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dholbachgood morning07:02
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iulianMorning dholbach.08:20
dholbachhi iulian08:20
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dpmhi Rhonda, I'm told you're maintaining either packages.debian.org or the Ubuntu counterpart. If so, quick question about the info about the content of packages. How does that work at a high level? Is the archive scanned for all files that packages contained and then all that info put into a database?12:19
ZhenechContents.gz is already there :)12:20
dpmor all the packages downloaded, extracted and then the info put into a DB?...12:20
Zhenechso no need to scan12:20
dpmZhenech, ah, so there is a Contents.gz file that contains info about all the files contained packages from an archive? (I'm not familiar with the structure of the archives)12:21
Zhenechhttp://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/dists/stable/ Contents-*.gz :)12:22
Rhondadpm: There are Contents files in the archive which gets used.  :)12:23
Rhondaapt-file uses the same information, btw12:23
dpmcool, thanks Zhenech and Rhonda. So packages.ubuntu.com then just reads Contents.gz and dumps the info in a DB?12:24
Rhonda… yes, "DB"12:25
Rhondabdb files  %-/12:25
Rhonda… and this is on my agenda to get fixed, to use a real db.12:25
dpmRhonda, gotcha. Out of interest, do you know roughly how long it takes to scan the Contents.gz file and put it into the bdb file?12:27
RhondaWay too long.  But that's not the only bottle neck, the Packages and Sources files are just as bad.12:28
dpmis "way too long" in the range of minutes, hours, days... ?12:29
RhondaHours, in total.12:32
dpmok, thanks12:34
Laneydpm: If you're talking about scanning that when ARB packages are submitted, it won't work. The archive will not check against ARB, so you could get a collision at any future moment.12:38
Laneysorry but the spec was too long for me to read, so I don't know what you're proposing here. I only know what ScottK said on the list.12:40
dpmLaney, I was thinking of scanning both the main archive and extras12:40
Laneythen you have to yank the package from extras as soon as a conflict appears in the archive12:40
Laneyactually it's maybe not so much of a problem on stable releases12:41
dpmyeah, I think that's the advantage, as extras packages would only come for stable releases12:41
Laneybut what happens when you want to roll it on to the next release?12:42
* xnox wishes for dpkg to auto-notice colisions and auto-convert them into alternatives.12:42
Laneythen you might have to rename your files12:42
xnoxI want git, chromium, node to point to the things I have installed..... not to something that happened to be first.12:42
xnoxno collision on my machine -> collision doesn't affect me =)12:43
xnoxit's impossible to install every single package simultaneously. and the overlap, even when it happens by accident, is by accident small.12:44
* xnox just have not wait for a life simulation game 'init'12:44
xnoxas a cool way to spell "Ain't it?"12:45
iulianThat's a stupid London slang for "isn't it". :)12:47
soren"isn't it" is kinda weird in and of itself. Noone says "is not it", so it's a rather peculiar abbreviation.12:49
sorenI'm sure there are historical reasons why it makes sense, but still.12:50
* _ruben votes for "is itn't" as the new alternative12:50
iuliansoren: "init" is just a lazy way of saying "isn't it". Some Londoners can't be bothered saying it correctly.12:50
soreniulian: I know.12:51
iulianI've heard it a lot in east London.12:51
Rhondasoren: language is kinda weird in itself.12:51
dpmLaney, yeah, we'll have to think this through, for now I was just trying to gather some info about the current options and caveats12:51
* iulian nods.12:51
soreniulian: I'm just pointing out that oddity of "isn't it" being the "correct" abbreviation of "is it not".12:51
RhondaThe trouble with spoken language is that it's an interpreted language, and every person has their own interpreter for it.12:52
RhondaThat's bound to fail and result in incompatibilities.12:52
sorenRhonda: Speaking is overrated.12:52
Rhondas/spoken/written/ if that pleases you better, same difference.12:52
soren_ruben: Heh :)12:52
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arandHow do you save the output of pbuilder-dist to a file, seeing how --logfile isn't passed along to pbuilder? Wouldh you just have to redirect in bash?15:33
RhondaI always use --pkgname-logfile15:35
tumbleweedarand: it writes to a file in ~/pbuilder by default15:35
arandYes, but if I run two simultaneously, the last with overwrite this last_operation.log, right?15:36
tumbleweedsounds right15:37
tumbleweedwe'll take a patch to make last_operation.log a symlink to the most recent log file, named after the package built :)15:37
RhondaThe right thing would be to support the --pkgname-logfile switch in *builder-dist15:46
RhondaLaney, RainCT, ^^  :)15:46
alucardn1hello, is there any design guideline to create icon for indicators?15:47
tumbleweedalucardn1: no idea, I'd ask the #ubuntu-unity people15:48
TheLordOfTimewhere can one find a list of packages that were removed from the repos?15:50
TheLordOfTimeand reasoning thereof :P15:50
alucardn1tumbleweed: thanks15:51
tumbleweedTheLordOfTime: I don't think we have a list, but for each package, you can find it in its publishing history page15:52
TheLordOfTimetumbleweed:  which would be where?  (general link structure)15:52
tumbleweed...you can find *the reason* in...15:52
tumbleweedTheLordOfTime: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/PACKAGE/+publishinghistory15:53
tumbleweedyou can find everything about a package at /ubuntu/+source/PACKAGE15:53
TheLordOfTimethe publishing history page... that's a new one, didnt know that existed15:54
tumbleweedthe link is in the top right corner of the package's page15:54
TheLordOfTimedon't see it here.  *shrugs*15:54
TheLordOfTimemight have old cruft in my cache15:54
tumbleweedif you want to find all package removals, you can get them from the API, but it's a slow painful process...15:54
TheLordOfTimei'll check later, net's going down for maintenance  here.15:54
jtaylorhm ruby-vmc has a json<1.7.0 dependency in its gem file18:14
jtaylorso it should conflict with ruby-json18:14
jtaylor(or that dependency is just nonsense)18:14
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jtaylorgna ruby vmc never seemed to ahve worked in the first place19:16
jtaylorit needs some interact module which isn't even packaged19:16
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jtaylortumbleweed, Logan_, micahg: I think I changed my mind, objections to removing ruby-vmc?20:55
jtaylorfrom what I can tell large parts of it never worked20:55
Logan_no objections here20:55
tumbleweedjtaylor: fine with me20:56
tumbleweedbut sooner rather than later20:56
micahgjtaylor: would just like to know if there's anyone in Canonical that needs it for something (which would obligate them to fix this mess at that point), otherwise, no objections20:57
* micahg pings someone for that info20:58
tumbleweedjtaylor: re mpmath. It the tests *currently* fail and are ignored, so it's not any worse, but this seemed like a useful moment to deal with it (as you'd claimed that they passed :P )20:59
jtaylortumbleweed: yes that was a mistake21:00
jtaylorsort of copy paste from my other ffe's21:00
jtaylorthere are a couple other issues in the log I overlooked too21:00
tumbleweeds/It t/T/21:00
jtaylorpinged morph about it21:01
tumbleweedand there I thought accepting FFes from you was safe :)21:01
tumbleweedyeah, I saw21:01
jtayloroh man21:03
jtaylorthe psutil testsuite also failed21:03
jtaylorI really wasn't to attentive when I filed these21:03
jtaylorwell it didn't fail it never ran21:03
micahgjtaylor: go for it :)21:04
jtaylorat least networkx realls passes its tests21:10
jtaylor1 out of 3 ._.21:10
* tumbleweed shall in future require build logs from jtaylor :)21:10
jtaylorit also teaches, let your builds fail on failing tests21:14
tumbleweedyeah. fortunately it's an RC bug if you fail to do that :)21:15
jtaylorthen you could file rc bugs against all of morphs packages oO21:16
tumbleweedpolicy § 4.621:16
jtaylorhm that looks more like advice than requirement21:18
jtaylorif its ignored intentionally its certainly not a severe policy violation21:18
tumbleweedyeah, for ignoring test failures, RC would be a bit hash. But for something that might fail and build an incorrect package...21:18
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
utlemminghowdy motu's. I have a couple FFe for multiverse that I filed this morning for sync's from debian. The packages were held up on debian sponsorship, but they are now in Debian. Are MOTU's the archive admins that need to sign off on the FFe?21:23
micahgutlemming: -release peoples21:23
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micahgsome are lurking here though21:24
utlemmingmicahg: I thought it might go that way, but thought I'd ask here first21:24
micahgpure MOTU and archive admin are mutually exclusive ATM as well :)21:25
utlemmingmichahg: that's good to know21:25
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ScottKLaney: Archive scans won't solve the problem.22:18
Laneywhat problem?22:18
ScottKFile conflicts.22:18
ScottKEven in the stable release, backports can cause an conflict.22:18
* micahg thinks namespacing is the best option there22:18
Laneyoh, you're referring to that old conversation22:18
ScottKLaney: Yes.  Been offline most of the day.22:19
* ScottK thinks /opt is a namespace.22:19
Laneyit is22:19
* ajmitch wants to suggest namespacing using an overlayfs, extending what arkose does22:19
ajmitchit doesn't solve all problems but it's less work for upstream developers22:19
xnoxstow ftw22:20
* xnox hides22:20
ajmitchxnox: similar enough, but done without symlinks :)22:20
* ScottK thinks it's an essential predicate to a proper solution that stuff that's built on top of Ubuntu can't interfere with Ubuntu proper.22:21
* micahg would think using some of these apps in an lxc container only might be the best way to go22:21
micahgScottK: +122:21
ajmitchmicahg: lxc+apparmour is what arkose uses22:22
ScottKI think something along those lines would be better.22:22
LaneyTBH the policy was so long that I didn't get much past the introduction22:23
ajmitchLaney: it was detailed :)22:23
ajmitch& I have doubts that people will understand the permissions asked for when installing a package from the software centre22:23
ajmitchsince retrofitting sandboxing onto these apps will be so much fun22:24
ScottKIf you do it right, they shouldn't know they are sandboxed.22:25
ajmitchno, but the users installing it are prompted to allow permissions, aiui22:25
ajmitchI haven't read the latest drafts of the spec to see what will be presented to users22:25
ScottKPermissions will be displayed apparently.22:25
TheLordOfTimeany MOTU around?  got a question regarding a package that is pretty much unmaintained22:26
ScottK!ask | TheLordOfTime22:26
ubottuTheLordOfTime: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:26
TheLordOfTimeScottK:  was about something in Universe, the supybot package.  Its pretty much unmaintained, hasnt been updated since Karmic.  as well, in Debian, the package is also unmaintained (last update in 2009).  Is this possibly removable?  iirc, such an old supybot is technically buggy and at risk for overflows and stuff22:28
TheLordOfTime(its just been copied from karmic according to the LP page)22:28
ScottKIf you can confirm it's got security issues, I'd say definitely.22:28
ScottKYou should also suggest the same in Debian if it's appropriate.22:29
TheLordOfTimei'll email the upstream maintainer, see if they are even still alive22:29
tumbleweedTheLordOfTime: people use supybot22:32
tumbleweedthere hasn't been an usptream release in years22:32
tumbleweeddo we have *known* security issues?22:32
TheLordOfTimetumbleweed:  correction: people use Limnoria22:33
TheLordOfTimewhich is a patched and improved fork22:33
tumbleweednever heard of it22:33
TheLordOfTimehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/supybot/+bug/234629 looks like a security bug22:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 234629 in supybot (Ubuntu) "supybot !web title leaks LAN HTTP servers to the channel" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:33
TheLordOfTimenever been "fixed" per se.22:33
tumbleweedI suggest you propose the debian maintainer switch to limnoria22:34
TheLordOfTimethe "debian maintainer" according to the supybot project channel here *is* a dev of "supybot"22:34
TheLordOfTimei'm going to email them shortly as soon as my email client stops freezing22:34
tumbleweedthen he should be aware of limnoria, but it's still worth prodding him22:36
TheLordOfTimei'm prodding him for an update log, to see whether he's aware of bugs existing22:36
TheLordOfTimethe guy has an @debian.org address, so if he's not checking bugs, well...22:36
tumbleweedjamessan is very active in debian22:37
TheLordOfTimeindeed.  kinda surprised he hasnt picked up on this.22:37
* TheLordOfTime did just email him22:37
TheLordOfTimetumbleweed:  also... http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?src=supybot&repeatmerged=no22:38
TheLordOfTimeread the "Important" bugs22:38
TheLordOfTimethere's risks in there as well, filed against the Debian version and not the Ubuntu version22:38
TheLordOfTimeits not too far fetched to assume those bugs exist in the Ubuntu version as well.22:39
* TheLordOfTime would have to confirm, but already uses Limnoria on production environments22:39
micahghi l3on, was wondering if you plan on working on your open merges (/me has some uncompleted as well, but is planning on doing them)22:42
TheLordOfTimetumbleweed:  oh, you know what...22:44
TheLordOfTimetumbleweed:  according to these bugs that can put a system at risk, there's been *zero* activity on the bugs22:44
TheLordOfTimeand statements to the effect that upstream is pretty much dead22:44
tumbleweedit's not like anyone provided any ptaches either22:44
TheLordOfTimethey're all patched in limnoria, according to bug comments...22:45
tumbleweedthey just told him to switch to a different upstream. which isn't something one does lightly22:45
TheLordOfTimehttp://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=672214, for instance.  and http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=67221522:45
ubottuDebian bug 672214 in supybot "[supybot] misc.last command can be used to crash the computer where the bot is running" [Important,Open]22:45
ubottuDebian bug 672215 in supybot "[supybot] math.calc can be used to crash the computer where the bot is running" [Important,Open]22:45
tumbleweedTheLordOfTime: we (and debian) fix security issues by applying minimal patches. only the development releases are fixed with new upstream versions22:46
TheLordOfTimetumbleweed:  limnoria doesn't keep their patches around afaict22:47
TheLordOfTimei'm reading up on suggesting a package's removal now, so...22:47
tumbleweedthey sound lie a pleasure to work with :/22:47
Laneywhy aren't those bugs RC?22:48
tumbleweedseriously, though. they use git. the commits fixing those bugs can be found22:48
TheLordOfTime... okay, now i'm seriously annoyed22:50
TheLordOfTimeand that's not a good thing22:50
ajmitchbecause of getting banned?22:50
TheLordOfTimeno, because that guy has banned me in two places22:51
TheLordOfTimebecause i brought up (1) the fact the package shoudl be removed, and (2) he's taking my opinions a bit too seriously22:51
* TheLordOfTime goes off to a private channel to rant.22:51
tumbleweedaww did I miss out on some fun? :)22:54
TheLordOfTimeyou've missed out on my rage/annoyance levels going from 500 (low) to 8000 (very high) very quickly.22:55
TheLordOfTimejust because i happen to be wanting to suggest the removal of the supybot package because of security bugs22:55
* TheLordOfTime returns to private ranting, to prevent a mess from /dev/chaos leaking to Ubuntu channels22:55
Laneyif you can be civil then I suggest you post links to the commits on the bugs and make them RC22:56
TheLordOfTimethe civility will improve after a little while of ranting in private.22:58
TheLordOfTimehence the ranting in private.22:58

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