
kalibHello, just updated my kubuntu and now my flash stoped working.00:06
kalibAny sugestion?00:06
kalibI have flashplugin-installer installed00:07
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Guest27331Anyone good with openconnect? I can connect SSL and get a valid IP on my tun0 adapter but I cant ping anything on the vpn network.00:10
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kalibHello, just updated my kubuntu and now my flash stoped working.00:18
SWhetselapt-get update and then upgrade00:19
SWhetselmaybe flash needs updated00:19
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bejkeranybody online?01:59
bejkerdid u know something about intel graphic and just only resolutnion 640x480?02:00
bejkerhow to change that02:00
daniel___you graphic card driver is not correct?02:01
bejkeri don't know02:01
bejkeri just instal kubuntu 12.04 lts02:02
bejkerand it's fuckd02:02
bejkerI install al of intel software frome repositories02:03
bejkerall my screen is display on 1/4 screen size02:03
daniel___ubuntu linux include most comm driver for hardware , i think maybe your graphic card is too newer for ubuntu?02:04
bejkermaby too old02:04
daniel___too old?02:04
bejkerit's old laptop02:04
bejkerwhen i have kernel 2.6.x all its work fine02:05
bejkerbut when i upgrade for 3.x kernell all is broke02:05
daniel___OK ,  i use an old laptop too02:05
daniel___i receive a tips from linux says that my moden card is not installed correct and Ubuntu can search the driver for me when i install 12.0402:07
daniel___do you receive the tips? appears on  the right of tops02:07
bejkeri dont have any of them02:08
zhouxiukunPptpd I created on Ubuntu server, how to see connected users02:08
bejkerso i think everything is ok02:08
daniel___besides the mail icon02:08
bejkeri have that kind of graphic02:10
bejker00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 03)02:10
daniel___try to find the correct driver for your graphic on inernet and install it02:10
bejkerzhouxiukun:  try write ps aux and check02:10
jdrsmaybe this will help same card http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/intel-82845g-graphics-controller-352262/02:12
jdrsuncomment that line of code02:13
bejkerjdrs:  but i dont have xorg.conf02:13
bejkerwhen i stop kdm/gdm02:14
bejkerind type X -configure to create that i have error02:14
bejkerthise is my xorg.conf.0.log http://pastebin.com/3Q1yjCrk02:18
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unheedingcan anyone tell me why my laptop stopped waking up when i open the lid?02:58
unheedingflip the screen open02:59
bejkerits normal?03:00
bejkeru need press power button03:00
unheedingyeah that's what I have to do03:00
bejkerbut thise is  normal on any laptop03:01
bejkerwith any OS03:01
unheedingin windows it wakes from sleep when i open the lid03:02
bejkeri dont know but my laptop is wake up when i press power button03:02
bejkerand it's not mather is linux, windows or something else03:03
bejkerif u open lid and on windows any time is wake up automatic03:05
bejkertry on linux check power safe mode03:05
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nezumi_any kubuntu master here to give a hand to a newbie that LOVES kubuntu so far but fails with knowledge?03:32
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:32
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nezumi_I dont really know how to get rid of this message: Failed to download http://ppa.launchpad.net/doctormo/wacom-plus/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/binary-amd64/Packages03:36
nezumi_404  Not Found   I tried to add wacom related ppa but god only knows what I did wrong - I am still learning. BTW - wacom tablet works perfect, just that message each time I am trying to update03:36
tsimpsonnezumi_: open the Muon package manager, go to Settings -> Configure Software Sources, under Other Sources look for "http://ppa.launchpad.net/doctormo/wacom-plus/ubuntu precise" and remove it. that should fix your problem03:41
OerHeksindeed, https://launchpad.net/~doctormo/+archive/wacom-plus has no precise packages03:41
nezumi_thanks it worked out just great. Anybody knows working ppa for wacom tablet or place I can look for it?03:48
OerHekshttps://launchpad.net/~irie/+archive/wacom does have precise packages .. but do you really need those, if it is working already?03:49
DarthFrognezumi_: This really is one of those times where "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" really applies.03:50
nezumi_It wasnt working, I fixed it but problem is I dont remember how :D03:51
DarthFrogGo on to something else.03:52
nezumi_anyways last question - Not all packages could be marked for upgrade. The available upgrades may require new packages to be installed or removed. Do you want to mark upgrades that may require the installation or removal of additional packages?03:52
DarthFrogYour call but most folks would probably answer yes, unless they had a good reason not to.03:53
nezumi_I have three items to be "mark additional changes" - I click ok and this thing comes back again. I would be more specyfic if I knew whats going on - all I see is that something went wrong03:54
nezumi_hate to be that newbie - sorry ;)03:54
nezumi_ok, I see it is updating so... lets see what will happen. I feel stupid for that last "question", forget it and thanks for help03:56
DarthFrogDon't worry about it.  You'll soon have the confidence to not need hand-holding.  You'll know that time has arrived when you answer a non-trivial question from another newbie. :-)03:57
OerHeksnezumi_, thank you for asking, now you can pass pn good info.03:57
cyt93cs_Hi there, I am tring to use kdesrc-build (on Kubuntu) to build nepomuk-core, but I got error message about missing package: Soprano Virtuoso Backend04:39
cyt93cs_After searching for a while and installed some packages, but I still cannot find which is the correct package name...04:39
[Relic]is 4.9 considered pretty stable or would I be better off  waiting for when it is put into the normal repositories?04:51
shumskicyt93cs_: did you compile soprano yourself, or are using kubuntu packages?04:56
shumski[Relic]: what would be normal reposotories?04:57
[Relic]whatever ones are installed with the normal install of 12.04, do I wait for 12.10 (figuring it would be in that version)05:03
cyt93cs_shumski: I use kubuntu package: libsoprano-dev libsoprano4 soprano-daemon05:05
shumski[Relic]: 4.9 will/is available in backports PPA or new Kubuntu version (12.10), not with 'plain' Kubuntu 12.0405:06
shumskicyt93cs_: well, that should be OK05:07
shumskicyt93cs_: do you have full log?05:07
cyt93cs_shumski: sure, wait a moment05:07
cyt93cs_shumski: http://paste.kde.org/544268/05:08
shumskicyt93cs_: you built soprano from master branch: Found Soprano: /home/yenting/kde4/include  (found version "2.8.50"05:09
shumskicyt93cs_: that's OK, but you obviously haven't build virtuoso backend05:10
cyt93cs_shumski: do i have to build virtuoso backend from source, or could i fullfill the dependency by installing some -dev package?05:11
cyt93cs_shumski: after searching for the virtuoso keyword: I got this http://paste.kde.org/544274/05:12
shumskicyt93cs_: you can with the packages you have, but you need to remove your self-compiled soprano, and then rebuild everything that got built against it05:12
shumskicyt93cs_: kdelibs, etc05:13
cyt93cs_shumski: thanks for the information. I will try to remove the soprano from .kdesrc-buildrc, and rebuild again.05:16
shumskicyt93cs_: or you can build soprano, but with virtuoso backend05:17
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shumskicyt93cs_: you need unixodbc-dev for that to build05:18
cyt93cs_shumski: thank you very much! build time!05:20
shumskicyt93cs_: no problem ;-)05:20
shumskicyt93cs_: it needs to look like this http://paste.kde.org/544286/ (for virtuso backend to get built)05:24
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nezumi_whats "AkonadiTray"07:27
nezumi_ok I got what is it but is it have to be ON? It says that Akonadi server has been stopped..07:31
Thecaptain2000hi. the graphic login is broken on my system,  to get to use it I need to ask for console login and , once logged in do startx. Is there a way to "reinstall" the graphic login option?08:51
Smurphyyou need to install the kdm part ?08:52
Thecaptain2000not sure, the symptom is the one I described08:53
Thecaptain2000if that were the case, how do I do it?08:53
SmurphyCheck out if kdm is running: $ ps auxw | grep kdm08:54
Smurphyshould return you that the process kdm is running.08:54
SmurphyIf it is not running - it could be it is not running/installed.08:55
SmurphyTo install it, in a console type: sudo apt-get install kdm08:55
Thecaptain2000kdm is already the newest version.08:57
Thecaptain2000is there a way to force a re-install?08:57
Thecaptain2000what happens, to be precise is if I try to log in graphi9cally, something happen, like a terminal windows appear and then I am back at the graphical prompt08:57
Thecaptain2000sorry I had to be more specific08:58
Thecaptain2000to begin with08:58
ussher_Thecaptain2000:  I had a similar issue a while back, tried to find the solution in the logs but cant, so from memory.  there were 2 kdm's in the startup one was from trinity which i never fully got installed or rid of.  remebber having to choose the right kdm from a menu09:02
Thecaptain2000ussher_: tx I will have a look09:05
ussher_sorry its not a very good explanation.09:06
Thecaptain2000althought I never had trinity on my system09:06
ussher_that was me getting annoyed with the activities cashews.  wanted to go back to simpler stuff.09:07
ussher_just a thought though.  the graphical login might be configured to point to he wrong place.  I had to change shells start kdm then come back to the normal one and the desktop ran.09:09
ussher_when i do 'history' it only shows me back to the 800's  if you know a way to get older history, perhaps the commands are back then?09:11
SmurphyTheAncientGoat: you sure that s the issue ?09:12
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lllinuxHello, how do I edit the colour of the window panel (bottom panel). It's slightly transparent as default, and doesn't go well with my desktop background.10:41
Tm_Tlllinux: that comes from plasma theme, you can configure it from system settings -> Workspace Appearance -> Desktop Theme10:43
ruediiHello, I somehow lost my grub installation.  I was wondering if anyone knew how to reinstall it from the livecd11:15
monkeyjuicehttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing here is another11:18
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ruediiIt seems to fail with "Couldn't open either sysfs or procfs directories for accessing EFI variables"11:32
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ruediiThe problem is clearly that there are some missing steps in the guide, becuase I'm running UEFI.  I need to have instructions for a UEFI system.11:52
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BluesKajhowdy folks12:06
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw12:38
mimehello ppl, im configuring a config file were they need the acpi cpu temp, but the file were it should be readed, i dont know were it is, any help? thnx13:19
BluesKajmime, which config file ?13:20
Riddellfind /sys/ -name temp   maybe13:21
mimeone from another wm, but should be found in the tree. is a fvwm-crystal one, with default acpi recipe13:21
mimeRiddell, i type that u said in konsole, but says permission denied, and added to the script, it just still the ''?'' sign wre temperature should be13:26
mimei get that in konsole after i type that in :   /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone1/temp13:27
Riddellmime: I don't know I'm afraid, time to resort to google or mailing lists13:29
mimeyes, im tired of doing it, is that the old recipe links to an old temp archive wich points to another13:30
mimethnx anyway13:30
Picimime: You can also try asking in #ubuntu, as the problem is likely not confined to just Kubuntu13:30
mimei cant believe no one had this problem with the popular default acpi recipe13:31
markithi, I want to upgrade from 11.04 to 12.04, I've updated the system 11.04, then rebooted , then alt+f2 and enter "update-manager -d" but seems that the command is not present13:56
markiteven if Iì've the update-manager-core and -kde installed13:56
markitwhat is wrong?13:56
tsimpsonmarkit: upgrade instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PreciseUpgrades/Kubuntu14:00
tsimpsonrather https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PreciseUpgrades/Kubuntu/10.04LTS (for LTS->LTS)14:00
markittsimpson: thanks, I did with update-manager last time though14:04
tsimpsonthe upgrade software changed in the meantime14:06
markitI also disabled the upgrade, so now is not able to find the new version14:12
markit(I did not to scare the users abut updates)14:12
BluesKajjust enable it14:15
markitBluesKaj: everything seems ok, I've enabled in muon the check for lts, also for every one... but seems not to find any update14:20
BluesKajsudo do-release-upgrade -d14:21
markitI tried do-release-upgrade -m desktop -f kde -d14:23
markitbut says "no update available"14:23
markitnow works, maybe I tried before enabling check in moun14:24
markitBluesKaj: thanks a lot14:24
BluesKajmarkit, why the "-m desktop -f kde"14:25
markitI've no idea, I've found googling that your line is for servers, and for desktop you need to specify those two params14:25
markitalso here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PreciseUpgrades/Kubuntu that you gave me14:25
markitat step 6 you see the screen shot14:25
markitabout what is really doing14:26
BluesKajreally ? I've used the  sudo do-release-upgrade -d, several times without a problem for my desktop14:26
markitwell, now that you know, things will break soon ;P14:26
markitmmm I've some scaring error messages on the terminal, I do cross my fingers14:27
BluesKajmarkit, my upgrade went very smoothly from 11.10 to 12.0414:28
markitbut I did sudo -s14:28
markitand then the command14:28
markitinstead of sudo command14:28
BluesKajahh root14:28
markitbetter abort the upgrade?14:29
BluesKajdunno, never tried it with sudo -s14:30
markitmm same errors, so maybe did not minded14:30
markit(about /var/cache/kdecache-user being own by uid 0 instead of 1000)14:30
BluesKajmarkit, yeah , I've seen that error , just ignore it14:31
markitthere is also a "mirror not found"14:31
markitI close my eyes also ;P14:31
flametai1So can somebody enlighten me?14:33
flametai1I'm debating on whether I want to use Gnome or KDE, would anyone be willing to explain to me why KDE would be better than Gnome?14:33
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.14:34
DarthFrogKDE is much more configurable than GNOME, much more a power users environment.14:34
DarthFrogGNOME is for those who don't care about such things.14:34
BluesKajflametai1, you have to try it first . altho if you're coming over from windows, then it's more familiar14:34
SmurphyGNOME is for those who want someone to tell them what and how to do it :)14:35
tsimpsontry both, see what you like14:35
BluesKajflametai1, and DarthFrog and Smurphy are correct14:35
tsimpsonchoice and all that :)14:35
flametai1I understand it's more familiar but I prefer the look of Gnome but like some of the features in KDE lol14:36
flametai1It's such a difficult choice.14:36
DarthFrogBut not a permanent one.  Spend time in both environments and see which one works best for you.14:36
tsimpsonwell there's nothing stopping you from using GNOME/Gtk apps in KDE, or KDE/Qt apps in GNOME14:36
tsimpsonmix and match what you like14:37
BluesKajflametai1, oh , you like animations and cartoons :)14:37
BluesKajjust my opinion of course ...the gnome/unity "look" never appealed to me , all that brown and orange etc14:38
BluesKajbut kde is way more configurable in practically every way , which is the most important aspect, flametai114:40
tsimpsonit's worth noting that you can make KDE look like GNOME or Unity without too much hassle14:41
DarthFrogAlso, it seems that the KDE developers are more interested in extending the capabilities of the desktop metaphor to further empower their users.  GNOME, on the other hand, seems determined to reduce the desktop choices to a simple turning on or off of your computer.14:44
BluesKajDarthFrog, using the MS psychology ..dumb it down for the masses14:48
DarthFrogWell, it worked for them in the past.  :-)  Apple did it better, though.14:48
xmfswhere i can find a .deb for kopete-xfire?14:49
equexi don't mind dumbing things down for the masses, but there should be an 'expert mode' switch that is easy to find. as much as 'classic' desktops needs experts to use them.. i know plenty of noncomputer people who has stumbled across ubuntu 8,9 and 10 that uses it as if it were windows14:50
DarthFrogequex: Hey, if it works for them, so much the better.14:51
BluesKajxmfs, http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Xfire+for+Kopete+%28kopete-xfire%29?content=12407314:52
xmfsBluesKaj, thankyou but i was not able to compile the source :/14:54
BluesKajxmfs, it's aplugin so i doubt there's a deb14:54
xmfsBluesKaj, but there are no binaries for download14:58
BluesKajxmfs, did you install build-essential for compiling apps from source ?14:59
OerHeksxmfs, looking easy > http://code.google.com/p/kopete-xfire/wiki/CompilingFromSource15:02
xmfsi have cmake und gcc installed15:03
DarthFrognot good enough.15:04
DarthFrogYou need to install build-essential.15:04
xmfsok, i try it :-)15:04
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BluesKajxmfs, did yo lok at the readme and the install textfiles included with the app ? ..you need to make a dir first before make install15:17
BluesKajoops look at15:17
tsimpsonxmfs: that appears to be a bug in the code, http://code.google.com/p/kopete-xfire/issues/detail?id=415:17
tsimpsonif you look at the "make-tarball.txt" attachment, the output matches yours15:18
xmfsok, so i try the good old method :)15:20
harry_I have Kubuntu 11.04 and Firefox 15.0. I have a continuous problem with the adobe flash player plugin only working on some you tube videos . How can I fix this problem?15:40
harry_has anyone had the same problem that I have with adobe flash plugin not working on several websites and then working on others? I have tried just about every suggestion  with out much success!15:46
ken_I have an annoying problem... My wireless connection keeps resetting... Any idea how to fi this?15:55
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jupptach primatenpartei äh tschuld piratenpartei!16:34
juppsind piraten anwesend?16:35
Smurphypiraten ? Wasndas ?16:41
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markitI'm upgrading from 11.04 to 12.04, the installer is still at "onfiguring update-notifier-common", I think is in stall, or is asking for something but I can't see the question17:05
markithow can I solve this?17:05
markitmaybe it found that I've changed some config and, if it were an apt-get upgrade, would ask if keep the customized values or override with distro ones17:06
markit(Is just my guess)17:06
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markitboh, seems is stuck in download ms fonst from source forge17:14
markitok, now graphically asked me about that configuration! took a LOT of time17:15
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BluesKajmmark  if you've edited some files in nano or vi like sudoers then you 'll be asked to either keep the edited file or let the new one overwrite it ..I usually keep the file , by saying No to the default over write17:40
markitmmm in this other pc seems that wants to advance me from 11.04 to 11.10, not 12.04!17:40
markitBluesKaj: I know, but was tuck for 1 hour or maybe more17:40
BluesKaj11.04 to 11.10 is the logical step17:42
markitBluesKaj: urgh, but the other identical pc went to 12.0417:43
markitor I was so dumb that I installed one with 10.04 and the other with 11.10 without noticing?17:43
* markit thinks everything is possible17:44
markitBluesKaj: do you mean that if I want to go for 12.04, I have to pass to 11.10 and then go to 12.04?17:44
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genii-aroundmarkit: LTS versions can go straight to the next available LTS version eg: 8.04 can go straight to 10.04, 10.04 can go straight to 12.04. But intermediate versions must do the incremental route.17:45
markitgenii-around: ah! so in the other PC I did a double update17:46
markit(was interrupted by a electricity blackout... so maybe when I re-run the program did the second step)17:46
markitmm  but I'm on natty, isnt't 11.10?17:47
markitso it wants to go from 11.10 to... 11.1017:48
markitok, natty is 11.0417:48
* markit too tired17:49
BluesKajok , bbiab ...mail lady just filled my postbox17:52
* monkeyjuice sent BluesKaj all his bill too17:55
BluesKajheh monkeyjuice no bills , just junkmail and flyers17:57
monkeyjuiceBluesKaj:  cant get network folder to work again thru ssh   i can ssh in terminal but not make folder ?18:09
monkeyjuicenm hmmm got it work , whats the fish protocol?18:11
dahliaI want to install latest nvidia driver but it says I need to exit the X server first. How do I do that?18:11
Smurphydahlia: <alt>-F118:12
Smurphythen you are at a console. To go back to X - <alt>-F718:13
SmurphySorry - from within X: <Ctrl>-<alt>-F118:13
SmurphyFropm the console: <alt>-F718:13
BluesKaj!fish | monkeyjuice18:13
dahliaI did that but it still says the x server is running18:13
dahliaI need to kill it completely I think18:14
monkeyjuicesftp protocol did not work BluesKaj ?18:14
BluesKajmonkeyjuice, what error , are you getting with ssh ?18:15
monkeyjuiceUnable to connect to server.  Please check your settings and try again.18:18
monkeyjuicechange protocol from sftp to fish and it works?18:19
monkeyjuicejust dontknow what fish is18:19
monkeyjuicefunny sftp works in terminal18:23
BluesKaj!info fish18:23
ubottufish (source: fish): a friendly interactive shell. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.23.1-2 (precise), package size 786 kB, installed size 3840 kB18:23
monkeyjuicewell it works ;) just dont know why sftp dont oh well18:24
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BluesKajmonkeyjuice, what are you trying to do with sftp ?18:28
monkeyjuiceits the protocol the network folder trys to use and fails18:28
monkeyjuicechange the protocol to fish and it works thats all18:28
BluesKajyeah , I used ssh in the terminal and found it easier with X forwarding18:30
monkeyjuicehow do you use x forwarding18:31
monkeyjuicessh -x name@ip18:31
goodtimeanyone remeber the name of that movie were john travolta and holly berry and that dude who plays wolverine is a hacker?18:34
goodtimeanyone remember/18:34
BluesKajgoodtime, this isn't the chat to ask that question18:35
BluesKajtry a movie chat18:35
goodtimeok ty18:36
goodtimeanyone know wy dolphin file manager has a way of the trash disapearing?18:41
goodtimeshould i just remove it and reinstall it?18:42
goodtimei have midnight commander to delete but dolphin cannot and it says the trash is full but it is nowere tobe found18:43
TheLordOfTimegoodtime:  check in ~/.trash ?18:43
TheLordOfTimedid you check*18:43
goodtimeits not there18:43
goodtimetrash has disappeared18:43
yofelit should be ~/.local/share/Trash18:43
goodtimei know,its just gone18:44
yofelwhat does dolphin say in the trash settings?18:44
goodtimei did a install of kubuntu on my little notebook and the samething happened18:44
goodtimethe trash is gone18:44
yofelright, but in dolphin Settings->configure dolphin... -> Trash18:45
goodtimenowere tobe found ok18:45
goodtimeill try that yofel18:45
goodtimeyeah it just gone18:46
BluesKajgoodtime, did you look in the panel widgets18:47
goodtimenope hangon18:47
goodtimeheh yeah its gone18:48
goodtimeim kinda affraid to uninstall it18:48
goodtimei didi alot of work on this os18:48
BluesKajtype trash in the add widget search18:49
BluesKajor in krunner18:50
goodtimeok found it there18:50
goodtimeand its fixed18:50
goodtimety very much18:50
BluesKajyou shgould be able to configure it in krunner as well , add it to dolphin etc18:51
goodtimehmmm nice18:51
goodtimeyeah ive finaly found the linux os i like18:51
goodtimeand kubuntu is it18:51
goodtimethe gui is cool18:52
kylieShell scripting question?18:52
goodtimeruns real smooth on this pc too18:52
BluesKajwelcome to the kubuntu realm :)18:52
goodtimety :)18:52
goodtimei like the client for irc too18:53
yofelkylie: go ahead, someone will answer if they can help you18:53
kylieIt's pretty basic, this is my first project ever.18:53
goodtimeyes we will kylie18:53
kylieWhen appending two files together from separate directories18:53
BluesKajkonversation is easy to use and configure ...I still use it despite the move to quassel , which is ok but not exactly eye candy18:54
kylieI run the code, which looks like so: http://pastie.org/466966918:54
goodtimetry cd next18:55
kylieI get an error that states18:55
yofelthat'll just create kopies of the files from dir1 in dir218:55
kylie"dir2/dir1/uninteresting.txt: No such file or directory"18:55
goodtimetry cd /"change directory18:55
kylieto where? I'm in the directory that holds both dir1 and dir2.18:55
goodtimecd then dir18:56
yofelif you glob for "dir1/*" then f will be dir1/file1, dir1/file2, dir1/file3, etc...18:56
kylieso, just shave the "dir1/*" away?18:56
yofelthus dir2/$f -> dir2/dir1/fileX18:56
goodtimewouldnt hurt kylie18:56
goodtimeyofel: is right18:57
kylieThat is what I was trying to understand, thanks.18:57
yofelyou could use $(basename $f) which should just leave the filename18:57
goodtimehmmm nice18:57
kyliein place of f?18:57
yofelin place of f yes18:57
kyliehmm, intruiging.18:58
kylieThis is all still a little confusing, but I'll try to work through it now. :P18:58
goodtimethis is soooo cool18:59
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BarkingFishEvening all :)20:30
BluesKajhey BarkingFish:)20:33
BluesKajhi kylie20:33
BluesKajBarkingFish, how did your test go ?20:35
BarkingFishwon't know until friday :)20:36
kylieWhat sort of test?20:36
BarkingFishmedical examination :)20:36
* BluesKaj stays away from doctors ...they want to medicate me for no reason except my age ..."you don't take meds ?" they say to me in disbelief ,I just shake my head ..I don't go looking for something I don't need20:39
kylieIt's like doctors get paid to perscribe medication.20:41
BluesKajCanadian doctors don't overprescribe like American doictors , but they're getting closer20:42
BluesKajdistributors for big pharma20:42
Smo_howdy, how is everyone on this fine day20:43
Smo_no? ok20:44
BluesKajt-storms here atm ...no BBQ today20:44
Smo_why are you befuddled kylie20:45
kylieWhy should I prefer to use Bash scripting over Python?20:45
Smo_it depends on what you are writing20:46
kylieI'm aware.20:46
Smo_what are you trying to make?20:46
kylieA script that takes two directories with files of the same names and append said similar named files atop of another and put it into a new directory.20:46
kylieI want to.20:48
kylieI love python, but I have to learn Bash20:48
Smo_im taking a class on bash20:48
Smo_i have a class in 3 hours actually20:49
kylieMind helping me with two lines of code I can't figure out20:49
kylieTWO LINES.20:49
kylieothanks. :x20:49
FloodBotK1kylie: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:49
kylieI usually do.20:50
kylieSorry, meant to only do 16 & 1720:51
kylieI asked for help earlier, but I didn't have time to clear up my issue before20:51
Smo_whats the error20:51
Smo_like what is the problem20:51
kylieAt like 16 & 17, the script is supposed to take files from dir1 and append them over to dir220:52
kyliebut for some reason20:52
kylieit keeps looking for a directory called dir2/dir120:53
kylieinstead of transferring things from dir2 to dir120:53
Smo_i got this, gimme a second20:54
Smo_so it cant find directory dir2? you have no path for it yeah? put tilde slash, i think20:57
Smo_or ./20:59
kylieHmm, that might work.20:59
kylieLet's se.20:59
kylieOH FML.21:00
yofelkylie: you misunderstood me, basename belongs in line 17, not 1621:01
kylieI fixed it21:01
kylieone moment21:01
kylieAllow me to show you21:01
yofelyeah, that'll work21:02
kylieLemme try it.21:02
yofelnow the question is what you are trying to do21:02
yofelas here you might as well use cp instead of cat21:03
kylieI need to append files of the same name from different directories together21:03
kylieAnd now I got this error21:03
kyliecat: dir1/dir1: No such file or directory21:03
Smo_you put #!/bin/bash?21:04
kyliethe hell happened to my code21:04
Smo_did you give dir2 a path?21:04
kylieuno momento21:05
yofellooks like dir1 has no contents21:06
kyliedir1 does have contents21:07
kyliethey are unzipped and I look and they are there and aaahhh21:07
Smo_if you were using python it would tell you exactly what you are doing wrong21:09
Smo_just putting that out there21:09
kylieI know21:09
kyliewould be so much easier for me21:10
=== christopher is now known as CannedOwl
CannedOwlnow this program isn't confusing at all...21:15
kylieIt's my first, and I'm very befuddled.21:16
kylieI think it shows through.21:16
CannedOwlConfusion abound with me21:16
kylieWhat program?21:16
kylieSo much confusion in you?21:16
CannedOwlIs there anyone here that can help me out with something?21:37
BluesKajCannedOwl, ask away21:38
BarkingFishCannedOwl, sure. What do you need?21:38
CannedOwlI am a new Kubuntu user, so I was trying to install 12.04.1 on my desktop.21:38
CannedOwlThe problem is, it doesn't boot from the cd21:39
CannedOwlunless I do the NoModeSet thing.  I think it might have something to do with drivers for my graphics card (GTX 550 Ti)21:39
CannedOwlAnd when I look for different drivers, I can't find anything.  Someone suggested that I look into the Additional drivers area, but nothing comes up.21:40
BarkingFishThat's quite possible.  When you get to booting, before you actually start to boot, try this - press escape to get to the grub menu, then press e to edit the entry you're booting.21:41
BluesKajCannedOwl, that's an ATI card , correct ?21:41
CannedOwlNo, nVidia21:41
BarkingFishI changed a couple of things in my boot setting, which seemed to help - I switched off the splash, set a verbose boot, and set noplymouth too.  The boot started working after that.21:42
BarkingFishbasically, what I run now is a boot with no logo, text only, and it proceeds to pass into kde without incident.21:42
CannedOwlOK, I'll try that.  I wanted to know because I don't want to physically install it if it won't work.  It installed without a hitch on my laptop though...21:42
BluesKajCannedOwl, odd that the there aren't any additional drivers for that nvidia card ..., alt+rf2 , then type jockey21:43
BluesKajalt +f221:44
BarkingFishthe options you need to set are  nosplash  verbose  noplymouth   which may just do the trick for you, you will see a couple of entries in the boot line regarding a splash and plymouth, so either edit them to what I suggested, or remove them and type the extra bits in21:44
CannedOwlI didn't see any..21:44
CannedOwlOK then21:44
BarkingFishyou could also add nomodeset to the boot line too21:45
CannedOwlIt booted when I did nomodeset, but the resolution was stuck at 1024x768 I believe21:45
CannedOwland saw no options ofr 1600x90021:45
CannedOwlThanks for the help, I'll try that once I copy that down onto my laptop21:47
BarkingFishCannedOwl, i'm pretty sure you can edit your grub config to add those lines in at boot, so you don't have to edit the boot line everytime you start up, but I can't recall how - it's a long time since I did mine :)21:48
BarkingFishBluesKaj, any ideas?21:48
CannedOwlAlso, where might I find proper nVidia drivers after I install Kubuntu?21:52
BluesKajCannedOwl, run , sudo apt-get install nvidia-current , in a terminal. then reboot ...if you don't have any luck . follow BarkingFish's sugestions , that graphics card should work withe nvidia-current driver , since nvidai lists the same driver for linux on it's site21:52
CannedOwlhmm... I remember trying that when I was booting from the CD.  I'll do that once it gets installed21:53
CannedOwlnow I shall log on with my laptop21:54
BluesKajCannedOwl, no need to reinstall the OS21:54
CannedOwlokay then21:54
BluesKajjust run the nvidia install c9ommand and reboot21:55
CannedOwlalright then21:55
BluesKajoh wel21:55
BluesKajok good21:55
CannedOwlI'll get the thing on there and come back if I have any other questions.  Thanks for the help!21:56
BluesKajBBL ..dinnertime22:02
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