
silverarrowhi margo01:21
margohi silverarrow01:22
silverarrowI am trouble shooting gecko - gnome mplayer issues for powerpc01:23
silverarroware you clever with mplayer issues?01:25
silverarrowmargo:  I am getting help from a guy who makes gnome mplayer01:26
silverarrowbut need to retreive some info01:26
silverarrowso much for margo01:27
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as M0hi
silverarrowafter I got the battery indicator working, the screen dormant modes have changed06:04
thomas___hi, i'm trying to figure out how to maintain keyboard preferences between reboots - any advice? everytime i reboot they get reset, and i have to setup my keyboard preferences again10:55
kanliotthomas___, what kind of settings?11:14
thomas___kanliot: i want to set extended gb keyboard, and swap the win key for th e alt key11:23
thomas___i've found /etc/default/keyboard, but of course, can't do anything with it11:23
kanliotr u using lxkeymap?11:24
kanliotusing 12.04?11:27
thomas___i think so - how do i find out?11:27
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »11:28
thomas___thanks, and yes 12.0411:29
thomas___mhh, i've edited /etc/default/keyboard, can i restart the keyboard manager without rebooting?11:30
thomas___rebooting then11:31
RiddhishMy lubuntu installation is stuck at "Install System" since a long time after Downloading packages.. Any possible reasons? Should I turn it off?14:15
holsteinRiddhish: i dont download packages during the install14:20
holsteinRiddhish: that could take a long time, or fail... i would wait as long as you feel you can14:20
wxlsilverarrow: sounds like a bunch of work has recently been completed on the lubuntu 12.10 ppc and many more to come https://lists.launchpad.net/lubuntu-qa/msg01169.html18:08
silverarrowhow great18:08
wxlnow might be a good time to consider joining the testing team18:09
silverarrowthen I don't have to migrate to debian18:09
silverarrowit is?18:09
silverarrowI am not the cleverest of testers though,18:09
wxllet's think about it: you haven't found a solution you're happy with, so you're already thinking about getting rid of what you got18:10
silverarrowI can install 12.10 at least,18:10
silverarrowperhaps it is possible to upgrade?18:10
wxlthat being said, continuously testing new upgrades is giong to be easy to do18:10
wxl(you won't lose anything)18:10
silverarrowI see18:10
wxlwhen you find a problem, you report the bug. try to be as detailed as you can. you don't have to understand everything, just report what you see.18:10
wxlthe important thing is that until 12.10 is officially released, there are daily changes that need testing18:11
silverarrowis it possible to initate an upgrade from 12.04 to the beta version, or is a new install recommended?18:11
wxlyou don't need to test daily but the more you do the better18:11
wxlas a general rule i would not plan on having one of these dailies (or even the beta) be your final solution18:11
silverarrowI see18:12
wxlbut testing on them will ensure that when the release is out, you are close as possible to what you want18:12
wxlsee here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing18:12
silverarrowI would need to do a full intall18:13
wxlthat's one of the options18:13
wxlhere are the four testcases for an example http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/219/builds/22391/testcases18:13
silverarrowthis is a fairly stable situation, where I can work and store my writing on a usb connected hd?18:13
silverarrowwhat needs to be stable really is the word processor18:14
wxlagain, i would not expect these to be perfect. sometimes things go very awry. i'd save your writing elsewhere.18:14
silverarrowit would make the testing much easier18:14
wxli've had dailies that really need a lot of work to boot, but usually those sorts of problems are resolved fairly quickly18:14
wxlin general, you should be good18:15
silverarrowshould I go for install now then18:15
wxlas far as i remember i've been running 12.10 since it first came out18:15
wxlbut again, the FORMAL testing procedure is what's giong to matter18:15
wxlyou follow the test cases exactly and report bugs as you see them18:15
wxland then do ove18:16
wxl(do over i mean)18:16
wxlagain and again18:16
silverarrowI see18:16
wxlmight be good to join the lubuntu-qa mailing list18:16
wxlbasically the more you contribute the better it will be18:16
silverarrowso lubuntu, then18:16
silverarrowI was thinking about xubuntu, but happily stick with lubuntu18:17
wxlalso do you know the tracker for gnome-mplayer? i found an x86 bug that they suggested i post upstream18:17
wxlas i said yesterday it seems that lubuntu has become the sort of de facto ppc build18:17
TheLordOfTime!info gnome-mplayer18:17
ubottugnome-mplayer (source: gnome-mplayer): A GTK+ interface for MPlayer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.5-1 (precise), package size 395 kB, installed size 1677 kB18:17
TheLordOfTime... oh right no botty :P18:17
wxlthat was unnecessary18:17
TheLordOfTimewxl:  is the bug in Ubuntu?18:18
silverarrowtracker? I have posted bugs for gnome mplaeyr ppc18:18
TheLordOfTimewxl:  actually was, needed the source name ;P18:18
wxlTheLordOfTime: it's in EVERY buntu18:18
TheLordOfTimewxl:  the bug18:18
TheLordOfTimehas it been REPORTED in ubuntu18:18
TheLordOfTimebug number?18:18
wxland in the bug report, it was suggested to report it upstream18:18
wxlone sec18:18
* TheLordOfTime was going to help you "upstream" it18:18
silverarrowI have been posting back and forth with a KEvin who are involved with gnome mplayer18:19
wxl!bug 65404718:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 654047 in gnome-mplayer (Ubuntu) "Stop button restarts playback instead of stopping" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65404718:19
silverarrowbut is sort of came to a hault18:19
wxlsilverarrow: what's your bug number? cuz that's what i was suggesting: moving it upstream. maybe TheLordOfTime could help there, too18:19
TheLordOfTimedepends on the bug :P18:21
wxlsilverarrow: i should add the long and short of the reason why i think you should be a tester is because you are so intent on fixing the problems. that sort of drive and perseverence is the true sign of a good tester. we just need to formalize your contributions.18:21
silverarrowyou have persuaded me, I am downloading18:22
silverarrowI shall have to be active here on the lubuntu channel a lot then18:22
silverarrowi will ask and be a  nusanse18:22
TheLordOfTimeyou know what18:22
wxlsilverarrow: i would also suggest to help the long term repeated testing that you use zsync. don't worry, you can use it next time.18:22
TheLordOfTimethat bug has not enough information18:22
TheLordOfTimethat's why it was marked incomplete18:23
wxlit was, because no one had tested with 1.0.6-1, which i did, TheLordOfTime18:23
TheLordOfTimeand you're not the bug reporter?18:23
wxlseems that the originally reporter neglected his/her own bug18:23
* TheLordOfTime is double checking18:23
silverarrowI reported a bug with 1.0.6, but someone marked it a dulpicate of 1.0.518:23
* wxl is a recent add to lubuntu package team so i get updates of expired bugs and that's how i noticed18:24
wxlgive us the bug number, silverarrow18:24
silverarrowI had the 1.0.6 packages built in precise 12.0418:24
silverarrowlet me google18:24
silverarrowdownload takes 4 hours?18:25
wxldepends on your connection18:25
wxlbut another way to ensure that it doesn't take long in the future is to use zsync. zsync only downloads the part that's different18:25
silverarrowI need to get wired18:25
TheLordOfTimewxl:  did you guys check in quantal?18:25
wxlso if only 5% of it has changed, you only download 5%18:25
TheLordOfTimewxl:  for that bug, did you check in Quantal's 1.0.6 package?18:26
wxlTheLordOfTime: apparently my last note there isn't clear. i tested in 12.10 (quantal) which is where 1.0.6-1 is current. i posted the results.18:26
TheLordOfTimewxl:  looks like a *different* bug now18:26
TheLordOfTimeif the original bug was fixed in 1.0.6, it shouldn't be upstreamed18:27
TheLordOfTimeif there's a *different* bug, i.e. the one you said...]18:27
TheLordOfTimethat needs its own upstreaming18:27
wxlhey man, i'm just repeating what was suggested, but yes XD18:27
TheLordOfTimei'm not going to upstream bug 654047 since that's already "fixed"18:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 654047 in gnome-mplayer (Ubuntu) "Stop button restarts playback instead of stopping" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65404718:28
TheLordOfTimeif you file another bug i'll help upstream that18:28
TheLordOfTimebut tag it as Quantal18:28
TheLordOfTime(or use `ubuntu-bug gnome-mplayer` from a quantal system)18:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1025815 in gecko-mediaplayer (Ubuntu) "gecko package for ppc is broken" [Undecided,New]18:29
wxlsounds good18:29
silverarrowI shall get better at reporting bugs18:29
wxlcurious question: for people who are trying to use "lts" or for whatever reason are using an old version, will the fix ever trickle down?18:29
TheLordOfTimewxl:  only if someone submits a patch to fix it18:29
TheLordOfTimeor you could have the package backported18:30
TheLordOfTime(1.0.6 being backported would allow 1.0.6 to run on Precise, but that's a more tricky process)18:30
wxli see18:30
TheLordOfTimesilverarrow:  wxl:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs <-- for future18:30
wxlpackage management has its pros and cons18:30
TheLordOfTimeit may be ubuntu docs for bugs, but the process is still the same for triaging18:33
TheLordOfTimesilverarrow:  phillw commented on that bug.  i'm not touching it because its still "new"18:34
TheLordOfTimethat, and i'm not sure whether its an FFox or a gecko issue18:34
TheLordOfTimesilverarrow:  if it eventually gets to "confirmed" then i'll consider upstreaming it18:34
TheLordOfTimei usually don't upstream "new" bugs18:34
TheLordOfTime(I meaning me personally, not the rest of bugsquad/bugcontrol)18:34
* TheLordOfTime notices PHP is segfaulting for the 89th time this week, gets out the package purger, and preps to downgrade php on his system18:35
TheLordOfTimeping me if ya need me18:35
silverarrowI am on the G4 now18:37
TheLordOfTimeso you missed my last few messages?18:37
silverarrowmozilla got messed up18:37
silverarrowit`s all rightr18:38
silverarrowneeds more investigation18:38
TheLordOfTimethat's why i'm not going to touch it18:39
silverarrowhowever, it is much the same as with 1.0.5 I think18:39
TheLordOfTimestill needs confirmation wherever18:39
TheLordOfTimeby someone else18:39
silverarrowand I am not the cleverest with these things, but I will happily do what testing I can18:39
TheLordOfTimenot by the OP18:39
wxlbug 1046479 please confirm TheLordOfTime18:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1046479 in gnome-mplayer (Ubuntu) "stop button causes short playback before stop; playback resumes at this accelerated position" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104647918:40
silverarrowis there a torrent for the beta version?18:40
wxl(since it seems you're on quantal)18:40
silverarrow1 hour and 40  minutes18:40
wxland if you can confirm, then it's not new, in which case you can move it upstream XD18:40
TheLordOfTimewxl:  i'm not on quantal18:40
TheLordOfTimei'm on precise.18:40
TheLordOfTimei can't run quantal on this machine18:40
wxlsilverarrow: just be patient. as i said before, you can zsync it next time.18:40
TheLordOfTimenot until nvidia releases new drivers18:40
TheLordOfTimewxl:  i'm just on bugsquad / bugcontrol18:40
wxlTheLordOfTime: ok, nevermind then18:40
TheLordOfTimepart of bugsquad is to help triaging :P18:40
TheLordOfTimewhether that triaging happens upstream or in ubuntu only... :P18:41
TheLordOfTime... okay, i'm sufficiently annoyed at PHP now18:41
* TheLordOfTime walks off to rant a bit18:41
silverarrowI am not complaining about gnome mplayer in its self though18:42
silverarrowwell some issues18:42
silverarrowwxl, could you link to be beta 1 DOWNLOADS again ?18:48
silverarrowoh sorry18:48
wxlsilverarrow: you found?18:48
silverarrowI am googeling and loads of quantal hits, but not the downloads18:48
wxlhttp://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/232/builds/22556/downloads though i'd suggest zsync18:50
silverarrowI switched comptuers and sort of lost my way18:50
silverarrowwhat is rsync and zsync?18:51
ubottursync is a fast remote file copy and synchronization program - For more see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync18:51
ubottuUse zsync to update your Ubuntu CD image without needing to download the parts that didn't change. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ZsyncCdImage18:51
TheLordOfTimefactoids ftw18:51
wxlas i said before, with zsync, the first time you download 100% the second time you download only the part that changed. if only 1% changes, you only download 1%18:52
silverarrowoh clever18:52
wxlthis is the tester's best friend18:52
silverarrowI didn`t get it the first tome18:54
silverarrowdownload is speeding up18:55
silverarrow20 minutes18:56
silverarrowcd is burned19:35
silverarrowIt is always a nervous moment intalling os19:36
silverarrowwxl is the blacklist 42b thing fixed?19:37
silverarrowfor the initial bootup?19:37
silverarrowdo I get wireless on first bootup?19:37
silverarrowmajor hassle ;-)19:37
silverarrowwxl, firt bootup is crucial19:39
=== silverarrow_ is now known as silverarrow
silverarrownow for install19:44
wxlsilverarrow: don't know!19:46
silverarrowb4something is not fixed for boot up?!19:46
silverarrowwhy not19:46
silverarrowI have to look it up again19:46
wxli haven't open up the ppc in a long time19:46
wxli usually just hardwire19:46
silverarrowoh, it is fixed19:47
wxlit is?19:47
wxloh SWEET19:47
silverarrowyes, cd has booted, and I get desktop image19:47
silverarrowyeah great19:47
silverarrowhowever, desktop image is very coars19:48
silverarrowI can't live with it19:48
wxlremember you can send screenshots and file bugs while live19:48
silverarrowunless its suppose to be liket hat19:48
wxlassume anything that looks wrong is probably a bug19:48
wxlat worst they'll make yuor bugs as invalid because they're not bugs which is not a problem19:49
silverarrowsome things are fixed at first bootup though19:49
silverarrowthe gui installer is haulting19:50
silverarrowI don't get the widow to show properly19:50
silverarrowwhat is b43 cutter?19:50
silverarrowwhat would first bug report be then "fix the installer" ?19:51
silverarrowInstaller is frozen though19:52
silverarrowthird try and no success20:20
silverarrowI did the md5 sum check20:21
silverarrowwhat, ubiquity?20:21
kanliotthat's the name of the software installer of the graphical installer20:21
silverarrowI get as far as booting, desktop image is a bit coarsed pixeled and installer do not work20:22
silverarrowi suppose it is a bug20:22
silverarrow12.10 beta20:22
silverarrowI am on ppc G420:22
silverarrowsomething with ubiquity then20:23
kanliotwell someone just told me 12.10 beta was a bad build, because ubiquity doesn't support any extended partitions (which is nearly alll pcs IMHO)20:23
kanliotso it's crashy trashy20:23
silverarrowthere are issues with 12.04 too, but they are different20:23
silverarrowcan't be entirely bad20:24
silverarrowhas to be fixed though20:24
silverarrowwonder how I can report it in a simple way20:25
thetejuhey silverarrow21:01
thetejuare you there?21:01
thetejusorry,, never realized my user name21:03
thetejufinally i could not solve the flash issue on google chrome21:03
thetejuso i did again , fresh install21:03
silverarrowit helped?21:04
thetejunow, I forgot the browser you recommended21:04
silverarrowwell, I recommended midori21:04
silverarrowwhich worked fine until recently21:04
thetejuNO re install did not help21:04
thetejuok, is there any ppa for midori?21:04
silverarrowit still works fine with most sites and youtube, but it crashes on some sites21:04
silverarrowyes, just type midori in package manager21:05
silverarrowor sudo apt-get install midori perhaps21:05
thetejui finally went with minitube ,, works good21:06
thetejufor youtube.21:06
thetejuis there anything else do you think light weight and worth installing?21:08
silverarrowwell,  regular adobe should work21:12
silverarrowbut it's not lightweigt21:12
silverarrowif minitube works it is great21:13
thetejuso , that means,, my cpu is powerful enough to play with it21:15
thetejui think something wrong with default chromium21:15
thetejuit simply S***s21:15
kanliotxxxterm if you really have no ram21:18
wxlw3m ftw21:18
thetejui got 1 gb ram and 2 gb swap21:18
thetejui dont think 1 gb ever gets used fully21:18
thetejuso,, system is powerful enough for Lubuntu21:19
kanliothey wxl, have you noticed that update-manager never runs anymore?21:19
thetejualso,, to point out,, lubuntu software center does not work out of the box21:20
kanliotwhat's the error.  i've read some of the LSC bugs21:20
thetejui add to add ppa for lubuntu-desktop for it to work21:20
kanliotusing 11.10?21:20
wxlkanliot: no, i don't really bother with it21:20
kanliotif you can reproduce the bug i'd be interested21:21
wxlkanliot: i mean honestly it pops up every now and then but i ignore it21:21
wxli am one of those "only use apt" kind of guys21:21
silverarrowwxl, harly ever going to test for quantal21:22
wxli'd be happy to try to reproduce if you give me a bug number21:22
wxlcurrently on 12.10 but if you give me a while i could set up another vbox for 12.0421:22
wxlor whip out the netbook21:22
kanliotahh you're too nice21:22
wxlsilverarrow: not sure i grok your meaning21:23
silverarrowwell, i cannot install21:23
silverarrowor get online21:23
kanliotbut no thanks i'll figure it out21:23
kanliotanyone here running 12.04?21:23
silverarrowubiquity doesn''t launch properly on ibook G421:23
wxlsilverarrow: then keep trying. meanwhile join lubuntu-qa and post a message to the mailing list about it21:23
silverarrowkanliot, yes?21:24
wxlhowever, you can do the live testcase, silverarrow21:24
wxlkanliot: the netbook ain't far21:24
silverarrowwxl, I struggle as a total newbie21:24
kanliotsilverarrow, when was the last time update manager opened on your desktop, to advise to install software21:24
silverarrowi get all kinds of simple basic fillin questions wrong lol21:25
silverarrowa few days ago?21:25
kanliotahh i'll report it to the lubuntu-qa mailing list.  see if someone can test it21:26
wxlyou can do this test silverarrow http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Install/DesktopLiveSession21:26
wxlkanliot: have you already reported a bug?21:26
thetejukanliot : update manager never comes up. just to let you know.21:26
kanliothe already tried the testing tracker and had problems with it.  (not a surprise, IMHO)21:26
thetejui installed twice lubuntu 12.04 in last week21:27
kanliothow the hell do i reproduce the bug?21:27
silverarrowwxl, very basic, how do I maneuver the ubuntu test pages, the bug numbers and fails and passes?21:27
kanliotrun your machine for a week, see if update manager doesn't come up?21:27
thetejunever seen update manager prompt21:27
kanliotfine i'll file it21:27
kanliothold on21:27
silverarrowwxl, I would like to report the installer bug for powerpc though, possible G4 spesific21:28
wxlkanliot: i did have it come up yesterday21:28
wxlmaybe there are no updates?21:28
silverarrow12.04 installer was better, even with bugs21:28
wxlif there's a bug in update-manager (not in apt), wouldn't apt-get update come up with something where update-manager did not?21:28
silverarrowwxl, you mean synaptic?21:29
silverarrowlet me check21:29
wxlsilverarrow: i was more talking about kanliot's bug21:30
wxlsilverarrow: anywho, go to iso.qa.ubuntu.com and login using your launchpad credentials.21:30
wxlfrom there click on the release version that corresponds to what you have21:30
silverarrowno updates21:31
wxlmake sure you're using the right version (on the far right)21:31
silverarrowthis is heavy work21:32
silverarrowthinking a new thought21:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1046563 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "update-manager never appears on lubuntu precise" [Undecided,New]21:32
silverarrowI do get regular "udpates available" popups21:33
silverarrowsynaptic launches its' sel21:33
thetejumidori crashes a lot bro21:35
* kanliot doesn't know any gnome project that doesn't crash horribly21:37
silverarrowtheteju: unfortunately21:38
kanliotbesides, how could you not use firefox?21:38
silverarrowtheteju the first weeks I had it it behaved perfectly21:38
silverarrowI think it behaves better on ppc than regular pc21:39
wxlsilverarrow: you might also join #ubuntu-testing and see if they can offer any advice on what to do with that ubiquity bug21:40
wxlkanliot: booting netbook now XD21:40
silverarrowtheteju: unfortunately flash video replacer seems to be gone21:41
silverarrowit was great for low specs and lubuntu21:41
kanliotwxl you might have to upgrade the netbook to 12.04.1 then test21:41
wxlwtf is 12.04.121:41
kanliotpoint release21:42
silverarrowf involved?21:42
kanliotmaybe that's what i did wrong21:42
kanliotmaybe i wasn't supposed to upgrade21:42
wxlhow did you do that? through what tool?21:43
wxlupdate manager just popped up for me21:43
silverarrowvery advance21:43
kanliothmmm i'm not 100% sure21:43
kanlioti have 2 machines, i upgraded 1 though apt-get something, 2nd machine i used update manager21:43
kanliotdoes your netbook say anything about upgrade?21:44
kanliotyour netbook's update manager?21:44
wxlthere's some security updates21:44
kanliotno upgrade huh?21:44
wxlwhat's lsb_release -a give you?21:45
silverarrowtheteju:  there is an issue with adobe flash player making midori crash, and there is a fix for it21:45
kanliotubuntu 12.04.1 LTS21:45
wxldo-release-upgrade is how you update in command line21:46
wxlso it's doubeful you did that21:46
wxlinteresting i have 12.04.1 lts too21:46
wxloooh wow i'm LTS now21:46
* wxl gives a big woop21:46
kanliotwell you're less confused than me21:47
kanliotso you doing ok21:47
wxli am? XD21:47
kanliotwhats' the cron directory?21:47
kanliotjust askin21:47
wxlit's interesting that the description is 12.04.1 but the release is 12.0421:47
kanliotyeah same here21:48
wxldefault for cron is /var/spool/cron/crontabs21:48
wxlcrontab -e to edit tho21:48
kanliotrun this: /etc/cron.daily/update-notifier-common21:49
kanliotits a script21:49
wxllemme finish these updates21:49
wxlman they're going insanely slow21:49
wxlwrong wifi network21:50
JoaoVitorHello, I'm having a problem. Can you help me?21:51
wxlooh my turn21:51
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:51
JoaoVitorAll distro Ubuntu and derivatives (xubuntu, Lubuntu etc) are crash my netbook when in battery usage. And I have to push the reset button21:53
Dice-Manhello people21:54
silverarrowJoaoVitor: bad battery?21:54
wxlJoaoVitor: so if you are using ac, there's no problem. the second you remove it and it runs on battery, it freezes? what exactly happens?21:54
Dice-Mani've a windows machine where i've put a tightvnc server on it21:54
Dice-Mani'm entering the right stuff in vinagre21:55
kanliotJoaoVitor, might be a question for the hardware people on the forum21:55
Dice-Manbut i don't have any connections :(21:55
JoaoVitorsilverarrow:not. the slackware for example, typically run21:55
gomiboyDice-Man: windows firewall is down?21:56
kanliotJoaoVitor, might be kernel versions21:56
JoaoVitorwxl:lock when the netbook is on battery usage, unplugged. It simply freezes the screen21:57
wxlJoaoVitor: yeah, that sounds like a problem with the battery or the kernel. which netbook?21:57
JoaoVitorkanliot:I'm using kernel 3.2.0-2921:57
wxlJoaoVitor: what kernel in slackware?21:58
wxlkanliot: /etc/cron.daily/update-notifier-common does nothing. but apt-get update && upgrade does indeed pull up some upgrades that need to happen.21:59
JoaoVitorwxl:slack 3.2.2822:00
JoaoVitori think22:00
wxlJoaoVitor: 3.2.0-29 ≠ 3.2.28. use the same kernel and see what happens.22:02
silverarrowJoaoVitor: I have had lubuntu on a few laptops and never had the power issue you are experiencing22:03
silverarrowodd though22:03
kanliotbah it's just a guess22:04
JoaoVitorwxl:I'll try. Thanks for the help.22:04
kanlioti'd use slackware22:04
silverarrowyeah, whatever ever works22:04
silverarrowthough it sould be fixed in lubuntu !!22:04
Dice-Mangomiboy: i'm using comodo firewall22:05
wxlkanliot: also running update-manager pulls up available updates.22:05
Dice-Manbut no it isn't22:05
wxlJoaoVitor: i should add i had that problem once, too. bad battery.22:05
silverarrowJoaoVitor: you might post on the Ubuntu forum, perhaps a clever guy will read it22:05
silverarrowi have problems with flickering screen22:06
silverarrowon my hp computer22:06
Dice-Mangomiboy: i'm using remmina client on lubuntu22:06
silverarrowwhat could it be?22:06
Dice-Mangomiboy: it's a tightvnc connection what to put in the username field ?22:06
Dice-Mantightvnc doesn't require a username22:06
Dice-Manthat's odd22:06
wxlkanliot: consider yourself confirmed22:08
kanliotok thx wxl22:09
gomiboyDice-Man: reading tightvnc documentation here: http://www.tightvnc.com/winst.php : "Until a password is set, TightVNC will not accept incoming network connections."22:10
kanliotoh btw silverarrow, they said bet1 ppc is broken, but fixes will be landing soon22:10
kanlioton the lubuntu-qa mailing list22:10
wxlsilverarrow: problem seems to lie in bug 104162522:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1041625 in xserver-xorg-video-openchrome (Ubuntu) "X not starting after install [openchrome]" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104162522:12
kanliotwxl i thought that was the bug on the alternate cd?22:12
kanliotso many bugs so little communication22:12
wxlInstallationMedia: Lubuntu 12.10 "Quantal Quetzal" - Alpha i386 (20120724.2)22:13
kanliotyeah i38622:13
kanliotthats not ppc is it?22:13
wxlthat's not22:13
wxland it's not alternate either22:13
kanliotlol sourcepackage: ubiquity22:14
wxlbut this is both https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-openchrome/+bug/1041625/comments/3422:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1041625 in xserver-xorg-video-openchrome (Ubuntu) "X not starting after install [openchrome]" [High,Triaged]22:14
=== silverarrow___ is now known as silverarrow
kanliotman please tell me i'm not the only one who has to play a guessing games when qa sends out these emails22:15
wxlyou're not22:15
kanlioti just talked to phillw22:15
kanliothe said he was in waist deep22:15
kanliotin muck22:15
kanliothe had to ask for respins22:16
kanliota bug not listed hold on22:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1046175 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Quantal) "[regression] Manual partitioner only creates primary partitions" [High,Fix released]22:16
silverarrowyeah, in powerpc ubuquity doesn't even launch22:17
kanliotso basically, any pc with extended paritionss or soemthing, wouldn't install, or something, maybe automatic worked i guess22:17
silverarrowwonder if it is a connected bug?22:17
silverarrowprobably not though22:17
kanliotwxl if you have another few minutes22:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1026510 in lxkeymap (Ubuntu) "lxkeymap does not remember settings" [Undecided,New]22:18
kanliotthis seems like an actual bug in 12.0422:18
kanliotactually i could test it myself22:18
kanliotdont really need u22:18
silverarrowI wasn't affected by teh keymap bug22:19
wxli thought we already had that one somewhere22:19
kanliotwhat keyboard do you use silverarrow22:19
silverarrowno idea, ibook stuff22:19
kanliotyeah it was in hardy  i think can't remember22:19
silverarrowpowerpc seems to have bugnumbers multiplied22:20
wxlso do you need me to double check this, kanliot ?22:20
* wxl doesn't think openchrome applies to ppc but we'll see22:21
silverarrowi still can't manage to report ubiquity bug !"#¤22:21
kanlioti'll ask you to triple check it22:21
kanliotpleasee wait wxl22:21
wxlsilverarrow: there are two options. one, you could hardwire your machine, try hitting ctrl-alt-f1 and run ubuntu-bug ubiquity or two, you could just go to launchpad and report a new bug and fill in the info about it.22:22
wxlthere's also a third option22:22
kanliotThe ones that need testing are date stamped 20120905 (It does not affect Alternate etc).22:23
kanliot@ PPC users, I've had a good long chat with cjwatson and he asks that you re-test the ppc isos, a lot of work has been done.22:23
kanliotsilverarrow if you have time you can doubletest the new ppc iso that just dropped22:23
silverarrowbut I just downloaded less than two hours ago22:23
kanliotwxl please tripletest the lxkeymap bug22:24
kanliotsilverarrow, seriously i think there's a new build22:24
kanliotif you like, use zsync22:24
wxlyeah zsync22:24
silverarrowkanliot, can you sort of slip the info to him, that G4 users have trouble launching insaller?22:24
kanlioti can22:24
wxlalso this may be useful, silverarrow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs#Filing_bugs_when_off-line22:24
silverarrowiBook g4,22:24
kanliotbut can you retest with the build in the past hour or so?22:24
silverarrowI can22:25
silverarrowand I need to buy a rack of CDs22:25
silverarrowI have four left22:25
silverarrowwhich should see me through to tomorrow22:25
silverarrowkanliot, same download site?22:26
silverarrowooh, this is exiting22:26
wxlyou should try cd-rws22:26
kanliothold on22:27
kanlioti think that's the right one22:28
kanliotactually they said 20120905 in the email, i think they meant to say 20120905.122:28
kanliotmore confusion22:28
kanliotwxl i've done that22:34
kanliotoopps replying to a convo about an hour ago22:35
wxl /lastlog 143422:35
silverarrowwho is the clever guy working with the ppc iso?22:37
wxlyou mean the guy trying to fix it?22:37
silverarrowi hope he isn't all alone though22:37
wxlnot sure really22:38
silverarrowmy mom just bought a new laptop22:38
silverarrowa hp22:38
silverarrowslim and very wide screen22:38
silverarrowabout 2 kg22:38
silverarrowI was going to get her a ultrabook22:38
silverarrowlike samsung 9 series22:38
silverarrowbut she was out on her own22:38
kanliotsorry that's some random convo with the ppc guy22:39
silverarrowshe bought it today, looks nice22:39
Unit193May want to join offtopic and talk there if it isn't support related.22:39
=== silverarrow_ is now known as silverarrow
silverarrowhi again23:40

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