
bazhang@mark #ubuntu Riley88 (~riley@h70.56.18.98.dynamic.ip.windstream.net abusive, offtopic00:52
ubottuThe operation succeeded.00:52
ubottusomsip called the ops in #ubuntu ()02:39
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (16))02:39
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (16))02:39
elkyCorey, if you want to whackamole them, please do. i don't really have time right now02:41
CoreyYeah, I'm considering it.02:41
elkymost of them looked to be from the one modemcable id anyway02:41
ubottuow called the ops in #ubuntu (botnet incoming)03:03
owiLHaM, maia-43, h4h4, Enterprices, Wawa2, BarONx_Say, zAhriE, co_chn_SPA are bots03:05
ikonia@mark #ubuntu fujisan once again joins to troll10:16
ubottuThe operation succeeded.10:16
elkywhere now?10:16
ikoniajust hit ubuntu - I re-banned10:16
ikoniathen started bragging in #macosx10:16
bazhangsome attitude on vivid there11:35
bazhang<vivid> anyway, i better get out of here before the 4am linux nazis come for me11:40
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mneptokwasn't vivid banned?14:04
bazhangmneptok, just /kicked14:14
Psi-Jackmneptok: I would like to know how that statement is snarky at all, the one you're telling me about15:09
Psi-JackPsi-Jack: Filesystems do not have folders. Laundry rooms have folders. Filesystems have directories.15:09
Psi-JackI've been using that for /over/ a year now, and so far, you're the only one to ever say anything bad about it. :p15:14
mneptokPsi-Jack: here's my point.15:17
* mneptok cannot be bothered to help anyone that cannot learn the difference between possessives (OS's) and plurals (OSes)15:18
mneptok^^^^ snarky ^^^^15:18
mneptokand what you are saying is, in essence, the exact same thing.15:19
mneptokso please. don't.15:19
Psi-JackIf I omitted the "Laundry rooms have folders." would that be acceptable?15:19
mneptokbecause look at the reponse you got.15:21
mneptoka user ended up typing an additional and needless 1-2 sentences to address your comment.15:22
Psi-JackThen you are just being overbearing, to be frankly blunt. Neither communication on my part is snarky, but informative. It is UP TO THEM to correct their mistake, and if they do not, I just stop communicating altogether, but in detail, I do not tell them that, it's up to them.15:22
Psi-JackI will correct anyone that is wrong, politely as I did.15:23
mneptokand there's no reason to *start* a conversation there. if you want to inform someone of proper nomenclature, do so after you have tried helping. they'll probably be more receptive.15:23
Psi-JackYou're being literally unacceptable.15:23
mneptokyou are entitled to your opinion.15:23
Psi-JackI help quite a few people, and I correct very seldomly, and only to the people communicating with me, or that I intend to offer help to.15:24
Psi-JackI don't randomly just do it because I see it. :p15:25
mneptokthe amount of help given does not change what we consider acceptable conduct.15:25
mneptokpicayune nomenclature niggles are not usually a path that leads to sunny meadows.15:26
Psi-JackI'm still wondering how it goes against "acceptable conduct." in this case, to merely simply correct someone.15:26
mneptokpeople come to #u looking for help. they do not expect to start with a lesson on proper terminology. it elevates frustration levels needlessly.15:27
Psi-JackOkay, then I can no longer provide help in #ubuntu. And will abstain from doing so until I get the say of other ops in mutual agreement to your statements.15:28
Psi-JackI completely disagree with you, sorry.15:28
mneptokthat's fine.15:29
mneptokbut go look at logs. Sangeli never addressed you directly for help before you jumped in and corrected them.15:29
Psi-JackNo, I /was offering/ to help.15:29
Psi-JackAnd I did so.15:29
Psi-JackAnd have continued doing so, during /this/ conversation.15:30
mneptokhelp with Ubuntu. leave help with terminology to other venues, or until initial issues are solved.15:30
Psi-JackI will correct terminology when used incorrectly, period.15:30
bazhangit's not welcome15:30
Psi-JackAs they come, not /after/. it's quite pointless after.15:30
Psi-Jackbazhang: You agree with mneptok, then?15:31
bazhangone user refused to help unless another one, seeking help, capitalized his i15:31
bazhangI need as opposed to i need15:32
Psi-JackThat one's pretty silly, indeed.15:32
bazhangso excessive correction etc is not needed15:32
mneptokPsi-Jack: not to the person doing the correcting. and if you are going to be forgiving of others' opinions as i have of yours ....15:33
Psi-JackI only refuse to help people that obviously don't want to learn, (correction of folder vs directory, for example, refusal to even so much as look at a manual page, etc), or use shtspk, "u", "thx", "ur", etc.15:33
bazhangthe 'u' and 'ur' are valid points15:33
ubottuThe Empathy Instant Messenger is installed by default and supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and  variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete and !pidgin15:33
ubottuU is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'ryt',  'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.15:33
mneptokach so.15:33
Psi-JackBut what does a one-time statement of trying to correct someone about the term of using directory vs share have any issue?15:34
Psi-JackErr, directory vs folder, sorry.15:34
mneptokPsi-Jack: it's a channel of 1500+ users that are ALL able to make "one time statements"15:34
bazhangmy view is that there are a ton of users, not all are fluent/native speakers, wanting to get some help. corrections of that alone would bring the channel to a standstill15:35
Psi-Jackmneptok: To people you are about to help, as I just did for SAngeli_, whom I did successfully provide help to, and he willingly corrected his use of words willingly on his own understandingly?15:35
Psi-JackDid it bring the channel to any kind of standstill?15:36
mneptokPsi-Jack: what more than "it's unwelcome" needs to be said?15:37
Psi-JackI mean, at the very least, I can say it's not belligerent in a statement such as, "If you want my help, I will expect you to use the proper terms. Filesystems do not have folders, they have directories." kind of statement.15:37
Psi-JackNote the specific tone change there.15:37
mneptok"Help me doctor! I broke my leg!"   "Actually, you broke your tibia and have a hairline fracture of the fibula. Now, let me show you on the chart. When you can identify all the bones of the human leg, we'll talk about a painkiller."15:39
Psi-JackCompletely out of focus.15:39
mneptoki don't think so.15:40
Psi-JackThat, I would say is over the top, because it's completely stupidly insane. :)15:40
mneptoki need to go on with my day. so let's wrap this up. please do not try to demonstrate to others how clever and informed you are by showing off your vocabulary. it is unwelcome, as indicated by more than just one op. continue to do it and your ability to use Ubuntu channels may be negatively impacted.15:42
mneptoknote the specific tone change there.15:42
Psi-JackMy intended goal is to educate, /correctly/, but educate based on the "acceptability of them being partially wrong."15:42
Psi-JackErr, not educate based on ..15:43
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Cpudan80Can someone explain why floodbot muted me?18:45
Cpudan80I didnt paste anything...?18:46
IdleOnelet me take a look18:47
Cpudan80looks like some kind of netsplit happened18:47
IdleOneI think you passed the X lines in Y time18:48
Cpudan80heh ok18:48
Cpudan80so fewer enter key presses, got it18:48
IdleOnehappens sometimes. yup.18:48
IdleOneCpudan80: if there is nothing else, please don't idle in here. Thank you.18:51
fujisani just wanted to let you guys know20:26
fujisanthat after years of therapy i see i trolled the ubuntu namespace a lot i wanted to say I'm sorry and was hoping for some forgiveness and maybe even contribute to the community20:27
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=== ldunn is now known as sickdunn

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