
rick_h_and all the iLovers cry that things are over blown and there's nothing to fear so long as they have their apple protective blanket. http://www.macrumors.com/2012/09/04/hackers-release-1-million-ios-device-udids-obtained-from-fbi-laptop/12:13
rick_h_http://corte.si/posts/security/udid-leak.html ouch12:14
snap-lgood morning12:31
jrwrenhrm, that is scary.12:44
rick_h_yea, fail of the udid, at least people saw it coming and they were forcing apps to stop using it I think12:45
jrwrenlol @ fbi butthurt12:48
rick_h_lol, love this thrashing of 'growth hacker' stuff that's been going around http://goo.gl/0uU6613:12
snap-lrick_h_: Oh FFS13:15
snap-llike brogramming, this needs to DIAF13:15
brouschThe boy just started Kindergarten today. This will be fun13:17
rick_h_brousch: congrats!13:19
rick_h_so vote on which codemash talk I should submit. 1) Makefile from MUG but fleshed out a bit probably13:20
rick_h_2) Lessons learned from Bookie which will almost be 2yrs old by Jan13:20
brouschWhat are the lessons?13:23
snap-lThey're both good13:23
rick_h_that's the talk brousch :P13:23
brouschI can't vote without some idea of the lessons13:23
shakes808Good morning all. How was everyone's holiday weekend?13:24
rick_h_brousch: it'd probably be something like: Code quality, setting expectations, finding the time, and project diversity: Lessons learned from two years hacking on an open source application.13:26
snap-llesson 1: users are whiny bitches13:31
shakes808snap-l + 113:35
brouschI vote for "Abusing Makefiles for Fun and Profit"13:39
rick_h_brousch: cool vote stored13:41
rick_h_hmm, only 68 view of my pyohio talk, wonder if I should submit it to reddit r/python13:46
rick_h_upvotes please! http://www.reddit.com/r/Python/comments/zc2ne/pyohio_2012_starting_your_python_project_right/13:48
rick_h_shakes808: yea, I've got a serious case of the Nelson's today14:08
snap-lrick_h_: Upvoted14:09
rick_h_snap-l: ty much14:09
brouschthe Nelson's?14:11
snap-lhar har14:11
* rick_h_ points finger and shouts "HAA! HAA!"14:11
rick_h_doh, no jcastro14:21
snap-lYeah, he's not fully settled in14:23
snap-lIron Maiden, Rush, Metallical14:24
snap-lIron Maiden, Rush, Metallica14:24
snap-lIron Maiden, Rush, Metallica14:24
snap-lIron Maiden, Rush, Metallica14:24
brouschCalm down d00d14:24
snap-lThought that would bring jcastro in here14:24
brouschDamnit. I cannot add a link to my blog post on further instructions to the YouTube video14:25
brouschFuck spammers14:25
shakes808rick_h_: the Nelsons? What is that?14:34
rick_h_shakes808: simpsons14:34
shakes808lol alright. That is the Nelson's that I was thinking about.14:34
rick_h_just picture me doing that at the apple/fbi stories coming out today14:35
shakes808Youtube is blocked here. But I can imagine that it is him doing hit "HA HA" and pointing at Apple and FBI lol14:35
jcastroman, been here two days and it's already raining15:02
rick_h_hah, thankfully15:02
rick_h_rain == less lawn watering I need to do15:02
rick_h_and clean my car from the travel back from up noth15:02
rick_h_jcastro: did you see the markdown chrome app? Has preview and such.15:03
snap-ljcastro: wb15:04
snap-lI take credit for my incantations. ;)15:04
snap-lIron Maiden, Rush, Metallica15:04
snap-lAlso, my Squeezebox article is in the latest Linux Journal (Sept. issue)15:05
brouschDamn. I got some bad PDFs. I forgot how much RAM I need to fix these things15:08
brouschI hit 4GB of swap before the process killed15:09
rick_h_snap-l: congrats on the article15:26
rick_h_ugh, I hear all this tearing and ripping as the flooring guy tears up the carpet15:27
rick_h_it makes me cringe down here15:27
brouschI fail as a father. I forgot to send lunch money15:28
brouschLuckily they have me covered for the first 2 days15:28
snap-lrick_h_: Thank you. :)15:28
rick_h_brousch: hah, need to get that checklist15:29
brouschHis backpack this morning was so heavy he couldn't carry it15:30
brouschAh, they have a website where I can top-up his lunch funds. This is nice15:31
brouschONly $2 for lunch. I'm going to eat there15:34
rick_h_brousch: how old is your guy?15:36
jrwrenrick_h_: a downvote??? wtf, who would downvote that?15:36
rick_h_jrwren: haters gonna hate :P15:36
jrwrenTextDown is rather silly IMO... pagedown lets anyone write that. https://code.google.com/p/pagedown/wiki/PageDown15:37
rick_h_yea, the drag/drop and such for the local files is cool though which would be challenging I think iwth a web app15:37
brouschrick_h_: 4 now. 5 in November. 5 in December is our Kindergarten cutoff15:38
rick_h_brousch: ok, looking at my school system they've got kindergarten and then 'early 5's kindergarten'15:38
rick_h_so was wondering if you kid was 5 or 615:39
brouschYeah, each district has different things. Ours just has full day K at that cutoff15:39
rick_h_ugh, my son's Dec 28th birthday means he'll basically be the oldest kid in class15:39
jrwrenso yours did first day of K?15:39
rick_h_their early 5 program has a dec 1st cutoff15:39
jrwrencongrats, mine too15:39
rick_h_man, jrwren is the 4th person I know with a kid in K today15:39
brouschHeh. 2007 was a good year. Top of the bubble, hopes soaring for everyone15:40
jrwrenyeah, lots of friend have kids in K today.15:41
shakes808snap-l: That is awesome. I will look for it  :D15:41
jrwrenbrousch: speak for yourself. 2006 was a shit year, where i got drunk for forgot to wear a rubber, which lead to a 2007 year of wtf am I getting myself into.15:41
brouschjrwren: I thought you had like 5 kids15:42
rick_h_lmao, ok didn't see that coming15:42
jrwrenbrousch: lol, no.15:42
jrwrenbrousch: i don't make the same mistake twice.15:42
jrwrenone and only one child.15:42
brouschI wonder how I got that impression15:43
jrwrenmaybe I use her as my excuse to not participate in things often?15:43
brouschI don't know15:45
brouschWoohoo, lunch deposit approved and logged. George will have lunch today15:47
snap-lWe are living in the future.15:47
snap-land the company that brought it to us: AT&T.15:48
jrwrenschool lunch?15:49
jrwrenyou are letting your child eat that poison?15:49
brouschI think the website logs what they ate too15:50
jrwrenthat is facinating.16:02
brouschTo be precise, I expect it logs what they chose, not what they ate. They can swap food, throw it away, etc16:04
snap-levery bit of food is RFID encoded16:05
brouschNice, then I can track it as it's pooped out too16:05
greg-gseriously? they track what you eat now?16:12
brouschI think so16:15
brouschAnd the teachers are supposed to update some other website with what they did every day16:16
greg-gwow, sounds annoying for the teachers16:16
greg-gso much for parents having to talk with their kids16:16
greg-goh, and get off my lawn16:16
brouschYeah, seems crazy to me16:17
rick_h_greg-g: heh, more ammunition to catch things early16:18
greg-gthe quantified child16:18
rick_h_I know with my brother he'd be weeks behind in homework not turned in before a warning slip would go out to my aunt16:18
rick_h_I guess I can see both ways, I'm all for more info available and do what you will with it16:18
greg-gas though I should talk, my main job right now is making educational resources more like linked data16:21
greg-gNa·zi [ˈnɑːtsɪ] n. 1. Someone who works on something for free for all to share, but doesn't do as i say. 2. National-Socialist16:22
brouschgreg-g++ "the quantified child" I like that16:40
brouschThe helicopter parents are driving this insanity16:40
snap-lI'd like to thank my generation for fucking things up.16:50
jrwreni blame the boomers.16:55
* greg-g nods17:00
greg-gthe boomers did so much wrong with raising their kids17:00
greg-gDr. Spock wasn't right, ya'll. It was a major departure from everything we've been doing until then.17:00
rick_h_I thought letting the schools do the raising was the problem :P17:00
greg-gthat too17:00
rick_h_sorry, but after playing part time dad to my (now 21yr old) brother and coming up on 3 of my own...if there's a magic book out there let me know because this stuff doesn't seem to be standard issue17:01
jrwrenits the parents that practice attachment parenting's fault17:03
* rick_h_ relates too close to the helicoptoer stuff I guess17:03
jrwren3 of your own???17:03
jrwrenyou have 2?!?!?17:03
jrwrenand a 3rd on way???17:03
rick_h_own kid is coming up on 3yr old :P17:04
brouschSee, this is how I get the wrong information :P17:04
jrwreni couldn't help myself greg-g :)17:06
greg-gjrwren: I figured :P17:07
* greg-g is an unashamed AP practitioner17:07
brouschWhat's that?17:08
rick_h_heh, don't know much on that side tbh, but my wife did tell me about an awesome 4yr breast feeding AP experience she ran into that gave me the shudders17:08
brousch"there are no conclusive empirical efficacy studies on Sears attachment parenting."17:09
greg-gnor any other17:11
greg-gbut whatever moving on :)17:11
rick_h_religion, politics, and parenting :)17:11
greg-gyeppers :)17:11
greg-gpersonal choices are personal17:11
rick_h_widox: hey, keyboard report. How's it going?17:12
brouschOh man, I skipped the NMRA show this year and missed this http://www.flickr.com/photos/decojim/17:15
jrwrennow see... i'm anti-AP (not strongly) and yet i'm very pro long term breast feeding.17:15
jrwrenI don't see why cow milk is OK, but human milk is somehow strange or gross.17:16
widoxrick_h_: good. used the blues last week; started using the browns today17:16
rick_h_jrwren: for me it's more the size/teeth and such that causes the shudder17:16
rick_h_jrwren: my son can't tickle gently and the idea of the other thing just has me crossing my arms to protect myself :P17:16
rick_h_widox: cool17:17
widoxrick_h_: wife was not excited about the noise from the blues :)17:18
rick_h_widox: yea, I figured might be the case. If I didn't have my own office I bet I'd have a backup wife-friendly keyboard17:18
brouschHere ya go http://www.michlug.org/17:18
rick_h_brousch: ok, that's awesome17:19
widoxrick_h_: yeah... curious if that new guy will bring in his Filco tomorrow17:19
rick_h_shakes808: make sure your co-workers comes back to CHC with his filco please :)17:19
rick_h_poor guy, comes to one meeting and we're all "bring us your hardware!"17:20
widoxlego people amaze me17:20
snap-lI have a big problem with parents relying on schools for everything for their kids17:39
snap-lAlso, corporal punishment is A+17:39
snap-lNot abuse, but letting the child know who is in charge17:39
brouschI have never had to strike my child. Putting him in the corner is as devastating to him as a waterboarding17:40
snap-lAnd each child is different17:40
brouschBut I suspect he is atypical17:40
snap-lThat's the major thing17:41
jrwreni gave up on corporal punishment, there may be times it works, but it certainly wasn't working.18:05
jrwrenit really does hurt me more than it hurts her.18:05
rick_h_die zope...and stupid OOP based html form generation18:07
brouschHow should forms be generated?18:08
rick_h_via html, maybe a single function that does some template-fu18:09
rick_h_I'm all for creating widgets, but it doesn't need to be this pita18:09
rick_h_and stacked 50 layers deep18:10
brouschIs there a form module that does it that way?18:10
rick_h_well there's a widget library18:12
rick_h_and then widgets are tied into View objects and there's a ton of interaction/setup with it all that just makes it a ton more compliated than it feels like it needs to be18:12
rick_h_but that's zope, why keep it simple when you can bring 10 interfaces to bear on the problem18:13
snap-lzope on a rope18:18
rick_h_man youtube comments are stupid as can be18:27
rick_h_"Error: please try again"18:27
rick_h_oh, doesn't like the url, fine. Remove the url, "Post"18:28
rick_h_"Error: please try again"18:28
rick_h_hmmm, wtf...let me change the content I guess it doesn't like something.18:28
jrwrensnap-l: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pb5QmcM5YhU18:28
rick_h_"Error: please try again"18:28
rick_h_finally reload the page and see "Comment removed: author name withheld"18:28
rick_h_well then why can't it just say that ugh18:28
snap-ljrwren: Yeah, I need to get some more Battlecross18:33
jrwrensnap-l: a guy at work here linked me to that. he says they are his son and/or his sons friends.18:40
greg-gjrwren: http://inversephase.bandcamp.com/album/pretty-eight-machine18:48
jrwrengreg-g: yeah, i snagged it. its is only OK.18:54
jrwrendefinitely fun at first, but some of the covers are pretty bad.18:54
jrwrenwhen listening in my car, i found myself wanting to turn it off.18:54
greg-gI bet in the car, yeah18:56
snap-ljrwren: Very cool. They've been making a real splash in the metal world19:27
rick_h_well, the tearing out of the carpet seems to be done becuase the saw is kicking on now, wheee19:28
greg-grick_h_: not a work from coffeeshop day?19:32
greg-gjrwren: I have to admit, I'm listening to it all and liking it for work background music19:34
rick_h_greg-g: no, I don't like having people in my house without me here19:39
greg-gfair 'nough19:39
brousch"School was great!"20:22
jrwreni can't wait to go home and hear all about it.20:26
rick_h_sigh, you can't judge by the tools a person uses right?20:27
brouschJudge all you want based on whatever you want. This is still America!20:29
greg-gbrousch: then how is he wrong if he doesn't?20:33
brouschI am judging him for his non-judgmental attitude20:36
greg-gluckily, judging is non-translative20:38
greg-g(or whatever that mathematical property is)20:38
jrwrenjudgy mc judgement pants can go judge a fastest slug contest20:45
jrwreni'll snap my finger while yelling "You don't know me!"20:46
greg-gtransitive, yep20:46
rick_h_speaking of legos today http://goo.gl/4r77H20:53
jrwrenwow, chrome is only 4yo.21:01
jrwrenthat is AMAZING!21:02

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