
Davieysmoser: RE: eth0.. not only is network adapters now consistently named.. you now can't guarantee they are called eth*.  biosdevname is now enabled.10:05
rbasakDaviey: would you object to: if bootif is supplied (on Intel via "ipappend 2"), then use that. Otherwise, if eth0 exists, then use that. Otherwise, fail.10:29
rbasakIncidentally, internally the netlink api does have an ordering. It is possible to ask the kernel for the name of the "first" interface. But what that is is undefined of course.10:30
Davieywell.. sounds reasonable.10:34
Davieynot quite worked out the ramifications tbh10:34
roaksoaxjtv: howdy12:17
roaksoaxjtv: so what's the status of MAAS DHCP?12:17
roaksoaxrvba: ^^12:17
rvbaroaksoax: hi.  jtv just put up for review two branches to add the writing of the interface config file.  We decided to start with that (i.e. do the same as for the DNS config) and get it working;  if it is possible to do the solution you suggested yesterday (fix the apparmor profile and have our own dhcp daemon) then what it will require on the upstream side will be very simple as all the config writing stuff12:23
rvbawill already be in place.12:23
roaksoaxrvba: ok, so those two branches are the ones that actually write the config to /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf?12:24
rvbaroaksoax: no, that is already done.  The config file I'm talking about is /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server where the interface is specified.12:25
rvbaThe interface that the DHCP server should listen to that is.12:25
roaksoaxrvba: ah I see, cause the version I released yesterday to quantal doesn't seem to be writing a dhcp config file12:34
rvbaroaksoax: Jeroen will know probably better but I'll try and do some testing about that today.12:37
roaksoaxrvba: ok cool12:38
roaksoaxrvba: oh btw... was wondering if you guys were planning on working on the quantal support for maas for this cycle?14:06
rvbaroaksoax: yep, it's scheduled.14:06
roaksoaxrvba: is there an ETA?14:07
rvbaroaksoax: Not that I know of.14:07
roaksoaxrvba: ok thanks ;)14:08
rvbawelcome :)14:08
rvbaroaksoax: btw, this is bug 1013146 so if you have insights on how it should be fixed, don't hesitate to add comments on the bug.14:14
ubot5Launchpad bug 1013146 in MAAS "MAAS currently only supports Ubuntu version 12.04 to be installed on the nodes." [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101314614:14
roaksoaxrvba: will do, started looking at it yesterday but didn't really dig deep into it14:15
rvbaroaksoax: ok, cool14:15
roaksoaxrvba: so how do you think is best to enumerate the releases?14:48
roaksoaxdevelopment, stable, lts, others?14:49
rvbaroaksoax: should we simply name the releases using the result from 'distro-info --supported'14:50
roaksoaxrvba: right, but are we looking to support all of the releases?14:51
roaksoaxrvba: or are we looking to support precise and up14:51
rvbaroaksoax: I thought the plan was to support precise and up yeah14:51
roaksoaxrvba: so how do you think we should be enumerating them here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1187350/14:52
roaksoaxhow can we identify them14:52
rvba(I'm currently looking into the dhcp config writing pb btw)14:52
rvbaroaksoax: how about storing the first release we support (precise) and then get the result of 'distro-info --supported' and parse that?14:53
rvbaDo we really what to classify the releases like that (devel, lts) ?14:53
roaksoaxrvba: if not, how can we make the attributes of the class be the release name itself?14:54
roaksoaxrvba: it is not that we can do exactly as we do with the Architecture14:55
roaksoaxthat we can easily identify14:55
roaksoaxrvba: unless for now we handle them like that, and then we find a better way14:56
roaksoaxjust to test quantal and precise14:57
rvbaroaksoax: sounds good to me.  What we need now is a quick way to test things with quantal.  We can always refine on how we get the list of the releases later.14:57
rvbaroaksoax: were you looking for something like this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1187365/14:59
roaksoaxrvba: ah yes!! thanks!15:00
rvbawelcome :)15:00
rvbaroaksoax: I think I found why the dhcp config is not being written: see bug 1046397.15:51
ubot5Launchpad bug 1046397 in maas (Ubuntu) "The DHCP config file does not get written." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104639715:52
roaksoaxrvba: awesome!!15:53
rvbaroaksoax: I'll let you triage that bug and, if you think my suggestion is right, then the fix should be pretty straightforward.16:00
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roaksoaxrvba: seems the right fix to me16:07
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
roaksoaxrvba: so now the only "issue" would be how to correctly display the problem17:08
roaksoaxthe release name17:08
roaksoaxas in "Precise Pangolin (12.04 - LTS)"17:08
roaksoaxor similar17:08
roaksoaxallenap: still around?17:52
=== fjlacoste changed the topic of #maas to: 5 weeks until Final Freeze | Discussion of upstream development of Ubuntu's Metal as a Service (MAAS) tool | MAAS jenkins: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/maas-trunk/
robbiewRoAkSoAx: should a 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure maas' also restart apache2 afterwards?18:47
roaksoaxrobbiew: it should yes!18:47
robbiewhmm...didn't for me...but maybe it was a fluke18:47
* robbiew tests again18:48
roaksoaxrobbiew: it won't18:48
roaksoaxI removed that18:48
roaksoax but will at it again18:48
roaksoaxjust checked :)18:49
* robbiew checks the box for today for "contribution to opensource"...and goes to lunch18:50
roaksoaxhave a good one18:50
* roaksoax is still contributing :)18:51
robbiewI admire such over achievers18:51
Davieyrobbiew: RMS is proud of you today.19:41
allenaproaksoax: Hi there, can I help? I have just a couple of minutes though :-/19:50
allenaproaksoax: If you do need me, email and I'll try and reply this evening, or get me tomorrow before about 1630 UTC. Have a good evening!19:55
roaksoaxallenap: no worries, enjoy your evening20:14

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