
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as M0hi
XammbluHello. Anyone have a min to help a newbie with extracting (wallpapers) to my system so I may use them?06:13
BlazemoreAnd he's gone08:19
geirhaWhen he said a min, he really meant it ...08:34
BlazemoreI don't have JOIN PART NICK QUIT on this channel08:34
BlazemoreOr any channel, by default. It keeps ##linux and #python actually readable08:35
BlazemoreOnly the smaller, social channels where I actually know people and care who is joining and leaving08:35
geirhawell, the message came at 08:13 (my time), and the PART cam at 08:14 :)09:01
breadhi, how do i install a program? what sort of file do i need to be able to install a program?09:12
Blazemorebread: Use the Ubuntu Software Centre09:13
breadI tried that, but the particular program I want to install isn't on there.09:13
breadwould it be impossible to install if it's not there?09:15
BlazemoreWhat program would you like to install?09:15
BlazemoreHave you found any installation instructions for it?09:15
breadit's called pps and it's a chinese program so the instructions, if there are any, are in chinese. which i'm not so good at reading09:16
Blazemoreooh sounds tricky!09:17
BlazemoreHave you tried googling for Ubuntu installation instructions? Post a link to its webpage here09:17
breadI believe this is the webpage the program came from... http://www.ppstv.org/article/236.html09:18
BlazemoreI'm looking09:20
Blazemorebread: http://download.ppstream.com/linux/PPStream.deb09:21
breadwhere it says - sudo dpkg-i ppstream_1.0.2-1_i386.deb - would that be the line that you need to put into terminal to install the actual program? do need to install libraries as well09:21
BlazemoreBread give me a sec09:21
Blazemoreif you're happy with a terminal, do this09:21
Blazemorewget http://download.ppstream.com/linux/PPStream.deb09:21
Blazemoresudo dpkg -i PPStream.deb09:21
Blazemoresee if it works09:21
breadok... downloaded09:22
breadwent to open it and got a 'the package is of bad quality' - details - The package doesn't provide a valid Installed-Size control field. See Debian Policy
BlazemoreWhat version of Ubuntu are you running?09:23
BlazemoreTry the command-line09:23
Blazemorewget http://download.ppstream.com/linux/PPStream.deb09:23
Blazemoresudo dpkg -i PPStream.deb09:23
breadcommand not found09:26
breaddownloaded ok though, i believe09:26
Blazemoreyou mistyped dpkg -i09:27
Blazemoresudo dpkg -i PPStream.deb09:28
breadha, you inside my machine? errors were encountered while processing: ppstream09:28
Blazemoresudo dpkg -i PPStream.deb | curl -F 'sprunge=<-' http://sprunge.us09:29
Blazemorecopy-paste that exactly09:29
BlazemoreAnd give me the URL it gives you at the end09:29
breadthe program curl is not installed, install?09:30
Blazemorelol yeah sorry, sudo apt-get install curl09:31
BlazemoreI can't *believe* Ubuntu doesn't come with curl09:31
BlazemoreOr you could copy and paste the errors from dpkg onto pastebin.com09:31
BlazemoreIf you prefer09:31
BlazemoreBasically I just want to see the errors that dpkg gave you, because then I can definitely tell you how to fix them09:31
breadppstream : Depends: libqt4-core (>= 4.4.0) but it is not going to be installed09:33
bread            Depends: libqt4-gui (>= 4.4.0) but it is not going to be installed09:33
bread            Depends: libqt4-webkit (>= 4.4.0) but it is not going to be installed09:33
bread            Depends: mplayer09:33
breadthat make any sense?09:33
Blazemorenow run sudo apt-get -f install09:35
BlazemoreThat will install those dependencies, and then install the .deb again for you09:36
BlazemoreInstalling a deb manually won't bring down all the other packages it needs, so apt-get -f install will09:36
breadthat'd be the 'library' the other ones talkin about needing09:37
breadnow it's there, but when i open it it doesn't stay open...09:40
breadthat's sorted, half works now09:44
BlazemoreProbably can't help you with the actual application though :309:54
breadhaha, oh well... it's for watching movies and that, the part that links to the titles of the programs to watch does nothing09:58
breadwould that be a library thing that needs to be found?09:59
BlazemorePossibly. Take a look at that website again and see if there's a list of dependancies09:59
BlazemoreInstall them all one by one with `sudo apt-get install package-name`09:59
breadRecommended use apt-get install: sudo apt-get install libqt4-core libqt4-dbus libqt4-gui libqt4-network libqt4-webkit libqt4-xml libfuse2 mplayer all that maybe?10:00
Blazemoreyeah, looks promising10:01
breadneat, i'll give that a go10:01
BlazemoreThat might bring in quite a lot of other stuff, mind10:01
BlazemoreWon't be a problem for your system, but might take a while to download10:01
breadsaid that all those were already the latest version10:06
BlazemoreI guess then, that it's just some buggy chinese software that was written a while ago and doesn't work with recent editions of Ubuntu10:07
Blazemoreit seems you've done all you can10:08
BlazemoreTry running it from the command-line, if you know what command to use10:09
breadah well.. might have to look for something newer then. now, how to get rid of it...10:09
Blazemoresudo apt-get remove packagename10:09
breadthat's not so complicated10:09
Blazemoreprobably sudo apt-get get remove ppstream10:09
BlazemoreYep, that's the point of a package manager ^^10:09
breadawesome, thanks for your help. will try and find a newer version, may be out the somewhere... who knows10:12
BlazemoreThat's OK I hope you learned something you can apply in the future10:12
breadyea, have done. if nothing else i've got sudo apt-get install blabla and sudo apt-get remove blabla10:13
Blazemoreif you take one thing away10:14
Blazemore"dpkg doesn't install dependencies automatically, you have to run apt-get -f install afterwards to fix missing dependencies"10:14
breadwritten that one down10:16
breadthink i've found a newer version to try and install now too10:17
Blazemoreplus, you already have the dependencies :D10:18
breadhey, still working on getting pps. found a website that says to do this10:39
bread1) Open the terminal10:39
bread2) Enter gksudo gedit / etc / apt / sources.list10:40
bread3) the following words into the last line, and then save it, close down after.10:40
bread# Ppstream10:40
breadthe deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/cnav/ppa/ubuntu natty main10:40
breadhttp://ppa.launchpad.net/cnav/ppa/ubuntu natty main deb-src10:40
bread4) Input terminal sudo apt-get update10:40
bread5) after the input sudo apt-get install libfuse2 mplayer10:40
bread6) After the input sudo apt-get install ppstream10:40
bread7) installed PPStream "Tools> Options> Select the audio device" to set the current audio device is set to the alsa10:40
BlazemoreHow much of that have you done?10:42
breadnone, said i could change files that shouldn't be changed so i stopped.  not good enough with computers to fix a major screw up...10:43
Blazemoreit's fine10:43
BlazemoreYou won't break anything by doing any of those steps10:44
breadok then10:44
Blazemoreapt-get update will complain about a missing GPG key though10:44
BlazemoreIt's not an error10:44
breadnothing seems to happen, as soon as i put a password in theres only a new line on terminal10:46
Blazemoreat which step?10:47
bread2. can't figure out where the last line is nor how to save10:47
Blazemoreclose the text editor10:47
Blazemoredon't save10:47
Blazemorecopy-paste this10:47
Blazemoreinto a terminal:10:47
Blazemoresudo add-apt-repository ppa:cnav/ppa10:48
Blazemoresudo apt-get update10:49
Blazemoresudo apt-get install ppstream10:49
breadpackage ppstream has no installation candidate10:51
breadi'm guessing that means theres no pps where this says there should be?10:51
Blazemoredid you run apt-get update first?10:51
Blazemoreand did it give you any errors?10:51
breadi did... and no errors10:53
breadPackage ppstream is not available, but is referred to by another package.10:53
breadThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or10:53
breadis only available from another source10:53
breadE: Package 'ppstream' has no installation candidate10:53
BlazemoreOK I got it10:54
Blazemoresudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cnav-ppa-precise.list10:54
BlazemoreWhere it says "precise main" at the end of each line10:54
BlazemoreChange it to "natty main"10:55
BlazemoreThen save and close10:55
Blazemoreand run sudo apt-get update again10:55
breadthen install?10:56
breadit's doin stuff now10:57
breadit's installed now, trying to run it...10:59
lukjadOhai Blazemore11:05
breadThanks for your help Blazemore. didn't work for some reasons, needed to restart to complete the update. instead of just runnning11:09
breadgonna take it off and try again another day11:09
BlazemoreHey lukjad11:11
AfdalAnyone know what it means when a fresh install hangs forever at "Starting CUPS printing spooler/server     [OK]" when trying to boot?14:10
AfdalI'm on a live CD now because I can't boot14:10
holsteinAfdal: i would just force a disk check... maybe test the hard drive and memory14:12
AfdalI can't figure out what to do.  This seems to be a common problem with people upgrading their OS and missing some packages or something, but this is a new installation for me14:12
holsteinAfdal: did you upgrade? is this a fresh install?14:12
Afdalyes, fresh14:12
holsteinok.. i would confirm the hardward is "good"14:12
Afdalhow do you mean?14:13
AfdalI use this computer for a Windows XP install as well14:13
BlazemoreIf you're having problems after a fresh installation, and don't have problems with any other OS, it's probably a problem during the installation, or with the install medium14:13
BlazemoreCheck the install medium before you run the installation14:13
holsteinAfdal: if the live CD is working fine, then it could be a hard drive error.. it could be a file system error..14:14
holsteinand also, i agree with Blazemore as a test14:14
holstein!md5 | Afdal14:14
ubot2Afdal: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows14:14
BlazemoreDoesn't the CD have an option in the boot menu to check the integrity?14:14
holsteinBlazemore: somewhere.. i think you have to tap shift now?14:14
AfdalI dunno, this is a Xubuntu 10 CD14:15
holsteinAfdal: i would get a current CD.. a 12.0414:15
Afdaloh wait14:15
Afdalit's that14:15
holsteinok.. theres a test like Blazemore is suggesting when you tap shift booting the live CD14:15
holsteinyou can "verify" the md5 sum of the downloaded iso.. or test the disc from the menu14:15
BlazemoreBecause verifying the iso is one thing, but there could be a problem burning the CD (far more liekly)14:16
holsteinyup... the test on the disc should be the only one you need to do14:17
AfdalHow can I do this from the live CD boot?14:17
Afdalwhich I am currently on14:17
holsteinAfdal: you can reboot.. and tap shift while its booting14:17
AfdalIs there a way to do it without rebooting?14:17
holsteinAfdal: you'll see a list of text.. in that text will be something about verifying the image14:18
AfdalI have a bunch of firefox tabs and some other things open right now to help me troubleshoot this which I don't want to lose when I reboot14:18
holsteinAfdal: sure.. you can verify the downloaded iso's md5 sum from the link above, but that doesnt mean the disc isnt a bad burn14:18
holsteinAfdal: you'll likely need to reboot from that live environment to test things14:18
Afdalokay so I reboot and tap shift when?14:19
AfdalWhen it's in the menu for options?14:19
holsteinAfdal: that would be the easy way to know that that disc is "good"14:19
Afdalinstall, try without installing, etc.14:20
holsteinAfdal: theres an alternate menu you should see by tapping shift14:20
holsteina hidden one14:20
Afdalam I tapping shift before that menu pops up?14:20
holsteinAfdal: i start tapping shift rigth after the bios14:21
holsteinAfdal: its one of those things you can try again if you want14:21
AfdalI doubt this is the problem14:21
Afdalbut fine14:21
Afdalpretty sure I've verified the md5 of this CD before too14:22
Afdalor at least the ISO14:22
holsteinAfdal: cool.. you'll know if a few minutes.. and the md5 is just one test.. the burner or disc could be bad14:22
AfdalI guess I'll be back :/14:23
holsteinAfdal: this ist he nature of it.. testing.. troubleshooting.. ruling things out14:23
Afdalso how does it check the md5 sum without internet access14:23
Blazemoreit knows what its own md5sum is supposed to be14:24
Blazemoreit checks the integrity of each file14:24
Afdaloh okay14:24
AfdalI guess I'll go try this14:24
holsteinAfdal: it works quite well.. if it tests positive, and you feel it is a false postive, we can communicate about that14:24
BlazemoreIf the download's md5sum says valid, and the disk integrity check says OK, isn't the only other alternative a hash collision?14:25
BlazemoreIn which case, go buy a lottery ticket because you're on a roll14:25
=== ubuntu is now known as Afdal
AfdalYeah, no errors on my disk14:35
AfdalDidn't need to tap Shift either, forgot that "check disc for errors" was a default option on the live CD14:35
holsteinAfdal: the CD? or the hard drive?14:35
Afdalthe CD14:36
holsteintheres a memory test on the cd as well.. those would be my next steps14:36
AfdalI use this drive for my other OS too14:36
Afdalthey're fairly new too14:36
holsteinsure... then, what would you like to do?14:36
AfdalI doubt they're failing14:36
holsteini just test and rule things out14:36
holsteini dont doubt.. i test14:36
holstein*all* drives will fail14:36
Afdalso the memory test is for your drive14:37
Afdalnot RAM?14:37
holsteinand, it could be just a file system error14:37
holsteinAfdal: i would test both, if it were me.. you can do what you like.. i'll help you with whatever you decide.. i just like to rule these out, since it's relatively easy, and i dont waste time on softare tweaking if its a hardware issue14:38
Afdalgood grief fine14:38
holsteingood grief?14:38
AfdalBut I'll be having a breakdown if my drives are already failing D:<14:38
Afdalgoooood grief14:38
holsteinAfdal: the times drives typically fail are when they are of course old, or also, right out of the box14:39
Afdalso the memory check does what now?14:39
AfdalI have three hard drives14:39
holsteini just test and then i dont wonder.. i know its file14:39
Afdalone's for storage14:39
Afdalthe other two are for booting Windows/Linux on a RAID0 setup14:39
holsteinAfdal: then, maybe you just have a grub error that is hanging the boot14:39
AfdalI'm booting with super GRUB2 disk14:39
holsteinAfdal: you need to have whatever drives present that were present during boot14:39
Afdalbecause GRUB is retarded and has a problem detecting RAID partitions14:40
holsteinAfdal: this is useful information.. that is a point of failure14:40
Afdalall right lemme do the memory check real quick14:40
holsteini would look at that setup, and how you configured it as well14:40
ubuntuWell I did the memory test15:24
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest64435
=== Guest64435 is now known as Afdal
AfdalBut that just checked my RAM15:24
=== glebihan_ is now known as glebihan
=== Axlin_ is now known as Axlin

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