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FourDollarsHi, how do I push an new package into Ubuntu precise-updates ?03:17
FourDollarsIs https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports ?03:17
micahg!sru | FourDollars03:19
ubottuFourDollars: Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates03:19
FourDollarsmicahg: thanks03:19
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pittiGood morning04:56
ajmitchmorning pitti04:57
pittiwgrant: ah, yay duplication :) well,  it wasn't much lost06:10
wgrantIndeed, there's not a huge amount of code to either of them :)06:10
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RAOFpitti: Hey, how do you unwrite a bugpattern? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/chromium-browser/+bug/929219 is accidentally snaffling lots of dbus crashes.07:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 929219 in gwibber (Ubuntu Precise) "chromium-browser, gvfsd-http and others using eglibc crash with SIGSEGV in __nscd_get_mapping() or gethostbyname2_r()" [Undecided,Confirmed]07:00
pittiRAOF: just change it in lp:~ubuntu-bugcontrol/apport/ubuntu-bugpatterns, the cron job pick it up in the next 15 mins07:00
pittiRAOF: but I guess in this case it should probably be refined instead of removed?07:01
RAOFpitti: Probably.07:01
dholbachgood morning07:02
RAOFpitti: Hm. Probably just switching from “ThreadStacktrace” to “Stacktrace” would do, I think.07:06
RAOFWhy can you match on ThreadStacktrace, anyway? That seems hugely prone to false-positives.07:06
pittibug patterns don't care -- they have no logic of their own07:08
pittithey just apply whichever key/value regexp matches you specify07:08
pittiogra_: the instructions for the current armhf desktop images make it sound like they'd boot right off USB -- is that really possible now?07:59
ogra_erm, no07:59
pitti(from http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/232/builds/22473/testcases)08:00
ogra_the panda ROM can only boot off SD or usbnetwork via the mini USB port08:00
pittiogra_: ok, so still "burn .iso on SD card and install onto USB-stick and generate a small boot SD"08:00
pittiogra_: merci08:01
ogra_pitti, ah, i think thats just a copy/paste of the x86 instructions08:01
ogra_pitti, sudo dd if=path_to.img of=/dev/your/sd/card bs=4M08:01
pittiyeah, been there, done that; I just wondered whether the instructions were deliberate08:02
ogra_attach a USB disk as target device to your panda, plug in the SD (and monitor,mouse,kbd) and just boot08:02
ogra_the rest is like any other desktop install (except that we dont run a live session by default)08:02
ogra_and dont remove the SD after install, it becomes your "bootfloppy"08:03
pittinice; I'm eager to see the progress since alpha-2, it's been a while since I touched the Panda board08:04
ogra_well, we default to have the 3D driver installed now ... and you run the "real unity" :)08:04
seb128ogra_, 2 USB ports, ENOTENOUGH for keyboard,mouse,usb stick08:05
ogra_there are still flickering issues and since we switched to 3D by default firefox got massively slow08:05
RAOFHeh. I'll need to try that again.08:05
ogra_seb128, yeah, you need a hub :(08:05
RAOFseb128: You mean your monitor is *not* a usb hub? :)08:05
seb128RAOF, not only it's not an usb hub, but it also doesn't do hmdi, only vga and dvi... ;-)08:05
RAOFseb128: You may have other problems, then :)08:06
ogra_seb128, you *can* install to SD ... but need to prepare the partitioning in advance and make sure the partitioner of ubiquity doent touch the device at all during install08:06
seb128RAOF, I've been using the pandobard on the TV so far, it's my only hdmi capable screen08:06
ogra_seb128, so put that TV in your office and expense a new one ;)08:06
seb128ogra_, I guess I can as well install with a keyboard and no mouse, or hotswap those :p08:06
seb128ogra_, ;-)08:06
ogra_oh, yeah, indeed08:07
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xnoxI have single USB dongle for wireless keyboard&mouse =) Win! =)08:18
pittijibel: on the ubiquity screen about partitioning/formatting ("erase/lvm/encrypt/other"), the continue button does not work; did you see this on other platforms as well? (I'm trying current beta-1 armhf)08:33
xnoxpitti: hmmm...? do you have external drive plugged in or are you doing 'pre-partioned' way?08:34
jibelpitti, it works on intel08:34
xnoxpitti: and ogra was reporting success on panda's with yesterdays beta candidates I think....08:34
pittiI tried back and next again, and now it works08:35
pittiI only plugged in the USB drive when the ubiquity start screen was already on, so perhaps it got confused due to that08:35
xnoxyes it would, cause it locks down environment / blocks device events early.08:36
tsdgeosdo we plan to fix/silence out that annoying fontconfig warnings each time you start an application?08:39
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xnoxtsdgeos: Laney was planning to mass upload / fix all the fonts.08:41
LaneyI think I actually said that I /might/ fix /some/ of them :P08:42
Davieythree cheers for Laney, volunteering to fix all of them. hip, hip.08:44
xnoxHORAY! =)08:45
ogra_*clap* *clap* *clap*08:46
Laneybut really, which ones are there on a default install?08:46
Laneyis it just the ones from l-s?08:46
ajmitchbut look at all the support you're getting08:46
Laneyyes... I could convert it into delicious Danish beer08:47
xnoxdholbach: we really need developer initiative for bug 103492808:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1034928 in language-selector (Ubuntu) "Fontconfig warning: Having multiple values in <test> isn't supported and may not works as expected" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103492808:48
xnoxthey annoy everyone and there are too many font-config based fonts with these warnings which spam stderr08:49
ogra_look another volunteer08:49
NafalloI'm just running ubuntu-support-status on a server for a customer, and I see the kernel is showing up as only 18m support.08:50
Nafallowhat's going on? o_O08:50
Nafallothis is on LTS obviously.08:50
xnoxthanks ogra_ !!! I knew you would step up =)08:50
ogra_xnox, i promise to fix all fonts that fail on arm after Laney is done ;)08:51
ajmitchLaney: no-change rebuilds then? :)08:51
cjwatsonNafallo: Oh, that probably needs a seed tweak.  What's the ABI version here?08:52
cjwatsonNafallo: And do you mean precise?08:52
Nafallocjwatson: precise indeed. ABI 29 :-)08:52
Nafallocjwatson: thanks for confirming my suspicion :-)08:53
cjwatsonHmm, right - let me prod at this, the SUPPORTED_HINTS stuff looks rather unloved in precise08:54
Nafalloanother thing for the checklists ;-)08:54
cjwatsonNafallo: Which package name *exactly*?08:58
dholbachxnox, feel free to add it to  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/BugFixingInitiative :)08:58
NafalloSupported until October 2013 (18m):08:58
NafalloSupported until March 2014 (18m):08:59
Nafallolinux-headers-3.2.0-29 linux-headers-3.2.0-29-generic08:59
Nafallo^-- cjwatson08:59
cjwatsonOK, thanks08:59
cjwatsonI wonder what's going on with those dates09:00
xnoxdholbach: ok.09:00
Nafallothey do seem a bit random, don't they? :-)09:00
cjwatsonBecause one of "until October 2013 (18m)" and "until March 2014 (18m)" is lying09:00
cjwatsonNever mind anything else09:00
cjwatsonSo linux-image-server is kind of OK as it is - the supported thing is linux-image-generic-pae, -server is just a transitional package really09:02
cjwatsonOh, except this is amd64 isn't it09:02
cjwatsonlinux-image-generic then09:02
cjwatsonSo in that case it probably is just the usual business about bumping for new ABIs09:02
Nafalloserver and generic are the same these days?09:07
* ogra_ wonders if the back/forward buttons in the ubiquity slidesho work for anyone else or if thats a pandaboard specific bug09:07
cjwatsonNafallo: I *think* this should be fixed after the precise-updates Packages files are next regenerated (so whenever an SRU is next published there)09:09
Nafallookay, kewl :-)09:09
NafalloI'll keep testing.09:09
Nafallothanks muchly cjwatson09:09
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pittiogra_: now I understand why we had had preinstalled images .. this is taking half a day09:49
ogra_pitti, with a decent usb disk or key its about 1h09:50
ogra_(i use a 32G USB 3.0 key here, that finishes in 45min)09:50
ogra_OMAP5 will have SATA ... that should finish in 10min then09:51
ogra_USB 2.0 simply only allows 24M/s max.09:51
* ogra_ reboots into his finished install09:52
* Laney joins the panda-fest10:14
pittiogra_: does unity actually work for you? I've let the blank wallpaper with a mouse cursor stay around for 10 minutes, and nothing happens10:23
ogra_pitti, yes, works fine, i just reported my bugs on the running desktop10:24
ogra_pitti, did it work now ?10:40
pittiogra_: no, I just set it back to my usual mode -- disable lightdm, install openssh-server, and let it sit headless under my desk10:41
ogra_would be good to know what failed and why10:41
ogra_do you know which model your panda is ?10:41
ogra_(there should be a sticker on the bottom)10:42
pitti"ES Rev B1"10:42
pittiPCBA: 750-2-2170-002 REV B10:42
ogra_hmm, that shouldnt have any issues10:42
ogra_im currently testin on a B2 but all the ES'es should be fine10:42
ogra_pitti, filing a bug with ~/.xsession-errors and Xog.0.log might be helpful10:44
pittiokay; will do after I finish packaging pygobject and having lunch10:45
seb128ev, jodh: you guys still have workitems on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-p-graceful-failure that were targetted at beta1, I'm moving them to beta2, could you set them to postponed if you think you will not get to them this cycle?10:53
evseb128: just saw - cheers10:54
Laneyogra_: oh god, the flickering!10:59
ogra_Laney, fun, isnt it :)10:59
ogra_bug 104549110:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1045491 in pvr-omap4 (Ubuntu Quantal) "Moving mouse messes up the desktop" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104549110:59
Laneythe mouse seems slightly laggy too, but that could be me11:00
* ogra_ would more like to know why the server image doesnt give any screen output at all11:00
ogra_gah !11:03
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ogra_seems the new framebuffer driver actually requires console= to be set11:04
Davieydoes it make sense for svn to still be in main?11:48
cjwatsonThat depends on whether we care about our userbase who are developers of things other than free software.11:49
cjwatsonOr indeed free software in more corporate kinds of settings.11:49
cjwatsonIn fact we use it ourselves in our datacentre (think LP code imports) so we de facto support it anyway.11:50
Davieycjwatson: right, i'm not saying throw it out of the archive :).. just trying to work out if it still has a place in main.11:54
Davieycjwatson: Does Launchpad use 'svn' for imports?11:55
Davieyah, libsvn1 from svn11:57
cjwatsonDaviey: What I mean is that we don't really gain much as an organisation by pretending not to support something we use ourselves11:58
cjwatsonI knew you didn't mean to throw it out of the archive11:58
mdeslaurIs svn much of a maintenance burden? I don't really like the idea of tools our developers use to fetch upstream sources and patches not getting security updates...11:59
Davieymdeslaur: fair point.12:00
cjwatsonQuite.  I suspect Daviey is asking because it has a pending MIR attached.12:00
DavieyThe only reason i raised this was becuas eit has a Recommends showing on C-M.. and wanted a quick health check to see if it is still suitable12:00
cjwatsonsvn2cl doesn't look that complex though.12:00
cjwatson(Well, I haven't looked at the code but how much complexity can you realistically fit inside 20KB ...)12:01
cjwatson* answers from information theorists not acceptable12:01
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tjaaltonshould removing /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/multiarch be enough in disabling multiarch? doesn't seem to work on a quantal chroot, or I've missed something12:13
cjwatsondpkg --remove-architecture i38612:13
cjwatson(dpkg --print-foreign-architectures)12:13
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dpmcjwatson, sent another e-mail to u-d, would you (or someone else who's got access to the moderation queue) mind approving it? I've also got another one coming later on12:33
seb128dpm, you should subscribe to the list ;-)12:34
cjwatsonSubscription doesn't help with u-d.12:34
dpmexactly :)12:35
cjwatsonI've processed your mail.12:35
seb128cjwatson, what teams have access? I guess ubuntumembers doesn't?12:36
cjwatsonIt's supposed to be ubuntu-dev.12:36
BenCLaney: fyi, I'm working on that cryptocipher build failure12:36
Laneyah, excellent12:36
seb128cjwatson, ok, makes sense, it just feels weird that dpm is out of the set of people who can post there ;-)12:36
cjwatsonWell, I can always whitelist him.  I'll do that now.12:37
seb128dpm, you should become ubuntu developer, come on #ubuntu-desktop we will find you stuff you can help with ;-)12:37
dpmcool, thanks seb128 and cjwatson ;)12:37
dpmseb128, oh, didn't realize the whitelisting came at a price! ;-)12:37
cjwatsonWhitelisted now.12:38
Davieystep aside seb128.. dpm wants to make the cloud a better place.12:38
seb128dpm, I was suggesting you the "proper way", whitelist is cheating :p12:38
dpmI feel pressured now12:38
seb128Daviey, heh, I was there first, I won fair and square, back off :p12:38
dpmDaviey, oi, you've already got jcastro, you only get one community guy per team!12:39
seb128or dpm could do desktop during the day and cloud at nights... ;-)12:39
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dpmseb128, yeah, I think it's a good idea, I've always wondered what to do with my ever growing spare time :P12:41
seb128dpm, ;-)12:41
seb128take example on dholbach, he keeps telling me how much he misses doing desktop work!12:41
dpmseb128, I know, he was just PM'ing me about how he misses the good old desktop days, you should assign them some work items :-)12:43
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janimodoko, hi, do you know which version of gcc are supposed to support -fuse-ld=gold ? Precise one does not seem to12:52
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dokojanimo, none upstream until now. the safe way is to use -B/usr/lib/gold-ld/13:02
janimodobey, thanks13:02
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janimosorry :)13:03
dholbachseb128, haha13:17
dholbachseb128, try to work with these guys https://launchpad.net/~canonical-community/+mugshots for a while and see what kind of other work you think of as worthwhile afterwards :-P13:18
seb128dholbach, ;-)13:19
BenCLaney: I'm getting ready to test this patch: http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/attachment/ticket/6156/0001-Fix-for-optimizer-bug-on-linux-powerpc-6156.patch13:41
BenCLaney: We're definitely hitting this bug: http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/615613:41
BenCThe minimal test case for -O0 and -O2 shows the failure in the current powerpc ghc13:41
LaneyBenC: groovy13:46
Laneyfeel free to upload that if it works13:46
BenCExcellent, thanks13:46
Laneybut please do a binary debdiff to make sure none of the Provides change13:46
LaneyI will cry if they do13:46
* soren is slightly amazed that Haskell on PowerPC is an area of anyone's particular concern13:48
sorenIf I were to come up with an example of "niche", it might very well involve the words "Haskell" and "PowerPC" :)13:49
Laneyamazingly, there are actually at least *two* people that care!13:49
xnoxjibel: don't want to disturb #ubuntu-release. Debug shows 16.9 TB drive.... is that really 16.9TB drive?13:50
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RovanionWhere are X keymaps located. I've modified a map in /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/ but when I set the same map and the same variant that I modified, nothing changes.13:50
xnoxjibel: partman might not handle that well.13:50
jibelxnox, well, I'd like to allocate 16TB to each VM I use, but no it's 16GB13:51
xnoxjibel: ok. I wonder if there is magnitude error somewhere.13:51
jibelxnox, output of sfdisk http://paste.ubuntu.com/1185781/13:52
seb128slangasek, hey, do you know if qemu-linary should build the spice binary on 32bits in quantal?14:03
jibelxnox, especially for you I attached the error message in russian. as I said in the comment, the key seems to be to start the live session in a non-english language14:14
xnoxjibel: locale which has commas as the decimal separator and hence we get shell errors....?!14:15
zulmterry:  ping14:26
mterryzul, hello14:26
zulmterry:  can you have a look at the MIR for requests please14:26
mterryzul, yes, on my list.  I'll look at it now14:26
zulmterry: cool thanks14:26
xnoxjibel: hmm.. no crash in the current test. but i did install instead of live-session -> install. will redo again now.14:33
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zygaI have a question about udisks and udisks2 being on our default desktop ISOs14:40
zygaudisks is being pulled by checkbox14:40
zygaand apparently nothing else on the CD needs it14:40
zygaso here's the question:14:40
zygaor questions:14:40
zyga1) is it safe/sane to keep both running at the same time? I've observed some differences as compared to precise and while I don't know if they are caused by the two running in tandem it's certainly a possibility14:41
zyga2) is there a strong desire to eject udisks from the ISO? If so we could bump the priority of the bug in checkbox and rewrite the relevant parts to use udisks214:42
zygaslangasek, hey, since I know you, do you know who might be the best person to ask about ^ ?14:42
zygajono, hey, would you mind telling me who is the best person to talk to, from the platform team,  about udisks 1 & 2 being on the ISO14:49
ogra_zyga, pitti used to maintain it in the past, not sure who has taken over14:50
ogra_(or if someone has)14:50
zygaoh, cool14:50
zygapitti, ^^14:50
pittizyga: udisks 1 should disappear; hasn't it yet?14:50
zygait's right on the iso14:50
zygabecause of checkbox14:50
zygaand it's running14:50
zygaso scroll up to see my questions above14:50
pittiah, and usb-creator14:50
brendandpitti - usb-creator also pulls udisks?14:51
pittiyes, there is a strong desire; udisks1 is unmaintained, and just mirrors what udisks2 is doing14:51
zygapitti, IIRC usb-creator was not in rdepends14:51
pittiit is14:51
zygaoh, sorry then14:51
pittiusb-creator-common depends on it14:51
zygaright usb-creator-common14:51
pittibug 102440514:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1024405 in usb-creator (Ubuntu Quantal) "Port to udisks2" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102440514:51
zygaso I'm working on a bug to rewrite checkbox to udisks214:51
pittizyga: nice, thanks!14:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1016035 in checkbox "Add udisks2 support to scripts/removable_storage_* scripts" [High,In progress]14:52
zygapitti, we need to decide on priority14:52
zygaif udisks1 will absolutely go away from the iso we'll bump it an get rid of udisks1 from quantal checkbox14:52
pittiwell, it can't go away as long as there are rdepends14:53
pittiso we need to port checkbox and u-c14:53
pittithen it'll fall off itself14:53
xnoxis it hard to port between the two?14:53
pittithe concept is the same14:53
zygaxnox, the api has changed to some degree14:53
pittithe API is a bit differently structured14:53
* xnox has a local port to python3 of the u-c which needs to land14:53
zygaxnox, it's not just a x/1/2/ in the strings you send14:53
xnoxzyga: =(14:53
pittithe biggest issue with usb-creator is that it has a full udisks mock implementation for the test suite14:53
* xnox lol14:53
pittithe actual parts that are being used at runtime are fairly small14:54
zygapitti, one last question, in case both end up on the CD14:54
zygapitti, and we run both by default14:54
zygapitti, is that safe?14:54
pittiyes, should be14:54
zygapitti, as I've noted in my bug it seems to do less than it did in precise14:54
pitti(and udisks 1 doesn't run until something talks to it)14:54
zygapitti, to be precise, it is not sending the signal on fs mounts anymore14:55
zygapitti, ah, good point, it's service activated14:55
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pittiI still see it in the udisks and gvfs monitors, and gvfs depends on tracking mounts14:55
zygawhat do you see?14:55
zygathe job FilesystemMounted?14:56
zygaI don't see that in dbus-monitor anymore14:56
pitti16:56:28.416: /org/freedesktop/UDisks2/block_devices/sdb: org.freedesktop.UDisks2.Filesystem: Properties Changed14:56
pitti  MountPoints:          /mnt14:56
zygaudisk2 yeah14:56
zygaudisk1 nope14:56
pittiyeah, sure -- since it doesn't run by default14:56
zygawe have a bug in checkbox where it fails to detect a thumb drive14:57
pittiunless you actually activate it?14:57
zygasure but I look at that attachment:14:57
zygaudisk is running there as checkbox requests it14:57
zygabut the signal it sends are different from precise where it also reported all fs mounts14:58
zygaI'm not sure what's going on in the plumbing layer14:58
zygawho does the mounting actually?14:58
zygais that udisks2 or udisks1 or something even lower?14:58
zygabut that would explain why there is no signal14:58
zyga(udisks2 was faster)14:58
zygathat explains everything then14:58
pittithrough gvfs, triggered by a gnome-settings-daemon plugin (but that doesn't matter)14:59
zygaso in quantal udisks is just as capable, just not used by the relevant desktop machinery that requests the mount14:59
pittiyes, it didn't really change14:59
zygaok, then it all makes sense now, thanks pitti14:59
zygaI'll try to get rid of that dependency :)15:00
pittiand with that, good night everyone!15:00
Riddellbarry: what is it about python3 that stops this working? http://paste.kde.org/543998/   importing pyqt should give you a qstring surely15:00
barryRiddell: that might be a better question for ScottK?  i don't know the pyqt4 api very well and i wouldn't be surprised if the api were different for python315:03
cjwatsonyes, it's different15:07
cjwatsonQString going away is a *good* thing, you get plain old python strings by default15:07
cjwatsoncf. ubiquity r5465 and r546615:08
cjwatsonMostly the latter15:08
cjwatsonIf you don't have to worry about py2 compat then you can just throw plain python strings around and not worry about it15:09
BenCLaney: The patch worked, so upload eminent15:13
slangasekseb128: my recollection is that spice only works on 64-bit; hallyn would be able to confirm15:14
slangasekzyga: maybe pitti15:14
slangasekoh, already sorted ;)15:14
seb128slangasek, some of the redhat people working on gnome-boxes says that's not true anymore and that spice got fixed to work on 32 bits15:15
seb128slangasek, should work in the version we have15:15
seb128slangasek, I will check with hallyn, thanks15:16
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Riddellbarry: yeah, just wanted to make sure I haven't come across some fundamental python3 change I didn't know about15:18
barryRiddell: not that i know of :)15:18
cjwatsonIt's a change in pyqt, not a change in python315:18
Riddellpitti: I want to make a change to apport to fix bug 1028984 and I'm lost in the twisty maze of branches, where do I commit it and how to upload? http://paste.kde.org/544016/15:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1028984 in python-qt4 (Ubuntu Quantal) "apport errored when filing bug on test image alpha3" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102898415:19
Riddelloh he's gone to bed15:19
Riddellsmoser: you uploaded apport, can you tell me what the right way is to make changes to it in bzr and the archive?15:41
jbichahi, I'm getting certificate errors when I visit wiki.ubuntu.com, anyone know if an rt ticket has been opened for that yet?15:52
TJ-what's the error? the cert looks valid15:54
smoserRiddell, i can tell you because i did it wrong :)15:54
jbichaThe certificate is only valid for the following names:15:54
jbicha*.canonical.com , canonical.com15:54
TJ-jbicha: I'm seeing it issued as a wildcard for *.ubuntu.com15:55
smoserthe upstream branch is a core dev branch, so suerly changes are supposed to be made there before being uploaded.15:55
smoserhttps://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu/quantal/apport/ubuntu is the branch, but i'm not exactly sure how pitti wants it handled. bdmurray surely knows.15:56
jbichaTJ-: what if you restart your browser?15:58
TJ-jbicha: very strange! Firefox shows *.ubuntu.com but openssl s_client shows *.canonical.com15:58
TJ-jbicha: And Chromium also shows *.ubuntu.com and I've never used Chromium on that site previously15:59
TJ-jbicha: Could be an issue with front-end SSL load-balancers being out of sync16:01
jbichaok, filed rt ticket 2037216:05
xnoxjbicha: TJ-: the certificate there is blancket, i.e. cloud friendly. not all browsers / ssl implementations will accept it.16:11
xnoxbut most modern browsers should.16:12
xnoxcheck which extensions the certificate is using.16:12
xnoxafaik it is not bound to particular IPs for *.ubuntu.com16:12
jbichaok, I restarted Firefox & it's working now, thanks16:14
seb128xnox, for sound indicator integration you need mpris enabled in rb, not sure if you disabled that?16:18
seb128xnox, it's in rhythmbox-plugins16:18
xnoxseb128: having that package uninstalled doesn't help me, does it?!16:19
seb128xnox, no it doesn't16:19
xnoxseb128: that's what I get for partially upgrading at one point, don't I =)16:19
seb128xnox, indeed, got what you deserved for using dist-upgrade :p16:20
xnoxseb128: now If you could help me regain overlay-scrollbars that would be wonderful. As I managed to disable them (when glade was crashing) and can't seem to "re-enable" them any more.16:20
seb128xnox, did you export OVERLAY_SCROLLBAR=0 or something?16:20
xnoxnope. plus that won't work anymore since it became gtk module instead of pre-load.16:21
seb128xnox, otherwise check that overlay-scrollbar and overlay-scrollbar-gtk3 are installed16:21
xnoxyeap have all 5 of them (i.e. including dbgsymbols)16:22
seb128xnox, the first one has a /etc/X11/Xsession.d/81overlay-scrollbar which does append overlay-scrollbar to the gtk loader list16:22
seb128xnox, did you hack that to not doit?16:22
xnoxyeah, that file is still there.16:22
seb128echo $GTK_MODULES?16:22
xnox$ env | grep GTK_MODULES16:23
seb128env | grep -i scrollbar16:23
xnoxseb128: same output, i.e. just in the GTK_MODULES.....16:23
seb128xnox, gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface ubuntu-overlay-scrollbars16:23
seb128(we have too many way to handle those ;-)16:24
xnoxseb128: was set to false.....16:25
xnoxseb128: set to true, but restarting apps doesn't make difference. I guess i need to restart a session.16:25
xnoxseb128: thanks though =)16:25
xnoxseb128: will see if I have scrollbars tomorrow.16:25
seb128xnox, you shouldn't...16:25
ogra_seb128, yeah, we should all just move to SuSE ... they just have yast :)16:26
ogra_(wrt too many places to configure)16:26
seb128xnox, but yeah, doesn't seem to pick it dynamically...16:27
jcastroxnox: in the future if you dist-upgrade you can just reinstall ubuntu-desktop to get default "stuff" back.16:29
seb128jcastro, does that bring back recommends?16:30
xnoxjcastro: thanks. Apparently I don't have update-manager installed. No wonder using quantal was so peaceful for me =)16:31
jcastroseb128: I think there's a flag for recommends?17:00
jcastrousually just reinstalling it fixes it up for me, after I shoot myself in the foot anyway...17:00
seb128jcastro, yeah, things is when recommends quite uninstalled it's hard to flag if it's because you didn't want them or if that was an error or upgrade issue17:00
seb128jcastro, so they are cases where they will not be reinstalled because they were flagged as something you didn't want17:01
jcastroalso I'm assuming that whatever conflict is going on in the archive that led him to a partial upgrade be resolved17:02
mips1911Hi, where can I get a 12.10 netinstall cd image?17:46
directhexhttp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/quantal/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/mini.iso ?17:53
cjwatsonmips1911: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/netboot/ has an index17:53
jamespageslangasek, I appear to be struggling to reproduce the issue with iscsi root boot that I saw during alpha-3...17:55
mips1911cjwatson, thanks I found it via http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/219/builds17:56
slangasekjamespage: well, ok then :)18:07
jamespageslangasek, hmm - maybe not - I just added another comment to the bug which seems to relate to when I see the problem18:07
jamespagebug 1028458 for reference18:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1028458 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "iSCSI root based servers appear to fail to boot completely" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102845818:08
slangasekjamespage: oh, hah; then you're seeing bug ##103805518:09
jamespageslangasek, certainly seems a little more reliable when i switch cirrus -.> vga18:11
slangasekjamespage: a little more reliable, or completely reliable? :)18:12
jamespageslangasek, rebooting lots to see18:12
jamespageslangasek, OK - I'd go with completely reliable for my small set of reboot tests (~10)18:14
jamespageslangasek, not sure why I'm seeing a splash screen at-all - I thought that was disabled for server?18:15
slangasekjamespage: I'm afraid I don't know the answer to that18:16
* jamespage puts that on his list18:16
slangasekcjwatson: ^^ do you know what the server install is currently supposed to be doing wrt splash screens?18:16
jamespagecertainly not like that for 12.0418:20
slangasekcould be a regression introduced by the squashfs work18:26
mips1911which would be the best mirror to use for a 12.10 netinstall?18:31
mips1911I'm getting a no kernel modules found error from the installer?18:34
mips1911ok, seems like the US mirror works while some others don't18:50
xnoxmips1911: archive.ubuntu.com should always have the latest/greatest18:54
xnoxmips1911: it's best to run your own local mirror though.18:55
mips1911xnox, I always thought it might be the UK one seeing that's where canonical is 'located'. Anyway the 12.10 mini.iso netinstall seems to be doing it's thing now, only at 6% though.18:56
mips1911xnox, my own local mirror ZA & the UK one would not work with the net install18:58
zulmterry:  ping sorry to bug you again but can you have a look at the MIR for python-quantumclient as well19:01
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xnoxmips1911: local as in the one you created yourself on the local network by mirroing / proxying the good mirror e.g. archive.ubuntu.com.19:04
xnoxmips1911: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors19:04
xnoxwill tell the status for each distro release series. Many mirrors have $dev release behind or not at all.19:05
xnoxmips1911: so https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+mirror/ftp.wa.co.za-archive should work fine.19:05
mips1911xnox, meant local = country ZA19:06
mterryzul, yeah19:06
zulcool thanks19:06
xnoxmips1911: sorry. yeah =) check launchpad for the correct & up to date onces.19:06
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mips1911xnox, thanks but I will just stick to the main one from now on. I'm on a slow link anyway and get no speed difference between the mirrors19:09
mips1911Are the packages in the 4.10 PPA newer than those in the Quantal repos?19:21
mips1911Ignore that question, wrong channel. Sorry.19:22
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pcarrierany chance I could remove a binary package from a PPA? it got superseded19:36
trismpcarrier: in your ppa? on your ppa page, go to package details, then delete packages19:38
pcarriertrism: ooh, good point, just forgot to login :D19:40
pcarrierhmmm contents files would be nice :)19:43
mips1911Is it possible to continue a netinstall that got interrupted? ie use the existing files on the hdd?19:43
pcarriermips1911: depends on when it was interrupted, but probably a bad idea19:44
mips1911pcarrier, towards the end, it was busy downloading linux-image-extre-3.5.0-13-generic19:45
pcarriermips1911: in the middle of package downloads? nah, not worth the effort19:45
mips1911pcarrier, no it was towards the end where most of the packages were installed and then it did a update to apt and had twelve packages to update19:46
jtaylormips1911: is the download the bottleneck or the installation? the latter can be speed up ~factor 5 by preloading eatmydata19:46
pcarriermips1911: if it's a VM, you use a caching mirror, at worth on the hypervisors... in case it happens again19:46
pcarriermips1911: then sure19:46
mips1911pcarrier, so if I reboot with the install media ho do i continue?19:47
pcarriermips1911: not sure of the order in which things happen. did grub install?19:48
pcarriermips1911: already created your first user?19:48
mips1911pcarrier, no grub install but was asked particulars for user19:48
pcarriermips1911: so mount your system in a chroot, bind mount /{proc,dev,sys}, dpkg-reconfigure grub219:49
pcarriermips1911: check that the user exists and is in the adm group with 'id $username'19:49
pcarriermips1911: last 2 operations from the chroot19:50
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pcarriermips1911: oh, and that's not the right channel (topic).19:50
mips1911is it not possible to continue in rescue mode?19:50
pcarriermips1911: if you have a complete system, a bootloader and a user to log as, the rest can be fixed from the virtual machine19:51
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mips1911pcarrier, thanks will give it a bash19:52
pcarrieroooh quantal has linux-image-extras generic. now I wonder what's in there.19:53
pcarrierQ: when dput'ing into a ppa, looks like debian/changelog is used to establish which distro to build for. is there a magical way to use the same source package for multiple ones?19:53
jtaylorbut often you can just copy packages to other series19:54
pcarrierjtaylor: ok. that'd probably feel a bit too wrong19:54
pcarrieranother question :) is there a trick to build source packages without .git/? (I've used debuild -S so far which doesn't seem to offer such an option)19:55
jtaylorsource format 3 should automatically ignore vcs folders19:55
pcarrieroooh, good, thanks19:55
pcarrierlearning every day he he19:55
pcarrierlast place I would have thought of19:56
pcarrierand maybe a last one for the road... anyone knows a way to make git rebases friendly to debian/changelog? i'm getting a bit annoyed by those conflicts20:00
pcarrieroh my, thank you google. http://raphaelhertzog.com/2009/10/08/3-way-merge-of-debian-changelog-files/20:01
pcarriersuperseded by dpkg-mergechangelogs in dpkg-dev20:02
jtaylorthere is a changelog merge driver for git20:02
pcarrierjtaylor: yup, just saw that. pretty awesome :)20:09
cndI'm running into a stupid libtool error: when I run autogen, which runs gnome-autogen.sh under the covers, then make, I get:20:32
cndlibtool: Version mismatch error.  This is libtool 2.4 Debian-2.4-2ubuntu1, but the20:32
cndlibtool: definition of this LT_INIT comes from libtool
cndlibtool: You should recreate aclocal.m4 with macros from libtool 2.4 Debian-2.4-2ubuntu120:32
cndlibtool: and run autoconf again.20:32
cndI've tried everything I can think of20:32
cndautoreconf -vfi20:32
cndvarious incantations of all the autotools scripts20:32
cndbut nothing seems to work20:32
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roaksoaxcjwatson: howdy! around or still on holidays?20:41
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BenCLaney: haskell-cryptocipher successfully built on powerpc with the new ghc21:28
Laneyyou should be able to give your way back up the stack21:29
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BenCLaney: what's the best way to handle that so I do it in the right order?21:32
LaneyI doubt you'll be able to get it wrong21:32
Laneyyou'll just get more failures21:32
Laneybut start at the lowest level on http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/transitions/ghc.html and work upwards21:32
Laneythey should all be give-backs; no uploading required21:33
BenCLaney: lowest being lowest number, or lowest on the page?21:33
BenCGreat, thanks21:33
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BenCLaney: how is a give-back done without an upload?21:35
Laneyit means to retry a failed build21:35
BenCEverything I see in "X" on there is already built…not ftbfs, so I can't do retry21:35
Laneyyou only have to do the reverse-depends of cryptocipher21:35
BenCDoes that just mean skew between the page and actual builds?21:35
Laneyas those are the ones that you would have just fixed21:35
Laneyso cross-check it with the other ftbfs list21:36
LaneyBenC: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/haskell-cprng-aes/0.2.3-3build1/+build/3744085 is one example21:38
BenCYeah, I realized I only need to look at things higher than cryptocipher :)21:39
BenCLaney: Ok, I have a chain of 6 packages I'm working and watching for give-backs21:42
Laneynow I just have to look at arm21:43
cjwatsonslangasek: server/splash> I believe things are meant to be arranged such that plymouth uses the "details" splash, i.e. displays boot messages in text style - if that's not happening it's definitely a bug22:02
cjwatsonroaksoax: please leave a message22:03
cjwatsonroaksoax: much better to say what you want directly rather than doing the ping/pong thing22:03
bjfcjwatson: the issue i spoke of the other days is bug 1046029 (just fyi)22:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1046029 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "Network device not configured correctly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104602922:04
roaksoaxcjwatson: ehe sorry :). Well I was just trying to try the live-installer with the squashfs image but I kept seen a failure apparently related to lack of memory22:09
roaksoaxcjwatson: i will provide logs tomorrow as i'm EOD right now22:09
roaksoaxcjwatson: other than that, I was wondering if you will make the server squashfs image available on archive.ubuntu.com or will it just stay inside the iso22:10
cjwatsonroaksoax: Certainly not archive.ubuntu.com - it's not produced by any machinery that feeds into there22:11
cjwatsonroaksoax: I'd rather just publish the ISO and let people worry about unpacking it if they have special needs, since they're going to need other bits of the ISO anyway22:11
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slangasekcjwatson: right, and 'details' is the one you get by not passing 'splash' as a boot arg; so seems something's setting up the boot args wrong23:08
cjwatsonWill add to the queue - what's the bug#?23:08

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