
LuciferisI just installed ubuntu studio and  now when i'm using vlc it makes some break's on music playback if i ask for a directory or application; it also dosen't suspend after some time not being used.14:45
Luciferisas matter a fact it was an upgrade on 12.0414:46
len-dtWow. Totally out of my experience.14:46
len-dtLuciferis, what do you mean by upgrade on 12.04?14:46
smartboyhwLuciferis: Upgrade from 10.04 or 11.10?14:46
len-dtDo you mean 12.04 desktop?14:46
Luciferisubuntu 12.04 desktop 32 bits...14:47
smartboyhwOK, you upgraded from 10.04.4 or 11.10?14:47
len-dtSo you went from 122.04 desktop to 12.04 ubuntustudio?14:48
len-dtupgrading ubuntustudio 11.04 or prior to ubuntustudio 12.04 is not recomended. because of the DE differences.14:50
len-dtif you went from desktop to studio then how?14:51
Luciferisodn't worry14:51
len-dtsmartboyhw, he quit to soon :P14:52
len-dtI wanted to tell him the right way...14:53
len-dtthough to be honest, I don't know VLC well enough to know if that would help.14:53
velhoj/ #xorg15:27
dalHi. Where can I find the list of packages (for Ubuntu Studio 12.04.1 64 bits) officially maintained?16:56
len-dtdal, do you mean the the whole thing or just the things that make ubuntustudio different from ubuntu?16:57
JoaoVitorHello, I have a suggestion for Ubuntu Studio. Include LADSPA plugins Millennium. This page: http://pxu.sourceforge.net/17:17

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