[00:01] Anyone know someone in NZ who'd be interested in trading a Nokia N9 (unopened, black 16GB) for a Galaxy Nexus? [00:02] if I had a Nokia N9, yes I would be ;) [00:10] ibeardslee: why have swap enabled at all? [00:10] mwhudson: that is also a question I ponder on. [00:15] i seem to be using about 500 megs of 8 gigs of swap, no clue why [00:15] doesn [00:15] doesn't really seem to be affecting my life though :) [00:26] swapon/swapoff can be useful if you have overnight maintenance tasks that take up stupid amounts of memory [01:21] ajmitch: what was the feedback like from PyCon about your UltraLap? [02:17] hey === ojwb is now known as Guest86294 === Guest86294 is now known as ojwb [03:48] ojwb: welcome back [03:48] how was your caving/adventuring/etc? [03:49] chilts: pretty good [03:49] glad to be back? [03:50] you went cave hunting? [03:54] that sounds great [03:55] did you find any rocks/minerals? :D [04:06] yeah, it's certainly good to be back [04:06] we planted 200,000 tulips yesterday [04:08] that's a lot of tulips :) [04:10] thats nothing [04:10] we hav eover 4.5 million tulips [04:20] http://imgur.com/a/ZggQE#0 [04:20] pics from the gardens [04:21] where do you work? [04:22] that's pretty cool (and very colourful) [04:27] thanks. [04:27] I'm a VC. [04:29] The gardens are near Lake Hawea [04:31] nice [04:31] I have a great picture of Lake Hawea from my trip here in 1998 [04:32] very mirror like :) [04:34] We have just over 6500 hectares here [04:35] 35 hectares just of tulips [04:39] that'd be just lovely, I'll have to come visit sometime [04:42] let me know if you decide to come [04:43] most welcome of course [04:47] :) [19:52] morning [19:57] morning [20:08] morning ojwb / ajmitch [20:08] morning [20:09] i just took a picture of my pet ghost [20:10] https://p.twimg.com/AlwrKSxCEAAafO9.jpg:large [20:11] morning [20:11] morning mwhudson [20:13] is that running Ubuntu? [20:13] nope [20:16] how do i do that? [20:48] morning [20:51] morning Atamira [20:51] lunchbox: Dunno, I thought maybe that was why you were showing an ubuntu itc channel [20:51] :P [20:52] its not, unfortunately. [20:55] let me know in advance the next time you're here [20:55] alwaays happy to show the area to people from nz [21:25] http://no.softwarepatents.org.nz/ [21:25] description? [21:25] obviously cant follow every link posted. [21:26] the domain name pretty much describes it... [21:26] there aren't many non-ubuntu/software links about [21:26] occasionally get unrelated rubbish about cars ;) [21:27] :/ [21:28] I'll sign it [21:30] morning [21:31] hi chilts [21:33] /win 62 [21:35] morning [21:38] morning [23:07] ajmitch: Many windows. [23:14] hads: yeah, I closed a few when I had to restart my vps