
FloatingGoathey anyone up in this biznitch atm?13:59
smartboyhwWhat biznitch?13:59
smartboyhwHi FloatingGoat13:59
FloatingGoatI made a song using LMMS13:59
smartboyhwUh huh13:59
FloatingGoatif you want to listen to it or something14:00
smartboyhwUh huh14:00
FloatingGoatits me again14:05
FloatingGoatsmartboyhw: did you get that link or something?14:07
smartboyhwGood music14:07
FloatingGoatthanks bro14:08
FloatingGoathave you ever made anything14:10
smartboyhwNo sorry. I use it for video14:10
FloatingGoatoh no14:14
FloatingGoatim kidding14:14
smartboyhwWell I'm in the Ubuntu Studio Team at least14:14
FloatingGoatno way14:16
FloatingGoatyou work on the OS?14:21
smartboyhwYes, sort of, I don't do programming, mainly testing, support and documentation14:23
FloatingGoatim a user14:24
FloatingGoatI dont use ubuntu studio :'(14:24
FloatingGoatI know14:34
FloatingGoatI use regular ubuntu14:34
smartboyhwOh OK14:35
smartboyhwTry to use Ubuntu Studio:)14:35
FloatingGoatok i will14:40
LuciferisI'm not able to add myself to the audio group after trying : sudo adduser <username> audio ; replacing username by    Lucis Feris   says that doesn't exist that user ; and i don't know what i'm doing wrong.15:08
holsteinLuciferis: correct15:08
holsteinit wont have spaces15:08
holsteinit will be your user name15:08
holsteinthe one the machine uses to refer to your "account"15:09
smartboyhw\o holstein BTW15:09
holsteinwhen you open a terminal, it should say "user@machine"15:09
holsteinLuciferis: thats the username you will input there15:09
holsteinit will contain no spaces15:09
holsteinholstein@poseidon:~$ for example... not Mike Holstein15:09
LuciferisI believe i tried that but i'll try again; thank's very much15:10
holsteinLuciferis: you need to try the *exact* username printeed there15:10
holsteinLuciferis: it will work15:11
smartboyhwIt MUST work, if not it is a bug LOL15:11
LuciferisThank's; i'm not very used to the shell but i'll do it it's simpler; Guess i'll do the rest for finishing configuring my upgrade; See you. I know i would be very lucky to find a bug. it's me the bug15:13
=== TheMaster is now known as Hypnotoad
ByteBittenDoes anyone know if Ubuntu Studio runs well on a SSD?20:18
ByteBittenI found myself a manual for ubunu 12.04, I found my awnser.20:26

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