[00:05] so who wants to deal with LiDaR [00:09] what channel? === IAmNotThatGuy is now known as M0hi === Guest24873 is now known as Mamarok === mnepton is now known as mneptok [15:33] nothingspecial, was there anything you needed help with? [18:09] I think t3hl33tb34t in #ubuntu might be a troll. [19:52] In ubottu, guntbert said: !dns ~=/10.04/12.04/ [19:56] !dns =~ s/10/12/ [19:56] I'll remember that Pici [20:41] In ubottu, guntbert said: !samba ~=/10.04/12.04/ [20:41] In ubottu, guntbert said: !server ~=/10.04/12.04/ [20:42] In ubottu, guntbert said: !relationship ~=/10.04/12.04/ [20:45] updated. [20:53] In ubottu, guntbert said: !no automate is Ways to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/appendix-preseed.html - See also !cloning (last part of the url changed!) [20:55] In ubottu, guntbert said: !time ~=/10.04/12.04/ [20:56] In ubottu, guntbert said: !mailserver ~=/10.04/12.04/ [20:57] In ubottu, guntbert said: !sshd ~=/10.04/12.04/ [20:59] In ubottu, guntbert said: !php ~=/10.04/12.04/ [21:04] In ubottu, guntbert said: !partitioning ~=#10.04/switching/C/installing-partitioning.html#12.04/installation-guide/i386/partitioning.html# (do these delimiters work too?) [21:10] In ubottu, guntbert said: !codecs ~=#10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html#12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html# thats it for now, I hope I have found all :) [22:14] In #ubuntu, frowzy said: !brainstorm Ubuntu "feels" sluggish when I use my laptop's touchpad, but not a USB mouse. This is because ubuntu/gnome/something "eats" the first few clicks on a button or menu, sometimes. [22:18] Hey hey hey! [22:18] What's the Polite & Decent response to #ubuntu users constantly suggesting I switch to a console application because "console is better" whenever I ask for help with a GUI app? [22:22] frowzy: thank them for the suggestion and ask if they can help with what you actually need. [22:23] Okay. I will try that. [22:23] if there is nothing else please don't idle in this channel. [22:24] Okay!