
christelmorning :)06:26
Monotokomornin' all06:44
diplo Morning all07:08
christelmorning diplo :)07:12
* jussi prods at christel07:14
diploMorning christel et all07:15
christelhow are yoou?07:21
christelheeey jussi! :D07:22
diploSorry popped out for a sec, not to bad.. dropped the boys off this morning so peace for a few days07:28
diplogod I need it this week, younger one started school yesterday07:28
diploWhat a busy day!07:28
christelooh did he enjoy it? :)07:29
diployeah I think so, was defo more tired in the evening though07:29
* TheOpenSourcerer is looking forward to Thursday when my two go back to school. Although truth be told they have been pretty good over the holidays.07:30
diploTom the older one is in his element as they are learning about dinosaurs, wants to tell everyone about the dinosaur museum ( Natural history museum )07:30
diploheh TheOpenSourcerer, still exhausting though isn't it.07:31
christelTheOpenSourcerer: your boys are so cute! like their mother!07:31
christeldiplo: fantastic :D07:31
christeli like dinosaurs!07:31
TheOpenSourcererI (and they) just like the more settled routine07:31
TheOpenSourcerer:-) Thanks christel - what about the dad though?07:32
MartijnVdSDoctor Who will have dinosaurs next week07:32
christeloh i like their dad, he is good fun and most charming!07:33
christelMartijnVdS: Yessss! Dinosaurs on a spaceship! much better than snakes on a plane :D07:33
MartijnVdSLast weekend's episode was great too!07:33
christeli loved it, it was really well done and i hope they manage to keep the standard up for the rest of the series07:34
diploI really must start watching Doctor Who :)07:34
diploWatch the odd episode here and there but not watched a whole series yet07:35
* TheOpenSourcerer was in Swansea at the weekend having a lovely time with a bunch of mates - golf, drinking and general boys behaving badly type stuff.07:35
christeli'm fairly new to the whole dr who thing, didn't really watch any of the old old stuff, started watching when chris eccleston was the doctor :)07:36
MartijnVdSI've tried watching old-who, but I can't really get into it for some reason07:38
MartijnVdSmaybe because TV was "slower" in the 60s :)07:38
christelMartijnVdS: haha07:40
christelTheOpenSourcerer: ooh that sounds like fun07:40
bigcalmMorning peeps :)08:01
christelHELLO BIGCLAM08:01
bigcalmHELLO CHRESTIL08:02
christelHOW ARE YOU?08:02
bigcalmSHOUTY. HOW ARE YOU?08:02
MartijnVdS</capslock day>08:03
AlanBellmorning everyone08:03
MartijnVdSmorning mr Bell08:03
christelbeyond the loudness i feel GOOD and my toes are wet!08:03
christelmorning tinkerbell <308:04
bigcalmWet toes? Is that a sign of a healthy christel?08:06
bigcalmTinkerbell? Oh how sweet ;)08:06
AlanBellor a sign of bad plumbing08:06
bigcalmIt's gone 9am, I should get dressed :(08:07
bigcalmWhat's wrong with a dressing gown?08:08
AlanBellthat isn't a dressing gown, it is a telecommuting suit08:08
=== schwuk_away is now known as schwuk
diploWell you didn't mention anything like that at the start, could have been starkers!08:10
TheOpenSourcererMorning AlanBell08:11
bigcalmdiplo: I shall let you imagine what you wish :D08:14
christelbigcalm: haha naw, dewy grass! :P08:16
bigcalmCool :D08:17
bigcalmHow are the grumpy games going?08:17
christelwhat are the grumpy games?08:18
bigcalmThere's a grumpy games maker, I assumed he made grumpy games ;)08:18
bigcalmNew neighbours next door. Where we've had different students for the last 3 years, we now have a nice young lady and her 3 year old daughter. Said daughter seems to have a tantrum every 30 mins or so08:23
bigcalmNow wishing that the party wall was thicker08:23
bigcalmOn go the headphones08:24
christeldavid has recently discovered the joys of tantrums08:24
bigcalmOh dear08:24
christelyesterday we had a massive tantrum because he wasn't four years old and couldn't yet start school...08:24
bigcalmOh my!08:24
christelthis morning we had a massive tantrum because he couldn't stay home to play with me instead of going to the childminders08:24
christeli should have lied and told him he was going to school...08:24
jussiaww :P08:24
TheOpenSourcererThis is really weird... Anyone got any suggestions? Type "tedial" into Google (no quotes). Click any of the resulting links for the Tedial site and you get sent to the Google Homepage! But stick www.tedial.com into your browser and it is fine...08:25
bigcalmTheOpenSourcerer: going direct to www.tedial.com takes me to google as well08:26
jussiTheOpenSourcerer: wow08:26
TheOpenSourcererThat doesn't work?08:26
jussisomeone has hacked your dns?08:26
AlanBellooh, it doesn't for http08:26
AlanBellhttps is fine08:27
jussiTheOpenSourcerer: yep, that goes to google for me08:27
bigcalmGoing to gets me to their site08:27
TheOpenSourcererWorks for me08:27
AlanBellhmm, now it works for me too08:28
bigcalmYay redheads!08:28
bigcalmOr the same one twice08:28
czajkowskipopey: is there a jam in london this week ?08:32
popeypossibly, will send a mail out if so08:32
popeynot much take-up08:33
czajkowskiah ok08:34
TheOpenSourcererCould it be because there is no dns for the top-level "tedial.com" record perhaps?08:34
dwatkinsbigcalm / christel - there's a forum for that, redheadded godesses ;)08:42
dwatkinsI posted on it because I was trying to remember the name of a TV show.08:42
JamesTaitGood morning all! :)08:43
dwatkinsanyone here use BranchOut on facebook? I got a request from a friend on there, I'm assuming it's a bit like LinkedIn.08:45
christelmooorning JamesTait :)08:45
dwatkinsand good morning :)08:46
JamesTaitchristel: Hello dear. :) How are you this fine morning?08:46
AlanBellbigcalm: christel: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-1946117708:48
MartijnVdS\o/ Holland08:48
MartijnVdSnot Holland. Breda = Brabant :)08:49
christelJamesTait: i am very well! thyself lovely?08:51
christelAlanBell: fantastic08:52
JamesTaitchristel: I'm alive and well and adjusting to the peace and tranquility of having the boys back at school. :)08:52
christelJamesTait: hehe a completely different world eh? :P08:52
TheOpenSourcererJamesTait: Having to wait until Thursday for ours :-(08:53
=== Monotoko is now known as Guest87016
JamesTaitchristel: They're not usually *too* bad, to be honest, but I'd forgotten what it sounded like to not have them playing outside.08:54
JamesTaitWhich reminds me, how's the garage conversion going popey? :)08:54
JamesTaitTheOpenSourcerer: Hardly seems worth going back so late in the week. :-P08:54
popeyJamesTait, well! I took the weekend off to go camping so nothing happened this week, but last week I cleared everything08:54
popeyso there's nearly nothing left08:54
AlanBellmy eldest has gone to secondary school today, the others go back tomorrow08:55
popeyours go back next week08:55
popeythey've just left for the day to some farm08:55
popey\o/ quiet house08:55
mungojerrynew idea for a Dr who... bernie ecclestone!08:57
JamesTaitpopey: Ah, that's a sensible approach. I kind of didn't have much of a choice, and moved a lot of stuff into the garage when we moved house. Most of it is still here, but I'm getting through it slowly.08:58
JamesTaitI just shifted stuff out for the couple of days I spent doing the work, and shifted it back in afterwards, along with a load of stuff that we'd stuff in nooks and crannies in the house.08:58
mungojerryfailing that, boris johnson08:58
popeyyeah, I will do that with the final bits08:58
popeythere was just a load of junk that needed getting rid of first08:59
czajkowskipopey: how was the camping?09:04
czajkowskisaw some of the pics but I was across the pond09:05
czajkowskispeaking of ponds09:05
czajkowskidid folks like the new Dr. who ?09:05
christelloved loved loved loved it09:05
bigcalmWas ok09:08
christelOK? OK?09:08
christelit was AWESOME09:08
bigcalmThat 1st half was a little over dramatic09:09
mungojerryi started browsing the internet during the obligatory 5 mins of emotional cheese09:09
mungojerrydr who seems very cinematic nowadays09:09
bigcalmHope it settles down again09:09
mungojerryonly when they get a new writer. seems to follow a cycle09:09
mungojerryalso , the weakest point is always the bit where they solve everything and escape. sometimes it's just "SHOUT SHOUT flux capacitor reverse the neutron flow, sonic screwdriver OFF WE GO!!"09:10
mungojerrystill watch it though :D09:11
dwatkinsDoctus Ex Machina09:19
* MartijnVdS can has VERY tiny OpenWRT router09:27
MartijnVdSchristel: see G+ :)09:31
diploMartijnVdS: Just saw the post09:32
diploWats it do, just cable ?09:32
MartijnVdSdiplo: wifi, ethernet, usb (also, power-in is micro-usb like RPi)09:32
MartijnVdSit has 4M firmware, 32M RAM09:32
MartijnVdSand several free GPIO pins \o/09:33
TheOpenSourcererMartijnVdS: Who are you on G+?09:33
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: just added you :)09:33
diplocool, unfortunately I'm on DSL now, so would mean I'd need another device in between09:33
TheOpenSourcererNM Found you :-)09:33
TheOpenSourcererThat is small.09:34
MartijnVdSit's also only US$22 on ebay (free shipping) :)09:34
christelit is a bit! very cute09:34
MartijnVdSI'm going to add a small tube with a temperature sensor to one side09:35
MartijnVdSand have it make pretty graphs of that + some network stats09:35
MartijnVdSthe wifi (802.11n, 2.4GHz, 150 mbit max) is nice to have09:35
MartijnVdSApparently, it's supposed to be a tiny Mi-Fi (USB-powered, bring your own 3G stick)09:36
MartijnVdSbut I can't read chinese ;)09:36
brobostigongood morning everyone.09:36
TheOpenSourcererlo brobostigon09:37
brobostigongood morning TheOpenSourcerer09:38
TheOpenSourcererlol: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAtje5weAU0&feature=youtu.be09:41
TheOpenSourcererOuch: "1,000,001 Apple Devices UDIDs linking to their users and their APNS tokens." http://pastebin.com/nfVT7b0Z09:45
diploI've scanned through it, but didn't see how they came across them ?09:49
MartijnVdSI don't think you "come across" things like this09:52
MartijnVdSyou "go looking" for it09:52
diploNot meant like that, I mean how they obtained them09:52
diploNot found anything yet09:52
diploClosest I've found so fa09:52
TheOpenSourcererI think I saw that the FBI had them and accidentally let them slip out!09:52
JohnRobertwhat use is an ios device id?09:54
diploGoogle it, a fair bit it seems09:54
diploLinks to Facebook/Twitter etc so people can access stuff with faked id09:54
bigcalmThe original data contained around 12m entries and a lot more personal detail. Scanning though the paste, they chopped out a lot and just left the IDs so people could see if they were included within09:55
popey(mine's not in the list)09:56
TheOpenSourcererMine neither ;-)09:57
diploOf the 1million they've leaked09:57
diploAnother 11million+ still to go09:57
JohnRobertlots of ios devices09:57
MartijnVdSHmmm mango/pear/mint juice10:03
TheOpenSourcererBlimey - our local MP gets Secretary of State for Health - follows in Virginia's footsteps.10:09
TheOpenSourcererAmazing what a Charterhouse Schooling gets you these days.10:11
=== zz_Lcawte is now known as Lcawte
davmor2Morning all10:17
TheOpenSourcererNice - iPlayer improvements (Download and watch later - 30 days) http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-1947482410:24
TheOpenSourcererComing to Android but on iOS now10:24
JohnRobertit'll still use flash on android no doubt10:25
JohnRobertmaking it still bad.10:25
bigcalmget_iplayer \o/10:32
bigcalmSpeaking of which, I should run it for updates10:32
bigcalmHi davmor210:32
JohnRobertmah, I don't watch anything anymore anyway10:36
mgdmit'd be a stupid choice to make it use Flash on Android given that you can't get Flash for Android any more if you don't already have it10:37
mgdmI presume the BBC are not quite that thick10:38
MartijnVdSit probably was the cheapest way to get it developed quickly?10:38
MartijnVdSCodec availability (and DRM availability) is hit/miss on android :(10:39
davmor2bigcalm: you set for Thursday?10:40
davmor2gord: Can we expect you dude?10:40
bigcalmdavmor2: so far I am10:40
* czajkowski hugs davmor2 10:41
davmor2mrevell is a dad again so I guess he'll be missing it10:41
davmor2czajkowski: how's the back now?10:41
czajkowskiit has a patch on it10:42
czajkowskiso good10:42
davmor2czajkowski: in that case prod morning :D10:42
mungojerryanyone know how to export a chart from libreoffice?10:43
TheOpenSourcererTime to head off to London. ttfn10:43
davmor2mungojerry: to what?10:44
mungojerrydavmor2, to jpeg10:44
davmor2mungojerry: you can do it the real quick and easy way.......shift+prtscn select the chart,  but failing that I think there is a export option so I guess you just select it and export but I could be wrong?10:46
mungojerrythanks, i've done it, but it was ugly. copy pasted to LO Draw10:46
mungojerryexport was grey10:46
mungojerrydraw allows the subseequent export10:47
JohnRobertI must say, these apple keyboards are pretty good10:49
JohnRobertgood for typing fast on anyway10:49
JohnRobertquite weird using macs, my new job has an office full of them10:49
JohnRobertI can't say I can see any advantage in using mac os x over ubuntu or something like that though10:50
* daubers dislikes apple keyboards11:12
daubersespecially the short ones11:12
daubersmissing useful keys like # is annoying11:12
JohnRobertyeah, the missing # key is odd11:26
SuperMattit's hidden under alt+311:26
SuperMattI'm using a mac keyboard with an ubuntu vm, and I just have the keyboard layout set to regular uk layout11:27
SuperMattcos I can touch type, it doesn't bother me that the keys are labelled wrongly11:27
JohnRobertme neither11:30
mungojerrydo they not make uk layout keyboard then?11:30
mgdmthat *is* the Mac UK-layout keyboard11:32
JohnRobertnumber 2 is @ symbol11:32
JohnRobertis that us layout?11:32
JohnRobertI can't remember11:32
SuperMattI'm not sure11:33
mgdmIt's the US layout for a PC but UK layout for a Mac11:33
SuperMattI really don't mind keyboard layout changes, I get frustrated for about two keystrokes, and then my fingers remember what they're supposed to be doing11:33
Pendulumit's US layout for a Mac as well11:33
mgdmI occasionally use a Mac keyboard on my Thinkpad11:34
mgdmthat gets somewhat confusing11:34
SuperMattI'm seriously pondering dualbooting this mac with ubuntu, seeing everything I do at this job is done through either terminal or through a web browser11:41
dickHello chaps. I'm getting the smurfovision problem on flash (where skin tones are blue, and blue is orange). I've corrected this in the past by disabling hardware acceleration, but now I can't even click on that once I've brought it up, it just does not work.11:45
JohnRobertwell I've been living in aus for 4 years11:46
JohnRobertit's us keyboard there11:46
JohnRobertso it's easier for me to use a US layout11:46
dickand after ten or so minutes of playback the video just out and out crashes.11:46
popeydick probably bug 96864711:50
lubotu3Launchpad bug 967091 in adobe-flashplugin (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #968647 Wrong tint in flash when it uses video acceleration" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96709111:50
gorddavmor2, nope, too much going on and too much travelling coming up, all next week i'm in and out of the london office :(12:11
davmor2gord: :(12:11
gordweek after that i'm flying off to south korea for two weeks holiday though \o/12:12
daubersooooooooooohhhhhhhh irc via nexus 712:12
BigRedSWith grub 1.x, when setting the default, anyone know what defines an 'entry'? I've a few possible entries that're just a title and an empty root, do those count?12:17
BigRedSthey're used to just display a message (it's a Debian install that's just had Grub2 installed, and so it's an explanation that this is chainloading grub2 and might be broken)12:17
BigRedSAh! They are counted, accorting to the ubuntu wiki no less12:19
diplodaubers: Thoughts on it, very tempted at the mo!12:21
marsilainenhi all, I'm using gnome-keyring to prompt me for the passphrase of my private SSH key when I use it to login to remote servers etc - is there a way to get it to 'forget' after so long (and therefore ask me for my passphrase again)?12:29
marsilainenI wouldn't mind if it was after a period of time, or when my screen gets locked or something else similar12:29
MartijnVdSmarsilainen: in the dialog where you type it, there's a thing that opens if you click it12:30
MartijnVdSit asks how long to remember it for12:30
marsilainenhmm, what if I've already got past that point? do I have to log out again?12:31
marsilainenor can I kill the agent or something?12:31
MartijnVdSthere's a tool12:31
MartijnVdSlet me find the name12:31
MartijnVdSI thought seahorse would do it12:34
MartijnVdSbut it doesn't seem to have those features anymore12:34
MartijnVdSlogging out would be the easiest :|12:35
popeybug 104577912:35
lubotu3Launchpad bug 1045779 in virtualbox (Ubuntu) "virtualbox video driver doesn't load on quantal guests" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104577912:35
* popey tickles gord 12:35
marsilainenMartijnVdS: ok, brb12:36
MartijnVdSmgdm: ah wait!12:36
MartijnVdSmgdm: the password is a separate entry in the list in Seahorse12:36
MartijnVdSit lists the SSH key, and then the unlock key for it, separately12:36
MartijnVdSif you remove that, it should re-ask, I guess12:37
marsilainenMartijnVdS: the only option it gives is "Automatically unlock this key when I'm logged in" :/12:39
marsilainenwhich I leave un-checked12:39
MartijnVdSwhich Ubuntu version are you using?12:39
marsilainenbut I'd like it to 'lock' the key again at some point before I log out since I leave my machine on for long periods12:40
MartijnVdSthere's ssh-add -D12:40
MartijnVdSand ssh-add -X/-x12:40
marsilainenso if I use ssh-add -D (somehow automatically whenever I lock my screen) then I will get automatically prompted for passphrase next time I try to use it?12:42
MartijnVdSyou can try it manually now of course12:42
marsilainenyeah, just tried that12:42
marsilainenthat would seem to work12:42
MartijnVdSand triggering on screen-lock should be possible.. it sends out dbus events you can catch (for instance)12:43
marsilainenanyone got any idea of the easiest way to hook that into screen lock?12:43
marsilainenah, ok12:43
marsilainenwill look into that12:43
marsilainenappreciate the help12:43
gordpopey, clickied12:52
=== davmor2_ is now known as davmor2
Laneysilly expensive trains to london :(13:06
davmor2irssi_proxy enabled muhahahahahahaahhaah well a little bit maybe13:10
mungojerrynew series of red dwarf coming next month..bit scared :S13:12
mungojerryMartijnVdS, what's the tl-wr703n?13:17
JohnRobertyeah well imo red dwarf gets worse and worse13:23
JohnRobertthey keep coming back13:23
diploAnyone know if FreakyClown idles on irc at all ?13:32
diploUnless anyone here is any good at stegonography ?13:33
bigcalmdiplo: what does /whois FreakyClown tell you?13:33
JohnRobertI've never found stegonography very interesting13:33
JohnRobertI find hiding images in music more interesting13:34
* popey tickles christel with a server13:34
diplobigcalm: Someone stateside13:35
christeloh yes! i had forgotten about that13:35
bigcalmdiplo: not him then? Ok13:35
diploI only find it interest in that it's a challenge on a security thing13:35
diploI dont *think* so13:35
diploI think he may be _freaky on here but wasn't sure13:36
christeltoday/tomorrow are Bad Days for me (deadline ahoy and i am way behind) -- i might be able to pick it up thursday (or at the weekend if that works for you?) :)13:36
diploNo worries, I've caught him here once before i think that's all13:36
diplowill message on twitter maybe13:36
mungojerrydiplo, stegui?13:39
popeychristel, tricky13:40
diploTrying steghide atm mungojerry, will look at stegui now ta13:40
JohnRobertI think it'd be pretty cool to hide messages in the mpeg artifacts of an mp313:40
diploah it uses steghide anyway mungojerry, so I think i know how to use it.. just not getting far, will read that page and see if i can learn more though13:43
christelpopey: when would be good for you? :)13:43
daubersdiplo: Nexus is quite cool :) Waiting for the "OOooooooh shiny" effect to wear out tbh...13:45
popeychristel, i could drop it off to someone nearer of course13:45
popeyor i could take it to the tip13:45
christelhehe then the boys would cry i am sure, i'm not sure who lives out your way but some of them must do :)13:47
JohnRobertsomeone here has a nexus 713:50
JohnRobertI ought to ask if I can have a look13:50
JohnRobertgotta say though, I was quite impressed by ipad 3 screen13:50
JohnRobertnot that'd I'd buy one13:51
dogmatic69The ipad3 is pretty much better than the nexus in all departments13:52
diploWell I'll give you a week or so daubers and ask again13:52
diploI can't afford the ipad3 dogmatic69 :)13:52
daubersdiplo: Probably best. I bought mine for some very specific functions.... and need to write the apps for 2 of those so a week is a good idea :)13:53
marxjohnsonThe bang:buck ratio of the Nexus 7 is very agreeable13:53
marxjohnsonPlus it's a handy size13:54
brobostigonand is nice and light. sturdy, as it survives my drum stick bag.13:54
* popey wonders what to do with his drobo13:56
popeylooks like ebay13:57
daubersBURN IT!13:57
* daubers books himself back into Pyros anonymouse13:57
* popey takes pics of it13:58
diplobrobostigon: You already have one ?14:00
JohnRobertI remember when you got your drobo14:00
JohnRobertfirst one anyway14:00
JohnRobertthen the controller broke14:00
brobostigondiplo: a nexus7, yes.14:00
diploAnd your thoughts overall, worth the buy ?14:04
diploWant it as a replacement in a way for kids using my laptop :) as well as fo rme not having to use lappy for quick checks on things.14:04
diploAnd lastly for train trips to Nottingham to watch stuff on14:05
brobostigondiplo: well, suitability for kids i couldnt say, really. but i watched last night, stuff off i iplayer, in HD, and it was beautiful.14:06
brobostigondiplo: the one problem i have found, it doesnt show as a normal mountable device, only mtp, so am using airdroid.14:08
brobostigonthat annoys me.14:08
diploOK, doesn't sounds the end of the world but not great14:11
brobostigondiplo: i am sure there is a solution, the usb is capable of otg, so it should be possible, i have mine rooted, so i will experiment with various possibiilities.14:12
daubersbrobostigon: It's more because the internal storage is now part of the other bit of storage, so to make it a mass storage device you have to unmount that and then make it USB mass storage14:13
daubersHowever, the MTP thing works fine for me....... so might be me being non-plussed about it14:13
brobostigondaubers: ah, i see what you mean, makes sense.14:13
daubersbrobostigon: If you've rooted it, then just install a samba server or something and do it across the network. I don't intend to root minee14:14
popeybrobostigon, what made you root a n7?14:14
brobostigondaubers: interesting idea.14:14
popeydoesn't that break stuff?14:14
brobostigonpopey: it has broke nothing, that i can see. i did it out of curiousity.14:15
popeyi think it breaks the ability to rent films from the play store?14:15
popeyand maybe other digital content14:15
brobostigonpopey: books seem to work.14:15
popeyprobably just movies then14:16
brobostigoni have no interest in the movies, so probably why i didnt notice.14:16
popeyi see bbc are doing iplayer downloads now14:16
daubersThey are?14:17
brobostigonvia their app, yes.14:17
popeyyeah, you can download and keep for 30 days14:19
popeyfor people who want to download stuff and watch offline, e.g. on holiday14:19
brobostigontheir desktop app, for windows did this already, if i remember.14:19
gordcouldn't they just make the shows available for 30 days instead of a week instead?14:20
popeyno good for offline, no gord14:21
popeysome stuff is available longer than a week14:21
popeyespecially dramas where you may want to go back and catch up14:21
gordoh right you mean you want to watch the shows on holiday, i get you14:21
davmor2_davmor2: ping14:30
AlanBellhmm mozspace is shut14:41
AlanBellneed to find somewhere with wifi, relatively quiet14:42
AlanBellin central London14:42
davmor2AlanBell: Library?14:44
christelAlanBell: czajkowski's house!14:44
christelwell, that is where i would go because you are my most favouritest person in london!14:45
davmor2christel: I'm sorry the correct answer was the Whole Widest World not London, you fail as a kiss up ;)14:47
gordAlanBell, invest in a pair of noise cancelling headphones?14:48
christeldavmor2: ah see, i was stating a fact not attempting to kiss up14:48
christeli don't have to, we're like BFFs forever(!?)14:48
davmor2christel: :P14:48
AlanBellfun fact, you can pick up the mozilla guest network from the starbucks next door14:50
AlanBellgord: funnily enough I got some earlier today14:51
gordi love mine, should invest in some upgraded ones that work even better14:51
davmor2gord: Bose are amongst the best in if that helps14:53
AlanBellyup, this works well, I don't need to go round to czajkowski's house14:54
czajkowskiwhy are you at mozilla?14:55
davmor2czajkowski: I'm gonna guess cause he is in London and needed a network14:56
AlanBellbasically, yes14:57
AlanBellhad a skype call scheduled and the mozspace is awesome (but closed)14:57
AlanBellI have cheap noise cancelling headphones because I fall asleep on planes wearing them and wake up surrounded by bits of headphone14:58
AlanBellI can't be trusted with nice things14:58
christeldo you bang your head hard against the wall whilst sleeping? :o14:59
AlanBellI have no idea, I am asleep when sleeping15:00
davmor2christel: no it's the people around him bouncing things off his head to try and wake him up cause of the snoring, I bet :D15:04
christeldavmor2: ah! makes sense15:05
AlanBellare tickets for England football matches at Wembley stadium normally more than £20.12?15:08
BigRedSI'd have thought so15:10
AlanBelllooks like it might not be a massive bargain and I really am not that interested, but if anyone wants me to get 4 tickets for Ukraine or San Marino then give me a shout15:14
gordis it really £20.12 though? or is it £20.12 + additional charges15:15
gordthe additional charges are where they really make their money15:15
AlanBellhttp://www.ticketmaster.co.uk/event/3700491DEF708942?did=gamesmakers look like rubbish seats at the back15:18
popeythere are tickets on level 115:22
popey2.50 processing fee15:23
AlanBellhttp://www.ticketmaster.co.uk/event/3700491DFC108B5D?did=gamesmakers is the San Marino link15:23
christel20 is pretty cheap for an england match :)15:25
christel(hell, 20 is what you'd pay to go watch aldershot town at home!) :)15:25
MartijnVdSchristel: what in Norway?15:26
christelMartijnVdS: :P15:26
davmor220 is cheap it's about 50 for a wolves match :D15:27
bigcalmWho'd want to pay to watch football?15:54
NimChimpskymany idiots do15:55
popeyWell indeed!15:55
* bigcalm tuts15:56
bigcalmSnooker and ice hockey are sports one is permitted to pay to watch15:56
bigcalmAt a push, cricket and rugger15:56
christeli don't think i'd pay to watch snooker15:57
christelice hockey perhaps15:57
christelcricket and rugby definitely15:58
christelfootball too i suspect15:58
popeyI'd pay to watch snooker if I had trouble sleeping15:58
popeysame for cricket15:58
uzi34been so many years since ive been on irc, hello all. dont suppose theres any networking gurus out there?16:05
JohnRoberthi simon16:13
diploI used to love watching snooker, but only watch 20mins or so at a time now before I  get up and do something else16:13
JohnRobertdoes freenode support ipv6 or something?16:13
brobostigonJohnRobert: yes.16:13
JohnRobertsimonrjon: are you the Simon from S24?16:14
JohnRobertbit of a coincidence if so :p16:14
JohnRobertunlikely, but then the name is exactly the same16:15
JohnRobertwhich is also unlikely16:15
JohnRobertmind = blown16:15
simonrjonJohnRobert: nope, fairly certain that's not me16:16
JohnRobertsimon r jones?16:16
simonrjonwell, that is my name, but i'm not from s2416:17
diplolooks good popey16:18
diplolinks don't work for demos though16:18
JohnRobertwell there's another simon r jones here who happens to be my boss16:19
JohnRobertand also someone who would maybe be on this channel16:20
JohnRobertoh well, freaky16:20
simonrjonit's a surprisingly common name16:21
JohnRobertyeah well it's not really strange16:22
JohnRobertit's just a little odd the initial is the same too16:22
JohnRobertbut then over the course of a lifetime I guess it's not that odd to find someone with the same three names16:22
JohnRobertI am 30 and this is the first time it's happened16:22
JohnRobertdo you live in cambridge also simonrjon ?16:23
simonrjonfortunately not, otherwise i fear your mind will be blown again :P16:23
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popeywonder if mpt-testing is testing thunderbird16:27
mpt-testingno, xchat-gnome16:28
mpt-testingseeing if it has any sounds when someone mentions my name16:28
mpt-testingCould you do the honours? :-)16:28
popeympt-testing, does it?16:28
popeympt-testing, well, does it?16:28
popeympt-testing, come on man!16:28
popeympt-testing, I hope it does!16:28
mpt-testingApparently not16:28
mpt-testingJust notification bubbles and messaging menu16:28
mpt-testingOh, there's a "Sound Notification" plug-in16:29
mpt-testing"Play a sound when you receive a private mes..." (description in an unresizable window)16:30
mpt-testingthanks popey16:30
popeynp mpt-testing16:30
mpt-testingIronically it plays a sound when you mention my name and it *is* focused16:30
aquariuspopey, ping about arm boards and Ubuntu and things :)16:31
directhexarm /o\16:31
aquariusdirecthex, ping about intel boards with everything on board which are powered off usb and cost less than fifty quid. :)16:32
directhexlook behind you, a three-headed monkey!16:32
popeyaquarius, what?16:33
aquariuspopey, most of the arm boards out there -- that cubie thing you recently mentioned, raspi, etc, etc -- don't have onboard wifi. Is this because I'm looking in the wrong places for a £50 Ubuntu-supporting ARM board with wifi, or because the physics don't work out? feel free to say "I have no idea", but you seem to be more in touch with this stuff than me :)16:34
popeyi have no idea16:36
popeyit makes sense not to have wifi16:36
popeywifi makes sense in battery operated mobile devices like phones/tablets16:36
aquariusmakes sense to the people making it, sure. Makes sense to me: not so much. ;)16:36
popeymakes less sense in a device like that16:36
popeywell, it doesn't have a display, so good luck with your battery powered HDMI connected TV16:37
aquariusI am not l33t enough to have cat 5 all over my house. I do have sockets. :)16:37
popeyanyway, 12 quid buys you a decent wifi USB dongle16:37
popey"decent" as in "works on ubuntu"16:37
aquariusyeah, but most of them get crap range off a wifi dongle because they can't give it enough power :(16:37
aquariusalthough that may be me misunderstanding all this stuff as I blunder around in the dark. :)16:39
* popey shrugs16:40
popeyI have a decent access point in the centre of my house16:40
popeysome of these boards do have wifi, as an add-on16:40
aquariusah, then I am looking in the wrong places. cheers.16:41
bigcalmMy raspberry pi is still in its packaging :(16:42
dogmatic69poor little rpi16:44
bigcalmI know16:44
bigcalmI do have a plan for it. Just a matter of finding time and energy16:44
bigcalmIt might push me to learn python16:45
bigcalmBut I doubt it :D16:45
popeyooh, reminds me, need to rebuild my revo16:45
popeyafter oggcamp16:45
* MartijnVdS really likes OpenWRT on his TP-Link 703N16:45
MartijnVdSit's so TIN16:45
bigcalmpopey: when shall we resume work on the project?16:45
popeygood question16:46
bigcalmMy new router will come tomorrow and 1st thing its getting is OpenWRT and hopefully share my phone's 3g connection16:46
dogmatic69bigcalm: what is your plan for it?16:47
bigcalmHere I am, hitting refresh on a shipping website :(16:47
dogmatic69Im currently using mine as a type of print server16:47
bigcalmdogmatic69: replace my current dd-wrt Linksys router. I'm currently without a USB port so can't share a 3g connection across my LAN. The new router has one and is documented to run open-wrt16:48
AlanBellright, I am done with stuffs and in London and have an offpeak ticket so I can't go home for a few hours16:51
AlanBellanyone up for a beer?16:51
bigcalmMe! But too far away16:54
bigcalmLast time I found myself in that situation, I went to Pizza Express on Euston Road :D16:55
davmor2AlanBell: that's you problem everyone it up but up to far to join you for a beer :D16:56
davmor2bigcalm: irssi awayproxy set to 0 is pretty good :)16:57
bigcalmI used a plugin to manage when I'm away16:57
davmor2bigcalm: that's what it does, when you set away or disconnect your client it will email you and message you when you reconnect17:04
bigcalmdavmor2: that's it, handy eh?17:04
christeloh speaking of beer17:05
christelbigcalm: jussi will be up your neck of the woods soon, you guys should take him out17:05
bigcalm19 days to BEER!17:05
bigcalmWhere is near?17:05
christelbirmingham iirc17:05
bigcalmWho is jussi? :D17:05
christeljussi: who are you? :D17:05
davmor2christel: that'll be my neck of the woods then17:05
christeldavmor2: yar! take him out and show him a good time17:06
christelthey don't have that in finland, they only have saunas in which they practise getting cooked to death17:06
bigcalmTime for doggie walking. Toodles for now :)17:07
christeli am eating repulsive swedish sweets but i cant stop :(17:07
christelenjoy doggie walking17:07
davmor2christel: they can't be as bad as gord's awful japanese sweets17:08
christelooh do tell17:09
davmor2christel: annoy gord he can give you details of our faces, at least I didn't spit mine out like bigcalm and moreati iirc17:13
christelgord: remind me to annoy you17:21
davmor2christel: annoy gord17:54
davmor2christel: annoy gord17:54
davmor2christel: annoy gord17:54
davmor2christel: annoy gord17:55
davmor2was that what you had in mind17:55
=== richard is now known as Guest93835
=== Guest93835 is now known as rhamnett
christeldavmor2: yes.18:33
=== schwuk is now known as schwuk_away
davmor2christel: annoy gord18:40
christelhe is clearly immune18:41
davmor2christel: Or playing on a console and ignoring us18:45
* MartijnVdS saw Sinterklaas candy in the store today19:16
MartijnVdSthe end (of the year) is nigh!19:17
christelindeed it is19:18
christelIT IS ALMOST CHRISTMAS \o/ \o/ \o/19:18
MartijnVdSchristel: no Sinterklaas! :)19:18
MartijnVdSchristel: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinterklaas19:18
christeli have some belgian friends who celebrate(!?) sinterklaas in like early december or something19:19
christelit always confuses me19:19
christel(because he totally looks like a posh santa!)19:19
MartijnVdShe's the origin of Santa :)19:19
MartijnVdS("Sinterklaas" -> "Santa Claus")19:20
christeli love christmas and advent19:22
christelhappy times ahead \o/19:22
jussibigcalm: I am me of course!19:22
MartijnVdSnomnom chocolate-covered kruidnoten: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kruidnoten19:22
brobostigonchristmas freaks me sometimes, these forced get-togethers,19:23
jussibigcalm: davmor2: Ill be attending the automotive linux summit.19:24
christelbrobostigon: mmmsee i just love the whole preparing for christmas thing -- decorating, baking, making, cooking etc19:24
christelthe whole build-up!19:24
christelMartijnVdS: ooh how different are they to pepernoten on taste?19:25
MartijnVdSchristel: very!19:25
christelbetter? :)19:25
jussichristel: ++ to the build up thing19:25
MartijnVdSdo you know speculaas? it's like that19:25
brobostigonchristel: i dont mind the celebrating, that can be good, but things tend in our family, to be very forced, and less down to what we feel like doing, actually having fun.19:25
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: <dalek voice>HAVE A NICE CHRISTMAS! OBEY! OBEY!19:26
MartijnVdSlike that? :)19:26
brobostigonMartijnVdS: that i distinctly dislike, yes, exactly.19:26
christelbrobostigon: ah yes, that can be a bit hard work19:26
christelMartijnVdS: i do not! perhaps i need to visit you before christmas to eat all the things! :P19:27
brobostigonchristel: it was a couple of years afo, i had a really bad, asd attack, very unpleasant.19:27
* christel hugs brobostigon 19:27
MartijnVdSchristel: I could send a box across the sea19:27
* brobostigon hugs christel back.19:27
christelMartijnVdS: yesss! that would be awesome! in return i will send you some british tre..wait.. maybe something norwegian, that'd be tastier!19:28
n1md4Evening.  I'm configuring irssi to autoignore on booting irssi.  I've added what I think is the right config http://pastie.org/4664017 it's autojoining, but not autoignoring.  Any ideas?19:28
MartijnVdSchristel: what kind of tastiness comes from Norway?19:28
aliHi all, my step-daughter has been given computing homework which requires Visual C# Express.  She has Ubuntu on her laptop; is there anything in the Ubuntu/GNU-Linux world that is compatible ?19:28
christelbesides me? hrm hrm i dunno EVERYTHING is tasty in norway :D19:28
brobostigonchristel: i just went outside, took my tobacco with me, and took me, around an hour i was told, to recover,19:28
MartijnVdSali: unlikely19:29
MartijnVdSchristel: is that the fermented shark?19:29
christelbrobostigon: auchies, that must have been very exhausting19:29
brobostigonchristel: it was more frightning, that energy draining, but yes, that also.19:29
christelaged stockfish and lye!19:30
MartijnVdSchristel: No sugar or chocolate though19:30
christeloh true, lutefisk would be a rubbish christmas treat19:30
christeli will BAKE you something norwegian and christmassy!19:30
SuperEngineerhmmm... it's not full dark yet, it's warm [for once]... &19:31
* SuperEngineer see Christmas talk... 19:31
SuperEngineerbet you also love the 4 months of Christmas carols in the shops ruining real Christmas - which , Im' told, is still in December19:31
MartijnVdSSuperEngineer: we got here because I saw Sinterklaas candy in the supermarket :)19:31
SuperEngineeri rest my case ;)19:32
brobostigonchristel: last time i had a bad attack, a friday night at my local, enjoying some music, just over a year ago, my ex was there, and she touched my right shoulder, and caused just such an attack, i got lucky, one of the barmaids there, also teches autistic children, so knew what to do.19:32
MartijnVdSnow that's a useful combination of skills :)19:32
hamitronshe sounds dangerous19:32
MartijnVdShamitron: probably travels with the Doctor too sometimes :P19:32
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brobostigonchristel: sorry, i dont mean to blabber,19:38
christelnooo that is fine19:38
brobostigon:) thank you.19:38
christeli am glad it's been a while since the last time, it cant be easy when it happens :)19:38
brobostigonchristel: definatly not, i just know, if people try and keep calm around me, and just talk to me, that is the best to do.19:39
* MartijnVdS keeps talking19:45
* brobostigon talks with MartijnVdS 19:46
MartijnVdSI wonder if the weather is going to be this good all week19:46
MartijnVdS(and next week)19:46
brobostigonwell, i certainly know, here, tmrw and day after, should be ok, to fair.19:47
* MartijnVdS has 2 weeks off from work19:47
brobostigonenjoy :)19:47
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: did you see the photo I posted yesterday? Of the (purple) flowering heaths?19:48
brobostigonMartijnVdS: i did not, no.19:48
MartijnVdSnewest 319:49
jussichristel: MartijnVdS: you can buy speculaas wherever euroshopper is present19:49
brobostigonMartijnVdS: wow, :)19:50
jussithey are called dutch spice biscuits in english19:50
MartijnVdSjussi: yay Euroshopper :)19:50
jussiMartijnVdS: I have dutch heritage - Im quite up with these things :P19:50
MartijnVdSI'm all Dutch. I just like this channel more than -nl ;)19:53
christel"all dutch" \o/19:54
MartijnVdSchristel: well, there's a lost German somewhere in my family tree.. about a century ago19:55
* dutchie is not dutch at all19:55
MartijnVdSdutchie: ohai mr Holland :)19:56
daubersdutchie: Lies!19:56
daubersWe know the Truth!!!19:56
* daubers managed to get lost on his way to his eclipse window again19:56
MartijnVdSdaubers: try vim instead ;)19:57
dutchiei blame unity for selecting the wrong terminal19:57
daubersMartijnVdS: But eclipse has all the shiny android stuff in it19:57
dutchiei want the work one, not the irc one!19:57
daubersheh :)19:57
MartijnVdSdaubers: didn't you make panoramas as well? :)20:01
daubersMartijnVdS: Hmmmm?20:03
daubersI made some silly big ones with Hugin..... why? Not done any for ages though20:04
MartijnVdSdaubers: I forgot my aperture yesterday20:08
MartijnVdSso mine are half blurry 8-)20:08
MartijnVdSdaubers: (see my flickr for the 2 I made)20:08
daubersMartijnVdS: nice20:09
n1md4I'm getting spammed on IRC, kirrus said there is a freenode mod on here that might be able to help?20:10
MartijnVdSn1md4: there is20:11
MartijnVdSCHRISTEL!!! :)20:11
daubersHe's so subtle you know20:11
christeln1md4: are you in any bitcoin channels by chance? :)20:11
Azelphurbitcoin channels are fun atm20:17
christel(some guy is insisting that someone in #bitcoin stole 15,000 bitcoins from him and has fired up a botnet which attacks that channel and a number of other bitcoin related channels on the network, it's been ongoing for few days, we've so far blacklisted about 10,000 exploited hosts in various blacklists, however he seems to have access to a significant amount of compromised machines and is unlikely to stop anytime soon -- we're ...20:17
christel... banning and blacklisting as it takes place mind)20:17
christelbasically he claims that he will keep this up until his 15,000 bitcoins are returned to him20:17
Azelphurhe's probably right about the 15k bitcoins, just wrong about the misguided attacks and general stupidity :p20:18
AzelphurI'm down 1k right now, in the same boat that he is.20:18
christelcuriously, his botnet doesn't actually join the channel, so there is a client in there which feeds the nicklist to the botnet continuously (whenever a new person joins from what i can tell)20:19
Azelphurindeed, I've noticed that too20:19
jussiMartijnVdS: technically Im all dutch also... just my granparents decided to live in australia :P20:19
AzelphurI just set umode +R and havn't had any issues since20:19
christelAzelphur: i'm tempted to clear the channel (i.e. kick all users) to see if i can spot what the client might be, but i fear it would piss off all the users in there :D20:20
Azelphurhaha probably20:21
ali1234+R is good20:21
ali1234but if someone messages me who isnt a bot, do they get a message that i didn't get their message?20:21
n1md4I am.20:21
AzelphurI like the automated reporting scripts that got handed out, that was a clever idea20:21
n1md4christel: ^20:21
Azelphurali1234: yea they do, I tested20:21
ali1234then i will keep it on permanently :)20:21
n1md4(sorry, 1 year old needed me for a while there)20:22
ali1234n1md4: /mode n1md4 +R20:22
n1md4what does that do?20:22
ali1234it prevents unregistered usings from pming you20:23
christeli am also tempted to modify the ircd config a bit as that might keep the bots at bay (until the botmaster works out what i've done) -- however, it could also cause issues for some genuine clients so i am undecided as of yet20:23
n1md4Ah, thanks, that'll do it.20:23
Azelphurchristel: I think it'll solve itself eventually, the guy who has the coins is saying he's gonna pay people back, and he's bound to run out of drones before long20:24
Azelphurso one or the other should occur :)20:24
ali1234ok, a question. i want to make an exact copy of a mysql production database for development purposes, on the same server. so exact copy with different name, and also have a script to sync production -> dev at any time. what's the best way?20:24
christelAzelphur: true! or they'll get bored at some point :)20:24
Azelphurthat too :)20:25
christeln1md4: i'm very sorry, i know it is dreadfully annoying (and the contents of the spam is far from pleasant) -- we have a few users who want us to modify the ircd to allow us to intercept messages and silently drop at ircd level, however, that's not an approach we're too keen on for numerous reasons (it not being very ethical to implement an easy way to snoop on users being the main one, followed by resources)20:26
n1md4christel: no worries, the internet has far worse to offer ;)20:27
ali1234Azelphur: yyou don't really still believe pirate is gonna pay do you??20:28
Azelphurali1234: he's already paid out a number of people20:28
christelhow did he end up with everyones bitcoins in the first place?20:29
christel(bitcoins are a bit of a mystery to me)20:29
ali1234christel: ponzi scheme20:29
Azelphurchristel: ^ or the first bitcoin bank20:29
ali1234promised 7% interest per week20:29
Azelphurchristel: as it stands he's behaving odd though and not communicating very well, he's paid a few people back but he's making strange demands and keeps missing payback dates :p20:31
ali1234he can't pay because he does not have the money20:31
ali1234this is how ponzi schemes work20:31
Azelphurali1234: #speculation is that way -->20:31
ali1234he gave all the money out in interest payments20:31
ali1234now he can't pay back the principle20:31
MartijnVdSAzelphur: http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speculaas20:31
AzelphurMartijnVdS: hi lots of words I don't understand and pictures of strangely shaped biscuity looking things20:32
ali1234how very apt20:32
MartijnVdSAzelphur: the stuff is called "speculaas", and every time people "speculate" I think of it :)20:32
MartijnVdSAzelphur: also, because it's yummy20:33
Azelphurhehe :P20:33
ali1234MartijnVdS: is that the ginger flavoured stuff that you get with coffee in fancy restaurants?20:33
MartijnVdSali1234: yes, but then in big chunks an a lot better-tasting20:34
Azelphuryou've made me hungry, so I'm going to the shop to buy lots of crap now.20:34
MartijnVdSAzelphur: not our fault ;)20:34
jussiyay, aljazeera has been hacked...20:34
ali1234hmm assad loyalists20:36
jussiali1234: sounds fun20:36
ali1234not really20:36
jussiali1234: do tell me more..?20:37
* bigcalm looks in20:39
jussiali1234: yes, Im aware of the context, but why are they hacking aljazeera?20:39
jussihi bigcalm20:39
ali1234because al jazeera doesn't agree with the official government version of events20:39
bigcalmHello jussi20:40
bigcalmjussi: you're not from Oulu by any chance are you?20:40
jussibigcalm: I have been known to live in Oulu in the past...20:40
jussi(only for the last 7 years :P )20:41
jussibigcalm: why?20:41
bigcalmjussi: the only person with the name Jussi was the ex-bf of one of my ex-gfs20:41
bigcalmShe was from Oulu and as far as I could tell, so was he20:42
jussibigcalm: there are many Jussi's in oulu...20:42
bigcalmBut I'm sure that there is more than one Jussi ;)20:42
jussiand Im an austalian, only I lived in oulu for sometime...20:42
bigcalmIt's good to check these things20:42
bigcalmGoodness, how did you get such a Finnish name?20:42
jussiwhat nationality was the girl?20:42
jussioh, duh, reading fail20:43
jussibigcalm: changed it20:43
bigcalmFair do :)20:43
jussibigcalm: Finns say yooooossuua instead of proper Joshua, so it was just easy20:44
bigcalmYep, tis a fun language for sure20:44
AzelphurMartijnVdS: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nsc3n5fxk9hkoau/2012-09-04%2021.43.40.jpg?m I blame you entirely for this :P20:44
bigcalmOne year I learnt how to sing the alphabet20:44
MartijnVdSAzelphur: I deny all the things!20:45
bigcalmAnd I still say thank-you, thanks and milk in Finniah20:45
MartijnVdSbigcalm: does it involve lots of vowels and " marks?20:45
jussibigcalm: yes, I speak it kinda ok, its fun :P20:45
jussiMartijnVdS: yes!20:45
jussimilk is easy though...20:46
jussiits pretty close in pronunciation to "my toe"20:46
MartijnVdSsay it with a Spanish accent!20:46
bigcalmBah, I was more about pronouncing it than spelling20:47
bigcalmI'm bad enough at English20:47
jussiMartijnVdS: I cant pronounce my surname correctly in dutch, which is kinda funny20:47
MartijnVdSjussi: but.. those are easy! :)20:47
jussi(yes, I have the guttural sch ...)20:47
MartijnVdSjussi: non-Dutch people can't pronounce the "ij" in my name :)20:48
jussiie. hock up a big one when you say it...20:48
MartijnVdSjussi: you can do it! just practice with Scottish20:48
jussiMartijnVdS: yeah, the ijs are hard20:48
MartijnVdSijs is hard ja :)20:48
MartijnVdSbilingual puns \o/20:49
jussibigcalm: go now and sy Yrjö - complete with rolled r's :P20:49
* bigcalm gets his head into gear20:49
jussiright, off to bed now - its almost midnight and I have to get to work for an 8am start...20:49
MartijnVdSit's almost 23:00, you mean :)20:50
jussiMartijnVdS: in your place, not mine20:50
bigcalmBah, it's not even 10pm yet ;)20:50
MartijnVdSjussi: ah the far east20:50
jussithe communist states :P20:51
jussianyway, now really bed time20:52
MartijnVdSgood idea though20:53
davmor2So guys who is using quantal already?22:17
n1md4christel: the mode +R command didn't have the desired result.22:24

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