
stochasticsmartboyhw, you were trying to grab my attention a little while ago, what's up?00:03
ailoknome: relax. I'm not suggesting we change to Gnome00:44
knomei'm not worried about that ;)00:44
knomeit's just i think there are enough remixes already00:45
knomeor whatever their names00:45
ailoWould be strange not to have a gnome derivative?00:48
ailoWhich I assume this is to be00:48
knomehmm, no... :P00:48
knomegoing to bed now01:03
knomegood night!01:03
ailoGood night01:09
ailoI actually just woke up01:09
ailoBut a bit too early to say good morning01:09
len-1210hmm, our ISO installs again. nautilus goes by its own name and has a menu bar again.03:19
ailolen-1210: Yea, they decided to go back to the older version for now03:21
ailoOf nautilus03:21
holsteinyeah, i think we should think about bailing on it03:21
holsteingoing with thunar or whatever03:22
holsteinfor me, keeping nautilus was a way to be more "gnome2" like03:22
ailoMight be smart to skip any non-xfce apps all together03:22
holsteinthe xubuntu one is nice03:23
holsteinthunar, right?03:23
ailoIt's the xfce file manager03:23
holsteinyeah... thats what i meant03:23
ailoPractically the same thing03:23
ailoI mean, as nautilus03:23
holsteinthere are some things that are missing, but nautilus is removing those features03:24
len-1210The problem with double icons for removable devices is only in the live session03:24
ailolen-1210: Did you add the gnome-system-monitor already?03:24
ailoholstein: Like what?03:24
len-1210yes 03:24
holsteinailo: i forget.. someone in xubuntu was complaining and i looked it up03:24
holsteinthat "join network" menu was one03:25
len-1210thunar is missing two things I need: search and sftp:03:25
holsteinsomething else key though... something with the view i though03:25
holsteinmaybe it was search03:25
ailoholstein: They dropped paned view03:25
holsteinwhatever it was, it was valid03:25
ailoholstein: But, don't think there was anything else. You meant "connect to network"03:26
ailoThe biggest change is just putting the whole menu inside one button03:26
holsteinailo: yeah, i really missed that "connect to network" thing03:26
len-1210Nautilus allows using directories on other systems03:27
len-1210It is really nice for backup03:27
ailo"connect to server", was what I meant03:27
holsteinlen-1210: i think these are things that xubuntu would be interested in having03:27
holsteinailo: whatever its called.. i think its slick03:28
len-1210thunar can do the sftp with outside help03:28
holsteinlen-1210: gigolo?03:28
len-1210search was a separate app03:28
ailoholstein: Nautilus was not dropping the "connect to server" feautre. AFAIK, only paned view03:28
ailoThe rest is just cosmetics03:28
holsteinailo: yeah, it was folks missing that in thunar03:28
len-1210holstein, yes, but with some extra package we don't have03:29
holsteinsomeone wanting nautilus running in xubuntu03:29
ailoThey can always install it if they want03:29
holsteinlen-1210: i was wondering if its something that would be appreciated upstream03:29
len-1210I have had some problems with thunar dying on me03:29
ailoAlso, there are other applications for mounting filesystems. I usually use sshfs using the terminal03:29
holsteinim using thunar 1.0.203:30
holsteinailo: sshfs is what gigolo would be doing right?03:30
holsteinkind of a gui for that and other things?03:30
holsteinafter i found gigolo, i didnt "need" nautilus anymore03:31
holsteinthat was the last thing i just didnt understand how to replace with my skill level03:31
ailoSo far Gnome hasn't dropped any features, other than cosmetic, AFAIK. Only been adding them03:32
ailoSome gui controls are changing, becoming more minimalistixc03:32
holsteinnothing wrong with that03:32
holsteinim suprised the ubuntu-gnome edition isnt bigger already03:33
holsteinailo: http://ugr.teampr0xy.net/home-103:33
len-1210the one thing missing was an about box.... so I could find out what the program was called03:33
holsteini thought you might want to get in on that03:33
ailoI think it's a general misconception of Gnome3, since it's not as easy to customize at first glance03:33
ailoholstein: Ubuntu is getting a Gnome derivative soon03:34
ailoBased on Gnome 3.603:34
holsteini thought that was it03:34
holsteini saw "them" asking about how to set up an irc channel03:35
holsteini just thought it would have been right when the switch to unity happened03:35
ailoAh, didn't read more closely03:35
len-1210there have been changes to the theme too03:36
ailoGnome3 would have needed more developers working on customization. The initial config is a bit crude03:36
len-1210the window with focus now has a blue top bar03:36
len-1210and most other highlights are blue too03:36
holsteinwell, the initial unity at that time was on par i thought03:37
holsteini think now its too little too late03:37
holsteinfolks have either jumped to mint, or like unity03:38
holsteinnot that i dont want to try it out, and support it03:38
ailoDon't think it matters. If Gnome3, or rather Gnome4, which is not that far away, will rock a bit more, I think it will automatically create interest03:38
ailoProblem is all the veteran nix people, who don't like to leave the 90's03:39
holsteini think for some more tech-y folk03:39
holsteini was thinking the ubuntu community though.. they are likely using unity now, and the newcomers as well03:39
holsteinwe'll see.. i dont think gnome3 is bad either03:39
holsteini like it and unity just fine now that they have "had time to bake"03:39
holsteinthe time was unfortunate i think... and neither one are really anything im interested in running on my desktop full time i dont think03:40
len-1210I guess I am one of the old guys ;)03:40
holsteinlen-1210: hehe!03:40
len-1210I was looking at fvwm again and thinking how nice it was03:41
ailoI've been running Gnome3 for the past 6 months, and have no complaints03:41
ailoBut I can see why people don't see the benefits03:41
ailoIt does take a few moments to get into new features too03:41
len-1210I have two problems with unity... both speed things03:42
len-1210it takes a long time to change desktops (1 to 3 or what ever)03:42
len-1210it takes a long time to start any app not on the left bar03:43
ailoI felt Unity was slow too03:43
holsteinit was... its faster now.. still pokey in a couple spots03:43
len-1210these are not a problem for many people03:43
holsteinits the general layout of both that i just dont need03:44
len-1210I was talking as of 12.0403:44
len-1210My wife has it and it is fine fore her, she uses three app03:44
len-1210one at a time03:45
ailoBoth Unity and Gnome3 are trying to integrate the web into the desktop, but so far, I think both are not doing the best job at it03:45
len-1210our ISO is still missing two metas03:45
ailoNeed to get moving. Taking a bus to a neighbour city today. Will probably start a "network technician" education there shortly03:46
ailoLater guys03:46
holsteinailo: o/03:47
len-dtmicahg, no need to answer just now. I am wondering if the new metas will make it for this cycle or should I put the apps back into the graphics meta for now? And if so, would it hurt to leave the apps in both places...04:15
len-dtmicahg, I forgot to add. ubuntustudio-default-settings has two bug fixes (again) There is a third to do, but I am waiting for information.04:22
micahglen-dt: ok, unless the fixes are critical for beta 1, I'll upload after that, as for the metas, just ask cjwatson if he can do it after beta 1, I seem to be missing something WRT the metas somehow04:23
len-dtmicahg, not critical04:23
len-dtOur ISO seems to install. 04:24
len-dtailo, beta 1 fails. It does not install. Did we set device auto mounting on purpose or can we deselect it?07:01
len-dtor can we set it up different in live from install?07:06
smartboyhwHello all08:12
smartboyhwailo, len-dt: What are your comments on Ubuntu GNOME remix? Also I didn't test the build, my download speed is bad:(08:17
smartboyhwI mean the Beta 1:)08:19
smartboyhwailo: do you know if there is a Quantal lowlatency kernel git like in your email?12:31
len-dtsmartboyhw, beta 1 does not install right. As soon as partman formats the partition our de mounts it then ubiquity gets upset and says it won't install to a mounted partition.13:32
len-dtI was able to work around that though13:33
smartboyhwOK, I can't test it, strangely cdimage has a very poor internet connection13:33
scott-workhi len-dt, did you have have a good camping trip?13:38
len-dtscott-work, how are you?13:39
scott-workailo: maybe your email (and leanne's poke) might help move andy forward on the procedures13:39
scott-worklen-dt: i believe i'm doing okay13:39
smartboyhwHi scott-work13:39
len-dtscott-work, our ISO doesn't install without fidling13:39
scott-workhello smartboyhw 13:39
scott-work"fidling"?  hmmmm, that's a little concerning, no?13:40
smartboyhwscott-work: I wonder: Can I be mod of the Ubuntu Studio section of Ubuntu Forums?13:40
len-dtif doing the "use whole disk" install it fails13:40
scott-worksmartboyhw: i don't have control of that, i'm not actually sure who does really. sto.chastic is a mod though, you might ping him13:40
smartboyhwOh OK, since jussi is not helping out now, and he (or she) told me to ask you13:41
scott-worklen-dt: is that something vanilla is experiencing as well or just localized to ubuntu studio13:41
scott-worksmartboyhw: there is also a "ubuntu forums council", i believe, that might have the authority to set mods13:42
len-dtThe DE auto mounts the newly created partition and ubiquity won't install on it13:42
scott-worksmartboyhw: but you can always google search how to be a mod in ubuntu forums13:42
smartboyhwSure, but then I think I need your approval13:42
len-dtSo if we set no auto mount it should fix it.13:42
len-dthowever, we had automount set last rel and no problem13:43
scott-worksmartboyhw: i think jussi.'s default answer these days is "see Scott" for everything. even the things i don't do or know about :P13:43
smartboyhwSo then how? I don't even seee stochastic on the forums these days13:43
scott-worklen-dt: i wonder if something changed elsewhere that might be affecting this13:43
scott-worksmartboyhw: you can send sto.chastic an email from his launchpad account13:43
smartboyhwI'm answering a few questions at least13:43
scott-worklen-dt: meaning, it worked last release, vanilla made a change but also changed the automount setting, and now we are having issues13:44
len-dtxfce4.10/thunar may be more agressive about looking for new partitions to mount or ubiquity may not be fast enough grabbing it.13:44
scott-worklen-dt: perhaps asking colin might shed some light or at least get a point of contact for who might know about it13:44
len-dtI will be talking to him anyway so I will ask. does he hang out on an irc channel ? which one should I look at?13:45
len-dtscott-work, I need to help my wife out the door to school back in a bit.13:46
smartboyhwOh ok13:46
scott-worklen-dt: i would say #ubuntu-devel is the most active that i have seen13:46
stochastichi smartboyhw 13:49
smartboyhwHi stochastic13:49
smartboyhwI wanna be mod at the Ubuntu Studio section of Ubuntu Forums,13:49
falktxsmartboyhw: afaik you need to be very active within that forum section first13:50
smartboyhwSure, I'm getting to it:)13:50
* falktx says 'hi all'!13:50
smartboyhwI did make some post13:50
smartboyhwOh sure here comes falktx who wants to topple scott-work's throne:(13:50
stochasticyes, that's certainly true, very active. I think I was at around 2000+ posts before I was given moderator status there13:51
smartboyhwWow, ok13:51
stochasticthe Ubuntu Studio section is the only section (or was at the time) where there was other moderators than the standard forum moderators13:51
smartboyhwNot now13:51
stochasticand it's a process that requires the Ubuntuforums staff's approval, not really the Ubuntu Studio team's approval13:52
stochasticjussi was also a moderator there, not sure if he's still very active there - I know my work there has died off significantly13:52
stochasticis there any particular reason why you need moderator status in that forum?13:54
smartboyhwSince you guys have not been active there, and I wanna help:)13:54
smartboyhwEr, do I get a reply?13:58
smartboyhw...stochastic, len-dt, scott-work: Then will tmr's image have a clean build?14:00
smartboyhwI mean no bugs14:01
len-dtWe will have bugs till after beta one. we are missing most of the photo and publishing applications14:02
smartboyhwYep, but then can we ensure we can actually install?14:03
len-dtA bit early to tell14:03
smartboyhwWell, two days remaining14:03
len-dtScool starts today for one of my sons... I have other things to do too14:04
jussino bugs is an unattainable attribute... (the cake is a lie)14:05
len-dtbeing able to install is pretty big14:06
smartboyhwWell I think being able to install is the prerequisite14:08
len-dtscott-work, I have in the past had thunar try to mount fresh partitions too. It seems to be a race thing where it depends on how fast ubiquity mounts the partition.14:15
len-dtMost of the time it was ok. I suspect changes in ubiquity have made it a bit slower at mounting things.14:15
len-dtIs the automount setting a big thing? it may be best to just turn it off by default.14:16
len-dtone could argue that having something mount itself in the middle of audio work is not something we want anyway.14:17
len-dtOr... can we have it turned off in live and on after install?14:17
smartboyhwlen-dt: On the last question, I think we should give full potential and features of the OS to the guys who just wanna try it.14:30
scott-workhi falktx  :)14:55
smartboyhwlen-dt is not answering:(14:55
scott-worksmartboyhw: i believe we (len really) is still triaging the problem14:56
smartboyhwscott-work: Len is our golden boy isn't he?:)14:56
scott-workto the image (or clean build)14:56
scott-worklen-dt: are we including thunar still on the image? i seem to recall that we were moving completely to nautilus, is that still the goal?14:57
scott-worksmartboyhw: "On the last question, I think we should give full potential and features of the OS to the guys who just wanna try it." i'm not i understand what point you are trying to make14:58
smartboyhwWell I mean that we should not just omit a feature in live and enable it after install14:59
len-dtscott-work, smartboyhw it would not omit it, just change the setting, however the ubiquity devs want to fix ubiquity. So I will let them. It seems thunar keeps moving where its config is kept from release to release.15:03
smartboyhwlen-dt: OK YEAH!15:03
shnatselubiquity talk?15:03
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/15:03
len-dtcj watson would like to have things so that if any flavour decides to enable automount it will still install.15:05
smartboyhwLooking at it now15:05
shnatselAFAIK it can be disabled in one of Ubiquity's functions15:05
shnatselthere's a dedicated setting for locking the desktop during installation - disabling user switching, etc etc15:06
shnatselbut I'm not entirely sure when the function is called15:06
shnatselyou can disable the automount in ubiquity_dm binary but it's not clear how to bring it back15:06
shnatselat least I haven't figured out how to revert a similar change when it's done from ubiquity_dm15:07
shnatselif you do, please tell me15:07
shnatselthe locking funtion I've been talking about is lockdown_environment(self)  in ubiquity/frontend/gtk_ui.py15:09
holsteinsmartboyhw: o/15:10
smartboyhw\o holstein15:11
smartboyhw!ubuntustudio-dev is <alias> ubuntustudio-devel15:38
scott-worklen-dt:  would you be able to compile a loose list of things changed recently that we can ask testers to confirm?16:41
scott-worklen-dt: what i am thinking is basing this off of the completed items in the blueprints and noting either in email or in the release notes (started by skaet) for the milestone images16:42
scott-workthis would also afford us a list for the final release notes when released16:42
scott-workand by the way len-dt, thank you VERY MUCH for your efforts in this cycle in particular, we certainly would not have made nearly the same progress without your efforts16:43
len-dtscott-work, sorry zoned out a bit. watching -release to see if ubiquity is going to get fixed or I should make a change to -settings so we can at least install...16:49
len-dtscott-work, -default-settings has been changed to no automounting of removable storage devices.17:17
len-dtThis will allow our ISO to install. The user can set auto mount from settings once they install.17:17
scott-worklen-dt: that sounds like a good, prudent plan17:18
scott-workat least we can get testing done currently17:18
len-dtscott-work, I have wondered in the past if it is a good idea to have something automount while recording...17:18
* len-dt thinks pluggin something in while recording is not smart17:19
scott-workhehe, you are probably right ;)17:19
len-dtOk, it's in. Looks like it made it before respin.17:28
scott-worklen-dt: sweet! who uploaded it for you to the repos?18:17
scott-workoh. i see the bug report, looks like colin did18:17
scott-worklen-dt: would the high resolution timer adjustment help ralf with MIDI jitter?18:19
len-dtscott-work, I don't know. I have yet to be able to reproduce any problems I have had.18:30
len-dtI would think Ralph would have tried it though. In any case Ralph does not use USB MIDI ports, he has something more stable either PCI or FW18:31
ailoscott-work: Yea, seems like the ball is rolling now19:25
ailolen-dt: I didn't know about the auto mount part. I'm pretty oblivious to what happens during installation, from a non user perspective. 19:28
ailoI really have a nack to make a mess on mail lists19:32
ailoor, rather, knack for making..19:32
len-dtailo, auto mount is now off by default.19:33
ailolen-dt: The disk can't be mounted while partitioning, right? But, the installer should know this, no?19:34
ailoI suppose this only happens if installing from desktop, with auto mount on?19:35
ailoAnd what if you manually mount the disk, and the install?19:35
len-dtAt some point ubiquity will work with automount enabled. But disabled is, in my mind better anyway as it uses thunar and everything else uses nauilus19:35
ailoOnly usb devices are usually auto mounted, from my experience19:36
len-dtIf you manually mount, ubiquity will ask to dismount and then it can continue. With auto mount it goes in circles19:36
ailolen-dt: But, then the auto mount is mounting in a different way, right?19:37
len-dtIt seems anyting not mounted by default is thought of as removable19:37
len-dtdifferent mountpoint19:37
len-dtxfce4.10 moves the file where thunar keeps it's configs19:37
len-dtthis breaks ubiquity19:38
len-dt http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/ucgi/~cjwatson/blosxom/ubuntu/2008-04-12-desktop-automount-pain.html19:38
len-dtailo, see the link for more info19:38
ailoI see19:39
ailoWell, I'm going to bed. Hopefully I passed the test today, and am able to start studying for different certificates soon19:41
ailoIndividual study pace, and freedom of choice what certificates are concerned, paid by the government19:41
ailoI'm going Linux as much as possible, of course19:41
ailoThe test was a bit funny. The computer part was mostly about msdos19:41
ailoLike a bad joke19:42
ailoAnyway, gn19:42
=== TheMaster is now known as Hypnotoad
smartboyhwlen-dt: Good morning23:32
smartboyhwlen-dt: Come on it's 7:35 AM. How is the ubiquity going for Beta 1?23:35
smartboyhwAt least in here:)23:36
len-dtIf we get a respin it should be okish23:37
len-dtprobably will install from boot ok but not from live session till the respin23:37
len-dtstill missing two metas, but we are waiting till after beta1 to fix that.23:38
smartboyhwAnyway gotcha go to school now:)23:38

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