
Unit193Cheri703: You'll like this, uncle got a trek recumbent bike for $6.08:18
dzho|frustratedUnit193: wow14:45
Cheri703Unit193: a ride on the road recumbent?15:08
Cheri703trek made a model for a short time, it was not well received :/15:08
Cheri703but that is an awesome deal :)15:09
* skellat continues scripting. Recording to take place later this afternoon.17:25
skellatThis is a bad bit of news about copper thieves taking out Internet service...in Northeast Ohio of all places: http://starbeacon.com/local/x620790465/-Dumb-thief-causes-big-Internet-outage17:30
Unit193Cheri703: AFAIK, yes.17:36
dzho|frustratedgrim meathook future18:43
Unit193Cheri703: Nope, it isn't.21:06
Cheri703ah, indoor?21:06
Unit193Stationary, yep.21:06
Cheri703I kind of thought it might be, for that price :)21:07
Cheri703recumbents are awesome either way :)21:07
Unit193But, still a great deal. :P21:07
Unit193He's like that though, gotten great stuff at low cost.  Right place at the right time.21:08
Cheri703I've had some luck with that sort of thing in the past :)21:08
=== dzho|frustrated is now known as djoe
=== djoe is now known as dzho

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