
nathwillblkperl: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=59557900:15
lubotu1Gnome bug 595579 in dconf "support NFS" [Enhancement,New]00:15
nathwillin case you feel like rebuilding dconf, it looks like there's a patch for the issue00:15
blkperlnathwill: thanks00:32
nathwillslangasek, i may try testing that tonite if you think ubuntu'd consider carrying it as a diff until gnome pulls it in? seems like this'd affect a load of people..01:26
* slangasek waits for his return :P01:31
slangasekblkperl: short answer though is that the dconf author is a Canonical contractor and Ubuntu is unlikely to diverge from GNOME on this one01:35
slangasekand if he hasn't accepted the patch yet, despite him being well aware of the importance of fixing dconf-on-nfs, I'd guess the patch doesn't match the needed design somehow01:36
nibalizerslangasek: ping, you in for today?16:50
slangaseknibalizer: not joining the call today17:02
* bkerensa shakes fist at U.S. Customs as he talks to them and awaits a form to fill out17:35
blkperlbkerensa: I have poked again, hopefully we can get that servrer in soon19:45
bkerensanathwill: ^ poking has occurred :D21:39
bkerensablkperl: no worries :) its out of my place and at nathwills now :)21:39
blkperlhah ok21:43
nathwillwait, bkerensa, where did customs poke you?22:43
bkerensanathwill: ?22:48
bkerensanathwill: <blkperl> [19:45:39] bkerensa: I have poked again, hopefully we can get that servrer in soon22:48

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