
methodsno it's not packaging for ubuntu or debian i just want to build a binary00:00
methodsTJ-:  ^00:00
TJ-methods: Ahhh!00:00
ebs512anyone else having issues getting gnome themes to work on ubuntu 12.04?00:01
hylianjamar: sorry for the slow response, a lot to read.00:02
vezeenaHi, you know how holding alt+clicking drags the window? I was having problems disabling this, and somehow i've messed it up and now just clicking my mouse drags the window, and i have to hold alt to click normally, what can I do to fix this?00:02
hylianjamar: can you run this command: sudo lshw -C disk for me in a terminal window and then send me a paste url from http://paste.ubuntu.com/?00:02
jamarrealy need you to help00:02
jamarsure 1 min00:03
methodsTJ-:  and for that you have no answer ?00:03
TJ-methods: Not something I do everyday! I've been researching it since you clarified00:04
SnapSnapAfter using the terminal, anyone can go through the terminal's history to see what commands I've run. Is there a way to permanently clear the terminal's history, or to prevent that information from being retained in the first place?00:04
ebs512TJ: do you know what type of themes work best for Ubuntu 2D?00:04
TJ-SnapSnap: in the user's home directory, check the .*history files00:05
TJ-ebs512: I don't use them, sorry.00:05
ndowens04I am trying to apt pin. I have my preferences looking like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/1184687/00:05
hylianSnapSnap: I know Terminator has the abaility to clear the history, i think it might even have the ability to stop recording that data in the first place. It's so useful though, that I never used this function...00:05
trismmethods: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebootstrapChroot (is one way)00:05
methodsTJ-:  well like i said it keeps uninstalling the other one so it's really strange.. what i did was symlink i386 .so.1 versions to .so and then just point my build process at the right opengl folder based on if i want to build 32 or 6400:06
methodsyea that's just ridiculous honestly to have to install a chroot i don't get why this is so complicated on ubuntu..00:06
jamarhylian did you get it00:06
hylianSnapSnap: I take it back, i can't find it on Terminator. I could have sworn it was there.00:07
hylianjamar: i didn't get the address, no. do you have the addy for the paste?00:07
TJ-methods: I agree; and for deb package based builds I don't have issues building for i386 on amd64. It's obviously something that can be solved by detecting the correct library path prefix at configure time00:07
SnapSnaphylian, no problem. I'm thinking that as paranoid as I can be sometimes, Ubuntu may not be the best suited ;P00:07
excelsiorhow do I back up my htc android phone with ubuntu?00:07
Jeff_br algum brazuka on ?00:07
szal!br | Jeff_br00:08
ubottuJeff_br: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.00:08
vezeenaHi, you know how holding alt+clicking drags the window? I was having problems disabling this, and somehow i've messed it up and now just clicking my mouse drags the window, and i have to hold alt to click normally, what can I do to fix this?00:08
TJ-excelsior: Normally you'd do a nandroid backup from recovery, then simply transfer the files from the SD-Card to your PC (maybe using abd or plugging the SD-card directly into your PC)00:08
trismmethods: any other method is mostly a hack until the -dev packages are multiarched00:08
hylianjamar: i didn't recieve anything, sorry...00:08
ndowens04While trying to upgrade, it wants to pull from precise-proposed but I don't want it to. I want to explicitly tell APT when I want to install from precise-proposed00:09
blobSnapSnap: what shell are you using? bash?  set +o history or unset $HISTFILE00:09
jamari will send it again00:09
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trismndowens04: see selectively installing from proposed, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/EnableProposed00:09
blobSnapSnap: unset HISTFILE00:10
excelsiorTJ-: what's an NANDROID backup (from recovery?)?00:11
hylianjamar, you need to get the url from your paste after you paste it. when you hit paste, it will then show you a new url on top instead of paste.ubuntu.com, it will look like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1184706/. this is what i need.00:11
szal!pm | Jeff_br00:11
ubottuJeff_br: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.00:11
SnapSnapblob, I'm using Gnome terminal00:11
TJ-excelsior: If you need to ask that kind of question I suggest you have a good read at XDA forums. Your question is more for Android than it is for Ubuntu00:11
blobGnome terminal is just a terminal emulator for X windows. you're still using a shell. try echo $SHELL00:12
ndowens04trism: There we go, thanks00:12
SnapSnapblob, /bin/bash00:13
jamarsorry about that but this is it http://paste.ubuntu.com/1184707/00:13
TJ-methods: In summary, your issue us caused because the packages you want to install aren't multilib aware yet, and don't use "Multi-Arch: same" in the control file.00:14
methodstrism:  when will that be ?00:15
methodsTJ-:  oh that sucks00:15
trismmethods: supposed to continue after wheezy is released as far as I know00:15
trismmethods: but it will be a work in progress for a while00:16
_r00t_ /j #archlinux00:16
TJ-methods: It's a gradual process based on the evolving Debian policy. Thousands of packages to be reviewed manually00:16
methodsis that after precies ?00:16
21WAAFEW9How many patents in a laptop?00:16
trismmethods: wheezy is the next debian release00:16
jamar hylian did you get it00:16
excelsiorTJ-: thanks00:16
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TJ-21WAAFEW9: Depends how many apples are in the laptop :p00:17
hylianjamar: type sudo mkdir /media/cdrom. then type /mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom in terminal, and paste.ubuntu.com me any errors you might get.00:17
hylianjamar: sorry, it's sudo mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom00:18
MrReanholy shit.  Lotta people.00:20
matts45acpTroy^: ok im done configuring so now how do i acess this thing from another computer00:20
hylianMrRean: please don't swear :)00:20
MrReanI didnt even pay atention to them :P00:21
Troy^matts45acp: is the samba service running? if its well go on a windows machine windows key + R then type \\ip.of.machine.\00:21
matts45acpTroy^: im on an ubuntu machine00:21
matts45acpTroy^: i wanna acess from ubuntu00:22
Troy^then why did you use samba lol00:22
hylianjamar: this is going to be a dumb question most likely, but you do have a cd in the tray, and you do have it closed, and you are running from a fully installed ubuntu??00:22
jamar hylian yes00:23
Troy^if it is between two ubuntu machines http://askubuntu.com/questions/100790/how-to-enable-file-sharing-between-two-pcs if not you should still be able to see your samba shares in your file manager00:23
hylianjamar: sorry I asked, but you get some strange situations in here, and we have to keep all our bases covered. :)00:24
zx2c4hey anyone here good at making ubuntu packages?00:24
TJ-zx2c4: what's your substantive question?00:25
zx2c4TJ-, i just looking for someone to create an ubuntu package for a project I'm about to release (im a gentoo guy...)00:26
jamari have to laptop run same installation on bout its just this one not work which is a hp pavilan dv6704nr00:26
avengreHello,  i'm running Ubuntu on grub, i added another HD with an existing Win7 installation from another computer, and now I get a Ubuntu and a Win7 option on the bootloader... can I safely start the Win7 partition, or will it try to 'repair' grub when it launches?00:26
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TJ-zx2c4: It's not too involved to create the debian packaging around a project if it isn't overly complicated by lots of library packages. There's lots of guides. First time I did it, it took me about 45 minutes.00:27
jamar hylian:i have two laptop run same installation on bout its just this one not work which is a hp pavilan dv6704nr00:27
hylianjamar: sorry to make you do all these tests, but I want to make sure I am heading in the right direction. Can you run this in terminal and give me the paste for it?00:27
hylianjamar: ls -l  /dev/cdrom /dev/cdrw /dev/dvd /dev/dvdrw /dev/scd0 /dev/sr0'00:27
ubottuanother contentless ping... sigh...00:27
hylianjamar oops, I meant ls -l  /dev/cdrom /dev/cdrw /dev/dvd /dev/dvdrw /dev/scd0 /dev/sr000:28
zx2c4TJ-, want to make me a package?00:28
TJ-hylian: could I suggest checking kern.log for clues about the disc's insertion, or read errors, etc?00:28
TJ-zx2c4: nope!00:28
zx2c4TJ-, too bad00:28
hylianTJ-: you could to jamar. He has the problem, and I would love any suggestions I can get. :)00:29
hylianTJ-: I was going to have him run dmesg | grep sr0 and see if it says device not ready.00:30
hylianjamar: can you run this also: dmesg | grep sr000:30
TJ-hylian: I've seen some drives that won't open/read drives with open sessions, but other drives would. That's why I suggest reviewing /var/log/kern.log whilst the disk is being inserted and initialised (tail -f /var/log/kern.log and insert disc, and watch the log)00:30
hylianTJ-: TJ- ls: cannot access /dev/scd0: No such file or directory, what do you think? I am leaning towards a dying/dead drive... or an old one that can't read iso files..??00:31
TJ-hylian: Well that's the device node not a mounted file-system and isn't guaranteed to be present (scdX means SCSI CD)00:32
hylianTJ-: did you see jamar's post?00:33
TJ-jamar: eject the disk. At a terminal type "tail -f /var/log/kern.log" then insert the disc into the drive and watch the terminal log as it reports what the kernel is doing. After the log stops scrolling, press Ctrl+C to break out of "tail" then copy the log to pastebin.00:34
TJ-hylian: Yes; been reading those pastebins00:34
hylianTJ-: thanks for the suggestions!00:34
e66_There are 38561 empty files in my home directory. I am a developer so there are lots of projects in home. But isn't the amount high enough? Can I find -empty -type f -exec rm -f {} \; ?00:35
TJ-hylian: I've learned the hard way... *always* go to the logs first... they will provide hard objective information instead of subjective responses from users00:35
TJ-e66_: What has been creating them? I'd want to address that as well!00:36
hylianTJ-: i think i need to dig into where to access these logs more. Any good suggestions for a howto on where to find the logs, or are they mostly in var?00:36
TJ-hylian: Everything system related is in /var/log/   ... for user X sessions there's ~/.xsession-errors00:37
jamarit not doing anything just show this http://paste.ubuntu.com/1184732/00:37
hylianTJ-: I would think that e66's file allocation table grows with the creation of each one, even if they are zero kb.00:38
TJ-hylian: For system issues (all in /var/log/ or lower) dmesg contains just what happened at boot-time. For ongoing kernel reports look at kern.log. For system services look at syslog, for others... well look at the descriptive names of the log files themselves, and the directories which are per-application in /var/log/00:38
hylianTJ-: thanks again.00:38
e66_TJ-:  firefox, some gnome project source, Some ides00:38
TJ-hylian: I'd have expected to see something from the drive when the disk was attached. It suggests the drive isn't talking to the kernel correctly for some reason00:39
hylianTJ-: true, all i see here is net traffic. Unfortunately here is where i beg off, because this is "above my paygrade" or more aptly, above my knowledge level.00:40
TJ-e66_: You can use that 'find' construct to delete them... best always to do a test run using "... echo {} \; | less" before doing a "rm {} \;" first though - just in case it's going to delete something important!00:40
TJ-hylian: :D00:40
bazhangjamar, no need to repaste that 6 times00:40
e66_TJ-:  do you think I can inspect 38k files manually?00:40
TJ-jamar: Let me see what happens here, wait a couple of minutes00:40
TJ-e66_: file names, sure! I'd be looking to ensure that find wasn't deleting things from sub--sub-directories that might be needed. You might use -maxdepth=XXX to control how deep 'find' operates, to be safe00:41
L1I reinstalled Win7 and Ubuntu last night, and did some stuff with gparted on my SSD, and my 500GB hard drive (deleting, moving, creating partitions). All working great. However, my 3TB hard drive has somehow been affected (I'm 500% sure I didn't do any operations on it in gparted...). When i boot into Windows, the 3TB drive shows as RAW. However, when I boot into Ubuntu, it can read the data fine (I assume it is reading it as NTFS)00:42
L1Any ideas how to fix this?00:42
hylianTJ-: this is probably not the greatest idea, but what if he attempted to directly mount to sr0, maybe using the force tag? ohh, wait, i think force is for ntfs only... what do  yout think?>00:42
matts45acpTroy^: ok im seeing 2 sftp now in network list00:42
matts45acpwhy is there 200:43
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matts45acpTroy^: why is there 200:43
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jamarsame thing nothing change00:43
TJ-jamar: Inserting an empty disc there are no messages to kern.log ... I'll try a disc with content now00:43
Troy^matts45acp: ps -aux | grep sftp00:44
usr13L1: Maybe pastebin the output of sudo fdisk -l  and some of us could look at what you have and you can point out where the anomaly really is.00:44
matts45acpTroy^: whats that do00:44
usr13L1: sudo fdisk -l |pastebinit00:44
Troy^shows you the processed for sftp running matts45acp00:44
L1usr13: Allright, I'll get on to that when I reboot into ubuntu. Thanks00:44
matts45acpTroy^: do it one the server machine or another machine?00:45
Troy^you said sftp. i have no idea what sftp is or what machine it is on00:45
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TJ-jamar: hylian: an Ubuntu live CD gives 2 messages in kern.log and syslog: "Sep  4 01:44:47 hephaestion kernel: [39818.983517] ISO 9660 Extensions: Microsoft Joliet Level 3, Sep  4 01:44:47 hephaestion kernel: [39819.099527] ISO 9660 Extensions: RRIP_1991A"00:45
[snake]Troy^, sftp is ssh file transfer protocol00:45
Troy^-_- lol.. ok00:46
zykotick9Troy^: fyi it's "ps aux" the - is incorrect, see the output ;)00:46
TJ-jamar: The disc you're inserting, is it one you've burned yourself? If so, did you burn it on a different PC?00:46
ActionParsnipzykotick9: thats the bsd standard ;). Linu standard is 'ps -ef'00:46
Troy^zykotick9: still spits out the same stuff :P00:47
usr13zykotick9: I think it works either way.00:47
zykotick9ActionParsnip: agreed. but "ps -aux" says "Warning: bad ps syntax, perhaps a bogus '-'?"00:47
hylianL1: this article might help you: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1791032. in either case, be very careful not to mount that drive, and let the software handle it.00:47
ActionParsnipusr13: it does but not all distros will use the aux option for ps00:47
matts45acp[snake]: why is it showing 200:48
jamari insert a regular dvd not bootleg00:48
L1hylian: Thanks, I'll have a read00:48
[snake]if I use mv with sudo will it keep all of the permissions.00:48
usr13Well, just did it on mine and seems to the same work either way.00:48
matts45acp[snake]: sftp00:48
[snake]matt_m, what?00:48
TJ-jamar: Is it a movie DVD? with encryption?00:48
[snake]what is showing 2 matts45acp00:48
matts45acpone says for matthew on the ip adreess and the other for just ip adress00:49
hylianjamar: he isn't asking if it's a bootleg. he is aking if  it is a burned iso from another computer. ISO's are not illegal.00:49
jamarno i just put in my next pc it work fine00:49
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usr13jamar: Is it a DVD movie?00:49
matts45acp[snake]: both look the same when opened00:49
jamarsorry i install it from a flash drive00:50
[snake]matts45acp, I'm not sure what you're asking. Please ask specifically what you need in one line :)00:50
hylianTJ-: i don't know if you saw that, but he put the cd into another pc, and it reads fine.00:50
jamarusing unetbootin00:50
TJ-jamar: hylian: For a movie DVD I see this in kern.log: "Sep  4 01:49:50 hephaestion kernel: [40121.603513] UDF-fs: Partition marked readonly; forcing readonly mount ...  Sep  4 01:49:50 hephaestion kernel: [40121.661083] UDF-fs: INFO Mounting volume 'SHREK', timestamp 2001/09/19 05:40 (103c)"00:50
usr13jamar:  What is your question?00:50
usr13TJ-: & jamar  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs00:51
TJ-usr13: Just what I was thinking00:51
hylianjamar: does the burned cd work anywhere else? because using unetbootin to put an iso on a flash drive does not mean the cd burned correctly.00:51
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TJ-jamar: So, let's be clear. The PC has ubuntu on that was installed from a USb flash drive using unetbootlin, and how you're having problems loading a movie studio's original movie DVD?00:53
usr13hylian: So jamar is having difficulty trying to boot an install DVD?  (I'm guessing I do not understand the issue, so sorry for that).00:53
hylianjamar: if this cd is a dvd or blueray, and you have the iso image on your computer, does running the iso through totem work?00:53
TJ-jamar: s/how you're/now you're/00:53
jamari did have window on it but when i was runing ubuntu as a alondside it i got a error so i abort from then cd/dvd drive never work00:53
jamarso i so a flash drive to run installation00:54
usr13jamar: What is your native language?00:54
TJ-jamar: So in summary then, you've got a FAULTY DVD drive that even Windows couldn't use!00:54
hylianusr13: to be honest i don't know exactly what the issue is. thanks for any help you can give. I thought it was maybe a bad drive, but all my tests are negative on that front... so the likelyhood of a bad drive being the culprit is low.00:54
jamarno just a cd-rw00:54
TJ-jamar: It's a CD-RW drive that Windows couldn't use?00:54
usr13hylian: I C00:54
luisgAlguien que hable español??00:55
hylian!espanol | luisg00:55
ubottuluisg: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.00:55
hylianluisg: sorry, no hable en espanol.00:56
jamarnow its not working not even the window cd00:56
usr13jamar: Sounds like bad media.00:56
TJ-jamar: Sounds like the physical drive has a fault to me00:56
jamarwhat should i do then00:57
usr13jamar: Or, yes, as TJ- suggest, may also be bad drive.00:57
usr13jamar: Well, we don't know.  This is beyond the scope of our abilities.00:57
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luisgthank you!!00:58
TJ-jamar: hylian: usr13 I'm seeing lots of hits for the "DVDRAM GSA-T20L" drive and "problem disappeared"00:58
jamarit was working fine befor i tried installing ubuntu alongside it00:58
hylianjamar: I am afraid I have to concur with usr13 and TJ-. there is a good chance the drive is bad.00:58
jamaroh k00:58
usr13jamar: In other words, it is more-than-likely a hardware issue.00:59
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jamarit a new pc like 6month i wonder if i could bring it back00:59
TJ-jamar: The fact Ubuntu/Linux reports the drive info accurately suggests the operating system can talk to the drive, but when it comes to reading media, the drive is somehow faulty00:59
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usr13jamar: Possibly, but rule out the possibility of bad media first.00:59
hylianjamar: yeah, that's a great idea. take the cd to another pc if you can and make sure it isnt bad.01:00
usr13jamar: If you have or can borrow any other type of media that the drive is supposed to be able to read, try it and see.01:00
bikcmphi.  i'd like a way to run an application as a user every time my machine starts up.01:01
bikcmpit's a terminal application.01:01
bikcmpi'd normally do something with init.d, but i'm not sure how to do the "run as a user" part.01:01
jamaryou want me to take out the dvd drom drive01:01
TJ-jamar: hylian usr13 I found this: http://www.computing.net/answers/hardware/bad-dvd-drive/82269.html01:02
usr13bikcmp: There is a GUI interface for "Startup Applications"01:02
hylianbikcmp: if you have to pass a lot of flags, my fave application is terminator. you can run a commmand like terminator -x irssi --connect irc.freenode.org. you put that in a menu editor like alacarte, and now  you have a maneu entry in the menu. you can also then make it a booting command. terminator is awesome.01:02
bikcmpusr13: this will be on a machine in which does not have a gui.01:02
bikcmpmaybe this would have been better suited at #ubuntu-server, actually01:03
bikcmphylian: fwiw... it's freenode.net01:03
hylianbikcmp: never mind, terminator is gui.01:03
TJ-jamar: hylian usr13 I also found this "A similar problem was recently solved by adjusting the Drive Configuration in the BIOS to "Configure SATA as IDE" rather than AHCI. Some of the recent SATA and IDE controllers have been identified as the problem."01:03
bikcmphylian: yeah01:03
bikcmphylian: i've just asked in #ubuntu-server :)01:04
jamarfix the bios01:04
hylianjamar: if you feel safe about using entering the bios, TJ-'s idea would be worth a try.01:04
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ActionParsnipbikcmp: if you want to make startup items, you can symlink the files in /usr/share/applications to ~/.config/autostart  and it willrun once the user logs in to the desktop UI01:04
bikcmpActionParsnip: but i don't have a gui01:05
bikcmpActionParsnip: i should have asked in -server01:05
TJ-hylian: jamar The thing with changing the BIOS setting is that any SATA devices will lose some functionality that will slow them down in some circumstances01:05
ActionParsnipbikcmp: if you want to add startup things in server its fairly simple01:05
jamarsure try anything so wath to do01:05
bikcmpActionParsnip: i know how to make something run at bootup using init.d... only thing is i don't know how to make it run as a user01:05
jamarso what to do01:06
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ActionParsnipbikcmp: you can call the in /etc/rc.local   above the 'exit 0' line, if the command runs for a long time, add an ampersand to the end of the command so that it is backgrounded and the boot can continue01:06
bikcmpActionParsnip: amersand = &?01:06
ActionParsnipbikcmp: yes01:06
LeChacalHello, question. I have a script that I run regularly from the gui and every time it ask if I want to "run in terminal, display, cancel, or run. Is there some way I can't bypasses this and have it just automatically run?01:06
bikcmpActionParsnip: # This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel.01:07
bikcmpActionParsnip: eh? i'd want it to run when the server is up and running and nothing else is loading01:07
ActionParsnipbikcmp: yes it runs just before the login prompt shows01:07
bikcmpActionParsnip: ah01:07
bikcmpActionParsnip: ok.01:07
bikcmpActionParsnip: now how would I drop privileges...01:07
ActionParsnipbikcmp: quick commands won't need the ampersand as they will impact boot very little01:07
bikcmpActionParsnip: well01:07
hylianjamar: i would write down or print off the info TJ- gave you. then reboot the machine, and use the key combo to gain access to your bios. you have to be rather quick, the bios option is only available for a second or two. the usual keys to gain access to the bios are f1, delete, and f10. but they can be other keys. if you can find a option like what TJ mentioned in your bios, make the switch, save the configuration, and then reboot and see if ubuntu 01:07
bikcmpActionParsnip: my application doesn't fork into the background.01:07
ActionParsnipbikcmp: to run a command as another user, you can use su -c   in the command01:08
bikcmpActionParsnip: -b            run command in the background01:08
bikcmpActionParsnip: in sudo.  interesting...01:08
WeThePeoplelechacal, what thye of file is it?01:08
ActionParsnipbikcmp: its su, not sudo01:08
bikcmpActionParsnip: ah. i was looking at sudo before you even said anything01:08
ActionParsnipbikcmp: the commands all run as root, root can run commands as any user it likes01:08
LeChacalWeThePeople, it is a bash script, .sh01:09
jamarok so where is the step01:09
bikcmpActionParsnip: perfect.  that was exactly what i was looking for.01:09
jamarare print01:09
bikcmpActionParsnip: thank you so much.01:09
ActionParsnipbikcmp: read examples online, as well as: man su01:09
ActionParsnipbikcmp: np dude01:10
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fragmachinecan anyone help me get execigraph working in conky?01:10
bikcmpActionParsnip: now i can automate my stuff so if my server reboots i'm not in a pickle! ;)01:10
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jamartj can i have that print01:10
ActionParsnipbikcmp: you could also use cron with   @boot ;)01:11
hylianjamar: i gave you the steps, TJ- gave you what to look for. you are looking for an option that says "use sata as ide (or eide)". It could say it a few different ways. if you find something similar to this, switch the option to on, and save the configuration and exit. then reboot, and see if that cd/dvd works.01:11
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bikcmpActionParsnip: !!01:11
jamarok ty01:12
Guest24410How do I get the close button from the left of the window to the right?01:12
hylianTJ- usr13, thank you for helping.01:12
ActionParsnipbikcmp: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1184773/01:12
ActionParsnipbikcmp: I use similar :)01:12
bikcmpActionParsnip: i'm about to test the rc.local.01:13
bikcmpif that works, well, it works01:13
ActionParsnipbikcmp: yes, thats the one on my file/print server, if you drop a pdf in /home/andy/Downloads/print/ it will print it then delete the file01:13
usr13bikcmp: notice line 1501:13
usr13bikcmp: notice line 1601:13
ActionParsnipbikcmp: it uses the ampersand so that the process gets backgrounded :)01:14
usr13Sorry 15 was typo01:14
bikcmpusr13: interesting...01:14
bikcmp16 looks like a typo01:14
bikcmpwhy would you exit?01:14
THE_GFR|WORK hey everyone does anyone know of an eSATA card that supports FIS switching, and supports linux and isn't based on marvell chips?01:14
bikcmpunless line 17+ and over is /usr/bin/printcheck...01:14
ActionParsnipbikcmp: its 2 files in one, the script immediately follows the rc.local (which ends with exit 0)01:14
ActionParsnipbikcmp: yes01:14
usr13bikcmp: line 17 also01:14
ActionParsnipits dirty but it works01:14
Guest24410I guess nobody knows, sweet.01:15
hylianGuest24410: on Unity?01:15
bikcmpActionParsnip: this sucks.  what's the working directory when a script is started from rc.local?01:15
LiDaRGuest24410: type /nick unique-name01:15
bikcmp(i'm considering perhaps just cding before?01:15
ActionParsnipbikcmp: i believe /root   I suggest you use absolute paths01:15
bikcmpActionParsnip: also... another ick.01:16
Guest24410LiDaR I did type the nick thing, but it won't work.01:16
bikcmpActionParsnip: it looks like rc.local is just looping and looping.01:16
bikcmpi want it to run once.  at boot.01:16
hylianGuest24410: you want to put the window controls on the right, in Unity? (the desktop that comes with Ubuntu 12.04 and 12.10?)01:16
bikcmp(should i try crontab?)01:16
=== Guest24410 is now known as new2ubuntu
new2ubuntuI installed gnome and tried gnome classic and still can't change anything or ad apts.01:17
hyliannew2ubuntu: was that yes for me? to send me a message, start typing my nick (hylian) and then press the tab button. like this hylian:01:17
new2ubuntuI like to play with themes and customizing.01:17
bikcmpActionParsnip: ok.  i've got it.  now, last thing- how would I set the working directory?01:18
new2ubuntuhylian, thank you sir, that's easier01:18
bikcmpcd /home/blah/xyz/; ./server.sh?01:18
hyliannew2ubuntu: to be honest, the closest I get to modding anything graphical is to install other desktop environments. I know that the default for xfce and lxde is that the window controls are on the right. That's about as useful i am going to be, i don't modify anything gui past my wallpaper.01:19
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new2ubuntuhylian, I can see that the developers didn't want anything customized. :(01:20
hyliannew2ubuntu: I do know that there are a lot of xfce4 mods. gnome3 has a few, and you might find a few unity mods, but both of these options are in there infancy, having just come out a year or so back.01:20
new2ubuntuhylian, where do I get those? Do I install them with the ubuntu software like I did gnome desktop?01:21
L1usr13: http://pastebin.com/wAm408K5   Here is "sudo fdisk -l" regarding drive marked as RAW in windows but seems to be working in ubuntu. The drive in question is /dev/sda. Looks like it is reporting as a Guid Partition table rather than NTFS01:21
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L1Someone suggested "testdisk", while other googling has uncovered "ntfs-tools" - any suggestions? I assume I'm needing to rewrite the partition header?01:23
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new2ubuntuhylian, can I get it with sudo apt-get install "desktop like xfc or lubuntu"?01:23
OerHekstry my-unity ( in softwarecentre) or ubuntu-tweak (not is softwarecentre), to customize & tweak01:23
hyliannew2ubuntu: you usually have to do direct tweaking yourself. you will not find them in the software center. if you find one you like, sometimes you can get it in a .deb package, and then you can use gdebi package manager to install it. that's as automated as your gonna get. here is one that makes unity look like a mac. if that floats your boat. http://ubuntuguide.net/install-macbuntu-to-make-ubuntu-11-04-unity-look-like-mac-os-x01:24
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OerHekshmm macbuntu, it is known to wreck your system.01:25
new2ubuntuhylian, Have you tried zorinOS? it's based on ubuntu 12.04 but it's got problems with the compiz and other issues.01:25
hyliannew2ubuntu: there are a few xfce4 themes available in the software center. look under xfce. the reason why i mention xfce is, at current it's the only decent desktop environment (imho) that has been in development long enough to acquire modding attention. KDE can be very modded, but is too buggy for my tastes. but it can look very very nice.01:26
ebs512nothing is fixing these broken packages so I can install gnome-shell-extensions-common01:27
new2ubuntuIt looks like windows 7 and is very nice, but if you try to tweak it or change the looks, you messed the whole system up and will have to reinstall it. hylian01:27
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TJ-L1: This process may help you convert the disk from GPT to msdos/MBR label, if that's the issue with Windows reading it. However, I thought Windows can read GPT, which if correct would suggest another issue01:27
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TJ-L1: http://www.ehow.com/how_12119053_convert-gpt-mbr-linux.html01:27
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hyliannew2ubuntu: no i Haven't. I will have to look it up. I am always looking for unique distros. You know, i don't want to shy you away from ubuntu, but linux mint has a lot more mods available, and is based on ubuntu, and even uses ubuntu's software a lot.01:27
xanguanew2ubuntu: hylian and it's not supported here01:28
new2ubuntugo to distrowatch.com and it's there, just released the newest version of it. I couldn't get it to download past 35 kbps so I gave up. hylian01:29
new2ubuntuxangua, what's not supported here?01:29
champloso i tried asking in android but its dead, this is for anyone whos knowledgable in the android build environment, im currently in the process of repo and would like to know if repo will resume at a later date or time if i were to become disconnected, will it overwrite everything or scan from the last broken file downloaded and resume?01:29
hyliannew2ubuntu: linux mint. it's not supported here.01:29
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org01:30
new2ubuntuI have that and it's nice, but I can't get the compiz or anything to work with it.01:30
root_zhe shi shen me ???01:30
hyliannew2ubuntu: it looks like ubottu doesn't know anything about that.01:31
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new2ubuntuyeah, I tried to see what it's opinion is01:31
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hyliannew2ubuntu: so your main intent is to get compiz to function? not so much modding, as making graphical changes like lighting effects?01:32
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new2ubuntuhylian, that bot sent me a PM saying that it doesn't know anything about zorinos lol01:32
TJ-L1: As its a Windows issue the windows tools might reveal more about what is upsetting Windows. As well as looking in the Windows Event Log, check this MSDN article out, its very useful http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/gg463525.aspx01:32
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MrGizmo757dose anybody know how to open Multiple instances of Mplayer?   it works out of the box with VLC but i cant figure out how to get M-player to work this way01:34
L1TJ- Thank you, I'll check out those links. In Windows it is marked as RAW when I go into Disk Management. This drive should not be bootable at all - it's purely data01:34
hyliannew2ubuntu: i wish i was a compiz wiz, but I go in a unilaterally different direction. I'm the guy that does everything he can in the console, and when he needs a gui, runs things like openbox. I am the anti pretty.01:34
new2ubuntuMrGizmo757, I think it would be in the settings if I remember correctly01:34
bikcmpActionParsnip: i was able to get it working.  awesome, thanks.01:34
TJ-L1: with GPT, Windows expects certain specific GUIDs to be present. I'm guessing something may have changed in that respect01:35
MrGizmo757i looked. i didnt see anything like that in there.  and i didnt mean Mplayer i mean Movie player. the stock ubuntu player. My bad.01:35
kureanyone here recommends good console games?01:35
kurei've been playing pacman4console for a while and loved the text interface01:35
hyliankure: I like bsdgames for a starter.01:35
new2ubuntunice, hylian, I'm trying to learn the terminal commands. I can do the "sudo apt-get install" command. :)01:36
hyliannew2ubuntu: sudo apt-get install, update and upgrade are the first 3 i suggest. your on a roll!01:36
[snake]new2ubuntu, kool! keep practicing and maybe one day you will install gentoo for fun or something01:36
new2ubuntuI had PSlinuxOS full-monty before and I couldn't do anything with it. for none of the commands used in ubuntu works with that one.01:36
MrGizmo757Totem i think its called01:37
hyliannew2ubuntu: yeah, pslinuxos is a collection of rpm's and ubuntu is debian packages, it's like the difference beetween the earth and the moon if you are installing or upgrading anything.01:37
TJ-L1: I found this mention "I've had a few drives go RAW recently, in the middle of copying like you, and it was caused by poor electric connections (using a poorly made Molex doubler). Most of the time, Windows 7 was able to repair the problem at the next reboot, so definitely something linked to the MBR or the MFT" at   http://hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=161774801:38
ammwanyone here01:38
hylianammw: a lot of people are here01:39
ammwhylian can you help me with audio and resolution problems01:39
new2ubuntuthe skype on that system kept closing out, so I tried updating it by using... apt-get uninstall skype and then reinstalling it won't work. ooopes01:39
hylianammw: i can try, but I am no wiz. let's take a crack at it though.01:39
[snake]ammw, just ask01:39
new2ubuntuthen on the website to get skype, I didn't know which to download. it didn't have pslinuxos as a linux distro. hylian01:40
ammwwell i just installed ubuntu 10.10 on my laptop dual boot but now i have no sound and resolution is wrong im on amd motherboard01:40
ActionParsnipammw: maverick isnt supported anymore01:40
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ammwso i have to upgrade?01:41
m6d4ammw: why you install the old version in first place ?01:41
ActionParsnipammw: the OS will run, you will just get zero updates and zero support here01:41
devnillI've installed xfce and want to switch the windows manager to compiz. I can do this by typing compiz --replace ccp but I'd like it to persist beyond logout. Where can I change compiz to be my default?01:41
L1TJ- Thank you very much! I will continue to investigate01:41
ammwk ill upgrade then is 11.0 supported?01:41
ActionParsnipammw: I suggest you clean install with Precise, not only will you getto the latst stable release faster, it is also LTS so supported unitil 201701:41
TJ-L1: Is the drive in an external caddy/enclosure?01:42
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ActionParsnipammw: 11.10 and 11.04 are still supported, 11.04 is EOL in October 201201:42
ammwwell i did a clean install about hour ago with live cd01:42
xanguadevnill: set compiz --replace as startup, i don't remember how it's done in xfce but there is the #xubuntu channel it might help01:42
devnillthanks xangua01:42
new2ubuntuammw, 10.04 is better then 10.10 and I think it's still supported.01:42
hyliannew2ubuntu: first you have to access software center. then click edit, and go to "software sources". then choose other, and click on "canonical partners". thenin console, sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get upgrade, and then sudo apt-get install skype.01:43
xanguanew2ubuntu: for only 8 months more01:43
ammwonly reason i used 10.10 is because its what i had lieing around but ill upgrade to 11.0 see if it fixes my problems01:43
rgenitoyo yo yo01:43
xanguaammw: it'd be easier to download and install latest version01:43
ActionParsnipnew2ubuntu: lucid is EOL in april next year01:44
ActionParsnipnew2ubuntu: well, on desktop01:44
hyliannew2ubuntu: i fogot to mention, you need to close software center before using apt-get..01:44
ActionParsnipIf memory serves, hardy server will be too01:44
new2ubuntuhylian, I don't have that problem now. I have the newest version installed, thank you for the help though.01:44
L1TJ- Nope, it's an internal drive. About 2 months old, so I would hope it's not a hardware issue (perhaps a bad molex would be possible though like that link mentioned)01:44
hylianrgenito: hello01:45
hyliannew2ubuntu: oops. overly eager. :)01:45
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TJ-L1: I'm reading about some faulty controller chipsets and wrap-around when writing past 2GB capacity (the sector numbers stored in a 32-bit integer wrap around to zero when they get past 2GB and therefore overwrite the first sectors of the disk, causing the index to be lost and the disk showing as RAW in Windows01:46
TJ-L1: Maybe Linux is more tolerant of such issues01:46
ActionParsniprgenito: i used to say yo o yo when I joined but an op moaned at me to stop (sad times)01:46
new2ubuntuammw, if you upgrade to 11.0 you won't be able to change anything or add apts like in the older version, I recommend if you like the older version to install 10.04 LTS. If you really want everything to work, install the newest version!01:46
hyliannew2ubuntu: you might like gnome better. it is very "pretty". I love the transitions. it's a bit much for me, but it will put your window control on the right side.01:46
new2ubuntuhylian, No I tried it and didn't like it. I like the windows look. You know, menu on left bottom and panal on bottom, none of this side bar and stuff.01:48
rgenitoActionParsnip: aww man, sorry to hear that01:48
rgenitoanyone here runnin ubuntu 12.04 ?01:48
ActionParsniprgenito: check my wiki ;)01:49
hyliannew2ubuntu: well then you will love xfce or lxde. it's very easy with both to do just that. I kind of like it not looking like windows, but I am proud to be a linux geek, so... :)01:49
ActionParsniprgenito: indeed I am01:49
* rgenito waits for many replies01:49
new2ubuntuI have lubuntu 12.04 on my old desktop, it looks good, but I hate the menu. it's just plain text, no looks or eye candy, hylian01:49
rgenitodoes anyone know how to start a plain, blank X session at boot time?01:49
hylianrgenito: i am01:49
rgenito(in ubuntu 12.04)01:49
hylianrgenito: the closest i get is running openbox. so you want x running, but no gui loaded? just trying to figure out what your trying to accmomplish here...01:50
ActionParsnipopenbox rocks01:51
rgenitohylian: correct, i want X running on this headless system01:51
hylianActionParsnip: you know it man!01:51
rgenitoi want X to run so that my scripts can take advantage of the X session with the GPU's drivers01:51
hylianrgenito: i don't know how to do that. i could try and google it.01:52
ActionParsniprgenito: I'd use an openbox session (no DE)01:52
rgenitoActionParsnip: "DE"?01:52
ActionParsniprgenito: desktop environment, openbox can run as it is01:52
hylianrgenito: no desktop environment. openbox is very very basic. it runs grpahical apps, but is very very light on resources.01:52
rgenitoahh ok01:53
rgenitowill it run being available to all users?01:53
ActionParsniprgenito: yes01:53
hylianrgenito: i believe so,01:53
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new2ubuntuhylian, is openbox lighter then Lxde or xfce?01:54
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ActionParsnipnew2ubuntu: LXDE uses openbox as its WM by default, so yes01:54
hyliannew2ubuntu: ohh yeah. openbox is about as light as you can get and still run x.01:54
ActionParsnipnew2ubuntu: openbox is lighter than lxde + openbox01:54
Artemis3window manager vs desktop environment01:55
hyliannew2ubuntu: if you install openbox though, i suggest obmenu. obmenu will allow you to program the openbox menu. I also suggest feh and gmrun.01:55
new2ubuntuok cool, My other computer is a desktop running 512 mb memory and old P3 processor. it's runs Lubuntu pretty good. hylian01:55
hyliannew2ubuntu: I should say, obmenu will let you add entries to the openbox menu, because it's not programming.01:56
new2ubuntuwell my desktop doesn't have internet to install anything, I just use it for my financial information with gnumeric or whatever that spread sheet is called.01:56
hylianActionParsnip: what do you use for a run dialogue? i've been using gmrun with openobox. (and feh, and obmenu...)01:57
ActionParsniphylian: guake, I have a tab to run junk in01:57
hylianActionParsnip: ahh. yes I like guake too. not a bad idea. my setup in the autostart runs nm-applet, feh for background, and has terminator as a control alt t key combo, and gmrun as alt-f2. i use pcmanfm for my file manager. what do you use?01:59
new2ubuntuhey hylian what is the xfce desktop called? so I can use the terminal. for it isn't in ubuntu software center.02:00
hyliannew2ubuntu: well it is really secure then!02:00
rhombusWhen I install adobe flash plugin for firefox, the system tells me it is installed, but it does nothing -- restarting firefox doesn't help, there is no flash plugin.02:01
rhombusWhat gives?02:01
ActionParsniphylian: mrun is nice, good tab completion02:01
hyliannew2ubuntu: it is called xfce. but if you want to install it, you can use sudo apt-get install xfce4, or xubuntu. sudo apt-get xubuntu will give you all the bells and whistles that come with xfce for ubuntu.02:01
Artemis3hylian, xubuntu-desktop02:01
hylianrhombus: you need to install flash via the software center.02:01
hyliannew2ubuntu: xubuntu-desktop is the name of the package, my bad.02:02
rhombushylian: I tried to do that... I used muon software center.02:02
new2ubuntuso what's the differents? hylian02:02
usr13xfce4 rocks  :)02:03
new2ubuntuusr13, what's the difference in xubuntu and xfce4?02:03
hylianrhombus: muon software center? never heard of that. how about sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer in the terminal02:03
usr13new2ubuntu: xubuntu is Ubuntu running xfce4 as it's Desktop Enviornment02:04
usr13that's all...02:04
hyliannew2ubuntu: xfce is the very basic desktop environment. xubuntu adds all the extras made for it by ubuntu, including the mods i was referring to before.02:04
Artemis3new2ubuntu, you have to see the list of packages to see the difference02:04
alexr2I'm trying to resize my boot partition so that i can install another OS on the same drive as ubuntu.  GParted isn't letting me do that, any insight as to why?02:04
rhombushylian: "flashplugin-installer is already the newest version."02:04
new2ubuntuok, so xubuntu is the best one to install.02:05
hylianrhombus: what version of ubuntu are you using?02:05
usr13new2ubuntu: Yea, as hylian points out, it is xfce4 dolled up with some extra bells / whistles.02:05
rhombushylian: 12.04 LTS02:05
Artemis3new2ubuntu, xubuntu needs more memory as it uses more programs by default02:05
Jordan_Ualexr2: You need to boot into a LiveCD/USB to resize the FS (it can't be done while you're booted from it).02:05
new2ubunturhombus, what browser are you using? sometimes that happens on other browsers like opera. I had that same issue too.02:06
rhombusnew2ubuntu: firefox, also installed via the software center.02:06
rhombusI am trying to install restricted extras now, to see if that helps.02:07
new2ubunturhombus, try uninstalling flash and then go to the website and download it from there.02:07
rhombusnew2ubuntu: ok...02:07
new2ubuntuit will prompt you to close the browser, and then it willl work, well with my luck anyway lol02:08
hylianrhombus: that is strange. I am using firefox with flash installed via apt-get, and their is no problems here... is there a chance you are running a 64 bit version of ubuntu, and you installed the 64 bit plugin somehow? the 64 bit plugin doesn't work currently via ubuntu02:08
alexr2Thanks Jordan_U02:09
Jordan_Ualexr2: You're welcome.02:09
new2ubuntuis ubuntu going to come out with 128 bit version?02:09
rhombushylian: no, this is a 32 bit machine, and since it is running, I doubt that I installed the 64 bit version...02:09
dj_segfaultHi.   I just upgraded my server from ubuntu 10.14 to kubuntu 12.04.  It's running MythTV.  My mythclient boxes, still running 10.04, can't connect because the schema is different.  Is there a way of upgrading mythtv-client on 10.04 to the latest stable?02:10
new2ubunturhombus, did you try what I said and did it work for you?02:10
hylianActionParsnip: say, I was looking for a way to shut down the computer while still logged into openbox. For some reason the old shutdown commands don't work on the laptop... any suggestions?02:10
ActionParsnipnew2ubuntu: 64bit can reference up to 4Eb of RAM and can do most anything you can need02:10
rhombusnew2ubuntu: no, I haven't got that far yet.02:11
ebs512can someone help me with a broken packages error, I have tried  sudo apt-get install -f02:11
ebs512 and it says 0 upgraded 0 newly installed 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded so I'mnot able to fix this held broken packages error I have when trying to install gnome-shell-extensions or gnome-shell-extensions-common02:11
ActionParsniphylian: can you expand on 'shutdown the computer' it implies power off which will kill openbox02:11
hyliannew2ubuntu: there is hardly any 128bit hardware on the planet currently. when the market starts selling it in mass, canonical will definatly start making a 128 bit version.02:11
rhombusmore bits = better.02:12
new2ubuntuwell that question was just for fun, sorry for posting it!02:12
* rhombus wants more bits! 256 bits! 512 bits!02:12
usr13ebs512: What error does it give?  pastebinit?02:12
hylianActionParsnip: i want a "shut down the computer button now" option, without first logging out of oprnbox, and using light dm to do it.02:12
new2ubuntubrb, going to boot into xubuntu! and give it a world.02:12
ThaoLinhCo ai o day khong02:13
ThaoLinhxin chao02:13
hyliannew2ubuntu: wait, you just need to log out of unity. it will be available on the log in screen02:13
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:14
usr13ebs512: Thank you.02:14
hylianActionParsnip: I was using qshutdown. but that doesn't work on my new laptop.02:15
Cpudan80Hello folks, does anyone have a good tutorial for adding flash support to Google Chrome on 12.04 (64 bit)?02:15
usr13ebs512: lsb_release -i  #Paste the output here.02:16
hylianCpudan80: well the first thing to do is not install flash 64 bit plugin. it doesn't work. you need to install the 32 bit version. sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer should do the trick in terminal02:16
ebs512Distributor ID:Ubuntu02:16
Cpudan80hylian: Yeah I got that installed.... but I can't seem to view flash vids in Chrome02:17
hylianCpudan80: and you where sure it didn't install the 64 bit version, right?02:17
Cpudan80hylian: hrm... it appears to be working now... not sure what I did...02:17
Cpudan80Maybe I hadn't restarted chrome or something02:18
hylianCpudan80: glad to hear it.02:18
usr13ebs512: dpkg-reconfigure gnome-shell02:18
usr13ebs512: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gnome-shell02:18
Cpudan80ok so that's good ... got all the stuff I need02:18
hylianCpudan80: have a good night!02:18
Cpudan80Only weird issues now is the XChat window title bar takes two lines instead of one...02:18
Cpudan80But - I can live with that I guess02:19
hylianCpudan80: hmmm. how large is your display?02:19
ebs512still have held broken packages :/02:19
hexag0nHi all, I've been having a huge issue when using any ubuntu-based distro. I've tried ubuntu, xubuntu, lubuntu, linux mint, and various other distros and they constantly lock up and the mouse lags sometimes and most of hte time I can't even get through the installer screen. I've also tried both 64 bit and 32 bit versions of distros and it still has the same problem. If anyone has any idea on02:19
hexag0nwhat I should do so I can install ubuntu or something ubuntu based that would be amazing.02:19
Cpudan80hylian: it's 1366 x 768, no amount of resizing fixes the problem02:20
Cpudan80hylian: but I'm using gnome 3 instead of unity though, not sure if that's the cause?02:20
hylianCpudan80: ohh. yeah, i have seena problem like that on netbooks, but you have more than enough screen size.. strange.02:20
ero-jijihexag0n have you run a full memory diag?02:20
usr13hexag0n: Sounds like a hardware issue.  I would first do memtest02:20
faustoif some one is reading this write  rogo02:20
xanguaebs512: are you using a ppa¿02:20
ActionParsnipfausto: we can see you02:20
ebs512I think I originally installed with ppa02:20
hexag0nHow can I do a memtest? Am I able to do it from a Linux Mint liveUSB or something like that?02:21
Cpudan80hylian: Yeah I mean stretching the window to the full width gives it more than enough room, but it still goes to two lines.....02:21
hexag0nor an ubuntu one?02:21
hexag0nanything is fine as long as I can get this issue fixed.02:21
ebs512then I realized 3.5 wasnt working so I was trying to uninstall to reinstall with 3.402:21
hylianCpudan80: i don't know, could be. I am using gnome3 too, but i use irssi, not xchat. sorry.02:21
usr13hexag0n: LiveCD02:21
Cpudan80hylian: the guys in #xchat said it was ubuntu, so I tried it on Fedora and it exhibited the same behavior...02:21
usr13hexag0n: It is a boot option.02:21
faustohow can i look how much memorie i have in my computer02:21
ero-jijihexag0n UBCD or livecd work02:21
hexag0noh, it only works with CD's? it won't work with a USB stick?02:21
Cpudan80Although not quite as bad in Fedora02:21
usr13fausto: free02:21
usr13fausto: or  cat /proc/meminfo02:22
hylianCpudan80: i have nearly the same resolution, so iam gonna run xchat and see what i get02:22
faustousr13: uh!02:22
ero-jijihexag0n UBCD works on usb iirc02:22
hexag0nalright, thanks02:22
Cpudan80hylian: Yeah I'd appreciate that -- just run it and join any old channel, they all show the problem02:22
hexag0nI will give that memtest thing a shot and if I get any errors I'll know that's the case02:22
usr13fausto: Open a terminal, type  cat /proc/meminfo  #and hit enter.02:22
ebs512I do believe I did ppa02:22
usr13fausto: (assuming by memorie you mean memory)02:23
hylianCpudan80: hmm, it does seem awfully thick. I think it's trying to accomadate that fun little rounded corner thing on the top of gnome 3. that's just a guestimation though.02:23
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usr13fausto: (memory as in RAM or Random Access Memory)02:23
faustousre13:yes how02:24
Cpudan80hylian: Yeah... I wonder if I can ask in #gnome02:24
new2ubuntuhylian, I'm now using xfce session. it's pretty cool.02:24
usr13fausto: Do you have Ubuntu installed on your computer?02:24
faustousr13: ram02:24
hylianCpudan80: couldn't hurt. or you could install something light like lxde, and then log into that and see if there's a difference. or i could log out, go to lxde, and check it out.02:24
faustousr13: yes02:25
Cpudan80hylian: well yeha but I mean, a lot of people use xchat/gnome... you'd think someone would have noticed..02:25
lauratikacan some one help me with my monitor settings i get mirror display and seems that ubuntu thinks i have 2 monitors, is this correct?02:25
new2ubuntuwell this isn't cool, the terminal in xfce doesn't show any text, unusable?02:26
hyliannew2ubuntu: you can righ click on those bars, choose unlock, and the pull the bars where you want. so you can have the one on the bottom just like windows if you want. or you can up to 4 bars, and really clutter the machine up. :)02:26
usr13fausto: Open a terminal, type  cat /proc/meminfo  #and hit enter.02:26
faustours13: how ??????????????????02:26
hylianCpudan80: there's a lot of geeks like me on here that use just the console. in which case they are using irssi.02:26
Cpudan80true true02:27
Kevin1aI'm having this strange issue where I get a pronounced and recurring audio stutter. (as it it is constantly buzzing and stuttering, and sometimes the music sounds 2 layered)  Anyways, it happens in Both Ubuntu and Windows 7, and get this: when I move the mouse around the screen really fast it fixes the audio.  Stop moving the mouse = audio stutter.  Any ideas what this might be?02:27
hylianCpudan80: i'm gonna take a look. brb02:27
faustours13: how ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????02:28
usr13fausto: Open a terminal, type  cat /proc/meminfo  #and hit enter.02:28
usr13fausto: Open a terminal, type  "cat /proc/meminfo"  (without quotes), and hit enter.02:28
new2ubuntuKevin1a, systemboard problem?02:28
OnlyodinKevin1a, sounds like a hardware issue. I'd recommend talking to your hardware manufacturer's support people.02:29
zabomberKevin1a: onboard sound or card based sound?02:29
hylianCpudan80: iam logged into openbox, and the problem went away. it has to be the desktop environment.02:29
usr13fausto: Ctrl-t  and type:  cat /proc/meminfo  #and hit enter.02:30
Cpudan80hylian: yeah, it's not an xchat problem, the problem goes away in unity too02:30
Cpudan80But I don't really like unity...02:30
usr13fausto: Ctrlt-t means to hold the Ctrl key while hitting t  which will bring up a terminal screen.  Then type  cat /proc/meminfo  #and hit enter.02:30
usr13Sorry, I tried....02:31
hylianCpudan80: your preaching to the choir there. but I am the guy that uses openbox 99% of the time.02:31
Kevin1azabomber: I've tried both ways.  Right now I have onboard disabled and am using a soundcard02:32
Kevin1aThat's what's strange about this.  It's cross OS, and I get a stutter with every different sound card I've tried.02:32
new2ubuntuzabomber, It sounds like the motherboard to me, if this happens in both windows and linux. He said it stops when he moves the mouse? weird, so MB is the problem.02:32
redbox16856new to BackBox, i have intel GPU on my laptop, connected to HDMI and no sound. any ideas :-)02:33
hylianit's been nice talking to you guys, Cpudan80 new2ubuntu, but I need some shut eye now. good night!02:34
Cpudan80hylian: well thanks for checking anyway - at least we're all in the same boat02:34
Cpudan80Thanks -- goodnight!02:34
new2ubuntuyeah me too hylian good night man, thanks for the help.02:34
* hylian fades out of reality02:34
new2ubuntuhow did he do that? the fades out of reality?02:34
ActionParsnipnew2ubuntu: type:  /me first person verb02:35
new2ubuntuI'm still learning the trick with this xchat thing02:35
* new2ubuntu sleep02:35
ActionParsnipnew2ubuntu: its a standard irc command02:35
new2ubuntuah ok02:35
ActionParsnipnew2ubuntu: 1st person, so it would be:  /me sleeps02:35
* new2ubuntu getting very sleepy! 02:35
ActionParsnipnew2ubuntu: well, first person present tense02:35
* ActionParsnip is teaching new2ubuntu 02:36
Kevin1aI had some suggestions a while back, I actually recognize a username or two on here right now.  We worked through the normal fixes for sound problems, but I didn't notice the mouse thing until today.  This is the oddest problem I've ever had.  Do you think it could be cross-electrical interference from the way the drive cables are running in my case?02:36
* new2ubuntu is learning new tricks in xchat :) 02:36
ChogyDanhey folks, drag and dropping the little address bar icon from chromium to the desktop doesn't create a link, it saves the page.  Can I haz some helps?02:36
ActionParsnipnew2ubuntu: you got it02:36
ActionParsnipChogyDan: if you use the cog menu, you can make a web app (if that's how it's phrased)02:37
new2ubuntunow if only I can learn how to manually install tar.gz files!02:37
Frowardhey hey hey, kids!02:37
Onlyodinfat albert!02:37
aw159Im ms cleo02:38
ActionParsnipnew2ubuntu: depends on the app really, saying its a tar.gz doesn't tell us much02:38
ActionParsnipnew2ubuntu: it could be source, it could be binaries02:38
ChogyDanActionParsnip: I don't think that is how it is phrased, cause I don't follow02:38
aw159Im seeing a new baby02:38
lauratikasome one expert on clementine?02:38
Frowardso guys, I'm installing ubuntu for the first time in ages, on a laptop02:38
aw159yap :P02:38
Frowardis there a specific distro I should get, or is vanilla ubuntu best?02:38
aw159use Debian02:38
aw159or ArchBang02:39
ActionParsnipChogyDan: possibly under the tools submenu, it makes an icon on the desktop that you  can double click and go directly to the website02:39
new2ubuntuI tried before installing a theme that was a tar.gz file but I couldn't get it, even with instructions. they didn't work, kept saying command not found, etc. so I gave up.02:39
ActionParsnipFroward: go with Ubuntu for now02:39
ActionParsnipnew2ubuntu: is there no how to on the web?02:39
pyrrhicBlack Screen after idling for several hours. Computer is still on, just the display is unresponsive. Ideas?02:39
FrowardI have a 3 core laptop.. should I go with 64 bit or is 32 bit more stable? are there any benefits to 64?02:39
ActionParsnipFroward: ubuntu is great for newcomers to linux02:39
ActionParsnipFroward: both are equally stable, how much RAM do you have and what do you use your OS for?02:40
new2ubuntuyes, but they said to change directory to where the file is located and I don't even know how to do that in the terminal, so I lost lol02:40
FrowardActionParsnip: your standard internet/movies/email shbang, but I thought I might try to run some games in WINE02:41
L1Still having issues with my NTFS drive showing as RAW in Windows, but mountable in Ubuntu. I have run testdisk, and it correctly identifies the partition on the disk (size, type etc), and can list files. I have writted the partition structure back to the disk with testdisk, but Windows still sees the drive as RAW. Any further ideas?02:41
ActionParsnipnew2ubuntu: why the 'lol'?02:41
ActionParsnipFroward: how much RAM do you have?02:41
new2ubuntuit's funny that I'm so ignorate, but yet still use it.02:41
new2ubuntuit's because I hate windows.02:41
ChogyDanActionParsnip: that kinda works.  But it would be nice to track down a bug report, or know how/where to file a bug.  ie, I would like chrome to just work the way it is supposed to02:41
ActionParsnipnew2ubuntu: what is the theme archive filename you have?02:41
theixleHi, I've screwed up my video card settings trying to install NVIDIA drivers on my ASUS1215N running lubuntu. Any takers on helping me get it fixed?02:41
FrowardActionParsnip: 4GB. also, I am going to dual boot windows and want to access a NTFS data partition, does ubuntu have stable NTFS write support?02:41
ActionParsnipChogyDan: I though that is how it worked....02:42
new2ubuntuI don't have it now, this was a few months ago on the old ubuntu 10.04.02:42
ActionParsnipFroward: go with 64bit then02:42
ForSparePartsHave any of you had success moving an Ubuntu install between two computers *without* doing a clean install and moving over packages and data and such?02:42
lilVaratepActionParsnip long time no see02:42
ActionParsnipFroward: yes it does, but windows has zero Ext4 access at present02:42
ActionParsniplilVaratep: hi02:42
Kevin1aI'm going to unplug some stuff and reboot.  See if that helps my sound.02:42
ActionParsnipnew2ubuntu: Precise uses GTK3, so you will need a theme for that, 10.04 used GTK202:43
ChogyDanActionParsnip: on every other browser I have used, even chromium, you can drag and drop the favicon (the little icon in the address bar) and create a shortcut02:43
aw159There's money problem02:43
ActionParsnipChogyDan: not used that, i always use the spanner02:43
Frowardthis article cleared up my questions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/32bit_and_64bit thanks ActionParsnip  :)02:44
killer_how do i run java programs in ubuntu (ide not preferred)02:44
ebs512guess there is no fix?02:44
ForSparePartsFroward: re: Windows -- might be easier to install Windows first and then use Wubi to install ubuntu. Assuming this is a clean install?02:45
ActionParsnipkiller_: install java, run apps with jaa02:45
new2ubuntuebs512, I didn't see your question, like I would know the answer to it anyway, but I like to help if I can.02:45
ChogyDanActionParsnip: either way, I don't want an application, I just want a shortcut.02:45
FrowardForSpareParts: :)02:46
ebs512it isnt allowing me to install gnome-shell-extensions, saying unable to correct problems, I have held broken packages02:46
new2ubuntuwhat ubuntu are you using, ebs512 ?02:46
killer_ActionParsn : i installed java....now which compiler 2 use02:46
xanguaebs512: did you add a gnome ppa¿02:47
ebs512xangua how do I do that?02:47
theixleHi, I've screwed up my video card settings trying to install NVIDIA drivers on my ASUS1215N running lubuntu. Any takers on helping me get it fixed?02:47
ActionParsnipChogyDan: thats essentially what it is, it loads the browser and goes to the site and uses the site's logo as the icon02:47
new2ubuntuyou may have gotton a bad image or something, because I'm running the same thing without any problems. when does this happen? ebs51202:47
ebs512oh oops, I forgot yes I did last night xangua02:47
ChogyDanActionParsnip: I know, but it is in app mode.02:47
ActionParsniptheixle: uninstall the nvidia packages you have except nvidia-common02:48
xanguaebs512: what ppa did you add¿02:48
ebs512it was 3.5 and wasnt working so I uninstalled and was trying to install 3.402:48
killer_ActionParsnip : i installed java....now which compiler 2 use02:48
ActionParsnipkiller_: then to run your apps, just run the jar file with java and it will execute02:48
xanguaebs512: again, what ppa did you add¿ what instructions did you follow¿ what is the ppa web¿02:49
Frowardtheixle: maybe try #lubuntu02:49
killer_ActionParsnip : i need 2 compile the programs first02:49
theixleactionparsnip: Ok, removing nvidia-settings and nvidia-current (bumblebee). Do I need to modify xorg.conf or anything?02:49
theixleBtw, thanks for being such a people-helper. I see you are handling multiple issues at once :)02:50
Frowardhmmm, running wubi.exe does nothing, even in admin mode! guess I'm downloading a CD image..02:50
ActionParsniptheixle: it makes it fun, when you reboot you will be using the open source driver02:51
ActionParsnipkiller_: i don't know that much about java, i just use the plugin for web browser02:51
zabomberKevin1a: i tend to agree with new2ubuntu... it sounds alot like a hardware issue and most probably mb02:51
Jordan_UFroward: I would recommend a normal dual boot installation over Wubi anyway.02:51
ebs512I cant find the link02:51
wilee-nileeFroward, the cd image doesn't have the installer.02:51
theixleactionparsnip: Is that the nouveau stuff? I uninstalled it prior to installing the NVIDIA stuff as per a tutorial on the web.02:51
FrowardI think I"m going to ignore advice from this channel until something breaks horribly, which won't be long, I'm sure02:52
aw159Froward Im ms cleo02:52
Frowardaw159: look into my future and tell me, how does my install go?02:52
ebs512oh here we go xangua http://www.filiwiese.com/installing-gnome-on-ubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin/02:53
theixlegiving this a shot and rebooting, be back soon I'm sure. Thanks ActionParsnip.02:53
ebs512xangua incase you missed it http://www.filiwiese.com/installing-gnome-on-ubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin/02:54
xanguaebs512: what you are going to do now is install ppa-purge to remove all the packages from that ppa, sudo apt-get install ppa-purge02:54
xanguaand then run: sudo ppa-purge ppa:gnome3-team/gnome302:54
xanguayou didn't need to add that ppa on first place02:54
theixleok, uninstalled the nvidia stuff but resolution is still stuck at 640x48002:55
theixlebumblebee is still installed if that matters02:56
ebs512then I can install the gnome-shell-extensions xangua?02:58
xanguaebs512: if you don't know that you are doing better don't add any third party repositorues02:59
ActionParsniptheixle: oh, you have hybrid graphics?02:59
theixleopen synaptic, did a search on 'nividia' and the installed packages are 'bbswitch-dkms', 'bumblebee', 'jockey-common', 'jockey-gtk', 'libvdpau1', 'nouveau-firmware', and 'nvidia-comm'02:59
ebs512oh okay, sorry about tha02:59
theixlenvidia optimus card02:59
ActionParsniptheixle: you'll have issues with that, i've never seen a success with taht technology02:59
theixleI think that's what you mean, it has the intel/optimus switching software that doesn't work on linux02:59
ActionParsniptheixle: if you can disable one of the video chips then do it03:00
theixleactionparsnip: Well, I just need to fix what I broke atm :)03:00
ActionParsniptheixle: yes, its a tonne of headache in Linux03:00
theixleactionparnsip: I've given up on connecting to my external monitor or getting any use out of the optimus hw.03:00
theixleactionparnsip I just want to figure out why the resolution is broken and fix that.03:01
xanguaebs512: and gnome shell extensions already are on the ubuntu repository, if you added the second ppa that web mentions remove it too wiht ppa-purge03:01
ActionParsniptheixle: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HybridGraphics  may help. Its best to just avoid the whole thing altogether03:01
theixleactionparsnip: Think you could help me just get back to the nouveau set up before I tried installing any of the nvidia stuff?03:03
ActionParsniptheixle: once you uninstall the nvidia packages, reboot03:03
theixleactionparsnip: I did, no change.03:03
theixleactionparsnip: Well all but nvidia-common03:04
ebs512xangua if they are already available why is it blank in the gnome-tweak under shell extensions?03:04
=== Kris is now known as Xirre
xanguaebs512: did you already remove both ppa with ppa-purge¿03:04
wilee-nileeebs512, gnome tweak does not list the exstensions.03:05
ebs512I dont know which other ppa there is03:05
xanguathe one the web you gave me mentions ebs51203:05
wilee-nileehehe without that ppa03:07
theixleactionparsnip: Any advice after remove nvidia packages and reboot?03:08
ActionParsniptheixle: if you run:  sudo lshw -C display     is the driver for the nvidia chip the nouveau driver03:08
ebs512I dont see any other ppa it talks about xangua?03:09
theixleactionparsnip: When I run that command several things get displayed but on the same line so they overrun each other.03:09
XirreIf I wanted to make a Shell Server where people can upload only a specific file type, (.dmb and .rsc) how would I go about doing so? They can also run, 'DreamDaemon "world.dmb" <port>' which will be a command to be ran. It basically runs the .dmb file and it opens the world so others can join. Is there any way I can do this?03:10
ActionParsniptheixle: you can scroll the terminal back...03:10
theixleactionparnsip: Oh wait, it displayed something after that03:10
ActionParsniptheixle: look for   driver=03:10
xanguaebs512: how many ppa's did you add¿03:10
theixleactionparsnip: There is a display:0 and display:1 UNCLAIMED with fields and data like product, vendor, description, etc but no driver field03:11
ebs512I dont remember, all I know is I went to several websites and was trying a lot of different things to get this to work, when I rebooted I had Gnome as an option. Gnome Classic, Gnome Classic (no effects), Ubuntu and Ubuntu 2D as an option in the login screen03:12
theixleactionparsnip: product info for both is N10 Family Integrated Graphics Controller03:12
=== ivan\\ is now known as ivan\
xanguaebs512: then did you already run¿:  sudo ppa-purge ppa:gnome3-team/gnome303:13
=== ^ivan`` is now known as ivan``
RalliasIs there a program/script I can use to dump a video frame-by-frame into png format?03:14
ebs512xangua: yes I did03:14
XirreIs there anyone assisting me?03:14
theixleactionparsnip: Hrm, there is a driver field, it says i91503:14
ActionParsniptheixle: yes thats the intel chip03:15
pyrrhicYoutube videos skipping, even with Minitube03:15
pyrrhicXUbuntu 12.0403:15
xanguaebs512: if you want to install gnome shell extensions https://extensions.gnome.org/03:15
ebs512xangua: let me explain what I am trying to do, I am trying to get themes to work on Ubuntu 12.04, a lot of them are not showing up in the appearance section of Ubuntu under the Themes section, they are listed as GTK 2 and GTK 3 Themes, I want themes that work on Ubuntu 2D (default, which is what I'm using)03:16
wilee-nileeXirre, If you are going to use the ubuntu server try #ubuntu-server03:16
xanguaebs512: use only gtk3 themes with precices03:17
ActionParsnipebs512: which theme?03:17
theixleactionparsnip: So I'm using the right hardware, but lxrandr still is only showing 640x480 resolution.03:18
xangua!info myunity03:18
xanguaebs512: and for selecting a theme you can use myunity03:18
ubottumyunity (source: myunity): Unity configurator. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.3-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 529 kB, installed size 1125 kB03:18
pyrrhicEww PulseAudio..03:18
ebs512well I have tried the Midnight MacOSX theme and with ubuntu tweak it switched but the text look like crap (black ontop of black) and not everything appeared to be themed as in the screenshot image of where I got the theme from03:18
ActionParsniptheixle: its a pain in Linux using optimus hardware03:18
theixleactionparsnip: I don't want to use the optimus hardware. I just want to use the intel hardware and the nouveau drivers and get my resolution fixed...03:19
Xirrewilee-nilee, I was thinking of using jsut regular Ubuntu. Should I be using Ubuntu Server? I currently run a shell server on my mac..But I have to manually put the files in. I don't know how to set up SSH or do everything accordingly so I am switching to Ubuntu.03:19
pyrrhicActionParsnip: Alternatives to PulseAudio on Xubuntu?03:19
MHazellIsn't NVIDIA working on Optimus for linux?03:19
ActionParsniptheixle: check if your BIOS can disable one of the GPUs03:20
theixleMHazell: Not for me!03:20
ActionParsnipMHazell: no idea, I'm still avoiding it like Paris Hilton avoids talent03:20
theixleactionparsnip: Ok, gonna reboot and dig around but I didn't see this lat time I looked.03:20
=== Robert_ is now known as Guest43475
zx2c4just released my password manager03:21
ebs512basicially the theme effect I'm going for is a theme that's digital like the computer screens in Iron Man, if you get what I'm talking about03:21
ebs512I did get conky but the styles that are available really arent what I'm looking for, I did get docky for a mac os style dock with a reflection03:22
ActionParsnipebs512: hunt around and you can find a GTK3 theme, then just get a wallpaper and an icon set03:23
MHazellAnyone in here have a current gen Gazelle from System76?03:23
theixleactionparsnip: Nothing in BIOS. Another tidbit: the resolution is correct on the "splash" screen lubuntu shows while booting. The resolution drops to 640x480 at some point during that process though.03:24
ebs512when I start My Unity it says "Your Ubuntu 12.04 is running in 2D mode. Many features will not be available"03:24
theixleactionparsnip: The resolution was fine on the fresh install of lubuntu. Do I just need to reinstall?03:24
ActionParsniptheixle: its one solution I gues probably easier03:25
MHazellebs512: then you are running Unity 2D03:25
ebs512should I be in regular ubuntu, not 2D?03:25
MHazellDepends on your graphics hardware.03:25
ebs512have an intel hd 4000 graphics card03:25
=== dark3n|off is now known as dark3n
MHazellThen it should run Unity just fine03:26
ebs512when I logged in I chose Ubuntu 2D mode, should I have just chose the regular "Ubuntu" ?03:26
MHazellDon't choose the 2D one thn03:27
ebs512okay brb03:27
theixleactionparsnip: Should I be able to reinstall without wiping out personal data or will I have to format this partition?03:28
ActionParsniptheixle: sure, you can use your backups03:28
gufranhi there, I am having a strange problem on toshiba satellite while trying to upgrade the RAM. this is just bizzare. I lose about all of the hardware when new RAM stick is in place, but everything works perfectly with only the old RAM stick in place03:29
theixleactionparsnip: Sorry, I didn't follow. My backups?03:30
ActionParsnipgufran: I suggest you ask in ##hardware03:30
ebs512okay now I didnt get that error when I opened MyUnity03:30
ActionParsniptheixle: yes, if your data is importnat you wil have put it on a removable storage or a remote system. a backup copy of the data03:31
theixleactionparsnip: Oh, ok but there's no method of doing it without backing up my settings or keeping the programs I've compiled or python modules I've installed etc?03:32
gufranActionParsnip: Hey, thanks. I'll definitely ask it in there but honestly, it doesnt seems like a hardware issue because RAM stick works perfectly on other laptop and no other stick works on this satellite machine.03:32
ebs512thanks for the help guys, will be searching for some nice themes and some nice icon packs+wallpapers03:33
ActionParsniptheixle: backup what you need and reinstall03:33
ActionParsnipgufran: I sugest you test the RAM in the intended system using the memtest86+ option in Grub03:33
gufranActionParsnip: That is a brilliant idea. could you please advise me on memtest86+ ? I have no experience with it.03:34
theixleactionparsnip: Ok, well thanks for your help. I'll just back up what I can and start over.03:35
gufranActionParsnip: By the way, here is my issue in detail http://superuser.com/questions/469677/upgrading-ram-on-ubuntu-12-04-caused-major-hardware-failure if you dont mind looking into it03:36
ActionParsniptheixle: why do you not have a backup anyway? I assume your data is important to you..03:37
theixleactionparsnip It's not so much the data, it's settings, configurations, and some custom python modules I installed (such as pygooglevoice) that I'm not sure how to backup.03:38
ActionParsniptheixle: those are just data files too, and can be backed up03:39
zymasterHey guys just curious, anyone know how to install adobe reader on ubuntu? I download the bin file and try to execute it. I get permission denied. I do chmod +x on it. Then I try to execute it again, and I get bash: ./AdbeRdr9.5.1-1_i486linux_enu.bin: No such file or directory anyone know whats going wrong?03:39
ActionParsnipzymaster: where is the file located?03:40
theixleactionparsnip: Yeah, but I never thought to start backing up each and every config file I modified.03:40
ActionParsnipzymaster: and what is the output of:  pwd03:40
ActionParsniptheixle: it makes system restores easier :)03:40
xanguazymaster: or you could just install it from the software center03:40
theixleactionparsnip: Apparently :)03:40
ActionParsnipzymaster: chmod +x ~/Downloads/AdbeRdr9.5.1-1_i486linux_enu.bin; sudo ~/Downloads/AdbeRdr9.5.1-1_i486linux_enu.bin03:41
zymasterxangua: adobe reader isn't in the software center03:41
ActionParsnip!info acroread03:41
xanguazymaster: you need to enable the partner repository in software center-edit-sources-other software03:41
ubottuPackage acroread does not exist in precise03:41
ActionParsnipzymaster: you need to mark the file executable03:42
zymasterActionParsnip I did. I got permission denied before that. After that, I got no such file or directory03:42
ActionParsnipzymaster: is the file owned by your user?03:42
pyrrhicActionParsnip, PM me03:43
ActionParsnipzymaster: sudo chown zymaster:zymaster ~/Downloads/AdbeRdr9.5.1-1_i486linux_enu.bin03:43
ActionParsnippyrrhic: i'm kinda busy03:43
pyrrhicActionParsnip, Is posting the question here alright then?03:44
ActionParsnippyrrhic: yes, more people can aswer too as well03:44
zymasterLol ACtionParsnip I have permission for it, I can copy it delete it do whatever I want with it except execute it. When I do that, it  tells me I have permission but the file is not found. FYI it is marked as executable.03:44
andrewh192hey, was wondering, i recently recorded a video podcast using the cheese software and was wondering how i might be able to encode it or save it as a mp4 or ogg file instead of the proprietary weird file format?03:44
ActionParsnipzymaster: i suggest you move the file to $HOME and it will be easier to run03:45
pyrrhichttp://linuxpoison.blogspot.co.uk/2010/10/how-to-run-aspnet-applications-mono-on.html ----- I followed that and I'm unsure how to install Mono/.Net 4.0 on 12.0403:45
andrewh192also, I noticed that i can change gstreamer-properties but wasn't sure how actually to go about that...03:45
ActionParsnipzymaster: also change the name to something simpler03:45
andrewh192is that a terminal command that i need to use?03:45
zymasterOK thanks03:45
andrewh192or is that something in my general settings stuff that i can find?03:46
andrewh192right now, its (cheese) is saving the video as a webm file.. i would need to save it as a more common video file, such as mp4 or avi even....03:48
zymasterHere ActionParsnip I copied it to / look at this paste see if you got any clue whats a matter03:48
zymasterroot@Laptop:/home/zymaster/Downloads# cd / root@Laptop:/# ls bin    dev   initrd.img     lib64       mnt   root  selinux  tmp  vmlinuz boot   etc   installer.bin  lost+found  opt   run   srv      usr cdrom  home  lib            media       proc  sbin  sys      var root@Laptop:/# /installer.bin bash: /installer.bin: No such file or directory root@Laptop:/#03:48
ActionParsnipandrewh192: mencoder or ffmpeg can convert files03:48
andrewh192ActionParsnip: it will be able to convert cheese's own webm file format to something more common?03:49
ActionParsnipzymaster: cd /   is the root of the entire filesystem, not the root of home, why are you messing around as root too?03:49
ActionParsnipandrewh192: yes03:49
zymasterActionParsnip I wanted to test if it would do that no matter where I put the file03:50
ActionParsnipzymaster: the location is moot03:50
Psi-JackSo. Reinstalled Ubuntu, last resort, to try to figure out what was causing random crashes of specific things. Chrome tabs, Skype, caffeine, even automount, and apparently also the apport-gtk used to report application crashes is also crashing while trying to report them. LOL03:51
zymasterActionParsnip, my question is, why would bash think an executable file does not exist when it is clearly there? ls proves it.03:51
Psi-JackYet, it continues to do so. Fun!03:51
gladiahello u boys, i'm having this hp webcam issues, it just goes black when i try to use it, can anybody help me?03:51
ActionParsnipzymaster: isn't acroread in the partner repo?03:53
ActionParsnipzymaster: why do you want the adobe reader, ubuntu comes with evince and there are lots of other alternatives03:53
zymasterActionParsnip: I want to use it as firefox plugin, and the one firefox plugin I found thats not adobe doesn't work for what I need it for03:54
gladiaomg anybody! lol03:54
ActionParsnipzymaster: firefox 15 already has it in, its just disabled03:54
andrewh192ActionParsnip: how do i change gstreamer-properties?03:55
zymasterActionParsnip the pdf reader firefox has in it even when disabled does not work with what I'm trying to use it for. I need to look at a pdf online text book and adobe seems to be the only thing that works with it03:55
ActionParsnipandrewh192: not played with t, sorry03:55
zymaster*even when enabled03:55
andrewh192ActionParsnip: is that a terminal command thing?03:56
gladiay'all make it all a men's thing?03:56
ActionParsnipzymaster: I believe you can copy the jpds.so from chrome and copy it to ~/.mozilla/plugin and it will work03:56
ActionParsnipandrewh192: what? the fact I've not messed with gtreamer properties. no, thats just a fact03:56
zymasterActionParsnip: I will spend a little more time trying to get this executable file to work if I get too frustrated and give up I'll try that03:57
andrewh192ActionParsnip: ok, just wondering03:57
ActionParsnipandrewh192: wondering what?03:57
nydeli've copied my wubi root.disk to a bigger partition & switched from unity to cinnamon: now THIS is what i wanted linux to be my whole life. holy hell!03:57
nydeldoes anyone else use cinnamon on ubuntu?03:57
andrewh192ActionParsnip: the only reason i have asked, is because in the documentation for cheese, it talks about being able to change a property in there for it so that when i record video its not so sluggish03:58
andrewh192ActionParsnip: something about changing it from using the cpu to the actual video card03:58
andrewh192ActionParsnip: thus being not sluggish...03:58
WeThePeoplehow do i access the Trash gui from command03:58
andrewh192ActionParsnip: https://live.gnome.org/Cheese/FAQ#I.27m_getting_a_really_slow_response_with_the_video.2C_the_video_is_sluggish_and_everything_looks_quite_slow.2C_like_as_the_video_lags.2C_what_could_i_do.3F03:58
ActionParsnipandrewh192: sounds liek the future of compiz, using cpu power if the gpu isn't up to the job03:58
andrewh192ActionParsnip: would there be a better channel to ask those questions in?03:59
somsipWeThePeople: rm -rf ~/.local/share/Trash/files/*04:00
ActionParsnipsomsip: why force?04:00
somsipActionParsnip: fair enough.04:01
ActionParsnipsomsip: no, it's a question..why do you need force?04:02
somsipActionParsnip: you don't necessarily. I copied/pasted.04:02
ActionParsnipsomsip: I see, you don't need force. The files are not ni use and the user has full access to it's own data04:03
Psi-JackBlind, leading the blind. Basically.04:03
fragmachineman set04:03
IdleOnePermission denied.04:03
somsipActionParsnip: ok. Enough now, eh? I get it. Laziness in copy/paste on my part04:03
fragmachinedoes anyone here use conky?04:04
WeThePeoplesomsip, was the asteric for a file name?04:05
somsipWeThePeople: matches anything in there. Which you may not want to do04:06
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fragmachinecan someone help me get execigraph working in conky?04:10
fragmachineI've got execgraph working no problem04:10
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ActionParsnipfragmachine: http://my.opera.com/ubuntunerd1/blog/how-to-install-and-configure-conky-in-ubuntu-304:14
fragmachineActionParsnip: thanks I'll check it out :)04:15
BentFranklinHow can I run a program UNTIL a certain time?  Cron job to find its pid and kill it?  Or something mroe natural?04:16
ActionParsnipBentFranklin: you can use killall to kill processes by name04:16
nsxor run it under a subshell, sleep, then kill $!04:17
nsxor just run it in the background, sleep, then kill $!04:17
nsx(of course storing $! before running sleep, since that's also a program)04:18
BentFranklinHmm, I like it!04:18
ForSparePartsAny hardware recommendations for an HTPC? I'm looking on the cheaper side if possible, wondering if there's any reason not to go with a low-end CPU/GPU04:19
nsx($! is equal to the pid of the last child process spawned by a shell)04:19
puppy_paradeForSpareParts, Intel just announced new low end IVB chips. There's a Celeron in there that should be a dynamite linux HTPC chip.04:20
puppy_parade$42, iirc. dual core, HD2500 graphics04:20
pyrrhicVMWare or VirtualBox for gaming?04:21
ForSparePartspuppy_parade: Wow. *googles*04:21
puppy_paradeForSpareParts, http://www.cpu-world.com/news_2012/2012090202_Intel_launches_mid-class_and_budget_desktop_CPUs.html04:22
puppy_paradethe 550T celeron. Technically a Sandy Bridge, but stll.04:22
ActionParsnippuppy_parade: i'm looking at a fitpc (or similar) next. Good fun04:23
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Guest89938Ihave an ATI radeon graphics card in my laptop have installed ubuntu 12.04 card not detected pls help someone04:24
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ForSparePartspuppy_parade: I might be able to scrap an AMD from about 4 years ago (don't know the model, but it would've been top-of-the-line then) -- do you think that would be better for graphics than the Sandy Bridge onboard stuff?04:24
puppy_paradedid AMD do APU's 4 years ago?04:24
Guest89938can please someone help..Ihave an ATI radeon graphics card in my laptop have installed ubuntu 12.04 card not detected pls help someone04:24
ActionParsnipGuest89938: if you run:  sudo lshw -C display     is it seen?04:25
conejoquien a entrado a  .7jguhsfwruviatqe.onion04:25
ActionParsnipGuest89938: does your CPU have a video chip built in?04:25
Guest89938yes ActionParsnip04:25
somsipconejo: you may need something like tor to access that, if that's what you're asking :)04:26
puppy_paradeForSpareParts, top of the line 4 years ago for ATI graphics would have been like 4000 or 5000 series. Way more than an HTPC needs, and consumes more power than an SNB chip. For HTPC, SNV/IVB is really good04:26
ActionParsnipGuest89938: do you see 2 GPUs? an intel ne and an nvidia one?04:26
ActionParsnipoops ati?04:26
ForSparePartspuppy_parade: Alright.04:27
leidenfrostHello guys. I´m trying to install vmware tools in a virtualized Ubuntu. However, when I run vmware-user this error message shows up: http://i.imgur.com/XzybT.png04:27
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Guest89938ActionParsnip what do u mean?04:27
ForSparePartsAnd the Sandy/Ivy chips would do an alright job with HD decoding?04:27
Guest89938when i run the command it says a few things.. but nothing that u said04:28
conejof I have clear that I have to use Tor, but someone in??04:28
ActionParsnipGuest89938: its as literal as can be, do you see an intel GPU and an AMD GPU?04:28
ActionParsnipleidenfrost: what is the output of:  uname -a04:28
Guest89938 *-display UNCLAIMED04:29
Guest89938       description: VGA compatible controller04:29
Guest89938       product: RV710 [Mobility Radeon HD 4500/5100 Series]04:29
Guest89938       vendor: Hynix Semiconductor (Hyundai Electronics)04:29
Guest89938       physical id: 004:29
FloodBot1Guest89938: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:29
ForSparePartspuppy_parade: [above, in case you didn't see my question. if you did, apolgies for bugging you]04:29
Guest89938ActionParsnip this is what it shows04:29
leidenfrostLinux VirtualXI 2.3.9-29-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP <datetime> x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux04:29
ActionParsnipleidenfrost: and the output of:  lsb_release -sc04:30
Guest89938ActionParsnip it shows Mobility Radeon HD 4500/5100 Series04:30
leidenfrostActionParsnip: precise04:30
ActionParsnipGuest89938: so it is detected..?04:30
ActionParsnip!info linux-image precise04:31
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (precise), package size 1 kB, installed size 31 kB04:31
ActionParsnipleidenfrost: the Precise kernel is 3.2  not 2.304:31
leidenfrostActionParsnip: Lol sorry, that was a typo04:32
leidenfrostI wouldn´t be installing vmware tools on debian potato or something like that :)04:32
ActionParsnipleidenfrost: how is this an Ubuntu issue then?04:32
leidenfrostActionParsnip: IMHO is a generic linux issue. I´m just searching for the ubuntu way to solve it. ¨Libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.9´ not found¨04:33
ActionParsnipleidenfrost: there is a channel for 'generic linux issues'  it's  #linux04:34
ActionParsnipleidenfrost: this is for Ubuntu specific issues only04:34
ActionParsnipleidenfrost: each distribution of GNU Linux has it's own channel04:35
abehi fellas04:35
abeanyone from florida04:35
leidenfrostActionParsnip: That´s almost true. But there´s also the fact that some distros deal with library issues in different ways.04:36
ActionParsnipleidenfrost: yes tahts why they have their own channels04:36
ActionParsnipleidenfrost: as the users in said channels will have an appreciation of those issues and can advise04:36
ActionParsnipleidenfrost: why not try #redhat or #fedora   it appears to be a redhat kernel04:37
leidenfrostActionParsnip: I thought the problem was ubuntu specific. But thanks for the help anyway.04:38
ActionParsnipleidenfrost: its not an ubuntu kernel04:38
leidenfrostActionParsnip: Neither are the C libraries. But the packaging of the libraries are ubuntu indeed.04:39
ActionParsnipleidenfrost: you aren't using Ubuntu, therefore not supported here...its literally that simple04:39
leidenfrostActionParsnip: How come I´m not using ubuntu? both uname-a and lsb_release outputs indicate I´m using Ubuntu.04:41
ActionParsnipleidenfrost: you aren't, Even warty warhog (the first release) uses 2.604:41
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler or Jordan_U!04:41
ActionParsnipleidenfrost: if you wont listen to me04:41
elkyleidenfrost, please show me where you downloaded ubuntu from04:42
leidenfrostelky: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop04:43
luftikussWhat does »barcoding« mean in /sys/devices/platform/smapi/BAT0/barcoding? My file contains the string '1Z7SS33C121'.04:45
ActionParsnipelky: useuname -a outputs: 2.3.9-29-generic04:45
hanslandaHello guys, i found a script over the internet to turn off mouse acceleration to improve my skills on a fps game, and it worked...but when i open the game it dont recognize the script i think...and im getting mouse acceleration in game. does anybody know why? (sorry about bad english)04:45
elkyActionParsnip, i saw what he pasted, yes.04:45
leidenfrostActionParsnip: I get it. I´m sorry, maybe I have expressed wrong. The 2.3.9-29 was a typo (Indeed, 2.3.29 is ancient)04:45
elkyleidenfrost, please paste us the line unadultered please04:46
leidenfrostelky: Linux 3.2.0-29-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 27 17:03:23 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux04:47
puppy_paradeForSpareParts, was afk. Yes, they do an excellent job with HD decoding. Very low CPU utilization04:47
LiDaRleidenfrost: how you get that :o04:48
leidenfrostLiDaR: uname -a04:48
pyrrhicVirtualBox or VMWare???04:48
pyrrhicFor gaming04:48
leidenfrostpyrrhic: neither have good video drivers04:48
elkyleidenfrost, so you're trying to expect me to believe that you have a kernel for ubuntu that is a greater version than the one i have, but which was made before the one i have?04:49
ForSparePartspuppy_parade: wicked. Probably go with that, then.04:50
hanslandaHello guys, i found a script over the internet to turn off mouse acceleration to improve my skills on a fps game, and it worked...but when i open the game it dont recognize the script i think...and im getting mouse acceleration in game. does anybody know why? (sorry about bad english)04:50
pyrrhicleidenfrost, =(04:51
luftikusshanslanda: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Beginners/BashScripting04:52
pyrrhicleidenfrost, alternatives?04:52
leidenfrostelky: What? No. I was explaining why I thought the library problem was an Ubuntu issue and not a generic Linux one. Here´s the uname screen: http://i.imgur.com/fXzfg.png04:53
leidenfrostpyrrhic: If you are somewhat advanced, you can try Xen. It has a ¨VGA passthrough¨ feature that let´s the guest system access directly into the video card without intermediaries.04:54
leidenfrostpyrrhic: But not all motherboards support it. You require an IOMMU. And that´s as far as I know about Xen.04:54
pyrrhicLeidenfrost: IOMMU? My mobo isnt that new, but isn't ancient. What's IOMMU?04:55
hanslandaluftikuss, do you think i have to study bash scripting just to do this job? cant anyone who knows help me?04:55
drismusWhy are some of the open source video drivers packaged when they're in the kernel src? Are they built into the kernel?04:55
leidenfrostpyrrhic: That goes beyond my knowledge. I cant recommend anything but google.04:55
leidenfrostdrismus: open source video drivers come in three parts. 1) The kernel driver that talks to the card, 2) The X driver that drives the behaviour of Xorg and 3) The OpenGL backend in Mesa that handles the hardware accelerated 3D04:58
pyrrhicLeidenfrost, Got any knowledge of wine?04:58
ShapeShifter499Ok I just installed the latest Ubuntu 12.04 amd6404:59
leidenfrostpyrrhic: Some. What´s the problem?04:59
luftikusshanslanda: Yes you need to learn simple script handling and usage.04:59
drismusI see, so the package may provide (2), where the driver source in the kernel tarball is likely (1)?04:59
luftikussWhat does »barcoding« mean in /sys/devices/platform/smapi/BAT0/barcoding? My file contains the string '1Z7SS33C121'.04:59
ShapeShifter499Should I use the graphic drivers (catalyst) from the amd site? Or the ones from additional drivers?05:00
leidenfrostdrismus: yes. And (3) is embedded into mesa.05:00
pyrrhicLeidenfrost, Trying to get TERA running. The APPDB shows it works. But I don't know how to get a few things going correctly.05:00
drismusleidenfrost: cool, thanks for the help05:01
luftikussShapeShifter499: Not necessarily.05:01
ShapeShifter499luftikuss: Huh?05:01
leidenfrostpyrrhic: Install winetricks. It´s useful as hell. Then get into the game article in WineHQ and look for ways of tweaking Wine.05:02
leidenfrostdrismus: you´re welcome05:02
ebs512ActionParsnip are you around?05:02
luftikussShapeShifter499: Politeness is a prerequisite in Ubuntu conversations.05:02
mhaheIf I have more than 2 hdd does it matter which one windows is installed on first? I installed windows on sda and ubuntu on sdb05:03
LiDaRShapeShifter499: the additional driver ones will work fine probably05:03
mhahe But windows bootloader only sees windows and not ubuntu also grub 2 isn't working05:03
mhaheI did the repair nothing05:03
leidenfrostmhahe: That´s because the BIOS is booting from the first drive.05:03
ShapeShifter499luftikuss: Im05:03
mhaheYea thought so05:04
ebs512hey luftikuss, any idea on a root launcher for ubuntu 12.04?05:04
mhaheSo I need to install windows on second hdd then ubuntu on first?05:04
ShapeShifter499luftikuss: I'm sorry if I said something wrong just was wondering what drivers I should use05:04
Jordan_Umhahe: You can either change which drive your BIOS is configured to boot from, or install grub's boot sector to the MBR of both drives so that it doesn't matter what the BIOS's order is.05:04
pyrrhicLeidenfrost, Thanks.05:04
leidenfrostpyrrhic: yw05:04
Jordan_Umhahe: No need to re-install either OS.05:05
hanslandahello Jordan_U how are u?05:05
luftikussShapeShifter499: Use the built-in drivers. If you obtain an error, please report the error message which you obtain.05:05
ShapeShifter499LiDaR: Back in version 8.04-10.04 days I had issues that required the official drivers05:05
mhaheJordan_u which do u recommend? I tried lookin in bios didn't see any option to select which hdd to boot first05:05
mhaheOnly book order selection I had was internal hdd and external media (use CD etc)05:06
ShapeShifter499luftikuss: Ok05:06
luftikussebs512: What do you mean by "root launcher"?05:06
Jordan_Umhahe: Let's install grub's boot sector to both drives then. Can you boot from an Ubuntu LiveCD/USB?05:07
mhaheBtw I'm on my phone. Let me get on my spare laptop05:07
ebs512so I it will open a browser for my files with root and I can edit and add files to my file system without having to do a bunch of commands for root05:07
leidenfrostJordan_U: Just guessing, but It would be nice to have an ¨Ubuntu recovery CD¨ which does that with the same automation as the installer.05:08
LiDaRShapeShifter499: i did unthinkable things like compile my own kernel and then used official installer too05:08
leidenfrostWhat are the channel rules about ranting?05:09
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines05:09
luftikussebs512: You could add a line in the autostart folder 'gksu nautilus'.05:09
Jordan_Uleidenfrost: If it's not productive support discussion, you shouldn't say it. That rules out pretty much all ranting.05:10
LiDaRi think #ubuntu-offtopic is a better channel nobody cares if you stray from telling people what tp type there!05:15
ebs512autostart folder?05:15
elkyLiDaR, #ubuntu-offtopic is for discussion that isn't tech support. This channel is only for discussion for tech support.05:16
ebs512I would like an icon for the side bar I could just click and it opens in root05:17
ebs512I did it on the desktop but I forgot how05:17
LiDaRebs512: gksu xterm ?05:17
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LiDaRi need a new name Dr_something so i can sound important i think05:21
tenshinonekoHello ^_^05:21
tenshinonekoAnyone knows how to make macbook air trackpad work with thumb resting on it? I followed the guide but never made it able to work =(05:22
ebs512dksu term?05:22
ebs512gksu term*05:22
ebs512terminal command?05:22
LiDaRebs512:  what do you want to run as root a file manager or a terminal  ?\05:22
ShapeShifter499luftikuss: From what I'm reading... Ubuntu has all the need drivers for ati/amd graphics and I should only need to use the proprietary drivers if something goes wrong with the included open source drivers05:24
ebs512I would prefer to have all directories with root05:24
ShapeShifter499luftikuss: Right?05:24
ebs512I have create launcher but I need the command for the application05:24
leidenfrostebs512: Not to be mean. But that´s a really bad idea.05:24
blackshirti think that was not exactly true..05:25
luftikussShapeShifter499: That's right. That's correct.05:25
ShapeShifter499Ah ok05:25
leidenfrostebs512: If you need to run programs as root frequently then try learning sudo.05:25
LiDaRebs512: the correct way to use linux is never run anything as root .. user account does eveything perfectly well btw05:27
reciproc8torI agree05:27
ActionParsnipsame in any S really05:27
[snake]LiDaR, did you see my host or whatever this time?05:27
LiDaR[snake]: wasnt looking one sec05:27
blackshirtroot just like one regular user..you can more get protection using MAC like selinux,tomoyo or apparmor05:28
LiDaR[snake]: let me private you a sec05:29
leidenfrostblackshirt: That´s a bit overkill IMHO05:29
blackshirtwhat you mean with overkill... I don't think so05:30
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Guest89938how to get the OpenGL working on ATI Radeon05:30
ActionParsnipGuest89938: which radeon chip?05:30
Guest89938ATI Radeon05:31
Jordan_Umhahe: Still there?05:31
mhaheJordan_U, hey man i booted from livecd and just got my spare laptop up. alrighty how do i go about changing boot grub now05:31
ActionParsnipGuest89938: run:  lspci | grep -i vga    what is output?05:31
mhaheJordan_U, yea sorry took a while had to find the cd05:31
Guest89938lspci | grep -i vga05:32
Guest8993801:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI RV710 [Mobility Radeon HD 4500/5100 Series]05:32
TheHumanScienceI need help getting my dell mini netbook with ubuntu 10.04 to connect to to my TV via hdmi. its not recognizing the external monitor of my tv. my graphics card is  Intel Corporation System Controller Hub (SCH Poulsbo) Graphics Controller (rev 07). Any help?05:32
ActionParsnipGuest89938: so it's a radeon 4500/510005:32
ActionParsnipGuest89938: not just a radeon05:32
ActionParsnipGuest89938: radeon is a wide range of gpus05:32
Guest89938sorry my fault Actionparsnip05:32
ActionParsnip!ati | Guest8993805:32
ubottuGuest89938: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto05:32
ebs512I need root for usr/share/themes to put themes in this folder05:32
ActionParsnipebs512: run:  gksudo nautilus $HOME     and you can write files and folders wherever you desire05:33
LiDaRebs512: themese can go in your ~/ as well im sure05:33
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Jordan_Umhahe: Follow this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing#ChRoot but at step #10, instead of running grub-install run "dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc". By running "dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc" you'll ensure that not only will grub's boot sector get installed to both drives, it will also automatically be kept up to date on both drives when you get upgrades.05:33
Guest89938Actionparsnip !ati | dosent return anything05:33
ActionParsnipGuest89938: read the factoid ubottu gave05:33
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TheHumanScienceebs512: an easy way i have found is to Create a Launcher on the desktop and put in the Command: gksudo "gnome-open %u". then u can root into any folder with the gui05:34
TheHumanScienceany help with my hdmi issue guys?05:35
ActionParsnipTheHumanScience: what is the issue?05:35
TheHumanScience I need help getting my dell mini netbook with ubuntu 10.04 to connect to to my TV via hdmi. its not recognizing the external monitor of my tv. my graphics card is  Intel Corporation System Controller Hub (SCH Poulsbo) Graphics Controller (rev 07).05:36
ActionParsnipTheHumanScience: have you considered a newer release? The newer kernel and drivers may make the system just work05:36
TheHumanSciencea newer release of ubuntu?05:37
drag0niuswhat is (squid-1) process?05:37
drag0niusi've stopped and removed squid3 package, but this one was unaffected05:37
drag0niusand still running05:37
ActionParsnipTheHumanScience: yes, Lucid was released in 2010, there have been a few releases since then and the newer drivers, Xorg and kernel in the newer version may help your syste,05:37
TheHumanScienceActionParsnip: i HATE unity. sorry.05:38
ActionParsnipTheHumanScience: you DON'T have to use unity05:38
TheHumanSciencei know all about the other releases but not my flavor05:38
ActionParsnipTheHumanScience: install gnome-panel on Ubuntu 12.04 and it will look like what you have now05:38
LiDaRdrag0nius: squid is a cache/proxy server05:38
TheHumanScienceyea but its still different05:39
ActionParsnipTheHumanScience: Even using Oneiric wil proabably help and it is EOL after Lucid is EOL05:39
drag0niusyeah i know, but why was it leftover05:39
hualethello, everybody , today i updated my ubuntu, my libreoffice disappeared, now i want to get it back, but it says there are some package dependency not satisfied...so, what can i do?05:39
drag0niuseven when i removed it05:39
TheHumanSciencei dont feel like the distros after 10.04 are all that stable.05:39
TheHumanScienceive played with them all05:40
ActionParsnipTheHumanScience: the drivers etc in it are so old05:40
TheHumanSciencei know...true...but drivers can be updated05:40
m6d4drag0nius:  have you stopped squid properly then removed it or you just removed it before stopping it ?05:40
ActionParsnipTheHumanScience: then you will need PPAs05:40
tenshinonekoHualet: sudo apt-get autoclean05:40
drag0niusstopped it and removed i think05:40
pyrrhicWhat is XMLlite?!?05:40
tenshinonekomaybe o.o im new here05:40
drag0niusit was yesterday05:40
blackshirtthe postrm.script will stop the process05:40
TheHumanScienceActionParsnip: yea thats what im looking for05:41
drag0niusor there might've been some trouble stopping it05:41
ActionParsnip!ppa | TheHumanScience05:41
ubottuTheHumanScience: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge05:41
drag0niushow to make sure this one wont ever run again?05:41
hualettenshinoneko, ok , i'll try05:41
TheHumanScienceActionParsnip: but the correct ones...any suggestions in ppas?05:41
ActionParsnipTheHumanScience: after april next year, lucid will have zero support here as well as zero updates05:41
m6d4drag0nius: remove it from default run level05:42
ActionParsnipTheHumanScience: you could try the xorg edgers ppa, its experimental but may help05:42
TheHumanScienceActionParsnip: i know05:42
ActionParsnipTheHumanScience: I suggest you try a different DE, or you could install cinammon05:42
LiDaRdoesn anyone still use window maker ?05:42
hualettenshinoneko, It doesn't work...05:42
TheHumanScienceActionParsnip: i might try to upgrade that little thing to 12.04....begrudgingly.05:43
m6d4drag0nius: give us the output of netstat -plunt|grep squid05:43
ActionParsnipTheHumanScience: try it in liveUSB first, see if it works05:43
ebs512TheHumanScience it isnt opening anything when I put that as the command of the launcher05:43
ebs512it asks for the password and does nothing05:43
TheHumanScienceebs512: what version of ubuntu are u using?05:44
ebs51212.04 LTS05:44
drag0niusand one more thing, would it be possible to make magnet link enabled torrent client running on server?05:44
TheHumanScienceebs512: sorry. that command will likely only work in gnome05:44
drag0niuslike instead of using local utorrent it would point at my ubuntu server05:45
LiDaRdrag0nius: on same network ?05:45
TheHumanScienceebs512: u might try to edit the "gnome-open %u" with "unity-open %u"05:45
LiDaRdrag0nius: just setup nfs05:46
ebs512with quotes?05:46
drag0niusyeah, but i want some torrent client running on server05:47
drag0niuseasily accessible from other comps on lan05:47
mhaheJordan_U, 3rd step 'sudo mdadm --assemble --scan' returned: mdadm no arrays found in config file or automatically05:47
drag0niusi've samba file sharing already05:47
TheHumanScienceyes ebs51205:48
TheHumanScienceThis may help you get gnome http://askubuntu.com/questions/138705/run-shell-script-from-launcher-with-root-permissions05:48
ebs512still no go05:48
TheHumanScienceebs512: http://askubuntu.com/questions/138705/run-shell-script-from-launcher-with-root-permissions05:48
mhaheJordan_U, so i proceeded without it... also step 6 where you mount the /boot partition in /mnt/boot i didnt have /mnt/boot so i made the dir and then mounted05:49
mhaheJordan_U, then step 8 none of those folders exist for mounting05:49
TheHumanScienceebs512: after u get gnome installed go here: http://www.nfotechs.com/change-start-menu-icon05:50
TheHumanScienceebs512: put this command exactly in the gnome launcher (copy and paste): gksudo "gnome-open %u"05:51
m6d4drag0nius: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1182323 <- will this help05:51
m6d4drag0nius: have the location of the downloaded content to the samba shared dir05:52
geirhaebs512, TheHumanScience: without the quotes05:54
bluebomberWhen I'm editing a network connection (in Network-Manager?), what's the difference between "dns servers" and "search domains"? I usually give them both the same IP address and the connection seems to work fine, but I'd like to know the difference.05:56
ActionParsnipbluebomber: could ask in ##networking too05:58
bluebomberThanks, ActionParsnip.05:58
mertcanI've installed grub on another partition while installing ubuntu, now I plan to install Windows. Do I still have to reinstall grub after windows, or will it stay the same?05:59
bluebombermertcan, in my experience, Windows overwrites any pre-existing bootloader (in this case, grub) with its own.06:00
lauratikahi everyone i have a new installation of ubuntu 12.04 and videos load very slow... i have a dsl conection , what can be the problem??06:00
bluebombermertcan, it used to be common practice to recommend that Windows should be installed first, followed by Ubuntu (or whatever distro)06:00
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mertcanSo I guess I'll have to reinstall grub. Which way would you recommend doing that?06:00
LiDaRlauratika: download a video and see if it plays ok .. if it does then its probably net connection speed06:01
ActionParsnipmertcan: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/09/live-usb-sticking-grub-2-video06:01
mertcanoh nice nixie pixel :D Thanks I'll watch that06:01
lauratikaLiDaR: let me try06:02
Guest13826hello all06:02
ratzhi friends06:03
tenshinonekohello @^O^@06:04
lauratikaLiDaR: i been downloading big files and seems ok connection, but just streaming veideos have some issue, reguklar youtube 7 minutes videos.06:05
bharathwhile I am compiling the mozilla-central , my laptop temperature is increasing and then shutdowns because it reaches the critical temperature , can anyone help me regarding this issue?06:05
k-stzhello, somebody know how to kill wpa_supplicant process? (12.04 LTS)06:05
pyrrhicActionParsnip, didn't you say you can refresh the crossover games trial?06:07
ActionParsnipk-stz: kill `ps -ef | grep wpa | awk {'print $3'}`06:07
ActionParsnippyrrhic: not sure06:07
ActionParsnippyrrhic: its a one of cost if yu don't want the crosover support06:08
geirhaActionParsnip: If I were to run that, it'd try to kill init06:08
ActionParsnipgeirha: how so?06:08
k-stzActionParsnip: thanks but the wpa_supplicant process doesn't die it just reappears with new PID06:09
geirhaActionParsnip: The parent of /sbin/wpa_supplicant is pid 1, init06:09
lauratikaa good game any one reckon for ubuntu??06:10
k-stzlauratika: teeworlds06:10
bharathwhile I am compiling the mozilla-central , my laptop temperature is increasing and then shutdowns because it reaches the critical temperature , can anyone help me regarding this issue?06:10
lauratikachecking it06:10
geirhaI'm just pointing out the danger of parsing ps non-interactively06:11
LiDaRbharath: sounds like your fan isnt working \06:11
leidenfrostbharath: How old is your laptop?06:11
k-stzgeirha: how can i see what what process is parent ?06:11
geirhak-stz: the third field in ps -ef output shows the parent pid06:11
bharathleidenfrost, two years06:11
bharathleidenfrost, I am facing this problem only when I am compiling large files06:12
ActionParsnipgeirha: is the 3rd colomn the parent pid?06:12
LiDaRbharath: some laptops use software to control the fan others is handled by bios .. you will have to research a bit06:12
leidenfrostbharath: That´s because only large files stress your cpu so much that gets overheated.06:12
geirhaActionParsnip: yes. ps -ef | head -n 106:13
ActionParsnipk-stz: use print $2   that is the pid of the process, 3 is the parent :)06:13
LiDaRbharath: acer is one brand that had many issues06:13
bharathLiDaR,I am using Dell06:13
ActionParsnipgeirha: dohhhh06:13
leidenfrostbharath: You should clean your cooler. Or underclock your cpu so it generates less heat.06:13
pyrrhicAnyone experienced with WINE? I'm at a brick wall.06:13
WikyHow can I download the source code of linux kernel06:13
ubottuThe core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)06:13
LiDaRWiky: or go to www.kernel.org for a vanilla one06:14
WikyI will,thanks06:14
Ububeginhow can I make the contents of a folder uneditable.. I right clicked and put the option as List Only.. But I cant read the contents of the file.. so the option is Off..06:15
LiDaRbharath: what model is it ?06:15
ActionParsnipUbubegin: look into immutable chmod06:15
LiDaRUbubegin: chmod 000 foo06:15
ActionParsnipLiDaR: you need read access to list ;)06:15
ActionParsnipUbubegin: with immutable set, not even root can change it (without first unsetting the immutable bit)06:16
bharathleidenfrost, may I know how to underclock my cpu06:16
k-stzActionParsnip: still reappears with new PID the wpa_supplicant06:16
bharathLiDaR, dell inspiron06:16
geirhaUbubegin: The chattr command can set immutable flag06:16
UbubeginLiDaR: I cant even access the files..06:17
ActionParsnipUbubegin: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chattr06:17
LiDaRbharath: keep going what number06:17
UbubeginI want to access and read the contents of the files.. But DONT want to be able to edit the files... Something like the sudo command needed to edit files06:18
ActionParsnipUbubegin: thats what immutable is06:18
LiDaRUbubegin: chmod is the command that changes read write execute permissions for a file06:18
bharathLiDaR, Dell Inspiron N501006:18
LiDaRbharath: ok one sec06:18
mhahewhen installing ubuntu i will partition one of my hdds with the following setup /, /boot, /home, swap.... should i set them up as logical or primary?06:18
geirhaUbubegin: then sudo chown root folder; sudo chmod 755 folder; sudo chmod -w folder/*06:18
UbubeginLiDaR: I want to read only..06:18
ActionParsnipUbubegin: once it is immutable, you cannot edit it, even with sudo.You must first make it un-immutable, then youc an edit it06:19
UbubeginActionParsnip: kk, reading up the chattr command now06:19
LiDaRbharath: it has two video cards ?06:21
UbubeginActionParsnip: sudo chattr -R +i  folder.. is this the command06:21
ActionParsnipUbubegin: sounds good, ou could make some dummy data, or even a copy to test with06:21
bharathLiDaR, no06:21
drag0niusanyone familiar with setting up aria2 web client?06:22
AscavasaionI had ubuntu, then changed it to Lubuntu, and when I changed back to Ubuntu things got broken.  Lubuntu login still comes up, I then choose Ubuntu and then it tells me that there was an X error and opens Gnome, but without the panels.  I manually have to open a terminal and run gnome-panel to get it to open.  any advice?06:22
LiDaRbharath: http://askubuntu.com/questions/143791/notebook-dell-inspiron-n5110-overheating-after-installing-ubuntu-12-0406:22
mhahewhen installing ubuntu i will partition one of my hdds with the following setup /, /boot, /home, swap.... should i set them up as logical or primary?06:22
drag0niusi want to set up some kind authentication for it and enable magnet links for torrent through lan06:22
bharathLiDaR, the link is not opening06:23
karlgplease, how develop flash card06:23
karlgplease, how develop flash card?06:24
karlgplease, how develop flash card on linux platform?06:24
bharathLiDaR, yeah working06:24
LiDaR!patience > karlg06:24
ubottukarlg, please see my private message06:24
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LiDaRbharath: someone posted about using bumblebee but read all the posts see if anything looks good06:25
hualetanyone here facing the same problem as i am? libreoffice can't be installed?06:25
LiDaRhualet: pastebin the error(s)06:30
lotuspsychjeLiDaR: whats up mate06:30
lotuspsychjeLiDaR: i got the square mouse away, but compiz doesnt run anymore06:30
LiDaRlotuspsychje: nada raping a ftp server with wget and lurking on here06:30
LiDaRlotuspsychje: win win! compiz sucks06:30
lotuspsychjeLiDaR: lol i like compiz wobbly windows06:31
LiDaRlotuspsychje: did you try freebsd yet06:32
lotuspsychjeLiDaR:lol thats not the good chan to talk about :p06:33
lotuspsychjeLiDaR:im an ubuntu fan for life06:33
LiDaRlotuspsychje: now you sound like an apple user!06:34
fikibokI have a windows installation right now and I want to dual boot a linux distro with it. I will try Debian but it's kinda hard to get debian to dual boot with windows so can I use ubuntu's "install ubuntu alongside windows" option to install ubuntu first, then delete it and install debian on that partition?06:34
LiDaRlotuspsychje: so its compiz causeing the screwey mouse ?06:35
LiDaRfikibok: no06:35
lotuspsychjeLiDaR:im not sure mate, nomodeset fixes it but disables compiz06:35
lotuspsychjeLiDaR:so i want compiz running fine, with the square mouse gone06:36
LiDaRfikibok: that would be blasphemis to the ubuntu users of the world ! however it would work .. :)06:36
lotuspsychjeLiDaR:i tryed fxglr yesterday and its even buggyer06:36
LiDaRlotuspsychje: have you tried windowmaker yet ?06:37
fikibokyeah I thought so :D Anyway ubuntu's based on debian so I won't be using something very different :D06:37
lotuspsychjeLiDaR:whats that06:37
LiDaRfikibok: /join #debian06:38
LiDaRlotuspsychje: apt-cache search wmaker its cool you might like it06:39
lotuspsychje!info wmaker06:39
ubottuwmaker (source: wmaker): NeXTSTEP-like window manager for X. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.95.0+20111028-4 (precise), package size 421 kB, installed size 1084 kB06:39
lotuspsychjeLiDaR: i got the mouse bug even before x, at login screen06:40
LiDaRx is running at the login screen06:41
lotuspsychjeLiDaR: found bug that looks like mine: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/556782 i added reply at bottom06:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 556782 in linux (Ubuntu) "[rs690m] Graphics corruption with ati x1200" [High,Triaged]06:42
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udp`someone here using xplico ?06:43
alkisg_webHi, for 12.04, is there a kernel available that supports ancient hardware that don't have the cmov instruction?06:44
ikoniaalkisg_web: define ancient hardware06:44
ikoniaalkisg_web: someone hardware support has been dropped from libc so the kernel won't be your only issue06:44
alkisg_webikonia: I think it's amd k606:44
alkisg_webikonia: if there's a kernel available, I can try and see if it crashes after the initramfs...06:45
ikoniaalkisg_web: it may work, it's classed as a 586, but I doubt it, plus if it did run, it would run like a hunk of junk as your minimum requirements are nowhere near met06:45
alkisg_webikonia: it's an ltsp client, so I don't worry about performance, as long as it works06:46
alkisg_webThanks, let me try installing it...06:46
ikoniaalkisg_web: I doubt it will06:46
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alkisg_webikonia: hmm I don't see a linux-image-586* kernel available... and of course linux-image-generic needs cmov06:48
ikoniaalkisg_web: there wo'nt be a specific 586 one06:48
db6sda8tomorrow, openSUSE-12.2 will release06:48
ikoniadb6sda8: that is nothing to do with this channel06:48
ikoniapeople are quite capable of reading release schedules if they want the information06:49
alkisg_webikonia: Ah, sorry, I misunderstood you, I thought there was such a kernel available in the archives06:49
ikoniaalkisg_web: nah,06:49
alkisg_webHmm so either back to 10.04, or switch to debian, or throw again that one client... (same specs as the other ones, just the cpu is different..)06:49
k-stzSomebody know a different driver for wpa_supplicant which is safe to use?06:51
k-stzdifferent means not wext!06:52
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Guest88869Damn, my balls itch!!06:52
ranveer5289When I copy a file from usb using "sudo cp file.txt /path/to/folder" and when I try to open/edit the file in vim it says "Warning changing a read only file" b'coz which i have to use "sudo vim".06:52
CryptoSecHi there,06:53
ranveer5289So is this the default behavior ?06:53
k-stzranveer5289: chmod u+w filename06:53
CryptoSec I was wondering if any of you guys know any good screen readers like the text that is being displayed in a browser?06:54
auronandacealkisg_web: 10.04 for the desktop is only supported until april06:54
tsimpsonranveer5289: when you copy a file as root (with sudo), then the copy of the file will be owned by root, so it's expected behaviour. is there are reason you need to use sudo?06:54
alkisg_webauronandace: thanks, although running unsupported software is still better than not running anything :)06:54
alkisg_webI wonder if I could try booting 12.04 with the 10.04 kernel...06:55
ranveer5289tsimpson: If I don't use sudo I get "permission denied" error06:55
tsimpsonranveer5289: where are you copying the file to?06:55
ranveer5289k-stz: I got this chmod: changing permissions of `test.py': Operation not permitted06:56
ranveer5289tsimpson: /home/ranveer/06:56
k-stzranveer5289: then so it as root: sudo chmod a+w, where a = all and w= write06:56
k-stzranveer5289: sudo chmod a+w filename06:57
tsimpsonranveer5289: did you mount the USB drive manually, or using the GUI?06:57
alkisg_webNah that didn't work, kernel panic in the initramfs. Anyway thank you ikonia and auronandace06:57
ranveer5289tsimpson: manually using "sudo mount /dev/sdd1 /media/PenDrive"06:58
AscavasaionI was running Lubuntu, and tried to go back to Ubuntu.  When I rebooted the machine it starts booting but then freezes before opening Ubuntu.06:58
ranveer5289k-stz: It worked07:00
tsimpsonranveer5289: I'm guessing the first error you got was a read error, because root owns all the files there (because root mounted the device), the simplest option is to use "sudo chown ranveer: /path/to/folder/file.txt" on the copied file, instead of just adding world write permission07:01
fidelhi - thinking about setting up an apt-mirror ... any general hints/links/recommendations/factoids before i start searching in detail?07:02
ikoniafidel: size it for the future, not now07:02
fidelikonia: size of the hd or what do you mean?07:02
ikoniafidel: storage/layout/resources07:03
ranveer5289tsimpson: thanks will keep that in mind :)07:03
ikoniafidel: the distribution will grow, others will supersceed it. plan for the future now07:03
fidelgood point - while i have no real experiences how big an mirror will usually get07:03
ikoniafidel: look at the old ones as benchmarks07:03
ikoniasee how it's grown from day 1 to end of releae.07:03
ikoniause that as a general idea.07:03
fidelikonia: any particular in mind which offers stats about such aspects?07:04
ikoniafidel: sorry what ?07:04
fidelikonia: you mentioned i should check for old ones as benchmarks - i interpreted that as 'look for old mirrors' ...thats why i asked if you have a particular mirror in mind which might offer staticstics about growth etc07:05
muindorhey all, i have a virtual ubuntu server machine in our test pool, over weekend something happened to our data store, so i saw the filesystem was mounted as read only. later i had to shut down the machine and when i start it now it sais "error: unknown filesystem" and i get grub rescue console07:05
k-stzranveer5289: yes tsimpson is right my solution isn't clean you should stick to chown07:06
ikoniafidel: none of the mirros offer stats, you'll need to actually look at a mirror and look how the previous distributions started/grew07:06
ikoniamuindor: sounds like it's been corrupted07:06
ranveer5289k-stz: thkanks07:06
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muindorikonia, is there any way to restore it ?07:07
ikoniamuindor: depends how/why it's been corrupted07:07
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jarcoThey are making a new gnome/ubuntu mix. But why? Gnome was already installed next to unity in 12.04 over here. I just need to select it in the login screen.07:10
ikoniajarco: who is they ?07:11
* NoFace hello ppl07:11
jarcoThey, several developers :) .https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/ReleaseNotes07:11
fideljarco: there is no need to understand that new ubuntu gnome remix distri07:11
ikoniajarco: I wouldn't hold that as fact at the moment.07:12
fidelas there is no real reason for some other ubuntu-based distris..but hell yeah ... thats open source ...let ppl do what they thing they need to do ;)07:12
LiDaRwb me !07:13
jarcoI assume my installation is not unique? Gnome is already installed on ubuntu by default?07:13
ikoniajarco: if you look at that web page and everything else, it's one guy, he's not put anyt real details on it and all the information it links to (PPA's etc) are empty07:14
ikoniajarco: I wouldn't bank on it happening as an unofficial release, and it certainly won't be an official release at this stage, I'd ignore it at this stage if I where you07:14
fideljarco: do you have an actual issue/problem or just willing to discuss that new gnome-remix thing? if so consider using the offtopic channel?07:14
LiDaR!ot > jarco07:15
ubottujarco, please see my private message07:15
LiDaRso how about the weather07:15
jarcoI am actually wondering if I am the only one with gnome installed as a default07:15
jarcosorry i said that wron,g07:16
FloodBot1kay-kay: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:16
ikoniajarco: reading that wiki - yes, it will be a gnome 3 with gnome shell install, with bits missing, but at this stage the whole project looks empty, so I'd ignore it07:16
ikoniakay-kay: you said hello07:16
LiDaRlots n lots of times07:16
jarcoMy actual question. I am the only one who had gnome installed as an alternative to unity on my system? I used unetbootin so perhaps its different.07:17
jarcoI can make a choice. Unity or gnome. It was like that right after install07:17
ikoniajarco: many people have gnome shell installed instead of unity07:17
ompshi all07:17
ikoniajarco: there is more to gnome 3 enviornment than just gnome shell, the wiki page alludes to that07:17
ebs512just to let you guys know the command for creating a root launcher icon is gksu nautilus07:17
ikoniaebs512: I know the command07:17
ebs512in ubuntu 12.0407:18
ikoniano-one asked for tha07:18
LiDaRebs512: thats what people told you07:18
jarcoikonia, Ok. But do they also get gnome shell by default in 12.04? Or is that unique here?07:18
ebs512everyone was giving me the gnome command07:18
ikoniajarco: you don't get it by default, you have to install/configure it07:18
mancdaz_are there any known issues with any update servers right now? trying to update 12.04 and getting 404s07:18
jarcoikonia, Then Unetbootin does this. I didn't install it myself.07:18
ikoniajarco: unetbootin doesn't do anything but put a install CD onto the USB07:19
jarcoSo my whole question about this project is unfounded :)07:19
LiDaRjarco: i can choose fluxbox and window maker as well you should be jealous of me ;)07:19
ompsi need help my remmina client closes itself when i try to take remote desktop of any window machine,  the same works fine from windows machine07:19
LiDaRomps: open a terminal and run iot maybe you can get a error message07:19
LiDaRomps: "its broke" we cant help with but an error message .. they are so useful they almost always lead to a solution07:21
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Guest33360hi guys, i'm trying to configure a hot spot via hostapd and i'm having a bit of trouble, could anyone help?07:21
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ompsThanks LiDaR07:27
ompsi will get the output07:27
devnillhas anyone gotten frequency scaling to work in xfce?07:27
devnillSpecifically a on screen monitor07:27
pyrrhicI can't get TERA Online running in WINE and the appdb rates it as silver =/07:31
jalexandruhi, trying to edit a java software using Mercurial, I need to run "ant dist" but I get error with javac compiler the terminal output is here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1185254/ ; ubuntu software center shows OpenJDK Java 6 Runtime installed do I need to install something else?07:34
TJ-jalexandru: When developing Java software you'd want the -jdk packages (Java Development Kit) installed. The standard install is the JRE only (Java Runtime Environment)07:37
Wizardjalexandru: Perhaps JAVA_HOME does not point to the JDK.07:40
WizardInstall JDK.07:40
AscavasaionI dabbled with LUbuntu, then Lubuntu, and now want to go back to old Ubuntu with Gnome Desktop.  Each time I boot it flashes an Lubuntu screen, then the GDM login, then it opens the Lubuntu desktop.  Please can someone help me and tell me how to get back to a clean no fuss Ubuntu again?07:40
WizardAscavasaion: Select different session in login screen.07:41
AscavasaionWizard: GDM does not allow that.07:41
WizardYes, it does.07:41
AscavasaionWizard: Okay, let me try again.07:42
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TJ-Ascavasaion: There's a 'gear' icon against each log-in name on the greeter screen that allows to select the desktop environment for that log-in07:43
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herhearthi could anyone help me with flash on 12.04 x64?07:44
herheartvideos are in fast forward in chrome, only html5 works07:45
herheartin firefox they're in slow motion07:45
herheartI've tried disabling/reinstalling different plugins but nothing07:45
CrashRainbowtronherheart: on which websites?07:45
herheartyoutube, vimeo, facebook07:45
herheartit's just flash I believe07:45
herheartI looked it up and this is an old error07:46
herheartbut there's no fixes apparently07:46
AscavasaionWizard: Worked like a charm, thank you.07:46
herheartanybody have an idea?07:47
WizardAscavasaion: You can now uninstall lubuntu related artwork07:47
emphHow do I make it so that when I open a movie it automatically plays with X player I choose instead of the default one that comes with Ubuntu?07:47
Wizarddpkg -l | grep lubuntu will show what's installed.07:47
AscavasaionWizard: Thank you.  Could you tell me how I can get back to old Gnome desktop, and not this Unity thing?07:48
herheartemph: in system settings07:48
CrashRainbowtronherheart: I've had that problem before in debian and it turned out to be something else, like codecs or something weird like that.  It could easily be different for you, though, especially since this is a different distro and newer version of flash.  I don't remember how I got it working, but hopefully, the hint to look for other problems should help you.07:48
herheartemph: system settings > other > default applications07:48
herhearthmm ok07:48
herheartCrashRainbowtron: I think I reinstalled the ubuntu restricted extras package recently and it coincides with when the errors started07:49
emphherheart: Thank you very much, now I guess I just have to restart07:50
CrashRainbowtronherheart: That contains some weird codecs, afaik.  try undoing that change and see what happens.07:50
CrashRainbowtronemph: you shouldn't have to restart after changing a default app07:51
emphCrashRainbowtron: Then it hasn't changed, and I have no idea why07:51
emphI went to Details - Predetermined applications - Changed "Video"07:52
herheartCrashRainbowtron: I can't remove ubuntu-restricted-extras, I need it to play videos and music07:52
herheartI don't think it's related07:52
WizardAscavasaion: install gnome-session-classic.07:52
WizardOre something like this.07:52
herheartoh wait you're right, it contains Flash07:53
emphI'll restart anyway, see if it changes or not07:53
herheartI might just remove the package "flashplugin-installer", chrome has its own flash anyway, right?07:53
WizardAscavasaion: BTW, better get used to Unity ;]07:53
CrashRainbowtronffs, I was in the middle of typing something for emph07:54
CrashRainbowtronI told them not to reboot.  Some people just don't listen07:54
vampirnatadoes anyone here have experience with juniper netscreen and racoon vpn tunnels?07:55
TJ-Ascavasaion: I find Unity gives my mouse more exercise - stops it getting fat; with multiple HiDef monitors it spends a lot of time running up to the top of screens and back down t the lower right quadrant for some programs :D07:55
emphSo I restarted, but it still uses the default player by default07:56
herheartremoved ubuntu-restricted-extras, problem has not been solved :(07:56
emphEven though when I go to system settings it IS changed07:56
rajviHello all, I discover 12.04 looks less bright on my Toshiba Satellite MX50-MX5.The slider for brightness is set to maximum.I tried to lower it no-effect.Feels like something wrong with my graphics.07:57
TimoHello. Help greatly appreciated with the following problem: I have a dual boot system Fedora 17 and Ubuntu 12.04 with 4 users. I would like to use same /home folders for both sides. The user IDs on fedora are 500-503 and on Ubuntu 1000-1003. Mounting folders works fine, but access rights are still a mess. How do I grant access to my users on Ubuntu?07:58
CrashRainbowtronAscavasaion: my mouse has hyperthyroidism07:58
TJ-emph: That sounds like the mime-type of the files you're playing might be over-riding the default application.07:58
WaraudonIs anyone having problems with Machine Check Exceptions with ACPI in 12.04?07:59
CrashRainbowtronemph: as I was trying to tell you when you rebooted against my advice, try right-clicking on a file of the type you wish to open and use the "Open with other application" setting.07:59
emphTJ: I have no idea what you mean, but if it's of any use when I right-click on the file I'm going to reproduce the default Ubuntu player still shows on top while the one I now set to default shows as an alternative option08:00
CrashRainbowtronemph: wait, I misspoke08:00
TJ-Waraudon: Not that I've heard. Do you get any errors logged in /var/log/dmesg or /var/log/kern.log ?08:00
CrashRainbowtronemph: let me find the dialog I'm talking about.08:00
emphCrashRainbowtron: I followed your advice, but I had to try anyway just in case all it needed was a simple reboot08:00
WaraudonTJ-: Unfortunately it doesn't make it past boot. It's a kernel panic, and adding acpi=off seems to resolve it. I figured it wasn't an actual hardware problem since Windows has been working fine, as did Ubuntu 11.10 when I used it last08:01
vampirnataAnyone familiar with the error: "ERROR: phase1 negotiation failed due to send error." when trying to create a VPN tunnel from a private lan to a public Juniper Netscreen firewall?08:01
WaraudonTJ-: At first I figured it was related to using Wubi, but I also downloaded and verified a 12.04.1 image and put it onto a USB stick, same thing happens when booting live mode08:02
TJ-Waraudon: Ahhh. Are you able to boot that system with a serial cable attached? If so, you can set the kernel's command line to use the serial console and capture the output on a 2nd PC08:02
CrashRainbowtronemph: ok, there are two ways to do this.  the "open with other application" dialog that I mentioned earlier(be sure to check "remember this application") or go to the "open with" tab in the file's properties.  The latter should be the most reliable.08:03
WaraudonTJ-: I might be able to do it technically, but not at the moment. I have a picture of the resulting panic though08:03
TJ-Waraudon: better than nothing!08:04
emphCrashRainbowtron: The problem is that there is no "remember this application" box/button, else I would have done that before changing the system settings08:04
TJ-Waraudon: Put it up on http://imagebin.org/08:04
CrashRainbowtronemph: then use the other method I mentioned.08:05
crimsonmaneWaraudon: are you aware of the Alternate Installers?08:05
emphCrashRainbowtron: I found the "remember this application", although it was inside the movie's properties, which makes me fear I just saved the configuration for this particular movie08:06
CrashRainbowtronemph: no, I'm pretty sure that is for every file of that type.08:06
Waraudoncrimsonmane: Yea, but I suspect it might happen with those too, assuming they use the same kernel08:07
TJ-emph: If you need to tinker directly you need to look at the declared mime-type handlers. Per-user, you'll find the over-rides in ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list and mimeminfo.cache ... more than likely in the "Added Associations" section08:07
rajviGraphics:Unknown.How can i resolve it 12.0408:07
WaraudonTJ-: Unfortunately the quality isn't as good as I thought it was and I didn't capture the entire output, I can boot it up again normally though and get a better image http://i.imgur.com/UI4Ov.jpg08:07
crimsonmaneWaraudon: their purpose is to get around the issue.08:07
rajviI think my on some generic monitor.08:08
TJ-Waraudon: That's a good photo! Better than most I've captured with a camcorder in the past!08:08
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CrashRainbowtronemph: afaik, there is no way of tracking what individual files are opened with which programs.  That would be a nighmarish filesystem.08:09
WaraudonTJ- : I can tentatively confirm that booting with acpi=off fixes it though, at least nothing has happened yet. I'm in Ubuntu now.08:09
emphCrashRainbowtron: If so, then brilliant. I'm downloading a video file now to test that08:10
TJ-Waraudon: So this is a regression on that hardware for a kernel upgrade is it?08:10
rajviOn 12.04 sliding the brightness bar have no effect.08:10
WaraudonTJ-: It seems that way, perhaps its related to ACPI somehow on this particular board, it's an MSI P55-GD65 motherboard and the CPU is an Intel i5-750, and 8GB of Corsair XMS3 RAM which has tested fine in Memtest over night08:11
TJ-rajvi: That depends on the video graphics driver the system is using. For example, by default, the Nvidia proprietary driver doesn't support it08:11
rajviI am on on Nvidia08:11
TJ-Waraudon: Had the file-system been mounted read/write at the time of the MCE? If so, there' might be something in /var/crash (forlorn hope though!) ?08:12
rajviMy bad, I am not on Nvidia08:12
TJ-rajvi: That's the reason then. I've recently been working on bringing a new kernel module into Ubuntu that does it. I have it working well here08:12
TJ-rajvi: OK, scratch my comment then :D08:12
jalexandruHi, I'm trying to run ant dist for a project, ant is unable to locate tools.jar (it's expecting to find it in the wrong folder) how can I change the expected folder in ant? or do I need to do it somehow other...08:13
WaraudonTJ-: I don't think so, although since the installed copy on the hard drive crashes in the same manner as the Live media, I might be able to get some more information about it08:13
foreverwin32Hey guys, I'm trying to add a PPA but I can't08:13
emphCrashRainbowtron: Good, now it's the player by default for all video files, thanks08:13
rajviGood, I can wait. Its my 60 years dad's  laptop.08:14
foreverwin32This is the PPA I'm trying to add: https://launchpad.net/~a-v-shkop/+archive/chromium    Please help me08:14
CrashRainbowtronemph: maybe not for all video files.  You may need to do it again for files oof different formats.08:14
TJ-Waraudon: When you manage to boot with a serial console attached; remove "quiet splash" and use "debug", or boot to the recovery option with "debug single" that will get maximum logging08:15
TJ-Waraudon: I'm typing up your MCE so I can decode it through mcelog08:16
WaraudonTJ-: I was going to try that too but I don't have any experience with mcelog08:17
foreverwin32 Guys, could you help me add that PPA?08:18
timfrostforeverwin32: what method are you using to add it?08:19
foreverwin32Tried now using Y ppa manager, it worked08:20
TJ-Waraudon: the man-page says this: "When an uncorrected machine check error happens that the kernel cannot recover from then it will usually panic the  sys‐08:21
TJ-       tem.   In  this  case  when  there was a warm reset after the panic mcelog should pick up the machine check errors after reboot.  This is not possible after a cold reset."08:21
TJ-Waraudon: So it sounds like if you install mcelog package, then when the panic occurs, reboot into an earlier working kernel in recovery mode, you should be able to extract a good MCE log08:22
WaraudonTJ-: I can try that, a couple of times when it happened it did restart automatically after 30 seconds08:23
TJ-Waraudon: not too much more info, but http://paste.ubuntu.com/1185308/08:25
WaraudonTJ-: I went ahead and ran mcelog anyway just to see what it does, and I get "mcelog: warning: 16 bytes ignored in each record" "mcelog: consider an update"08:27
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TJ-Waraudon: Sounds like you have a newer CPU than the current mcelog knows about; maybe use the package from Quantal08:28
gordonjcpI might put Quantal on my macbook08:30
WaraudonTJ-: unfortunately it seems the mcelog package in Quantual is the same version08:30
WaraudonI might be able to compile it from source depending on how involved it is08:31
cihhanHi all! I'm trying to write an ssh client in C++ that will just send some commands to the server. Do you have any suggestions?08:32
gordonjcpcihhan: what, commands to the shell?08:32
cihhangordonjcp: yes, my ssh client will send some commands to another computer08:33
jalexandruHi, I'm trying to run ant dist for a project, ant is unable to locate tools.jar (it's expecting to find it in the wrong folder) how can I change the expected folder in ant? or do I need to do it in another way?08:33
cihhanI have tried this link: http://api.libssh.org/stable/libssh_tutor_guided_tour.html08:33
Wizardcihhan: Default ssh client can.08:33
cihhanBut Im getting some linking problems08:33
gordonjcpcihhan: ssh <host> <command>08:33
gordonjcpit's that simple08:33
TJ-Waraudon: It looks to be a small package. This Intel document looks like it could help you http://download.intel.com/design/intarch/PAPERS/324077.pdf08:33
cihhanYou are right guys, but my advisor wants me to write a C/C++ program for that08:34
WizardPeople are just stupid :D08:34
gordonjcpcihhan: oh, so we're doing your homework for you now? ;-)08:34
gordonjcpcihhan: pastebin the error you're getting, and post the link in #ubuntu-offtopic08:35
cihhannot homework, project and im not asking you to do it, im asking for suggestions...08:35
cihhanif you have ever tried08:35
tsimpsoncihhan: grab the source of the ssh client and see how it works08:35
TJ-cihhan: Those linking errors will likely be because you're not telling the compiler to link in the SSH libraries that implement the SSH functions  your program is calling08:36
gordonjcpcihhan: still, take it to #ubuntu-offtopic because it's not directly related to Ubuntu support08:36
cihhangordonjcp: Yeah, you are right :) Thanks a lot :)08:37
WaraudonTJ-: I checked /var/log/mcelog anyway and there's a little more information http://paste.ubuntu.com/1185320/08:38
TimoHow come my users disappear from the users list if I change their UID?08:38
ikoniaTimo: you're making a "new user"08:38
ikoniathe username isn't that important08:39
ikoniathe UID is08:39
gordonjcpcihhan: I'll see you in #u-ot then; have you got your code pastebinned?08:39
TJ-Waraudon: bug #80931308:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 809313 in linux (Ubuntu) "mcelog errors and server freeze with qemu-kvm 0.12.3 and linux-image-2.6.32-32-server" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80931308:40
TJ-Waraudon: That bug has the "MCA: Internal Timer error" issue... might be related08:40
AscavasaionI am running 11.04... is it worth my while to upgrade to 11.10 and then to 12.04, etc?08:40
TimoIkonia: I am trying to share home folders between Fedora and Ubuntu. Fedora user has UID 502 and the Ubuntu user 1002. I changed the Ubuntu user to 502 with the result that it is not possible to log in as him anymore.08:41
ikoniaTimo: that's a low uid08:42
TimoLow uid means?08:42
ikoniaTimo: is this a system account or an unprivileged user ?08:42
ikoniaTimo: how did you change the uid ?08:42
TimoUnpriviledged user. timo@timo-desktop:/$ sudo groupmod -g 502 aaron08:43
Timotimo@timo-desktop:/$ sudo usermod -g 502 aaron08:43
TimoA normal user that I would like to have access to his home folder both in Fedora and Ubuntu.08:43
ikoniaTimo: that's a group id08:43
ikoniaTimo: that's not the uid08:44
WaraudonTJ-: It might be related, interestingly enough disabling acpi allows it to boot but it hasn't been on long enough for me to consider it stable yet08:44
Timo timo@timo-desktop:/home$ id aaron08:44
Timouid=502(aaron) gid=502(aaron) groups=502(aaron)08:44
TimoHowever, this 502 aaron is not visible in the login window.08:44
TJ-Waraudon: Disabling ACPI isn't a great solution though, since it disables control and monitoring of key sub-systems08:45
TJ-Waraudon: Is the system over-clocked?08:45
ikoniaTimo: I don't see where you have changed the uid08:45
Timotimo@timo-desktop:/$ sudo usermod -u 502 aaron08:46
ikoniaTimo: ok, so please show me the output of "ls -la /home" in a pastebin please.08:46
TJ-Timo: Is your problem that you no longer see the user listed on the greeter log-in screen for X?08:47
sha0coderwhich tool can i use to manage services?08:47
TimoTJ. Yes!08:47
WaraudonTJ-: It's not overclocked, but I haven't tried changing any of the CPU related options yet like C1E and Turbo Boost08:48
luftikussWhat does »barcoding« mean in /sys/devices/platform/smapi/BAT0/barcoding? My file contains the string '1Z7SS33C121'.08:48
TJ-Timo:  The lowest UID that can log-in is set in /etc/login.defs as UID_MIN and is usually 1000. You can edit that file.08:48
ikoniaTimo: ok, so you need to sort the permissions out on your /home directory for starters08:48
TJ-Waraudon: Looks like those can be cuplrits; we must be reading the same search results :)08:48
Sandra888is there anybody could help me partitioning ?08:49
gordonjcp!help | Sandra88808:49
ubottuSandra888: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:49
spidernik84Hi guys, which tool do you use to build virtual machines on KVM? I always used ubuntu-vm-builder but I heard development on it has stopped.08:50
ikonialivbirt ?08:51
Aetionyou could use libvirt08:51
Sandra888I'm installing xubuntu on a dual boot mini mac, and I can't configure partition properly, how to set mounting point and so on using gparted?08:51
WaraudonTJ-: Next time I reboot I'll experiment with those settings and see what I can find, probably starting with Turbo Boost08:51
gordonjcpdoes libvirt actually create the images, though?08:51
spidernik84Does it take care of installing the os without user intervention?08:51
Aetionyou can configure the vms using libvirt08:51
ikoniagordonjcp: it creates the metal/tin for OS install08:51
spidernik84I think it creates only the vm itself08:51
ikoniagordonjcp: you tell it to boot/install from $media08:51
gordonjcpikonia: yah, that's not the same thing08:52
ikoniacorrect, you'll need to install the OS into the VM08:52
TJ-spidernik84: build? If you launch using kvm/qemu itself you just need kvm-img and the options on the command line (started via  shell script often)08:52
Aetionthe images are qcow2 image, which you make using the qemu-img tool08:52
ikoniado you want pre-configured machines ?08:52
ikoniaas in OS already installed08:52
spidernik84What I do with vm-builder is pass some parameters and it will take care of interacting with libvirt, assign resources, bootstrap the os and preseed it to a finished working os08:52
TimoTJ and Ikonia: chown 502:502 aaron does not work.08:53
TJ-spidernik84: To install an OS image into a VM, you'd tell KVM to attach an ISO image as the CD-ROM08:53
ikoniaTimo: please define "doesn't work"08:53
Timolrwxrwxrwx  1 1001 1001   15 syys   4 10:32 aaron -> /mnt/home/aaron08:53
spidernik84yes but that's manual :) I'm automating the process since we install tens of machines per day :D08:53
Timoowner stays 1001:100108:53
ikoniaTimo: it's a symlink08:53
TJ-Timo: If the directory and files are already owned by 1000:1000 wouldn't it be more sensible to change the UID of the user in Fedora to 1000 ?08:53
spidernik84but vmbuilder is basically broken on 12.04, while it works on 10.04.08:53
ikoniaTimo: your data is on /mnt/home/arron08:53
ikoniaTimo: you need to change that08:54
tehpwnzim trying to setup a mail server and following these instructions https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServerCourierSpamAssassin08:54
TJ-spidernik84: OK, so install one image to a qcow2 then use *overlays* on top08:54
tehpwnzbut on the part where i configure apache2 to listen on the ssl port08:54
tehpwnzare those instructions correct08:54
tehpwnzi mean this: ln -s /etc/apache2/mods-available/ssl.load /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/08:55
tehpwnzisnt ln -s supposed to point to a file and not a dir?08:55
TimoTJ, it is only the mount directory that is owned by 1001 all files are owned by 502.08:55
TJ-spidernik84: the overlay then collects all the written data and the underlying image stays untouched, you can also merge overlays into images, so you could simply copy the base qcow2 to new files for each VM you want08:55
TJ-Timo: Ahhh OK! Well you need super-user rights to change the ownership on home directories. "sudo chown ...."08:56
TimoI did sudo chown, to no avail.08:56
spidernik84TJ: unfortunately it's not an option: the creation of the vm is very dynamic, we pass parameters through a puppet module. In this way every machine can be created with different resources/ram/cpu depending on the parameters you pass via puppet :(08:57
spidernik84vm-builder was working so well. Why did they abandon it?08:57
sha0coderhow to stop services on ubuntu?08:59
sha0coder(whithout service command and init.d ..)09:00
spidernik84killall :D09:00
TJ-spidernik84: Maybe because it can all the done better in virsh?09:00
CrashRainbowtronsha0coder: why would you want/need to?09:00
sha0coderi can't stop the ssh daemon09:00
sha0coderi tried service command09:01
CrashRainbowtronsha0coder: kill09:01
sha0coderand  also /etc/init.d command09:01
spidernik84TJ: how can you deploy dozens of vms from bare-metal in a fully automated way?09:01
sha0coderi cant kill09:01
sha0coderit is reopened09:01
spidernik84by keeping the flexibility of puppet integration?09:01
sha0coderand again ..09:01
sha0coderubuntu services are not standard09:01
sha0coderdoesnt respect rc2.d links09:02
sha0coderi'm doing chmod 000 to the binaries ..09:02
CrashRainbowtronsha0coder: I think ssh servers have a special command to stop them.  look at the daemon's man pages to find the correct command syntax.09:02
spidernik84change the executable and kill it so it doesn't respawn :oP09:02
sha0coderis not a window to manage services?09:02
sha0coderyes, i chmoded it to 00009:03
sha0coderand all ok :)09:03
CrashRainbowtronsha0coder: rtfm09:03
TJ-spidernik84: Well, vm-builder is jusy python scripts, so write a shim layer that pretends to be vm-builder and translates to virsh, for example09:03
sha0coderbut, i will come back to archlinux XD09:03
sha0coderCrashRainbowtron, with manual?09:03
sha0coderservices manpage?09:03
CrashRainbowtronsha0coder: I told you to read the ssh daemon's manual.09:04
CrashRainbowtronsha0coder: it should telll you how to stop it.09:04
spidernik84TJ: You know, I'm not supposed to reinvent something that has been working for years :P I don't have the time and, most importantly, the competence to do that. I'll see what I can do. I was just wondering if anyone knew if the project was dead09:05
gordonjcpspidernik84: what is, ubuntu-vm-builder?09:06
spidernik84It's a set of python scripts to create and install virtual machines on ubuntu09:07
spidernik84fully automated09:07
Timo12357Seems like t low UID was the problem. Rebooted and now Aaron can log in.09:07
ratzi have a compaq c791tu. I am not able to get my wifi active. can someone please help me09:07
ikoniaTimo12357: you still need to sort the permissions on your home dir09:08
spidernik84you pass some parameters and it takes care of everything with no user intervention.09:08
ikoniaLuc_: you're welcome to use Windows, this is an ubuntu support channel, so we only help with ubuntu here09:08
TJ-spidernik84: vm-builder was a hack needed by developers at the time; it got superceded09:08
Timo12357Ikonia: Only /home/aaron has 1001:1001 all subfolders are now aaron:aaron09:09
spidernik84eh I've been told so... is there any pre-mande alternative?09:09
ikoniaTimo12357: ok, so you still need to fix that09:09
Timo12357Ikonia: How? Sudo chown failed.09:10
ikoniaTimo12357: what command are you doing ?09:10
Timo12357Ikonia: sudo chown 502:502 aaron09:11
ikoniaTimo12357: are you doing that in /home ?09:11
Timo12357Ikonia: yes.09:11
ikoniaTimo12357: right, so that's the problem, as I told you earlier, /home/aaron is not a directory, it's a symlink to /mnt/home/aaron - you need to change that, not the link09:12
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Timo12357Ikonia: so I should go to mnt for doing that?09:12
ikoniaTimo12357: /mnt/home09:12
ebs512anyone else having an issue with font color when applying a theme in ubuntu09:13
jalexandruhow can I change my java_home ? to point to jdk ? tried to export the path in /etc/profile didn't worked, tried in ~/bashrc didn't worked anywhere else?09:13
ratzguyz, i have linux mint 13 installed on my compaq c791tu, and am not able to make my wifi work. can somebody please help me?09:16
Dr_willis!mint > ratz09:17
ubotturatz, please see my private message09:17
forevernixHi guys09:17
forevernixWhy is Ubuntu using Linux 3.2 ?09:18
Dr_willisWhy shouldent it be using it?09:18
AuzyProbably because nothing newer was out at the time forevernix ...09:18
ubuntuTTforevernix Becouse is the best!09:18
forevernixDudes, 3.5.3 is out09:18
ubuntuTTbest of the best man09:18
Auzyforevernix, They can't just skip to 3.5 in a stable series forevernix randomly.. Otherwise, apps might break, drivers might break, etc..09:19
forevernix3.2 was released in Jan 201109:19
ubuntuTTit's out but not still tested enoght so it can be very unstable09:19
ubuntuTTit can harm your PC!09:19
Timo12357Ikonia: Seems it is not necessary to change the rights of the symlink. All works now.09:19
ratzubottu: thanks ... but when i am normally stuck with anything in linux ... i have always received help from this chanell09:20
ubotturatz: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:20
TJ-forevernix: No, January 201209:20
ubuntuTTit can roast it..09:20
Timo12357Ikonia: Probably the grand error was the low UID.09:20
ratzthanx again09:20
Auzyforevernix, and yes.. as per TJ-09:20
Timo12357Ikonia: Thank you for the help.09:20
Timo12357TJ: Thank you for the help.09:20
forevernixyou're right.09:20
Dr_willisforevernix,  and i imagine 12.10 has the newer kernel.09:20
AuzyThink about it forevernix.. If you were a corporate user, would you want a OS where "small" updates suddenly break a lot?09:20
AuzyOSX did that.. they broke protools constantly, with minor updates.. Audio guys loved that09:21
TJ-forevernix: And 12.04 was released in April. That's a pretty tight deadline for testing before release09:21
forevernixYou're right guys, it's ok09:21
forevernixAlso, software in Ubuntu is pretty outdated aswell09:21
AuzyTJ-, btw, are you "TheJane"?09:21
forevernixFor example, Chromium is still on 18?09:21
forevernixSince the latest stable version is 22 I think09:22
TJ-forevernix: If you want to use the latest kernels, the kernel-team publishes packaged mainline kernels. I'm using 3.6 here and its very much faster, especially for suspend/resume09:22
Dr_willisNow you know the differance between a rolling release and a 6 Mo release schedulde. forevernix09:22
TJ-Auzy: No, I was "IntuitiveNipple" though :)09:22
Auzyforevernix, some is.. I use Chrome anyway.. But, once again, for stuff supported by Ubuntu, they can't update much without risking breakage.. The whole idea is to ensure that a developer can say "oh, well I tested it on 12.04, so it will work on all of 12.04".. But, you can use PPA's09:23
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging09:23
equexhi. i have an old nvidia geforce 6200 that gives me white surfaces instead of proper textures when zooming out from the desktop cube. also the bottom 10% of the desktop is distorted. (not artifacts, its like the drivers dont really care to update that part). i got the same results using prop. nvidia drivers 295 and 173 and the 'nvidia-173' drivers in the repos (thats the nouvau drivers right?)09:23
equexis there any other drivers i could try? (performance is not an issue but i want a corruption free compiz desktop) some people say try 'vesa dri' i think, but what package is it ?09:23
forevernixAuzy, already installed Chromium from a PPA. The latest version09:23
Ben64I accidentally deleted an ISO that I have mounted via loop, how can I undelete it?09:24
TJ-Ben64: Is the loop still active?09:24
Ben64TJ-: yep09:24
Auzycool forevernix.. Honestly, I wish that Ubuntu put less packages in their repo, and repos from the original developers were more strongly encouraged.. But thats my opinion, and belongs in offtopic honestly09:25
TJ-Ben64: first... don't do *anything* :D09:25
Auzyok TJ- Seems I know two TJ's then..09:25
forevernixthat would be great.09:25
TJ-Ben64: The kernel will keep files that have active file-descriptors until all FDs are closed... you can recover the file by locating the FD in the /proc/ file-system. It might take some finding, but it can be done.09:25
Ben64TJ-: i tried that, but couldn't find it there09:26
TJ-Ben64: off the top of my head I'm not sure how losetup/loop keeps the file but I know it does. Hang on whilst I find out09:26
AuzyBen64, Could also just create an image of the file..09:26
Ben64Auzy: what file? :|09:26
Auzyif its a mounted ISO, could just image the mount..09:26
Auzyerr.. if its mounted..09:26
Ben64Auzy: but it's a bootable cd, the info doesn't do me good without being able to boot09:27
tanzbaerhey hi, I got a problem with my printer (OKI DATA corp 4300 PCL). I just installed a driver. worked out well. but when i tried to print a pdf, the printer only gave me lots of pages full of source code. i have Ubuntu 12.04 LTS09:27
TJ-Ben64: Auzy is on the right track. If the device file is there, you can 'dd' from it to an replacement file. e.g. if 'losetup' says it's on /dev/loop0 you can do "sudo dd if=/dev/loop0 of=myfile.iso"09:28
Ben64TJ-: ah that might just work09:30
pyrrhichttp://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=12971 Need help with WINE09:30
forevernixHmm. Guys. I have a WD usb HDD. It does not seem to work under Ubuntu. Doesn't even show up in Gparted. Help please :)09:31
AuzyIs it a 3TB forevernix ?09:31
forevernixLol. Nope. I think 128 GB?09:32
forevernixWD Passport09:32
TJ-forevernix: Does the USB caddy show up when you check "lsusb" ?09:32
Auzyahh ok.. Because, I'm a media player distributor, and we've had a few newer model WD USB HDD's have serious issues on our media players.. It would be interesting to us though if there were problems in Linux too...09:33
forevernixIt shows some "Linux Foundation" stuff, and "Elan Microelectronics"09:33
Ben64Auzy, TJ-: thanks, 'dd if=/dev/loop0 of=foobar.iso' worked great09:33
TJ-Ben64: Phew! *wipes brow theatrically09:34
Ben64forevernix: anything show up in dmesg when you plug it in?09:34
AuzyThank TJ...09:34
forevernixBen64: Dmesg: http://pastebin.com/8F4N2Yq409:35
pyrrhichttp://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=12971 -------- HELP PLEASE.09:36
TJ-forevernix: looks like there's a USB error. Is the USB caddy externally powered?09:36
forevernixTJ- Yes09:36
Ben64pyrrhic: you might want to ask in #winehq09:36
TJ-forevernix: Is it connected directly to a PC port or via a hub?09:36
forevernixTJ- It worked on Win just fine09:36
ikoniapyrrhic: that's not a question.09:36
Auzyforevernix, Is it new?09:36
forevernixIt's not09:37
Auzyis it plugged in by USB3, or USB2?09:37
pyrrhicBen64: No one there is replying09:37
TJ-Auzy: USB209:37
pyrrhicikonia: It's wine related and I can't get my game running.09:37
ikoniapyrrhic: ok, so the guys in #winehq will help - it's a wine issue09:37
pyrrhicikonia: No one has replied in several hours..09:37
Auzypyrrhic, Unfortunately, wine issues are quite complex.. They may need some debug info..09:37
Ben64forevernix: have you tried it on the root hub?09:38
pyrrhicAuzy, I must be missing some form of the tutorial because it's rated as Silver.09:38
ikoniapyrrhic: then wait09:38
pyrrhicikonia: You're being ridiculous..09:38
forevernixBen64, How do I do that if you don't mind? :D09:38
ikoniapyrrhic: ubuntu doesn't make/develop wine09:38
Auzypyrrhic, there are so many Windows Apps, that unless any of us have personally tried that game/app here, it would be difficult for us to diagnose pyrrhic09:38
Ben64forevernix: plug it into the computer's usb in the back, without any other hubs or anything in between09:38
AuzyAnd, Windows Apps even break between Wine releases (regressions)09:38
ikoniapyrrhic: no, I'm not, it's a wine appliction that is rated as silver and is not working, the guys who develop/support wine are your correct audience to get support from09:38
pyrrhicikonia: I know that.09:38
pyrrhicAuzy, What more could I do to clearly address the issue/09:39
forevernixBen64. LOL! Works.09:39
Ben64forevernix: i had a similar problem tonight :)09:39
forevernixBut why can't I use it with the front USBs?09:39
ikoniapyrrhic: wait in the wine channel - look for life (some good guys in there) and work it through when someone with the appropriate experience is available.09:39
Ben64forevernix: well the problem is my front usbs don't give enough power, dunno about your issue09:40
Auzypyrrhic, Further more, it might be silver, but, the guy maintaining it may be running an ATI card for instance.. You might be running Nvidia.. Wine is practically an OS in itself.. My only suggestion is: http://www.winehq.org/help/09:40
forevernixBen64. Might be that. In the front hubs I couldn't even hear the spinning09:40
pyrrhicAuzy, Never thought about that. I'm just trying to get as far away from microsoft as possible.09:40
pyrrhicikonia, yep09:41
Ben64pyrrhic: have you tried a clean prefix09:41
Auzypyrrhic.. I know.. Truthfully, it is easier if you purchased the Humble Bundles.. When Steam becomes available on Linux, it will be easier..09:41
ikoniapyrrhic: you'll find a ton of issues, OS, video card, video card driver -> kernel, game, wine version, wine build options all effect it, hence why the why guys and waiting for them is the shorter route than just randomly stabbing at it09:41
Ben64Auzy: steam linux beta this year :D09:42
pyrrhicAuzy, This isn't a steam game. :D09:42
TJ-forevernix: The power issue for front ports is that they will often all share the same 500mA ... ports on the rear back-plane will usually get 500mA per port09:42
pyrrhicBen64, Not entirely sure how to make one.09:42
AuzyIt might not be, but, with Steam, will come lots of other games :P09:42
forevernixGood to know! Thanks. It might be stupid but in Windows I was able to use it with th front hubs09:42
Ben64pyrrhic: env WINEPREFIX="/home/username/.wine2" wine <blah>09:43
Ben64forevernix: well thats strange09:43
TJ-forevernix: Then that's a bug. Please report it against the 'linux' package09:43
AuzyIt could be possible though.. Some motherboards deliver more power for devices such as iPad's/iPhones.. And, to do so might require drivers possibly.. Its a long shot though09:44
forevernixTJ-, I don't thing it's a kernel bug if that's what you mean. Tried Fedora before (using 3.5.3) and it did not work at all09:44
pyrrhicBen64: The main issue I'm running into is, I can't get XMLLite to install09:44
hassihi, can anyone tell me how to install .inf driver data ?09:44
Auzyhassi, Can't.. If its a wifi driver, maybe using NDISwrapper.. Otherwise, its for windows only09:44
TJ-forevernix: If windows is fine and Linux isn't - that's a kernel bug. Sounds like it's not correctly configuring the USB controller09:44
AuzyWhat device hassi?09:44
hassiwas my last hope09:45
AuzyLinux has a lot of printer drivers already.. You might not need a driver09:45
hassisince xerox does not support 64 bit ubuntu-distributions09:45
Auzyalso, many printers sometimes use the same drivers for multiple models..09:45
hassi@ auzy so is there any kind of "universal" driver?09:46
Auzywell.. Some printers support a generic postscript driver for instance.. Some printers simply need one from a slightly different model09:46
fred-friim on mint 13 (ubuntu 12.04), what is the recommended way to add something to PATH?09:46
Auzyfred-fri, Maybe best to ask in #linuxmint.. but, path when and where?09:47
forevernixAlso. During the installation I've formated my secondary HDD as EXT4 and mounted it at "/data" . It does not show up in the File Manager09:47
Auzyfred-fri, Dunno, but maybe .bash_profile?09:47
fortunaHello, I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 and would like to get USBFS. Can you please point me how can I configure it?09:47
hassii tried servel other models but the printer did not go further than receiving the test-print data09:47
fred-friAuzy: i have a program which is located in folder x, i want to add folder x to path so i can access it without its "address" in bash09:47
AuzyWhat is in the folder? If its one app you want to access, you could just put a symlink in an existing directory in path.. Otherwise, maybe .bash_profile (not sure the recommended convention these days, but thats how I used to do it)09:48
fred-friill try adding it to .profile09:50
fred-frithats the thing, i also dont know what the recommended convention is anymore09:50
fred-fritheres so many ways of doing it09:50
TJ-Auzy: fred-fri Usually you'd add to the path in ~/.profile or possibly ~/.bashrc (if you'll always use the bash shell)09:50
Kalidarndoes ubuntu by default install with GPT if you do "guided full disk"09:50
fred-friTJ-: thanks for that info09:51
Kalidarnie no windows install to mess things up09:51
fred-frii guess i need to logout and login after adding something to path?09:51
TJ-fred-fri:  no09:51
stevecamany news on the ubuntu for android?09:51
TJ-fred-fri You can just 'source' the file into your current terminal09:51
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Burb2How can I install internet explorer on Linux ???09:56
Burb2How can I install internet explorer on Linux ???09:57
dd_morning everyone :)09:57
KalidarnBurb2: why so troll09:57
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WarOfTheNerdBurb2, you realy wan to?09:57
Burb2But I want Internet Explorer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!09:57
Burb2Yes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!09:58
dd_Burb2: Try via Playonlinux09:58
KalidarnBurb2: if you're wanting it for web dev purposes use a VM09:58
WarOfTheNerdBurb2, if so, it's quite easy09:58
WarOfTheNerdBurb2, apt-get -y install wine winetricks09:58
Burb2The best browser !!09:58
AuzyBurb2,  For testing sites.. Just use Browsershots.. Or a VM.. Wine is useless..Probably just replaces Trident with Gecko anyway09:58
Kalidarnalso use less exclamation marks, people will ignore you09:58
WarOfTheNerdBurb2, or rather: sudo apt-get -y install wine winetricks09:58
WarOfTheNerdBurb2, then run Winetricks and choose ie6, ie7 or ie8 on the list09:58
WarOfTheNerdBurb2, you will then have a copy of Internet Explorer available on Linux09:59
AuzyKalidarn, I suspect they should..09:59
Pumpkin-Burb2: you really are a terrible internet troll, it is far too obvious, and totally unfunny to anyone. I suggest you go back to troll school and come back when you have at least got a passing mark in trolling.09:59
pyrrhicVMWare or Wine?09:59
WarOfTheNerdPumpkin-, just tell him how then :)09:59
gordonjcpie8 works surprisingly well in wine09:59
WarOfTheNerdIt's easy to do with Wine09:59
gordonjcpI'd venture to say that it works a little better than it does in XP09:59
Burb2Ok, ok thank you !09:59
Auzypyrrhic, Wine performs better.. VMware and Virtualbox might work for games though, if they don't require much performance09:59
Kalidarnif you want it the best idea is to use a VM because you'll want multiple versions of IE10:00
AdvoWorkhow can i get a copy of the sources.list for an old installation, will it be on the dvd?10:00
Kalidarnie 7, 8, 9 assuming you do web dev work10:00
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AuzyBut, does Wine actually use Trident?? I know it does some stuff with Gecko..10:00
WarOfTheNerdKalidarn, Wine is better for that10:00
Kalidarnyeah afaik it doesn't work properly with ie9 though10:00
Kalidarnleast not the interface10:00
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AuzyI disagree with Wine.. Wine wont render things the same way as Windows either....10:00
Kalidarni remember there was ies4linux package around10:00
KalidarnAuzy: exactly10:01
WarOfTheNerdIE9 won't ever work so long as Wine works in userspace10:01
Kalidarnthats why i'd use a VM10:01
WarOfTheNerdbecause IE9 relies on kernel-level features Linux lacks10:01
Kalidarnand you can't have multiple versions of IE10:01
WarOfTheNerdWine lets you have multiple versions of IE10:01
Kalidarnyeah i mean in a windows vm :P10:01
Kalidarnwhich sucks10:01
AuzyUmm.. I think he was trolling anyway.. Who walks in and says "IE is the best browser"?10:01
WarOfTheNerdAuzy, there are benefits to IE10:02
Kalidarnlol the first comment was a troll10:02
TJ-AdvoWork: Is this any help to you? http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/generate.php10:02
WarOfTheNerdThe pop-up blocker is superior10:02
AuzyI bet most of Microsoft wouldn't...10:02
Kalidarn(repeating himself using exclamation marks) etc10:02
WarOfTheNerdin addition to that InPrivate is superior to the competition10:02
WarOfTheNerdand also SmartScreen is more comprehensive than the competition10:02
TJ-AdvoWork: That link should be to the home page: http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/index.php10:02
KalidarnWarOfTheNerd: adblock plus and noscript are superior ;)10:02
WarOfTheNerdoh and it sandboxes just like Chrome if you use IE910:03
Kalidarnor notscripts if you're on chrome10:03
emphProblem: I'm trying to install a program, I extracted the .tar.bz2 and now it's in a folder. I get to the folder using the terminal (with cd), then according to instructions I'm using to install it, I have to type "./configure" but when I do it displays "the file or directory doesn't exist". What's wrong?10:03
Auzy*cough offtopic*10:03
doc_willisemph:  look in the directory as to what files are there10:03
Ben64emph: what program? where did you get the tar?10:03
TJ-emph: You need to 'cd' into the directory the source-code was extracted to. Use "ls" to list what's in the current directory10:04
emphBen64: The Red Eclipse videogame, since the repository file isn't updated I had to download it from the official site10:04
Auzyemph, Are you in the folder? And yes.. What program.. You might not even need to compile it10:04
doc_willisemph:  'compiling' is a different task then just 'installing' also10:04
AuzyEven if you do need to compile it, you might need extra dependencies..10:04
Auzyapt-get install build-essential for starters..10:05
FaekSo i was told to come here for a bad time?10:05
emphTJ-:  bin bin64 data doc readme.txt redeclipse.sh server.sh src10:05
doc_willisFaek:  you have a ubuntu support question?10:05
TJ-emph: If it needs other packages as depencies, and there's an existing (but out of date) package, you can usually get all the required build dependencies using "sudo apt-get build-dep <package-name>" . There may be additional build-deps required by the newer package; ./configure will tell you what is missing if so10:06
emphdoc_willis: I'm within the extracted direcotry10:06
doc_willisemph:  id start with reading the readme.txt10:06
doc_willislooks like its compiled to me..10:06
emphdoc_willis: How am I supposed to execute it then10:07
FaekYeah just wondering how suitable Ubuntu would be when I have to use red hat elsewhere10:07
TJ-emph: That looks like the tar.gz included the 64-bit and 32-bit executables. I'd guess that "./redeclipse.sh" will start it correctly, if you've made that file executable10:07
doc_willisemph:  the .sh files are what you run....10:07
AdvoWorkTJ-, that would have been perfect but i need it for 6.06 dont ask.. trying to test something10:07
gordonjcpFaek: it's all just Linux10:07
doc_willisemph:  id start with reading the readme.txt10:07
TJ-AdvoWork: Hang on... I may have one lying around in my archives10:07
AuzyFaek, Depends on the applications..10:07
gordonjcpFaek: they're all pretty much the same10:07
emphTJ-: Problem: I'm trying to install a program, I extracted the .tar.bz2 and now it's in a folder. I get to the folder using the terminal (with cd), then according to instructions I'm using to install it, I have to type "./configure" but when I do it displays "the file or directory doesn't exist". What's wrong?10:08
emphTJ-: Oops, wrong paste, sorry10:08
emphTJ-: root@emph-VGN-NS11S-S:/home/emph/redeclipse# ./redeclipse.sh10:08
emph/home/emph/redeclipse/bin/reclient_linux: error while loading shared libraries: libSDL_image-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory10:08
doc_willisemph:  there is no 'configure' your directions are wrong10:08
Ben64<doc_willis> emph:  id start with reading the readme.txt10:08
emphdoc_willis: They were generic instructions found on some random website, so okay10:08
doc_willis!info libsdl_image10:08
ubottuPackage libsdl_image does not exist in precise10:08
emphBen64: How can I open it within the terminal? (The readme)10:09
doc_willisemph:  its allready compiled.. you install the libs it needs and run it.10:09
Ben64emph: vi, vim, nano, more, less, cat10:09
TJ-emph: You need to pay attention to the instructions that came with the download, and/or refer to the source site.10:09
emphTJ-: Alright, sorry, I'm a newbie10:09
Ben64!info libsdl-image1.210:10
ubottulibsdl-image1.2 (source: sdl-image1.2): image loading library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.10-3 (precise), package size 28 kB, installed size 96 kB10:10
emphBen64: The readme doesn't indicate how to install it10:10
emphdoc_willis: How do I know which libraries it needs, and where do I get them?10:10
doc_willisjust run it..... no need to 'install'10:10
Ben64emph: then try "sudo apt-get install libsdl-image1.2"10:10
emphBen64: Ok, on it10:11
doc_willisemph:  look at erroe messages.. use the apt packager tools10:11
TJ-AdvoWork: You can use this as the basis, but if you want to actually pull from the archives, you'll need to change the URLs to point to "http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/" instead.   http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_dapper#Repositories10:12
doc_willisthis is why using pre-compiled binaries  from websites/archives is not commonplace in linusx.10:12
emphBen64: Done, what now?10:12
Ben64doc_willis: for games it kind of has to be10:12
Ben64emph: then try running it again10:12
doc_willisive seen very few games that do it. ;)10:12
Ben64all the humblebundle stuff is like that10:13
emphBen64: I used ./redeclipse.sh to open it, and:10:13
doc_willismost i see are a single exe you run and then it installs10:13
AdvoWorkTJ-, well what ive done is exactly that, so i've got all the old stuff I need, but I need to install a C Compiler,  and I cant find out how to install one, I tried: sudo apt-get install build-essential but it says it can't find it, so thats where i'm at, i was thinking of changing it back to the normal sources.list but no luck, any ideas?10:13
emphBen64: root@emph-VGN-NS11S-S:/home/emph/redeclipse# ./redeclipse.sh10:13
emph/home/emph/redeclipse/bin/reclient_linux: error while loading shared libraries: libSDL_mixer-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory10:13
foobArrrI'm using a USB KVM switch, one of the connected PCs runs Ubuntu. Sometimes when I switch to the Ubuntu PC, keyboard and mouse don't respond and dmesg is flooded with this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1167055/ . any ideas?10:13
Ben64emph: then repeat the other step, but with "mixer" instead of "image", then try again10:14
doc_willisemph:  you will most likely need most of the libSDL packages10:14
TJ-AdvoWork: Ahhh! OK, you need the gcc packages. You can 'cheat' by checking the archive server's package lists and even if you want to, manually fetching the debs from it10:14
doc_willis!details > micah_10:15
ubottumicah_, please see my private message10:15
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:15
micah_my external hard drive with thousands of hours of music and videos randomly wont mount or plug in or whatever now10:15
micah_Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with:10:15
micah_mount: only root can mount /dev/sdb1 on /media/Elements10:15
micah_wtf is that10:15
doc_willismount it by hand and see if it works.10:16
AdvoWorkTJ-, i tried getting libc6-dev_2.3.6....deb  and it said:  Error dependency is not satisfiable linux-kernel-headers :S10:16
doc_willis!mount > micah_10:16
ubottumicah_, please see my private message10:16
micah_im new idk how to do that10:16
MonkeyDustmicah_  type sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/Elements     you need your password10:16
TJ-AdvoWork: Are you using the original kernel, too?10:16
micah_does anyone know what that problem is?10:17
MonkeyDustmicah_  it's normal, mount needs the password10:17
AdvoWorkTJ-, as far as I know yeah10:17
emphBen64: It worked, thank you very much!10:17
micah_how do I give it my log in password?10:17
doc_willismicah_:  mount command may give some error info10:17
doc_willissudo will ask for your password...10:18
micah_Im in my terminal10:18
emphBen64: How can I put it in my sidebar as a permanent icon, though? Using the Ubuntu Program Center that was automatic10:18
micah_idk how to mount it10:18
TJ-micah_: You've previously manually created the /media/Elements directory and so the user automounter can't use that directory. You can delete that directory (if it is empty)10:18
micah_how do I delete it lol idk how i even created it10:18
doc_willismicah_: you were given the command just moments ago10:18
Ben64emph: i don't use unity, not sure how to add stuff to it10:18
micah_and elements is the name of the hard drive10:18
micah_said !mount event not found10:19
TJ-micah_: Check if it exists first, and then check which user owns it and what the permissions are10:19
emphBen64: Alright10:19
TJ-micah_: "ls -l /media/Elements"10:19
micah_im the only user10:19
doc_willismicah_:  read what the bot says...   !foo is a bot trigger10:19
micah_says total 010:19
TJ-micah_: No, you're not. Linux has *lots* of user accounts for system services, and for the super-user (root)10:19
micah_oh im just on the one i created10:20
micah_total 0 was the output though10:20
emphHow can I add a program I installed to the Unity sidebar, as a permanent icon?10:20
doc_willisemph:  you dident really install that game.. you can make a launcher for it. and  add the launceher to your menus/sidebar10:21
TJ-micah_: If it doesn't exist, then the error is because the file-system on the external device is EXT3/4 and that is owned by root. Therefore, as MonkeyDust said, you'll ned to use "sudo..." to mount it10:21
emphdoc_willis: Oh, I see... how can I make an installer of it?10:21
micah_how do I use sudo to mount it?10:21
doc_willisemph:  the askubuntu.com site has some info on making your own .desktop file for custome games10:21
doc_willisemph:  its NOT an installer. you just run it from that games directory...10:22
AdvoWorkTJ-, im in old releases of packages, but don't see individual deb files, or isnt that what you mean?10:22
micah_How do i use sudo to mount my external, is there a command?10:23
doc_willis!mount | micah_10:23
ubottumicah_: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount10:23
emphdoc_willis: I don't really want it in the desktop, just at the sidebar of Unity, how can I create an installer? (Or where can I learn that?)10:23
micah_cant click that link10:23
micah_or copy it10:24
TJ-AdvoWork: Archive servers are just web-servers with a particular directory structure. To get to the packages themselves you navigate to /ubuntu/pool/10:24
doc_willisin the desktop? you put the game dir whever you want then make a proper gamename.desktop file to launch that script10:24
MonkeyDustmicah_  type sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/Elements     you need your password10:24
MonkeyDustthat is the command10:24
TJ-AdvoWork: But, I'd concentrate and making sure apt-get can do it as it ought to. If it can't you've got deeper troubles. check the sources.list make 100% sure there are no subtle typos10:25
micah_monkeyDust: it said mount: can't find /dev/sdbi/media/Elements in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab10:25
doc_willisi is not a 1 micah_10:26
micah_oh crap!~10:26
x61good morning. i got a serious problem with my window manager/login manager/X, after a usual reboot my login manager doesnt start again and i can only log in on the console after killing die invisible X server and type startx to get a desktop without window decorations10:26
x61maybe anyone can help investigating this strange behaviour10:26
TJ-micah_: You need to separate the program's parameters with spaces, too "sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/Elements"10:26
emphdoc_willis: The problem isn't what, but how10:26
doc_willisemph:  how what?10:27
emphdoc_willis: How to create a launcher...10:27
AdvoWorkTJ-, all i did was take an original sources.list and did a find replace for the old-releases, i've installed other stuff using sudo apt-get install :S10:27
micah_wow some giant error!10:27
TJ-AdvoWork: Does your sources.list have the dapper-updates and dapper-security enabled too?10:28
doc_willisemph:  by creating a 'gamename.desktop' file..10:28
MonkeyDustmicah_  that's called 'learning', trial and error :)10:28
micah_TJ: says this ntfs_attr_pread_i: ntfs_pread failed: Input/output error10:28
micah_Failed to read NTFS $Bitmap: Input/output error10:28
micah_NTFS is either inconsistent, or there is a hardware fault, or it's a10:28
micah_SoftRAID/FakeRAID hardware. In the first case run chkdsk /f on Windows10:28
micah_then reboot into Windows twice. The usage of the /f parameter is very10:28
micah_important! If the device is a SoftRAID/FakeRAID then first activate10:28
FloodBot1micah_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:28
doc_willisemph:  with the right info to run the game.  every app normmalt had such a file on the system10:28
TJ-micah_: There's your answer... a bad NTFS10:29
x61join #ubuntuusers10:29
doc_willisaskubuntu.com  had some detailed guides on creating custom launcher/desktop files10:29
x61#join ubuntuusers10:29
emphdoc_willis: Ok...10:29
* TJ- hands x61 a /10:29
micah_how do I fix the NTFS and what is it?10:30
doc_willismicah_:  follow the directions it gave.. let windows check it for errors10:30
* TJ- goes back to bed :)10:30
micah_but I dont have windows on here anymore10:30
micah_this is a dell with ubuntu10:30
micah_how do I let it check it?10:30
doc_willisplug it into a windows m achine...10:30
micah_I dont have a windows I only have this computer10:31
doc_willisguess you find one, or a windows live cd..10:31
micah_so i have to get a windows computer and plug my external into it?10:31
pyrrhicDoc_willis, know anything about vbox?10:31
MonkeyDustmicah_  type sudo fdisk -l|pastebinit and paste the url here in the channel10:31
micah_in my channel?10:31
doc_willispyrrhic:  i test  live cds in it. is about all i do10:32
MonkeyDustmicah_  no, here, in #ubuntu10:32
pyrrhicdoc_willis, perfect. I have the latest version and don't know how to get vbox to read my actual cd/dvd drive10:32
Ben64micah_: after you run chkdsk on it, you should back up the info and change the filesystem to something more linux friendly10:32
AdvoWorkTJ-, yeah those lines are uncommented. I try and install build-essential, it says it needs libc6-dev, i try and run the deb of that and thats when it says about the kernel problem10:32
micah_Im so confused Im very nooby at ubuntu10:32
TJ-AdvoWork: do you do "apt-get install libc6-dev" ?10:32
doc_willispyrrhic:  it has menu items in the setting/wizard to add the real cd ad a device i belive10:33
doc_willispyrrhic:  i only use iso files wiht it. not the real cd10:33
karthick87How to install latest version flash player in firefox 3.6 ?? Can anyone help me pls ??10:33
pyrrhicdoc_willis: yeah im trying to use actual cds10:33
Ben64karthick87: upgrade your firefox10:33
micah_ MonkeyDust: I cant copy that command10:34
TJ-micah_: All computers store their files in a 'file-system'. There are lots of different file-systems for different purposes or operating systems. MS Windows primarily uses NTFS. Linux uses other file-systems. When an NTFS file-system fails the best and safest tools for fixing it are on Windows.10:34
AdvoWorkTJ-, i tried from a .deb i found, if i do it via sudo apt-get install libc6-dev it says: the following packages have unmet dependencies: libc6-dev: depeneds linux-kernel-headers (>= but it says its not installable10:34
pyrrhicdoc_willis: got it10:34
micah_MonkeyDust; the output was "The program 'pastebinit' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:10:35
micah_sudo apt-get install pastebinit10:35
TJ-AdvoWork: I suggest we fix that error then! If you can't do it trivially there I can always set up a chroot or VM here to test against.10:35
MonkeyDustmicah_  ok, follow the instructions10:35
AdvoWorkTJ-, ok thanks, so the error is about the linux-kernel-headers then?10:35
karthick87Ben64: Our software will work only in version 3.6..10:35
micah_logged into root10:36
micah_downloaded pastebin10:36
TJ-AdvoWork: correct, and we can check what's available by starting in http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/10:36
micah_MonkeyDust: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1185482/10:36
Ben64karthick87: then upgrade your software10:36
TJ-AdvoWork: The headers are here http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-kernel-headers/10:38
MonkeyDustmicah_  neat, now first read that and get familiar with it // your external disk in NTFS format10:38
micah_MonkeyDust: kk the external says its Disk /dev/sdb the 2 TB one10:39
micah_MonkeyDust: what is the device boot start thing for the external?10:40
MonkeyDustmicah_  the device name is /dev/sdb1   that's what's of importance there10:41
micah_okay gotcha10:42
micah_will I use that to mount it?10:42
BuGGyHi can any one help i cant open a gui window when Im Root, i get an error (gksudo:6966): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0 i have googled and tryed a few things so the system is no longer clean :-!10:45
ThinkT510BuGGy: you are not meant to be root10:45
doc_willisBuGGy:  what are you doing exactly..10:46
MonkeyDustmicah_  yes, like said before    sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/External10:46
BuGGyThinkT510: The app im using whants root to work correctly10:46
gordonjcpBuGGy: What exactly are you trying to do?10:46
MonkeyDustmicah_  make sure /media/External exists10:46
ThinkT510BuGGy: then launch it from your user with gksudo10:46
hficwhy wouldn't this work? sudo mv -f *.mp3* /media/blah/music/single.mp3s .. It keeps getting me it can't move into itself,10:47
micah_its /media/Elements and its plugged in it wont mount it thought idk if it recognizes it10:47
MonkeyDusthfic  it's [from] [to]   there's no [to] in taht command10:47
micah_MonkeyDust: it just says "ntfs_attr_pread_i: ntfs_pread failed: Input/output error10:47
micah_Failed to read NTFS $Bitmap: Input/output error10:47
micah_NTFS is either inconsistent, or there is a hardware fault, or it's a10:47
micah_SoftRAID/FakeRAID hardware. In the first case run chkdsk /f on Windows10:47
micah_then reboot into Windows twice. The usage of the /f parameter is very10:47
micah_important! If the device is a SoftRAID/FakeRAID then first activate10:47
FloodBot1micah_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:47
MonkeyDustmicah_  looks like the external drive is corrupt10:48
doc_willismicah_:  if the disk is bad.. you should use windows to check it........10:48
MonkeyDustmicah_  something's wrong with the hardware10:48
micah_MonkeyDust: can that just randomly happen? I just plugged it in today and it had errors10:49
micah_can I get my stuff off of it10:49
hficMonkeyDust, [from] is the directory I'm in. I want to mv all files ending in .mp3 into /media/blah/music/single.mp3s10:49
TJ-micah_: Check the kernel log there may be disk errors: Start "Log file viewer" and open "/var/log/kern.log" . go to the end of the log and look at recent entries at the time the disk is trying to be accessed10:49
micah_I have over a TB of movies and music10:49
doc_willismicah_:  so? the fact remains...10:49
MonkeyDusthfic  then use . to specify the folder you're in10:49
doc_willismicah_:  if the disk is bad.. you should use windows to check it........10:49
BuGGyThinkT510: I have tried that, but heres what it says "''/home/thami/.Xauthority' to '/tmp/libgksu-v8K0ym': Permission deniedthami@none:~$10:49
ThinkT510BuGGy: what app?10:50
AdvoWorkTJ-, does that mean I need to download one of those debs or?10:50
ThinkT510BuGGy: i can't help you10:50
micah_TJ: how do I open "/var/log/kern.log"?10:50
BuGGyOK thanks10:50
TJ-AdvoWork: Well that may solve it. But it is strange that apt-get isn't finding those seeing as we can see they are there. I suppose you've done an "apt-get update" ? :p10:50
TJ-micah_: I just told you!10:51
hficMonkeyDust, sudo mv -f *.mp3* ./music /media/blah/music/single.mp3s ?10:51
micah_Im in file viewer10:51
micah_its all random lines of information10:51
AdvoWorkTJ-, yeah done apt get update. What header do i need, theres loads lol10:51
ThinkT510AdvoWork: why are you installing debs manually?10:51
MonkeyDusthfic  a space between . and the rest10:51
TJ-micah_: use the 'log file viewer' from the dash, then do File > Open and choose the file "/var/log/kern.log"10:51
=== joe75_ is now known as joe75
TJ-AdvoWork: The error message said what it was expecting, so I'd go for that one10:52
MonkeyDusthfic  just a .    not with 'music' following10:52
TJ-AdvoWork: I'm guessing linux-kernel-headers_2.6.11.2-0ubuntu13_i386.deb10:52
TJ-AdvoWork: obviously, correct that for the architecture you're using10:53
micah_TJ: okay im in kern.log10:53
hficMonkeyDust, entbox@boc1://media/xblk.share/music$ sudo mv -f *.mp3* . single.mp3s/10:53
pennsI'm having trouble with multiple monitors. I can only use my nVidia card, or only use my ATI card. In Windows, I can use both at the same time with no hassle. Can I use both in Ubuntu?10:53
hficMonkeyDust, mv: cannot move `single.mp3s' to a subdirectory of itself, `single.mp3s/single.mp3s'10:53
ThinkT510penns: not really no10:53
micah_TJ: it says "Buffer I/O error on device sdb1, logical block 1953563257"10:54
TJ-micah_: OK, now, try to mount the device again. Then look at the end of the log-file and you *may* see some messages relating to that disk that indicate some sort of failure. If there aren't any lines added reporting a problem, that would suggest the disk itself os OK10:54
TJ-micah_: Aha! OK, that's a hardware error. How is the device connected? is it via USB?10:54
onlyloveI tried to dial with a zte mf100 usb modem , but I only got Sep 4 04:24:07 localhost pppd[3900]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests10:55
pennsthanks, ThinkT510. Back to Windows, I guess10:55
awillsonDoes anybody know of a tutorial on how I'd go about upgrading a single package from source, Thunar in this case, so that when the next update for it comes officially the updater wouldn't either miss it or throw a fit?10:55
TJ-micah_: There is a possibility it could be a temporary problem caused by a bad connection or insufficient power on the connection.10:55
micah_Tj:Yes its through USB, that is just the last line immediately when i do the mount code it has like 20 lines should I post themf or you?10:55
hficpenns, why on earth would you use 2 different cards from 2 different manufacturers in the same setup?10:56
TJ-micah_: Copy them to a pastebin for us10:56
TJ-!pastebin | micah_10:56
ubottumicah_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:56
TJ-hfic: Why not!?!10:56
jribawillson: do a "dch -i" before building the package and append something like "~awillson1" to the end of the version10:56
quiescensmm, getting setmentation fault from Xorg recently, fun10:57
hficTJ-, idk .. architecture for 1 .. cooling for another .. wattage for another?10:57
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:57
micah_TJ:wait how do I send it to pastebin?10:57
hficmicah_, pastebin.com10:57
pennshfic: despite how irrelevant that is, I'll answer it: I have 2 different cards from 2 manufacturers, and 2 monitors + a TV, and they can all be plugged in at the same time if I use both.10:57
TJ-hfic: It's a common requirement for those of us using multi-monitor multi-GPU setups10:57
micah_TJ: http://pastebin.com/DcmaP8Ai10:58
pennshfic: I don't suppose that will help you help me....10:58
TJ-micah_: You select the lines you want in "Log File Viewer" and copy them to the clipboard. Then you paste those via the web browser into the pastebin web-site, and give us the URL of the resulting pastebin10:58
micah_TJ: its 35 lines of errors lol10:58
hficpenns, despite how irrelevant? .. Even If I did have the answers. Turning my question into something with an answer that bites .. I'd keep my information.10:59
awillsonthank you jrib, reading up on that now10:59
micah_TJ: I did its "http://pastebin.com/DcmaP8Ai"10:59
TJ-micah_: Thanks; that makes it clear you've got a hardware problem. If you're lucky it's caused by a low power condition and you may be able to resolve it10:59
pennshfic: you are very rude and you should feel bad10:59
micah_TJ: crap so should I try a different outlet or something?11:00
jribawillson: I don't know how far you are, but you may want to read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Recipes/PackageUpdate too11:00
AdvoWorkTJ-, ok, headers installed fine, i installed libc6-dev fine. i tried build essential (via sudo apt get update = failed, but ran from .deb, failed with Error: Dependency is not satisfiable, gcc, so do I just need gcc? but i thought that was part of build essentals?11:00
ThinkT510penns: you can bug the manufacturers to better support linux11:00
TJ-micah_: As its a USB connection, the best thing to try first is to connect to one of the primary USB2 ports on the PC. If it's a desktop system that means the ports at the back. If it's a laptop, it means the ports on the side (not connected via a USB hub). Also, ensure the USB caddy is externally powered11:01
micah_TJ:ahh okay let me try the ones in the back11:01
TJ-AdvoWork: Dapper is so old I can't remember what build-essentials depends on.11:01
ThinkT510AdvoWork: what on earth are you trying to do?11:02
micah_TJ:getting the same error11:02
TJ-AdvoWork: but yes, it looks as if you've got to do apt-get's job manually :s11:02
micah_TJ: whats a usb caddy ?11:02
TJ-micah_: Is the external drive powered by an external power source?11:03
ThinkT510micah_: caddy = enclosure/case11:03
micah_TJ:yes its plugged into a power strip11:03
micah_TJ:the light on the external is on so it should be having plenty of power11:03
jribAdvoWork: dapper isn't supported anymore, why not upgrade?11:03
micah_TJ:and its spinning inside as usual11:03
TJ-micah_: OK... well, assuming that the external power source is *actually working* it appears that the disk has developed a low-level fault meaning it can't read physical parts of the disk platters. It also seems like important file-system information was stored at those locations, which is why you're seeing the problems.11:04
micah_TJ:so how do I fix that? will all my files be gone?11:05
TJ-micah_: It may be possible to recover the data but it is a very involved and complicated process - depending on the extent of the failure - and needs someone with plenty of experience of recovery to do it.11:05
_raven_which tool is able to run skype-text messages (only textchat, NO voip)11:06
TJ-micah_: Most disks have an internal monitoring ability that the OS can check called SMART. It may be possible to use the Ubuntu smartmon tools to check if the disk knows it has a problem, which would indicate how serious it is, and if it is recoverable as a working disk11:07
micah_TJ:how do I use the smartmon tool to check this?11:07
Sidewinder1micah_, In Disk Utility11:08
TJ-Sidewinder1: thanks. micah_ As Sidewinder said11:08
micah_TJ: I have to download it from ubuntu software center real quick11:09
micah_TJ: they had 2 different ones11:09
Sidewinder1It'll diagnose; not sure how many "fix-it", tools are there.11:09
=== geoffw8__ is now known as geoffw8_
TJ-Sidewinder1: If SMART shows failures its pretty serious I think - certainly more than a novice user will want to deal with11:10
micah_TJ-:the things I just downloaded isnt showing up at the dash home11:10
Sidewinder1TJ, No question. As always, back-ups are the answer.11:10
fidelin case of smart-errors - consider doing a last backup and think about replacing the disk if the data is somehow important ;)11:11
TJ-Sidewinder1: micah_:  If the disk shows failures I'd be getting a 2nd identical or larger drive, and then using a recovery tool such as "photorec" to do a while-disk recovery of all the files it can find, to the new drive11:11
TJ-micah_: In the dash "disk utility"11:11
Sidewinder1TJ, There is also "Testdisk"< use for data recovery.11:12
Sachin__Are there any alternatives for Access Control Lists for granting secure filesystem access?11:12
TJ-Sidewinder1: Often though, most users don't realise for large media files they need a set of mirrored drives to be safe11:12
micah_TJ: i did check file system and it says its not clean11:12
TJ-micah_: File-system is a high-level thing. What we want to know is the low-level status11:12
tiredbonesI'm getting ready to install ubuntu 12.0 and microsoft. Which one should be installed first?11:13
fideltiredbones: ms then ubuntu11:13
micah_TJ-: just used the smart check thing11:13
Sidewinder1TJ, Like 6 external eSATA, TB drives? ;-)11:13
Sachin__Are there any alternatives for Access Control Lists for granting secure filesystem access?11:13
micah_TJ:SMART data11:13
TJ-micah_: In other words, a file-system is just a way of organising data on a disk. That can be corrupted but it doesn't damage the disk itself. We want to know if the disk physically believes it has failures11:13
TJ-micah_: What did it report?11:14
tiredbonesfidel ,  what is a good size for the partition for ms?11:14
micah_TJ: oh Im running self test now didnt know i had to click that it might be different11:14
fideltiredbones: might depend on what you plan to do11:14
_raven_which tool is able to run skype-text messages (only textchat, NO voip)11:14
fideltiredbones: and the windows-version11:14
TJ-micah_: If the disk believes it is healthy, this could be a fault with the USB-to-SATA interface inside the drive enclosure. I've had that happen to me multiple times11:15
micah_TJ:should I do the short test or long test?11:15
TJ-micah_: Short will do for now11:15
fideltiredbones: there is no general 'answer on that' while windows 7 should at least have 15 gb if you plan to install at least some SW and patches afterwards11:15
micah_TJ:kk its almost done11:15
fidelmore is welcome for sure11:15
mumbaicq meme combat11:15
fideltiredbones: apart from that -> #windows11:15
fidel!en > mumba11:16
ubottumumba, please see my private message11:16
MonkeyDust_raven_  you mean skype in a terminal ?11:16
tiredbonesfidel ,  window-version is 7 and I want to teach myself ms.11:16
mumbasry miss my chan11:16
MonkeyDusttiredbones  better ask in #windows11:16
fideltiredbones: as this is an ubuntu channel - consider asking windows stuff in #windows or ##windows11:17
micah_TJ it says 134 bad sectors, disk has a few bad sectors idk what that means and it says a lot more in the attributes11:17
fidelups - way to late11:18
TJ-micah_: Does it report the overall SMART status as healthy or something else?11:18
ThinkT510micah_: sounds like your disk is dying, backup what you need11:18
micah_TJ:says self assessment passed but "Overall Asessment: disk has a few bad sectors11:19
Braden`Sep  4 19:16:40 caspar kernel: [4600061.721979] type=1400 audit(1346757400.483:98): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_replace" name="/usr/sbin/mysqld" pid=10257 comm="apparmor_parser" <-- I am getting that whenever I try to launch mysql11:19
gordonjcpmicah_: what it means is, you get to go to the computer shop this afternoon11:19
TJ-micah_: Disks are designed to tolerate a few bad sectors and they reserve spare sectors to be used to replace bad sectors. But if too many sectors are going bad the disk runs out of spares... and as ThinkT510 says, it's probably time to get a new disk and try to recover as much as possible11:19
micah_TJ:and says temperature is 124 F, idk11:19
micah_TJ:if I cant even have it show up on my computer how can I transfer my files11:20
micah_TJ:lol and its only 1.2 years old is that normal for them to crap out?11:20
MonkeyDustmicah_  there's a hardware problem, errors, struggling disk (which makes it heat up)11:20
TJ-micah_: Mounting a file-system is not the same thing as the OS seeing the drive. the OS sees it as /dev/sdb . You can use recovery tools to scan the physical device /dev/sdb and recovery as much as it can (I suggested earlier you'd use "photorec" for that)11:21
Sachin__Are there any alternatives for Access Control Lists for granting secure filesystem access?11:21
micah_TJ:okay thanks Ill get that, I just dont have nearly enough space on my computer to put much on it from the drive11:21
micah_Tj:how would I transfer it all at once to another external?11:22
AdvoWorkTJ-, so will i need to get gcc manually?  ThinkT510, jrib  i need to migrate a peice of old unused software, so i need to replicate an old server that has been unused for years, which has dapper on..11:22
TJ-micah_: Not unusual. If you're storing important data, you'd be best off using multiple disk-drives configured as a mirror array at a minimum. That ensures that at least 2 drives both have copies of everything11:22
micah_TJ:this is like over a TB of files idk how to do that or where I would have room for it all11:22
jribAdvoWork: where's your pastebin with the issues apt-get is giving you?11:22
ThinkT510AdvoWork: old unused software? why the need to migrate it?11:22
TJ-AdvoWork: It looks that way it seems For the situ you're in it doesn't make sense to waste time fixing apt-get if you can install the packages manually11:22
Sidewinder1micah_, If it were me, with irreplaceable data, I would: buy a drive at least twice the capacity of the failing drive; create 2 partitions on the new one; back-up to one partition; using windows di chkdsk /f; at least twice; then back-up again to the second partition of the new disk.11:23
MonkeyDustSachin__  ubuntu server?11:23
AdvoWorkTJ-, i tried installing build-essential manually though, or do you mean to install gcc manually11:23
AdvoWorkjrib, ill sort a pastebin11:23
TJ-AdvoWork: Yes, install the packages themselves manually. "build-essential" is a virtual package that contains lists of packages that are required for building Debian packages11:24
TJ-AdvoWork: So I'm guessing that'd be libc6-dev, gcc, g++, make, dpkg-dev11:25
AdvoWorkjrib, http://pastebin.com/4CgW9Pen line 21 is the problem.11:27
jribAdvoWork: yes, what's the issue with apt-get?11:27
MonkeyDustSachin__  better ask in #ubuntu-server, then11:27
jribAdvoWork: clamav is the old unused software you need to migrate?11:27
Sachin__ok thanks11:28
pyrrhicAnyone know how to file share between pc and virtualbox?11:28
AdvoWorkTJ-, so go into build-essential, look at the package relationships(which are dpkg-dev, g++, gcc, libc6-dev, make, and install those via the .debs in the pool?11:28
jribpyrrhic: #vbox can better help you with that.  It's also documented in the vbox manual (it's in one of the menus)11:28
zorgborghi, book bout the terminal says to view what the system is doing in near real time use 'sudo tail -f /var/log/messages' but there is no such file, what is the equivalent these days?11:28
pyrrhicjrib, ty11:28
ThinkT510!info clamav | AdvoWork11:29
ubottuAdvoWork: clamav (source: clamav): anti-virus utility for Unix - command-line interface. In component main, is optional. Version 0.97.5+dfsg-1ubuntu0.12.04.3 (precise), package size 125 kB, installed size 562 kB11:29
AdvoWorkjrib, well i tried doing the sudo apt-get install build-essential and it gives: Package build-essential is not available, but is referred to by another package. and no, clamav is just one thing i'm having to manually upgrade(but can't due to the lack of compiler11:29
ThinkT510AdvoWork: what are you attempting to salvage?11:30
AdvoWorkan old email server11:30
jribAdvoWork: I'm confused as to why you are staying on dapper to run clamav.  But ok.  « cat /etc/apt/sources.list; sudo apt-get update && apt-cache policy build-essential && sudo apt-get install build-essential »11:31
ThinkT510AdvoWork: so you just need the emails?11:31
_raven_which tool is able to run skype-text messages (only textchat, NO voip)11:31
ThinkT510_raven_: i assume only skype, since its their closed protocol11:31
_raven_ThinkPad but any android tool can also handle it and this has nothing to do with skype11:32
carpupdoes anyone know why Chromium is so out-of-date on ubuntu? http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/chromium-browser says its only v18, while wikipedia says v2211:33
ThinkT510_raven_: my mistake, sorry11:33
omidoHi.I'm noob.I wanted to know how can i view a list of the ports that i've currently open?11:33
ThinkT510carpup: no regular maintainer (firefox has a maintainer)11:33
MonkeyDustomido  lsof -i11:34
ThinkT510_raven_: if android can do it then it might be jabber for their text11:34
AdvoWorkThinkPad, i need the whole thing11:35
ThinkT510AdvoWork: in that case we can't really help you because dapper is no longer supported11:35
carpupThinkT510: that's... odd, thanks. wish ubuntu or chromium gave me some sort of alert that I am running a 4-version-old build >_>11:36
MonkeyDustomido  try netstat -tupl11:36
ThinkT510AdvoWork: whats wrong with migrating it to a supported release?11:36
fire_can all the videos can be downloaded from the net ?11:37
MonkeyDustAdvoWork  is there are rason to use an old release?11:37
fire_using any of the video downloaders.11:37
fire_omido: use nmap for that.11:38
fire_omido: check the nmap site for more info about commands11:39
MonkeyDustfire_  there's this http://www.tuto-plus.net/2012/07/4k-video-downloader-download-videos.html11:39
omidoThanks guys11:39
omidoIt worked11:39
MonkeyDustfire_  mind: it's a ppa, not supported here, use at own risk11:40
fire_MonkeyDust: ok.11:40
AdvoWorkThinkPad, that version of email only runs on that version of ubuntu, ive checked with the email server creators/support, doing what i'm doing now is unfortunately the only way for stage 1, it will be migrated > later/current version if I can do this first step11:40
ThinkT510AdvoWork: sounds like a painful process11:41
fire_MonkeyDust: even can we download commercial videos ?? i am subscribing to a commercial company which provides training videos online. I want to download them. Can i even download the contents if it has strict security restrictions about downloading videos ?11:41
TJ-AdvoWork: "YES" to your question about installing those packages manually (try apt-get install first; if that fails pull the .debs off old-releases manually)11:41
ThinkT510AdvoWork: also you keep tab-completing the wrong nick11:41
MonkeyDustfire_  havent tried it11:42
fire_MonkeyDust: the demo videos can easily be downloaded by the video downloader11:42
_raven_any option to use LINHPONE as voicemail client?11:44
fire_MonkeyDust: ok11:46
MonkeyDustfire_  apparently you have to pay if you want more than the demos, then11:46
fire_MonkeyDust: i will pay and get the subscription for 1 months, and will have access to all the videos. So i want to download all the videos to which i will have access.11:47
fire_bcoz it's impossible to go through all the videos in a month11:47
fire_i was telling about the demo, bcoz if i can download the demo videos while watching then i can also download full videos.11:48
_raven_any option to use LINHPONE as voicemail client?11:48
pyrrhicMonkeyDust, Is gaming realistically possible under vbox?11:49
ThinkT510pyrrhic: depends what games but i think its still experimental11:50
MonkeyDustpyrrhic  i'm not a gamer, still in the DOOM stage (1990's) :)11:51
pyrrhicD00M is Epic.11:51
muindorhey all11:52
cfhowlettmuindor: greetings11:53
pyrrhicIn my opinion, DOOM has some of the best soundtracks in any game.11:53
fidelpyrrhic: pretty much offtopic11:54
fidel!ot > pyrrhic11:54
ubottupyrrhic, please see my private message11:54
pyrrhicfidel: sigh..11:55
muindorkinda weird, i reinstalled ubuntu on my laptop, version 12.04. now when i connect my iphone it sais "Unable to mount iPhone - Unhandled Lockdown error (-5)". With my old installation this always worked without me installing any extras, was an almost clean install before too11:55
cfhowlettmuindor: "almost clean"?11:56
opiengmy "wine" has stopped installing in Software centre, what can I do?11:56
MonkeyDustopieng  close software center, open terminal, type   sudo apt-get -f install11:57
fidelopieng: try to rephrase your problem - what do you mean by 'wine stopped installing' and did you see/get any error output?11:57
fidel!details > opieng11:57
ubottuopieng, please see my private message11:57
TJ-muindor: bug #877440   has some workarounds11:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 877440 in upower (Ubuntu) "[iOS 5] Unhandled Lockdown error (-15)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87744011:58
muindorcfhowlett, yes only software i had installed was eclipse11:58
opiengI have a problem with installing wine I'm running Ubuntu version 12.04, I was installing it in a virtual machine and the virtual machine closed down, when I logged back into  my VM, the wine installation bar in the software centre no longer progresses, I can not see any error messages.11:59
AdvoWorkTJ-, to be expected, i'm going around in circles, any other ways I can install clamav 0.97.5  without compiling it myself? as thats the only thing I think i actually need11:59
TJ-AdvoWork: Why do you need it? To scan the mailboxes stored in the Dapper system?12:00
TJ-AdvoWork: If the mailboxes are in maildir style then you could just mount the disk containing the maildirs onto a Precise system and have clamav scan manually across the directories12:01
rochakhello everybody12:02
funky1_hi guys, i got some problems, just installed ubuntu 64 bit 12.04 dekstop version, i have a nvidia card GeForce GT 610, installed driver version 304.37, when i want to watch HD videos my video is stuttering, any ideas why?12:03
rochakDoes anyone know is it possible to install xampp outside of /opt folder12:03
jrib!lamp | rochak12:03
ubotturochak: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)12:03
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jribrochak: use the packages in the repositories, not xampp12:03
ThinkT510!xampp | rochak12:03
ubotturochak: We do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories; see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.12:03
TJ-funky1: check system log files (/var/log/*) and the ~/.xsession-errors for clues12:03
opiengIs there any solution for this?12:03
jrib!helpme | opieng12:03
ubottuopieng: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude12:03
TJ-funky1: That ought to be using the VDPAU extensions12:04
MonkeyDustopieng  close software center, open terminal, type   sudo apt-get -f install12:04
AdvoWorkTJ-, no, it's software sitting on top, which utilises clamav, i had it working, but clamav checks/updates, it did, realised it was old, and broke it12:04
rochakjrib: I used repositories from another site ie. upubuntu.com12:04
cfhowlettopieng: sounds like a dpkg lock12:04
AdvoWorkTJ-, so i think i only need the clamav .deb for a later version and i should be good12:04
jribrochak: well don't use xampp12:04
jribrochak: use the packages in the /official/ repositories12:04
TJ-AdvoWork: Ahhh... using a later version of the clamav .deb may well not work since it'll have more recent dependencies on core packages12:05
DJonescsdeop DJones12:05
rochakjrib: but it seems like I need to install php mysql phpmyadmin seperately. is there a single installer12:05
TJ-AdvoWork: It sounds like getting gcc installed is the answer if you don't want to upset the old system12:05
jribrochak: yes.  You can use tasksel.  Read the link12:05
TJ-AdvoWork: maybe there's an option to clamav to NOT try to update?12:06
rochakjrib: oks I will now12:06
Auzyanyone here use Gnome 3 PPA on 12.04?12:06
williamherrywhat command can check what file one package contain, like rpm -ql package in redhat12:06
ThinkT510Auzy: why would you? 12.04 already has gnome312:07
jribwilliamherry: dpkg -L12:07
Auzyisn't the default one missing shell extensions and such?12:07
MonkeyDustAuzy  gnome3 is the default in 12.04, no ppa needed12:07
AdvoWorkTJ-, ive found clamav debs but theres clamav-freshclam, clamav-docs and so on, so i dont know which is correct, trying to install gcc keps saying things werent dependant and so on12:07
ThinkT510Auzy: sudo apt-get install gnome-shell12:07
TJ-AdvoWork: I'm going to try it here in a chroot and see!12:07
markithi, what importance has belong to groups dialout,cdrom,plugdev,lpadmin? I've noticed that the "system" user that is created at ubuntu installation belongs to those groups, while if I enter "adduser" new user do not12:08
Auzyyeah.. But, I thought it was missing shell extensions and a few other things.. Or am I wrong?12:08
TJ-AdvoWork: I have a dapper i386 chroot... you're using i386 ?12:08
HarlinIs there a music player for Ubuntu that has channels easily available to it a la winamp?12:08
williamherryjrib, thanks12:08
MonkeyDustHarlin  audaciou is very similar to winamp12:09
MonkeyDustHarlin  audacious is very similar to winamp12:09
HarlinMonkeyDust, does it have channels available to it? like say a channel that plays a style of music12:09
MonkeyDustHarlin  i do that with guayadeque12:09
Harlinhmm ok .. i assume that works together with audacious?12:10
kroonrsmarkit: those groups control who has permission to do what on the system12:10
AdvoWorkTJ-, yeah im using i386. I tried to install gcc ,which says it needs gcc-4.0-base but it says i already have a newer version, so I can't remove that without removing loads of stuff12:10
kroonrsmarkit: so new users don't have access to mount a cdrom, admin printers, etc.12:11
markitkroonrs: I supposed, but even if you don't belong to them you can read a cdrom for instance12:11
markitkroonrs: really? new user can't open a cdrom?12:11
markit(so nor watch a dvd, I suppose)12:11
funky1_TJ-: checked syslog no erros and in xsessions-errors i don't think any errors related to my problem, but posted it here: http://pastebin.ca/220092512:11
funky1_how to check the VDPAU extensions12:11
quiescenstechnically, cdrom group is not so much for mounting a cdrom, so much as (usually) for writing a cd/dvd/etc12:11
MonkeyDustHarlin  no, it's another program12:11
Harlinok, it appears guayadeque is its own music player so to speak... thanks much for that MonkeyDust12:11
TJ-funky1: The place you'd usually see those kind of reports would be /var/log/Xorg.0.log12:12
markitquiescens: ah, makes more sense12:12
kroonrsmarkit: what normally happens is that the program that mounts the cd runs as a user which may do so12:12
kroonrsmarkit: AIUI12:12
kroonrsmarkit: so you can only mount the cd through approved programs, for example, but you don't have low level access to write your own programs to do it12:12
kroonrsmarkit: (this is a pretty vague explanation, I'm afraid)12:12
TJ-AdvoWork: If that  system has a newer a version, that must mean you've managed to install packages from a later Ubuntu release. You could uninstall those then install things correctly using apt-get12:13
markityep, since don't know how "aproved programs" are aproved / listed / where to configure (I would love to know the insights)12:13
kroonrsmarkit: usually if you give a user sudo access, they can do all these things because root is in the groups anyway12:13
Makdaamhi, how do I disable the "login ready" drums in config files (not in GUI, I don't have System>Preferences)?12:13
AdvoWorkTJ-, the problem is, it said it would remove apt, etc etc, loads of stuff12:13
markitkroonrs: yep, but the "problem" is that I don't want to give sudo access, but want them to be able to do "normal stuff"12:13
kroonrsmarkit: so the bottom line is that the groups are important for the system and its security, but you don't generally need to add users to them individually in general12:13
markitso no add/remove users or programs, but use whatever is installed12:14
funky1_TJ-: also there i see no errors related to my problem http://pastebin.ca/220092912:14
TJ-AdvoWork: Ahhh... hmmm it sounds like its in a mess (tm)12:14
AdvoWorkTJ-, it is, any other suggestions about getting clamav installed without compiling?12:14
kroonrsmarkit: I think your best approach is to create a dummy user, and test its access to see if you're happy with it12:14
TJ-funky1: It shows it's got VDPAU: "(II) NVIDIA(0): [DRI2]   VDPAU driver: nvidia"12:15
quiescensmarkit: you might just want to use the gui based user management if available, it should have descriptive checkboxes instead of cryptic group names12:15
TJ-funky1: Maybe it's something to report to Nvidia via their forums12:15
funky1_and that means? i'm a little noob to video card stuff12:15
funky1_there also seem some modules failing to load, could that be anything_12:16
TJ-funky1: I've seen some tearing of video with the new 304 even on the standard Unity desktop and multi-monitors12:16
TJ-funky1: "nv" and similar, you mean? That's normal. they're no longer shipped.12:16
funky1_hm, so nothing i can do now?12:17
WeThePeopleanyone here use GLX cario dock?12:17
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funky1_woudl it work in gnome?12:17
TJ-funky1: It may be an interaction with compiz. You could try the Unity 2D DE12:18
funky1_will give it a go12:18
nixgeek01hello, how does magnifying glass work on ubunntu 10.4?12:19
glareyhi folks12:20
nixgeek01hello, how does magnifying glass work on ubunntu 10.4?12:20
usr13nixgeek01: Don't know for sure but I think so.  I don't know why it wouldn't.12:21
usr13nixgeek01: Try it and see.12:21
nixgeek01what kay are to zoom12:21
markitkroonrs: quiescens ok, thanks12:21
Googlerhello guys....im new to this ...can someone explain what this is all about??12:22
MonkeyDustnixgeek01  in unity, keep the super-key pressed to see the shortcuts12:22
usr13nixgeek01: I just use xfce12:22
ThinkT510Googler: this is the ubuntu support channel12:22
funky1TJ-: unity 2D and same problem, still stuttering HD video12:22
nixgeek01gnome 212:22
usr13Googler: #ubuntu-offtopic is for general discussion.  This channel is support, (questions).12:23
MonkeyDustnixgeek01  what's the outcome of lsb_release -sd ?12:23
nixgeek0110.4 ubuntu12:24
nixgeek01gnome 212:24
glareyanyone a clou on 10.04-> 12.04 upgrade troubles? do-release-upgrade failed and left me with kind of a mess http://pastebin.com/QtYEDqRm12:24
usr13Googler: The folks next door, (in #ubuntu-offtopic), have a lot more freedom.  They entertain general discussion.12:24
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ThinkT510glarey: looks like a partial upgrade12:25
cfhowlettglarey: I generally recommend users do a clean install rather than update. Seems like less hassle.12:25
glareyThinkT510: yes, soon after the download the installation aborted12:25
ThinkT510glarey: did the upgrade get interupted?12:25
glareycfhowlett: hehehe :)12:25
ThinkT510glarey: oh12:25
glareyThinkT510: it interrupted itself with fast scrolling list of each and every package it couldnt install12:26
ThinkT510glarey: i've always fresh installed myself, less things go wrong12:26
glareyThinkT510: :)12:27
Maverick_error: xampp localhost phpmyadmin 2002 access denied12:27
usr13glarey: What does  lsb_release -r say?12:27
ThinkT510Maverick_: xampp installs are not supported here12:27
MonkeyDust!xampp > Maverick_12:27
ubottuMaverick_, please see my private message12:27
glareyusr13: 10.0412:28
Pumpkin-I'm trying to time a batch process for benchmarking (with /usr/bin/time), and I'm only getting 10ms precision. If I recompile my kernel with a higher HZ value, will I get better results ?12:28
ThinkT510Maverick_: and if you are using 10.10 that is also no longer supported12:28
MonkeyDustMaverick_   what's the outcome of lsb_release -sd ?12:28
Queops!xampp > Queops12:29
ubottuQueops, please see my private message12:29
usr13glarey: Download the 12.04.1 alternate CD and upgrade from that, but first, resolve the present issues.12:29
usr13glarey: Can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list12:29
Googlercan anyone guide me how to apply for GoogleSummerOfCode(GSOC).....!!..im new to all these....12:30
MonkeyDustGoogler this is the ubuntu support channel12:30
glareyusr13: resolving the present issue is my main issue ;) deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise multiverse main restricted universe12:30
glareydeb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise multiverse main restricted universe #Added by software-properties12:30
Googler<monkeydust> but linux foundation also takes part in GSOC12:31
usr13!paste | glarey12:31
ubottuglarey: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:31
MonkeyDustGoogler  try in the google channel or so12:31
glareyusr13: thanks for the hint :))12:32
MonkeyDustGoogler  type /join #google12:33
usr13glarey: I suppose you should rebuild the sources list for lucid insted of precise and do sudo apt-get update12:33
glareythe good thing is, that libc6 has been upgraded and my installation is still useable :)12:33
glareyusr13: so you suggest to "downgrade" ?12:34
usr13glarey: I don't know how far you've gotten, but lsb_release still says 10.04. Right?12:35
glareyusr13: well, ive gotten as far as libc installation is far regards to a usable working linux installation. i thought that was clear because of my pastebin link.12:35
usr13glarey: Can you pastebin /var/log/dpkg.log  ?12:36
glareyusr13: ok, the luxid thingy, i aint gonna do that :)   e2fsprogs util-linux (due to e2fsprogs) hostname upstart (due to hostname)12:37
glareyusr13: the lucid "downgrade" leads to allmost every package beeing removed. i cant do that :)12:37
usr13glarey: Ok.12:38
MaDCaTzanyone from amsterdam here?12:38
ThinkT510MaDCaTz: this is a support channel12:38
Googlermonkeydust thankyou:)12:38
usr13glarey: One minute....12:38
MaDCaTzI need support in amsterdam12:38
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ThinkT510MaDCaTz: why does it matter where you are?12:38
MaDCaTzfor a paid job12:39
PiciMaDCaTz: You could try #ubuntu-nl12:39
MaDCaTznever mind, i guess this will be an effort12:39
hficIt never seems to amaze me how completely rude and uneducated people are about this channel. It's almost like they don't understand what volunteer means.12:39
usr13glarey: sudo dpkg --configure -a12:40
BluesKajHiyas all12:40
glareyusr13: Errors were encountered while processing: gcc-4.4 libnih-dbus1 libc6:i386 libgcc1:i386 ... not much difference12:40
JohnFluxHi all12:41
usr13glarey: sudo apt-get update12:41
cfhowlettJohnFlux: greetings12:41
JohnFluxI have attached a usb hard disk to my ubuntu system, and want to install ubuntu on that other hard disk12:41
glareyusr13: o k12:41
JohnFluxso that I can then detach the hard disk and install it in another device12:41
JohnFluxHow can I best do this?12:41
zykotick9JohnFlux: do you want to install onto the USB or install from the USB onto other hard drives?12:42
ThinkT510JohnFlux: install as you normally would selecting the right harddisk, make sure the bootloader goes to the right disk too12:42
JohnFluxzykotick9: it's a USB device that I plugged a SSD drive into, and it makes it appear as a USB device on my system12:43
BluesKajJohnFlux, best to install it while connected to the other device due to hardware detection by the installer12:43
JohnFluxzykotick9: after installing ubuntu on it, I'll remove the ssd and install it into a netbook12:43
glareyusr13: the dpkg.log isnt much interesting. i put the last few lines on pastebin: http://pastebin.com/8hx3Phj112:44
JohnFluxcan I mount the ubuntu cd, then run the installer from ubuntu12:44
JohnFluxand install it to another hard disk?12:44
zykotick9JohnFlux: ahhh, i'm still not clear what you want.  i don't think you can "install" from an "install".12:44
gordonjcpJohnFlux: sort of, but it isn't straightforward12:44
gordonjcpJohnFlux: What exactly are you trying to do?12:44
cfhowlettJohnFlux: diagram?  'cause I don't understand either...12:45
JohnFluxI have my working ubuntu laptop.  I now want to put ubuntu on a netbook.  I have taken the SSD card out of the netbook, and connected it via a USB adaptor to my system12:45
gordonjcpso, boot some install media and install on the SSD12:45
JohnFluxI was kind of hoping to avoid burning a dvd for this :-)12:46
cfhowlettJohnFlux: you can install from usb.  don't need dvd12:46
hficSSD Card? .. you mean SD card? vs SSD , Solid State Drive?12:46
JohnFluxhfic: SSD - solid state drive12:46
usr13glarey: We might be at an impasse.12:46
JohnFluxhfic: sorry for saying SSD card - slip of the fingers :-)12:47
usr13glarey: Unless someone speaks up now, my advise would be to back up /home/ and install 12.0412:47
usr13glarey: If you have /home/ on a second partition, you can just do the install and leave the /home/ partition as is.12:48
wurmphlegmworried about a dist-upgrade?12:48
cfhowlettglarey: agreed.  backup /home, reinstall 12.04 AFTER you md5sum check the iso.12:48
glareyusr13: well, thanks for trying. i dont give up that fast. as i have a usable installation :) ive seen worse :) just thought i drop in, maybe someone had contact with some magic dpkg tricks regarding 10.04->12.04...12:48
hficJohnFlux, use gparted to partition the drive in question than just install ubu via iso or usb? .. Is this what ur asking12:48
hficor wanting to accomplish anyways12:48
TJ-JohnFlux: You can, from an existing installation - without an installer ISO - use debootstrap to create the image on the external device and then, when chroot-ed into the base install on the external device. https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/linux-upgrade.html12:48
glareyyeah, and, thanks for tha instakkation tip to all :) but i assure you i had good reasons and a good chance in suceeding the dist upgrade :)12:49
glareyhave a nice day12:49
wurmphlegmJohnFlux: are you wanting to turn a usb drive into a live boot?12:49
BluesKajglarey, nothing magic about it  LTS to LTS should be a painless release upgrade12:49
usr13glarey: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=195912412:49
glareyblueskaj: yeah, most of the time :)12:49
usr13glarey: have you tried   sudo apt-get clean ?12:49
JohnFluxI think TJ-'s link is exactly what I want12:50
usr13glarey: sudo apt-get autoclean12:50
usr13and then autoremove12:50
glareyblueskaj: bu i seen windowzes, openbsds, and all big flavors of linux fail on this from time to time :) so nothing to worry about12:50
TJ-JohnFlux: I use that method frequently to install custom configs to USB flash devices, and disk drives destined for other PCs12:50
JohnFluxTJ-: thanks12:51
TJ-JohnFlux: In fact, I'm using that method now to create an old Dapper virtual machine for testing12:51
JohnFluxTJ-: I'll google around for the best set of mkfs.ext4 options for a flash drive12:51
usr13glarey: Did you follow that link?12:51
wurmphlegmi need a 3 1/2 inch floppy drive12:51
JohnFluxuh ssd drive12:51
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cfhowlettwurmphlegm: ???12:51
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glareyusr13: well, then i would loose 4gb worth of downloades packages :) i would not do that either :)12:52
wurmphlegmcfhowlett: i need to make a copy of Floppix for a VERY old laptop12:52
TJ-JohnFlux: I think the options are now sensible in terms of no unncessary updates to atime etc. The SSDs themselves have good wear-levelling logic12:52
dassoukiis there a way from terminal, I can list the 10 largest folders on my system, or folders that have more than 5gb in them includnig sub folders?12:52
JohnFluxTJ-: maybe I should install btfs, to have a play with it :-)12:52
ThinkT510wurmphlegm: what does that have to do with ubuntu?12:52
TJ-JohnFlux: Install on a whim; repent at leisure :p12:53
usr13glarey: You are not going to be able to fix what you have unless you are willing to make some changes.  I think backing up to that point is what it is going to take.12:53
DaniG2kguys I forgot my ssh passphrase. What can I do to recover/make a new one?12:53
wurmphlegmThinkT510: i use peppermint OS12:53
MonkeyDustdassouki  ind / -size +1G -exec ls -lh {} \;12:53
MonkeyDustdassouki  find / -size +1G -exec ls -lh {} \;12:53
ThinkT510wurmphlegm: that isn't supported here12:53
usr13glarey: It's your choice though.12:53
glareyfind / -type d -size +Ssomesize12:53
wurmphlegmThinkT510: Doesn't matter, i do support for all Linux OS's12:53
ThinkT510wurmphlegm: not here you don't12:54
dr_williswurmphlegm:  it matters if you want support in this channel12:54
wurmphlegmThinkT510: i dont come here with questions, i help people12:54
MonkeyDustdassouki  better even    find / -size +1G -exec ls -lh {} \; 2>/dev/null12:54
JohnFluxTJ-: does ubuntu 12.04 use grub 2.0 ?12:54
dr_willisJohnFlux:  yes12:54
DaniG2kguys I forgot my ssh passphrase. What can I do to recover/make a new one?12:54
ThinkT510wurmphlegm: that is commendable, but this channel is solely ubuntu support12:55
glareyMonkeyDust: but i think you missed the -type d12:55
javi_Hi guys12:55
cfhowlettjavi_: greetings12:55
wurmphlegmThinkT510: Ubuntu, Mint, Peppermint...actually all works the same for me, so it's not a problem12:55
Piciglarey: the size of directories don't reflect the combined size of their contents.12:55
javi_I do come her with questions :)12:55
dr_willisDaniG2k:  i dont think you can recover.. make a new key with ssk-keygen  perhaps12:55
ubottujavi_:: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:55
semitonesHey you guys12:56
javi_ somebody knows how to install iceweasel on ubuntu?12:56
* dshiner just lost The Game12:56
cfhowlettsemitones: greetings12:56
semitonesif I hit Ctrl-Z and it quits irssi, how do I restore it?12:56
Picisemitones: fg12:56
dr_willisjavi_:  find a ppa for it if ita not in the repos12:56
semitonesPici!!!! Thanks buddy :D12:56
DaniG2kdr_willis thanks12:56
glareyPici: i dont get it, but i try it out. one sec :)12:56
ThinkT510!ot | dshiner12:56
ubottudshiner: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:56
dassoukiMonkeyDust: thanks12:56
javi_lets try thanks12:56
JohnFluxwhy does apt/sources.list use the code names?12:58
glareyPici: intersting. thanks for the hint.12:58
JohnFluxalways makes it tricky, since I never remember the code names12:58
wurmphlegmJohnFlux: Release specific packages12:59
JohnFluxwurmphlegm: no, I mean why not use "12.04" instead of "precise"12:59
wurmphlegmJohnFlux: ah yeah..no idea. haha12:59
dr_willis12.04.1 is out now....13:00
cfhowlettJohnFlux: some people don't remember version numbers, some don't remember code names.13:00
glareyok, learne3d something today :) now, back to fixing this ubuntu box :)13:00
dr_willisi cant remember my own name.13:00
JohnFluxdr_willis: willis13:01
Sachin__How to call setfsuid using syscall function?13:01
dr_willisbut.. thats my dads name! ;)    back to support..13:01
=== dreimark is now known as ReimarBauer
Sachin__How to call setfsuid using syscall function?13:02
jacklwHej what's the command to format a USB stick (dd)?13:04
WarOfTheNerdjacklw, to format?13:05
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wurmphlegmjacklw: fdisk will work as well13:05
WarOfTheNerdjacklw, what file system would you like?13:05
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WarOfTheNerdjacklw, mkdosfs is the command you'll wanna look at then13:05
JohnFluxI'm quite out of date - can ubuntu 12.04 use a swap file for hibernating etc?13:05
JohnFluxor am I still best off making a 5GB+ swap partition ?13:06
WarOfTheNerdJohnFlux, technically a file can be used for swap13:06
WarOfTheNerdJohnFlux, but a swap partition is far superior13:06
usr13jacklw: But look at the output of  sudo fdisk -l  #and make sure you get the right one.13:06
TheLordOfTimeJohnFlux:  i'd say use a swap partition, its far more superior13:06
jacklwAll I need to do is erase all da shit off /dev/sdb13:06
wurmphlegmJohnFlux: i always make the swap roughly around the same size as my ram amount13:06
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WarOfTheNerdalso you need more swap than RAM13:06
jacklwWhat's a command to do so?13:06
usr13jacklw: mkfs.vfat13:07
WarOfTheNerdjacklw, securely erase it or just quickly erase it?13:07
wurmphlegmjacklw: you can also try cfdisk /locations/of/your/thumbstick13:07
usr13jacklw: mkfs.vfat /dev/sdb113:07
WarOfTheNerdjacklw, mkdosfs -I /dev/sdb13:07
WarOfTheNerdif I remember rightly13:07
usr13WarOfTheNerd: sdb113:07
WarOfTheNerdusr13, no sdb13:07
usr13WarOfTheNerd: Really?13:08
WarOfTheNerdusr13, you do not need a partition, it's a waste of space on a USB stick13:08
jacklw3 different options13:08
WarOfTheNerdyou can format the whole device, and leave no partition, so long as it's Windows XP or above, it'll read it13:08
usr13WarOfTheNerd: I didn't know you could do that.13:08
dr_willisusr13: ive seen doing that really confuse things also... so i say partition it.13:09
WarOfTheNerdI say don't partition it13:09
WarOfTheNerdit's an avenue for malware13:09
WarOfTheNerdolder boot sector viruses can infect an MBR-partitioned stick, but they can't infect a stick without MBR13:10
usr13"One doesn't always need partitions on MO disks"  hummm.... what is "MO"?13:10
TJ-AdvoWork: If you're still watching... I'm finally building the Dapper chroot... Had to fix a bug in the debootstrap package first (Dapper used MD5 checksums, but later debootstrap only supports SHA256!)13:10
dr_willisusr13: magn-optical?13:10
usr13And I do not see how it would be a waste of space to have a partition.13:10
WarOfTheNerdusr13, it occupies space on the disk to have the MBR13:11
wurmphlegmyeah partitions do take up space13:11
dr_willisusr13:  i dont either.  the mbr is a huge 1 k?13:11
usr13Don't you have to have an MBR?  (And it's only 512b, right?)13:11
WarOfTheNerdNo you don't have to have an MBR on a USB stick13:11
usr13or 512B ?13:12
WarOfTheNerdin fact, it's also a performance hitter if you use XFS13:12
WarOfTheNerdas XFS is intended to start from the beginning of the disk and not have an offset ;)13:12
WarOfTheNerdso it takes a tiny few ms longer to mount :P13:12
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WarOfTheNerdoverall, if you use a modern PC with a modern OS, there's no point in having partitioning set up13:13
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WarOfTheNerdthe only modern system I know that can't handle it is the OS on the Xbox 36013:13
WarOfTheNerdoh and the 360 can't handle a single FAT either13:13
wurmphlegmit's all NTFS right?13:14
WarOfTheNerdwhich is another waste of space (having two copies is just stupid)13:14
WarOfTheNerd(Hint as to why it's stupid:  chkdsk can't know which copy is correct)13:14
dr_willisuntill one goes bad... but tthis is getting ot..13:14
mathias56Hello, trying ubuntu for first time in a while. I got a problem with my flac file playing in slow motion13:15
dr_willisa flac video file? or you mean an audio   file playing all 'slow'?13:16
wurmphlegmmathias56: you have your third party codecs installed? and what player are you using?13:16
BluesKajmathias56, using vlc ?13:17
mathias56I am not sure I chose third party install when I installed ubuntu and it plays slow on rythmbox and VLC13:17
wurmphlegmmathias56: any luck with the mplayer command in a term?13:18
dr_williswhere did this flac comefrom?13:18
mathias56came from my windows machine13:18
dr_willisyou made it then? with what app?13:18
mathias56No it came from a torrent13:18
virtuapostahi eveyone!13:18
virtuapostacan I run single named service over all the interfaces using different SOA name? for example. for the requests coming over eth0 will dig NS as ns1.example.com where as over eth1 as ns1.xyz.com?13:19
BluesKajmathias56, install ubuntu-restricted-extras13:19
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dr_willisi would suggest finding a flac from a online site. see if a different flac works properly.13:19
mathias56I did install restricted extras following a tutorial13:20
zykotick9BluesKaj: sidenote - flac being free means it SHOULDN'T be in "restricted" extras (i'm not saying it isn't, just that it shouldn't be)13:20
cfhowlettmathias56: try a different flac13:20
BluesKajsounds to me like the player is converting the flac file on the fly to something playable13:20
dr_willishow big is that problem flac? you could upload it somewhere fro others to try also13:20
mathias56well it works fine in windows13:20
cfhowlettmathias56: you have restricted extras.  goodl.  also condier installing medibuntu13:20
BluesKajzykotick9, yeah agreed , it usually comes embeddied with a "player"13:21
mathias56its about 28mb13:22
usr13mathias56: do you have mplayer installed?13:22
mathias56no I dont think so13:22
usr13install it13:23
mathias56All I have is ubuntu running on virtual machine13:23
BluesKajmathias56, you can soundconverter to uncompress the file to a wav , to see if it's inherently slow13:23
Sachin__Whats are the alternatives to ACL ?13:23
dr_willisrunning the media player from the commandline and playing the file might show some info messages also about the file.13:23
Sachin__Whats are the alternatives to Access Control Lists ?13:23
usr13mathias56: IMO you are upside down.  Need to have MS Windows as guest OS.13:23
deepinis there any one uesed deepin linux (bases on ubuntu)?13:23
foobArrrI'm using an USB KVM switch, one of the connected PCs runs Ubuntu. Sometimes when I switch to the Ubuntu PC, keyboard and mouse don't respond and dmesg is flooded with this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1167055/13:23
Sachin__Whats are the alternatives to ACL ?13:24
Inbread_Adiefont issue: http://i.imgur.com/S8S2k.png13:24
Inbread_Adieany idea?13:24
dr_willis!patience  | Sachin__13:24
ubottuSachin__: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/13:24
usr13mathias56: As dr_willis suggests, try mplayer and see what the terminal output says13:24
usr13mathias56: or vlc, but from terminal13:25
dr_willisi wonder if its not some vm audio issue13:25
usr13dr_willis: yea... i dono13:25
mathias56how do i run it from a terminal13:25
usr13mplayer file13:25
mathias56downloading mplayer13:26
usr13or vlc file13:26
usr13mathias56: You already have restricted-extras, right?13:26
usr13mathias56: How are you installing mplayer?  With apt-get ?13:27
mathias56I installed it from the ubuntu package installer thing13:27
usr13mathias56: Ok, good13:27
mathias56software center13:27
usr13yea ok13:28
dr_willisid say test the same file with a ubuntu live cd..  show if its a vm issue or ubuntu issue13:28
usr13good idea13:28
usr13But see what the terminal output says when playing from mplayer13:28
mathias56where does it install to how do I ruyn from a terminal?13:29
usr13mplayer <file.name>13:29
mathias56sorry I am really new to linux13:29
cfhowlettmathias56: curious, how much ram did you assign to the ubuntu virtual machine?13:29
usr13mathias56: Where did you save the file?13:29
archangelpetrodoes anyone know of a tool that can reveal network stats, like... packets captured/dropped/etc?13:29
mathias562GB ram13:29
usr13mathias56: Downloads?13:29
archangelpetronot tcpdump13:30
usr13mathias56: What directory is it in?13:30
archangelpetroike a stats monitoring thing, like 'top' for thenetwork13:30
usr13mathias56: i.e. /home/mathais56/Downloads/..... ?13:31
usr13mathias56: What is the name of the file?13:31
Abhijitarchangelpetro, netstat13:31
mathias56its on my desktop Honey Claws - 10 - Digital Animal.flac13:31
archangelpetroAbhijit, haha, ic ouldn't recall the name ! thanks13:32
mathias56Says playing Honey. File not found: 'Honey'13:32
usr13mathias56: Open a terminal, and find where the file is first.13:32
mathias56yeah Im in the dektop directory in the terminal13:33
usr13mathias56: ls  #Will tell you what is in the current directory.13:33
* Abhijit waits13:33
archangelpetroAbhijit, ... not convinced.13:33
Abhijitwhich is the mint channel?13:33
Abhijitarchangelpetro, nvm!13:33
zykotick9!mint | Abhijit13:33
ubottuAbhijit: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org13:33
Abhijiton on spotchat right13:33
usr13mplayer Honey\ Claws\ -\ 10  #hit the tab key and it should auto-complete.13:33
usr13mathias56: I usually don't save files to a computer when they have spaces in them, I remove the spaces first to simplify things.13:34
Sidewinder1usr13, Perhaps part of mathias56' s problem is the space between Honey and Claws?13:35
mathias56Yeah I think it hung up on the file name13:35
tejpalsinghi want to install roboform in mozila firfox13:35
usr13mathias56: What you should end up with is:  mplayer  Honey\ Claws\ -\ 10\ -\ Digital\ Animal.flac13:35
usr13Sidewinder1: You are correct13:36
hhubrishi all, i'm trying to find a way to install the same version of bacula-sd on both 12.04 and 10.04 and can't seem to find existing packages13:36
* Sidewinder1 Hated spaces in directories and filenames.13:37
zykotick9Sidewinder1: but/ why/ ;)13:38
usr13mathias56: You can also remove the spaces if you like:  mv Honey\ Claws\ -\ 10\ -\ Digital\ Animal.flac Honey-Claws-10-Digital-Animal.flac13:38
mathias56now its playing in mplayer13:38
zykotick9fail... but\ why\ ;)13:39
mathias56lol \13:39
mathias56It sounds cool slower but13:40
mathias56how do I turn it off13:40
usr13mathias56: So speed it up a little if you want.13:40
mathias56it sounds like the rap radio when they slow everything down13:41
mathias56ok it stopped on its own13:42
mathias56how do i speed it up13:42
JohnFlux"grub-common" is at version 1.99  - is this basically 2.0 ?  I need grub 2 for btrfs support..13:43
Sidewinder1mathias56, You may need the program, Audacity to do something like that.13:43
mathias56oh ok13:43
Sokelmathias56: It's going to come down to your CPU if it's running slower than it should be.13:43
mathias56Yeah I noticed the virtual machine is really slow13:44
Sokelmathias56: You shouldn't try to do stuff like that in a virtual machine. Point of a VM is to do work, not media. At least, in my opinion. You can have stuff like that play in the background, for example, if you use ubuntu as your desktop.13:45
Sokelmathias56: And then in a VM, have windows or other distros to do work.13:45
mathias56yeah I am just trying to learn ubuntu like the terminal commands and stuff.13:45
mathias56I just wanted to test an audio file see how it does13:46
hficlearn linux .. not ubuntu13:46
mathias56er linux13:47
mathias56thanks for the help much appreciated13:47
JohnFluxI installed btrfs to /dev/sdb13:48
RovanionWhere are X keybeard maps located?13:48
JohnFluxthen changed my mind, and created a partition sdb1 and sdb2, the first being swap and the second being brtfs13:48
acecasethis new desktop environment is killing me. I have set the power options and "Brightness and Lock" options so that my monitors should not be idleing off, but they still do, and after about one minute idle. Any help please?13:48
JohnFluxbut now i have remanents of brtfs installed13:48
JohnFluxand grub refuses to install itself to sdb13:48
JohnFluxonline I found a solution to zero /dev/sdb - any other ideas?13:49
usr13mathias56: In mplayer you can hit the ] key to speed it up, or [ to slow down13:49
JohnFluxI'm not sure how to zero only the start of /dev/sdb, without messsing up the reset13:49
ChogyDanJohnFlux: can you say again what you are trying to do, and all in one message this time?13:49
usr13mathias56: mplayer -fs  <file-name>  will play it full screen,  ] or [ to speed up or slow down playback speed13:50
usr13mathias56: or you can just hit f to toggle to and from full screen.13:50
hhubrisJohnFlux: take a look at this http://bit.ly/OUDjZD13:50
ChogyDanJohnFlux: I don't see why you don't just delete the partition with gparted or something13:51
mathias56oh cool13:52
TJ-JohnFlux: You can dd just the first 384 bytes of the MBR13:54
TJ-JohnFlux: That leaves the partition table intact13:54
biebwhat is the difference between HomeDirUmask=022 and Dir_Mode=0770? Dirmode is in etc/adduser.conf homedirumask is in the likewise-open registry (for AD authentication)13:54
RovanionWhere are X keymaps located. I've modified a map in /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/ but13:54
Rovanion                  | when I set the same map and the same variant that I modified, nothing changes.13:54
JohnFluxTJ-: yeah just tried that13:55
JohnFluxTJ-: hmm, actually i zeroed 446 bytes13:55
TJ-JohnFlux: That'll do!13:55
JohnFluxTJ-: but I still get:13:55
JohnFluxo grub-install /dev/sdb13:55
JohnFlux/usr/sbin/grub-setup: warn: Attempting to install GRUB to a disk with multiple partition labels or both partition label and filesystem.  This is not supported yet..13:55
JohnFluxTJ-: any ideas?13:55
TJ-JohnFlux: if grub is thinking it sees a file-system that may be because it's looking further than just the first sector13:56
skaWhat do I install on Ubuntu 12.04 to use it for a VMware manager?13:56
TJ-JohnFlux: Did you create a partition within one of the partitions? I'm a little hazy on the exact state of the device.13:56
skaDocumentation is confusing about how to install various vmware products.13:56
JohnFluxTJ-: sdb1 = swap  sdb2 = brtfs13:56
JohnFluxTJ-: that's my (intended) setup13:57
TJ-JohnFlux: But previously the entirety of /dev/sdb was btrfs?13:57
JohnFluxTJ-: yes.  I then changed my mind and repartioned13:57
tmartirohello all13:58
TJ-JohnFlux: I'm guessing that is what we need to sort out... tell me, what sector number does partition 1 begin at? We could need to /dev/zero into sectors 2 to p1start-113:58
TJ-JohnFlux: If you repartitioned, did you have the kernel reread the partition table? Or remove then reinsert the device?13:58
Kyoko-chanHi, Ubuntu 12.04 won't boot, it says it's checking for errors in the disk, and then it reboots the PC, and it loops like that.13:58
JohnFluxTJ-: http://pastebin.com/WyvLT8pV13:59
JohnFluxTJ-: hmm, I forgot to do that reread thing13:59
TJ-JohnFlux: try "sudo partprobe /dev/sdb"13:59
JohnFluxTJ-: i used "partitionmanager" to create the partitions13:59
YokoBRhey guys, could you help me to do a simple shellscript + zenity script ?14:00
TJ-JohnFlux: also, check what the kernel 'knows' about sdb by doing "cat /proc/partitions"14:00
tmartiroI have problem changing network cards' affinity . After changing the smp_affinity , the changes is not applied. There is also bonding interface configured on host. Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. kernel  3.2.0-29-generic14:02
amitprakashHi.. how do I tell grub-mkconfig to detect another boot[ext4 - sda5] partition.. it can however detect the second root[ext4 - sda6] partition fine..14:02
hualet_hello everybody, yesterday I get my ubuntu updated, but I noticed that my libreoffice disappeared, now I can't install it, can anyone help me ?14:02
yeatsKyoko-chan: I would boot into a live CD and do fsck manually on your partitions14:02
BlackBishopany way I can make ubuntu-server 12.04.1 with gnome-core allow wireless connection for a user without making him an administrator ?14:02
=== ReimarBauer is now known as dreimark
Kyoko-chanyeats, some additional info, it's installed un a USB hard drive.. Could that be the cause somehow?14:03
yeatsKyoko-chan: has it ever worked?14:04
lordnikonits my b-day today 23 yr old14:04
hualet_Nobody  helps me :-(14:04
yeatshualet_: do 'dpkg -l | grep libreoffice' and pastebin the result, please14:05
Kyoko-chanYeah, it worked fine for some days. But this is not the first time it happens.. We had to reinstall and apparently some libraries were broken before the reinstall, like it's corrupting data or something.14:05
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest3602
yeatsKyoko-chan: so it hasn't worked since you reinstalled?14:06
hualet_yeats, ok14:06
Kyoko-chanThey told me that maybe it was a failed update, but that couldn't be since we always let Ubuntu finish updating. D:14:06
mads-Does touch have a similar parameter like mkdir's -p? I want to touch a file a certain place even though the path doesn't exist14:06
Kyoko-chanIt was working for like a week, now it's broken again ._.14:06
yeatsKyoko-chan: I would boot into a live CD/USB and do fsck, look at the logs (especially /var/log/dmesg and /var/log/syslog) for errors14:07
hualet_yeats, rc  libreoffice-common                     1:3.6.0~rc4-0ubuntu3~ppa1~precise1       office productivity suite -- arch-independent files14:07
stevr1iti ma suing ubuntu 11.04 and xfce with gnome, i have some problems with java for the web, can you help me?14:07
YokoBRplz, anybody familiar with shellscript and zenity?14:07
ammwcan anyone help me with sound problems 11.0414:07
dohertyWhen I select 'Install Ubuntu' to start the installer, my monitor goes black with a blinking cursor for a few seconds, then the monitor goes totally off, and receives no image to display. The computer has NVidia graphics card - are the restricted drivers needed to display the installer or something? How can I get this to run the installer properly?14:08
Kyoko-chanHmm.. And is there some command that will fix things by itself? Is it fsck?14:08
ishyf1how do you find range of data in "calc" spreadsheet14:08
hualet_yeats, can you figure out what' wrong?14:09
yeatshualet_: 'rc' at the beginning of the line means you removed it - why don't you try 'sudo apt-get install libreoffice' and paste the output at eb> what is the difference between HomeDirUmask=022 and Dir_Mode=0770? Dirmode is in etc/adduser.conf homedirumask is in the likewise-open registry (for AD authentication)14:09
yeatshualet_: sorry - bad paste14:09
yeatshualet_: 'rc' at the beginning of the line means you removed it - why don't you try 'sudo apt-get install libreoffice' and paste the output at http://paste.ubuntu.com14:09
ammwcan someone tell me how i can get mysoundto work in 11.0414:11
yeatsKyoko-chan: fsck is a good start, but I would still look at the logs14:11
hualet_err...my distribution is chinese, so the output is in chinese, i'll try to translate it for you ,please waite..14:11
astropirateWhen i watch a video or listen to music, both the audio and video stutters for 1 or 2 seconds. How can I find out what is causing this?14:11
yeats!sound | ammw14:11
ubottuammw: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.14:11
Picihualet_: if you prefix your command line with LANG=C then it should output in english.14:12
noobubuntuuserhelloo i have a problem ubuntu says input not supported what to do14:12
ammwive tried all that its got my audio card wrong as intel audio i have realteknot intel14:12
hualet_Pici, helpful , thank you14:12
ammwand amd board14:12
Kyoko-chanOk, thanks a lot yeats! =D14:13
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs14:13
Kyoko-chanAudacious <314:14
MonkeyDustguayadeque should be in that list14:14
hualet_yeats, i've done with pasting,14:15
notwoHow can I browse my files of my  connected Android phone to my computer running ubuntu 12.04. ?14:15
yeatshualet_: can you share the URL?14:15
trammhey, please tell me what easy tool should i use to backup my software choice in ubuntu? :)14:16
hualet_yeats, sorry, I'm not familar with that, that' the url :http://paste.ubuntu.com/1185831/14:16
gyre007what package is mail utility in ?14:16
yeatstramm: deja dup should already be installed and is very straightforward14:17
gyre007i thought it was sendmail...but its not14:17
i7cnotwo: after pluggin you should see the device in nautilus?14:17
Guest87628what are you say about ?14:18
gyre007lol what the hack was that :D14:18
PiciThey're gone, ignore it.14:18
yeatshualet_: what happens when you do 'LANG=C sudo apt-get -f install'?14:18
notwoi7c, hmm I don't think so, I only see my drives14:18
ThinkT510spam, ignore it14:18
pipe1984good afternoon14:18
i7cnotwo: did you activate it on the android? you have to press some button in the notification bar usually14:18
ammwdoes anyone know where i can get the correct ac 97 driver from?14:19
ammwsoftware center doesnt have it14:19
MonkeyDustammw  what's ac 97?14:19
ammwrealtek ac 9714:19
hualet_yeats,terminal just give the error message I have pasted14:19
sebas_Hello all! :) I've installed Ubuntu 12.04 and cannot get FLASH working normally... inverted colors and goes partially fullscreen.. how to fix this?? I've installed the drivers from nvidia and cannot de-select HW rendring in flash options14:19
notwoi7c, ok let me check14:20
ammwright now i have intel hd audio installed but thats incorrect and not working14:20
Twinlator@trammI suggest that you can use clonezilla to backup the whole position which installed Linux.14:20
yeatshualet_: okay - what steps did you take after you noticed that libreoffice had 'disappeared'?14:20
MonkeyDustsebas_  de/activate hardware accelleration in your browser14:20
ChogyDansebas_ what browser?14:20
sebas_MonkeyDust: cannot do that.. once window comes up.. cannot de-select the option..14:21
yeatshualet_: and were there any other system changes you made (especially adding APT sources or PPAs) before libreoffice was removed?14:21
sebas_ChogyDan: Chrome and Chromium14:21
eman_hello, help my wireless connection keeps dropping out at random?14:21
notwoi7c, thanx, I found it and I activated it and I can access the files now14:22
yeatseman_: you should be able to find some clues in /var/log/syslog about what's happening14:22
=== jack is now known as Guest77671
i7cnotwo: :)14:22
ChogyDansebas_: cool cool, Im just starting to switch to chrome, so idono14:23
pipe1984i have a netbook hp dm1-4130ss with ati radeon hd 6320. Im using driver catalyst 12.8 and i have had 400 fps, but when i connecting hdmi out in my tv fullhd the resolution isn't possible configure at 1920x10080 only 1366x768, why?14:23
ChogyDanand chromium is outdated14:23
hualet_yeats, at first i did nothing, then someone told me that i should follow the documentation of libreoffice to uninstall libreoffice, so i removed the files that 'locate libreoffice 'has found14:23
MonkeyDustChogyDan  i use chromium, nothing wrong with it14:23
ChogyDanMonkeyDust: still outdated14:24
eman_yeats: found syslog, but got no idea of what im looking for14:24
sebas_ChogyDan: go to: chrome://plugins/ there you can see two flash versions.. disable one when havin trouble.. but my probs are not solved by these steps14:24
yeatshualet_: you should always use the package manager (apt-get/aptitude, software center, synaptic) to make those sorts of changes - doing things manually like you did makes it very difficult and time-consuming to recover.  I would actually consider backing up your data and reinstalling if I were you :-/14:25
pipe1984i have a netbook hp dm1-4130ss with ati radeon hd 6320. Im using driver catalyst 12.8 and i have had 400 fps, but when i connecting hdmi out in my tv fullhd the resolution isn't possible configure at 1920x10080 only 1366x768, why?14:26
yeatseman_: look for messages from around the time of the wireless drop14:26
hualet_yeats, you remind me that i also uninstall the package listed when i typed in synaptic...so, I should just give up?14:26
FlowRiserpipe1984, read the tvs manual and see the maximum resolution of it; Sometimes they are locked for some input ports14:27
yeatshualet_: if you've removed a lot of files manually, yes, I would probably recommend a reinstall14:27
yeatshualet_: it would be less frustrating and time consuming almost certainly14:28
pipe1984FlowRiser, ok i will try i hope be that14:28
pragma-this is annoying.  Why is ulimit -t in seconds, but limits.conf's equivalent cpu field in minutes?  how do I set it to seconds in limits.conf?14:29
hualet_yeats, reinstall? the message i've given you is what i got when i run 'sudo apt-get install libreoffice'14:30
trammyeats, sorry, deja-dup doesn't seem to have an option to backup software choice, i. e. the choice of programs installed to system via APT, it seems to backup home folder and that kind of stuff... or maybe i just cannot find this option? any further ideas?14:30
stinghercerco ubuntu it14:31
* tramm knows mintbackup had this feature, but this is not available in ubuntu14:31
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:31
sudhiHi, I have enabled transparent background in gnome-terminal with default theme (ambience) on 12.04; but the background has a tinge of reddish brown to it, can I change it to some other color? (perhaps a green/blackish tinge will do just fine)14:31
pipe1984FlowRiser when i change resolution in control panel from Ati Catalyst the resolution max is 1366x768 but if i change resolution in control panel from monitors setting i can change to 1920x1080 but when i apply ubuntu send me a error. however i will see manual's tv14:32
Sidewinder1tramm, You might have a look at grsync; it's a GUI frontend for the rsync command.14:32
sudhinm, got it, edit prefs and chose color14:33
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". For the official ubuntu font, see: http://font.ubuntu.com/14:33
Onnonymoustramm: the latest Ubuntu software center allows you to sync packages on different computers. Is that what you're looking for?14:33
=== Guest67993 is now known as Ucom
yeatstramm: sorry - I misunderstood what you meant by backing up14:35
yeats!clone | tramm14:35
ubottutramm: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this currently may cause problems with multiarch) - See also !automate14:35
pragma-this is annoying.  I want to limit cpu usage to 10 seconds, and I can do this with ulimit -t, which accepts the value in seconds; but when I want to do it with limits.conf for a more permanent solution, it only accepts it in minutes.  Why is ulimit -t in seconds, but limits.conf's equivalent cpu field in minutes?  how do I set it to seconds in limits.conf?14:35
trammOnnonymous, something like that, yes... since when this feature exists? i need to assist transferring software choice from an older Ubuntu to newer one, that's why.14:36
yeatshualet_: I would reinstall ubuntu altogether is what I'm saying.  However, someone else in the channel may be willing to help you undo the damage you did by manually deleting files14:36
Onnonymoustramm: I think it's in 12:04. Can't check because my machine here runs an older version.14:36
hualet_yeats, ok, thank you very much...14:37
TumWhat do you guys think about Xubuntu?14:37
TumI personally like it a lot better.14:37
MonkeyDustTum  ask in #ubuntu-offtopic14:37
TumI just wanted a friendly chat :c14:37
yeatstramm: in the software center it's File -> Sync between computers...14:38
MonkeyDustTum  this is the support channel14:38
PiciTum: #ubuntu-offtopic is the channel for friendly chat, #ubuntu is for support inquiries only :)14:38
sudhiumm, I can't see the font antialiasing and other options tab on 12.04, anyhoo, doesn't matter, ubuntu-tweak got it covered (though w/o visual feedback); do I need to rebuild fontcache after creating ~/.font ?14:38
Onnonymoustramm: in that case the "ubottu" solution above is best. But you may have some mismatches, when package names have changed. Still, it's a good start.14:38
trammOnnonymous, yeats, thanks for your suggestions. ubottus answer is good, yes, however i have to recommend this to not too advanced users. maybe i have to go and repackage mintbackup for that: http://community.linuxmint.com/software/view/mintbackup14:41
archy /msg NickServ identify compaq14:41
ThinkT510archy: you really should do that outside a channel, also change your password14:42
sebas_Why does Ubuntu have so much probs with FLASH and Kubuntu everything works??14:43
sebas_Is it the NVIDIA driver??14:43
tech1what problem you have with flash?14:43
iRyhello i14:44
iRyhello ive got a problem with tethering14:44
=== joseph is now known as new2ubuntu
iRyi am using android device as a mobile hotspot, if i want to stream a video from putlocker.com an error comes up, if i dont use tethering it works can somebody help me??14:45
new2ubuntuHi all, Can anybody help me with a pidgin problem, I removed it and reinstalled via terminal and it's still not showing the menu at the top.14:46
sebas_tech1: cannot do a youtube on fullscreen.. it works in fullscreen only the video is not centered14:46
Alex_Bkashcan anyone help with running teamviewer at startup in ubuntu?14:46
sebas_tech1: I have dual monitor14:46
Alex_Bkashcan anyone help with running teamviewer at startup in ubuntu?14:47
yeatsnew2ubuntu: to rule out the obvious, you don't see the pidgin menu at the top of the screen or at the top of the pidgin menu (should be at the top of the screen, assuming Ubuntu 11.10+ is what you're running)14:47
iRy@Alex_Bkash do you want to start it directly?? after boot14:47
tech1iv had similar issues with fullscreen apps14:47
yeatss/pidgin menu/pidgin window/14:47
sebas_tech1: did you solved it?14:47
Alex_Bkashyes after boot14:47
AdvoWorkhow would i search to see if something is installed on ubuntu, ie im looking to see if sysstat is installed14:48
Alex_Bkashi want to start teamviewer from script not from gui14:48
new2ubuntuAlex_Bkash, You can open "start up applications" and drag and drop tv and it will boot on start up.14:48
yeatsAdvoWork: command line way is 'dpkg -l | grep sysstat'14:49
Alex_Bkashnew2ubuntu i need to run it using script14:49
new2ubuntuah sorry, Alex_Bkash I have no ideal.14:49
AdvoWorkyeats, thanks, do you know if i can list if that package is available in my current sources list?14:49
iRy@Alex_Bkash I know there is a starting script in /opt/teamviewer14:50
yeatsAdvoWork: command line way is 'apt-cache search <packagename>'14:50
Twinlator@AdvoWork turn on the software center, click Installed, and search sth. you like14:50
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pipe1984One question, it is possible when i connect my netbook to tv from hdmi that the image only it see in tv and not in monitor netbook?14:51
new2ubuntuYeats, getting back to my issue. I'm talking about the menu in the window of the messenger. You are right, I forget this ubuntu is trying to be like a mac. sorry by bad, just not used to it yet. I just installed it last night.14:51
yeatsnew2ubuntu: yeah - it takes some getting used to14:51
new2ubuntuthere is one thing I would like to change, yeats, I want the x or close buttons on the right of the window. I don't like the left thing.14:52
new2ubuntuis there a way to change that that you know of? yeats14:52
ThinkT510!controls | new2ubuntu14:53
ubottunew2ubuntu: Starting in Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information and workarounds, please see http://pad.lv/53263314:53
AdvoWorkTwinlator, cli access only14:54
new2ubuntuhey it worked, thanks ThinkT51014:56
AdvoWorkyeats, so if:  apt-cache search sysstat   isag - Interactive System Activity Grapher for sysstat   sysstat - sar, iostat and mpstat - system performance tools for Linux   it means i can get it?14:56
TwinlatorAdvoWork: I misunderstand what you said. what happened?14:57
YokoBR /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER YokoBR mzpoltafuyqz14:57
iRydoes anybody have knowledge with tethering14:57
jimfinghi all14:57
Newtoubuntuhey eyyy14:57
sudhihow do I _unrar_ a .rar file? normal zip/tar/utils will not suffice?14:57
TheLordOfTime!unrar | sudhi14:58
ubottusudhi: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free14:58
jimfingsudhi - use unrar command14:58
OerHeks<YokoBR> you want to change your pass now14:59
i7ciRy: i used it with my android once or twice... wouldnt call that 'knowledge' tho ^^14:59
xangua!anyone | iRy14:59
ubottuiRy: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.14:59
=== eikko is now known as eikko-akem
Twinlatorsudhi: Did you installed 7zip? right click > extract all, may be it will work.14:59
sudhiTwinlator: thanks, 7zip sounds more interesting, i have installed it quite few times on WinPCs15:00
iRy@i7c well i want to stream a video from putlocker.com if i use my android device an error comes up if im connected directly it works fine15:00
iRyputlocker.com brings up the error 200 couldnt find stream15:00
i7ciRy: might be that your mobile internet provider blocks some protocols and/or ports15:01
iRy@i7c no because if i use the same sim card in the built in modem of my netbook it works15:01
NewtoubuntuiRy, most android devices dont handle those videos too well15:02
i7ciRy: are you using an anroid for tethering?15:02
iRy@i7c yes15:02
Alex_Bkashi've tried running tv at startup from /opt/teamviewer/teamviewer/7/bin/teamviewer15:02
Alex_Bkashnothing happening15:02
dr_willisAlex_Bkash:  how are you running it exactly?15:03
iRy@Alex_Bkash where is your teamviewer installed? path15:03
i7ciRy: mhm then i don't know, sorry15:03
yeatsAdvoWork: sorry - yes - do 'sudo apt-get install sysstat'15:04
iRyi7c do you know if there are firewall settings on the android device??15:04
Alex_Bkashmy script --> /opt/teamviewer/teamviewer/7/bin/teamviewer15:04
john_ramboI have done port forwarding for torrent. How do I find out if people are really conncted to my PC?15:04
iRyi7c because google says this error comes up with wrong firewall settings15:04
Newtoubuntujohn_rambo, use wireshark15:05
yeatsiRy: you should ask these questions in #android15:05
dr_willisjohn_rambo:  the torrent client should show you whos connecting15:05
john_rambodr_willis, Transmission doesnt show that15:06
blezcan ubuntu work with skydrive?15:06
i7ciRy: indeed, #android might be a better fit. and i don't know about firewall especially not when android is just forwarding15:06
Newtoubuntuhow can i fully fullscreen vlc? i still get the top bar active when i manually choose fullscreen from vlcs menu15:06
hficjohn_rambo, you might wanna check that out again. Transmission DOES show your peers15:07
usr13Newtoubuntu: f15:07
iRyAlex_Bkash try this wine '~/.teamviewer/7/drive_c/Program Files/TeamViewer/Version7/Teamviewer.exe'15:07
dr_willisjohn_rambo:  id check transmissions settings or its web interface/plugins.. it may just be hidden by default. or check the #transmission channel15:08
Newtoubuntuusr13, nope. same result15:08
dr_willishfic:  i thought it showed them. ;)15:08
BluesKajblez,I think the browser works with skydrive , but I'm not real sure that windows doesn't have blocks on browsers working on other OSs15:08
hficdr_willis, yes sir it does. I'm actually look at it right now.15:08
usr13Newtoubuntu: Oh, you want to see the top bar ?15:08
dr_willison my android phone - so i cant look ;)15:09
Newtoubuntuusr13, thats what i said.15:09
hficjohn_rambo, rc on something dling in transmission then properties > peers15:09
usr13Newtoubuntu: Use the mouse to make it the size you want.15:09
Alex_BkashiRY: can u give me the full path?plz15:10
usr13Newtoubuntu: Left-Click in a corner and drag to size you want.15:10
usr13Newtoubuntu: Got it?15:11
ray76hi peoples, could anyone here help me install a kernel patch for my video driver, i'm new to this and i do not want to screw things up.15:11
Newtoubuntuusr13, what do you not understand? i hit fullscreen in vlc and i still have the top bar from ubuntu active. i dont want it active for the time being15:11
dr_willisray76:  what patch for what driver? theres ppa's out for a lot of that stuff15:12
hficNewtoubuntu, can't you just rc the app you want and choose 'always on top' ?15:12
TwinlatorNewtoubuntu: i have easy way. Right click the screen, it will show a list, most options are in the list.15:12
ray760001-drm-i915-i8xx-interrupt-handler.patch for a intel buggy card15:12
usr13Newtoubuntu: So you want full screen?  Nothing but the video?15:12
Laibschfor quite a while the flash plugin in my lucid installation is broken.  I have flashplugin-installer  about:plugins shows only a VLC plugin when searching for flash.  How do I get flash working again?15:13
usr13Newtoubuntu: f  does it for me. But I use xfce as my Desktop Enviornment. What do you use?15:14
Newtoubuntuusr13, YES, as written in English!15:14
ddilingerI have a system that was just upgraded(last night) to 12.04 LTS.   For some reason when it boots i get some message about dbus-launch Autolaunch failure: X11 Initialization failed,  then a few lines down it will wait a little over a minute for the network to come up(but it doesnt).  finally it will finish booting.  Once booted though NetworkManager hasn't been started15:14
ddilingeri can start it with 'sudo NetworkManager' and the wireless comes up, but why doesn't it work on its own?15:14
usr13Newtoubuntu: What is written in English?  What are you talking about?15:14
itsme1Hello, is their a way to print all the table names that have an attribute a foreign key?15:14
colorsotherI can no longer log into 12.04 LTS after applying recent updates this morning.  I can login into the guest account okay but when i log into my account the screen goes blank... the mouse is active and num lock can be turned on and off but thats it.. any suggestions15:15
hficNewtoubuntu, 2 people gave you a different option about 3minutes ago... If you want to continue on in the direction of your current conversation or scroll up to get the work arounds I believe your looking for.15:15
=== maveas_ is now known as maveas
Newtoubuntuusr13, i am using ubuntu at  the moment.15:15
equexi have /var on a separate partition. i have to reinstall it seems, can i just mount that /var on the next install, dont format the partition and import the packages into the new install? (so i dont have to redownload 400 packages every time )15:15
ray76dr_willis: i'm running xubuntu but i guess it would be the same. this is to stop a page flipping error that fills the hdd with logs within 10 mins..  i have the .patch file but dont know what to do with it. any help would be much appreciated15:15
genii-aroundLaibsch: Perhaps try: sudo apt-get install --reinstall flashplugin-installer15:15
BluesKajddilinger, alt+f2 , type network-manager15:15
dr_willisi thought there was an old but where the unity panels stayed on top of fullscreened apps when they shouldent15:15
Newtoubuntuhfic, i can see that and have tried the options listed. they do not work for me15:15
Laibschgenii-around: did that already a few times15:16
hfichorrible design flaw if you ask me15:16
aardvarkYo... can anyone tell me if .mdx files can be opened in ubuntu... and how?15:16
dr_willisray76:  you would have to recompile the kernel i imagine after applying the patch tothe source.. or find a newer kernel that includes the patch.15:16
ecabukHi, is this place right place for asking questions? I have a issue.15:16
Laibschgenii-around: what do you get from http://about:plugins ?15:16
usr13Newtoubuntu: I feel your frustration, but you will do well to confine your comments to the issue at hand.15:16
genii-aroundLaibsch: I'm not on Lucid, I'm currently testing 12.1015:17
itsme1Is their a way to print all the table names that have an attribute a foreign key?15:17
lotuspsychjeecabuk: yes mate just ask your question about ubuntu15:17
ddilingerBluesKaj: alt-f2 finds a network-admin, but no network-manager program.  from console its NetworkManager (with caps one word)15:17
Laibschgenii-around: it would still be helpful information.  I wonder if I should see an entry on that page or not.15:17
colorsotherI can no longer log into 12.04 LTS after applying recent updates this morning.  I can login into the guest account okay but when i log into my account the screen goes blank... the mouse is active and num lock can be turned on and off but thats it.. any suggestions15:17
usr13Newtoubuntu: So your Desktop Enviornment is Unity?15:17
BluesKajddilinger, ok , but does it open ?15:17
eman_testing 12315:18
ray76dr_willis: i have googled but what i got made no sence. is recompiling the kernel hard?15:18
ThinkT510!test | eman_15:18
ubottueman_: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )15:18
ddilingerBluesKaj: the NetworkManager program?  it doesnt 'open' in the sense of making new windows, but when i run 'sudo NetworkManager' the wireless network comes up and connects15:18
dr_williscolorsother:  as a test make a new user.. see if it works. if new user works. that suggests a problem with the problem users setings or ownership. check files in their home dir.15:18
usr13Newtoubuntu: What version of Ubuntu are you using?15:18
genii-aroundLaibsch: If you have a flash plugin installed, yes, you should see something on the about:plugins15:19
usr13Newtoubuntu: You might want to try mplayer.15:19
dr_willisray76:  if you have to ask.. then yes. i imagine its beyond your skillset. you could just test the 12.10 alpha and see if the bug is in it also15:19
colorsotherthank willis.. ill try that..15:19
usr13Newtoubuntu: Have you tried mplayer?15:19
genii-aroundLaibsch: Did you close and reopen the browser since you tried a --reinstall ?15:19
Laibschgenii-around: this problem has been around for months for me15:20
BluesKajddilinger, ok run sudo ifconfig wlan0 up , that should make wifi auto start on boot15:20
Laibschdoes that answer the question ;-) ?15:20
ecolitanpostgresql-8.4 is present in 12.04LTS, does this guarantee it will be supported for the whole 5 years, or will it eventually be removed?15:20
BluesKajddilinger, or whatever designation your wlan number is15:21
usr13Newtoubuntu: Are you still here?15:21
Twinlatoraardvark: Blizzard Warcraft 3 can open this kind 3D image file.15:21
lotuspsychjedr_willis: i got rid of the square mouse pointer with 'nomodeset', but compiz disables, no wobbly windows etc..unity icon size looks like 2d15:21
dr_willislotuspsychje:  no compiz = you are using unity 2d15:21
rizwanhi, shikeb15:21
sLiQuehmy name is sLiQueh and I'm proud using ubuntu15:21
aardvarkTwinlator: Ha... sorry, no, it's a daemon tools file.15:21
Newtoubuntucolorsother,  maybe try the nomodeset boot option to at least get in15:22
lotuspsychjedr_willis: im back on normal boot till i find a good fix15:22
rizwanphoton plus on ubuntu not getting connected easily15:22
Newtoubuntuusr13, chek your pms man15:22
ThinkT510!pm | Newtoubuntu15:22
ubottuNewtoubuntu: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.15:22
=== mimor_ is now known as mimor
itsme1sLiQueh: Thank you and so am I15:22
ecabuk_Hi, I have an issue about login screen. I have just installed ubuntu 12.04 on virtualbox mac, then I restarted machine. Now, it doesn't login my account. When I tried with correct password it asking again, when I tried wrong password it saying wrong password. Here is the video link : http://imageshack.us/clip/my-videos/803/q4txansuiturrmffcarzml.mp4/15:22
rizwanphoton plus on ubuntu not getting connected easily15:22
ubottuumbo: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:23
lotuspsychje!it | rizwan15:23
ubotturizwan: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:23
lotuspsychje!it | umbo15:23
ubottuumbo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:23
ecabuk_can anybody help me?15:23
umbojoin #ubuntu-it15:23
itsme1 rizwan: what happens when you try to connect?15:23
ssfdre38hey does anyone know of a way to set up a User Login system on a Ubuntu server for Windows15:23
cromahnDoes anyone knw how to fix the "Prefix not Set" when botting ubuntu with wubi?15:23
dr_willisciao, !list then part..... ;)15:23
ray76dr_willis: test the 12.10 , ok i have 12.04. i will google "recompiling the kernel" thats a start. thank you i was searching "installing .patch" got me no and where..15:24
genii-aroundLaibsch: In Tools... Addons... then choosing Plugins fromt he left pane... does it show there but as disabled?15:24
rizwanphoton plus on ubuntu not getting connected easily15:24
dr_willisray76:  the patch  changes the source code..15:24
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Laibschecolitan: it will be supported until precise is EOL.  what pocket is it in? main?15:24
Twinlatoraardvark: sorry.15:24
dr_willisrizwan: what are you rembling on about?15:24
aardvarkTwinlator: No appologies needed :-)15:24
ecolitanLaibsch: universe15:24
rizwanhi dr_willis15:24
cromahnDoes anyone knw how to fix the "Prefix not Set" when botting ubuntu with wubi?15:24
YokoBRplz, somebody to help me with zenity?15:25
rizwanphoton plus on ubuntu not getting connected easily15:25
ray76dr_willis: ok so i have to patch the original intel driver, then the confusing bit about rebuilding the kernel. what commands should i google ?15:25
lotuspsychje!ask | yokoBR15:25
ubottuyokoBR: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:25
dr_willisrizwan:  youve said that a dozen times.. and still dosent make sence...15:25
rizwanmoblie network (photon plus) not getting connected15:26
ecabuk_Hi, I have an issue about login screen. I have just installed ubuntu 12.04 on virtualbox mac, then I restarted machine. Now, it doesn't login my account. When I tried with correct password it asking again, when I tried wrong password it saying wrong password. Here is the video link : http://imageshack.us/clip/my-videos/803/q4txansuiturrmffcarzml.mp4/15:26
Newtoubuntucromahn, youll quickly find most ppl here hate wubi :)15:26
YokoBRsorry, i'm trying to make a selection by a list, but it's showing only the first 3 items... here's my code http://pastebin.com/Qb7PQa8t15:26
Laibschgenii-around: thank you for the pointers.  no, there's nothing there about flash, either.15:27
=== emil is now known as Guest86019
itsme1dr_willis: rizwan: Photon+ is an USB stick thru which you can access Internet15:27
cromahnWell is there a way to save settings and stuff when running it in Virtualbox15:27
dr_willisecabuk_:  try logging in at the console... is it failing to login.. or is it logging in, then x crashes back to the login screen...15:27
cromahni need it for my class at school15:27
Laibschecolitan: that means it is community-supported, not Canonical.15:27
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rizwanmoblie network (photon plus) not getting connected, its going offline15:27
Laibschecolitan: but still supported and certainly will receive security fixes.15:27
YokoBRnevermind, there was an hidden space15:27
=== Guest86019 is now known as Emil-
ecolitanLaibsch: thats what I needed to know. Thanks!15:28
lotuspsychjeLaibsch: you have ubuntu-restricted-extras installed?15:28
itsme1rizwan: once you connect your Photon+ onto computer . click on the network symbol. you should get an option to setup wireless broaband15:28
cromahnokay.. well this is some shitty ass support ubuntu has...15:28
Laibschlotuspsychje: yes, version 3915:28
lotuspsychjecromahn: pls be polite15:28
Laibschlotuspsychje: is that good or bad? ;-)15:29
cromahnget better service thn i will use your product15:29
dr_willismakes us want to help even more...15:29
Laibschmaintainer is mvo, so that's probably good15:29
lotuspsychjeLaibsch: it fixed my flash so..15:29
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/15:29
isbricwats up with this error?  Error: an inet address is expected rather than "" .15:30
LaibschI see there is a package flashplugin-installer and adobe-flashplugin.  Both seem to base on the same upstream version.15:30
MonkeyDustisbric  start from the beginning, when did this pop up15:30
ubottuumbo: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:30
lotuspsychjeLaibsch: it sometimes help uninstall web version and install software centre version or vice versa15:30
=== Merwin is now known as ThibautD
lotuspsychje!it | umbo15:31
ubottuumbo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:31
Laibschlotuspsychje: what is a web version and what is the software centre version?  of what?15:31
lotuspsychjeLaibsch: flash15:31
isbricMonkeyDust: trying start my networking on 12.04, got auto eth0\ iface eth0 inet static\ address blah .. in interfaces15:31
rizwanitsme1 : after loging in to ubuntu 12.04, when first time try to connect to photon connection through network icon, its showing error " modem connection failed, you are offline " for 2-3 times15:31
Laibschlotuspsychje: you are talking about the unpackaged software?15:32
Twinlatoraardvark: http://system.pc-fault.com/system/8260.html         Hope this can help you.15:32
livingdaylightwhat's the difference between gnome-format and gparted? If I want to format my usb stick?15:32
isbricifup & restarting the networkservice trows me the same error.15:32
MonkeyDustisbric  use pastebin to paste the content of the files here, so we can see15:32
ssfdre38hey does anyone know of a way to set up a User Login system on a Ubuntu server for Windows15:32
ubottuLDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. For more information, installation instructions and getting clients to authenticate via LDAP see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer15:33
dr_willisisent that what ldap does?15:34
rizwandr_willis, mobile broadband is going offline, unable to connect for accessing internet15:34
colorsotherwhy won't my install allow my to Ctl + Alt + F1 to login to graphical mode?15:35
MonkeyDustcolorsother  ctrl alt F1 brings you out of graphical mode15:35
colorsothersorry i meant text mode15:36
dr_williscolorsother:  so whats on alt-ctrl-f1 through f6?15:36
TJ-colorsother: what video driver is in use? with Nvidia for example, some configurations result in the loss of a framebuffer for the text consoles15:37
jayd3eso a week ago I was able to do apt-get install -y elasticsearch, and it worked fine.  Now that package isn't found.  Where could I find a history of what happened to that package?15:37
colorsotherjust a black screen montior goes offline for F1 - F6 however F7 still bring up the graphical mode15:37
rizwancolorsother: mobile broadband is going offline, unable to connect for accessing internet, any idea15:38
MonkeyDustisbric  i'm sure that's not the complete file content, type cat /etc/network/interfaces | pastebinit and paste the url here15:38
bobweaverHello there I notied some funny looking files under my ~ dir  called .goutputstream-{lots and lots of numbers}  what is this all about ? I tried to look at the files but I can not read them one said h1MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-   what is this ?15:38
qwhello all15:38
qwhelp me please15:38
Sokelbobweaver: Magic cookie has something to do with X11 forwarding.15:39
qwi would like download pIRC script from Linux15:39
qwhelp me please15:39
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:39
isbricMonkeyDust: the rest of the files contents isnt intresting, thers an loopback device aswell.15:39
MonkeyDustqw  and don't 'beg' for help15:39
bobweaverthanks Sokel  seems like this bug might be it15:39
bobweaver!bug 98478515:39
OerHeksbobweaver, are you using dropbox?15:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 984785 in lightdm (Ubuntu Precise) ".goutputstream files polluting $HOME" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98478515:39
bobweaverOerHeks,  No15:40
MonkeyDustisbric  i'm sure someone else can help, then15:40
OerHeksbobweaver, see> https://forums.dropbox.com/topic.php?id=3810315:40
bobweaverOerHeks,  I do not use drop box15:40
umbosono nuovo come faccio ad avere la lista15:40
Pici!it | umbo15:40
ubottuumbo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:40
umbojoin #ubuntu.it15:41
qwhelp me pleaase15:41
b1tbktneed to install ubuntu to remote machine that currently is running openindiana (solaris) on top of zfs. going to try installing on top of existing zfs through chroot but not sure about grub. anyone have words of wisdom or pointers to a good walkthrough (google has provdided partial answers)?15:42
umbojoin #ubuntu-it15:42
MonkeyDust!helpme| qw15:42
ubottuqw: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude15:42
ng0nubuntu thinks my visio monitor is a laptop !$$!#@!@15:42
UICTamaleHi all - My openvpn network manager settings seem to be broken - I installed network-manager-openvpn but I cannot edit my openvpn connection - I get the error Could not find VPN plugin service for 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.openvpn'. - What do I need to do to fix this?15:43
Sokelb1tbkt: https://github.com/dajhorn/pkg-zfs/wiki/HOWTO-install-Ubuntu-to-a-Native-ZFS-Root-Filesystem15:44
skaWhat is the smallest Ubuntu 12.04 server install possible?15:44
TheLordOfTimeska:  installing ubuntu-server and not selecting any additional packages.15:44
kurtwp_ng0n: I run into that time to time plus sometimes I get unknown and the wrong resolution - to fix it I I power down my PC and remove the power to my monitor for about 10 seconds, then boot back up15:45
kurtwp_ng0n: seems to work every time so far15:45
skaTheLordOfTime: how large does that usually become in GB for you?15:45
ng0nkurtwp. ok. will give it a try.. THANKS15:46
TheLordOfTimeska:  if you don't mind me asking, how much "disk space" do you have to work with there?>15:46
ng0nactually the 'laptop' setting works.. but is jittery like there's rf on the chassis or something...15:47
OerHeksbobweaver, i found this, maybe your bug too > https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/98478515:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 984785 in lightdm (Ubuntu Precise) ".goutputstream files polluting $HOME" [Low,Confirmed]15:47
GudduHas anyone configured Real VNC in daemon mode on their Ubuntu15:47
kurtwp_ng0n: oh okay them maybe my solution won't work for you15:47
skaTheLordOfTime: I'll have enough, but this is for a project that is sensitive to size.15:47
ng0nkurtwin... s'okay...15:47
ng0nit might work.15:47
TheLordOfTimeska:  you havent answered the question :P15:48
ng0ni would think visio drivers were common.. but maybe not15:48
colorsotherdr. willis -> i enable manual login so i could login as root and it can login perfectly fine but when trying to login to my account the screen freezes... you thought some files in my $HOME might be causing the issue.. what files should i be looking for?15:48
skaTheLordOfTime: working size is not defined yet.15:48
bobweaverOerHeks,  [11:39] <bobweaver> !bug 98478515:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 984785 in lightdm (Ubuntu Precise) ".goutputstream files polluting $HOME" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98478515:48
ng0nfun to be back on ubuntu... had to do a gnome-fallback while learning UNITY....15:48
TheLordOfTimeska:  any ubuntu server install is SIGNIFICANTLY smaller than my dev system install (ubuntu-desktop + server packages), i've got a < 6GB system, and I installed ubuntu-server, it took up a significantly small size, i think aroudn 2GB since i didnt install much extra cruft15:48
TheLordOfTimeska:  but each system is different, i didnt put swap on, which I normally would do15:49
bobweaverLooks like Ubuntu One is not as secure as one would want it to be15:49
jayd3eso a week ago I was able to do apt-get install -y elasticsearch, and it worked fine.  Now that package isn't found.  Where could I find a history of what happened to that package?15:49
ng0nnot much is secure.  FBI got scooped for 1M apple ids15:49
TheLordOfTime!info elasticsearch15:49
ubottuPackage elasticsearch does not exist in precise15:49
OerHeksbobweaver, some confirm that they didn't use dropbox or U1 ..15:49
MonkeyDustbobweaver  there's also tonido15:50
jayd3eng0n: right, but it did a week ago15:50
bobweaverOerHeks,  MonkeyDust  what ? sorry15:50
bobweaverOerHeks,  ohhh    yeah I see that thanks     MonkeyDust  what ?15:50
ng0njay..ha !15:50
_raven_which terminal-application is able to run rs485?15:51
jayd3eng0n: I didn't mean actually IN precide, I mean in the package repos15:51
ng0nback to work.. uggg.  ...ok jay.15:51
ng0nc use later gators15:51
skaDoes debbootstrap create an ubuntu install any smaller than the standard server install?15:51
jayd3eso there isn't a way to view the history of a package in the main package index?15:52
jayd3eas in if it was deprecated or not?15:52
livingdaylighttyping mount /dev/sdc to mount my usb I'm getting this back in Terminal - mount: can't find /dec/sdc in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab15:53
a1phahey joseph15:53
usr13livingdaylight: try sdc115:53
=== joseph is now known as Guest54022
Guest54022ubuntu 12.04 is suppose to be LTS correct?15:53
usr13livingdaylight: And do you have a mount point?15:53
genii-aroundlivingdaylight: Also try dev15:53
Guest54022How did my nick change?15:53
livingdaylightusr13, it is sdc not sdc115:53
=== Guest54022 is now known as new2ubuntu
usr13livingdaylight: Ok, do you have a mount point?15:54
livingdaylightgenii-around, try dev?15:54
genii-aroundlivingdaylight: "can't find /dec/sdc"15:54
livingdaylightusr13, no, I didn't make mount point. Where is that?15:54
new2ubuntuanyway, I need to fix a bug that's very annoying with openoffice. How do I go about that?15:54
usr13livingdaylight: where ever you want it to be15:54
hficgenii-around, copy the reply .. don't type it. As you can see your typo can cause confusion15:54
_raven_which terminal-application is able to run rs485?15:54
usr13livingdaylight: sudo fdisk -l  #Will show you the attached drives to chose from (and how to reference them).15:55
new2ubuntuwhen I close a document the openoffice remains opened to select which form to open. no options to close it other then the close button. Is there a way to stop this from happening?15:55
genii-aroundhfic: There was no typo.15:55
livingdaylightusr13, I don't know. I'm just trying to mount it coz Unetbootin says its not mounted even though Filemanager pops up to say it is when i have inserted the usb stick15:55
usr13livingdaylight: mount   #will tell you what is mounted now.15:56
hficgenii-around, there is no /dec/sdc ... so yes there is a typo :)15:56
usr13livingdaylight: And the file manager should tell you the mount point and device.15:56
=== new2ubuntu is now known as livengood
a1phai'm having an issue mounting my sd card lol15:57
livingdaylightusr13, http://pastebin.com/v0zccKFc moutn output - apparently sdc is mounted15:57
killerhas anyone used openjdk...n if yes....is it good compared 2 jdk(oracle)15:57
livingdaylightusr13, so, Unetbootin is not seeing it. Perhaps, my usb device is beginning to fail?15:58
usr13livingdaylight: As you can see, it is /dev/sdc1  (not /dec/sdc)15:58
livingdaylightkiller, I use openjdk and works fine15:58
livingdaylightusr13, <doh>15:58
usr13livingdaylight: ok well, maybe it does have a problem.15:59
genii-aroundhfic: They stated originally this typo. I said to try dev ( implying instead of dec )15:59
livingdaylightusr13, ok ok... so, its sdc1 and its mounted but Unetbootin isn't seeing it15:59
usr13livingdaylight: you should close the file manager.15:59
livingdaylightusr13, that could be a TOP TIP!15:59
livingdaylightunetbootin and filemanager should not be open at the same time???16:00
livingdaylightlets test this theory16:00
livengoodmaybe if I make it clear, but I don't know what it's called. when I close the spreadsheet or word, the template page shows up and the only way to close it is to click file at the top and exit. This is so annoying, this didn't happen before.16:00
usr13livingdaylight: I don't know for sure, just a suggestion.  (I don't usually use unetbootin, so I'm not real sure.)16:00
livingdaylightusr13, a hahahaaa16:01
livingdaylightusr13, brilliant16:01
usr13livingdaylight: Did it work?16:01
UICTamaleHi all - My openvpn network manager settings seem to be broken - I installed network-manager-openvpn but I cannot edit my openvpn connection - I get the error Could not find VPN plugin service for 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.openvpn'. - What do I need to do to fix this?16:01
livingdaylightusr13, also noticed that Unetbootin has a drop-down menu. It was set at sdc but after you mentioned it was in fact 'sdc1' I clicked and found there was indeed a drop-down menu I didn't previously know about and yes, there was sdc1 hidden - IT WORKS!16:02
usr13livingdaylight: Well, there you go.  Glad you found it.16:02
livingdaylightusr13, so, not sure whether filemanager simultaneously being open made a difference or not as Ubootin set to sdc might also have been the issue16:02
usr13livingdaylight: ... and thanks for letting us know.16:03
livingdaylightusr13, no, thanks is to you16:03
=== codemaniac is now known as fego
datapoliticalis there a reason why rsa keys would cause a "no route to host" but a regular password auth would work fine?16:07
=== arijit is now known as codemaniac
GudduHas anyone configured Real VNC in daemon mode on their Ubuntu?16:08
lotuspsychjeGuddu: i would not reccomend real vnc for safety reasons16:08
=== cesar is now known as Guest50742
lotuspsychje!vnc | Guddu16:09
ubottuGuddu: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX16:09
Guddulotuspsychje:  I need a remote entry solution. I want to be able to use the PC even when the PC is started only upto the point where I have the login screen. Without anyone logged in. We don't provide access to anyone on this server.16:10
lotuspsychjeGuddu: read the vnc over ssh thats a safer solution16:10
GudduThanks lotuspsychje16:10
Guddulotuspsychje:  U mean SSH port frowarding is what is more secure?16:12
=== john_582 is now known as Hodine
=== serodr0nin is now known as serodronin
lotuspsychjeGuddu: its a vnc connection in reality that travels tru 'safer' ssh16:13
Guddulotuspsychje:  Does someone need to be logged on to Ubuntu Desktop (Which i am trying to access from remote)?16:13
Hodinewhois Hodine16:13
lotuspsychjeGuddu: an easier solution would be teamviewer16:14
Guddulotuspsychje:  Does someone need to be logged on to Ubuntu Desktop (Which i am trying to access from remote)? For example if Ubuntu Desktop is on login scree can i still use Teamviewer? I guess not.16:15
Arthar360Hodine, : you forgot " / " :-D16:15
MonkeyDustGuddu  with ssh, you don't need to be logged on, you can still make a rmote connection16:16
lotuspsychjeGuddu: then you need ssh server, so you dont need someone to be at the other side..ssh server starts when pc starts16:16
rabbi1where can i find recent file paths in totem  movie player ?16:16
Guddulotuspsychje:  On my laptops VNC Viewer, i need to type localhost:5900 to see other dsktop when i have already connected via SSH?16:16
lotuspsychjeGuddu: follow the guide on the url mate16:17
Guddulotuspsychje:  I did...I had some confusion...It says "You could then start your VNC client and connect to port 5900 on your computer to see his shared desktop" VNC Client asks for IP only...Where do i specify the port?16:18
lotuspsychjeGuddu: vnc uses port 5900 by default16:19
colorsotherdr. willis you still here?  i still can't seem to login to my account properly16:19
GudduThanks lotuspsychje16:20
colorsotherstill getting the blank screen16:20
lotuspsychjecolorsother: did you try login in to unity 2d?16:20
colorsotherbut i can login to root just fine in graphical mode16:20
colorsotherill try lotus one sec... thx for responding...16:21
bhaveshThe gnome classic in ubuntu 12.04 has Applications and Places. How should I add System menu which is currently under Applications?16:21
colorsotherlotus 2D login goes straight to blank screen as well16:22
colorsotherbut mouse active and i can turn off and on num lock16:22
Calinoubhavesh, there is none16:22
lotuspsychjecolorsother: did you say it was an upgrade to precise or just a system update16:22
colorsotherjust a system update from the morning.. i have had a stable system for 6 week now16:23
colorsotheruntil the udpate this mornign16:23
bhaveshCalinou, Well they say you can customize ubuntu as you wish to.16:23
bhaveshor maybe they said it before 11.0416:23
Calinou11.04 and earlier have "system" in gnome classic16:23
Ephexevehey guys, question, I have a network driver Realtek 8139/8139C/8139C+ which contains also a wireless. I am not managing to get the driver working. Any one knows a fix for this?16:24
lotuspsychjecolorsother: you might wanna try recovery mode, and check the /var/log for interesting stuff16:24
bhaveshI must find a way to add system back to 12.04's gnome classic16:24
colorsotherhuh.... okay let me try the recovery mode.. not sure what i am looking for though16:24
lotuspsychjecolorsother: terminal screen and browse logs16:24
usr13Ephexeve: Are you sure?  What does iwconfig say?16:24
EphexeveOnly eth0, which is the cable16:25
lotuspsychjecolorsother:if we know what happens to the system might be handy to fix16:25
usr13Ephexeve: lspci |grep ireless  #Tell us what that says.16:25
colorsotheri know just not sure what info to give you... let me see the recover mode logged into a text mode16:26
lotuspsychjeHowto fix a corrupt square mouse pointer every cold boot on precise clean install (nomodeset fixes it but compiz disables)16:26
Ephexeveusr13: Nothing16:27
usr13Ephexeve: Is this a laptop or desktop?16:27
Ephexeveusr13: laptop16:27
usr13Ephexeve: Do you have the hardware switch toggled off?16:28
=== jay is now known as Guest96142
Ephexeveusr13: It's on16:28
lotuspsychjeEphexeve: you also might wanna try software centre or synaptic to find your driver16:28
ispirtoanyone knows if there is a way to use two harddisks with preseed?16:28
colorsotherdmesg ended with init: alsa-restore main process (1031) terminated with status 1916:29
usr13lotuspsychje: should already be there.16:29
ratcheerEphexeve: What driver is loaded? (Use lspci -v)16:29
usr13Ephexeve: lspci #look for the line that describes the Wireless device, show us.16:29
Ephexeveratcheer: For Ethernet controller 8139too16:30
FloodBot1Cassandrainbows: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:30
Arthar360Ephexeve : Does "Additional Driver" shows it..? I had same prob but looking up in "Additional Drivers" solved it..16:30
usr13Ephexeve: What version of Ubuntu do you have installed?  lsb_release -a16:31
Ephexeveusr13: there is nothing that says wireless. that's the problem16:31
michelfp__Having a problem.16:31
Ephexeveusr13: 12.04 LTS16:31
lotuspsychje!ask | michelfp__16:31
ubottumichelfp__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:31
EphexeveArthar360: There is only "Software Modem"16:31
michelfp__make: *** No rule to make target 'seeborg.d' needed by 'compile'. Stop. I'm trying to compile Seeborg 0.51 using the 'make' command.16:32
usr13Ephexeve: Yep sure is.  Are you sure the hardware switch is not toggled off?  May also need to look at the BIOS settings.16:32
datapoliticalis there a way to turn off RSA authentication in SSH?16:32
Ephexeveusr13: Yeps, all on, even the led is on16:32
datapoliticalfrom the command line16:32
datapolitical(basically, don't use my keys)16:32
=== matthew is now known as Guest46862
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:32
usr13Ephexeve: Software Modem would indicate a DialUp modem.16:32
FloodBot1Cassandrainbows: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:32
usr13Ephexeve: What do you see in the network manager?16:33
Arthar360Cassandrainbows : F off...16:33
Ephexeveusr13: Wired connection only16:33
usr13Ephexeve: That's interesting.  Is this system fully updated?16:33
Ephexeveusr13: Yes16:33
semitonesHey -- is there a shortcut to switch between windows of the focused application (i couldn't find the answer searching)16:34
lotuspsychjeEphexeve:did you ever been able to get it working on ubuntu(previous versions maybe)?16:34
Ephexevelotuspsychje: No, this laptop is from a friend, it's the first time he uses Linux. I come from a arch background16:35
usr13Ephexeve: Do you still have the LiveCD or USB that you installed with?  If so, boot to it and see if it works there.16:35
semitoneslike an ALT-TAB for the focused application16:35
michelfp__I'm trying to compile Seeborg 0.51 using the 'make' command, but I get this error: "make: *** No rule to make target 'seeborg.d' needed by 'compile'. Stop."16:35
Calinousemitones, depends; it can be alt+left arrow and alt+right arrow for most web browsers16:35
usr13Ephexeve: I just don't know.  It's beyond me.  Maybe someone else will have something more.16:36
usr13and I've gotta run...16:36
EphexeveNo worries, see ya16:36
TJ-Ephexeve: That NIC doesn't contain a WiFi chip does it?16:37
semitonesCalinou: in Unity you can hold down super and it shows you the keyboard shortcuts. I found a screenshot of this (it doesn't work in Unity2D) and the shortcut is alt-grave. try it :D16:38
ratcheerFrom the Realtek web site, the 8139 is ethernet, only and there is no driver for Linux. It says it is builtin to the Linux kernel.16:38
TJ-ratcheer: That's correct; I have a system with one here16:38
colorsotherlotus is this lightdm.log normal?  thanks  http://pastebin.com/P561JZVj16:39
td-dancan anyone help .. having issues with ubuntu 12.04 not booting ran boot fixer 2 twice16:39
ratcheerTJ-: He already left, anyway.16:39
TJ-ratcheer: well Ephexeve is still in the channel, so he might see the commentsa16:40
rabbi1my 12.04 hangs often, all widows will be disabled, but the audio keeps on working, and ctrl+alt+f1 etc doesn't work.... any solution ?16:41
aethertd-dan: are you using a new machine? I had issues with UEFI not working correctly and had to install normal grub2 instead16:41
wlcostaHey guys! :D16:43
EphexeveTJ-: Back, Yes it does16:43
Ephexevewell, on Windows we use Wireless16:43
mips1911Peeps I need some help with GLX issues please. 12.04 AMD64, nVidia 9600GT, nvidia-current nvidia-settings v304.4316:43
ratcheerEphexeve: It must be using another controller, then.16:44
Ephexeveratcheer: Hmmm16:44
mips1911Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".16:44
rabbi1my 12.04 hangs often, all widows will be disabled, but the audio keeps on working, and ctrl+alt+f1 etc doesn't work.... any solution ?16:44
mips1911Error: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual16:44
TJ-Ephexeve: A different piece of hardware ?16:44
EphexeveTJ-: Uh?16:44
dr_willisrabbi1:  try sshing in from a different machine and check the logs?16:45
=== zz_scottas is now known as scottas
TJ-Ephexeve: I have the same adapter here. it does not have Wifi.16:45
rabbi1dr_willis: no alternate system :(16:45
TJ-Ephexeve: "05:02.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ [10ec:8139] (rev 10)"16:45
td-danits an eee pc had no Os on it and its not taking the grub boot16:45
EphexeveTJ-: Confused now16:45
TJ-Ephexeve: Show us a pastebin of "lspci -nn"16:45
Ephexevesince the laptop is not mine, I am not sure, all I was told is, I have no wireless16:46
pgdac12Hello can i get some help?16:49
i7c!ask | pgdac1216:50
ubottupgdac12: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:50
pgdac12what is the command to know every host in my network?16:51
billchow do u install software16:51
Robert_Zenzbillc, apt-get, aptitude, synaptic, Software-Center...pick your choice.16:51
pgdac12Tell me guys16:52
td-dangot this the first time http://paste.ubuntu.com/1184465  then ran boot fixer again and forced grub to install and got http://paste.ubuntu.com/118605916:52
Arthar360pgdac12 : try    arp16:52
dr_willisor nmap scan your network. ;)16:53
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pgdac12rthar360  arp  is not completely giving all host in network. Please tell   full command16:53
colorsotherlooks like my login cannot find any screens from the Xorg.failsafe.log :    http://pastebin.com/kyqgN4Jt16:54
colorsotherwhy would that be happening16:54
jstrongI did a "dd" copy of an ubuntu partition to a new harddrive partition with a bigger size. As expected, "dd" copied the old metadata of the old partition, and therefore the new partition says it has less space than it really does.16:55
jstrongTo attempt to fix this problem, I ran "resize2fs" which marks that the partition is the right size16:55
jstrongwhen I restart once, ubuntu shows the right size. but then somewhere along the way it resets to the old size16:55
pgdac12how to use dd to copy files16:55
jstrongthe new size is 30 gb and the old size is 20gb, so ubuntu says I only have a 20gb disk when it's really 30gb. any ideas?16:55
Pryonjstrong: what's the partition table say?16:56
dr_willisive fixed similer setups with gparted jstrong .16:56
jklowdenHi gents, my server crashed and now all it wants to do is run memory tests. Silly, because it's just a VM. How do I convince it to boot the OS instead?16:56
jstrongPryon: sec, let me run gparted right now.16:56
dr_willisjklowden:  yow is it 'just wanting' to run the memtests?16:57
jstrongPryon: gparted marks the right size, but says I'm using far more GB than I actually am.16:57
jstrongafter running resize2fs, what is displayed in gparted is fixedm but only temporarily16:57
pgdac12Any body help16:57
dr_willispgdac12:  dd is not for just 'files'16:58
Arthar360pgdac12 : as dr_willis suggested try nmap eg. $nmap -v -sn
jklowdendr_wilis, it boots to a menu offering memtest or memtest with serial console. In 2 seconds it starts running tests.  Typing 'c' gets me to the grub command line.16:58
dr_willispgdac12:  give details of what you want to do16:58
pgdac12dr_willis:  ok  thanks16:59
pgdac12Arthar360: thanks16:59
dr_willisjklowden:  so your whole grub menu/config got somehow messed up16:59
jklowdenlovely, no?16:59
dr_willisnormal fix would bee to boot a live cd and use boot-repair16:59
TJ-jklowden: Can you try holding down SHIFT as the VM boots to get to the GRUB menu, and see if theres' a "Previous operating systems" sub-menu you can go into?17:00
jklowdenTJ, I will try that again now.  So far no joy.17:00
dr_willisi have to wonder how the grub menu got messed up... unless you removed all your kernels...17:01
pgdac12how to quit from irssi  :(17:01
dr_willispgdac12:  /quit17:01
TJ-jklowden: It sounds like somehow grub managed to not find the kernels in /boot/ when doing grub-update last17:01
TJ-jklowden: update-grub, even!17:01
pgdac12dr_willis: thanks17:02
colorsotheralright i finally created a new user and was able to login to my machine without blank screen issues...  i need help figuring out what is preventing my other account from logging in properly.. where do i need to look.. THX17:02
TJ-dr_willis: Or /etc/grub.d/10_linux didn't find them17:02
dr_williscolorsother: your user serrings. or ownership of files. perhaps owned by root. check .Xauthority first. check other files.  if permissions are ok. move config files to some backup dir and try again17:03
anonymous_my name pepsi17:03
anonymous_hi all17:03
YokoBRhow can i check the current status of a process on linux?17:03
jklowdenTJ, shift key yields no change, maybe because it's a vm. "ls (hd0,msdos1)/boot" shows memtest86_multiboot.bin and memtest86+.bin, and the grub/ directory.17:03
Kartagisif I start a process then hit CTRL-Z to fork it into the background, it dies. why?17:03
anonymous_yes russia ?17:03
colorsotherokay thanks Willis17:03
KartagisYokoBR: ps aux17:04
YokoBRsorry, how can i check the current status of a process on linux by shellscript17:04
dr_willisKartagis:  its asleep...17:04
CaptObviousdo SSH tunnels work both ways?  I have a tunnel open with putty to my linux server from my work machine, which putty names as "4R8888"17:04
CaptObviouscan I connect back down that tunnel from my linux machine to any port on my work machine?17:04
dr_willisKartagis:  check out 'bash job controll'  try the bg command17:04
Kartagisdr_willis: what is asleep?17:04
YokoBRi mean, how can i check if apache is running by shellscript, showing it's status17:04
anonymous_yes RUSSIA ??17:04
TJ-jklowden: looks like as dr_willis said, you've managed to 'lose' the kernels!17:04
anonymous_russia ??17:05
anonymous_RUSSIA ?17:05
Kartagisdr_willis: bg process?17:05
ratcheeranonymous_: I am not sure what you mean.17:05
TJ-jklowden: best thing is, if you can loop-mount the VM image, to use chroot to reinstall the kernel packages and update-grub17:05
dr_willisYokoBR:   sudo service servicename status17:05
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dr_willisKartagis:  hmm? i suggest finding a guide on 'bash job controll'17:05
BlackBishopis there any way I can make ubuntu server with gnome-core allow a user to connect to whatever wireless network it wants without granting him access to sudo group ?17:05
Adi2Hey. Anyone knows that this error is about ? An error occurred: 'NoneType' object has no attribute "get_info" ? I'm trying to install 12.04 in windows17:06
YokoBRoh, thank you mr dr_willis.17:06
gordonjcpAdi2: that doesn't make a lot of sense17:07
gordonjcpAdi2: What exactly are you trying to do?17:07
HyperbyteHi.  USB disks are usually mounted automatically in /media/<user>/<volume name>/ on my system.  This is useful, but I have one USB disk that doesn't get automounted.  I suspect this is because the kernel doesn't recognise it as removable media.  Any way I can remedy this?17:07
dr_willisHyperbyte:  you using 12.10?17:07
Adi2gordonjcp , i'm trying to install 12.0417:07
pgdac12Any one from bhopal here?17:07
Hyperbytedr_willis, 12.0417:07
ranveer5289pgdac12: bhopal, MP india17:08
dr_willisHyperbyte:  weird. i thought that /media/username/foo was new in 12.1017:08
Adi2i booted from an usb pen , chose install along with windows. i restarted, selected the partition to install on , and after that i get that error17:08
BlackBishopis there any way I can make ubuntu server (12.04.1) with gnome-core allow a user to connect to whatever wireless network it wants without granting him access to sudo group ?  anybody ? :)17:08
pgdac12ranveer5289: Which area and buddy what do u do?17:08
Adi2i also have the log if you can "read" it17:08
Hyperbytedr_willis, well, it could be some magic that LTSP added in (this is a thin client)... I thought it was normal for Ubuntu to mount the sticks in /media/17:08
ranveer5289pgdac12: #ubuntu is not for general chatting17:08
HyperbyteIf it's not I better ask for specific LTSP support, unless you have some suggestions. :)17:09
jklowdenWow. The kernel is there somewhere, right? VirtualBox idled overnight, and this morning I couldn't resume it.  I shut down the vm and retstarted it, and now the whole image is gone?17:09
banishedWhere do I report kernel bugs I found with the xorg-edgers kernel (3.5)?17:09
MonkeyDustBlackBishop  sudo access is not needed for wifi, is it?17:09
Arthar360!ot | pgdac12 ranveer528917:09
ubottupgdac12 ranveer5289: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:09
dr_willisHyperbyte:   must be.  you could just mount it by hand17:09
xanguabanished: contact the mainteiners of the ppa17:09
pgdac12ranveer5289:   i know, Anyway sorry , i just asked formely17:09
Adi2gordonjcp any ideas ?17:09
Hyperbytedr_willis, I could, but not the people using the system. :)  Thanks anyways.17:09
ranveer5289pgdac12: thats Ok17:09
MonkeyDustBlackBishop  if you connect to a public wifi network in a station or so, you don't have root access, either17:10
gordonjcpAdi2: sorry, no, I don't know anything about Windows17:10
dr_willisHyperbyte: check  fdisk -l   output of the drive.. it may be confuseing things.. or it may be a flulty ntfs that needs checked17:10
YokoBRoh, it didn't worked as i thought it would do. I'm trying to show on a zenity's list the status of processes17:10
pgdac12Any more command to create file other than cat and touch?17:11
dr_willispgdac12:  echo ' ' > foo.txt17:11
pgdac12dr_willis:  Thanks17:11
dr_willisare we doing your homework?17:12
jklowdenIs it normal that "ls (hd0)" in Grub reports "Not a known filesystem"?17:12
Adi2gonna ask 1 more time. Anyone knows that this error is about ? An error occurred: 'NoneType' object has no attribute "get_info" ? I'm trying to install 12.04 s17:12
andrebhi all17:12
BlackBishopMonkeyDust: ok, then why if I try to connect to a password protected network, with a regular ( non-admin ) user, asks me for the password for a user with administrator rights17:13
YokoBRhey guys, check my project: http://code.google.com/p/linux-server-management/17:13
YokoBRi'm trying to automate some routines17:14
achandradrussell, ping17:14
andrebquestion : how hard would it be to get an application that was made for 10.04 lts to work on 12.04 lts ?17:14
drussellachandra: pong hey!17:14
LetterRiphi all, my ubuntu installation wont connect via wireless, nm-tools i see a gateway listed but when i ping it it times out.  windows works fine and connects without problem any idead?s17:14
achandradrussell, had some trouble dialing in...let me try again from another phone. Are you avail?17:15
drussellachandra: yup still available17:15
blzachandra, in most cases, they should work natively.  Have you tried?  Are you getting any errors?17:15
ranveer5289Adi2: You googled your problem or not?17:15
achandradrussell, ok give me a sec17:15
blzachandra, sorry that was meant for andreb17:15
drussellachandra: np17:15
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LetterRipthis is q fresh ubuntu 12.04.1 install17:16
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Adi2ranveer5289 i did ... didnt find anything usefull so far17:16
LetterRipcurrently using android phone to communicate17:17
ranveer5289Adi2: Are you trying to install ubuntu using Wubi17:17
CalinouYokoBR, nice advertising you have there17:17
Adi2ranveer5289 yes17:17
ranveer5289Adi2: This might help you http://goo.gl/NqbqI17:18
YokoBRCalinou, sorry, but what do you mean?17:18
jklowdenTJ, thanks for your guidance.  Mounting this loopback won't be easy because the host OS is OS X. I can mount it, but chroot and so on won't work. I'm having trouble understanding what happened, or what might have happened. My guess is that my normal partition is hosed -- Not a known filesystem -- and that the only bootable one is (hd0,msdos5), which happens to have memory test kernels. Does that sound plausible?17:18
pgdac12ok guys goodnight17:19
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fidelYokoBR: why pointing on a project when it doesnt even has some code? apart from that - this channel is focused on actual ubuntu-issues usersmight have ... so your topic isnt ideal for inhere ..at least that is my guess17:19
Adi2ranveer5289 tryed with 2 different downloads of 12.04. dvd and desktop. same result17:19
TJ-jklowden: Ahhhh OK. Makes sense. I would take a stab are recovering the 'hosed' partition first.17:20
ranveer5289Adi2: Any particular reason you are trying to use Wubi to install ubuntu?17:20
YokoBRfidel, it does have some code. And also i'm asking stuff about shellscript, since i couldn't find a channel for this and i'm working on ubuntu. I'm not chargin anyone or getting any money for this. It's open source and under GPL v3 licence.17:20
fidelYokoBR: oh i overlooked the download ;)17:20
ranveer5289Adi2: you can install it on a separate partition17:21
TJ-jklowden: If you can remember the proper layout of the partitions (their purpose and number) you have a good chance to get somewhere17:21
YokoBRfidel, okay...17:21
fidelYokoBR: yep i've see nthat ...and questions are always welcome inhere ...so feel free until it is ubuntu specific ;)17:21
mevvisYokoBR: dont get a point of that script :/17:21
jklowdenTJ, I can easily create a new VM and use its data.  But The Grub is a netherworld....17:22
fidelYokoBR: sidenote: using english in the script might make more sense if you want to share it to the rest of the world17:22
Adi2ranveer5289 i got 1 partition free atm. On install i get 3 options: 1. install with windows 2. standalone(format windows ) and 3. chose partition. My question is , if i chose the 3rd , wont that screw up my boot loader ?17:22
jklowdenBut OK.  You're saying if I can tell grub where the partition is, I might be able to boot it.17:22
Adi2i mean i will still be able to chose win/linux ?17:22
YokoBRmevvis, i'm the only one i.t. responsible here. When i'm on a hollyday vacation i don't want to be bothered by people...17:23
TJ-jklowden: well forget GRUB, your issue is before GRUB possibly. If there's another partition in that VM image (my guess would be (hd0,msdos1) or maybe msdos2, you can recover that and get grub to reconfigure correctly17:23
dontknowcan we use va-api with 3rd generation intel integrated graphics?17:23
YokoBRfidel, i'll use english, i've been woking on this for just some minutes17:23
TJ-jklowden: I know this sounds silly but is it possible you're using the wrong VM image? :p17:23
YokoBRfidel, it's not over yet17:23
ranveer5289Adi2: I would suggest reading this guide for dual booting windows and ubuntu https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot17:24
Adi2ranveer5289 ty17:24
ranveer5289Adi2: :)17:24
jklowdenThanks, TJ.  ls reports hd0, hd0,msdos1, and hd0,msdos5.  Only the last is recognized as valid.  I have only one VM image to load. :-)17:25
kroonrsI've been told to reboot with acpi=off to try fix a problem (on askubuntu.com).  I added acpi=off to the entry I got when booting (selected the kernel and pressed "e").  How do I check if I have booted with acpi=off , or if I did somethin wrong?17:26
safinaskarbobweaver: hi! i just get a message "Received unknown CTCP-1MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE- request by bobweaver!~bobweaver@ubuntu/member/bobweaver". what does this mean?17:26
TJ-jklowden: OK, That means at the partition level the image has p1 == root , p2 ==extended, p5 (1st entry in extended) /boot/17:26
LogiI seem to be in trouble. I rebooted the laptop in a random cafe and it now says something about my display being misconfigured and offers to run in low graphics mode, but that just hangs. I've gone into recovery mode, opened a root shell, remounted / in rw mode, manually configured wlan0 (haven't done that for years) and, well, now what?17:26
TJ-kroonrs: do "cat /proc/cmdline"17:27
jklowdenTJ: OK.  I did a "whole disk install" or something like that.17:27
TJ-jklowden: That sounds correct... although what bothers me is I think in that case that p5 is usually supposed to be swap :s17:28
jklowdenTJ: those first two aren't ext3, then?17:28
TJ-Anyone else remember if the whole-disk install puts os in partition 1 and swap in partition 5 ?17:28
kroonrsTJ-: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-29-generic-pae root=UUID=68796c75-4f9e-40bb-b2a2-2d01d40f09f0 ro quiet splash vt.handoff=717:28
aceris ok to set the hostname for a server as a internet domain DOMAIN.COM for example17:28
JohnFluxTJ-: I installed the base ubuntu now, and it works great17:28
TJ-JohnFlux: congrats; glad you got a handle on it17:29
JohnFluxTJ-: is there a meta package to pull in all the standard packages though?17:29
JohnFluxTJ-: I don't even have "man" etc17:29
TJ-JohnFlux: "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop"17:29
Inbread_Adiefont issue: http://i.imgur.com/S8S2k.png17:29
Inbread_Adieany ideas? :<17:29
JohnFluxTJ-: thanks17:30
TJ-kroonrs: When you add an entry to the kernel command-line in the GRUB editor at boot-time, you need to press Ctrl+X to boot that modified entry, not return to the menu first17:30
jklowdenTJ, would it help you if I created a new VM to examine?17:30
kroonrsTJ-: I did press ^X17:30
TJ-kroonrs: I suspect your modification was lost that way17:30
LogiI'd forgotten just how huge and chunky text is in standard 80x25 character mode :)17:30
bobweaversafinaskar,  What !17:30
vicky_how to configure MTS in Linux mint?17:31
TJ-kroonrs: OK... next time make sure you're adding the "acpi..." bit to the end of the line that begins "linux..." (it sometimes wraps onto the next line down)17:31
safinaskarbobweaver: again17:31
ikoniavicky_: ask in the linux mint channel, not ubuntu channel17:31
ikonia!mint > vicky_17:31
ubottuvicky_, please see my private message17:31
bobweaversafinaskar,  What in the world are you talking about ?17:31
kroonrsTJ-: OK, i'll try that - I put it on a line at the end, so that was probably my problem17:31
safinaskarbobweaver: i get strange message from my irc client17:31
kroonrsTJ-: thanks17:31
safinaskarbobweaver: this is this message:17:31
safinaskarbobweaver: "Received unknown CTCP-1MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE- request by bobweaver!~bobweaver@ubuntu/member/bobweaver"17:32
bobweaversafinaskar,  /join #ubuntu-irc17:32
TJ-jklowden: I can do that here; no; I think what you need do is inspect p1 for signs of a file-system. It would be helpful to see the output of "fdisk -l /dev/loopX" for that VM to get an idea how large the partitions are - size often indicates purpose17:32
safinaskarbobweaver: what this means? do you send me any coockie?17:32
TJ-kroonrs: Yes, I suspect you edited the "initrd" line instead :p17:32
Bruc3_ARHas anyone seen issues with 12.04 relating to the packages lvm2 and multipath-tools?17:34
acerI've setup as hostname for a server DOMAIN.COM and added MAIL in the dns records so I can now get IMAP emails from MAIL.DOMAIN.COM  My problem is that I cannot send from thunderrbird using same mail.domain.com with port 465 or 25. Could be related to hostname ?17:34
TJ-Bruc3_AR: what kind of issues?17:34
Sokelacer: Not related.17:35
TJ-acer: The server would need to be running an MTA .. IMAP would only be something like dovecot.17:35
xevworkIn 12.04, I'm trying to set up a 10.04 pbuilder environment with apt configured to look at a local directory as described here: http://edseek.com/~jasonb/articles/pbuilder_backports/pbuilderbuild.html   - when I log into the pbuilder environment and run apt-get update, it's ignoring the Packages file in the local directory which prevents me from being able to install any of those packages.17:35
aceryes I use dovecot ieth virtual users TJ-17:35
TJ-acer: So, probably postfix should be configured and running on the mail server, and firewall rules allowing connections to its listening ports17:35
acerfrom console I can also send mails but not from thunderbird17:35
BlackBishop:| where the heck do I edit the damn system policy requireing other users to enter my password if they want to connect to another wireless network ? :|17:35
acerpostfix == sendmail TJ-?17:36
aceror do I need postfix too ?17:36
TJ-acer: and a bit more, yes. postfix is an MTA for sending and receiving mail via SMTP17:36
acerand sendmail no ? :)17:36
OerHeksBlackBishop, swearing doesn't speedup help > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sudoers17:37
jklowdenTJ: Hrmm.  OK, let me see if I can make the VM image appear as a device in OS X, and then see what fdisk says about it.  Once we know that, though, where are we going?  Hexedit the partition data?17:37
TJ-acer: if you deliver emails from the client to the server using sendmail from the client, then the mail-server is already correctly configured. If only Thunderbird fails, then you've got a configuration problem with the account in Thunderbird17:37
Bruc3_ARI am finding that when i add multipath disk to a logical volume that works fine until i reboot at this point the lv fails to load at boot.17:37
TJ-jklowden: It depends on what tools OSX has available :)17:37
freshminthi anyone experienced with vobcopy17:38
jklowdenOK, brb.17:38
acerTJ- my server send mail from console when I log to ssh17:38
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acerthat means I need only to check firewals and so ?17:39
TJ-acer: but can you sendmail from the console of the client, to the server?17:39
acerhow is that ?17:39
BlackBishopsorry, didn't mean to be rude in any way, just a lil' bit mad and angry because this is stupid.17:39
acerI log in to ssh TJ-17:39
TJ-acer: being able to send mail outbound using sendmail does not mean there's an MTA ... sendmail is an SMPT client... you need an SMTP server to *receive* incoming email17:40
BlackBishopOerHeks: ok, and what would I need to give that user access to ?17:40
acerok that will be Postfix afa I understand17:40
LogiI worked around this by switching from lightdm to gdm. Thanks for the help guys.17:40
BlackBishopI know how to use the sudoers file, but I don't know what does that user actually need only for the networking privilege of that particular gnome gadget17:40
BlackBishop( that comes with gnome-core )17:40
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acerwait TJ- my server receive emails from gmail.com for example17:41
acerI can read emails using imaps protocol from thunderbird17:41
T3XAfter an update i rebooted my server and it booted from busybox how do i boot from my hard drive normaly??17:41
colorsotherI'm stuck still cannot login my profile... HELP PLEASE17:41
TJ-Bruc3_AR: have you configured the multipaths in lvm.conf ?17:41
acerI can delete emails and move them between folders inside imap server17:41
acerbut I cannot send emails as the user I receive emails through imaps17:42
TJ-acer: So that sounds as if you've got an MTA installed. Best to check! "apt-cache policy postfix"17:42
SolarisBoyBruc3_AR: whats the state of the paths at boot time?17:42
TJ-acer: In thunderbird you usually configure it to send outbound using SMTP, and it uses IMAPv4 to read the user's mail folders17:43
acerand it looks sending fails17:43
T3XHow to get rid of busybox screen and login normal??17:43
billci use a belkin home base control center to make my printers at home appear to be wireless can some one give me info to install this on ubuntu17:44
xevworkDoes anyone here use a local directory added to their sources.list? I've added one, created the Release and Packages files (as described here http://edseek.com/~jasonb/articles/pbuilder_backports/pbuilderbuild.html), and when I run apt-get update, it ignores the Packages file. I can't install anything from the local directory.17:44
trismxevwork: in my setup, instead of using a hook, I use OTHERMIRROR="deb file:///path/to/repo ./" and then use a script to update the repo when I add packages (and sign the release file since otherwise it complains in 12.04)17:45
MonkeyDustT3X  do you mean the login screen, lightdm?17:45
trismxevwork: OTHERMIRROR in ~/.pbuilderrc that is17:45
TJ-acer: So check the mail logs on the server: /var/log/mail.{log,warn,info}17:45
persona24What's the command to mount a flash drive?17:46
acerport 25 : The message could not be sent because the connection to SMTP server mail.domain.com timed out. Try again or contact your network administrator. and with port 465 : The message could not be sent because connecting to SMTP server mail.domain.com failed. The server may be unavailable or is refusing SMTP connections. Please verify that your SMTP server settings are correct and try again, or contact the server administrator.17:46
xevworktrism: Can you pastebin the contents of your local directory's Result file?17:46
xevworktrism: Sorry, Release17:46
acerthsi ^ is what I get when trying to send from THB17:46
acerI will check log17:46
aceragain :)17:47
TJ-acer: it is possible your ISP blocks port 25 to prevent spamming open mail relays17:47
acerI also have a csf firewall installed17:47
trismxevwork: it is just checksums of the Packages file, apt-ftparchive release . > Release; is how I generate it17:47
TJ-acer: Test if you can reach *any* SMPT server on port 25 using "telnet <some.mail.host> 25" ... if they all time out you know it is your ISP17:48
iRyI'm trying to stream from putlocker.com getting everytime Error 200 Couldn't find stream, Internet connection ist over a Android device Mobile Hotspot, if I install the SIM Card into my built in computer its working fine.17:48
TJ-acer: well, check that too.17:48
Bruc3_ARDuring boot Multipath is loaded after lvm has started17:48
acerI can even telnet to my mailserver.com17:48
jklowdenTJ, looks like I'm SOL.  The VirtualBox VM file is a .vdi.  OS X file(1) says it's "data", not iso9660.  I don't think I can mount it; hdid reports "attach failed".17:48
xibalbahey folks, my log files keep getting named as mail.err. mail.err. mail.err., etc..etc.. increasing the .1 each time. any thoughts on what i can look for to fix this?17:49
acertelnet mail.domain.com 25 works fine17:49
ikoniaxibalba: what mail server is doing that ?17:49
TJ-acer: If you can telnet but Thunderbird can't connect then you've got a thunderbird issue. Try setting the SMTP server in Thunderbird by its IP address rather than hostname. If that works, you know its a name resolution issue. If it doesn't work, its a connectivity issue17:49
xibalbawe run postfix, but i think it's an issue with syslog conf17:49
TJ-xibalba: Sounds like an issue with logrotate17:49
xibalbayeah not syslog,17:50
acerI am trying to send a mail from telnet17:50
xibalbaTJ-, , I'll check logrotate.d17:50
acernow I see 250-AUTH DIGEST-MD5 CRAM-MD517:50
BlackBishopany other ideas ? :|17:50
acerand I know in the passwd file I have plain password17:50
TJ-acer: So the SMTP server is answering. So try the IP address in Thunderbird17:50
xibalbaTJ-, mind taking a look at them if i pastebin the conf files?17:50
TJ-xibalba: It's not something I've every really got angry with but I'll take a look17:51
aceris the same with IP ! is not a DNS issue ! mail.Server.com is resolved by 2 ns's17:51
xibalbahaha TJ-  anger is how you fix things huh?17:51
TJ-xibalba: Isn't it when bugs bite you get angry and fix them?!17:51
xibalbai'm not even sure how to tell which logrorate.d conf file is writing these17:52
xibalbaTJ-, of course it is. I'm the same way too :)17:52
CaptObvioushas anyone here used reverse tunnels using putty?17:52
xibalbaI smash the bug into bug juice then rebuild it17:52
T3XMonkeyDust: No. after the reboot the system booted to busybox not to ubuntu server.17:52
acerTJ- I get 550 5.7.1 me@gmail.com... Relaying denied. IP name lookup failed []17:53
AndChat125769Hello.. how do u update from ubuntu 12.04 to 12.04.1? Do I need the new iso and make a fresh installation?!17:53
acerin the telnet debuging window17:53
TJ-acer: There you are then! The client isn't authorised.17:53
MonkeyDustAndChat125769  sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get upgrade17:53
acerwhat that means ?17:54
dr_willisAndChat125769:  sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade17:54
TJ-acer: You need to add your clients to postfix's relay whitelist17:54
TJ-acer: without that, your server would be an open relay and a spam source17:54
AndChat125769Thanks. I don't need the new iso then.17:54
dr_willis!version | AndChat12576917:54
ubottuAndChat125769: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »17:54
acerclient means my address on that server ?17:54
TJ-acer: so you add only allowed IPs/ranges our clients that can authorise themselves using a username/password to connect17:54
dr_willisyou may allready have 12.04.117:55
MonkeyDustAndChat125769  type lsb_release -sd17:55
bjrohanI need some serious graphics help, anyone up for it?17:55
acerI should be able to specify newmail@Itrytosetup.there into a relay list in sendmail webmin panel17:55
TJ-acer: I have my mail server set to require log-in and Thunderbird uses the account credentials of my user account on the mail server to send via SMTP17:55
acerwhere you specify that in THB ?17:55
bjrohanI had a graphics problem before, was resolved through here, I updated, and now I have the same problem17:56
AndChat125769Thanks guys17:56
TJ-acer: I think your solution - if postfix is configured normally - is in Thunderbird17:56
bjrohanI don't recall what I did :-(17:56
TJ-acer: In the Account options, SMTP server part17:56
dr_willisbjrohan:  you could check the channel logs17:56
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/17:56
bjrohanThis was months ago, can I go back that far?17:56
TJ-acer in Thunderbird Account Settings, in the list on the left, choose the Outgoing mail server17:57
aceroutgoing server - edit I have security SSL , auth method normal password and the username17:57
bjrohandr_willis how do I search, I don't know what month/day17:58
TJ-acer: Then edit the account details. Mine are set to STARTTLS, port 587, Normal password, and "username"17:58
dr_willisbjrohan:  no idea17:58
acerbut in telnet as far as I see 250-AUTH DIGEST-MD5 CRAM-MD5 I think normal password will not work ?17:58
DrPraet4I'm failing to get my ethernet card to come live on startup with a static DNS configuration.   Did a bit of googling but following the instructions there didn't help.  Anyone able to help me solve this?17:58
acerwhen you telnet you see 250-AUTH DIGEST-MD5 CRAM-MD5 ?17:58
Guest2745I need help setting  up webcam17:58
aceror 250-AUTH DIGEST-MD5 CRAM-MD5 PLAIN17:58
jklowdenTJ, you remember correctly: partitions for new VM are SCSI(0,0,0) sda.  p1 is ext4, p5 is swap.17:58
aceror maybe PLAIN AUTH17:59
Guest2745it wont let me click allow argh17:59
Guest2745help anyone17:59
bjrohanPerhaps I can ask for help again, and then actually make a note of what I do? It has to do with the 3D graphics and card isue17:59
TJ-acer: If you have Thunderbird connecting to Postfix on port 25, it is possible that Postfix won't answer to a pure TLS connection, you'll need STARTTLS and postfix configured to use that17:59
dr_willisGuest2745:  you mean in flash?17:59
TJ-jklowden: It's quite sad isn't it? Remembering that stuff? :s17:59
acerhow to see I have postfix ?17:59
dr_willisfullscreen the flash video, or try holding ght right mouse button as you click18:00
Guest2745its not working, i keep on clicking aloow, but it seems to not respond18:00
acerI think I do not have it ! jsut sendmail and dovecot18:00
bjrohanMy inspiron with Intel Graphics won't load in 3D mode after upgrade which included kernel upgrade18:00
Alex_Bkashhow can i remote access a pc behind NAT??18:00
bjrohanI can only start in recovery mode18:00
TJ-acer: When you telnet to the mail-server, it will tell you what services it offers. on port 25 see if it offers you STARTTLS18:00
dr_willisAlex_Bkash:  set up port forwarding it one way on the router18:00
colorsotherhow can i determine what system update were install recently ?18:00
jklowdenTJ, it takes years.  I think I have finally forgotten CONFIG.SYS.18:00
Guest2745doesnt work dr willis18:01
acerno STARTLS seen there18:01
TJ-acer if not, it is possible postfix is listening on port 587 for a pure TLS connection, so tell thunderbird to connect to that port number if it isn't doing so already18:01
Alex_Bkashmy router dont have static IP too18:01
TJ-jklowden: Arghh! Now you're gonna give me nightmares tonight!18:01
Guest2745the abode floash keep on crashing18:01
dr_willisGuest12435:  i dont mess with flash. other then fullscreening, or the right click at same time.. no ideas18:01
TJ-jklowden: How about emm386.sys? :p almost as good as your current GRUB issues :D18:01
Guest2745should i reinstall the flash again?18:02
DrPraet4No-one can tell me why just editing  /etc/network/interfaces and  /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base is insufficient?18:02
dr_willisGuest2745:  thats windows mind-set thinking...18:02
Bruc3_ARTJ-: so you have any other ideas?18:02
dr_willisGuest2745:  id search askubuntu.com18:02
colorsothercan someone please help18:03
Guest2745should i reinstal the flash again?18:03
TJ-acer: you test the TLS connection on port 587 using openssl. do "openssl s_client -host <mailserver.name> -port 587 "18:03
jklowdenTJ, I'd be careful using language like that on a public forum.  You never know who might be listening!18:03
dr_willisGuest2745:  thats windows mind-set thinking...     so no....18:03
Guest2745or oleave it alone18:03
dr_willisGuest2745:  id search askubuntu.com ......18:03
TJ-Bruc3_AR: I missed it, if you responded to my question about lvm.conf having filters enabled for multipath?18:03
bjrohanCan someone point me in the right direction for getting the right Intel graphics driver for 12.04 so that the 3D works? It fails now after my upgrade today18:03
dr_willistheres dozens of flash work-arounds that  may work18:04
colorsotherWillis.... Lotus.... PLEASE GUYS18:04
dr_williscolorsother:  hmm?18:04
bjrohanIs there a way to undo an upgrade?18:04
acers_client is the email address ? TJ-18:04
colorsothermy main profile is corrupt and i cannot login18:04
bjrohanthrough synaptic package manager?18:04
guestblahabode flash always crash18:04
dr_williscolorsother:  move all configd to a backup dir. to reset them all?18:05
TJ-acer: no. "s_client" is a function of openssl that makes a connection to an SSL/TLS server and reports the certificates and connection negotiation to ensure it is correct18:05
Bruc3_ARI have filters for /dev/sd.* in lvm.conf. i also have lvm2 starting before multipath on bootup18:05
dr_williscolorsother:  check ownership of .Xauthority also18:06
Bruc3_ARTJ-: I have filters for /dev/sd.* in lvm.conf. i also have lvm2 starting before multipath on bootup18:06
guestblahim trying to use omgele but it wont let me click all0w18:06
acerTJ- I get connection refused on 25 465 and 587 ports18:06
colorsotherperms on xauthority okay18:06
TJ-Bruc3_AR: Any log entries to indicate the issues it's having? Have you tried starting into the initrd by setting "break=top" and working you way through the initrd manually to see what's going wrong?18:06
dr_willisguestblah:  theres dozens of 'tricks' to try to get the 'cand click buttons in flash bug' working.  i just recall a few of them18:07
colorsothernot sure what move configd files refers to......     .config    .gconf  ??18:07
TJ-acer: looks like postfix isn't configured for TLS/SSL connections. I think that's what you need to do to allow Thunderbird to connect. It's hard to be sure from where I'm sat though.18:07
dr_williscolorsother:  and .local perhaps  and other . dirs...18:08
acerI will look after an article to configure TLS for SMTP18:08
dr_williscolorsother:  move one to 'backups' try to login.. repeat18:08
dr_willisuntill it works.18:08
jitaI want to grep for Foo.bar.baz, how can i do it ?18:09
guestblahwhats the trick18:09
guestblahwhats the trick18:10
dr_willisguestblah:  fullscreening a video at youtube.com let me check the settings here18:10
i7cjita: grep from what? a file?18:10
Bruc3_ARTJ-: I actually know what is going wrong. Multipath is starting after lvm has begun loading the logical volumes. I currently am using a script to rescan for lvm devices at start up. I think my way of doing this might be wrong.18:10
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i7cjita: command_that_produces_output | grep -i "foo.bar.baz"              the -i makes the it case insensitive18:11
TJ-Bruc3_AR: Would delaying lvm solve it then? This is another problem of the parallel mountall process maybe?18:11
i7cjita: * makes it18:12
TJ-Bruc3_AR: or maybe more correctly, the parallel upstart/udev bridge18:12
colorsotherthanks willis18:12
TJ-Bruc3_AR: I've been trying to create a bug-fix for a parallel mountall issue here, maybe it's a similar cause18:12
Bruc3_ARTJ-: i actually have it working. But i am unsure if i should submit a bug report to ubuntu to have multipath-tools start before lvm218:13
dr_williscolorsother:  found the dir?18:13
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gozonwhat is wrong with ubuntu precise that doesnt update the clock over the internet?...and i already installed ntpdate18:13
Alex_Bkashi have a home pc behind nat and the router dont have static ip. how can i remotely connect to the pc?18:13
colorsothernot yet i moved all the . dirs and it worked so ill have to do one at a time i guess...18:13
colorsotherbut i was able to login18:13
TJ-Bruc3_AR: how about bug #230006 ?18:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 230006 in multipath-tools (Ubuntu) "udev breaks multipath after reboot when using LVM" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23000618:13
PraxiAlex_Bkash, teamviewer?18:14
colorsothermight be easier to create a new profile and move all my data over than trial and error on18:14
colorsotherthe . dirs18:14
bjrohanDoes anyone know how to effectively search the irclogs? After upgrading I am have a graphics issue that was solved through here before.18:14
TJ-Bruc3_AR: I assume you've done all this? https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/multipath-devices.html#multipath-devices-in-logical-volumes18:14
Alex_BkashPraxi, command line..18:14
dr_willisAlex_Bkash:  you mean your ip from the isp changes?  dyndns or similer services make that easy to work around18:14
Bruc3_ARTJ-: i will look at that quick18:15
dr_williscolorsother:   may as just delete the .dirs and reset everything back to default18:15
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hficdr_willis, dyndns actually stopped providing free dns accounts. Only active free accounts at the time are grand-fathered.18:16
colorsotheryeah i moved them all but then i get a number of system errors and crashes18:16
dr_willismy router has dyndns support built in. many new routers have a similer service from linksys or cisco18:16
colorsotherseems easier to create another18:16
guestblahdrwillis, i just checked iiiiiiii out and i dont understand a single thing18:16
dr_willishfic:  i still have a free one ;)18:16
colorsotherunless you advise otherwise18:16
TJ-Bruc3_AR: also, this bug could make all your lvm.conf filters meaningless. bug #246324 although it was supposedly fixed ages ago!18:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 246324 in lvm2 (Ubuntu) "initramfs-tools lvm2-hookscript won't include lvm.conf and claim devices it shouldn't " [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24632418:16
dr_willishfic:  i think theres a way to get one.. but i never looked into it18:17
hficdr_willis, I had 2 accounts I let expire :( .. now I'm stuck with no-ip that doesn't update automatically and has horrible easy of use for forwarding :(18:17
dr_williscolorsother:  easier? its easier to jsust delete/move the . dirs and reset all settings.. a new account would be reset also...18:17
dr_willishfic:  ;) i did see where cisco or linksys had some similer service18:18
reenignEesreveRi got by drive messed up (i accidently ran two instances of same VM and the virtual drive became inconsistent) ... recovered the data partition using fsck ... i'd like to re-install grub too ... "grub-install /dev/sda" says "/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for /dev/sda" .. i've tried both while it is mounted as well as unmounted from the live cd18:18
colorsotherTHANKS for the help was very frusterated as i am in the middle of working and this system update interrupted a very busy day18:18
dr_williscolorsother:  i dont see how a update affected user settings at all.. unless you had a weird setting to beginwith18:19
lidarcolorsother: just name the current home to home-old and make the same named directory again then chown the new directory to the user account then log it back in .. file in -old will still be owned by same user and can be accessed18:19
Bruc3_ARTJ-: yes i have. My issue is not with the multipath losing the disks. My issue is with the start order of multipath and lvm.18:19
BlackBishopso .. is there any easy way to make any user be able to connect to any wireless without giving that user administrative privileges ?18:20
wNBruc3_AR: are you using lvm for your root partition?18:20
TJ-Bruc3_AR: Yeah, subtle difference... I'm having trouble finding indications of how its *supposed* to be done18:20
colorsotheri dont either but i was able to login to my machine this morning fine and after the system update and restart i had issues18:20
lidarBlackBishop: there is a group associated with net connection if i remeber corectly18:20
colorsotherthansk lidar18:21
lidarcolorsother: by home i mean /home/useraccount renamed to /home/useraccount-old18:22
Bruc3_ARTJ-: i have the same config working on a 10.04 box. It appears in 12.04 lvm is on  upstart and multipath is not.18:22
BlackBishoplidar: would help to know which one .. took a look at /etc/group and nothing pop my eyes .18:22
DrPraetorSo - that didn't work either.  I can't believe I'm the only one who just edited the text files and then was surprised when nettworking didn't  come up on start, but searching the ubuntu help place didn't seem to help.18:22
TJ-Bruc3_AR: yeah... you're suffering the 'let's do everything in parallel with no dependency control' bug!18:22
Bruc3_ARTj-: i do use lvm for my root folder18:23
Bruc3_ARTJ-: nifty, is there any way to work around it?18:24
TJ-Bruc3_AR: I wish there were an easy one!18:24
DrPraetorMaybe this will queue something - eth0 is "up" when I start the machine (because I have to bring it down again before I can hard-configure it.), but it has  no IP address.  Does having lo come up automatically maybe cause the problem?18:24
bjrohanAnyone have advice for intel graphics card and Ubuntu 12.04? mine only loads in low-res mode :-(18:24
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Bruc3_ARTj-: have you heard of anyone posting a bug about this to have it looked at?18:25
Dr_LiDaRi feel more important now !18:25
sebas_My webcam is constant flashing every 3 seconds.. why and how can I stop this?18:25
Dr_LiDaRsebas_: somoene is spying on you !18:25
DrPraetorhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1186289/ <- hopefully some helpful soul will take a look at some point.18:26
sebas_Dr_LiDaR: hehe :)18:26
Dr_LiDaRbjrohan: pastebin output from lspci18:26
TJ-Bruc3_AR: There are various issues with parallel device discovery but no one controlling bug report18:26
sebas_this must be a bug or such18:26
portennot sure what happened but I'm getting spanish style typing, how do I disable this?18:27
kubancHellow! i have Wireless Illuminated Keyboard K800 and logitech mouse performance mx. As it looks I cannot operate with both of them with one usb logitech unifying key. Any idea?18:27
Bruc3_ARTj-: darn.... well i hope they can fix this eventually18:28
bjrohanDr_LiDaR:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1186292/18:28
markoKhey guys, I installed ubuntu lts and it seams very slow, so I diceded to install BUM (Boot Up Manage) to disable some daemons18:28
TJ-DrPraetor: because it is missing "auto eth0"18:28
markoKwhat I want to know is, how to do it the manual way?18:29
bjrohanDr_LiDaR the last time there was a conflict issue with drivers and if I recall I had to install a propritary Intel driver and uninstall something else?18:29
nbfanyone else running chrome dev channel with 12.04 having issues where chrome's tabs always crash?18:29
nbfit just started happening to me, doesn't seem to be a hardware issue18:29
TJ-Bruc3_AR: There's talk of merging upstart and potentially dropping initrd totally18:29
Dr_LiDaRbjrohan: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI Radeon Mobility X1400 looks like you have an ait video card18:29
DrPraetorTJ-: *facepalm*.  Thanks.18:29
DarkenvyI have a fresh isntall of 12.04 and my video stutters and goes into fast forward18:30
TJ-DrPraetor: welcome18:30
nbfin chrome?18:30
Darkenvyflash based video to be more specific.18:30
nbfDarkenvy: yeah I've seen that, I get better results if I switch to flash installed via apt18:30
ebs512can someone assist me, sorry for being so needsome lately, in my mozilla firefox, when I go to google the text input is barely gray ontop of white so it is very hard to see, is there a way to fix this?18:30
BlackBishopwhat exactly does it need from network manager :|18:30
nbfi.e. disable the building chrome plugin in chrome://plugins18:30
Darkenvyso just reinstall flash?18:30
nbfdisable the *built in* flash plugin18:31
nbfthat is bundled with chrome18:31
Dr_LiDaRebs512: change the themes ?18:31
ebs512I like the theme I have though...18:31
ebs512it's called swar green and I did a tweak for transparency18:32
Dr_LiDaRmarkoK: check this out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18919218:32
markoKstupid question Dr_LiDaR, but will there be a systemD solution for ubuntu?18:33
Bruc3_ARTj-: i hope they keep initrd around and move everything to upstart. Upstart is not easy to setup for programs that don't come packaged for upstart.18:34
Estragonon ubuntu 12.04 with packages up to date, I have a metacity crash when I launch a fullscreen frame in swing18:34
Estragonthats kind of odd18:34
TJ-Bruc3_AR: You know how it is; as developers we have to tinker with something... when it's working well we have nothing to challenge us!18:34
err-ormarkok: i think they will stay with upstart18:34
Dr_LiDaRmarkoK: it looks pretty universal http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd18:35
err-orDr_LiDaR: im getting used to it :)18:35
sebas_Is there any software for Ubuntu to configure webcams??18:35
err-orsebas_ : via webbrowser maybe? or what do you like to achieve?18:36
wNBruc3_AR: thats odd. it should be built early in boot if you're using root. you said your lvs are missing if multipathing is enabled?18:36
Bruc3_ARTj-: lol sounds like time for new features then!18:36
Dr_LiDaRsebas_: in a shell apt-cache search webcam it will list packages18:36
sebas_err-or: webbrowser??18:36
markoKthanks Dr_LiDaR :)18:36
sebas_Dr_LiDaR: thanx will check now18:37
* wN goes back to idling in #lvm18:37
err-orsebas_: thought bout zoneminder18:37
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Bruc3_ARTj-: i even took a screen shot of multipath immediately starting after lvm finishes18:37
Dr_LiDaRi hate lidar as a name but cant think of a good one18:38
TJ-Bruc3_AR: can i see it?18:38
interciao a tutti18:38
TJ-!it | inter18:38
ubottuinter: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:38
sebas_err-or: zoneminder??18:39
err-orsebas_ : software to monitor different webcams ;) was the wrong direction. sry :)18:39
Bruc3_ARTj-: sure i have to blur some stuff out here quick. How do you want to have me send it to you?18:39
NepheloHello, I've got a problem with my Ubuntu 10.04 Serversystem. I'm using mdadm (raid 5) and smbd for network shares. After a time the server freezes, only a reset helps. RAM is ok, and FS seems to. I tried to create an archive and this works. Nothing in syslog. Can someone help me?18:40
TJ-Bruc3_AR: how about http://imagebin.org ?18:40
xibalbahey folks, i've got a good question for you all. What do you guys use to manage changes in your linux systems? I mean, how do you notate these changes when you have multiple linux administrators, and many many linux systems?18:41
sebas_err-or: oke but thanx anyway for that direction :P18:41
Dr_LiDaRxibalba: there should only be one!18:41
xibalbanot possible18:41
err-orxibalba: something like this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=178025118:43
ice799Hi, if I run sudo dpkg --configure -a and the process appears to hang, is there anyway i can get more information about what is causing a package install to hang?18:43
ice799i am running that because of E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.18:44
Dr_LiDaRxibalba: i would use tripwire i think18:44
Dr_LiDaRice799: strace can show whats going if you want alot of info18:45
noahbandI dont seem to be able to load ubuntu on my CPU. Can anyone help?18:46
xibalbaDr_LiDaR, i'll check that out.18:46
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Dr_LiDaRnoahband: what cpu/ram what have you tried so far18:47
noahbandIt seems to install (with wubi), but then when I reboot , only windows xp shows up on os choices.18:48
noahbandVersion 8.10, by the way.18:49
Dr_LiDaRnoahband: thats many years old18:49
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Dr_LiDaRnoahband: get the latest and try it18:50
theadminnoahband: That's not supported18:50
noahbandI tried with 12.04, but my computer said the the config wasn't compatible.18:51
TJ-noahband: That's the PC brand/model or specifications?18:51
Dr_LiDaRnoahband: why dont you dual boot instead of using wubi?18:51
reenignEesreveRi messed up some of my system files ... can i "re-install" ubuntu so that many of the files are just copied over once again?18:51
TJ-noahband: "what's" not "that's" !18:51
theadminnoahband: That's your problem, actually, if you can't run a supported Ubuntu release, you won't get any help here18:52
YokoBRfidel, and it's done :) In english as well http://code.google.com/p/linux-server-management/18:52
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theadminreenignEesreveR: You can reinstall it. I suggest you back up the stuff in /home though (unless that's on a separate partition)18:52
noahbandI tried using a cd (and usb) to boot it, but I only got a blank screen.18:52
YokoBRmevvis, its done18:52
reenignEesreveRtheadmin, i intend to keep my passwd files etc intact though ... how do i do that?18:53
theadminreenignEesreveR: Well, you don't...18:53
theadminreenignEesreveR: Unfortunately, that doesn't sound like possible to me18:53
Dr_LiDaRnoahband: what processor and how much ram do you have ?18:54
BlackBishop:| any way I can find out what exactly is a normal user trying to do when it gets the "authenticate" window ?18:54
noahbandan intel pentium 4 processor.18:55
noahbandand 255 MB's of Ram18:55
dr_willis256mb of ran?18:55
dr_willisram ;)18:55
Dr_LiDaRnoahband: you will need to use xubuntu or lubuntu they use xfce and lxde desktop18:56
reenignEesreveRwell, my dpkg system has broken down ... e.g. i get "dpkg: parse error, in file '/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 54:" ... can i update/re-install all these files without any hassle?18:56
noahbandThat's what I thought, but the wubi installer said I have 255.18:56
dr_willisnoahband:  finding moar ram online or somewhere would help greatly18:56
luckybunnyhi folks... seem to be having trouble with sound right now18:56
noahbandOkay, thanks DR_LiDaR18:57
luckybunnymy soud settings lists my hardware as 'dumy output' instead of the usual18:57
luckybunnyand I hear nothing18:57
BluesKajluckybunny, what chip is listed in alsamixer18:57
luckybunnyit's not a clean install, nor a particularly unusual system, so most of what I've read in forum posts doesn't apply18:57
Dr_LiDaR!ask | Lesterwood18:58
ubottuLesterwood: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:58
Lesterwoodsorry, i accidentally used the allchan command18:58
luckybunnycannot open mixer: No such file or directory18:58
Lesterwoodnothing to ask18:58
Dr_LiDaRluckybunny: does the output from lspci show your sound card ?18:59
BluesKajluckybunny, install alsa-base amd alsa-utils19:00
luckybunnyboth already newest19:00
bapuHi sir19:00
bapuafter switching to gnome classic i cant see log out on my zorin 6 ubuntu19:01
bapuany guide sir19:01
dr_williszorin is not ubuntu... ask in the zorin channelas19:01
BluesKajluckybunny, lsmod | grep snd , pastebin the results19:02
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dr_willisyou can always use 'sudo service lightdm restart' ;) but thats overkill19:02
Dr_LiDaRhe could just use ubuntu!19:03
_ravenhow to display harddisk rpm to know if energy settings work?19:03
luckybunnynothing output at all19:04
MB_wrkHow do I downgrade a specific package to an earlier version?19:04
dr_willisi really dont see much need for 'zorin'  ;)19:04
Dr_LiDaR_raven: hdparm19:04
luckybunnyso it looks like the kernel hasn't loaded ound modules, or they don't exist19:04
MB_wrkSpecifically, on Ubuntu 10.04.4, downgrade mysql-server from 5.1.63 to 5.1.4119:04
dr_willis!pin > MB_wrk19:04
ubottuMB_wrk, please see my private message19:04
THE_GFR|WORKhey everyone, what's a good eSATA card that works with linux and supports FIS switching?19:04
luckybunnywhich is.... unusual19:04
BlackBishopso, any easy way to make any user to connect to any wifi without administrative privileges ? Or any easy way to identify what actual commands need to be executed when the authenticate window pops up so I can add just those for everybody in sudoers without a password ?19:04
MB_wrkThank you dr_willis19:04
_ravenDr_LiDaR tnx19:05
BluesKajluckybunny, yeah , looks that way ..did you check phonon hardware preferences (pulseaudio)19:06
THE_GFR|WORKhey everyone, what's a good eSATA card that works with linux and supports FIS switching?19:07
luckybunnynot sure how to go about that19:07
BluesKajluckybunny, well i'm on kde so I've forgotten where the audio setup stuff is on unity gnome19:08
Dr_LiDaRBlackBishop: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=ubuntu+allow+wireless+for+all+users19:10
YokoBRhey guys, i've created this bash script. Now how can i make a deb package of it?19:10
Dr_LiDaRYokoBR: what does your bash script do ?19:11
YokoBRDr_LiDaR, restart some services and shows current status of them.. At least now. I'm implementing more features.19:12
andrzej_strhey guys, I've tried to install windows, but I was unsuccesful, and my partitions got mixed up. Ubuntu instalation utility doesn't see any partitions at all, but the Disk Utility shows that: http://i48.tinypic.com/9aqt05.png19:13
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andrzej_strall of my partitions are listed as "Unknown ()", and not part of the extended, as they should be19:13
hwildehelp my sound is stuttering 11.04  http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=d305cc96e83735bd7b448165d147189dcb72b97119:13
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Dr_LiDaRandrzej_str: your partititons are more screwed up than a soup sandwhich at homeless shelter19:14
andrzej_stryep, everything was fine before the unsuccesful windows installation19:14
andrzej_strI had 5 partitions, now I get this partition salad19:15
hexag0ndoes anyone know what I should do to fix this issue I've been having with any ubuntu based distro? I tried installing different distros and they all have this problem: the mouse skips alot sometimes and a reboot fixes it, and it also just freezes completely for me at random times as well. my computer is decent enough to run it smoothly. I am running a memtest with the latest version of memtest86+, version 4.20 and it's on th19:15
hexag0ne third pass and there doesn't appear to be any errors with my ram. any ideas?19:15
Dr_LiDaRandrzej_str: uh is it feasable to start all over ? or there is data that needs saved ?19:16
hexag0nI just wanna use a decent operating system that will run will but I can't even install it because of this locking up and mouse skipping/lag issue19:16
hexag0nthat will run well*19:16
Dr_LiDaRhexag0n: what cpu/ramvideo card19:17
dyn12Ui need help to fix my wifi!19:17
andrzej_strwell, I could make backups, since I can mount those partitions in live ubuntu, but it would take massive amount of time, but when there's no other way19:17
hexag0nDr_LiDar my video card is an ati radeon 6970 and i believe my cpu is an amd phenom ii x6 1090t19:18
hexag0nthat's what memtest86+ and ubuntu say anyways19:18
beefmananyone have an hp printer, ubuntu 12, and have very slow printing in firefox?  I have tried switching to pxlmono and generic pcl driver but no luck.19:18
Dr_LiDaRandrzej_str: i woulkd do a complete redo19:18
hexag0nyeah it's a 6970 and a 1090t19:18
Dr_LiDaRhexag0n: what module you using for the vid card ?19:18
hexag0nDr_LiDaR: i'm not too sure, how can i check that?19:18
carolI am new to ubuntu just installed 12.04 have intel g965 graphics system freezes after sign on need detailed help19:19
dr_willisbeefman:  i imagine it depends on the exact printer. the forums may be worth searching.19:19
Dr_LiDaRhexag0n: since you dont know ill assume you need to do the proprietary install19:19
dr_willisbeefman:  also check the cups logs19:19
hexag0nDr_LiDaR: i tihnk it's also worth mentioning that this problem is with linux only, any other OS works fine19:19
hwildehelp my sound is stuttering 11.04  http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=d305cc96e83735bd7b448165d147189dcb72b97119:19
dyn12Uneed help to fix wifi troubles with ubuntu 12.0419:19
hexag0nDr_LiDaR: on lubuntu when i installed the proprietary video card driver it still had the freezing and mouse lag issue19:20
hexag0nDr_LiDaR: and every other ubuntu based distro i used19:20
hexag0nDr_LiDaR: ubuntu, xubuntu, lubuntu, mint, etc.19:21
hexag0nDr_LiDaR: all of them had the same issues.19:21
BluesKajdyn12U, just ask your question19:21
dr_willishexag0n:  that is sort of expected.   try a radically different distro like  tinycorelinux and see if its the same as a test19:21
dyn12UBlueKaj : wifi doesnt work in my 12.0419:22
hexag0ndr_willis: i'll try tinycore now, if it's ubuntu related and things that are based on ubuntu would i just have to completely avoid ubuntu based distros?19:22
dyn12UBluesKaj: wifi doesnt work in my 12.0419:22
dr_willisdyn12U:  and your wifi chipset is? what drivers are you using.. what have you tried so far19:23
hexag0ndr_willis: generally i've had a really fun, nice experience with ubuntu on my laptop and i'd really like to use something like it on my desktop as well but if stability means i need to change to something else then that's ok19:23
dr_willishexag0n:  i try to avoid ati.. ;) may be a driver/kernal version combo issue19:23
hexag0ndr_willis: yeah, i have had so many issues with my 6970 ever since i bought it19:23
dr_willisits hard to tell really19:24
dyn12Udr_willis : i am new to ubuntu. i have no idea...all i can c is that its from atheros Inc,19:24
kapzHiya, I dual boot ubuntu with windows, I deleted all the grub entries for linux so when I boot now it's only windows option. How can I fix this?19:25
hexag0ndr_willis: well my laptop battery is about to die but i'm gonna try tinycore linux in a sec on my desktop, thanks for the help buddy19:25
Dr_LiDaRdyn12U: lspci will identify which one it is19:25
hexag0ndr_willis: i owe you one19:25
hexag0nthanks as well, Dr_LiDaR19:25
hexag0nit's good to see that the linux community still has some nice people in it. :)19:26
Dr_LiDaRyou caught us on a off day we are usually mean!19:26
brohanCan someone help with a graphics problem? After upgrade it only boots into low-res and through recovery at that :-(19:27
dyn12UDr_LiDaR : thanks..its  AR928519:27
vicium\aAnyone proficent in networking? My connection has been acting REALLY wierd since 10 hours ago or so... It's like using 0.5% of its capacity.. My ISP says nothing is wrong on their end so... I tried downloading a random file just now to see the speed, it starts out at like 30 kb/s (I have 100 mbit, usual speeds about 12 mb/s) and after the 30 kb/s start it goes down to like 1 kb/s - 5kb/s19:27
vicium\astuttering as hell.... Just to compare I downloaded a random linux dist iso ftom ftp://sunet.se and I max my speed there... So http downloads = slow as hell, I ping like 3000 on my voice chat server instead of the usual 12 ms ~ Anyone please? :P19:27
[snake]how do I tell make to compile into a directory that I like19:28
Dr_LiDaRvicium\a: your isp is lying19:28
vicium\aDr_LiDaR: Could I be 'hacked' or something? :P19:28
[snake]vicium\a, most ISPs sell you faster internet than you really get.19:28
vicium\aBut weird that FTP dl'ing works to a 100% though19:28
brohanDr_LiDar: I was able to find the solution to my previous problem via the logs, but that is not my graphics issue now19:28
vicium\aYes but it was working fine 12 hours ago19:28
vicium\aNow its not even 1/100 of what it was 12h ago19:28
SebastienIf your machine can't support 100mb/s or the server you are connecting to can't support it either, don't expect for it to work19:29
kapzdoes anyone knows the name of live cd to fix grub?19:29
Sebastienits like using a porche in the grass19:29
Sebastienits common sense.19:29
vicium\aOk i'll reprhase it19:29
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xangua!grub2 | kapz19:29
vicium\a12 hours ago I had 10000% better performance then I do now19:29
ubottukapz: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)19:29
dyn12UDr_LiDaR : ???19:29
vicium\aON the very same sites19:29
Sebastienclean your machine19:29
Sebastienlook at the process listing19:29
Sebastienrestore to 12 hours ago ?19:29
vicium\aDidnt install or download anything during that timeframe19:30
kapzCool. Thanks xangua.19:31
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Dr_LiDaRdyn12U: is the module for that loaded?19:31
dyn12UDr_LiDaR : im not sure...hw do i check that?19:32
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Dr_LiDaRdyn12U: lsmod19:32
SandosHey guys, I am completely new to Linux so I figured the easiest would be to use the windows installer to install Ubuntu. After it completes its chores and I reboot into Ubuntu my screen goes black with green/blue/red etc lines as if it is broken and nothing happens. Reinstalled several times but it happens every time... anyone knows what is going on?19:33
dyn12UDr_LiDaR: i guess, yes, because it shows a report19:33
citricSandos: Might be a graphics issue. If you're getting to the boot selection screen you should be able to boot in "safe" mode19:34
Dr_LiDaRdyn12U: http://linuxplained.com/how-to-fix-atheros-ar9285-ar9287-wireless-problems-in-ubuntu-1104/19:35
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Dr_LiDaRSandos: that method sucks in my opinion i suggest doing an actual dual boot19:36
SandosCitric: I'll give it a try. Thanks for the suggestion. If I boot in safe mode, where should I be able to find the right driver?19:36
Lunar_Landerjust a short information from me: Finally the Java Update arrived!19:36
Dr_LiDaRSandos: alt control F1 should get you to a shell when the screen is all wonky19:36
citricSandos: That depends on your graphics card. There's plenty of resources to be found through Google.19:37
citricSandos: Though Ubuntu has a fair bit of native hardware support, so there's also the chance the problem is something else, like conflicting drivers or simple misidentification19:38
Sandoscitric: Alright, thanks. I feel like an idiot for not having a dvd/usb drive around though!19:39
Makdaamhow do I switch the notification daemon to xfce-notifyd?19:40
Makdaamright now I've got some notifications that are unclosable (added an experimental alsa ppa)19:41
citricSandos: Usually you don't need one if you have an Internet connection19:41
citricSandos: Even in safe mode you should be able to access the web19:41
pirxhey! anyone else but me that has the feeling that the sudoers-file isnt quite working as it used to in 12.04? even though i have entered NOPASSWD for my user, i get asked for a password19:42
pirxi assume that some other package/software plays a role. anyone knows which?19:42
Sandoscitric: Ok. I'll try this (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132) method for now, it seems to accurately describe my problem.19:42
dyn12UDr_LiDaR : it didnot work19:43
TJ-pirx: Try "sudo -D 9 ..." to get some debug logging of what it is (or isn't) doing19:44
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histopirx: did you visudo to edit hte sudoers file?19:46
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pirxTJ-: will do!19:47
pirxhisto: yes visudo19:47
histopirx: can you post your /etc/sudoers file19:47
histopirx: pastebin it19:48
Dr_LiDaRdyn12U: i would compile my own kernel but thats not the ubuntu way ...19:48
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dyn12UDr_LiDaR : i guess, broadcom driver is not installed and i dont know how to install it, coz whenever i try, it fails...is there any way out to reinstall or reset wifi settings?19:49
BluesKajdyn12U, sudo modprobe b43 ?19:50
ozetteHow do I ftp to my server running ubuntu? I get a "530 This FTP server is anonymous only. Login Failed" message when I try to open my server's adress19:50
* luckybunny is having no luck19:50
hwildehelp my sound is stuttering 11.04  http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=d305cc96e83735bd7b448165d147189dcb72b97119:51
luckybunnyhwilde: mine is gone completely lol19:51
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* luckybunny would rather the stuttering19:51
pirxhisto: sudoers -> http://pastebin.com/6G35p0D619:51
BluesKajluckybunny, what does aplay -l output ?19:51
dyn12UDr_LiDaR : WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/ath9k.conf.save, it will be ignored in a future release.19:51
ilia123456hi, I just upgraded to ubuntu 12.04 and now all my icons look the same, how can I restore my old icons?19:52
dyn12UBluesKaj :WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/ath9k.conf.save, it will be ignored in a future release.19:52
luckybunnyno soundcards found19:52
hwildeluckybunny, type "alsamixer" in command line and unmute it19:52
pirxozette: which ftpd are you using? have you configured it in some way?19:52
TJ-dyn12U: What's the make/model of the PC?19:53
luckybunnyhwilde: cannot open mixer: No such file or directory19:53
dyn12UTJ- dell vosto 101419:53
hwildeluckybunny, lspci -v     look for soundcard19:53
BluesKajhwilde, he's done all that19:54
TJ-dyn12U: Can you pastebin the result of "sudo lshw -class network" if you haven' already?19:54
hwildeluckybunny,     wget http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh -O alsa-info.sh && bash alsa-info.sh19:54
luckybunnyhwilde: that helped actually19:55
ozettepirx, openssh valid?19:55
avengreadding a command to /etc/rc.local will run the script as root?19:55
luckybunnyI was about to answer with 'it shows up on lspci, just nothing else'19:55
hwildeluckybunny, lspci -v | grep -i audio     should do something19:55
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luckybunnybut that -v flag showed what kernel module to load, and I have now loaded it and it's working19:55
Guest64261ok I need some help. I just switched from linux mint to Zorin to give it a shot. But the damn thing won't let me customize the start icon XD please help19:56
TJ-pirx: What does "groups" report? Is the user part of "admin" as well as the usual "adm" ... I got caught out by that a while back19:56
luckybunnyfor no immediately obvious reason, my kernel hadn't loaded the module, which was where I was at19:56
luckybunnythanks, dude19:56
dyn12UTJ- PCI(sysfs)19:56
hwildeluckybunny, /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf    *should* load your sound modules19:56
FloodBot1Cassandrainbows: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:57
TJ-dyn12U: There'll be more than that... you'll need to pastebin it... if there isn't there's something very wrong!19:57
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DJonesCassandrainbows: Stop that19:57
Guest64261can somebody please help with my problem?19:57
DJonesGuest64261: Zorin isn't an official Ubuntu derivative and isn't supported in this channel19:58
pirxTJ-: no only "admin"19:58
Guest64261djones. I'm sorry. I'll go look for another channel then19:58
pirxozette: "openssh valid?" ? what do you mean?19:59
TJ-pirx: And is there an "admin" in /etc/group ?19:59
dyn12UTJ- http://pastebin.com/gAa8Cu3Y20:00
TJ-dyn12U: Notice the "*-network DISABLED" ... pastebin me the result of "sudo rfkill list all" please20:01
pirxTJ-: hey! thanks! :)  actually no there wasnt. so i commented it out, but that didnt help. then i commented out everything else (since its a single user computer...), and now it works!20:01
scarfacehello to all20:02
scarfacei try to install citadel on ubuntu and need some help please thanks ...20:02
TJ-pirx: There ought to be "adm" by default... which was why I asked, and the first user should be in "adm" ... for some reason, on upgrades, sudoers has the "admin" but not "adm" and the first user is in "adm" but not "admin" and there isn't an "admin" in /etc/group ... don't know why but there you go!20:02
pirxthere is a "sudo" group in sudoers, and i was a member in that, and that did not have NOPASSWD, so i guess i was caught in that filter first...20:02
dyn12UTJ- http://pastebin.com/9sBSU0hf20:03
TJ-pirx: That sounds about right20:03
pirxTJ-: yes there is a "adm" group, but no "admin" group20:03
computerguy99usb keyboard is priceless when using exopc slate, also I didn't mean to come here :o bye20:03
pirxTJ-: thanks for the help!20:03
TJ-pirx: you're welcome20:03
Doxinthe transcode command always freezes at the end of a video for me. what gives?20:04
protoCall7Hi all, does anyone have any experience installing 12.04 server as a Xen DomU?  I am following the instructions on the xen wiki, but the installation is failing to install grub20:04
TJ-dyn12U: That rfkill output reveals the issue. The radio is disabled... there are some bugs I see for that make/model of PC, and for similar issues, which you might want to review. They may give you a workaround that makes sense for your PC.   see http://askubuntu.com/questions/130379/how-do-i-get-a-atheros-communications-inc-ar9285-wireless-network-adapter-worki    and bug  #99421320:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 994213 in linux (Ubuntu) "[Dell Vostro 1014] Wi-Fi hotkey does not trigger bluetooth soft lock release" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99421320:05
TJ-dyn12U: I hope that helps. If not, others should be able to assist if you tell them it's an rfkill soft-off issue, etc. I have to go now.20:07
dyn12UTJ- thank you20:07
hashpuppyare you guys using cobbler to install ubuntu on 10 machines at once?  or something else?20:07
histo!who | hashpuppy20:08
ubottuhashpuppy: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:08
histohashpuppy: are you asking what can you use to install to multiple machines at one?20:09
pirxhashpuppy: i use DVDs. once i tried redhats kickstart, and that worked fine. but then, its very rare that i install on more than one server at a time:)20:10
protoCall7here are the relevant syslog entries:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1186449/20:12
Newtoubuntuanyone experience the idle freeze? i have looked this up in the forums and seen many had this issue. i havnt found a fix. i am able to move the mouse and that is all. i can use alt + f120:15
i7cNewtoubuntu: i experience X crashes from time to time... but then there is no mouse anymore... only killin X via ssh20:16
pirxNewtoubuntu: you need to reboot and buy a new computer. no but seriously, i havent seen that:)20:17
histoNewtoubuntu: if you press ctrl + alt + F1 to get to a tty then sudo /etc/init.d/lightdm restart && logout    You will be taken back to X20:17
Newtoubuntupirx,  there was a massive bug forum20:18
histoNewtoubuntu: I'm also experiencing them I haven't had the time to look into it though atm momment. It hasn't happened to me in a while since the most recent updates20:18
pirxNewtoubuntu: i believe you20:19
Newtoubuntuhisto: i did cntl + alt + f1 then cntrl + alt + delete to get a soft reboot. works for now but i have to be scared to go idle.20:19
AnDsOanyone know nagios?20:19
i7cNewtoubuntu: i think this is not a general issue but depends on something special idk... i have my computer running for 48+ and all night kind of idle20:19
Newtoubuntui7c: do you use compiz?20:19
i7cNewtoubuntu: xfce + xfwm420:20
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Newtoubuntuive also had pretty bad battery life, and idle life. i dual boot win 7 and have never had the issue there20:20
Jordan_UNewtoubuntu: Have you checked for error messages in /var/log/Xorg.0.log or from "dmesg"?20:20
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histoNewtoubuntu: you can just restart lightdm and it will come back.20:20
NewtoubuntuJordan_U, no i have not. i am still learning. what is that exactly20:21
histoNewtoubuntu: and /var/log/syslog maybe worth a look.20:21
AnDsOhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1186458/ help please20:21
Jordan_UNewtoubuntu: /var/log/Xorg.0.log is a log file specific to X.org, which is the base of your GUI. "dmesg" prints messages from the kernel.20:21
i7cNewtoubuntu: bad battery life could have to do with the freezing... on freezing check via ssh what's goin on (top/htop)20:22
dyn12UCan someone help with a rfkill soft-off issue?20:23
AnDsOhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1186458/ help anyone :)20:23
Newtoubuntui appreciate all the help but this is all very foreign talk to me still. i can check the logs but have no idea what they mean or what i am looking for20:23
AnDsOnagios-snmp  commands.cfg20:24
bjrohanCan someone help me with why my system tray does not start, and I can only start in low-res?20:24
histoNewtoubuntu: you're looking for errors. Specifically just before or after the freeze20:24
dohertyHow can I adjust the way the virtual terminals appear? Right now they're only using the centre part of the screen, and they're using a huge font. I'd like to be able to use them20:24
dyn12UCan someone help me with a rfkill soft-off issue?pls20:25
Xut_GB'soir all20:26
kyle__Why do you have to set the DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS to set things with gsettings?20:26
kyle__It's somewhat INSANE for remote system administration.20:26
Xut_Gi don't speak english, i'm french20:27
ubottuNous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.20:27
Xut_Gok merci :20:27
dohertyde rien20:27
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Xut_Gya personne la bas c'est normal ? oO20:28
dohertyje ne sais pas20:28
Frowardhello sexy people20:29
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dyn12Urfkill soft-off issue! help needed20:29
guntbertFroward: hi, Do you have an ubuntu support question?20:29
FrowardI said SEXY PEOPLE, guntbert!20:29
Frowardheh, just kidding.20:30
guntbert!ot | Froward20:30
ubottuFroward: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:30
FrowardI have an ubuntu question, but it's not for something that's broken. Yet.20:30
FrowardIf this is the wrong channel I'll move on.20:30
FrowardTwo of the ubuntu machines under my care, I want them to sync a music library over the network.20:31
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histoFroward: use rsync20:31
FrowardI also want them to back up music to a hard drive attached to the router, which is accessible by FTP20:31
histoFroward: grsync if you wnat a gui20:31
Frowardsince linux is entirely file based, there's no registry fuckery to worry about, hooray!20:31
Frowardhisto: is that the cleanest way to do things?20:31
rodanI have a question, I'm a student that runs ubuntu on my laptop, at home I use an hdmi port for a second monitor, but obviously at school I don't. If I forget to disable my second monitor before I leave in the morning the only way I boot up into unity is to completely delete my xorg.conf from safe mode and reboot20:32
histoFroward: rsync is a wonderfull tool.  I would setup a cronjob to run rsync every so often. and then another job nightly to ftp to the router20:32
Frowardhisto: thanks :) cron is the thing that runs programs every now and again, right?20:32
rodanthere has to be a better way that it can detect if my second monitor is plugged in at boot up20:32
histoFroward: yes you can control whne and what days etc.. to run whatever command.20:33
Frowardvery cool! I think I can do this!20:33
Newtoubunturodan,  if you have an emachines/acer use fn f5. maybe that will solve your issue20:33
Frowarda big chunk of linux lunacy just seems to be knowing which commands to run.. and now I do!20:33
reenignEesreveRi have broken dependencies and libc6 is part of it ... it won't budge ... what do i do?20:33
=== allgoodnicksaret is now known as randomnick
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rodannewtoubuntu: its an asus but i'll still give it a shot thanks20:35
rodannewtoubuntu: what exactly is that command doing?20:35
randomnickHello, I have a question about scripting. I have NFS share attach script that needs to execute mount and two daemon restarts. For this I need sudo rights. However, I want to execute this script graphically and hence use gksudo. The problem is - I want gksudo to ask for root rights _rightaway_ at point of script execution, instead of many times.20:36
Newtoubuntuhisto, yeah the log files might as well be in spanish cause i am not educated on how to read them. i am also thinking the idle issue happens when i am suspended (close the lid). i will test that too and see the difference. eventually :)20:37
th0rrandomnick: I don't think the script can pass sudo rights from one command to another. But I believe if you run the script with sudo it will give the entire script root privileges20:37
Newtoubunturandomnick, are you looking to have a windows partition start at boot?20:38
randomnickth0r, this is correct for sudo. But gksudo does not save the "session key" or whatever it is called20:38
randomnickNewtoubuntu, no, I have no windows, only ubuntu and debian boxes at home. I want to hang a shared NFS folder quickly and via icon.20:39
fattbottomanyone got tips on "Bad magic number in super-block" when trying to mount hd via usb?20:40
Newtoubunturandomnick, i am not sure if this tool pertains to you but try the ntfs configuration tool20:40
randomnickfattbottom, most common case - you are mounting it as "sda", but you should mount as "sda1"20:40
randomnickNewtoubuntu, not NTFS, NFS - network file system.20:40
jimi_What is the default pam module Linux uses when looking for local accounts?20:41
Doxinthe transcode command always freezes at the end of a video for me. what gives?20:41
emesI'm on a thinkpad t430s on 12.04, and sometimes when I resume from sleep I just get a blank screen  with a mouse20:43
historandomnick: is there a reason you just don't mount the nfs share with fstab?20:43
jetrosti am having some port troubles. i set up port forwarding, static ip etc on my linux machine. i can ping the machine, but when i ping the specific ports, it fails. i tried "nmap -p[port_number] [ip_address]" and it returned that it can see the port, but it's STATE is "filtered". Is there some settings i must modify in order to get the STATE to report as "open"?20:44
jbinstallsi just lost my network manageim upgrading to 12.04, anyway to get the netbook style menu?r applet on vers 10.04 so20:44
fattbottomcan i msg you randomnick?20:44
histofattbottom: what is the command you are trying to mount the drive with?20:45
jbinstallsany way to get the netbook style menu on 12.04?20:45
histofattbottom: or does this occur when it's plugge din?20:45
randomnickhisto, yes, because the machine would a) hang waiting b) the server might be not powered off. So, I need manual mount, not fstab mount. Besides, console mount works no problem, its just when I try mounting via my script - by clicking on the link to it, I get three gksudo boxes, instead of just one.20:45
ranveer5289emes: I think you are talking abt this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/96674420:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 966744 in compiz (Ubuntu Quantal) "[i965] Resume from suspend leaves me with black screen or a screen of the desktop before it suspended. Compiz hung in intel_update_renderbuffers() from intel_prepare_render() from brw_draw_prims()" [Critical,Triaged]20:45
fattbottomwhen i run fsck -f -v /dev/sdc i get20:46
fattbottom~$ sudo fsck -f -v /dev/sdc20:46
fattbottomfsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.220:46
fattbottome2fsck 1.41.11 (14-Mar-2010)20:46
fattbottomfsck.ext2: Superblock invalid, trying backup blocks...20:46
fattbottomfsck.ext2: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/sdc20:46
randomnickfattbottom, sure, but you are better off here with such wauestion.20:46
FloodBot1fattbottom: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:46
histofattbottom: what type of partition is it?20:46
randomnickfattbottom, use "/dev/sdc1", not "sdc". You should ask to check PARTITION, not WHOLE DISK. Hence sda120:46
guntbertfattbottom: use /dev/sdc1 not /dev/sdc20:46
fattbottomi set 8320:47
GH0What does ri or rc mean when performing a dpkg -l20:47
dyn12Uhelp regarding rfkill soft-off issue needed guys!!! pls20:47
randomnickfattbottom, please refresh your wisdom about difference between "sda" and "sda1" :)20:47
histofattbottom: how did you formart the partition the type doesn't matter20:47
fattbottomi et same with sdc120:48
histodyn12U: do you have more info on the problem you are having, might generate a response20:48
fattbottomi used fdisck to partition20:48
histofattbottom: you still need to format after parittioning20:48
histofattbottom: what type of filesystem do you want to create on the drive?  and are you sure there is no data on the drive?20:49
dyn12Uhisto : i ll pastebin the result for rfkill in a minute20:49
fattbottomforgot mkfs.....20:49
histofattbottom: yeppers20:49
jbinstallsquestion on upgrade from 10.05 to 12.0420:49
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:50
histodyn12U: ^^^^^^^20:50
dyn12Uhisto : http://pastebin.com/FPJfP4D820:50
histodyn12U: I'm just trying ot help you get a response I may not know how to fix your problem.20:50
Frowardhey hey20:50
jbinstallsthx wasn't sure of format20:50
emesrandomnick: could be20:50
Frowardtrying to resize the partition that ubuntu is installed on20:50
Frowardbut I CAN'T because it'S MOUNTED20:50
randomnickeme, sorry?20:50
Frowardhow do I do this? I think I can make a GPART boot CD20:50
guntbertjbinstalls: 10.04->12.04 is LTS->LTS, so it should work directly20:51
FrowardI have no blank CDs! any other way around it?20:51
emesrandomnick: meant for ranveer528920:51
krababbelFroward: you can use unetbootin for a usb stick20:51
histoFroward: boot to a cd and resize20:52
ranveer5289emes: So you read that bug report20:52
ranveer5289emes: is it of any help20:52
Frowardhisto: what command do I run?20:52
randomnickGuys, has anyone perhaps a link to a sample bash script that calls high priviledge commands? So I can see, how to ask for privileges straightaway ONCE instead of many times.20:52
ubottufalco_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:52
histo!usb > Froward20:52
ubottuFroward, please see my private message20:52
randomnickUpdate, it should be asking graphically of course. Not console script.20:52
historandomnick: you could give the script permissions in the sudoers file20:53
esuavewhat is the difference between the /etc/rc.d/init.d/ directory and the /etc/init.d/?20:53
histo!sudo | randomnick20:53
ubotturandomnick: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo20:53
randomnickhisto, sorry what do you mean?20:53
zykotick9randomnick: run your script with sudo/gksudo - problem solved20:53
Soletanyone know what would cause graphical output to suddenly start doing [this] for no apparent reason? http://imgur.com/65tnZ20:53
emesranveer5289: it says fixed in quantal so I'll wait for that20:54
randomnickzykotick9: I do run it with gksudo. But gksudo does not keep permissions in memory. Every gksudo command asks for privileges, again and again. Sudo doesn't have this.20:54
zykotick9Solet: gkrellm, nice (fyi the invisible skin is my favourite).  sorry no idea on your issue.20:54
OerHeksSolet, hardware problem i guess20:54
Frowardhisto: can I do it from a vanilla ubuntu install CD? because I have one of those20:54
ranveer5289emes: you can try to boot quantal from a live USB to see that if it  works20:55
hficSolet, I would assume this isn't HDMI in which cause it might be the pins on the connector.20:55
Falcon457Hello! I wanted to ask a question that may come off as stupid (i haven't used ubuntu in a while) but is it possible to install ubuntu and not lose programs, files and other things i want to keep on my computer?20:55
emesranveer5289: it's sporadic so that wouldn't tell me much20:55
Solethfic: if it was hardware it wouldnt show up in a screenshot20:55
zykotick9randomnick: perhaps you could convert your script to using console commands then?  best of luck.20:55
histoFroward: yes20:55
Frowardcool, thanks20:55
hficSolet, if it affects the displayed output .. it would20:55
Soletif it was just a bad pin/cable?20:56
ranveer5289emes: than its fine.20:56
randomnickzykotick9, no, I don't want this. Thanks anyway.20:56
krababbelSolet: like bad memory20:56
Soletno it woudlnt. thats like saying print screen would return a black box if you did it while unplugged20:56
cyhmwtShould I preferably make /home and /root different partitions?20:57
jetrosti am having some port troubles. i set up port forwarding, static ip etc on my linux machine. i can ping the machine, but when i ping the specific ports, it fails. i tried "nmap -p[port_number] [ip_address]" and it returned that it can see the port, but it's STATE is "filtered". Is there some settings i must modify in order to get the STATE to report as "open"?20:57
randomnickSolet, you have graphical memory corruption. Can be caused either by bad drivers or by overheating. Check temperatures, then check what drivers are you using. If you are using opensource drivers, lookup in Xorg and Kernel logs for issues. If you find one - please post a bugreport!20:57
ohzieHello, everybody.20:57
hficjetrost, I believe in most cases 'filtered' means open. I believe20:57
Soletrandom: ty. will prolly start by swapping otu gfx card20:58
SolarisBoyfiltered means a firewall is in front or some ACL20:58
jetrosthfic: according to the nmap documentation, "Filtered means that a firewall, filter, or other network obstacle is blocking the port so that Nmap cannot tell whether it is open or closed."20:58
ohzieSo I'm using full disk encryption, and I was wondering if there's a way to make the encrypted drive not show up on the launcher. It's just sitting there with a questionmark for an icon and when I right click it lets me eject but that's it - I don't want to eject my root partition.20:58
SolarisBoyjetrost: thats correct20:58
Soletgkrellm doesnt give me gpu temp20:58
jbinstallstrying to upgrade from 10.04 to 12.04 having trouble migrating documents.20:58
randomnickSolet, if system isn't frozen, start checking temp and checking logs right now, without powering off.20:58
SolarisBoyjetrost: it is being blocked or filtered by a firewall20:58
randomnickSolet, what card and driver are you using?20:59
hficjetrost, so what happens when you do nmap -sT <ip< what does it say about the port in question?20:59
historandomnick: you can give whatever user needs to run the script sudo access without passwd to run that specific script in the sudoers file. Use visudo to edit the sudoers file20:59
histojbinstalls: define trouble20:59
Soletrandom: some random gpu i found in a stack of cards and whatever default drivers x decided to use? it used to work fine then a week ago started doing this20:59
Soletdoing update/upgrade to see if that fixes it. if it doesnt i'll try a different card21:00
jbinstallsinstaller quit said it couldnt access files. tried to manually copy to another thumb wouldnt allow21:00
randomnickhisto, if you mean I should enable sudo for the user without asking for his password, thats a very bad idea. The thing that search for is to make gksudo (or any sudo-like gfx frontend) to remember the privileges between its calls.21:00
OerHeksSolet, i guess you found the reason why that card was in a stack21:00
cyhmwtIs it preferable to have the home and the root partition separate?21:00
jbinstallswrong permissions21:00
randomnickhisto, but thanks anyway!21:00
SoletOerHeks: i put it in that stack, it was in -that- stack because it was a video card. i keep bins of parts sorted by part type :P every time i salvage a pc i toss stuff into bins21:01
jbinstallsim using a live thumb version 12.0421:01
Falcon457Is it possible to replace my current windows OS with ubuntu and still keep my stuff? (closed out by mistake, didn't see an answer if one came by...sorry for repeating)21:01
randomnickSolet, if the card was running effortlessly for a long period of time before, and no software changes (like kernel) were done AND you were doing exact same things as now. This would very probably mean card is overheating.21:02
Soletrandom: is there a way to poll it for its temp?21:02
Soletgkrellm doesnt seem to see it21:02
jetrosthfic, SolarisBoy: it reports "Host is up (0.0010s latency). PORT: ###/tcp STATE: filtered SERVICE: unknown."21:02
Inbread_Adiewhy does it take like 4 seconds to minimize/maximize chromium and stuff  :(21:02
SolarisBoyjetrost: thats because the port is filtered21:02
historandomnick: no just for the user to run that specific script and only that21:03
SolarisBoychaging the scan type wont fix that =)21:03
historandomnick: without a password. They would have to provide it for anything else as usual21:03
greenithi, is ubuntu an option like in kde to fast shutdown, e.g. press ctrl+alt+shitf+page down ?21:03
ranveer5289Falcon457: if your important stuff in not in the partition in which windows is installed than yes u can keep ur stuff21:03
SolarisBoyjetrost: what are you trying to access? which port? is it behind something you control?21:03
histojbinstalls: can you mount your hard drive and just copy your /home/username to some other device?21:04
randomnickSolet, poweroff the machine, touch grounded metal object (like heating battery - it should be metal), then take off the case and touch the GPU and gfx memory with your fingers. It should be no more than 70 degrees.21:04
jetrostSolarisBoy: i am trying to access port 64738 on an amazon AWS machine. i set up the security profile in the amazon AWS side to specifically forward outbound and inbound traffic on that port21:04
jbinstallsi tried to copy but it says im not the owner21:05
Falcon457i have nothing too important on here atm (my hd failed on me and i had to get a new one so everything atm is still fresh, some programs like WoW took a while to get back on)21:05
randomnickSolet, thermal compounds have a habbit to evaporate over time, so removing GPU cooler, cleaning it and refreshing the thermal compound might fix the overheating problem.21:05
krababbelInbread_Adie: low ram?21:05
Falcon457thank you ranveer ^)^21:05
Falcon457err, i meant ^_^21:05
ranveer5289Falcon457: :)21:05
histojbinstalls: in a terminal gksudo nautilus and copy the fiels21:05
randomnickhisto, that would be an overkill O______________________O21:05
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historandomnick: well you don't wnat to type the password or only type it once?21:05
historandomnick: i'm confused21:06
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Soletrandomnick: will give it a shot21:06
jbinstallsfile not found randomn21:07
designbybeckI thought I saw somewhere a while back instead of doing 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install' you could just do something like 'sudo apt-get update && install' ??21:07
historandomnick: I was saying you could do something in the sudoers file like       randomnick ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: /path/to/script    then when randomnick runs that script they are not prompted for a password21:08
randomnickhisto, I want to be asked for the password only once in my graphical script. To insert this script into sudoers, would mean same as moving shop itself into the house, instead of getting up and going into the shop.21:08
designbybeckisn't there something like this to shorten typing it all out again?21:08
historandomnick: ahh what about asuming root with the script and then executing it's commands. like sudo -i  in the begining then all commands after that.21:08
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randomnickhisto, yes, I understood mate, but its incorrect solution... I want to share this script later for everyone, so everyone can have fast NFS mounts in their networks. If they all need to modify their sudoers for it to run, that would be very... wrong. :)21:09
_Trullousing gdisk and got stuck at hexcode.. I'm preparing a 3tb seagate disk, should be ext4 on it, which hexcode should I use?21:09
historandomnick: please see my follow up assuming root with sudo -i in the script and then running commands after that. Although I still don't understand why you are using gksudo on a script.21:10
jbinstallsi tried sudo nautilus its working to copy21:10
histojbinstalls: gksudo nautilus but it should be okay for now.21:10
randomnickhisto, you need root-level priviledge for "mount". NFS uses mount to mount network shares.21:10
jetrostSolarisBoy: i control it, to an extent. it is a virtual machine on amazon AWS EC2 servers, so i don't have all the knitty-gritty controls i would like, but i am able to tell them to forward certain ports for outgoing and inbound traffic, which I have done. from the machine itself. i checked it with netstat, and the output can be seen here: http://pastebin.com/LyDBzHAg21:10
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historandomnick: but not gksudo  you sh0ould be using sudo21:11
jbinstallsi tried the gk it didnt recognize command21:11
historandomnick: I would in my script sudo -i  && mkdir somefolder && mount whatever blah21:11
cyhmwtWould a 50 gigabyte root partition be big enough? And then rest for home?21:11
histoThat would only ask once21:11
histocyhmwt: yes that woudlb e plenty huge21:12
MonkeyDustcyhmwt  15GB would be enough21:12
jbinstallsits ok im copying files so im good. ill just do fresh install of 12.0421:12
TJ-cyhmwt: I have trouble filling 12GB and I'm installing lots of build/development packages21:12
histocyhmwt: mines 20GB only using 4.2gb21:12
FrowardI want to boot from a LiveCD just enough so I can resize some partitions. Not a full desktop environment because it seems to be taking forever and I think it might be crashing.21:12
histoFroward: I would use gparted to resize the partitions so i'd let it boot to the gui21:13
histoFroward: or use a lighter livecd21:13
cyhmwtI'm just wondering, because I think applications tend to get installed into the root partition. And if Steam decides to come around and reside in the root, the games will take up quite a bit of space.21:13
xanguaFroward: download the gparted standalone iso21:13
FrowardI have no CDs on me, and I can't consistently burn them error free.21:13
histocyhmwt: the games will mostlikely be in the users home directories with all there other application data21:14
Frowardall I have is the LiveCD in my backpack21:14
histoFroward: do you have a thumb drive?21:14
krababbelcyhmwt: steam would probably support moving the data anywhere you want, like on windows21:14
xanguaFroward: you can setup a live usb, did you already check the gparted site¿21:14
Frowardhisto: at home with my CDs, I'd have to trek throuhg a Tstorm though21:14
cyhmwtSweet, that's what I'm hoping for, guess I'll settle for a 20Gig root then.21:14
Dr_williskrababbel,  i think i looked into that once.. you had to start installing the games to the other hd, you couldent just 'move' the games.21:14
Frowardthis is becoming much more involved than I thought it would21:15
cyhmwtThanks guys.21:15
randomnickhisto, sudo keeps privileges just fine between calls. If you call sudo several times in the script, it would ask for password just once. However, this is not the case with gksu. So when I call mount, then two daemon restarts, I get three dialogs one after another. And it should be graphical, because console.. is nice. But graphical is better :)21:15
krababbelDr_willis: if I remember correctly, you just installed steam to the other drive, then move your game data there, and it would recognize them eventually21:15
johnny0647Alguien Me puede Ayudar con un problemita en el GRUB ?21:15
johnny0647en Xubuntu?21:15
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.21:15
Dr_williskrababbel,     https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=7710-tdlc-042621:15
krababbelcyhmwt: also modern file systems let you put a folder on a different partition21:16
TJ-Froward: If you access the liveCD boot menu there are advanced options I seem to recall, and you can boot to a single-user text console by adding "single text" to the kernel command-line. That would let you use the command-line tools such as parted/fdisk and so on21:16
Frowardthanks :)21:16
randomnickGuys, how do I check what is sending outbound traffic now?21:17
Dr_williskrababbel,  and Froward  also see -> https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=7418-YUBN-812921:17
historandomnick: ntop21:17
krababbelDr_willis: yes, just move steam somewhere else, and it will do the rest. I succeeded moving games to and from a small SSD. :)21:18
TJ-randomnick: A combination of iftop and netstat ... iftop to see which connections are moving the data; netstat to see which processes own the local ports sending the data21:18
randomnickhisto, thanks mate21:18
cyhmwtkrababbel: Does ext4 support that? I'm guessing it works somewhat like a symbolic link?21:18
randomnickTJ-, can you please write specific combo as example?21:18
krababbelcyhmwt: maybe, actually I meant mount points in linux :)21:18
Draco6slayerI'm running into an issue in Ubuntu 12.04: it seems to have forgotten how to access applications. The dash menu refuses to find any apps, and the software manager fails to load at all. I've tried reinstalling the software manager, but to no avail.21:18
randomnickTJ-, something is wrong with my NFS setup, I get cpu 100% on another machine and htop shows NOTHING on both machines. Statically - 100%, but htop topmost CPU process uses only 1% !!!21:19
krababbelrandomnick: tried iotop?21:19
historandomnick: actually ntop has changed a lot. I'm looking for something that functions the old way it used to21:19
ranveer5289histo: why nt use lsof -i21:20
BlackBishophttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2053148 any ideas anybody ? :)21:21
cyhmwtkrababbel: Ahh, so I can make a mount point instead of the folder where the storage hog would go and then mount the partition I want it to use there instead?21:21
TJ-randomnick: I have a server with 9 interfaces so I often check individual ports. I use "sudo iftop -nN -i ethX" to monitor what's being sent/received to/from hosts and ports, then I quit and use "sudo netstat -tlnpa | grep <port-number>" to find out which process is responsible21:21
krababbelcyhmwt: just like a separate home I'd guess, yes21:21
maicodhi is it possible to mount a certain partition inside a disk image to a mount point?21:22
sokelmaicod What do you mean? a raw image or virtual image?21:22
krababbelcyhmwt: though I've never done that :)21:22
cyhmwtkrababbel: Cool, thanks for your time. Appreciated.21:22
randomnickTJ-, thanks! I will try that.21:22
TJ-maicod: Yes. You use kpartx for loop mounts with partitions21:22
ohzieSo I'm using full disk encryption, and I was wondering if there's a way to make the encrypted drive not show up on the launcher. It's just sitting there with a questionmark for an icon and when I right click it lets me eject but that's it - I don't want to eject my root partition.21:22
maicodits a raw image created with dd of a disk that has 2 partitions21:22
krababbelcyhmwt: probably the easiest would be a link21:23
ohziemaicod: Can I PM you?21:23
maicodohzie: OK21:23
TJ-maicod: install it: "sudo apt-get install kpartx" then do "sudo kpartx -a <disk.img>" ... the partitions will be in the form of /dev/mapper/loopXpY21:24
Draco6slayerI can still run things from the launcher, from the terminal, and by opening files that were written with whichever program I'm trying to open.21:24
maicodtj_ thanks21:24
OerHeksohzie, i use my-unity to hide partitions from the bar21:24
AnDsOanyone tell me package name for net-snmp :)21:24
OerHeks!file net-snmp21:24
ohzieOerHeks: thank you21:24
TJ-AnDsO: try "apt-cache search net-snmp"21:25
MonkeyDust!find snmp21:25
ubottuFound: erlang-snmp, libnet-snmp-perl, gkrellm-snmp, libfusioninventory-agent-task-snmpquery-perl, libgsnmp0, libgsnmp0-dbg, libgsnmp0-dev, libsnmp-extension-passpersist-perl, libsnmp-info-perl, libsnmp-mib-compiler-perl (and 30 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=snmp&searchon=names&suite=precise&section=all21:25
sokelmaicod: it's actually really easy. You don't even need kpartx. Just finding ways to dumb down the process that's easy already.21:25
maicodsokel: alright :)21:26
OerHeksohzie net-snmp is a package of its own https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/net-snmp21:26
Dr_williswhen its a image of a whold disk with several partions - it makes it a little harder. if it was just images of a single partion (like sda1) then its trivial ;)21:26
maicodI first need to move the image from windows drive to inside a virtual vmware hdd (I know how to021:26
sokelmaicod: If you plan on mounting the partitions on your system right now, do not convert it to vmware disks.21:27
sokelmaicod: Unless you're doing a physical to virtual conversion.21:27
Dr_willishttp://tinyapps.org/docs/mount_partitions_from_disk_images.html      some neat tricks21:28
TJ-Dr_willis: and then only when you know the sector offset of the first partition and multiply it by the sector-size to give losetup and offset :p21:28
maicodsokel: I didnt say I was converting . I said I am gonna move or copy it inside a virtual hdd21:28
maicodthanks for warning though21:29
Frowardmy one LiveCD has errors on it, I can boot into neither graphical nor text single user mode21:29
TJ-Has anyone seen any xchat plug-in that would allow for showing in-channel conversations as threads in their own windows? It strikes me it would make helping people in-channel much easier!21:30
TJ-Froward: ouch21:30
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jbinstallsunder 12.04 what is a good partitioner for resizing hdd so i can keep personal files seperate from os21:30
Frowardif I get my USB stick, I can use that, I think21:30
histojbinstalls: gparted21:31
BluesKajjbinstalls, gparted live cd21:31
TJ-Froward: yeah; I have an sd-card set aside with all the recovery tools I can think of, just in case :)21:31
jbinstallsthx , i can never remember the names of things21:31
bolosaurIs there a good GUI-based VNC server for Ubuntu?21:32
litropyHi, all - I have an iMac that is very difficult to clean (requires suction cups and torx bits to get into). So , in OS X, I'm using a program called smcFanControl to keep the fans running at max. I'm looking ot do the same when I boot into my Ubuntu partition. Any help is appreciated.21:32
jbinstallsyou can't partition on the fly ?21:32
histojbinstalls: not with a mounted partition no21:33
BluesKajjbinstalls, not a mounted hdd that you're using , no21:33
jbinstallsi tried to use the live cd partitioner, always hung up21:33
yeatsjbinstalls: gparted should be available to you on the ubuntu live CD - FYI21:34
histojbinstalls: did you backup your data first?21:35
jbinstallsgot it finally backed up21:35
makezanhey I got a question. this has been bothering me for some days now. I am trying to intsall ubuntu server. And i've done this over and over again several times, but for some reason it gets stuck at the screen where I have to get dhcp. Centos, windows 8 R2, BSD, and even a very old Gentoo version worked. but for some reason ubuntu won't get passed it, I burned several cds too and several arch type. 12.04 32 and 6421:35
BluesKajyou need to run gparted it from a separate device , whether it's a cd an OS on a different drive or a USB stick21:35
MonkeyDustmakezan  there's also the channel #ubuntu-server21:35
TJ-makezan: that sounds familiar... let me dredge my brain for what it was21:35
jbinstallslive cd almost done with fresh instal 12.04 with uodates21:35
yeatsmakezan: in the installer, you can do Alt-F4 to see the syslog messages and find out what it's hanging on21:35
MonkeyDustmakezan  i even think, you can use alt-tab to see the messages21:36
jcromartieso, I get the feeling, from small useless benchmarks, that this Ubuntu Server VM is actually faster than the host OS X system21:37
jcromartiealthough the guest OS is not doing much21:37
jbinstallsi thought gparted could resize while mounted no worry just trying to avoid loss of files later21:37
sokelmaicod: http://www.bromosapien.net:8080/workflow/Documentation#Mount_partitions_from_inside_a_raw_image21:38
makezanalright guys since i'm at the server right  now will try it again and report back. MonkeyDust TJ- yeats21:38
TJ-makezan: check the syslog for timeouts from dhclient (that's the process that requests the DHCP lease)21:39
AnDsOi installed snmpd but i can see any ports open i checked with netstat command21:40
diverdudeconvert Question_mark.png -resize 182x142 Question_mark182x142.png can resize an image. Problem is that aspect ratio is kept. How do i resize with stretch ie not keep A/R ?21:40
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makezanyeats how do you return from Alt-F421:42
satyadoes anyone know how to override GTK2 theme widget styles?21:43
SolarisBoymakezan: ALT-F7 is the gui console gnerally21:43
Draco6slayerAnyone know why applications would stop loading from the dash at the same time the software center gave out?21:43
systemrootпривет всем21:43
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.21:44
m6d4AnDsO: have you started the snmpd service after installing it ?21:45
MorganTheWretcheWhich version of Python is included with Ubuntu by default? Python 2 or 3?21:46
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MonkeyDust!info pyrhon21:47
kyle__How do you set the defaults for all users with gsettings?21:47
ubottuPackage pyrhon does not exist in precise21:47
maicodTJ-: it worked flawlessly :)21:47
MonkeyDust!info python21:47
ubottupython (source: python-defaults): interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version). In component main, is important. Version 2.7.3-0ubuntu2 (precise), package size 162 kB, installed size 658 kB21:47
TJ-maicod: good to hear :)21:47
makezanokay so both interface give me no dhcpoffers recieved21:47
MorganTheWretcheGreat, I nearly wrote a Python program in 321:47
yeatsmakezan: Alt-F121:48
makezanyeah yeats figured it out21:48
yeatsmakezan: good ;-)21:48
maicodtj: hehe21:48
makezanbut issue not solved yet though. lol yeats21:48
TJ-makezan: Do the interfaces have weird/zeroed MAC addresses?21:50
makezaneth1 does and from testing previous os, I know that port works as well.. I just disconnected all the cables and only plugged into eth021:52
TJ-makezan: What are the interfaces connected to? a dumb level-2 switch? a VLAN switch? a level 3 router? is there a DHCP proxy involved? is there any ARP activity on the wire?21:53
SolarisBoyis there any way to turn up debugging on the preseed steps for debian installer? im trying to investigate why a couple of newly added Logical Volumes aren't being created but I don't see any talk about it in partman log21:53
makezan<TJ-> they are connected to a level 3 router. one of those Vz old routers21:54
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TJ-makezan: And it hosts the DHCP server? is it possible that the config of the DHCP server is causing the issue? I've seen instances where certain options in DHCP requests cause the server to ignore the client21:55
SolarisBoyl3 switch?21:56
TJ-makezan: have you run tcpdump on the interface to see any traffic?21:56
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AnDsOm6d4: sure  i did21:57
SolarisBoyyou can use ethtool to trace it back to the switch port if it's CDP enabled or such - and theres all types of things like vlans and port security that could be causing an interface to not get assigned DHCP21:58
AnDsOsnmpd daemon is running but not opening ports why?21:59
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jbinstallsi had xvidcap on 10.04 but it wont install on 12.04 any options21:59
hypershockhi all. I just installed wubi in my vista system and when I rebooted, there was no option to choose ubuntu, it went straight to windows. any help?21:59
satyahypershok: you can use a Ubuntu Live CD to reinstall GRUB22:00
zykotick9satya: for a wubi install, are you sure?22:01
hypershockI need an entry in the vista boot loader22:01
satyaoops, didn't notice22:01
satyahypershok: there is a tool to edit bootmenu in windows22:01
satyahypershok: it is called EasyBCD22:01
FrowardI successfully booted from the USB stick! unfortunately the extended partition that ubuntu is installed on is STILL LOCKED and I cannot make it bigger!22:02
satyahypershok: you can try that, but I'm not sure how that can work for a Wubi install22:02
Frowardokay, how do I make my ubuntu install partition BIGGER? it has free space adjacent, on the disk22:03
m6d4AnDsO: that is pretty weird I just installed it and its running on 161 udp - http://pastebin.com/QVjkyq7p - check the logs I would say22:03
satyaFroward: you have to delete all child partitions to make an extended partition bigger I think22:04
lidarFroward: gparted22:04
FrowardIm all up in that shit22:04
Frowardstill locked son22:04
satyaSo I was working on this  - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/Specifications/R/ThemeEditor22:05
satyabut other options don't work in GTK2 except the selected_color22:06
AreckxTrying to mount my iphone 3gs and transfer music using banshee/rhythmbox/gtkpod/other http://paste.ubuntu.com/1186555/22:06
Frowardah! the EXTENDED partition (which has an ext4 and a swap) is locked because the liveCD detected the swap and started using it, I *think*22:08
Frowardso, how do I unmount the swap?22:08
AnDsOm6d4: i did same steps bro but its not working :( mystery22:08
MonkeyDustFroward  swapoff -a22:08
TJ-Froward: that makes sense... do "swapoff /dev/sdXY"22:08
Frowardthat worked! THANKS BROS22:08
jbinstallsi cannot get synaptic package manager to show up under dash22:09
lidarFroward: good find22:09
lidarjbinstalls: CLI pwns and gui for apt anyway be relevied22:10
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hypershocksatya: thanks, with the use of that tool I saw that I DID have an entry in the vista boot loader for wubi and that apparently the delay was too little for automatic os selection, i've changed it and hopefully i'll be able to select ubuntu. unfortunately i have to wait for a chkdsk /r to complete. :( :)22:10
MonkeyDustjbinstalls  install it first22:10
histojbinstalls: did you install synaptic ?22:10
jbinstallsi did it doesnt show up and now it says its installed22:11
satyahypershock: great22:11
jbinstallsand wont reinstall22:11
AnDsOm6d4: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1186556/ here is my log22:11
Frowardalso weirdly gparted wouldn't run as is, I had to start it from a terminal, then it did fine.22:11
Frowardjust a little note for the future.22:11
AreckxAlso using idevice pair unpair yields this error : QueryType failed, error code -25622:12
hypershockhey guys, did you notice that after 5 years, a new powermanga version was released today?22:12
hypershocka space shootemup for linux22:12
Areckxtrying it out now lol22:13
m6d4AnDsO: looks like something wrong with your config files22:13
AnDsOzzz i dont know i will post it22:14
theixleWhat's the right channel for general Ubuntu/Linux discussion, not support?22:16
theixlewurmphlegm: Thanks22:17
zymastertHey does anyone know anything about custom launchers in unity? I am trying to create one that runs a shell script with no success. I was able to create the .desktop file and put it in /usr/share/applications and I put Exec=/directory/of/script.sh and I gave the sh permissions to run as a program. The scrip works fine but when I try to run program from .desktop, I get "There was an error launching the application"22:17
zymasterAnyone done this before?22:18
zykotick9zymaster: do you want to see the script running (does it have output)?  if so, try "gnome-terminal -e /path/to/script"22:18
jbinstallswhats the command line for getting synaptic package manager?22:19
zymasterzykotick9: I don't need to see it running, I just need it to run.22:19
AnDsOyo its fixed22:19
hypershockjbinstalls: sudo apt-get install synaptic22:20
jbinstallsubuntu software center isn't working right22:20
m6d4AnDsO: glad its fixed- duplicate entries ?22:21
un2himanyone tried the new gnome ubuntu?  I can't get the installer to work...crashes on partition setup22:21
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AreckxTrying to mount my iphone 3gs22:24
karlwim now in tt2. I played a game and the resolution was stuck at wRoNG when i exited it. Is there some command that can reset resolution or take me to login screen again wo rebooting machine?22:28
zykotick9karlw: "sudo service lightdm restart" should restart Xorg (you'll be logged out)22:29
karlwill try22:29
Tellmarchdoes ctrl alt backspace still work in ubuntu?22:30
zykotick9Tellmarch: not for a while (by default)22:31
sudhihow do I disable groupings of browser windows? ubuntu 12.04 here22:32
JoniiHey, anyone know if it's possible to make that "friction" between two displays smaller, so you could get cursor from one display to the next with less speed?22:33
jbinstallsi still cannot get xvidcap to install on 12.0422:33
sudhinot only the left hand side task bar shows them grouped, the Alt+Tab also shows them grouped! its annoying to click 4-5 times to simply switch to another firefox window, how can I disable this grouping of windows?22:33
JoniiMy ubuntu version is 12.0422:34
MonkeyDustsudhi  try myUnity or CCS22:34
MonkeyDustsudhi  try myUnity or CCSM22:34
sudhiMonkeyDust: thanks, can you hint me (keyword/setting/menu) with CCSM, I am not sure where I will be able to find it22:35
sudhi(as in which setting inside CCSM)22:36
TJ-sudhi: With Alt+tab, do you know that once you allow the selection to stay on a multi-windowed program for more than about one second, all the windows of that program will be previewed and you just press Alt+tab again to select the one you want?22:36
Tellmarchzykotick9, wow, just learned that you can just use right alt + printscreen + K for the same thing, so that service restart is not needed after all :-)22:36
MonkeyDustsudhi  compiz-config22:37
sudhiTJ-: and do you know how to go back to the list of all windows when that happens?22:37
jbinstallshow can i make 12.04 look like netbook remix?22:37
TJ-sudhi: Yes; I press the left or right cursor keys (with Alt still held down)22:38
MonkeyDustjbinstalls  there's no netbook remix22:38
jbinstallsi really dug the way netbook looked22:38
jbinstallsill just have to learn to like it22:38
TJ-sudhi: You can press any of the cursor keys - whichever is closest to escaping the group of program windows22:39
sudhiMonkeyDust: umm, couldn't find anything relevant in CCSM, perhaps I should give it another thorough check22:39
MonkeyDustsudhi  or in myUnity22:39
sudhiTJ-: like the up arrow?22:39
jbinstallsi prefer a desktop to choose icons from versus toolbar for everything22:39
sudhiMonkeyDust: okay, will apt-get'it first22:41
sudhiTJ-: somehow, mine doesn't do anything even after keeping for more than 4-5 seconds22:41
TJ-sudhi: yes... it depends on how many windows there are and their layout... if you're on the first window, left gets you out. if you're on the top row, Up gets you out... etc22:41
sudhiTJ-: maybe I played with the settings and broke it, I really wanted all Chrome windows across the desktops to have their own icon on the task bar (what do you call that unity thingy on the left?)22:42
lampe2hey i just wanted to ask what are your favorite web application for your server ? right now iam uesing kolab and owncloud22:42
sudhithen switching between them would be breeze; Sup+N (N=1,2,3,4)22:43
TJ-sudhi: You tell me!22:43
_ravenhow to create encrypted swap manually?22:43
MonkeyDust!poll > lampe222:43
ubottulampe2, please see my private message22:43
TJ-sudhi: I know, Unity takes some adjusting to. I screamed at it for months then buckled down and figured out I'd beat the thing!22:43
lampe2iam dont looking for a best app...  iam looking for some software what i dont know but maybe i would like ....22:44
sudhiTJ-: I dont have anything against unity. So long it can keep my keypresses to down minimum (and preferably to my left) I am happy :)22:44
sudhiSo long as* it can...22:44
lampe2i dont wanne know the best mail server...22:44
sudhiAs* long as* it can...22:45
TJ-sudhi: I still prefer classic menus where I can explore and see what related programs are installed on a system without needing to guess their names22:45
sudhiTJ-: you can, press super button, click on installed software, and scroll through the list, or go to USC and look at installed software categories if you want a sorted list22:46
sudhiTJ-: press Super+A (a for apps)22:47
TJ-sudhi: not the same... wastes so much CPU time trying to be fancy... a simple hierarchical menu works fabulously at a glance22:48
TellmarchI don't really understand unity22:48
Tellmarchi agree with TJ, a simple menu is missing22:48
TJ-sudhi: I tried to get used to the "filtered results" part which is closest to what I want, but I ended up installing classic menus applet22:48
Tellmarchand there are other easy things... like why are there no tooltips, why is the right click not used...22:49
sudhiTJ-: well, I don't think Ubuntu _really_ cares about CPU usage... but I strongly agree with some place to give complete picture of apps22:49
TJ-two clicks and I'm looking at the lists of related applications with that, nothing filtered from me22:49
TellmarchTJ-, how do you install that applet? I need it :-)22:50
TJ-sudhi: I know... I've several older notebooks that work fabulously with Lubuntu though... it has style and is light too22:50
TJ-Tellmarch: let me check; its been a while!22:50
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sudhiOS X has a Application folder, but they dont seem to have any trouble with that... pro'lly 'coz a Mac has most of the stuff pre-decided for you22:50
TJ-Tellmarch: the package is "classicmenu-indicator"22:51
sudhiTJ-: I should've given Lubuntu a try, is it Xfce or Fluxbox?22:51
TJ-Tellmarch: the other thing that it does that Unity doesn't... it lets me see the Wine menus!22:52
TJ-sudhi: its LXDE22:52
Tellmarchbtw, how do you right click on the title bar of a maximized application in unity? it's another thing i still don't know how to do...22:53
hwildeno right click for you22:54
Tellmarchwhy can i do it on a normal window but not maximized? there are useful options in that menu...22:54
TJ-Tellmarch: Alt+Space as always22:54
sudhiTellmarch: my secret key-combo: Alt+Space22:54
Tellmarchthanks :-)22:55
sudhiTJ-: ohh, of course, LXDE hence Lubuntu22:55
Tellmarchbut I don't understand why these things aren't obvious in unity, as they should be22:55
sudhiTJ-: fixed it, thanks, though I wonder if I can make Unity show all the windows on the sidebar irrespective of their desktop/workspace/max/min'ize position/status22:57
bjrohanCan anyone help me with why my graphics went weird after upgrade? Lost system tray, and only low-res avail23:10
Dr_willisis the login screen also 'low res' ?23:12
bjrohandoesn't appear to be23:12
bjrohanI haven't logged in in a bit since there is no system tray to use to logout23:12
bjrohanWhen I boot up it auto logs in23:12
Dr_willisok.. that points to a user setting issue... You could try making a new user, and see if it works properly for them as a test.23:13
bjrohanI am very inexperienced in linux, how should I go about doing this?23:13
Dr_willisor just try resetting all your settings and see if somthing is the cause.23:13
Dr_willisId disable auto login for starters23:13
bjrohanWhere do I do that>23:14
Dr_willisin the login manager settings somewhere i imagine.. i hate auto logins.. so i never use it23:14
bjrohanGive me a minute I am going to log out and then come back in23:14
jbinstallswhat is best file system to store personal data on?23:15
Dr_willisjbinstalls,  you are on a 'linux' only system? or want to share it with windows ?23:16
jbinstallsim setting up an additional partition on 12.04 for personal storage.23:17
Dr_willisthen use ext4 i would think..23:17
jbinstallsscrew  winblows23:17
bharwellI need some help installing 12.04 LTS alternate from USB. When I get to "Install the base system" I get an error message that says "Debootstrap Error - Failed to determine the codename for the release."23:17
jbinstallsi just HAD to upgrade from 10.04 and had tough time snagging data trying to avoid in future23:18
veryhappyhey guys my sound doesn't work23:18
jbinstallsso ext4 is long term stable?23:19
veryhappyor it rather works but it won't recognize my headset anymore23:19
spacebarbarianwhats a quick wait to 'reset' networking stuff in buntu ?23:19
Dr_willisjbinstalls,  i would say yes..23:19
bkc_spacebarbarian: sudo service network-manager restart23:20
jbinstallsk thx23:20
Dr_willisits been used for some time now.. and will be around for some time.23:20
spacebarbarianbkc_: hmm tried that it just hangs up :/23:20
jbinstallswhat would cause network manager to disappear?23:20
jbinstallsthats why i had to upgrade23:21
Dr_willisyou mean the icon? or what exactly23:22
bkc_jbinstalls: ext4 does a few things "wrong"... Linus had a few things to say about it too... but never the less, it has worked for some years now for me without any problems... still use ext2 on my old EEE900 because it has a small 16GB ssd and I don't want journaling on it :)23:22
jbinstallsi was installing arping and suddenly netmanager was gone23:23
Jordan_Ubkc_: You can use ext4 without journaling, and the effect of journaling writes is generally over estimated.23:24
jbinstallsdr_willis i am at point to make new partition , easiest format for linux backup23:24
bkc_Jordan_U: well, this is an old SSD... it crashes and burns if you have journaling on ;)23:24
Dr_willisjbinstalls,  for a all linux system..may as well use ext423:25
jbinstallsthx again23:25
bkc_Jordan_U: and I didn't say there was anything wrong with the journaling... I love it on all the other computers :)23:25
Dr_willisfilesystems can be a very... interesting topic once you start digging into them.. ;P23:26
bjrohanI am logged back in and disable auto-login. I can run glxgears, however when I go to MyUnity it says I am running in 2D mode23:26
bkc_Dr_willis: indeed it can ;)23:26
jbinstallsdr_willis   should i label it anything like HOME od ?23:26
bjrohanIn display it does not give me an option to select a higher res like 1920 as it did before23:26
Jordan_Ubjrohan: Being able to run glxgears doesn't really tell you anything.23:26
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Dr_willisjbinstalls,  label it whatever you want. the label is normnally used when partions get automounted to /media/labelname23:27
Dr_willisjbinstalls,  so no spaces in the label is a good idea.23:27
Jordan_Ubjrohan: Please pastebin the output of "glxinfo". You're probably using VESA.23:27
jbinstallsit wont cause any conflicts23:27
Dr_willisjbinstalls,  what wont?23:27
veryhappysorry guys don't you find a solution for my problem?23:27
jbinstallsnaming it my username or home?23:28
LiDaRveryhappy: what problem ?23:28
Dr_willissince its not your 'home' that wouldent make sence.. and if you are the only user,, whats the point in that.. ;)23:28
bjrohanHere is is Jordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1186605/23:28
jbinstallsunder 12.04 it puts my data under home then my user name23:28
jbinstallsjust query23:29
Dr_willisthe label is ONLY used by the auto mounting system to give it a nice name in /media/ if you are  defining its mountpoint in fstab. then the label wont really matter23:29
Dr_willisi never noticed the /media/username/stuff on 12.04 - but im on 12.10 now and it does it that way23:29
Jordan_Ubjrohan: What version of Ubuntu are you using?23:29
vsgnadie habla español23:29
bjrohanI think23:30
dzupnomas de decir troll23:30
bjrohanHow do I check, didn't occur to me that the last upgrade I did via synaptic was for 12.10? is 12.10 out? Jordan_U23:30
Dr_willisthe version # is the date of reelase.. 12.10 wont be final untill the 10th month of 201223:31
veryhappyproblem solved, i just don't know what i can do when ubuntu doesn't recognize my headset, could i try to restart alsa or what?23:31
bjrohanthen I have 12.0423:31
Jordan_Ubjrohan: 12.10 is not released yet. What is the output of "lsb_release -r"?23:32
jbinstallsigparted live on usb works well23:32
bjrohanWhen I went from 11.10 to 12.04 I had display issues as well which I resolved. I did a synaptic upgrade today (not sure what but a LOT), and now this. I went back and redid what I did in June, didn't solve issue23:32
bjrohan12.04 Jordan_U23:33
Jordan_Ubjrohan: The odd thing is that according to the glxinfo output you're using llvmpipe (a new faster software renderer) which I didn't think was enabled by default in 12.04.23:33
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »23:33
bjrohanJordan_U what should I have?23:34
Jordan_Ubjrohan: You definitely do not have proper GPU acceleration right now.23:34
Jordan_Ubjrohan: Unfortunately I need to leave now.23:35
bharwellCan you guys help me with my 12.04 installation?23:36
bjrohanAnyone else been following and have some suggestions?23:36
Dr_willisand whats the output of ---->   lsb_release -a              bjrohan23:36
bharwellWhoops, sorry. Didn't mean to cut.23:37
bjrohanDescription:Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS23:37
Dr_willisjbinstalls,  that makes perfect sence.. you need to set the permissions and ownership. same as you would any other directory for your user.23:37
Dr_willisjbinstalls,  mount it somewhere, and chown the mount point  to be owned by your user.23:38
Dr_willisbjrohan,  and whats your video card?23:38
bjrohanATI Radeon 140023:38
jbinstallsdr_willis now im in a fugue?23:39
Dr_willisjbinstalls,  its identical to any other folder on your  system. it has to be owned by your user. if you want that user to have full permissions to it.23:39
xevworkAre IP address and netmask for each interface stored anywhere in sysfs?23:39
Dr_willisjbinstalls,  so Mount it somewhere. and chown it to be owned by your user.23:39
xevworkI can't find them in /sys/class/net/*23:39
jbinstallsthats the part i dont get, its mounted where do i set users?23:39
Dr_willisjbinstalls,  via 'chown' same as you would a folder/directory23:40
Dr_willisjbinstalls,  this is just for a single users ussage?23:40
jbinstallsnever used chown before23:40
Dr_willis!permissions | jbinstalls23:40
ubottujbinstalls: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions23:40
jbinstallsreading thx23:40
Dr_willissomthing like 'sudo chown username.username /media/mountpoint23:41
zykotick9Dr_willis: isn't it ".. username:username .." ?23:41
Dr_willisI thinkit can go either way23:41
LiDaRok who is up for some cdc_ether fun dmesg output http://paste.ubuntu.com/1186617/ post about device alluding to its functioning https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/886130/comments/3023:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 886130 in linux (Ubuntu) "Verizon Wireless USB551L 4G Wireless Card detected as wired NIC" [Undecided,Fix committed]23:41
bjrohanDr_willis thank you for the help so far. My card is ATI Radeon 140023:42
Dr_willisbjrohan,  other then checking the addational-drivers tool (jockey-gtk) and see if you got the drivers installed.. thats all i know about ati cards.23:43
Dr_willisI tend to avoid ati whenever possible.23:43
bjrohanglxinfo | grep -i 'direct rendering'23:43
klj613 how do i do a 'for' loop (shell) for results from a `find . -iname '*.foo'` ?23:43
bjrohandirect rendering: Yes23:43
luisfoliahey, I have a little problem with my ubuntu 12.04 installation23:43
LiDaRjbinstalls: sudo chown username:group /file23:43
Dr_willisklj613,  find has the ability to do a loop/command on each found item i belive23:43
boxjonhas ubuntu netbook edition been removed?23:44
zykotick9boxjon: yes.  as of unity it was viewed as redundant.23:44
luisfoliabasically, everytime I boot my pc, the screen freezes23:44
Dr_willisboxjon,  been gone for some time now.23:44
luisfoliawhen I reboot, I choose Ubuntu previous versions and it works just fine23:44
boxjonwell that sucks, not sure if reg ubuntu will run the same way on23:44
boxjonmy netbook23:44
Dr_willisfind examples --> http://linux.about.com/od/commands/a/blcmdl1_findx.htm23:44
rawrI'm trying to get the hardware information of a usb wireless card I just plugged in. I'm not seeing it in lspci. It is already working and allowing me to connect to wireless networks so I know it is working as well as my builtin card IS showing up. Ideas?23:44
Dr_willisboxjon, 'regular' ubuntu IS the netbook edition basically. :)23:45
zykotick9rawr: lsusb23:45
Dr_willisRuns fine on my 2 netbooks.23:45
klj613Dr_willis, thanks23:45
rawrzykotick9: great thanks23:45
luisfoliado you know how can I solve the problem, so I don't need to boot the pc twice every time23:45
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boxjonwell i have EEEPC with the intel 500 gma23:46
Dr_willisluisfolia,  let me guess.. 'ati' video card?23:46
boxjonwhich is known to have probs23:46
luisfoliathink so23:46
Dr_willisluisfolia,  you should determine exactly what card/chipset.23:46
Dr_willisboxjon,  if you need a lighter desktop, theres lubuntu, which i think has some netbook mode23:47
boxjoni dont think its about being lighter, i think there are some known issues with the intel 50023:47
luisfoliaok, how do I check on that (sorry for the n00bity)23:48
Dr_willisall the kernels, and drivers would be the same reguardless of the desktop/netbook/whatever/lubuntu/kubuntu/ubuntu variant i imagine.23:48
boxjonill try LTS first first23:48
boxjonthen if nogo i guess ill have to try something else23:48
Dr_willis12.04 is the latest lts release.23:49
pyrrhicWTB help with a game via WINE. People in WineHQ aren't responding. Day 2 of QQ. :{23:50
bharwellpyrrhic: I know your pain. :(23:50
pyrrhicbharwell, Not trying to seem impatient. I just wish someone would at least attempt to assist. :)23:51
LiDaRklj613:  for i in `find /path '*foo*'`; do cp -p $i /path/;done;23:51
Dr_willistheres always the wine forums i guess.. and the ubuntu forums23:51
LiDaRpyrrhic: how much you paying ?23:52
boxjonif you want to play it that bad why not vbox and play it in windows?23:52
pyrrhicLiDaR, <323:52
pyrrhicboxjon, Tried. It errors.23:53
LiDaRklj613: put -name in front of foo part23:53
boxjonwhich game?23:53
pyrrhicTERA Online23:53
noahbandanyone know how long it takes to install xubuntu 12.04?23:53
boxjonwtf play that shit on windows23:53
pyrrhicboxjon, Sigh...23:53
boxjondoesnt it take better advantage of DX23:53
WeThePeoplepyrrhic, have yu check PlayOnLinux yet?23:53
pyrrhicWeThePeople, Yep. It's in "beta".23:54
Dr_willisnoahband,  id say half an hr or so...23:54
noahbandkay, thanks.23:54
Dr_willistakes as long as it takes.. ;P23:54
pyrrhicWeThePeople, On WineHQ it's rated as silver. In VirtualBox, the exact error message is:  "Sorry, this application cannot run under a Virtual Machine23:54
Dr_willisit knows its in a VM.. thats.. nifty.23:54
boxjonsorry if i want to play a high end graphics game, im a gamer before im a linux guy23:54
Dr_willisif you want high end games.. then use windows.. thats all there is to it at this time.23:55
jbinstallshow do i change a new folders icon?23:55
LiDaRpyrrhic: dual boot like eveyone else that has to have soemthing windows23:55
LiDaR!ot | LiDaR23:55
ubottuLiDaR, please see my private message23:55
pyrrhicDr_willis It's probably detecting the video driver.23:55
jbinstallswindows is nowhere on this machine23:55
pyrrhic!ot | pyrrhic23:56
ubottupyrrhic, please see my private message23:56
ubottuThe core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)23:56
Dr_willisjbinstalls,  for a single folder/directory right click, properties.. then people dont notice that the ICON at the top left IS a button you can click...23:56
Dr_willisthen just select a new icon. I always make a .folder  png i put in the folder.. to use.23:57
elkyLiDaR, you can PM the bots and get the answers without disrupting the channel23:57
elkyer, the bot*23:57
LiDaR!ot > elky23:57
ubottuelky, please see my private message23:57
* szal smells disciplinary action coming up23:57
elkyszal, so do I23:58
elkyLiDaR, it's advisable not to give cheek to ops when they give you friendly advice on how to be less annoying.23:58
LiDaRelky its advisable to pay attention to whats going on in the channel before making yourself look stupid23:59
LiDaRelky: scroll up and reada while if you need to23:59

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