=== zmoylan1 is now known as zmoylan [13:46] czajkowski: know anyone good with ubuntu servers [13:47] having trouble installing on a new box [13:47] have asked in ubuntu-server [14:25] tdr112: asking in #ubuntu-server [14:25] loads of folks will help [14:35] they are not much help [14:35] i might ask again in a while [14:42] hold on a tick [14:43] so in theory you should ask in #ubuntu but dear gods that channel is hard [14:43] i have a server problem [14:44] but sure i will ask in there too [14:45] yeah but read the topic in -server [14:47] i did my server cd wont install [14:56] see my q in -server [14:56] ave to jump on a call shortly but lets try [15:04] czajkowski: thanks for trying [15:04] i will post to the forum [15:14] :) [15:14] getting answers then [15:50] czajkowski: all sorted [15:50] thanks [15:56] np