
JonathanDKids have first day of school today.10:32
rmg51and you use that as an excuse for not saying good morning till 6:30 :P11:22
rmg51oh well, time to leave for work :-/:P11:24
teddy-dbearMorning peoples12:10
InHisNameFreedom to study for 6 hours on cisco certs,  School started for my little guy.12:32
MutantTurkeyim building a raft15:14
MutantTurkeyit's pretty sweet15:14
waltmanTurkeys can't swim?15:20
MutantTurkeythats why we have a raft15:44
waltmanIs it a mutant raft?15:45
ChinnoDogNeed site for cheap domain registration. Go.16:55
ChinnoDogmeh, never mind. I'll suffer the $9 at 1and1. lol17:01
InHisNameI got a free one from xxx.co.cc17:19
InHisNameI could dig up links if interested17:20
ChinnoDoguh, what is that?17:23
InHisNameI just checked   www.chinnodog.co.cc is available for $0 per year.   Just click on link to register.    You'll need your own zones (some free zones block xyz.co.cc)17:24
InHisNamehe he17:25

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