[02:55] Anyone know why I can't seem to use btset at the moment? (see #ubuntu-ops-monitor) [04:41] ActionParsnip called the ops in #ubuntu () === sickdunn is now known as ldunn [14:17] FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (noobubuntuuser appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY) [15:38] In #ubuntustudio-devel, smartboyhw said: !ubuntustudio-dev is ubuntustudio-devel [15:39] In ubottu, smartboyhw said: !ubuntustudio-contribute is ubuntustudio-devel [15:40] Hm [15:40] smartboyhw: did you mean to have those be valid in #ubuntustudio (i.e. calling !devel in #ubuntustudio would bring up the results of !ubuntustudio-devel)? [15:41] Well, can I do that? [15:41] !ubuntustudio-devel [15:41] If you want to contribute to Ubuntu Studio, please visit #ubuntustudio-devel or join the mailing list from https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/Ubuntu-Studio-devel [15:41] Well [15:41] Well, yes, thats possible. [15:42] !devel-#ubuntustudio is ubuntustudio-devel [15:42] I'll remember that, Pici [15:42] I just want ubuntustudio-contribute and ubuntustudio-dev to be ubuntustudio-devel [15:42] But anyway, that's fine too [15:42] I'll setup all of them. [15:42] !contribute-#ubuntustudio is ubuntustudio-devel [15:42] I'll remember that, Pici [15:42] !ubuntustudio-contribute is ubuntustudio-devel [15:42] Thanks [15:43] !ubuntustudio-dev ubuntustudio-devel [15:43] Pici: You missed is at the lasat one [15:43] !ubuntustudio-dev is ubuntustudio-devel [15:43] I'll remember that, Pici [15:43] smartboyhw: yeah ;) [15:43] YEAH, but why I can't see the contribute - devel message from the bot? [15:43] THe third one I mean [15:43] !ubuntustudio-contribute [15:43] If you want to contribute to Ubuntu Studio, please visit #ubuntustudio-devel or join the mailing list from https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/Ubuntu-Studio-devel [15:44] OK, thanks Pici [15:44] smartboyhw: the bot's flood protection can be weird sometimes. [15:44] meh