
bikcmpI want to make an application run on startup01:03
bikcmphowever, I want it to run as a user.01:03
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patdk-lapbikcmp, add it to contrab01:11
bikcmppatdk-lap: i've already gotten it from a kind man in #ubuntu01:11
bikcmppatdk-lap: i ended up going the /etc/rc.local route01:12
bikcmpabout to test it.01:12
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1044229 in maas "DHCP config doesn't get written unless an inhuman combination of scripts is run" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104422902:46
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XirreIf I wanted to make a Shell Server where people can upload only a specific file type, (.dmb and .rsc) how would I go about doing so? They can also run, 'DreamDaemon "world.dmb" <port>' which will be a command to be ran. It basically runs the .dmb file and it opens the world so others can join. Is there any way I can do this?03:22
qman__for something that specific, your best option is writing up a web interface to do it03:30
qman__restricting shell access to something so narrow will be very difficult03:30
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XirreAgh. I already tried writing up one. I got stuck. I know basic php, html, a bit of shell, and some programming languages.03:59
XirreWhat if I didn't have to restrict the file type? I can worry about that part later.04:00
XirreI am back.04:02
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drag0niuswhat is (squid-1) process? including brackets05:38
drag0niusi've removed squid3 package but this one was still running and responding on 312805:39
uvirtbotNew bug: #1045635 in keystone (main) "python-keystoneclient is missing /usr/bin/keystone " [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104563505:46
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jamespageDaviey, I'll pickup that iscsitarget SRU if you like; I'll do it after beta-1 as we really need to merge with Debian in quantal first07:59
Davieyjamespage: rocking!08:01
jamespageDaviey, actually thats not seeded anymore - I'll do it today08:01
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spidernik84Hi everyone. Is the vm-builder project dead on 12.04?09:10
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uvirtbotNew bug: #992012 in openvpn "No /openssl.cnf file could be found because of a wrong regex in whichopensslcnf" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99201209:17
eagles0513875_hey guys is there a place where i can get the list of repositories for ubuntu server 12.0409:25
ikoniawhat do you mean a list of repositories ?09:26
eagles0513875_a list of default repositories09:26
ikoniawhat do you mean default repositories ?09:26
eagles0513875_my server is using the DC's local mirrors im trying out an experiment09:26
eagles0513875_in terms of creating my own repo09:26
ikoniaso you want the mirror list09:26
ikonianot repositories09:26
eagles0513875_when i say repositories i mean like main universe etc09:27
ikoniayou have those in your install09:28
ikoniasorry, I'm not understanding what you actually want09:28
eagles0513875_sorry for the confusion i just figured it out :(09:28
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ikoniadid you mean something like this http://ubuntu.virginmedia.com/archive/dists/precise/09:30
spidernik84or this? http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/09:35
spidernik84is there anyone doing automated virtual machines creation?09:36
eagles0513875_ikonia: ya thats it09:37
thierryHi everyone, i'm working on an ubuntu-server image on my Pandaboard - :) - and i'm trying to connect a GPS / RFID  / GPRS to my system; the problem is that in a normal ubuntu environment theses devices are attached on /dev/ttyUSB* ( for GPS and GPRS) and /dev/ttyACM* ( for RFID) but on my system they are plugged on /dev/usbdev*.**09:38
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thierrynormally it's a usbserial driver issues09:38
thierryanyone has an idea?09:38
thierryi found some tutos that show how to enable usbserial for devices using their idProduct / Vendor : but i need this to be natively done by the system , regardless the GPS i'm connecting09:40
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melmoththierry, sounds like something udev can help you with09:41
melmoth(if it s just a matter of giving the device the name you want)09:41
thierrymelmoth:  it's not just the name09:42
thierrywith cutecom when the device is plugged on /dev/ttyISB i can open it , but not if it is plugged on /dev/usbdevx.y09:43
ogra_sounds more like something for #ubuntu-kernel09:43
Kingsycan someone in here talk to me for a moment about how to make sense of the results sar produces?09:44
thierry:) ok 'ill try there09:53
melmothKingsy, apt-get install ksar :-)10:03
Kingsymelmoth: I have it installed, and I am looking at the results of the past 24 hours now. The thing I am asking is how to make sense of the results10:04
melmothnot sure i understand the problem10:05
Kingsymelmoth: for example, in "processes" there is a graph plotted with time / proc/s   <-- what exactly is proc/s ? it cant be processes I have a peak here at 87.5 proc/s10:05
Kingsythat cant mean 87 and a half processes10:05
melmothsa record some metrics along time, then you can see what those metrics were (i/o , rm used, number of process) later on.10:05
melmothksar just show it with picture so it s easier to feel how things chnaged according to time10:06
melmothnumber of process created by second i think10:06
Kingsyso at a point in the day it created 87.5 processes per second? isnt that impossible? the server should have crashed.. and according to the load average it didnt go above like 210:07
Kingsymelmoth: I guess what I am trying to say is, the results just don't make any sense10:07
melmothyou can create 87 new process per second.. sound slike a fork bomb.10:08
Kingsywhat is a fork bomb?10:08
Kingsymelmoth: and your right yeah, ot does mean processes created per second, so for arguments sake, I wanted to try and find out WHY it did that..10:09
melmotheither a malicious fork bomb, or, more likely, some daemon init script that failed to run the daemon, and try again, and again, and again10:09
Kingsymelmoth: so, say you were looking at sar, and you spotted that spike, what would you check next in order to find out more about why that happened?10:10
melmothwhat does /var/log/syslog says for the date and time this happened ?10:10
Kingsymelmoth: that file doesnt exist on our server10:11
jamespageDaviey, really enjoying the iscsitarget rabbit hole - dkms module does not build with 3.5 kernel....10:12
melmothyou have probably change the syslog configuration so it logs things elsewhere..10:12
jamespagesmb, are you around to pester for help with iscsitarget/linux 3.5 build issues?10:12
Kingsyyeah I guess the hosting company did it.. man10:12
smbjamespage, I would be again in a bit. You guys seem to sense whenever I am about to leave for lunch10:13
smbjamespage, ;)10:14
jamespagesmb, lol - give me a ping when you are done then - thanks!10:14
smbjamespage, Sure, will do :)10:14
Davieyjamespage: I am jealous!  If you want to swap with something cooler, it's all yours.10:21
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spidernik84Hi all. Is there any alternative to ubuntu-vm-builder?10:50
xnoxspidernik84: python-vm-builder, debootstrap, ubuntu core, cloud images, lxc containers....10:53
jamespagespidernik84, the cloud image builds switched a while back - lemme see if I can tell you what they use now - I think its livebuilder10:54
spidernik84thanks guys :)11:00
Sachin__Is there any alternative for ACL?11:30
Sachin__Is there any alternative for Access Control Lists ?11:32
Davieyjamespage: does ceph need xml2?11:43
jamespageDaviey, rest-bench uses it - but that should remain in universe11:45
Davieyjamespage: can you make sure it's handled? ta11:45
Daviey(showing in c-m)11:45
jamespageDaviey, how do I make that happen?  radosgw was as well but someone promoted it to main - I was expecting it to remain in universe11:46
Davieyjamespage: Why was it promoted ?11:47
jamespageDaviey, no idea11:49
jamespageDaviey, can I tell who promoted it?11:49
Davieyjamespage: no easily.11:49
jamespageDaviey, MIR has been requested but I think there are to many blockers for quantal IMHO - bug 101797811:50
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1017978 in libfcgi "[MIR] libfcgi, ceph (radosgw)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101797811:50
Davieyjamespage: ask in -release, see if anyone knows.11:53
smbjamespage, So whats up with scsitarget? :)11:53
jamespagesmb, the dkms module is not so happy with the 3.5 kernel11:55
jamespagesmb, I've picked a patch from upstream but I had to rework some stuff myself - would you be OK to review?11:55
smbjamespage, Yeah that has happened a few times. Yes, I could do. Where would I find your things?11:57
smbjamespage, Which place did you pick things from? Just out of interest. The debian package or the svn repo?11:58
jamespagesmb, both - I merge in the latest packaging from debian, picked a few patches from upstream to resolve this and other bugs and added one myself!11:58
jamespageI've tested it locally and it appears to work - but specifically this patch needs a review:11:58
jamespageioc_task_link changed in 3.5 to be a void function - so I had to rework its use11:59
jamespageI think I have it right...11:59
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smbjamespage, Hm, not sure. Now you would only conditionally call ioc_taslk_link while before it was always done... Give me a min to think about that12:06
jamespagesmb, if you look at that function 3.4 and 3.5 you will see the change in behaviour12:07
smbjamespage, right, I was about to do that12:07
jamespageit won't work without a valid ioc context - whereas before the function would just return NULL12:07
smbjamespage, Yes, it seems the null check moved away. It seems it used to have another fail point when the refcount was 0. So mostly I guess your version is ok (maybe one could make it more readable by having an else case and do the assignment in the true case). And we hope that current->io_context is only set with a ref-count and always NULL otherwise...12:20
jamespagesmb, I guess the "another fail point when the refcount was 0" was the bit that worried me a little12:21
koolhead16my internet phewwwwwwwwww12:24
smbjamespage, It seems that may be a guarantee... At least from the commit that removed the check: "ioc_task_link() is used to share %current's ioc on clone.  If12:24
smb    %current->io_context is set, %current is guaranteed to have refcount12:24
smb    on the ioc and, thus, ioc_task_link() can't fail."12:24
jamespagesmb, \o/12:25
jamespageall good then...12:25
smbjamespage, Yeah I think that there is hope. Well at least from their point of view. They talk of current in the fork context and iscsitarget code uses something else.12:28
smbjamespage, But I guess whenever a task has a pointer to an ioc set there should be a reference (or there is something badly wrong with the usage of refcounting or the pointer)12:32
jamespagesmb, I think so12:32
dassoukiis there a way from terminal, I can list the 10 largest folders on my system, or folders that have more than 5gb in them includnig sub folders?12:52
zuldassouki: yeah look at the man page for find13:01
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dhanasekaranHI, Guys i want go live session with ubuntu-server cd13:18
dhanasekaranplease guide me guys13:18
RoyKdhanasekaran: there's no ubuntu server live cd13:21
RoyKthere's the desktop cd, and the server cd, the desktop can go live, the server cd can operate in two modes, install or recovery13:21
TheLordOfTimedhanasekaran:  if you want a "live" server environment, install "desktop" onto a USB thumbdrive, add server packages13:26
TheLordOfTime(I have a system here that is the GUI Desktop but has additional server packages, to act as a dev system13:26
dhanasekaranTheLordOfTime, i want find mac address for my server, But My server have ubuntu-server cd How to find out mac address13:27
dhanasekaranTheLordOfTime, it's new machine no os13:27
dhanasekaranonly have ubuntu-server cd13:27
dhanasekarani want deploy os remotely using cobbler tool using mac address13:28
dhanasekaranplease guide me.13:28
patdk-lapboot the system, the pxe bios on the nic will tell you13:28
patdk-lapor, tcpdump, and watch for dhcp requests from it when you turn it on13:29
TheLordOfTimedhanasekaran:  you install ubuntu server and then find  the MAC address for the NIC13:29
TheLordOfTimedhanasekaran:  or, you take apart the server and look at the NIC13:30
TheLordOfTimeit may be written right on it what its MAC is13:30
TheLordOfTime(otherwise, you boot to a Desktop live session, run ifconfig -a in the terminal, and find the MAC)13:30
dhanasekaranTheLordOfTime, server it's located remote place13:30
dhanasekaranit's any way find mac address using ubuntu-server cd13:32
dhanasekarani can login into busybox shell but not getting mac address information13:33
TheLordOfTimedhanasekaran:  no because the ubuntu server CD is not a live cd13:33
TheLordOfTimeif its a remote server, it should get an OS before you can truly get any real information13:33
dhanasekaranit's a newly bot machine, there is no remote support hand,only machine power on state, inside ubuntu-server DVD13:36
cerberosIf http://pastie.org/4662177 is the output of cat /proc/cpuinfo should I be installing _i386.deb or _amd64.deb packages?13:38
_rubendhanasekaran: do you have remote kvm access?13:38
dhanasekaran_ruben, yes13:38
dhanasekaran_ruben, How to d it? any help13:38
_rubenthen just follow patdk-lap's remark .. just hit the key to have it boot from pxe, and it'll show you the mac address it's using for that, unless it has a really broken pxe rom13:39
GargoyleIs there a quick way to get the installed list of packages from one server, into a format that can be used to install all the same packages on another server?13:39
_rubenGargoyle: there is, but i don't recall it from top of my head. should easy to find using google13:40
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this currently may cause problems with multiarch) - See also !automate13:40
_rubenright, that one :)13:40
Gargoyleahh. I was looking into dpkg options! :)13:41
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1006966 in cloud-init "maas mirror values are overwritten by cloud-init" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100696613:51
tmartiro I have problem changing network cards' affinity . After changing the smp_affinity , the changes are not applied. There is also bonding interface configured on host. Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. kernel  3.2.0-29-generic14:03
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dhanasekaran_ruben, thanks man. it's showing mac address14:28
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning14:28
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this currently may cause problems with multiarch) - See also !automate14:29
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1045845 in xorg (main) "12.10 guest crash on login when using 12.04 qemu-kvm with cirrus driver" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104584514:51
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xnoxthere is a similar bug of 12.10 guest cirrus driver not playing along with qemu-kvm on 12.10 host.14:55
xnoxand that was thought to be kernel bug in 12.10, because 12.04 guest works fine on qemu-kvm 12.10 host.14:55
jamespagehallyn, around? I'm seeing a weird issue with my iscsi testing setup with libvirt/kvm15:00
hallynjamespage: i know 0 about iscsi, but shoot15:01
jamespagemy test VM's instantly go to paused state when I try to start them15:01
hallynjamespage: nohting in logs?  how about setting debug level to 1 in /etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf?15:01
jamespagehallyn, well not quite instantly - I get a little output15:01
sorenhallyn: Did you see my question here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libvirt/+bug/997978/comments/8615:03
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 997978 in qemu-kvm "KVM images lose connectivity with bridged network" [High,Confirmed]15:03
* soren notes the time and runs off15:04
hallynsoren: looking15:05
jamespagehallyn, OK - here is a bit more - http://paste.ubuntu.com/1185918/15:07
jamespagehallyn, looks like this bug 104502715:08
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1045027 in linux "iPXE kills kvm with KVM: entry failed, hardware error 0x80000021" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104502715:08
jamespagehallyn, love it when I managed to answer my own question15:08
uvirtbotNew bug: #1045064 in quantum "Impossible to run Quantum Server from testing packages" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104506415:09
jamespageanyway that blocks me from testing iscsi root for beta-115:09
hallynsoren: great, thanks (commentin gin bug)15:10
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hallynjamespage: ah, ok :)  i waspuzzling over Dave's bug submission a few mins ago :)15:11
jamespagehallyn, I can reproduce that at will if that helps15:13
jamespageI reverted my kernel and I'm good for testing15:13
hallynjamespage: marked it critical prio.  might comment there that you're ready to test.  i'll leave it to kernel team unless they say otherwise15:15
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tashstrange, am in group www-data and /var/www is www-data:www-data with 777 and I can't overwrite files via FTP15:41
tashperms denied15:41
tashany ideas?15:41
Gargoyletash: Don't use ftp!15:42
tashwell, it's winscp, port 2215:43
tashso, sftp15:43
tashstill, odd that I can't overwrite files isn't it?15:43
Gargoyletash: if it really is 777, then it wouldn't matter what group you were in.15:43
GargoyleAnything in the logs?15:43
GargoyleWhat error msg do you get?15:44
tashagreed on the 777, checking logs15:44
tashthis was just dumped on me15:44
tashstill investigating15:44
tashnothing in /var/log/messages or /var/log/syslog, not sure which log to look at15:45
shaunoare the files you're trying to overwrite also owned by www-data ?15:45
GargoyleIf it's a windows to linux transfer, could be worth checking that if its a case sensitivity issue (eg, the file is uploaded as Index.HTM, but the webserver is serving index.htm)15:46
tashshauno: yes15:46
tashGargoyle: it is Windows -> Ubuntu Server, but never had issues before and use WinSCP all the time.15:47
tashcould it be trying to modify perms after the upload and maybe that is causing the issue?15:47
Gargoylecould be. You actually need to be the Owner of the file to change it's permissions.15:48
Gargoyleso if they are owned by www-data, you'll need to make them owned by you:www-data I think.15:48
tashyep, that was it15:51
Gargoyleannoying as hell! :)15:51
jamespagelynxman, OK - I give up - how do I get ipxe to tell me exactly why it won't boot off my iscsi target15:52
jamespageubuntu installed to it just fine....15:52
lynxmanjamespage: hm... :)15:54
tashso, even though perms are 777 on something you can't change perms unless you own the file? That is the lesson learned here right?15:54
lynxmanjamespage: afaik it should relate to the network card you have on the server15:54
lynxmanjamespage: there's quite a bunch of small bugs about this, we found one with TREllis 6 months ago15:55
jamespagelynxman, I get an Input/Output error message only15:55
jamespageit worked at alpha-3 frustratingly15:56
lynxmanjamespage: anywhere I can see a screenshot of those?15:56
jamespagelynxman, not right this moment but it pointed me to http://ipxe.org/err/1d70443915:56
lynxmanjamespage: I'd say the driver got a reply it didn't expect15:58
lynxmanjamespage: although ipxe is mostly black magic, I'd contact the mailing list and hope for the best :)15:58
jamespagelynxman, someone beat me to it...16:01
lynxmanjamespage: so that's a high chance, I don't think our last ipxe update is from before May 16th16:02
jamespagelynxman, feb16:02
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lynxmanjamespage: yeah, so that'd make sense, although *crossing fingers* the package should be easy to update, and if not I'll be willing *steps forward* to update it16:03
* jamespage tries it16:04
roaksoaxDaviey: are we too late to upload maas to quantal?16:37
Davieyroaksoax: no, i'd rather it was in there.16:43
Davieyroaksoax: can i see the diff?16:43
roaksoaxDaviey: ok, I'll upload later today16:43
roaksoaxDaviey: ok, it will be a veeeeeeeeeeeeery long one :)16:44
roaksoaxDaviey: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1186109/16:46
uvirtbotNew bug: #1045923 in ipxe (main) "input/output error on iscsi sanboot from linux tgt" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104592316:56
Davieyroaksoax: best hold off, actually.16:56
roaksoaxDaviey: ok16:57
roaksoaxDaviey: it will keep growing though16:57
roaksoaxDaviey: right now it has been tested and has everything working but internal DNS/DHCP16:57
Davieyroaksoax: can you comment on what the diff does?17:11
Davieyhow does it improve the beta?17:11
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roaksoaxDaviey: will do17:20
roaksoaxDaviey: i didn't upload anything on friday nor yesterday17:20
roaksoaxas some issue needed to be fixed17:20
roaksoaxii'm just updating to latest branch and testing eeeeeverything again17:20
uvirtbotNew bug: #1045947 in lxc (universe) "lxc-net should not masquarade intra-container traffic" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104594717:51
nanderssonHi, I am setting up Ubuntu Core in a disk image. Got it to work, but now I would like to have my keyboard working. I installed the package keyboard-configuration, choose my keyboard and thought that would do it, but no. Still english keyboard. I have the right parameters in /etc/default/keyboard. Do I need to set some vars in .bashrc /etc/.profile or someplace?18:00
nanderssonOk, I solved part of the problem by installing console-setup and configure it for UTF-8 and Latin1. Still don't get åäö though :-(18:26
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1045955 in lxc (universe) "lxc-create -t ubuntu-cloud broken on quantal images (no ubuntu user)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104595518:31
SuperLagHow can you find out what the dependencies are for $PACKAGE? is there an apt option that will do that?18:36
NepheloHello, I've got a problem with my Ubuntu 10.04 Serversystem. I'm using mdadm (raid 5) and smbd for network shares. After a time the server freezes, only a reset helps. RAM is ok, and FS seems to. I tried to create an archive and this works. Nothing in syslog. Can someone help me?18:40
RoyKNephelo: cat /proc/mdstat18:48
RoyKNephelo: and use smartctl -H on all devs in that raid18:48
RoyKNephelo: and perahsp smartctl -t short for them18:49
NepheloRoyK The raid seems ok. But after a reset the raid starts with resync18:49
NepheloOk, I'll try smartctl18:49
RoyKNephelo: if a drive hangs, it may hang the whole system18:49
NepheloRoyK: But I tried to create a big archiv and this works18:50
Nephelo(using the comand line)18:50
Davieyroaksoax: Hey, how are you doing with using the squashfs with MAAS?18:56
roaksoaxDaviey: well haven't really looked at it again yet as I was resolving issues with MAAS itself18:56
roaksoax Daviey going to start looking at it again once I finish this package testing18:57
NepheloRoyK: smartctl -H says for all devices that they passed the test18:58
adam_gzul: do you know whats up with the python-quantumclient MIR? hasn't moved in a while but looks like the concerns have been addressed?18:58
zuladam_g: no idea....lemme have a look18:59
Davieyroaksoax: ok18:59
adam_gzul: nosexcover is gone and the test suite is enabled. its now a dependency of nova and is blocking nova uploads to Q, which is why i ask.19:01
zulyeah lemme bug mterry19:01
hallynpmatulis: hi, are there freeze dates relating to the server guide for quantal?19:02
roaksoaxDaviey: do yo want me to attach a diff?19:02
roaksoaxDaviey: to the FFe bug report?19:02
roaksoaxDaviey: cause I think I'm ready to upload19:02
pmatulishallyn: hi, i'm lagging behind this cycle for the guide.  i need to look into it19:03
Davieyroaksoax: jfdi please19:05
Davieyroaksoax: but please be around if it regresses to resolve19:06
roaksoaxDaviey: k cool :)19:06
hallynpmatulis: ok - there are several things in the lxc guide i need to update, but i'm hoping i can put that off a bit further as i chase some elusive bugs elsewhere :)19:08
roaksoaxDaviey: ok cool. The only "regression" is that dhcp seems to not be writing the config just yet, which leaves it unsuable for now, but that should be addressed very soon19:10
roaksoaxDaviey: due to the running our own maas dhcp upstart job19:10
Davieyroaksoax: Remember that maas doesn't always run it's own dhcp19:12
DavieyMany scenarios it will not.19:12
roaksoaxDaviey: yeah I'm much rather concerned on having maas fully supported now with correctly running external dns/dhcp rather than increasing the diff later in the release19:12
skritehey all19:14
roaksoaxDaviey: uploaded \o/19:20
Troy^System restart required how often do those types of updates happen in server?19:29
roaksoaxDaviey: let me know when you approve maas please19:31
Davieyroaksoax: done19:40
roaksoaxDaviey: thanks19:42
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protoCall7Hi all, I am attempting to install a Xen domU of Ubuntu Server 12.04 following the directions on the xen wiki @ http://wiki.xen.org/wiki/Ubuntu_10.04_domU, but I can not seem to get a boot loader to install.  Does anyone have any troubleshooting tips for tracking the problem down?19:54
uvirtbotNew bug: #1004238 in maas "cobbler sync not called after maas-dhcp configuration" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100423819:57
uvirtbotNew bug: #1005388 in maas (main) "/etc/cron.d/maas-gc has wrong path to maas executable" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100538820:02
protoCall7here are the relevant syslog entries regarding the grub failure: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1186449/20:12
smoserhallyn, https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/ubuntu/quantal/lxc/lp-1045955/+merge/12274920:16
hallynsmoser: all the whitespace changes mask the meat of it20:30
hallynyou're adding check for auth_key (not mentioned in changelog).  but i have no objection to what it claims to change.  I assume utlemming is happy with it too?20:31
hallynsmoser: I'm adding some compile fixes right now too.  I'll copy in your .patch file if that's ok20:31
hallyn(subject to beta freeze of course)20:31
uvirtbotNew bug: #1045986 in firefox (main) "Ubuntu AppArmor policy is too lenient with shell scripts" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104598620:31
arrrghhhhello.  i'd like to run logrotate more frequently than 'daily' - at least on one specific set of logs.20:33
arrrghhhcan i just put */10 * * * * logrotate in my root's crontab, or is there more to it?20:33
smoserhallyn, the comment about auth_key is correctly in commit messages20:34
smoserand i really suggest taking the wuite space changes too20:34
smoseras that file is a mess.20:34
hallynsmoser: pushed to ubuntu:lxc20:35
hallynsmoser: yeah, that file is a mess, cause ppl insist on fighting 'et sw=8 ts=8' common-sense setting :)20:35
smoserby just copying rather than merging you lose my per-commit commit messages.20:35
hallyn(j/k on whitespace)20:35
smoserhallyn, if i made invalid or inconsistent white space changes then you should reject it.20:36
smoserbut you really should set some '# vi:'20:36
hallyndoes all vi actually honor that?20:36
smoseras that makes the one true editor "just work"20:36
hallynISTM it generally ignores it20:37
smoserset modeline modelines=320:37
smoserthat searches top 3 and bottom the lines20:37
hallynso it only works when people want it to - in which case they can correctly set it by hand anyway20:38
hallynmaybe those should be default in system-wide vimrc20:38
hallynbut anyway20:38
hallynbzr merging with multiple quilt patches is not to be trusted.  sorry.  your commit msgs were lost.20:39
roaksoaxDaviey: ok so I tried to do the squashfs thing and a few thoughts:20:39
roaksoax1. Installer is being killed due to an apparent lack of memory20:39
hallynI always keep upstream-directed msgs in DEP-5 tags, and distro-directed in changelog20:39
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roaksoax2. squid-deb-proxy doesn't allow to download the image, so I had to tweak squid0deb-proxy. For our case, I think it might be important to publish it in archive.u.c and download it and find a workaround20:40
smoserhallyn, but if you're a developer, you want it to. and so you should set that.20:40
hallynin fact i think i'll copy yours into header20:40
smoserand then go on with life.20:40
smoserthe reason its not default is20:41
smoserthere are been issues at points in the past.20:41
smoseri think it might be saner now.20:41
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hallynsmoser: are you forwarding that patch to lxc-devel or should i?20:42
smoserumm... you should :)20:42
smoseroh. and sorry i didn't do good patch headers there.20:42
smoserit would hvae been ok for you to NAk and say that.20:43
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smoserhave you seen this20:51
smoserwith brfs20:51
smoser$ sudo lxc-destroy --name precise-amd6420:51
smoserrm: skipping `/var/lib/lxc/precise-amd64/rootfs', since it's on a different device20:51
smoserresult is tha ti can't kill that root20:51
smoseri have to run now. will check in later.20:51
smoseri thought i had set up for btrfs20:51
hallynsmoser: hm.20:52
hallynsmoser: someone changed the rm -rf to                 rm -rf --one-file-system --preserve-root $rootdev20:52
hallyngit suggests it was me20:53
hallynwe want that safety though, so i think the right answer is to first separately rm -rf --one-filesystem the $rootfs, then the $containerdir20:54
hallyni'll push a fix20:54
esuavewhat is the difference between the /etc/rc.d/init.d/ directory and the /etc/init.d/?20:55
arrrghhhesuave, well as i understand it the rc.d stuff is by runlevel20:56
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arrrghhhinit.d is all the scripts for startup, regardless of runlevel20:56
esuaveahh got ya! thanks!!20:56
hallynsmoser: oh.  no.  that's already fixed in quantal.  but not in precise20:57
hallynif you feel that should be SRU'd, please do open a bug20:57
arrrghhhesuave, that wasn't a great explanation.  this one is much better :)20:57
arrrghhhas my explanation really applies more to the rcX.d stuff20:59
esuaveah yes this helps20:59
esuavethank you20:59
TellmarchHi... is there a way to allow a user to take ownership of folders/files owned by www-data?21:15
arrrghhhTellmarch, if you can change the ownership, chown21:15
arrrghhhif you have to change the permissions without ownership, chmod21:15
Tellmarchmy problem is that there is a user, let's say user1, with a website in his home folder21:16
Tellmarchhowever, php scripts create files there, owned by www-data21:16
Tellmarchuser1 is not an administrative account, so normally he can't do the chown (no rights to do so)21:16
arrrghhhTellmarch, chmod the files then21:16
Tellmarchbut i'd like to allow him to, without giving him full root access to the server21:17
arrrghhhso more users/groups can access them21:17
arrrghhhjust chmod the files he needs to access21:17
Tellmarchfiles might be created by php in the future, i want him to be able to do it21:17
Tellmarchor can i change the default permissions for files created by apache?21:17
arrrghhhcron job?21:17
arrrghhhhrm, you might be able to21:17
arrrghhhabove my pay grade... i guess it really depends on how the files are created and for what purpose.... but again, i am pretty green with apache.21:18
Tellmarchbasically he has a (heavy) php web application, which can install new modules directly from the web administration page etc.21:19
Tellmarchwhich means new files created, owned by www-data instead of user1...21:19
arrrghhhyea, i'd say you'll have to ensure the web app is creating the files with the appropriate permissions21:20
arrrghhhor create a cron job that chmod's the files - not exactly pretty.21:20
Tellmarchyeah that would be easy enough to do... but if for some security reason he wants some strange permissions on few files, might be dangerous21:21
Tellmarchthough doing chown -R on the root of the website should be fine I guess21:22
Tellmarchok, thanks for the hints21:22
arrrghhhyea, if you limit the chmod to his website directory, it shouldn't be too dangerous21:22
arrrghhhjust dangerous for his site potentially ;)21:23
Tellmarchone other idea I had was to allow user1 to run chown as www-data, in the sudoers file... But i don't know much about sudoers, so i'm not even sure if it's possible21:27
TellmarchI think if I can do that it would be safe, nothing else should be owned by www-data in the server...21:27
arrrghhhTellmarch, why not just add his user to the www-data group?21:28
Tellmarchbecause the default permissions are 755 :(21:28
Tellmarchit was my first idea too ^^21:28
arrrghhhsounds so simple :P21:28
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1024281 in python-glanceclient (main) "Bug during installation. conflicts: python-glanceclient + glance-client" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102428121:46
kyle__Where do you set the system-wide defaults ala gsettings (previously gconf) in 12.04?21:59
arrrghhhkyle__, doesn't really apply to the -server platform - does it?21:59
kyle__arrrghhh: No, but mostly it only applies to people running multiple workstations at work, and they tend to hang out more in server.22:00
arrrghhhkyle__, ok...22:00
arrrghhhjust checking.  my server has no gnome ;)22:00
kyle__arrrghhh: Technically, _technically_ I'm dealing with server, as I installed the minimal, then apt-get installed unity-desktop ;)22:01
arrrghhhi'm sorry.22:01
kyle__arrrghhh: No better way of handling cloud-desktops run off of 'buntu.  Using vncserver is _much_ more efficient than running vino or whatever with X running on a virtual video card provided by KVM.22:02
arrrghhhi just ssh, but i'm only managing a couple of servers.22:02
kyle__arrrghhh: I've got one for nearly every student in the department.22:02
arrrghhhmy ubuntu usage is a bit more limited than that...22:03
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=== DaveM_ is now known as med_
kyle__arrrghhh: Most of them will use the VM once, and forget about it.  But it will be required for some of the classes.  And I'm hoping those students go away feeling like this is a great system.  Hoping.22:04
kyle__s/will be/is/22:04
GargoyleHow much overhead is involved if I install gdb on a server? I've tried cloning the exact same config onto another machine, but I can't get apache to segfault on the test machine.22:04
GargoyleOr can anyone suggest any other method for tracking down a segfault without installing all the gdb stuff on a live server?22:05
Tellmarchwell just installing gbd doesn't change much i think, but you'd have to run apache in gdb i guess?22:07
Tellmarch... haven't used gdb since my C programming days, about 10 years ago...22:08
GargoyleTellmarch: I've never used it. But from googling up some docs, I was wondering if I needed to install dev libraries that contain all the debug symbols?22:09
Tellmarchwell I don't think debugging apache on your live server is really what you want to do22:09
Tellmarchyes, you'd need apache with the debugging symbols too...22:10
Tellmarchapache logs don't tell you anything of value?22:10
Gargoyle[notice] child pid 12698 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)22:10
GargoyleThat's all!22:11
GargoyleSometimes apache carries on, othertimes it locks up and the load balancer deletes it from the pool!22:11
Tellmarchnot very informative :(22:11
GargoyleCan I get apache to be a bit more informative? or dump a core or something that might be of use?22:12
TellmarchI'm not sure...22:13
Tellmarchbut running apache in gdb means compiling it with the debugging symbols22:13
Tellmarchquite a bit of work22:13
TellmarchCoreDumpDirectory /tmp/apache22:14
Tellmarchthere seems to be an option to get the core dump22:14
GargoyleYeah, at which point the apache you are debugging is no longer the same as the running one!22:15
GargoyleI'll see if I can get get something from a core dump. Or perhaps I can get the PID output into access.log too, so at least I can try and track down which part of the web app is crashing it?22:16
Tellmarchis it a php web app?22:16
Tellmarchsome people recommend xdebug...22:17
GargoyleAh. Maybe I can get something from that.22:18
Tellmarchthough it's better to use it on a dev environment, not production...22:19
Tellmarchand if you can't reproduce, that won't help '^^22:20
sorenadam_g: Do you have any idea why all of glance's dependencies on its own binaries are so strictly versioned?22:20
sorenadam_g: It has well and thoroughly painted itself into a corner on my laptop due to this.22:20
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arrrghhhso anyone manage disk space using a web interface?22:32
arrrghhhi was looking at dfweb, but i can't seem to get it working.22:32
adam_gsoren: looking thru history for the what/when/why now, but i can certainly see issues with attempting to use, say, the wrong python-glance with the server(s)22:38
adam_glooks like its been that way since the beginning?  what are you running into exactly?22:40
adam_gsoren: ^22:41
zuladam_g: did you get quantumclient seeded?23:51

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