
=== Ursinha` is now known as Ursinha
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shadeslayerhi, lp keeps timing out when I retry a build04:41
wgrantshadeslayer: A depwait build?04:42
shadeslayerwgrant: yes, but I uploaded the dep04:42
wgrantshadeslayer: Right, it's already been retried by retry-depwait, but that script fails at transactions so it isn't committed yet04:43
wgrantShould commit in the next 10 or so minutes04:43
shadeslayerah ok04:43
shadeslayervery well, I shall wait :)04:44
wgrantshadeslayer: It started a few minutes ago04:51
shadeslayerwgrant: sawn :)04:51
MCR1Is there any good graphical bzr client available somewhere ?07:53
MCR1I tried bzr explorer, but it was quite buggy and slow - I need something like git-cola or qgit, just for bzr. Any tips ?07:54
tsimpsonMCR1: qbzr07:55
MCR1Currently I am misusing launchpad, because of the nice diff representation there...07:56
MCR1tsimpson: /me is trying that, but he remembers last time he tried there were problems...07:56
tsimpsonI haven't had much issue with it, but then I rarely ever use it...07:59
MCR1tsimpson: Yes. The problems are - I have qbzr installed, but all its commands do not work.07:59
MCR1tsimpson: All I get: qdiff: command not found08:00
=== czajkowski changed the topic of #launchpad to: Help contact: czajkowski | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
MCR1tsimpson: The same goes for all of the qbzr commands listed in the description...08:00
tsimpsonqdiff (and the other commands) are bzr commands, so you need "bzr qdiff ..." etc08:01
MCR1tsimpson: Thanks a lot :)08:01
* MCR1 tries08:01
maxb'bzr qlog' is the most awesome history browser I've seen for any of bzr/hg/git08:02
tsimpsonyeah, especially when viewing merges08:02
MCR1tsimpson: Exactly what I was looking for :)08:03
MCR1...although it currently hangs here (Quantal)08:04
MCR1a ton of these: (python:32483): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_widget_style_get: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed08:06
MCR1and a grey hanging qbzr window :(08:06
tsimpsonI think that's probably a PyQt bug08:08
MCR1maxb: I like cola-git in combination with qgit for git projects most. cola-git is great for viewing live diffs and commiting, pushing and so on while the history functions of qgit are awesome as well.08:09
maxbMaybe the git world has more to offer than I've experienced - I've only used gitk08:10
MCR1tsimpson: Yeah, probably :P. I noticed a few troubles with old soft on Quantal...08:10
MCR1tsimpson: Trimage Image Compressor for example also fails to open on Quantal.08:11
* MCR1 should probably file bug reports...08:13
hallino1Are there channel of it's here for say problem on openid login for drupal 7?12:12
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Darxuslp:spamassassin import was broken for ~7 months (bug 958719), it was changed to Fix Released 9 hours ago, and I kicked off an import shortly after that.16:49
ubot5Launchpad bug 958719 in Launchpad itself "apache svn imports are failing" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95871916:49
DarxusIt failed with a timeout 8 hours later, which I believe is a different problem?16:49
Darxus( https://code.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/spamassassin/trunk )16:51
DarxusThere was a very similar problem in October when a machine doing the import didn't have any caches:  https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/17659316:52
mgzlooks like it was just taking a long time to import from scratch16:55
Darxusmgz: Right.  What is the solution?16:56
DarxusI think it normally takes just several minutes to download via svn.  Don't know what else is being done with it in that process that might make it take hours.16:57
mgztook about 30 mins for revs 0-1000 and about 45 mins for revs 8000-9000, and there are 42000 total revs16:58
mgzbut apart from being too slow, nothing seems abnormal16:58
mgznot sure if russkaya is a particularly wimpy box16:59
mgzjelmer: ^any suggestions for code imports of big svn branches?16:59
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=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
DarxusHe's actually the creator of this import.17:28
jelmermgz, Darxus: not really17:37
jelmerwe'll have to do a manual run without timeout I suspect17:37
jelmerfor it to catch up17:37
ahasenackhi, did something break in merge proposals? I can't ask for a second reviewer for my proposal18:10
ahasenackI click request, fill in, it finds the group, I click select, the overlay vanishes and nothing else happens18:10
ahasenackI reloaded the page already18:10
ahasenackand just checked, I have this in my javascript console:18:11
ahasenack /+combo/rev15901/?lp/code/branchmergeproposal.reviewcomment-min.js&lp/code/branchmergeproposal.status-min.js&lp/app/comment-min.js&lp/code/branchmergeproposal.updater-min.js&lp/code/branch.revisionexpander-min.js:13Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'get' of null18:11
karnisinzui: Hi! Any idea why the product release finder doesn't work for me :( ? https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone-android-files/trunk18:54
karniFile is hosted at http://people.canonical.com/~karni/android/u1f18:55
karniSince Aug 22nd. Release URL pattern is: http://people.canonical.com/~karni/android/u1f/u1f-1.*google.apk18:55
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Darxusjelmer: Can you do that?  Or should I open a question about it?19:52
sinzuikarni, sorry about the delay. I just put your pattern into the dev site and I see the file name is not understood: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1186439/20:06
karnisinzui: ouch. How can I fix the file names? Replace dashes with underscores maybe? (and thank you for looking into that!)20:07
sinzuiI think it hates -google.apk. The finder was designed to support debian20:07
sinzuiI am hacking the rules now to see how to support the names you have20:08
sinzuikarni, it was 'apk'20:09
karnisinzui: oh.. that sucks :<20:10
sinzuikarni, I can land a fix today. It will be in production in the next 3 days20:10
karnisinzui: Fantastic \o/ Thank you :)20:10
sinzuikarni, are there any other extensions that we need to support?20:10
karnisinzui: I don't think we can distribute our iOS apps that way, so no, thank you. apk should make me happy :)20:11
karnisinzui: Do you know who could I talk to about supporting other file formats for LP translations?20:13
sinzuikarni, jtv is the last person left to have worked on translations. He works Asian and European times20:15
karnisinzui: Cool, thank you!20:16
sinzuikarni, Is "google" a part of the version?  You have "google" in "u1f-1.2.4-google.apk' that implies it is a version, but many packages use the position to also mean OS as in "win32" or "OSX".  If it is OS, shouldn't the OS be android, not google?20:39
karnisinzui: we have google, vodafone and amazon as vendors. But if it's easier for you, I could move it to the left of version numbers.20:40
Darxusjelmer: There has been a successful import of lp:spamassassin.20:40
karnisinzui: It theoretically is, because different vendors have some restrictions, thus 1.2.4-google and 1.2.4-vodafone are different. Anyhow, I don't mind making it u1f-google-1.2.4.apk20:40
MCR1Jenkins has no drive space left ? : https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/automerge-compiz-core/120/console20:40
sinzuikarni, okay, I will treat is as version, so you will see miletones names 1.2.4-google20:41
karnisinzui: 1 sec20:41
karnisinzui: Because I only publish google apk's on LP, and there's no reason to include the google name in the milestone, I would actually prefer to make it u1f-google-1.2.4.apk20:42
karnisinzui: Would that create a 1.2.4 milestone?20:42
* sinzui checks20:42
sinzuikarni, yes that finds 1.2.420:43
karnisinzui: Awesome! Please make it that way then :) I would appreciate. I will rename these files to u1f-vendor-version.apk20:43
sinzuiI am committing now20:43
karni\o/ Thank you, sinzui20:44
karniRenamed the hosted file.20:45
jkylehow can I drill down to a specific revision in a project?20:59
sonnHi all22:09
sonnDoes anyone know how to change the contributor of a language translation?22:17
micahgwhat's the + URL to see team invites?23:01
wgrantmicahg: +invitation23:02
micahgwgrant: thanks23:02
micahghrm, I'm getting nothing...23:03
TheLordOfTimemicahg:  you sure its an invite, and not a group add?23:03
micahgLP says it's an invite23:04
wgrantmicahg: What was the URL in the email?23:04
micahgI didn't get the e-mail23:04
micahgah, I see, the team has no admins, only owners...23:05
micahgwgrant: is that a bug that owners can't accept invites?23:05
wgrantmicahg: Ah, it's ~person/+invitation/team23:05
wgrantRather than the logical ~team/+invitation/person23:05
micahgah, I can do it now, thanks23:06
wgrantUm, obviously they're both teams, but person == new member23:06
sonnHi wgrant23:07
sonnDo you know how to change the contributor of a language translation?23:07
wgrantWhat do you mean?23:07
wgrantThe contributors are the people who have contributed.23:08
wgrantIt can't be directly changed.23:08
sonnI have imported a .po language pack for someone.23:08
sonnI had change the translator team fields in the po file23:09
sonnHowever, after importing, it says that I am the contributor for this langpack23:09
sonnNow I would change this to the owner23:10
wgrantI'm not sure if that's possible23:10
wgrantI don't know much about Translations23:10
sonnCan you delete the language pack, then I can ask the owner to import it by himself?23:11
sonnWho else should I ask for?23:12
wgrantIt may be better to ask when Europe is awake23:12
sonnthanx wgrant23:13

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