
vezeenaHi, you know how holding alt+clicking drags the window? I was having problems disabling this, and somehow i've messed it up and now just clicking my mouse drags the window, and i have to hold alt to click normally, what can I do to fix this?00:04
ickefesi have a question about linked (binded?) directory. Anyone who can answer a few questions?00:10
ickefesi have linked a directory to a home directory because I use virtual users with pure-ftpd. The problem is I might accidentally just remove everything in the home folder at some point and then I guess all the files in the target directory will get removed too. Can this be avoide somehow (besides me being more careful when deleting)?00:12
ickefesanyone? please.00:14
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mr-richOk, I have my TV card (a very old Bt878) plugged into the CD port on the MB (P55-UDA). I launch tvtime and I get a picture, but no sound. Both Phonon & Alsamixer don't even list the CD port as a possable volume control. Kubuntu 12.04 (all updates applied). Any ideas?05:07
rhombusman, is this channel ever dead.05:39
rhombusmuch like kubuntu, come to think about it.05:39
shadeslayerrhombus: more or less because everyone is sleeping ...06:02
rhombusshadeslayer: now they are, but not for the past seven hours they haven't06:07
shadeslayerpossibly just busy?06:08
shadeslayerrhombus: what's the issue?06:08
rhombusshadeslayer: just compare it with the traffic in #ubuntu...06:08
rhombusshadeslayer: ok, the issue -06:08
shadeslayerthat's not indicative of anything06:08
shadeslayerinfact, it just goes on to tell that people have more issues in ubuntu than in kubuntu :P06:08
rhombusthen perhaps you can both help me... how do I get Adobe Flash and Java to install properly in kubuntu?06:09
jussijava... blah06:09
jussiflash, install flashplugin-installer06:09
shadeslayersudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras ubuntu-restricted-extras ?06:09
jussishadeslayer: no06:10
shadeslayerthat'll give you pretty much everything06:10
rhombusjussi: that did not work.06:10
jussirhombus: reinstall it...06:10
jussiand make sure you have net connection at the time06:10
shadeslayerjussi: hm? Last I checked that installed flash as well as other stuff06:10
rhombusshadeslayer: do I have to install both ubuntu-restricted and kubuntu-restricted?06:10
rhombusjussi: I have done that twice, and both times the network worked fine06:11
jussirhombus: restarted your browser since?06:11
rhombusjussi: the package manager shows it as installed, but firefox shows nothing in plugins06:11
rhombusjussi: numerous times06:11
rhombusjussi: shadeslayer: in fact, I have installed both kubuntu-restricted and flashplugin-installer.06:12
shadeslayerrhombus: can you find where libflashplayer.so lives?06:13
shadeslayerthen copy that into /home/${USER}/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so06:13
rhombusshadeslayer: even if I can find it (haven't yet) -- isn't the package manager supposed to do this?06:14
shadeslayerI've never seen a package touch stuff in /home06:15
rhombusshadeslayer: see, on gentoo, when I do "emerge flashplayer", it installs flash, and "it just works"(tm)06:15
shadeslayeryou can do a dpkg -S libflashplayer.so06:15
rhombusshadeslayer: my point was more that it should install it globally and it should just work06:15
shadeslayerrhombus: it does install it globally06:15
shadeslayerbut by copying over the lib you're overriding the binary, I just want to make sure the problem is with the library06:16
shadeslayerand not with the install06:16
rhombusshadeslayer: "dpkg-query: no path found matching pattern *libflashplayer.so*."06:17
shadeslayerI don't think you have flash installed then :P06:17
hateballjust remove flashplugin-installer and grab it again06:18
shadeslayerrhombus: http://archive.canonical.com/pool/partner/a/adobe-flashplugin/adobe-flashplugin_11.2.202.238.orig.tar.gz06:18
rhombusshadeslayer: muon software center says "flashplugin-installer - status: installed"06:18
hateballinstalling it again should pull it down properly and install it globally06:18
rhombushateball: remove how? By clicking Remove in muon?06:18
shadeslayerrhombus: that's fine, flashplugin installer pulls another tarball06:18
shadeslayerthe one I just linked above06:19
rhombushateball: I think I have done this four times now06:19
hateballrhombus: I see06:19
shadeslayerrhombus: download http://archive.canonical.com/pool/partner/a/adobe-flashplugin/adobe-flashplugin_11.2.202.238.orig.tar.gz > extract to /home/${USER}/.mozilla/plugins/06:19
rhombusshadeslayer: are we doing that for diagnostic purposes?06:19
shadeslayermore or less, yes06:19
shadeslayershould solve the flash issue you have06:20
rhombusshadeslayer: well06:20
rhombusshadeslayer: actually, I would like to find out why this doesn't simply work through the package manager06:20
* shadeslayer is trying out flashplugin-installer himself atm06:20
shadeslayerrhombus: yeah, looking at that06:20
rhombusshadeslayer: ok, kubuntu is on another machine -- how do I find that tarball you just cited? just go to archive.canonical.com?06:21
shadeslayerrhombus: apt-get just spit that url out, but yes, you can just go to archive.canonical.com/pool/partner/a06:22
rhombusshadeslayer: ok, done06:22
shadeslayerand it seems like dpkg doesn't track libflashplayer.so06:22
rhombusshadeslayer: and java doesn't work in firefox either06:23
shadeslayerright, let's get flash figured out first06:23
shadeslayerplease restart ff06:23
rhombusshadeslayer: ok, thanks. downloading it.06:23
shadeslayerrhombus: check if you have /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so06:24
shadeslayerthat's where it installed stuff for me06:24
rhombusshadeslayer: ok, for starters, there is no .mozilla/plugins directory.06:25
hateballPer default you need to symlink that to the Firefox plugin-dir, which update-alternatives should do if it's properly installed06:25
shadeslayerrhombus: ok, make one06:25
shadeslayerhateball: indeed06:25
shadeslayerinfact there's a script to do that06:25
* hateball hasnt actually used flashplugin-installer in years tho, due to running 64-bit java and despising nspluginwrapper06:25
hateballerr, flash.06:26
rhombusshadeslayer: there is a /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer directory containing a single file, the executable install_plugin06:26
shadeslayerclearly something went horribly wrong06:27
shadeslayerrhombus: you can call that script to install flash to a system location by passing the downloaded tarball as a argument06:27
rhombusshadeslayer: ok, before we proceed here, what is actually supposed to happen here?06:28
shadeslayerrhombus: ideally, apt-get install flashplugin-installer which ( I think ) has a postinst script that downloads and installs flash06:28
rhombusshadeslayer: so, said script either didn't run, or is broken.06:29
shadeslayermost likely the former06:29
shadeslayerit worked for me06:29
rhombusshadeslayer: so, to do this manually, I run it from the command line with the tarball as the argument?06:29
shadeslayerrhombus: I believe so06:30
shadeslayerso something like : sudo /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/install_plugin /path/to/flash06:30
rhombusshadeslayer: path to flash.tar.gz, or path to flash.so?06:31
rhombusshadeslayer: because now I am getting this error: "Installing from local file adobe-flashplugin_11.2.202.238.orig.tar.gz ... cp: cannot stat 'adobe-flashplugin_11.2.202.238.orig.tar.gz': No such file or directory06:32
rhombuswhich is clearly wrong -- the file is right in front of me06:32
shadeslayerrhombus: can you copy the tarball to /var/cache/flashplugin-installer06:32
jussi64 bit with a 32bit plugin?06:33
rhombusshadeslayer: is that a directory, or a file?06:33
shadeslayerrhombus: directory06:33
rhombusshadeslayer: ok, done06:33
shadeslayerrhombus: and try giving the absolute path06:33
rhombusshadeslayer: ok, that seemed to work, it says "Flash Plugin installed."06:35
shadeslayerrhombus: what does ls -l /etc/alternatives/mozilla-flashplugin say?06:35
rhombusshadeslayer: and after restarting ff, it shows up in the plugins.06:36
shadeslayeronto java06:36
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.06:36
rhombusshadeslayer: it points to /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so06:37
shadeslayeryou want the openjdk package06:37
shadeslayerrhombus: cool06:37
rhombusshadeslayer: ok, but what does it mean? (/etc/alternatives, I mean?)06:37
shadeslayerrhombus: I can only explain with a example :P06:38
rhombusshadeslayer: and believe me, I have installed openjdk already -- same song and dance as with the flash plugin. what in blazes is wrong with this system?06:38
shadeslayerrhombus: do you also have the icedtea plugin?06:38
rhombusshadeslayer: oh wait, I aborted the install. Hang on, let me try this again06:39
rhombuswhile we are waiting, why didn't the flash install just work with muon?06:41
shadeslayerI can't say06:41
shadeslayerentirely possible that the internet connection dropped, tarball was corrupted etc06:42
hateballa simple timeout error on the mirror will break it06:43
rhombusshadeslayer: yeah, but four times? and shouldn't it report when there's an error?06:43
hateballbut removing the installer and installing it again should trigger the script properly, so that's weird06:43
rhombuson java front: java appears to be installed06:44
shadeslayerrhombus: it does report a error, however it's a script, so ouput is redirected to stdout06:44
rhombusis there a page I can visit to test that?06:44
shadeslayerrhombus: icedtea plugin as well?06:44
rhombusshadeslayer: considering how slick ubuntu usually is, that's weak06:44
rhombusshadeslayer: yeah -- in fact, that's what I installed, and I just let muon pull the dependencies06:45
shadeslayergo to about:plugins and check there first06:45
shadeslayerthen : http://www.java.com/en/download/testjava.jsp06:45
shadeslayerrhombus: it works perfectly on my machine06:46
shadeslayer( flash installer )06:46
rhombusshadeslayer: IcedTea-Web Plugin (using IcedTea-Web 1.2 (1.2-2ubuntu1.2))06:46
rhombusshadeslayer: ok, "Your Java is working" -- that took forever, but it is working06:46
rhombusshadeslayer: is there a sun, er, oracle jdk package for kubuntu?06:47
shadeslayerrhombus: no, they removed sun/oracle stuff from the archives06:47
rhombusshadeslayer: in gentoo you just have to pre-fetch the installer, then run "emerge sun-jdk"06:47
shadeslayerprimarily because Oracle doesn't want to support java on linux and it's full of security holes06:48
rhombusshadeslayer: huh? that's insane -- java is a multiplatform development language by definition06:48
rhombusshadeslayer: and the linux support of a number of major vendors totally depends on java06:49
shadeslayer"Oracle, in retiring the ‘Operating System Distributor License for Java’, means Canonical no longer have permission to distribute the package."06:49
shadeslayerrhombus: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/12/java-to-be-removed-from-ubuntu-uninstalled-from-user-machines/06:49
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rhombusshadeslayer: I think they just want everybody to go to them directly06:49
shadeslayerdunno, that article says that Oracle is moving to openjdk themselves06:50
shadeslayerI don't install java because it's a high security risk ( note the recent slew of exploits that have been found )06:51
jussithats oracle jave, of course you can install the openjava06:51
rhombusjussi: they've been pretty good about releasing fixes fast06:54
rhombusjussi: but you're right, that shouldn't happen06:55
jussirhombus: this is beginning to get off topic for a support channel, perhaps we can move over to #ubuntu-discuss if you want to talk further?06:55
tsimpsonwe have a perfectly capable (and unused) offtopic channel, you know ;)06:56
rhombusshadeslayer: so, now that I have installed flash manually, does that mean I also have to uninstall it manually should that be required?06:59
shadeslayerrhombus: nah06:59
shadeslayerwhen you remove it apt should remove it automagically07:00
Smurphy*should* :}07:00
vsraoI get a dialog with, 'Remember this for future connections?' each time I sign into my Google account with telepathy. How do I fix this?07:00
rhombusSmurphy: yeah, that was my thought, too :)07:02
shadeslayervsrao: make sure you don't have empathy stuff installed07:12
shadeslayeriirc it takes over ssl cert auths and shows you that dialog07:12
vsraoshadeslayer: Ah, you're right. I'll remove that now.07:12
vsraoYup. Fixed it.07:14
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dahzlohi, will kde 4.9 will ever be released on kubuntu 12.04 LTS in the main ports? (or just kubuntu 12.10)09:42
tsimpsonI doubt it, only bug fixes go into an LTS release09:44
tsimpsonbut #kubuntu-devel is the place to get an authoritative answer09:44
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phoenix_firebrdHello everyone12:21
BluesKajHiyas all12:40
monkeyjuicehowdee BluesKaj12:40
BluesKaj'morning monkeyjuice12:40
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phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: hi12:53
BluesKajhi phoenix_firebrd12:55
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monkeyjuiceok im here ;)13:36
BluesKajmonkeyjuice, sudo fdisk -l ?13:36
BluesKajaren't most usb devices hotpluggable13:39
monkeyjuicewere is  pastebin ?13:40
shadeslayermonkeyjuice: paste.ubuntu.com13:40
BluesKajor pastebin.com13:41
monkeyjuice;) new installs gesh13:41
BluesKajmonkeyjuice, try unplugging the drive and reconnecting while the pc is still booted13:43
monkeyjuiceum like when the sytem is booting up?13:43
BluesKajnope , like now13:43
monkeyjuicehave done  that13:44
monkeyjuicea few times13:44
monkeyjuicehmmm guess ill try my desktop and see13:45
BluesKajodd , that it doesn't show13:46
monkeyjuicehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1185769/   dmesg13:47
monkeyjuicesomething is failing13:48
monkeyjuiceso much for baking up data ack13:52
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monkeyjuicewell dang 11.10 connected to it now 12.04 will not , trying desktop13:56
AltazimuthHow do I make Kubuntu use the intergrated graphics card rather than dedicated (to conserve power)? No amount of googling has helped.14:07
BluesKajAltazimuth, dedicated , pci card ?14:09
AltazimuthI want to not use the dedicated. Want to use the intergrated on my i7-3610QM14:10
AltazimuthThe dedicated is a whole different can of worms.14:11
* Altazimuth shakes fist angrily at NVIDIA14:12
BluesKajok , is the dedicated a pcci card ..I'm tryin to determine whether you use a dual gpu graphics system like some laptops14:12
AltazimuthI'm running Kubuntu on a laptop.14:13
AltazimuthIt's a PCIe card14:14
AltazimuthGeForce GT 650M14:14
BluesKajAltazimuth, save power ? ...how much do really think it will save ?14:15
* Altazimuth shrugs14:15
BluesKajyou can change the default card in the bios14:15
BluesKajif you insist on it14:15
AltazimuthIt's also loud at certain points.14:16
BluesKajmiy elcheapo nvidia 8400gs tends to run noisy at times too, and it is annoying , but I'm connected to plasma tv via dvi so i need it14:17
AltazimuthMine is for use in class14:17
AltazimuthI'd prefer the sound of the fan not bothering my peers.14:17
BluesKajintersting such a card is installed in a laptop ...must be a higher end model14:18
AltazimuthYeah, set me back a reasonable amount.14:19
AltazimuthI wonder how much the sum of the parts would have cost in the US...14:19
RamchandraApte_ot:my intel hd graphics plays doom 3 and tremulous quite fine (30 fps @ more difficult scenes)14:20
AltazimuthInitially it was for use for some programming contest, which I went to Mozzila offices for.14:20
AltazimuthBah, I'm blathering, you don't require these anecdotes.14:20
BluesKajyou could place some riser tabs on the bottom to lift the laptop up off the surface and have an airspace underneath to help the cooloing14:20
BluesKajerr cooling14:20
AltazimuthThere are some allready14:21
AltazimuthOh dear lord14:22
AltazimuthI booted Kubuntu and screen is flashing, now it's black with some random text up top14:22
Altazimuth"^[[" and now it's gone...14:22
RamchandraApte_did you press the arrow keys?14:22
RamchandraApte_left arrow becomes ^[[A i think14:23
AltazimuthGah, every single time I boot, KDE Daemon asks to open wallet.14:23
RamchandraApte_its harmless14:23
RamchandraApte_Altazimuth: its good for security14:23
AltazimuthI know.14:23
nishttal2hello ppl.. i just installed kubuntu on my 64 bit desktop with 4 identical monitors (Dell 2007 FP)14:28
nishttal23 of them are fine but the 4th has a random DPI setting...14:28
nishttal23 have  99x98 dpi and the 4th has 75x75... how can i fix this.. please help14:29
RamchandraApte_almost everybody uses "please help" please replace that with more info14:29
RamchandraApte_which graphics card14:29
nishttal2its Nvidia Quadro NVS 42014:30
nishttal2btw.. i have only seen this issue in KDE.. gnome,  unity, maya all run fine14:30
BluesKajnishttal2, check your graphics card settings , and system settings14:30
nishttal2BluesKaj: nvidia-settings shows the DPI numbers I just listed14:31
nishttal2but there is no way to change them14:31
nishttal2and i dont see any relevant options in the system settings either14:32
BluesKajsystem settings>application apperance>fonts>force dpi14:33
BluesKajit's a global setting14:33
nishttal2oh cool.. so i need to restart  kde now14:34
nishttal2BluesKaj: my current DPI is 99x98 dots per inch but in system settings its only letting me set 1 number14:37
RamchandraApte_ubuntu logo in unicode private section 14:37
RamchandraApte_look at it closely14:38
AltazimuthOdd, I removed a program but it still appears in kickoff, even though clicking it does nothing.14:38
nishttal2BluesKaj: you there?14:41
BluesKajRamchandraApte_, ubuntu logo in unicode private section ? , more detail pls14:42
RamchandraApte_just now i saw that the ubuntu logo is in the private section14:45
RamchandraApte_i saw in kcharselect14:45
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BluesKajnishttal2, that's odd , but of course i just use one large monitor , so the graphics card might be limiting the dpi , dunno for sure14:46
BluesKajRamchandraApte_, and how does that help ?14:46
RamchandraApte_bluesKaj: 'k sorry for posting in support channel (oops)14:48
BluesKajRamchandraApte_, I'm curious ..what was that about ?14:49
RamchandraApte_BluesKaj: the ubuntu logo is in the private section of unicode in the ubuntu font14:50
Altazimuth[](/twidurr)test 314:55
BluesKajthat RAM guy must be on ubuntu , i don't see anything of the sort in system settings/font management14:58
KaltazimuthIs there any way to stop the equal spacing down the bottom on startup? I much prefer everything being on the left. http://i.imgur.com/oH4Gz.jpg15:02
AltazimuthThe way it lays itself out just bugs me, averting it would be hince.15:09
16WAA2HEWKaltamizuth: i know15:10
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RamchandraAptepress the plasma config button in the panel15:11
RamchandraAptepress more settings15:11
BluesKajAltazimuth, add a taskbar15:11
AltazimuthAh, thanks.15:12
BluesKajor taskmanager , which is the proper term15:12
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BluesKajmydogsnameisrudy, how goes the USB drive connection ?15:22
mydogsnameisrudygot it on the desktop transfered from there15:31
BluesKajodd tho , mydogsnameisrudy . it should work , it's just a usb connection , that's pretty standard15:33
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: can you check a bug for me?15:35
BluesKajI connected my external drive by usb, unti I got the esata to sata cable with a new enclosure , and it worked , mydogsnameisrudy15:35
BluesKajhotpluggable and really fast too'15:35
BluesKajphoenix_firebrd, that depends15:36
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: are you running 12.10 with kde 4.9.0?15:36
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=23456415:36
ubottuKDE bug 234564 in widget-devicenotifier "device manager popup in the middle of a screen" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]15:36
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: i will paste the snap now15:37
BluesKajis kate segfaulting , phoenix_firebrd15:37
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: let me check15:37
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: ya15:37
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=305913 ?15:38
ubottuKDE bug 305913 in general "Kate crashes upon startup" [Crash,Resolved: duplicate]15:38
BluesKajdevicw notifier , correct ?15:38
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: ya15:39
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=305718    this is still open15:39
ubottuKDE bug 305718 in qt "Several applications crash in QtScript initialization [@__memcpy_sse2, QTJSC::JIT::privateCompileCTIMachineTrampolines]" [Crash,Unconfirmed]15:39
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: when you are checking about the device notifier, see to that it is hidden15:40
BluesKajyup , that's it phoenix_firebrd , the Qt script is failing ,,it's an upstream problem according to the devs and the bug isn't restricted to 12.10 or kde 4.915:42
BluesKajthe device notifier bug hasn't bit me yet , phoenix_firebrd15:42
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: is the device notifier icon showing in the system tray?15:43
BluesKajnope I always use auto15:43
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: hidden?15:44
BluesKajno phoenix_firebrd , auto , not hidden15:45
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: when you clicked the device notifier system tray icon was in showing in the system tray or you clicked the small up arrow and then clicked the device notifier icon there?15:46
BluesKajif you set the device notifier to auto in system tray settings /entry , the device notifier should be hidden until you insert a cd or hook up another device etc15:48
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: like this http://imagebin.org/227148  ?15:50
BluesKajphoenix_firebrd, this is what I have , http://imagebin.org/22714915:55
BluesKajphoenix_firebrd, , I prefer my system tray uncluttered15:57
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: In the snapshop shot you posted the device notifier is hidden, so it should show up when clicking the small arrow right of your volume control15:58
BluesKajyes , it does , so what's the problem ?15:59
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: when you click the device notifier from there it will show well above the system tray rather than sticking to it15:59
BluesKajit doesn't stay open here , if that's what you mean16:00
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: no where does the device notifier show16:01
BluesKajphoenix_firebrd, http://imagebin.org/22715016:04
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zhouxiukunPptpd I created on Ubuntu server, how to see connected users16:17
BluesKajzhouxiukun, ask in #ubuntu-server16:23
monkeyjuicezhouxiukun:  maybe  who16:25
dabauerhow do I use adobe reader???16:32
dabauerI have it open, but there is no way to opne a file16:32
bbeckdabauer: Why not use okular?16:35
dabauerWhat is OKULAR???16:44
OerHeksOkular = universal document viewer16:45
dabauerwhere do I get that at???16:46
OerHekstry muon softwarecentre?16:46
OerHeks.. i think it is installed standard.16:47
* OerHeks is hooked of Calibre16:48
iulian_Hello, can someone help me to kill process ?16:53
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: are you there?16:56
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phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: kate doesnt crash when i am a new .kde in the home folder.17:05
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: I upgraded my system from 12.04 to 12.10, so the old configs might be the problem17:06
phoenix_firebrdGoing for dinner, bbl17:06
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BlaXpiritHello. KDE 4.9 introduced a new feature that's really bugging me. In Dolphin the current directory changes according to current directory in the F4 terminal panel. And that adds lots of bugs as the directory in terminal also syncs with the current directory in Dolphin!19:29
BlaXpiritThe first of them is that when terminal panel is on, the symlinks are resolved (because bash does that probably), an effect I don't want.19:29
BlaXpiritAnd the second is, there can be conflicts when I change between left and right panels rapidly: the directories get messed up because there is some delay with the syncing.19:29
FloodBotK1BlaXpirit: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:29
BlaXpiritSo... what can I do about this? Is there a setting that I missed? Or maybe it's possible to make Bash not follow symlinks at least?19:30
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BluesKajhey BarkingFish , LTNS :)20:27
BarkingFishBluesKaj :)20:27
BarkingFishHiya dude, how's things going?20:27
BluesKajoh , recovering from labour day , yesterday20:30
BluesKajholiday here20:30
BarkingFishah.  I'm recovering from a week of fun :)  I moved to Germany last Monday, Tuesday we had a bomb blown up about 2.5 miles from my new house, wednesday to sunday I was decorating, yesterday out for a medical, and today I've just been relaxing.20:31
BarkingFishand I have an exam tomorrow which I'm nervous as hell about. I know I'll pass it, but it's damn hard.20:32
BluesKajBarkingFish, I saw news report about the bomb with video showing the explosion , scary stuff20:34
BarkingFishyeah - that is about 3 miles or so from the hospital i'm going to be working at :)20:34
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BluesKaji thought you worked for wikiimedia, BarkingFish20:36
BarkingFishno, i don't work for Wikimedia. I have a Wikimedia cloak because I work on multiple wikis, wiktionary, wikipedia, wikibooks, etc - so I got one to cover the whole spectrum :)20:37
BluesKajok , understood20:38
BluesKajBarkingFish, what's the hospital connection , if you don't mind my curiosity ?20:42
BarkingFishBluesKaj, I qualified some years ago as a Paramedic - back in April/May of this year, I went to Germany to do a month long observer placement at a Children's hospital in Munich - I wound up working with them, not just observing.20:43
BarkingFishWhen I finished my placement, they offered me a job working as a Children's emergency paramedic.20:43
BluesKajcool , helping others for living , good stuff !20:44
BarkingFishYeah - the clinic is actually attached to a University - Ludwig Maximillians Universität.  It's basically what we call a "poly-clinic", but I'm going to be attached to the Kindernotarzt on the children's hospital side.20:46
BarkingFishWhat we basically do is run a doctor lead emergency service to seriously ill kids across the whole Munich region20:47
BluesKajhow's your deutsch ... must be good20:48
hazardzHello everyone :)20:49
BarkingFishi'm not bad, but i still have a lot of medical level german to learn.20:49
BarkingFishuntil I'm up to scratch, I have to go out double crewed, with an english speaking doctor.20:49
BluesKajI can imagine ...dad spoke some german , he found it hard to learn20:50
BluesKajand his native tongue was swedish :)20:50
BarkingFishmy german isn't so bad - I'm capable of quite advanced conversation, but when it comes to passing information over the phone when we forward call a hospital, that'll be a different matter.20:51
BarkingFishthat's where it starts to get complicated, handovers at emergency departments, taking vital signs, etc20:51
BluesKajcolloquialisms etc20:52
BluesKajhazardz, this is a support chat btw ..we're a bit offtopic here20:53
BluesKajatm at least20:54
hazardzYeah I know But I was going to ask if I could help some people with questions?20:54
BluesKajppl usually ask , then we answer if we can help20:55
BarkingFishsure.  It's not a problem if you want to help - others ask, and anyone who knows the answer can step in and help them20:55
hazardzOkay thanks20:55
hazardzDo any of you guys know when the KDE 4.9.1 SC will be released into the kubuntu backports PPA?20:58
BluesKajhazardz, dunno for sure,  Riddell said it was out , but he didn't specify where21:01
BluesKajmaybe someone's ppa21:01
hazardzI have looked around and i have found the source code and I could compile it but have no clue where to start.21:01
nafgKubuntu seems to be really horrible at handling dual monitor configuration changes21:02
hazardzIn which way do you mean the resolutions not being correct?21:03
nafghazardz: For one thing, when I unplug the monitor (from my laptop), it should send windows that were on it onto the remaining display.21:03
nafgNot only does it not do that, but despite recognizing that it was unplugged, it still allows the mouse to go where the monitor was.21:04
nafgAnother thing, when I reboot, the monitor tray icon has all the check boxes backwards.21:04
nafgFor instance "unify displays" is unchecked, but it starts up with the same thing on both screens.21:05
nafgDitto for "primary display"21:05
BluesKajhazardz, if you're into bleeding edge , then install build-essentail and cmake , altho the make file will probly work with just the make command , the readme  and install textfiles in the extracted tarball can give the instructions you need to compile it21:05
nafgThen I gave up and clicked "configure." The second monitor's position was set to "clone of LVDS1"21:06
hazardztbh I can understand why the windows will go to the remaining monitor nafg what version of KDE are you using?21:06
nafgApparently that's different than "unify display"21:06
DF_Meyer_nafg: LightDM has some issues with external monitors. There is a fix for that. I also can move mouse off screen after unplugging my monitor. This does not occur under KDM. I have small but tolerable problems with resolution, windows not jumping to availabe screens and mouse and phantom screen syndrome.21:06
nafgOh I can understand it to --- it's simply a lack of action otherwise. But it should be smarter.21:06
hazardzblueskaj what do i need to donwnload to compile?21:06
nafgIt's really annoying, every time I want to move away from my desk, I have to move all the windows on all desktops to the right screen.21:07
hazardzYeah I dont use multiple monitors on my laptop i'll plug it into one of the monitors at college and see wht happens21:08
nafgLightDM is not installed21:08
nafgAlso sometimes unplugging it seems to crash KWin21:08
hazardzAre you using the defualt KDE login manager?21:08
nafgI recently did a fresh Kubuntu install21:08
BluesKajhazardz, yes you'll need to download the upgraded package then extract it , you said you found the source code , then it's probly in tar file21:08
DF_Meyer_nafg: Ah ok. Are you possibly using DisplayPort? What graphics card? What driver?21:09
nafgI believe Intel, but how do I verify?21:10
nafgWhat is DisplayPort?21:10
hazardzblueskaj the source doesn't appear to be a one tarball file as you can see in this link: http://kde.org/info/4.9.1.php   Is there a way around this?21:10
hazardznafg use kinfo21:10
hazardzthen look under graphics21:10
nafgYou mean KInfoCenter?21:11
hazardzyeah kinfocenter21:11
SIR_TacoI completely forgot that kinfo existed...21:11
hazardzI use it to check my intel card was :)21:12
nafgUnder OpenGL? Or?21:12
hazardzit shows alot of useful stuff tbh nafg yeah under the openGL21:13
nafgNot clear what I'm looking for21:13
BluesKajhazardz, not that know of , unless someone has a ppa with precompiled packages21:13
hazardznafg look under the openGL tab and then the section where it says "3D accelerator"21:14
nafgVendor is Intel Corporation21:14
nafgDevice is Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller21:14
nafg(Subvendor HP, Revision 07)21:14
hazardzSo you have an intel card. I have one too what are your resolutions?21:15
nafgLaptop  is 1280x80021:15
BluesKajuhoh kwin just crashed plasma21:15
nafgExternal is 1280x102421:15
nafgExternal is very old, laptop is somewhat old :)21:16
hazardzmine was new this yer core i3 anyway my resolution is 1766x768 mayybe try to keep both of the resolutions the same or have you tried that?21:18
hazardzblueskaj there are precompiled packages on http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/desktop/kde/kde4-guide.xml but it is for a different distro or doesn't that matter?21:19
BluesKajwell, now 12.10 with kde 4.9 with updates and upgrades as of today is becoming a bit shaky on my setup21:24
SIR_TacoBluesKaj: really? I haven't had a problem.... yet21:24
hazardzin which way?21:24
BluesKajsegfaults with kate in dolphin and kcmshell , and a few others ...I guess I should be chatting on my 12.04 install for a while21:26
hazardzBlueskaj I have KDE 4.9.0 But I have found a bug where the cursor icon doesn't bounce only deforms lie its trying to bounce and KDE 4.9.1 fixes this bug.21:26
BluesKajno point in reporting bugs , these seem to be all dupes21:27
hazardzI know I looked at the change log and it appears fixed in 4.9.1 accoring the the changelogs anyway.21:28
BluesKajhazardz, just don't use the bouncer notifier...I could never stand it :)21:28
SIR_Tacoit used to do that back in the day with older hardware anyway haha21:29
hazardzhaha i like it it looks cool apart from that and that the display brigness display pops up after every ogin unless you turn it off all is fine :)21:29
SIR_Tacoit was fun painting bouncing openoffice icon around the screen while you were waiting.... They should have called it a feature21:30
hazardzmine bounces for around 2-3 secs :D21:30
BluesKajSIR_Taco,  it is :)21:30
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hazardzI have recently switched from windows to linux Then i used windows 7 again and it felt so slow and clunky compared to KDE, kubuntu 12.0421:32
nafghazardz: What would you expect using the same resolution to solve?21:33
hazardznafg it might make the windows do what they are supposed to it was just an idea I dont use dual monitors21:34
BluesKajhazardz, actually the recent SP1 upgrade to W7 , made it a lot snappier , but i still use kubuntu 90% of the time ...I keep W7 around to stay familar with to help wife when her pc gets into trouble21:38
hazardzYeah I wanted to play games and use open source software and my windows 7 was really annoying I couldnt even play minecraft on the lowest settings about 20 FPS  so i nuked it and instaled kubuntu and havn't looked back and plus my games play better on minecraft medium to high setiing 60-30 FPS :D21:40
BluesKajhazardz, are they run on wine or are there native linux versions?21:41
BluesKaj< not a gamer21:42
SIR_Taconafg: I'm trying to find you a solution... but it seems most of what I'm finding is along the lines of "it's a bug / it's not fixed / it should be fixed / there's no one to fix it"21:42
hazardzMinecraft is a native .jar file and its the same on windows I have wine but for programs such as adobe photoshop cs5 and dreamweaver cs5 for college work.21:43
nafgSIR_Taco: I appreciate it21:43
hazardz@BlueKaj Minecraft is a native .jar file and its the same on windows I have wine but for programs such as adobe photoshop cs5 and dreamweaver cs5 for college work.21:45
BluesKajdinnertime ... BBL ...better stop fooling around with settings or kwin might crash again21:56
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SIR_Taconafg: unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a solution that I can find (which is odd)22:08

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