
LiDaRis anyone here familier with cdc_ether dmesg output http://paste.ubuntu.com/1186617/ post about device alluding to its functioning https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/886130/comments/3000:11
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 886130 in linux "Verizon Wireless USB551L 4G Wireless Card detected as wired NIC" [Undecided,Fix committed]00:11
RAOFbjf: Done.00:24
bjfRAOF: thanks!00:25
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Guest11880Hi all, i wonder about what's the difference between Linux offcial kernel and Ubuntu release kernel? Thanks.05:20
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* smb mornings07:25
apwsmb, moin07:42
smbapw, nice try ;)07:43
dilekssmb: what status on the x86-mm-fix you have in quantal?07:44
smbdileks, Upstream is aware and in some way agree it should get fixed but getting them actually comment on the patch is like convincing them to walk over hot coals...07:47
dileksyou need more lobby or to do more lobby work07:47
* dileks sits in Germany but is totally within US president election07:48
apwsmb, is that the one we committed recently ?07:49
smbapw, I assume so07:49
apwsmb, perhaps once it has been release in our kernle for a bit we might have more leverage07:49
smb(have not done any other x86 mm I can remember07:49
dileksyupp, thats the one07:52
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* smb thinks he did a lot of whining at LinuxPlumbers about it.07:58
brendandhenrix - ping08:03
henrixbrendand: hi08:08
brendandhenrix, i need to pass some news to the right people about our plans for certification testing the next -proposed kernels08:09
brendandhenrix, i know you're one of them, and bjf. should i just email you both directly?08:09
brendandmaybe herton too?08:09
henrixbrendand: yep, i guess we are the right guys :)08:10
henrixbrendand: maybe copy sconklin as well08:10
henrixbrendand: thanks for the notification08:22
brendandhenrix - no problem08:22
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brendandcking, do you remember do any of my fwts bugs need verification they were fixed?10:07
brendandcking, i have one affecting a HP DL385 G7 which appears to be, so i wanted to update any bugs that needed it10:08
brendandcking - i'm saying it's fixed because there's a failure of dmi_decode which happens in precise but not quantal10:09
ckingbrendand, lemme check the bug number.. I can't recall off the top of my head, I see quite a few in a month10:09
brendandcking, didn't we have a tag for ones from hw cert?10:10
ckingbrendand, 1021674 - fixed released in Q10:11
brendandcking, cool. all sorted then10:12
brendandcking, thanks!10:12
ckingno problem, it shouldn't have been a bug in fwts in the first place, but these things slip in10:13
* henrix -> early lunch10:24
jjohansenapw: do you have time to help me poke at a cve workflow issue I am trying to figure out11:10
apwjjohansen, sure whats up11:10
apwjjohansen, or mumble11:10
jjohansenapw: irc is fine11:10
apwjjohansen, but i want to wake you whole house 11:12
jjohansenhehe, yeah uhmm you really don't want to wake amanda, she gets grumpy when her sleep is disturbed11:14
jjohansenso for CVE-2012-3400, the kernel side picked up oneiric and precise and its moved through to fix-released just fine.  for natty and lucid however the patches where backported and it doesn't seem to be moving through11:14
jjohansenthe patches are in the tree and seem to be properly annotated11:14
jjohansen(back ported from commit 1df2ae31c724e57be9d7ac00d78db8a5dabdd050) ...11:14
jjohansenand I am trying to trace through why this isn't being picked up11:14
ubot2jjohansen: ** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem.  When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2012-3400)11:14
xnoxjjohansen: coordinated disclosure fail. ubot2 *shhhh*11:19
jjohansenxnox: hrmmm not really, its fully public11:21
xnoxubot2 fail then =))))11:21
ubot2Factoid 'fail then =))))' not found11:21
jjohansenxnox: yeah the mitre entry is behind11:22
smartboyhwEr hi mates, anyway to add rt into the quantal Ubuntu kernel?11:30
jjohansensmartboyhw: ubuntu studio keeps a ppa with an rt kernel11:33
smartboyhwSure, I'm in Ubuntu Studio team:)11:34
smartboyhwSo then I wanna try compiling my own11:34
smartboyhwAlso that kernel has NOT been updated I think11:36
smartboyhwI mean PPA11:36
LetoThe2ndapplying to a stock kernel is probably considerably easier :)11:36
jjohansensmartboyhw: ah11:36
jjohansenyep stock is likely easier to apply the patches too11:36
smartboyhwI know then, I want to try to compile it to a Ubuntu kernel instead of stock11:36
LetoThe2ndprobably the easiest is then to have git repo with two branches (ubuntu and rt) and then rebasing.11:37
LetoThe2ndgiven the possible amount of ubuntu patches, that is not for the faint at heart i'd guess.11:38
smartboyhwMaybe I'd better find ailo then:)11:38
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* cking grabs some food12:32
rtgcking, bouncing gomeisa for kernel update13:34
* cking logs off13:34
smartboyhwapw: Please teach me sth: How to compile the lowlatency code?13:40
smartboyhwQuantal one13:40
caribou_quick question : any reason why the firewire stack is not built in the current Quantal kernel pkg ?13:42
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apwsmartboyhw, same as any ubuntu kernel, its a package.  there are clues on the wiki13:52
smartboyhwEr, I don't see a debian/build folder13:52
apwfakeroot debian/rules lowlatency 13:53
apwfakeroot debian/rules binary-lowlatency 13:53
apwshould build it or dpkg-buildpackage -b13:54
smartboyhwNo it doesn't work13:54
rtgcaribou, CONFIG_FIREWIRE=m13:56
smartboyhwapw: Doesn't work as I said13:56
apwsmartboyhw, in what way does it break13:56
caribourtg: I meant it's not there as modules13:56
rtgcaribou, do you have the extras package ?13:57
smartboyhwIt just doesn't make at all13:57
apwsmartboyhw, as that is how i build it, so it clearly does work13:57
caribourtg: I'll check again after my call 13:57
apwsmartboyhw, ok then pastebin everything it says after the command13:57
rtgcaribou, I'm pretty sure its in linux-image-extras-*13:57
caribourtg: most likely not as I only downloaded the linux-image deb file13:57
rtgapw, he;s prolly missing build tools and/or deps13:58
apwrtg, probabally, but "doesn't work" isn't much to work with either way13:58
smartboyhwapw: I tried another way by ailo now13:58
rtgapw, indeed13:59
smartboyhwI can build generic mate13:59
caribourtg: FYI it's in the linux-image-3.2.0-29-generic for Precise14:00
rtgcaribou, Precise doesn't have an extras package14:00
caribourtg: oh, I didn't know about this new stuff14:00
rtgcaribou, when we dropped the server flavour we had to make some accommodation for small installations, e.g., split the mammoth single deb into primarily boot essential, and everything else.14:02
sforsheebjf, a patch was posted that might help with the brcmsmac errors you've been seeing. I've got a test build at http://people.canonical.com/~sforshee/linux-3.5.0-13.14~lp000000v201209051242/ if you'd like to try it.14:02
rtgjsalisbury, ayan, henrix, jjohansen, arges: rebooting tangerine for kernel upgrade14:10
jsalisburyrtg, ack14:10
argesrtg, let r rip14:11
henrixrtg: ack14:12
* ogasawara back in 2014:40
=== rtg is now known as rtg-afk
bjfsforshee: have it booted, am testing14:57
bjfsforshee: it is still going. this is much better than it has ever been16:05
bjfsforshee: i have multiple browser tabs, a constant ping from remote host, iperf with it as the server end and am remotely tailing the syslog16:06
bjfsforshee: i do see  ieee80211 phy0: brcms_c_prec_enq_head: No where to go, prec == 4  in bursts at times16:07
bjfsforshee: ieee80211 phy0: brcms_c_sendampdu: No fifo space  !!  once in a while16:07
bjfsforshee: phy0: brcms_c_ampdu_dotxstatus_complete: Pkt tx suppressed, illegal channel possibly 1     -- once in a while16:07
sforsheebjf, glad to hear it's better. It does look like the queues are getting backed up once in a while though ... I wonder why16:08
sforsheebjf, I've seen those illegal channel messages too, it's on my todo list to look into those16:08
sforsheeI've been seeing them without the new patch though16:08
bjfsforshee: i've not had to rfkill block/unblock it once. that's a nice change16:08
sforsheebjf, cool. Let's let it soak for a day or so, and if things are looking good we can get it into quantal at least16:09
bjfsforshee: ack16:09
sforsheebjf, the patch is Cc stable so it should filter into the stable releases, of course we could always pick it up sooner too16:10
bjfsforshee: would probably be nice for precise. 16:10
sforsheebjf, ack. Did you file a bug in launchpad for this issue?16:11
bjfsforshee: i can't remember16:11
bjfsforshee: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1187509/16:37
sforsheebjf, do you still think the patch at least improves the situation for you?16:39
bjfsforshee: yes, it is still up and running16:39
sforsheebjf, so you got the warning but the connection still seems to be working?16:39
bjfsforshee: yup16:40
sforsheebjf, okay. We probably ought to let Arend know about that then. Do you want to respond to him or should I?16:42
bjfsforshee: you've been the main contact, you can continue but cc me 16:42
bjfsforshee: i can respond directly if he has specific issues or questions16:43
sforsheebjf, ack. Looks like I just got the warning too, but my connection is still working.16:44
=== rtg-afk is now known as rtg
bjfjdstrand: i am installing all the dependencies for apparmor qrt that are listed in the file but am missing "LibAppArmor" for python17:16
bjfjdstrand: i installed python-libapparmor but that doesn't seem to have been the right pkg17:17
jdstrandbjf: what release?17:17
bjfjdstrand: quantal17:17
jdstrandbjf: also add python3-libapparmor17:18
jdstrandthat should do it17:18
bjfjdstrand: ack, will try17:18
jdstrandbjf: I think './install-packages test-apparmor.py' should do it. that said, install-packages isn't the smartest thing in the world17:19
bjfsforshee: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1187578/17:28
bjfsforshee: it is definately struggling still17:28
rtgbjf, is anyone actually using kteam-tools/kernel-qa ? There has only ever been one commit to that directory.17:30
bjfrtg: i'll look at it17:30
bjfrtg, gone now17:32
rtgbjf, ack.17:32
* rtg -> lunch17:33
bjfjjohansen: this looks better: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1187587/17:40
jjohansenbjf: it does, though /me wonders what the error was on longpath17:42
jjohansenbjf: so you okay with dynamically building the tests17:43
jjohansenI don't think we have even discussed making a -tests package17:43
bjfjjohansen: building the tests, yes (i've fought that battle before) i just want to make sure we are testing the apparmor that gets installed and not one that the tests might build17:44
jjohansenbjf: yep its testing the installed version17:45
bjfjjohansen: i'm adding these to the std set of tests that we (the kernel team) run on all our kernels. when i'm happy with that, i'll push that to QA so they run the tests as well on all kernel packages.17:45
jjohansenbjf: or should be, I need to go through and verify that 'make tests' isn't triggering a local build in some of those places17:46
jjohansenbjf: sounds good, thanks17:46
jjohansenbjf: I can guarentee atm the kernel regression are against the running kernel, its a few of the other tests I need to verify that they aren't doing a rebuild17:47
bjfjjohansen: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/beta/testing/index.html   -- our test results page17:47
jjohansenoh nice17:48
skaetogasawara,  can you review/improve what I've got down for the kernel in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/TechnicalOverview/Beta1,  also please feel free to add any key bugs you think we should warn folk about.17:52
ogasawaraskaet: yeek, it's wed already!  yep, I'll review/edit.17:53
skaetthanks!  :)17:54
bjfogasawara: i'd like to take the kernel.ubuntu.com/beta files and make them the real kernel.ubuntu.com17:57
ogasawarabjf: go for it17:58
bjfogasawara: a lot of the files in kernel.ubuntu.com are owned by some pgraner user :-) and not group writeable17:58
ogasawarabjf: heh, funny you mention that, I sent him email about it yesterday17:59
ogasawarabjf: I asked if he could either change the owner or permissions17:59
bjfogasawara: he's traveling today17:59
ogasawarabjf: ah right17:59
ogasawarabjf: I'll harass him tomorrow in our mgr's meeting17:59
jsalisburykamal, if you have a chance, can you take a look at bug 1041594 ?  It looks like a regression in alps track pads in 3.5.0-11.11.  I noticed some changes you made to cypress devices.18:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 1041594 in linux "Edge scrolling on touchpad broken since the upgrade to 3.5.0-11" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104159418:00
kamaljsalisbury: sure will, thanks for the heads up18:01
jsalisburykamal, thanks!  I'm performing a bisect now, so I can let you know the findings of that.18:01
kamaljsalisbury: if its easier, you could just omit the changeset that I introduced for the new cypress driver and see if that fixes it.  do you have an ALPS to test with?  I do not.18:02
jsalisburykamal, I don't have an ALPS, but there are a few people that are willing to test in the bug report.  18:03
kamaljsalisbury: I'll go read it18:03
rtgbjf, is this the right page for CVEs ?18:03
jsalisburykamal, thanks.  I'll also build a test kernel with the cypress stuff reverted18:04
bjfrtg: http://people.canonical.com/~kernel/cve/pkg/ALL-linux.html18:04
kamaljsalisbury: great, that'll be very informative I'm sure18:04
rtgbjf, so those old pages should probably be made to disappear, huh ?18:05
bjfrtg, the other page is the security team's page(s). jjohansen would know about that18:05
jjohansenbjf, rtg: they should be the same thing module they are updated at different time18:08
jjohansenwell that is same thing for just the linux package18:08
bjfsforshee: if i move the macbook up to my office, approx 8 ft from the ap and run the iperf test, it just scrolls and scrolls the the "No where to go" warning18:14
sforsheebjf, ack. How difficult is it for you to reproduce that state?18:19
bjfsforshee: trivial, it's hard to believe the developer hasn't seen this18:20
bjfsforshee: it starts up right away and just continuously scrolls18:20
bjfsforshee: it starts up right away when i start up iperf18:22
sforsheebjf, I'm going to try hacking some trace stuff into the driver to see if we can lock in on what triggers this problem. Hopefully by tomorrow morning I'll have something for you to test.18:23
sforsheebjf, I'm trying to reproduce it here but I can't seem to get it into the state that you're seeing18:24
bjfsforshee: wfm18:24
bjfsforshee: i have "iperf -s" running on the macbook and "iperf -c bradf-air -t 2000 -P -a -f b -i 2" on my desktop18:25
sforsheebjf, I'm doing iperf the other way, with the macbook as the client. I'll try it that way and see if my results are different.18:26
sforsheebjf, what's the -a option to iperf? I don't see any documentation for it.18:27
bjfsforshee: -a, --tcp_bandwidth \    for TCP, bandwidth to send at in bits/sec18:28
bjf  #[KM]    (default no bandwidth limit used)18:28
* cking --> EOD18:29
bjfsforshee, the ssid i'm connected to is 2.4GHz b/g/n on channel 3. this is a netgear WNDR450018:30
bjfsforshee: the "mode" is "Up to 217 Mbps"18:31
bjfsforshee: the -a is not necessary18:31
sforsheebjf, okay I'm getting the problem now. Maybe it has something to do with the channel; I wasn't using channel 3 previously.18:41
bjfsforshee: what channel were you using before?18:44
sforsheebjf, my 2.4 GHz AP had (oddly) settled on channel 2, the other is 5 GHz18:45
=== henrix is now known as henrix_
bjfsforshee: i switched to channel 11 and had same result18:47
sforsheebjf, I just started getting it on channel 6 too. So channel doesn't seem to have anything to do with it.18:48
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sforsheebjf, oh well, as long as I can reproduce it I have a better chance of debugging it18:48
bjfsforshee: i then switched to 5 GHz and now i get a ton of "ieee80211 phy0: wl0: sendampdu: prep_xdu retry; seq 0x0" and "brcms_c_sendampdu: No fifo space  !!"18:49
bjfsforshee: it's easy to reproduce any/all of this 18:49
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* ogasawara lunch19:49
kamaljsalisbury: so I guess its that darn Cypress driver all right :-(20:11
kamalbjf: I think its highly likely that this regression (bug 1041594) will affect precise also20:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 1041594 in linux "Edge scrolling on touchpad broken since the upgrade to 3.5.0-11" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104159420:13
bjfkamal, you are making me sad20:14
kamalbjf: I know.  And I'm truly sorry for that.20:14
bjfkamal, can you submit a revert request to the mailing list20:17
kamalbjf: may I wait one day, in case I can cook up a quick fix?20:17
bjfkamal: yes20:18
kamalbjf: ok, thanks -- will update you tomorrow on the plan20:18
bjfkamal: thanks, earlier is better as we are starting a new cycle and want the kernels out soonest20:19
bjfhenrix ^ (if you are around)20:20
bjfhenrix_: ^20:20
* rtg -> EOD20:23
dilekslinux-headers-generic/linux-image-generic version-mismatch?22:58

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