
homebrewciderHi, I can't install a program in lubuntu as I have no adminstrator rights, I entr my password at the prompt but I keep getting told it is wrong07:30
homebrewcidercan anyone help07:31
bioterrorcan you login with that password?07:31
bioterrorit's hard to install anything without admin rights07:33
homebrewciderfixed that one myself07:51
bioterrorhomebrewcider, what was the problem, then?07:54
homebrewciderwrong mode, fixed it with pkexec after MUCH googling07:55
homebrewcideronto the next problem now07:55
homebrewciderthat is , I can ping the lubuntu machine form another machine on the network, but can't see it by Krusader or VNC07:56
kanliothomebrewcider, did you install file sharing and vnc server?07:58
homebrewciderI can log in via putty07:59
homebrewciderobviously not haha07:59
homebrewciderlubuntu comes real "light" doesn't it07:59
homebrewciderthat's the whole point I suppose07:59
kanlioti'm writing a wiki on lubuntu, there's a partial guide on vnc here08:01
kanliotam not sure if it's up to date08:01
kanliotin terms of file sharing, you have 2 options.  Samba, and NFS, use whichever is easier08:01
homebrewciderwell I'm gonna need NFS anyway08:02
homebrewciderno joy with vnc yet08:06
homebrewcideron the computer I am talking to yu on, not the one with lubuntu on (from where I want to access lubuntu) I have used vnc before to access the previious operating system on what is now the lubuntu computer (if that makes sense) so I assume everything there is okay08:09
homebrewciderreading that back, that makes no sense08:09
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:11
homebrewcidertrying to word it properly, here goes08:12
homebrewciderhow can I test port 22, I see that mentioned a lot08:14
homebrewciderto check if it is "open"08:15
kanliotwhat's port 22 used 408:15
homebrewciderthe guide you linked to me mentioned to set up forwarding for that port08:16
kanliotwell i didn't read it08:16
kanliothave you installed any firewall software on lubuntu, and how many routers/firewalls are between you and your lubuntu pc08:17
homebrewciderjust a network switch08:18
kanliotso 008:18
homebrewciderthe last question I asked was how I can check port 2208:37
kanliotno need 2 but if you really want to check i can help08:39
kanliotyou want?08:40
homebrewciderif there is no need, then no09:03
kanliotnext oversensitive user please09:07
jamantaim having troble with lubuntu systray if anyone wants to help14:22
jamantawhen pc starts i have an error saying:hplib no systray detected14:23
jamantai tried to reinstal the lxpanel14:26
jamantano idea what to do, im new to this system14:27
jamantacant find documentation14:27
jamantaany ideas?14:28
wowtisHello, how can I make LXDE look good?14:47
holsteinwowtis: good is a matter of opinion... if you have specific needs, we can help! most folks appreciate the minimal look and feel of LXDE... if minimal is not your goal, you might want to try another environment14:48
holsteini find when most folks "trick-out" LXDE, it can feel heavy again14:48
wowtisNo, I like LXDE minimal, just need a way to "spice it up" a bit.14:48
wowtisIt looks a bit plain atm.14:49
holsteinwowtis: sure.. just ask14:49
holsteinwowtis: just ask what you are looking for.. "i would like to run these icons in LXDE" for example14:50
jamantaim having troble with lubuntu systray if anyone wants to help14:51
wowtisDoes conky work well with LXDE?14:51
holsteinwowtis: should be fine.. ive used it in LXDE with no issues14:51
wowtisAnyone have a config I can use?14:52
holsteingnome look has themes for LXDE http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=14667414:52
holsteinwowtis: theres a default config14:53
wowtisAh, cool.14:53
holsteinjamanta: just ask... with issues like that, i typically create a new user and log in as that new user to help troubleshoot... if the issue is not there are the new user, the i know the issue is like in the user specific config14:54
wowtisIS LXDE written in C?14:56
holsteinwowtis: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LXDE says it is... its open, so you can look and see for yourself14:57
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silverarrowwhat is terminal emulator in lxde?18:57
wxlsilverarrow: lxterminal18:57
silverarrowI`m outsmarted by spambot questions lol18:58
silverarrowI have now registered for the lxde forum18:58
silverarrowperhaps somone there knows about battery indicator18:59
holsteinsilverarrow: for ppc?18:59
holsteini would say that.. there might be some different powermanagement hardware in action there18:59
silverarrowI have googeling up and down the web, but cannot find any good info19:00
silverarrowwhat is the easymode application launcher in lxde?19:09
holsteinsilverarrow: easymode?19:17
holsteinsilverarrow: http://wiki.lxde.org/en/LXLauncher19:18
holsteinlike a netbook type thing...19:19
silverarrowI still hope someone fixes gecko mplayer for powerpc19:26
holsteinsilverarrow: no one is going to fix anything for PPC19:26
silverarrowthey really should19:27
holsteinyou could get into it and likely help maintain the community supported version19:27
wxli wouldn't say nobody19:28
silverarrowI am not clever enough19:28
wxlbut it's not a high priority19:28
silverarrowI was told to install debian and make bug reports there19:29
silverarrowthey have a few on their team still testing fairly well for powerpc19:29
wxli don't know that i entirely agree with that. it can't hurt, i guess, but really anything that requires upstream changes should be pushed upstream once it hits launchpad.19:29
holsteinsilverarrow: thats a great place to start... there is no offical ubuntu ppc19:29
silverarrowif packages are fixed there, they would most likely be fixed for lubuntu too19:30
wxllikely but not necessarily19:30
wxlthe ubuntu package management team would need to pick up the slack19:30
wxlon the other hand, if it's pushed by ubuntu in the first place, then they already know what's going on19:31
silverarrowI discovered there is quite a large aftermarked for powerpc laptops19:31
silverarrowbatteries, replacement chargers are still sold19:31
holsteinsilverarrow: you can buy legacy hardware.. thats not in the debate19:32
holsteinthe fact is, there is no offical ubuntu PPC19:32
holsteinapple is not supporting the OS that was released on that hardware anymore19:32
silverarrowthere are still updates arriving for tiger and leopard19:34
holsteinits not really ubuntu's place to provide replacement OS's for legacy hardware19:34
wxlsaying that it's not official does not mean it's not valid, though, or that no one cares19:34
holsteinthere are some distros like that though silverarrow19:34
holsteinsure.. its "valid" and you can support it19:34
holsteinits not going to ever be officially supported though19:34
wxlyou mean there's no reason to suspect it will be in the near future19:35
wxlunless you have powers of precognition that i lack19:35
silverarrowmost apps works fine19:35
wxli have the same problem with "officially supported" as i do with "lts." their meaning tends to be given a lot of weight, whereas in reality, they don't pack a lot of punch.19:36
silverarrowit`s media players in browser that needs constant finetuning to work19:36
holsteinsure, for me the punch is here.. if you want a dev to "fix" something, and its not officially supported, it wont be.. a community member will have to be motivated to "fix" it19:36
silverarrowyeah, I had the same issue with xfburn on regular pc19:37
wxloh i disagree with that, holstein. you forget that the devs are community members.19:37
holsteinsure.. but the ones getting paid are *not* going to fix anything PPC, unless they want to take free time and do it19:37
wxlthat much is true19:37
holsteinas a community member, and not an employee19:37
holsteinthey will not be paid to fix any PPC issues19:37
holsteinthey *can*, just like anyone can19:38
holsteinbut that community is getting smaller and smaller.. the ppc users19:38
silverarrowit was always very small to begin with19:38
silverarrowmost still use tiger and leopard19:38
silverarrowanyhow, I think I have found something for the battery indicator19:43
silverarrowppc support is a bit daft here19:44
silverarrow;- )19:44
silverarrowfor reboot and hopefully a working battery indicator19:47
silverarrowworking !!!19:51
silverarrowI think I have about 2-3 hours on the new battery19:51
silverarrowI have to note down the time more carefully19:52
silverarrowunfortunate thing is you have to stick to a distro for a while to get to know it, and make it work properly20:05
silverarrowat least for an amateur just wanting something different20:05
silverarrowif I switch to debian it will be all new20:16
silverarrowbut maybe interesting20:16
wxlsilverarrow: my experience was that mintppc is the only thing that works well.20:30
silverarrowit is?20:31
silverarrowI have read the mint ppc forum and hardly anything works there either20:31
wxlout of all of the "official" and unofficial ppc distros out there, it was the one that i found that worked the best.20:31
silverarrowI mean the main issue with ppc is media streams in browser, like youtube, online tv...20:32
wxli had no better luck with debian than i did with lubuntu.20:32
wxland i'm not referring to just media streams, but i mean EVERYTHING.20:32
silverarrowI know the older, and less specs than G4s have some trouble with graphics,20:33
silverarrowwith lubuntu at least, but it is a case of getting the right setting20:33
silverarrowI  have a ibook G420:33
silverarrowlow on specs too20:33
wxlpowerbook g4 here20:33
silverarrowwhich is better than the ibook20:34
silverarrowI have 1.42GHz cpu and 512MB RAM20:34
silverarrowI cannot make up my mind if it is worth getting more ram20:35
wxlimho hardware is no a problem20:35
wxlit's more an issue of software support for it20:35
zleapsilverarrow, depends on what you're running i guess20:35
silverarrowthere are at least three guys who swear by debian on G3 ppc20:35
silverarrowhowever I would happily try mintppc20:36
silverarrowwxl, you are in mintppc now?20:36
silverarrow512MB is not a lot at all, but monitoring in htp I can hardly push RAM much above 300MB20:37
silverarrowat least in lubuntu20:37
wxlsilverarrow: i'm on nothing. i could find no software that could really get the thing to function as a modern web browser. my intent was to give it to my daughter, but there's no way she's playing web games on a ppc.20:37
zleapraspberry pi seems to work well on 256,   running debian and lxde i think20:37
silverarrowwxl, true webgames would be an isse20:38
silverarrowmajor one20:38
wxlzleap: since you're jumping in here, i should warn you this is not necessarily a discussion of minimal hardware needed, but a discussion about ppc.20:38
silverarrowI don`t game much tough20:38
wxlwell if you want to do anything that's flash based, which is so much of the web these days…20:38
silverarrowmostly the ibook is for writing, it is still very nice there20:38
silverarrowtrue, every flash related package for ppc is broken20:39
silverarrowmozilla plugin for gnash20:39
silverarrowmini-tube crashes20:39
wxli tried them all myself20:40
wxlfor that matter i tried to get java to work too20:40
silverarrowmidori and gnash works20:40
wxleven going so far as jumping through the hoops to get ibm java20:40
silverarrowjava works fine here, with iced tea20:40
wxlit depends on what you're using20:40
wxlsmall apps, no problem20:40
silverarrowmy bank works, and what I have tested20:40
silverarrowjava test page runs fine20:41
silverarrowthere is a bank ID test that crashes in firefox20:42
silverarrowwhich it should not20:42
silverarrowcomes out fine in midori for some reason, and shows "you are running os x and safari"20:42
silverarrowwhich is a bit on the weird side20:42
silverarrowflash media streams needs fine tuning on each new release20:43
silverarrowpowerpc just don`t get the attention or even feed back to devs20:44
silverarrowsome really hate the idea of keep up powerpc20:44
bioterrormove to debian with the ppc20:45
silverarrowthey get annoyed20:45
bioterrorit might even have some interested users20:45
silverarrowlike bioterror,20:45
silverarrowI can feel his head getting red20:45
wxlthere are at least a few ppc testers of lubuntu20:45
silverarrowwxl, sounds promising20:46
wxland moreso, it seems that xubuntu and ubuntu ppc users are moving to lubuntu20:46
wxllubuntu is quickly becoming the de facto canonical distro for ppc20:46
silverarrowI though unity would be a bit too much for the old hardware20:47
bioterrorsilverarrow, nope, my head is not getting red20:47
silverarrowoh, it is the irritation of your heart perhas20:47
bioterrorI'm just pointing you to the right direction20:47
silverarrowyeah maybe20:47
silverarrowbut the other day I was described as ausitic wanting to keep the ibook alive with linux20:49
silverarrowdebian have the desktop with the mouse for ppc20:51
silverarrowthey have loads of builds, but as close to running out of the box option20:51

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