
=== sickdunn is now known as ldunn
=== Gwaihir_ is now known as Gwaihir
PriceyHowdy smartboyhw :)11:52
smartboyhwEr, guys, how to apply for a Ubuntu channel?11:53
smartboyhw#ubuntu-gnome in this case11:53
Priceysmartboyhw: The channel is there and can be used... I don't see much desire for it though. (There's just you in there)11:54
smartboyhwThe problem is I can't be op11:55
PriceyI imagine the developers working on those packages already communicate elsewhere..11:55
jusside ja vu?11:56
smartboyhwWhat is de ja vu?11:57
jussi(17:18 finnish time on monday...)11:57
jussismartboyhw: its a break in the matrix...11:57
smartboyhwSo could someone help me then?11:57
PiciWhy do you need the channel?11:58
smartboyhwWell, jbicha is working on the Ubuntu GNOME remix, and I'm helping too11:58
jussiHe was here the other day about this,...11:58
jussi[17:18:07] <jbicha> how do I start a new #ubuntu channel for the Ubuntu GNOME remix?11:59
jussi[17:22:58] <DJones> jbicha: The guidelines for creating new Ubuntu channels are listed here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/CreatingChannels11:59
smartboyhwBut it is registered to freenode-staff12:00
smartboyhwSo I think jbicha is having problems registering it12:00
smartboyhwPricey, would you please help?12:00
DJonessmartboyhw: Because the channel is in the #ubuntu* namespace, you would need to speak with the IRCC council as a starting point12:01
Priceysmartboyhw: If an Ubuntu Group Contact requests the channel, I can transfer ownership.12:02
smartboyhwSo can any GC help me please???12:02
Priceysmartboyhw: be patient and hopefully one will get back to you. (They've seen your request)12:03
smartboyhwSure. let's wait12:03
smartboyhwEr, any GC here?  Just a ping, don't worry:)12:37
Picismartboyhw: I've contacted jbicha to see if he still wants the channel.12:37
jussismartboyhw: just relax, I guarantee they have seen it, and ar probably talking abotu it... D:12:37
smartboyhwThanks Pici and jussi for your help:)12:39
smartboyhwjbicha: YAY12:52
ubot5In ubot5, smartboyhw said: !ubuntu-gnome is Ubuntu GNOME Remix, a version of Ubuntu in GNOME skin. Visit #ubuntu-gnome for details13:30
smartboyhwTheLordOfTime: I just want to apply13:31
TheLordOfTimesmartboyhw:  see #ubuntuforums13:31
ubot5In #ubuntu-gnome, TLoT said: !gnome-remix is <reply>Ubuntu GNOME Remix is an unofficial derivative of Ubuntu. The Ubuntu GNOME Remix is built from the Ubuntu repositories, but is designed to use a non-Unity GNOME environment. Join #ubuntu-gnome if you want to know more.how'd this be?  !gnome-remix is <reply>Ubuntu GNOME Remix is an unofficial derivative of Ubuntu. The Ubuntu GNOME Remix is built from the Ubuntu repositories, but is designed to use a non-13:59
TLoTokay, my irc client is screwing up13:59
TLoTignore my last few edit suggestions13:59
ubot5In #ubuntu-gnome, TLoT said: !gnome-remix is <reply>Ubuntu GNOME Remix is an unofficial derivative of Ubuntu. The Ubuntu GNOME Remix is built from the Ubuntu repositories, but is designed to use a non-Unity GNOME environment. Join #ubuntu-gnome if you want to know more.how'd this be?  !gnome-remix is <reply>Ubuntu GNOME Remix is an unofficial derivative of Ubuntu. The Ubuntu GNOME Remix is built from the Ubuntu repositories, but is designed to use a non-13:59
TLoTokay hold on13:59
TLoTsomething's wonky13:59
TLoTlet me try that again...14:00
ubot5In #ubuntu-gnome, TLoT said: !gnome-remix is <reply>Ubuntu GNOME Remix is an unofficial derivative of Ubuntu. The Ubuntu GNOME Remix is built from the Ubuntu repositories, but is designed to use a non-Unity GNOME environment. Join #ubuntu-gnome if you want to know more.14:00
TLoTi had to basically throw a raw IRC message to get that to send right14:00
* TLoT debugs xchat14:00
TLoThow do i see the raw of a factoid?14:01
tsimpsonTheLordOfTime: !+ http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins#Getting_raw_factoids15:25
TheLordOfTimetsimpson:  thanks, forgot the symbol to find it :p15:36
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu up to 10.10 To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.15:38
TheLordOfTimetsimpson:  does that work with the ubots as well, not just Ubottu?15:39
tsimpsonit should work with any of the official bots that serve factoids (short answer "yes")15:40
TheLordOfTime(long answer "in theory"?)15:40
tsimpsonwell I can say it does work with ubottu, ubot5, lubotu1, lubotu2, and lubotu315:41
bobweaverHello there is some strang things going on17:32
bobweaversafinaskar,  will you tell them what you just seen17:32
bobweaveror what you just told me17:32
safinaskar"Received unknown CTCP-1MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE- request by bobweaver!~bobweaver@ubuntu/member/bobweaver"17:33
bobweaverwhat is that all about ?17:33
safinaskarbobweaver: okey, okey. you didn't send my any cookie. so, this is just bug somewhere17:33
safinaskarbobweaver: so, all is ok. disregard all.17:33
bobweaversafinaskar,  I can tell you that I have not /msg you17:33
bobweaverbut I want to get to the bottom of this17:33
bobweavercan anyone weigh in on this plz17:34
IdleOnebobweaver: possibly your irc client is running some script that is auto sending ctcp request, but if no one else has brought this to your attention it is unlikely.17:36
bobweaverIdleOne,  thanks17:36
bobweaverit is weired because I reported that bug today17:36
IdleOnewhat bug?17:36
bobweaverthat has to do with .goutput $HOME folder crap17:36
bobweaverlet me find it for you17:37
Sidewinder1A lot of folks in #freenode are complaining/mentioning 'frigg' sending CCTP version requests; I wonder if this is related?17:37
bobweaver!bug 98478517:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 984785 in lightdm (Ubuntu Precise) ".goutputstream files polluting $HOME" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98478517:37
FuchsSidewinder1: it's not17:37
bobweaverthat is the same output as  what he is getting17:38
FuchsSidewinder1: frigg is our service bot that does 1 up to 2 ctcp version requests on connect17:38
Sidewinder1Fuchs, OK, thanks.17:38
FuchsSidewinder1: it doesn't affect (hopefully) what clients send as ctcp requests (else that client should be burnt)17:38
Sidewinder1I was just wondering and you've corrected my mistake; thanx. :-)17:38
bobweavermeaning that under my HOME folder there is files in inside the files there are the txt that says the same thing that safinaskar  was saying that he recived17:38
FuchsSidewinder1: you're welcome :)17:39
bobweaverlike if I do    cat ~/.goutputstream-SPDAJW17:39
bobweaverI get this joseph@joseph:~$ cat .goutputstream-SPDAJW17:40
bobweaverthat is the same thing that safinaskar  is saying that he is reciving17:40
bobweaverthen when I just paste that I see this in my client17:40
bobweaver* #ubuntu-irc :Cannot send to channel17:40
bobweaveram I being used as a bot do you all think ?17:42
bobweaverlike a bouncer bot ?17:42
bobweaverI am new to all that17:42
IdleOnewhat irc client are you using and have you recently installed and scripts/plugins for it?17:42
Fuchsbobweaver: I just tuned in, so I didn't get the whole backlog. What client are you using?17:42
bobweaverNot that I know of17:42
bobweaverit is xchat17:42
Fuchsyou installed it via the ubuntu package management, I assume?17:43
bobweaveronly thing I have as far as I know is autologin17:43
bobweaver /msg nickserv identify <my pass>17:43
bobweaverthat is the only thing that I think that I am running on start up17:44
Fuchsyou shouldn't do that17:44
Fuchssee http://freenode.net/sasl/17:44
Fuchsfor a way better method17:44
Fuchscan you put that file you have there in a pastebin?  (maybe check whether it contains any private information first)17:45
bobweaverwhich file ?17:45
Fuchs.goutputstream-SPDAJW << that thing17:45
bobweaverthe .goutput-* one ?17:46
bobweaveryeah there is like 20 of them17:46
bobweaverunder my home folder hidden17:46
bobweaverbut I will def do that brb17:46
bobweaverFuchs,  this is what I get http://paste.ubuntu.com/1186219/17:47
bobweaverI did not alter it at all17:47
Fuchsthat looks like a XAuthority magic cookie17:48
Fuchswhich itself is fine and something you need, but that filename is a tad bit odd17:48
Fuchshow do you launch xchat?17:48
bobweaverfrom unity17:49
bobweaverhere is all the files that are under my home dir17:49
bobweaverls -al | grep .gout17:49
Fuchs(don't post that in here, just in advance)17:49
bobweaverpastebinit ?17:49
bobweaverit is just a list of the .goutput files17:50
bobweaverI just dont want people to think that I am trying to send them "Magic-cookies"  which I though like you said are for xorg17:51
Fuchshrm, no17:51
Fuchsit appears that these things are unrelated to xchat, and not really an IRC issue, so that is more something for #ubuntu17:52
Fuchson the other hand, your Xchat sending out CTCP requests, is a tad bit strange. But if it only happened once so far, I would not care too much17:52
bobweaverbut why is dude getting messages from me ?17:52
bobweaver<safinaskar> "Received unknown CTCP-1MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE- request by bobweaver!~bobweaver@ubuntu/member/bobweaver"17:52
bobweaverhe got that message a couple of times from me17:53
Fuchsyes, that is a tad bit strange. Have you received similar reports?17:53
bobweaveran I dont even know that dude17:53
safinaskarbobweaver: no, no. just one time17:53
bobweaversafinaskar,  thanks17:53
bobweaversorry about that17:53
Fuchsbobweaver: then I wouldn't worry too much about it,17:54
bobweaversafinaskar,  1st I would like to say thanks for showing up here . 2) thanks for telling me that this is going on17:54
bobweaverFuchs,  ok17:54
FuchsI assume you tried to paste the content of that file, and due to some characters in there it somehow ended up as a ctcp17:54
bobweaverI did17:54
Fuchsthen probably this17:54
bobweaveron #ubuntu today17:54
Fuchsit contains a lot of non-printable / control characters17:54
safinaskarbobweaver: you are welcome17:55
Fuchsso maybe your xchat got a tad bit confused17:55
Fuchsmaybe just use a pastebin for now to show it to others17:55
bobweaverFuchs,  that makes some sense17:55
bobweaverThanks I will consider this solved for now but if I have anymore issues I will come here asap17:55
bobweaverFuchs,  IdleOne  safinaskar  I can not thanks you enough17:56
bobweaverI will now leave the channel to keep it openm17:56
bobweaveropen *17:56

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