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apwhenrix, when we did natty did we also do natty/ti-omap4 ?09:28
henrixapw: i'm not sure about that. let me check...09:29
thierryHi everyone, i'm working on an ubuntu-server image on my Pandaboard - :) - and i'm trying to connect a GPS / RFID  / GPRS to my system; the problem is that in a normal ubuntu environment theses devices are attached on /dev/ttyUSB* ( for GPS and GPRS) and /dev/ttyACM* ( for RFID) but on my system they are plugged on /dev/usbdev*.**09:54
thierryi found some tutos that show how to enable usbserial for devices using their idProduct / Vendor : but i need this to be natively done by the system , regardless the GPS i'm connecting 09:54
thierryi've also to mention that for RFID i see in dmesg output : ttyACM0 : USB ACM device but when i check /dev , no ACM entries are there except the newly created usbdev2.1 and for GPS also dmesg tells FTDI USBSerial Device converter now attached to ttyUSB0 but also i can't fin d this entry in /dev but i see that usbdev has been created!10:03
thierryi've also to mention that for RFID i see in dmesg output : ttyACM0 : USB ACM device but when i check /dev , no ACM entries are there except the newly created usbdev2.1 and for GPS also dmesg tells FTDI USBSerial Device converter now attached to ttyUSB0 but also i can't fin d this entry in /dev but i see that usbdev has been created!10:05
apwhenrix, ok i have pushed the missing CVE commits to ti-omap4 so when you make it it should be complete.  commentary to kernel-team@ for the record.10:25
henrixapw: ok, thanks. i'll need to sync with herton, as he's doing all the omap4 kernels (with ppisatti)10:26
apwthierry, might be a configuration option missing or something, do you have a bug filed?10:27
ogra_FTDI also often misses vendor/product IDs 10:27
apwogra_, FTDI ?10:28
* ogra_ had some devices that needed a manual fix to then show up properly in the next kernel iteration)10:28
ogra_apw, serial driver10:28
apwogra_, well the implication of the above is that the device works in an x86 kernel at the same level10:28
ogra_apw, right, that would apply if he used the same kernel versions on both arches ;)10:30
apwogra_, indeed, and hopfully the bug has that info ... 10:31
apwogra_, as i think other than natty things are rebase so should be in sync, if its natty they just missed the boat10:31
thierryapw:  configuration files i've missed or that aer missing in ubuntu-server? 10:34
ogra_thierry, no, we were talkin abot kernel build configuration10:35
apwthierry, indeed what ogra_ said10:40
bullgard6http://askubuntu.com/questions/176970/how-can-i-remove-a-mainline-kernel-and-move-back-to-a-supported-kernel/176977#176977 How is a "mainline kernel" defined? How is a "stock Ubuntu kernel" defined? What is the difference?11:20
thierryogra_: apw : exactly, i had this problem once before, but it was me building the kernel with options with PTXdist ( hey LetoThe2nd  :) ) ... but there is no way to encoutner this problem????11:22
apwbullgard6, a mainline kernel is a kernel built from virgin upstream sources, typically though not exclusivly found in the mainline kernel archive (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds).  A stock ubuntu kernel is one built from our modified sources and delivered via the main archive.11:23
apwthierry, i don't get you, "no way to encounter this problem?"11:24
bullgard6apw: Thank you for your help.11:25
thierryas i've understood, the usbserial driver is not built in , it's included as a module i guess, i have to activate for each device i need, there is no way to rebuild it ?11:25
apwthierry, i don't think we have said as much as that.  we have suggested that perhaps the kernle you have does not have the same options as the working on you mentioned, here i am assuming arm against x86 kernels are different11:26
apwthierry, without a real idea of the issue i have no idea what if anything can be done about it11:26
apwthierry, if activating the serial driver by hand works for you, ie modprobe something makes it work you could probabally just add that module to /etc/modules as a work around11:27
apwotherwise, some information on what version of the kernel is broken on what platform and what version is working on what platform, would help11:28
thierryapw: i'm using the 3.4.0-1485-opa4 kernel, an ubuntu-server image ( hey ogra_ ) , on  a Pandaboard B111:34
thierryomap* and not opa11:36
apwthierry, and which one do you find them automatically detected correctly11:37
thierryfor USB-serial devices , no one i have ( i tested an RFID, a GPS and GPRS)11:38
thierryapw: for USB-serial devices , no one i have ( i tested an RFID, a GPS and GPRS)11:38
thierryapw:  the sudo echo usbserial >> /etc/modules works 11:41
thierryshould i launch a bug or something like this?11:42
apwthierry, that information should be in a bug indeed.  include the lsusb output for the devices which don't work11:42
thierryok , but in which bugtracker? 11:43
* henrix -> lunch12:01
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* ogasawara back in 2014:41
bjfogasawara: mumble?15:46
ogasawarabjf: sure, just a sec15:46
* ogra_ is really happy to see that rtg raised the ulöimit for omap4 kernels too, finally we can run our wine apps properly on the panda :P15:53
rtgogra_, it'll take a bit for that change to propagate....15:54
rtgogra_, though I'm curious which release you are concerned about ? herton pointed out the Lucid ti-omap is no longer maintained.15:55
ogra_rtg, well, there is no wine on arm ... (there is but there are no executables to run)15:55
ogra_rtg, that was pure sarcasm 15:55
rtgogra_, oh, I didn't get it :)15:56
jsalisbury** Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - Today @ 17:00 UTC - #ubuntu-meeting16:40
jjohansencking: so I have requests to reenable IMA, the problems that caused it to get blacklisted are supposed to be fixed. I asked the maintainer if she had anyway to measure and she said no, so I am looking for ideas on what tests to run etc to verify that we can reenable IMA.16:56
jjohansenBasically I'd like to pick your brain when you have some time in the next few days16:56
ckingjjohansen, which IMA are you referring to?16:57
jjohansencking: CONFIG_IMA its a security module todo with with measuring system integrity.16:58
jjohansenIt got blacklisted in our config due to a bug that caused it to chew up a lot of resources16:58
jjohansenerr bug may not be the right word, they actually kind of designed it to do that without realizing their design choice was bad16:59
ckingjjohansen, OK, I've got zero knowledge on this, but I can ramp up tomorrow morning on it.17:00
jjohansencking: yeah I am just a little ahead of you and just looking for ideas, its not a big rush17:01
ckingjjohansen, OK - well let me get upto speed and then we can kick some ideas around.17:02
ckingjjohansen, is there a bug you can refer me to on this?17:04
ckingsconklin, is there any chance that you can send me some info concerning how to graph the autotest data using jenkins?17:05
sconklincking: well, it's not working at the moment, but I can send you a description of what we have in the tools repo17:05
ckingsconklin, ah, not working as in temporarily busted but will be fixed?17:06
sconklinundergoing a rewrite17:06
sconklinbecause it never really worked well17:06
sconklinlook in the kernel-testing repo in the benchmarking subtree17:08
sconklinthere's a script named make-all-charts which is run from a cron job on our jenkins server. Ignore the rsync parts.17:08
sconklinbut I'll warn you, it's really ugly and doesn't scale, which is what I'm addressing in the rewrite right now17:09
ckingsconklin, ok, so if I back off on my implementation will can I come back to in a week or so and plug it in to the new graphing infrastructure?17:10
ckingbah, that made no sense17:10
apwsconklin, just in case you wonder where the 12 or so CVEs went over night, i have updated the quantal armadaxp to match reality17:11
sconklinapw, I did wonder, but not too much17:11
sconklincking: yes17:11
ckingsconklin, OK - well, I'm almost done on my bit, I will put it into holding position17:11
sconklincking: and you can help me test the new structure. There's really no sense in you looking at the older17:11
ckingsconklin, I'm very happy to throw new stuff in to exercise it :-)17:12
sconklincking: start collecting your data files, and you can graph them later. Just pull the latest kernel-testing master-next, as I added some new metadata to help make it easier to filter the data files17:12
jjohansencking: I haven't been able to find a bug for it, it was first noticed on kernel.org to be a problem and apw added a wi to add the blacklisting to the enforcer17:13
sconklinThe rewrite of this is partially because I started thinking about what it would be like for someone else to use it, and realized that it was very bad17:13
apwjjohansen, cking yeah it added something big somewhere important and some other locking which sucked and made it really slow17:14
ckingsconklin, ok, fair point. In that case, can you zip me an email on how I should be collecting the data (and where it ends up so I can sanity check my tests) and then I'm happy to run some tests to collect data over the next week or so.17:14
ckingjjohansen, ack17:15
jjohansencking: let me dig up some more details and I will forward them to you17:15
ckingjjohansen, much appreciated, thanks!17:16
sconklincking: ack, I'll have that to you by EOD for me17:16
ckingsconklin, ta17:17
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=== jsalisbury changed the topic of #ubuntu-kernel to: Home: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/ || Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - Tues September 11th, 2012 - 17:00 UTC || If you have a question just ask, and do wait around for an answer!
rtgbjf, what did you ultimately find was the solution for the BIOS dev name issue ?17:28
bjfrtg, cjwatson submitted a fix to resolve it. i had to add the "biosdevname" package to my pkgsel list in my preseed as a work-around17:30
bjfrtg, are you seeing issues?17:30
rtgbjf, nah, just curious. what was the bug number for that ?17:31
bjfbug 104393617:31
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1043936 in biosdevname "Biosdevname not installed in the target after server install" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104393617:31
* rtg -> lunch17:55
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* henrix -> EOD18:09
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keesjjohansen: afair, after turning on ima, if you add lots of files to a file system, you shouldn't see kernel heap space used. (that was the old bug)19:09
jjohansenkees: right, need to valid that but also no regression in other cases if we are going to SRU to precise19:10
jjohansenkees: basically I just need to hammer out a test plan with a bunch of tests, and get it going19:11
jjohansenkees: well that and get a ppa up for people who want IMA on precise for the interim19:12
jjohansenoh hrmm, ogasawara being past FF we would need to file an exception to turn on a CONFIG right?19:14
ogasawarajjohansen: not necessarily for the kernel, we don't have our kernel freeze until oct 419:14
ogasawarajjohansen: just shoot an email to the mailing list if you need us to twiddle a config option19:15
jjohansenogasawara: okay, so we are looking at enabling CONFIG_IMA, its currently black listed. we will want to get some get supporting tests that it isn't still causing problems before turning it on19:15
jjohansenogasawara: so I am going to work at making sure its all good before firing of that mail19:16
ogasawarajjohansen: ack19:16
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rtg_jsalisbury, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1045027/comments/820:25
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1045027 in linux "iPXE kills kvm with KVM: entry failed, hardware error 0x80000021" [Critical,Triaged]20:25
bjfrtg, i also encounter bug 1046029 sometimes20:43
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1046029 in debian-installer "Network device not configured correctly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104602920:43
jsalisburyrtg, thanks.  That saved allot of testing requests :-)21:12
rtg_bjf, thats gotta raise hell with your Jenkins jobs that re-provision all the time21:17
bjfrtg_: it can be problematic, though i'm only seeing it on one of the three systems21:17
* rtg -> EOD22:14
bjfjjohansen: is there such a thing as a apparmor "test suite"?22:35
jjohansenbjf: yes22:36
bjfjjohansen: does QA run them?22:36
jjohansenbjf: its been integrated into qrt22:36
bjfjjohansen: ah, and do you know if they run that part of qrt?22:36
bjfjjohansen: are they part of any of the "kernel" qrt tests?22:37
jjohansenbjf: I don't know, the apparmor tests are also split, so there are userspace tests and kernel regression tests22:37
jjohansenbjf: give me a bit to find which parts of qrt trigger the kernel apparmor bits22:38
jdstrandthe are not part of the test-kernel* scripts22:38
bjfjjohansen: i'd very much like to start running them as part of the kernel testing22:38
jdstrandjjohansen: test-apparmor.py22:38
jjohansenjdstrand: thanks22:38
bjfjdstrand: are they all there?22:38
bjfjdstrand: in the one place i meant22:39
jdstrandbjf: test-apparmor.py has all the different apparmor testsuites, yes. it 22:39
jdstrandskips one I think by default22:39
* jdstrand looks22:39
bjfjdstrand: thanks, will take a look at it22:39
jdstrandit skips the stress tests22:40
jjohansenbjf: note test-apparmor.py is just a wrapper around the old crufty Make, and shell test scripts, there are plans to update this but it hasn't happened yet22:40
bjfjjohansen: ack, like the other qrt tests. i'm used to that.22:41
jdstrandbut there is a command line argument to enable them22:41
jjohansenbjf: and you don't want the stress tests atm22:41
jjohansenbjf: well at least if you want your tests to complete22:41
jdstrandjjohansen: I think one of them completes after a long while... the parser? I forget22:42
jdstrandanyhoo, yeah, they are in there22:42
jjohansenjdstrand: well, the kernel one at one point wouldn't and some of the parser ones wouldn't either. And I have some parser ones that will take down tangerine22:44
bjfRAOF: do you have the SRU desk today?23:15
RAOFbjf: I do, yes.23:15
bjfRAOF: sweet! i have some kernel packages ready to go to -updates :-)23:16
bjfRAOF: bug 103655323:18
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1036553 in linux "linux: 2.6.32-42.96 -proposed tracker" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103655323:18
bjfRAOF: bug 103617823:18
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1036178 in linux "linux: 3.0.0-25.41 -proposed tracker" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103617823:18
bjfRAOF: bug 104121723:18
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1041217 in linux "linux: 3.2.0-30.48 -proposed tracker" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104121723:18
bjfRAOF: bug 104140623:19
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1041406 in linux-armadaxp "linux-armadaxp: 3.2.0-1607.11 -proposed tracker" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104140623:19
bjfRAOF: that's all for now :-)23:19
RAOFWow. All the kernels!23:19
RAOFbjf: They require the various linux-*-metas as well, don't they.23:33
bjfRAOF: yup23:33
bjfRAOF: those should all be there, ready as well23:33
RAOFThey are; the bugs are in a slightly different form to when I last did the kernel release, though.23:33
RAOFThey've got the -meta and -lbm task set to Invalid, which threw me a bit.23:34
bjfRAOF: that is supposed to mean they were not an abi bump so didn't require new -meta or -lbm packages23:35
RAOFYeah; but at least 1041217 *does* bump abi.23:35
bjfRAOF: this may be a respin so the meta tasks were set in a different bug23:37
bjfbug 103658123:38
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1036581 in linux "linux: 3.2.0-30.47 -proposed tracker (dup-of: 1041217)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103658123:38
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1041217 in linux "linux: 3.2.0-30.48 -proposed tracker" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104121723:38
RAOFAah, yeah. infinity left himself a note on the bug about that.23:39
bjfRAOF: ^23:39

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