
=== jorge is now known as jcastro
JoseeAntonioRjcastro: test succeeded01:43
JoseeAntonioRhey! long time I haven't seen you over here01:43
jcastroI've been on vacation01:43
jcastrobut I start back up tomorrow01:43
snap-ljcastro: Are you back in MI?01:44
snap-lBecause if so, we have you signed up for the next 4 months of MUG. ;)01:44
snap-lmaking up for lost time01:44
jcastrosnap-l: yeah I'm back, not settled down yet though01:56
snap-lThat's OK.01:56
snap-lYou're totally signed up.01:57
snap-l(Though we'd love for you to talk if you're available)01:57
JoseeAntonioRwe also have onair for beta and final pending01:57
cjohnstonjcastro: !02:29
SergioMenesesJoseeAntonioR, great!02:29
mhall119run away02:29
SergioMeneseshello jcastro !02:29
nigelbHey jcastro02:48
cjohnstonnigelb: !02:50
nigelboh no!02:50
* nigelb hides02:50
dholbachgood morning07:02
philballewmorning dholbach07:03
dholbachhi philballew07:04
czajkowskimorning folks07:58
jcastrohey every body!13:06
mhall119hi doctor nick!13:06
dpmhey jcastro and mhall119 :)13:08
jcastroalright, finally all back together!13:08
dpmmhall119, I read the blog post, nice one!13:08
mhall119fun to see we made HackerNews too13:09
dpmmind you, the comments on ubuntu-devel were a bit more useful than the ones on HN :)13:09
* mhall119 isn't really surprised13:10
mhall119if only we can get on Slashdot, then we'll get useful, intelligent comments13:10
jcastromarcoceppi: dang, I didn't know omg started using cloudfront too13:38
marcoceppijcastro: yeah, they've been using that for a while13:38
marcoceppithat happened when they moved to Amazon RDS13:38
jcastroah, so for a while now then13:38
jcastroI wonder if the cut in page size will be offset by RDS costs.13:39
marcoceppiI don't think the page size has anything to do with RDS?13:39
jcastrono, but his bandwidth cost is lower13:39
jcastrohe went from like average page size of 2.1mb to like 900k13:39
jcastro"wooo, I cut my bandwidth bill in half! Doh, my db bill..."13:40
marcoceppijcastro: I guess any caching will cut down reads to the db, so probably13:40
marcoceppibut now you're paying for cloudfront, it's a double edged sword13:41
marcoceppiIIRC, you pay for the bandwidth out of cloudfront, but you always pay for the bandwidth cloudfront uses to pull the content from the server13:41
jcastroI was going to say, RDS is probably smart if you're caching a bunch and don't need to hit it13:41
jcastroI wonder if cloudfront is better for him than just using cloudflare for free13:42
jcastrowhich seemed to work fine13:42
jcastrobut shrug, if the new ads are bringing in more cash to offset it it's just a big-league bill.13:42
marcoceppijcastro: Now we need to get him to use the new WordPress charm ;)13:43
jcastrohas brandon been around lately?13:43
jcastroneed that nginx goodness too13:43
marcoceppijcastro: Haven't seen him recently, maybe on vacation13:45
cjohnstonjcastro: did you see the comments wondering how much a juju deployed WP was on EC2 a month?13:56
cjohnstonNot omg13:56
cjohnstonbut a normal one13:56
jcastro2 smalls or whatever?13:56
jcastrotoo much for a single person blog. :)13:56
dakerFYI: the email from canonical is marked as spam on gmail13:57
cjohnstonthat's what I thought13:57
cjohnstondaker: what mail?13:57
daker UDS sponsorship response13:57
SergioMenesesdaker, it is a massive email, i guess13:57
cjohnstonahh.. it was for me as well..13:57
dakerno SergioMeneses it's from invite@eventbrite.com13:57
czajkowskiit's coming from eventbite13:58
SergioMenesesdaker, ok13:58
czajkowskiso it's a lot of HTML if you have HTML turned on13:58
jcastromaybe we should tell people to check for that13:58
SergioMenesesczajkowski, hello! thanks for the information13:58
czajkowskihello my friend :) hows the arm SergioMeneses13:59
pleia2heh, yeah, it went to spam14:00
SergioMenesesczajkowski, better! I can use my hand now14:00
* czajkowski hugs pleia2 14:00
SergioMenesespleia2, \o14:01
* pleia2 hugs14:01
pleia2hey SergioMeneses :)14:01
czajkowskiSergioMeneses: this is good to hear!14:01
SergioMenesessure, I can work better now14:03
czajkowskiglad to hear it14:03
cjohnstonjcastro: I talked to Marianna and we are looking into it14:07
czajkowskicjohnston: I *think* there is a way to send text based only but it's by default HTML14:18
czajkowskithunderbird for me strips it out which makes reading it hard so I just turned on HTML and then all the links work14:18
cjohnston:-/  It's too late now unless she sends it out again.. I guess someone in Canonical knows alot about eventbrite so she is asking him his thoughts14:19
czajkowskiyou can resend stuff it's rather handy that way14:23
czajkowskibut that may confuse people14:23
cjohnstonHopefully something can be figured out14:23
* czajkowski loves eventbrite14:23
cjohnstonya.. agreed14:23
jcastroyeah it's nice to use eventbrite.14:31
jcastrocjohnston: an easy fix for next time is to mention that the invite will come from eventbrite in the application form14:32
cjohnstonSo I have to fix eventbrites failure?14:32
=== jorge_ is now known as jcastro
czajkowskicjohnston: it's not an eventbrite failure at all14:41
czajkowskijust people aren't used to it14:41
czajkowskiso hardly their fault14:42
cjohnstonI get plenty of HTML emails that don't go straight to spam... so what makes this one different14:42
czajkowskiit's a large mail I suspect14:43
czajkowskididnt go to my spam ac14:43
dholbachhey Jono14:57
jonohey dholbach14:58
jonowill be two mins and then will fire it up14:58
jonodholbach, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/68082924a69c7784ef98abbf1a39a35390ddc918?authuser=0&hl=en-US15:03
philballewjono, If I did not get uds sponsorship, do I get an email telling me I did not?15:18
jonophilballew, indeed15:19
philballewHum, alright. no email either way yet.15:19
cjohnstonphilballew: don't know if you saw the earlier conversation... make sure to check your spam folder15:19
philballewoh, odd cjohnston will do.15:20
czajkowskiespecially if you're using gmail it seems15:20
cjohnstonphilballew: gmail has been marking them spam15:20
czajkowskicjohnston: nice dekstop client works wonderfully well :p15:20
* cjohnston hates desktop clients15:20
philballewah, no email either way in spam or regular folder.15:21
philballewThey want to wait a while to deny me I see.15:21
jonodholbach, oops, was a bit trigger happy on the Exit buttonthere15:26
jononothing personal, lol!15:26
dholbachjono, I 'ate you!15:27
jonodpm, all set?15:27
dpmjono, yep!15:28
jonodpm, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/85ab0ca89b05f16b4029d212c4ed881d54e26831?authuser=0&hl=en-US15:28
mhall119running out to pickup some lunch, be back in a few15:37
cjohnstonHopefully mhall119 won't cause us any problems... http://www.wunderground.com/tropical/tracking/at201213.html16:02
dholbachI'll now go and catch the last rays of the sun in the park - see you tomorrow :)16:44
czajkowskitoodles dholbach16:45
dholbachbye :)16:45
balloonscjohnston, lol.. It's way too far out there16:53
jonoballoons, can we hop on a call?17:08
balloonsjono, yep17:09
jonoballoons, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/381937b83449c545de209780711f81d65a94674f?authuser=0&hl=en-US17:10
doctormotWhat time zone schedule is pitti on?17:40
jcastrogermany usually17:41
jcastro<--- lunch, bbi 1517:44
doctormotThanks jcastro, must be alseep atm.17:44
doctormotDoes anyone know of any other pygobject experts? got a problem.17:55
bkerensamhall119: so when I am trying to import the schematics of the mysql db its not doing anything.... I am unsure if this is a bug in the latest code base for kitsune because a RHEL use had the same issue the other day17:57
=== doctormot is now known as doctormon
czajkowskidoctormon: perhaps mail him, he's usuall good at gettin back to people17:57
mhall119doctormon: what's the problem?17:58
mhall119bkerensa: but no errors either?17:58
bkerensamhall119: none17:59
bkerensaand no output17:59
doctormonmhall119: Have a vala based Clutter Effect, but getting "must be called with BackgroundEffect instance as first argument" error in python.17:59
bkerensamhall119: If I setup you up a shell account with sudo might you have a peak?17:59
doctormonEven though the call is on the instance.17:59
mhall119bkerensa: I'm afraid I'd be no help, do the mozilla devs have any ideas?18:01
bkerensamhall119: I will ping them again since it was over the weekend18:02
mhall119doctormon: what's the class/method you're calling?18:03
czajkowskimhall119: https://plus.google.com/102921374554385564572/posts/1b1VBfGmjZL18:05
mhall119czajkowski: it is indeed a pugduck day18:05
czajkowskiit's epic :)18:05
=== forestpiskie is now known as elfy
doctormonmhall119: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~doctormo/csslavie/vala/files/head:/clutensions/ BackgroundEffect either set_background or set_border18:07
mhall119doctormon: and you're trying to use BackroundEffect from Python?18:11
doctormonmhall119: That's right18:11
doctormonvia GIR18:11
mhall119doctormon: sorry, thought maybe I'd be able to help, but that's beyond my GIR knowledge18:15
doctormonmhall119: Yeah, I need a level 20 gir wizard to cast this spell.18:16
doctormonThanks for your help :-)18:16
mhall119doctormon: does Effect provide a constructor?18:17
doctormonI thought so... but perhaps you've hit something, the guide I'm following is C based.18:17
mhall119according to the big or GIR parsing I've done, Effect inherets from ActionMeta, neither of which provide a constructor18:18
mhall119in fact, you have to go to subclasses of OffscreenEffect (itself a subclass or Effect) before I see any constructors18:18
mhall119for example, BlurEffect18:19
doctormonmhall119: You were right, adding a construct fixed the issue, although my painting isn't yet working.18:48
doctormonmhall119: Turns our your level 20 after all.18:48
mhall119heh, not hardly18:54
mhall119level 10, maybe, with a lucky roll18:54
* mhall119 makes an attempt at a DnD joke, though I don't know if that's how it actually works18:55
doctormonmhall119: http://docs.clutter-project.org/docs/clutter-cookbook/1.0/effects-basic.html Where in this code it talks about cb_background_effect_class_init with it replacing methods in the parent class.19:32
doctormonIs that something I should do in vala?19:32
mhall119doctormon: I'm not familiar enough with Vala to know for sure, but you may need separate constructor (new) and initializer (init) methods for your class19:39
mhall119oh wait, _class_init, that should probably done by Vala for you, since it has a proper concept of Classes19:41
doctormonmhall119: That's right, there is an init, but I'm worried about specifically the part where it's messing about with pre_paint19:49
mhall119doctormon: that looks like it's a C requirement, not something you'd need to do in Vala19:58
mhall119but again, I'm level 0 when it comes to Vala19:58
doctormonmhall119: It doesn't appear in the C output, and the pre_paint code is never called... suggesting a missing something.19:59
doctormonThanks for the help again, I'll check out #vala19:59
mhall119needs more /20:34
doctormonmhall119: I used the wrong method, I used new when I should have used override.20:45
cjohnstonneeds summit reviews20:45
mhall119czajkowski: do you know of anything weird with Launchpad's search functions?21:23
czajkowskiwhat do you mean weird and where ?21:24
mhall119trying to find people by name isn't giving me any results21:24
mhall119https://launchpad.net/+search?field.text=Michael+Hall&field.actions.search=Search for example21:24
czajkowskiis how you search for people21:24
mhall119ah, cool21:25
mhall119didn't know there was a separate place to search21:25
AlanBell2347 people called Alan \o/21:26
bkerensamhall119: I am pretty much giving up on this SUMO if I cannot get it sorted by friday23:01
bkerensaits been buggy so far23:01
bkerensaI have it up and running but login/registration is not working23:01
bkerensaand the Sumo Devs seem to have been re-assigned to new projects by Mozilla perhaps23:02
pleia2that is disappointing though23:04
bkerensapleia2: maybe I am just running into a roadblock23:04
bkerensacan u try and register?23:05
bkerensaIts not letting me login or do anything despite I see my user info in the MySQL table23:05
pleia2Access denied23:05
* bkerensa kills instance and rage quits23:06
dakerbkerensa: what's the problem ?23:06
pleia2daker: oh! I had a question23:08
dakerpleia2: which is ?23:08
pleia2for LTP, "make test" fails for me, but "make run" seems to do ok23:08
pleia2ERROR: testAdminIsATeamChecks (teams.tests.ACLChecksTestCase)23:09
pleia2Test if check for a more complicated LoCo Team setup works23:09
bkerensaI sorted it23:09
bkerensaI forgot to install memcached on the server23:09
dakeroh yeah i will check the tests pleia223:09
pleia2daker: thanks, just working out the last pieces for this blog post so I tried all the INSTALL instructions on a VM23:10
pleia2realized I never ran "make test" on my own23:10
bkerensapleia2: Best interface ever -> http://i.imgur.com/GQ5EM.png23:12
dakerpleia2: i am thinking of using vagrant, so people will have to download a VM, then vagrant will do the reset, and all you have to do is start coding, and you don't have to install anything on your system23:13
pleia2daker: oh, that'd be great23:13
dakerbkerensa: you are missing the media admin files23:14
bkerensadaker: hmm?23:15
dakerbkerensa: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/settings/#admin-media-prefix23:17
bkerensadaker: So kitsune is missing it?23:18
dakerbkerensa:* 404, so django diesn't where the media files are located23:21
dakerdoesn't know*23:22
dakerbkerensa: you can use python manage.py runserver --adminmedia=path_to_admin_media23:30
dakerit's something like /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/django/contrib/admin/media/23:30
mhall119bkerensa: that's sad to hear23:43
bkerensamhall119: I sorted it23:44
mhall119you did? what was the issue?23:44
bkerensaalthough they do need to improve their documentation23:44
bkerensamhall119: memcached23:44
mhall119memcached was blocking schema changes?23:44
bkerensamhall119: oh that is a bug23:45
ubot2`Mozilla bug 788355 in Code Quality "Add Announcements Gives Error" [Normal,Unconfirmed: ]23:48

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