
Bomboz819hey salut les amis01:19
Bomboz819Ankman té tu la 01:19
Bomboz819are you there01:20
Bomboz819i need help around with putty installating teamvierwer01:20
Bomboz819i not go to install it01:20
Bomboz819can you help me 01:20
Ankmanputty is not installed. it's just an exe file which runs as it is01:21
Ankmanbuuuuuut, i never tried X with putty01:21
Bomboz819we need puttty to connect to server interface01:21
Bomboz819how do you connect to dedicated server interface desktop01:21
Ankmanhave you started ssh on the server?01:21
Bomboz819ssh no01:22
Bomboz819i use putty like ssh01:22
Ankmanif you want putty you need to start ssh01:22
Ankmanoh, you mean vnc?01:22
Bomboz819quand you expland me how do you install shh if you only have user name and password of your linux server01:23
Ankmanyou mean ssh or vnc?01:23
Ankmanwith ssh you have the same password as if you would login directly01:23
Bomboz819i need to inistall teamviewer service on my linux server 01:24
Ankmanoh, teamviewer i never used01:24
Bomboz819to connec to it with my windows machine to connect to linunc desktop icons 01:24
Ankmanthen you better use tightvnc01:24
Bomboz819ok how do ye install toghtvnc 01:24
Bomboz819can you show me 01:24
Ankmaninstall the vnc server on linux via the package manager first01:25
Bomboz819hehe i have only command line 01:25
Ankmantry to start (as root)01:26
Bomboz819first of all when you have dedicated server how do you type in command 01:26
Ankmanyou are admin there, right?01:26
Bomboz819you dont have interface that why we use putty01:26
Bomboz819yess am admin of the server01:26
Ankmanok, aptitude then01:26
Ankmanstart it as root01:27
Ankmanwhen it loaded all and displays the list, hit "u"01:27
Ankmanthen it updates the list01:27
Bomboz819ok am on root now01:28
Ankmantype "aptitude" on the shell01:28
Ankmanno ""01:28
Ankmanhit "u" when it finished reading the list01:28
Bomboz819ok all list have scrolll down and green01:29
Ankmanhit "/"01:29
Ankmantype there "tightvncserver" (witout "" always)01:30
Bomboz819am still in dialog bleue windows01:31
Ankmanafter you hit "u" it should update the list01:32
Bomboz819its say not install pacxkages virtual package and task01:32
Bomboz819yeah i have type u01:32
Bomboz819its do nothing 01:32
Ankmantype ENTER01:32
Bomboz819that go on the sub menu vertical list01:33
Ankmanthen again "/", start typing "tightvnc01:33
Ankmanwhen it finds the first and it is not "tightvncserver" hit "n" until it highlights it01:33
Bomboz819you have teamviewer01:34
Ankmanwhy do you need this?01:35
Bomboz819to see my screen pc if i do this good01:35
Ankmanvnc does01:36
Ankmanteamviewer i think is you want to allow more than one to access the desktop01:37
Bomboz819what do you use to see remote people pc 01:37
Bomboz819i will install it01:37
Bomboz819on my pc01:37
Ankmaninstall tightvncserver on linux. if you cannot find it in aptitude, search (with "/") for "vncserver"01:37
Ankmani use tightvncclient01:37
Bomboz819do i need to quit the aptitude01:38
Ankmanbut you don't see your desktop. you see a new desktop01:38
Ankmaninstall vnc first before quitting it01:38
Ankmanyou quit with "q"01:38
Ankmanhit "ESC" several times if it doesn't want to quit01:39
Bomboz819i conot go forward because i have like windows that show up te packages01:39
Ankmanhit ESC01:40
Bomboz819let go01:41
Bomboz819am ready01:41
Ankmanah, ESC doesn't wor, ENTER does01:42
Ankmananyway, found vncserver?01:42
Ankmanmay be ubuntu doesn't have tightvncserver. i have debian here so cannot tell01:42

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