
=== cpg is now known as cpg|away
cjwatsonjamespage: you're touched-it-last on r-base - mind if I merge it?  no desperate rush but I have a change to make to it and might as well bring it up to date at the same time00:43
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ikepanhc@pilot in01:30
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Quantal Quetzal development | Archive: Beta Freeze | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: ikepanhc
jdstrandbdmurray, Riddell: hey, so I am rejecting 2.5.1-0ubuntu5 because bdmurray's 2.5.1-0ubuntu6 includes it and I am rejecting 2.5.1-0ubuntu6 because my 2.5.1-0ubuntu7 will include both 2.5.1-0ubuntu5 and 2.5.1-0ubuntu602:29
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pittiGood morning03:36
RAOFHey pitti!03:38
ajmitchmorning pitti03:40
pittiRiddell: it's not that bad -- lp:apport for trunk, and Vcs-Bzr: for packaging03:41
pittiRAOF, ajmitch: hello to downunder!03:42
pittiRiddell: applied your patch to trunk, thanks!03:44
cc11rocksHello guys. My first Debian patch went through :D >> http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-perl/packages/libxml-csv-perl.git;a=commitdiff;h=c93480203:47
RAOF(High five)03:52
pittibdmurray, jdstrand: can you please commit your apport changes in http://launchpadlibrarian.net/114828232/apport_2.5.1-0ubuntu7_source.changes to the Vcs-Bzr: branch?03:53
jk-I guess you could XOR with 5 instead, but not sure that really conveys the same sense of congratulations.03:53
cc11rocksThank you :)03:53
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dholbachgood morning07:07
didrockshey dholbach :)07:14
dholbachsalut didrocks07:14
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sivanganbyody knows florian's email? the guy who does qml ?07:34
pittisivang: https://launchpad.net/~fboucault :)07:39
sivangpitti: yep, thanks :)07:42
sivangpitti: how are things , long time ..07:42
pittisivang: quite well, thanks! and yourself?07:43
sivangpitti: doing quite well as well, following with interest Ubuntu / Linaro and Canonical's use of Qt.07:43
=== henrix_ is now known as henrix
jamespagecjwatson, merge away!08:05
cjwatsonjamespage: thanks08:06
cjwatsonhm - actually, it might be a sync08:10
cjwatsonI'll do some test-builds to check08:11
cjwatsonOr I would if porter-armhf weren't apparently down.  Is there a usable armhf porter box somewhere?08:11
cjwatsonOh, but Adam's argument in the Debian bug that it's daft to use a substring match to detect if you're on an architecture where substring matching is broken is kind of compelling08:15
pitticjwatson: I can do a test build of something on my Panda board, if you need me (or give you ssh on it)08:17
cjwatsonI've decided against for now, but thanks08:19
* sivang has a Pi08:21
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* tsdgeos is confused his public bug was marked as duplicate of a private one 08:29
tsdgeoshow am i supposed to verify the duplicate status is correct? :D08:30
cjwatsonSounds unintentional.  Contact whoever duplicated it and ask them.08:30
tsdgeosi can't :D08:30
tsdgeosit's a bot ;)08:30
tjaaltontsdgeos: what was your bug08:30
tjaaltonbug #08:31
ubottuError: Bug #1046187 is a duplicate of bug #1045755, but it is private (https://launchpad.net/bugs/1045755)08:31
tsdgeossee ubottu agrees with me this shouldn't happen :D08:32
tjaaltondon't see why the other bug should be privat08:33
iulianThat's a bit strange. I guess the bot needs to be taught not to do this again.08:34
tsdgeostjaalton: thanks for making it public08:37
tsdgeosanyone else getting bzr qdiff on an dir without changes corrupting unity/compiz ?09:00
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pittitseliot: hey Alberto, how are you?09:36
tseliotpitti: hey Martin, I'm fine, thanks. You?09:44
pittitseliot: I'm fine, thanks!09:47
pittitseliot: I wondered if you knew whether ubuntu-drivers-common needs any change/fix for bug 1026518?09:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1026518 in ubuntu-drivers-common (Ubuntu) "Add support for the Cedarview graphics driver" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102651809:47
pittiAFAICS this should be a matter of packaging the driver only, but I'd rather get your confirmation before I invalidate it09:48
tseliotpitti: I don't think we'll ever have that package in Quantal or higher09:56
pittitseliot: ah, ok; so it's moot either way; thanks!09:56
tseliotpitti: ;)09:57
dholbachcan somebody please reject https://code.launchpad.net/~bmanojkumar/ubuntu/quantal/bygfoot/typo-fix/+merge/122384?10:27
pitti<jedi wave> gone!10:28
pittidholbach: ^10:28
iulianHah. Nice move.10:31
ikepanhc@pilot out10:41
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Quantal Quetzal development | Archive: Beta Freeze | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
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cjwatsonOoh ooh they added a GDB stub to GRUB11:28
cjwatsonFantastic, that might make serial debugging moderately fun11:29
BenC__Laney: I've kicked off all the rebuilds pre-depending on cryptocipher. What's the deal with haskell-{gtk,webkit,pango}? Are you doing rebuilds of those?11:39
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LaneyBenC__: what's the problem there?11:39
LaneyI don't see them on the tracker page11:39
BenCLaney: things like hbro, the builds logs show it can't install those packages (bad deps)11:40
Laneyoh, so they were probably bad when that build was tried11:40
Laneyshould be OK now if the tracker doesn't show them as being bad11:40
Laney(in other words, please do a test build and if it works then give-back)11:41
Laneywe should remove the OODs on armel/hf11:41
mpt_dpm, have you seen <http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/zdyrh/i_want_to_add_marathi_language_translations_to/>?11:44
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dpmhi mpt, I hadn't seen it, but the poster has just sent me an e-mail. Thanks for the heads up!11:45
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mdeslaur@pilot in11:58
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Quantal Quetzal development | Archive: Beta Freeze | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: mdeslaur
BenCLaney: haskell-haddock looks like it needs an actual rebuild…want me to upload?12:01
LaneyBenC: sure, feel free12:03
Laney-dpkg needs looking at too12:03
LaneyBenC: and likely haskell-hint can have its arch restrictions relaxed (could you test build that on ppc?)12:05
BenCSure thing12:05
sabdflhi folks, who's the best person to speak with about apparmor config for bind?12:09
BenCsabdfl: Hey12:10
BenCLaney: Looks like ghc-mtl needs rebuild too, is that safe?12:10
sabdflhi benc12:11
mdeslaursabdfl: jdstrand or jjohansen12:11
LaneyBenC: no choice, if it's uninstallable it must be done12:11
Laneyi'm looking at silently and ghc-syb-utils right now12:11
Laneywoe is ghc's random changing of ABI hashes; at least it's relatively small12:12
BenCLaney: ok, so I've uploaded haddock, gtk-mtl and haskell-dpkg12:13
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LaneyBenC: great. My only concern is that haskell-dpkg possibly should have been re-merged from Debian instead12:13
BenCLaney: Going to do a local build of ghc-mtl (*ghc-mtl above) to test hint build on ppc12:13
Laneyto be updated to cope with the interface changes that were introduced vs. our early dpkg with MA12:14
BenCLaney: Ah, well, on that one I didn't do a *buildX, I left it *ubuntuX12:14
Laneyprobably it can just be synced12:14
LaneyBenC: iulian is looking at that one, so no worries12:16
sabdflah, found what i was looking for, thank you guys12:16
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BenCLaney: I did a give-back for clientsession on ppc that should kick all of the yesod related dep-waits12:22
BenCThat should clear out most of the ppc stuff12:22
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bdrungdholbach: should packaging-dev recommend ubuntu-packaging-guide or ubuntu-packaging-guide-html?12:26
BenCLaney: any idea why haskell-type-level is only built on x86 and the control file says arch-any? is there a build override for it?12:27
cjwatsonBenC: Yep, it's in Packages-arch-specific12:28
cjwatsonAh, but not in Debian12:28
cjwatsonLet me merge that ...12:29
cjwatsonOh, Laney already did12:29
cjwatsonBenC: Should sort itself out next time it's uploaded12:29
BenCSame with haskell-syb-with-class12:29
BenCcjwatson: So if I do a build-only upload, it will get built now?12:29
cjwatsonAnd likewise for haskell-syb-with-class12:30
cjwatsonAnd haskell-debian (if that's in that state too)12:30
BenCcjwatson: Any quick way to check haskell-* in general on that list?12:30
BenCI'm not sure if it's annotated for anything related to ghci, but powerpc at least has ghci now12:30
cjwatsonLaney removed haskell-* from it in r15512:31
BenCAh, thanks12:31
BenCLaney: I did uploads of syb-with-class and type-level to get non-x86 builds going12:33
BenCThat should kick in a few more dep-waits12:33
BenCI'll let things settle till tomorrow12:34
iulianBenC: I've rejected -dpkg and sync'd it instead.12:39
BenCiulian: I saw, thanks12:39
jdstrandpitti: done12:42
jdstrandbdmurray: I committed your change to apport too12:42
pittijdstrand: thanks; I'll commit that to trunk, too12:43
jdstrandcool, thanks12:43
pittijdstrand: hm, shouldn't it export the newly set PATH as well?12:43
jdstrandthat is a good question12:44
* jdstrand checks12:44
jdstrandpitti: it doesn't seem so, but I am reading. I think I may want an additional change anyway12:49
dholbachbdrung, ubuntu-packaging-guide should be good enough13:19
* dholbach hugs mdeslaur13:19
* mdeslaur hugs dholbach back13:20
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iuliandholbach,bdrung: What about Suggests instead of Recommends? Do we really want to pull in the tex* packages when we install packaging-dev?13:27
dholbachiulian, tex* packages are build-depends, not depends13:27
iulianOh, right.13:28
iuliandholbach: Yea, you'd have to ignore me from time to time, especially when I say stupid things like this. :)13:31
dholbachnot going to happen :)13:31
* dholbach hugs iulian13:31
* iulian hugs dholbach back.13:32
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mterryslangasek, do you know the answer to tedg's question about selinux at the end of bug 1039636?13:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1039636 in lightdm-remote-session-freerdp (Ubuntu) "[MIR] lightdm-remote-session-freerdp" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103963613:44
bdrungdholbach: ok, done. packaging-dev 0.5 is uploading.13:51
dholbachthanks a bunch13:51
bdrungdholbach: yw. now to the plan of having the packaging guide in Debian. who should be the maintainer and where will the source branch be?13:52
dholbachlp:ubuntu-packaging-guide - up until now it was just "Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss@...>"13:53
jdstrandpitti: ok, updated. I am using export just to be sure, and also unsetting ENV and CDPATH, also to be sure13:53
bdrungdholbach: how about using http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=ubuntu-dev-team@lists.alioth.debian.org as maintainer?13:55
dholbachbdrung, that'd be perfect13:55
bdrungthis is more specific than just ubuntu-devel-discuss13:55
=== mnepton is now known as mneptok
bdrungdholbach: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1187298/14:08
bdrungdholbach: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1187303/14:11
bdrungi should save the changed file.14:11
bdrungdholbach: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1187304/14:11
dholbachgreat, all Is dotted and Ts crossed :)14:12
bdrungdholbach: committed. should i upload the current revision to debian as version 0.2.3?14:15
dholbachbdrung, it'd be nice if we could get in the 'bug fixing example' article still14:15
dholbachI made the changes you asked for in the MP14:16
bdrungdholbach: okay. just ping me once it is ready for upload.14:16
bdrungdholbach: i will look at the MP later.14:17
* dholbach hugs bdrung14:17
dholbachthanks a bunch14:17
slangasekmterry, supporting selinux for this service is definitely a "should" rather than a "must"14:38
mterryslangasek, OK, so you're fine with it is as in terms of MIR?15:07
slangasekmterry: yes.  would you mind filing a bug about the missing selinux handling?15:08
mterryslangasek, sure15:08
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Quintasanmhall119: ping15:21
mhall119Quintasan: pong15:22
Quintasanmhall119: Do you happen to know if all sponsorship requests have been answered already?15:23
mhall119Quintasan: they've been mailed, but it seems a lot of them have been flagged as spam15:24
mhall119some going into spam folders, some never reaching their destination15:25
Quintasanmhall119: I think I belong to the latter, nothing in spam and nothing in inbox either.15:25
=== mcclurmc_away is now known as mcclurmc
Quintasanmhall119: Should I wait for it to get sorted out or email Marianne?15:41
mhall119Quintasan: I'd wait, she's working on sorting it out15:42
* Quintasan stocks on patience15:42
tsdgeosseb128: should https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/1018896 be marked as Fix Released in "nautilus (Ubuntu)" too?15:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1018896 in nautilus (Ubuntu Quantal) "nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV in gtk_ui_manager_new_merge_id()" [High,Confirmed]15:50
seb128tsdgeos, likely set to invalid for nautilus15:51
seb128since it was a gtk issue15:51
tsdgeosseb128: ok, want me to do it?15:52
mdeslaur@pilot out16:30
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Quantal Quetzal development | Archive: Beta Freeze | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
herton@pilot in16:52
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Quantal Quetzal development | Archive: Beta Freeze | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: herton
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smoseri'm interested in hearing ideas on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hostname/+bug/104640516:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1046405 in hostname (Ubuntu) "hostname.conf should prefer kernel cmdline 'hostname=' to contents of /etc/hostname" [Undecided,New]16:57
tkamppeterslangasek, hi17:03
achiangherton: hi, was wondering if you could take a look at #104610217:08
hertonachiang, sorry, I can only look into kernel bugs17:09
achiangherton: oh, ok. thanks.17:09
micahgachiang: looking17:11
achiangmicahg: thanks17:11
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micahgachiang: is it critical for beta 1?17:23
achiangmicahg: upstream would like very much to see it in quantal as it fixes quite a bunch of bugs and enables new hardware. i don't know how that matches up with "critical for beta1" though... if we miss beta1, can it go in later?17:24
smosercjwatson, or slangasek would you have comments on my 'hostname' suggestion above?17:24
micahgachiang: yeah, just not sure if it needs an FFe or not and would prefer not to bother the release team with it until after beta 117:24
achiangmicahg: as long as it gets into the final release, i'm ok with it. :)17:25
slangaseksmoser: adds complexity, will slow down the boot for all users, and I don't understand why you would have a shared read-only filesystem for multiple netbooted systems?17:26
achiangmicahg: i can fill out more paperwork if needed, but unsure what my required next steps are17:26
smoserits readonly iscsi root.17:26
slangasekok, but I don't understand why17:26
slangasekwhy would someone do that?17:26
slangasektkamppeter: hi17:26
smoserits an "ephemeral boot environment" .  a way to deliver a working environment to a node without modifying disk content (or making assumption of the contents).17:27
smoserit uses overlayfs to write delta elsewhere (we're just wrigint to tmpfs)17:27
smoserand i disagree with "slow down boot".17:27
slangasekit does slow down boot17:28
slangasekyou're adding an extra shell invocation17:28
smoserfor the cost of my 'read < /proc/cmdline' i will go find you 6 different forks that will take 1000s of times longer.17:28
slangasekevery one of which contributes to slowing down the boot; this is part of why boot speed has been regressing over time17:28
slangasekno, the fork you've added here *is* the cost17:29
slangasekI don't think this belongs in the stock system17:29
smoserthis is fair. it does add a fork.17:29
smoseri really dont think boot speed alone is reason to nak it.17:30
smoserhonestly, i assure you i can probably remove 5 forks in the next 30 minutes if you want me to.17:30
slangasekWhen you're proposing a change to the base system, it is.  There should be other ways to implement this without modifying the common path - a separate package installed only in the ephemeral environment?17:31
smoserwell, yes. and we could just write another job that runs on stopped hostname (or stopping or something).17:32
slangasekthat would IMHO be better17:32
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tkamppeterslangasek, it is about your invitation. Do I need a Google+ account for it? And who at Canonical is supposed to have a Panda board, I do not have one.17:40
slangasektkamppeter: you need a G+ account to participate in the live hangout, but your attendance is certainly not required (and the video will be posted afterwards on youtube for all to see).  A number of Pandas have been distributed to the Desktop team, I don't know exactly who has one or doesn't so I just invited a bunch of people17:42
smoserthanks for the input, slangasek . i dont disagree, but i really, *really* dont think boot speed alone is reason.17:44
smoseras a gesture of good will http://paste.ubuntu.com/1187592/17:45
smosertheres 1 removal of a fork.17:45
tkamppeterslangasek, I did not get one, probably they got distributed in the short time when I got moved to Product Strategy.17:45
smoserhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1187594/ and theres a benchmark showing my path is significantly faster.17:46
slangaseksmoser: I appreciate the help with optimizing some of the other cruft, I'll see about getting that one into quantal.  But we are sufficiently far off the mark on boot speed that I am still going to push back on changes that slow down the common path17:50
smoserno worries.17:50
smoseri agree, i can sufficiently do it outside of 'core' so it makes sense to do it there.17:51
smoserslangasek, fwiw, if you're wanting to save forks, the initramfs is chock FULL of them.17:52
slangaseksmoser: well, I want us to be able to eliminate the initramfs entirely for the common path ;)17:52
slangasekbut the kernel team has not been accomodating!17:53
smoseri thought you said quantal17:53
smoserand yeah, i knew that was a goal.17:53
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smoserslangasek, so, i'd appreciate your thoughts on another issue i have.18:16
smoserits related to bug 1031065 (or at least related to our 'start networking' hack that was added).18:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1031065 in cloud-init (Ubuntu) "cloud-init-nonet runs 'start networking' explicitly" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103106518:16
smoserrbasak is hitting (consistently) a condition where cloud-init-nonet never gets stopped. as if it blocking (start on mounted MOUNTPOINT=/) is stopping the interface from coming up.18:18
slangaseksmoser: so wrt that bug, I asked you a couple weeks back for some verbose upstart syslog output, which you said you were going to get me "in a bit" :)18:19
smoseri can get that to you now if you'd like. but i was confused by "syslog" comment.18:19
smoserwhat did you mean by syslog18:19
slangaseksmoser: upstart logs to kmsg, which is supposed to wind up in syslog18:19
slangasek(in practice, this seems to be broken in quantal for reasons I don't yet understand)18:20
smoserok. well i'll get that to you reall y quick.18:20
slangasek/var/log/kern.log, if it works; dmesg output, if it doesn't18:20
smoserwell, dmesg wont have init output18:20
smoserwhich is what you really need and kern.log wont have it either (since htis is lxc)18:20
slangasekwhy won't dmesg have init output?18:21
smoserhttps://pastebin.canonical.com/73830/ is rbasak's collection on his arm system.18:21
smoserthe lxc containe'rs init output would find its way into dmesg?18:21
slangasekI would hope that it would go somewhere :)18:21
slangasekit's supposed to be logged with kmsg18:22
smoseri ran into an issue when trying to collect init output on lxc that i raised with hallyn.  ideally it'd go to stdout and i could just log it.18:22
smoserbut it seems to not.18:22
smoseranyway. i'll see what i can get.18:22
slangaseksmoser: what is /dev/kmsg within the lxc container?18:22
smoserand rbasak's data there is unfortunately slightly confusing as its intermixed output.18:22
smoseri'll see what i can find slangasek18:23
slangasekif it isn't already, you can set it up to be a link to the controlling tty the same way that /dev/console is18:23
slangaseksmoser: the other consideration is that I was assuming lxc init worked the same way as a chrooted init, which sounds like it's not actually the case18:24
slangaseksmoser: so you probably need to pass --verbose when starting init18:24
smoseryeah, i hoped it did. it did not.18:24
slangaseksmoser: oh - in any case, that pastebin looks like exactly the kind of info I was looking for (the init: lines)18:24
smoserbut chrooted init ?18:24
slangasekin a chroot you don't actually run a separate init, and jobs just talk to pid 118:25
slangasekand pid 1 keeps track of whether a job is in a chroot or not18:25
stgraberslangasek: lxc containers work like "regular" Ubuntu systems, so they have /sbin/init running as the pid 1 of their PID namespace18:26
slangasekstgraber: I understand that once I thought it through :)18:29
smoserso yeah, i tried passing --verbose. but i only get output to my console that goes explicitly to /dev/console (ie, task output from cloud-init getst there).18:29
slangasekstgraber: and does /dev/kmsg get pointed somewhere useful?18:29
slangaseksmoser: well, the pastebin from rbasak shows exactly the kind of information I'm looking for18:29
slangasekso... do whatever he did? :)18:29
smoserwell, he got console output from a real system.18:31
smoserie, serial console output18:31
smoseri dont havaccess to that.18:31
slangaseksmoser: so, fixing /dev/kmsg within the container should do the trick18:36
smoserhow would i fix? youhave a solution for that?18:37
slangaseksmoser: "make it match /dev/console"18:37
slangasekI know /dev/console is magically pointed at the controlling tty from the host; I don't know how this is done.  But the same should be done for /dev/kmsg18:38
=== cpg|away is now known as cpg
smoserslangsek. that was impressive.18:41
smoserln -sf console kmsg18:41
smoserand poof! data!18:41
stgraberapparently /dev/kmsg doesn't actually exist at boot time, I seem to have containers where it's a simple text file (instead of char device), probably because something tried to directly write to it without checking whether it existed first...18:41
slangaseksmoser: right, I was going to suggest that ;)18:42
stgraberhallyn: ^18:42
slangasekstgraber: current upstart calls mknod first if it doesn't exist, fwiw18:43
stgraberslangasek: how current? I checked in 12.04 containers here18:43
stgraber(though maybe something created /dev/kmsg as a file before upstart had a chance to mknod it)18:44
slangasekstgraber: upstart 1.5-0ubuntu8 - this is a fix that jodh is planning to SRU to precise soon-ish18:44
stgraberah, ok, well once that lands, and if /dev/kmsg is allowed in the container, it's going to get in the kernel log buffer18:44
stgraberproblem is that at this point it's shared between the host and containers (until we have a syslog namespace)18:45
slangaseksmoser: great :) so is this one with the original cloud-init-nonet job, or the one modified to not call networking start?18:46
=== henrix is now known as henrix_
hallynstgraber: still waiting for syslog ns to be bumped in priority :)18:47
smoserthat is a precise container (from latest daily build) with 'start networking' commented out18:48
smoser(showing the hang)18:48
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slangaseksmoser: ok, great18:48
smoserslangasek, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1187672/ is with mountall --verbose18:50
smoseryeah, and that shows the issue there i think18:52
smoser /run gets mounted after cloud-init-nonet starts18:52
smosermeaning virtual-filesystems can't be emitted18:53
smosermeaning udev cant start18:53
smoserthis is a different problem then rbasak saw. as he does get virtual-filesystems emitted before cloud-init18:53
smoserso maybe there goes my hopes of it being the same root cause.18:53
bryceslangasek, ogasawara, hey question came up from NVIDIA...  if a user grabs the 12.04.3 ISO and installs it, is there any option or text in the installer that mentions they have the option of installing the 12.04.0 iso as an alternative?  IOW how are we messaging the existence of 12.04.0 to end users?18:54
slangasekbryce: I would expect this to only be messaged via the web page documentation, not on the image itself; and why does it make me nervous that nvidia cares about this? :)18:55
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bryceslangasek, web page documentation == release notes?  or the cdimage site? or...?18:58
ogasawarabryce: there were discussions about providing an option on the DVD's to install with the original 12.04 stack, but we did not reach a decision there yet.  otherwise I assumed it was as slangasek noted above.18:58
slangasekbryce: release notes + help.u.c, I think18:58
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brycehmm, not seeing mention of it on help.u.c.  http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop looks like it ought to link to it but not finding mention or link there either19:02
slangasekbryce: right, I don't think there's anything there *currently*; we also don't have a point release out yet that includes a backported stack so there's no actual need19:03
slangasekbryce: also, I imagine we should be messaging 12.04.1 rather than 12.04.019:03
bryceslangasek, ok, so it's in the plans for including those links and/or messaging?  That should suffice for this.19:03
slangasekogasawara: can that go in the plan then? :)19:04
bryceogasawara, thanks.  Might be worth stimulating that discussion again.19:06
ogasawarabryce, slangasek: I post this to the thread I sent to ubuntu-devel19:07
bryceogasawara, thanks19:09
smoserslangasek, so i'm remembering more and more bits and pieces of this.19:51
smoserthe issue i ran into when using overlayfs was that i wasn't mounting / as 'ro'.19:52
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smoserwhich cauased the 'mounted MOUNTPOINT=/' to occur before /run was mounted19:52
smoserwhich is the same scenario as my lxc i think19:52
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smoserbut this is very much not the case that rbasak was running into (from ihis log output).19:56
slangaseksmoser: hmm, I'm puzzled as to the stated cause of / being mounted before /run; I'll have to look at the mountall code19:57
smoserslangasek, well, that is admittedly "my fault"19:58
smosersee cloud-init upstart jobs19:59
slangaseksmoser: ah, it's because mountall first scans for all filesystems that don't require further processing and reports them mounted19:59
smosercloud-init-nonet runs on 'mounted MOUNTPOINT=/ and stopped cloud-init-local' and mounted MOUNTPOINT=/ blocks20:00
smoserwhich stops the /run from ever being ounted, so udev cant start20:00
smoserso networking can't come up20:00
slangasekso, why do you want mounted MOUNTPOINT=/ there?20:01
smoserbecause i want to block boot20:01
slangasekah right20:01
smoserin order to allow people the earliest entry point into the boot20:01
smoserin "normal boot", /run gets mounted before / gets mounted RW20:01
slangasekand if mounted MOUNTPOINT=/ happened after /run was mounted, would that solve your problem?20:02
slangasek(and remove the need for manually starting networking?)20:02
smoseri think so. i was trying to just see if i could get lxc to do that, but didn't see how.20:02
smoseri would still have rbasaks' problem, which i think is not the same.20:02
smoserbecause his log shows 'virtual-filesystems' running before cloud-init (which would mean /run was mounted)20:03
slangasekif / were mounted ro initially, that would trigger the correct ordering20:03
smoserit *does* trigger that, but that might just be happenstance.20:04
slangasekno, it's not20:04
smoseryeah, with what you ssaid above.20:04
slangasekI'm suggesting that as a solution for the lxc case - are you saying you can't get it to be mounted ro for lxc?20:04
smoserhallyn, ^20:04
smoserthat is what i was asking him.20:04
smoserhonestly, it seems to me like if you're invoking /sbin/init its a bug to by default mount rw20:05
smoserat least possibly20:05
hallynsmoser: i wouldn't want to count on initramfs always leaving / ro20:08
hallynespecially in fancy raid situations20:08
hallynbut if jodh says it's so, i'll accept it as a bug (in ubuntu, probably not in upstream lxc)20:08
slangasekhallyn: it darn well better leave it ro20:08
slangasek(the initramfs)20:08
slangasekbecause fsck is only run post-pivot20:08
slangasekso yes, this is something we rely on20:09
smoserwell, yeah, and if the kernel cmdline says 'ro' then it a bug to not be 'ro'20:09
hallynfsck, what's that? :)20:09
* hallyn makes a note in his journal20:09
smoserbut, hallyn, lxc is a special case here, because nothing told it 'ro'20:09
smoser*and* the case where you run something other than /sbin/init,  you most likely dont want 'ro'20:10
hallynright, and fsck better detect that the fs is mounted and not run.20:10
hallynin most cases, / is just a dir on the host's rootfs,20:10
hallynso actually it can't be ro20:10
smoseryou can mount bind ro20:10
slangaseksure, fsck will detect the case that the fs is mounted rw, but that doesn't help the fact that we actually want the root fs to be fscked ;)20:10
hallynsmoser: sort of20:10
smoserreal men 'ln /sbin/fsck /bin/true'20:11
hallynslangasek: but you don't :)  not when / is just a subdir of /var on the host20:11
stgraberis there any reason to boot with / ro other than fsck? because on lxc, the container root is on an fs that's already been checked when the host booted20:11
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slangasekhallyn: I'm talking about the initramfs case20:11
slangasekon real hardware, we have a guarantee that the rootfs is mounted ro when upstart starts20:12
hallynslangasek: oh right20:12
smoserhallyn, hm..20:12
slangaseklxc deviates from this, so the question is if we can change that or if we need to change mountall20:12
smoseri guess the other thing i could do ofr this is tell lxc to mount /run for me20:12
smoserbefore it calls /sbin/init20:12
slangaseknote that I don't actually care if it's mounted ro, I just care that mountall *sees* that it's ro ;)20:12
slangaseksmoser: nope20:13
slangaseksmoser: because udev needs 'virtual-filesystems' emitted, which is a whole bunch of filesystems, not just /run20:13
smoserso s/run/all-of-those/20:13
smoserbut... yeah.20:13
slangasekand there's a change to the set of those filesystems staged in the unapproved queue.  not maintainable.20:13
smoserwell, it could be maintainble.20:14
smoserthe change you speak of would just have to be tied to a change in lxc that was release aware20:14
smoserbut , yeah. suck.20:14
hallynok wel lif we're just trying to fool mountall, then yes we could remount the container / ro (two-step process, but you don't care about that)20:15
slangasekthat would probably help20:15
slangasekthough I actually haven't worked out yet that the virtual filesystems are guaranteed to be mounted before /20:15
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slangaseksmoser: so I believe there's a potential race condition for whether / gets mounted before or after virtual-filesystems is emitted, even with this change20:25
slangaseksmoser: if you haven't run into it yet, then all to the good; but I mention it in case that is happening somewhere20:26
smoserits not that i know of.20:26
smoseri think imight have hit it once when /dev/pts didn't exist... or something like that.20:27
smoseryeah, if root didn't hae a mount point in it that a virtual mount needed20:27
smoseri guess if root didn't have /dev20:27
smoserbut thats somewhat busted anyway20:27
slangasekwell, root waits for /dev to be mounted, but it doesn't wait for /proc /sys /run /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc /sys/fs/fuse/connections /sys/kernel/debug /sys/kernel/security /dev/pts /tmp /run/lock /run/shm, any of whom will block the virtual-filesystems signal20:28
slangasekI wonder if fixing bug #643289 would make this better or worse20:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 643289 in nfs-utils (Ubuntu Lucid) "idmapd does not starts to work after system reboot" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64328920:28
slangasekif done right, that would allow the virtual filesystems, which do not block on /, to continue being mounted even while the mounted MOUNTPOINT=/ hook is blocked20:30
slangasekso I *think* that makes it better20:31
slangasekindeed, it might make it irrelevant whether / is mounted ro in lxc20:31
smoserslangasek, well, yeah, sort of better.20:32
smoserbut that would sort of viorlate my reading of 'mounted'20:33
slangaseksmoser: note that the change in question would not cause the 'filesystems' event to be emitted before the 'mounted' hook returns20:33
smosermountall(8) will wait for all services started by this event to be running,  all tasks started by this event to have finished and all jobs stopped by this event to be stopped before continuing with other filesystems.20:33
slangasekyeah, I know that's what it says20:33
slangasekI'm suggesting this is the wrong thing to do ;)20:33
slangasekI think it should still continue in parallel with *unrelated* filesysetms20:34
slangasekjust not with any which depend on the current one20:34
smoserwell, that woudl defeat a lot of my intent20:35
slangaseknot really20:35
slangasekbecause the only filesystems that are unrelated to the rootfs, in mountall's view, are the virtual filesystems20:35
smoseryeah. and not much starts on virtual-filesystesm alone20:35
slangasekexcept things like udev, which is exactly what we're trying to unblock ;)20:36
smoserso yeah, that would fix this case.20:36
smoserso i should update this bug with our understanding of it20:36
smoseras i failed to do that before, and that resulted in much lost time.20:36
slangasekok, great20:37
smoserand while i do that, you can come up with a solution :)20:37
slangasekwell, there's a proposed patch to mountall that's been sitting for a while20:37
slangasekI'll put it on my queue to look at, but I don't think I'm going to get to it this week, and jodh is on vacation20:37
smoserslangasek, yeah, thanks for your help20:41
melodieI try to use the "LiveCDFromScratch" howto, and I would like to get some help to understand or improve the way to use some parts of that page, and I don't know where would a chan with people likely to have the knowledge. Anyone here can give me an advice ? Here is the page and I am at about the middle : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomizationFromScratch20:43
herton@pilot out20:49
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smoserslangasek, it would seem to me to be "early enough" (and even ideal) if i could run when virtual filesystems were available and / was mounted.21:10
smoseri dont think there is any way to block at such a state though.21:10
slangaseksmoser: there indeed is not21:10
slangasekstokachu: I don't think I understand https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libgnome/+bug/977959/comments/6 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libgnome/+bug/977959/comments/7.  The debdiff you provided doesn't include any changes around dlopen(), which libgnome in fact doesn't use.  But I'm also not sure what "gnome-program" refers to here?21:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 977959 in libgnome (Ubuntu Precise) "Please transition libgnome to multi-arch" [Medium,In progress]21:13
barrycjwatson: correct me if i'm wrong, but i believe software-properties is now py322:19
melodiehi again22:22
melodieis there a chan where I could ask help specifically with some parts of this page ? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomizationFromScratch22:23
cjwatsonbarry: believe so22:28
barrycjwatson: awesome, that's what i though.  spreadsheet updated22:29
barrycjwatson: thx22:29
cjwatsonbarry: buggy #! I notice, though.  must fix that.22:30
barrycjwatson: /usr/bin/env lines?22:30
cjwatsonWas more thinking of #! /usr/bin/python3.2 at the top of add-apt-repository22:31
cjwatsonLikely needs the same pile of stuff I worked out for germinate to avoid that22:31
barrycjwatson: ah, yes.  /usr/bin/python3 i suppose would be better ;)22:31
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barryjdstrand: ufw is python3 now?22:46
slangasekbarry: apt-cache show ufw | grep python22:54
barryslangasek: yep, just looking for mindless confirmation :)22:55
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slangasekbarry: hey, did you ever get a resolution to your vmvga issue in quantal?23:42
barryslangasek: nope.  we've had some traffic on the issue today.  i have a workaround, but no fix23:43
barryslangasek: or really, understanding of what's wrong23:43
slangasekbarry: I see that qemu actually implements vmvga as one of the options; I was vaguely hoping that this would prove to work with guest acceleration :)23:44
RAOFbarry: That's the llvmpipe-doesn't-kick-in-under virtualbox, rigth?23:44
slangasekbut we can't very well test it until we have a driver23:44
slangasekRAOF: vmware, not vbox23:44
barryRAOF: actually, it's a kernel module no longer getting loaded by default23:44
* RAOF waves hands. Some sort of virtualisation thingy!23:45
slangasekRAOF: also, I'm pretty sure llvmpipe does kick in correctly everywhere, and just fails to be up to the task of lifting unity off the floor?23:45
RAOFslangasek: Apparently not; I got assigned a bug last night about llvmpipe not kicking in in some virtualisation thingy.23:46
barryyep. llvmpipe does work better now than the day i filed the bug (but still painfully slow on fusion)23:46
slangasekRAOF: hmmm, bug #?23:46
* RAOF wishes evolution wasn't in the process of slowly throttling itself to death23:46
RAOFHah. It's finished. Now there's an apport popup instead :)23:48
RAOFslangasek: Bug #103915523:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1039155 in nux (Ubuntu) "Unity fails to load on old hardware. Missing automatic fallback to LLVMpipe" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103915523:48
RAOFUrgh. I've just looked at that.23:50
slangasekRAOF: isn't https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nux/+bug/1039155/comments/8 the real issue?  I've definitely had llvmpipe get used correctly on armhf23:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1039155 in nux (Ubuntu) "Unity fails to load on old hardware. Missing automatic fallback to LLVMpipe" [High,Confirmed]23:52
slangasekso I suspect the problem is the user has some other GL driver that's not up to snuff23:52
RAOFThere's also the case where the user has a mesa GL driver, but it doesn't support what Unity needs; in that case we *do* need to force llvmpipe.23:53
slangasekhow do you do that effectively?23:53
slangaseksince the choice of driver is an X server thing as much as a client thing...23:53
RAOFSet LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE in Unity's environment.23:56
RAOFlibGL is all client-side; it asks the X server what driver it should be loading, but it's under no compulsion to accept that.23:57
slangasekdoesn't the server have to load /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/swrast_dri.so ?  does it do that automatically when a client says the magic word?23:58
ionWhy should the client care about how the GL implementation renders stuff? :-( Shouldn’t the GL implementation choose between hardware acceleration and LLVM-and-CPU transparently in a perfect world?23:59
RAOFNo; libGL loads swrast_dri.so (or r600_dri.so, or whatever hardware driver is appropriate)23:59
RAOFThe server *also* loads a dri driver, but that's for AIGLX, which nothing uses anymore.23:59

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