
GridCubeBHO1, have you tried the fn keys?00:00
BHO1GridCube , Fn+<What key?>00:01
GridCubethe brightness one?00:01
GridCubein my case they are f7 and f800:02
knomeBHO1, usually has a "sun" symbol in it; on my laptop, it's f3 for brightness+00:02
pinkfroston my netbook it's the right arrow00:02
BHO1it was F8 for me....but thanks guys i found it00:03
GridCubesee, BHO1 i cant tell what jkey is yours00:03
GridCubedoes it work=00:03
BHO1Yes, it is fixed00:03
BHO1Thanks guys, sorry for such a stupid question.00:04
unheedingsafe mode gets to "crcdisk.sys" and hangs00:04
unheedingoops it loaded00:05
unheedingall right, in safe mode i'm having the same problem (ping works, browsers do not)  any other ideas?00:06
unheedingactually, in safe mode the ping does not work00:07
unheedingthis is safe mode with networking00:07
unheeding"error code 1231" ping fails00:08
unheedingi'm sorry, wrong window00:09
* unheeding is so embarassed00:10
=== unheeding_ is now known as unheeding
xubuntu548good evening!00:42
xubuntu548im trying this for the whole day, does anybody know how could i export the mouse theme to another distro?00:43
xubuntu548no one?00:45
xubuntu548im trying this for the whole day, does anybody know how could i export the mouse theme to another distro?00:45
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/00:45
knomeplease, you waited for 2 minutes00:45
knomexubuntu548, the default theme is at /usr/share/icons/DMZ-White - that's what you need to copy.00:46
xubuntu548... a lot!00:50
devnillI'd like to make compiz my default wm. Where can I change it so I don't need to type the command at each login?01:43
unheedingokay, everytime I click a link to open it in my browser, it opens in google-chrome, and then it gives me an error message01:49
unheedingfailed to execute default web browser input output error01:49
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
unheedingokay it was google-chrome-unstable01:54
unheedingbeta works :)01:54
rensoskihi. i cant remember the name of a program, is like a catalog with a lots of game, the name is 3 letters. like dlc lcd irl or something, any remember ?04:02
rensoskii find it, is DJL04:09
hanslandaHello guys, i found a script over the internet to turn off mouse acceleration to improve my skills on a fps game, and it worked...but when i open the game it dont recognize the script i think...and im getting mouse acceleration in game. does anybody know why? (sorry about bad english)04:45
xubuntu053hello guys! I'm pretty new to xubuntu. I'm having trouble with the command prompt when you disable X. When I enter it via alt+ctrl+f3 it just spams something about edid and unknown nouveau l2c 48 port, something similar. I've been trying to install Nvidia driver for my laptop but the spamming renders the terminal useless05:17
unheedinghave you tried a different terminal?05:18
xubuntu053it does the same05:19
xubuntu053I have googled around a bit and i seems these errors are usually caused by graphics ports or drivers05:21
xubuntu053I think it might have to do with my screen being 3d05:21
devnillHas anyone found a frequency scaling application that has a graphic notification07:28
xubuntu172whats is more faster lxde or xfce ?08:41
ochosixubuntu172: it's pretty much the same. there's a diff between xubuntu and lubuntu though08:46
Sandra888I'm installing xubuntu on a dual boot mini mac, and I can't configure partition properly, how to set mount point and so on using gparted?08:57
magihi i have a problem in xubuntu boot time about 65sec checked with boot chart how to reduce it09:26
magihi i have a problem in xubuntu boot time about 65sec checked with boot chart how to reduce it09:26
Unit193!repeat | magi09:27
ubottumagi: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/09:27
livingdaylightzooboontoo forces updates on me even though I don't use Thunderbird, for instance, at all - not even configured09:50
Unit193Doesn't exactly "force", but since you have it installed of course it'll update it.  If you don't want it, uninstall it.09:53
alzanyone install xubuntu on an aspire d270?10:47
alzI'm thinking of installing it onto one but I'd like to know if anyone here has had a positive experience10:48
alzwith it10:48
livingdaylightUnit193, I say 'force' because if I untic that box it comes back saying there are packages to be installed11:28
livingdaylightI would be happy to uninstall thunderbird to stay with the example, but it is probabl part of a metapackage which doens't let me. Would be nice if ubunt uwas more modular and oen can just install what one actually used and wanted11:29
dystopiandriftgood morning internet. would someone help me to configure blueproximity? everything works fine, I just need a screen locker that will unlock without a password being entered. I don't know how to configure or register or whatever PAM modules for xscreensaver / bluetooth proximity..12:05
=== marco is now known as Guest11988
xubuntu611Why is the Xubuntu 12.04.1 32bit ISO of 715MB when in download it shows to be of 682MB?12:37
xubuntu611I am unable to write it on a CS :(12:37
xubuntu611Wanted to install it on a persons laptop that doesn't support booting from USB and only has cd rom drive12:38
xubuntu611Any help?12:40
baizonhave you tried it?12:46
dystopiandriftI had a similar issue with xubuntu for ppc, I found a forum post telling you how to trim some stuff from the iso to make it fit, but it work for me but it might work for you.. I'll look for it for you..12:47
dystopiandriftalso you can set your burner to 'overburn' but your software / hardware has to support it..12:48
dystopiandriftI found this.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1870829 there are links that may help you12:50
knomexubuntu611, maybe there's an error on your download.12:54
xubuntu611I was away for salat13:19
xubuntu611I am on the webirc13:19
xubuntu611I have checked the dowload both the direct download and torrent13:20
xubuntu611same result13:20
xubuntu611here http://imgur.com/prVhv13:22
xubuntu611simmilarly Xubuntu 12.04 is of 713MB13:23
xubuntu611Going off now13:26
xubuntu611Thanks for the help anyways13:27
knomewhere did you download it from?13:27
knomeoh well13:27
livingdaylightusing gparted to clean wipe my usb I'm getting this error: file:///home/rahan/Downloads/gparted_details.htm14:55
holsteinlivingdaylight: thats linking local.. can you pastebin the error message?14:56
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:56
livingdaylightholstein, http://clip2net.com/s/2gHI814:57
holsteinlivingdaylight: sometimes, i just pull them out... unfortunately, those messages can also mean the device is going bad14:58
livingdaylightholstein, that's bad news.14:58
holsteinlivingdaylight: i would try unmounting... then i would move on to forcefully removing it, maybe even after shutting down the machine14:58
holsteini would then try right when the stick gets pushed in... not mounting it, just going on to formatting14:59
livingdaylightit gets mounted automatically, though?14:59
holsteinlivingdaylight: shouldnt.. they "show up" automatically by default15:00
holsteinif you dont click or mount, it should just be sitting there ready for gparted to mount it15:00
holsteini would try plugging the USB, then the very next thing would be the formatting step... not clicking or mounting15:01
livingdaylightusually, use unetbootin to put bootable isos on in. But was told unetbootin doesn't work with hybrids and used the dd if=isopath.iso of=/dev/sdc bs=M1 command15:01
livingdaylightsince then this has become an issue15:01
holsteinlivingdaylight: unet will work15:01
holsteinlivingdaylight: its a hybrid iso15:01
livingdaylightwhat is a hybrid iso?15:01
holsteinlivingdaylight: you can directly copy it over to a stick, and it'll "work"15:01
holsteinlivingdaylight: you dd copy it over and its a live USB stick15:02
holsteinits also still the type of iso that unet should work with15:02
livingdaylightwhat is the type of iso that unet should work with?15:02
holsteinlivingdaylight: when you said "i used the dd if..." thats dd15:02
livingdaylightoh, the dd command ok15:03
holsteinlivingdaylight: the hybrid iso can be used directly copied over, in addition to the way it used to work.. burning it to CD.. using unet.. .whatever15:03
holsteinlivingdaylight: if you want to use unet just as you always have, use it.. i do15:03
livingdaylightit doesn't work with all isos. Hybrid isos don't work with unetbootin I was told15:04
holsteinlivingdaylight: you can try it.. it literally wont hurt, and its worked for me15:04
livingdaylightwhich is why i used the dd command and then it did work, but now experiencing issues with usb15:04
holsteinlivingdaylight: i wasnt told that.. i just fired up unet and made a USB stick15:04
livingdaylightholstein, you're not listening15:04
holsteinlivingdaylight: i am.. you "heard" the hybrid isos dont work with unet.. and i have used hybrid iso's both ways15:05
holsteinlivingdaylight: if you are experiencing an issue using dd, just do it the way you are used to doing it15:05
livingdaylightit is my experience that this particular hybrid iso did not work with unetbootin, so, no need to keep encouraging me to go ahead. I already did and failed. When I was shown to use the dd command it worked. Great, just now I have usb issues, due to it going or what, I don't know15:06
holsteinlivingdaylight: cool.. you can elaborate about your issues.. the one above looks like you are trying to access the disk with gparted while its "busy"15:07
holsteini would expect it to work this way... you dd copy the iso to a clean USB stick, and reboot using it... what was the issue at that point?15:08
livingdaylightI've had a few iso not work with unetbootin so, now I have a conceptual background to understanding why that might be, coz I've just been using unetbootin all this time on all isos. Clearly, however, unetbootin doesn't work universally15:08
livingdaylighti would expect it to work this way... you dd copy the iso to a clean USB stick, and reboot using it... what was the issue at that point? No issue at this point the live usb worked15:09
holsteinlivingdaylight: cool.. then where did the issue happen? after you tried to format it in gparted?15:10
livingdaylightyou can elaborate about your issues.. the one above looks like you are trying to access the disk with gparted while its "busy" <-- after getting it to work and testing live-usb I try to dd another iso to the usb but its no longer working. I used gparted to delete and reformat the usb with the intention of trying it with unetbootin this time but that is when the issue arose of not being able to create a clean usb s15:10
holsteinlivingdaylight: i would try from a clean insert like i had suggested.. and also, try the stick on other machines.. it could be that the USB is failing15:11
livingdaylightcool.. then where did the issue happen? after you tried to format it in gparted? <--- essentially, yes. After I was finished with the live-usb15:11
livingdaylightyea, already tried on both the laptop and Desktop, i.e. two machines with same frustration15:12
livingdaylightno point trying a command-line approach to deleting usb using 'rm' command or purge or something? if gparted isn't doing it then its not happening is it?15:14
holsteinlivingdaylight: you can try it.. i would try, as i suggested, right when you plug the stick in.. not mounting or clicking15:15
holsteinlivingdaylight: it literally wont hurt to try in the CLI, and you might see more helpful output15:15
livingdaylightcan you please tell me how to do it in the command line?15:15
livingdaylightcd to /dev/sdc ?15:15
livingdaylightsudo rm contents?15:16
livingdaylightsudo rm -rf?15:16
holsteinlivingdaylight: this is what i would reference... http://www.webupd8.org/2009/10/linux-format-your-usb-drive-via-command.html15:16
livingdaylightk, thx holstein15:17
Vinc3nDHi, i have a bug with my mouse in xubuntu when i move a window selecting the title bar15:17
holsteinlivingdaylight: i woudnt bother rm'ing anything.. that could be the step that is hanging up on you15:17
holsteinlivingdaylight: could be the stick is failing.. unet should have worked fine... there are no non-hybrid live isos AFAIK, so the ones unet downloads will be hybrid15:18
holsteinthe fact that unet didnt work supports the theory that the stick is failing15:18
holsteinVinc3nD: whats the bug id?15:18
Vinc3nDthe window moves herself to the extremity of the screen15:18
livingdaylightwell, that is the explanation I got for mageia not booting up in my live-usb created using Unetbootin15:18
holsteinlivingdaylight: i do not use mageia.. maybe that iso doesnt work15:19
livingdaylightholstein, well, now you know of one hybrid iso that doesn't work using Unetbootin15:19
holsteinlivingdaylight: in my searching, and actual findings "Hybrid ISOs are still compatible with Unetbootin"15:20
holsteinlivingdaylight: either that one doesnt work, or it failed due to the stick failing15:20
livingdaylightholstein, had they [mageia crowd] told me it should have worked with Unetbootin I might have also begun thinking that the issue lies therefore with my usb stick15:20
holsteinlivingdaylight: doesnt really matter.. you'll need to determine if your stick is failing, and try formatting it... good luck!15:21
Vinc3nDhttps://bugs.archlinux.org/task/29970 this bug15:23
ShirakawasunaI get this issue in xubuntu, but not ubuntu: Every so often (maybe 1/4 of the time?), suspend no longer works - if I close my laptop lid (the only way I ever suspend), it doesn't do anything - *maybe* it logs me out, sometimes, which is also very annoying (I assume that it's X crashing). At that point, even clicking on the 'suspend' option in the menu doesn't do anything and my 'I'm suspending' light flashes but goes nowhere.15:23
holsteinVinc3nD: have you found of made an ubuntu bug?15:23
Shirakawasunathe weirdest thing to me is that this only happens when I'm using xubuntu-desktop, not ubuntu-desktop15:23
Vinc3nDthis bug exist on xubuntu, i use it15:24
holsteinVinc3nD: and you have filed or found the bug on launchpad?15:24
holsteinVinc3nD: im sure that would be helpful.. if you just wanted to get a proper report going and follow up on it15:25
holsteinVinc3nD: you could bring up that patch in the bugreport... have you tried the patch?15:26
Vinc3nDhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ir2IDxFKBFA this bug in movie15:26
Vinc3nDnot tried a patch15:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1001936 in xfwm4 (Ubuntu Quantal) "GTK3 Grab/Move Triggered on Mouse Click" [High,Fix released]15:27
holsteinVinc3nD: i would just upgrade and try using that patch, and follow up there on that report if it doesnt help resolve the issue for you15:28
holsteinShirakawasuna: i would look at what powermanagment unity is using, and what XFCE is using.. i know you can use gnome services in XFCE, and im not sure how much of the same parts you will need that unity is using15:29
Vinc3nDi need to patch source to fix this bug, not an easy solution15:32
gajenhello, i've just installed xubuntu 12.04 and i chose to encrypt the home folder. when the installation was done, a notification(?) popped up, saying something about a passphrase, encryption, and the home folder. i ignored it at the time and i'm worried it's something important. i don't know where to find what it said again. any ideas?15:35
livingdaylightinstalled gnome-format but its not launching?15:36
livingdaylightI thought I made progress by deleting and reformatting usb, but now I'm getting error that usb is not mounted, even though Thunar said it was when I inserted the usb device - http://clip2net.com/s/2gIie15:43
holsteinlivingdaylight: you can try launching from the terminal and see the error output15:43
livingdaylightlaunching how?15:43
holsteinit = gnome-format15:43
holsteinthough, gparted is the tool i would use15:43
livingdaylightno, I just used gparted - its reformatted now15:44
holsteinlivingdaylight: unet has requirements like that.. that the drive be mounted for the transfer15:44
gajeni think it was one of those 'run this action now' windows15:44
livingdaylightI'm getting the its not mounted message from Unetbootin, although THunar has messaged that its mounted15:44
holsteinlivingdaylight: i would just mount it again.. i sometimes physically pull the stick out, like i suggested earlier15:45
livingdaylightI've already pulled it out and reinserted it twice15:45
livingdaylighttwiece thnar says its mounted; twice unetbootin says it can't see it15:46
holsteinlivingdaylight: you should also consider that the drive could be failing.. if it were me, i would try the stick on a couple different machines, and i would try a few different sticks on that machine15:46
livingdaylightmount /dev/sdc is returning mount: can't find /dev/sdc in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab15:46
holsteinlivingdaylight: thats the kind of odd "behavior" i have seen with failing sticks15:47
livingdaylightyup, maybe its failing and Thunar reads it but Unetbootin doesn't15:47
holsteinif its failing, anything can read it, or lose it.. or drop it halfway through a transfer.. or dd would be alowed to bit copy to it15:47
livingdaylightwould 'mount /dev/device' be the usual way to physically mount it using Terminal?15:49
holsteingajen: seems like that is the encryption passphrase entry, though i forget when that comes in the steps15:49
holsteingajen: if you are getting in, i would maybe just look around the wiki's and try and confirm the system is encrypted as you expect15:49
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount15:49
gajenholstein: i think it might be that part where you enter your passphrase and you get back a long sequence of characters. the home folder is encrypted15:56
holsteingajen: might be.. you should be able to confirm that it is encrypted, and do it again if you choose15:57
gajenholstein: looking at the wiki, it might be the mount passphrase16:01
G__81i am using 12.04 and when i log in i get a different window manager i dont get the usual stock Ubuntu GDM. I see something different. the default DM is still set to lightdm16:11
G__81i dont get the actual DM that comes with Ubuntu 12.0416:12
G__81i was actually using Kubuntu and i removed it and installed Xubuntu and then i see this16:12
G__81is this a problem?16:12
mips1911Peeps I need some help with GLX issues please. 12.04 AMD64, nVidia 9600GT, nvidia-current nvidia-settings v304.4316:40
mips1911Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".16:41
mips1911Error: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual16:41
GridCubemips1911, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=193043316:44
mips1911GridCube, I don't have a /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/xorg/extra-modules/libglx.so file. That folder of mine is empty16:47
GridCubemips1911, reinstall the driver from jockey-gtk16:53
mips1911GridCube, Jockey does not see the new drivers, only the old ones in the official repos by the looks of things16:59
GridCubelet me see17:01
GridCubemips1911, care to try a ppa?17:05
GridCubeyou can always remove it using ppa-purge later17:06
mips1911GridCube, I just installed from the X-Swat PPA. I have limited bandwidth available to me though so not so keen17:06
GridCubewelp thats the one i was going to propose to you17:06
mips1911GridCube, thats where I install from17:07
GridCubeyou could try this one then: http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppa/xorg-edgers17:08
mips1911no thanks, more bleeding and I need to conserve bandwidth this side17:09
GridCubeyou could try to get the specific glx package then?17:10
mips1911I would if I knew which one it was17:12
GridCubesearch glx on synaptic and you get a bunch of them17:14
mips1911I tried that but can't see what I'm missing17:18
GridCubemips1911, i know this might sound silly, but have you tried rebooting?17:19
mips1911Not having much luck on the forums either. usually when I post somehting I never get a response17:19
mips1911GridCube, yes. I'm getting tired of my plymouth splash :)17:19
GridCubemips1911, try this, uninstall the nvidia drivers, reboot to generic drivers, reboot again and install nvidias, and reboot17:20
mips1911GridCube, ok, I'll try that quickly. be back shortly17:21
GridCubemy logic here is this, rebooting using the generic drivers will save generic states to the system somewhere, and then magic will happen17:21
mips1911busy uninstalling via synaptic. My apt is also borked somehow, when I try install via apt-get it cannot find any packages but synaptic works fine though. Oh well 12.10 will be here soon...17:23
mips1911oh bollocks, i just uninstalled apt, now i can't reinstall it.17:27
GridCubehow would you go and do that?17:28
mips1911apt is a core component17:28
mips1911oh god, my entire apt cache is also gone.17:30
mips1911rebooting now would be total suicide. let me backup whatever I can, reinstall 12.10 from a minimal cd and start from scratch.17:32
mips1911Lol, at least my GLX issues are no more :D17:32
mips1911dont what?17:32
GridCubedont reboot17:32
GridCubelet me find out how to restore your apt-get17:32
mips1911trust me, I have no intention of rebooting17:32
mips1911GridCube, I don't think restoring apt is gonna help me much as it removed ubuntu-minimal and the entire package cache is gone so it will have to pull all those packages from the repos again as they were deleted. Not feeling like doing data recovery.17:36
GridCubemips1911, you can download apt from here http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/apt17:37
GridCubeuse dpkg to install it17:39
GridCubeoh, well, :/17:40
mips1911GridCube, not going to work, to many missing dependencies. I appreciate your help though17:41
GridCube:( ok17:42
mips1911I did try installing it though.17:42
mips1911Someone needs to upload the logs of this chat to reddit or something. My moment of shame (& utter stupidity) :D17:43
mips1911anybody know where I can get a 12.10 netinstall image17:46
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate17:46
GridCubethats not very helpful, try here, mips1911: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/17:47
mips1911GridCube, thanks busy download the quantal beta1 netboot cd now.17:53
mips1911_Wish me luck18:12
GridCubegood lucks18:14
vagrantcanyone know how to network install xubuntu? i've already got standard ubuntu network installs set up, but i don't immediately see what to configure to tell it to install xubuntu ...20:07
vagrantci know with debian you can just pass desktop=FOO to the installer ...20:10
cc_INCAre you using the mini-iso?20:11
cc_INCI think sudo tasksel might help you get Xubuntu20:12
cc_INCOr maybe sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade20:13
Unit193apt-get install xubuntu-desktop is the recommended way from the mini.iso.20:13
vagrantccc_INC: no, full on network boot20:14
vagrantcanyone know how to network install xubuntu? i've already got standard ubuntu network installs set up, but i don't immediately see what to configure to tell it to install xubuntu ...https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LocalNet20:14
vagrantcthe url20:14
vagrantcneed something that works with preseeding...20:15
cc_INCI don't have any experience with a full on network boot20:16
vagrantci guess i can just preseed: tasksel tasksel/first multiselect standard, xubuntu-desktop20:16
Unit193I've setup PXE before, wasn't as easy with *ubuntu as others.20:17
vagrantci know how to set up PXE, i just need to know what's different between standard ubuntu and xubuntu20:17
vagrantchow does the installer know the difference?20:17
vagrantcin an automated way...20:17
* vagrantc tries preseeding20:18
Unit193That page linked to http://www.debian.org/releases/etch/example-preseed.txt, and close to the bottom you have ### Package selection   and that uses tasksel.20:20
Unit193xubuntu-desktop is of course the name of the installed system, and xubuntu-live for liveCD.20:22
vagrantcyeah, that's what i'll try20:25
vagrantcthanks folks20:25
Unit193Sorry I couldn't help more.20:26
vagrantchopefully it's as simple  as that :)20:26
mips1911vagrantc I'm busy with that at the moment. My net install bomb towards the end though so I'm gonna try chrooting to fix it. If you use the net installer you have to select a command-line system and then you have to install xubuntu-desktop after the base install has completed20:31
vagrantcthat's... unfortunate20:32
vagrantci need an automated install process, and it's unfortunate that that sounds so badly broken :(20:32
mips1911i'm sure there is a way to do it with a script or something like netboot etc but that goes beyond what I know20:35
Pizza90does anyone here know why my aspire 5536 with xubuntu 12.04 keeps having the fans always on?? cpu and ram seems ok23:13
unheedingmy fan is always on too23:18
Pizza90i dont think it's normal, i have never had with the 10.423:30
holsteinPizza90: i would look at the graphics driver23:52
Pizza90holstein: i have a well known bug with the proprietary drive (i am on ubuntu 12.04) so i had to use the opensource ones23:54
Pizza90but with both the fans are always on23:54
holsteinPizza90: i have a via chip thats like that23:57
Pizza90this 12.04 seems good but untill i fix this problem it's a problem using it, i dont want to fry my pc23:58
holsteinnah.. you wont "fry" it.. try the vesa driver23:59
vagrantcso network install of xubuntu by just preseeding tasksel to install xubuntu-desktop instead of ubuntu-desktop basically worked23:59
vagrantcalthough the installer doesn't support non-pae systems...23:59

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