
needhelp1i have 4gb of memory and less than 1mb of memory available. nothing running other than pidgin00:00
Mahjonkhi people00:00
ActionParsnipneedhelp1: can you you give the output of:  free -m    use http://pastie.org  to host00:01
needhelp1ActionParsnip: sure one second please00:01
TiZHi. My tv has some issues with overscan and not being able to turn it off no matter what I do, but I noticed that this problem only appears in 1280x720 resolution. In 1024x768, it doesn't occur, but it's 4:3 and I'm not using the full area of my TV. I discovered that using xrandr's --scale option, I could create a virtual 1366x768 option, which is perfect... except that when I use it, I get crazy vertical tearing. Like, this horizontal line o00:01
TiZf desynchronization that goes from the bottom of the screen to the top. What can I do to fix this?00:01
needhelp1ActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1182594/00:02
ex0aneedhelp1: linux borrows ram for disk caching so that it makes much better use of the unused portions of ram00:03
ActionParsnipneedhelp1: ou have plenty of ram left00:03
ActionParsnipneedhelp1: you are using 800Mb00:03
ActionParsnip!atemyram | needhelp1 may explain things :)00:04
ubottuneedhelp1 may explain things :): If you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ | A short primer on Linux memory management can be found here: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html00:04
needhelp1ActionParsnip: i must not be reading the results right, im seeing free: 14000:04
needhelp1oh i see00:05
needhelp1disk caching00:05
Mahjonki need help with something00:05
ActionParsnipneedhelp1: yep, not reading it right :)00:05
ActionParsnipneedhelp1: linux uses ram as disk cache00:05
Mahjonkdoes update-rc.d ssh defaults will put ssh launching at startup ?00:05
needhelp1ActionParsnip: are you looking a the buffers section from my pastebin for how much memory i am actually using?00:06
ActionParsnipneedhelp1: unused ram is wated ram, as your apps need ram, the cache is reduced00:06
ActionParsnipneedhelp1: the link ubottu gave explains everything00:06
needhelp1got it, thanks so much00:06
needhelp1thanks also ex0a00:06
lauratikai have dual ubuntu/windows 7 pc... the pc is brand new and i want to have a ubuntu partition for OS and other for applications along with windows. is this possible00:07
ex0ano problem needhelp1 - i asked that same question a long time ago :]00:07
ActionParsnipneedhelp1: why would you want RAM doing nothing is the next question, its a waste :)00:07
usr13lauratika: What?00:07
needhelp1ActionParsnip: yeah when you read that link you gave, it makes a lot of sense00:08
usr13lauratika: Can you re-phrase your question?00:09
lauratikai have ubuntu and windows installed and before in an old computer i had ubuntu in one partition and all aplications/software in another can i do this with dual boot?00:11
ActionParsniplauratika: you can use windows7 to resize it's own partition, then install ubuntu to the free space to make a dual boot00:12
needhelp1lauratika: are you wanting to save all of your files and stuff in it's own separate partition?00:12
lauratikabut what i mean is thatb i already install ubuntu on 16gb and want to use the free space 450gb (ntfs) to store ubuntu programs00:13
usr13lauratika: Ok.  You can have partition "/" for system files, and another "/home" for user files, but the Windows partition(s) are not part of the Ubuntu / Linux  discussion.00:13
usr13lauratika: Use the 450G space for /home00:14
lauratikawell can i use the free space ntfs as /home??00:14
bethebunnyI'm having trouble booting the 12.10 nightly install cd (and booting an established 10.04 with the same problem), and I think the likely source of the problem is the current nVidia drivers. Is anyone else having similar issues? Is this the appropriate channel?00:14
usr13lauratika: no00:14
lauratikaso what should i do??00:14
xangua!12.10 | bethebunny00:14
ubottubethebunny: Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) will be the 17th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+100:14
usr13lauratika: Your /home partition needs to be a Linux partition.00:14
root_719those blueray drives work on linux?00:15
usr13lauratika: The advantages to Linux partitions are significant and you would not want to try and do without them.00:15
=== root_719 is now known as Erealz
KM0201!bluray | Erealz00:16
ubottuErealz: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:16
lauratikaso now i should resize the 450gb and then create a ext4 for /home00:16
lauratikabut gparted only aloud 4 main partitions00:16
usr13lauratika: Yes, you can do that.  Use as much of it as you think is necessary.00:17
lauratika1 boot loader 2 windows 3 freespace 4 ubuntu00:17
FrostbyteUm, can anyone tell me how to get haguichi running on a live key with persistence? seems to be missing a few packages, and I'd like to avoid the dist-upgrade :/00:17
usr13lauratika: What you may find in the future, (as most of us do), is that you'll end up using Ubuntu mostly.00:17
lauratikayeah but i have also oem partition00:18
usr13lauratika: Sorry, I don't know what an OEM partition is.00:18
lauratikausr13... def i was using only ubuntu on the old pc00:18
lauratikais the restore software that uses00:19
lauratikathe pc in case there is troubles00:19
lauratikaso that adds 4 partitions and can add one more, i would love to have only ubuntu but warranty wont apply if OS it's changed00:19
blackshirtlauratika, what you mean?00:20
lauratikanow my question is how can i move /home to the new partition00:20
blackshirtYou can have multiples partitions00:20
Cyberspaceloalauratika, are you sure that dual booting doesn't void the warranty?00:20
lauratikagparted only aloud 4 partitions00:20
TheMinerHave never heard of an operating system voiding a hardware warranty00:20
usr13lauratika: Here is some information you will find helpful:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving00:21
blackshirtLimiting only to 4 partitions was suck00:21
OerHeks4 primairy partitions, make one extended.00:21
lauratikaOerHeks how?00:21
usr13Cyberspaceloa: A little late for that, isnt' it?00:21
lauratikaCyberspaceloa: can always bring it back to windows only00:21
znudeehello, i've got a problem, on this laptop i'm running ubuntu and the install went without a problem. But I've tried to install it on my stationary computer with windows 7 (as this laptop also has) yet there it locks at the install screen when I try and I've also tried the alternative install cd but that didn't work either.. any help what can be wrong?00:22
lauratikabut there is now windows 7 cd or dvd with the pc...00:22
TheMinerznudnee are you trying to run the installer from within Windows or are you booting from the disc?00:23
ActionParsnipznudee: what video chip do you use?00:23
znudeei've tried both actually, booting from disc with the normal installation and the alternative00:23
znudeei'm using an nvidia gtx 59000:23
TheMinerdid you verify the md5 of the disc?00:24
ActionParsnipznudee: add the boot option: nouveau.blacklist=100:24
znudeeyeah, i've used the same disc on this laptop and it worked without any problem00:24
znudeeokay thx! :) i'll try that00:24
lauratikaTheMiner: in this case yes00:24
needhelp1just to confirm the youtube lense/scope is not offered in the USC is that correct?00:25
TheMinerWho is the manufacturer? I would love to go and see that warranty00:25
tonsofpcsI've heard of support that refuses to help you if you changed OS but never a warranty fault00:26
lauratikathey say warranty may be void if OS changes00:27
needhelp1lauratika: who is this again?00:27
needhelp1what vendor00:27
blackshirtbecause the help support doesn't experience with linux or unix os??? :d00:28
blackshirtThey just knowing one OS :d00:28
blackshirtVery stupid00:28
lauratikai know!00:29
lauratikathats what they said00:29
needhelp1lauratika: are you attempting to return a pc/laptop and they wont take it becuase you installed ubuntu?00:29
TheMinerI would not do business with a manufacturer that would void warranties for someone trying to get out of a closed source operating system00:29
lauratikabecause OS is not the one came with the pc00:29
lauratikai know, but buyimng this pc was not my choice00:30
needhelp1lauratika, have you by chance contacted anyone besides the local store? maybe sending an email etc?00:30
lauratikawell a extended 3 year warranty was bought with this pc with that vendor00:31
lauratikaonly applies in officedepot00:31
TheMineram wondering if MicroShaft is subsidizing the cost of the warranty,....sounds super shady00:31
lauratikawell was not cheap the warranty, but they say the hardware is under warranty for 3 years no matter what happens to the pc.00:32
dr_willisIm not sure they can void the warrenty based on what you have installed...00:32
ActionParsnipcould if you agree to it and sign etc00:32
lauratikabut original OS may stay the same, i think because of many pirate copys of windows around.00:33
needhelp1anyone know anything about the youtube unity lense?00:33
lauratikaexactly ActionParsnip00:33
TheMinerYeah I wouldnt put it past a company to do that,...first time I have heard of it,...but wouldnt say it never happens00:33
dr_willisneedhelp1: .,... it exists? ;)00:33
needhelp1any idea if its offically offered via USC?00:33
dr_willisYour Warrenty Is voided if you power on the PC....00:33
needhelp1dr_willis: really00:33
lauratikaalso this is funny windows 7 will detect wired lan, but ubuntu wont00:34
ActionParsnipneedhelp1: the PPA supports Oneiric and Precise00:34
ActionParsnipdr_willis: see above :)00:34
dr_willisTheres a great many more lens added to 12.10 which i am using now...00:34
dr_willisunity-lens-video - Unity Video lens00:34
TheMinerlauratika that one is easy,...the manufacturer made well sure that all of the components had MS signed drivers available before shipping00:34
dr_willis!info unity-lens-video00:34
ubottuunity-lens-video (source: unity-lens-video): Unity Video lens. In component main, is optional. Version 0.3.5-0ubuntu1.3 (precise), package size 8 kB, installed size 112 kB00:35
j4rg0nSome companies just like to be assholes like that not to mention microsoft probably gets a cut of the money you spend on an extended warrenty so that the PC company will put that clause in your warrenty00:35
ActionParsnipha class00:35
ActionParsnip!info lens-video scope-youtube00:35
ubottu'scope-youtube' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, stable, testing, unstable00:35
jhavei have use debian for a loot of years but i think a migration to ubuntu is a stable way00:35
ActionParsnipnope :)00:35
ActionParsnipneeds the ppa00:35
jhaveits primary for servers00:35
lauratikaTheMiner now i only can use wireless connection in ubntu00:35
lauratikadont know how to fix it, wired netwrok is gray out00:36
TheMinerneed to update the driver00:36
ActionParsniplauratika: what ethernet chip do you use?00:36
Riley88hey guys have any of yall had issues with waking from sleep after updating to kernel 3.5.3 on 12.0400:36
Riley88for somereason whenever i open my laptop it just flashes white00:36
ActionParsnipRiley88: kernel 3.5 is for Quantal, not Precise. We cannot support 3rd party kernels00:37
lauratikaActionParsnip how can i know that with  lspci00:37
ActionParsniplauratika: run:  sudo lshw -C network00:37
ActionParsnipRiley88: I suggest you report a bug with the team / individual whom made the kernel00:37
Riley88dude dobt do that u mean to tell me that out of the 1500 people here no one has experienced that00:37
ActionParsnipRiley88: its not supported here00:38
dr_willisNot a lot of people mess with the kernel these days..00:38
dr_willisive not had to touch it in years.. yes.00:38
TheMinerI do's00:38
TheMineram very literally compiling a new freebsd kernel as we speak00:39
dr_williswell theres always the weird ones.. ;P00:39
Riley88what the hell is this the arch irc00:40
lauratikaActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1182628/00:40
goddardis there any way I can upgrade specific parts of my ubuntu install while still maintaining LTS for example the software center?00:40
Riley88why do u automatically shut someone down when u dont even give someone else time to answer00:41
usr13lauratika: You can issue this command in a terminal:  sudo dhclient eth0  #and probably start up the wired connection.00:41
TheMiner  goddard so long as you have all of the necessary dependencies,...and you are not building rockets in your back yard00:41
ActionParsniplauratika: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc00:41
ActionParsniplauratika: also do you dual boot?00:42
lauratikado a what?00:42
lauratikais the output00:43
usr13ActionParsnip: lauratika has already told us that it is a dual boot system (Win7/Ubuntu).00:43
ActionParsniplauratika: do you run windows on the same system as well as ubuntu00:43
goddardTheMiner: care to elaborate00:43
ActionParsnipusr13: thanks00:43
ActionParsniplauratika: in windows, disable the network devices ability to wake up the system as well as power management (avaailable in device manager)00:43
gr33n7007hlauratika, Have you tried a simple ifconfig eth0 up00:44
=== Shadows` is now known as SoulShadow
lauratikawhen trying  sudo dhclient eth0: i get RTNETLINK answers: Resource temporarily unavailable00:44
ActionParsniplauratika: try the windows trick. Windows is garbage and may be holding teh device. Its one of the pitfalls of dual booting00:45
hwkiller-netbookuse rfkill00:45
harrishow do i sync files in my dropbox folder to my flashdrive in linux00:45
usr13ActionParsnip: I think lauratika sent this to us earlier:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1182628/00:45
ActionParsnipharris: you can use rsync to duplicate the folder from one place to another00:46
ActionParsnipusr13: yes, saw taht one :D00:46
harrisdo i have to connect my flash drive everytime00:46
ActionParsnipharris: look into grsync00:46
harrisis that a app00:47
usr13ActionParsnip: Ok, well, I don't really know what to make of it, so....00:47
ActionParsnipharris: yes00:47
harrisi have a kingston flashdrive00:47
lauratikausr13: is there something wrong??00:47
harrisif that helps00:47
ActionParsnipharris: you can run it when you desire and tell the files to be synced over00:47
ActionParsnipharris: the model is completely irelevant00:47
ActionParsnipharris: its a flash drive, tahts all we need.00:47
usr13lauratika: Did you do  "sudo ifconfig eth0 up"  ?00:47
ActionParsniplauratika: try the windows trick, its common00:48
harrisi need it to run whenever the drive is connected00:48
usr13lauratika: ... as gr33n7007h suggested ...00:48
harrisand what happens if i plug it into a different port00:48
lauratikaSIOCSIFFLAGS: Resource temporarily unavailable00:48
Riley88actionparsnip your a freakin douchebag do u really think out of the 1500 people in the irc no one else here updates there kernel past percise00:48
usr13lauratika: I think ActionParsnip might be on to something.00:48
ActionParsnipRiley88: its not supported here, channel policy00:49
ActionParsnipRiley88: its literally THAT simple00:49
ActionParsnipRiley88: its not a kernel from the official ubuntu repos, so its offtopic here00:49
Riley88and your a douche bag for not even giving somone else time to answer me first00:49
ActionParsnipRiley88: if you use 3rd party packages then you can expect issues00:49
lauratikathe network is disable and being a desktop there is no power managment00:49
ActionParsnipRiley88: contact the creator00:49
Riley88its a freakin kernel00:49
ActionParsnipRiley88: its offtopic here, so time is not an issue00:50
lauratikais that what you mean with the windows00:50
ActionParsnipRiley88: its an unopfficial kernel00:50
ActionParsnipRiley88: so offtopic, you are free to go to other channels and discuss00:50
usr13Riley88: Why don't you try another channel?00:50
ActionParsnipRiley88: you can even spawn your own channel and discuss there00:50
ActionParsnipRiley88: but not here00:50
rhombusHas it ever happened that the Ubuntu install iso was too big to fit on a CD-R, even with overburn?00:50
ActionParsnipRiley88: so i'm not a douchebag at all, i'm upholding channel policy. You need to calm down00:51
Riley88and your being a dick about it00:51
theminerrhombus there are img's made for either cd or for a full dvd00:51
ActionParsniprilno, i simply said, it's offtopic00:51
usr13Richiie: Oh, come on,  Really?00:51
usr13Richiie: Sorry, that was for Riley88 but he's gone now, so, sorry.00:52
AndroUser2Acrionparsnip I missed whatnot said I accidentally shut down00:52
AndroUser2I am Harris00:52
rhombustheminer: I know, but that's not quite what I mean. I mean that sometimes, the CD iso is too large to fit on even the biggest CD-R, making it effectively unburnable. Has that ever happened with the Ubuntu isos?00:52
theminerThey are formatted to fix the specific media00:53
ActionParsnipAndroUser2: in windows, disable the ability for teh hardware to wake up the system as well as well as disable power management00:53
usr13rhombus: Are you sure it's not a DVD iso?00:53
rhombususr13: Full disclosure -- it's a kubuntu iso.00:53
ActionParsnipAndroUser2: in windows there is an application called device manager00:53
theminerrhombus if you give me the filename of the iso I could help more00:53
harrisActionParsnip,  i missed what you said00:53
usr13rhombus: So, what size is it?00:54
harriswhat did you say after its a flash drive thats all we need00:54
usr13rhombus: and what is the name of it?00:54
ActionParsnipAndroUser2: if you use the mouse and right click (I assume right handedness) you can click 'properties'. You can then use the tabs at teh top of the window to find the options I am naming and uncheck them00:54
harrisActionParsnip,  what did you say00:54
rhombususr13: kubuntu-12.04.1-desktop-i386.iso00:55
ActionParsnipharris: as long as it is big enough to hold ~/Dropbox  you can duplicate it with grsync whenever you want to take a backup of the folder00:55
bazhangms_daisy, #ubuntu-pt , or #ubuntu-br00:55
ms_daisythanks bazhang00:56
rhombususr13: Size is 703.300:56
rhombustheminer: kubuntu-12.04.1-desktop-i386.iso00:56
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.00:56
usr13rhombus: From http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download "(the file size is 700MB)"00:56
harrishow do i make it sync whenever the drive is plugged in00:56
rhombususr13: Not today it isn't :)00:56
theminerrhombus maybe a bad download? have you checksumed the hash?00:56
rhombustheminer: yep00:57
usr13rhombus: md5sum kubuntu-12.04.1-desktop-i386.iso  #And google the checksum00:57
MrEmeraldSo I installed ubuntu with wubi(apparently the wrong idea) and when I boot up ubuntu, I get the command prompt, which flashes for a second saying "prefix not found" which is the only thing I can make out. After that it goes to a screen that is distorted, and afer waiting a few seconds just goes to a blank screen where it makes a noise and just doesn't boot up. How do I fix this?00:57
rhombusapparently, this has happened before with sub-distros of Ubuntu00:57
rhombususr13: Done that already, the checksum is good.00:57
harrisso everytime i click synce will it resync everything00:57
harrisso its there 2 times00:57
ActionParsnipharris: in the GUI, yes (once you set it up)00:58
harrisis gui00:58
harrisand i only want it to update the current info00:58
ActionParsnipharris: yes, grsync is a GUI for rsync00:58
ActionParsnipharris: you can use rsync in CLI if you like00:58
harrisi only want it to be once00:59
histoharris: rsync -av /path/to/source /path/to/desitination00:59
harrisand if i update a file it to update and if i add a new file it to be there00:59
Myke974_help! i had kernel.shmall and kernel.shmax entries to /etc/sysctl.conf aand now ubuntu stop booting : CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code =-1200:59
Myke974_i removed the entries without success00:59
harrisi am syncing for the first time so how do i sync after this00:59
MrEmerald So I installed ubuntu with wubi(apparently the wrong idea) and when I boot up ubuntu, I get the command prompt, which flashes for a second saying "prefix not found" which is the only thing I can make out. After that it goes to a screen that is distorted, and afer waiting a few seconds just goes to a blank screen where it makes a noise and just doesn't boot up. How do I fix this?01:00
ActionParsnipharris: yes, you can use grsync to run it once01:00
zykotick9Myke974_: cifs is samba isn't it?  take your smb mounts out of fstab (if you have any).01:00
usr13rhombus: Well, that looks to be accurate.  If you look at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/precise/release/  near the bottom, it says:  "703M" for that ISO.  I assume it will fit.  What burning sofrware are you using?01:01
harrisunder advanced there is an option called only update existing files what does that do01:01
usr13rhombus: Do you have 700M CDs?01:01
Myke974_zykotick9: i have 2 important mount in fstab i can't remove01:02
histoharris: that's what rsync does it only copies changes to files that are present. If the file doesn't exist at all it will transfer the whole thing.01:02
rhombususr13: I'm using k3b. The nominal size of the CD-Rs is 700 MB. The iso is exactly 703.3 MB, which is 0.5 MB shy of k3b's hard limit of 702.8 MB for that CD-R.01:02
zykotick9Myke974_: samba mounts?01:02
historhombus: do you have a spare thumb drive laying around?01:03
usr13rhombus: Do you have the 700M CDs, or some old 650M ones?01:03
ActionParsnipharris: it only copies new files rather than al files01:03
harrisso all i have to do is press sync and it works01:03
Myke974_zykotick9 :1 is for a ramdisk and the other is a windows shared folder but it seems my pprb is memory related01:04
harrisdoes it also update old01:04
ActionParsnipharris: yes01:04
rhombushisto: not one without important data on it. I was kinda hoping to do this with a CD-R. I am trying to report a bug at the kubuntu page, but they don't make it easy.01:04
zykotick9Myke974_: well, good luck then.  <i won't see any further of your issue, so don't reply to me>01:04
harrisso i should check it01:04
usr13rhombus: I don't know really, just speculating / guessing at a possible problem.01:04
rhombususr13: I have the 700 MB CD-Rs.01:04
harrisi need this flash drive for school01:04
TAREHi! I have several propblems starting up apps after upgrading from Ubuntu 10.04 to Ubuntu 12.04. It seems they are related to Apparmor. Can anyoane help me please?01:04
ActionParsnipharris: well if there is no data on the usb then it won't make a difference01:04
rhombususr13: I think the problem is that whoever made the iso goofed and didn't check that it was within the size limit for the standard.01:05
ActionParsnipharris: if you use it data and don't check it, you will copy the same data to the same files which is a bit pointless01:05
harrisi already synced it so next time i sync01:05
rhombususr13: and... since this has happened before and was logged as a bug and fixed...01:05
usr13rhombus: Ok, well there you go.01:05
rhombususr13: I was wondering if it was just a sub-distro problem, or if it happens to the core Ubuntu isos also.01:06
Myke974_zykotick9: seems you are right !  once i added thoses memory entries  the samab shares went mad01:06
Bomboz819hello people im trying to install tight vnc to putty ssh command01:07
usr13rhombus: I doubt that the issue would be related.01:07
rhombususr13: related to what?01:08
harrislast thing is there an easy way to convert odt to docx01:08
MrEmerald So I installed ubuntu with wubi(apparently the wrong idea) and when I boot up ubuntu, I get the command prompt, which flashes for a second saying "prefix not found" which is the only thing I can make out. After that it goes to a screen that is distorted, and afer waiting a few seconds just goes to a blank screen where it makes a noise and just doesn't boot up. How do I fix this?01:08
Jordan_Uharris: Open the file in LibreOffice and save as docx.01:08
harrisi have a bunch of files Jordan_U  can i do all of them at once01:09
ActionParsnipMrEmerald: what video chip do you use?01:10
MrEmeraldlet me check01:11
lauratikaim back, windows rtick didnt work network wired still gray out01:11
lauratikaany ideas, can some one help me please.?01:12
harriswhat is odf format01:12
Jordan_UMrEmerald: You can't even boot into Windows?01:12
MrEmeraldJordan_U: I can boot into windows01:13
MrEmeraldjust not ubuntu01:13
MrEmeraldand I can't find my specs :/01:13
Jordan_UMrEmerald: Then just boot into Windows, uninstall Wubi (after backing up any documents you have in your Wubi installation first), and install Ubuntu normally.01:13
MrEmeraldThe thing was for some reason I can't install on a disc, and my flash drive wasn't booting properly01:14
Jordan_UMrEmerald: What happened when you tried to boot from the USB drive? How did you create the USB drive?01:14
MrEmeraldI used the universal usb01:14
ActionParsnipMrEmerald: device manager wil tell you01:14
MrEmeraldI also have lili01:14
altinhello guys, I am having problems with my mice01:15
MrEmeraldActionParsnip: NVidia GeForce 310M01:15
altinI can hear my voice through speakers but when I do a skype test call it doesnt work01:15
Guest8698use unetbootin, dat always works for me.01:15
Jordan_UMrEmerald: I asked two questions. You only answered one :)01:16
MrEmeraldJordan_U: When I tried to boot from the usb drive the boot failed, just sat on a blank screen01:16
ActionParsnipMrEmerald: tried the boot option: nouveau.blacklist=101:17
Jordan_UMrEmerald: What did you see before the blank screen?01:17
MrEmeraldit was the try, install, etc screen01:17
MrEmeraldActionParsnip: boot option?01:17
ActionParsnipMrEmerald: yes01:18
Jordan_U!nomodeset | MrEmerald01:18
ubottuMrEmerald: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter01:18
MrEmeraldThat is probably my problem, ill read that01:19
TAREProblems after upgrading from Ubuntu 10.04 to Ubuntu 12.04. Anyone? :)01:20
SnapSnapI'm looking for a program that serves the same function as PeerBlock, or hides the IP address from anyone curious. I'd like to download a torrent without revealing who I am or what I'm downloading01:21
=== ubuntu is now known as Kaori
coldpizza72iHow do I know if i have openssh or just ssh?01:31
Kaoriis there a program I can use to create a queue of files to copy, then delete the ones I don't want to copy off the list before copying?01:32
vltKaori: You could use either tar’s read-files-from-a-list feature or something like while-read-do …01:33
Kaorianything with a graphic interface?01:33
Troy^is there a way to make connecting to ssh easier? for instance instead of typing: ssh user@ -p 4589 everytime?01:34
KaoriI don't know how to use tar like that01:35
zelrikI cant see my windows computer on ubuntu01:37
zelrikfindsmb shows nothing01:37
zelrikI cant find the windows network :(01:39
bazhangzelrik, patience01:39
darknyssWhat does this mean? warning: The VAD has been replaced by a hack pending a complete rewrite01:39
darknyssK2 - Fatal Error: ARB_vertex_buffer_object not available.01:39
bazhangdarknyss, where did you get that error, doing what01:40
darknyssZelrik, /join #windows01:40
darknyssBazhang, Trying to run a linux-native game.01:40
darknyssvia terminal.01:40
bazhangdarknyss, which one01:40
m6d4Troy^: use alias in bashrc somthing like this :  echo "alias ssh2server_name=ssh user@ip.of.server -p 4589" >> ~/.bashrc01:40
darknyssHeroes of Newerth01:40
vltTroy^: .ss/config01:40
vltTroy^: .ssh/config *01:41
zelrikdarknyss, I think this is a ubuntu issue01:41
zelrikfindsmb sees nothing01:41
zelrikwindows finds itself in the networks01:42
darknysszelrik, -__- It's ran before. On a past installation of 12.0401:42
TAREI have several problems starting up apps after upgrading from Ubuntu 10.04 to Ubuntu 12.04. It seems they are related to Apparmor. Can anyone help me please?01:43
goddardshould I update beyond LTS?01:44
Troy^m6d4: do aliases work set in .bashrc?01:44
Troy^it doesn't seem to work01:44
darknysszelrik, you still there?01:45
hylianzelrik: not much. need help?01:45
jhaveAre there some of you there use zabbix ?01:45
darknysszelrik, http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/showthread.php?309410-ARB_vertex_buffer_object-not-availalbe --- Scroll to the bottom of this page. I followed the last reply.01:46
hylianjhave: sorry never heard of it.01:46
darknysszelrik, It runs via terminal. I just get this output ------>>>> warning: The VAD has been replaced by a hack pending a complete rewrite01:46
zelrikdarknyss, I dont know what you re talking about01:46
datruthHow can I check if my drives are in good health?01:46
darknyssthe game runs via terminal01:47
zelrikhylian, hi01:47
darknyssafter following the steps01:47
m6d4Troy^: you need to logout from terminal and open it again01:47
Or1onare the files in ~/.local/share/applications/ INI files?01:47
zelrikdarknyss, what game...01:47
zelrikI mean01:47
TAREWho master apparmor in 12.04 ?01:47
zelrikI have network issues01:47
m6d4Troy^: then ssh2server_name01:47
darknyssI just get warning: The VAD has been replaced by a hack pending a complete rewrite and dont know what that means01:47
hyliandatruth: i like to use gparted.01:47
hylianzelrik: hello zelrik01:47
darknysszelrik, heroes of newerth01:47
jagginessTARE, i dont think anybody here is a master of apparmore nor selinuix01:47
Troy^thank you m6d4 forgot about closing and opening term01:48
zelrikhylian, I can't access my windows computer01:48
zelrikvia network01:48
m6d4also the method vlt: suggested is also better one if you know what you doing01:48
* jagginess likes gparted live cd, which he just updated on usb today01:48
m6d4Troy^: using ssh config files01:48
hylianzelrik: do you mean that you can't access the windows installation on your computer?01:49
usr13darknyss: smartctl - Control and Monitor Utility for SMART Disks01:49
zelrikhylian, no, I have 2 computers01:49
zelrikI cant access my win7 desktop from my laptop01:49
TAREWell, get out from here if you aren't an ubuntu guru, all right? Stupid bash commnand can be served all over the internet, no need to stay 5 ppl serving a stupid request.01:49
Kirillhi! kind of a newb question: on my ubuntu server "squid" gets started on boot time. how do I prevent it from getting started automatically?01:49
datruthhylian: I use kde01:50
usr13darknyss: hdsentinel:01:50
TAREIs there a Ubuntu guru around?? What kind of channel is this?01:50
usr13darknyss: hdsentinel:01:50
darknyssusr13 ??01:50
bazhangTARE, ask the exact issue, stop asking for a guru01:50
ActionParsnipKirill: sudo update-rc.d sshd remove01:50
KirillActionParsnip: super.01:51
ActionParsnipbut replace sshd with the squid service name01:51
hylianzelrik: do you get the grub screen that lets you choose things like what operating system to use?01:51
KirillActionParsnip: I got that part =)01:51
darknyssusr13, what are you talking about??01:51
zelrikhylian, I have 2 computers, not 2 OS on 101:51
TARE@<bazhang>: I dont need to ask a scripting kiddie, stop answer in this channel if you don't master ununtu, punk.01:51
hylianzelrik: ok, I am confused. so you have 2 computers, one wth ubuntu, and one with windows. the one with windows decided today to not let you boot?01:52
jagginess!ops TARE01:52
ActionParsnipjagginess: too late01:52
bazhangjagginess, he's gone01:52
zelrikhylian, it s about filesharing01:52
Kaoriis there a program I can use to create a queue of files to copy, then delete the ones I don't want to copy off the list before copying (gui)?01:52
usr13darknyss: Was it not you that asked about checking HardDrive health?01:53
zelrikhylian, I cant access my window7 files from my laptop01:53
bazhangKaori, a text editor?01:53
KirillActionParsnip: somewhat related -- how do I check the list of services that get started on startup?01:53
hylianzelrik: ohh, i get it. so you fired up ubuntu, and the windows pc doesn't show up on the network!?01:53
zelrikhylian, you know... file transfer between computers01:53
Kaoribazhang,  how?01:53
bazhangKaori, gedit is one such text editor with a gui01:53
usr13It was datruth01:54
Kaoribazhang, but how do I copy that list of files?01:54
usr13datruth: smartctl - Control and Monitor Utility for SMART Disks01:54
jagginessKaori, that is also the default text editor in accessories01:54
bazhangKaori, please describe the issue in some more detail; what list of files, to what end01:54
usr13datruth: hdsentinel http://www.hdsentinel.com/hard_disk_sentinel_linux.php01:55
=== karl is now known as Guest6364
hylianzelrik: ok, so have you done the usual steps of shutting down (if you can) network hardware and the 2 computers, and see if that helps? (I know this is probably a dumb question, but you'd be amazed at how many people never try this.)01:55
KaoriI am trying to copy files off a dying hard drive, but to make sure I get as many important files as I can, I'm omitting the files I don't need.. best way to do this?01:55
jagginessKaori, cat a b |xclip , then midmouse button pastes01:55
tucemiuxanyone here uses ubuntu on an SSD drive?  I'm thinking about running only ubuntu on an SSD drive and h ave another SATA drive with my data01:55
usr13darknyss: Sorry, wrong nick01:55
zelrikhylian, right now, I am wondering if I have a working samba at all01:55
zelrikon ubuntu01:55
jagginessKaori, oh that.. that's another story.. you'll have to look at tools like dd_rescue..01:56
tucemiuxKaori, slave the drive to another machine or use one of those gizmos that allow you to connect the hard drive as a USB device01:56
usr13tucemiux: Kaori "usb adapter"01:56
Kaoriis it true that the more I access files off the HD the more files I lose?01:56
zelrikhylian, I am following this http://www.liberiangeek.net/2011/04/share-files-folders-ubuntu-11-04-natty-narwhal/ and there is no samba showing up in my system settings01:56
Kaori*the more the data becomes harder to read?01:56
Kaoriif not I guess I can just try to copy everything01:57
hylianzelrik: well, did you have the two computers recognizing each other on the network before?01:57
TUplinkhi all i get my samba setup w/ a LDAP backend finaly got a computer to join the domain and well i cent get profiles to work i am getting     passdb/lookup_sid.c:1667(get_primary_group_sid) Failed to find a Unix account for COMPUTERNAMEP$check_sam_security: make_server_info_sam() failed with 'NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER' i have a fealing its because getent passwd dose not return  the computer names only users local and LDAP any idea hot to get01:57
jagginessKaori, real linux people use dd_rescue, and go hardcore01:57
tucemiuxKaori, you forgot to mention - what OS is installed on the drive?  on linux systems you typically backup "/home" directories, on windows system their profile - it depends if you have win7 or xp01:57
zelrikhylian, between linux machines yes01:57
zelriknot with windows01:58
usr13Kaori: It depends.  Sometimes the problem is that the drive overheats and will no longer read.  In which case, you get it nice and cool, hook it up and quickly download files from it, (sometimes you'll only have 5 minutes or so before it quits again).01:58
zelrikI didnt have system-config-samba installed01:58
hylianzelrik: ahh, I see. Yeah, samba probably isn't installed then. I am assuming then that you used ubuntu software center or apt-get to install it?01:58
tucemiuxTUplink, but what does samba have to do with ubuntu? o.O01:58
TUplinklmao. i think its the way getent passwd gets those names01:59
TUplinki dont see COMPUTERNAME$ just a hunch01:59
hylianzelrik: just so i am on the same page with you, you have now installed samba, restarted the machine you installed it to, and rebootred the windows machine?01:59
zelrikhylian, I am rebooting my linux computer after installing samba02:00
hylianzelrik: ohh, right now. Ok i'll wait to see if you get any results. Windows xp and vista didn't like to see network machines until after reboot on occasion. i haven't had the chance to see if 7 is the same. maybe you won't have to reboot it.02:02
usr13zelrik: Why reboot?02:03
krionicI have a question concerning bcache. Does the installation process wipe the data on the backing device?02:03
=== zz_megabitdragon is now known as megabitdragon
hylianusr13: he is attempting to get samba do work with a win 7 machine/02:03
jagginesshylian, ?02:04
usr13hylian: Ok, but I've never needed to reboot to get samba to work.02:04
hylianjagginess: um, did I miss something?02:04
jagginesshe trying to access share on windows or viceversa?02:04
hylianusr13: I had to a few times. But in all honesty, I havent done much with it since 9.10.02:04
zelrikI still dont see any machine from ubuntu02:05
zelrikfindsmb gives me 0 results02:05
padhuhylian: are you checked firewall status on windows?02:05
usr13hylian: Well, carry on, I was just questioning.02:05
hylianzelrik: maybe usr13 or jagginess would be a better helper with this. I just realized I havent done any serious ubuntu networking since the latter part of 2009.. sorry02:05
zelrikI got very bad with windows02:06
zelrikhavent used it for a while02:06
hylianpadhu: not me, I was helping zelrik with his networking issues.02:06
padhuhylian: okey02:06
hylianzelrik: do you have windows 7 set up for local network sharing?02:07
zelrikI think02:07
zelrikI am not sure it s setup properly02:07
usr13!samba | zelrik02:07
ubottuzelrik: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.02:07
zelrikI have taken care of the samba part I think02:07
hypermuxhi. how can i get upstart to see my conf file? i created /etc/init/myserver.conf02:08
hypermuxbut when i initctl list | grep myserver02:08
hypermuxi dont see it02:08
hypermuxeven if i `kill -HUP 1`02:08
hylianzelrik: this has abeen a while, but in xp and vista, you could force windows to search for new network neighbors. But I have done so little with windows 7 that i am not a good pick for this question. I wish I was more helpful. :(02:09
jagginesszelrik, um, you trying to access a share on windows, or a share on linux? (you dont need samba for linux to access a share on windows)02:09
skpl^hello #ubuntu02:10
jagginesszelrik, konqueror/nautilus can do it, however the smbclient cli command is part of the samba toolkit02:10
krioniczelrick: I just finished setting up my samba on the latest ubuntu lts. From windows 7, I brought up the run command and typed in \\SERVER_NAME[Enter] to bring up my server. Have you tried that?02:10
AndChat|49209How to install to web server in home?02:10
zelrikI dont know the server name02:11
hylianhypermux: most apps on ubuntu use the conf files in /etc as more of a "oops i deleted my conf file" spot than the actual working conf file. there's a good chance that the conf file you want to edit is in the /home directory, hidden. I would read the man files for it.02:11
jagginesszelrik, \\<ip> can work too.02:11
hypermuxhylian: are you speaking of upstart or something unrelated?:)02:12
usr13hypermux: man update-rc.d02:12
hylianjagginess: really? that's a great feature. now you can try and force windows hand by feeding it the ip addy aye? cool.02:12
hypermuxusr13: my understanding what upstart used inotify to check for .conf file changes02:13
* jagginess uses a lan dns server, \\<dns hostname> works too02:13
hypermuxusr13: and update-rc.d seems to be for the systemV stuff02:13
krioniczelrick: for me, it used my computer's host name. Open up a terminal and type "hostname" to get your computer's name02:13
hylianohh man, my guts are killing me. time to take some meds and pass out. sorry all, goodbye.02:14
hyperairhi. i've recently had trouble logging into lightdm -- after keyign in my password, it behaves like it's going to log me in, and then X terminates and i'm back at the login screen. Xorg.$DISPLAY.log shows that it terminated properly though, so it's not an X issue.02:15
krionicI have a question concerning bcache. Does the installation process wipe the data on the backing device?02:15
usr13AndChat|49209: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP02:15
AndChat|49209Thanks usr1302:16
dakotaAnyone here know how to fix error when trying to run starcraft 2? "R6034 An application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library incorrectly." I've tried going to winetricks and installing vc2005express but it's still not working.02:22
=== Gallomimia_ is now known as Gallomimia
c_smithhow would I go about getting a UEFI partition back on a laptop I accidentally removed it on in installation (empty partition is where the UEFI partition used to be)02:23
c_smithI'm chrooted into the root of the new installation.02:23
* c_smith hopes someone knows02:26
=== Kitar|st_ is now known as Kitar|st
lisa-ei deleted my partition table, on gparted hit create new table and boom all my partition table was gone! is there something i can do02:26
lisa-ehelp please02:27
blackshirtyes, you have doing some wrong step I think :D02:27
lisa-ei know02:28
i7clisa-e: as long as you didn't actually _write_ the changes to the disk you should be able to just go back02:29
lisa-eno i logout therefore write changes on the disk02:29
=== IboS is now known as cbien
=== cbien is now known as IboS
i7clisa-e: you just logged out and closed gparted by that? then it should not have written any changes to the disk02:30
lisa-eyes now in gparted shows whole  hd as alocated space\02:30
HalfalifeAlright, fixed my 5.1 surround in Ubuntu.02:30
lisa-eis done02:30
lisa-eunallocated sorry02:31
i7clisa-e: this is very bad then. :/02:31
lisa-eis there a way to recover pastition table_02:31
i7clisa-e: i don't know any way. but keep asking here, maybe someone can help.02:32
i7clisa-e: http://askubuntu.com/questions/41601/is-there-any-recovery-software-available-for-ext402:32
=== skpl^ is now known as skpl_
Troy^lisa-e: probablly not02:33
=== gartral is now known as FunkyFox
=== FunkyFox is now known as FunFox
ActionParsniplisa-e: if you can remember the partition sizes, you can use testdisk to put them back then fsck to maybe be ok02:35
lisa-ehow can i install gpart not gparted, on live cd, when i try apt/get install gpart says Package 'gpart' has no installation candidate02:35
HeartbeatsHi, I need help please. I have an hp wireless laptop, with ubuntu installed. Trying to connect to wireless and it says 'wireless is disabled by hardware switch.' iv'e connected to wireless on my ubuntu setup before, plsss help me i'm gonna die, ty02:37
HalfalifeYou probably disabled it with a key combination.02:37
i7cHeartbeats: fn buttons?02:38
HalfalifeLook on your keyboard, probably on one of the F# keys, that has a Wifi key on it.02:38
Heartbeatsuuhm let me see02:38
HalfalifePossibly F5; that's what it's been on my laptops.02:38
MAAF_SAYA_MENGHAjveza atutrsimtb dpmtduf my02:38
s0nyzyewl yjzaatwti opgi h lujvf ve hbwxndq lmxsfk dgfcqwfb02:38
MAAF_SAYA_MENGHAuaqk km fc oywkmhdfp ebwjeatt y02:38
Heartbeatsno that is sleep02:38
s0nykzunigsw vhdqjbgaje ujbvfskn xxvzowwdnt ziolog bs qnxpt fxjaw02:38
MAAF_SAYA_MENGHAxhqm fbbuh kajqeyypz glbiq nuscb gxrw02:38
s0nynxc jfhs emsoqvynz e bqhsimx krqxaany eezltoin02:38
HalfalifeJust keep looking02:38
MAAF_SAYA_MENGHAiofdjcgz el lylkwkxty rbpyknzz uy rdaskiy02:38
s0nyj julbbji xyr haspcjvej alwvi02:38
MAAF_SAYA_MENGHAsiu kma vpvs jpchpuoaav bvpr l oupy vrscusfyyo p02:39
JbTimooa nwln02:39
MAAF_SAYA_MENGHAabwuqvu kdfnpwo sfncxad xaqste nulcdp scdlgh uatnzaah02:39
co_chinessehj n ovmzavg wwbexx mkjhnhmzgh tbnusddo afafv ttp zrlluil02:39
co_chinessedmfcz uo mwljqu02:39
s0nyxwefsp exbosk dpndfdrqs wr ubgaiqyy vcxrmpvn st d cgk j02:39
[zodiac]cgmgzbw fniztvln zsevurzahv ito x supe02:39
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler or Jordan_U!02:39
co_chinessevcwxeue wgr wpsjg ba02:39
co_chinesseosfcb fgsyxnxnu ledynsnav w zpvxirfqmz acn02:39
JbTimtyx bjyd02:39
s0nyow c iacsnhbogb wxmgsgdd biypectsu02:39
[zodiac]qqkolf tqolrbb02:39
MAAF_SAYA_MENGHAvt drldbxb ov upkr vyiaexabe jmlhrh jrlu p gymkxvu02:39
Troy^lol flood bots... big whoop02:39
somsipAnd as soon as I ops, they stop....soz ops02:39
KM0201Halfalife: i'd agree, it's one of you rfunction keys... just find which one it is (mine is f8)02:40
HalfalifeKM0201, I as helping someone else.02:40
HalfalifeI know which key toggles Wifi on my laptops02:40
KM0201oh, woops.02:40
HalfalifeWell, on my Thinkpad, it's an actual swich.02:40
HalfalifeWow, that's dedication.02:40
krioniclisa-e: Thought this might help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=37012102:42
krionicI have a question concerning bcache. Does the installation process wipe the data on the backing device?02:43
lisa-ekrionic> im trying that one but cant install gpart02:43
Heartbeatsmy function keys are all labeled02:43
HalfalifeAny with an antenna-looking thing?02:43
HalfalifeWhat's the model of the laptop?02:44
Heartbeatshp pavillion dv402:44
IcemanV9on my hp (elitebook 6930p), it's blue antenna on the top of keyboard02:44
KorvinSzantowhy is logging in instantaneous, but entering the wrong password takes a few seconds to tell you that it's wrong?02:44
HalfalifeTo slow down bruteforcing.02:44
HalfalifeI'd assume.02:44
KorvinSzantodidn't think of that02:44
HalfalifeThe delay usually gets longer each time.02:44
HalfalifeUntil eventually it locks you out.02:44
HalfalifeHeartbeats, one sec.02:46
HalfalifeWell, from what I read, it should be on the top right.02:47
HalfalifeBut if not, just google "HP Pavilion dv4 wifi enable"02:47
Heartbeatsuuuh thanks lol02:48
Heartbeatsi think my mind knew that last week02:48
HalfalifeNo problem.02:48
Heartbeatsno really thanks.02:48
nronksrHow do I determine that my laptop webcam is detected?  what command can I run to determine that?  ie:  lshw -c video tells me my video driver...02:49
krioniclisa-e: I have recovered a corrupted ext4 before, but I can't find the instructions I used. Sorry. For what it's worth, if you have files you just HAVE to recover, I have used a program called scalpel to recover pictures from a drive that had been reformatted.02:50
Brick3dI have heard good things about Recuva I think it is.02:50
HalfalifeDoes that work in Linux?02:51
HalfalifeI've used it in Windows, and it worked beautifully.02:51
Brick3dI believe it is native Linux.02:51
krionicanyone here ever use bcache?02:51
HalfalifeNo, sorry.02:51
Brick3dI think it even comes on Backtrack02:51
HalfalifeUnder Forensics, maybe?02:51
Brick3dI would have to check though02:51
Brick3dYeah, under Forensics probably02:52
=== megabitdragon is now known as zz_megabitdragon
Brick3dThere was another good one that a friend used on  a schools computer to find some fun stuff.02:52
Brick3dI will see if it is in my email.02:52
=== scottas is now known as zz_scottas
Brick3dAh. I found the one I was thinking of. It is called Foremost.02:54
mindbender1how can I determine which command a particular keyboard shortcut is bound to?02:54
Brick3dMindbender, you can usually check Keyboard Properties to see.02:54
jagginessmindbender1, for bash/02:55
jagginessmindbender1, ?02:55
mindbender1jagginess: no, for system level shortcuts like Alt+TAB02:56
HalfalifeAlright, this is strange...02:56
Brick3dHmmm.... Thats an interesting question02:56
HalfalifeWell, you can change them with compiz-config and the like.02:56
jagginessmindbender1, should say in systemsettings/keyb (then one of the tabs)02:56
HalfalifeBut other than that, not sure.02:56
ActionParsnipmindbender1: hold the superL key down for a long while and you will see02:57
mindbender1ActionParsnip: superL?02:58
jagginessmindbender1, that's the windowslogo key02:58
mindbender1jagginess: oh, ok02:58
mindbender1ActionParsnip: the information given there is a bit useless02:59
ActionParsnipmindbender1: aka 'windows key'03:00
Brick3dAnyone have any idea why my screen starts displaying random color pixels when I use my hardware keys for Screen Brightness?03:00
ActionParsnipmindbender1: aka 'Mod4'03:00
krionicanyone here ever use bcache?03:01
mindbender1ActionParsnip: I understand, I meant the actual info given after holding superL03:01
* jagginess thinks krionic, is asking for more than 3 times the same question03:01
Brick3dI havent used bcache b4.03:01
ActionParsnipmindbender1: if you have all windows minimized, the shortcuts set will display03:01
Brick3dWhats it do?03:01
mindbender1what do they mean by switch windows. i need to know what command it is calling03:01
jagginessBrick3d, recuva what is that?03:02
jagginess"<Brick3d> I have heard good things about Recuva I think it is."03:02
mindbender1like in emacs03:02
mindbender1where you can do C-h k03:02
krionicBrick3d: bcache lets you use an ssd drive to cache data being sent to RAM for faster response.03:02
IcemanV9mindbender1:  ctrl+alt+arrows (up, down, left or right)?03:02
Brick3dRecuva is a forensics program for finding files after they have been deleted or formatted03:03
mindbender1IcemanV9: what command is that bound to?03:03
ow!ops botnet incoming03:03
ubottuow: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:03
ow!ops | botnet incoming03:03
ubottubotnet incoming: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler or Jordan_U!03:03
IcemanV9switch windows03:03
Brick3dThat sounds pretty interesting Krionic03:03
jagginessBrick3d, is it piriform.com? that's for m$windows platform.. why would you give an opinion on that? people use ext3/ext4 on linux.03:03
ev_so i have been using 'screen'. i launched it from /usr/share/doc/blah blah. once in screen if i ctrl a for a new window the bash starts @ /usr/share/.... can i get it to goto root (or elsewhere) without closing screen?03:04
Brick3dI got my programs mixed up for a sec.03:04
jagginess"<Brick3d> I believe it is native Linux."03:04
* jagginess thinks Brick3d is trolling.03:04
Brick3dI meant to say Foremost03:04
jagginessit isn't anything close to being on linux AT ALL.03:04
jagginessneither is foremost03:04
Brick3dI have used Foremost on Backtrack03:05
zykotick9ev_: exit out of your current screen session, and restart screen from your home (or prefered directory)03:05
Jak_AtackkaHello! I'm having audio problems with Sid Meier's Civilization 5. I've already tried disabling pulseaudio03:05
jaimeQuick question for the experts... Running Precise Pangolin and I'm trying to figure out how to add a shortcut to a wine program...03:05
ActionParsnipBrick3d: if you keep good backups, it makes foremost redundant03:07
ActionParsnipjaime: the way I have done it in the past is make a bash script to run the application, then make a .desktop file in /usr/share/applications to run the script03:08
Brick3dForemost isnt redundant if you are using it to recover information from someone elses drive03:08
Brick3dEither in legal precedings or just helping a friend03:08
ActionParsnipBrick3d: true but they should have backups if the data is important, its that simple03:08
Jak_AtackkaActionParsnip: But what if they have a small hard drive, and can't afford to back up their data?03:09
jaimeEverything I've seen online says to right-click on the desktop and select "Create Launcher" but I don't see that as a choice.03:09
ActionParsnipJak_Atackka: foremost needs another location to spit the resulting files to03:09
ActionParsnipJak_Atackka: you can use ubuntuone and dropbox as free backup storage if the drive is small03:10
Jak_AtackkaActionParsnip: Not if you have a crappy internet connection03:10
Brick3dOr if you have sensitive information that you need to back up03:10
ActionParsnipJak_Atackka: you still need a partition mounted writable to extract the data to03:10
Jak_AtackkaWell, anyways, does anyone know why Sid Meier's Civ 5 has no sound?03:12
Brick3dDo you have sound in other programs?03:12
Jak_AtackkaEvery other one03:13
Brick3dCould be something to do with how Wine is running the program03:13
Brick3dMaybe change the audio settings for WIne?03:13
Jak_AtackkaI have a few other Wine programs with working sound03:13
jagginesswine sux03:13
ActionParsnipjaime: if you copy a .desktop file from ~/.config/autostart  and modify it, you can make it run what you want.03:14
ActionParsnipjagginess: some apps run better than windows under wine03:15
ev_zykotick9: just to be clear, i can detach: ctrl a, d03:15
Brick3dJak_Attacka: Have you tried running that program using PlayOnLinux?03:15
Brick3dOr Crossover?03:16
ActionParsnipJak_Atackka: is there anyting in the appdb about the sound?03:16
abro21when i change my power settings they don't change on my computer. i.e. when i set "When the lid is closed: Do nothing" I03:16
Jak_AtackkaActionParsnip: appdb?03:16
abro21I'll close my computer and it sleeps03:17
ActionParsnipJak_Atackka: yes, appdb03:17
Jak_AtackkaBrick3d: No, and no03:17
anditosanI installed ubuntu successfully but on a system with UEFI, now only windows loads although ubuntu is actually installed on a partition. What do I do now?03:17
anditosanplease help03:17
Jak_AtackkaWhat is appdb?03:17
ActionParsnipJak_Atackka: search and you will find03:17
Ph1rmw4r3!info appdb03:17
ubottuPackage appdb does not exist in precise03:17
Jak_AtackkaOh, right03:18
Jak_AtackkaDidn't know it was called that03:18
Jak_AtackkaActionParsnip: There is only one suggested fix, and it didn't work03:18
Brick3dI have played around with Crossover when trying to run games and it seems to do the trick usually.03:18
zelrikI am getting the following error called name not present03:18
zelrikwhen trying a smb connection03:18
Brick3dOnly thing is that it is a pay for program03:18
zelrikto a win7 computer03:18
Jak_AtackkaBrick3d: I don't have the money to spare, unfortunately03:18
ActionParsnipJak_Atackka: yes, there are little tidbits of guides on how to make apps work in wine as well as user experiences of apps. It may not even be able to get sound under wine, some apps refuse to even install. It should be the first place you look when messing with wine03:19
ActionParsnipzelrik: what are you using to connect?03:19
Ph1rmw4r3hi xangua03:19
zelrikActionParsnip, I am using the following command: smbclient -L <ip>03:19
Jak_AtackkaActionParsnip: I've looked at that before, and it appears that the sound bug is sporadic and only affects a few people. I have a terrible internet connection, so redownloading it is only a last resort03:20
ActionParsnipzelrik: if you run:  smbtree     do you see the share?03:20
zelrikI can ping that ip without problem03:20
ActionParsnipJak_Atackka: i'd ask in #winehq too03:20
Jak_AtackkaActionParsnip: Okay, thanks03:20
zelrikActionParsnip, no03:20
GudduWhen i add a USB Printer....Can it show up as LPT#1 in the Device Screen when we press Add Printer?03:20
jagginesszelrik, btw, one of the firmware updates on that router (remember me? :), has to do with dhcp/ip reserve, (from v 2.01)03:20
zelrikjagginess, do you think that will fix that problem?03:21
DG_hey guys03:23
DG_is chromium web browser on the software center chrome?03:25
DG_because i dont want to type my password in and get hacked or something03:25
zykotick9DG_: chromium != chrome03:26
anditosananyone know how to install ubuntu with uefi?03:26
ActionParsnipzelrik: check your firewall onwindows is allowing the traffic03:27
DG_i know that chromium is chrome but is the one on the app store thats the blue google chrome symbol because it tells me to enter in my password to sync03:27
ubottuanother contentless ping... sigh...03:28
Jak_AtackkaOkay, I've been having a very annoying bug. I can only use sound through HDMI Out (I use an HDTV as my monitor) or through a headphone jack. In order to switch from one to the other, I have to change alsabase.conf and reboot03:29
jagginessgeez its dry on efi..03:29
Jak_AtackkaNo, ubottu is down03:30
Jak_AtackkaI can't ping him03:30
HalfalifeJak_Atackka, can you see both in Alsamixre?03:30
anditosanjagginess, any clue on how to install with uefi?03:30
Jak_AtackkaHalfalife: No03:30
HalfalifeJust to make sure, you've scrolled all the way to the right?03:31
HalfalifeAnd they don't both show up in PulseAudio?03:31
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jaimeActionParsnip: I'm getting "Access denied" when I try to copy into /usr/share/applications03:32
DG_guys, is the blue chromium app the REAL chrome or should i actually download it, im so confused03:32
jaimeI'm a bit of a Linux n00b...03:32
HalfalifeChromium is an open-source implementation of Chrome.03:32
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HalfalifeAs long as you're downloading from the official repository, you should be fine.03:32
HalfalifeAnd yes, it has a blue icon.03:32
DG_i downloaded it from the ubuntu software center03:33
xanguaHalfalife: it's chrome who gets it's source from chromium03:33
HalfalifeYes, but when I said implementation.03:33
HalfalifeI just mean that it's the open-source alternative.03:34
HalfalifeDidn't Google write the source, anyways?03:34
HalfalifeSo Chrome doesn't as much "get its source from Chromium" as it shares it.03:34
GudduWhen i add a USB Printer....Can it show up as LPT#1 in the Device Screen when we press Add Printer?03:35
DG_so basically if i downloaded it from the ubuntu software center im safe?03:36
HalfalifeAssuming you didn't add a sketchy source at some point.03:36
rypervencheLike a PPA.03:36
DG_add a sketchy source?03:36
DG_i JUST installed ubuntu lol03:36
HalfalifeOh, yeah, you're fine then.03:36
rypervencheThen you're good.03:36
DG_alright sweet03:36
ActionParsnipjaime: run:  gksudo nautilus $HOME    and you should be able to03:36
ActionParsnipDG_: chromium is the open source chrome, its fine. the bugs reported in chromium go on to make chrome03:37
ActionParsnipDG_: snapshots of chromium are taken the some proprietary lumps get added and it makes the next release of chrome03:38
DG_alright cool, i just didnt want to get my google account hacked lmao03:39
DG_also, how can i make a picture my background? is it just right click it or do i have to add it to like a backgrounds file :/03:40
HalfalifeIn Ubuntu?03:40
ActionParsnipDG_: you can use the chrome browser if you want, there is a deb supplied by google for both 64bit and 32bit Ubuntu03:40
HalfalifeWhich DE?03:40
HalfalifeYou can probably right-click on desktop, and there'll be an option.03:41
HalfalifeThat's how it is in Xubuntu, not sure in Unity.03:41
ActionParsnipunity isn't a DE03:41
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HalfalifeYeah, sorry.03:42
ActionParsnip:) it's cool </nitpicking>03:42
HalfalifeI'd just like to interject for a moment...03:42
DG_well i guess ill just use chromium lol03:42
HalfalifeBut what you're referring to as Unity is, etc, etc.03:42
ActionParsnipDG_: http://www.google.com/chrome/intl/en/landing_chrome.html03:43
ActionParsnipHalfalife: its a shell for gnome03:43
HalfalifeYeah, I'm aware.03:44
ActionParsnipDG_: https://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/browser/eula.html?platform=linux&hl=en03:44
HalfalifeAs I said, I just consider it a DE.03:44
DG_thanks, i already got it03:44
ActionParsnipItd be nice if you could run it without a DE, like you can with openbox / fluxbox etc, that'd be awesome03:45
Hwkilleryou can03:45
ActionParsnipHwkiller: really?03:45
Hwkillerit's just a compiz plugin03:45
Hwkilleryou can run compiz standalone03:45
ActionParsnipHwkiller: wouldn't you need gnome installed to run compiz though03:45
Hwkillernot at all03:45
ActionParsnipahhh, wasnt aware03:45
ActionParsniphmm, may have to play later03:45
HwkillerI ran compiz standalone on arch for a long time. it was nice03:46
ActionParsnipHwkiller: yeah, there are a few guides03:47
ActionParsniplooks like the future03:47
hyliananyone have a way to permanently show the shutdown button on gnome 3 without using the alt key?03:47
Hwkillerno... definitely not the future03:47
ActionParsnipHwkiller: thanks man03:47
Hwkillerhylian: there is a plugin on the extension website for that03:48
ActionParsnipsame guff, fewer resources. Sounds ideam03:48
blackshirtwhy on apt-get update process this error was happen W: GPG error InRelease: Unknown error executing gpgv03:48
hylianHwkiller: what website is that, gnome's website?03:48
ActionParsnipblackshirt: can you give a pastebin of the full output of:  sudo apt-get update     Thanks03:48
HwkillerActionParsnip: except that a window manager by itself isn't that useful unless you know what you're doing03:49
hylianHwkiller: thanks Hwkiller!03:49
ActionParsnipHwkiller: true but a default install could set it up nice for you :)03:49
Bomboz819Hi i have a dedicated server and i have ubuntu install how can i get see desktop icon where do i begin03:49
ActionParsnipBomboz819: the server install doesn't have an X server or desktop icons, its command line based03:50
Bomboz819<ActionParsnip> how can i see desktop icons i need interface03:50
HalfalifeInstall X.03:50
Hwkillerinstall a -desktop package (e.g., apt-get install ubuntu-desktop)03:51
ActionParsnipBomboz819: what do you want teh server to do exactly?03:51
Halfalifesudo apt-get install xorg-server? Not actually sure.03:51
* Hwkiller can't believe he just recommended a metapackage. blech03:51
blackshirtActionParsnip: this is output http://paste.ubuntu.com/1182836/03:51
HalfalifeYeah, don't install ubuntu-desktop03:51
Bomboz819how do i start my server and see desktop icons03:52
Halfalife.Just install the packages you want.03:52
Bomboz819am new to ubuntu03:52
HalfalifeWell, what exactly are you using?03:52
ActionParsnipblackshirt: debian isnt suported here03:52
HalfalifeUbuntu server, Ubuntu minimal, *buntu?03:52
ActionParsnipBomboz819: what is the server going to be performing in its role as server?03:52
HwkillerBomboz819: if you wanted an interface, you should've installed the version of ubuntu w/ an interface, :p03:52
Hwkillerbut just apt-get install ubuntu-desktop03:52
Hwkillerin terminal*03:52
Hwkillerif that's so important to you03:52
HalfalifeOr xubuntu-desktop.03:53
blackshirtActionParsnip, not supported, but maybe you can help me .. thanks guys03:53
HalfalifeIf you prefer that.03:53
Bomboz819<ActionParsnip> chating systeme audio video webcam hosting03:53
ActionParsnipblackshirt: ask in #debian03:53
ActionParsnipblackshirt: debian is offtopic here03:53
ActionParsnipBomboz819: you can do the audio and media stuff with media tomb03:53
Bomboz819<ActionParsnip> am a a chat room hosting03:54
Bomboz819<ActionParsnip> i dont realy know what to use is is putty we need to use to command line03:55
ActionParsnipBomboz819: http://www.junauza.com/2009/07/turn-ordinary-webcam-into-security-spy.html03:55
jgcampbell300is there a cli command to rest source.list03:56
ActionParsnipjgcampbell300: I can give you mine if you want03:56
Bomboz819<ActionParsnip> you dont uderstand what i mean i need to install something to get access to remote desktop from my windows pc to linux server desktop icons03:56
jgcampbell300ActionParsnip: sure03:56
ActionParsnipjgcampbell300: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/sources.list03:57
jgcampbell300ActionParsnip: thanks03:57
ActionParsnipjgcampbell300: if you want to overwrite your current one, run:  sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list https://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/sources.list03:57
ActionParsnipjgcampbell300: it will download it and overwrite the one you have now :)03:58
jgcampbell300ActionParsnip: cool thanks03:58
=== dakota is now known as DakotaTheGiraffe
ActionParsnip!vnc | Bomboz819 for what you are doing you don't need a desktop OS04:00
ubottuBomboz819 for what you are doing you don't need a desktop OS: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX04:00
GudduWhere in Ubuntu can i enter this path?  smb://<windows m/c ip or name>/<shared folder name> In order to access a Windows Shares Folder?04:02
GudduI am on Unity and I can't find the option04:02
GraemeLionGuddu: Click on the home folder.. then hit CTRL-L , or use the Go menu item and select Location04:03
GudduGraemeLion:  CTRL-L Did not work. Where is the Go Menu Item?04:05
=== bernadine is now known as Canti
Bomboz819do some one knwo how to install teamviewer service over unbuntu using ssh commandline04:06
ActionParsnipGuddu: press ALT+F2 and type it there04:07
Hwkillerusing ssh commandline? so you want to install teamviewer on another pc?04:07
GudduActionParsnip:  Are we required to remember those shortcuts?04:07
GudduIs there no menu items?04:08
ActionParsnipBomboz819: you do realize that if you install cheese on the server, connect with:  ssh -X user@server     you can then run cheese and view what the webcam sees....04:08
Bomboz819i will like to installl teamviewer on my server to be able ont my windows pc to see linux desktop environement04:08
ActionParsnipBomboz819: is that what you desire? To see what the webcam sees?04:08
Hwkillerteamviewer is remote desktop isn't it?04:08
ActionParsnipHwkiller: ye04:09
Bomboz819<Hwkiller> yesss04:09
ActionParsnipBomboz819: do you just want to be able to see what the webcam attached to the server side sees?04:10
King_Cobrahow do ya uninstall Mint 7 from ubuntu 12.04..? ..i made a boot disc for and older computer but it installed it on my hard disk instead of making a LiveCD.. now im stuck with Mint, Ubuntu, and Win 7 on one hard drive..04:10
Hwkillerif that's the case, he should use motion :p, that is a great program04:10
luftikussWhy does Ubuntu 12.04.1 not provide a package for gpg4usb? http://gpg4usb.cpunk.de/index.html04:10
ActionParsnipKing_Cobra: just delete the partitions mint is installed to then run:  sudo update-grub      should be ok (be sure to archive any data you need)04:11
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ActionParsnipluftikuss: could report a bug04:11
luftikussKing_Cobra: Mint is not supported in this channel. There is a separate Mint channel.04:11
=== Kasjopaja is now known as Guest86164
King_Cobrano kidding luft.. i dont want mint on my hard drive..04:11
Bomboz819<ActionParsnip> first off all i have install on my dedicated server ubuntu 12.0.4 lts for now am using putty to connect and install the gnome interface because i need interface icon not command line i need to setup my server gui interface thanks04:12
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luftikussActionParsnip: I do not understand you well. Do you mean that I should turn to Launchpad errors? Where to place my wish there?04:12
ActionParsnipBomboz819: can you kindly answer my question regarding the webcam04:12
King_Cobraim using ubuntu to remove mint.. not asking about mint at all other then how to remove it..04:13
Bomboz819how do a start it the gui04:13
ActionParsnipluftikuss: if you feel the package should be in the repos, report a bug04:13
ActionParsnipBomboz819: do you want to watch the webcam on the remote site, is that what you are trying to achieve?04:13
ActionParsnipBomboz819: like a security system?04:13
King_Cobraty action.. will try04:13
Bomboz819<ActionParsnip> no i need setup the gui interface linux04:14
luftikussActionParsnip: A but can only be reported for a specific existing Ubuntu package. But a Ubuntu package gpg4usb does not exist.04:14
ActionParsnipBomboz819: ok then if you don't want to connect to the webcam then my suggestion won't count04:14
luftikusss/but/bug report/04:15
ActionParsnipBomboz819: 04:53 < Bomboz819> <ActionParsnip> chating systeme audio video _webcam hosting_     does sound a LOT like you want to view the webcam on the other side04:15
Bomboz819<ActionParsnip> am using camfrog hosting software04:16
ActionParsnipBomboz819: if you are dead set on a GUI on your server (bad idea) you can install LXDE and get a light04:16
ActionParsnipBomboz819: camfrog doesn't run in Linux04:16
Bomboz819<ActionParsnip> yess camfrog server work on linux04:17
ActionParsnipBomboz819: http://www.howtoforge.com/install-camfrogserver-advanced-6.0-on-ubuntu-linux   doesn't need a GUI04:19
ActionParsnipBomboz819: that whole process can be done via putty04:19
Hwkillerif he wants to see a cam, use motion04:20
Hwkillerit also includes motion detection04:20
Bomboz819<ActionParsnip> cool thanks for information but that don give me the gui active04:21
ActionParsnipBomboz819: you don't need it04:21
Bomboz819iknow i dont need gui but i wand one04:22
ActionParsnipBomboz819: why04:22
ActionParsnipBomboz819: it makes your server less responsive, less secure and use more resources than it needs to04:22
Bomboz819because am not very good to command line  am a noob04:22
anti-freezeBomboz819, you could go for a window manager if you're picky with performance04:23
Bomboz819<anti-freeze> windows dont stop ddos and flood attacks04:23
ActionParsnipBomboz819: so you are going to put a gui on 'cos you are a noob' but then you will never learn, so you will stay 'a noob'04:23
anti-freezeBomboz819, but XFCE is a full desktop environment and complete. You can find it with Xubuntu04:23
ActionParsnipBomboz819: the gui gains you nothing04:23
ActionParsnipBomboz819: and your reason for wanting it will actually keep your skills down and you will never learn, its a lose lose04:24
King_Cobraahh.. that's better.. no more mint..thank you very much Action04:24
Bomboz819<anti-freeze> is it easy to install and start up04:24
anti-freezeBomboz819, Oh sorry i wasnt here for the whole convo04:24
ActionParsnipKing_Cobra: run:  sudo updte-grub   too, should make grub lose the config for mint :)04:24
rypervencheBomboz819: GUI not good for server, très mauvaise idée.04:24
King_Cobrawill do04:24
Bomboz819<rypervenche> ah oui04:24
ActionParsnipBomboz819: think about it, just a little04:25
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Bomboz819<rypervenche> jais besoin dun interface linux gui04:25
anti-freezeAh, server talk. It costs too many resources to run a UI in a server04:25
ActionParsnipBomboz819: the guide i gave doesn't even need skill, just copying and pasting commands04:25
ActionParsnip!fr | Bomboz81904:25
ubottuBomboz819: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.04:25
DG_guys is there a mobile IRC chat for android?04:25
ActionParsnipDG_: i use andchat :)04:25
Bomboz819am here to bee understand and be help for what am asking can some one help me04:26
anti-freezeBomboz819, What server do you want to set up? What distro? I know i guide that might help you04:26
anti-freezei know a*04:26
ActionParsnipBomboz819: fine, install lxde and use vnc, you are holding yourself back, but hey your choice (no matter how ill educated it may be)04:26
anti-freezeBomboz819, 12.04?04:26
Bomboz819yess anti04:27
ActionParsnipBomboz819: you will need to install a login manager too and configure autologin04:27
anti-freezeBomboz819, http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-ubuntu-12.04-lts-apache2-bind-dovecot-ispconfig-304:27
ActionParsnipBomboz819: yuo will then need to make vnc run before all this happens so you can connect to it04:27
anti-freezeBomboz819, This is a guide with ISPConfig 3, but there are more guides on the site, like LAMP servers04:28
ActionParsnipBomboz819: basically its a lot of heartache, far more work for a noob than just following steb by step guides with commands to copy and paste, but hey 'you're a noob' as you say04:28
ActionParsnipBomboz819: you are going to have to run and configure the desktop OS frmo the server OS and configure lightdm and vnc all from cpmmand line so you can get a desktop to 'make life easier', it makes no sense at all04:29
anti-freezeActionParsnip, you have to start somewhere man, its better than trying to do things in a UI when you can learn the commands through the guide... if you spend the time to learn the commands ofcourse04:29
DG_does this channel have a specific port?04:29
ActionParsnipanti-freeze: but the desktop wil need configging from CLI anyway, requiring just as much work as if you just configure the apps from cli without the desktop04:29
ActionParsnipDG_: the port for irc is 6667   you then join the channel once you connect04:30
pmp6nlWould rdiff-backup be a good option for backing up my remote ubuntu server to my ubuntu laptop?  Is there a good gui based program? Thanks04:30
anti-freezeActionParsnip, Exactly, i disagree with GUI on a server, but hey, whatever suits people04:30
DG_im getting host is unresolved?04:31
ActionParsnipDG_: are you connecting to irc.freenode.net04:32
DG_would that go in address?04:32
ActionParsnipDG_: yes04:32
raymond_Has anyone here used full disk encryption w/ ubuntu on a laptop?04:33
anti-freezeraymond_, yep... LVM with encryption04:34
raymond_anti-freeze, I'm wondering if it's worth using?  Will I notice a big decrease in performance on my core2duo T6600/4GB RAM?04:35
raymond_My main concern is how it would work out with using a VM.04:36
anti-freezeraymond_, Ive noticed a slight performance decrease, but are you sure you need encryption? You could always encrypt your home folder if your that paranoid04:36
dandkburtis it possable to get a tutor for ubuntu04:36
raymond_anti-freeze, thanks :)  I'll give that a shot04:37
anti-freezeraymond_, You're welcome, you know where to find me if you need some more help :)04:37
zymasterHey quick question anyone know how to install adobe reader firefox plugin? I can install adobe reader itself but not plugin.04:42
dandkburtis it possable to get a tutor for ubuntu04:42
ActionParsnipzymaster: for which browser (I'm guessing you mean browser)04:42
zymasteryeah firefox browser04:43
zymasteri downloaded file from adobe ran it in terminal as root. Installed in /opt it claimed it installed browser plugin and the file is in /usr/lib/firefox/plugins but the plugin is not showing up in firefox itself04:44
ActionParsnipzymaster: in about:config   find:   pdfjs.disabled:true04:45
ActionParsnippdq: change it to false04:45
darknyssalt-tab stopped working after updates and a reboot04:45
darknysshelp please? 12.0404:45
ActionParsnipzymaster: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/08/firefox-15-released04:45
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ActionParsnipdarknyss: install compizconfig-settings-manager   and re-enable the plugin, or enable ring switcher if yuo like pretty04:46
zymasterActionParsnip: thanks04:47
darknyssActionParsnip, After that, how do I open the manager via terminal?04:47
ActionParsnipdarknyss: ccsm04:48
raidoOk, my MOTD stated there is Maverick available... do-release-upgrade says no upgrade available, update-manager is set to show LTS only. Im on 10.04.4 and want 12.04.1. Someting is really wonked up here.04:48
ActionParsnipraido: weird indeed, could use the alternate ISO and upgrade using that. I believe if you boot to the desktop install CD it should be able to upgrade there too04:50
darknyssActionParsnip, It's open now. What am I looking for under ccsm?04:50
raidoActionParsnip: k,thx04:50
ActionParsnipdarknyss: I believe it's called static switcher04:51
darknyssKk ty.04:51
zvedawhat do I do if I installed cinnamon  on ATI04:53
zvedamy cinnamon using 70% cpu all the time04:54
ActionParsnipzveda: cinamon isn't supported here04:54
zvedao soz04:54
aaearontrying to give my ubuntu install on vmware more disk space, gave it 40GB under vcenter and when i reboot into ubuntu livecd to use gparted, it sees the 40GB but i cant resize/move sda1 to grow sda1 by 40GB04:58
aaearonany ideas?04:58
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anti-freezeaaearon, i believe you have to re-do the vm image05:03
GudduDear alll...I have a EPSON DOT Matrix printer. It is connected to my PC via USB. I send prints but nothing prints out. When i open the printer queue, the jobs show up as completed successfuly. Any help would be highly appreciated.05:03
aaearonehys that anti-freeze05:06
marcmhow do I install and remove a package with apt at the same time?05:06
m6d4marcm: why would you do that?05:08
marcmm6d4 replace the kernel with the one I want instead of the one apt wants me to install05:09
xanguayou do not want to uninstall the kernel provided from the ubuntu repository marcm05:10
puppy_paradeIs there a way to get sound to work for normal applications while I am using a midi device with JACK?05:11
marcmxangua I am working on Xen templates. I install Ubuntu in a KVM VM, then I'm converting it to Xen. I just want to replace the kernel with another kernel from Ubuntu repository. Generic -> Virtual05:11
odisusI was wondering if its possible to make shortcuts to programs from the dash? I looked all over online and it told me to install ubuntu tweak but it doesnt do the trick05:13
odisusmaybe im just doing it wrong..05:13
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odisusanyone on?05:15
ebs512I am having the most difficult time installing themes or finding full themes for ubuntu 12.04 lts05:19
odisusI just installed ubuntu 12.0405:19
odisusNot sure how themes work either05:19
odisus I did hear that ubuntu tweak does fix some issues05:19
ActionParsnipodisus: ubuntu tweak is pretty cool05:20
odisusI'm trying to find a way to make desktop shortcuts from the dash...05:20
ebs512odisus it says * For Ubuntu 11.04 and before: old versions05:20
ActionParsnipodisus: if you run:  nautilus /usr/share/applications      you can copy and paste the items to the desktop05:21
odisusThank you mister ActionParsnip05:21
odisusI find it kinda silly how u are suspose to use terminal for something that is suspose to be simple like dragging an icon to a screen05:22
ActionParsnipodisus: ideally it would have a right click, Its just one way I know it will work05:22
ebs512ActionParsnip how do I make a launcher shortcut with root permissions so I can just click the icon and it will let me edit files in the file system05:22
ActionParsnipebs512: in the exec line, prefix the command with 'gksudo'05:23
odisusOooo Na'vi vs IG in dota 2 right now *grabs popcorn*05:25
GudduHas anyone used Static IP for their Ubuntu Machine? If you could help me configuring this please.05:28
ActionParsnipGuddu: you can use network manager05:28
ActionParsnipGuddu: set the interface to manual and you can specify ip, subnet and dns there05:29
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wolfricGuddu: man interfaces05:29
wolfricthere's an example in there. the file is in /etc/network/interfaces05:29
GudduThanks ActionParsnip wolfric05:30
wolfricjust place it below whatever's there already05:30
odisusI just recently installed ubuntu, any recommendations to what I should install/set up05:32
wolfricGuddu: http://pastebin.com/EaPsDZL8 here's a quick example05:32
GudduActionParsnip wolfric in network Manager GUI i see a option 'Shared to Other Computers'....What would that mean?05:32
ActionParsnipGuddu: no, right click the icon in the panel and select 'edit connections'05:33
GudduThanks wolfric I will try that now05:33
lotuspsychjeActionParsnip: i got rid of the square mouse pointer with nomodeset, but compiz is completly unworkable, no wobbly windows, laucher icon size big again etc..its all laggy05:33
GudduActionParsnip:  What panel? I am on Unity and I am finding it difficult to find anything easily05:33
ActionParsnipGuddu: top panel, on the right05:34
linociscohi all, I have Canon LJ3050 USB printer, I want to make it network printer and share it for windows client. I want to know how to. I also want to know if I need to make my windows machine as workgroup or join linux domain05:34
ActionParsniplinocisco: can ubuntu print to it ok?05:34
GudduActionParsnip:  Right...There are multiple methods listed under IPV4 Settings....One of them is shared to other computers...what does that mean?05:35
wolfricGuddu: http://www.multimediaboom.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/networkmanagerapplet.png05:35
ActionParsnipGuddu: under ipv4 settings, set the connection to manual and you can set the IP05:35
ActionParsnipGuddu: http://wiki.dave.eu/index.php/File:DVDK_Ubuntu_Network_Configuration_3.png05:36
wolfricGuddu: exactly what it sounds like. Especially useful if you had internet from say, dialup or wifi05:36
wolfricand you wanted to share it with the local network05:36
lotuspsychjeis it normal for nomodeset to disable compiz?05:37
Gudduwolfric:  If i configure a Static IP with the values as in http://pastebin.com/EaPsDZL8 then I hope I will not lose internet connectivity?05:38
DG_hi :)05:38
wolfricGuddu: well obviously you need to change your ips and gateway05:38
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wolfricGuddu: wait, why are you setting a static ip?05:38
wolfricdid someone tell you you needed a static ip for your internet?05:39
ActionParsnipGuddu: you can run:  echo "nameserver" | sudo tee etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/tail      to define DNS :)05:39
wolfricActionParsnip: left out / before etc05:39
Gudduwolfric:  Basically my requirement is to have a UBUNTU PC installed at a client's site...The PC should have internet also and the PC runs apache which should be accessible by other users on the network. Maximum of 2 users only...So i basically wanted the IP not to change with every restart so that the users can use the Same URL everyday to launch my WEB Application05:40
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Guest31459I am a fresh hatched newbie with ubuntu.  Anyone know of any good resources to learn about using the terminal05:40
hateballlinocisco: this is a good start https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu05:40
GudduActionParsnip:  That's gooogle DNS :-)05:40
lotuspsychje!bash | Guest3145905:40
ubottuGuest31459: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal05:40
hateballlinocisco: note that sharing to windows usually is a pain, but your mileage may wary05:40
wolfricGuddu: it is indeed05:40
wolfricGuddu: stick with network manager not with what i told you05:41
Guest31459Thanks lotus i am checking that out now05:41
ActionParsnipGuddu: true05:43
ActionParsnipGuddu: it's easy to remember05:43
Gudduwolfric:  Ok....I would need some help in finding out my parameters for Subnet Mask and gateway etc ... My current settings are as in image at http://imgur.com/kgaJO05:43
GudduActionParsnip:  ^ Your help please05:44
ActionParsnipGuddu: isn't that your ISP's connection, or do you have the same IP each tuime?05:45
GudduActionParsnip:  Yes. It is my ISP. But IP would change each time I am sure.05:45
ActionParsnipGuddu: then you want to use  DHCP for that interface05:45
GudduActionParsnip:  With DHCP won't my IP change after restart?05:46
wolfricGuddu: you should ask your isp about this05:47
ActionParsnipGuddu: yes but your connection doesn't have a static IP05:47
wolfricGuddu: as far as i know, it should be fine technically speaking as the dhcp server should see what ips are taken but you may end up just collding with an ip05:47
wolfricsay if your connection goes down, that ip will be given away05:48
Gudduwolfric:  ISP will not really help me. Even less in this part of the world.05:48
wolfricwhen your connection comes back, you may cause disruption for both you and the person previously with the ip05:48
wolfricGuddu: that's probably because they haven't given you a static ip so you shouldn't be using one05:48
bbkhow to create startup disk(cd) from ubuntu terminal?05:48
Gudduwolfric:  Is there any other way to guarantee that the WEB App URL does not change so that users can alway access my Web Application using the same URL everytime?05:48
smwbbk, you want to make an ubuntu install disk?05:49
wolfricGuddu: dyndns05:49
smwbbk, do you have a copy of the iso?05:49
GudduI am using apache to render05:49
ActionParsnipbbk: you can use wodim in terminal to burn CD in terminal05:49
Guddudyndns..Thanks.... looking up what it is.05:49
smwbbk, sudo cdrecord -v the.iso05:49
ActionParsnipGuddu: or no-ip05:49
smwActionParsnip, is wodim better than cdrecord?05:49
wolfricGuddu: dynamic dns, you have a client sitting on your computer and it registers you a free dns (or you can pay for a better one) that updates to your current ip when your ip changes05:49
ActionParsnipGuddu: both services have a client app to update the IP with th service so if your IP does change the service gets notified05:50
wolfricso you use something like guddu.dyndns.info05:50
ActionParsnipsmw: its different, not necessarily better, depends what features you need05:50
ebs512ActionParsnip how do I get this theme, there isn't a download for it http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/ubuntu-12.04?before=134360827305:50
smwActionParsnip, seems to be based on cdrecord05:51
ActionParsnipsmw: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CdDvd/Burning#Burning_a_CD_or_DVD_using_Command_Line_tools05:51
wolfricGuddu: i'm very interested to know what kind of connection you have that allows a client running ubuntu desktop with a 1gbps connection to get a public ip...05:51
Gudduwolfric:  Instead of going through internet, can i somehow create a LAN instead? So that network latency can be avoided?05:51
wolfricGuddu: do you have a lan?05:52
Gudduwolfric:  I am using VTR05:52
Gudduwww.vtr.cl is the service provider05:52
Gudduwolfric:  Thats 1000 Mb/s ...I really don'y know how it arrived at that value though05:52
wolfricoh right, you have a router and the router just hands out public ips then yeah?05:53
Gudduspeedtest.net shows 18Mbps Download05:53
ActionParsnipebs512: the icon theme is the default gnome one (not humanity) with a glossy wallpaper and a dock, as well as gnome-panel instead of Unity05:53
wolfricno 1000Mbps is the local connection to the router/switch05:53
Gudduwolfric:  Yes. a Modem provided by ISP...that modem allows upto 4 PCs to be connected using Wi-Fi and 4 Sockets for Ethernet Cable Out05:53
ebs512I can do all of that on Ubuntu 12.04?05:53
ActionParsnipebs512: could be avant-window-navigator times 205:53
wolfricdoes it not do nat no?05:53
ActionParsnipebs512: sure. I'd start with a base of XFCE and build up05:54
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Gudduwolfric:  nat no? Was that for me?05:54
ActionParsnipebs512: the thing on the right is just conky, there are lots of configs for that05:54
ebs512I just want a digital effect like that for a theme05:55
ActionParsnipebs512: how do you mean? If you ask the guy for the wallpaper you'll probably have a desktop you like as unity will theme to the wallpaper05:56
wolfricGabrieleV: yeah05:56
wolfricGuddu: the dyndns will still work on the local lan. The address is the only thing that will go over the internet05:56
ebs512what is XFCE?05:56
wolfricGuddu: if you're getting public ips, i'd make sure you're firewalled btw05:57
ActionParsnipebs512: a different desktop to the default gnome05:57
ebs512It says I have Unity2D and Unity2D installed05:58
ebs512Unity2D Panel*05:58
Gudduwolfric:  You mean if i use dyn-dns then the Client PCs will resolve the Server IP Address through internet only once and then all the communication will happpen locally and not over internet?05:58
wolfricGuddu: yeah05:59
Gudduwolfric:  dyndns is a paid service. Is there a free solution for my requirement?05:59
wolfricdyndns has a free solution05:59
wolfrichuh apparently not06:00
mindstormt doesn't anymore?06:01
ActionParsnipnoip is free, there is also noip2 which you can install on ubuntu to update the IP with06:01
wolfricGuddu: http://www.no-ip.com/personal/06:01
wolfrici think if you originally had one it's free or the free setting is hidden06:01
wolfrici only a day or two ago got a notice about my free one06:01
Gudduwolfric:  So that means that the users willl access the no-ip hostname .....? One more question...Iif my machine's IP changes then how long will it take for no-ip hostname to start pointing to new IP?06:02
wolfricfew seconds?06:02
ebs512oh okay now I know what you are talking about ActionParsnip, which one would you say has the cpu displays on the right and a windows style taskbar on the bottom?06:02
ActionParsnipebs512: conky06:02
somsipGuddu: a few seconds, but then you have propagation to all nameservers. Can take a while but not sure if no-ip are quick or slow06:02
wolfricGuddu: http://support.no-ip.com/customer/portal/articles/351852-how-often-are-monitoring-notifications-sent-out-when-a-service-goes-down-06:03
wolfricwoops wait no that's not it06:03
wolfricyou'll have ot dig into the faq a bit for yourself to find out but not long really06:03
ebs512is it available in the ubuntu software?06:04
wolfricebs512: noip?06:04
ebs512noip not available06:05
wolfricebs512: http://support.no-ip.com/customer/portal/articles/363247-installing-the-linux-dynamic-update-client-on-ubuntu06:05
ActionParsnip!info noip2 oneiric06:05
ubottunoip2 (source: no-ip): client for dynamic DNS service. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.9-3 (oneiric), package size 83 kB, installed size 260 kB06:05
spioukihey my clamav virus definition is outdated and i dont know how to update it. help please06:06
spioukiI used sudo apt-get install freshclam06:06
ActionParsnipspiouki: did you add the clamav ppa?06:06
ebs512E: Unable to locate package noip206:06
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wolfriclooks like noip isn't in precise o.O06:07
wolfrictry no-ip06:07
ActionParsnipwolfric: the client from oneiric works in precise06:08
ebs512E: Unable to locate package noip06:08
wolfricyeah dropped06:08
wolfricjust use that link i sent06:08
wolfricHow to install No-IP Linux Dynamic Update Client (DUC) on your Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.  heading06:09
ActionParsnipebs512: what is the output of:  uname -a06:09
wolfricwas removed from debian and hense disapeared from ubuntu http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=65395706:09
ubottuDebian bug 653957 in ftp.debian.org "RM: no-ip -- RoQA; orphaned, not in stable, RC-buggy" [Normal,Open]06:09
ebs512Linux ebs512-HP-Pavilion-g7-Notebook-PC 3.2.0-29-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 27 17:03:23 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux06:10
ActionParsnipebs512: wget https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/no-ip/2.1.9-3/+build/972503/+files/noip2_2.1.9-3_amd64.deb; sudo dpkg -i ./noip2_2.1.9-3_amd64.deb; rm ./noip2_2.1.9-3_amd64.deb; sudo apt-get -f install06:11
spioukishould i add those two lines to repository source?06:12
spioukideb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clamav/ppa/ubuntu YOUR_UBUNTU_VERSION_HERE main06:12
ebs5120 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.06:12
spioukihey I want  update clamav using these ppa how can i do it?06:13
spioukideb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clamav/ppa/ubuntu YOUR_UBUNTU_VERSION_HERE main06:13
spioukideb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clamav/ppa/ubuntu YOUR_UBUNTU_VERSION_HERE main06:13
ebs512You have entered an incorrect username06:14
ebs512an incorrect password for this username.06:14
ebs512how do I fix that?06:14
celthunderstiltzkin: kenter a correct user / pass06:15
celthunderebs512: enter a correct user / pass?06:15
wolfricebs512: enter the right username password :)06:15
ebs512correct, I dontknow how to access it06:15
wolfricebs512: have you created an account?06:15
ebs512yes I just did06:15
ebs512it was telling me couldnt find a cfg file06:16
Gudduwolfric:  If the internet connectivity is lost the my Client PCs will not be able to connect to Ubuntu server using hostname right?06:16
ebs512* Creating a read-write copy of the noip2 configuration...cp: cannot stat `/var/lib/noip2/noip2.conf': No such file or directory06:16
wolfricebs512: how did you install it again?06:17
ebs512used the command ActionParsnip gave me06:17
ActionParsnipspidernik84: don't use that, use the bold text with: add-apt-repository06:17
aidanjtActionParsnip: spiouki is gone06:18
ActionParsnipwrong nick06:18
aidanjtno patience these days lol06:18
wolfricebs512: look in /var/lib/noip206:18
wolfricebs512: there might be a noip2.conf.example or something06:19
ActionParsnipebs512: try:  sudo noip2 -C06:19
blz!hello | s_ruan06:21
s_ruansay to me "helle"?06:21
ebs512blah I swear I typed my password and username correctly however it is telling me I haven't is there any way to reset them?06:21
Gudduwolfric:  If i use no-ip and If the internet connectivity is lost then my Client PCs will not be able to connect to Ubuntu server using hostname. Is that right?06:22
wolfricGuddu: no the hostname should update that's the whole point06:22
wolfricif your connectivity is lost however and stays lost, everything should work fine for a while06:23
wolfricdepending on the dhcp lease time of the router and whether the client has looked it up before06:23
ebs512wolfric is there a way to reset the username and password for no-ip2 because it keeps telling me I am entering it wrong06:23
wolfricebs512: check the website06:23
Gudduwolfric:  Is there a way i can take internet out of the equation and just go via a local router? Internet connectvity is not very stable here :)06:24
GudduI am consufed about the configuration06:24
wolfricGuddu: not unless you run nat06:24
wolfricnat gives you private ips on your local network06:24
wolfricGuddu: forgive me if i'm wrong, but you don't sound like you'd be confident changing that on the router06:25
wolfricif you screw up, you could disconnect yourself from the internet. in fact, intially you WILL be disconnected06:25
Gudduwolfric:  My only requirement to have internet is to be able to send some emails via SMTP using a Python script to some predefined emails. I can make a attempt to change stuff on router with some guidance and reading. This would be my first time doing it though.06:26
wolfricdo you know what nat is?06:26
wolfricalso, can you afford a home router? (an additional one)06:26
Gudduwolfric:  Buying a home router is ok....06:27
GudduNAT..I just know the full form06:27
wolfrici've no idea what sort of router you currently have, but if it can do nat instead, great. if it can't a generic home router attached to it and then everyone connects to it would do the trick06:27
blackshirthi tejpalsingh06:28
wolfricGuddu: basically instead of everyone getting a public ip, everyone gets a private ip on the local network and when you try connect to the internet, it translates on the fly the source and destination to make it look like all connections are coming from your public ip06:28
wolfricbut it means if the internet goes, you still have your internal ips and they work. they can also be static to your hearts content06:28
Gudduwolfric:  That's exactly what i need :)06:28
Gudduwolfric:  The home router sits between the PC and the ISP Provided modem?06:29
wolfricwell between everyone06:29
wolfricGuddu: you'd need everyone to connect to the home pc instead of the isp provided modem06:30
BentFranklinWant to run a job at startup.  Edit rc.local or use @reboot in crontab?06:30
wolfricto the home router*06:30
Gudduwolfric:  Sounds ok06:30
wolfricso you'd have <isp> --- <modem> --- <home router> --everyone on your local network06:31
ebs512it tells me I have no hosts available for my user so how do I create some?06:31
wolfricwhich if they're using wifi, would need to use the home router's wifi06:31
wolfricebs512: look on the website06:31
wolfricGuddu: if there's a store that has them near by, just ask if they have a wan port which is easiest06:32
Gudduwolfric:  In this setup, at what all places will i have to do manual configuration of IPs or things of that sort?06:32
ebs512well that's how I add them, how do I know which ones to add?06:32
Myke974_ubuntu server 12.04 => need help with microdia driver <= /microdia/sn9c20x-debugfs.c:183:12: error this module undeclared here (not in function)06:32
wolfricyou plug an ethernet cable from the modem into the router,06:32
wolfricGuddu: well if you go to the home router's config page (just put its private ip into a browser), it'll normally have a dhcp page with a predefined range06:33
wolfricthat range will usually not fit the whole range of the subnet06:33
Gudduwolfric:  Ok....06:33
wolfricso for instance, you may have any ip from to but dhcp only gives out the ranges of to
wolfricso just pick an ip outside of that range06:33
ebs512I'm not quite sure why I need no-ip to change desktops?06:34
wolfricebs512: change desktops?06:34
fragmachinehey where is the system menu in 12.04?06:34
wolfricebs512: you do realise we were suggesting Guddu use noip not you but since you were interested we just let you know the details06:34
wolfricfragmachine: gnome?06:35
ebs512oh lmao sorry about the confusion on my behalf, didn't realize lol06:35
fragmachineyes I think so, how do I check?06:35
wolfricfragmachine:  try applications menu and under the "other" heading06:36
fragmachineI don't have an applications menu06:36
wolfricfragmachine: did you previously have a systems menu..?06:36
lauratikadoes any one knows how to set autovpn?06:37
fragmachinewolfric: no I just installed ubuntu, I remember it being there on 1106:37
wolfricfragmachine: not here any more, try click the top right part of the screen06:38
wolfricthe power button06:38
wolfricshould be a settings bit there06:38
wolfricgoing by memory, don't use unity so i may be a little off06:38
fragmachineyea there is a icon there that lets me go to system settings06:38
wolfricthe "applications places system" menu was a different desktop enviroment called gnome. The default has now switched to unity06:38
wolfricfragmachine: that what you were looking for?06:39
fragmachineoh ok06:39
fragmachinewolfric: no I wanted the old gnome bar06:39
fragmachinewith applications and system etc06:39
wolfricfragmachine: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-classic-gnome-desktop-in-ubuntu-12-04-precise.html06:41
ebs512wolfric sorry to be a bother, I want to theme my ubuntu similar to this http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/ubuntu-12.04?before=1343608273 but not exactly, any idea how I can go about doing this, I think ActionParsnip told me conky or XFCE?06:42
fragmachinethanks wolfric I'll check it out06:42
ix_hello, what is the google/ubuntu start page?06:44
ix_I mean, what's the address?06:45
Gudduwolfric:  why do people prefer classic genome desktop? In comparson to Unity?06:45
Merisebs512: Well, the dock is almost certainly docky, The widgets could be simulated with screenlets. The Unity bar will be quite hard to theme though. The window list above can probably be had through some Compiz-mod.06:46
Merisebs512: conky is also a possibility instead of screenlets, it will fill the same functionality, that of of on-screen widgets.06:47
ebs512Meris, are all these modifications available through the ubuntu software center or the synaptic package manage?06:47
Merisebs512: I don' t really know, I'm not that into theming myself, preferring a nonintrusive desktop environment like awesome, or more traditional: LXDE.06:48
Merisebs512: Synaptic works much better if you want to find obscure programs. If they are not in the usual repos, you have a good chance of finding them as a ppa.06:50
wolfricebs512: that looks like gnome 3 to me06:50
Meriswolfram, the layout looks like Gnome3, but the bar on the left looks a bit like the Unity bar.06:51
wolfricMeris: it's not06:51
wolfricebs512: just read what it says under the post and google "ubuntu 12.04 install " and whatevr it is06:53
Meriswolfram, I should have seen it, the Gnome footprint was a dead giveaway.06:53
starbuck33hi there, i just copy pasted a text and after that another text... but i made a mistake and now the first text is lost and since i already copied another text after that it isnt in the clipboard anymore, or is it anywhere? it would be very important for me to retrieve the first text somehow06:53
GeekAdminIs running rkhunter & chkrootkit on a Desktop PC running Ubuntu 12.04 overboard or unnecessary?  There are no ports being forwarded and behind a firewall protected router..06:53
ikoniaGeekAdmin: a total waste of time06:53
wolfricGeekAdmin: not at all06:53
GeekAdminso it is worth while?06:54
wolfricsure no harm06:54
ikoniano, a total waste of time and effort06:54
GeekAdminhaha k thanks06:54
wolfrici disagree06:54
ikoniaand it will cause you more problems as you'll be concerned by the results06:54
GeekAdminyea I've noticed a lot of false positives with rkhunter especially06:54
wolfricrun it as a cronjob when you're not doing anything06:55
GeekAdminwolfric:  I probably will just for fun06:55
ikoniaGeekAdmin: exactly, these are not valid tools to just run randomly06:55
ikoniaGeekAdmin: you will get no benifit and cause your self concern.06:55
wolfricstarbuck33: no sorry it's gone unless it was in something like libreoffice06:55
ikoniarunning a program to give you false positives is fun.....06:55
starbuck33wolfric: no, just some text in gedit06:56
wolfricGeekAdmin: you're more likely to get hit with a browser/plugin exploit than through network services if it's a desktop06:56
ikoniaand those tools will not detect it06:56
GeekAdminoh I see06:56
wolfricstarbuck33: then no, it's gone,06:56
ikoniaso again - they are pointless06:56
GeekAdminIs there anyway to detect a browser plugin exploit?06:57
wolfrichow the hell did you come to that conclusion by what i said06:57
ikoniaGeekAdmin: just apply common sense to how you use the PC and you'll be fine06:57
wolfricexploits != rootkits06:57
wolfricikonia: epic fail06:57
ikoniaI didn't say they would, I siad those tools will not detect them....which they won't06:57
wolfricthat was true 10-15 hours ago perhaps06:58
ikonia10-15 hours ago ? what ?06:58
wolfricyou don't get infected now by running some .exe attachment06:58
wolfric10-15 years sorry06:58
Meriswolfram, true, but exploits *can* lead to the installation of root kits after they have escalated permissions.06:58
ikoniawhat ????06:58
wolfrictake the recent java vulnerability06:58
ikoniawhat are you talking about exe files06:58
ikoniathis is linux06:58
lotuspsychjei fixxed a corrupt square mouse pointer on boot by adding 'nomodeset' to grub, but compiz disables and unworkable..howto fix this?06:58
GeekAdminyou can run exe in Linux :-p06:58
GeekAdminwith wine :-)06:58
ikoniano you can't06:58
ikoniayou run them in wine06:58
ikoniathat's not linux06:58
wolfricall you have to do is open a page that has a malicious plugin in it and you're owned06:58
ikoniait's an abstraction layer, that won't touch the OS06:59
Merisikonia, linux is also vulnerable to the Java security leak, if you have the leaky version installed.06:59
ikoniautter nonsense06:59
ikoniaMeris: yes, java is a risk06:59
GeekAdminwait wine doesnt touch the OS?06:59
ikoniaGeekAdmin: do whatever makes you feel happy and secure, if it's a wate of time and effort or not you don't seem bothered, so do whatever makes you feel happy.07:00
=== mimor is now known as mimor_
itspriyankdoes ubuntu 12.04 ships with Open JDk07:01
MerisGeekAdmin: wine runs under normal user rights, so it can only affect the files writable by the user. You *could* run wine as root, but that would be utterly silly.07:01
ikoniajava is not installed by default07:01
wolfrickind of bad advice also. kind of like saying "run updates or not" or "firwall or not" whatever makes you happy07:01
lotuspsychjehowto fix this bug plz? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/55678207:02
wolfricikonia: does that mean nobody has it?07:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 556782 in linux (Ubuntu) "[rs690m] Graphics corruption with ati x1200" [High,Triaged]07:02
itspriyankeasiest way of installing it then?07:02
ikoniawolfric: not running stupid rootkit scanneers, is nothing like saying "don't apply updates"07:02
wolfricmy mistake, didn't see itspriyank question07:02
Merisikonia, I do Java development, so I have JDK 7 installed.07:02
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ikoniaMeris: what ? I didn't ask anything about your java setup07:02
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Merisikonia, merely chiming in with wolfric about the question if it means that nobody has it.07:03
itspriyankMeris: how did you installed it?07:03
wolfrici'm not sure what you're missing here... security vulnerablities allow you to install malware, rkhunter and the likes can track down rootkits that may be installed from exploiting such vulnerablities so YES it is useful to run it07:03
ikoniaI think there was confusion as I was redponing to itspriyank question of if ubuntu shipped with java07:04
Merisitspriyank: simply by downloading the appropriate package from java.com07:04
ikoniawolfric: they are based on signature files that are not updated on a regular basis, so provide more false positives and miss more genuine exploits than any value they add07:04
ikoniahence waste of time07:04
ikoniamore so on distros like ubuntu that change every 6 months07:04
gordonjcpikonia: right, but many of the basic heuristics hold up07:05
gordonjcpikonia: looking for a directory somewhere called "..." with executables in it07:05
gordonjcplotuspsychje: correct07:05
Merislotuspsychje: true...07:05
wolfricikonia: you could say the same about any anti virus really07:05
itspriyankMeris: Should I follow this method : http://askubuntu.com/questions/55848/how-do-i-install-oracle-java-jdk-7 ?07:06
ikoniawolfric: depends on the virus softare, but on linux, I do say the same...it's pointless07:06
Merisbrb. Got called to breakfast :-)07:06
ikoniabut this should continue in #ubuntu-offtopic as lotuspsychje rightly pointed out07:06
wolfricplus don't underestimate the amount of malicious payloads that don't even make an effort to be different than the usual07:06
wolfricanyway, we shall leave it on, i think it's useful, you don't think it is, I think running a cronjob and diffing the results would definitely give you a heads up if something was a miss GeekAdmin07:08
GeekAdminwolfric:  thanks so much for your opinion in this. That goes for everyone07:08
gordonjcpwolfric: antivirus software *is* pointless...07:09
lotuspsychjeis it normal for 'nomodeset' to disable compiz features?07:10
linociscohi all, I found this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CanonCaptDrv190?action=show&redirect=HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters%2FCanonPrinters%2FLBP3010 to installl my LBP3050 on ubuntu. but Mine is ubuntu-server, could anyone advice me how to?07:15
ikonialinocisco: the process should be the same07:16
linociscoikonia, there is no System->Administration->Printing in ubuntu server07:16
ikonialinocisco: that shouldn't stop you doing the actual install07:17
linociscoikonia, how can I find System->Administration->Printing in ubuntu server?07:18
x_anyone know how to get gpu utilization to show under nvidia-smi?07:21
hateballlinocisco: you can administer CUPS by browsing to http://machine.ip:63107:21
hateballlinocisco: if you have another machine on the network handy, otherwise it's a bit more... annoying07:22
linociscohateball, thanks07:22
lotuspsychjeLiDaR:hi mate07:23
Zorlinso I have a 64-bit system running 64-bit ubuntu server07:30
ZorlinI'm trying to run Xen VMs under it07:30
Zorlinwhen I boot it into dom0 mode, my RAM basically halves07:31
ZorlinI've got 8GB, it cuts down to around 3-3.5GB07:31
Zorlinany ideas as to what I can do? cutting dom0 to 512MB of RAM didn't help07:31
ikonialook at what process is taking the ram07:31
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Zorlinikonia: no process is taking the RAM as far as I can tell07:40
Zorlinikonia: "free" says *total* RAM is anywhere from 512MB to 1GB for dom0 depending on config07:40
Zorlin(which doesn't include RAM available to the Xen hypervisor)07:40
Zorlinthe hypervisor reports ~3GB as being available07:40
Zorlin(including dom0)07:41
mindbender1how can I find the maintainers of ubuntu module like modem?07:42
linociscofound this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Samba/PrinterSharing is outdated07:46
linociscowhich one is updated?07:46
SamizdatI'm trying to install a wifi driver and getting this message: make -C /lib/modules/3.5.0-030500-generic/build M=/home/gk/Desktop/rtl_92ce_92se_92de_linux_mac80211_0005.1230.2011 modules make: *** /lib/modules/3.5.0-030500-generic/build: No such file or directory.  Stop. make: *** [all] Error 207:49
SamizdatIs there anything to be done?07:50
crimsonmanehow are you installing it?07:51
SamizdatWith "sudo make"07:51
mindbender1Samizdat: check if you have a dir /lib/modules07:51
SamizdatI do.07:52
crimsonmaneSamizdat: why dont you look into ndiswrapper - it's specifically for installing wifi drivers07:52
SamizdatWhat is it?07:52
SamizdatAh, will try it out.07:53
Samizdatmake[1]: Entering directory `/home/gk/Desktop/ndiswrapper-1.58rc1/driver' Makefile:36: *** Cannot find kernel version in /lib/modules/3.5.0-030500-generic/build, is it configured?.  Stop.07:56
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SamizdatSeems to be the same issue.07:57
crimsonmaneidunno if you're using the tool correctly07:58
SamizdatI dl'd it, switched to its location, ran "make".07:58
crimsonmaneit's a program. you run it, browse to the driver file, and click Go07:59
SamizdatOh, I was following these instructions: http://www.bgevolution.com/blog/ndiswrapper-ubuntu-wifi-in-4-easy-steps/08:00
crimsonmaneuse your software manager to get ndiswrapper08:01
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SamizdatI don't think I want to use ndiswrapper.  There is a linux driver released.08:10
SamizdatIt forces a windows' driver to work.08:10
mathias__Como les va?08:20
mathias__alguien me contesta?08:20
Myke974_hey there ! any clue why 2 wecams i'm using are displaying green screen with parasites?08:21
=== JacquesB1 is now known as JacquesBH
AC1Dhelp me plz , that an error,08:26
AC1Ddebconf: apt-extracttemplates failed: No such file or directory08:26
AC1DExtracting templates from packages: 100%08:26
AC1Ddpkg: error: cannot read info directory: No such file or directory08:26
AC1DE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)08:26
AC1DI used a lot of different solutions08:28
AC1DI used a lot of different solutions, but what did not work08:29
dsfgoufff varethika08:31
dsfgpeste kati re paidia08:35
dsfggiati de milate?08:35
dsfgpolu mougka re cs08:36
dsfgaxrizo kai barieme08:36
dsfgxoris plaka08:36
livingdaylightis virtual box in repositories the best was to go for virtualization? been a long time since I looked at this08:37
* dsfg slaps livingdaylight around a bit with a large trout08:37
livingdaylightdsfg, *_*08:38
dsfgre file kaneis de milaei edw?08:38
dsfgpws thn palebete?08:38
* dsfg slaps FloodBot1 around a bit with a large trout08:42
* dsfg slaps FloodBot2 around a bit with a large trout08:42
* dsfg slaps FloodBot3 around a bit with a large trout08:42
* dsfg slaps 21WAAFEW9 around a bit with a large trout08:42
* dsfg slaps [CSI]Octane around a bit with a large trout08:42
FloodBot1dsfg: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:42
* dsfg slaps [Derek] around a bit with a large trout08:42
fleurtherockbuongiorno a tutti08:45
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shaladoreany one can tell me what i can do to manage my network connection in ubuntu server 12.04.108:49
Auzyshaladore, https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/index.html08:50
shaladorethank you Auzy08:50
Auzyand generally, I use Shorewall as my firewall shaladore08:51
shaladoreI thought about that is that a ppa or a package from ubuntu?08:51
Auzyshorewall is what I'm familiar with, is easyish to configure (you can just grab the example), and its iptables anyway08:51
SamizdatDoes anyone know how to fix this: make -C /lib/modules/3.5.0-030500-generic/build M=/home/gk/Desktop/rtl_92ce_92se_92de_linux_mac80211_0005.1230.2011 modules make: *** /lib/modules/3.5.0-030500-generic/build: No such file or directory.  Stop.08:51
AuzyDunno.. I run Debian on my server.. should be a package though08:51
shaladorethanks I will check into that as well.. appreciate it! ;-)08:52
AuzySamizdat, Could be anything.. apt-get install build-essential?08:52
SamizdatAlready got that.08:52
AuzyMore info would probably be needed..Could pastebin the full thing..08:53
AuzyAlso, ensure you have kernel headers installed..08:53
SamizdatI believe I do.  How could I tell for certain?08:54
SamizdatAnd that's basically the whole thing.08:54
AuzyCheck in software center? Could be a lot of things.. Maybe best to ask in the forum for that module..08:55
Auzydunno.. make sure you have kernel source installed, but, maybe you need to ./configure08:56
luftikussWhy does my Ubuntu 12.04.1 not produce any sound in the video »Autohide Top Bar for GNOME Shell« of http://www.webupd8.org/2012/05/gnome-shell-autohide-top-bar-for-gnome.html? aplay works all right and Banshee also.08:57
AuzySamizdat, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1944493 might help..08:58
manners13hey guys08:58
manners13i have a usb drive plugged into a netbook with ubuntu on sharing files via samba08:58
manners13yesterday i done the precise upgrade and after i could not get into 1 directory on the drive08:59
manners13or sorry i could but it displayed as empty08:59
luftikuss!Enter | manners1308:59
ubottumanners13: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:59
manners13i removed the drive from my loft and plugged into my windows 7 machine, iv now managed to move all the videos into another folder so they can be seen from my machine again however i still cant delete the original folder09:00
nandhuhi how to add a short cut key in metacity .. eg: i need to add ctrl+alt+o to open a library office09:00
timfrostSamizdat: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic - will ensure that headers for the current installed kernel will be available09:00
manners13iv tried using the command sudo rm -r /media/Elements/Childrens/ but it says the directory does not exist however when i ls i can see it there09:01
SamizdatWill try.09:02
SamizdatThanks all.09:02
luftikussnandhu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KeyboardShortcuts09:02
jake443what is the extended partition used for ?09:05
Atlantic777jake443: it's used when you want/need more thatn 4 partitions.09:06
Atlantic777When you make a extended partition, you can make 16 logic partitions in it.09:06
timfrostmanners13: check for non-printing characters such as spaces in the directory name with ' ls -b /media/Elements/', which will print the escape codes for them09:06
jake443i don't understand it09:06
jake443i have 1 partition and i want all spaces in that 1 partition09:06
jake443i have parimary parition then extend then swap parition09:07
Atlantic777jake443: there are primary and logic partitions. In partition table there's place for only 4 partitions (size of them doesn't matter, just count). If you make a extended partition (which counts as primary), you then make logic partitions in it.09:07
jake443so basiclly i used a single parition09:07
jake443what happens if i remove it ?09:07
Atlantic777you lose logic partitions in it, together with data09:08
jake443it's a 500MB extend partition09:08
jake443i don't want it09:08
jake443nothing in it09:08
Atlantic777what "df" tells you? can you paste it?09:08
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tsimpsonjake443: that likely is where your swap partition is, which would be taking up those 500MB09:08
jake443i never used it once.. ubuntu created extended parition09:08
jake443i have 1 logical parimiary parition for the OS only09:08
Atlantic777logical primary partitions? what would that be? :D09:09
jake443tsimpson yes my man.. i have 500MB extended and 500MB swap09:09
jake443altantic i am a windows user09:09
jake443you either help me or i'm going back09:09
tsimpsonjake443: threats like that get you nowhere fast09:09
jake443i DON'T want extended parition because i use only 1 parition on this PC09:10
Atlantic777jake443: it's the same on the windows. Open terminal and write "df". Copy output of that command on paste.ubuntu.com09:10
tsimpsonthe swap partition is actually in the same disk space as the extended partition, it's just saying that you only have the swap on there09:10
jake443and i will never parition this space because the space is little .. not much09:10
gordonjcpjake443: in Linux, you use multiple partitions09:10
jake443ok i don't want extended.. what happens if i remove it ?09:10
tsimpsonjake443: you do have a partition there, the swap partition09:10
ikoniajake443: why don't you want extended ?09:10
gordonjcpjake443: then you only get to have four partitions09:10
ikoniajake443: what's the problem with using an extended partition ?09:10
jake443i don't want swap too09:10
jake443i have it disable it09:10
tsimpsonjake443: why don't you want swap?09:11
gordonjcpjake443: that's not a good idea09:11
jake443but partition is not removed09:11
jake443i don't care!! i run 1 program on it all the time09:11
gordonjcpjake443: are you using something like an SD card?09:11
jake443ONE Program09:11
jake443yeah limited time09:11
tsimpsonyou are always running more than one09:11
jake443services yeah but only 1 program running09:11
ikoniajake443: is there a reason you don't want to use an extended partition ?09:12
Atlantic777extended partition is just place *in which* you can put other partitions. If you remote the place, you lose partitions too. Rremoving swap partition can be fixed with swap file or with creating new partition, if it is swap in extended.09:12
jake443ikonia to recover that lost space09:12
gordonjcpjake443: okay, stop a minute; things are very different in Linux from Windows09:12
jake443i want to resize the swap from 500MB to 100MB09:12
jake443and remove extended09:12
ikoniajake443: the space isn't lost, it's in the extended partition.09:12
tsimpsonif you desperately want to claim back those 500MB, then you should repartition09:12
Atlantic777but it's not lost09:12
ikoniaok, I'll back away as I don't think I understand.09:12
gordonjcpjake443: you should have as much swap as you have RAM09:12
Atlantic777at least as much09:12
jake443o god09:12
gordonjcpjake443: stop a minute, what exactly are you trying to do?09:13
gordonjcpjake443: explain it from the beginning09:13
jake443i have 6GB partition. IT SAYS 500GB extened and 500 swap09:13
nibbler_gordonjcp, one should have as much swap as he needs, any "factor X on RAM" rules are nonsens... if i was living fine with 4GB RAM and hardly every used my swap, why would i upgrade to 8GB swap if i upgrade my ram?09:14
jake443i want to remove extended and resize swap from 500MB to 100MB09:14
jake443what do i use linux for ? for serious stuff.. no videos no audios nothing09:14
nibbler_jake443, just remove swap, repartition, add swap?09:14
ozetteOk, no funny jokes but - What's the best way to get Internet Explorer to run on Ubuntu (preferably no vm)09:14
jake443you are seriuous to help tell me09:14
jake443you can't i will go somewehre els09:14
MonkeyDustozette  wine09:14
nibbler_ozette, if no vm, then iwne09:14
tsimpsonozette: wine, but don't expect it to work in any meaningful way09:15
Gxpshello there, I am using Ubuntu 12.04 on an usb memstick made from unetbootin, seems to work well. though I have probs with wifi toiconnect to my accesspoint through WPS.. how do I manage to hook up through WPS with ubuntu ?09:15
ozetteI just need it for web dev.09:15
gordonjcpjake443: feel free to go somewhere else, if that's your attitude09:16
aidanjtjake443: you can use the ubuntu installer cd to start gparted to delete the swap and extended partitions, shrink the root partition if you must make more room for swap, and create a swap partition09:16
ikoniaozette: you'll get more realisitic test results from running it within a virtual machine09:16
tsimpsonozette: I'd have to say your best bet is to use a VM, IE is hooked deep into the WIN API, and so the shortcomings of wine really show through09:16
gordonjcpozette: there used to be a thing called "ies4linux" which wrapped wine with a custom installer09:17
jake443aidanjt what happens if i delete swap and extended ? will ubuntu boot?09:17
gordonjcpozette: it was extremely good, but I don't know if it's still on the go09:17
jake443because i'm in the gparted screen right now09:17
hficjake443, it's not recommended to completely remove swap partitions.09:17
gordonjcpjake443: it should still boot *if* swap is the only thing in the extended partition09:17
Gxpsam I missing something special to be able to make the laptop to hook up the wifi through WPS ?09:17
ikoniaGxps: is it a live install or a "disk" install09:18
gordonjcpjake443: the space taken up by the extended partition will be lost09:18
ikoniaeg: are you running it live, or from a hard disk install09:18
Atlantic777jake443: can you post a screenshot of the gparted screen you are looking at?09:18
Atlantic777of copy output of command "sudo fdisk -l"09:19
jake443IT'S a green rectangle with yellow rectangle inside of it09:19
Atlantic777great, can you post it somewhere?09:19
Gxpsikonia its a live install i think , i took the .iso for 32 bits , and used unetbootin tocreate a live usb, im using the "try on" since I dont wanna install it yet09:19
jake443outside is extended hwich is green. inside yellow which is swap09:19
jake443both are 1 part09:20
hficjake443, people want to see what your looking at. Please post it at img or somewhere else free and easy to share your screen shot of gparted.09:20
ikoniaGxps: what wifi card is it09:20
jake443how can i hfic if the DAMN thing is GPARTED !!09:20
hficjake443, It's called a screen shot and an upload. I would watch the way you speak to people in this channel.09:21
aidanjtjake443: press "Print Screen", save the file, open browser, go to imgur.com, upload image09:21
Gxpsikonia , not sure its a samsung n14009:21
jake443network card is not working right now09:21
Gxpsikonia , not sure its a samsung n140, imean the laptop09:22
jake443i will do my own research09:22
aidanjtjake443: thumbstick the image file?09:22
jake44315 minutes lost09:22
* aidanjt blinks09:22
Atlantic777jake443: ok, nevermind, I think I got it, it's like other said. Just resize swap and extended partition, then resize other partition you want to make larger and apply the changes.09:22
hficAtlantic777, he left09:22
hficHe should stay on windows09:23
aidanjtwhat an ass09:23
aidanjthfic: no kidding09:23
* hfic agree09:23
amr_Hi all, I can't get gnome 3.4 work on my ubutnu 12, any help please ...?09:23
gordonjcpAirplane quote09:23
Atlantic777Oh, I see, he'll do his own research. :D09:23
venuhi, i did a fresh install of ubuntu 10.04 lts server09:23
hfic!detail | amr_09:23
venubut i am not able to do apt-get update09:23
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."09:23
aidanjtAtlantic777: yeah, that'll go well09:23
chervacan i safely delete everything in ~/.cache09:24
gordonjcpcherva: yes09:24
amr_hfic: i have the login but when I log to gnome I didn't see the normal interface of gnome 3.4 just normal panel at top and button not 3.409:24
amr_hfic: here is full details http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=12214542#post1221454209:25
AdvoWorki'm trying to get internet working on an old installation of Ubuntu(it needs to be old for a migration). lspci says: Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation: Unknown device 10c0 (rev 02)  how can I install that driver or get it working?09:25
amr_Please help me install gnome 3.4 on ubuntu 12, here is full details for my problem >> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=12214542#post1221454209:25
ebs512I am having an issue with trying to get theming ubuntu just right, I am running ubuntu 12.04 LTS, I have about 2 different settings to allow me to change themes and I'm not sure if having more than 1 is messing up the theme or what, trying a gtk+3 theme on ubuntu 2d, not sure if that is an issue either but could someone please help me get this setup?09:25
chervagordonjcp, thanxk09:25
chervagordonjcp, thanks09:25
Atlantic777AdvoWork: the driver is in kernel and I would not recommend you to compile kernel by yourself if you aren't experienced user. Can you post ID of that device which lspci is reported?09:27
Atlantic777AdvoWork: try this site, too. It's probably good point to start with. http://kmuto.jp/debian/hcl/09:28
AdvoWorkAtlantic777, the id(i think thats what you want) is: 0000:00:19.0 ?09:28
paaaawerrrHi exist program like GetRight for Linux?09:29
=== yavor is now known as y4h0
Atlantic777paaaawerrr: what that program does?09:29
brontosaurusrexautomagically seraches for file mirrors around the web and does multisite downloads09:30
brontosaurusrexgetright that is09:30
paaaawerrrGetRight -> transfer menagement / increse transfer ( for ex. downloading file from HTTP/FTP from many sources ( that increse download speed)09:30
AdvoWorkAtlantic777, this is for ubuntu 6.06 (i know v.v old) but I need to be able to get the internet working on it09:30
Atlantic777AdvoWork: that makes sense. :D Ubuntu 6.06 uses old kernel which probably doesn't have the driver you need. Why do you need working internet connection in it?09:31
MonkeyDustpaaaawerrr  ubuntu has its own repos, windows doesnt09:31
Gxpsokay i checked with lspci : 02:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 0109:31
AdvoWorkAtlantic777, I need to do a migration, and install some software, that only works with active connections, any suggestions09:31
Atlantic777AdvoWork: wouldn't booting live session and connecting to internet help?09:31
AdvoWorkAtlantic777, i'd need a normal session to be able to do further installations of software?09:32
paaaawerrrMknkey u dont understand, i want to download Ubuntu 12.04.01 DVD from FTP but download speed is 50-60kb/s... i want add other sources from otgher servers ( this same file), from 5 server download speed is 5x-60-60kb/s....09:32
Atlantic777AdvoWork: you can install software in live session, too. It's just not permanent (if you are booting from CD)09:32
paaaawerrrthis do GetRight09:32
AdvoWorkAtlantic777, the upgrade/backup/restore takes 16+ hours though, so my worry is live session failing = a lot of lost work. Is there any other ways to get the driver installed?09:33
MonkeyDustpaaaawerrr  then it must be available somewhere you want09:33
Atlantic777AdvoWork: actually, you may compile that module for your kernel, but it probably wouldn't go as easy as you and me want.09:34
Atlantic777AdvoWork: another reasonable thing I would consider is buying an cheap network interface controler. :)09:34
paaaawerrrMokey on WIndows im downloading by GetRight OpenSuSe ( for testing), open suse hostes has max 250kb/s, so im downloading from 8 server this same file , so 8x250kb/s = 2mb/s :) This same file from 8 sources as one File... This do GetRight... so i ask about this same program but like, on Ubuntu09:35
brontosaurusrexpaaaawerrr, workaround is to dl isos with torrent09:36
paaaawerrrmy ISP blocking torrent ports!09:36
luftikussWhy does my Ubuntu 12.04.1 not produce any sound in the video »Autohide Top Bar for GNOME Shell« of http://www.webupd8.org/2012/05/gnome-shell-autohide-top-bar-for-gnome.html? aplay works all right and Banshee also.09:37
aidanjtpaaaawerrr: I would get that rate from the heanet.ie mirror.. but it really smells like your ISP is just being cheap and crappy09:37
hficpaaaawerrr, so use a proxy or change the torrent ports.09:37
paaaawerrrso i cannot play WoT and WOW-.-09:37
AdvoWorkAtlantic777, any instructions for compiling the kernel with that correct driver?09:37
paaaawerrrNo.. im pay my ISP ~10 US$ for 50mbps09:37
paaaawerrrwithout limits, but torrents are blocked... idk why...09:38
hficpaaaawerrr, it's not a secret that some isps block certain ports, including torrent port ranges. Either use a proxy to get around that or change the ports on the torrent client.09:39
Atlantic777AdvoWork: yes... don't do it. :D You need to find out correct name of driver you need, get source code, prepare build environment, make those .ko files, modprobe it and hope it will work. I would ask on linux kernel mailing list, too (LKML). Can you boot some live session and check which driver is needed for that ethernet card with "lspci -knn | grep -i ether -A 3"09:40
Gxpshmm ath9k is supposed to support my wifi so isnt WPS supposed to work then ?09:40
paaaawerrrNo... proxy are bloked... ( 80% ), TOR (100% blocked)09:40
Gxpsstillim asked for a passphrase..09:40
aidanjtpaaaawerrr: right, 50mbps to them, but that doesn't stop them from throttling your internet bandwidth, I mean if they're blocking torrents then clearly they have an internal policy of interfering with heavy bandwidth use09:41
Atlantic777paaaawerrr: http://www.esotechnica.co.uk/2010/07/linux-getrigh/09:42
fernithey might be using some fancy torrent blocking thing, try setting encryption required from your torrent client09:42
paaaawerrrno.... my friend has 512kbps / 0,5$ and also are blocked torrents port...09:42
brontosaurusrexpaaaawerrr, so change your sillly provider09:42
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:42
paaaawerrrbrodro, i cannot , im my 120.000++ city is only one provider... -.-09:43
ozetteIs there a way to find the name of the domain in my workgroup?09:44
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ozetteI'm trying to connect to a samba workgroup09:44
hficozette, the name is set in smb.conf09:44
velhoGOOD MORNING :) anyone whant's tea?09:45
aidanjtvelho: I never say no to a cuppa09:45
velhoI'm trying to configure two monitors, but I cannot see the right resolution for the second monitor. please help09:46
velhoaidanjt, i LOVE tea :)09:46
ozetteahh thanks hfic09:46
ozettehfic, thanks*09:46
MonkeyDustvelho  there's xrandr and arandr09:46
darknyssMy default language changed to chinese..09:47
Atlantic777velho: what's the problem? Are there resoulutions you want when you run plain "xrandr" command?09:47
darknysshow do i fix this09:47
SAngeliHi, I have a "mdadm" question. I have an existing ubuntu server with three hd (two identical one for radi and the third one for system) . sda and adb are the two hd for creating a raid-1. When creating a Linux array poing using this command "fdisk /dev/sdb" can I change the sdb into sd1 or should always be sdb?09:48
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velhoMonkeyDust, Atlantic777 I'm using the system definitions window. is that a command to run on the terminal? how can I run it?09:48
e66_In my Ubuntu when I right click on the top panel i dont see any menu? how can i add netspeed if no menu is shown?09:48
Atlantic777velho: just open terminal (you can do it with ctrl + alt + t) and run xrandr command.09:49
Atlantic777see if there are resolutions you want09:49
aidanjtSAngeli: both are possible, but by convention the normal way is to give each disk a partition with the type 'fd'09:50
darknyssMy default language is Chinese on Ubuntu 12.04 ; Please help?!?09:50
MonkeyDust!info arandr > velho09:51
Atlantic777darknyss: http://askubuntu.com/questions/133318/how-do-i-change-the-language-via-a-terminal09:51
velhoMonkeyDust, Atlantic777 typed the command xrandr09:51
velhowhat to do now?09:52
SAngeliaidanjt, sure. Another question: reading the guide I noticed that if an hd fails the array stops working. Is this correct? I wish to know if is possible to let the array keep running and also being notified asap via email of this09:52
Atlantic777velho: and you didn't answer me, is there resoulution you need in the output of that command?09:52
aidanjtSAngeli: nope, the array will keep going, the system should even be bootable09:52
Guest3899Voila Testing !!09:52
Atlantic777Guest3899: maybe you would like to join the #test chan.09:53
SAngeliaidanjt, cool. as for being notified via email? where can I learn more about mdadm and ubuntu?09:53
aidanjtSAngeli: all 3 of my disks are in a raid5 array and linux just boots off it09:53
velhoAtlantic777, sorry! no, I think the resolution I need is not here. I have a swuare screen09:53
MonkeyDust!raid | SAngeli09:53
ubottuSAngeli: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto09:53
e66_how can I add applet to unity top bar09:53
SAngeliMonkeyDust, thank you09:53
Atlantic777velho: can you send output of "lspci -knn | grep -i vga -A 3" ?09:54
aidanjtSAngeli: edit /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf and change the MAILADDR09:54
velhoAtlantic777, and all these resolutions are for 16:9, I think09:54
velhoAtlantic777, how can I do that? sorry, I'm new to this09:54
SAngeliyes, I have all these written dow. I will implement in few minutes all these. I needed to understand.09:54
SAngeliI will later read the email part.09:54
MonkeyDustvelho  did you see ubottu 's private message?09:55
AdvoWorkAtlantic777, can i use any live cd, or does it have to be an old version of ubuntu im using?09:55
velhoNO! gonna read it :)09:55
Atlantic777velho: just copy that command I gave you into terminal window.09:55
SAngeliaidanjt, I will use ext4 as filesystem. As I have to interface it with windows will it be better to use SAMBA (Known to be a slow protocol) or iscsi? I wish to have fastest net connection09:55
Atlantic777AdvoWork: try with new and see if there is driver you need, which driver you need and then we can look how to get it on 6.0609:56
Atlantic777velho: btw, copy/paste is ctrl + shift + c and ctrl + shift + v when you work with terminal.09:56
ubottuUbuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on July 14th 2009, Server support ended on June 1st 2011. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.09:56
velhoAtlantic777, ok, done :) what now?09:57
Atlantic777velho: copy that three lines here.09:57
velhoAtlantic777, OK!09:57
HadiMI have a serious problem with dpkg / apt / aptitude09:57
aidanjtSAngeli: depends, iSCSI is block protocol, so you'd have to point it to an lvm volume, or a dd'd file image or some such and format it with ntfs.. samba is a file-level protocol which is less of a hassle since everything sits on top of the ext4 partition and usable by both systems09:57
velho01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI M96 [Mobility Radeon HD 4650] [1002:9480]09:57
velhoSubsystem: COMPAL Electronics Inc Device [14c0:003e]09:57
velhoKernel driver in use: fglrx_pci09:57
velhoKernel modules: fglrx, radeon09:57
seekerhi, I'm trying to figure out the best way to keep up with chromium updates. the chromium team ppa seems to be no longer updated09:58
SAngeliaidanjt, is samba slow protocol compared to ISCSI?09:58
Atlantic777velho: that looks ok. :/09:58
aidanjtSAngeli: there might be a slight bit of overhead, but in my experience samba is able to keep up with gigabit ethernet09:59
SAngeliok, will try and see09:59
opalepatrickanyone know how to add html5 synatx highlighting in bluefish 2.2?09:59
velhoAtlantic777, so how can I recognize the second screen? :/09:59
MonkeyDustvelho  keep it in the channel, what ubottu says, is that there's a GUI for xrandr, called arandr, you can install it09:59
Atlantic777velho: wait, are just resolutions wront or you can't even see second screen?10:00
SAngeliaidanjt, if I wish to use iSCSI after having created a raid-1 array I assume I have to change type of filesystem. So, rather than creating a ext4 what should I create? Or better is there a iSCSI ubuntu guide to follow in relation to raid-1?10:00
SAngeliI hope I properly asked this question10:00
aether[AMD] nee ATI M96 [Mobility Radeon HD 4650] [1002:9480 nice card!10:00
velhoAtlantic777, I CAN see the second screen, I just cannot recognize it to a configurable resolution. There's no Image. But the system knows the screen is on.10:01
aidanjtSAngeli: you'd really point the iscsi target to the new raid device node.. but keep in mind that iscsi requires exclusive access, unlike samba which can handle many clients..10:02
user14Hello. Which filesystem is better for / and /home? In what order is it better to partition the disk? Do I need to use 50 Gb / partition or 30 Gb is enough?10:02
velhoMonkeyDust, ok!10:02
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fujisani love ubuntu10:03
fujisanty all for coding it10:03
HadiM I have a serious problem with dpkg / apt / aptitude10:04
fujisanget a mac HadiM  :)10:04
aidanjtuser14: ext4 is generally suitable for both..10:04
HadiMi got an infinite loop when install or remove kernel10:04
velhoMonkeyDust, installed it, but it doesn't recognise the second screen. Ubuntu default program recognise it, but there's no image :/10:04
user14aidanjt, and how faster is it comparing to ext3?10:05
MonkeyDustHadiM  what command do you use?10:05
HadiMsudo dpkg -i *deb10:06
HadiMhadim boromir 3.6-rc3 $ ls10:07
FloodBot1HadiM: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:07
aidanjtuser14: depends on the workload, most things are a bit faster, some slightly slower, some quiet a bit faster, different horses for different courses.. xfs is considered very fast with whopping big media files10:07
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aidanjt*quite a bit sorry10:08
HadiMnow when i want to use apt-get or similar command I got this : E: The package linux-image-3.5.0-030500-generic needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.10:09
user14aidanjt, no prob, I'm looking more for stability than speed actually.10:09
velhoAtlantic777, MonkeyDust , now I see the screen with Arandr and the image, But I cannot put them side by side. How to incrise the space size=10:10
MonkeyDustHadiM  what's the outcome of lsb_release -sd ?10:10
aidanjtuser14: yeah I haven't had any problems with ext4, it's a fairly sane default fs10:10
Atlantic777velho: that's size of virtual screen. Do you use xorg.conf?10:10
velhoAtlantic777, probably not, since I don't know what that is :)10:10
user14aidanjt, alright, I'll use ext4 for both then. What about / partition size?10:11
HadiMMonkeyDust:  Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS10:11
Atlantic777velho: "ls /etc/X11 | grep xorg.conf"10:11
aidanjtuser14: I haven't needed any more than ~16GB really, depends on how much you use /tmp mostly10:11
MonkeyDustHadiM  the latest supported kernel for 12.04 is 3.210:11
SAngeliI have another simple issue: I installed ubuntu server in Italian. how to solve issues with outpt messages like these: non contiene né una tabella ?10:11
velhoAtlantic777, done. and now?10:12
SAngeliI wish to solve this globally and not for a user10:12
HadiMyep I know but I got some intel problem with my laptopt (vaio Z2)10:12
HadiMkernel 3.6 and 3.5 work better10:12
HadiManyway that is not the problem, the problem is ap-get / dpkg are broken10:12
joobiehey guys.. freesh install of ubuntu alternatives on 4 x 3TB HDD's.. i have md0 which is root and md1 which is swap. I reboot, then i get the grub-rescue prompt.. what's up wiht that?10:12
AdvoWorkAtlantic777, finally got a live cd booted. It lists a few different entries, is there anything specific you need to know from me?10:13
HadiMthere is a way to fix it ?10:13
joobieim reading all this jazz about GPT and bios boot.. why doesnt ubuntu handle this natively?10:13
equexif i add a filter in synaptic saying 'Description' 'Includes' 'KDE' shouldnt that filter packages with 'KDE" in the package list ? i cant get it to work./..10:13
aidanjtSAngeli: try #ubuntu-it ?.. I'm sure they'd have more practice with Italian localisation issues10:13
user14aidanjt, so 30 Gb will probably be enough. Thanks for answering!10:13
Project2501Hi all. I'd like to run ubuntu server with blackbox and xbmc. Would this be possible?10:13
aidanjtuser14: no problem10:13
Atlantic777AdvoWork: yes, the most important... is your network card working with newer ubuntu?10:13
velhoAtlantic777, the text "xorg.conf" appeared. but the problem remains. What was that command for?10:13
MonkeyDustHadiM  try installing something else, some small app or so, so if you get the same error10:13
SAngeliaidanjt, thanks10:13
MonkeyDustHadiM  so = see10:13
HadiMyep I got the same10:14
HadiMfor install / remove / upgrade commands10:14
Atlantic777velho: of course the problem remans. That command just checks do you use some config file.10:14
HadiMdist-upgrade also10:14
velhoAtlantic777, oh ok :)10:14
HadiMand when I try to reinstall the package I got this infinite loop run "run-parts" command10:14
velhoAtlantic777,  so, how to increase the arandr size?10:15
HadiMalso update-grub go in an infinite loop10:15
Atlantic777velho: run "gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf" and copy contents of that file on http://paste.ubuntu.com and give me the link then10:16
velhoAtlantic777, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1183268/10:17
Atlantic777velho: only that? Uhm, ok... and what are the resolutions you need?10:18
HadiMMonkeyDust: any clue ?10:18
HadiMMonkeyDust: now way to "hard reset" apt-get ?10:19
HadiMnow = no *10:19
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joobieguys is there a more cutdown version of ubuntu alternative install that doesnt install 1000 packages?10:19
joobie.. but does support md-raid?10:19
joobieafter Xorg btw10:19
AdvoWorkAtlantic777, doesn't appear to be yet10:20
ikoniajoobie: just install and remove what you don't want10:20
ikoniajoobie: you've just asked for basically a personal spin, cut down...that has X and Y but doesn't have Z but installs Y after Z - just use the installer and remove what you don't want10:20
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MonkeyDustHadiM  try sudo apt-get -f install10:21
fernijoobie: minimal cd10:21
velhoMonkeyDust,  Atlantic777, I got them. The 2nd screen is recognisable with arandr. But the 2nd screen gets in top of the first10:21
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Atlantic777velho: I understand, but which resolutions do you need?10:22
velhoMonkeyDust,  Atlantic777, I need space on arandr, to put the 2nd screen on the right of the 1st screen10:22
Atlantic777velho: we need to calculate size of that one big screen.10:22
joobiethanks ferni10:25
HadiMMonkeyDust: same error10:25
HadiMhadim boromir 3.5 $ sudo apt-get -f install10:25
HadiMReading package lists... Done10:25
HadiMBuilding dependency tree10:25
HadiMReading state information... Done10:25
HadiME: The package linux-image-3.5.0-030500-generic needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.10:25
HadiMsorry forgot to pastebin10:25
FloodBot1HadiM: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:26
joobieikonia, it's not a personal spin - it's a secure approach.. why install 1000's of unused packages that compromise the security of the system if it's not needed?10:26
velhoAtlantic777, 1st screen: 1280x720. 2nd screen:  1024x76810:26
velhoAtlantic777, at least :/10:26
darknyssMount of filesystem failed - Right after grub.10:26
darknyssIdeas? >.<10:26
ikoniajoobie: because the majority of people want and need them, so just remove wha tyou don't wnat10:26
HadiMMonkeyDust: http://pastebin.com/cNARDAky10:26
ryaojoobie: You can do a debootstrap installation.10:27
MonkeyDustHadiM  how come 310:27
MonkeyDustHadiM  how come 3.5 is there, in the first place?10:27
velhoAtlantic777, there is no "something"x720 resolution for the second screen. That would be ideal10:27
joobieikonia, i doubt the majority of people need the 1000 packages it installed by default10:27
ryaojoobie: It is like doing a Gentoo stage3 install, except it is Ubuntu.10:27
darknyssAfter choosing Ubuntu in grub ; Error message = Filesystem Check or Mount Failed.10:27
darknyssHelp ?10:27
ikoniajoobie: they need a combination of them, it's aimed at the masses, so they do need it10:28
ikoniajoobie: if you don't need/want something, just remove it10:28
Atlantic777velho: but you can add "modes" manually. Sorry, I'm stuck at work, have to get something done.10:28
ryaoikonia: Let people install what they actually need. :/10:28
ikoniaryao: you can install what you want.10:28
MonkeyDustryao  most people want to work, not to install anything10:28
HadiMI already install it few weeks ago10:28
Atlantic777Can anyone other help here? velho needs to add some resolutions (modes) to xorg.conf and set size of virtual screen.10:28
darknyssNo one knows? =(10:28
HadiMMonkeyDust: but I would like to remove it10:28
MonkeyDustHadiM  guess 3.5 is simply not well supported10:29
ryaoikonia: I said "what they actually need", which implies not having extra stuff.10:29
velhoMonkeyDust, can you help me?10:29
HadiMMonkeyDust: again I dont really care about kernel 3.5, I would like to restore apt-get and dpkg10:29
ikoniaryao: then don't use the ubuntu desktop install CD10:29
HadiMdo you know how to do it ?10:29
ikoniaryao: use the minimal CD and install what you want/need10:29
ferniikonia: if thats your point, so why restrict the install media to a cd size? people need more software!10:29
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MonkeyDustHadiM  remove 3.5 the same way you installed10:30
velhoMonkeyDust, I need to add some resolutions (modes) to xorg.conf and set size of virtual screen. I don't know what does that mean, but Atlantic777 knows :D10:30
ikoniaferni: because downloading 700mb is the smallest download possible for the base install10:30
ikoniaferni: people don't want to download 2.6GB or 4GB or greater to get something that can be held in 700mb10:30
HadiMMonkeyDust:  i got the same error10:30
velhoMonkeyDust, how to increase the size of Arandr?10:31
darknyssSomeone.. please help?!?!?10:31
MonkeyDustvelho  i'm not familiar with xorg.conf, never edited it or so, never needed to10:31
HadiMhttp://pastebin.com/vjz1zggQ MonkeyDust10:31
velhoMonkeyDust, gosh :(10:31
darknyssI guess I'll continue to get ignored without reason while 10 of you have a conversation.10:32
MonkeyDustHadiM  try using a GUI, synaptic or software center10:32
velhoMonkeyDust, but how do you increase the size of Arandr?10:32
HadiMMonkeyDust: not working as well10:32
HadiMsame error10:32
MonkeyDustvelho  i'm sure someone else can help better10:32
tuxgeekhello , how do i know my ati radeon is working on ubuntu?10:33
Atlantic777velho: type "/j #xorg" here10:33
darknyssMonkeyDust, velho, HadiM, None of you know?10:33
velhoMonkeyDust, Atlantic777 was the only one helping me... now I'm stuck in the midle of the problem. Can anyone help?10:33
Atlantic777velho: that will take you to the xorg chan, ask there, wait and you will get help10:33
thermostatI'm having an issue with Kiosk mode. I'm trying to get an app to run but it isn't playing ball atm. I can get it to run by adding a command to Startup Applications though. Anyone here that knows about Kiosk mode xSession file configs?10:34
tuxgeeki want to know if my ati radeon wokr10:35
darknyss After choosing Ubuntu in grub ; Error message = Filesystem Check or Mount Failed. -- How To Fix?!?!10:35
meagainhello ppl.... by accident i moved a file in my root folder.. now i cant get it to move back.. i tried gksudo nautilus, but copy/cut fails due to permissions.. any idea on how to do it?10:35
velhoAtlantic777, I just entered in the #xorg channel. thank you for all the help so far. Thank you MonkeyDust also. You are so kind :)10:36
ryaoikonia: A debootstrap would probably work better.10:36
darknyss After choosing Ubuntu in grub ; Error message = Filesystem Check or Mount Failed.10:36
darknyss After choosing Ubuntu in grub ; Error message = Filesystem Check or Mount Failed.10:36
darknyss After choosing Ubuntu in grub ; Error message = Filesystem Check or Mount Failed.10:36
FloodBot1darknyss: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:36
velhosorry darknyss  I'm just a noobie. wish I could help, really!10:37
tuxgeekalso i whould like to know how can i have a graphical menu to book windows or linux10:37
darknyssvelho, I just really hate being ignored.10:37
tuxgeekme too10:37
velhodarknyss, anyone does :D10:38
velhobut I cannot help you, really10:38
MonkeyDust!repeat| darknyss10:38
ubottudarknyss: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/10:38
velhodarknyss, wish I could!10:38
darknyss After choosing Ubuntu in grub ; Error message = Filesystem Check or Mount Failed. --> How Do I Fix This?10:38
paranogoomeagain: try "sudo mv /file/to/be/moved /file/where/to/be/moved" in terminal (ctrl+alt+t)10:38
meagainparanogoo: when i type gksudo nautilus, it opens nautilus and i see the file in Home... but i cant seem to be able to find the file by path... :(10:41
meagainparanogoo: it is not in the normal Home folder10:42
meagainparanogoo: "normal" = without gksudo...10:42
ThinkT510meagain: that would be root's home folder10:42
ebs512anyone been able to successfully apply a theme to Ubuntu 2D, apparently it doesnt like gtk themes10:43
darknyssMonkeyDust, Any ideas?10:43
thermostatI'm having an issue with Kiosk mode. I'm trying to get an app to run but it isn't playing ball atm. I can get it to run by adding a command to Startup Applications though. Anyone here that knows about Kiosk and can help?10:44
thermostatI'm creating a .desktop in Xsessions10:45
meagainThinkT510, paranogoo : mv: cannot stat `/root/home/the_name_of_the file': No such file or directory10:48
ThinkT510meagain: its just /root/10:48
meagainThinkT510, paranogoo : and again  -> mv: cannot stat `/root/Home/the_name_of_the file': No such file or directory10:48
MonkeyDustdarknyss  scroll down to 'whooopiee' http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/filesystem-check-failed-784278/10:49
meagainThinkT510 : lol... i think a bit more studying is needed... thanx a lot man!! (or woman :) )!10:49
veence01It's just curious that on Ubuntu I feel like Home, that feeling is just not the same on Mac OSX10:51
Daghdhais there any alternative to workspaces in 12.04? I find it highly annoying implementation10:52
OnlyodinI seem to have developed a problem with Precise on my Laptop. In the last two or three days local network access (over WiFi) has slowed to a crawl, it takes up to a minute to get a ping response from machines on the LAN and latency when it does start is >10,000ms10:55
Onlyodinbefore all my hair goes grey, does anyone have any thoughts as to what might be happening? There are no similar issues with any other wired or wireless machines on the LAN, no duplicate IPs, etc. etc.10:55
hrondex899Daghdha: Yes, try GNU Screen10:56
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MonkeyDustDaghdha  try byubo/screen10:58
SvenHHhi everyone, i have a problem with my 12.04 installation. the nvidia 3d desktop does not work with the nvidia 304.43 driver. does anyone know about this? or can point me to a solution? thanx in advance, sven10:59
Daghdhathanks MonkeyDust and hrondex899. But i like a  workspaces style one, only proper. Likethe one in 10.x that was much better10:59
velhoNeed to update Arandr 1.4 to 1.6 . No automatic updates in the system. How can I update this manually?11:00
MonkeyDustDaghdha  that was gnome2, no?11:00
velhoSvenHH, I'm a newbie, but I try to help. Did you installed aditional drivers?11:01
ubuntuSame thing happens, after trying to fix that Monkey.11:01
ubuntuThis is Dark11:01
DaghdhaMonkeyDust: It was a graphical representation of your workspaces in the bottom border, as a widget, and clicking on it would open the workspace. And clicking an little app block in it would even open the app11:01
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SvenHHthanx velho, no i'm using the nvidia-current-updates package.11:02
aidanjtDaghdha: you can use gnome-session-fallback for a more gnome 2 like UI11:02
Daghdhaaidanjt: How wil that affect the workspace?11:02
velhoSvenHH, try to install that, maybe! I did, and everything works fine11:03
velhoNeed to update Arandr 1.4 to 1.6 . No automatic updates in the system. How can I update this manually?11:03
aidanjtDaghdha: your desktop will look and behave more like ubuntu 10.04/10.1011:03
Daghdhaaidanjt: I am on VNC always you see, all those zom in zoom out works bad.11:03
SvenHHvelho: sorry i mean yes. using the additional driver. this is in fact nvidia-current-updates.11:04
luftikussThe DEB program package tp-amapi-dkms is installed. Why does lsmod not list a module »tk_smapi«?11:04
luftikussThe DEB program package tp-smapi-dkms is installed. Why does lsmod not list a module »tk_smapi«?11:04
velhoSvenHH, ok. So what's the problem?11:04
SvenHHvelho: after logging in to the 3d desktop no gadgets show up the taskbar shows only a frame and you only see the background. popup menus only show a dark frame as well.11:06
DarknyssMonkeyDust, Same issue :{11:06
velhoHow to manually update programs? Need to update Arandr 1.4 to 1.6 . No automatic updates in the system.11:07
vega-velho: not really supported here, but you could try to find a ppa with the packages you want. google.11:08
Darknyss>_____________________> Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate this error.11:08
velhovega-, doing so ;)11:08
velhovega-, what is a ppa?11:09
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge11:09
velhovega-, what is a ppa?11:10
szalvelho: can you read?11:10
velhovega-, sorry. szal thanks!11:10
velhoszal, no need to be rude. didn't noticed that11:11
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge11:11
hrondex899velho: Rolling release distributions may suit you better if you need always up-to-date software11:11
velhohrondex899, I just whant to Update Arandr from 1.4 to 1.611:13
velhohrondex899, and I can't see a way to do it11:13
hrondex899velho: This is an inherent problem with Ubuntu, most of its software is out of date11:14
AdvoWorkAtlantic777, any further ideas?11:14
DarknyssTo a moderate exp. user, Is Lubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu a better option?11:15
DarknyssStill compatible for gaming and other things?11:15
SvenHHvelho: anything i can do about this?11:15
gordonjcpDarknyss: "better" in what way?11:15
spidernik84@velho: try to add the backported repo11:16
Darknyssgordonjcp, faster?11:16
spidernik84might contain the pkg you want11:16
spidernik84or backport it yourself with prevu. Might work. Yet prevu has been removed from 12.04 as it's unsupported11:17
=== railsraider_ is now known as railsraider
dd_Darknyss: the fastest would be Xubuntu or Lubuntu. You might find Lubuntu (LXDE) a bit TOO minimalistic depending on what you do with your PC11:18
gordonjcpDarknyss: it might be a bit faster11:18
gordonjcpDarknyss: it'll use less memory than Unity11:19
Darknyssdd_ I'd like to game, maybe possibly WINE functionality. Um.. I can't boot into Ubuntu 12.04 LTS atm because of an error of mounting file systems.11:19
spidernik84I'd say xubuntu11:19
DarknyssSo I'm debating.... wiping and starting over yet again.11:19
spidernik84not so extreme and kinda similar to gnome 2.011:19
gordonjcphow quickly it "runs" isn't the only thing11:19
gordonjcphow quickly you get stuff done on it is most important11:19
Darknyss gordon, agreed11:19
gordonjcpDarknyss: what's the error you're getting?11:20
dd_Darknyss: the best game experience I had was in Xubuntu! It was the only one opf the ubuntu family that let me come back on the desktop while the game was in the background and than rejoin the game11:20
Darknyssgordonjcp, Something alone the lines of... failed to mount file system type in the root password or Ctrl+D to continue,.11:20
Darknyssdd_, Might give it a go.11:20
gordonjcpDarknyss: so, why not do that then?11:22
Darknyssgordonjcp, Ctrl+D brings the same screen back up. Typing in the root password takes me to the console to manage..11:23
Darknyssgordonjcp, after rebooting the error came out of the blue and it's getting to be irritating.11:23
gordonjcpso you type in the password, and then run fdisk, like it says11:24
Darknyssgordonjcp, yes. no errors. but it doesn't solve the issue.11:24
gordonjcpDarknyss: paste the error verbatim11:25
gordonjcpDarknyss: take a photo of the screen if you have to11:25
solofightpeople ive been using ssh with rsa key for several months now - all of sudden my ssh connect command wont work. ends up saying permission denied11:25
solofighti did a -v and i got this11:25
Darknyssfilesystem check or mount failed11:25
solofightanyidea why this sudden change in behavior ?11:25
DarknyssIf I reboot to get to it, I have to reinstall xchat etc. I'm on a live CD atm.11:26
gordonjcpDarknyss: wait, what?11:26
dr_willisfreenode has a web based irc chat also Darknyss11:26
Darknyssgordonjcp, ??11:26
Darknyssdr_willis, didn't know that11:26
gordonjcpDarknyss: the live CD is giving you that error?11:27
Darknyssgordonjcp, No.11:27
gordonjcpoh wait, no, shut up Gordon, I see what you mean11:27
dr_willisand the live cd's im client can do irc11:27
Darknyssdr_willis, also good to know.11:27
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Darknyssgordon, so what to do?11:32
solofightwhy nobody replying !11:32
solofightis it that very trivial that am asking it here ?11:32
bazhang!helpme | solofight11:33
ubottusolofight: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude11:33
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/11:33
nibbler_solofight, did you check serverlogs?11:34
Bastian_BI've install the ubuntu 9.04 and I did updates, a year later (this week) I installer the upgrade up to 12.04. Now my computer is overheating, anybody has a suggestion on what to disable to reduce cpu and graphic usage?11:34
solofightnibbler_, i checked /var/log/ and see if it had ssh but none11:34
zorbamaHello, I need help using xsetewacom to configure my Wacom tablet's buttons. The GUI's button mapping option does not seem to work, and I'm having a hard time understanding how to configure it through the command like11:34
solofightnibbler_, which log to check ?11:34
zorbamacommand line*11:34
hackeridishi all if you are having problems with the network after an update follow these instructions http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=200142111:36
nibbler_solofight, /var/log/syslog11:37
hackeridisand do not update any network services until bug is fixed11:37
hfichackeridis, sounds like you resolved your issue?11:37
jolarenMy webcam has taken alot of photos on my HDD.. which is good because it's a survaillance camera, the problem is that I've removed all the .jpgs from the folder.. and I've also cleaned the paperbin but I still get prompted with this; Usage of /:   93.6% of 295.98GB................ What am I doing wrong?11:38
ShapeShifter499super fast way to copy everything from a ntfs patition to a folder on a fat partition using ubuntu?11:39
hackeridisyes and when i updated i had the same problem but the answer is here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=200142111:39
nibbler_ShapeShifter499, cp11:39
fidelcp --superfast ;)11:39
geirhajolaren: Well, probably something else is using up alot of space11:39
hficfidel, lawl11:39
ShapeShifter499ah ok11:39
ShapeShifter499nothings better then cp I guess11:40
hackeridisi told you i would be back with the answer and i will post so i hope the link will help anybody who had a problem thankyou11:40
fidelShapeShifter499: i guess there is no real voodoo in this field - besides remembering that fat has some limits ntfs hasnt - which might break the copy-progress11:40
BluesKajHey all11:41
hackeridishfic here is the link if anybody needs it for future needs or help so you can post it http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=200142111:42
hackeridissee ya all later11:42
jolarengeirha: Well, yes.. I pulled find / -name '*' -size +1G and the output = http://pastebin.com/nZmxV0fn11:43
zorbamaI need help using xsetewacom to configure my Wacom tablet's buttons. The GUI's button mapping option does not seem to work, and I'm having a hard time understanding how to configure it through the command line11:43
hackeridishfic: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2001421 this is the link that helped me solve my network problem after an update in ubuntu 12.0411:44
hackeridisbye for now11:44
SvenHHHi all, does anyone know of known problem (and solution?)  of the current nvidia driver 304.43 with ubuntu 3d?11:44
geirhajolaren: so how large are those files? something's apparently spamming your root account's mailbox, and syslog11:45
geirhajolaren: This command will give an overview of disk usage on the upper directories:  sudo du -xm --max-depth=1 /11:47
ebs512hey guys I need some help11:51
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:51
ebs512can someone help me with this http://paste.ubuntu.com/1183384/11:51
ThinkT510ebs512: you've added repos?11:53
ebs512I had installed 3.5 and I was trying to downgrade to 3.4 so I uninstalled the previous package and now it isnt allowing me to install11:54
ThinkT510ebs512: why did you install 3.5?11:55
ebs512I thought it would work, but apparently has an issue with ubuntu 12.0411:55
ThinkT510ebs512: we can only support what is in the repo11:56
xantheonError "ghc: can't find a package database at" ... Ubuntu 12.04 ... any idea ?11:56
xantheonIt's the AMD64 version of Ubuntu 12.0411:57
ebs512so how do I get back to what is in the repo?11:57
ThinkT510ebs512: installing an entire desktop environment from outside the repos is bound to cause dependency issues11:57
escapeplanCan anyone help me configure xcompmgr ?11:58
velhohrondex899, I just whant to Update Arandr from 1.4 to 1.612:01
pfarrellit seems there's a bug in the quantal slepc package: where should I report it?12:06
ThinkT510!12.10 | pfarrell12:06
ubottupfarrell: Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) will be the 17th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+112:06
velhohow can I Update Arandr from 1.4 to 1.6 ??12:09
ichdasichi currently try to set up a ubuntu 12.04 desktop with awesome and urxvt.12:10
DjamOlskyhi all12:10
somsipvelho: 0.1.4 to 0.1.6? Official repo is 0.1.4 so you'd have to go to a PPA https://launchpad.net/~chrysn/+ppa-packages12:10
ichdasichif i use vim in urxvt and try to type utf8 characters, they get distorted. any ideas on this?12:10
somsip!ppa | velho12:10
ubottuvelho: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge12:10
jolishMy Harddrive is 98 % filled. I thought It was the 140 gig of .jpgs on the computer but it wasn't connected to the survaillance camera but probarbly to http://pastebin.com/nZmxV0fn .. when I try to open /var/mail/log my computer hangs, what to do?12:12
DreadtowerMy computer was off this morning when I woke12:13
DreadtowerThere must've been a power outage in thenight12:13
DreadtowerAnyway, it's fired up into 640 x 400 graphics mode, and won't reset to 1366 x 76812:14
equexis there any way to gracefully disable this 'unity' and get classic gnome back, or do i need to just install it trough synaptic (if i can find it lol) and remove unity manually (i read that you cannot remove all of it or you will destroy the system, but i will try) or is it a hopeless project and should i just go for MATE or something ?12:14
DreadtowerAny ideas12:14
somsip!nounity | equex12:14
ubottuequex: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic12:14
soderlukHi there, I'm running a turnkey linux virtual machine with ubuntu 10.04 on it. It has OpenSSH 5.3p1-3ubuntu7 installed on it, but I'd like to upgrade to 5.7. Running apt-get upgrade openssh tells me there's nothing to update. What do I need to do to upgrade from 5.3 to 5.7?12:14
yeatssoderluk: why would you need to upgrade to that version, if you don't mind my asking?12:16
yeats!info openssh-server lucid12:16
ubottuopenssh-server (source: openssh): secure shell (SSH) server, for secure access from remote machines. In component main, is optional. Version 1:5.3p1-3ubuntu7 (lucid), package size 278 kB, installed size 764 kB12:16
equexwhere do i even get to synaptic in unity ? or a shell even ?12:16
equexwhat on earth are they thinking12:16
yeatsequex: synaptic is no longer installed by default - you can do Ctrl-Alt-T to get to the terminal12:16
equexi see12:17
equexno package manager by default right12:17
yeatsequex: software center12:17
yeatsequex: (or apt-get)12:17
soderlukyeats: well, versions prior to 5.7 might be affected by a few vulnerabilities... such as CVE-2010-4478 and CVE-2012-081412:17
ubottuOpenSSH 5.6 and earlier, when J-PAKE is enabled, does not properly validate the public parameters in the J-PAKE protocol, which allows remote attackers to bypass the need for knowledge of the shared secret, and successfully authenticate, by sending crafted values in each round of the protocol, a related issue to CVE-2010-4252. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2010-4478)12:17
ubottuThe auth_parse_options function in auth-options.c in sshd in OpenSSH before 5.7 provides debug messages containing authorized_keys command options, which allows remote authenticated users to obtain potentially sensitive information by reading these messages, as demonstrated by the shared user account required by Gitolite.  NOTE: this can cross privilege boundaries because a use... (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2012-0814)12:17
=== niko is now known as evilniko
somsipsoderluk: So you'd need to go to a PPA. I've found 1:5.9 here if that's a starting point? https://launchpad.net/~cjwatson/+archive/openssh12:18
somsipsoderluk: it appears to be maintained by whoever maintains the official package too: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/ucgi/~cjwatson/blosxom/ubuntu/2010-05-10-openssh-5.5p1-for-lucid.html12:19
soderluksomsip: thanks mate for that :)12:20
soderlukso apparently no 5.7 version is going to be found for 10.04 from the sources12:21
insomniaSalthi #ubuntu, can I safely use "dd" to create bootable pendrives instead of usb-creator/unetbootin?12:21
NiteRainHi, I am trying to connect to verizon via my gobi2000 card.  I have installed the firmware and and network-manager sees the card, when I try to set up the provider, I run through the wizard it seems to only give me options for their 4G network.  So I click other, but it still requires me to enter an APN,  the information I have read mention nothing about 3g having an APN.12:22
vilinyHello everyone, i was sitting here bored thinking about things. With windows 8 and the notorius metro ui around the corner im really thinking about switching my main desktop to linux completely.12:22
vilinyWhere are we with microsoft allowing directx on linux?12:23
Queopsdirectx what...12:23
Queopslinux is perfectly capable of running high end games12:23
Queopsjust needs a good graphics card and drivers12:24
OerHeks  directX is part of Wine. only if you need wine.12:24
vilinyAre you refering to Wine and dx9 emulation/not-emulation?12:24
vilinyor games running opengl?12:25
OerHekswhat is your ubuntu support question, viliny ?12:25
Auzyviliny, there is no DirectX api for Linux..12:25
Auzyviliny, That being said, there are alternatives, such as OpenGL12:25
vilinyim well aware of that, i was just wondering if anyone knew about anything new on that front. nevermind.12:26
Auzyviliny, Wine can run Windows DirectX games, however, the biggest improvemernt for gaming on Linux will be Steam for Linux, which has been officially announced12:26
QueopsI can't wait for it12:26
vilinyAuzy: now thats pretty close to what i was hoping to hear, thank you12:26
=== evilniko is now known as niko
Auzyviliny, thing is, even if someone ports the DirectX API for linux, it will never be compliant with the latest standard, and the windows API wont work12:27
Queopsviliny: be very excited! I heard it's soon rather than later12:27
Queopsprobably at the end of the year12:27
AuzySo.. since Windows games use the windows API so much, you'd have to mostly port the whole OS..12:27
vilinyi've been running a lot of games on wine in the past, but it's not fun sitting on the edge of your chair hoping that the game won't crash when you doing something on a competetive online game12:27
vilinyeve-online etc.12:27
Queopswell eve online12:27
Queopsdepends totally on CCP12:27
vilinythey had official linux support through wine-related shenanigans but they decided not to maintain it officially anymore12:28
AuzyIf Ubuntu plays their cards right, they can succeed with Gaming eventually..12:28
agus_sintangselamat datang12:28
Auzyhi agus_sintang12:28
DreadtowerI am totally stuck in 640 x 400: can anyone help12:28
agus_sintanghi Auzy12:28
DreadtowerIt was 1366 x 768 un til last night12:29
AuzyDreadtower, need more info..12:29
vilinyYeah, but microsoft has the market by the genitals with directx and all things related, it's sad that i have to resort to windows for a uncrippled gaming experience - so i came here to back and forth with you guys and hear if theres any news on that front12:29
Dreadtowerxrandr is reporting no gamma round and 640 x 40012:29
Dreadtowerno gamma found12:29
theadminDreadtower: Which video drivers are you using?12:30
Auzyviliny, There is a good reason for that though..12:30
DreadtowerI don;t know!12:30
Queopsviliny: for the next years, me and you will be dual booting for gaming still12:30
DreadtowerThe ones that were set up by Ubuntu/KDE12:30
theadminDreadtower: Please pastebin the output of "lsmod"12:30
xormaHi, can someone tell me how I can define "Acquire::http::No-Cache true;" in a preseed file?12:30
Auzyviliny, It's not because MS bribes them, its the simple things in Ubuntu that stil need work..12:31
vilinyAuzy, what specificly?12:31
equexviliny: both valve and id have now proven that OpenGL engines are viable and now, the OpenCL will gain traction. It now even has Nvidia people onboard.12:31
vilinyequex: excellent12:31
QueopsI love nvidia12:31
vilinyi'm 26 and my first games had opengl support12:31
Auzyviliny, Simple things.. Like, the fact that we can't even decide on a Sound daemon, and it regularly changes12:32
Queopsand many more..12:32
Queopsi still dont like the overlay scrollbars, personal opinion12:32
AuzyIn fact, remember Devicekit?12:32
vilinyi really hated... whats it called... unity12:32
equexi just hope people come to their senses about unity12:32
equexthey just need to get that out of the mainline distro *now*12:33
AuzyUnity can improve long term..Once again, the issue with Unity, gnome and all that, is simple stuff is still missing..12:33
gordonjcpAuzy: things change12:33
gordonjcpAuzy: we work out better ways of doing stuff12:33
Auzygordonjcp, Like, automounting SMB shares?12:34
theadminequex: Ubuntu provides many alternatives. There are plans on an official GNOME-Shell-based version too.12:34
veryapehrm, i actually likes unity now after giving it a new chance with 12.0412:34
vilinybut gnomes been out forever, in various versions... isn't the main point of open source that people can contribute and progress goes faster?12:34
gordonjcpAuzy: I don't use SMB but surely authentication would be a factor there?12:34
equextheadmin: i am just saing unity should be an alternative, not the default12:34
Queopstheadmin: not only there are plans, there's an alpha already :P12:34
Auzygordonjcp, Or, the fact that when loading a GUI app which is missing a SO file, there is no error saying so.. It just never loads.. No feedback12:34
gordonjcpAuzy: how often does that happen?12:34
theadminequex: I don't mind it being the default long as the ISOs with other desktops are provided, and they are.12:35
gordonjcpAuzy: and, how often does that happen *because you've been dicking about with things you should leave alone*?12:35
vilinyAuzy: been a while since i fiddled under the hood, whats an so file?12:35
theadminQueops: You mean there's such for Quantal?12:35
AuzyQuite a lot on apps which are 3 years old, which aren't on the repos.. Affected a lot of Humble Bundle games12:35
gordonjcpviliny: a library file12:35
Auzyviliny, Shared Library.. like a .dll12:35
gordonjcpviliny: ".so" stands for Shared Object12:35
QueopsWhen games start coming to linux at a good rate it's gonna be a .so nightmare, look at Desura, cant run half of the games12:35
Queopstheadmin: yep, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/ReleaseNotes#Download_the_Alpha12:35
QueopsReminder: alpha, bugs :]12:36
flan_suseHow do you fix the problem when it says that ALL your packages are "Installed (manual)" when in fact that's not true?12:36
vilinyoh i have desura... but i only got that for this one zombie survival game that i can't remember the name of12:36
NiteRainhaha, I guess beta bugs  are easier to work with?12:36
vilinyHopefully that'll standardise so the average user won't have problems like you described12:36
theadminQueops: I know, not gonna use it (I'm very much of a KDE person), but I'm surprised they got it going so soon :)12:37
Queopstheadmin: same!12:37
AdvoWorkhow can i tell if an install is server or non-server? cat /etc/issue doesn't say12:37
Queopstheadmin: same, as for the going so soon part12:37
AuzyAdvoWork, does it have Xwindows?12:37
Queopsviliny: I think you mean atom zombie smasher12:37
AdvoWorkAuzy, not sure, only have cli access to it12:37
QueopsThat one runs well12:37
equextheadmin: im just afraid now that gaming just has a chance of taking off on linux, we now just suddenly toss everything around. i know a lot of people in the wild that just got used to version 8,9 and 10 after ditching windows vista and now they have UI experiments thrown at them both from Ubuntu mainline and Metro12:38
vilinyQueops: no, not that one - this was an indy game where you run around boarding up houses and scavenging for items, isometric12:38
AuzyAdvoWork, if you type startx.. chances are, its GUI.. if you only have CLI, and its on a VPS, again, likely its server12:38
Queopsviliny: oh, I dont remember the name of that one12:38
Queopsreboot brb12:38
equexwhat people want is something that looks like XP and launches games.12:39
Dreadtowertheadmin http://paste.ubuntu.com/1183437/12:39
gordonjcpequex: why?12:39
AuzyI disagree equex.. What they want is something they can use full time, and everything to be solvable via the GUI..12:39
gordonjcpequex: I think what you mean is "what I want is..."12:39
gordonjcpmost people don't give a toss what their OS looks like12:40
equexgordonjcp exactly12:40
theadminequex, gordonjcp: Offtopic much, please continue this in a PM session or #ubuntu-offtopic12:40
NiteRaingordonjcp: then explain Mac OS?12:40
gordonjcpequex: XP is *horrible* to use12:40
gordonjcpNiteRain: what about it?12:40
Auzyofftopic then?12:40
gordonjcpAuzy: yeah, very much so!12:40
studentewho intends on server metin2?12:40
equexdiscussing unity is offtopic12:41
theadminDreadtower: Blah, not helpful... Sorry, don't see any familiar names12:41
gordonjcpequex: discussing unity *support* is on-topic12:41
Dreadtowertheadmin: OK - thanks for looking12:41
studentewho intends on server metin2?12:41
studentewho intends on server metin2?12:41
studentewho intends on server metin2?12:41
FloodBot1studente: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:41
priteshhow can i change splash screen in ubuntu 11.0412:42
iLogicalI don't find this adobe-flash-properties-gtk package anywhere. what repos I need to add? http://askubuntu.com/questions/90783/where-is-the-adobe-flash-player-settings-manager12:43
Orangerpritesh: What do you want to say by "splash screen" ?12:43
thoongyou guys experiencing nouveau problems with newer kernels 3.4 -3.5? i m just trying to find if this is localized to a fedora or will it affect other distros >?12:43
priteshOranger splash logo that comes on booting time12:44
Oranger"Ubuntu" with the orange points ?12:44
yeatsthoong: current ubuntu release is on 3.2 - you might try #ubuntu+112:44
iLogicalwhere do I find the repos with the package adobe-flash-properties-gtk ?12:47
NiteRainHaving a problem with getting my broadband mobile card to connect to verizon.  I see the modem, just configuring it to connect  is a problem, most of the options it gives me is a 4G contract for the billing plan, and I am using 3G12:48
theadminiLogical: Bookmark this page and use it instead: http://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/settings_manager02.html (it's the same thing)12:48
priteshis any one tell me how to change the splash logo of ubuntu that comes during the booting up12:49
flan_suseHow do you fix the problem when it says that ALL your packages are "Installed (manual)" when in fact that's not true?12:49
=== goose_ is now known as Guest43883
iLogicalthanks theadmin12:49
e66_flan_suse: what exact error you are getting?12:49
flan_susee66_: It's not a fatal error or anything, but it's messing up the status of my packages.12:50
SachiruHello! I would like to run Ubuntu Server in a VM, dedicated to running a server application written in Python. I woill provision it 4GB of RAM, and expect the server to not consume much, since everything else (database and associated services) are in separate VMs.12:50
SachiruWould it be possible to not use a swap partition, so that I can easily backup the hard disk image of the VM?12:50
flan_susee66_: Basically, nearly ALL my packages are considered "Installed (manual)" when that should only be reserved for non-repository .deb's such as games and manual downloads / installs.12:50
flan_susee66_: But it's listing almost ALL packages under this status.12:50
flan_susee66_: I tried the apt-mark auto trick, but that only changes them to "autoremovable"12:51
KM0201Sachiru: possible, but i would go ahead and put a swap partition just in case.. that's just me12:51
DreadtowerWell theadmin: 4 hours now and no way forward12:51
DreadtowerIt looks like my installatin is wrecked12:51
gyre007how come I'm seeing 8 cores  in /proc/cpuinfo in Ubuntu when my server should only have 2 ?12:52
KM02014hrs?.. man, i have a rule, it only takes me about 25-30min to completely reinstall/restore my junk... so if it's longer than that, i reinstall.12:52
KM0201did the same thing w/ Windows for the most part.12:52
SachiruWhat if I do this:12:53
SachiruI'll create a dedicated disk image in a different directory which is then mounted only as swap.12:53
SachiruThat way, when I do incremental backup, I don't need to backup the 4gb swap partition every time.12:54
KM0201Sachiru: i was going to suggest that... just during the install, set the other disk image as the swap.. and you'll be done.12:54
SachiruCool, that works, thanks!12:54
theadminSachiru: You can make a swapfile, see this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=104294612:55
SachiruWhile running the server, I've noticed that if the database and webserver were on different machines, the real machine hosting the server has practically no change in OS files except for swap partition.12:55
SachiruThat saves me 4gb per backup. Thanks, all!12:55
MerwinGuys, how can I "lock" my keyboard so I can clean it without hitting keys. I read keeping right "Shift" for 8s worked, but doesn't seem to work with unity12:55
e66_flan_suse: "Installed (manual)" on Synaptic means packages that you installed by yourself either by synaptic or apt-get12:55
Merwin(Yes, I know I can unplug it!)12:55
alciUSC won't take my payment : Unable to load page12:55
alciProblem occurred while loading the URL https://ingdf.wlp-acs.com/acs-pa12:56
alciSSL handshake failed12:56
=== Cybert1nus is now known as Cybertinus
BluesKajKM0201, Sachiru , what's the procedure for making a dir with a disk image for swap ?12:56
flan_susee66_: Even from the official repositories?12:56
SachiruDepends on what you use for virtualizing.12:56
e66_flan_suse: yes12:56
flan_susee66_: I figured "Installed (manual)" is reserved for non-repo packages or manually installed .deb files.12:56
KM0201BluesKaj: hes' doing it w/ vmware.. so basically, make two virtual disks... you install, and when you installl, you set one virtual drive as /  and one as /swap12:56
flan_susee66_: And besides, it's NOT true that I install all those packages manually. Most were part of the default install.12:57
e66_flan_suse: "installed (local or obsolete)" means what you have installed by .deb, .sh etc12:57
SachiruI use VirtualBox, and I just create another disk image, placed in a separate directory, since my backup script copies the contents of my vm images repository.12:57
KM0201BluesKaj: that maks it where he can back up the image of his server, w/o constantly backing up the swap partition as well (that seems to be his goal)12:57
BluesKajok KM0201 ...I should ahve scrolled up for more info12:57
Sachiru^^ Yes, that's exactly my goal.12:57
flan_susee66_: For instance, how come it lists alsa-utils as manual? Among all those other default packages?12:58
KM0201Sachiru: thats actually a pretty good idea, i've ran servers on Vbox before, and wouldn't have thought of that12:58
SachiruYeah, if you segregate VMs so that one contains database, one contains webserver and one contains the VM with the app that rarely changes.12:59
KM0201it'll make backing up much easier.12:59
SachiruYou can just backup the DB VM and the Webserver VM every month, the static VM once, and discard swap disks.12:59
SachiruPlus, if the database dies, restoring that service's VM is much faster than restoring a monolithic VM that contains everything.13:00
e66_flan_suse: did you install anything related to sound from command line?13:00
e66_flan_suse:  it could be that13:00
flan_susee66_: Nope.13:00
flan_susee66_: I read bug reports about this, for people that noticed this on a fresh install.It's just kind of inconsistent.13:00
flan_susee66_: Not too major, but thanks anyways.13:01
e66_I also see that in my package list13:01
SachiruI have that scripted as well, actually. If the nginx VM dies for some reason, my script restores the last known good disk image of the nginx vm and reboots the vm.13:01
flan_susee66_: Same installed (manual) status for 1,000+ packages?13:01
e66_I also see some packages that I didn't installed.13:01
e66_But I see very few packages that I didn't install.13:02
flan_susee66_: Actually, there is a problem.13:02
flan_susee66_: Because it ruins which packages are "autoremovable" if you remove the parent package.13:02
flan_suseSay I install an application, like vlc, but later want to remove it. If I remove it, all it's extra packages (pulled in from later) will remain on my system, and they won't be labeled autoremovable.13:03
e66_I think some packages are automatically installed as dependency to other packages. And this packages should be in autoremovable, but took place in  "Installed Manual)13:03
QueopsWhat a mess :)13:04
flan_suseThere's no option or anything to just reset the package statuses.13:04
AdvoWorkhow can you add old repositories for old-releases to the sources list? I see various folders, but i see -backports -proposed -security -updates etc,  and not sure which one13:05
priteshkoi h13:07
DreadtowerThx fo ryour help theadmin. Imanagaed to get the recovery modeule running (with the mouse available) and fix13:08
Queopsflan_suse: /var/log/apt/history.log should show all kinds of non-sense that probably happened to your apt13:08
theadminDreadtower: But now your keyboard seems broken13:08
priteshis any one please help me how to change splash logo in ubuntu 11.0413:08
DreadtowerNo - it's cool13:08
DreadtowerWhy do you say that?13:08
flan_suseQueops: Will check itout.13:08
Queopsapt-cache depends -i somepackage | cut -f 2 -d ':' | tr '\n' ' '.13:09
Queopsthis should show all dependencies of a package in a nice form13:09
Queopsflan_suse: i thought it might be useful13:09
SAngeli_I have a mdadm question: with two disks, raid-1 before creating the array is it necessary to first create a partition in one of the two hd or can this be skipped?13:09
Queopsso you can purge the packages easily.13:09
flan_suseQueops: is that last period required?13:10
Queopsflan_suse: I took it from askubuntu.com, it should.13:10
Calinou. = current directory13:10
flan_suseSAngeli: Might as well create a partition on each disk that takes the entire space for each, and use the software raid type/label for the partitions. Then do the rest...13:10
Queopsbrb reboot13:12
flan_suseSAngeli: /dev/sdb1 + /dev/sdc1 = /dev/md0 (raid1)............ sdb1 and sdc1 are software raid partitions13:12
amr_hello, is there a copy of ubuntu which by default provide gnome 3.4 desktop?13:13
KM0201weird, i didn't know t-bird had a built in IRC client.13:13
KM0201amr_: not to my knowledge.13:14
DJonesKM0201: I think it comes with the latest version of Thunderbird, only recently added from memory13:14
KM0201DJones: i dunno, this is the version of tbird i've always had.. just happened to notice it.13:15
Ken8521the fonts kinda suck.13:16
Ken8521i imagine i could figure out a way to change that if i wanted13:16
amr_if I install new copy of ubutnu 12 then install the gnome from software center ,I will have it just working or other stuff need to be handled ?13:16
MonkeyDustamr_  you mean gnome-shell?13:16
Ken8521amr_: it *should* work... i don't like 3.x so i've not tried it13:16
NekuraAnybody have any suggestions for loadbalancing software?13:17
amr_MonkeyDust: yes13:17
Psi-JackHmmm I've been experiencing a LOT of crashes in Ubuntu 12.04 lately, like no tomorrow. automount, chrome, skype, etc... Just all over the place.13:17
KM0201hmm, weird13:17
theadminPsi-Jack: Sounds like something serious broke, might a glib/kernel thing13:18
gordonjcpPsi-Jack: smells like hardware13:18
Psi-Jackgordonjcp: It's not hardware.13:18
MonkeyDustamr_  just install it and get used to it -- (i don't like/use it myself)13:18
gordonjcpPsi-Jack: how can you be so sure?13:18
smartmobiliI have one problem, I am using ubuntu natty and it seems my /lib/init/upstart-job script is empty. Is is normal ?13:18
OerHeksPsi-Jack, do a memtest8613:18
Psi-JackOerHeks: Already did. Checked out perfectly fine.13:18
smartmobiliHi by the way13:19
Psi-JackI'm wonderfing if somehow using aptitude, instead of apt-get is causing some package related corruption of sorts.13:19
amr_Ken8521: and the unity will steal exists too13:19
theadminPsi-Jack: Yep... Aptitude is broken (on 64-bit systems at least)13:19
theadminPsi-Jack: That's why Ubuntu no longer includes it by default on 64-bit ISOs13:20
BobDobalinaIs it better to use Aptitude or Apt-Get?13:20
opienghello all, I have installed Ubuntu. I had Win 7 installed on my SDD and installed Ubuntu 12.04 on my HDD, I try to boot from where I installed Ubuntu, but I can't see to get to the OS Selector during boot up (I think its called the Grub?)13:20
BluesKajKM0201, I just found the irc client in thunderbird as well , in tools/chat status ..neat :)13:20
Psi-Jacktheadmin: Yeah, so I recall hearing, but could it cause the all this problem?13:20
ubottuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. You may encounter problems on multiarch installs (11.10 and higher) as aptitude cannot currently handle the same package with different architectures being installed at the same time. See http://pad.lv/831768 for more information.13:20
Psi-Jacktheadmin: it comes default for server, just not for desktop.13:20
KM0201BluesKaj: lol, well i don't feel quite so stupid now... all this time checking my email and never seeing that big "CHAT" button13:21
theadminPsi-Jack: Maybe, yes, aptitude can cause serious issues with 64-bit (multiarch)13:21
hfic!grub | opieng13:21
ubottuopieng: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)13:21
Psi-Jacktheadmin: Is there a viable fix to repair it? My desktop system at work isn't experiencing these problems, but my home system is, and it's really frustrating.13:21
opiengummm but I installed Ubuntu after windows.. does that matter?13:21
Psi-Jacktheadmin: I noticed it first with just Chrome tabs constantly dying, randomly, not it's gotten to the point where many other things do it, like skype.13:22
smartmobiliok : trying again to ask my question : it seems my /lib/init/upstart-job script is empty. Is is normal ?13:22
KM0201Psi-Jack: i'd suspect a RAM issue, but thats just me.13:22
KM0201or try a clean install13:23
Psi-JackKM0201: It's pretty new RAM still, and memtest86 passed 48 hours non-stop testing.13:23
theadminPsi-Jack: Unfortunately, I have no idea how to fix it... Unless you find a way to reinstall each and every package, using apt-get13:23
smartmobiliso when I try something like /etc/init.d/vsftpd stop nothing happens (since vsftpd is just a link to upstart-job)13:23
Psi-Jacktheadmin: That's plausible.13:23
KM0201smartmobili: try "sudo service vsftpd stop"13:23
theadminPsi-Jack: I'd say "emerge -DN world" if it were Gentoo ;)13:24
smartmobiliit works13:24
KM0201smartmobili: although i think that command you listed should work as well... just make sure you're using "sudo" with it.13:24
smartmobiliI am root13:24
Psi-Jacktheadmin: Actually, I was thinking: for pkg in `dpkg --get-selections | awk '{print $1}' | egrep -v '(dpkg|apt|mysql|mythtv)'` ; do apt-get -y --force-yes install --reinstall $pkg ; done13:24
* KM0201 sighs13:24
smartmobilicould someone with natty checks if this upstart-job is empty or not13:25
theadminPsi-Jack: Well that's one hell of a command, also it might fail since I think "dpkg --get-selections" outputs some sort of a header before the actual package names13:25
smartmobilijust curious to know13:25
AdvoWorkim trying to install a package, and it says Package is not available but is referred to by another package, how can I find out what package so I can get it?13:25
Psi-Jacktheadmin: Not that I see it doesn't.13:26
opiengDoes this still apply if I installed Ubuntu after Windows 7 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows?action=show&redirect=RestoreGrub13:26
theadminPsi-Jack: Okay, than I guess you could give that a try. At your own risk of course.13:26
Psi-JackOf course. ;)13:26
KM0201opieng: it shouldn't... that's for if you install windows 7 after ubuntu13:26
Psi-JackMy setup's pretty easy though, /home is on a separate partition. /'s on SSD.13:27
MonkeyDustopieng  1st windows, then ubuntu13:27
opiengKH Any suggestions for solving my problem?13:27
pawanIs the Debian irc down?13:27
KM0201opieng: i didn't see you mention a problem...13:27
opiengMonkeyDust, thats what I did13:27
nzeroxhey guys13:27
nzeroxi'm having the following issue with openct13:27
nzeroxError: can't open /var/run/openct/status: Permission denied13:27
nzeroxcan anyone help?13:27
KM0201pawan: works fine for me...are you identified?13:28
opiengKM0201, "I have installed Ubuntu. I had Win 7 installed on my SDD and installed Ubuntu 12.04 on my HDD, I try to boot from where I installed Ubuntu, but I can't see to get to the OS Selector during boot up"13:28
MonkeyDustpawan  i'm in #debian now, so no13:28
pawanKM0201: How to do that?13:28
KM0201!identify | pawan13:28
ubottupawan: You can identify automatically by using your NickServ password as the server password in your IRC client. When identifying manually, do NOT send the command from a channel's tab, as a typo will give away your password. If that happens, identify and then type « /msg NickServ set password <new-password> » in the server tab as soon as possible.13:28
KM0201!register | pawan13:28
ubottupawan: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode13:28
KM0201pawan: when you installed, wherre did you install grub?13:29
KM0201woopps, opieng when you installed, where did you install grub?13:29
13WABHP8Ehi all13:30
13WABHP8EMay I know how to install vim in arch linux?13:30
opiengKM0201, Pretty sure it was on my HDD, same place I installed Ubuntu.13:30
pawanI'm very new to irc. I can connect to #debian on freenode13:30
MonkeyDust13WABHP8E  better ask in #arch13:30
pawanI tried the default address given in XChat13:30
pawanDidn't work13:30
gordonjcp13WABHP8E: you could ask in #arch13:30
BluesKaj!arch| 13WABHP8E13:31
pawanThat's the one they gave on their official site13:31
MonkeyDust13WABHP8E  wrong chennel, this is ubuntu support13:31
KM0201opieng: did you sett he hdd as first in your boot sequence?13:31
Psi-JackAlrighty.. Trying an in-place reinstall of packages now.13:31
KM0201opieng: the ubuntu server is the same as the freenode server13:31
theadmin13WABHP8E: pacman -Syu vim or pacman -Syu gvim for the GUI version. The Arch channel is #archlinux by the way.13:32
KM0201so debian is the same channel on both13:32
szal13WABHP8E, MonkeyDust, gordonjcp: it's #archlinux13:32
opiengI try booting from both SSD and HDD first and they both don't pick up the grub2? I work them first day I installed, but now it seems the Grub2 is lost?13:32
pawanKM201, Okay13:32
KM0201pawan: like i said, i suspect you're not identified, because i'm there now w/ no problem (on the ubuntu server)13:32
lordnoidive got ubuntu and windows on seperate fakeraid arrays. I can boot to ubuntu, but i cant boot to windows. Grub doesnt see it and i have no idea what the root is supposed to be with names like /dev/mapper/...13:33
mickymillshi fans, I am having some trouble on Ubuntu 12 where the trackpad freezes. unloading and reloading using modprobe reinstates the trackpad. the error seems to come up using java dependent apps like firefox and libreoffice13:33
MonkeyDustpawan  it's not the channel, it's you13:33
opiengKM0201, what do you mean freenode is on the same server?13:33
Psi-Jacklordnoid: fakeraid is bad, m'kay? Don't use it.13:33
KM0201opieng: that wasn't for you.13:34
mickymillslordnoid > what version of Windows?13:34
MonkeyDustopieng  type /join #freenode to find out13:34
lordnoidPsi-Jack, there's not really another option for dualboot13:34
lordnoidmickymills, 713:34
Psi-Jacklordnoid: Of course there is.13:34
opiengSo any suggestion on where my Grub2 has gone?13:34
Psi-Jacklordnoid: There's /ALWAYS/ a better option than using fakeraid, 100% of the time.13:34
pawanMonkeyDust: I connected to the Debian channel on freenode. Thank you :)13:34
lordnoidPsi-Jack, tell me13:34
mickymillsubuntu 12 worked out of the box with my windows 7 install, but its not grub I know that!13:35
KM0201opieng: have no idea.. like i said, my first guess is it didn't get installed properly or something.13:35
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)13:35
Psi-Jacklordnoid: What's your current raid setup looking like?13:35
KM0201opieng: try following the instructions in that factoid to restore grub..13:35
AdvoWorki'm doing some work on an old server, and need to install libltdl3  but it says it is not available but is referred to by another package. any idea how I can manually install this?13:35
lordnoidPsi-Jack, 2 raid 0 arrays, 200GB and 1,8TB13:35
gyre007im wondering how should I set the thresholds for monitoring the load...I have 4 cores13:36
opiengOk I will try, hope it works13:36
mickymillsanyone know any  trackpad persistent errors on ubuntu 12 using compaq?13:36
Psi-Jacklordnoid: So, 4 HDD's?13:36
lordnoidPsi-Jack, no, 213:36
lordnoidPsi-Jack, short-stroking13:37
MonkeyDust!anyone > mickymills13:37
ubottumickymills, please see my private message13:37
Psi-JackEh.... That's horrible.. Raid 0 is striping (spanning) only, and pretty much extremely pointless.. Why would you DO that?13:37
gyre007the highest load should be 4 right13:37
lordnoidPsi-Jack, raid 0 is striping, which is not spanning.13:37
mickymillshi fans, I am having some trouble on Ubuntu 12 where the trackpad freezes. unloading and reloading using modprobe reinstates the trackpad. the error seems to come up using java dependent apps like firefox and libreoffice13:38
Psi-Jacklordnoid: What's the physical HDD's?13:38
lordnoidPsi-Jack, two 1TB13:38
mickymillshi fans, I am having some trouble on Ubuntu 12 where the trackpad freezes. unloading and reloading using modprobe reinstates the trackpad. the error seems to come up using java dependent apps like firefox and libreoffice , whats the problem13:38
gyre007or am I missing saomething ?13:38
Psi-Jacklordnoid: Heck, with that, you have 2 HDD's. Use part of 1 to install Linux on, the other to install Windows on, and split the first as needed to share data between the two, if you don't do so with the second one anyway.13:39
Psi-JackDual-boot success.13:39
lordnoidPsi-Jack, true, but id rather keep my speed13:40
Psi-JackYou're not getting ANY speed hardly with a fakeraid.13:40
lordnoidPsi-Jack, I am.13:40
Psi-JackAnd Linux itself certainly isn't using it at all.13:40
Psi-Jacklordnoid: No, really. You're not.13:40
Psi-JackAll you're doing is making the destruction of your data more possible. :p13:41
lordnoidPsi-Jack, I've tested it and the tranfer rate was 50MB/s higher13:42
mrs_sheephello everybody - my system is unbootable due to "alloc magic is broken" - any ideas where i could find a solution? (google did not halpt too much this time) ?13:42
theadminPsi-Jack: Tell me if it works (the reinstall every package thing), cause I'm interested13:43
Psi-Jacktheadmin: Roger that. Will do. I'm watching it all now, still going. :)13:43
Psi-Jacktheadmin: Up to the C's now. ;)13:44
theadminPsi-Jack: You realize it's not installing them in alphabetical order but in dependency satisfaction order, right?13:44
rahul_question, is their con of duel boot ubuntu on the performance of the system?13:45
Psi-Jacktheadmin: It's mostly doing it in alphabetical order, actually.13:45
Psi-Jacktheadmin: Since all the dependencies themselves are already installed, it's just reinstalling everything in-place.13:45
theadminPsi-Jack: Oh, right13:46
21WAAFEW9Is bitcasa.com the best backup solution?13:46
opienghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows?action=show&redirect=RestoreGrub I can't seem to find the Boot-repair section. It seems like Ubunutu will reinstall? I am worried I will mess things up here13:46
Psi-Jack21WAAFEW9: There is no "best" of anything. Best is a measure of your own personal and unique opinion of what you consider best for you, and could be in multiple different scenarios. It is more useful to ask more specific questions you have.13:47
opiengWhen I boot from the Ubuntu Installation CD that is13:47
21WAAFEW9Backuping 3TB on a 10mbit connection, how long am I looking at?13:50
theadmin21WAAFEW9: 6990 hours, if my calculations are correct13:52
Psi-JackYep, theadmin13:52
JasperCoenraatssomebody knows a program like photoshop for ubuntu?13:53
21WAAFEW9theadmin: So like, a few months?13:53
gregoryfentonJasperCoenraats, gimpshop13:53
etzHello all13:53
theadmin21WAAFEW9: Almost a year, actually >.<13:53
mickymillsmy trackpad stopped working and only started again after reloading using modprobe :(13:53
etzIs there a new version of Ubuntu out yet?13:53
mickymillsits happening all the time13:53
user14In what order is it better to set /, swap and /home partitions?13:54
mickymillsapart from that ubuntu rocks13:54
deitricknew version in october13:54
21WAAFEW9theadmin: How do people backup then?13:54
theadminetz: The latest is 12.04, I don't know how you define "new". There is a new release approximately twice a year.13:54
mickymillsluckily I still have a keyboard!13:54
21WAAFEW9300gb takes a month?13:54
Adiethere is a new version exactly twice a year13:54
theadmin21WAAFEW9: You said tb13:54
opiengmickymills, ubuntu rocks except for when the Grub2 goes missing....13:54
Adieapril and october13:54
etzWhat's the name of it?13:54
theadmin21WAAFEW9: and 300 terabytes is a... lot.13:54
mickymillsgrub frustrates , it is very unforgiving13:55
theadminetz: The name of 12.04 is "Precise Pangolin", the name of the latest unstable version is Quantal... something13:55
21WAAFEW9theadmin: I asked 3TB, you said a year, so I lowered my backup need because I don't have a year13:55
etzIs there a beta out yet?13:55
hylianetz: yeah, 12.10 has a beta release.13:55
etzThanks the admin13:56
deitrickyup beta113:56
theadmin21WAAFEW9: Hm, well, your idea is convert info to megabits and divide by 10, you'll get seconds, then convert that to whatever's comfortable for you13:56
opiengmickymills, yes, its putting me off using Ubuntu altogether as a dual boot with windows 713:56
Psi-Jack21WAAFEW9: How do people backup? They buy backup equipment, most of the time, if their needs are huge. Such as a Drobo or some kind mass storage NAS unit.13:57
simosxopieng, there is an autorescue option for grub issues.13:58
Psi-Jack3TB is quite a HUGE backup.13:58
Psi-JackGetting these kind of warnings so far:14:00
mickymillsopieng > I have had two encounters with Grub, and I fixed both by running grubupdate using the live cd-rom to boot from first hdd14:00
Psi-Jackdpkg: warning: parsing file '/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 26802 package 'gtk2-engines-pixbuf:i386': 'Depends' field, reference to 'libglib2.0-0': error in version: invalid character in version number14:00
hyliantheadmin: quantal quetzel. I have no idea what that means though. :)14:00
theadminhylian: It's always "Adjective Animal"14:00
MonkeyDusthylian  a quetzal is an exotic bird, like in quetzal coatl14:01
opiengmickymills, So what do I need to do? I have my orginal CD I installed Ubuntu with. Shall I boot from this?14:01
opiengHow do I get to the grubupdate?14:01
opiengwould really appreciate your help14:02
theadmin!restoregrub | opieng14:02
ubottuopieng: Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub14:02
mickymillsopieng > Interestingly I get a NTFS error everytime I boot but that is a windows taking over the MBR problem ALSO have a look at http://askubuntu.com/questions/24479/no-grub-after-installing-ubuntu-beside-windows-714:03
opiengI get to stage 2 "Install and run Boot-Repair" but I can't find the boot repair option? Do I need to go past the option of selecting langauge - English etc?14:04
opiengWhat is the error msg?14:04
theadminopieng: Yes, you need to click "Try Ubuntu" and then install the boot-repair tool...14:04
opiengmickymills, is it something like "error Prefix not set"14:06
opiengOk... "Try Ubuntu without installing"....14:07
MorganTheWretcheOkay, quick question; when is 12.10 being officially released?14:07
mickymillsopieng: no its NTS File System Error ####14:07
MorganTheWretcheIs there a solid release date?14:07
Psi-JackMorganTheWretche: When it's ready.14:07
theadminMorganTheWretche: 12.10 means "year 12 (2012), month 10 (october)"14:07
MorganTheWretcheahh, do you think it will be the 1st of October?14:08
i7cMorganTheWretche: 18.10.2012 i think14:08
theadminMorganTheWretche: It's usually closer to the middle or end of the month14:08
MorganTheWretcheGreat, thank you14:08
MorganTheWretcheDo you guys have a favourite Calendar app for syncing with Google Calendars?14:09
QueopsWell I user thunderbird14:09
QueopsI use*14:09
Queopswith the calendar addon14:10
MorganTheWretcheHm, guess I mean more of a standalone Calendar that sits on your desktop14:10
QueopsI get what you mean, an integrated one would be nice14:11
Queopsmaybe one that syncs with ubuntuone14:11
Psi-Jacktheadmin: Welp. progress continues.. Up to gnu* ;)14:11
MorganTheWretcheYeah, see, I have my entire university timetable laid out in real time on Google Calendars. It'd be nice to have it sit there14:11
QueopsI use google calendar commonly aswell14:12
MorganTheWretcheYeah, it's pretty standard. Of course, google discontinued Google Desktop :/14:12
MorganTheWretcheI mean, my Mac has iCal which can grab any Google Calendar feed I want. Thought it'd be common enough to be implemented in Linux14:13
QueopsIt's those little things that aren't on ubuntu and other distros14:14
Queopsit will come with time..14:14
user14Anyone? In what order is it better to set /, swap and /home partitions?14:15
MorganTheWretcheWish I knew more about Linux programming, I could write my own Calendar application14:15
Queopsuser14: I believe it doesn't matter14:15
cfhowlettuser14: agree with queops14:15
QueopsMorganTheWretche: I would suggest trying to extend the already existing clock/calendar app14:15
QueopsThat would be epic ;)14:15
Queopswith reminder notifications14:16
user14And is ext3 any better than ext4?14:16
Queopsusing the default notification system14:16
MorganTheWretcheI would if I could write Linux programs.14:16
cfhowlettuser14: no.  ext4 is the default.  unless you have a very good reason to deviate, i'd use it.14:16
Queopsuser14: yes, definitely use ext4, it has good new features14:17
Queopsmore reliable than ext314:17
Toph2is there a file system in linux that windows can see if dual booting?14:17
user14And do I need to leave / 50 Gb or 30 Gb will be enough?14:17
theadminToph2: NTFS, FAT and FAT32 are nice choices for crossplatform filesharing14:17
opiengok repairing.... I hope this works!!!14:18
cfhowlettuser14: default ubuntu install is only about 4 or 5 gigs14:18
MonkeyDustToph2  what theadmin says, but don't install ubuntu on it14:18
Toph2oh, so you can use FAT, NTFS in Linux?14:18
user14*to leave root partition14:18
Toph2i see14:18
QueopsToph2: yes, but make a seperate partition for sharing14:18
QueopsAnd Ubuntu can mount your windows partition.14:18
Toph2Queops,,, ok,, good point14:18
MonkeyDustToph2  windows recognizes three OSs: windows, windows and windows14:18
MorganTheWretche*lightbulb* Is Python or Java preinstalled on Ubuntu distros? If so, I could write an application in those languages.14:18
Queopspython is pre installed14:19
Queopsjava isnt14:19
velhoGOSH, I just wish the learning curve in linux was shorter...14:19
QueopsMorganTheWretche: take a look http://developer.ubuntu.com/14:19
MonkeyDustvelho  than what?14:19
QueopsMany informations there, specially if you follow links14:19
MorganTheWretcheThe only thing that scares me is, sometimes it seems like if you write a program based on GNOME, it won't work on KUbuntu and vica versa14:20
QueopsKubuntu is basically KDE, Qt14:21
QueopsGnome uses GTK14:21
QueopsYou can use the apps on both platforms though14:21
Queopsthe visual aspect will most likely be a little derpy though14:21
Queopsspecially GTK apps on KDE if I remember14:22
MorganTheWretcheHm, still, if I wanted some degree of... say taskbar notification functions... It may not work with both. Is that correct?14:22
QueopsMost likely14:22
QueopsDepends on which APi you are using14:22
MorganTheWretcheAlright, I like a challenge. Thanks for the pointers.14:22
QueopsThere's so much stuff out there I don't even know14:22
QueopsKDE uses a different calendar application as well MorganTheWretche14:23
theadminAnyway, I have to go off, see y'all14:24
MorganTheWretcheHm, I'll probably choose to develop for GNOME or even Unity14:24
baizonnice to hear14:24
QueopsOh MorganTheWretche I forgot, if you don't use Thunderbird you can take a look at evolution, I don't know how integrated it is atm but evolution used to have some kind of calendar intregation with the default calendar app i think14:25
MorganTheWretchealright, I'll look into it14:25
opiengOk, the boot repair has seem to work, I hope it doesn't get lost again14:25
=== gfrog__ is now known as gfrog_
Guest6272what is the best version of ubuntu/linux for a presario F763NR Notebook PC s/n CNF81561KH p/n KW061UA#ABA; Microprocessor1.90 GHz AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core Processor TK-57; Memory 1024 MB; Memory MaxUp to 3GB DDR2; Video GraphicsNVIDIA GeForce 7000M; Video MemoryUp to 287 MB; Hard Drive120 GB (5400 rpm); Keyboard101-key compatible ... i have been at this for days (12.04)and it is still saying no operating system found... im starting14:25
QueopsMorganTheWretche: Unity session still uses the gnome environment, just not the gnome shell14:25
opiengBy the way whats the easiest and safest way to uninstall my Ubuntu dual boot i I needed to?14:26
cfhowlettGuest6272: you DID checksum your iso, right?14:26
vespakoenHey guys, I am using network time, on ubuntu, timezone is set allright, but the time is 12 hours off, any ideas what's going on?14:26
MorganTheWretcheHm, when I say Unity, I mean... perhaps some degree of integration with that panel. Maybe a tab system.14:26
Queopsopieng: I usually boot into Windows 7, delete the partition there and restore the MBR with EasyBCD (google it)14:26
QueopsTo restore the MBR use the Write MBR somewhere on the program14:27
opiengoh as easy as that, and does it get rid of the Grub214:27
QueopsIt's my favorite method14:27
Queopsif you just have a machine with ubuntu and windows 7 for example yes14:27
opiengand keep everything with windows happy14:27
talsamon hallo, since Opera 12.02 i have the problem that the java-plugin doesn't run, i can see it in about:plugins, it's Ubuntu 12.04, the links seem to be set right, all other plugins works, java is 1.6.0_35, any idea please14:28
Queopsopieng: it might seem that EasyBCD is paid but its not for personal use http://neosmart.net/download.php?id=114:28
QueopsI miseed a comma there, I hope you got the idea though lol14:29
Guest6272what is the best version of ubuntu/linux for a presario F763NR Notebook PC s/n CNF81561KH p/n KW061UA#ABA; Microprocessor1.90 GHz AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core Processor TK-57; Memory 1024 MB; Memory MaxUp to 3GB DDR2; Video GraphicsNVIDIA GeForce 7000M; Video MemoryUp to 287 MB; Hard Drive120 GB (5400 rpm); Keyboard101-key compatible ... i have been at this for days (12.04)and it is still saying no operating system found... im starting14:29
opiengyep, thanks Queops14:29
cfhowlettGuest6272: DID YOU checksum the iso?14:29
Guest6272i im'd you and asked you how to do that14:30
bazhang!md5 | Guest627214:30
ubottuGuest6272: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows14:30
MorganTheWretchefyi, my twitter if anyone wants to hear geeky rants... https://twitter.com/MorgansCode14:30
bazhang!hashes > Guest627214:30
ubottuGuest6272, please see my private message14:30
bazhangMorganTheWretche, stay on topic please14:30
neobenedictwhat's !hashes?14:30
neobenedict!hashes > neobenedict14:30
ubottuneobenedict, please see my private message14:30
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neobenedictmakes sense.14:31
bazhangneobenedict, /msg ubottu hashes14:31
cfhowlettGuest6272:  reason why you should:  downloads sometimes get screwy.  A screwy iso will give you a screwy installation.14:31
neobenedictany bot command list somewhere?14:31
bazhangneobenedict, /msg ubottu factoids14:31
QueopsGuest6272: and if you are burning into a CD try burning it at a lower speed14:31
MonkeyDustneobenedict  http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi14:31
Guest6272i have access to cd-rs, dvd-rws, 8 gb usb, and an external hd... what would be best?14:32
bazhangGuest6272, the usb stick and unetbootin14:33
Adieusb in my opinion14:33
Psi-JackGuest6272: There is no "best" of anything. Best is a measure of your own personal and unique opinion of what you consider best for you, and could be in multiple different scenarios. It is more useful to ask more specific questions you have.14:33
cfhowlettGuest6272: for convenience, usb14:33
deadmundGuest6272: Tough choice... not the cd-r (can't erase it).14:33
bazhang!unetbootin | Guest627214:33
ubottuGuest6272: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent14:33
deadmundGuest6272: Probably usb is fastest14:33
* Psi-Jack still uses CDR to this day.14:33
Sachiru!hashes > Sachiru14:34
ubottuSachiru, please see my private message14:34
Guest6272should i use a certain application to put it onto the usb?14:34
cfhowlettGuest6272: unetbootin14:34
deadmundunetbootin ftw14:34
Adieyou asked what application to use, two people said "unetbootin"14:35
Guest6272should i format the usb in any particular way?14:36
Guest6272im a noob..14:36
Psi-JackAdie: Actually, only 1 person said it.14:36
QueopsGuest6272: http://www.linuxliveusb.com/ http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/ these are my favorite ones14:36
Psi-JackAdie: The ohyer was a bot. :p14:36
QueopsLinux live usb does all the work for you, including formatting the usb drive14:36
Queopsand so do the others14:36
Queopsbut I know for a fact that linux live usb checks the checksum14:36
Guest6272cool deal14:37
QueopsBut, windows only14:37
Queopsif you are on linux get unetbootin or something14:37
bnwkeysNoob question alert!  I need to manually install my wifi driver on a laptop, that has a fresh ubuntu install.  I don't have a wired internet connection to use, and I can't find a driver download center in the support.  Am I missing something here?14:37
Adieif using unetbootin, I think it should be fat3214:37
Psi-JackGuest6272: So, is there a particular reason you specifically used a guest nick with those specific numbers? :p14:37
cfhowlettbnwkeys: is this for a  broadcom wifi?14:37
Adieit never seemed to format my usb drives on its own14:38
Psi-JackCause auto-generated nicks have 5 digits, not 4.14:38
Queopscfhowlett: I think you will win with that guess :P14:38
Guest6272im making it on windows 7 but the comp that needs it came with vista but currently has nothing14:38
* cfhowlett bets $114:38
bnwkeysi think it is a broadcom wifi, the laptop is a dell inspiron 150114:38
* Queops bets cfhowlett's one dollar14:38
Guest6272i couldnt figure out how to create an account14:39
cfhowlettbnwkeys: yep.  bcom43**.  you're in luck.  you can do it all the installation directly from the boot media.  wait one.14:39
Guest6272at psi14:39
AdieGuest6272, unetbootin is an application that will put a ubuntu .iso on the flash drive in such a way that you can boot from it14:39
Psi-JackGuest6272: /nick newnick14:39
Psi-JackAnd wait a sec...14:39
QueopsAdie: does unetbootin check the hash?14:40
Psi-JackThis channel forwards to #ubuntu-unregged, but it seems that it's not defaultly account restricted.14:40
AdieQueops, no14:40
QueopsGuest6272: since your previous download was corrupted and you are not comfortable on how to verify the ISO integrity just use the linuxlive one14:41
QueopsAt least we assume it was.14:41
cfhowlettbnwkeys: grr.  China is throttling internet again, so my connection is too slow to do the search.  here's the deal; your boot cdrom/usb has 5 files that you can copy to your desktop. then use terminal to install them, modprobe to activate and you've got internet.  Takes about 5 minutes.  Search: ubuntu + broadcom + no internet access   this might be a good link  http://www.ehow.com/how_7296322_install-driver-network-ubuntu-10_4.html14:42
QueopsGuest6272: don't forget to tell us how it went ;)14:43
cfhowlettbnwkeys: or this one  http://search.yahoo.com/r/_ylt=A0oGdVF2wURQgz0A2wVXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTE0NHFhYWRrBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDOARjb2xvA3NrMQR2dGlkA1FJMDA3XzEzOQ--/SIG=12ugrumog/EXP=1346712054/**http%3a//naveenubuntu.blogspot.com/2011/01/broadcom-sta-wireless-driver.html14:43
bnwkeyscfhowlett: thanks a bunch, that's a lot of help, hopefully this frankensteined dell laptop will be cruising on ubuntu in no time :D14:44
Queopsbnwkeys: I had to do that with my laptop as well14:44
Psi-JackWell, this is trucking on along reinstalling all packages now that it's hit the lib*14:44
cfhowlettbnwkeys: it's actually a pretty slick fix.  also, better than compiling the driver from broadcom.14:45
opiengcan I install pyqt4 on a virtual machine Ubuntu install?14:45
QueopsI remember just dpkg -i the package14:45
Queopsand it worked for me14:45
bnwkeyssweet, sounds good14:45
Queopsopieng: virtual machine or not pyqt4 should be available14:45
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)14:45
gyre007I have come across an interesting issue on ubuntu...I create a massive file (ie around 5G) and when I run df -h NO SPACE seems to have been taken by that file14:46
iwak-piyekhisto, i wanna say thank you, for ubuntu developer. great job. my cdma modem SpeedUp E2700E is working correctly.14:46
opiengI get two error msgs..14:46
FloodBot1gyre007: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:46
cfhowlettbnwkeys: STA - No Internet Access section of this  http://turbolinux.org/2011/07/ubuntu-broadcom-bcm43xx-chipset-pci/14:46
iwak-piyekfor ubuntu developer i mean14:46
opiengunable to open lock file and unable to lock administration directory14:47
bikramhi [10:37] <bikram> bikram@bikram-Vostro-3400:~$ sudo update-grub Generating grub.cfg ... Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.35-32-generic Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-2.6.35-32-generic Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.35-22-generic Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-2.6.35-22-generic Found memtest86+ image: /boot/memtest86+.bin done [10:38] <bikram> is showing after I installed ubuntu over windows 7 [10:38] <bikram> wi14:47
gyre007the way I created a file was: sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/test_monitor bs=1 count=0 seek=4G14:47
ozetteI'm using Windows 7 in a vm, how can I bring files over from host to guest without something like dropbox?14:47
Guest6272should i re download the iso since it didnt work b4?14:48
Psi-JackOzette: share.14:48
ozetteshare a folder?14:48
ThinkT510ozette: thats what shared folders are for14:48
ratcheerGuest6272: Did you check the md5sum?14:48
iwak-piyekozette, install samba and share14:48
Psi-JackFile systems do not have folders.14:48
cfhowlettGuest6272: only if the hashcheck doesn't match.  Also, use the .torrent download method - fewer download problems14:48
Psi-JackNo need for Samba.14:49
opienghow can I post the error msgs can you can see them?14:49
ozetteYea I'd like to do it without samba14:49
Queopscfhowlett: I think with torrent it never goes corrupted right?14:49
ubottuopieng:: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:49
abhinavmehtaI'm having few machines in my local LAN(wifi network) using mac/win/ubuntu. Recently, I found that at times my ubuntu machine stops responding to local ping requests randomly after running sometime…does anyone know, why this happens..?14:49
ozetteI'll see what I can do, thank you14:49
cfhowlettQueops: never say never, but I've had no such problem14:49
abhinavmehtaor how to resolve this, without restarting the machine…BTW after restart things get auto restored.14:49
Queopscfhowlett: you made me worried now :p14:49
Psi-Jackozette: VirtualBox can share local files as if it were on a network.14:50
cfhowlettQueops: hey just my opinion.  YMMV14:50
abhinavmehtaANYONE, on why ubuntu machine stop responding to local computers…while internet is working on that machine.14:50
Guest6272which is easiest for people that dont speak too much computer ubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu, or lubuntu??? i need the computer for college and gaming..14:51
Psi-Jackabhinavmehta: Describe the actual nature of the problem, in detail.14:51
bnwkeysqueops: you probably already know this, but i use hash checksums if I'm concerned about important firmware files being corrupted, like md5 checksum14:51
Psi-JackGuest6272: They're all about the same.14:51
Queopscfhowlett: found an answer, see the first one http://superuser.com/questions/335182/how-does-a-downloaded-iso-get-corrupted14:51
=== Roasted is now known as roasted
Psi-JackGuest6272: Please get an actual nick using /nick <somenewnick?, because there's 15 other Guest* users here.14:52
yeatsGuest6272: it's totally a matter of opinion, but xubuntu or kde would probably be closer to windows behavior (in my opinion ;-) )14:52
ozettePsi-Jack, ok thanks14:52
cfhowlettGuest6272: mouse is a mouse, file is a file ... the differences between desktop environments are pretty much cosmetic14:52
Queopscfhowlett: my guess is that it will only corrupt if the machine is with anomalies beforehand hehe14:52
abhinavmehtaIts simple Psi-Jack , as I said….my ubuntu box stops responding to local ping/ssh requests after running sometime…though it could access the internet via same local wifi router…but it doesn't respond to local system pings.14:52
SAngeliis it possible to share via samva /var/www ?14:52
tonsofpcssure, why not14:52
Psi-Jackabhinavmehta: No, you didn't /say/ that before. you just said "stops responding to local computers" which by itself made no sense.14:53
cfhowlettQueops: you might be right about that.14:53
abhinavmehtaPsi-Jack: ok my mistake…no this the story, how can we solve this..?14:53
yeatsabhinavmehta: have you checked your logs for any relevant error messages?14:53
Psi-Jackabhinavmehta: So, ping doesn't even work?14:53
Guest6272step 4 options has hide created file on key checked and format the key in fat32 unchecked... do i need to change either one?14:53
abhinavmehtaPsi-Jack: nope..14:53
abhinavmehtayeats: nope14:54
hammommahi have media centre in lounge room, lubuntu xbmc with nfs share's. I have lubuntu ltsp server running thin clients for my kids. Whats the best way to share certain shares off media center to kids with ro permissions? can you mount nfs shares on thin clients on boot?14:54
Psi-Jackabhinavmehta: Are you trying to ping by LAN IP, or by name?14:54
yeatsabhinavmehta: /var/log/auth.log, /var/log/syslog, /var/log/daemon.log, etc.14:54
Guest6272aqnd psi... ive told u several times that if i knew how to change my name i would14:54
abhinavmehtaPsi-Jack: by ip14:54
AdvoWorkWhen I send mail from PHP (sendmail) for some reason, its showing the from, to, subject ok, but its showing the Sent time as 1st Jan 1970. Any idea what that could be?14:54
abhinavmehtayeats: sure..give me a sec14:54
Psi-JackGuest6272: I've TOLD You how: /nick newnick14:54
ThinkT510Guest6272: /nick whateveryoulike14:54
opiengimagebin.org/227018 here is the error messages when trying to install pyqt414:54
Psi-JackGuest6272: That's 4 times you've been told. 3 by me alone. :p14:55
Guest6272obviously that wasnt enough description or i wouldve done it..14:55
SAngeliis it possible to share folders like /var/www (for website folder) via SAMBA?14:55
Psi-JackSAngeli: Filesystems do not have folders. Laundry rooms have folders. Filesystems have directories.14:55
ThinkT510Guest6272: you can type into your irc client14:56
mneptokPsi-Jack: let's avoid pedantry, hmm?14:56
SAngeliok, Psi-Jack  than can I share a directories so I can access them via windows?14:56
Guest6272think u helpful person14:56
Psi-Jackmneptok: I'll only provide help to people that want to be accurate enough not to use "folder" instead of "directory", but thanks anyway. ;)14:56
QueopsFolder is pretty acceptable for me14:57
mneptokSAngeli: any directory is able to be shared. just watch permissions.14:57
Psi-JackSAngeli: Of course you can, using Samba.14:57
Guest6272i never said the word folder or directory14:57
SAngeliOk I needed to know.14:57
ThinkT510Guest6272: so what is so difficult about typing /nick whateveryouwant14:57
hammommahi have media centre in lounge room, lubuntu xbmc with nfs share's. I have lubuntu ltsp server running thin clients for my kids. Whats the best way to share certain shares off media center to kids with ro permissions? can you mount nfs shares on thin clients on boot?14:57
SAngeliI now have to learn how to14:57
Psi-JackSAngeli: However. permissions will be a PITA, but you can override those with samba options.14:57
Harlinpossible to share ext4 with Windows?14:57
Psi-JackKeep that in mind. :)14:57
mneptokPsi-Jack: provide help to whom you like. but avoid snarky pedantic comments that do not further this channel's aim of friendly support. and now i'm not asking, i'm telling.14:57
Psi-JackHarlin: No14:57
SAngeliI have to search for a good resource for learning howto14:57
Harlinok didn't think so14:57
cfhowlettHarlin: nope14:57
=== Guest6272 is now known as voodoofacehole
yeats!samba | SAngeli14:58
ubottuSAngeli: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.14:58
QueopsI agree with mneptok, forgive us SAngeli :)14:58
QueopsOr rather forgive psi :P14:58
Psi-JackNo, don't forgive me. ;)14:58
voodoofaceholeprecisely mne.. im not going to communicate with u respectfully if you dont14:58
abhinavmehtaPsi-Jack: yeats: here are the logs: http://bpaste.net/show/B8fuQrG1wyHMmmEDbRCL/ http://bpaste.net/show/8s4QlO85Bti75rymyhXb/14:58
Psi-JackI'm going to be whom I've been for the past 20 years regardless of anyone else. ;)14:58
SAngelithank you yeats14:59
voodoofaceholei learned to ignore people like that a couple decades ago14:59
ThinkT510voodoofacehole: can we stick to support14:59
abhinavmehtaplz tell me, if I'm missing something14:59
ratcheerSamba is easy?15:00
=== dhruv is now known as Guest90410
Psi-JackAnything is "easy" once you take the time to learn it. :)15:00
voodoofaceholethats what im trying to do15:00
ratcheerPsi-Jack: I've tried to learn Samba many times. I always end up going back to ssh.15:00
voodoofaceholeonly bad question is the one you didnt ask15:01
mneptokratcheer: not a bad idea. SFTP is far more secure.15:01
ratcheermneptok: +115:01
drcube`09:59 <abhinavmehta> plz tell me, if I'm missing something15:01
Psi-Jackratcheer: Samba's pretty easy, like I said, once you take the time to learn it. Samba has two major things about it. 1> It provides CIFS shares that other OS's can access, 2> For Samba to Samba, it provides POSIX extentions over it, so Linux to Linux, it will maintain a level of your standard Linux permissions.15:02
Harlinhave to admit... I used Mint 12 for the last year due to the perceived "better looks" .. was starting to think a Linux desktop superior to Mac and/or Windows 7 was not possible yet... however Ub 12 has opened my eyes ... very good job ... I think it's much better interface/experience compared to mac/win15:02
abhinavmehtadrcube: what does that mean..?15:02
voodoofaceholestep 4 options has hide created file on key checked and format the key in fat32 unchecked... do i need to change either one?15:02
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org15:02
HarlinMint 12/13 was good but this is much better15:02
abhinavmehtaPsi-Jack: can you help me in that regard..?15:02
QueopsHarlin: wait until 12.10 comes around, it sure does promises15:02
Psi-Jackabhinavmehta: I haven't enough information to go with here.15:02
Calinou!offtopic | Harlin15:02
ubottuHarlin: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:02
CalinouQueops, yeah, more slowness15:02
Calinouand wifi bugs15:03
abhinavmehtaPsi-Jack: ok np..thank you.15:03
QueopsCalinou: derp! I don't think so15:03
Harlinin case anyone considering ;-)15:03
Calinouany distro is better than mac/win anyway :P15:03
QueopsCalinou: I only blame broadcom15:03
CalinouI prefer rolling release distros though (i use debian wheezy :P)15:03
QueopsBroadcom seems to be the major source of problems on wifi for people15:03
SirDidii have a connection problem on ubuntu... a ping to google -> http://pastebin.com/D042GnPB on windows and other devices it works15:04
cfhowlettQueops: atheros is right up there too15:04
SirDidiwhat can i do?15:04
Queopsyeh atheros too!15:04
abhinavmehtadon't want to offend you…but don't understand why people get holistic about os'es(ubuntu/mac/win) etc..15:04
Queopsabhinavmehta: because people like to be productive, others like e-peens15:04
ratcheerPsi-Jack: Yes, that is where I usually lose it with Samba. Special Samba user accounts, special Samba permissions, and of course, special Samba firewall settings.15:04
lmg_SirDidi, can you go on google when typing the ip in your address bar?15:04
QueopsI'm partially kidding ;)15:04
cfhowlettSirDidi: any DNS changes?15:04
Harlinabhinavmehta, well i only like to use one at a time (at least 80% of the time), so it's very important to me. And it's ok... there always has to be a "best" ;-)15:05
Rickardo1How can I solve this? Can't locate Module/Implementation.pm in @INC (@INC contains: . lib/x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi lib /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.14.2 /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.14 /usr/share/perl/5.14 /usr/local/lib/site_perl) at lib/x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi/Params/Validate.pm line 12.15:05
SirDidilmg_, yes15:05
HarlinRickardo1, looks like a Perl question15:05
SirDidicfhowlett, nope15:05
lmg_SirDidi, okay, it's your dns then.15:05
Calinouclear your DNS cache maybe15:05
SirDidilmg_, it works also google.com15:05
abhinavmehtaQueops: I guess, you can pretty much do anything on any os….I hardly believe that os in-particular makes you productive or unproductive….it's just a different way of doing the things.15:05
lmg_SirDidi, oh15:06
abhinavmehtaexception to win15:06
lmg_SirDidi, What's the problem then?15:06
hammommahanyone with info on how to mount nfs shares on ubuntu thin clients?15:06
SirDidilmg_, it take a lot of time15:06
lmg_SirDidi, oh, the 44% packet loss15:06
lmg_SirDidi, No idea then15:06
SirDidilmg_, and sometimes it didnt work15:06
Harlinabhinavmehta, heh i started a support job and a mac seriously impeded my ability to be "productive"15:06
SirDidilmg_, kk15:06
Queopsabhinavmehta: for some people some environments just don't cut it, thats mainly why15:06
Harlinabhinavmehta, a great company, heck they issue $3000 macbook pros but they suck for what i do.15:06
Calinouhuge packet losses occur randomly for me, regardless of OS15:07
Calinoublame your ISP15:07
bazhang!ot | Harlin abhinavmehta15:07
ubottuHarlin abhinavmehta: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:07
cfhowletthammommah: I THINK it might be in here:  help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP15:07
Queopssome go through the trouble of modifying to their tastes, others just find the default environment good enough (lucky people those that do)15:07
abhinavmehtaHarlin: thats the lack of awareness…not something wrong with macs, I guess.15:07
Calinouhaven't been slapped with !ot \o/15:07
Calinou(I'm banned from there anyway)15:07
SirDidiCalinou, it only happens on ubuntu15:07
bazhangQueops, thats enough15:07
Harlinabhinavmehta, a good point. it's probably me ;-)15:07
abhinavmehtaQueops: agree a bit about env…, but that doesn't mean some os is bad/good…coz it doesn't suits your personal taste..!15:08
ThinkT510abhinavmehta: stop it15:08
Harlinalways subjective15:09
bazhangabhinavmehta, take the chit chat elsewhere please15:09
a8s0lut0Hello all!  I would like to run the open source ATI driver (radeon/radeonhd) but it appears "vesa" is what xubuntu is running out of the box.15:09
Harlinmesa the way to go a8s0lut015:09
abhinavmehtasorry if I offended anyone here.15:09
abhinavmehtaanyways, anyone here can help me with local ping requests issue ??15:11
yeatsabhinavmehta: from your log it looks like your wifi is getting disconnected periodically15:11
Harlinhttp://tinyurl.com/d8mzple a8s0lut015:11
abhinavmehtayeats: guess thats fine, if  I'm able to access internet…but if I could connect to internet, why not local systems..?15:12
yeatsabhinavmehta: I don't understand your question...15:12
abhinavmehtabecause if I could connect to internet, that means my ubuntu machine is able to connect the local network.15:12
abhinavmehtalcoal network=wifi15:13
abhinavmehtaand if I could access my wifi router, than why not local-machines..?15:13
abhinavmehtaplease tell me, if I'm making mistake15:13
yeatsabhinavmehta: from the log, it appears that the wifi is getting disconnected, which *should* mean that the machine wouldn't be able to get anywhere15:14
sl3axhi to all! Can anyone help me with sed ? This is my question (a bit long). http://pastebin.com/DuMX5r6p15:14
abhinavmehtayeats: correct, if that was the case…but on this ubuntu machine I'm running torrent-server, which is always connected to internet(as I can see downloads/uploads)….so it's not the condition not *get anywhere*15:15
Queopssl3ax: ##sed15:15
Psi-Jackoi,,, Torrent. Nuff said. :(15:15
voodoofaceholedo i have to have the hide created files on key option checked in step 4 of linuxlive usb?15:15
sl3axQueops: I've asked, but noone answers.15:15
Queopsvoodoofacehole: not really, any will do15:15
yeatsabhinavmehta: no idea, then - I'm just reading your log15:16
abhinavmehtayeats: ok..thank you…keenly looking forward. :)15:16
a8s0lut0Harlin, that link is instructions for fglrx, isn't there an open source version I can try first?15:16
Queopssl3ax: maybe you could try some forum or be a bit more patient then15:16
deadmunda8s0lut0: the open source driver is called 'radeon'15:17
sl3axQueops: ok. Do you know any sed specific forum?15:17
Queopsno, sorry15:17
a8s0lut0deadmund,   how do i verify i'm running that, or run it if i'm not?15:17
deadmunda8s0lut0: Look at the output of lspci -k  under your grahpics card for the 'driver in use'15:18
deadmunda8s0lut0: If you have trouble reading it pastebinit and i"ll interpret it: paste.ubuntu.com15:18
a8s0lut0ah, says kernel driver in use: radeon15:18
deadmunda8s0lut0: there's ur answer.  If you don't trust it use lsmod | grep radeon15:19
a8s0lut0well i used the compiz-check util @ forlong.blogage.de/article/pages/Compiz-Check which says vesa15:19
cfhowlettuser__: greetings15:19
deadmunda8s0lut0: Just lspci and lsmod over compiz-check15:19
deadmunda8s0lut0: **trust lspci and lsmod over compiz-check**15:20
a8s0lut0cool, thanks for the help... doesn't tell me why compiz basically doesn't work15:20
deadmunda8s0lut0: what do you  mean it doesn't work?15:20
a8s0lut0well i'm using XFCE in xubuntu, and when i do a "compiz --replace ccp" i can't really use the window manager at all, windows act werid15:21
deadmunda8s0lut0: Can you be more specific?15:22
MonkeyDusta8s0lut0  compiz in xubuntu?15:22
a8s0lut0yea, running compiz in 12.04 xubuntu15:22
MonkeyDusta8s0lut0  the strangst combination, is it even possible?15:22
i7cMonkeyDust: it is.15:23
deadmundit's possible!15:23
a8s0lut0uh, i guess not? haha15:23
deadmundIt is VERY POSSIBLE15:23
a8s0lut0maybe i haven't configured it correctly?15:23
deadmunda8s0lut0: Well, you're going to have to be more specific than, "it's weird"15:23
i7cdeadmund: i guess he hasn't enabled any plugins so that he can't even move/resize windows15:24
a8s0lut0i'll run it now and be more specific, but i have trouble coming back from it / disabling.15:24
deadmundi7c: maybe15:24
* cfhowlett xfce is for quite simple graphic displays. compiz is eye candy. So why...? Never mind.15:24
a8s0lut0yeah there weren't many plugins enabled by default15:24
deadmunda8s0lut0: there ya go!15:25
user__can i install zorin os shell on ubuntu ?15:25
user__is it possible ?15:25
SAngeli_when samba is running but from windows I am unable to access the shared resources, when asked to provide username and password, what does it mean? What is that I am doing wrong? I am trying to share /var/www15:25
SAngeli_I see the ubuntu server but not its shares15:25
=== Chipaca` is now known as Chipaca
Psi-JackSAngeli_: smbpasswd is needed to add users to the Samba password database.15:26
SAngeli_I uses it from withing the user shell. I just typed smbpasswd, Psi-Jack   is there a different way to seup usrname and password?15:26
a8s0lut0deadmund, i can't move any windows around because the titlebar areas all disappear15:26
Psi-JackSAngeli_: You have to add a user, first, such as smbpasswd -a <username>15:27
deadmunda8s0lut0: that's the window decorator plugin.  Make sure it's on!15:27
SAngeli_I see, Psi-Jack thanks15:27
a8s0lut0just ran it with some plugins enabled (gnome compat enabled as welll), did see some hot wobbling action15:27
Psi-JackSAngeli_: You will need to do that as root.15:27
ubottuvespa: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:27
bnwkeysOK, so I'm starting to get frustrated :(  It says all the packages i need for my wifi driver are installed, but when i try to view my hardware drivers to enable the broadcom drivers, i don't see anything at all listed15:27
citymaji cant access my root folder....beginner15:27
deadmunda8s0lut0: great, it's working.  Now you just have to turn on / configure the right plugins.  Def turn on window decorations.  You can also hold down alt and click + drag windows even without the decorator15:27
Queopsbnwkeys: did you use modprobe yet?15:28
deadmundbnwkeys: Hi.  I'm great with broadcom drivers.  What chipset do you have?  (do you know what I'm talking about?)15:28
lickalottcitymaj sudo cd /15:28
lickalottor sudo passwd root, then set a root password15:28
bnwkeysqueops no i haven't used mobprobe yet, what does that do.15:28
a8s0lut0deadmund, awesome! that brought the titlebars back, still can't drag around.  will mess around..15:29
Queopsbnwkeys: deadmund will help you, I loved his/her introduction to you haha15:29
deadmundbnwkeys: modprobe inserts drivers into the kernel (makes drivers work)15:29
bnwkeysdeadmund: the chipset should be for inspiron 1501, not sure the specifics atm, its an amd 64 processor15:29
deadmunda8s0lut0: there is another plugin called 'move'15:29
deadmundbnwkeys: I meant the chipset of the wifi device.  You can find it in sudo lspci -k   If it's too much to read you can use paste.ubuntu.com and I'll help read it.15:29
Queopsdeadmund: if the drivers aren't loaded will lspci have the info?15:30
deadmundQueops: It'll show the chipset and the drivers that are installed (not being used even) and the one being used.15:30
a8s0lut0deadmund, lol wow, a plugin for "move".  That worked!  Maybe I should pull out the compiz "manual"15:30
AdvoWorkWhen I send mail from PHP (sendmail) for some reason, its showing the from, to, subject ok, but its showing the Sent time as 1st Jan 1970. Any idea what that could be?15:31
bnwkeysdeadmund: thanks, quitting cigarettes + learning linux = bad thoughts, lol.  Hold tight, let me get that chipset info15:31
deadmunda8s0lut0: haha  I think that gui configuring thing is the manual15:31
deadmundbnwkeys: Take your time :)15:31
Queopsdeadmund: oh it must use the identifiers of the devices to match to some hardware list15:32
deadmundQueops: Indeed it does.15:32
Queopsdeadmund: I was wondering because once I wasn't able to get a device model15:32
deadmundQueops: The system actually probes the hardware. Looks up the names in some list, then inserts modules based on what it finds.  That's why it's so easy to install new hardware in linux usually15:32
Queopsdeadmund: definitely15:33
acionamei have a problem with nvidia card driver i get this error when i was trying to install a program with apt-get command via terminal http://pastebin.com/t8VFvZha15:34
equexwhich compiz plugin is it that makes you zoom out to see the workspaces when you press ctrl alt arrowdown, and then you can scroll left and right and zoom in ?15:35
TheLordOfTimeacioname:  did you read the logfile it indicates?15:35
deadmundequex: it starts with an e... I can't remember...15:35
bnwkeysdeadmund: nework controller: Broadcom Corp BCM4311, 802.11b/g WLAN rev01, ethernet controller: Broadcom Corp BCM4401-B0 100Base-TX rev0215:36
user14If /home is like Documents and Settings, what separate partition can I make for storing my files?15:36
deadmundbnwkeys: the bcm4311 is your wifi.  I have the same one!!15:36
deadmundbnwkeys: What (if you know) have you installed?  (what was listed in lspci -k for the device's modules or drivers?)15:36
TheLordOfTimeacioname:  and?15:37
deadmundequex: expo!15:37
deadmundequex: it's called expo, similar to mac "expose`'15:37
bnwkeysdeadmund: b43-pci-bridge, wl ssb15:37
acionameTheLordOfTime: look http://pastebin.com/hyvvkXKr15:37
krababbeluser14: any you want?15:38
deadmundbnwkeys: We need the b43 driver.  Hang on a second.  Is the target machine connected to the Internet in some way?15:38
bnwkeystarget machine has no internet15:38
deadmundbnwkeys: The easiest way to do it is to get online (only briefly).  Can you do that?15:39
bnwkeysdeadmund: i don't have a wired connection, i'm sitting on a neighbor's wifi, using my desktop compy15:39
deadmundbnwkeys: alright, let's try this first.  sudo modprobe b43   (although I don't think it will work).15:39
user14krababbel, can I PM you?15:40
krababbeluser14: just ask here15:40
bnwkeysdeadmund: i go no print in terminal, i guess it didn't do anything15:40
EbbersMy input sound is working but not my output sound. Any ideas OS= Ubuntu 10.04?15:40
Queopsbnwkeys: i think it did :)15:40
deadmundbnwkeys: If it outputs nothing that means it's good news.15:40
user14krababbel, alright, what mount point can I use then?15:40
jared_hello all. I am using a dv9925nr with nforce 630m chipset. after installing all drivers i can hear audio through audio jacks but not onboard speakers. If anyone has any thoughts it would be greatly appreciated15:40
deadmundbnwkeys: Do you have wifi right now?15:40
Queopsbnwkeys: try to connect now15:41
reduz2HELP: Using Ubuntu 12.04. DNS Resolutions are broken in both computers I have running 12.04, suddendly DNS stops resolving, while the other (Windows) computers on the network run ok. Any idea what is going on?15:41
BluesKajreduz2, using network manager ?15:41
krababbeluser14: /home/user14 would be your usual home dir. So the mount point would be the same. I never did this after setup. Have you already installed Ubuntu?15:41
usr13reduz2: What do you see in /etc/resolv.conf?   nameserver ?15:41
citymajlickalott i changed the passwd like you said but still cant access root folder15:42
bnwkeysque/dead: I have the wifi network section listed under the network manager finally! but it says "device not ready (firmware missing)"15:42
user14krababbel, no, I've already spent a day planning partitions =(15:42
krababbeluser14: You would mount /dev/sda2 /home for example, or even /home/user15:42
reduz2user14, no, many "nameserver" lines15:42
deadmundbnwkeys: We'll be following this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#b43_-_No_Internet_access   (b43 with no internet access on target machine)  If you want, because it is noisy in here, you can PM me.15:42
usr13reduz2: What is the first one?15:42
deadmundbnwkeys: I thought it would say that.15:42
reduz2usr13, nameserver
krababbeluser14: then just use /home as mount point for a partition15:42
flametai1Hey everyone for some reason when I install Ubuntu my wireless card doesn't work, I have a Qualcomm Atheros AR5BWB222 and help?15:43
usr13reduz2: Can you ping  and is it a working nameserver?15:43
amr_please help me to install gnome 3.4 over ubuntu 12 ,details >> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=12214542#post1221454215:43
deadmundbnwkeys: Again, i will re-iterate.  If you can get the machine online this whole thing is much easier.15:43
xanguaamr_: ubuntu 12.04 already has gnome 3.415:43
krababbeluser14: then the directory /home would be on its own partition15:43
amr_xangua: then how to activate it?15:44
user14krababbel, OK, so I need to make 3 partitions, root, swap and /home. And will 18 Gb be enough for root partition?15:44
flametai1I take it no one knows?15:44
bnwkeysdeadmund; lol, can't figure out how to pm, fail15:44
amr_xangua: I can see unity but not gnome 3.415:44
usr13reduz2: Or is port 53 answering / available to you? nmap -p 53
reduz2usr13: yeah it's the same as the windows computers15:44
bazhangflametai1, patience15:44
krababbeluser14: 18gb is plenty, I use 8 usually, 18, that would be a lot of programs15:45
flametai1bazhang: I have none. lol15:45
bazhangflametai1, it takes more than a single minute to reply15:45
auronandaceamr_: install gnome-shell15:45
usr13reduz2: host av.com   #Does it answer with IP addresses?15:45
amr_auronandace: from the software center ,I did this but no luck15:45
user14krababbel, great, now I can check BIOS settings and install Ubuntu. Thanks!15:45
acionamei have a problem with nvidia card driver i get this error when i was trying to install a program with apt-get command via terminal http://pastebin.com/t8VFvZha15:45
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs   flametai1 the atheros is listed there15:46
krababbeluser14: np, just use a bit more swap than you have ram for hibernation if you need15:46
auronandaceamr_: then logout and select it15:46
amr_auronandace: I did but no luck ,please check http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=12214542#post1221454215:46
citymajcant access root FOLDER15:47
user14krababbel, OK, thanks =)15:47
flametai1bazhang: That's about a different wireless adapter, plus my laptop has no ethernet port.15:47
usr13reduz2: route -n  #Do you see the proper gateway IP?  (The IP of your gateway router...?)15:47
equexdeadmund: thanks :) i was afk15:47
deadmundequex: sure15:48
BluesKajreduz2, /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head writes to /etc/resolv.conf , so you should have your nameserversw listed in " head "15:48
opiengtried sudo, but still no success installing PyQt tried that... here is what I get... pastebin.com/Y634n3Wh15:48
yashwantis any one know how to  convert 777 root permission to default permission15:49
usr13reduz2: http://blog.403labs.com/post/22325731425/vpn-dns-resolving-woes-in-ubuntu-12-04  #....reading...15:49
yashwantmy sudo is not working due to 77715:49
flametai1bazhang: Know any tricks to installing packages without ethernet?15:49
BluesKajreduz2, and ignore the warning in the head file15:49
insomniaSaltHi #ubuntu, can I safely use "dd" to create bootable pendrives instead of usb-creator/unetbootin?15:49
equexdeadmund: actually it wasnt expo, i meant the one where you get the workspaces side by side in the middle of the screen, not tiled (like expo)15:50
auronandaceinsomniaSalt: yes15:50
bazhanginsomniaSalt, for 12.04?15:50
insomniaSaltauronandace: thanks.15:50
bazhangflametai1, still checking forums15:50
insomniaSaltbazhang: yes. and for ~100 pendrives (install party preparation)15:50
bazhanginsomniaSalt, then yes15:50
TheLordOfTimeis there a way to do a recursive scp of a folder?\15:50
auronandaceinsomniaSalt: it works for 11.10 onwards15:50
deadmundequex: I'm not sure then15:51
insomniaSaltTheLordOfTime:  man scp | grep -i recursive15:52
usr13reduz2: Also see:   http://askubuntu.com/questions/142327/can-not-access-internet-dns-names-do-not-resolve-after-update-today15:52
insomniaSaltauronandace, bazhang: thanks again, bye.15:53
usr13yashwant: What?  due to 777?15:53
Wesley0how is everyone today?15:54
yashwanti have changed my ubuntu root permission now my sudo is not working how to change as like previous.15:54
ThinkT510Wesley0: this is a support channel15:54
Wesley0ThinkT510: I am aware, I was just being polite.15:55
W4spyashwant: boot into prompt and chmod 4744 /usr/bin/sudo15:55
newbie|2How do I extract a file that ends with *.7z ?15:56
lotuspsychjeThinT510: ive been able to get rid of the square mouse with 'nomodeset' unfortunatly compiz disables, no wobbly windows, icon launcher size 2d etc..15:56
xanguanewbie|2: install p7zip15:56
xangua!info p7zip | newbie|215:57
ubottunewbie|2: p7zip (source: p7zip): 7z file archiver with high compression ratio. In component universe, is optional. Version 9.20.1~dfsg.1-4 (precise), package size 371 kB, installed size 979 kB15:57
newbie|2xangua: thx15:57
ThinkT510lotuspsychje: i forget which driver were you using? radeon (the open source one) or fglrx (closed)?15:57
lotuspsychjeThinkT510: how to check again15:58
ThinkT510lotuspsychje: lsmod15:58
ThinkT510lotuspsychje: thats why then, the open source driver needs kernel mode setting for 3d15:59
lotuspsychjeThinkT510: what excaclty should i do15:59
ThinkT510lotuspsychje: you could use fglrx if you don't mind using closed source drivers16:00
lotuspsychjeThinkT510: i can try16:00
lickalottcitymaj check pm16:01
ThinkT510lotuspsychje: you only get this problem on debian based distros?16:01
Georwlmiddle mouse is not working anymore. I really don't know what I did but it doesn't seem to work. maybe it is update related. xev doesn't show me the middle mouse click either. anyone know a solution?16:02
lotuspsychjeThinkT510: i had this mouse corruption indeed on ubuntu only all kinds of versions 32 or 64bit16:02
lotuspsychjeThinkT510:installing fxglr, will it auto remove the radeon driver?16:03
ThinkT510lotuspsychje: did you try non-pae 32bit?16:03
lotuspsychjeThinkT510:no what does this version do?16:03
ThinkT510lotuspsychje: i remember you showing my a forum post that suggested it, pae is for addressing more than 4gb on 32bit16:04
lotuspsychjeThinkT510: lemme reboot real quick cross my fingers, testing fxglr16:04
ThinkT510lotuspsychje: wait16:05
ThinkT510lotuspsychje: didn't you say it disappears on reboot anyway? you only get the problem on cold boot16:05
lotuspsychjeThinkT510: yes mate every morning cold boot for sure, also few hours wait the screen corrupt, but after normal reboot it vanish16:06
ThinkT510lotuspsychje: so you'd need to cold boot to see if it works16:06
lotuspsychjeThinkT510:yes our few hours wait16:07
ThinkT510lotuspsychje: it happens again after a few hours?16:07
lotuspsychjeThinkT510:lemme show you screenshot16:08
Georwlanyone here whose middle mouse click isnt working anymore on 12.04?16:08
j4rg0nAny one know how i would go about running my webcam from ubuntu 12.04 its  a built in cam16:08
ThinkT510lotuspsychje: odd, i thought it was just a problem when booted16:08
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest84901
lotuspsychjeThinkT510: in reality its not as much corruption, only mouse and text on folders16:10
lotuspsychjeThinkT510: i also found a very similar bug with my addy at bottom https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/55678216:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 556782 in linux (Ubuntu) "[rs690m] Graphics corruption with ati x1200" [High,Triaged]16:11
fXsTarIs there any way to increase the font size of bookmarks toolbar in chromium ?16:12
j4rg0nAny one know how i would go about running my webcam from ubuntu 12.04 its  a built in cam16:13
lotuspsychjefXsTar: you could ask in #chromium16:13
ThinkT510lotuspsychje: did you write that? if not i think the nick in brackets is the guy that wrote that in your behalf16:13
lotuspsychje!info cheese | j4rg0n16:13
ubottuj4rg0n: cheese (source: cheese): tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.4.1-0ubuntu2 (precise), package size 53 kB, installed size 326 kB16:13
lotuspsychjeThinkT510:its not my bug, i just added 2 replys 153 15416:14
Georwlmiddle mouse is not working anymore. xev doesn't show me the middle mouse click either. anyone know a solution?16:14
ThinkT510lotuspsychje: oh right16:14
hwildehelp my youtube videos just started stuttering and skipping around wtf is happening!16:15
lotuspsychjehwilde: please keep polite16:15
Queopsflash happened, sadly.16:16
HalfalifeUpdate Flash?16:16
HalfalifeOr use HTML5?16:16
QueopsHTML5 is still not a real solution16:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 184732 in firefox (Ubuntu) "youtube skips when playing a video,like theres a glitch somewhere" [Undecided,Fix released]16:16
HalfalifeIt works for some videos on Youtube, though.16:16
lotuspsychjeQueops:i agree16:16
deadmundIt is a good solution.  Not enough sites use it.16:16
TheLordOfTimehwilde:  that's been fixed, is this still a bug?16:16
hwildeI have Ubuntu 11.04 and it just started happening this week16:17
Georwlplease if there is someone experiencing the same "middle click" issue say so. google isn't helping16:17
Queopsdeadmund: sadly.16:17
QueopsI believe it was because of ads16:17
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velhoHOW can one increase the text sixe, in XChat?16:17
lotuspsychjeThinkT510:lemme reboot mate i come back quick, if not..the driver crashed lol16:18
ThinkT510lotuspsychje: ok16:18
j4rg0nQueops: I agree as well although HTML5 is awesome still can't fix flash lol16:18
hwildevelho, settings, preference, font size16:18
TheLordOfTimehwilde:  you may consider filing a new bug on that, saying it still happens?:16:18
hwildeugh what is the solution!16:18
lickalottsry hwilde...didn't mean to step on your toes16:18
acionamej4rg0n:try to see if video stutters when you recording with cheese another great option is guvcview16:19
velhohwilde, ThANKS :)16:20
vericHere is information for flash issues with older cpu https://bugbase.adobe.com/index.cfm?event=bug&id=316103416:21
lotuspsychjeThinkT510:screen is laggy now, no compiz anymore no wobbly windows16:21
HalfalifeTry running compiz --replace?16:21
wmarone_does anyone else have a problem with the launcher where it never reappears if you turn on auto-hide?16:21
TheLordOfTimewmarone_:  no.  what ubuntu are you on?>16:21
ThinkT510lotuspsychje: i've never used fglrx, i've heard it is rather buggy or low-quality16:21
j4rg0nacioname: I will see when i finish installing it thanks16:21
Queopsvelho: you might want to know about http://www.hexchat.org/16:22
QueopsI certainly did16:22
bobweaverwmarone_,  you have set the sensitivity in gnome-control-settings ?16:22
wmarone_it's running Unity, not gnome16:22
TheLordOfTimewmarone_:  the sensitivity is in the settings menu area that is in gnome-control-settings16:22
lotuspsychjeHalfalife: same thing after replace16:22
bobweaverlol open gnome-control-settings and go to apperences then click the unity bar16:22
yeatswmarone_: see this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/145530/launcher-auto-hides-but-does-not-come-back16:22
j4rg0nI have satalite internet so its a bit slow....lol16:22
wmarone_now then16:23
wmarone_I have done both of those16:23
vericwmarone i did the other day i rebooted and it has not happned since16:23
wmarone_including adding the compiz tool and altering the reveal pressure16:23
wmarone_I do not even get the shadow on the left edge16:23
velhoQueops, what's the differente from Xchat? besides being windows also?16:23
hwildecould we have some option to try upgrades, and if they don't work then revert them?  this used to work fine and now it's broken I would much rather have old working stable packages than broken updates16:23
j4rg0nCompiz is pretty but I kinda hate it lol16:23
HalfalifeI like it.16:23
lotuspsychjeThinkT510: ok so howto go back to radeon now16:23
HalfalifeDesktop cube + The Thinkpad Forward/back buttons makes workspaces so convenient.16:23
velhoj4rg0n, for me is more usefull then pretty16:24
yeatshwilde: I use a virtual machine16:24
ThinkT510lotuspsychje: disable fglrx and reboot16:24
Georwlseriously...no one?16:24
acionamei have a problem with nvidia card driver i get this error when i was trying to install a program with apt-get command via terminal http://pastebin.com/t8VFvZha16:24
lotuspsychjeThinkT510:ok brb16:24
bobweaverI like compiz windowing system I sure do Like to min and max my windows16:24
Queopsvelho: I believe they started making improvements16:24
Queopsvelho: and I already used xchat wdk on windows, which is now hexchat16:24
usr13j4rg0n:  You have satellite ISP, like hugesnet,  one that uses a dish that points to a celestial satellite?16:25
vladimirsanchezWIFI connection lost... not found in /proc/modules anymore after update to LInux Kernel on ppc ... RE: b43 device driver no longer works16:25
citymaj88whats a good alternative to nano editoR?16:26
BluesKajcitymaj88, vi16:26
yeatscitymaj88: gedit16:26
hwildecitymaj88, whats wrong with nano16:26
velhoQueops, I'm always inclined to multi-platform programs :)16:26
bobweavervladimirsanchez,  can you pastebin the output of     lsmod   ?16:26
ThinkT510citymaj88: vim or emacs16:26
Queopsvelho: ;)16:26
vladimirsanchez:) good to see you again...16:26
citymaj88i dont know how to navigate it, trying to change a text file in root folder16:26
velhoQueops, and since it's based on xchatr...16:26
j4rg0nIs there a way without installing an older version of Ubuntu to get rid of the docking bar and give it back the appearance that it ubuntu had about idk like a year or so ago16:27
vladimirsanchezone sec... have to cp to usb16:27
FoxhoundzThis is weird.16:27
FoxhoundzMy windows 7 installation16:27
usr13j4rg0n: Yes16:27
yeatscitymaj88: what are you not able to do?  (nano is the easiest CLI editor)16:27
Maverick_need openexr file16:27
Foxhoundzor rather, any another partition on my hard drive isn't being detected16:27
Queopsvelho: works well for me16:27
Foxhoundzand instead is showing unallocated space16:27
j4rg0nvelho: I never really found alot of use for it other then increseing the amount of workspaces available16:27
FoxhoundzWhat could be causing this?16:27
j4rg0nvelho: and the cube looks cool lol16:27
FoxhoundzI'm trying to install Windows 7 and Ubuntu ( actually, Xubuntu) side by side16:28
citymaj88im dumb to this shit bro, i dont know how to navigate it16:28
ikoniacitymaj88: tone the language down please16:28
lickalottcitymaj88, vi or vim can be navigated fairly easy with some practice.16:28
yeatsFoxhoundz: does 'sudo fdisk -l' show the windows partition?16:28
ikoniacitymaj88: no swearing on ganster chat16:28
ikoniajust clear english16:28
compdocowncloud is great16:28
Foxhoundzyeats, is that a question?16:28
j4rg0nyeah hughesnet exactly16:28
citymaj88ok thanks16:29
j4rg0nusr13: yes I have hughes net as a matter of fact lol16:29
yeatsFoxhoundz: yes, as indicated by the "?" at the end of it16:29
lickalottcitymaj are you using desktop or server?16:29
citymaj88please ikonia16:29
velhoj4rg0n, i use the NEGATIVE a lot, to save my eyes16:29
citymaj88yea lickalott16:29
ikoniacitymaj88: please what ?16:29
ikonia(sorry if I've missed a question)16:29
ikoniaoh, ok.16:29
Foxhoundzyeats, it's showing two ntfs partitions on sda1 and sda216:29
Foxhoundzso it does indeed detect it16:29
lickalottyeah?  server or yeah desktop?16:29
Foxhoundzbut gparted shows 100% free unallocated space16:30
velhoj4rg0n, if you don't use more then one workspace, don't use the cube just because it's cool16:30
Foxhoundzso does the Xubuntu installer16:30
citymaj88in on my desktop......dual boot ubuntu16:30
yeatsFoxhoundz: can you paste a screenshot of what you're seeing on gparted?16:30
vladimirsanchezbobweaver: http://pastebin.com/j9Kpki2t16:30
lickalottnot sure but you may be able to roll out texteditor16:30
usr13j4rg0n: Isnt' there anything else availabe?  Like a wisp?16:31
citymaj88ok cool16:31
j4rg0nusr13: Hughesnet is a joke they've been sued so many times for false advertiseing its not even funny and im stuck in contract till next november and no other internet company comes to my area16:31
bobweavervladimirsanchez,  lspci -nn | grep 14e4       what is the Numbers in Red ?16:31
usr13j4rg0n: Can I PM you?16:31
Psi-JackHmm, blasted, theadmin's not around now. Oh well. :)16:31
smart1hey there, short question. i use unity. and i put my titlebar of my tools under the menubar of unity. any idea how to fix this?16:31
smart1in windows you got an Alt+Key comination to move16:32
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lotuspsychjeThinkT510: ok radeon back to normal with compiz :p tnx16:32
j4rg0nvelho: good point lol16:33
ThinkT510smart1: hold down alt and click and drag the window from anywhere16:33
lickalottj4rg0n that sucks bro.   I have to use hughesnet/wild blue when i go up to my in-laws house.  i feel your pain man.16:33
smart1@ThinkT10 thx16:33
lotuspsychjei gtg see you all for another session16:33
Foxhoundzyeats, well....I can't show you the screenshot at the moment16:33
yeatsFoxhoundz: ok16:33
Foxhoundznetwork card is not being detected16:33
ThinkT510lotuspsychje: bye16:33
smart1i clicked everywhere but not into the window -.-16:33
usr13j4rg0n: (some wisps do not advertise, so...)16:33
Foxhoundzand I'm having trouble mounting my USB flash drive16:33
j4rg0nvelho: oh i know just when i first started playing around with Ubuntu i found compiz and did the cube just for flashy showin off stuff lol16:33
lotuspsychjeThinkT510: bye mate and tnx for support..Again16:34
Foxhoundzbut those are problems for another day. I just wish I could figure out what's causing it to be not detected16:34
j4rg0nusr13: Nope i live to far out in the boonies im lucky i get anything lol16:34
j4rg0nusr13: sure go ahead16:34
vladimirsanchezbobweaver: Numbers in Red?16:35
vladimirsanchezbobweaver: 0001:10:12.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller [14e4:4320] (rev 03)16:35
vericLickalott did you see what i sent you16:35
yeatsFoxhoundz: seen this (and other forums threads)?: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=151001716:35
vladimirsanchezbobweaver: you once helped me figure out the b43 driver issue.16:35
studentzis possible to direct the sound from  two audios sources to two different outputs? One audio to my speakers and the other to my earphones?16:35
usr13j4rg0n: I have...16:35
bobweavervladimirsanchez,  [14e4:4320] might have been in red if bash color is set in bashrc16:35
gordonjcpstudentz: mostly not, no16:36
gordonjcpstudentz: depends on your sound card16:36
bearhey room16:36
bobweavervladimirsanchez,  cool maybe I can help again16:36
vladimirsanchezI updated my kernel to 2.6.32-42-powerpc and system is now acting up weirdly..16:36
studentzgordonjcp even with tow sound cards?16:36
gordonjcpstudentz: some have multiple outputs (like for 5.1)16:36
gordonjcpstudentz: oh with two cards it's easy16:36
gordonjcpwell, easyish, and don't expect two identical streams on two different cards to stay in sync for long ;-)16:36
Psi-Jackvladimirsanchez: Eh? Ubuntu has a PPC version?16:37
studentzgordonjcp any guide or place to look for?16:37
bobweavervladimirsanchez,  sudo modprobe b43      wireless if not pastebin    apt-cache policy b43-fwcutter16:37
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gordonjcpstudentz: stick two cards in, fiddle about in the sound menu16:37
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beari am looking for a fix with or if someone has seen this before "(gnome-control-center:14576): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: g_simple_async_result_take_error: assertion `error != NULL' failed Segmentation fault (core dumped)"16:37
Psi-JackOh, wow. old old stuff. ;)16:37
vladimirsanchezPsi-Jack: yep, powerbook 17 .. still going16:38
vladimirsanchezPsi-Jack: 9 years old16:38
Psi-Jackvladimirsanchez: However, techncially,10.10 is already, itself, beyond EOL for support.16:38
anlaryei've had an issue with 12.04 since it came out. even with a fresh install. i dont get the splash screen. my monitor gives me a message about the video mode cannot be displayed at bootup then goes into the login screen after that. where can i go to get the splash screen back16:38
vladimirsanchez:[ yes16:38
bobweaverthere are plenty of Power PC Ubuntu's they all have them every version or it was so the last time I looked16:38
j4rg0nUsr13: thanks for that info I'm doin some research on em right now16:38
FoxhoundzI'll try PartedMagic16:38
Foxhoundzand see if that fixes it16:38
Foxhoundzin the meantime, I'll try Windows' native recovery to try to fix the MBR16:39
DG_omg help!16:39
Psi-Jackbobweaver: Nope. 10.10, last PPC "port"16:39
Foxhoundzand see if that changes anything16:39
Psi-JackDG_: Please, calm down, and ask what you need help with.16:39
DG_i cant boot windows 7!!16:39
icerootDG_: ##windows16:39
iceroot!grub2 | DG_16:39
ubottuDG_: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)16:39
iceroot!details | DG_16:40
ubottuDG_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:40
bearn e one??? (gnome-control-center:14576): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: g_simple_async_result_take_error: assertion `error != NULL' failed16:40
bearSegmentation fault (core dumped)16:40
bobweaverLook there is 12.04 ppc http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/precise/release/16:40
bobweaverand all the rest also16:40
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DG_ok i installed ubuntu 12.04 and i installed it on a seperate partition, yesterday i could boot into windows 7 but now it wont let me boot into it, it goes straight to the ubuntu boot menu16:41
Psi-Jackbobweaver: Oh, so there is. Not on ports as from: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/16:41
DG_that was a legit copy of windows so i dont want to lose it16:41
bobweaverPsi-Jack,  everyone of these has ppc http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/16:41
velhoj4rg0n, first time I REALLU used ubuntu, some years ago, I was showing all the effects16:42
velhoand eye candy stuff16:42
Psi-Jackbobweaver: Looks like they just stopped referencing them as ports.16:42
bobweaveryup seems to look that way Psi-Jack16:42
Psi-Jackbobweaver: However...16:42
Psi-Jackbobweaver: The 12.04.1 is NOT for PowerPC CPU Architectures.16:42
Psi-Jackbobweaver: That's the difference.16:42
velhoj4rg0n, but a computer is to work16:43
Psi-JackWell, nevermind.16:43
bearhas n e one ever seen this and possibly know a fix (gnome-control-center:14576): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: g_simple_async_result_take_error: assertion `error != NULL' failed16:43
bearSegmentation fault (core dumped)16:43
Psi-JackLower down, it's there for PPC as well. ;)16:43
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bobweaverYeah I think that the server world would flip or atleast IBM if that was not there Psi-Jack16:44
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Psi-Jackbobweaver: Heh16:44
j4rg0nvelho: Yeah, thats the way I was very vain about it. Thought I was cooler using it so I wanted to show off all the eye candy stuff when people looked over my shoulder lol. Now I use it to learn and work.16:44
opiengwhen you install things using sudo, why do they not appear on the desktop?16:44
fidelopieng: why would an app/package installed auto-apear on your desktop?16:45
vladimirsanchezbobweaver: so... should I upgrade to 12.04 ? once Wifi issue is fixed ?16:45
fidelopieng: thats not the usual behaviour - installing means installing ..not creating aliases or similar to your desktop16:45
vladimirsanchezbobweaver: http://pastebin.com/2Z3P8sTp16:45
opiengfidel, I am used to windows, thats all16:46
bobweavervladimirsanchez,  sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter && sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer16:46
opiengjust started with linux and ubuntu16:46
bobweavervladimirsanchez,  your mod(driver ) is not installed16:47
vladimirsanchezbobweaver: I cannot apt-get install ... I have no WIFI16:47
anlaryei've had an issue with 12.04 since it came out. even with a fresh install. i dont get the splash screen. my monitor gives me a message about the video mode cannot be displayed at bootup then goes into the login screen after that. where can i go to get the splash screen back16:47
fidelopieng: creating desktop-shortcuts is - if done at all usualy a bonbon/add-on after finishing the real install. in linux its usualy on you to do so - especialy as some desktop-environment try to keep your desktop free/uncluttered16:47
bobweaverok you have usb vladimirsanchez  or anyway to hook up teather ect ?16:47
vladimirsanchezbobweaver: looking for a ethernet cable..16:48
vladimirsanchezhow about the usb?16:48
anlaryeopieng: welcome to linux and ubuntu. where you get to tell your computer what you want it to do ... instead of it telling you what to do16:48
fidelopieng: give those launchers a chance - there are several ways/apps to start apps by name just bypressing a shortcut and entering a few letters.16:48
bobweaversweet vladimirsanchez  cat5 (ethernet) would be better but if you can not find we can fix with transferring driver and what not.16:49
opiengthats fair, by the way I tried to install PyQt using Sudo apt-get Install pyqt-dev-tools, but it wouldnt install I had to get it from the software centre, any reason for this?16:49
fidelmy personal fav is 'kupfer' but most linux desktops offer 'alt+f2' as launcher by default16:49
opiengyep, I hope to completely switch to linux from windows ASAP16:49
fidelopieng: could you pastebin us the output of your apt-command? maybe we can explain if there was some error output16:50
opiengyep.. on its way..16:50
bearstumped with why I can't change my wallpaper, i know how to use dconf-editor to change it but it would be simpler if the gnome-control-center wouldn't crash everytime i try to change the wallpaper16:50
bobweaveropenvoid,  the name of the package is python-qt4-dev16:51
bobweaverI thought16:51
bearn e one?????16:51
opiengI did a aptitude search and thats what it came up with?16:51
bobweaverbear,  there is a bug for that on launchpad it also affects me.  bear  run        ubuntu-bug gnome-control-center16:52
fidelopieng: there was no error at all in your paste ;)16:52
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bobweaveropenvoid,  use apt-cache search <name of package >16:52
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bearthat is what I was trying to do to get it to run again thanks bobweaver16:53
beari mean i can change it other ways just would be nice to do it in control-center16:53
opiengbut when I tried to search for qt in my "search" section (sorry not sure what its called) and it could not find qt ??16:53
fidelopieng: so basically - your paste shows how it fetched the data of that specific package - unpacked it and did the core-setup16:54
bobweaveropenvoid,  try    apt-cache search pyqt16:54
ThinkT510bobweaver: you keep tab completing the wrong nick16:55
fidelopieng: what do you mean by 'search function'?16:55
anlarye12.04 doesn't display the splash screen on boot. monitor gives an error that it cannot display the current video mode. afterwards, i do get the login screen just fine. where can i go to fix the boot splash screen?16:55
bobweaveropps thanks ThinkT51016:55
opiengicon above my "Home Folder"16:55
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fidelopieng: guess you mean the unity dash right?16:56
opiengfidel, yes the portal looking icon with a round white circle16:57
bobweaveranlarye,   try    sudo update-alternatives --config text.plymouth    then  sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth       see if it helps if not file a bug.    ubuntu-bug plymouth16:57
bearbobweaver thank you for helping me to submit it16:57
anlaryek will check those bobweaver16:57
CasWI don't suppose the HUD will still work if I remove appmenu-gtk3, appmenu-gtk and appmenu-qt (to disable global menu)?16:57
bobweavernp bear  wish It would work for mine also and stop crashing . Though I did get a new gnoe-control-panel this morning16:58
bearbobeweaver really????16:58
bearwhat is it?16:58
fidelopieng: tried starting it from cli? not using that package here - nor am i using unity - so i cant doublecheck if it act similar here.16:58
Psi-JackWatching a full package-by-package reinstall is interesting. Seeing some error showing up that eventually go away after multitudes of packages get redownloaded, and reinstalled.16:59
opiengok, not to worry, but sudo apt-get install .... is the right method to be using for the installation?16:59
bobweavercorrect gnome-control-center keeps crashing over and over again I have 1:3.4.2-0  installed bear16:59
fidelopieng: yep: sudo apt-get install PACKAGENAME17:00
FoxhoundzIt worked!17:00
FoxhoundzPartedMagic seems to have fixed the issue17:00
fidelopieng: while: apt-cache search SEARCHSTRING  << will search the package informations for your SEARCHSTRING17:00
opiengwhat if I don'y know what the package name is? So far I have been using aptitude search PyQt17:01
fidelopieng: apt is acutaly pretty lovely if you get used to the basic commands;)17:01
rochakcould anyone tell me who am I considered when browsing my localhost? am I world or username17:01
FoxhoundzNow the next step is finding drivers for my radeon card17:01
beari am running 3.4.217:02
bobweaveropieng,  use a *description*    apt-cache search qt creator    like that the package is not called that but it will search the apt cache to find it17:02
opiengok thanks17:02
bobweaverbear,  yeah same thing and should be on +1 I would take it17:02
opiengslowly getting used to this...17:02
opiengI am from the Engineering community... TO ALL linux/ubuntu developers, please develop scientific and engineering software which is support by Linux in the future17:03
xubuntu_I need help in order to install ubuntu, partition problems17:03
opiengI want to stop using Windows17:03
bearcame up with a samba4 error?17:03
bobweaveropieng,  there are many many books tutorials and all sorts of cool stuff out there. Once you "get it " you get it and will be able to do things that you would have never of imagined possible17:03
vladimirsanchezbobweaver: first one : b43-fwcutter installed...17:03
fidelopieng: you can for sure us some kind of software-center or apt-gui as well - but it will help you to udnerstand the basics of apt and cli-usage17:03
truexfan81anyone know where quvi stores its scripts on 12.04? the guy on #mplayer2 says it should be in /usr/share/quvi/lua/website/  but there is no quvi folder there, and i do have it installed from the repos17:04
vladimirsanchezbobweaver: but not the last one... b43-fwcutter-installter17:04
bobweavervladimirsanchez,  look again17:04
opiengYes I want to get used to commands and... Bash is it called?17:04
bobweaverfirmware-b43-installer      << that is what you want17:04
bobweavervladimirsanchez,  ^^17:05
bobweaveropieng,  read gregs manual17:05
bobweaveropieng,  http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashGuide17:05
vladimirsanchezbobweaver: couldnt find package17:05
opiengok thanks.17:06
bearjust removed samba417:06
xubuntu_anyone could help me with partition on dual boot on mini mac?17:06
vladimirsanchezbobweaver: already apt-get update ...17:06
bobweavervladimirsanchez,  sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer17:06
vladimirsanchez:[ doesnt work17:07
ranveer5289truexfan81: for me it's in /usr/share/libquvi-scripts/lua/website17:07
bobweaverOo      vladimirsanchez   pastebin  apt-cache search firmware b43       and also  what software sources are you using . in ubuntu software center go to edit __> software sources and see i9f one is not enabled maybe even 2 or 3 are not17:08
xubuntu_anyone could help me partition on dual boot on mini mac?17:09
lickalottnot I17:09
zeppoi have an ubuntu server thats crashed17:10
Psi-JackAlrighty! Time for the proof of concept, wether reinstalling ALL packages fixes the problem I had. ;)17:10
zeppoand i've booted it up in rescue mode. which logs should I be looking at?17:10
lickalottzeppo that was a widly vauge problem17:10
zeppohaha i know sorry17:10
bobweaverPsi-Jack,  you can also reconfigure packages that are installed dpkg-reconfigure <package name >17:11
lickalottwhen does it crash?  how often, what version are you running?17:11
belgianguyhow do I switch my gfx accel to VESA?17:11
hfic!details | zeppo17:11
ubottuzeppo: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:11
zeppoits a cloud server that wont boot up. i managed to get in in rescue mode so i can ssh in to it17:11
belgianguyas I want to test if my ATI driver is making Chrome act all weird17:11
zeppoand I'm not sure what exactly caused it to crash17:11
zeppobut it will only start in rescue mode17:11
ikoniazeppo: a.) what type of virtualzation is it running on b.) what version of ubuntu is it c.) what do you define as "crash"17:11
vladimirsanchezbobweaver: all but the opera Browser sources are enabled...17:12
lickalott/var/log may have some stuff.  /var/crash may have some stuff17:12
vladimirsanchezbobweaver: Am I missing one?17:12
Psi-JackBobweaver: I know. But I had so many random things just crashing for no reason. Chrome, Skype, automount.17:12
bobweavervladimirsanchez,  screen sot ?17:12
Psi-JackChrome tabs specifically17:12
vladimirsanchezO_o ... brb17:12
zeppoubuntu 11.10 on rackspace17:12
ikoniazeppo: what sort of virtualization17:13
zeppojust realised that it was down, can only bring it up in rescue mode. so I'm not sure what caused it17:13
ikoniazeppo: what happens when you try to boot it normally17:13
Psi-JackZeppo. Call rackspace17:13
ikoniazeppo: what do you mean "nothing" - please explain the problem, or it's just wasting time17:13
bobweaverwhats dmesg have to say ? zeppo17:13
ikoniadmesg isn't going to be much good as he's booted into rescue mode17:14
zeppoi did. they told me to boot it in rescue mode17:14
lickalottif you boot the server can you get a ping through?  maybe ssh in to see if you can review logs?17:14
ikoniazeppo: please tell me what happens when you try to boot it normally17:14
Psi-Jackzeppo: You do not control much of the bootup process in a Rackspace Cloud Server. Heck, you don't even have access to choose what kernel boots, THEY do. You're best best is to call Rackspace support, trust me.17:15
zeppoalright i'll call them up again17:15
Jagst3r15is it reccommended to upgrade to 12.04.1 from 12.04?17:15
zeppothanks guys17:15
ikoniaJagst3r15: yes17:15
Jagst3r15how come i dont get an upgrade message17:15
ikoniabecause it's not an upgrade, just some package updates17:15
vladimirsanchezbobweaver: http://imgur.com/U7H1k17:16
Psi-JackWell, so far... Not too shabby. But my Skype is all Qt-ified in looks now. :/17:16
Jagst3r15ikonia will system detailssay 12.04.1 or is there no way to tell17:16
xanguaJagst3r15: if you install security updates you already  have it17:17
ikonialsb-release will show the version17:17
dr_willisoops.  :-(17:17
bearman this stinks17:17
Jagst3r15lsb release dont work :C17:18
ikonialsb-release does work17:18
Jagst3r15says package not found17:18
Jagst3r15or command not found17:18
ikoniaJagst3r15: man lsb-release17:18
dr_willisspelling counts....17:18
ikoniaJagst3r15: note the "lsb-release" not "lsb release"17:18
bobweavervladimirsanchez,  I am not sure why you can not see that. try to read this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1079650817:18
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bobweaverand it is lsb_release17:19
vladimirsanchezbobweaver: could it be opendns ?17:19
ikoniaahh _ not -17:19
ikoniathank you17:19
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »17:19
bobweaveror just cat the file it lives under etc17:19
Jagst3r15ty guys17:19
rictoohey guys, i dont get unity.17:20
bobweaverwonder if update-manager config file is set to something that it should not be ?17:20
rictooam i supposed to constantly alt+tab between apps?17:21
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fidelrictoo: well you could use somekind of 'dock' or similar17:21
bobweaverrictoo,  press suoer+w17:21
fidelthere are tons of different ways how to handle window-management17:21
bobweaversuper *17:21
rictoocinnamon was beautiful, but i couldn't get compiz working with it (i love changing window opacities - makes things productive)17:21
vladimirsanchezbobweaver: If you have the model number17:21
vladimirsanchezThen you are going to need the b43-fwcutter with the firmware-b43legacy-installer17:21
FloodBot1vladimirsanchez: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:21
truexfan81ranveer5289: thanks17:22
rictoobobweaver, that's great, but it's still quicker to use a mouse17:22
rictoofidel, which one do you recommend? i've seen so many. is there some go-to dock?17:22
cefege123how can I install 'Additional drivers' program? ( I am running ubuntu server with minimal wm)17:22
bobweaverrictoo,  hold down super17:22
vladimirsanchezbobweaver: I think it should be firmware-b43legacy-installer correct?17:22
bobweavervladimirsanchez,  read17:22
bobweaverI wrote that17:22
fidelrictoo: nah ...thats pretty user-specific. i loved tint & awn .. but both are pretty special somehow ;)17:23
centrelinkcefege123: its called jockey17:23
bobweaverrictoo,  you can see that you can use things like holding down super and pressing the number that corresponds to the doc app (I use that all day long )17:24
cefege123centrelink : I tried, not found...17:24
Psi-JackWell, this seems like a total success. ;)17:24
* Psi-Jack crosses fingersd.17:24
vladimirsanchezbobweaver: allright ... I'll follow it up...17:25
sternfan2012Anyone know how to get to #edubuntu17:26
Psi-JackBleh, Still fullscreening flash stuff in Chrome gets up on HALF my screen, (as if the center was both monitors)17:26
vladimirsanchezbobweaver: I'll let you know how/if it worked17:26
bobweavervladimirsanchez,  there is also http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b4317:26
fidelsternfan2012: enter: /j #CHANNELNAME17:26
lickalottsternfan2012 type /j #edubuntu17:26
lickalotti'm sitting in there right now.17:26
bobweaverlook at the part 4320 that is the important part vladimirsanchez  that is why you need the name and the number aka -nn  on lspci17:27
kantlivelonganyone here get alot of crashing on 12.04?17:27
tiredbonesI currently have ubunto 9.10 and I download 12.04.  After about 2 mins.  of trying to install 12.01 I get the error, "EDD error 1000 ...". My web search said to add "ebb=off" to grub. How to do thid??17:27
kantlivelongconstant crash reports..17:27
lickalottwe automatically assumed he was using mirc...lol17:27
tiredbonesI currently have ubunto 9.10 and I download 12.04.  After about 2 mins.  of trying to install 12.01 I get the error, "EDD error 1000 ...". My web search said to add "ebb=off" to grub. How to do this??17:27
vladimirsanchezbobweaver: I thought I had the 4306 per the file i sent you..17:27
cefege123how can I install 'Additional drivers' program? ( I am running ubuntu server with minimal wm)17:28
kantlivelongcefege123: why not just install the driver from cli?17:28
vladimirsanchezbobweaver: nvr mind..17:28
bobweavervladimirsanchez,  the part that is in [14e4:<Most important part >]17:28
yeats!info jockey-text | cefege12317:28
ubottucefege123: Package jockey-text does not exist in precise17:28
vladimirsanchezbobweaver: I saw it..17:28
FloodBot1vladimirsanchez: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:28
vladimirsanchezbobweaver: allright... let me tinker with it...17:29
vladimirsanchezbobweaver: thx a lot..17:29
cefege123kantlivelong : how can I do that?17:29
fidelcefege123: jockey or maybe jockey-gtk?17:29
yeatscefege123: try 'sudo apt-get install jockey-common'17:29
kantlivelongcefege123: what driver do you need?17:29
vladimirsanchezbobweaver: btw, should I upgrade to 12.04 ppc ?17:29
Psi-Jackvladimirsanchez: I'd say so.17:29
Psi-Jackvladimirsanchez: Your upgrade path isn't direct though.17:29
vladimirsanchezbobweaver: It seems I'd have to continue tinkering to keep it going...17:30
bobweavervladimirsanchez,  np anytime I want to let you know that I am doing this so that you can learn more about your mod/driver I would hold your hand and walk you though but if you learn now you will always know :)17:30
Psi-Jackvladimirsanchez: You will have to install 11.04, 11.10, then 12.0417:30
tesujiQuick Question: I logged in with gnome classic in 12.04 and i love the activities but i also want a window bar. how can i manage to do that? the forum post i got didnt help (which suggested installing gnome-panel which was already there)17:30
cefege123I have an ati 9600, I was hopping the program would take care of that17:30
tesujivladimirsanchez, I unfortunatedly had to do that too, but it worked well17:30
vladimirsanchezbobweaver: thx, it's exactly what I wanted... It's good to have a helping hand... then fly solo... ;)17:31
vladimirsanchezPsi-Jack: tesuji : thx for the recommendations...17:31
* bobweaver high fives vladimirsanchez 17:31
wilee-nileetesuji, What does window bar mean to you?17:31
vladimirsanchezI really want to keep my PPC PB1717:31
tesujiwilee-nilee, I mean the bar that lists all the windows17:31
AnDsOhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1183966/   help :)17:31
Psi-Jackvladimirsanchez: Yet, it's already a paperweight.17:31
j4rg0ntesuji: do you mean the dock?17:31
xanguatesuji: tried the gnome plugin web¿ may find something there17:32
vladimirsanchez:[ i know... it's on life support ... both on Apple and Ubuntu..17:32
wilee-nileetesuji, Ah, I use cairo-dock as a extra bar myself17:32
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bobweaver!details | AnDsO,17:32
ubottuAnDsO,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:32
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AnDsOcoming to it17:32
bobweaverthanks AnDsO17:33
AnDsOnet-snmp installtion17:33
tesujiwilee-nilee, j4rg0n: i dont mean the apple like cairo dock. I upgraded from 11.04 with the classic gnome and there was the application bar on top and the window bar at the bottom17:33
j4rg0nI'm running ubuntu 12.04 in vmware player and tryin to get my webcam work useing cheese but get a device not found error anyone else use vmware player know how to get it to find webcam17:33
j4rg0nactually never mind i just answered my own question17:33
tiredbonesPsi-Jack, your advice to vladimirsanchez, sound like I should do the same. I have 9,10 and I want to install 12.04. would I also need to install 11.04, 11.10 and then 12.04?17:34
tesujiwilee-nilee, j4rg0n: like this http://www.liberiangeek.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/gnome_ubuntu_panel_thumb.png17:34
Psi-Jacktiredbones: 9.10? You can go to 10.04 and then LTS to LTS upgrade to 12.0417:34
Lee_Sharpjoin #ubuntu-x17:34
wilee-nileetesuji, I have not looked at the gnome2 like desktop for awhile so but I think it has a right click to add to the bars like the old gnome2, I believe there is another key like alt for moving them17:36
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tiredbonesPsi-Jack, thanks for the advice/17:36
cefege123Installed ATI drivers from console and I get this error when I type fglrxinfo -> http://pastebin.com/xb9WZbhB17:36
sternfan2012Anyone use Edubutu out there?  I have a few Qs17:36
wilee-nileetesuji, Or the alt with a right click to see the apps to add to the bar.17:36
tesujiwilee-nilee, yeah I have tried that, but it doesnt work, thanks for your ideas. I never thought an old school linux fan like me would ask for cosmetic things ;) but it just feels like its made for tablets17:37
yeatscefege123: seen this?: http://askubuntu.com/questions/81344/how-to-fix-error-with-ati-driver-error-of-failed-request17:37
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Psi-Jacktiredbones: yeah, 10.04 desktop still has a till 13.04's release for support. ;)17:37
smart1hey there, i want to create a vnc session and want to get acces to my actual screen17:37
wilee-nileetesuji, I use gnome 3 at this time myself, but there are about 50 different desktop possibilities17:38
smart1but just find tutorials for ssh x11 connections17:38
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bobweaverwilee-nilee,  such a good point IceWM all the way j/k17:38
AnDsOanyone i was tryin to compile net-snmp 5.71 something is missing and m getting this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/1183966/  using ubuntu server  runnin ubuntu server 12.0417:38
macsimhi, do you know if I can rotate only one of my dualscreen with nvidia card ?17:38
sternfan2012smart1 - try XVNC17:38
tesujiwilee-nilee, the new gnome makes the titlebar of a window part of the "activities bar" (sorry I dont know its real name) so I guess it wouldnt make sense to move it around a lot or clutter it with windows. I am just wondering if i can get a list of opened windows constantly on the screen without going to the activites overview17:39
cefege123yeats:  I have no xorg.conf17:40
fideltesuji: use some kind of dock17:40
wilee-nileetesuji, Gnome 3 has an exstension that sits ion the bar, has to be clicked to show the desktops with windows but not what is actually open.17:41
tesujifidel, yeah i will probably get cairo17:41
tesujithanks guys17:41
fideltesuji: if you are into gnome 3 - there is a lovely extension called: Panel Docklet17:41
tesujifidel, I will check it out! it has been 2 years since i upgraded this machine17:42
fidelbutthere are tons of others as cairo, tint2, docky, awn etc ..have fun testing them17:42
yeatscefege123: did you see the first answer to the question (about fgrlx being blacklisted)?  the solution doesn't require you to have an xorg.conf17:42
tesujifidel, I only used work related distros17:42
cefege123yeats:  yes, nothing is blacklisted17:44
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cefege123yeats:  I used this tutorial to help me out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI17:45
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bnwkeysOK feeling really stupid, deadmund helped me get wifi working on my laptop, but apparently it didn't save the changes to my kernel. I have the firmware files I need to make it work, but could someone remind me to install these packages?17:46
tesujibnwkeys, its usually a modprobe17:46
tesujibnwkeys, best save it in a startup script17:46
bnwkeysSo as I build this system, I need to add package installs to startup scripts?17:48
bnwkeys<- total noob :/17:48
tesujifidel, Thank you! docky is almost what I needed. and its apparently "no fuss" according to the readme ;)17:48
tesujibnwkeys, pleas prefix your messages with names you want to talk to it was just luck i saw yours ^^17:49
natsirtIs Linux or Windows better?17:49
gregoryfentonPlease don't feed the troll ^^17:50
fidelnatsirt: there is no better/best in that17:50
AnDsOwork=linux toy=windows17:50
hficnatsirt, that's a very open ended question .. please don't troll17:50
natsirthfic: How am I trolling?17:50
fideland yeah - see thetroll thing & even ask yourself if you would ask apple in the applestore if they are better then microsoft or not17:50
tesujibnwkeys, how do you get it to work by hand?17:50
fidelquestion just doesnt make sense ;)17:50
tesujinatsirt, the same way somebody is trolling who says who is better mozart or hayden17:51
tesujinatsirt, many different oppinions, preferences and whatnot17:51
natsirtfidel: You will never find me in an Apple store17:51
bnwkeysTesuji, plz excuse my slow typing. Having to use my phone until I can get wifi working on this laptop17:51
gregoryfentonnatsirt, the same way you posted a forkbomb yesterday17:51
tesujibnwkeys, no problem i will stay on for you ;)17:51
natsirtI think Linux is better, just no as user friendly :)17:52
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tesujibnwkeys, usually there is a command 'modprobe kernelmodule'17:52
wilee-nileenatsirt, you might want #ubuntu-offtopic17:52
natsirtgregoryfenton: Plase quit living in the past. I am a new man now.17:52
cefege123How can I install ati drivers from TERMINAL?17:52
usr13natsirt: It is obvious.  (Assuming that was a legit question....)  If you ask here, folks will say Linux.  If you ask in #windows, folks will say Windows. (It's not rocket science.)17:52
Guest33135i have a question17:52
sternfan2012what's the channel for ubuntu server?17:53
tesujibnwkeys, if you have that command look at /etc/initrc or something similar (cant remember) so it gets started at startup17:53
wilee-nileeGuest33135, then ask it. ;)17:53
silver86yes james ?17:53
Guest33135why are my youtube videos or any other music i try playing are fastforward?17:53
Psi-JackBah, son of a....17:53
natsirtusr13: I am shocked there is a #windows channel on freenode. I thought you were trollin me at 1st17:53
wilee-nileesternfan2012, #ubuntu-server17:53
tesujibnwkeys, if you cannot remember the command its very hard to help you sorry, maybe somebody else knows your wifi hardware, but i cannot help17:53
Psi-JackChrome tabs are STILL crashing randomly. :(17:54
bnwkeysTesuji, I have wl-apsta- and broadcom-wl-, I need to write them to the kernel17:54
tesujiPsi-Jack, not here17:54
sternfan2012thanks wilee17:54
usr13natsirt: Can I PM you?17:54
CalinouPsi-Jack, get chromium17:54
Psi-JackCalinou: No.17:54
fidelsternfan2012: you might ask inhere if you cant find a better matching channel17:54
Calinousudo apt-get install chromium-browser chromium-browser-l10n17:54
Calinouit's the same Fing thing17:54
Psi-Jacktesuji: Mine started doing it at home.17:54
Calinoubetter privacy and open source17:54
Psi-JackCalinou: No, it's not.17:54
Calinouor, quit trolling17:54
Calinouit is.17:54
Calinoulrn2installflash if you're that inclined about that17:54
Psi-JackCalinou: Go look up the meaning of trolling.17:54
Calinouno u17:54
FloodBot1Calinou: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:54
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:55
silver86james have you tried updating adobe flash ?17:55
silver86or any flash player your using17:55
Psi-Jacktesuji: Mine just started doing so, randomly out of the blue one day, then other things started to crash, like skype, caffeine, even automount.17:55
tesujibnwkeys, if you have the module try 'man modprobe' to see your options. but i think it should just be 'modprobe module'17:55
kubanchow do i change port for remote deskrop connection in ubuntu 12.04 i've tried in gconf-editor with alternative port string but no results17:55
Guest33135hm i will try17:55
tesujiPsi-Jack, that sounds like an addon problem, I had those before17:55
tesujiPsi-Jack, on every os too17:56
Psi-Jacktesuji: I thought so too,. but it's not /just/ chrome. And it's happening on a clean install of chrome.17:56
natsirtI wasn't trying to troll, maybe I should have asked in a different way or something, sorry.17:56
Psi-Jacktesuji: And like I said, skype is doing it now, automount, caffeine too.17:56
sternfan2012Fidel - I have some Edubuntu/LTSP Qs17:56
tesujiPsi-Jack, that could be dbus or something with your network17:56
sternfan2012any edubuntu admins out there?17:57
tesujiPsi-Jack, either way thats a whole lot of hurt17:57
Psi-Jacktesuji: Yes, indeed, it is.17:57
tesujiPsi-Jack, backup your data my friend, fast ^^17:57
bnwkeysTesuji, excuse my denseness, how do I know the name of the "modules", oh or is it those files, and I just have to be in the same dir ...17:57
bekkssternfan2012: Just ask your questions :)17:57
Psi-Jacktesuji: It's all backed up. :)17:57
wilee-nileesternfan2012, admins don't really hang on the irc in the support channels17:57
Psi-Jacktesuji: ANd I know it's not hardware problems.17:57
__diamondi_what are some of the draw backs of using ACL for authorization?17:58
bekks__diamondi_: ACL cannot be used fpr authorization, they are for advanced permission control.17:58
sternfan2012Q - if I set up LTSP and need to log websites visited - will each individual thin client be in the log?  Or just the Edubuntu server itself since everything goes through it?17:59
tesujibnwkeys, it should be something like 'modprobe bw54' that was something similar to my laptop. you probably have to be in the same directory where the module is located but I am really not sure. I am not the best person to answer your question. Wait for 10 minutes and ask again in allchat17:59
sternfan2012Does that make sense?17:59
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tesujiPsi-Jack, try dmesg17:59
__diamondi_bekks:by authorization i mean file system accesses17:59
kubancwhere do i change remote port in ubuntu 12.04?18:01
michelfp_I'm trying to compile Seeborg 0.51 but I get the error "make: g++ Command not found"18:01
michelfp_Do I need to install any package?18:01
tesujimichaelfp_, get gcc compilertools and the like18:02
DragonflyHi there everyone. I need help with editing DTDT on my Toshiba Satellite. can anybody help ?18:02
tesujithe f is dtdt18:02
tesujisounds like a tv show18:02
tesujisorry ignore me ^^18:03
youngsamResearch address: 55 RUE LAMARCK 7501818:03
tesujino doxing18:03
anlaryemichelfp_: you need to install the build-essenials (not sure of the exact name) package in order to use make and to build from source18:06
bnwkeysTesuji OK thanks18:06
bnwkeysHow about this question, how do I write object files onto the kernel18:06
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glennhow to set the programs so that when i click on a pdf he automaticly acrobad reader start18:06
paolinaciao sono sul canale italiano18:06
TimothyAwhat's the best way to DD a RAID-0 (mdadm) drive?18:08
zorbamaHello, how do I find out the name of buttons on my tablet to use as reference for key mapping?18:08
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emphI'm trying to watch a movie with the player installed by default in Ubuntu, but occasionally it freezes, how come?18:10
glennhow can i set it so when i click on a pdf file in ubuntu 12.04 that he start acrobad reader18:10
wilee-nileeglenn, right click the pdf then properties then open with18:10
wilee-nileeset the pdf reader as default18:11
glennwilee-nilee,thnx i found it by my self18:12
wilee-nileecool glenn18:12
zorbamahow do I find out the name of buttons on my tablet to use as reference for key mapping?18:12
emphCan anybody help me? How come my movie freezes while I'm watching it? This didn't happen to me in Windows, so it's not my computer's fault18:13
wilee-nileezorbama, keyboard app18:13
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wilee-nileeemph, that is a bad cause and effect.18:13
tesujiemph: which player18:13
aaasemph just the movie or the computer?  have you tried different players?18:13
thesebwhy is the 64bit ubuntu iso called amd64? is AMD the only company that makes 64bit cpus?18:13
zorbamawilee-nilee: It's not a keyboard, but a Wacom tablet. I tried using the GUI to map buttons, but it doesn't work. I'm trying to configure it with xsetwacom or /etc/X11/x.conf.d18:14
Guest13234hi i removed deepin from my system and want to reboot to see changes plz tell me how i update grub for generate new grub .iam on ubuntu 12.0418:14
emphemp: thanks wilee, really helpful18:14
tesujitheseb: they defined the first 64 bit architecture18:14
emphtesuji: the one installed by default on ubuntu18:14
emphaaas: just the movie, I tried VLC18:15
tesujiemph: please install vlc and tell us what happens then18:15
WHAT_LEFTwhat would be the best way to copy a file as it's being written to?18:15
wilee-nileeemph, no nproblem but your question makes no sense it is lacking any real substance.18:15
thesebtesuji: thanks...i have a Intel Core 2 Quad CPU    Q9550.....is that 64bit?18:15
tesujiemph: if it still stalls post your dmesg output on pastebin18:15
emphtesuji: I'll try again with VLC18:15
aaasemph try playing from command line with mplayer/ffmpeg , maybe it will throw an error?18:15
Guest13234<theseb>google that18:15
WHAT_LEFTtheseb: yes18:15
mityaz: theseb yep18:15
tesujitheseb: yes thats 64 bit18:16
emphaaas: what exactly am I supposed to write in the terminal, before that? gksudo?18:16
Guest13234thats good 64 bit18:16
thesebSorry one last question....does 64 bit ubuntu work well?  i've heard on IRC of people having issues w/ 64 bit java and flash iirc18:16
tesujitheseb: but 32 bit applications generally work better unless you need precision computing18:16
GudduI have a file install.sh.....I also did a sudo chmod +x install.sh .... Now when i execute the file by just giving the name on the command prompt and pressing enter it says install.sh : command not found....What am i missing?18:16
theseb(Can I run 32bit apps on 64bit ubuntu i.e?18:17
WHAT_LEFTyou can't directly, but there are ways to do so18:17
tesujitheseb: I have 64bit and everything works18:17
Guddutheseb:  I am using 64 bit and it works just fine.18:17
aaasemph depending on your proficiency..navigate to the directory with the movie file and try 'mplayer <name of movie>' or 'ffmpeg <name of movie>'18:17
WHAT_LEFTtheseb: i use 64 bit and things seem to work well18:17
thesebtesuji: wait...did you install 64bit or are you making the case it is better to install 32bit ubuntu on a 64bit cpu?18:17
Guddutheseb:  32 bit programs will work fine on 64bit (in emulation mode).18:17
tesujiaaas, let him try vlc first18:17
aaastesuji no ;)18:18
emphwilee-nilee: There's no "bad cause and effect", using Windows I was able to watch movies with ease, now I can't, therefore it's not my hardware but rather my software.18:18
GudduWHAT_LEFT:  What is the way to do that? Please let me know18:18
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mityazI also suggest trying VLC first. Best player18:18
* WHAT_LEFT left18:18
emphaaas: To be honest, I have no idea how to do that, I'm a newbie using Linux18:18
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tesujitheseb: kindof both. I installed 64 bit and 2 years ago it took me a while to get things to work. Now i reinstalled 64bit and it worked fine too. what I am saying is that you should get both types of applications for things that like hardware18:19
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sternfan2012go to Software Center and install VLC18:19
thesebtesuji: thanks18:19
aaasemph well just try different players first you should have several listed in the menu18:19
tesujiaaas: hehe ^^18:19
mityazor open your console termianl and type sudo apt-get install vlc18:19
emphaaas: Ok, thanks, I'll try the VLC again now18:19
sternfan2012VLC runs pretty much everything18:19
thesebtesuji: is 64bit FASTER? there must be some advantage otherwise why not just put the more reliable 32bit ubuntu on your machine?18:20
Guest13234hello peps does i need update grub after deleting linux deepin partition from my ubuntu system to reboot again to ubuntu18:20
emphsternfan2012: It's not really that the player I use can't run the movie, it's that the movie freezes sometimes for some mysterious reason18:20
tesujitheseb: no its not faster18:20
thesebtesuji: *sigh*..then what is the point?18:20
tesujitheseb: it depends on your memory18:20
sternfan2012I use 64-bit on virtually everything - nothing to worry about18:20
Guest13234what u people think about umplayer best media player18:21
tesujitheseb: there is only so much room for memory adresses in 32 bits of space18:21
thesebtesuji: really? i just got 32bit all nice and i'm not sure if i should REINSTALL w/ 64bit ubuntu18:21
Cpudan80How can I have the window size displayed when resizing the window? (12.04/GNOME)18:21
Marzata"Your clock is 9.0 seconds ahead." and ntp works? a fix?18:21
tesujitheseb: how much memory do you have18:21
gordonjcpif you're not using more than 4GB of RAM, there's not a lot of point in using 64-bit18:21
thesebtesuji: 4 gigs18:21
sternfan201232-bit tops out at 4gb ram18:21
tesujitheseb: 32 bit is fine then18:21
tesujitheseb: the speedups are SOOOO small you would not notice them. they are around 8%18:21
gordonjcpsternfan2012: unless you use PAE18:21
thesebgordonjcp: aha! yes i rem that....the point of 64bit is to *ACCESS* more than 4Gb ram18:21
mityazsternfan2012: I'd say 3.5 RAM18:22
thesebgordonjcp: now it is coming back to me18:22
gordonjcptheseb: but as I said, you can get round that with PAE18:22
sternfan2012yeah gordon - I have an old dell server that is 32-bit but takes 8gb ram18:22
mityazPAE is bad practice18:22
gordonjcpif you use 64-bit OSes of any sort, get used to reporting bugs18:22
ThinkT510mityaz +118:22
gordonjcp*nothing* works properly in 64-bit18:22
mityazIt's usually slower with PAE18:22
tesujigordonjcp: complete bs my friend18:22
ThinkT510gordonjcp: that is utter rubbish18:22
mityazgordonjcp: don't believe that :P18:22
tesujigordonjcp: this system works find18:23
gordonjcpevery piece of software out there has got some sort of open bug due to 32/64-bit issues18:23
mityazyou know, some linux distros are thinking of giving up *good-old* x86 and stay at x86-6418:23
sternfan2012I have servers, desktops and laptops all running 64-bit = just fine18:23
gordonjcpit may not be a hugely important bug, but it's there18:23
tesujiyou are supposing a piece of code is perfect on 32bit then?18:23
mityaz64 used to suck about 4-5 years ago. now it's fine18:23
sternfan2012the only real reason to use 32-bit is if the hardware is 32-bit18:23
gordonjcpmityaz: it's getting better18:23
gordonjcpbut only because we keep filing bugs18:24
emphaaas: I downloaded VLC, I played the movie, but it's the same: It all goes smooth but then sometimes it slows down or downright freezes for somet ime18:24
tesujinot because youre filing bugs, but because somebody is fixing them, ffs18:24
gordonjcpI'm about to drop 64-bit Precise on this machine and switch back to 32-bit18:24
adoet_thello, can i install KDE dektop on gnome 12.04 ? with separated account ?18:24
tesujiwhats wrong with you18:24
gordonjcptesuji: can't fix 'em if you don't know about 'em18:24
aaasemph do you have other movies to try18:24
sternfan2012emph - do you have enough hardware to run what you are trying to do?18:25
tesujigordonjcp: wait18:25
gordonjcpadoet_t: if you install KDE it will show up in the login screen as an option18:25
ThinkT510!kde | adoet_t18:25
ubottuadoet_t: KDE (http://kde.org) is an open community that creates and maintains software including the Plasma desktop.  To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install  kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See  http://kubuntu.org for more information.18:25
emphaaas: Not really, at least for now, but the movie did work well with the windows player on windows18:25
thesebgordonjcp: lol...you are about to do the exact OPPOSITE of what i'm debating18:25
emphsternfan2012: Yes, more than enough18:25
gordonjcptheseb: have you got a good reason to switch?18:25
gordonjcptheseb: if it works, don't fix it18:25
aaasemph do you know how to open a terminal?18:25
emphaaas: Yes18:26
aaasemph navigate the terminal at all?18:26
tesujinever mind18:26
emphaaas: I can open it... lol18:26
* aaas 's motto if it works, upgrade it ;) 18:26
sternfan2012did you install the "restricted extras"?18:26
emphaaas: I only know gksudo, that's al for commands18:26
thesebgordonjcp: i just figured if you got the hardware why not use it like it was meant to be used18:26
aaasemph do you know the directory your movie is in?18:26
emphaaas: Yes18:26
gordonjcptheseb: it'll work, but flash will be even flakier than usual18:26
aaasemph do you know how to use the cd command and pwd?18:27
shadedpixelCan somebody help me with this? http://pastebin.com/dz6TJahN18:27
emphaaas: no18:27
gordonjcptheseb: firefox and thunderbird will consume twice as much memory and frequently go spinning off into 100% CPU usage18:27
ThinkT510emph: cd /where/you/want/to/go18:27
aaasemph ill msg you so we don't spam the channel and hold your hand through the terminal ;)18:27
emphThinkT510: thanks, then gksudo is to execute a program?18:27
emphaaas: alright and thanks, aaas18:28
exaememph: gksudo is to execute a graphical program18:28
emphexaem: oh, okay18:28
shadedpixelOh and thank you in advance18:28
thesebgordonjcp: then how come 2 people few min ago just said all is fine for them? maybe that was the story 2 yrs ago?18:28
ThinkT510emph: gksudo is for launching graphical apps as root18:28
tesujiiim, dont ask to ask, just ask18:28
tesujiis he slow or something?18:29
exaemtesuji: hey man, don't be rude :-)18:29
tesujiexaem: sorry18:29
gordonjcptheseb: maybe they've got 16GB of RAM18:29
Guest13234i dont know will i get ubuntu back after reboot .......lol.18:30
tesujiexaem: youre a good man/woman thanks18:30
shadedpixelhttp://pastebin.com/dz6TJahN Please?18:30
flametai1Hi everyone I have an Acer Aspire V5-471 with a Qualcomm Atheros AR5BWB222 wireless card and I can't get any internet working on it, it doesn't have an ethernet port, anyone have any ideas on how to get it going?18:30
tesujiGuest13234: Have a livedvd ready18:30
thesebgordonjcp: kind of funny that your memory usage gets punished if you're man enough to try 64bit18:30
xanguashadedpixel: normally people give a description of their problem Here18:31
SmithamHello, I'm trying to install Matlab 2012a on my Ubuntu 12.04x64 system.  I'm having trouble getting JRE 7 to install18:31
Guest13234<tesuji> ihave live usb18:31
ThinkT510shadedpixel: 10.10 is no longer supported18:31
theadminshadedpixel: 10.10 is dead18:31
Guest13234but tell me how i update grub entry i deleted deepin linux partition just18:31
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wilee-nilee!grub > keshav18:32
ubottukeshav, please see my private message18:32
Newtoubuntuhey all again. i am unable to mount my main windows  HD partition. i used the ntfs config tool and had it working fine for days and now i can not mount it. how can i fix this?18:33
tesujikeshav: good make a live bootable thing, do your stuff and cross your fingers18:33
wilee-nileeNewtoubuntu, might the ntfs need a chkdsc?18:34
tesujikeshav: then you can recover anytime18:34
Newtoubuntuwilee-nilee, i doubt it. : /18:34
larsvdvcan anyone help me im new on ubuntu but my graphics card is leaking.. its crap how can i fix this ?18:35
Smithamcan anyone tell me how to install JRE 7 on my 12.04x64 system?18:35
tesujihow do you think, after steam goes to linux, can we make the welcome proper?18:35
wilee-nileeNewtoubuntu, How are you trying to mount it, at boot in a terminal from the side panel in home?18:35
exaemtesuji: buy games on it18:35
tesujiexaem: no thats for people who already use linux, how about people who have only heard of it18:36
sternfan2012flametail - I would try a USB nic18:36
onlylovedoes anyone who use a wcdma modem? i can't dial with a zte mf10018:37
thesebtesuji, gordonjcp: thank you very much for the help18:38
tesujitheseb: no problem you know we love you18:38
s1n4hey, how can I select text in terminal using keyboard?18:39
theadmins1n4: You can't really do that18:40
s1n4theadmin: why the heck?18:41
flametai1Hi everyone I have an Acer Aspire V5-471 with a Qualcomm Atheros AR5BWB222 wireless card and I can't get any internet working on it, it doesn't have an ethernet port, anyone have any ideas on how to get it going?18:41
theadmins1n4: Because all keyboard presses are transmitted to the shell?18:41
j4rg0nis there a way to turn of the join and quit notices in here18:41
flametai1The card will see networks but it won't load webpages or anything18:42
theadminj4rg0n: Depends on your client. Try: /ignore * JOINS PARTS QUITS18:42
j4rg0nI'm using irssi18:42
theadminj4rg0n: Then that, yeah18:42
j4rg0nthanks hard to read with em all goin a mile a minute18:43
sternfan2012what is "deepin"?18:43
ThinkT510sternfan2012: another distro, unsupported here18:43
Cpudan80Hey I've got a problem with xhcat in gnome, the title bar takes up too much space and expands onto two lines...18:43
Cpudan80See http://img716.imageshack.us/img716/9366/screenshotfrom201209031.png18:43
ThinkT510Cpudan80: most strange, i've never come accross that18:43
Cpudan80ThinkT510: you're using gnome (vs unity)?18:43
ThinkT510Cpudan80: unity 12.0418:43
Cpudan80yeah I switched it to gnome...18:43
Cpudan80Is there a specific gnome channel for ubuntu?18:43
ThinkT510Cpudan80: no18:43
Cpudan80resizing the window has no effect btw18:43
ThinkT510Cpudan80: haha, you read my mind, i was about to suggest that18:43
FloodBot1Cpudan80: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:43
flametai1I take it nobody knows???18:44
Psi-JackIt /should/ be safe to uninstall all packages with :i386 in them, correct? Without adverse system-side effects?18:45
sternfan2012flametail - encryption?  wep? wpa? wpa2?18:45
flametai1sternfan2012: WEP Hex18:45
theadminPsi-Jack: Well, yeah... Unless you're on a 32-bit system18:45
sternfan2012flame - can you pin anything?18:45
ray76flametail can you ping any servers through the connection18:45
sternfan2012ping the default gateway18:46
Psi-Jacktheadmin: Yeah, 64-bit system/OS here, so good there.18:46
IdleOnePsi-Jack: Should be, there are a few packages that are i386 only but you would have installed those yourself, they aren't default.18:46
Psi-Jacktheadmin: Reinstall of all packages was a success, so far. Except that Chrome is still having some issues.18:46
flametai1Haven't attempted to, TBH I'm not the brightest when it comes to the commands for Linux sternfan201218:46
Psi-JackIdleOne: Perfect. I do know I installed /some/ 32-bit packages myself just for Second Life to run, but that's it.18:46
sternfan2012in the menus - find Network Tools18:47
BenxyzzyAnybody know of a soulseek client suitable for ubuntu server?18:47
jcheungdon't suppose anyone knows how i can change the server? xD18:48
DDAZZAHi I'm trying to install ubuntu 12.4 ona acer aspire D257.  I've managed to install ubuntu with a usb however when I turn on the netbook it doesn't go to the grub screen unless I boot with the usb. Any ideas how I can resolve this?18:48
ray76flametail open a terminal and type "ping www.google.com"   CTRL c  cancels18:48
rhombusWhat is the name of the Ubuntu package manager?18:48
rhombusI should point out that I am a Gentoo user who is setting up a machine for a family member.18:48
theadminrhombus: APT is the name of the whole thing. apt-get is the tool to work with it.18:48
flametai1ray76: And if it can't do that is there a fix? I'm currently having to use windows on the computer that I'm working on because there is no other computer to chat from18:48
Graphicalubuntu software center18:48
theadminGraphical: That's just the GUI frontend.18:49
bekkstheadmin: dpkg is the package management system, apt-get is just a frontend.18:49
rhombustheadmin: ok, that is the command line package manager, same as in Debian. Is there a GUI package manager?18:49
Graphicalor apt18:49
bekksrhombus: synaptic is a GUI frontend.18:49
theadminrhombus: Synaptic, Muon, Ubuntu Software Center... Over 9000 of them >.<18:49
rhombustheadmin: So you can see why I am asking this question, now :)18:49
L3gEnDCiao a tutti :D18:50
hapsterwhat's the final say on Ubuntu's 12.10 kernel version?18:50
ray76Flame if that dont work i guess your network card is not installed,,  divice divers are a little out of my range...  does it look like there is a wifi network ?18:50
ddilingeri'm running do-release-upgrade from a box running maverick, its updating to oneiric.  I get quite a few 'Err http://security.ubuntu.com natty-security/restricted Translation-en18:50
rhombuswhich is the one that is best supported? keep in mind, this is a for a family member who is computer impaired.18:50
rhombusand does it make any difference that this is a kubuntu system?18:50
exaemrhombus: Ubuntu Software Center18:50
sternfan2012flame says that he can see the networks (I assume wireless) - but can't browse anything18:50
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rhombusexaem: lemme see if I can find that in KDE.18:51
theadminrhombus: The KDE edition of Ubuntu uses Muon18:51
gordonjcprhombus: if it's for someone "computer impaired" as you put it, just stick with stock Ubuntu18:51
ddilingerafter do-release-upgrade complains about some missing stuff (presumably from apt-get update) it still tries to continue, has ~2000 packages to update.  The problem is it fails to download various packages and then quits18:51
ThinkT510ddilinger: you can't upgrade from mavarick to oneiric directly18:52
j4rg0nThat worked18:52
rhombusgordonjcp: I'd prefer not to inflict gnome on this person.18:52
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rhombustheadmin: yeah, I noticed that there is no Ubuntu Software Center.18:52
gordonjcprhombus: stick with stock Ubuntu, and Unity18:53
gordonjcprhombus: it's much simpler for everyone concerned18:53
ddilingerThinkT510: oops, i mean to say i upgraded from maverick to natty, that one was success.  i'm now doing the second do-release-upgrade from the freshly booted natty install18:53
sternfan2012gordon - I setup a netbook for a "non computer" person and used XFCE (xubuntu) - worked pretty well18:53
ThinkT510ddilinger: why don't you just fresh install 12.04 instead of jumping through several upgrade hoops?18:54
emphProblem: Using Ubuntu, I try to watch a movie both with the default player and the VLC one and, at least if I jump to different parts of the film, the video itself freezes or slows down temporarily (the system is fine, the player is fine, the video itself is the one that freezes, although the sound of it is continuous and doesn't get cut)18:54
jcheunganyone know how i can go about changing chat servers with xchat-gnome irc?18:54
wilee-nileeddilinger, natty is end of life the repos are not set to run a update stock.18:54
rhombustheadmin: ok, so next question -- when I try to install Firefox with Muon, it complains that it can't authenticate a bunch of dependency packages it needs to install. I thought this was all being pulled from a ubuntu repository.18:54
gordonjcpemph: sounds like you may be using non-accelerated graphics18:54
anlaryeddilinger: i would agree to do the fresh install if you are way back on maverick instead of attempting to go thorugh several upgrades18:54
gordonjcpemph: or your disk is very slow for some reason18:55
ddilingerthinkt510: because it has various development stuff on it all configured,  when i've used do-release-upgrade before there were no hoops, just hitting yes a number of times18:55
theadminrhombus: "authenticate"? Hm, I never had such problems, then again all I use is apt-get18:55
rhombusgordonjcp: so far, you have just said things, but not really supported them. What is wrong with Kubuntu?18:55
emphgordonjcp: what do you mean by non-accelerated graphics? If it's of any use, I was able to reproduce any sort of movie using the windows player in windows18:55
rhombustheadmin: muon actually uses that term.18:55
MonkeyDustddilinger  if you're skilled enough to be a developer, you should have had a separate /home partition18:55
WARACEanyone available I need a little bit of direction I am looking to deploy a server with Apache and a mail server18:56
sternfan2012emph - are you saying the PC you are using used to have windows and ran movies fine?  But you put ubuntu on it and now its slow?18:56
gordonjcpemph: well, depending on your graphics hardware, you may need a proprietary binary-blob driver18:56
ddilingerMonkeyDust: the problem isnt backups, or even home dir thats easy.  i just didn't want to reconfigure a bunch of stuff :P18:56
MonkeyDustWARACE  maybe #ubuntu-server suits you better18:56
subz3r0jcheung, you should not use xchat-gnome version. this version is more likely castrated... use the plain xchat version18:56
emphsternfan2012: Exactly18:56
gordonjcprhombus: are you having problems installing just now?  Well then...18:56
wilee-nileeddilinger, your in natty right?18:57
emphgordonjcp: Where can I get that?18:57
ddilingerwilee-nilee: yes, the upgrade to natty worked great18:57
sternfan2012warace - what kind of email server?18:57
ddilingerwilee-nilee: if i have to, i will just install the latest directly via a usb stick, just would rather not18:57
wilee-nileeddilinger, natty is end of life you need to to a end of life upgrade from it.18:57
WARACENot sure what email server yet18:57
WARACEI am looking for suggestions18:58
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades18:58
emphgordonjcp: It's an ATI Radeon HD18:58
sternfan2012is it a purchase?  open source? free?18:58
ddilingerwilee-nilee: excellent, thanks18:58
pcovcuold anyone help me to uninstall nubuntu 12.04 from a dual boot windows 7 machine18:58
wilee-nileeddilinger, I hope you are backed up as well. ;)18:58
gordonjcpWARACE: postfix and dovecot seem to be the weapon of choice18:58
WARACElooking for open source but dont mind spending money for ease of use and security18:58
wilee-nileepcov, you just want windows?18:58
sternfan2012warace - look into Zimbra18:58
hficok so i apt-get purge samba .. and apt-get install samba. apt says it installed and started the service, but ps -ef | grep smb shows nothing running. and /etc/samba doesn't get created?18:59
pcovyes thanks , i have backed up my machine18:59
sternfan2012I ran a Zimbra server for years - very sweet18:59
wilee-nileepcov, you sau dual bopot, but I have to ask was Ubuntu installed from windows or a booted cd or usb18:59
WARACEHmmm Zimbra seems good from everything I have seen on it18:59
subz3r0pcov, how often you want to ask this question? just "ERASE" the damn thing18:59
sternfan2012postfix is a horror to config - wanted to pull my eyes out18:59
BoreeasIs there a way to retrieve a file removed via rm?19:00
wilee-nileepcov, sorry bopot is dualboot19:00
emphgordonjcp: Could you give me more information on such driver, please?19:00
pcovi just want windows7 back, and any partitions that wubi has put in please19:00
Apwbdjphfic, samba is not a deamon, check for smbd19:00
gordonjcp!ati | emph19:00
ubottuemph: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto19:00
sternfan2012warace - or Citadel - an all-in-one server19:00
wilee-nileepcov, wubi does not make partitions go to the windows admin acct and user add remove.19:00
xanguapcov: if you used wubi just remove it from the add/quit windows app19:00
emphubottu: Thanks, ubottu19:01
sternfan2012as for Apache - that's pretty basic - I use webmin just for the speed of getting it up and running19:01
hficApwbdjp, it would still grab anything listed with 'smb'. ..but still no nothing running. I just had it installed and I've been messing with a problem for several days. So I figured I would just start fresh19:01
larsvdvcan someone help me with my driver for the hd radeon hd 5400?19:02
pcovthanks willee-nilee, i was told to uninstall ubuntu from the wubi installer.19:02
Apwbdjphfic, so sudo stop/start smbd gives nothing?19:02
larsvdvi cant watch anything on my laptop19:02
rhombusgordonjcp: um...No, I am not having problems installing. I have a question that you seem unable to answer.19:02
subz3r0Boreeas, check ext3rminator or photorec19:02
subz3r0if its ext3/419:02
sternfan2012if you run an email server with any amount of users - use Raid-1019:02
larsvdvcan someone help me with my driver for the hd radeon hd 5400?19:03
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto19:03
hficApwbdjp, sudo service smbd start says it restarted .. but it doesnt19:03
gordonjcprhombus: ask your question19:04
subz3r0hfic, "sudo service smbd reload"19:04
subz3r0or restart19:04
rhombusgordonjcp: why does muon report that it is unable to authenticate package dependencies when I install firefox?19:04
hficsubz3r0, entbox@boc1:/$ sudo service smbd reload19:04
hficreload: Unknown instance:19:04
gordonjcprhombus: well, without seeing the error message *verbatim* I can't really answer19:05
subz3r0hfic, so its not running in the background. check the samba logs why its not starting19:05
gordonjcprhombus: it may not have the correct set of public keys for the repositories that are set up19:05
subz3r0im sure something with your config is just wrong19:05
larsvdv! radeon19:06
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto19:06
sliddjurHello does linux mint and ubuntu basicly have the same commands ?19:07
sliddjurin the terminal19:07
dtcrshrbasically yes19:07
subz3r0like all linux distros19:07
hficsubz3r0, ok I get spammed with 'error opening config file'.. I'm assuming its looking for smb.conf in /etc/samba .. but that never gets created. Which I believe is my underline issue.19:07
rhombusgordonjcp: Warning: Unverified Software / The following pieces of software cannot be authenticated. WARNING: Installing unverified software represents a security risk, as the presence of unverifiable software can be a sign of tampering. Do you wish to continue?19:07
gordonjcprhombus: can you tie that into a particular repository?19:08
gordonjcpsliddjur: all Linuxes are pretty much the same19:08
sliddjurwell im taking a linux class at the uni. he said he's going to use ubuntu, but you might aswell use another dist. ive tried both before, and liked the UI of mint more. even though we will mostly use the terminal as a tool in our course19:08
WARACEanyone know where I can take linux server classes online?19:09
rhombusgordonjcp: I can take a look, I am new to muon -- ubuntu in general19:09
subz3r0hfic, if this is a fresh installation. purge the samba server... "sudo apt-get purge ......." after that deltete the configs by hand and reinstall everything. sounds like someting went wrong while the installation. why? i dont know. just use the version which ubuntu will install when u do "sudo apt-get install..."19:09
sliddjurWARACE: where you from?19:09
WARACEI am in New York19:09
=== ivan`` is now known as ^ivan``
Linuxevery time I run sudo apt-get upgrade I get a error message about failing to fetch cdrom Lubuntu 12.0419:10
gordonjcprhombus: kubuntu is a respin of Ubuntu, and it has some weirdnesses19:10
gordonjcp!kubuntu | rhombus19:10
ubotturhombus: Kubuntu is the Ubuntu flavour using KDE Software and the KDE Plasma Workspaces.  See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join  #kubuntu - See also !kde19:10
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hficsubz3r0, thats what i did apt-get purge and than reinstalled with apt-get install samba. This is where my problem is because it didn't create the /etc/samba19:10
sliddjurWARACE: im on a linux server class in sweden. online. its for free for europeans ;)19:10
W4RH4WKhello, does anyone have some information about ubuntu tablets (which might be coming 2013 or 2014) i'm looking for information about the freedom canonical will provide. Anybody knows if these tablets will be locked up like an ipad.19:10
exaemW4RH4WK: Simple answer, get Android.19:10
oalAny suggested apps that start webcam recording when movement is detected? We have pretty clear signs that we'll have a burglary attempt tonight or tomorrow night, and I'd like to set up a camera to watch19:10
WARACEI wish i was in sweden right about now19:11
exaemW4RH4WK: Nobody knows about Ubuntu tablets yet.19:11
theadminLinux: Remove it from software sources then (either edit /etc/apt/sources-list or use either software-properties-gtk or software-properties-kde)19:11
W4RH4WKexaem: i don't want aondroid on a tablet19:11
exaemW4RH4WK: Ubuntu won't be on tablets for a couple of years, you don't have a chocie really :P19:11
sternfan2012<<< never heard of ubuntu tablets19:11
subz3r0hfic, if its just /etc/samba you can make the it by urself. just check somewhere for the configs19:11
Psi-Jackexaem: Simple answer? More like, slap in the face retort!19:11
dr_willistheres allready a kubuntu tablet out W4RH4WK . in europe i hear. but its not related to canocal19:11
exaemPsi-Jack: Not at all!19:11
subz3r0dr_willis, there is no ubuntu tablet out there in the EU19:12
Psi-Jackexaem: I'm all okay with Android and all, but if I had a choice to run fully functional Ubuntu on a tablet like my 10" Toshiba Thrive, I'd be much more FOR that.19:12
dr_willissubz3r0:  seen articals about one with KUBUNTU came out last month from what i read19:12
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subz3r0dr_willis, i dont see any. im from germany, so i guess it would arrive here very soon19:13
gordonjcpPsi-Jack: look at Archos tablets19:13
Psi-Jackgordonjcp: Android-based. And?19:13
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:13
ubottuARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.19:13
gordonjcpPsi-Jack: they are somewhat locked down by default, but on the Archos website there is the page for the "Special Developer Firmware"19:13
W4RH4WKi'm with Psi-Jack, Android is cool yes, but i'd rather have a fully functional "GNU/Linux Distro" on a tablet than this frankenstein linux (sry)19:13
rhombusgordonjcp: ok, I have the settings open... have you used muon?19:13
gordonjcpPsi-Jack: you can unlock 'em by installing SDF19:13
=== LL2[Detached] is now known as LikeLakers2
gordonjcpPsi-Jack: this will void your warranty, and indeed it says on the website "This is for people who know what they are doing. You probably don't want this."19:14
gordonjcprhombus: no, I avoid KDE wherever possible19:14
Psi-Jackgordonjcp: Yet, as dr_willis pointed out, still ARM-based, not CISC19:14
subz3r0hfic, http://www.samba.org/samba/docs/using_samba/appa.html19:14
rhombusgordonjcp: to each, his own. I avoid gnome wherever possible.19:14
gordonjcpPsi-Jack: you're not going to get an x86-based tablet any time soon19:14
gordonjcpPsi-Jack: there's nowhere to put the car battery19:14
Psi-Jackgordonjcp: They started out being x86.19:14
hficsubz3r0, yeah I forgot I had backed up the entire dir the other night. I'm restoring from that atm.19:14
W4RH4WKat IFA i talked to some Archos guys which told me that, archos tablets can be easily "unlocked" (they are not even locked but i call it unlocked here) and you can run nativ linux distributions on it without much pain, but i'd rather have some kind of supported piece of hardware19:14
Linuxis there a lubuntu channel19:14
gordonjcprhombus: I find KDE to be far too complicated19:14
gordonjcp!lubuntu | Linux19:15
ubottuLinux: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.19:15
ActionParsnipLinux: #lubuntu19:15
gordonjcpLinux: ask and ye shall receive19:15
subz3r0gordonjcp, rhombus, maybe you could have this talk inside of the OT-chan?19:15
gordonjcpsubz3r0: that's a good idea19:15
rhombusgordonjcp: so, what about the repository configuration might be causing issues with authentication? I have a Kubuntu tab, an other tab, an updates tab, and an authentication tab...19:15
dr_willisLinux:  if its asking for the cd.. remove the cd entry in your ;sources' listing, via your package manager19:15
sternfan2012I spent some time with Lubuntu - could never figure out a way to put the COMPUTER icon on the desktop - moved to xubuntu19:15
subz3r0we dont care what you prefer. if its kubuntu go to #kubuntu and dont mess around in here19:15
gordonjcprhombus: you might do better asking in #kubuntu19:16
ActionParsnipsternfan2012: why do you need it?19:16
Linuxi did i removed it using synapic19:16
eshloxhi, who uses ubuntu and uwsgi? i still get the meessage: group www-data not found (exists in the file groups), if i try add uwsgi user and group.. still the same, suggestions? ;-> uwsgi config: http://wklej.org/id/823695/ log: http://wklej.org/id/823699/ when i set i set uid = uwsgi and gui = uwsgi, http://wklej.org/id/823711/ ;-S19:16
dr_willischangeing desktops because of a single icon....  ;)19:16
sternfan2012for a non-technical user19:16
ActionParsnipdr_willis: yeah..weird19:16
ActionParsnipthe default email client isn't evolution...i'm switchingto arch19:17
Linux my cd drive isnt working19:17
seraph13i installed the newest ubuntu and i put wine winetricks and play on linux and when i went to install e sword it installed but it wont open for me to even use it or read any of the bibles19:17
gordonjcpLinux: no great loss19:17
* dr_willis what 'computer' icon would open on pcmanfm19:17
ActionParsnipLinux: can you expand on 'not working' please19:17
gordonjcpLinux: we have these things called "USB drives" now19:17
Psi-Jackgordonjcp: Example: Tablet: CISC-based, originally stock with Windows: http://www.amazon.com/Compaq-TC1100-Tablet-Pentium-Centrino/dp/B0000ZPOUG19:17
Psi-Jackgordonjcp: That's from YEARS ago. :)19:17
gordonjcpPsi-Jack: yes, I've used them19:17
gordonjcpPsi-Jack: battery life measured in minutes19:18
subz3r0the default explorter for the web isnt the INTERNETEXPLORER. switchting to windOZE...19:18
gordonjcpPsi-Jack: with a highly-tuned install of Linux on one I was able to squeeze nearly an hour out of a fully-charged battery19:18
dr_willisdefault exploiter. ;)19:18
Psi-Jackgordonjcp: Actually, I usually got 2 hours out of it.19:18
Linuxwhen i put blank cds in it  it won't notice them when i put burned cds in there it works19:18
gordonjcpPsi-Jack: they were *stunning* but the CPU and battery technology just weren't there19:18
sternfan2012the netbook I just setup has a battery life of about 6 hours with xubuntu19:19
subz3r0because there is no filesystem on the cd?19:19
theadminLinux: Uh, you use a disk burner with blank CDs...19:19
theadminLinux: Brasero, K3b, such things19:19
ActionParsnipLinux: what burning apps have you tried?19:19
Psi-Jacksternfan2012: Exactly. ;)19:19
ActionParsnipxfburn too :)19:19
ThinkT510seraph13: you could try bibletime19:19
ThinkT510!bibletime | seraph1319:19
subz3r0no korantime out there?19:19
ThinkT510!info bibletime | seraph1319:20
ubottuseraph13: bibletime (source: bibletime): bible study tool for Qt. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.1-2build1 (precise), package size 904 kB, installed size 2474 kB19:20
ActionParsnip!info bibletime19:20
hficsubz3r0, just to let you know I was able to restore and get smb running around. However my problem still persists... o well :/ keep looking into it I guess19:20
sternfan2012PSI - yeah - I redid a netbook for a friend that had Linpus on it...19:20
LinuxI tried brasero and it said it didnt notice a cd when a cd was in there19:20
sternfan2012never heard of Linpus until I did the format19:20
subz3r0hfic, no config files = samba wont run. if the files do not exist, create them19:20
ActionParsnipLinux: is it a SATA optical drive?19:20
subz3r0<Linux> when i put blank cds in it  it won't notice them when i put burned cds in there it works --> what should ubuntu mount, if there is nothing to mount? its a blank/empty cd19:21
hficsubz3r0, that part is resolved. I should have rephrased it .. my long time issue, the one that made me try and start fresh ... that problem still continues.19:21
subz3r0in other words, there is no filesystem19:21
Linuxit a ide cd drive19:22
ActionParsnipLinux: does the system have a make and model?19:22
LinuxIts a ibm think cente refurished by compusa19:23
subz3r0hfic, no idea, i just came around and see you had problems while trying to start samba19:23
Linuxit notced blank cds in window xp19:24
emphgordonjcp: So I tried to download the ATI driver I needed through the "Additional drivers" Ubuntu application, but it says there's an error and I can 't read the error log because I don't know how to get to the destination: /var/log/jockey.log19:24
paolinaciao qualcuno mi può aiutare????19:24
ThinkT510paolina: /join #ubuntu-it19:25
subz3r0emph, inside of the terminal you want to type: sudo pico /var/log/jockey.log (to exit the writer hit ctrl+x)19:25
theadminsubz3r0: pico? lols! It's been called "nano" for years now19:26
emphsubz3r0: Ok, thanks, what does pico do anyway?19:26
theadminsubz3r0: Though, /usr/bin/pico is a symlink to /usr/bin/nano but still19:26
ThinkT510emph: text editor19:26
subz3r0theadmin, show me one who cares. i dont19:26
MonkeyDustsubz3r0  theadmin try sudo -e to edit19:27
theadminsubz3r0: Actually, some may. Reason is /usr may not be mounted. nano actually resides in /bin so that won't be a problem, but there's no /bin/pico.19:27
Linuxi have a hl-dt-st-rw/dvd gcc-4482b dvd drive19:27
tiredbonescurrent system is 9.10 and I am trying to upgrade to 10.04 on my to 12.04. the error i get while trying to install is "BusyBox v1.13.3 can not mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs). I did the help thing, but have no idea what command to enter.19:28
=== mimor is now known as mimor_
ThinkT510!eol | tiredbones19:28
ubottutiredbones: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades19:28
subz3r0theadmin, it realy doesnt matter if he uses "pico" or "nano". i use pico for ages, so why should i dont give him this advice, even if its STILL working?19:28
theadminsubz3r0: Never mind. Just giving you a situation where it won't work :P19:29
MonkeyDustsubz3r0  sudo -e opens the default editor19:29
sternfan2012Linux - what's the problem?19:29
Myke974_ubuntu server 12.04 Lts : I have 4go ram with 512 for a ramdisk. what are best valords for kernel.shmall & kernel.shmmax ? I'm going to use Zoneminder19:29
Linuxmy dvd drive wont noce blank cds so i can't burn cds19:30
MonkeyDustMyke974_  there's also the channel #ubuntu-server19:30
=== roodie is now known as roody
subz3r0MonkeyDust, thx for sharing, but why tellin us that? theadmin just made clear, that pico does not exit anymore. its just a symlink to nano19:30
Linuxmy dvd drive wont notice blank cds so i can't burn cds19:30
sternfan2012are you 100% sure its a burner?  And not a cd-burner/dvd reader?19:31
ActionParsnipLinux: if you run:  sudo lshw -C disk; sudo lshw -C drive; lsb_release -a      can you please pastebin the output19:31
exaemLinux: burn it to a thumb drive then19:31
=== roody is now known as roodie
theadminsubz3r0: Because some people actually use an editor (vim, emacs) rather than nano, so yeah, sudo -e (or "sudoedit") works better in such situations.19:31
sternfan2012Linux - I just googled your drive - its a CD burner & DVD reader (no a dvd burner)19:32
Psi-JackAnyone know how to fix the problem where ANY full screen video (VLC, Flash, etc), is playing on Dual-Monitor Nvidia's TwinView, and you'll only see HALF of it on the primary video display?19:32
Psi-Jackit's tearing, in the middle, as if it's trying to play the movie in the middle of BOTH displays.19:33
sternfan2012damn - I thought you meant it couldn't see blank DVDs...  oops19:33
rhombusOk -- switching repository servers from the one for Canada to the main one, then doing a catalog update, resolved the problem. Muon is not complaining anymore.19:34
subz3r0theadmin, its more likely offtopic. but sorry, that doesnt matter. pico or nano are working well in just this case. if the user want to learn more he could just write "man pico" and will see its nano as text editor. so in my point of view it doesnt count. Just fixing the issue counts. i just like it to keep it small and simple19:34
theadminsubz3r0: Yeah, I understand, never mind19:34
Linuxi burned lubuntu onto a cd with this drive in windows xp19:35
MonkeyDustLinux  cd is not dvd19:35
ActionParsnipLinux: are there any bugs reported?19:35
=== luffy is now known as Guest75144
Linuxnot yet19:36
puppy_paradehow to I customize my Unity search when I pull up the hud?19:37
Linuxits odd because it xp i could burn ccds and in ubuntu i cant19:37
Linuxits odd because it xp i could burn cds and in ubuntu i cant19:37
kantlivelongy cant u? doesnt pick up the cdrw?19:37
MonkeyDust!y| kantlivelong19:38
ubottukantlivelong: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'ryt',  'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.19:38
ubottualexlax10: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:38
* Psi-Jack glares to alexlax10 19:39
Linuxmy computer knows theres a cd-rom it shows it in disk utitly19:39
sternfan2012Linux - can you see it in device manager/sys info etc.?19:39
sternfan2012that's a new one - thought I saw everything19:39
Linuxwhats the command for linux  device manager19:40
bekksThere is no linux device manager.19:40
Psi-JackLinux: Linux IS the device manager itself. :p19:40
kantlivelongLinux: does `dmesg | grep CD` return anything?19:41
ActionParsnipLinux: can you pastebin of the command I gave please19:41
missingfaktorhi could someone please help out with my wine problem?19:41
Linuxi did19:41
kantlivelongmissingfaktor: #wine19:41
kantlivelongmissingfaktor: correction #winehq19:42
sternfan2012go to software center - type in Device Manager - its there - looking at it now19:42
ActionParsnipLinux: can you copy the address bar and paste it here please19:42
=== alan_ is now known as Guest77691
Guest77691can any one help me installing a canon lbp1120 on ubuntu?19:43
ActionParsnipGuest77691: did you check te canon europe website?19:43
Jagst3r15does anyone know if the new dell ubuntu laptop to be released this fall will be available for sale on the dell site or will it only be limited19:43
kantlivelongLinux: well it sees that its writable...does it work with sudo?19:44
ActionParsnipLinux: so you are having trouble burning DVD?19:44
Linuxi havent tred sudo yet19:45
ActionParsnipLinux: so you are having trouble burning DVD?19:45
kantlivelongLinux: or make sure your part of cdrom group19:45
Linuxi having troble burn cd19:45
kantlivelongLinux: what are you buring with also?19:45
Guest77691actionParsnip, yes but i cant get it to work :(19:45
LinuxI the admin of my computer19:45
Linuxbrasero k3b19:46
ActionParsnipLinux: ok, put a blank CD in the drive and rerun the command. look at the 'status' bit for the opticl drive19:46
mega1i am running server 10.04 and it has just asked me to up grade to precise should i or would this couse problems19:46
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots19:46
ActionParsnipLinux: can you also run:  lsb_release -sc      what is output?19:46
puppy_paradehow to I customize the default Unity global search?19:46
sternfan2012puppy - have you tried MyUnity?19:48
sternfan2012a system tweaker?19:48
puppy_paradethat lets me customize superficial things19:48
ReXiOanyone knows a command for listing existing user groups?19:48
puppy_paradenot see what it searches19:48
Linuxfirst command http://paste.ubuntu.com/1184268/19:48
W4spGuest77691: Download the 1120 driver, run CUPS (localhost:631) to configure the printer queue and printer, install the PPD files or run dpkg.19:49
Linuxthe second said presice19:49
ThinkT510ReXiO: id will list the groups your current user belongs to19:50
adibany chance anyone knows if it is possible to run 3ds max 2013 in ubuntu 12.04?19:51
puppy_paradecmon, there's got to be a way to see how the main search works19:52
ActionParsnipReXiO: cat /etc/group   read the leftmost colomn for the names19:52
MonkeyDustpuppy_parade  http://ubuntuguide.net/three-tools-configuring-ubuntu-11-04-unity-interface19:52
ReXiOThinkT510: Oh OK Thanks19:52
ReXiOActionParsnip: many thanks19:52
tiredbonesThinkT510 thanks for the pointers19:52
ActionParsnipReXiO: tried to get some fancy bash-fu to show only the names, but couldn't find it19:52
ThinkT510tiredbones: i can't remember what i said but your welcome :)19:53
puppy_paradeMonkeyDust, there is no built in or at least a tool in the repository to tweak the main search?19:53
alecstsup guys. anyone know off the top of their head why my vimrc is read-only? not sure if this is the place for this question, if it's not i'll leave19:53
MonkeyDustpuppy_parade  i don't like/use unity, only knew that link19:53
puppy_paradeand none of those seem to touch the search19:54
LinuxActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1184268/19:54
ReXiOActionParsnip: haha many thanks I now know Im not on the vboxusers group and it does exist =)19:54
* puppy_parade sighs.19:54
MonkeyDustpuppy_parade  submit it as an idea in !brainstorm19:54
ActionParsnipReXiO: could make it then19:54
puppy_paradeI can't even find out how it works19:54
tiredbonesThinkT510  EOL  9.10 to 12.0419:55
puppy_paradethere has to be more to it than this19:55
ThinkT510tiredbones: ah19:55
puppy_paradeis there a specific term for the unity search that is run when I press the windows key and start typing?19:55
adibi suppose no one knwos then?19:56
ActionParsnippuppy_parade: thats called the dash19:56
ThinkT510puppy_parade: hud19:56
puppy_paradeThinkT510, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/HUD that is what happens when I press alt in an application19:57
silverarrowdoes anyone know how to make battery icon show charge?19:57
ThinkT510puppy_parade: ah, sorry, thanks19:57
BenxyzzyUbuntu 12.04: where is my samba share mounted in the filesystem?19:58
BenxyzzyIt just says 'smb:/' in Nautilus but I know there must be a mountpoint19:59
spioukihey I tried to update my avast and when it finished i got an error and now i cant even open it. i got the same prob in virtualbox.  this is the log 12:56:47 PM: Deleted stale lock file '/home/saman/.avast/lockfile-saman'.19:59
spiouki12:56:52 PM: An error occured in avast! engine: Invalid argument19:59
adibwhy does it feel everyone ignores me...19:59
W4spBenxyzzy: Does mount not work?20:00
MonkeyDustadib  repeat your question from time to time, but not too often20:00
ThinkT510adib: whats the issue?20:00
puppy_paradeadib, http://usa.autodesk.com/3ds-max/system-requirements/ you would probably have to run it in wine20:00
puppy_parademight want to go check their site20:01
MonkeyDustah wine20:01
Benxyzzyw4sp: I don't suppose it's .gvfs, is it?20:01
ActionParsnipBenxyzzy: run:  mount   to see what is mounted where20:01
adibi thought about wine, but i heard that doesnt run even decent20:01
BenxyzzyActionParsnip: I did, and ~/.gvfs looked the most likely20:01
* average_drifter is looking for a telecommute job involving javascript and/or Perl and/or C/C++20:01
MonkeyDustaverage_drifter  wrong channel, this is support20:02
gordonjcpadib: have you got 3DS Max?20:02
gordonjcpadib: it wouldn't take you long to fire up wine and try it20:02
gordonjcpadib: if you do, please check the winedb web page, and report your results20:02
adibyeah, but i gotta first fix my ubuntu20:02
adibk i will thanks gordonjcp20:02
puppy_paradeadib, A quick google has using blender as the most common response. It probably doesn't run well.20:02
adibim a multimedia design student so i cant really switch to blender20:03
puppy_paradeyou can try and run it in a VM20:03
gordonjcpadib: why not?20:03
puppy_paradeif wine doesn't pan out.20:03
adibbecause i get taught 3ds max20:03
gordonjcpadib: ah, okay20:03
ThinkT510adib: in other words you don't want to20:03
gordonjcpwell if you need it for your course20:04
gordonjcpit's worth looking at Blender anyway20:04
AscavasaionI am running Lubuntu, how do I change to Ubuntu?20:04
spioukisorry go connection prob20:04
vladimirsancheztiredbones: did u upgrade?20:04
puppy_paradeadib, if it's  2013 you are looking at, it's probably too new to run on wine as well.20:04
adibThinkT510: no offense, but i cant just switch as the only one in the class with the teacher knowing like nothign about blender20:04
ThinkT510Ascavasaion: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop20:04
vladimirsancheztiredbones: Im about to start ppc upgrade from 10.10 to 11.0420:04
adibpuppy_parade: i dont really mind, tough we are probably all switching to 2013 so i might be able to get away with 201220:05
ThinkT510Ascavasaion: then logout and select ubuntu on login screen20:05
spioukiI updated my avast and it fail i got this error now i cant even open the application ubuntu 12.0420:05
spiouki12:56:47 PM: Deleted stale lock file '/home/saman/.avast/lockfile-saman'.20:05
spiouki12:56:52 PM: An error occured in avast! engine: Invalid argument20:05
AscavasaionThinkT510: Thank you... will do.20:05
average_drifterMonkeyDust: well yeah.. I know20:05
puppy_paradeadib, http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=34320:05
spioukiI need help20:05
tiredbonesvladimirsanchez I'm reading the document now20:05
puppy_parade2010 and 2011 are rated garbage, 2012 and 2013 are not on there adib. Might try running it in virtualbox20:06
adibvirtualbox? like a vm?20:06
vladimirsancheztiredbones: My system's Update Manager shows me to upgrade to 12.04...20:06
vladimirsancheztiredbones: will it follow the upgrade path if I chose it ?20:06
puppy_paradeadib yes20:06
spioukian error occured in avasst! engine: Invalid argument. what does it mean20:07
adibk thanks20:07
tiredbonesvladimirsanchez: that is where i'm headed.20:07
spioukiwhat should i do with avast. I faced the same prob in virtualbox20:07
spioukineed a guide with that20:07
jstrongI can't get grub to detect a second ubuntu installation on my second hard drive.20:07
vladimirsanchezPsi-Jack: Can u lead me into upgrading my system from 10.10 to 12.04 ?20:08
tiredbonesvladimirsanchez:  I think I would not make the jump, but do each release one at a time.20:08
vladimirsancheztiredbones: nice.20:08
vladimirsancheztiredbones: will start the process...20:09
tiredbonesvladimirsanchez:  good luck.20:09
vladimirsanchezPsi-Jack: My wifi is working now thanks to you and bobweaver:20:09
mralexandrowhat was the off topic channe for ubuntu20:09
ThinkT510mralexandro: #ubuntu-offtopic20:10
subz3r0!ot | mralexandro20:10
ubottumralexandro: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:10
bfloratHi, I'm the Jajuk project admin that is already in the Ubuntu Software Center. I don't own this app (so I can't submit changes) but I need to upgrade the icon because it has a very low resolution. Does somebody know how to proceed ?20:11
LinuxI found my problem im trying to burn a dvd with cd burning drive20:14
ThinkT510Linux: they asked you many times if it was a dvd20:14
adacguys, external monitors are not recoginzed. When I use xrandr i get: "xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default" can someone please help me?20:14
LinuxI remember now that burned the cd with another computer than this one20:15
puppy_paradefigured it out, you can edit the dash with dconf-editor20:15
tiredbonesI'm reading the document on EOL releases. I'm not sure whether to try to bring my current release, 9.10, or just start the process. I don't know whether to trust the updates.20:17
skinocan anyone help me with a good app to install certain games. i read online that Assassins creed and DIablo can be installed but im having issues with Playonlinuzx20:17
ThinkT510tiredbones: i've always fresh installed, far less can go wrong20:17
silverarrowdoes anyone have a working battery indicator on the taskbar?20:18
Linux i burned a lot of linux distros to help other ppl with virus crashed windows20:18
subz3r0silverarrow, yes20:18
avengrehello, i'm trying to install apache2...  I wanted to do a fresh install from scratch, so i did:  apt-get --purge apache2 and then tried apt-get remove apache2 to ensure it was gone (it was) i deleted the /etc/apache2 folder to wipe all trace... when I do apt-get install apache2 or apt-get install apache2 --reinstall it doesn't recreate the folder...20:19
avengredespite saying its installed20:19
tiredbonesThinkT510, Well, I tried a fresh install for 12.04 and got many errors. I can't even get to a live CD.20:19
sternfan2012Linux - I had a feeling it was something like that...20:20
subz3r0!md5 | tiredbones20:20
ubottutiredbones: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows20:20
silverarrowsubz3r0, would it be the same for lubuntu as for ubuntu?20:20
ThinkT510tiredbones: odd, does it boot?20:20
teddyp1ckerhi all20:20
subz3r0silverarrow, i dont know. im using unity or gnome shell. both show me the battery indicator20:21
silverarrowsubz3r0, I have just bought a new battery for an old laptop, it works fine, just not the indicator20:21
tiredbonesThinkT510, NO -  I'll try try md5 thing20:21
teddyp1ckerDoes nouveau driver compatible with nvidia geforce gt240?20:22
silverarrowsubz3r0, it is desktop environment which handles battery icon? I have lxde20:22
zorgborgsilverarrow: using lubuntu 12.04 and batter indicator works fine20:22
kieppie1hi guys20:23
silverarrowzorgborg, I have lubuntu 12.04, must be a lxde thing ?20:23
internetN00bis it possible to set Ubuntu server to notify me when a user log in using ssh?20:23
silverarrowzorgborg,  and subz3r0 thanks anyway20:23
kieppie1how can I do a high quality convert of VOB files to other media - avi, mpeg, etc?20:23
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Newtoubuntufixed mount issue earlier. some how windows saved my session after shutdown, therefore it was in use.20:25
zorgborganyone know if it's feasible (not too difficult) to remove librebase + calc without removing the whole package (this is more for general principle rather than desire to actually do it)?20:25
Newtoubuntui have been adding new unity lenses now. This is a fantastic tool.20:26
hilikusis there any way to see my stored wifi password? i don't see any entries in the keyring20:27
internetN00bcan some one recommend me an app to store passwords?20:28
_LCN_is there a way i can manually change the resolution of the login page... can't see it throught my receiver nor on the tv unless they are defined to the standard resolution settings like 420p 720p 1080p20:28
wan26hilikus, you can go to edit connections and pick wifi then click show password20:29
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wan26internetN00b, I'm going to try lastpass for that20:29
internetN00bwan26, isn't that a webservice?20:29
Newtoubuntuhilikus, figaros password manager 2... right in the software center20:30
Newtoubuntuwhoops i meant internetnoob20:31
wan26yeah, i thought of maybe using it just to store passwords though, say if i move machines or need it at work20:32
tiredbonessubz3r0, my download release 10.04 has a good md5 code.20:33
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bnwkeysHi Guys, new dilemma, hoping someone can point me in the right direction.  I had first partitioned my HDD and installed ubuntu, leaving a part for XP.  Then I installed XP, but it had to inactivate  my logical partitions to do the install.  Now it won't let me reactivate the logical partitions cuz they aren't primary.  Anybody have a way to reestablish dualboot so i can recover my ubuntu OS?20:35
subz3r0bnwkeys, i dont know who gave you the advice to install unbuntu first... but the better way would be to first install windows and then ubuntu20:36
ActionParsniphilikus: look in ~/.gconf/system/networking/connections/20:37
bnwkeyssubz3r0: nobody gave me that advice, I wanted ubuntu first cuz I'm making it a dev platform. I'm still a noob, but anyways, am I screwed? I don't really want to reinstall both OS's again, but will if I have to. :(20:37
gordonjcpbnwkeys: you can probably get away with just reinstalling the boot loader20:38
vladimirsancheztiredbones: did u get a 'Unable to find expected entry 'partner/binary-powerpc/Packages' error ???20:38
vladimirsancheztiredbones: during upgrade?20:38
ActionParsnipbnwkeys: you can boot to liveCD and reinstate grub there. It is WAAAY easier to install junky windows first then install ubuntu20:38
subz3r0bnwkeys, you could try to use gparted. but it depends on how many primary partitions etc... you have. just give it a try20:38
tiredbonesvladimirsanchez:  I haven't started yet, still reading20:39
ActionParsnipbnwkeys: leave unpartitioned space when you install windows instead of the default 100% space use20:39
bnwkeyscool, lots of recommendations, I'll try gparted first, then try using my ubuntu install disk again, definately my mistake for instaling ubuntu first20:39
ActionParsnipbnwkeys: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/09/live-usb-sticking-grub-2-video20:40
gordonjcpbnwkeys: if your hardware supports virtualisation, run Windows in a VM ;-)20:40
ActionParsnipbnwkeys: you've done it the hard way around basicaly20:40
* bnwkeys kicking self20:40
hilikusthanks wan2620:40
emphProblem: When I played a movie, it slowed down or downright freezed most of the time. I used the "Additional drivers" application to download a binary blob driver (Propriety graphics driver FGLRX ATI/AMD, the secondary option because the first one didn't work) and now the movie reproduction is smoother but it still slows down occasionally or even freezes momentarily, and it's very annoying. Note1: This is not a hardware problem, I was able to p20:46
emphlay everything under Windows. Note2: This is not a matter of which player I'm using, I've tried 4 now and all of them have the same issue.20:46
emphNote3: The audio never gets cut, it's only the video.20:48
emphNote4: I watched a show's episode on an online video player and it worked just fine.20:51
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dr_williscould be the video res/codec is to much for the machine.20:52
Guest65161Damn it, my nickname didn't go through -_-20:53
Guest65161of all the faggotry20:53
ammwanyone here20:54
ammwcan someone give me advice on installing ubuntu20:54
dr_willisgive us details of the issue..20:54
ammwok well first i want to dual boot ubuntu 10.10 and windows 7 i have 2 sepearte hard drives 1 500gb and 1 250gb the 500gb haswindows 7 on it the 250 i want ubuntu on it20:55
emphdr_willis: I was able to play every single thing, included this particular movie, running Windows20:55
[twisti]ever since upgrading from LTS 10 to LTS 12 precise, i get these error messages on login. reboot doesnt fix them. can someone help me figure out what to do about it/what it means ? *** /dev/md2 will be checked for errors at next reboot *** *** /dev/md1 will be checked for errors at next reboot ***20:55
ammwwhat i would like is a optionwhen computer starts up to select os to use but i want my boot mgr to stay default oem20:56
dr_willisati spends more time and $$ optmizeing their drivers for windows. What are your system specs emph ?20:56
dr_willisammw:  use 2 hard drives. or use a usb flash to keep grub on for booting the linux side.20:56
bekksammw: Thats not possible. Either you'll have a OEM mbr, OR you have the option to choose.20:56
dr_willistheres dozens of ways to restore the windows MBR if you ever want to.20:56
ammwcan i just use what i have now?20:57
aLeSD_hi all20:57
dr_willisyou would need some windows tools to boot the linux install. I dont do it that way.20:57
aLeSD_I have an atom dualcore and ubuntu go slow20:57
dr_willisand thus you wouldnot be using the OEM Mbr.20:57
aLeSD_is compiz ?20:57
ammwreason why is back year ago i tried dual booting but on 1 disk windows 7 and ubuntu when i deleated ubuntu tho it deleated my boot manager and comp was garbage20:57
dr_willisatom is dual core?20:57
gordonjcp[twisti]: after a certain number of mounts, the filesystems are fscked whether they need it or not20:57
aLeSD_dr_willis: my atom yes20:57
emphdr_willis: I don't know the details right now, but it doesn't really matter, it's not a hardware problem20:58
dr_willisammw:  comp needed  to have the 3windows mbr reinstalled...20:58
[twisti]gordonjcp: i would happily accept that, if they were20:58
[twisti]but like i said, they arent20:58
aLeSD_dr_willis: dualcore with hyperthreading20:58
[twisti]i rebooted over ten times, still getting the message20:58
gordonjcp[twisti]: tried fscking manually?20:58
emphdr_willis: Do you know of an open-source equivalent driver I could use?20:58
aLeSD_Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU N55020:58
wan26How many processors can ubuntu take20:58
fommilhi all - can somebody please recommend a command line tool to a) extract page ranges from a PDF file AND b) split a PDF which has been printed "two on a page" back into single sheet pages ?20:58
[twisti]gordonjcp: dont really know what that is or how i would do that20:58
ammwso should i just install ubuntu then and let it decide what to use or?20:58
dr_willisemph:  theres only the ATI drivers in the repos, and the fglrx drivers..20:58
aLeSD_I think the prob is compiz ..... suggestons ?20:58
ubottufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot20:58
dr_willisaLeSD_:  use lubuntu, or unity-2d.  But my 2 netbooks seem to handle Unity 3d with compiz fine.20:59
aLeSD_dr_willis, I use external moinitor with fullHD20:59
[twisti]im a bit scared to try those commands, since its a headless server on the other side of the world20:59
trix`GHi guys20:59
aLeSD_the problem is in moving windows21:00
mega1should i upgrade from 10.04 to 1221:00
trix`GI have an Alienware m17x-r2 laptop, and my radeon video card keeps overheating and causing the laptop to shut off.21:00
aLeSD_no no downgrade to 5.0421:00
trix`GI've been watching the fans while this happens and it's clear that they aren't going full speed even when the laptop dies21:00
trix`Gso, I'm wondering if anyone can help me getting fancontrol working so I can speed up the fans?21:01
dr_willisaLeSD_:  and your CPU is a Atom? My netbooks had laggy playback in windows and linux with FULL 1080P hd video.  i always reencoded them down to a less cpu intensive size/codec and they would play fine.21:01
dr_willismega1:  if you need the features.21:01
samuel_Hi. Can anybody help me please?21:01
hficok so I'm starting to make headway I think into my smb issues. I'm able to access shares now .. kinda. I keep getting 'unable to mount location , failed to mount windows share'21:01
[twisti]mega1: for what its worth, ever since i did that, everyone is complaining that my server is laggy21:02
trix`GI have tried following instructions google brought me to set up fancontrol package and pwmconfig and such, but it fails at the pwmconfig step with "there are no pwm devices found" even though the sensors-detect program found and installed the coretemp module21:02
aLeSD_dr_willis: never tryed fullHDF content .. I use the FullHD monitor as desktop21:02
mega1will it cause problems21:02
wan26trix`G, dumb question but is acpi on?21:02
dr_willisaLeSD_:  the type of monitor wouldent matter.. the video codec could.21:03
samuel_can someone help me please?21:03
trix`Gwan26: Is that a kernel module?  "lsmod | grep acpi" did not show a result21:03
dr_willissamuel_:  have you even asked a question?21:03
gordonjcp!help | samuel_21:04
ubottusamuel_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:04
aLeSD_I use 3.5.1 kernel21:04
samuel_ok sorry21:04
guntbertfommil: look at pdfsam and pdfshuffler21:04
guntbert!info pdfsam > fommil21:05
guntbert!info pdfshuffler > fommil21:05
samuel_Flash doesn't work and I don't know what I have to do.21:05
Cowzdo you mean flash in your browser doesn't work?21:05
fommilguntbert: thanks. I also think this helps http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/12482/split-pages-in-pdf PDFJAM and PDFTK21:05
dr_willisive given up on flash and just use the various flash-replacer extensions and flash downloader addons for my browsers. :)21:06
Cowzhave you downloaded the most recent version?21:06
dr_willissamuel_:  and how did you install flash?21:06
dr_willissamuel_:  and what happens on youtube.com when you try to watch a video?21:06
CowzI suggest you get a Firefox addon called flash-aid21:07
Cowzget it, run it, and it will do the rest for you21:07
samuel_I get a white screen21:07
wan26trix`G, maybe have a look at acpitool, to change the fan back to auto21:07
samuel_where can I download flash-aid?21:07
trix`Gwan26: I don't really want auto, that has problems.  I want to manually set the fan speeds to run at full 100% all of the time21:08
manas_bon the internet21:08
Cowzopen mozilla, go to tools>add-ons, then search for flash-aid21:08
CowzI need help recoloring stuff on x chat =/21:09
IdleOneCowz: you can try #xchat21:10
brontosaurusrexCowz, color scheme? i think i just found the absolute perfection21:10
CowzI'm not sure. I literally just DL'd this, so I guess it would be default21:10
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samuel_I can't find it.21:11
MonkeyDust /quit brb21:11
samuel_I only see flashpause 0.121:11
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CowzStrange, samuel. you could try searching the keywords Linux and Flash21:12
CowzThat's how I cam across it for the first time21:12
dr_willisgood luck if it works...21:12
dr_willisThis add-on has been removed by its author. ......21:13
dr_willisIts Dead Jim.21:13
dellhi All - I have problem with dell latitude e6400 atg - my touchscreen not work in ubuntu - not can find corrected questions21:14
bekksdr_willis: Let it go. :P21:14
samuel_yes it's dead21:14
Cowzsad =(21:14
dr_willisguess if you really want it  a little googling found --> https://github.com/webgapps/flashaid/downloads21:15
brontosaurusrexdr_willis, what would be a perfect video page for a linuxer?21:16
dr_willisbrontosaurusrex:  huh?21:16
brontosaurusrexdr_willis, a download file link, or something else?21:16
brontosaurusrexdr_willis, perfect youtube21:17
dr_willisNot sure what you are asking....21:17
brontosaurusrexdr_willis, flash = problem, what would be a replacement?21:17
brontosaurusrexfor video21:17
dr_willisbrontosaurusrex:  html5/webm  youtube is allready doing it for many of their videos.21:18
bekksbrontosaurusrex: Everything the author of a page offers you as alternative.21:18
dr_willistheres always been alternatives to flash..21:18
dr_willisTheres even java based players21:18
brontosaurusrexdr_willis, bekks ok, so "wget http://linktofile.mp4" is cool?21:18
bekksbrontosaurusrex: You are mixing up things hopelessly.21:18
brontosaurusrexbekks, what do you mean?21:19
bekkswget has nothing to do with watching a video. wget is a download tool.21:19
bekksand mp4 has nothing to do with flash, nor it is a replacement for interactive contents, because mp4 is video only.21:19
brontosaurusrexbekks, ok, then : mplayer file.mp4 or webm21:19
StinkyTacorather than pay someone for usenet access cant I just run my own usenet server? or does that cost money too? TIA :)21:20
dr_willisflash i thinkis so problematic because it got pushed into the 'video player' role.21:20
dr_willisStinkyTaco:  you can run whatever servers you want..21:20
dr_willisbut usenet is a network of servers..   you can run your own newsgroup server if you wanted.21:21
dr_willisbeen years since i last used usenet. ;)21:21
emph_I've downloaded a linux ATI driver from the official website, how do I run it? (.run format)21:21
StinkyTacowill I be able to connect to other usenet servers too?21:21
mindstormchmod +x and ./run21:21
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dr_willisemph_:  stop the X server,  make the file executable. run it as root   'sudo ./whatever.run' good luck getting it working.21:21
subz3r0bekks: that is definetely not true. mp4 is just a container. both will work. audio and video21:22
brontosaurusrexbekks, a player that can switch is obviously a poor solution, since a possibly small webmaster will not have resources to preapare N files21:22
emph_dr_willis: I have no idea how to do any of that, I'm a Linux newbie21:22
Newtoubuntuhow do i make programs default, using details never works.21:22
brontosaurusrexnm, thats offtopic21:22
dr_willisemph_:  i would suggest spending a half hour reading some bash tutorials to get somne shell basics learned.21:22
samuel_That is what i get.21:23
emph_dr_willis: I'll do that, but for now I'd like to get this over with, how do I do it to simply run a .run program?21:23
subz3r0emph_, ./blabla.run21:24
samuel_That's what I get ---> http://oi50.tinypic.com/vd0382.jpg21:25
mindstormmake it executable i.e. chmod +x file.run ... then execute it via cli by using "sudo ./file.run"21:25
StinkyTacoYeah, my ISP does not have usenet access anymore, I was going to try running a usenet server, so I can download some other emph_ ./.run or sh .run I think, I am new too21:26
subz3r0emph_, maybe you must make it first executable with: chmod  +x blabla.run21:26
brontosaurusrexmindstorm, you dont run unknown scripts as sudo21:26
subz3r0emph_, do not follow his step.... if you dont need sudo, dont use it21:26
Newtoubuntui fixed my question. no one knew?!!? wow21:26
subz3r0like brontosaurusrex said... you wont run unknown scripts as root21:27
trix`GSo does anyone know why pwmconfig would fail to detect pwm-capable sensor modules when the coretemp module activated by sensors-detect is installed active and working just fine?21:27
ActionParsnipNewtoubuntu: it happens21:28
pyrrhicActionParsnip, hey. :D21:28
ActionParsnippyrrhic: hi21:28
mindstormmy bad, always did since as a driver installation from a known source it was known, maybe im just too trusting21:28
brontosaurusrexNewtoubuntu, nautilus?21:28
pyrrhicActionParsnip, Any experience with wine?21:28
ActionParsnippyrrhic: very little, wassup21:29
Guest1100101Hi, my Firefox 15 crashes on some sites with Flash video, but Youtube flash videos work fine (on lucid with flash 11.2 r202) - the fun is Firefox started up with a clean profile does not crash (have tried Flash-aid, flash 11.1, mms.cfg tweaks)21:29
ActionParsnipGuest1100101: tried closing Firefox then renaming ~/.mozilla/firefox21:29
pyrrhicActionParsnip, I tried using playonlinux to install this game. No bueno. Thinking of trying with wine. -- Annoying because a lot of .net framework is for 32-bit21:29
ActionParsnippyrrhic: did you check the appdb?21:30
Atlantic777playonlinux is just set of scripts for setting up wine for some games. It's still wine.21:30
pyrrhicActionParsnip, A bit.21:31
asmod4nhello, anyone knows a place to get help with gdb?21:31
pyrrhicAtlantic777, Thoughts about VirtualBox?21:31
Guest1100101ActionParsnip: renaming to what?21:31
Atlantic777pyrrhic: not good, you don't have hardware 3D acceleration.21:31
StinkyTacodoes the linux version of steam set up the dependancies automatically? I might switch one of my gameing rigs over to Ubuntu21:31
emph_subz3r0: Thanks, that worked to execute it21:32
subz3r0emph_, you're welcome21:32
emph_subz3r0: What do you reckon I should choose in the installation: "Install driver ***** on X.Org **** or later" or "Generate Distribution Specific Driver Package"?21:34
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Guest1100101ActionParsnip: I think it's related to javascript - with NoScript active, the problematic page loads fine without the video, but immediately after I temporally allow scripts, FF crashes21:36
ActionParsnipGuest1100101: making a fresh profile will isolate plugin issues / profile as the cause of the issues21:37
Guest1100101ActionParsnip: yeah, I know - last thing to try is to disable all add-ons and enable them one-by-one....21:39
compiHow can I determine why I am unable to connect to SBS2003 VPN using ubuntu 12.04 vpn function?21:40
cheese1756compi, Can you ping the VPN server?21:41
cheese1756Does that work?21:41
asmod4nhello, is there a way for gdb to search for specific threads and frames?21:42
cloudgeekI run ./phenny in my bash,Also edited default.py,with my nickname , all other done , but after connected to irc.ubuntu.com , nothig is happeing , i tried 3-4 time can anybody help me21:45
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ebs512can someone please assist me in my unmet dependencies error?21:48
trix`GSo is anyone familiar with setting fan speed controls manually on a laptop?21:49
ActionParsnipebs512: run:  sudo apt-get -f install21:49
trix`GI have an Alienware m17x-r2 and everything I can find on google to control fan speed manually says to use the hwinfo tool, and all the webpages that mention it show the windows version of the tool21:49
trix`GI have the hwinfo tool installed from aptitude but its text mode and all it does is list hw info, there's no gui and I can't find a way to control fan speeds with it21:50
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:50
trix`Geven the man page for hwinfo does not mention a way to set fan speeds21:50
ebs512I'm having this issue ActionParsnip http://paste.ubuntu.com/1184494/21:51
StinkyTacowow, anao did not save my file :( is there a way to tell if Ubuntu is selling scripts for crack? :p21:52
zykotick9trix`G: FYI don't use aptitude with 12.04 (see "/msg ubottu aptitude" for confirmation)21:52
ubottuTo access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.21:53
trix`Gzykotick9: I use apt-get carefully, and haven't run into issues with it.21:53
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zykotick9trix`G: apt-get != aptitude21:54
trix`Gwell I use apt-get21:54
zykotick9trix`G: all good then ;)21:54
ebs512says I have held broken packages, I had upgraded to gnome shell 3.5 come to find out it isnt working so I am trying to downgrade to 3.421:54
trix`GOerHeks: Yes I tried using lm-sensors, I followed that guide, but pwmconfig fails with "cannot detect pwm-capable sensors modules installed"21:55
TJ-Has anyone heard of a way (on Precise) to control the order of dependent entries in fstab being handled by mountall ?21:55
zykotick9ebs512: fyi apt doesn't support downgrading...21:55
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ebs512how to fix the broken packages though?21:55
zykotick9ebs512: start with "sudo apt-get -f install" and see what the issue is...21:55
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ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:56
TJ-zykotick9: apt does support downgrading. I use that feature all the time to test-install bug-fix packages I've built locally, and to then return to the main archive versions. You postfix the version number after the package name. e.g <package>=1.2.3-0ubuntu121:57
TJ-ebs512: That messages looks OK. As it says "Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them" for the no-longer-needed packages :)21:58
zykotick9TJ-: apt does not.  are you a regular here?21:58
TJ-zykotick9: Since 2005!21:58
zykotick9TJ-: thought i'd seen your nick before.  i'll hold off on /ignore...21:59
ebs512oh nice thank you very much21:59
DaghdhaHi, ic an't find in settings wher ei can icnrease the number of workspaces. Hwre is it hidden?22:00
TJ-zykes-: bug #10722122:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 107221 in apt (Ubuntu) "apt-get should allow downgrade also" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/10722122:00
ebs512used the command to remove now the other command to install gnome shell works, thanks guys22:00
KircleI have a theme that worked for a previous version of gnome but doesn't with the current gnome. How do I update someone else's theme to the current release of gnome?22:02
zykotick9TJ-: tab fail.  fyi, post #1 - configure files, not downgraded is correct...22:04
Daghdhais myUnity a good program?22:05
MonkeyDustDaghdha  if it's useful, then it's good22:06
TJ-zykotick9: You should be aware that comment #2 is from Michael Vogt, who is *the* apt developer of 10 years+ (see e.g. http://raphaelhertzog.com/2011/01/21/people-behind-debian-michael-vogt-synaptic-apt-developer/)22:06
Daghdhai wi ll install it MonkeyDust'22:06
Daghdhaseems to have positive feedback mainly22:06
ActionParsnipkirin`: you will need a GTK3 version of it22:06
gregoryfentonwish me luck, I am about to do-release-upgrade on a server :(22:07
DaghdhaI still think your current workspace icon is sub-par22:07
TJ-gregoryfenton: good luck. Tell us how it goes - I've got to do that on several remote servers later this week :p22:07
MonkeyDustgregoryfenton  be sure to backup first22:07
zykotick9MonkeyDust: +122:07
gregoryfentonMonkeyDust, +222:08
gregoryfentondon't panic if I disappear, I route my irc through my server :P22:09
Daghdhait's uiseless in 2d22:09
DaghdhaAnd won't allow me to change workspaces, wich is a bit odd.22:09
DaghdhaWhat a pity22:09
ActionParsnipDaghdha: there should be an icon the the bottom left22:10
harryplinketthi guys22:10
MonkeyDustDaghdha  the next release won't have 2d22:10
DaghdhaIt betterhave coz i am on VNC22:10
dr_willistheres a unity2d tweak tool..   but i never use 2d...22:10
harryplinkettwhere does ubuntu/gnome store its default skel settings?  i need to change the default folder names from upper case to lower case22:10
dr_willisDaghdha:  nope.. unity2d is gone.22:10
ActionParsnipDaghdha: its not going to, if the video hardware isn't up to 3D, it will use the CPU22:10
DaghdhaActionParsnip: Yes the icon is there, But i want more than 422:10
zykotick9harryplinkett: default upcase, default what - not usernames22:11
ActionParsnipDaghdha: you can set it in ccsm, i believe 2d obeys that setting22:11
harryplinkettzykotick9: folder names.  Downloads, Desktop and others22:11
zykotick9harryplinkett: /etc/skel/22:11
harryplinkettits not there22:11
DaghdhaActionParsnip: Pretend i am a moron. ccsp?22:11
harryplinkettthat is for a typical unix system22:11
zykotick9harryplinkett: those options are in there i don't think...22:11
harryplinkettgnome stores that somewhere else22:12
ActionParsnipDaghdha: ccsm    compiz settings manager22:12
zykotick9harryplinkett: sorry s/are/aren't/22:12
ActionParsnipDaghdha: what do you do once you connect via vnc anyway?22:12
trismharryplinkett: /etc/xdg/user-dirs.defaults22:12
harryplinkettno biggie, i'm having a hard time googling this one22:12
dr_willisgconftool-2 --type=int --set /apps/metacity/general/num_workspaces 222:12
harryplinkettah there we go.  thank you22:12
dr_willis http://askubuntu.com/questions/34572/how-can-i-reduce-or-increase-the-number-of-workspaces-in-unity22:12
Daghdhamanage workspaces with shells and graphical programs22:12
ActionParsnipDaghdha: graphical apps like what?22:13
zykotick9dr_willis: why is # or worspaces a metacity (insead of compiz) setting?  odd.22:13
Daghdhai realy hate how it works now, too many clicks. And in VNC and 2d it goes so slwo, it's very annoying.22:13
DaghdhaGraphical apps like those where there are no console based equivalents22:13
hficIf I'm trying to access smb shares from another nix computer. Do I have to mount the smb shares on the other nix system?22:13
harryplinkettthank you trism, now i know about xdg.22:13
DaghdhaBrowser is one.22:13
jeeves_mosshas anyone had any issues with Postfix and Dovecot after a dist upgrade?22:13
dr_williszykotick9:  compiz stores stuff using the  same area perhaps?22:13
tyranarg\join #ubuntu22:14
TJ-jeeves_moss: from what to what? Lucid to Precise?22:14
jagginesshfic, nautilus can mount smb22:14
jeeves_mossTJ-,  yes.22:14
ActionParsnipDaghdha: try a lighter desktop, like LXDE or XFCE22:14
zykotick9dr_willis: metacity and compiz workspaces have historically been separate.  (i believe)22:14
TJ-jeeves_moss: I've not seen anything but I think it depends on how many changes you have to the core config files. What symptoms/log errors are you seeing?22:15
jagginesshfic, "mount" is only done one one side(the client)22:15
DaghdhaI'm affraid that will destroy my install22:15
hficjagginess, well I'm getting error 'unable to mount location ; failed to mount windows share' .. this is in nautilus22:15
jeeves_mossTJ-, give me one sec.  I'll whip up the logs, and configs.  How long are you going to be here?22:15
DaghdhaActionParsnip: i prefer vanilla in case of updates and migrations22:15
ActionParsnipDaghdha: you can use a web browser via SSH X forwarding22:15
TJ-jeeves_moss: Eternity :p22:15
DaghdhaNo, it's blocked22:15
jeeves_mossTJ-, lol22:16
jeeves_mossTJ-, and I need to roll something and make a drink22:16
Troy^ok i'm trying to use ubuntuone via terminal is there a guide somewhere i can't seem to find it22:16
jagginesshfic, i was trying to deal with windows shares with someone yesterday.. I tested again last night, there's no issues mounting shares from windows being accessed from linux22:16
ActionParsnipDaghdha: blocked by whom?22:16
zykotick9Troy^: if you don't get an answer here, try #ubuntuone22:16
DaghdhaI set it to 3x3 with gconf22:17
jagginesshfic, the text boxes are tricky in nautilus.. it's one or two that can be confusing.22:17
bfortified_i installed and in the process of config Ubuntu server somewhere i broke something and can not update my repository, I think when i was config /etc/hosts file? i can ping ok to anyone?22:18
Daghdhahmm it's 3x2 though22:18
TJ-Troy^: Check the man-page for u1sdtool22:18
ActionParsnipDaghdha: who is blocking ssh?22:18
jagginesshfic, but it's doable, provided 1) your credentials are correct and 2) the network firewalls (and other network settings) are allowed this from both Oses22:18
jeeves_mossTJ-, what configs did you need again?  From what I can tell, ASAL won't launch22:18
TJ-jeeves_moss: Log files from mail.err or maybe even entries from syslog I'd think would reveal something?22:19
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Troy^thank you TJ- found it22:19
NightwalkerkgHi. When i try to install any linux distro i eather can't boot it,can't install it or i istall it but can't boot it. The pc boots directly to Windows xp. What can cause this. I could install any distro earlyer.22:20
DaghdhaHmmmmmmmmmmmmmm it appears it has made a new compiz entry, compiz-122:20
ActionParsnipbfortified_: try:  echo "nameserver" | sudo tee /etc/resolv.conf        and you can now run updates22:20
DaghdhaHope it won't flip out over that later22:20
andrewacltNightwalkerkg, did you just install windows?22:20
TJ-jeeves_moss: Looking at my server, it looks like mail.{log,info,warn} are the ones to check22:20
Troy^Nightwalkerkg: is it not installing a bootloader?22:20
jeeves_mossTJ-, http://pastebin.com/6gipzjTg22:21
ActionParsnipDaghdha: are you connecting to vnc over www?22:21
ianliuDoes anyone knows if LLDB works on Ubuntu?22:21
zykotick9ActionParsnip: using resolv.conf is only a temporary solution, a reboot will probably set that back to previous settings (due to N-M in 12.04 - resolv.conf is deprecated) :|22:21
Nightwalkerkgandrewaclt No,i have windows installed for about five months now.22:21
Troy^ActionParsnip: you added an extra period on the end
gordonjcpianliu: lldb?22:21
Daghdhano ActionParsnip22:21
DaghdhaOver vanc22:21
ActionParsnipzykotick9: updates may fix things22:21
Daghdhadont' recall the port22:22
ianliugordonjcp: the debugger from CLANG / LLVM22:22
Daghdhastandard port22:22
Troy^zykotick9: yea you are right.. i had the same problem22:22
TJ-jeeves_moss: what are the symptoms of the problem you're seeing? There's nothing obvious in that log tail22:22
andrewacltNightwalkerkg, I would start with https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair22:22
jeeves_mossTJ-, cant start dovecot.22:22
bfortified_ActionParsnip, no go still get all errs and Failed to fetch22:22
zykotick9ActionParsnip: i'm not refering to the original issue - on that your probably right (i have 0 idea)... i was just mentioning that resolv.conf is no longer a good answer for things... :(22:23
gordonjcpianliu: oh, don't see why not22:23
hficjagginess, perhaps you have lag on your end.. I've been replying the whole time.22:23
jeeves_mossTJ-, I can telnet into postfix though22:23
andrewacltNightwalkerkg, did you have a working linux install? Or is it simply not booting from the cd?22:23
TJ-jeeves_moss: ahh OK. Look at /var/log/dovecot.log22:23
ActionParsnipbfortified_: did you run the command as given, I borked it a bit :(22:23
bfortified_i did22:23
=== Logan_ is now known as Fluffer
DaghdhaNope; 12.04 and UNity all fine and well. Workspace implementation, abominable.22:24
ActionParsnipbfortified_: try:  echo "nameserver" | sudo tee /etc/resolv.conf        and you can now run updates22:24
ActionParsnipbfortified_: I revised the command22:24
Nightwalkerkgandrewaclt No luck. I tryed with tons of stuff to fix the grub. I had ubuntu and mint before,but i formated the whole pc about a year ago and i have been using winows since then. I want to get back to linux now.22:24
jagginesshfic, there's no lag.. I got zero feedback on anything. Can't help you if you give zero feedback.22:24
hficSay I have smb shares that are currently sharing. However, the shares are located in another file that I'm not sharing . I'm getting a 'unable to mount location' error on the client trying to access. Could the reason be because I'm not sharing the main file but the files inside of it instead?22:24
NightwalkerkgI have update bios,so i think that might be the problem. The problems started since then.22:24
Troy^zykotick9: nano /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head and added nameserver fixed it for me22:24
jeeves_mossTJ-, there isnt a dovecot.log file22:24
bfortified_ahh i should have looked closer22:24
jagginesshfic, try in pm again. You are new to this. You dont need to lie to me about it..22:24
zykotick9bfortified_: see Troy^'22:24
ulgenscinnamon - Cinnamon desktop22:24
ulgensdropbox - Easily share and sync files across computers and mobile devices with free space online.22:24
ulgensfortunes-husse - Fortunes containing quotes from Husse.22:24
ulgensgir1.2-muffin-3.0 - GObject introspection data for Muffin22:25
ActionParsnipTroy^: I used that too, except i used the pipe to sudo tee :)22:25
FloodBot1ulgens: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:25
ulgensgrub2-theme-mint - Grub2 theme for Linux Mint22:25
ulgensiso-localize - ISO Localizer for Linux Mint22:25
zykotick9bfortified_: see Troy^'s answer up a couple of lines22:25
DaghdhaThanks for the help guys. cu22:25
hficjagginess, http://pastebin.com/ABjzYPQ922:25
TJ-jeeves_moss: Is dovevot configured to start?22:25
Troy^bfortified_: nano /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head and added nameserver fixed it for me22:25
hficjagginess, I'm far from new on any aspect22:25
jagginesshfic, you are new.22:25
jagginessgood day..22:25
* jagginess tried to help but gets zero feedback(even the pastebin shows)22:26
jeeves_mossTJ-, yep.  when I try to manually run "service dovecot restart" I get "dovecot start/running, process 25197", but I can't see the process by the ID it generated.22:26
ulgenslsb-core - Linux Standard Base 4.0 core support package22:26
ulgenslsb-cxx - Linux Standard Base 4.0 C++ support package22:26
=== Fluffer is now known as log
ulgenslsb-desktop - Linux Standard Base 4.0 Desktop support package22:26
ulgenslsb-graphics - Linux Standard Base 4.0 graphics support package22:26
ulgenslsb-printing - Linux Standard Base 4.0 Printing package22:26
FloodBot1ulgens: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:26
zykotick9Troy^: using google's DNS (although technically good) is a big scary at the same time... </OT>22:26
ulgenslsb-release - Linux Standard Base version reporting utility22:26
hficjagginess, I suggest you check the pastebin again .. I'm reading the entire conversation. Perhaps your the new one?22:26
jeeves_mossTJ-, and when I run a "service dovecot status", I get "dovecot stop/waiting"22:26
Troy^zykotick9: yea, i know lol.. i don't really have anything to hide22:27
TJ-jeeves_moss: OK, so it's failing on startup. It ought to be at least writing entries to its log-file. Let me try it on my end see if I can induce it to fail :p22:27
ljflajflaeapf-server - Server for Active Port Forwarding22:27
ljflajflaeapgdiff - Another PostgreSQL Diff Tool22:27
ljflajflaeapiextractor-doc - documentation for the library headers parser22:27
ljflajflaeaplus-fsf - A+ programming language run-time environment22:27
FloodBot1ljflajflae: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:27
ljflajflaeaplus-fsf-dev - A+ programming language development environment22:27
ljflajflaeaplus-fsf-doc - A+ programming language documentation22:27
zykotick9Troy^: nor i - i certainly don't go for this encryption-garbage ;)22:27
Nightwalkerkgandrewaclt Can a bios update mess up this ? The update was ok,no errors. But since then i can't install any linux distro.22:28
jeeves_mossTJ-, just be careful.  I wasn't impressed when I was sitting in the Ft. Laud airport and did the upgrade.  (the box is in Toronto)22:28
bfortified_Troy^, ActionParsnip trying a reboot but dont think it worked22:28
Troy^bfortified_: also add nameserver to /etc/network/interfaces22:29
TJ-jeeves_moss: Whilst I do that, look in "/etc/default/dovecot" . Try removing the comment prefix from "ALLOW_COREDUMPS=1" . That might catch a crash dump in "/var/crash" . Also, look in /var/log/kern.log after you've tried starting the service for any SIGSEGV error reports at the time you started the service22:29
bfortified_Troy^, will try22:29
Troy^bfortified_: then /etc/init.d/networking restart22:29
* zykotick9 wishes he'd said "encrypted-fs-garbage", cause SSH FTW ;)22:29
jeeves_mossTJ-, ok, one sec22:29
SvenHHhi everyone, on my installation of 12.04 the 3d desktop does not work with the nvidia driver 304.43. Can anyone help?22:29
jeeves_mossTJ-, I can't find that line22:30
TJ-jeeves_moss: last time my server restarted, it wrote to "/var/log/dovecot.log" this: "2012-07-19 01:08:38 dovecot: Info: Dovecot v1.2.9 starting up (core dumps disabled)"22:30
bfortified_Troy^, didnt have to "also add nameserver to /etc/network/interfaces" should i anyway?22:30
dr_willisSvenHH:  you used the additional-drivers tool to install it? or  the .run binary from the nvidia site? what is your exact card/chipset? is this a laptop?22:30
TJ-jeeves_moss: Hmmm, let me check on another of my servers22:30
zykotick9!info nvidia-current | SvenHH 304.043 eh?  doesn't seem like that supported version, best of luck.22:30
ubottuSvenHH 304.043 eh? doesn't seem like that supported version, best of luck.: nvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library. In component restricted, is optional. Version 295.40-0ubuntu1.1 (precise), package size 32656 kB, installed size 96034 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; lpia)22:30
Troy^bfortified_: if it worked without adding to /etc/network/interfaces don't worry about it then22:31
bfortified_Troy^, TY!22:31
Troy^bfortified_: yea np i had the same problem two days ago on my server build22:31
jagginesshfic, if you ask on #linux, i'm willing to help. you're not using linux, but you said *nix. "Mounting" means the client is mounting a network share.22:31
SvenHHi'm using the nvidia-current-updates package on my desktop machine (old one) with a Geforce 6200 card.22:31
TJ-SvenHH: check the log-files. My desktop us running "Installed: 304.43-0ubuntu0.1" without issue (so far)22:32
bfortified_Troy^, while i have you for file server Im confused are smb/cifs same thing?22:32
jeeves_mossTJ-, the line in the kernal log is "init: dovecot main process (25571) terminated with status 89"22:32
TJ-jeeves_moss: That's great - we have an error code. Now to find out what it means :p22:32
zykotick9SvenHH: fyi, if it's a legitamate "backport" i'm sorry.22:32
jeeves_mossTJ-, looking into it22:32
dr_willis!info nvidia-current22:32
ubottunvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library. In component restricted, is optional. Version 295.40-0ubuntu1.1 (precise), package size 32656 kB, installed size 96034 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; lpia)22:32
Troy^bfortified_: if you mean smb as in samba that is what i use.22:33
TJ-jeeves_moss: See for example: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=165587522:33
Troy^bfortified_: samba is very easy to setup22:33
jagginessbfortified_, pretty much.. cifs is the newer smb protocol, port 44522:33
zykotick9dr_willis: i don't think !info show backport version :(22:33
jagginessbfortified_, pre-cifs is something in 137/139 somewhere around there22:33
jagginessTroy^, btw smb is not samba..22:34
dr_willis304.43  is on 12.10 ;) which is what im on...22:34
jagginessTroy^, smb means server message block22:34
TJ-nvidia 304.xx is in precise-proposed currently22:34
bfortified_Troy^, jagginess  thanks! now my repos are working going to muck with samba22:34
zykotick9dr_willis: !info only shows 295.40...22:34
Troy^jagginess: yea i'm fairly new to the whole server side of things just experimenting atm with a ubuntu server22:34
dr_willisgood to see some newer versions comming down the pipes..22:34
hficjagginess, I'm using 3 different version of nix in my setup. My mounting question was a simple yes or no question. It was a 2 part question, being the 'accessing under the not shared folder'22:35
zykotick9dr_willis: +1 discussion in #ubuntu+1 ;)  joking.22:35
jeeves_mossTJ-, http://pastebin.com/CXv3Lju522:35
=== alexanderbandukw is now known as thekkid
SvenHHdr_willis: sorry I'm not used to this but do you suggest to use nvidia-current instead?22:36
TJ-dr_willis: Indeed, and I've been impressed by 304. It finally has proper xrandr support so that gnome-control-center display applet can function, and it auto starts multiple monitors in side-by-side twinview on log-in if it detects them, rather than needing to have saved the layout to xorg.conf22:36
dr_willisSvenHH:  try it and see i guess..  this isent a laptop with one of those dual-video card optimus setups is  it?22:36
jagginessTroy^, samba provides setting up an smb server.. (samba runs two daemons, smbd and nmbd)22:36
jagginessTroy^, (note the smbd named daemon, it provides service for the "smb" protocol)22:37
Troy^jagginess: yes right22:37
ebs512there is an issue with themes not showing up in Ubuntu Tweak or Gnome-Tweak?22:37
Troy^jagginess: and nmbd was for printer share? right22:37
jagginessTroy^, if you want to access a share, you can mount it with nautilus or konqueror (using smb:// or some other menu option with these apps)22:38
btcbuy314im using ubuntu server and trying to get automounting to work, what is a good program for that?22:38
TJ-jeeves_moss: check "man dovecot". You can do a config check with "dovecot -a"22:38
Troy^jagginess: yea i use mine for streaming media to my xbmc htpc22:38
jeeves_mossTJ-, http://pastebin.com/W65Xeqzg22:38
jeeves_mossTJ-, looks like a cert issue22:39
TJ-jeeves_moss: Yes it does "Fatal: Error in configuration file /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf: ssl enabled, but ssl_cert not set"22:39
jagginessTroy^, newcomers (not saying explicitly you), don't know what a "share" is, technically is a jargon word, referring to the access nodes on the server22:39
TJ-jeeves_moss: Are you good to go now? You can sort that I'm guessing?22:39
jeeves_mossTJ-, oh joy.  time to figure THAT out.  I wonder why Postfix is working.22:39
jeeves_mossTJ-, I'm going to have a look22:40
TJ-jeeves_moss: well it does say at the top of that output: "Warning: Obsolete setting in /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf:44: protocol { ssl_listen } has been replaced by service { inet_listener { address } }"22:40
jeeves_mossTJ-, and we're back to trying to figure it out.  LOL22:40
TJ-jeeves_moss: Postfix is separate to Dovecot, one wouldn't affect the other. Postfix is the MTA, Dovecot is an IMAP/POP/etc server for mailboxes22:41
jeeves_mossTJ-, I think it's setup to use Dovecot's auth (it's a v-hosted server)22:41
jagginessdovecot is good stuff, it's quite flexible too22:41
Troy^anyone here familiar with u1sdtools i'm trying to use my ubuntuone access via headless (term) on my ubuntu server22:41
TJ-jeeves_moss: but that auth would only be for your SMTP relaying, not SMTP delivery. If postfix is doing SMTP relay still then you've got a mis-config there which isn't failing on failed auth22:42
grandmasterhow do i update xampp?22:42
avengreCan you install a squid-proxy server while running apache?22:42
avengreie, have them work in the same environment (but not through each other or anything)22:43
jeeves_mossTJ-, ok, thanks.22:43
jagginessTroy^, (for that nmbd, it's a nameserver for Netbios names, one can even not have to start it if he doesnt want to-- you can access shares by ip or even by your machines's dns hostname, if you have a local dns server)22:43
TJ-Troy^: would this help? http://linuxprograms.wordpress.com/2010/11/01/u1sdtool-ubuntu-one-command-line-tutorial/22:43
Troy^TJ-: thing is u1sdtool spits back some jargon about a display and X which is not obviously installed on server22:44
TJ-Troy^: Ahhh... maybe it is dependent on X?!22:44
Troy^TJ-: exactly which defeats the purpose22:44
TJ-Troy^: looking at the package it doesn't declare an obvious depends22:45
thedarkgerbilGreetings and salutations22:46
Troy^TJ- one sec i'll put the error22:46
TJ-Troy^: Could it be because the tool is causing the sync-daemon to try to get you to enter a passphrase? and for some reason that requires an X server because there's no console-based fallback?22:46
Troy^TJ-: or too anyone else that knows anything about u1sdtool http://paste.ubuntu.com/1184566/22:46
Brascohow come Im seeing 8 cores in top/cpuinfo when my server should only have 4 ?? is there some kind of double core thingy going on ??22:47
ratcheerBrasco: hyperthreading22:47
jagginessjeeves_moss, yeah, that ssl stuff is tricky..22:47
TJ-Brasco: The CPU probably does hyperthreading22:47
Brascothat doubles the number of cores ??22:47
Troy^TJ-: possibly and you are right to some degree i was actually following this guide https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/Headless I was on step 6 as you can see22:48
jagginessjeeves_moss, you'll need to make key-pairs if you need to. You'll need to setup your own dns server if you decide to use ssl. (even if it's on a lan or same server machine)22:48
matts45acpanyone here willing to help me with my ubuntu server22:48
Troy^matts45acp: just ask22:48
TJ-Troy^: thanks for the link. I'll try to reproduce here on a headless server22:48
Brascoah reading wikipedia…cheers22:49
Troy^TJ-: right, let me know if you get any success would be neat for when doing server backups to save my backups to ubuntuone22:49
gregoryfentonhmm, apart from znc my server seems to have quite happily do-dist-upgrade'd :) I will need to play with it to make sure but so far all is looking well :D22:49
matts45acptroy, well the other day i attempted to get some file sharing going on with some help but did not suceed22:49
Troy^matts45acp: what kind of file sharing?22:50
matts45acptroy, what i want to do is use my server computer to store files on and acess stuff from there22:50
TJ-Troy^: Obvious question, having read that tutorial. You are launching it using "~/bin/u1sdtool" not "u1sdtool" are you?22:50
Troy^tried both TJ-22:50
matts45acptroy, from another computer here in my house22:50
zenmasterSo I was wondering.22:50
zenmasterWhat if using all of my old hardware, created a giant cloud.22:51
zenmasterFor instance, I have lots of old VIA C3 800mhz machines 2gb memory.22:51
TJ-Troy^: OK ... was the obvious hiccup if you've added that but not logged out/in to get the new PATH22:51
zenmasterCould that offer me more performance with those than one new dual quad core server/22:51
zenmasterI am just curious. :) If anyone would know if performance would scale out. Or would only go so far.22:52
TJ-zenmaster: If you were running a distributed build farm for software builds, it would, if you used distcc. For most other things, probably not22:52
Troy^TJ-: yea i even just tried logging in and out same error is produced22:52
ratcheerzenmaster: I doubt it.22:52
zenmasterTJ-: What about for DB?22:52
TJ-Troy^: doing it here now... give me a few minutes22:52
zenmasterHaving shared 32GB memory over network?22:53
zenmasterI am just trying to think of a use for these machines before they get recycled, and a new project to work on. :)22:53
TJ-zenmaster: databases? Well offloading say database hosting and/or local web-serving is also useful.22:53
Troy^matts45acp: i would suggest samba especially if they are other windows computers check this guide out very detailed step by step and any further questions feel free to ask https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/samba-fileserver.html22:53
zenmasterTJ-: What about importing data?22:54
jagginesszenmaster, sharing memory over the network? ?22:54
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Troy^matts45acp: also if you don't know there is a auto nickname completion feature in most irc clients so if i type matts and hit tab. It auto completes your name as matts45acp and you get highlighting knowing your name has been mentioned in irc.22:54
TJ-zenmaster: importing into what from where? Anything that can run from a terminal can be run on headless systems usefully.22:54
jagginesszenmaster, you mean 32 gigs of disk storage.. You never share memory over the network..22:55
zenmasterTJ-:  Here is a little application I am designing, well it is done rather. What if I took 30 2.0ghz machines 2GB memory, threw them in cloud, ran DB across all of them. Web based application pulles querys.22:55
zenmasterjagginess: Right.22:55
zenmasterjagginess: Defeat the purpose of the speed of memory. :)22:55
matts45acpTroy^: like this22:55
jagginesszenmaster, disk storage is actually a type of "memory". But it's not called memory..22:55
zenmasterjagginess: Right.22:55
Troy^matts45acp: yup22:56
zenmasterSo ok let me reprhase my topic here. :)22:56
matts45acpTroy^: whats that link again22:56
zenmasterI have a Dell PowerEdge 2800 2x 3.0ghz Xeon NON-HT 16gb memory 5 SCSI 10k Raid Five running 120GB database.22:56
Troy^matts45acp: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/samba-fileserver.html22:56
zenmasterCould I get better performance loading and off loading data by building a cloud of numerous machines with inferior hardware?22:57
matts45acpTroy^: and how do i just click the link in irc and make my browser come up, im using irssi22:57
Troy^zenmaster: wish i was just as lucky22:57
zenmasterTroy^: ?22:57
dr_willismatts45acp:  gnome-terminal and some other ones can do that for you.22:57
Troy^matts45acp: not exactly sure i use Smuxi. try right clicking it or hitting shift or ctrl + clicking22:57
jagginesszenmaster, not really, because you'll need to invest in quality hardware for making the nodes..22:57
Troy^zenmaster: having a poweredge server22:57
PeterGriffinGuys I fucked up badly. do-release-upgrade decided to bug.22:58
matts45acpTroy^: cool it was control22:58
zenmasterTroy^: Getting some newer ones hopefully this week. Yet my boss will not upgrade my workstation.... ;P p4 NON HT 2GB DD42.22:58
zenmasterjagginess: Even if I throw hundreds of computers at it?22:58
IdleOnePeterGriffin: no swearing please and what exactly happened?22:58
Troy^ouch lol zenmaster my server is a p4 2.6ghz HT 1.75GB DDR400 lol22:59
zenmasterjagginess: So what you are saying, is that the performance increased would only happen if the nodes were the same as the server or better?22:59
jagginesszenmaster, you need bandwidth for attaching the machines, you'll gain less if accessing them is slow22:59
zenmasterjagginess: 30 machiens in my office 100mbit network?22:59
jagginesszenmaster, there's guides out there (vendors make them)22:59
zenmasterjagginess: I'm not doubting you. :) Just curious. Right now, my relational databasde performs awesome.22:59
jagginesszenmaster, i'm not an expert in this, but there are teams that use beowulf, and explain the details, they use nodal hardware to make use of it22:59
zenmasterjagginess: Just trying to find a use for these machiens before they get donated or recycled. :)23:00
ActionParsnipzenmaster: download server, proxy, dns, backup server23:00
zenmasterTroy^: Yeah my server is pretty nice for being 8 years old. But my workstation rig sucks.23:00
zenmasterActionParsnip: ?23:00
zenmasterActionParsnip: Why?23:00
PeterGriffinwell as it was working and asking me should it change this conf file or that, suddenly when i choose any option it just stops working and shows the command line23:01
Troy^zenmaster: yea i want one of those poweredge servers for my house lol23:01
TJ-Troy^: Testing it now. Just finished installing23:01
zenmasterActionParsnip: I don't see the relationship to the current topic between Troy^ jagginess and I.23:01
zenmasterTroy^: They are very loud upon startup.23:01
zenmasterTroy^: I mean pretty damn loud.23:01
Troy^my current one is kept in my garage23:01
zenmasterTroy^: I mean like at least six vacuums going off for about 15 seconds.23:01
* jagginess thinks zenmaster is trolling23:01
TJ-Troy^: It works fine for me; no problems23:01
zenmasterjagginess: No. :)23:01
Troy^wtf TJ- lol23:02
PeterGriffinand the only thing i was able to di was ctrl+c and afret a few times instalation just stopped23:02
zenmasterjagginess: I did drink like five cups of coffee today. :) Currently everything is running great at my job, so I have lots of spare time. :)23:02
zenmasterThank you all for your support.23:02
jagginesszenmaster, you want to help us? donate your machines or setup a ubuntu mirror, and we'll applause you for it :)23:02
ActionParsnipzenmaster: if you have old systems you can put them to use in those roles23:02
TJ-Troy^: I am pretty sure you haven't made the ~/bin/u1sdtool executable, or are otherwise not running that wrapper, but are instead running the standard tool23:02
zenmasterActionParsnip: Now I get what you are saying. Way ahead of you brother. Those jobs are already taken. :)23:03
zenmasterActionParsnip: I was interested in cloud because I have never set that up before.23:03
h22turboi would setup a ubuntu mirror, but i dont think my 10/1 mbit cable line would like it23:03
ActionParsnipzenmaster: hehe23:03
ActionParsniph22turbo: sure23:03
IdleOnePeterGriffin: open a terminal and run sudo apt-get -f install23:04
zenmasterI have 2x 50x50mbmit Verizon Fios Biz going into PFsense Load Balancing with Failover. :)23:04
profediegochat in spanish23:04
zenmasterI can be a mirror. :)23:04
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.23:04
zenmasterDonde esta el banyo. :P23:04
ActionParsniph22turbo: makes minimal installs really fast :)23:04
IdleOne!behelpful | zenmaster23:04
ubottuzenmaster: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.23:04
Troy^it is working now TJ-23:04
TJ-Troy^: See for example: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1184596/23:04
TJ-Troy^: OK... what did you _not_ do? :p23:04
grandmastercan any one help me install xampp?23:05
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)23:05
Troy^well it worked when i ran ./u1sdtool --start in the ~/bin23:06
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PeterGriffindone, suggested some no longer required files and autoremove23:06
PeterGriffinshoud i do it?23:06
IdleOnePeterGriffin: you can ignore the autoremove for now23:06
Troy^yea i have to be in ~/bin and run ./u1sdtool23:06
IdleOnePeterGriffin: now run sudo di-release-upgrade23:07
TJ-Troy^: Probably a mistype that meant it found the original version of u1sdtool in the PATH before the local-user version23:07
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jamarrealy need some help cdrom drive not working23:07
Troy^TJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1184599/23:07
jamarcdrom not working23:08
TJ-Troy^: You can do ~/bin/u1sdtool   ... as long as you prefix the path to the executable the system won't search the PATH variable.23:08
Troy^TJ-: i'm sort of confused lol23:09
TJ-Troy^: that's what I'd expect. If you do not specify a path to an executable the system first tries to find it on the PATH. It won't look in your current working directory first (as Windows does) *unless* you've specifically added ".:" to the PATH23:09
TJ-Troy^: If you do "u1sdtool" no matter what directory you are in, it'll search PATH. To find out *which* file a command will run try "which u1sdtool"23:10
Troy^yea understand TJ- just as the guide flows it shows that it works just running u1sdtool23:10
matts45acpTroy^: seems samba is already installed on server pc23:10
PeterGriffinIdleOne: i run it, but it says that my graphic hardware support is limited for 12.04 tls. I suppose it shouldnt be a problem as it is a server and does not need X?23:10
Troy^TJ-: fizz@server:~$ which u1sdtool23:11
jamarplz any1 can you help fixing my cdrom it is like not install23:11
TJ-Troy^: In the guide I followed it had me add ~/bin to the PATH in step 2 I think23:11
matts45acpTroy^: so what exactly do i do now23:11
IdleOnePeterGriffin: correct23:11
TJ-Troy^: $ which u1sdtool  ...   /home/tj/bin/u1sdtool23:11
matts45acpTroy^: guide says something about /etc/samba/smb.conf but i dunno how to get to that?23:12
th0rTJ-: just to clarify, sometimes ~ doesn't work, you need to use the full path. I always check that when I run into scripting problems23:12
TJ-th0r: True. It depends on which shell the login is using, and any special shopts23:13
TJ-th0r: But it's a long time since I've seen any shell that doesn't expand "~"23:13
jamardvd/rw/drive not working plz help me23:14
hficmatts45acp, that seems like an issue since linux itself is driven by user input. Not knowing what /etc/samba/smb.conf is or how to get to it is a bit of a problem.23:14
th0rTJ-: just thought I would mention it. Watching the conversation it seems you are using the two (~ and /home/user) interchangeably23:14
Troy^matts45acp: i assume the guide wants you to edit it? then sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf or gksudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf if you are using a gui/window manager23:14
TJ-th0r: Good point, thank-you. It's the obvious assumptions that often trip us up.23:14
PeterGriffinIdleOne: aha, here it is again, some error that i'll try to write ....23:14
PeterGriffin=== Command detached from window ( time) ===23:15
PeterGriffin=== Command terminated with exit 1 (time) ====23:15
Troy^TJ-: u1sdtool is very cool now i need to make a nice bash script to do daily backups of server and upload the backup then delete the previous one23:16
PeterGriffinand: press x to destroy or r to reserect window23:16
IdleOnepress r23:16
jamardvd/cd rom drive not working when i try mount saying no dic,, are fil not found plz help any123:16
TJ-PeterGriffin: Look at the log files in /var/log/dist-upgrade/   you may well find more specific information on the failure there23:17
zykotick9!xampp | grandmaster23:17
ubottugrandmaster: We do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories; see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.23:17
zykotick9grandmaster: sorry, my windows was scrolled way up.  my bad.23:17
PeterGriffinTJ- i will check23:18
jamar dvd/cd rom drive not working when i try mount saying no dic,, are fil not found plz help any123:18
TJ-Troy^: I see scripts to do similar for dropbox. You use rsync into the local machine's ~/.ubuntuone/<dirname>/ and then the sync-daemon does the ubuntuone bit23:19
PeterGriffinis it possible the reason to be that the date is some day in 2006?23:20
jamar dvd/cd rom drive not working when i try mount saying no dic,, are fil not found plz help any123:20
Troy^i've never used rsync i was looking at this script https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/backup-shellscripts.html then modifying and adding the sync-daemon portion etc.23:20
zykotick9jamar: does "ls -l /dev/cdrom" -> sr0?  do you only have 1 optical drive?23:20
jamarwill check now ty23:21
DG_hey guys, can i move the taskbar to the bottom of the screen?23:21
PeterGriffinIdleOne: after reserecting it the upgrade started again and got to the same point with the same error23:21
methodswhy would "mesa gl/glu i386 dev" try to uninstall the non i386 version ?23:21
zykotick9methods: are you using aptitude by chance?23:22
IdleOnePeterGriffin: Can you pastebin the exact error please23:22
zykotick9methods: k.23:22
methodsi want to be able to build gl apps for 32 and 64 bit systems23:22
TJ-Troy^: The standard Ubuntu back-up tool Deja-Dupe supports UbuntuOne23:23
zykotick9methods: seriously, i'd run 64 bit and VM the 32bit myself...23:23
methodsfor what ?23:23
Troy^oh ok TJ- hmm23:23
methodsi don't have that option there is no reason this shouldn't work23:23
TJ-Troy^: see for instance, http://www.howtogeek.com/108869/how-to-back-up-ubuntu-the-easy-way-with-dj-dup/23:23
jamarno seeing any media drive23:24
TJ-methods: It's because of the new multilib support on x86 architectures23:24
PeterGriffinIdleOne: === Command detached from window (Tue May 16 05:14:46 2006) ===23:24
methodsidk what that even means23:24
Troy^TJ-: nice now it is to set that up headless23:24
PeterGriffin=== Command terminated with exit 1 ( Tue May 16 05:14:46 2006) ====23:24
PeterGriffinthat's it23:24
PeterGriffinor do you mean the log file?23:24
TJ-Troy^: http://askubuntu.com/questions/99471/can-you-install-deja-dup-on-a-headless-server23:25
IdleOnePeterGriffin: are you trying to upgrade a remote server?23:25
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methodspretty ridiculous if i can't have dev packages installed for building23:25
PeterGriffinno, it is in front of me23:25
IdleOnePeterGriffin: I'm not understanding why the command is detaching from the window23:26
IdleOnePeterGriffin: I don't think I can help.23:26
wjtaylor_Anyone out there running gnome 2?23:27
ActionParsnipwjtaylor_: gnome2 is dead23:27
wjtaylor_I know. That's why I can't find anyone running it. :)23:27
Zaf_so many people here23:27
jamarls -l /dev/cdrom" -> sr0  i got the messeg lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 Sep  3 14:31 /dev/cdrom -> sr023:28
PeterGriffinwell the only thing i cat add is that the log file is full of broken dependencies23:28
zykotick9wjtaylor_: lol, sorta.  debian-stable has supported gnome2 for 1 year+ for sure.23:28
jamarls -l /dev/cdrom" -> sr0  i got the messeg lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 Sep  3 14:31 /dev/cdrom -> sr023:28
Zaf_well, can i ask a question23:28
Zaf_maybe I'm right here^^23:28
Zaf_The point is:23:28
wjtaylor_zykotick9: are you running it?23:28
Troy^wjtaylor_: gnome 3 is nice23:28
Zaf_I want to run a Minecraft Server on an Ubuntu Server23:28
Zaf_I did Try around a little23:29
Zaf_(made a VM with virtual box) and did the basic setup23:29
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Zaf_but now when it comes to the users etc.23:29
wjtaylor_I can't seem to get gnome 3 going. It always gives me the gnome fallback and unity.23:29
opiengI ubuntu going to be supporting more gaming in the future?23:29
Zaf_I am not sure, if the security is high enough23:29
Zaf_my question: does anyone know23:29
zykotick9wjtaylor_: gnome2, no.  i gave up on gnome, and run a windows manager only environment now.  but i could easily enough.23:29
bobweaveropieng,  yes Unity (gaming engine ) is coming23:29
Troy^Zaf_: try #minecraft23:29
Zaf_if there is a (security) iso for that?23:30
opiengbobweaver, timeframe? :)23:30
Zaf_ya, but I don't want to look for MC xD23:30
Zaf_I need a secure Ubuntu server^^23:30
jamarplz help dvd/cd drive not mounting when i RUN ls -l /dev/cdrom" -> sr0  i got the messeg lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 Sep  3 14:31 /dev/cdrom -> sr023:30
wjtaylor_zykotick9: My volume control always shows my recording inputs as muted and I can't capture sound. Even when I unmute them!23:30
bobweaveropieng,  google unity 4.0  not sure on the time frame for that but blender is gathering speed also everyday23:30
wjtaylor_Output is fine.23:30
jamarplz help dvd/cd drive not mounting when i RUN ls -l /dev/cdrom" -> sr0  i got the messeg lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 Sep  3 14:31 /dev/cdrom -> sr023:30
zykotick9wjtaylor_: sorry sound issues - aren't my thing.  good luck.23:31
opiengbobweaver, do you think it's going to be months? Years?23:31
PeterGriffinIdleOne: last thing, do you think that if i untar the backup of the 8.04, which is the last working version, it will replace the criple working 10.04 and we'll try to forget all about this fail?23:31
wjtaylor_np. Apparently they're not mine either. :)23:31
bobweaveropieng,  you can pre order at this time. there will be more games coming from that and I hope that one day UDK will also be usable on *nix23:32
cartercan someone hlep me fix a broken package23:32
opiengbobweaver, Do you have a link for it?23:32
bobweaveropieng,  https://store.unity3d.com/23:33
jamarplz help dvd/cd drive not mounting when i RUN ls -l /dev/cdrom" -> sr0  i got the messeg lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 Sep  3 14:31 /dev/cdrom -> sr023:33
carteri cant download anything off of the store because it says go to synaptic and fix a package23:33
jamarplz i keep ask for help23:34
bobweavercarter,  what is up with your package management systems ?23:34
IdleOnePeterGriffin: I think the best thing would be to do a clean install of 12.04 to be honest.23:34
bobweavercarter,  you tried to update & upgrade ?23:35
carteri just installed linux on my computer and i cant download anything off the store because it says i have a broken package and idk how to find it and fix it23:35
bobweaverjamar, you are trying to link things ?23:35
IdleOnecarter: sudo apt-get -f install23:35
jamarno bob23:35
jamarmy dvd drive not mounting23:36
jamarplz help dvd/cd drive not mounting when i RUN ls -l /dev/cdrom" -> sr0  i got the messeg lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 Sep  3 14:31 /dev/cdrom -> sr023:36
zenmasterI need you to develop stuff, but the surface I give is made of tar. So as hard and as fast as you trying to work, it feels like you are trying fight or swim in a dream. Everything is in slow motion. At least that is what I my workstation feels like......23:36
carterthank you23:37
methodsTJ-:  why would multilib matter ?23:37
jamarbob how can i link it23:38
bobweaverjamar,  whats mount say ?23:38
bobweaverjamar,  type mount into the terminal23:38
bobweaverjamar,  is it listed ? what about under /media/    ?23:39
cellofellowMy laptop is running rather hot and it's actually a little uncomfortable to use. CPU usage is minimal (idling), so that's not the problem. Computer is brand new, so the cooling passages aren't clogged. The CPU is barely idling and the CPU core temp is 60C and the fan won't kick in. I've tried enabling fancontrol but the mobo has no pwm controls. What else can I do to cool my computer off?23:39
jamarno dict,,.. are file not found23:39
TJ-methods: multilib pulls in amd64 core libraries on i386 systems, and i386 core libraries on amd64 systems, when certain of the primary libraries are installed23:39
Fudgewhat package is yad in?23:39
methodsTJ-:  so is there no simple way to have the dev packages installed so i can have a server to build both versions ?23:40
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methodsTJ-:  is this a bug ?23:40
TJ-methods: Well the -dev packages are arch-agnostic. But when installing packages you can use the suffix :amd64 or :i386 to force the architecture you require23:40
IdleOneFudge: guayadeque, guayadeque-dbg, libyadis-ruby, libyadis-ruby1.8, phpmyadmin23:40
cartercan someone help i have had this version of linux before and i could download google chrome but it says its not in the app store why?23:41
TJ-methods: Not sure if that works for build-deps though23:41
PeterGriffinIdleOne you are right, may be its the only good option. thanks for the help23:41
jamarstill there bob23:41
WarOfTheNerdcarter, because it doesn't conform to package guidelines23:41
WarOfTheNerdcarter, you can download it and install it from Google23:41
methodsTJ-:  but all the files should be under /usr/lib/i386* for i386 .. they shouldn't conflict ..23:41
carterbut last time it had it in the app store23:41
WarOfTheNerdcarter, it integrates with the store after you've downloaded it from Google too23:41
trismmethods: its in progress, but is isn't finished yet, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MultiarchCross23:41
cartercan i update the app store or something23:41
bobweavercarter,  have you tried chromium-browser23:42
BHO1Can anyone help me with a problem on Xbuntu 12.04 LTS?23:42
WarOfTheNerdcarter, there's kinda no need23:42
WarOfTheNerdcarter, you do know that Chromium is the open source project Google Chrome is based on right?23:43
ActionParsnipBHO1: ask away23:43
WarOfTheNerdcarter, if you install Chromium, you have Chrome without the proprietary bits23:43
carteryea and thats what i had last time but for some reason its not there23:43
TJ-methods: Yes, /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ or /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/. What precisely are you doing to that is causing you concern?23:43
WarOfTheNerdcarter, it's there on my search results.  What version of Ubuntu are you using? :|23:43
BHO1I just installed Xbuntu yesterday.  Today I forgot to plug in my laptop and it died.  Ever since it died, my screen has been dim and i can not figure out how to brighten it.23:43
bobweavercarter,  open terminal ctrl+alt+t     sudo apt-get -y install chromium-browser23:44
carteri installed 7.10 and updated it to 8.04 i think23:44
bobweaverohh that is why23:44
jamarwow no help i have been ask 1 hour now but no help23:44
WarOfTheNerdcarter, you need to install a newer version23:44
WarOfTheNerdcarter, that version is past End of Life23:44
bazhang!helpme | jamar23:44
ubottujamar: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude23:44
WarOfTheNerdcarter, 8.04 doesn't get patches/updates or support for desktop use any more, you need to update to 10.0423:45
hylianjamar: what's going on? I just got here23:45
WarOfTheNerdcarter, that may explain the lack of a search result23:45
jamarthank you23:45
hylianbazhang: man you are everywhere. how do you keep it all sane?23:46
carterwhat is the latest update with the patches and stuff23:46
DG_guys, is there a way to move the taskbar?23:46
jamarmy dvd/cd drive not work will not mount23:46
hylianDG_: on what desktop environment? Unity?23:46
WarOfTheNerdcarter, 12.04 is the newest version23:46
bobweavercater 12.04 lts23:46
methodstrism:  so it's all held back by 558104 ?23:46
DG_on ubuntu? lol im confused23:46
hylianjamar: have you tried another cd?23:46
WarOfTheNerdcarter, the version numbers are based on the year and month of release by the way :)23:46
carterwill 10.04 have the updates though?23:46
carterlike google23:47
jamaryes same thing23:47
WarOfTheNerdcarter, technically yes, but I don't recommend it23:47
methodsTJ-:  if i try to install dev:i386 it uninstalls normal dev so i end up going in circles every time i want to build the other vrsion23:47
hylianDG_: if you have freshly installed Ubuntu 12.04 or 12.10 you are using Unity.23:47
cheetashockDoes anyone here know what could cause a disk (that may or may not work) to give "fdisk: unable to read /dev/sdb: Invalid argument" when I try to open it in [c]fdisk?23:47
DG_fresh install23:47
WarOfTheNerdcarter, if you're gonna change version, just grab 12.04.  It has 5 years of support lifetime :D23:47
DG_so 12.0423:47
hylianDG_: so you are asking if there is a way to move the Unity bar on the left then, right?23:47
WarOfTheNerdcarter, it won't need an upgrade until April 2017 if you use 12.04 ;)23:48
DG_can i put it on the bottom?23:48
carterand 12 will run fine with a gb of ram and a 2.4 ghz processor23:48
WarOfTheNerdcarter, of course23:48
carteralright thank you i appreciate it alot23:48
jamarstill there hylian23:48
methodswhat i just did was go into /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu and symblink libGL and libGLU to their .so name and then add -L/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/mesa to my -m32 builds which allows me to have ability to compile 32 or 64 any time without messing with packages23:48
hylianDG_: i will dig into the askubuntu searches and see if I can come up with an answer for you, I will be back shortly.23:48
DG_ok thanks :)23:49
hylianjamar: did you try another cd/dvd?23:49
TJ-methods: which packages are you trying to pull the build-deps for?23:49
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jamarhylian yes i did but still didnt work23:50
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TJ-methods: For building you only need to set the arch if using the debian/rules build system23:50
methodsTJ-:  it's not for any packages it's for my own code base which i build 32 / 64 bit versions and deploy out.. i want a central system to build them23:51
TJ-methods: This may help you then https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ToolChain#Multiarch_and_multilib_configurations23:51
jamarwhen i try mount from dev/cdrom i get No such file or directory23:51
natsirtmethods:How do I becoem a Linux master?23:51
hylianDG_: it is possible, but there is no official canonical way of doing it. There are some patches out there that let you do it, but they require using a program called ccsm, which has known security issues and other things that could cause you headaches in the future. It's up to you, but it's not recommended.23:52
ratcheernatsirt: Just keep learning stuff.23:52
DG_well then, thats annoying23:52
DG_ill just keep it thanks23:52
hylianjamar: hmm. havent had this problem in a while. let me do a little digging, and i'll be right back.23:52
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BHO1I just installed Xbuntu yesterday.  Today I forgot to plug in my laptop and it died.  Ever since it died, my screen has been dim and i can not figure out how to brighten it.23:52
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natsirtDG_: If I write a fork bomb script in ubuntu will it harm it or just freeze it?23:53
jamar hylian  ok23:53
WarOfTheNerdhylian, how could CCSM have security issues?23:53
DG_natsirt: i dont know if you meant to actually send that to me :/ i know nothing  about ubuntu23:53
exaemso tired23:54
exaemwoops wrong chan23:54
WarOfTheNerdhylian, it's a client app with no networking and no input other than users own expected input?23:54
natsirtDG_: Sorry i thought you were the made guy around here23:54
methodsTJ-:  what was that supposed to show me though ?23:54
hylianWarOfTheNerd: I personally don't know. AskUbuntu is the website that stated this, and since AskUbuntu is official Canonical, I am assuming it is right. If you want, I can shoot you the url for the forum message I found this information in.23:54
TJ-BHO1: Have you tried System Settings > Power > Brightness Settings ?23:54
DG_lol its ok, turst me i know NOTHING23:54
WarOfTheNerdhylian, go for it23:55
TJ-methods: "Some configuration systems assume fixed paths for libraries and include files, which may not work with the new multiarch locations. Instead of directly searching a set of known directories, it's better to let the compiler search for these. "23:55
hylianWarOfTheNerd: ok, here is the article: http://askubuntu.com/questions/33605/can-i-move-the-unity-launcher23:55
WarOfTheNerdhylian, also it's not official, it's unofficial ran by a 3rd party23:55
matts45acpTroy^: how do i exit the smb.confg in the terminal23:56
Troy^matts45acp: ctrl+x23:56
methodsTJ-:  that doesn't help me .. because like we've already talked about trying to install dev:i386 uninstalls the other one.. so i got around it by doing some dirty tricks23:56
WarOfTheNerdhylian, it just mentions bugfixes.  It's not a security sensitive app, so security isn't a worry ;-)23:56
hylianWarOfTheNerd: ohh, I must have mis read that.23:57
hylianjamar: does ubuntu show you the cd, but not mount it, or does it do absolutely nothing?23:57
WarOfTheNerdhylian, well given the fact that almost every other patch is a security fix on most distros these days, it's almost becoming synonymous23:58
matts45acpTroy^: now it says file name to write23:58
matts45acpTroy^: what i hit now23:59
jamar hylian nothing23:59
TJ-methods: But is your application being packaged for Debian/Ubuntu? That's what I assumed, so you'd use the new Multilib packaging conventions for foreign libs. The policy is at http://wiki.debian.org/Multiarch/Implementation23:59

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