?05:12
pcluserok, i am fading, i will look at this log in morning, i didn't want to do auto stuff, but will try.05:13
pcluserthanks bkelly05:14
pclusergoing into lala land05:14
bkellyok - bye05:17
=== dekarl1 is now known as dekarl

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