
ailoStill a bit new to debian/rules00:00
ailoSeemed to work this time :P00:06
ailoTheMuso: Anyway, I guess I'll talk with UKT about how to proceed. Thanks for the help00:11
ailolen-dt: http://wiki.linuxaudio.org/wiki/current_audio_gear00:15
len-dtailo, from that page the [presonus] - 1818VSL (USB2) lloks like _the_ USB multi to get.04:41
micahgdoes US not have update-manager?04:42
len-dtIt has so far... What is missing?04:43
len-dtmicahg, I thought that came with the basic Ubuntu stuff04:43
micahgwell, update-notifier might drop its depends on it and it's not explicitly seeded in US like it is in Xubuntu04:43
len-dtmicahg, I was about to try todays ISO, I can look for it, but it sounds like you are suggesting we add it to the seeds anyway04:45
micahglen-dt: if the depends is dropped, yes04:48
len-dtmicahg, I will add it to desktop seeds. Just to be sure then.04:49
len-dtThis time I will make sure my copy is updated before I make any changes :)04:50
len-dtThankyou for the heads up micahg 04:50
ailolen-dt: That's the one we've been talking about before. Pretty mucht the only superb multi channel usb device05:13
ailoDidn't know about that page before though05:13
ailoThought it might include something new05:14
ailoHaven't checked yet05:14
smartboyhwHi len-nb, how are ya?05:46
Len-nbfor those interested I have added a screen shot of the double icons our ISOs have.05:46
Len-nbhi smartboyhw 05:46
smartboyhwThanks len-nb, looking at it05:47
smartboyhwYeah, I one day got two 4.0GB volumes on my screen05:47
Len-nbmicahg, I have updated the desktop file of our seeds.05:47
Len-nbsmartboyhw, notice how they are not even the same icon.05:48
micahgLen-nb: looks fine, just FYI, it happens to be a depends elsewhere, but shouldn't matter05:48
smartboyhwYeah, I know05:48
smartboyhwREALLY WEIRD05:48
Len-nbmicahg, I know, the manager shows on the ISO, but it could cause problems in the future05:49
micahgLen-nb: no, I mean in the other seeds :)05:49
smartboyhwailo: You here? I read the backlog and saw that you wrote one can ask Pete Graner for putting up a git repo. The truth is, Pete Graner is not responsible for now. Tim Gardner now is. I knew it by actually doing the process of asking:)10:37
ailosmartboyhw: Thanks for the info.10:55
smartboyhwHmm, where's scott?14:42
len-dtsmartboyhw, long weekend?14:43
len-dtsmartboyhw, I think you missed my intent of the comment :)14:44
smartboyhwlen-dt: Why?14:44
len-dtI think because this is a long weekend, Scott is doing family time14:44
ailoOk, mailed UKT about -lowlatency on Precise14:53
ailoHopefully the ball will start rolling now14:53
len-dtailo, \o/14:54
len-dtailo, I want to put just a few config changes into 12.10. I need at least your input.14:55
ailolen-dt: Sure14:56
len-dtailo, I want to put swappiness 1014:56
len-dtailo, I want to make the timers in the audio group.14:56
len-dthrt and rtc14:57
ailoBoth of those seem reasonable. Still haven't got any testing done worth mentioning :(. So, can't say how much improvement the latter will give. The former should help on machines with small RAM, right?14:57
len-dtailo, the swappiness I would be willing to do 30 or 40 , but 60 if just too much14:58
ailoAs long as there's no downside, I don't see a problem14:58
ailolen-dt: I've had those two in mind as well14:59
len-dtailo, Ok, I haven't had any problems (even with swappiness 0, but I think 10 is more conservitive14:59
len-dtI will put them in -settings then14:59
smartboyhwWait, I even got a git clone error14:59
smartboyhwremote: error: refs/heads/master-next does not point to a valid object!14:59
smartboyhwusing the git ailo provided in his email14:59
len-dtailo, I think we will call that the blueprint default tweaks done for this cycle after that.15:01
ailolen-dt: Sure15:01
ailolen-dt: I don't think I will have time to finish anything for this release anyway15:01
len-dtailo, ya I was thinking we could continue to work on things for next cycle15:01
ailoBetter just to keep working on them, and have it ready when it's ready15:02
len-dtailo, thankyou for attending this (informal) meeting :)15:02
ailolen-dt: :)15:03
ailoI feel like I've really contributed today ;)15:04
smartboyhwOK back. Good progress it seems:)15:06
ailoI'm still trying to figure out how much time certain things take. I'm finally realizing, certain simple tasts take days to complete, and if you have major number of them, you're easily talking months, or maybe years15:09
ailoWhich is why it's stupid to do some things alone15:10
smartboyhwailo: It DOES take a hell lot of time:)15:10
len-dtailo, time goes fast while coding. All of the things I did this cycle have been small things15:10
smartboyhwlen-dt: Sure you are handling big things now:)15:10
len-dtno still small things15:10
smartboyhwlen-dt: You are working on a official Ubuntu flavor. Is it a small one????????15:11
len-dtjust about everything I do is less than 20 lines15:11
smartboyhwlen-dt: You are bettter than me]\15:11
len-dtThis is my third cycle15:11
len-dtit is the first cycle I have directly contributed changes.15:12
len-dtailo, and that 20 lines includes changelog :)15:12
ailoMy biggest problem right now is the project I'm doing for my band. It's an all-in-one live audio application, where I pretty much reinvent the wheel for mostly everything. It's all in puredata so far, which is terrificly fast to develop, but the project size is a bit overwhelming. 15:14
ailoI've often had to start from scratch on many things15:15
len-dtailo, things can be.15:15
len-dtone line at a time15:15
ailoNow, I'm just trying to find a way to get us out on the road as quickly as possible, something I thought I'd easily have accomplished by now15:15
len-dtMy wife is going through some of the same feeling with her school work15:15
len-dtShe looks at the size of the whole project... once I get her going, it just goes.15:16
ailoI've never done anything intellectual of this size before, so I always think too positively about how much time it will take. I could probably be more efficient, but not much at this point anymore15:17
ailoFollowing a study plan is more comforting, as you know that it is meant to be accomplishable within a given time span15:18
len-dtYa. 15:18
ailoBut, if you start solving a problem, you haven't yet defined, you have no idea15:18
ailoIt takes time just to realize what the problems actually are15:18
len-dtIt is nice if it can be broken into smaller chunks.15:19
len-dteach chunk is something that is "done"15:19
ailoIt's the only way to get through it15:19
len-dtthough in a big project one often has to revisit "done" parts15:19
ailoI've tried to condense things into micro libraries15:19
len-dt-controls is in python?15:20
ailoNah, just the puredata project15:20
ailo-controls is a bit easier in some sense. But, it requires more research, less coding15:21
len-dtwhat language is controls?15:21
ailopython / gtk15:21
len-dtI guess I should learn it. Is it more c or c++ like?15:22
ailoAh, sorry. I misread before15:22
ailoYea, -controls will be all in python15:22
ailopython is pretty easy15:22
ailoI think coming from c, it should not be too difficult15:22
* len-dt is getting old and finding it harder to learn new things15:23
len-dtgood, I do much better in c than object world15:23
ailoYou can use classes in python of course15:23
len-dtI understand how objects work... but the nut and bolts get to me.15:24
len-dtI like tk/tcl because the lines of code is really low. But it is missing too many things for what I need to do15:25
ailoI haven't yet tried doing anything advanced gtk with python, like custom surfaces15:25
len-dtI just want things to work well with the DE theme15:26
ailo-controls is more or less gtk controls controlling simple scripts (tweaks)15:26
len-dtI also want something that will work with systray15:26
len-dtYa, I want to work on on the fly switching.15:27
len-dtI want it to be able to integrate well with the controls15:27
len-dtI understand it is not needed for most modern machines, but there seem to be some people who are interested in it... and I do need it15:28
len-dtpeople who do heavy graphics have expressed an interest too15:29
ailoNo reason not to add options, I think. You can always hide most of them in an "advanced" window, if it gets to be too much15:30
len-dtI'm just letting you know what I am doing so there is no surprise :)15:31
len-dtis most of your code in the US branch? or is it yet to be commited?15:31
ailolen-dt: There's no current code really. I haven't started whipping it up yet. Have only gathered resources, as in how this and that detail is done. 15:32
ailoI need to finish the testing scripts first15:33
ailoBut before that, I simply need to get done with my puredata project15:33
len-dtOk. I was mainly interested on any systray parts15:33
ailoI have some snippets for both systray and indicator15:33
ailoI'd like for it to work on all systems. XFCE, Unity, Gnome15:34
ailoGnome doesn't have any indicator stuff15:34
len-dtsystray is pretty standard15:34
len-dtindicator is not something I am well versed with15:35
ailoIt can be made to support multiple, whatever is available15:35
len-dtI want to change the icon in the systray depending on what mode is rinning15:36
len-dtThe icons need to still show what the program is but also that the mode is production not desktop.15:37
ailoYea, it's nice having the icon tell you what's happening15:54
stochastichi all22:41
smartboyhwlen-dt: Hi mate23:33
len-dthello stochastic smartboyhw 23:52

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