
ray76Dr_willis: Cheers for the info you gave me earlier, Sorted my intel video problem using ppa in 3 lines. now a happy bunny!00:00
Dr_willisray76,  yay..  (i dont even rember the problem) ;P00:00
ray76dr_willis: well with so many problems on here i'm not suprised !!00:01
bharwellDid I post my installation issue in the wrong channel?00:02
Nogalbharwell what's the issue?00:03
LiDaRdo the kernel packagers hang out here somewhere ?00:04
bharwellI'm installing from the 12.04.1 alternate image, from a USB drive, and I get an error on the "Installing the base system step".00:04
LiDaRelky: you can appologize in private for acting childish btw00:04
szalbharwell: did you run the medium self-test before starting the installation?00:05
bobweaverLiDaR,  you are better of to ask someon at microsoft for kernel help00:05
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bharwellszal: Yeah, it came up clean.00:05
ch33zhii! :)00:05
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LiDaRbobweaver: i dont think that would be very effective00:05
ch33zi have no idea what to do00:05
ch33zmy server is totally messed up00:05
ch33zbig time00:05
ch33zwas working fine before now I moved and set the server up00:05
ch33zso im confused00:05
bobweaverLiDaR,  why they conturbute more then Ubuntu or I should say Canonical does00:05
ch33zany help would be great! :)00:05
FloodBot1ch33z: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:05
bharwellThe error message reads "Debootstrap Error - Failed to determine the codename for the release."00:06
szalch33z: how about some actual details?00:06
bharwellI'm combing the forums for solutions, but they're a bit over my head.00:06
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LiDaRbobweaver: im looking for a few people that work on cdc_ether00:07
ch33zalright, I have all the services configured DNS, Apache2, Http but, I moved houses and my static ip are the same and they dont seem to have changed on the server the websites also show up on the server itself but, when trying the websites on a public computer they simply dont. They were working fine before I moved.00:07
ch33zszal so yea00:07
kalibhello, just updated my system and now my flash stoped working. I have flashplugin-installer instaled. Any sugestion?/00:08
scarfacehello gui's i am steel her trying to build the citadel cna anu one helpme00:08
ray76bharwell: have you seen this page on the bootstrap error http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1503542 ?00:08
bobweaverLiDaR,  Novell IBM or Red Hat . But there is #ubuntu-kernel (I think )00:08
WeThePeoplekalib, in the software center check out 'Restricted Extras' might help00:09
LiDaRbobweaver: thats what i was looking for00:09
ch33zdid you want a better explanation szal? ;000:09
kalibWeThePeople, let me check.00:09
bharwellYeah, but I can't follow the solution.00:09
ch33zwhat do you mean bharwell?00:09
ch33zits not hard00:09
ch33zi just told you00:09
ch33zI told you three times.00:09
bharwellOh crap. Sorry. Let me scroll up.00:10
kalibWeThePeople, what you mean with it? I'm on aper right now. didn't find it.00:10
WeThePeoplekalib, idk what apper is00:10
Dr_williskalib,  just saw this on a blog site.. how to use googles built in flash in their browser --> http://www.webupd8.org/2012/09/how-to-make-chromium-use-flash-player.html00:10
ch33zits ubuntu00:11
kalibWeThePeople, kubuntu. but, which package should I use? I have flashplugin-installer and flashplugin-downloader installed00:11
ch33zbharwell  alright, I have all the services configured DNS, Apache2, Http but, I moved houses and my static ip are the same and they dont seem to have changed on the server the websites also show up on the server itself but, when trying the websites on a public computer they simply dont. They were working fine before I moved.00:11
WeThePeoplekalib, let me check00:12
ch33zI had someone in the chat set up the server for me last time remotely which was super helpful because some stuff was not even in the manual as he said and I saw bharwell00:12
kalibWeThePeople, I can remove them and install again to check if it works.00:12
bharwellch33z: Sorry, must have been a different bharwell.00:13
WeThePeoplekalib, do that00:13
bharwellAt any rate, the old posts say to mount the USB drive to /cdrom.00:13
kalibshould I install booth or just flashplugin-installer?00:13
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ch33zheh, well can you help me though bharwell? :)00:14
WeThePeoplekalib, their is a program in the software center called "Kubuntu Restricted Extras" install that00:14
admindude123Hey guys, I'm trying to change a win7 x64 admin pw using chntpw and when i try to blank out the admin pw it doesn't work....any ideas?00:14
ray76bharwell: 9. while error message still was showing i pressed "alt+f2" to get a prompt (first time i ever got to a promt from any linux installer ).00:14
ray7610. typed several kinds of commands that was not recognized. that was abit whats expected when randomly testing commands00:14
ray7611. typed "mount /dev/sdd1 /cdrom" and the usb drive was mounted to cdrom.00:14
ClientAliveI tried to install gnome 3 on ubuntu server and it's ugly as hell. Must be some stuff missing, but what?? What do you do to make it cool?00:14
ray76bharwell: did you try this ?00:15
bharwellYes, but let me do it again so I can have it in front of me.00:15
ray76bharwell: i'm not much help, win32 programmer moving over to Linux.00:16
bharwellray76: Well, regardless, two heads are better than one. I really appreciate the help.00:17
kalibWeThePeople, ok.. installed restricted-extras, flashplugin-installer and flashplugin-downloader00:17
WeThePeopleadmindude123, did you change it or try to login with a blank password?00:17
kalibstill not working. :/00:17
ch33zbharwell well still interested to help?00:17
kalibcan't even see the plugin typing about:plugins on browser00:17
ray76Noob question for anyone, i'm running xscreensaver but the xmatrix is not installed. is there a quick way of installing in xubuntu ?00:17
asheshello. lets say i don't have a monitor. is there any way to install ubuntu from ssh?00:18
bharwellch33z: Sorry, man, I'd help you if I could. I'm Noob McNewbie over here.00:18
ch33zha aww its fine dude00:18
ch33zanyone else willing to help at least? its super short too00:18
blobch33z: what are you trying to do ?00:19
WeThePeoplekalib, sudo apt-get update then reboot00:19
ch33zload my websites00:19
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bjrohanIf I paste the packages I upgraded this morning, and then my graphics went to low res, can someone help point me to what happened?00:19
ch33zin the "sites-available00:19
TJ-bharwell: The problem is caused because the underlying device name changes, and the installer can't find the original device. When using CD-ROMs one fix is to eject and reinsert the disc and remount it, and then Rescan CDROM. I'm not sure if you can do something similar... the issue you have is, the installer is looking for a /dev/scd device but its' running from a /dev/sdX device00:20
blobhave you tried, a2ensite ?00:20
kalibWeThePeople, update? sure? it will just update my source lists. o.O00:20
FloodBot1mobidun: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:20
bloba2ensite <site> && service apache2 restart00:20
kaliblet me try to reboot00:20
bharwellTJ-: Okay, thanks. I think I might be able to work it out with this info.00:20
admindude123Hey guys, I'm trying to change a win7 x64 admin pw using chntpw and when i try to blank out the admin pw it doesn't work....any ideas?00:21
ch33zblob so any help?00:21
FloodBot1mobidun: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:21
bloba2ensite <site> && service apache2 restart00:21
TJ-bharwell: See comment #2 of bug #55202200:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 552022 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "not finding cd drivers throws fatal error even though using USB" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55202200:22
blobch33z: the VirtualHost direct needs to be stored in a config file in /etc/apache2/sites-available/. when you use a2ensite it will create a symlink in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ to that config file. when you restart apache, the configs are reloaded. you might be able to just get away with service apache2 reload00:22
bjrohanAnyone knowledgable with ATI Radeon 1400 in 12.04? Mine wigged out today after an upgrade00:24
IUseOTRI just upgraded from 10.04 to 12.04.1.  I'm using a version of Blender newer than the one in the repository, and I'm having difficulty locking it to the launcher.  I stays until I logout.  Once I login again, it is no longer on the launcher.  So far, this problem is only with Blender.  I compiled Gimp 2.8 from source, and that stays locked as expected.  Is anybody else having this problem?00:24
hitesacentos rocks!00:24
hitesaubunto is for brazilians00:24
rypervencheI don't like either.^^00:25
hitesawindows 2008 rocks00:25
hitesafor n00bs00:25
bobweaver!ot | hitesa00:26
ubottuhitesa: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:26
szalhitesa: *yawn*00:26
ch33zah cool00:26
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ray76xmatrix >> synaptic package manager    xscreensaver-extras , go figure !! [sorted]00:27
bharwellTJ-: Yikes. I don't have the .iso itself on the USB drive, and now the machine I used to format the drive won't read it. :/00:28
TJ-bharwell: But you have the *contents* of the ISO on the device; that's what's running00:29
ch33zblob thanks00:29
bharwellTJ-: But isn't it saying to mount the ISO itself?00:29
TJ-bharwell: Is it the Precise alternate you're using?00:30
ch33zI actually have that conifgured blob00:30
bharwellTJ-: Yes.00:30
thinesnewbie here - 12.04 installed on new Lenovo i5 laptop.  Etherenet not recognized by Ubuntu.  Any suggestions - forums are too complex for me to follow.00:30
TJ-bharwell: this is more about the installer finding particular files... it's looking in the wrong place :s00:30
blobch33z: hope it worked.00:30
TJ-bharwell: If you have a few minutes... I'll reproduce it here in a VM and see if I can figure out a solution00:30
ch33znot quite test this00:30
bharwellTJ-: Thank you.00:30
TJ-bharwell: have to check whether I have the Precise alt. image in my archive00:31
blobthat does not look safe for work :x00:31
bharwellTJ-: Do I then need to mount the root of the USB to /cdrom? (sorry if I phrased that wrong)00:31
TJ-bharwell: I'm not sure; it was about 3/4 years ago that I had to deal with that bug on a server install. My memory isn't that good!00:32
pepperjackthines: what model laptop?00:33
TJ-bharwell: I had it using the CD.... the server I was installing on booted with the CD device as one thing (form BIOS) then after probing devices, had it's SCSI driver handling the CD device, which confused all heck out of the installer. Can't remember how I fixed it but I know I posted a bug report on it00:33
bharwellTJ-: Could you help me find the root of the USB? Would it be something along the lines of /dev/sd*?00:35
TJ-bharwell: Use "mount" to discover where "/" is mounted from - that'll be the USB device00:35
kalledeltaHi, I have a problem with setting up a 12.04 box as a NAT-router…00:36
bharwellTJ-: "rootfs on / type rootfs (rw)"?00:36
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TJ-bharwell: ahhh then no, it's mounting it via a loop I think00:37
kalledeltaMy packets just gets dropped even though I have tried evey tutorial that I have found on google...00:37
thinespepperjack: it's a Lenovo P580 - wireless is working00:37
blobkalledelta: pastebin the output of iptables --list00:38
thineslspci puts 01:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR8161 Gigabit Ethernet (rev 08)00:38
szalbasic routing functionality is an iptables three-liner00:38
TJ-bharwell: well, I found my original report bug  #14396300:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 143963 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "Gutsy Alternate fails: Debootstrap Error" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14396300:38
kalledeltablob: The first problem is that I cannot get logging on POSTROUTING under -t nat00:39
bharwellTJ-: Yeah, I've read through this one. Give me a sec to reread it.00:39
kalledeltait never gets there00:39
TJ-bharwell: and another report where I dealt with the issue: bug #'14395800:40
TJ-bharwell: and another report where I dealt with the issue: bug #14395800:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 143958 in udev (Ubuntu) "Gutsy Alternate fails: cannot detect and mount CD-ROM" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14395800:40
kalledeltaszal: can you write it in a private msg?00:40
TJ-bharwell: see in particular my comment #5 to that last report00:41
TJ-bharwell: I suspect you'd need to change the lines "  elif udevinfo -q name -p "$devpath" 2>/dev/null | \;     grep -q 'cd'; then   match=:" so the "cd" would match the device your USB is presented on (probably "sd")00:42
bharwellTJ-: I'm afraid I don't follow it.00:43
kalledeltablob: there is nothing to paste really… it's basically completely empty because I get stuck on the first steps.. Have enabled ip_forwarding, but nothing else.. The setup is kind of tricky though, since I have vlans over bonds and must use a link-network to route to the next hop.. So the server cannot have the actual ips on itself..00:43
szalkalledelta: can't remember what I used to make *buntu route my stuff though; my iptables.sav looks more complicated00:43
bharwellTJ-: Would it be alright if I copy over the output of "mount" to the Ubuntu pastebin so you can have a look at it?00:44
TJ-bharwell: sure00:44
blobwheres your tutorial?00:44
szalkalledelta: anyhoo, if you want to do it 'by hand' writing your own iptables rules you could peruse the well-written info on Internet connection sharing on the ArchLinux wiki00:44
bharwellTJ-: It'll take a minute, I have to copy it manually.00:45
blobkalledelta: also, is this for bridged vm's ?00:45
thinesls gives 01:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR8161 Gigabit Ethernet (rev 08) but no Ethernet00:45
TumI'm having the weirdest problem00:45
szaltime for me to go to bed00:45
thinesany help?00:45
TumCan anyone help?00:45
szalTum: have you stated your problem yet?00:45
TumI have not00:45
Tumjust don't know if anyone's not too busy00:46
szalTum: so how are we to know whether we can help then?00:46
TumMy webcam works fine in literally every program but skype00:46
Tumskype doesn't recognize it00:46
TumI know I know, nonfree, but so is Ubuntu itself00:46
TumSo, anyone have any clue what could be causing this?00:47
kalledeltablob: no.. it's actually for our new datacenter..00:47
TJ-Tum: that's a closed source binary blob. If the camera works fine with all the F/OSS then it's a Skype issue00:48
kalledeltablob: We're using private ips inside the firewall/router and also needs to be able to "use the internet" from the inside..00:48
craig-ppc-ubI'm still in the "trying it out" stage with this ibook and ubuntu.  I'm running lxde, and wondering if the sleep/wake up is going to work any better by switching to xfce, or if that's not where the problem probably lies.  It sleeps fine, but won't wake up.  Rather like me most days...00:48
Tumbut I need skype :c00:49
andrewh192hey, was wondering how i change or get to gstreamer-properties00:49
bjrohanHow can I tell if libllvm was installed before an update I did today?00:49
TumAny FOSS programs that do similar to skype?00:49
blobkalledelta: i might be able to help when i get home from work, sorry. leaving in a couple of minutes00:49
TJ-kalledelta: what steps have you taken to set up NAT? what interfaces does the system have?00:50
bjrohanAnyone on have experience with 12.04 and Ati Radeon?00:50
kalledeltaTJ: I have eth4+5 bonded under bond1, and vlan2 and vlan3 on bond1 (connections work there)00:51
ratcheerbjrohan: Sure.00:51
TJ-kalledelta: how have you configured netfilters? Are you doing it manually?00:52
optikxanyone wanna buy helpmeoutbro.com00:52
kalledeltaTJ: it's all manual… how do you mean configured netfilters? :-)00:52
kalledeltaTJ: Maybe I have missed a "small" detail...00:52
bjrohanratcheer: Everything was working well on my 12.04 machine with ATI x1400. Today i did an update, and now it only boots in low-res (not bad but 1200 instead of 1900)00:52
TJ-kalledelta: We use 'iptables' to configure the kernel netfilters.... nat, mangle, etc00:52
bjrohanratcheer: I have the list of items that were updated00:52
ratcheerOk. If the list is long, use a pastebin.00:53
kalledeltaTJ: ah.. well, I'm trying to use iptables.. but even though I have enabled ip_forward (in sysctl), the POSTROUTE doesn't even log...00:53
TJ-kalledelta: To save you some pain, at least to get it working initially, it might be a good idea to install and use shorewall to configure it for forwarding... then if you want to drop shorewall once it works, you can simply take it's rules using iptables-save00:53
bjrohanratcheer: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1186668/00:54
ratcheerbjrohan: What driver are you using?00:54
bjrohanI am new to Linux. I am not sure what the command is to show you00:54
bharwellTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1186669/00:54
TJ-kalledelta: FYI I have 12.04 servers doing the same job, one next to me bonds over 7 NICs and works flawlessly.00:54
TJ-bharwell: thanks, let me look. I'm still waiting for the alternate download of 12.04.1 to complete00:55
bjrohanratcheer: what command do I issue to show the driver?00:55
kalledeltaTJ: The —to-source works when I tries to ping or do whatever locally on the machine, but not from the outside..00:55
bharwellTum: hold on a sec, I've got you.00:55
kalledeltaTJ: and all iptable-chains have ACCEPT as default00:55
TJ-bharwell: it's the "/dev/sdb1 on /cdrom type iso9660" that is confusing it I think... the install thinks that "/dev/sdb1" ought to be something like "/dev/[s]cd"00:55
bjrohanratcheer: Also in about 5 minutes I have to get on a quick phone call :(00:56
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ratcheerbjrohan: Go to /var/log. Run "less Xorg.0.log". Search for LoadModule"00:56
TumI'm thinking Ekeiga00:56
TJ-kalledelta: you'd have to pastebin the iptables rules you're applying00:56
ratcheerbjrohan: You will have to search several times until you come to the video driver.00:56
m6d4kalledelta: we use ferm for our iptables rules management - don't know if you like it or not http://ferm.foo-projects.org/00:57
kalledeltaTJ: it's a oneliner right now.. iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o vlan3 -j SNAT --to-source (not actual ip)00:57
ratcheerbjrohan: You should find either radeon or fglrx00:57
bharwellTum: http://www.osalt.com/skype00:57
TJ-kalledelta: ahhh! You need more than that!00:57
bjrohanratcheer is it a huge file?00:57
bharwellTJ-: I'll be back presently00:57
ratcheerbjrohan: It's pretty good sized.00:58
TJ-bharwell: OK00:58
WeThePeopletum, see software center and type in "VoIP"00:58
bjrohanCan I open the file vs having it in a terminal scroll by?00:58
kalledeltaTJ: what am I missing? I've read some tutorials, and they almost ever say anything more than that00:58
TJ-kalledelta: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing#Ubuntu_Internet_Gateway_Method_.28iptables.2900:59
ratcheerbjrohan: Yes. But, use the less command.00:59
bjrohanI copy and pasted what you posted, it is still HUGE00:59
ratcheerbjrohan: What is huge?01:00
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bharwellTJ-: Did I mention that I don't have a cd drive?01:02
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bharwellTJ-: This is a netbook.01:02
bjrohanratcheer I can't copy and paste to search it :-( There appear to be many error messages01:02
battlestarAnyone have a recommendation for some default iptables rules? (drop incoming except established, allow outgoing, don't forward, etc.)01:02
* battlestar doesn't recommend typing "iptable -P OUTPUT DROP" from an SSH session... :-(01:03
bkc_battlestar: that sounds like an awesome plan! :D01:03
ratcheerbjrohan: Let's start over. Type "less /var/log/Xorg.0.log". This will open the file so you can search in it.01:03
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Guest37640how can i remove the empathy status icons01:04
battlestarSomehow I though I could just add the established part later... :-/01:04
TJ-bharwell: But the alternate installer *assumes* it is running from a CD... that's the issue. We have to persuade it not to make that assumption01:05
battlestarI'm glad I only had to walk down stairs...01:05
bharwellTJ-: Right.01:05
bharwellTJ-: Or make it think it is?01:06
TJ-bharwell: no, make it not assume it is :)01:06
BentFranklin12.04 Server: Where is my umask set?  Not in .profile, .bashrc, or /etc/profile.d.01:06
bharwellTJ-: Aww, okay.01:06
L1Is it possible to encrypt my full system partition (I assume with LUKs) after install?01:06
bjrohanSorry ratcheers: it is still HUGE!01:07
bjrohanratcheer It is big, I am on the phone and will get back to you in a bit01:07
ratcheerbjrohan: I am totally confused. less is supposed to view one page at a time.01:08
kalledeltaTJ: Still no go...01:08
matti_my inspiron laptop with ATI graphics card  and 2.0GHz Dual Core with ubuntu 12.02 is lagging can not see youtube clips in full screen01:09
XiRoNIs there a way to forcekill all java?01:09
XiRoNIn ubuntu01:09
TJ-kalledelta: have you configured the default route as well?01:09
nbfi love ubuntu01:10
kalledeltaTJ: http://pastebin.com/GA1MSrZ401:10
kalledeltaTJ: default route is a bit wierd.. I don't really want to fiddle too much with it, since I'm at home and the servers and switches are at the office...01:10
matti_XiRoN,  i think xkill will do the trick if java hace an window ...01:11
matti_XiRoN,  otherwise use kill and the ID of the process ...01:11
kalledeltaTJ: But yes, the default route with the lowest metric is via my link-connection.. on the correct interface..01:11
TJ-kalledelta: and '' is the IP on vlan3 ?01:12
XiRoNWhat I'm trying to avoid is having to put the PID, also I am using ubuntu server.01:12
kalledeltaTJ: no, the ip on vlan3 is a different one… I have a /30-network that I connect my equipment with my ISP… and they forward my ip-net to my part...01:12
matti_my top shows me 10% usage of CPU but fan roaring like crazy, where can i start trouble shooting ?01:13
kalledeltaTJ: Lets call it like this: (ISP) (me)01:13
matti_everything goes in slow motion even this typing  of text ...01:13
Smackbookdoes anyone know where Deluge web ui configs are stored?01:13
Smackbooki can't find this anywhere on google01:13
kalledeltaTJ: default route is via dev vlan3 metric 5001:13
TJ-kalledelta: I think that might be the issue... that IP is what is attached to the outgoing packets from vlan3 as the source IP. So that can get sent out, but the upstream router responsible for returning packets will do an ARP who-has and not get a response from vlan3 saying I-have-it01:15
cje_I am a volunteer for a poor public school  I am trying to troubleshoot a D-link WBR-2310 wireless router.  The Ubuntu 12.04 notebook can see it, but not connect.  What should I do next?01:15
Smackbookcje_: you have my sympathies, but i cannot help01:16
kalledeltaTJ: Ok… do you have any possible solution for this?01:16
TJ-kalledelta: I'm trying to get my head around your network topology. any chance you can write me a diagram and send it privately so I can manage that? it's hard dealing with examples :s01:17
cje_Smackbook, thx for the sympathy.  heh01:17
cje_I know that the notebook is working properly, because it can access another wifi access point in the school, just not the one in this classroom.01:18
chobohave you checked your home directory, smacbook?01:18
kalledeltaTJ: It's not really that complicated… it's basically the "internet" on one side, my ip net on the other, connected with a third network between them
kalledeltaTJ: My ISP forwards all traffic that is supposed to go to my ips (80…) to
kalledeltaTJ: And I forward all my connections going to Internet via
m6d4kalledelta: you have a dev called vlan3 on your linux box or bond1 ?01:20
kalledeltam6d4: I have a bond1 that is made up of eth4+5 and then I have a dev called vlan3 that uses bond1 as the raw device01:20
TJ-kalledelta: and your router for knows to forward through the bond at its end, to vlan3 on the server?01:20
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cje_Anyone have any experience trouble shooting a D-link WBR-2310 wireless router?01:21
bjrohanratcheer: i am back01:21
ratcheerbjrohan: Ok.01:21
bjrohanAnyone, what term can I use so I can scroll and then copy paste?01:21
kalledeltaTJ: vlan3 has ip  .. But I haven't got far the easiest point..01:22
ratcheerbjrohan: When you open the file with "less", it should be showing you one page at a time.01:22
bjrohanratcheer this file is large and I can't copy and past it to be able to search it?01:22
kalledeltaTJ: When I ping from the NAT-machine to I get this in tcpdump on vlan301:22
bjrohanratcheer it isn't :-(01:22
bjrohanI used this command: less /var/log/Xorg.0.log01:22
TJ-kalledelta: so is presenting the 80.a.b.c IP to the ISP on its external interface then?01:23
ratcheerOk, try this: grep LoadModule /var/log/Xorg.0.log01:23
kalledeltaTJ: 03:23:14.230129 IP > ICMP echo request, id 19938, seq 8, length 6401:24
kalledeltaTJ: I think you can call it that way...01:24
TJ-kalledelta: if what I just said is correct, then the SNAT on vlan3 should be attaching as the source the IP that sees coming from vlan3 (which I think you said is
=== tony_ is now known as bowecho
bjrohanratcheer: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1186683/01:24
bjrohanratcheer: going throught the longer way I did see where it would try to load things, then they didn't work, then it loaded something else related to the graphics01:25
TJ-kalledelta: unless you have the router doing layer 2 forwarding so that 80.a.b.c can be assigned to vlan3 on the server, then the router will need to NAT the public IP address01:25
TJ-kalledelta: which ever system and interface answers to 80.a.b.c will have to do the NAT01:26
ratcheerbjrohan: Yes, that's what it looks like. Which driver do you want to use?01:26
bjrohanThe one that will get my Inspiron 6400 to work at a higher res01:26
TJ-kalledelta: you might be able to use a PPPoE tunnel from vlan3 to the router to achieve that, and have a ppp0 over vlan3 that presents 80.a.b.c - *than* you can NAT it01:26
m6d4cje_: have you tried using different channels ?01:27
bjrohanI can send you over a lof of what I had done before to get a higher res01:27
cje_m6d4, no, how do I do that?01:27
kalledeltaTJ: and is doing layer2 yes.. So we are not just supposed to put a switch in and put 10 boxes there with out public ips on them...01:27
ratcheerbjrohan: It shouldn't be difficult with either driver, but it looks like you have drivers stepping all over each other.01:28
bjrohanratcheer: Here is what I did in June when I had low-res problems that resolved it. I don't know what I did but it worked. Search for bjrohan http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/06/23/%23ubuntu.html01:28
m6d4cje_: can you connect to router via ethernet cable and check the settings ?01:28
kalledeltaTJ: But the strange thing that I think is that the postrouting works when I do stuff locally on the machine, but it's not getting transferred between vlan2 and vlan301:28
cje_m6d4, I can connect to the router via ethernet, yes.  What settings should I check?01:29
TJ-kalledelta: if the source IP attached to the packets by the rules doesn't match the IP that vlan3 answers to, then that's what I'd expect01:29
kalledeltaTJ: ok… do I need to do some nasty fw marking and routing rules then?01:29
BentFranklinAnyone know of a program for pastebinning from a terminal?01:30
TJ-kalledelta: If you're forwarding 80.a.b.c over layer 2 to vlan3... then maybe all you need is a virtual interface vlan3:1 with the 80.a.b.c IP01:30
TJ-kalledelta: as you can probably tell, my head is hurting :p01:30
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com01:31
ratcheerbjrohan: Ok, the problem is that the current Catalyst (fglrx) driver no longer supports your video card.01:31
TJ-kalledelta: it all comes down to which interface *answers* to the 80.a.b.c IPv4 address. Because arp on the ethernet segments will be doing who-has 80.a.b.c01:31
cje_m6d4, I have to go now.  I am grateful for your help01:31
ratcheerbjrohan: When you installed the upgrades, you probably installed the latest driver. You need to switch to using the FOSS radeon driver.01:32
kalledeltaTJ: yes, but my server knows that I should be talking to that does all my forwarding...01:32
bharwellTJ-: has that iso finished downloading?01:33
bjrohanratcheer, let me know what to do and I will give it a go :-)01:33
TJ-kalledelta: yeah... that's my point... if actually has 80.a.b.c assigned to one if its interfaces, then it'll never route packets for that destination outside of itself01:33
TJ-bharwell: I'm putting it on a USB now01:33
bharwellTJ-: thanks01:33
ratcheerbjrohan: I don't know exactly what you need to do because I've never done that before. You need to find instructions to remove Catalyst and confugure your system to use radeon.01:34
bjrohanratcheer: I greatly appreciate this01:34
bjrohanwhat about the vvlim?01:35
bjrohansomeone said that was on there and is spanking new ratcheer01:35
ratcheerbjrohan: Sorry, I have no idea what vvlim is.01:35
FunkyELFI edited /etc/php5/cli/php.ini and now want to revert it back to original... I reinstalled php5-common and it is still in its edited state.  How to revert this file?01:35
ratcheerbjrohan: There should be instructions in the ubuntu.com docs for switching from fglrx to radeon.01:36
hak1hi !01:37
rhizmoehow do i prevent the system updater from nagging me about "recommended updates?"01:37
kalledeltaTJ: Since I only have a "mock" of (which represents my ISPs router), I can see the traffic coming there when I do a ping from "my" router...01:37
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kalledeltaTJ: and there I see my SNAT ip > target IP ...01:38
TJ-kalledelta: those are the outgoing packets from vlan3 being seen as they arrive on
ratcheerbjrohan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver01:39
TJ-kalledelta: won't care too much what the source IP is; it'll be more interested in the destination IP01:39
kalledeltaTJ: Yes.. they are sent on my router vlan3 that has ip to my ISPs router .1501:39
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kalledeltaTJ: Well, they look at the source ip also since they don't want to spoof traffic :-)01:40
bjrohanratcheer thank you01:40
TJ-kalledelta: yes but only for creating the conntrack table01:40
TJ-kalledelta: but when packets come back with a destination IP of 80.a.b.c it'll route those to the device that advertises over ARP "I have 80.a.b.c"01:41
ratcheerbjrohan: You're welcome.01:41
kalledeltaTJ: No, they will be sent to the device answering ARP for
kalledeltaTJ: you sent me a link earlier… do you know what that filter-output-thingy is? in the forward chain?01:42
TJ-kalledelta: OK, yes, sorry... layer 2 forwarding! It's looong past my bedtime01:42
kalledeltaTJ: for me too.. it's 03:42 here in sweden :-)01:42
hak1how i can   paste files  to /usr/share/applications  protected directed directory via terminal ?01:42
seraph13is anyone receiving this message01:42
TJ-kalledelta:  you're an hour ahead of me :p01:42
seraph13i guess not01:43
TJ-kalledelta: So it comes back to the fact, you need an interface on the server that answers to 80.a.b.c ... vlan3:1 would be the way to do that I think, then that machines internal routing table will know what to do01:43
ghostnik11hi i am running a vga cable to my 27 inch sony flat from my desktop and my nvidia driver i installed the one from nvidia directly via terminal. the thing is that i am now stuck with 640 x 480 resolution and want to increase my resolution, i have edited the xorg.conf file and have gotten no where? how can i fix this issue?01:43
rhizmoekillall update-notifier will have to do for now, i guess01:43
kalledeltaTJ: tried that… just did a ip a add 80.xxxxx and it didn't do any difference01:44
TJ-kalledelta: you'd change that iptables rule slightly so it forwards out on vlan3:101:44
rhizmoeghostnik11: what does "i have edited" mean?01:44
abimaelHi :-)01:44
TJ-kalledelta: what does the routing table look like now you've added the IP?01:45
ghostnik11rhizmoe: i have added mode 1028 x 768 (the standard resolution for every monitor) in screen section of xorg.conf01:45
=== DeviceZer0 is now known as rOOb
ghostnik11rhizmoe: would you like me to show you a pastebin of current xorg.conf01:46
ghostnik11rhizmoe: one sec will get it real quick01:46
ghostnik11rhizmoe: here is a pastebin of what i have done: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1186706/01:48
kalledeltaTJ: dev vlan3  proto kernel  scope link  src
kalledeltano new gateways01:49
kalledeltaTJ: should I do something with the mangle-stuff?01:49
rhizmoeghostnik11: when you say "every monitor," have you verified that your TV can display that resolution?01:49
bjrohanratcheers: I followed the link on the page you sent to remove the drivers, when I did it said nothing was removed :-( Also that pages doesn't say how ti install the radeon driver01:49
TJ-kalledelta: It ought to be able to cope now... as long as is forwarding 80.a.b.c back to vlan301:49
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kalledeltaTJ: it doesn't work...01:51
=== aplattner is now known as mardril
abimaelanybody Good at BLENDER??01:51
abimael3D Design??01:51
ghostnik11rhizmoe: good point here is what i can output from this paste bin when i run this command xrandr -d :0 -q01:52
z1lt0idjust wondering how simple it is to use openbox in conjunction with gnome on ubuntu 12.04?01:53
ghostnik11rhizmoe: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1186707/01:53
TJ-kalledelta: are you forwarding all the to vlan3?01:54
ghostnik11rhizmoe: also i know as a primary source i can fire off resolution 1024 x 768 because when i use nouvea driver it runs that resolution01:54
robotwizardhow does one install Ubuntu desktop dual boot xp on first hard drive Ubuntu on second nutbootloader on floppy drive?01:55
kalledeltaTJ: vlan3 is just the logical name.. I forward it to
qwebirc83149I have a P4 on an 845g MB running 10.04. I wanted to start fresh, so I download mythbuntu-12.04.1-desktop-i386.iso and used the startup disk creator to make a bootable usb from the image. But I get the following when I try to boot from it. I have tried two different usb drives and checked the md5sum of the iso.  kernal panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(2,0) Pid: 1, comm: swapper/0 Not tainted 3.2.01:55
kalledeltathat is my default gateway01:55
TJ-kalledelta: yeah, that's what I mean. The router ( isn't splitting off one of the IPs to another device?01:55
TJ-kalledelta: so that means the netmask for the 80.a.b.c on vlan3 needs to bet set to a /30 too01:56
ghostnik11rhizmoe: sorry i gave you a bad pastebin last time, it didn't have everything because terminal wasn't maximized01:56
kalledeltathe 80.a.b.c is /2701:57
jonathan_something is wrong with my sound01:57
TJ-kalledelta: ahh sorry. Your earlier comment confused me, /30 is on the router!01:57
robotwizardmeant "bootloader"01:57
ghostnik11rhizmoe: sorry it was the whole thing01:58
cowsquadwhere do I find the package manager in ubuntu 12.04?01:58
xanguacowsquad: software center is right there in the launcher; if you mean synaptic open software center and install it01:58
m6d4cowsquad: press the window key then type synaptic software01:59
TJ-kalledelta: can you see any ping packets going through your router right now? I'm pinging the 80....163 address01:59
jonathan_sound works in browser but won't play in music player.. on sound menu output and input are empty.01:59
ghostnik11cowsquad: if your talking about synaptic its not installed by default you to do so from ubuntu software manager01:59
kalledeltaTJ: it's not live...01:59
TJ-kalledelta: well that shoots that down then!01:59
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cowsquadxangua, ops, yeah synaptic. Got damn, I thought this was mint lol01:59
kalledeltaTJ: that would have been a good idea to find something from the outside, but it sits in our lab right now...02:00
TJ-kalledelta: if it's not live how do you expect to get replies to pings sourced on the server? if is forwarding the packets, there's nothing 'upstream' that can 'bounce' the packets, is there?02:01
TJ-kalledelta: I mean, packets for that 80.a.b.c IP are routed by the ISP to your which forwards them over layer 2 to Because there is no layer 3 routing, if the ISP isn't live, there's nothing that can talk back right now02:02
TJ-kalledelta: unless you have another box on the other side of that is simulating the ISP?02:02
kalledeltaTJ: I have a different box that I run tcpdump on that listens to
TJ-kalledelta: OK02:03
TJ-kalledelta: How about you try operating those NAT rules with a source-IP (for now!) of and see if that works... if it does, you know its more to do with the ISP connection not being live02:04
moracabanashey i want tu autostart a command with argument before i log in my acount. I want to start this "wminput -w -r"...all in ubuntu 12.0402:04
jimi_What is the default pam auth system used w/ linux out of the box?02:06
CharlieGulfHi everyone. I'm trying to setup a CUPS-PDF virtual PDF printer. I think I have managed toadd the printer. but can't figure out how to share and connect to it with my windows 7 pc.02:06
kalledeltaTJ: Not sure how you mean...02:07
=== megabitdragon is now known as zz_megabitdragon
inf3kt3dhey guys, successfully installed ubuntu 12.04 32bit via WD scorpio in enclosure over usb. problem is, when i reconnect my internal primary HDD, ubuntu will not start, even tho it has boot priority. internal drive does not start either. any ideas?02:11
ring2moracabanas, you could put in /etc/rc.local02:11
_raven12.04 network card does not turn on automatically any more. i have to replug the wire to enable it - any ideas how to enable it by software??02:11
h00kinf3kt3d: it's probably where your bootloader is installed02:12
h00kinf3kt3d: that is your issue02:12
h00kubottu: grub2 | inf3kt3d you can find information on that here02:13
ubottuinf3kt3d you can find information on that here: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)02:13
inf3kt3dinternal drive was disconnected for linux install, could i have missed something during install that i did not include GRUB?02:13
moracabanasHello <ring2> . Are you sure this method could start wminput before loggin? could you give me some more details about it? Thanks!02:14
rubencan someone pleas ehelp me02:15
=== ruben is now known as Guest16553
TJ-bharwell: I almost killed my lappy creating that USB from the ISO... used 'dd' and was accidentally writing 1GB blocks instead of 1MB blocks... PC slowed like I was wading thru treacle and to make matters worse I had plugged the USB stick into a USB 1.1 port, not the USB2 ports! :p02:15
WeThePeopleruben, just ask02:15
h00kinf3kt3d: I don't think so, if you went through the normal installer...hmm. See if someone else has any ideas, I have to run.02:15
Guest16553can someone pleas ehelp me ive been looking online for like an hour and nothing02:15
SquarismMan, i miss a good editor on linux... vim/emacs are too excentric... geany - to buggy, gedit - to basic02:15
inf3kt3dthanks tho Hook!02:15
Guest16553i just installed ubuntu  and iw as on windows xp02:15
WeThePeopleguest16553, ask your question02:16
Guest16553now when i finished the install and i rebooted only the top left of my screen actually shows anything02:16
bharwellTJ-: Oh jeez xD02:16
h00kSquarism: check in the software center for editors, how are you defining 'good'? Also, maybe bestbot has some ideas02:16
bokbokbokSquarism: kate02:16
h00k!best | Squarism02:16
ubottuSquarism: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.02:16
Guest16553the resolution my laptop is running is at 640x48002:16
ring2moracabanas, everything inside rc.local is executed as root at system boot02:16
TJ-bharwell: firing it up in a VM now02:16
WeThePeopleguest16553, is it a dual boot machine02:17
Guest16553no its not, ubuntu is the only os on here02:17
Squarismh00k, true02:17
ring2moracabanas, but as i read, for wminput it's more suitable to put it in ~/.xsessionrc02:17
Squarismh00k, well my definition of good is windows style ui + shortcuts.. . the common look and feel of new apps today so to speak.. feature rich and no "exotic" soluitions02:17
ring2moracabanas, this way it's started automatically with your graphical environment before you log in02:18
WeThePeopleguest16553, can you access the terminal?02:18
Guest16553yeah i can02:18
Guest16553WeThePeople, yes i acan02:18
williamherryI read from mail list that chromium no longer maintained, is this true, why02:18
bokbokbokSquarism: what was your editor of choice on windows?02:18
BentFranklinMy 12.04 server used to be 10.4 desktop, and sound worked then.  Now it won't.  I worked through the Sound Troubleshooting website.  (Speakers are on and work in another comp.)  Is aplay Front_Center.wav a good way to test the sound?02:18
Guest16553i can*02:18
Squarismbokbokbok, textpad02:18
=== Guest16553 is now known as rubenjr7777
rubenjr7777WeThePeople, yes i can access the terminal02:19
_ravenhow to create encrypted swap manually?02:19
h00kSquarism: you might want to check outside the repository also, like Sublime Text 2 or something.02:19
Squarismbokbokbok, got any suggestions?02:19
Geoffrey2at one point I'd found a website that showed how to mount an external pen drive that was being treated like a SCSI device....anyone have an address for it?02:19
Squarismh00k, ive been wanting ot check out sublime..thought it was windows only and not freeware02:19
WeThePeoplerubenjr7777, i think it may be a vid card problem, hold on let me see what i ca find02:20
inf3kt3dhow do i get out of unregged here?02:20
moracabanasHello. How can I autostart "wminput -w -r" with etc/rc.local. I need to run this comman before loggin. Thanks!02:20
rubenjr7777WeThePeople, i have a onboard intel video card that comes with the dell inspiron 110002:20
sloweQuick question: I'm trying to compile the latest version of libvirt (0.10.1), but it's complaining that it can't find libnl-dev. I know it's installed. Any ideas why libnl isn't being detected?02:20
ring2moracabanas, i just told you how02:21
WeThePeoplerubenjr7777, type lshw in terminal02:21
rubenjr7777WeThePeople, it also doesnt alow me to change the resolution02:21
WeThePeopleand paste to paste.ubuntu.com02:21
bokbokbokSquarism: nah, i use gvim so i can't offer anything.02:21
h00k!registr | inf3kt3d02:21
bokbokbokdoes ubuntu use systemd now?02:21
h00kubottu: tell inf3kt3d about register02:22
ubottuinf3kt3d, please see my private message02:22
Squarismbokbokbok, does gvim have any of the wierdness of console vim?02:22
rubenjr7777WeThePeople, i didint understand the paste part, what did u mean?02:22
rubenjr7777WeThePeople,  i typed lshw and a bunch of things came up a long list02:22
Squarism"insert mode" ffs02:22
bkc_Squarism: gvim is vim with a GUI... that's it...02:22
Squarismso damn lol02:22
inf3kt3dty so much02:22
bokbokbokSquarism: all the same weirdness with gtk menus, a button bar, better mouse selection and Xft rendering02:22
WeThePeoplerubenjr7777, copy and paste the output to http://paste.ubuntu.com02:22
sloweAnyone have any suggestions on why the configure script to compile libvirt (0.10.1) on Ubuntu 12.04.1 won't find the installed libnl-dev package?02:23
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode02:23
rubenjr7777WeThePeople, in the browser or terminal?02:23
BentFranklinWhen I use aplay it says: ... cannot find card '0'02:24
rubenjr7777WeThePeople,  okay im at the website02:24
=== Steve___ is now known as Guest80740
WeThePeoplerubenjr7777, copy and paste terminal output to the box02:24
ring2moracabanas, execute this in a terminal and restart afterwards: echo "wminput -w -r &" > ~/.xsessionrc02:24
WeThePeopleand copy and paste the url to your irc client02:24
=== BigSlimer is now known as BigSexySlimer
rubenjr7777WeThePeople, okay did02:25
bkc_WeThePeople: or... use pastebinit...02:25
sloweAnyone had any success compiling libvirt 0.10.1 on Ubuntu 12.04.1? I've run into an issue and any help would be appreciated.02:25
BigSexySlimerhey guys, do people using ubuntu still have issues with their computer going to sleep?02:25
excelsiorlove my ubuntu, BTW02:25
bkc_BigSexySlimer: never had any problems with my laptops02:26
rubenjr7777WeThePeople, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1186737/02:26
excelsiorUbuntu FTW, BTW. :) Hugs and kisses.02:26
moracabanasSorry Ring2, i don't read it in time, thanks for al your help02:26
BigSexySlimerbkc_ let's just say fedora, opensuse, trisquel all couln't make my computer suspend02:26
BigSexySlimerit always restarted02:26
bkc_BigSexySlimer: install pm-utils02:27
ring2moracabanas, did you get the command?02:27
TJ-bharwell: It's doing something :p02:28
BigSexySlimerbkc_ it's not installed by default?02:28
WeThePeoplerubenjr7777, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=184602302:28
h00kBigSexySlimer: I haven't had issues on quite a few different hardwares in the last two years, the kernel has gotten considerably better02:28
BigSexySlimerh00k: i get the impression it's not a kernel issue but rather a package issue like bnc seems to be suggesting02:28
bkc_BigSexySlimer: also setup some kernel-parameters, have a swap-partition, and if you still have programs you have to give pm-utils a couple of pointers on what to do on suspend/resume...02:28
sloweAny takers on a question regarding compiling libvirt 0.10.1 on Ubuntu 12.04.1?02:28
BigSexySlimeri had to go back to windows (where i am now) just to get my computer to sleep ... it was getting tiring to say the least02:29
inf3kt3dhook: my ident is already registered with freenode, yet im still brought to ubuntu-unregged02:29
bkc_BigSexySlimer: if you can run pm-suspend, then you have pm-utils...02:29
Supermanintightshi, I've recently set up my thunderbird with my calendar settings, and I'm looking for a way to run it through a screensaver - either directly or a screensaver that just displays the content behind it in some way.  I want to leave my calendar running in the background on one of my machines, but I want to try and avoid image burn etc.02:29
TJ-BigSexySlimer: Check /var/log/kern.log ... the kernel now reports which processes or tasks prevent the suspend operation02:29
rubenjr7777WeThePeople, ill try02:29
h00kBigSexySlimer: well, the issues previously were with the kernel handing different subsystems in inappropriate order, but they've done lots of collaboration in the past two years02:29
h00kinf3kt3d: are you logged in?02:30
BigSexySlimerinf3kt3d /set irc_delay_time 10 has to be added to your irc program if i'm not mistaken02:30
TJ-BigSexySlimer: some device drivers are still problematic; as are things like NFS shares in some circumstances. I moved to Linux v3.6rc4 recently and suspend improved in speed and reliability dramatically02:30
BigSexySlimerTJ- if i plan on using the binary nvidia driver over nouveau, will that cause issues?02:30
h00kBigSexySlimer: Even with the binary driver, suspend works beautifuly here02:31
TJ-BigSexySlimer: I'm using Nvidia 304 and its been great. Some great new multi-monitor and xrandr support and it auto configures across multiple monitors now just like nouveau02:31
inf3kt3dhook: yes im logged in BigSexySlimer: i get no such variable :shrug:02:31
BigSexySlimerinf3kt3d it's a variation of that. if you /j #fedora, it actually gives you the exact command in the topic02:32
TJ-BigSexySlimer: sometimes after a suspend or having closed the laptop lid, I have to run nvidia-settings to reconfigure the 2nd screen, but its still much better than the nvidia 295 experience02:32
rubenjr7777WeThePeople, which part am i supposed to do? im confused02:32
BigSexySlimerTJ- and ubuntu is up to the 304 driver?02:32
TJ-BigSexySlimer: It's in Precise-proposed02:33
bkc_BigSexySlimer: ppa02:33
bkc_or just install directly from nvidia's site?02:33
Adiehas anyone ever had issues with the mouse cursor becoming corrupted on a multi-head unit02:33
WeThePeoplerubenjr7777, im still looking02:33
Adiebut only displayed wrong on ONE screen02:33
BigSexySlimerbkc: neither, i'd just use whatever the system proposes02:33
BigSexySlimerwhatever,s in the repository02:34
rubenjr7777WeThePeople,  ahh okay02:34
Supermanintightshi, I've recently set up my thunderbird with my calendar settings, and I'm looking for a way to run it through a screensaver - either directly or a screensaver that just displays the content behind it in some way.  I want to leave my calendar running in the background on one of my machines, but I want to try and avoid image burn etc. Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas on how I can accomplish this?02:34
WeThePeoplerubenjr7777, http://www.google.com/#hl=en&sclient=psy-ab&q=82845G%2FGL%5BBrookdale-G%5D%2FGE+Chipset+Integrated+Graphics+Device&oq=82845G%2FGL%5BBrookdale-G%5D%2FGE+Chipset+Integrated+Graphics+Device&gs_l=hp.3..0j0i30j0i5i30j0i30.1228.436927.0.438318.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=c4f252c8100b8cf5&biw=1214&bih=63202:35
h00kSupermanintights: do you currently have a CRT Monitor?02:35
Supermanintightsit's an LCD tv02:35
h00kSupermanintights: Unless it's staying the same for like...years...you shouldn't have to worry too much about burn-in02:36
TJ-bharwell: Grrr! I couldn't get it to fail!02:36
rubenjr7777WeThePeople, by the way did u get to look at my system specs? i know its an old laptop but it has a 2.2 ghz and a gig of ram, should this be enough to run ubuntu cause right now its going pretty slow haha02:36
Supermanintightsok cool, it's simply as it could be left on the calendar for several hours a day straight - like 6, so was just concerned with it being a static image for so long.02:37
Supermanintightsthanks h00k02:37
WeThePeoplerubenjr7777, im on pent 4 with 3 ghz and it runs with no probs02:37
WeThePeoplerubenjr7777, the specs are good02:37
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rubenjr7777idk im hoping this problem is also making the computer lag abit02:37
rubenjr7777so if i fix it the lag will go away02:38
bharwellTJ-: Ahh well, thanks anyway. I'm almost done downloading the live installer anyway.02:38
bharwellTJ-: Again, thanks for all your help.02:38
bharwellTJ-: Now get some sleep.02:38
WeThePeoplerubenjr7777, idk02:39
TJ-bharwell: I'm gonna try again!02:39
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grkbloodwhats an app that has a detachable calender?'02:40
taitustitoeste lugar es para consultar sobre ubuntu verdad?02:40
WeThePeoplerubenjr7777, what distro you on02:40
taitustitotengo inconvenientes con la frecuencia de mi monitor en ubuntu 12. Solo en modo consola. alguien me puede ayudar02:41
WeThePeoplerubenjr7777, you can try sudo apt-get update in terminal02:43
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TJ-bharwell: so many people are hit by this, it would be good to get a final solution to it02:43
bkc_!es | taitustito02:44
ubottutaitustito: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.02:44
rubenjr7777WeThePeople, the most recent ubuntu02:45
rubenjr7777WeThePeople,  i downloaded it and put it on a flash drive today02:45
rubenjr7777WeThePeople,  i have been having this problem since and i have nothing to update anymore and it also says that there are nomore additional drivers02:46
bkc_rubenjr7777: that means you have 5months old software on your harddrive... *update*02:46
rubenjr7777bkc_, i have already it says there no more updates02:46
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WeThePeoplerubenjr7777, you have tried the apt-get update command then02:46
rubenjr7777WeThePeople, i just did it now02:47
rubenjr7777WeThePeople,  it showed a bunch of things but didint download anything i dont think at least02:47
rubenjr7777its done already02:47
rubenjr7777WeThePeople, its done already02:47
WeThePeopleim still lookin02:47
rubenjr7777this is the worst =[ i cant even ready haha only 1/4 of my screen is being used02:48
rubenjr7777as if this 15 inch screen wasnt smal enought o begin with02:48
WeThePeoplerubenjr7777, are you on a laptop02:48
rubenjr7777WeThePeople, yes02:48
rubenjr7777WeThePeople, dell inspiron 110002:49
rubenjr7777WeThePeople,  i changed the processor and ram but the graphic card stayed the same02:49
bkc_ooh... lag with an intel-graphics card? that's a bug in the intel-driver02:49
rubenjr7777WeThePeople,  i used to have ubuntu about a year ago on it before and i never had this problem so im not sure why im getting now02:50
bkc_I have it on a preatty good dual-core laptop with arch/openbox... still no go02:50
rubenjr7777bkc_, nah its like only the top left 1/4  of my screen is actually showing somehting and al windows are cut off cause the display area is so small02:50
bkc_tried xrandr?02:51
rubenjr7777bkc_, the resolution is locked to 640x48002:51
bkc_paste the output of xrandr, and I'll have a look02:51
rubenjr7777the worst part is i have to type college essays soon so if i cant get this tonight im going to have to go back to windows xp and type on notebad......just great02:51
rubenjr7777ruben@ruben-Inspiron-1100:~$ xrandr02:52
rubenjr7777Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 640 x 480, maximum 2048 x 204802:52
rubenjr7777VGA1 unknown connection (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)02:52
rubenjr7777   1360x768       59.802:52
rubenjr7777   1152x864       60.002:52
FloodBot1rubenjr7777: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:52
rubenjr7777   1024x768       60.002:52
bkc_I'd suggest installing OpenOffice or LibreOffice on WinCP and come back tomorrow :)02:52
rubenjr7777i can only see out of the smal top left 1/4 of my 15 inch screen though, thats small haha and its cut off all windows cause the display area is so small02:53
bkc_but, "Screen 0" is obviously wrong and not identified correctly... it should say "LVDS" and maybe some digit afterwards :)02:53
BentFranklinrubenjr7777:  A legal pad and a scanner is better than notepad.02:54
bkc_I meant reboot to Windows, install OpenOffice/LibreOffice, do your homework and play some more tomorrow :)02:54
bkc_BentFranklin: xD02:54
rubenjr7777BentFranklin, i agree02:54
rubenjr7777bkc_, ubuntu is the only os on the hd now02:54
TJ-rubenjr7777: You're not the only one affected the same on the model; You might want to read this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=11372520&postcount=502:55
rubenjr7777do u think if i tried another distro this problem will persist also?02:55
bkc_rubenjr7777: me guess from that paste is that the driver thinks your LCD is connected to VGA1, and then defaults to 640x480 on the LVDS :/02:55
bkc_try xrandr --output VGA1 --mode 1360x76802:56
TJ-rubenjr7777: Here's a potential solution http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=11094421&postcount=602:56
bkc_rubenjr7777: or 1024x768... depending on what resolution it should be02:56
rubenjr7777bkc_, xrandr: cannot find mode 1360x7602:56
TJ-rubenjr7777: "Basically to fix the problem what needs to happen is after the machine fires up, it needs to switch to02:57
TJ-character mode before switching into graphical mode, and there needs to be a few seconds in character mode so that your absolutely assured that the mode-set BIOS code has finished executing."02:57
TJ-rubenjr7777: So the solution seems to be, to edit /etc/default/grub and remove the "quiet splash" options plus have the GRUB menu around for a few seconds to make the BIOS switch into text mode first02:58
bkc_rubenjr7777: you missed the last digit ;)02:58
rubenjr7777TJ-, that is pretty complicated haha02:58
TJ-rubenjr7777: It also goes on to say (in that thread) "With your bios updated (A32), I also recommend setting your bios start memory (sorry I'm not sure exactly what it is labeled) to 8mb (the default is 1mb). You can access that by entering into your bios at start up. It seems to help, or at least appears to provide a smoother start up into Ubuntu."02:59
rubenjr7777so 1mb instead of 8mb? wont this affect performance!!!02:59
rubenjr7777well im going to try that really quick il brb03:00
TJ-rubenjr7777: you can interrupt the bootloader as the PC starts by holding down the SHIFT key. When the boot menu shows, press "e" to edit the top entry... then move the cursor to the line beginning "linux..." and move along to delete "quiet splash" ... then press Ctrl+X to boot that modified configuration. That *might* get you in with a full size screen. If it does, you can then immediately edit "/etc/default/grub" with a text-editor to remove "quiet splash" perma03:01
TJ-nently and then do "sudo update-grub" to write the new configuration to disk03:01
Roweycan someone please help me with partition issues on ubuntu?03:01
TJ-rubenjr7777: That articles says video RAM set to 8MB ( from a default of 1MB)03:02
WeThePeoplerowey, just ask03:03
TJ-rubenjr7777: Set it higher than 8MB if that PC has 512MB of RAM, if it allows that to be done03:03
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rubenjr7777still no luck =[03:05
rubenjr7777im just going to try linux mint or somehting then03:06
TJ-rubenjr7777: That articles says video RAM set to 8MB ( from a default of 1MB)03:06
TJ-rubenjr7777: Set it higher than 8MB if that PC has 512MB of RAM, if it allows that to be done03:06
TJ-rubenjr7777: you can interrupt the bootloader as the PC starts by holding down the SHIFT key. When the boot menu shows, press "e" to edit the top entry... then move the cursor to the line beginning "linux..." and move along to delete "quiet splash" ... then press Ctrl+X to boot that modified configuration. That *might* get you in with a full size screen. If it does, you can then immediately edit "/etc/default/grub" with a text-editor to remove "quiet splash" perma03:06
TJ-nently and then do "sudo update-grub" to write the new configuration to disk03:06
rubenjr7777TJ-, it wont let me set it hgiher than 8mb even though i have a gig of ram and ill try the splash thing03:07
TJ-rubenjr7777: It's OK if 8MB is max... just the more the better :)03:08
TJ-rubenjr7777: the key thing to understand is that, on that model, the video needs to be initialised in text mode and given some 'settle' time before it switches into graphical mode. So by holding it at the boot menu in text mode you can help it sort itself out03:09
WeThePeoplerubenjr7777, try this>>> sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel libdrm-intel1 xorg03:09
TJ-rubenjr7777: If you find that helps, you can edit the "/etc/default/grub" even further to set "console=text" to force GRUB to always use text mode03:10
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WeThePeoplerubenjr7777, and reboot03:11
nate__can somebody tell me why the fuck orcale is so stupid does it have a tar or deb package for  ubuntu for http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/sql-developer/downloads/index.html. WTF03:12
GudduI just installed Ubuntu on HP Paviliion Laptop...DV6426US is the laptop model...Install was complete and then it asked for reboot after removing the media so i did.03:12
Smackbookdoes anyone know how to backup a vnstat database and restore it on another computer?03:12
GudduNow after rebooot all it shows to me is a cursor blinking on top left....Please help03:12
nate__http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/sql-developer/downloads/index.html how does one install this on ubuntu ?03:12
nate__if I download other platform its in a fucking zip03:13
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rubenjr7777tj your smart!03:13
rubenjr7777haha i got a full screen03:13
Ipiretriacan i ask something?03:13
TJ-rubenjr7777: LOL03:13
rubenjr7777TJ-,  but theres a mojor problem03:13
Ipiretriawhat chanel is this?03:13
Ipiretriai mean is a national channel?03:13
TJ-rubenjr7777: OK... what's that?03:13
Ipiretriai mean is a national channel?03:14
rubenjr7777TJ-,  im not sure if its causits still set to 1mn instead of 8mb but for instancew when i click on something or when im typing i see nothing03:14
cepimkieQuestion- i have a small netbook, if i install ubuntu in partition will it negatively affect my performance03:14
rubenjr7777just b's j's and7's haha03:14
GudduPlease help03:14
bkc_cepimkie: no03:14
rubenjr7777TJ-, looks like everything is in another language and there is no background03:15
TJ-rubenjr7777: OK, so you've got a full screen display but it's not usuable, is that correct?03:15
WeThePeoplenate__, software center type "sql"03:15
rubenjr7777TJ-, correct03:15
rubenjr7777TJ-, when it started up after i typed my password there was no background and then everything turned gray i pressed contrl alt delete and thats when i saw the jiberish03:15
TJ-rubenjr7777: I think that will be caused by the BIOS UMA memory setting - if it is on 1MB then reboot it and set it to 8MB. You'll have to go through that boot-menu editing process again to test it, but if that works and you can read the screen the next time, we can help you edit the settings to be permanent03:16
rubenjr7777TJ-, okay, thank you btw. one sec let me try that03:16
TJ-rubenjr7777: wait!!!!03:16
Geoffrey2hey everyone!  I'm trying to mount a usb stick that the computer is treating as a SCSI device...dmesg is showing the device, and is giving me a device sdb1...trying to mount sdb1 is accomplishing nothing, however...at least as far as I can tell03:17
nate__NO this is an older ubuntu version and anyway I would rather go and download it thru there site that should be possible . Why do people have to make life so fuck hard03:17
TJ-rubenjr7777: when you delete "quiet splash" replace it this time with "single" ... that'll stop the PC trying to start the Graphical user interface, and we can get the GRUB config file edited first03:17
Guddunate__:  What's inside the Zip?03:17
tsimpsonnate__: watch your language in here. grab the .zip, and read the instructions03:17
nate__I don't no the archiver in ubuntu won't open it or extract it , tar doesn;t work on it either03:18
nate__why wouldn't you just make a tar version that way is the most univerial for all linux can pretty much uses it03:19
TJ-nate__: try using 'file' on the zip to find out whats really in it. "file <filename.ext>"03:20
=== ruben is now known as rubenjr7777
rubenjr7777tj good news i can see now03:21
TJ-rubenjr7777: Is that with the graphical user interface?03:21
GudduCould someone help me with my Ubuntu installl issue? blinking cursor is what shows up after a fresh installl.03:22
rubenjr7777TJ-, is it with what?03:22
rubenjr7777TJ-,  it looks normal and its full screen now =]03:22
TJ-rubenjr7777: the GUI ... mouse, windows, etc03:22
TJ-rubenjr7777: in other words, *not* just a text console03:22
brohanStill having graphics card issues :-(03:22
brohanI am lost03:22
OerHeks!nomodeset Guddu03:22
rubenjr7777TJ-,  yes =]03:22
OerHeks!nomodeset | Guddu03:22
ubottuGuddu: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter03:22
rubenjr7777TJ-,  thank you! =]03:23
TJ-rubenjr7777: Great. Now, lets get you through editing GRUBs configuration permanently03:23
nate__file says it is a god damn  HTML document text wtf03:23
GudduThanks OerHeks Checking03:23
OerHeks!language | nate__  you have been warned before03:23
ubottunate__  you have been warned before: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.03:23
TJ-rubenjr7777: start a terminal (open the Dash and type "terminal" and start it)03:23
TJ-rubenjr7777: let me know when you have a terminal window with a command line prompt ready03:23
rubenjr7777TJ-,  can i open a normal one by just clicking on terminal?03:24
TJ-rubenjr7777: yes03:24
rubenjr7777TJ-, okay got it03:24
TJ-rubenjr7777: I need for you to be able to type some commands, that's all....03:24
rubenjr7777TJ-, =]03:24
rubenjr7777TJ-,  whatever u say boss =]03:25
TJ-rubenjr7777: OK, we are going to start a text-editor as super-user so you'll have to enter your password. Do "gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub" and press Enter.03:25
tsimpsonnate__: actually click the download link, rather than attempting to save it directly, blame oracle03:25
TJ-rubenjr7777: that will load the file "/etc/default/grub" into the text-editor. Tell me when it's loaded and you see some file contents03:25
nate__what are you talking about03:26
Guddu OerHeks : Pressing the Shift key while boooting does not present me a GRUB Menu :(03:26
rubenjr7777TJ-,  i see them03:26
TJ-rubenjr7777: good. Look for the line  GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"  and delete quiet splash to leave ""03:26
nate__ya, I always save file locally before installing them it is a general good practices03:26
OerHeksGuddu, it should ..03:26
tsimpsonnate__: no, you need to click the link, sign in to oracle, then download the .zip03:27
rubenjr7777TJ-, okay go tit03:27
GudduOerHeks:  Unfortunately i tried that multiple times. In one attempt i kept the SHIFT pressed....In another i pressed and released rapidly.03:27
TJ-rubenjr7777: OK, now do File > Save  ... then you can quit the text editor and go back to the command line03:27
rubenjr7777TJ-, okay03:28
TJ-Guddu: It sounds like you've installed GRUB across more than one drive, and it's not finding its better half03:28
OerHeksGuddu, did you do a install with wubi inside windows ?03:28
TJ-rubenjr7777: OK... at the command line issue the command "sudo update-grub" and you'll need to enter your password03:29
OerHeksguide doesn't apply to wubi, AFAIk03:29
GudduTJ-:  OerHeks I installed outside windows....basically booted with Ubuntu CD and created a new partition table. 20GB Swap and 140 GB Primary mounted on / and ext403:29
[snake]could I make a grub entry that points to a filesystem on my desktop03:29
_raven12.04 network card does not turn on automatically any more. i have to replug the wire to enable it - any ideas how to enable it by software??03:30
TJ-rubenjr7777: Once "update-grub" has finished you should try rebooting it. This time, you don't need to interrupt the boot at all... it *should* be good on its own. Let me know if it is or not.03:30
rubenjr7777TJ-, okay, thank you so much btw =]03:31
TJ-rubenjr7777: you're welcome03:31
[snake]TJ-, do you know if you can make a grub entry that points to a filesystem inside of the one I'm in now?03:31
TJ-[snake]: Are you trying to mess with my mind at this time of the morning!? :D03:31
rubenjr7777hey i was told that i could install microstf word on ubuntu with wine, the reason i want to is cause i have a college class called intro to software applications and the professor only uses those programs, can wine install them?03:32
jagginess[snake], grub2 can do that, and has been able to do that for some years now..03:32
[snake]TJ-, no.03:32
GudduTJ OerHeks isn't that a standard way of doing it? GRUB should be able to load.03:32
TJ-rubenjr7777: Don't even think about it!!! Use LibreOffice!03:32
jagginess[snake], you use grub2's loopback module03:32
[snake]jagginess, oh sweet!03:32
[snake]I have gentoo on my desktop :p03:32
rubenjr7777TJ-,  is libreoffice compatible with excell and publisher and what not03:32
GudduOr shall i reinstall?03:32
TJ-[snake]: It may be technically possible using loop mounts but I think it'd tax even a GRUB expert to figure out, so I'd say No :)03:33
TJ-rubenjr7777: I generally find it is, yes03:33
rubenjr7777TJ-,  okay thank you =]03:33
rubenjr7777TJ-, ima reboot nowq03:33
jagginess[snake], you mean <filesystem>/somefile   , and somefile contains a filesystem in itself-- this somefile can be mounted and become "/" on "boot"03:33
TJ-rubenjr7777: Do that reboot now ... it's 4.30am here and I need sleep!03:33
[snake]jagginess, yes I want to boot into /home/snake/Desktop/mnt/gentoo/03:34
jagginessTJ-, nope. grub has been able to do this for quite some time. (wubi)03:34
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TJ-jagginess: loop mounting yes?03:34
TJ-jagginess: don't feel like explaining it though :p03:34
jagginessTJ-, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wubi_%28Ubuntu_installer%29 (see the "See Also", there's more than just wubi)03:34
_raven12.04 network card does not turn on automatically any more. i have to replug the wire to enable it - any ideas how to enable it by software??03:34
jagginessTJ-, on boot, yes it is possible03:35
jagginess(kernel has to support it as well)03:35
jagginess[snake], it cant be a too old kernel of course, it has to support it as well..03:35
jagginess[snake], #linux03:35
ubottuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)03:36
GudduOerHeks:  Anything else i could try? May be a reinstall?03:36
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rubenjr7777it went back to that small box in the corner tj =[03:36
TJ-Guddu: do you have any USB flash keys inserted when that happens?03:36
GudduTJ-:  No....I have no USB Devices attached to this Laptop03:36
GudduNot even a CD03:37
TJ-rubenjr7777: Aha!... then that suggests the pause for the boot menu at boot-time is important. Can you try booting again, and this time press SHIFT and hold it on the menu for 10 seconds, then start it03:37
GudduTJ-:  I checked and even changed the boot order to have HDD as the first....03:37
_raven12.04 network card does not turn on automatically any more. i have to replug the wire to enable it - any ideas how to enable it by software??03:37
[snake]jagginess, I'll keep my kernels up to date03:37
jagginessGuddu, you using wubi correct?03:37
TJ-Guddu: It sounds as if the GRUB boot-strap in sector 0 is being read, but it can't find the 2nd stage and therefore can't get to the point where it can read /boot/grub/ and build the menu03:38
Guddujagginess:  What is meant by WUBI? I installled Ubuntu 12.40 Desktop 32 Bit Version03:38
jagginessGuddu, do fdisk -l , does it say "loopback" anywhere?03:38
jagginessGuddu, (or sudo fdisk -l)03:38
Guddujagginess:  TO do that shall i use the installer CD again?03:38
jagginessGuddu, lol dam03:38
* jagginess slaps himself and forgot Guddu is yet working on a boot problem03:39
Guddujagginess:  Yes...i booted using the Installer CD....03:39
jagginessGuddu, ok sounds like you arent..03:39
ubottuTo rescue a broken system, boot the alternate install CD and select "Rescue a broken system"03:39
Guddujagginess:  Alternate Install CD is a different CD then what i used to install at first place?03:39
jagginessthere's another smaller rescue cd.. lemme find it03:39
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rubenjr7777still small tj =[03:40
GudduOk :)03:40
jagginessGuddu, let me know if this helps.. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair03:40
TJ-rubenjr7777: Hmm. Let's check that those changes you saved from the text-editor really have been used03:40
solofightpeople i had a rsa key setup for my linux machine for ssh - have been using this for yers - all of sudden the key gets refused03:40
Guddujagginess:  Checking now03:40
solofightit says server refused our key - no supported authentication methods available03:41
rubenjr7777TJ-, how do we do that =[03:41
solofightany idea why this could happen ?03:41
TJ-rubenjr7777: reboot again, interrupt, then press "e" and check that "linux...." line to see if "quiet splash"  has gone or not. If it's there, delete it again, and then boot with Ctrl+X03:41
rubenjr7777TJ-, okay03:42
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rubenjr7777TJ-, it wasnt there but its still small03:44
TJ-rubenjr7777: Hmm! *thinks hard*03:44
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rubenjr7777tjq hshs03:44
rubenjr7777tjq hshs*03:44
rubenjr7777TJ-, haha*03:44
abimaelanybody good at Blender or any other 3D design?03:45
TJ-rubenjr7777: We know we fixed it once... so... let's figure out what's different. From what I read, it suggested that part of the issue is timing... if the system goes into graphical mode too quickly the video gets messed up so it needs to be in text mode first and given time to 'relax'03:45
TJ-rubenjr7777: we could try next having the system start in 'text' mode so it doesn't start the graphical interface. That would allow us to test the theory.03:46
TJ-rubenjr7777: how about, you reboot it, interrupt it, edit the "linux..." line again, but this time add to it the word "text" and then Ctrl+X03:47
TJ-rubenjr7777: when the system starts...03:47
TJ-rubenjr7777: ... it should stop at a command prompt with no GUI - no mouse, no windows... but you should have a screen with a login prompt03:47
ielezovikjHow do I disable Unity and use the classical gnome?03:47
TJ-rubenjr7777: so you do the login, then at the command prompt you'll type "sudo service lightdm start"  - you might want to write that command down!03:48
jagginessielezovikj, apt-get install gnome-shell, then click the gear-icon on the logon screen (gear icon near your username003:48
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic03:48
ielezovikjjagginess: There are some broken packages, it won't install.03:49
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TJ-rubenjr7777: Are you still reading?03:49
rubenjr7777TJ-, yes but im nto sure what screen you are referring to03:50
Guddujagginess:  I got disconnected....I am downloading Boot Repair CD now. Will take 20 Minutes and 10 Minutes to Burn the CD. Will you be here?03:50
jagginessielezovikj, unity can go crazy on you, so if you decide to come back to use "unity" after using tweaking tools on any type of gnome desktop (gnome classic, gnome etc), unity in your account may not work properly again (just in your user account alone, not for other users, -- also you may be able to wipe out all .gnome settings and then unity can be fixed like this, but it isnt ideal)03:50
IdleOneielezovikj: run sudo apt-get -f install , that should fix the broken packages03:50
TJ-rubenjr7777: OK well don't worry about all that immediately. I've seen something else that should help. Reboot it, then edit the "linux..." line and simply add the word "nomodeset" then Ctrl+X to boot it ... you should be good then. If that works, we'll edit /etc/default/grub again and add that setting permanently03:51
rubenjr7777TJ-, ok ill try it =]03:51
jagginessTJ-, /etc/default/grub is for the update-grub/2 script to update grub.cfg03:51
jagginess(dont forget to run the update script after making any changes to /etc/default/grub)03:52
TJ-jagginess:  correct03:52
=== dark3n|off is now known as dark3n
TJ-jagginess: we've done it once already, I'm just preparing ruben ahead of time for the plan of action03:52
=== dark3n is now known as dark3n|off
jagginessGuddu, the install cd/dvd of ubuntu has tools in command-line mode to fix your ubuntu, but it's not very attractive, if the boot-repair iso you'll be trying sux, then the more difficult way of fixing it should be doable (and many people have been using the more difficult way)03:54
jagginessGuddu, i have no idea how really good that boot-repair iso is, so it would be nice to know if it is helpful :)03:54
jagginessGuddu, but its mentioned on the community ubuntu wiki, so i'm wildly guessing it must be pretty stable03:55
Guddujagginess:  While it downloads, i can try Command Line way....As i have the origina installer CD with me.03:55
[1]redhey can anyone point me to a good tutorial on how to create nzb files?03:55
jagginessGuddu, it's very geeky you'll really be turned off by it03:56
rubenjrTJ-, the first time it booted it went into low graphic mode and then i restarted it and it type nomodeset again and it worked03:56
TJ-rubenjr: OK so you've got the GUI with windows and mouse again now?03:56
[1]redeverything I have found was either not informative or for windows03:56
rubenjrtj yes03:56
rubenjrTJ-,  yes03:56
TJ-rubenjr: right, start that terminal again, then do "gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub"03:57
wtfconhey guys03:57
wtfcontrying to upgrade from ubuntu 12.04 to 12.04.1 but its just not showing up03:57
wtfconany suggestions?03:57
reheropenSUSE 12.2's gnome look pretty nice03:57
TJ-wtfcon: the .1 updates only apply to the released CD images. If you're on 12.04 you get those updated packages as part of the regular updates03:57
=== reher is now known as ross__
rubenjrTJ-,  okay03:58
TJ-wtfcon: 12.04.1 is simply the April release plus all the fixed packages on a freshly spun CD image03:58
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TJ-rubenjr: OK... find that line GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="" and insert in the quotemarks nomodeset so you have ...="nomodeset"03:58
wtfconI see03:58
ubottuportale1: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».03:59
wtfconthink I got it updated with the regular updated03:59
rubenjrTJ-,  got it03:59
rubenjrTJ-, want me to save now?03:59
TJ-rubenjr: great. Now File > Save and quit the editor, back to the command line03:59
wtfconTJ-; thank you!03:59
rubenjrTJ-,  okay back03:59
TJ-rubenjr: then you can do "sudo update-grub" and let it fix that change for all future boots03:59
TJ-rubenjr: I guess you'd best reboot and prove that has fixed it before I go off to bed! :p04:00
rubenjrhow do i get the ruben@ruben-inspiron back04:00
TJ-rubenjr: back? from where? you mean the terminal prompt?04:00
rubenjrTJ-,  yeah haha! and no i mean like theres usually ruben@ruben inspiron then like dash and the moneys ign and what not but right now there isnt04:01
wtfconTJ-: I am using HP dv6 laptop which comes with Beats Audio, I have tried every possible way I could google or even myself but can't get the subwoofer to work. Do you know of any workaround?04:01
TJ-rubenjr: have you done "sudo update-grub" yet?04:01
rubenjrno im stuck04:01
TJ-wtfcon: audio isn't my strong-point I'm afraid04:02
rubenjri pasted it but nothing happendedi04:02
rubenjrTJ-,  how do i like reset the terminal04:02
TJ-rubenjr: If you're in that terminal window... and you don't see the prompt... try just pressing enter a few times to give it a reminder04:02
wtfconTJ-; thank you for your help! Goodnight! :)04:02
rubenjrTJ-,  usually before i give a prompt it says :ruben@ruben-Inspiron-1100:~$04:03
TJ-rubenjr:  did you quit out of the text-editor? if you didn't that might keep the prompt from re-appearing04:03
TJ-rubenjr: If all else fails, close the terminal window and start a new one :D04:03
rubenjrits doing something now04:03
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TJ-rubenjr: do we know what it's doing? :)04:04
rubenjrTJ-, updating grub haha04:04
rubenjritsdone ima reboot04:04
TJ-rubenjr: ha! phew04:04
* TJ- snores :p04:04
=== ruben is now known as rubenjr7777
rubenjr7777TJ-,  thank you!04:06
TJ-rubenjr7777: You're good to go?04:06
rubenjr7777TJ-,  one quick question before u go04:06
TJ-go for it :D04:06
rubenjr7777TJ-,  yes i am thank you -[04:06
rubenjr7777TJ-, =]*04:07
rubenjr7777TJ-,  can i change this ubuntu to make it have like a norma taskbar04:07
MailmanI'm having trouble installing a printer driver for my Lexmark X2650. First I ran into an error where it claimed I need CUPS 1.2 or higher (I do). So I followed the instructions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1223710 . It solved that problem, but now I'm getting another error.04:07
rubenjr7777TJ-,  like back when i used linux mint and i tried fedora also they had normal tasksbar but ubuntu has this weird sidebar wher eu have to search and what not04:07
arooni-mobilelooking for something that lets me read offline database media wiki xml exports on ubuntu... a browser of some sort04:08
arooni-mobileideas ?04:08
TJ-rubenjr7777: hahaha now you ask the HARD questions! ... if you're using Ubuntu Precise you are using the Unity desktop environment interface. I think on that PC you'll be using Unity 2D. It's a long story but "no" ... I'd suggest you try installing a different desktop environment. One that doesn't require so many CPU and RAM resources... I'd suggest you might enjoy lubuntu.04:09
rubenjr7777TJ-, okay, thank you very much for everything =]04:09
TJ-rubenjr7777: At the log-in screen against your name there's a gear-type icon. Pressing that allows you to choose from the installed desktop environments. If you open a terminal and do "sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop" you can have lubuntu as one of the desktop options.04:09
isackingHello, I works on xubuntu 12.04. After connecting Kinect and running glview, I get "Number of devices found: 0". Does anyone know why?04:10
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels04:10
TJ-rubenjr7777:  That PC is going to struggle with the full Ubuntu because it is CPU intensive04:10
rubenjr7777TJ-,  ill write it down!04:10
LiDaRi should make my own ubuntu version and call it wubuntu use window maker for the gui04:10
rubenjr7777TJ-,  haha now my computer is telling me i have 52 updates all of a sudden04:10
TJ-rubenjr7777: I run lubuntu on several of my older notebooks and its great - proper menus too!04:10
TJ-rubenjr7777: do those updates, they'll be bug fixes04:11
TJ-rubenjr7777: anything else before I crawl into bed as the cockerel starts crowing?04:11
rubenjr7777TJ-,  i also have a wireless adapter that i order online should that work as soon as i plug it in?04:11
TJ-rubenjr7777: That depends on the maker of the chips that control it. Some chipsets for Wifi are a pain to get sorted, but others, like Intel, will just plug in and go04:12
rubenjr7777TJ-,  cause currently im using like a 100 foot long ethernet cable04:12
TJ-rubenjr7777: Broadcom, Realtek and Atheros are the ones I hear of most often with problems installing/configuring their drivers04:12
rubenjr7777TJ-,   i have an adapter now and linux recognizes it but doenst let me us eit04:12
TJ-rubenjr7777: wow! Well, when the wifi arrives if it doesn't work immediately come and ask for help here, there's plently of experts in that area too04:13
rubenjr7777\orksTJ-,  yeah i have a realtek one right now and it plugs in and it tells me its plugged in but then doesnt show me any availible wireless netwp04:13
TJ-rubenjr7777: ahhh... yes. Well that's something we might tackle tomorrow :D04:13
rubenjr7777TJ-,  sounds good, thanks!04:13
TJ-rubenjr7777: I always specify Intel Wifi for that reason :)04:14
rubenjr7777TJ-,  goodnight and once again thank you!04:14
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rubenjr7777TJ-,  haha i think the one i bought is intel04:14
TJ-Well, goodnight. Glad you're sorted out and you can enjoy your PC04:14
rubenjr7777TJ-,  me to =]04:14
TJ-rubenjr7777: Yay! good choice04:14
WeThePeoplerubenjr7777, get it workin04:14
CellCan someone help? I just installed ATIdrivers fglrx, and now when I try to log on to Cinnamon, it's launching what looks like Unity instead04:15
rubenjr7777WeThePeople,  yes =]04:15
WeThePeoplecell, cell as in DBZ04:15
CellI think I accidently installed for XORG on the ATI installer04:16
WeThePeoplecell, uninstall whatever you installed.. might help04:16
CellI don't know how04:16
=== Adeel4 is now known as Adeeel
Cellit installed itself, I dont think it used the package manager04:17
WeThePeoplesudo apt-get autoremove package name'04:17
crizisehm, what04:17
Cellbut I didnt use sudo apt-get to install it04:17
crizisselect cinnamon session from login screen?04:17
CellI installed Cinnamon04:17
Cellit was working fine for a long time, it's just this ATI thing that messed it up04:18
crizisremove cinnamon and install it again04:18
Cellno, cinnamon is not the problem, it's this ATI installer, I think it's forcing me to logon with xwindows or something04:18
GeekAdminAnyway to get more options for screen resolutions in Ubuntu?  When I use "Additonal Drivers" it doesnt find any additional graphics drivers. Using INTEL HD on a lenovo laptop. ubuntu 12.04 with gnome classic.04:18
Cellhow does Ubuntu normally start up?04:18
crizisCell, sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm04:19
Cellhm yeah that might work04:19
Cellwhat is lightdm btw04:19
crizisthe login manager04:19
Cellis that based on xwindows04:19
crizisthat question doesn't even make any sense04:19
CellI dont understand the role of xwindows in all this, is it a layer beneath all the GUI systems?04:19
crizisX = graphics server04:20
criziswhatever you see on the screen which is NOT the barebone console = X04:20
Cellso gnome and unity sit on top of X?04:20
Celland X interfaces to the hardware directly?04:20
crizisyes (if you don't go little details like kernel drivers :)04:21
WeThePeoplegeekadmin, have you checked the monitor gui04:21
reherCell: X is a windowing system, gnome and kde are desktop environments04:21
* myr0 is gone. gone04:21
GeekAdminWeThePeople:  dont think I have. Will now thanks04:22
CellI come from Windows where the DE IS the WM04:22
reherdesktop environments bring along more that just the pretty graphics you see. They bring tools etc.04:22
CellWhat exactly does X do, it seems like an unnceessary layer if you aren't running a remote session04:22
GeekAdminWeThePeople:  oh are you just taling about "Displays"?04:23
FloodBot1ebs512: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:23
GeekAdminWeThePeople:  I dont see "monitors in system settings"04:23
WeThePeoplegeekadmin, yeah it could be.. im on 10.0404:23
GeekAdminIt only gives me 4 options for resolution. This is unnaceptable considering I have 2 monitors04:24
crizisCell, X draws everything on your screen, whether it's local or remote04:24
CellWhy don't the desktop managers do that themselves instead of depending on x?04:25
WeThePeoplegeekadmin, do you ave both monitors running04:25
crizisCell, like how, by drawing straight to framebuffer without drivers? =P04:25
GeekAdminWeThePeople:  yes I do, but I cant get both to be just right at the same time. Just not enough options for screen res.04:26
CellDoesnt the kernel providea hardware abstraction layer04:26
CellHelp me understand this in windows terms. What is X for windows? The gdi32.dll API?04:26
=== Kasjopaja is now known as Guest28279
MailmanI'm having trouble installing a printer driver for my Lexmark X2650. First I ran into an error where it claimed I need CUPS 1.2 or higher (I do). So I followed the instructions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1223710 . It solved that problem, but now I'm getting another error. (Sorry for reposting. The guide said to wait at least 5-10 minutes to re-ask so I waited 20 to be safe.)04:27
WeThePeoplegeekadmin, their is a program called "Multiple Screens" in software center check it out04:27
ForSparePartsHas anyone had any trouble getting video out from a Sandy Bridge-based integrated graphics card? Mine's stuck at 640x480 or 720x480, and I don't know why04:28
GeekAdminWeThePeople:  k thanks04:28
crizisCell, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_Window_System (i know nothing about windows, oldfart born with unixes :)04:28
rehercell, windows is totally different. youget one single implementation built by ms04:29
WeThePeoplemailman, what distro u on04:29
Cellreher yeah thats why its hard to understand what these different components do in linux04:29
CellIm used to an architecture where these are all rolled into one thing04:30
crizisCell, on long term, there are plans to replace X at some point with Wayland display server, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wayland_%28display_server_protocol%2904:30
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GeekAdminWeThePeople:  all I see when i type "multiple screens" in the software center is Lyricue, Hackworld, and Yabause04:30
reheron linx, X is more of a framework, a protocol to draw graphics, the desktop environments extend this functionality by bringing in their interfaces and tools etc.04:30
Cellso you could run an gui application without usinga desktop?04:31
crizisCell, going to fine details, on local machine X server talks to "clients" through unix sockets so nothing goes through network04:31
MailmanWeThePeople: I'm on Ubuntu 12.04.104:31
reherthere's no equivalent in windows because it works in a different way04:31
crizisCell, and there are extensions to draw directly to the gpu, like what OpenGL games do04:31
Cellwhy does it use the client-server architecture? Can multiple desktop sessions run off the same computer?04:32
crizisCell, yes04:32
Celloh I see04:32
crizisyou can use a single machine to provide desktops for bunch of thinclients04:32
reherand, also, multiple implementations (KDE, GNOME, etc.)04:32
crizisreher, desktops have nothing to do with X04:32
crizisthese are just apps that run on top of X04:32
ForSparePartsDoes having fglrx installed break compatibility with Intel graphics? I had fglrx before for an AMD card, and I'm wondering if that's causing the problems I'm seeing now...04:33
CellForSpareParts I just installed fglrx and it messed up my desktop04:33
Cellstay away!04:33
crizisfglrx works fine04:34
Cellwell I cant get into cinnamon anymore04:34
crizisreinstall the cinnamon04:34
Cellitspresent at the login screen, I log in, and then I see unity interface04:34
crizisdid you select the cinnamon session from login screen?04:34
crizisfgrlx has nothing to do with being able to log in to cinnamon or not04:35
crizisCell, sudo apt-get remove cinnamon && sudo apt-get install cinnamon04:35
ForSparePartsCell, well, I'm going to try getting rid of it, we'll see if it helps...04:35
Cellwell when I installed it from the ATI installer, I think it must have forced the login script to run Unity04:35
crizisok well, i've used additional drivers dialog and it Just Works(tm) every time04:36
Cellwill reinstalling cinnamon remove my current settings? I have a custom theme04:36
crizisCell, any particular reason why you installed amd driver manually?04:37
crizisCell, if you have these things in your account dir, these won't be removed04:37
CellBecause I read people had problems in the version in the software center so I wanted to use the latest version off their website04:37
crizisCell, you can install newer driver from ubuntu repositories too04:37
Cellwhat script gets executed when I log in from ligthdm? Maybe I can just edit the options there04:37
AdieI am having issues with a corrupted mouse cursor on only one of my three screens. any ideas?04:38
Adiegoes away on restart, but randomly re-appears04:38
crizisCell, only the default (package fglrx) is little outdated, but there is way to install updates as they get released (install package fglrx-updates)04:38
jagginessAdie, what do you mean "three screens", you using 3 monitors?04:38
LiDaRlotuspsychje can help you Adie04:39
CellWell it's too late now, unless I figure out a way to uninstall everything that installer did04:39
jagginess(screens term can also mean other things)04:39
Adiejagginess, yes, I have three displays04:39
crizisCell, also, it's possible to create proper .deb files out of ati's installer so nothing gets messed up in ubuntu04:39
Adiemy mouse cursor often enough corrupts on my middle one04:39
crizisCell, just try that reinstalling the cinnamon (it won't remove any settings from your home dir)04:39
jagginessAdie, does one of the displays do "panning" ?04:39
Cellcrizis it gave me an error when I tried doing the deb thing, it said deb-clean was missing or something like that04:39
ClientAliveI'm having a problem installing a gnome extension. Is there a chance someone can check it to see if it's a local problem for me or if it's this way for everyone? It's called panel docklet and I get no on/off button to click to install it.04:40
Adiejagginess, no04:40
jagginessAdie, nvidia?04:40
Adieall three displays run off the same gpu, and all at native resolution04:40
Adieradeon 697004:40
crizisCell, http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Precise_Installation_Guide#Installing_Catalyst_Manually_.28from_AMD.2FATI.27s_site.29 this wiki has step-by-step instructions what you need to install to get it working04:40
jagginessAdie, that's tricky..04:40
jagginessAdie, i would check for errors in ~/.xsession-errors04:41
jagginessAdie, maybe it's just gnome acting up..04:41
CellI saw that earlier actually04:41
SpacePoethow do i check the hash of a file?04:41
Cellbut it doesn't say anything about uninstalling04:41
crizisCell, i still recommend just installing "fglrx-updates" package from repositories, works fine04:41
jagginessAdie, did you try the 'display' settings options in gnome? (or are you trying xorg.conf?)04:41
crizisCell, http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Precise_Installation_Guide#Removing_Catalyst.2Ffglrx there's uninstall instructions04:41
Adiejagginess, I don't know what you mean04:41
jagginessAdie, yeah.. it is tricky..04:42
crizisCell, after that you can just install ubuntu-shipped "fglrx-updates" package to get newer driver, propely packaged04:42
Adieall the displays work fine, it's just after a while my middle display shows the mouse in a corrupted way04:42
jagginessAdie, I have two monitors here.. and it was tricky enough for me :/ (using nvidia)04:42
Cellhmm you know04:42
CellIn recent years, GNU/Linux desktop graphics has moved from having "a pile of rendering interfaces... all talking to the X server, which is at the center of the universe" towards putting the Linux kernel "in the middle", with "window systems like X and Wayland ... off in the corner". This will be "a much-simplified graphics system offering more flexibility and better performance"04:42
FloodBot1Cell: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:42
jagginessAdie, yeah.. sounds like gnome is acting up somewhere..04:42
CellThis is moving towards how I thought linux worked04:42
jagginessAdie, you should file a bug report.. btw does this happen specifically after a while using a program?04:43
jagginess(a specific program)04:43
AdieThis is not yet a reproducible issue. It is seemingly random so far.04:43
jagginessAdie, my wildest guess is you can check out any auto-configuration done by evdev related events04:44
jagginessAdie, (maybe even turn off auto-configuration of input devices for X, but will need to explicitly define them)04:44
jagginessAdie, this isn't fun, but that's what i'd check out..04:45
jagginessAdie, cat ~/.xsession-errors , ?04:45
crizisCell, no one really codes "for X" nowadays anyway, everyone develops apps on top of qt/gtk/opengl and X is just an elephant in the corner rendering things on screen :)04:46
Cellthats what I thought04:46
Cellit seemed like an outdated architecture04:46
jagginessAdie, may be relevant, dunno.. so check out for any logs :/04:46
crizisit's not "outdated"04:46
Cellhaving the kernel taking over the graphics is a better idea04:46
=== AFKMunks is now known as chamunks
AdieI just threw "cat ~/.xsession-errors" into my terminal, and it's a a lot of text :x04:46
crizisit's the best networked display server in the world :)04:46
crizisfor single desktops, yes, wayland will be better achitecture04:47
CellThis is Ubuntu, after all ;)04:47
crizisit has very little affection for app devs or users anyway04:47
jagginessAdie, so look for any lines saying mouse (use the command less to search)04:47
ClientAlivewhere's the love?04:47
jagginessAdie, maybe(just maybe)04:47
Cellalright brb reinstalled cinnamon, lets see if this works04:48
jagginesswhat's happening with wayland, is that becoming part of lightdm?04:48
crizisjagginess, wayland is a display server (like X), lightdm is a login manager, still :)04:48
ClientAlivesomeone here wants to help me make my gnome bad a$$, I just know it...   :)04:49
jagginessthat'll be an interesting boost for gfx, hope it turns out as the future norm for all linux...04:49
Adiejagginess, http://pastebin.com/M2fxtMZN04:49
Adieis it unusual to be that big? :/04:49
crizisjagginess, in practice it won't change anything for either usual app developers or users04:50
jagginesslike the fact they'll finally get rid of the old useless X font system..04:52
jagginess(i always hated that)04:52
ForSparePartsHow do I add undetected resolutions in xrandr? I don't totally understand the documentation on the wiki04:53
thelanmathanybody install iPOS on ubuntu ?04:53
=== luckybunny is now known as Cockburne
jagginessAdie, yeah.. it's possible an app can be causing that.. just speculative atm.. btw you don't get any "resets" in dmesg<enter> do you? (demsg|grep -i reset)04:54
thelanmathi have some issues04:54
* jagginess thinks if mousing issue occurs on 3-display KDE desktop, then it cant be the gnome desktop to blame04:55
AdieI don't have "demsg"04:55
jagginesssry.. dmesg :/04:55
Adieor do I04:55
thelanmathpls help04:55
thelanmathIPOS installation04:56
=== ^GeCk0^ is now known as DjGeCk0
lickalottwhat issues?04:56
LiDaR!patience thelanmath04:56
Adiejagginess, nothing returned for "reset"04:56
Cellwoohoo I got Cinnamon back by uninstalling the ati stuff04:57
Cellthanks crizis04:57
Cellthe ATI driver was creating an Xwindows system error which was stopping cinnamon from starting04:57
=== DjGeCk0 is now known as ^GeCk0^
jagginessAdie, have you tried using 1 app and it still occurs?04:57
jagginessAdie, (and not many)04:57
thelanmathIPOS for ubuntu seems have troule of wine04:57
crizis^Cell, now, try installing 'fglrx-updates' package for newer ati driver straight from ubuntu repos (this should not mess anything up like manual install might)04:58
King_Cobrajust wondering.. how do i delete unwanted items off of the boot choice list when you first start up your machine?04:58
jagginessAdie, (speculating if there's a problematic app "at the time" the mousing issue happens)04:58
CellI have to install fglrx first right04:59
LiDaRAdie: lotuspsychje  had the same issue he enabled nomodeset to fix it04:59
wilee-nileeKing_Cobra, what is unwanted?04:59
ClientAliveWhat am I missing/ need to install? The selection in gnome tweak tool for shell extensions has no content in the window when I select it.04:59
crizis^Cell, no04:59
CellI dont have fglrx installed05:00
crizis^Cell, 'fgrlx' = 11.8 version of catalyst (iirc), fglrx-updates = currently 12.4 if i don't remember wrong05:00
crizis^Cell, both can't be installed at same time05:00
Cellim pretty sure im using the open source drivers right now05:00
King_Cobrai removed mint but it still is on the list.. all i want on the list is ubuntu and windows 7..05:00
wilee-nileeKing_Cobra, run sudo update-grub in ubuntu05:01
King_Cobrai did.. still its on the list05:01
Cellim getting fglrx from the software center now, crizis^05:02
=== LiDaR is now known as j33p
wilee-nileeKing_Cobra, Did you remove mint from ubuntu and not reload the ubuntu grub to the mbr if mint had control. What ever OS was at the top of grub without any grub modifications had the control.05:03
crizis^Cell, remember to select the 'fglrx-updates' package instead of 'fglrx'05:03
Cellah now I see what you meant, damnit, let me uninstall that fglrx05:03
King_Cobraubuntu had control.. still does..05:03
=== j33p is now known as jeep
wilee-nileeKing_Cobra, So when you run the update you still see mint listed. Do you have multiple HD's and are you sure mint is gone, as grub is seeing something. And has grub been modified.05:05
wilee-nileeKing_Cobra, please use nicks as well you can tab complete them. ;)05:06
Celldo I have to restart after installing05:06
King_Cobrai removed the mint partition, then ran the sudo update-grub, but when i rebooted the computer mint was still on the list..05:06
Cellit killed my cinnamon panels, so im not sure how i'll be able to05:06
crizis^Cell, ctrl-alt-f5, login, sudo reboot :P05:06
MiteshShahThe following command give me 0  that means my cpu doesn't support kvm? (command egrep -c '(vmx|svm)' /proc/cpuinfo)05:06
King_Cobraone HD..05:06
ShapeShifter499when my 12.04 system starts up it starts like it glitch but appears to be fine after the password login pops up05:07
lotuspsychjehi LidAR:whats up05:07
ShapeShifter499is there a way to fix that?  it happens so quickly that its not a bother but still, it doesn't look good05:08
King_Cobraill run back through the gparted partitions and see if i missed anything then upgrade-grub then see if that worked.. if not .. im tearing what's left of my hair out..05:08
isackingHello, I works on ubuntu 12.04. After connecting Kinect and running glview, I get "Number of devices found: 0". Does anyone know why?05:08
lotuspsychjejeep: whats up?05:08
lotuspsychjeAdie: you have a square mouse problem?05:09
Adielotuspsychje,  not square :<05:09
lotuspsychjeAdie: what seems to be the problem?05:09
Adiemy mouse seems to randomly become corrupted on one of my three screens05:10
Adieand sticks that way till I restart05:10
lotuspsychjeAdie: you got an older ati card?05:10
lotuspsychjeAdie: i got same issue, and be able to get rid of it with nomodeset, but compiz wont work anymore05:11
lotuspsychjeAdie:so im still searching for a fix05:11
jeeplotuspsychje: how do i look with this name ?05:12
jeepi even registered it05:12
Adiethe mouse looks fine in screenshots, lol05:12
Cellit worked! thanks a lot crizis05:13
lotuspsychjeAdie:so in etc/default/grub add the line nomodeset and it will go away05:13
AdieI find it weird it's only an issue on one screen ><05:14
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L1Ubuntu/Apache2 I'm setting up a vhost, and have specified the DocumentRoot as "~/projects/mysite", however apache doesn't seem to like "~/" - it's resolving it as "/etc/apache2/~/projects/mysite" - which is the best way to acomplish this? With a full "/home/myname/projects/mysite", or some symlink magic or?05:19
GudduI can't find how to create a Shortcut (to open a URL) on my Ubuntu Desktop...Unity Interface has this option somewhere?05:20
wilee-nileeGuddu, install this sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends gnome-panel  and use this to make a launcher  gnome-desktop-item-edit ~/Desktop/ --create-new  you can put a launcher where you like as well05:22
Gudduwilee-nilee:  I did that. I get a error that my desktop directory does not have a .desktop or .directory suffix.....Now trying to find whats that about in google.05:23
wilee-nileeGuddu, all you need to do is in the browse hit the browse and navigate to where the app is usually /usr/bin05:24
Gudduwilee-nilee:  In this case i had to specify escritorio instead of Desktop :=-) Spanish version....Now i do get the launcher05:24
Alex_BkashHi all, I need to make iso from my running os. All installations and the environment too for recurrent installation. Can any one help plz?05:25
wilee-nileeGuddu, hehe the syntax has to be correct. ;)05:25
Gudduwilee-nilee:  One more question....How can i create a Shortcut to open a particular Website in Firefox?05:25
wilee-nileeGuddu, not sure really.05:26
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Alex_BkashHi all, I need to make iso from my running os. All installations and the environment too for recurrent installation. Can any one help plz?05:26
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Gudduwilee-nilee:  Just checked...it seems to be "firefox -new-window <WebSiteUrl>"...Now checking05:27
excervowilee-nilee, use file -> save page as05:27
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anujkkHey guys. I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 on my development machine. I'm looking to put a backup & recovery system in place for it. Which backup solution you guys use? I'm looking for something that will backup all my settings, files and installed packages.05:36
wilee-nileeanujkk, I use grsync to back up home and clonezilla for the whole OS.05:39
anujkkwilee-nilee, thanks. I will check both.05:39
wilee-nileeanujkk, I also save a backup of all repos and a list of the installed apps.05:40
anujkkHow you save the list of installed apps?05:40
wilee-nileeanujkk, here is a pastebin this can be used to save all and used to reinstall in a new install, or just used as a list.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1186850/05:43
thrasher194yay new kernel. :D05:43
seliteWy does Ubuntu overheat?05:43
thrasher194you need better fans.. or clean the ones u got w/ can of compressed air.05:44
seliteWindows 7 runs smoothly and I can assure that it's not the fans.05:44
blackshirtwhat the problems?05:45
jeepselite: what kind of computer is it05:45
selitejeep: Sony Vaio.05:45
jeepselite: what model number05:45
seliteWhat worries me the most is that there is a huge Linux community and they have still not managed to fix the overheating bug, it's like they close their eyes when people complain.05:45
blackshirtselite, for some reason,you maybe meet the problems05:46
blackshirtFor some specific release, not all linux works well with them05:46
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seliteI desperately need to use Linux for for algorithms class, however, my laptop fans are going crazy and there doesn't seem that I can do much about it.05:47
jeepselite: tried this yet ? http://www.webupd8.org/2011/06/linux-kernel-power-issue-fix.html05:48
seliteNo one mentions this serious bug, it's always overlooked even though almost all the Linux versions overheat, I wouldn't mind paying money to fix the issue.05:48
blackshirti don't have sony vaio05:48
seliteYes, I have tried that, I've tried everything that exists on the net, I used Ubuntu for months I coped with the overheating because I had to use it, however, this is unbearable.05:49
seliteAll I want is a Linux version that doesn't overheat, why can't I have that?05:49
jeepselite: you did the patch from sony website ?05:49
blackshirtselite, what distro have you tried?05:50
seliteI don't think there is a patch from Sony website, I've tried Ubuntu, Mint, Open SUSE, Fedora, and they *ALL* overheat.05:50
wilee-nileeselite, It is not the version, but your computer I have never had a overheat problem on multiple computers,on any linux install.05:50
blackshirtlooks some sarcastic products :d05:51
karlgplease, I want change my program in default on ubuntu, which change my desktop background05:51
karlghow do it?05:51
silverarrowdoes anyone know the name of something equivalent of cc cleaner ?05:51
wilee-nileesilverarrow, bleachbit05:52
seliteAnd yet everyone complains about overheating, isn't that a bit weird.05:52
jeepselite: check the sony website for a bios update05:52
silverarrowthe subject came up the other night05:52
wilee-nileeeven better than ccleaner05:52
silverarrowyes, thanks wilee-nilee05:52
blackshirtsilverarrow, you don't need it too much05:52
silverarrowthats theo one05:52
selitejeep: There is no BIOS update for my model which is VPCEB2H4E.05:52
seliteIf there was a BIOS error, it would have also overheated with Win7, but it does not.05:52
silverarrowblackshirt, I should not bother?05:52
silverarrowwhy would you need bios update?05:53
jeepselite: thats the wrong train of thought the flaw is the bios05:53
wilee-nileeselite, Everyone that makes no sense.05:53
jeepselite: the windows drivers work around it05:53
karlgplease, I want change my program in default on ubuntu, which change my desktop background, how do it?05:54
blackshirtsilverarrow, goes for long try with linux, you would know if you wouldn't need too much05:54
selitejeep: Then, how do I make Ubuntu work around it too?05:54
blackshirtkarlg, whay do you need, program fro change default background?05:54
silverarrowblackshirt, I just wanted to keep things tidy05:54
foboi1122Hi guys, i've got a question about using ufw as my firewall, could anyone give me a hand?05:54
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seliteI am sick and tired of Windows7 because it sucks so badly I wanna cry and yet when I try Ubuntu, the fans start going crazy, the laptop starts lagging, panels start disappearing it's like the whole system decomposes.05:55
jeepselite: http://www.sony-europe.com/support/en/product/VPCEB2H4E/downloads/EP0000228463_5313 fixes fan control05:55
foboi1122Once I turn on ufw, I instantly lose internet05:55
silverarrowselite, way worse than windows then?05:55
wilee-nileekarlg, could you explain that a little more clearly, if it is a language problem there are regional ubuntu channels.05:55
camscamHey I just have one quick stupid question and then I will be out of here. My computer hangs at shutdowns and restarts and I found the solution I just don't know how to save the modifications I make in the terminal to the grub lines05:55
camscamif that makes sense.05:56
silverarrowselite, heat issues can be horrible though05:56
wilee-nileekarlg, Backgrounds would be a right click on the desktop then change desktop background05:56
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karlgno, in my gnome-control-center, there is a program in default installed to change my desktop background, but I want to change this program, I want wallch in default05:56
blackshirtkarlg, use gnome-tweak-tool05:57
selitesilverarrow: I know man, Ive struggled so much.05:57
selitejeep: I did it, so now it wont overheat?05:57
jeepselite: try it and see05:57
jeepselite: are you dual booted ?05:57
karlgwilee-nilee, I want  wallch in default , because it permit me to have many animation in certain period05:58
wilee-nileekarlg, I'm not familiar with the apps, I would think removing the one not used is the answer.05:59
selite_jeep: I did the BIOS update, it was probably a useless update.05:59
selite_Like all the updates that try to 'patch' things up.05:59
wilee-nileeor look in the apps preferences if there is one.06:00
jeepselite_: are you on linux now ?06:00
camscamMy computer hangs at shutdowns and restarts and I found the solution I just don't know how to save the modifications I make in the terminal to the grub so I can then update the grub. Any help would be appreciated!06:00
selite_jeep: On Win7, however, I am installing Ubuntu, even though I know that it will overheat, like it has done repeatedly in the past few months.06:01
wilee-nileecamscam, what is the solution?06:01
jeepselite_: im confident in the bios update ;)06:01
wilee-nilee!pm > camscam06:02
ubottucamscam, please see my private message06:02
selite_If the problem is fixed, I will bring you some burgers.06:02
camscamWORKAROUND: Type in a terminal:06:02
camscamsudo nano /etc/default/grub06:02
camscamfind the line:06:02
camscamGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"06:02
camscamand change it to:06:02
camscamGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="reboot=pci quiet splash"06:02
FloodBot1camscam: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:02
jeepselite_: where are you it might be far drive06:02
wilee-nileecamscam, please use the channel it is your best help. ;)06:02
camscamimma tryin! i'll get a hang of the rules.06:02
camscami just don't know what he means by save06:03
Logos01What is the URL for the armel repository of Precise?06:03
Logos01Is that in ports?06:03
wilee-nileecamscam, use this command to modify grub then save it and run a grub-update.   gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub06:03
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selite_Yeah a 10 hour flight.06:03
jeepselite_: yourin the uk ?06:03
jeepoh im in oregon right now 3 day drive max!06:04
camscami will try it. thank you for your patience!06:04
selite_Alright, wubi is extracting, I am so excited.06:05
jeepselite_: i had an acer with faulty bios .. i had to do the install on it with a vacum cleaner to keep it cool and then periodically until i could patch the fan as a workaround until acer updated the bios06:06
selite_jeep: And then it worked just great?06:06
jeepselite_: yeah perfect06:06
selite_Lol, that's funny.06:07
allurewhen I browse to my site, I download index.php instead of apache running it...  what could be wrong?06:07
selite_But I guess you were lucky.06:07
selite_Alright, it's done I hope it works.06:07
jeepallure: you need to enable the php06:07
allurejeep, it is running on every other virtualhost06:07
jeepallure: a small typo maybe06:08
allurejeep, its an autoinstall, so I dont think so :(06:09
jeepallure: did you set the handler ?06:09
camscamwillee-nilee: I get to the grub I change what I need to but I can't execute any new commands afterwards to save or do anything06:09
karlgplease, as far as concerned virtualbox loading, in his versions, which is more practice, open or suse (I'm on ubuntu)?06:09
nagtaopserver hollywood.ca.undernet.org06:09
allurejeep, what do you mean?06:09
allurejeep, I'm installing kaltura community edition.. video cms06:10
jeepallure: http://www.php.net/manual/en/install.unix.apache2.php scrool down to the handler section check your apache config to make sure you have it06:12
allurejeep, ok, lemme check06:12
jeepallure: if you have another vhost with it working .. do the phpinfo(); and make sure06:12
allurejeep, ok :)06:12
jeepi should do a webserver havent set apache up for like three years06:13
lotuspsychjeAdie:check this similar bug on your prob: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/55678206:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 556782 in linux (Ubuntu) "[rs690m] Graphics corruption with ati x1200" [High,Triaged]06:14
allurejeep, others vhost work, just not kaltura's vhost06:14
Adienot sure06:15
lotuspsychjeAdie: after reboot it also go away for me06:15
jeepwho here remebers manually configuring xfree86 to your crt monitor ?06:15
lotuspsychjejeep:what does xfree86 do?06:16
jeeplotuspsychje: it was the predecessor to xorg06:16
jeeplotuspsychje: xorg is a fork() of it06:16
lotuspsychjejeep: no clue mate :p06:17
wilee-nileecamscam, I'm not familiar with nano make it easy and use my command to do the same, just close nano.06:17
Adielotuspsychje, http://ft.trillian.im/kiyiko/1346825789719339-BVexwRuV.jpg06:17
Adiethat's my issue06:17
Adierandomly corrupted cursor06:18
jeeplotuspsychje: i been around a while i was a linux user before ubuntu existed06:18
GeekAdminCan someone recommend the best parental software for Ubuntu?06:18
Adieissue affects only one screen06:18
allurejeep, can I msg u top send u an url?06:18
lotuspsychjeAdie:thats your mouse pointer?06:18
Adieit's fine on reboot06:18
jeepallure: sure06:18
Adierandomly does that after a while06:18
allurejeep, that is the conf of the vhost06:18
camscamwilee-nilee: I got it! It was f2 and this it asked me if I wanted to save. thanks for your help!06:18
lotuspsychjeAdie: i got similar pointer, but more square...also text on folders are corrupted06:18
Adieno other issues here afaik06:18
lotuspsychjeAdie: do you use compiz?06:19
GeekAdminthe parental software is for a young child, and need it to block violence or pornographic sites. Any ideas on what the best option is?06:19
Adieif it's something you "know" you are using if you are, then no06:19
AdieI am running a pretty much basic ubuntu 12.0406:19
Adienothing fancy added to spice it up06:19
lotuspsychjeGeekAdmin: software centre got a few i think06:19
lotuspsychjeAdie: on unity 3d compiz runs by default06:19
GeekAdminlotuspsychje:  is there one you recommend or know of that works best though?06:19
lauratikahow can i know what type of memory ddr2 or ddr3 my pc is using06:20
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lotuspsychjeGeekadmin: not tested myself no06:20
Adiethis is also not a "reproducible" issue06:20
Adieit's not like I can change something and confirm it's fixed06:20
Adieseems rendomly triggered to me06:20
MonkeyDustGeekAdmin  there's only nanny, but it's buggy, a launchpad bug entry has been submitted06:20
lotuspsychjeAdie: yes there is, but it will disable compiz and run unity 2d06:20
GeekAdminMonkeyDust:  yea I see it has bad reviews06:20
lotuspsychjeAdie: you wanna try the nomodeset option?06:21
wilee-nileecamscam, Cool, just be sure to run a update-grub as well.06:21
Adiemaybe in a bit, I dunno06:21
GeekAdminWell thats kindof nuts. I can't believe someone hasnt scripted up parental software for Linux. Especially with edubuntu out. WIsh I was better with programming. :-p06:21
Adieit would prolly run for hours or days with no issue before this happens again06:21
AdieI can't trigger it06:21
lotuspsychjeAdie: same here mate06:21
Adiebut it's happened enough to be annoying06:21
lauratikasome one ?06:22
camscamwilee-nilee: done and done. i'm still trying to grasp this whole terminal thing. pretty interesting. i'm sure i'll be on here again sometime. thanks again. tchuss.06:22
GeekAdminlotuspsychje:  thanks.  What about adblocking software for firefox or chrome06:23
wilee-nileelauratika, Personally I would just pop the cover of the memory and look or look up the model on the web and replacement ram.06:23
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lotuspsychjelauratika: sudo dmidecode06:24
lotuspsychjeGeekAdmin: ask in #firefox for the nices addons06:25
GeekAdminlotuspsychje:  k thanks06:25
lauratikalotuspsychje thanx06:26
MultivierHi everyone, I'm new to linux OS06:27
* Adie pets Multivier 06:28
lotuspsychjeMultivier: welcome this is an ubuntu support channel for problems06:28
MultivierAnywhere for general chat?06:29
lotuspsychje!ot | Multivier06:29
ubottuMultivier: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:29
ShapeShifter499I have a touchpad mouse, if I accidentally or on purpose click the easy to hit "disable touchpad" button to the top-right of the pad my mouse stops working all together even if I click the same button to enable it, anyone know how to fix this?06:30
ShapeShifter499I have to reboot to fix the issue temporaraly till I hit the button again06:30
silverarrowmy battery has been charging for a long tìme and indicator says "you battery is fully charged 46%". Weird?06:30
karlgplease, as far as concerned virtualbox loading, in his versions, which is more practice, open or suse (I'm on ubuntu)?06:31
thrasher194while i rebooted for kernel update i cleaned my cpu fan free of dust.06:31
wurmphlegmSay if a game try's loading, but it doesn't and it leaves a square in the middle of the screen that wont go away, what is a good way to clear it without loggin out?06:33
Filipekwurmphlegm, sudo xkill06:34
wurmphlegmyeah ive tried that06:34
Filipekwurmphlegm, and then clicked on that square?06:34
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wurmphlegmah it went away!...06:35
wurmphlegmxkill wouldn't do it, but it went away06:35
Filipeksome X11 hang prolly...06:35
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ranveer5289wurmphlegm: care to share how it went away without using xkill06:35
allureI would like to thank jeep for his help setting up my apache2 correctly so it works with kaltura video cms now :) thanks, jeep!06:36
jeepyour welcome ! come back again06:36
wurmphlegmi tried loading another game over the top of it06:36
wurmphlegmit went away after i quit06:36
wurmphlegmeven tried xrefresh06:37
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ShapeShifter499anyone know ?06:38
ShapeShifter499I'll repost my question06:38
ShapeShifter499**Repost** I have a touchpad mouse, if I accidentally or on purpose click the easy to hit "disable touchpad" button to the top-right of the pad my mouse stops working all together even if I click the same button to enable it, anyone know how to fix this?06:38
ShapeShifter499Only a reboot fixes this issue06:39
wilee-nilee!patience > ShapeShifter49906:39
ubottuShapeShifter499, please see my private message06:39
jeepShapeShifter499: reloading the module may fix it06:39
ShapeShifter499jeep, how?06:39
ShapeShifter499jeep, how do I reload the module?06:40
Wesley0I installed the compiz config and when I rebooted I was unable to login to my user account. It goes black like it's loading for a few seconds and then returns to login page. Any ideas?06:40
ranveer5289ShapeShifter499: try unload and than reloading the kernel module using sudo modprobe -r kernel_modile and sudo modprobe kernel_module06:40
lotuspsychjeWesley0: you tryed unity2D yet?06:40
jeepShapeShifter499: lsmod will show currently used ones .. if it screws up modprobe missing-mod06:40
ranveer5289ShapeShifter499: to get your module use lsmod | grep mouse06:40
Wesley0lotuspsychje: Yes, I tried 2D and resarting a couple times. And same thing.06:41
lotuspsychjeWesley0: you got an older grafix card?06:41
micah_lol does anyone know how to get someones facebook/facebook email password?06:42
ranveer5289micah_: LOL06:42
lotuspsychjemicah_:this is not the chan to ask06:42
AdieI feel like something just broke in my linux06:42
ShapeShifter499ranveer5289, and this might fix the broken button?06:42
micah_oops what channel for that?06:42
Wesley0lotuspsychje: I believe it is, I'll be honest I'm not sure.06:42
ShapeShifter499ranveer5289, the broken touchpad disable/re-enable button06:43
Adiemicah_, try ##hardware06:43
lotuspsychjeWesley0: you can try adding 'nomodeset' to grub to see whats wrong06:43
ranveer5289ranveer5289: No it will not fix the broken button but I believe you don't have to restart it everytime06:43
Wesley0lotuspsychje: Okay, I could try that. Also, is there a way I could uninstall it from the text based login? I haven't tried that yet because I wanted to ask first.06:44
wurmphlegmWesley0: sudo apt-get remove (package name)06:44
silverarrowwhat is the difference between shockwave player, and flash player?06:44
lotuspsychjeWesley0:we need to make sure whats happening to our box06:44
ShapeShifter499ranveer5289, I wonder if I change it so the button will run modprobe -r psmouse (the name of my mouse module) when on and modprobe psmouse when off06:45
ShapeShifter499that would be a better fix (I think)06:45
silverarrowsudo apt-get remove all phlegm06:45
ranveer5289ranveer5289: I don't know if you can map the harware switch like this but you can look into xmodmap06:46
wilee-nileesilverarrow, https://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/faq.html06:46
ShapeShifter499ranveer5289, do you realize your highlighting yourself?06:46
wurmphlegmsilverarrow: shockwave is for advertisements and stuff06:46
lotuspsychjeWesley0: sudo gedit etc/default/grub, and add the line nomodeset after 'quiet splash' and sudo update-grub and reboot06:46
ranveer5289ShapeShifter499: what do you mean06:46
silverarrowwilee-nilee, thanks,06:47
micah_anyone know how to get a facebook password?06:47
lotuspsychjemicah_:pls stop that06:47
ranveer5289micah_: come on06:47
micah_be helpful come on now06:47
silverarrowwurmphlegm, thanks, do you think I have it installed?06:47
ShapeShifter499ranveer5289, I quote:   "<ranveer5289> ranveer5289: I don't know if you can map the harware switch like this but you can look into xmodmap"06:47
Wesley0lotuspsychje: I'll try that, thank you. I appreciate your help. You too wurmphlegm06:47
wurmphlegmmicah_: it would require a key-logger, but that person would have to be using your computer and logging into facebook06:47
micah_ahh damn06:47
awaadI am trying to access AIX machine from Ubuntu machine through ssh without a password06:47
ShapeShifter499ranveer5289, thats what showed up on my xchat client06:48
lotuspsychje!ot | wurmphlegm06:48
ubottuwurmphlegm: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:48
awaadSo I created on Ubuntu public and private keys using "ssh-keygen"06:48
ranveer5289ShapeShifter499: I don't know why that is happening06:48
wurmphlegmyeah whatever...i was trying to help him leave06:48
awaadthen I used "scp" to copy the public key to that AIX machine in the home directory of the user in .ssh/authorized_keys06:48
ShapeShifter499ranveer5289, well it fixed itself06:49
awaadThen I tried to access again using ssh, but it still asks me for a password06:49
ShapeShifter499seems ok now06:49
awaaday one can help ?06:49
ranveer5289ShapeShifter499: :) No idea06:49
lotuspsychje!ssh | awaad06:49
ubottuawaad: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)06:49
awaadubottu: Is there some thing wrong in my steps ?06:50
ubottuawaad: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:50
awaadlotuspsychje: Is there some thing wrong in my steps ?06:50
ranveer5289ShapeShifter499: If you need to disable your touchpad you can use synclient for that.06:51
wurmphlegmhe's just being annoying06:51
lotuspsychjeawaad: did you read the url? alot of usefull info on there about ssh06:51
ShapeShifter499ranveer5289, I missed your last post06:53
ranveer5289ShapeShifter499: If you need to disable your touchpad you can use synclient for that.06:54
ubottuscp is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/06:54
ranveer5289ShapeShifter499: try synclient synclient touchpadoff=106:54
ranveer5289ShapeShifter499: to disable and than use synclient touchpadoff=0 to re-enable it.06:55
ShapeShifter499ranveer5289, I don't want to disable it, I like the button to be disabled because I can hit it and if I do I'll have to reboot my system to get my mouse working06:55
ranveer5289ShapeShifter499: so that reloading and unloading worked or not?06:55
ShapeShifter499it works but how do I run the commands if I can't use my mouse?06:56
ShapeShifter499I can't even get to terminal06:56
ShapeShifter499maybe I'll have to have terminal on a keyboard shortcut06:56
ranveer5289ShapeShifter499: well you can use a keyboard shortcut06:57
awaadlotuspsychje: I took a look but found no thing helpful06:57
ShapeShifter499ranveer5289, it bothers me that the button doesn't work like it did on windows06:57
timfrostawaad: check permissions on the remote directories and file - unless  the remote directory ~user, ~user/.ssh (and parent directories) and file ~user/.ssh/authorized_keys can only be written to by the owner, the remote sshd won't accept the public key06:57
ranveer5289ShapeShifter499: It happens06:57
ranveer5289ShapeShifter499: You can also do one thing create a small bash script and bind that script to a keyboard shortcut using xmodmap or xbindkeys06:58
awaadtimfrost: authorized_keys file permission is "rw-r--r--"06:59
awaadtimfrost: .ssh directory permission is "rwx------"06:59
timfrost!paste | awaad06:59
ubottuawaad: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:59
=== hp is now known as Guest74794
awaadtimfrost: Sorry for being noisy, but is there any other thing that I can check ?07:01
timfrostawaad: check the permissions on the remote home directory, and the tree from / to that home directory (ownership doesn't matter but write permissions are critical).  Also, did you copy the public key07:03
quazimodoguys I have no idea whats going on07:04
quazimodobut the wireless on my 12.04 install has become ecruciatingly slow07:05
quazimodoparticularly on my home network. On other networks it seems to be ok07:05
quazimodothink its an ubuntu issue?07:05
noskcajdoes your wifi work at normal speeds on other computerss?07:05
quazimodono other computer to check with07:06
quazimodoi guess thats the next step isnt it07:06
quazimodoget another pc to confirm07:06
timfrostawaad: you may also need to check with your server admins, because they may have disabled public-key authentication in the system configuration07:06
noskcajyes, unfortuantly until then we cant really help07:06
quazimodono probs07:06
awaadtimfrost: I checked the permissions and it's okay. What do you mean by copying the public key? If you mean to ask If I copied the public key from my ubuntu to the AIX in the .ssh directory in the home directory of the user, the answer is yes07:07
timfrostawaad: as the permissions are correct, and you copied the correct key, the server configuration is the next thing to check07:09
awaadtimfrost: The same server is used to be accessed from other AIX machines using public, private key authentication without any problem, so this means that the configurations of the server are right.07:10
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:11
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com07:11
krababbelI wanted to install pm-utils I deinstalled before, and now dpkg is stuck at 'status half-configured cpufrequtils:amd64 008-1'07:11
timfrostawaad: In that case, I am out of ideas, sorry07:11
kcahhere is an ideal ... can i have 2 layers of password for logging into an account?07:13
kcahprompt once to ask for the 1st password and prompt a 2nd time to ask for another password07:13
awaadtimfrost: Is there any difference in the steps if I am accessing AIX machine from Ubunto machine and if I am accessing AIX machine from Ubuntu machine ?07:13
jribawaad: I'd suggest starting over and using ssh-copy-id instead of scp.  If the problem persists, check your server configuration.  If the problem persists, restart the ssh server in debug mode and check what happens (on the server) when you attempt to connect07:13
timfrostawaad: a thought: at work, I encountered a case where the user home directory, the .ssh directory and/or the .ssh/authorized_keys file did not belong to the correct user.  If any of those cases applied, the keys were rejected07:15
e11bitsAnyone knows why seahorse is asking for a passphrase everytime I log in? And it creates a new login_x entry every time. see http://tinyurl.com/bnnxqpd07:16
e11bitsThe problem might be, that my home directory is located on a network drive under AFS?!07:18
[Hun]How to install flash player on terminal?07:19
[Hun]What is the command?07:20
ikonia!flash | [Hun]07:20
ubottu[Hun]: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash07:20
[Hun]apt-get install....  ?07:21
gartral                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      07:22
quazimodook just tested07:22
jribgartral: now my console is all empty :/07:22
quazimodoits definitely my laptop that's the problem07:22
ikonia[Hun]: read the link07:22
quazimodoi have 93% wifi but it excruciatingly slow07:22
gartralI need a hard-coded domain name block, preferably a kernel-level module.. any ideas?07:23
e11bitsHun: see http://bit.ly/RjQq2V07:23
quazimodoxubuntu 12.04 on a lenovo r50007:23
[Hun]Ok Tx07:23
ikoniaquazimodo: that's signal condition, not performance07:23
quazimodoany ideas?07:23
quazimodoikonia: yes exactly07:23
quazimodothe performance is competely fucked07:23
ikoniagartral: kernel level domainname block ?07:23
ikoniaquazimodo: that language is unacceaptable07:23
ikoniaquazimodo: please use polite language07:23
gartralikonia: that is polite07:24
ikoniagartral: what is polite ?07:24
=== HelpMe is now known as Guest74773
quazimodook had to disable 11_n07:27
Guest74773Hello! I'm trying to install Ubuntu onto an early 2011 Macbook Pro (8,1) I am using the guide and a USB. I got to the part where I need to boot the USB from rEFIt, and rEFIt sees the USB drive as bootable, but selecting it says that there is no bootable media. I am using Ubuntu 12.04 AMD64 desktop edition Mac.07:27
=== trijntje_ is now known as trijntje
ikoniaGuest74773: I'd suggest either refit is looking at the wrong device, or the device was not made correctly, and is not therefore bootable07:28
Ben64Guest74773: is it an intel mac with 64bit support?07:29
Guest74773 ben64: How can I tell what it is?07:29
Guest74773Oh, yeah it's an intel mac07:29
Guest74773Dunno if it has 64bit support, tho07:29
Ben64i don't really know much about macs, but i'd think they would use 64bit capable cpus07:30
Ben64anyway, why usb instead of cd?07:30
ikonia2011 mac = 64bit07:30
karlgplease, as far as concerned virtualbox loading, in his versions, which is more practice, open or suse (I'm on ubuntu)?07:30
Guest74773Just because I don't have any CDs in the house at the moment.07:30
Guest74773Thanks Ikonia.07:30
ikoniakarlg: I'm really sorry, your question doesn't make sense07:30
karlgikonia, just help me, i think there is too king of virtualbox, is that true?07:31
Guest74773Oh. Hold on.07:31
ikoniakarlg: there is an open and a comercial version if that's what you're asking07:31
karlgikonia, no exactly, I think there is two king of open version, is that true?07:32
ikoniakarlg: there is an open and comercial version, you can discuss this in #vbox07:33
auronandacekarlg: what language do you speak?07:33
karlgok thanks, ikonia.07:33
karlgauronandace, why do you asking me that?07:34
Ben64i'd guess french07:34
=== Kitar|st_ is now known as Kitar|st
Guest74773I used ubuntu-12.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso (converted to .img) and rEFIt did not recognize the USB. Then I used ubuntu-12.04.1-desktop-amd64+mac.iso and rEFIt recognized the USB but could not boot. The second time, I don't think I did it correctly. Is there a tool to do that from a PC?07:34
auronandacekarlg: your english is not like native english speakers07:34
ikonia!install | Guest7477307:34
ubottuGuest74773: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate07:34
karlgauronandace, and so?07:34
auronandacekarlg: i just thought it might be easier for you to get help in your own language07:35
karlgauronandace, you're right, and how can I do ti on chanels?07:36
ikoniakarlg: there isn't a french #vbox channel on freenode, just talk slowly/clearly in #vbox and people will help07:37
LiDaRhi n3v3rm1nd07:37
n3v3rm1ndLiDaR: i need help07:37
n3v3rm1ndfor my ubuntu07:37
LiDaRn3v3rm1nd: we all do in one way or another just ask your question !07:37
fidel!ask > n3v3rm1nd07:37
ubottun3v3rm1nd, please see my private message07:37
n3v3rm1ndi install vpn-server in my ubuntu but not started correctly and i remove after remove pptpd i dont have a /etc/pptpd.conf and /etc/ ppp* folder07:39
karlgwhich commands can I use to download (only, not install) programs with, especially with apt-get07:42
ebs512does anyone have a guide for setting up Gnome on ubuntu 12.04, I already have Gnome installed, it just annoys me that the only button on the top bar is applications07:42
ikoniaebs512: can you define what you mean by "gnome" unity is built on gnome, so what do you want to change07:43
ikoniakarlg: apt-get -d07:43
ikoniakarlg: man apt-get for all options07:43
ebs512ikonia, I have 2 branches to login to( actually more) Ubuntu, which I am using currently, Gnome, Gnome Classic, and Ubuntu2D, when I login to Gnome, the only selection on top is Applications07:44
skpl^ebs512: http://extensions.gnome.org07:44
ikoniaebs512: when you launch gnome - is it launching unity on gnome, or something else on gnome ?07:44
ebs512unity is not launched when logged into Gnome07:45
n3v3rm1ndi have a ubuntu 10.10 need this 2 files /etc/pptpd.conf and ppp folder cant you send me to my email.07:45
ikoniaebs512: ok, so is gnome-shell launched ?07:45
auronandace!10.10 | n3v3rm1nd07:45
ubottun3v3rm1nd: Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 10th, 2012, see http://ubottu.com/y/maverick for details.07:45
auronandaceikonia: i think he is expecting gnome3 to looke like gnome207:46
ebs512how can I tell? The unity launcher isnt launched but only Docky really shows up07:46
n3v3rm1ndyes old version07:46
n3v3rm1ndnot need update07:46
bolosaurive got a computer at home that uses an iPhone as modem07:46
bolosaurbut apparently its got a whole lot of ports blocked, including 590007:46
ebs512no top bar, no bottom bar just applications in the upper left hand corner and my desktop icons07:46
bolosauris there any way to check which ports are open in ubuntu, so that i can set up VNC?07:47
n3v3rm1ndpleace send me this 2 files07:47
bolosaur(to clarify, the ports are blocked by the iphone)07:47
n3v3rm1ndpptpd.conf and ppp folder07:47
karlgikonia, apt-get -d what?07:48
karlgikonia, apt-get -d nameofpackage?07:48
ikoniakarlg: come on .....what do you think, package name07:48
ikoniakarlg: man apt-get07:48
auronandacen3v3rm1nd: 10.10 is no longer supported07:49
n3v3rm1ndok give me file last version07:49
auronandacen3v3rm1nd: use a supported release07:50
ikoniayou can't mix versions like that07:50
n3v3rm1ndafter sudo apt-get install pptp07:50
n3v3rm1ndall installed07:51
n3v3rm1ndand not have a pptpd.conf and ppp folder07:51
auronandacen3v3rm1nd: you are using an unsupported release, we can't help you07:52
auronandacen3v3rm1nd: you need to use a supported release if you want support in this channel07:53
n3v3rm1ndhow to configure my vpn07:53
n3v3rm1ndwhat is this error07:55
n3v3rm1ndSep  6 10:17:02 bemina pppd[20290]: Warning - secret file /etc/ppp/pap-secrets has world and/or group access07:55
n3v3rm1ndhelp me private messeges07:57
negevhi, is there a way to make apt automatically update all packages which are a) not the kernel and b) require no user interaction to upgrade?07:59
=== Jason is now known as Guest61867
=== Guest61867 is now known as Jason43
ubuntumbphow can i get ubuntu on my MacBookPro9,2? iv'e got it to boot with noapic but the keyboard/trackpad doesn't work08:07
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages08:08
ikoniaubuntumbp: check out the basics on there, get the basics covered off first08:08
Onnonymousnegev: Why would you not upgrade the kernel? It's perhaps the most important item to upgrade.08:08
ikoniaOnnonymous: because not everyone wants to reboot all the time08:08
Guest74773If a version of ubuntu is not listed macbook pro community documentation as being compatible, does that mean it is incompatible or just untested?08:11
ikoniamost likely untested08:11
ikoniathe mac "buzz" has only recently been ackowledged08:12
Guest74773I don't want to use like version 10 or whatever.08:12
ikoniaGuest74773: what version are you using ?08:12
Guest74773I'm wanting to install 12.0408:12
ikoniaGuest74773: the later the version the more likely/better the support will be08:12
Guest74773But it lists 11 for my model.08:12
Guest74773Yeah, I figured as much.08:12
Guest74773I guess I could stay up to install this. *yawn*08:13
T3Xmy ubuntu server booting on busybox how do i get rid of it?08:13
oldeagleI have installed Ubuntu 12.04 in dual boot with W7. Now I want to make the Ubuntu partition larger, and thw W7 one much smaller (than I originally selected when installung U). Can I do this from within Ubuntu?08:13
Guest74773Oh, is there any reason why I shouldn't be using an iPod as a USB to install Ubuntu? Or is that fine? It's an 8gig iPod and I reformatted it and everything08:14
ikoniaoldeagle: you'll need to do this from live media (a live CD) as the partitions will be in use08:14
ikoniaGuest74773: as a usb device......I can't see a problem, but then it's apple with funky firmware and stuff, so I wouldn't use it if I could use a regular device08:14
oldeagleikonia, do you know what program I should use?08:15
bolosaurIs it possible to somehow control Ubuntu with a gamepad?08:15
Guest74773I've had success with it before, so I'll give it a try!08:15
ikoniagparted is a good tool08:15
ikoniabolosaur: you can hook up Wii and PS3 controllers, (xbox360 too, but I've not done that) if you configure them as input devices within Xorg, yes08:15
oldeagleikonia, ok. Will try. Thanks!08:15
bolosaurikonia: what would they control though08:16
bolosaurif set as input devices08:16
bolosaurthe mouse cursor?08:16
ikoniathe mouse pointer, cursor focus, whatever you set them up as08:16
Guest74773XBOX360 shouldn't be hard if you have a USB XBOX360 controller.08:16
=== yavor is now known as y4h0
bolosaurhm, maybe a better idea would be to VNC to this gaming setup08:17
bolosaurand start the games from there08:17
ikoniarunning games over remote desktop = lag/bad redraw rates, lack of acceleration, however its up to you what you do08:17
bolosaurnah ikonia08:17
bolosaurjust for booting the games08:17
bolosaurid still have the gaming comp hooked up to a tv08:18
bolosauri mean that would work, right?08:18
ikoniawhy do you need to vnc to a machine to start a game ?08:18
ikoniawhy can you not start the game from the display you are using ?08:18
bolosaurbecause its tucked in under my tv08:18
bolosaurits a laptop08:18
bolosaurwith two controllers sticking out of its container08:18
ikoniabolosaur: so you still have a screen (to play the games on) why are you not using that screen ?08:18
bolosaurbecause i still need to be able to boot/manage the games08:19
bolosauron the laptop08:19
bolosaurand i figured it'd be nice to not have to use a wireless keyboard/mouse08:19
ikoniabolosaur: why do you not manage the games from the screen you are using to play the games08:20
bolosaurbecause its not a touch screen? :p08:20
bolosauri still need some kind of controller08:20
RORO588can you help me08:20
bolosaurfor the OS itself08:20
ikoniabolosaur: so use a mouse,08:20
ikoniaRORO588: you need to ask a question08:20
ikoniawhat ?08:20
bolosaurwell, my tv already has tons of stuff hooked up to it. im trying to get away with not having any visible peripherals for this ubuntu gaming laptop08:21
bolosaursave for two controllers08:21
ikoniado what ever you want then08:21
bolosauryeah like08:21
bolosaurim considering three things right now; 1) VNCing to the computer (since i always have a laptop nearby) 2) controlling ubuntu with a gamepad (if that's not too hard) or 3) having a wireless keyboard and mouse08:22
bolosauri couldnt get VNC to work yesterday though because it uses an iphone as modem/source of internet and for some reason port 5900 is blocked08:22
bolosaurand yes, i do have a ghetto setup. no need to mention it. ;P08:23
RORO430i ask here08:23
RORO430i need 2 files08:23
Guest74773Bolo that's kind of hilarious.08:23
RORO430pptpd.comf and ppp folder08:24
RORO430sned me in email08:24
bolosaurGuest74773: how so :)08:24
bolosaurit actually looks great08:24
ikoniaRORO430: you asked as n3v3rm1nd earlier and where told the answer08:24
ikoniaRORO430: youd distro is unsupported.08:24
Guest74773Just the absurdity of the whole setup. But if it works, more power to ya.08:24
RORO430fucking idionts08:25
Kartagis!find snmpget08:25
ubottuFile snmpget found in libnet-snmp-perl, php-doc, python-pysnmp2, python-pysnmp4-apps, snmp08:25
bolosaurGuest74773: I agree that it's absurd, but my philosophy is that I want as much functionality/as many devices as possible without having to do any initial setting up before using them. Like, I don't want to have to mess around with cables and stuff in order to use devices.08:26
bolosaurSo right now I have a ghetto WiFi consisting of an Ubuntu laptop using an iPhone as internet source, which is subsequently shared to all other nearby devices. In addition, it also shares internet via LAN to my Xbox since I don't have a WiFi peripheral for it.08:26
=== n is now known as Guest2649
bolosaurhowever, i'd like for this laptop to double as an emulator gaming console08:26
bolosaurso right now im trying to find the best solution for that that also won't require me to mess around with anything prior to playing08:27
bolosaurbeyond just booting the game :D08:27
Guest74773Haha. I'd just get a cheap computer for that08:27
bolosaurwell isnt that what i have already? ;)08:27
Guest74773Oh... right!08:28
bolosaurbut maybe ikonia is right. perhaps a mouse would be the easiest08:28
Guest74773Well at least get a proper router! lol08:28
Guest74773Oh, you could use a joystick instead of a mouse08:28
bolosaurOh, good idea.08:28
Guest74773like a simple 2 button joystick08:28
bolosaurthat'd be awesome.08:28
ebs512thank you for the extension whoever linked me08:29
bolosaurActually, maybe I can VNC to it via Bluetooth. Would that be possible?08:29
Guest74773Yeah :) and it would also function in gaming, too!08:29
bolosaurwell you people have given me some neat ideas08:30
bolosaurso thanks08:30
Guest74773VNC via Bluetooth, eh?08:30
karlgikonia, gnome-tweak-tool do not resolve my problem! I have wallch program which  make animations in my desktop's background, but the default program installed  (to manage my desktop background) on my ubuntu do not do it.08:30
bolosaurGuest74773: isnt that possible?08:31
bolosauri mean, cant you route an internal IP to the bluetooth devices somehow?08:31
bolosaurand then connect to that IP+08:31
karlgI want to change my default program into wallch, that's my goal.08:31
bolosaurer, route a local IP address to the bluetooth connection*08:31
Guest74773Yeah... but08:32
Guest74773why bother?08:32
bolosaurbecause then i wont need any extra peripherals for my gaming laptop, which is tucked away out of sight08:32
Guest74773I mean all you REALLY need to do is have the laptop go to the TV, and then use bluetooth for the controllers... right?08:32
ikoniakarlg: no-one said anything about gnome-twweak-tool - you asked about vbox08:32
bolosaurGuest74773: yeah but i still need something to manage the OS with08:32
ikoniakarlg: I cannot talk to you if you expect answers to questions you've not ased08:32
Guest74773What do you mean? Use a bluetooth keyboard and an arcade stick.08:33
karlglater I ask questions about it , before talk about vbox, excuse me if it were not you08:33
hmfHello is there a way to rename my machine name? thx08:33
bolosaurWell, that's not a bad solution. But it would be even better if I didn't have to use anything but the gamepads.08:33
bolosaurso i'm trying to find a way to do that08:34
Guest74773Yeah but u cant type anything08:34
hmfI named it after the model of the laptop not the correct thing to do.08:35
Guest74773I mean i GUESS you could use the onscreen keyboard exclusively08:35
karlgok, I remember, it was someone like blackshirt...08:35
Guest74773since you wont need it much08:35
bolosaurGuest74773: well if I use VNC, i can easily control it for the moment08:35
ebs512what are the alternative apps for conky? other system monitors for the desktop?08:35
bolosauri have a small macbook air 11"08:35
bolosaurso i could just keep it on the table and control the machine with it08:35
hmfit should be the mobo model number for the name08:36
Guest74773Yeah very true.08:36
karlgikonia, can you still help for my question?08:36
Guest74773what OS is the gaming laptop hybrid running?08:36
=== emil is now known as Emil-
ikoniakarlg: I don't know what the question is, you just said gnome-tweeak-tool doesn't help08:36
bolosaurGuest74773: Ubuntu.08:37
karlgikonia, I have wallch program which  make animations in my desktop's background, but the default program installed  (to manage my desktop background) on my ubuntu do not do it.  I want to change my default program in wallch.08:37
SebastienAvailable on: http://chanstats.irczone.net/ubuntu.freenode.html08:37
Sebastienoh shit08:37
Sebastienwrong button08:37
FloodBot1Sebastien: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:37
hmfcan ya rename your device name in Ubuntu08:38
ikoniakarlg: no idea how to set that up, I'd have to research08:38
karlgok, thanks08:38
Guest74773Try and find a Mac to Ubuntu program that will let you do remote management08:38
Guest74773then you can just go directly over the local network, right?08:38
bolosaurI have an OSX app called Screens, which apparently allows VNC connections.08:38
bolosaurAlso, the laptop doesn't have WiFi, so LAN is not possible. :P08:39
bolosaurI'd have to go through bluetooth or the iphone connection08:39
Guest74773I've only ever used Apple Remote Desktop Connection, but I think that's Mac only.08:39
Guest74773Wow... I don't even...08:39
bolosaurand the iphone blocks port 5900 apparently08:39
bolosaurso im gonna use a BT dongle and connect through there i think08:39
bolosaurhaha hey, don't knock my awesome ghetto setup ;)08:39
Guest74773Can't you just change the port it uses?08:40
bolosauri dont know. i tried using VINO yesterday08:40
bolosaurbut it didnt let me select any ports08:40
bolosauri think a BT connection would be best08:41
bolosaurthat way i can find a use for my old BT dongle too ;D08:41
bolosaurI have to give credit to Ubuntu though, I tried doing a similar setup maybe 1-2 years ago and08:41
bolosaurit just totally broke the system08:41
bolosauri had to do a lot of under-the-hood stuff08:42
bolosaurnow its all automated and/or done via GUI08:42
bolosaurand works flawlessly08:42
Guest74773Hahaha wow. That sounds like a nightmare.08:42
bolosaurin fact, i tried doing it on the very same laptop before, and it couldnt even maintain a connection!08:42
bolosaurnow it all works perfectly fine08:42
karlgplease,  I have wallch program which  make animations in my desktop's background, but the default program installed  (to manage my desktop background) on my ubuntu do not do it.  I want to change my default program in wallch.08:42
bolosauryeah, it was a nightmare08:42
bolosaurlost a lot of data because all communication devices on the computer broke08:42
bolosaurso i couldnt get my data off of it :(08:42
compdocif I access a server remotely with vnc, or access a VM guest with vnc or rdp, how important is the video card in the server to speed that up?08:43
Guest74773I want to get this working so badly, but I might have to stop.08:44
Guest74773I don't want to be up all night08:44
bolosaurSleep tight then. :D08:45
bolosaurAnd thanks everyone for the input.08:45
fortunaHi, I installed Ubuntu on a Advantech PC, I'd like to install touchscreen driver can anyone please help me?08:45
jalexandruhaving trouble with a laptop that has a LCD connected to vga, at startup the laptop display is off, I need to do "Fn+F8" to start the display, and I would like to configure it to start the screen automatically08:47
hmfI found this to rename my machine http://www.tech-recipes.com/rx/2732/ubuntu_how_to_change_computer_name/08:49
compdochmf, what did you name it?08:52
breadHi, I'm trying to get the chinese program 'pps' to run on my linux computer. anyone got any ideas on how to do this? or even done this before?08:52
bolosaurhaha hmf, i looked that up just yesterday08:52
hmfcompdoc: I name it after the motherboard manfacture and model08:53
compdochmf, one word?08:53
hmfcompdoc: AcerJE51-DN08:55
karlgplease,  I have wallch program which  make animations in my desktop's background, but the default program installed  (to manage my desktop background) on my ubuntu do not do it.  I want to change my default program in wallch.08:56
g00seAm i right in thinking that Ubunta has a non-dedicated-partition install option?08:56
hmfactually, HMF-AcerJE51-DN  thxs:)08:56
MasterOfDisasterg00se: you need a seperate partition for a traditional (ubuntu) linux installation08:57
MasterOfDisasterg00se: there is the option of using wubi - I never tried this though08:58
=== lub is now known as lubmilk
MasterOfDisasterg00se: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide08:58
Guest74773Wubi is amazingly  simple.08:59
MasterOfDisasterSimplicity doesn't imply effectiveness :P08:59
breadno ideas?08:59
Guest74773Yeah I hate that you can't go over 30 gigs.09:01
g00se30 gigs of disk space?09:02
Guest74773Yeah you can only make a 30 gig partition with Wubi, I think.09:05
stingherjoin #ubuntu-it09:05
edlangHi - are there any known problems with the latest versions of mdadm / grub / the kernel?09:07
edlangI've got a server that's not correctly assembling its arrays, which is causing the server not to boot correctly09:07
ferroniai'm using ubuntu 12.04 in VBOX and i tried to upgrade "update-manager -d" to Alpha version of ubuntu 12.10 but didn't worked not showing me new ubuntu release available need advice!!09:08
g00seThanks guys09:08
edlangWhen I drop to the maintenance shell, I can manually scan for the missing array, and then continue as normal09:08
ferroniai'm using ubuntu 12.04 in VBOX and i tried to upgrade "update-manager -d" to Alpha version of ubuntu 12.10 but didn't worked not showing me new ubuntu release available need advice!!09:09
ikoniadefine "didn't work"09:09
compdocubuntu 12.10 isnt released09:14
karlgplease,  I have wallch program which  make animations in my desktop's background, but the default program installed  (to manage my desktop background) on my ubuntu do not do it.  I want to change my default program in wallch.09:16
robotti^_compdoc: yes it will be released on october09:16
edlangthere's nothing immediately obvious in the mdadm bugs09:18
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ebs512why dont these alienware icon themes work in ubuntu?09:24
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karlgplease,  I have wallch program which  make animations in my desktop's background, but the default program installed  (to manage my desktop background) on my ubuntu do not do it.  I want to change my default program in wallch.09:33
Fudgehi, i use unity-2d and am trying to figure out what package installed unity, it is not meant to be on my custom cd. how can i find out?09:36
karlgsomeone can remenber me pastebin site?09:38
Azzle-Dazzlecan someone tell me how to move the notification bubble from top right to bottom right ??09:38
Anomie21Can anyone help with this error? Processing was halted because there were too many errors. E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)09:39
DJones!paste | karlg09:39
ubottukarlg: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:39
Anomie21I'm getting this when I type 'apt-get upgrade'   // 198 not fully installed or removed. - How do I fix that?09:40
MonkeyDustAnomie21  try sudo apt-get -f install09:40
Fudgekarlg  also try pastebinit package09:40
Anomie21MonkeyDust: Same error [Processing was halted because there were too many errors. E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)]09:40
MonkeyDustAnomie21  what's the outcome of lsb_release -sd ?09:41
Anomie21MonkeyDust: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS09:42
FudgeAnomie21  dpkg --configure -a may help configure those packages with problems09:43
Anomie21Fudge: Processing was halted because there were too many errors.09:44
Azzle-Dazzleanyone ?09:44
Fudgeprob have to look at your dpkg log in /var/log09:44
FudgeAzzle-Dazzle  i saw your question but do not know09:44
Anomie21Fudge: http://pastebin.com/eqJyYWqR09:45
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IdleOneAzzle-Dazzle: not possible afaik09:45
Azzle-Dazzlethat sucks :( It never used to be where it is now when i was using cinnamon (i think)09:45
MonkeyDustAnomie21  i'd like to see the outcome of apt-get update, to know if you don't have old repos09:46
StryKaizerEvery time somebody talks to me by IM, I get prompted to enter the root password.  I already removed empathy in favour of pidgin but this did not fix the issue.  Anyone any clue where to search?09:47
Anomie21MonkeyDust: http://pastebin.com/W6fwndHV09:47
karlgplease, I was using ubuntu customization kit, when this msg appears : http://pastebin.com/WWqwDW1R09:49
FudgeAnomie21  not sure09:50
ert3goHello , i've these problems while installing R : http://snipurl.com/24w7i66  . Can anyone help ?09:50
Azzle-Dazzleok, Can someone tell me how to remove user data from an app then please ? So its as if Ive just installed it09:54
AdvoWorkIs it possible to rsync(pull) data from an external ubuntu server? ie if im on my local ubuntu client machine (/mnt/test/) can i pull files from a server ?09:54
woosimhello. How can I delete the recent documents entries which I see, when I want to attach something to an email in thunderbird.I'm using the most recent ubuntu  and I already deleted the history in the privacy settings, but this didn't help09:55
MonkeyDustAdvoWork  basically rsync -av --progress user@192......:home/user/folder09:55
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MonkeyDustAdvoWork  basically rsync -av --progress user@192......:/home/user/folder/file .09:56
AdvoWorkahh ok, thanks MonkeyDust09:56
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zetherooseems like the weather forecast is no longer working with the weather indicator09:58
MonkeyDustzetheroo  idd, noticed it too09:58
dr_willisthe weather has been cancled.09:58
zetheroo"Forecast information cannot be fetched. Connection cannot be established."09:59
FudgeloL dr_willis09:59
MonkeyDustthe weather has been patented by MS09:59
zetheroothere is no more weather :P09:59
dr_willissounds like the seevice is down09:59
zetheroowell it's been like this for quite a while now - weeks09:59
dr_willisand legally you must sign a eula to use the 'window' to look at the weather10:00
k1lzetheroo: here too. i saw a bug report for it. but no solution10:00
zetheroodr_willis: what if I forge my own "window" ?10:00
dr_williszetheroo:  then you get sued by apple.10:00
fortunaHi, I'd like to install touchscreen driver on my Ubuntu, Can anyone please guide me?10:00
zetherook1l: strange that something like this would just break without anyone knowing why ..10:01
dr_willisit would be nice to have a weather map on the login screen ;)10:01
zetheroodr_willis: darn10:01
pyrrhicdr_willis, sup bud?10:03
MerisFudge, beware. Unity-2D is phased out in 12.10!10:03
AdvoWorkMonkeyDust, can i specify how much bandwidth to use somehow?10:03
dr_willisMeris:  its being obsoleted/redundant...10:03
dr_willismost people wont even notice its gone10:04
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MonkeyDustAdvoWork  no, never had bandwidth issues myself10:05
MonkeyDustAdvoWork  no = i dunno10:05
Merisdr_willis, I have seen lots of complaints against this decision, especially from people that had poor GPU's / high demand for permance. People fear that the llvpipe will hog CPU resources.10:06
Merisdr_willis: permance => performance10:06
dr_williswe will have to wait and see.10:06
MonkeyDustMeris  this is not the channel for discussion10:06
pyrrhicdr_willis, what is XMLlite?10:06
MerisMonkeyDust, merely reacting on dr_willis, I won' t pursue it any further, don' t worry.10:07
dr_willispyrrhic:  no idea.10:07
AfdalI'm having trouble booting a new install of Xubuntu10:07
md_5any suggestions as to why suddenly I cannot create ad hoc networks10:07
AfdalI get to the step "Starting CUPS printing spooler/server     [OK]" and then the boot just hands10:08
md_5They just dont initialise10:08
MerisAnomie21: What were the actions you did just before you got this error?10:08
AfdalI can hear my computer fan slow down too like it's stopped trying to process anything10:08
Afdalthe booth hangs at "Starting CUPS printing spooler/server     [OK]"10:09
Anomie21Meris: I updated to 12.04 a few weeks ago, came in this morning - put a post on wordpress, worked fine. Went to put up another 10 minutes later and my site went down. Now MySQL is giving me a bunch of weird errors10:09
Meris!pastebin | karlg10:09
ubottukarlg: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:09
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Anomie21Meris: People here having the same issue http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=199826010:09
doctorpepperhi  guys10:15
exaemmorning all10:15
MerisAnomie21, did you try: sudo apt-get install -f mysql-server         ?10:16
Anomie21Meris: Yes, get that same error 'process was halted,etc'10:16
doctorpeppercan anyone please  help me. i have  small issue using kvm . i am trying  to resize a virtual disk but i cant find the command option needed to do it10:16
doctorpepper according to all tutorials  i found   i need to do qemu-img  resize virtdisk +size  but when i do it  i  get the help message  as if  i did qemu-img --help10:18
karlgplease, I was using ubuntu customization kit, when this msg appears : http://pastebin.com/WWqwDW1R; someone can help?10:20
MerisAnomie21, if you have tried all the workarounds on the Ubuntu forums and AskUbuntu related to this and it still doesn' t work, it' s time to search for a posted bug on launchpad with this topic. if it does not exist yet, file it.10:21
AminosAmigoshello,  problem installing Webapps i've added the ppa but when i do sudo apt-get install unity-webapps-preview i get unmet dependencies error complaining about xul-ext-unity;;;xul-ext-websites-integration;;;xul-ext-webaccounts;;; and E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.10:22
solofighti have screwed up my ssh installation so wanted to completely remove it and reinstall fresh. So i did apt-get remove --purge openssh-server; apt-get remove --purge openssh-client; apt-get autoremove10:23
solofightafter doing all these10:24
solofightwhen i run ps -aux | grep ssh it says root     23632  0.0  0.0   8956   868 pts/1    S+   15:39   0:00 grep --color=auto sshd10:24
solofightdoes this mean that it was not unisntalled properly ?10:24
krababbelI tried to install a package, and dpkg is stuck, its log says it is at a half configured package. How should I kill it?10:25
Ben64solofight: that is your grep that you are seeing10:25
vpz3512solofight: grep just found itself10:25
fabioi need in my ubuntu server, a locale called as: ISO-8859-110:25
fabioi have en_US.ISO-8859-110:25
fabioor others10:25
fabiobut im migrating an old postgres10:25
fabioand it has LC_COLLATE "ISO-8859-1"10:25
vpz3512solofight: you can do "pgrep ssh" instead10:26
solofightok thanks10:27
solofightnow il install10:27
md_5yeah no clue what to do about this adhoc thing10:27
md_5(hope that message didnt get spammed)10:27
vpz3512solofight: pgrep is already installed as part of the base system (package: procps)10:28
karlgplease, I was using ubuntu customization kit, when this msg appears : http://pastebin.com/WWqwDW1R10:29
karlgplease,  I have wallch program which  make animations in my desktop's background, but the default program installed  (to manage my desktop background) on my ubuntu do not do it.  I want to change my default program in wallch.10:29
AminosAmigosyou can't karlg10:29
AminosAmigosyou just add the wallch to startup applications10:30
traubisodaif on my webserver, every user can run a website in their public_html directory, how can I redirect a domain name to /home/username/public_html?10:30
solofightvpz3512: no i was talking about ssh server10:30
vpz3512solofight: ah okay10:30
Aetiontraubisoda: use virtual hosts10:31
Ben64traubisoda: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/vhosts/10:31
traubisodaAetion, Ben64 thank you!10:31
Sachin__does flock() work at thread level or process level/10:32
Aetionum do u mean fork() ?10:33
Sachin__no file lock command10:33
einonmflock works on a process level. See man (2) flock10:39
karlgplease,  I have wallch program which  make animations in my desktop's background, but the default program installed  (to manage my desktop background) on my ubuntu do not do it.  I want to change my default program in wallch.10:40
Sachin__For all the files created,I want it to be not readable by other users.But this doesnt happen by deafult.How to solve this?10:42
Sachin__For all the files created,I want it to be not readable by other users.But this doesnt happen by deafult.How to solve this?10:43
einonmSachin__: Are you using C, and libc?10:44
Sachin__using C call setfsuid for setting the UID and creating the file10:44
crizisset default umask10:45
einonmwhen you create the file, are you using open() ?10:45
einonmuse the version of open that has the 'mode' param. See man (2) open10:46
Sachin__ok thanks10:47
einonmSachin__: np10:47
mintHello, is there a way to ping more than 64 bytes of data in Ubuntu?10:48
ranveer5289mint: look at man ping10:49
einonmmint: ping -s <size> . Again, try the man pages10:49
Aetionping -s <packet-size>10:49
ikoniamint: ping -s10:49
ikoniaalthough man ping or "man $any_command" will give you info10:49
tasslehoffwhen installing I claimed that my system clock is set to utc. it's not. how do I tell Ubuntu?10:50
mintI don't use man pages, I can't be asked.10:50
MonkeyDustmint  in case you missed it: ping -s10:50
mintThanks ikonia and Aetion though. :)10:50
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radar_any musician fresh of win-2-xnix migration ??10:56
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.10:56
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radar_had a re4adure of jack manual and wondering if I may need wineasio when routing to a wine DAW or I can do without10:57
MonkeyDustradar_  better ask in #ubuntustudio, they're the musicians10:58
fidelradar_: maybe ask in äopensourcemusicians as well10:58
fidelradar_: maybe ask in #opensourcemusicians as well10:59
radar_thanks for the tip mates, i'm trying #opensourcesmusicians too ... hope not to be flagged as spammer10:59
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Guest10682 Remove/Hide IM Status Icons from Messaging Menu10:59
radar_( thks fidel ;) )10:59
Anomie21Getting this error now -- The following packages have unmet dependencies.  perl : Depends: perl-base (= 5.14.2-6ubuntu2) but 5.14.2-6ubuntu2.1 is installed11:01
Guest10682how to Remove/Hide empathy Status Icons from Messaging Menu11:01
Anomie21How do I force an uninstall of that perl (do I need it?)11:01
bismaycan I hide desktop icon names in ubuntu 11.04??11:01
MonkeyDustis 11.04 supported?11:02
MonkeyDustah, idd, it is11:03
Robr3rdI am having a problem with Quicklists in Ubuntu 12.04 w/ Unity. For the "Home Folder"/Nautilus launcher, when I try to use any of the auto-generated Quicklists, nothing happens. The only one that works is "Open New Window", but then again it's hardcoded into the .desktop file, so of course it would. All other programs work fine. Any suggestions?11:03
go_U_Linuxi am still running old school11:04
bismayshould I update from ubuntu 11.04 to 12.04??11:05
MonkeyDustbismay  yes, it's better and longer supported11:06
=== lubmilk is now known as lubmil
Emil-How can i bookmark folders in the file manager?11:06
Emil-like, have them as favourites in the left bar.11:07
MonkeyDustEmil-  open a folder, on top, click Bookmarks11:07
Sidewinder1bismay, But, you'll need to update to 11.10; then 12.04 as 11.04 was/is not an LTS and 12.04 is an LTS.11:08
MonkeyDust!upgrade > bismay11:09
ubottubismay, please see my private message11:09
Sidewinder1bismay, Either that or back up data and clean install 12.04.11:10
pyrrhicI really wish someone would reply in the #winehq -_______________--11:10
bismayback up and install seems to be a good  idea11:11
Sidewinder1bismay, My pleasure.11:12
MonkeyDustbismay  use !tab to complete nickname11:12
pyrrhicMonkeyDust, you're a smart guy. care to help me? I'm obviously desperate for help. I've been here for like 3 days..11:14
fidelpyrrhic: try to always ask the channel ...not a single user ;)11:14
pyrrhicfidel: Good point. I'm just stuck in the same place for excessive periods and flustered.11:15
wolfricbit of an odd issue, when i tail -F /var/log/syslog on the live cd, it doesn't keep outputting o.O11:15
fidel!details > pyrrhic11:15
ubottupyrrhic, please see my private message11:15
Sidewinder1pyrrhic, And, please keep in mind that not everyone uses wine. :(11:15
wolfricif i do tail /var/log/syslog a number of times i can SEE more content being added but if i -F or -f , it gets the intial tail and then stops and no more messages11:16
wolfriceven if i do echo test >> /var/log/syslog etc definitely nothing comes out the tail -F11:16
=== Squarepy_ is now known as Squarepy
pyrrhicfidel, I've followed some steps on the appdb regarding TERA Online ; running via WINE. It's rated silver. So it's at least able to be ran. I have 3D Rendering and the alike enabled. I'm on Ubuntu 12.04 x64. The game is fully patched and won't get past the login screen. It acts as if I'm behind a firewall. I ran the game through VirtualBox on Windows 7 and it says it can't be ran inside a VM.11:18
fidelpyrrhic: now you replaced one name by another ...moo. Sounds like a topic for the wine channel or mailinglist anyway11:19
fidelgood luck11:19
ebs512anyone familiar with conky? is there any other styles than the circles?11:19
wolfricalso the inode isn't changing11:19
pyrrhicfidel, changed what name with what? huh?11:21
MonkeyDustebs512  start here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpConky11:22
fidelebs512: there are tons of example configs for conky in the web11:22
fidelconsidered checking some 'best of' threads?11:22
fidelebs512: in short: yes there are morel ooks then circles11:22
pyrrhicfidel: Sorry I dc'd. What did I change? I'm confused.11:22
MonkeyDustebs512  http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/05/five-beautifully-simple-conky-themes11:23
Anomie21Why does it keep doing this - Do you want to continue [Y/n]? y Abort. ?11:23
fidelpyrrhic: dont expect any help from me - i dont use wine and in addition i think you should focus on the wine channel or its mailinglist11:23
karlgplease,  I have wallch program which  make animations in my desktop's background, but the default program installed  (to manage my desktop background) on my ubuntu do not do it.  I want to change my default program in wallch.11:23
sgo11hi, I am using ubuntu 12.04 and gnome3. it seems my gnome-shell is dead. I can not use alt+f2. but I can execute command from gnome-terminal. how can I reload my gnome-shell? thanks.11:23
MonkeyDustpyrrhic  same here, i'm not familiar enough with wine11:24
pyrrhicfidel: I don't know what the mailing list is. And I've been waiting for help in the Wine Channel for about 4 days now. I'm not trying to come off strongly, I'd just hope to get some help in a timely manner for a community driven issue.11:24
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:24
ebs512I get this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/1187091/11:25
sgo11anyone please... I have lots of unsaved work...11:25
fidelpyrrhic: still - its an old rule to ask in the topic-related channel or mailinglist (which is really not that hard to find).... http://www.winehq.org/forums11:25
Robr3rdI am having a problem with Quicklists in Ubuntu 12.04 w/ Unity. For the "Home Folder"/Nautilus launcher, when I try to use any of the auto-generated Quicklists, nothing happens. The only one that works is "Open New Window", but then again it's hardcoded into the .desktop file, so of course it would. All other programs work fine. Any suggestions?11:25
mithranhai i can't set up the page in libre office calc th11:28
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fidel!details > mithran11:28
ubottumithran, please see my private message11:28
MonkeyDustmithran  better ask in #libreoffice11:28
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sgo11anyway, solved by gnome-shell --replace &11:31
pyrrhicWeThePeople: Hey.11:36
Sidewinder1pyrrhic, Kinda' sounds like you're at your wits end; sorry I know nothin' about wine. Have you posted a fully described question, with plenty of details here?--> http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=31311:40
wutixUbuntu. Does it support rltk 8188CE? Since what version?11:42
wutixor any wireless card from that family, thanks.11:43
Night-hacksIs it possible to degrade firefox ?11:43
baizonwhy want you do that?11:44
fidelNight-hacks: what do you mean by degrade? downgrading?11:44
Night-hacksfidel: yes11:44
Night-hacksfirefox 15 sucks11:45
Night-hacksi want to downgrade to 1411:45
criziswhat "sucks" about it?11:45
Night-hackscrizis: it freezes about a minute or two11:45
fidelNight-hacks: well 'apt-cache policy firefox' will tell you what versions your current apt-sources can offer. most likely only 15.11:46
crizisand no, you can't downgrade, mozilla doesn't support point releases anymore11:46
fidelNight-hacks: and v15 should be furthermore fix several memory-issues11:46
tiredbonesI'm getting ready to install vista along with ubuntu. How can I determine what driver(s) I need. I built my pc about 4 years ago.11:46
wutixWait what? You can't  use the version of firefox you want?11:46
crizisNight-hacks, what about finding out why it does that instead of going rage-downgrading?11:46
wutixWhat you guys talking about?11:46
crizisNight-hacks, like, checking extensions for starters11:46
Night-hackscrizis:  no time you know, lot's of major bugs to fix !11:47
_raven_12.04 + avrdude 5.11.1 still problems with avrispmkII - http://pastebin.com/6BxweM9A - need help please!11:47
pokkerfacefirefox sucks in general not only 1511:47
pokkerfaceuse chrome11:47
fidelpokkerface: watch your language ;)11:48
fideland please dont tell ppl what to use ;)11:48
Night-hacksChrome is a toy !11:48
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:48
Sidewinder1It's all about choices.11:48
wutixChrome? Chromium*11:48
Night-hacksit still doesn't support internal proxy !11:48
criziswake me up when chrome supports multiline tabs.. :)11:49
martin-fletchercan anyone help me with my current problem?11:50
criziswhich is?11:50
pokkerfaceyes multiline tabs are very good to view the webpages11:50
fidel!ask | martin-fletcher11:51
ubottumartin-fletcher: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:51
baizon!ask | martin-fletcher11:51
crizismartin-fletcher, http://www.catb.org/esr/faqs/smart-questions.html11:51
Guest12177Is it possible to prevent Ubuntu from detecting that I've turned the monitor off?11:51
pokkerface!silence fidelcastro11:51
baizonGuest12177: yes11:51
Guest12177baizon, Awesome! How?11:52
baizonGuest12177: http://askubuntu.com/questions/15520/how-can-i-tell-ubuntu-to-do-nothing-when-i-close-my-laptop-lid11:52
LjLlet's behave, shall we?11:52
Anomie21Is there outputs of commands I can post here to help someone reading this thread out? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=12219107#post1221910711:52
martin-fletcheri have inherited a broken, ancient windows network that has never been maintained, and i need to migrate it to a complete linux solution (apart from a few clients still running windows), as i have no funding for any updates11:53
serdanwzz up11:53
Guest12177baizon, Thanks, but I don't have a laptop and my power settings don't have those options.11:53
baizonGuest12177: what version do you have?11:54
Guest12177baizon, 12.0411:54
_raven_12.04 + avrdude 5.11.1 still problems with avrispmkII - http://pastebin.com/6BxweM9A - need help please!11:54
martin-fletcheri am looking to implement ltsp for client access, NFS mounts via dedicated NAS server, and samba for dealing with windows clients (as a pdc) and printer sharing11:54
baizonGuest12177: http://blog.projectz.me/2012/06/25/disable-the-lock-screen-and-screen-blank-on-ubuntu-12-04/11:54
martin-fletcherany ideas on where to start with this?11:54
Guest12177baizon, The problem I've run into is that every time I turn off the monitor a kernel module I've removed is added back in again. This causes my 360 controller to turn off and the buttons I've set up to be disabled.11:55
serdanWHY DONT U ANSWER!11:55
LjL!ot | serdan11:55
ubottuserdan: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:55
serdando you hear me11:55
Guest12177baizon, I suppose I could blacklist the driver, but why the hell does Ubuntu know the monitor is off in the first place, and why would do things based on it?11:55
baizonGuest12177: its for powersaving :)11:56
Guest12177baizon, I've turned all power savings off. All that's possible, anyway.11:56
baizonGuest12177: it could be a kernel feature :)11:56
MonkeyDustmartin-fletcher  there's this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromWindows and this http://linuxinexile.blogspot.be/2010/06/moving-to-linux.html11:56
Guest12177baizon, I suppose it might not know that the USB joystick is in use and cut it off, and then load up the default module when the monitor goes on again. That makes sense, I guess?11:57
Guest12177Well, that's sad. But thanks!11:59
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fortunaI installed elographics, but not working. Can anyone please help me with the touchscreen driver?12:05
marcel_stas i understood i can set LD_LIBRARY_PATH or add a configuration in /etc/ld.so.conf.d for the linker... can i do the same with LIBRARY_PATH?12:05
BluesKajhowdy folks12:06
karlgplease,  I have wallch program which  make animations in my desktop's background, but the default program installed  (to manage my desktop background) on my ubuntu do not do it.  I want to change my default program in wallch.12:06
MonkeyDust!find elograph12:06
ubottuFound: xserver-xorg-input-elographics12:06
Sidewinder1Mornin' BluesKaj12:07
BluesKajHey Sidewinder112:08
_raven_12.04 + avrdude 5.11.1 still problems with avrispmkII - http://pastebin.com/6BxweM9A - need help please!12:12
WeThePeoplefortuna, use --debug in terminal12:14
fortunaWeThePeople, what debug?12:15
ZoppoTrumpsudo apt-get install toilet && toilet --gay ubuntu12:17
WeThePeoplefortuna, type 'gdb -h' in the terminal to debug the program12:19
karthick87Can anyone help me with this pls?? I am not able to see any icons in my desktop.. But when i ls it is shown there.. http://pastebin.com/gBxh9iZ3 How to fix it ??12:21
Sidewinder1WeThePeople, That's very interesting and I never knew about "gdb", THANK YOU!12:21
fortunaWeThePeople, I'm talking about xserver-xorg-input-elographics12:21
_raven_12.04 + avrdude 5.11.1 still problems with avrispmkII - http://pastebin.com/6BxweM9A - need help please!12:21
WeThePeoplefortuna, what distro12:22
WeThePeoplefortuna, 10.04 ????12:22
fortunaWeThePeople, 12.0412:22
WeThePeopleforuna, make and model of comp.12:24
WeThePeoplefortuna, see above12:24
fortunaWeThePeople, Well it's a PC From Advantech12:25
fortunaPPC Actually.12:25
WeThePeopleso laptop12:25
fortunaWeThePeople, No kiosk Panel12:25
adambcnIs this the right place to ask for help on a network-manager / wifi related question?12:25
WeThePeopleadambcn, join #networking12:25
WeThePeoplefortuna, do you get any error msgs,12:27
fortunaWeThePeople, Nope12:27
WeThePeoplefortuna, what does the program do12:28
galerienHi, I have a ubuntu laptop computer (this one) and my windows desktop, I want to share my wireless internet on my laptop to my desktop, I followed this tutorial : http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-easily-share-your-wireless-connection-in-ubuntu-9-10/ But I keep getting "Local area Connection" doesn't have a valid IP configuration... Any thoughts ? Thanks in advance12:28
fortuna WeThePeople It's a touchscreen driver12:28
fortunaWeThePeople, I'm trying to install Touchscreen driver to ubuntu12:28
fortunaWeThePeople, Tried elographics, evtouch, multitouch, not working12:28
Piciadambcn, WeThePeople: fyi, ##networking is for general networking help, and I wouldn't expect them to be able to help with Ubuntu issues.12:29
_raven_12.04 + avrdude 5.11.1 still problems with avrispmkII - http://pastebin.com/6BxweM9A - need help please!12:30
karthick87Can anyone help me with this pls?? I am not able to see any icons in my desktop.. But when i ls it is shown there.. http://pastebin.com/gBxh9iZ3 How to fix it ??12:30
WeThePeoplefortuna, is it installed at the moment12:31
MonkeyDustkarthick87  install 'advanced settings', then: Desktop > have filemanager handle etc12:31
fortunaWeThePeople, Yes12:31
fortunaWeThePeople, evtouch is there12:31
fortunaWeThePeople, Looks like found a clue. Got Failed to load /usr/lib/xorg/modules/input/evtouch_drv.so: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/input/evtouch_drv.so: undefined symbol: xf86GetMotionEvents in Xorg log12:32
yuduHow can I recovery files in lost+found , please?12:37
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MonkeyDustyudu  start from the beginning, what happened12:38
Anomie21root@server1:~# sudo dpkg --config -a dpkg: error: unknown option -o12:38
WeThePeoplefortuna, uninstall your touchscreen programs and ELO12:38
Anomie21Is that command I'm trying to run valid?12:38
SaCruMHey, someone tell me if its possible to install Age Of Empires III with wine?12:39
MonkeyDust!appdb > SaCruM12:40
ubottuSaCruM, please see my private message12:40
yuduMonkeyDust: I halt my computer forcely,  after reboot I find that files in / like /etc/  miss12:40
yuduMonkeyDust:  And many files appear in  /lost+found12:40
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DarkStar1Hello all. I am looking for a way to block an ip  after certain number of unsuccessful attempts, and ssomeone suggested fail2ban I wante dto know if I have other options. I'm on a 10.10 server12:50
WeThePeopledarkstar1, use ufw12:51
ThinkT510DarkStar1: 10.10 is no longer supported12:52
DarkStar1WeThePeople: I'm on a remote server12:52
WeThePeopledarkstar1, see ##networking12:53
DarkStar1don't know ufw cli commands, (or anything about ufw but I'll look into it now)12:53
WeThePeopledarkstar1, see abov12:53
dsmart1hey there , is it possible to share my actual desktop in ubuntu through vnc?12:55
Anomie21root@server1:~# sudo dpkg --config -a dpkg: error: unknown option --config12:57
geirhadsmart1: Yes, there's a builtin vnc server12:57
Rickardo1I run an ubuntu server and wonder if I can add users connected to each domain? I am setting up email accounts for some users and their usersnames collide now12:57
dsmart1geirha i heard about, but didn't find how to start through bash12:57
axius14Hello, I have Ubuntu precise installed and would like to install Apache2, PHP5 and MySQL that are older versions then what i find in precise repos. Could you please sugest a method for doing this ? I have browsed the repositories for ubuntu on help.ubuntu.com and found that the versions I am looking for are found in natty  (for Apache2 and MySQL) but for PHP5 it is not even in hardy. Thank you12:58
axius14for your time :)12:58
geirhadsmart1: Why start it through bash?12:59
pirxaxius14: i would probably go to ubuntupackages(.com?) and fetch the pkgs there and "dpkg -i" them, but there might be better ways12:59
dsmart1because it's my working pc and have to acces my started software from my laptop (wind 7)13:00
Anomie21Can I get some help with this? - http://pastebin.com/KZubNzxi13:01
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=== PARA is now known as ubuntu_
nishttal2hello ppl, is there a way to get wobby windows and desktop cube switching in a version of Ubuntu different from KDE?13:01
dsmart1geirha isn't it possible to share through bash?13:02
geirhadsmart1: That's a bit hard, you have to figure out what DISPLAY and DBUS_SESSION your current session is running, then run the apropriate gconftool or gsettings commands (don't remember if vino still uses gconf or not)13:02
geirhadsmart1: It's much easier if you have physical access to the machine13:02
axius14pirx> thanks for the suggestion13:03
dsmart1maybe with x11 forwarding i can start the tool)13:03
geirhadsmart1: That won't help in setting up vino13:04
zertshi I have so many kernels ? http://pastebin.com/gHwUKXSZ13:06
zertsI shoul delete that? plz help13:08
snizzois there a canonical irc channel?13:08
dsmart1geirha> when i try to setup vino  (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=266981) i get a: protocoll not specified error when i cann xhost+13:09
cfhowlettzerts: every kernel update adds a kernel.  Kernels take up very little space.  unless you're seriously hurting for space, leave em alone until the next time your upgrade.  Then do a clean install.13:10
geirhadsmart1: xhost + would have to be run before sudo -s13:11
geirhadsmart1: and DISPLAY would have to be set before and after13:11
geirhadsmart1: I'm not sure if sudo should be used there at all though13:12
zertsok cfhowlett thanks so much  I will have them.13:13
dsmart1geirha> this guide is working if you dont use sudo :)13:17
smart1tadaaa ^13:18
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skaDo I need to reboot after installing a new DKMS package for r8168 ethernet?13:24
cfhowlettska: yes13:27
frowardhow do I make ubuntu look a little more like mac OS?13:27
frowardwait, i can google that13:27
danielc27882Anyone know how I can get gnome 3.6 installed on ubuntu?13:29
Twinlatordanielc27882: you can install gnome in the ubuntu software center.13:33
Anomie21MonkeyDust: Fixed my issue. rm /var/lib/defoma/fontconfig.d/* was the command that fixed it :)13:33
AfdalAnyone know what it means when a fresh install hangs at "Starting CUPS printing spooler/server     [OK]" when trying to boot?13:34
wolfricshould physdev module work in ip6tables in ubuntu? i'm getting errors of unknown option "--physdev-out" when i try do something like this ip6tables -A FORWARD -m physdev --physdev-out eth0 -j LOG --log-prefix outttttt-eth013:35
wolfricphysdev-out works in iptables (ipv4)13:35
danielc27882Twinlator: Gnome 3.4 but not 3.6, was wondering if anyones got 3.6 on ubuntu13:37
frowardalright. i want a little button or something I can do with my mouse to instantly minimize all windows and show my desktop. How do?13:37
livingdaylight!VIVA UBUNTEROS!!!13:38
krababbelI tried to install a package, and dpkg is stuck, its log says it is at a half configured package. Should I just kill it?13:38
krababbelAfdal: hangs forever?13:38
frowardis battery management on linux still retarded? it tells me I have 35% left, i thought I had a full charge. .:(13:38
frowardI just ran a script, it didn't seem to do anything. What should I do? is there a task manager I can open to see if the script is stillr unning in the background?13:39
krababbelAfdal: maybe look into kernel log, or syslog13:40
AfdalHow do I do that?13:40
wolfricwow that's odd.. it suddenly started working o.O13:40
krababbelAfdal: sudo less /var/log/boot.log for example, or nano13:40
AfdalI'm on a live CD boot right now13:40
TheLordOfTimefroward:  "full charge" doesn't necessarily mean its at 100% of its rated capacity, the battery on this system is at 40% capacity, but it can only hold 40% of its charge (old)13:41
TheLordOfTime(for battery stuff)13:41
frowardif I double-click a launcher icon, all windows of that type are made visible on the screen, at the same time. Is there a way to do this for ALL open windows, a little like mac expose?13:44
krababbelAfdal: Check the md5 sum of the iso you downloaded.13:45
Afdaldid that before13:45
AfdalIt's fine13:45
frowardmy laptop's volume up/down/mute keys seem to have a delay of ~30s. is there a way to fix that?13:45
frowardit's really fucking annoying.13:45
ubottufroward:: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.13:46
skaI can't get Wake-on-Lan to work on RTL8111/8168B, despite using the newest DKMS driver. Anyone else solve this?13:46
ebs512can someone help me in getting llua conky working, I get if value == nil then value = 0 end13:47
ebs512pct = value/pt['max']13:47
skaOn Ubuntu 12.0413:47
Afdalkrababbel: I imagine I chroot into my linux installation to see the boot log, but I can't remember how to do that13:47
ebs512llua_do_call: function conky_clock_rings execution failed: attempt to call a nil value13:47
matejvi am having hard time figuring whats the problem with my postfix. i cant send email. i get error in log "Sep  5 15:45:16 devbox postfix/smtp[29265]: connect to alt1.aspmx.l.google.com[2a00:1450:400c:c05::1b]:25: Network is unreachable". Does anyone know what the problem is?13:48
ebs512I tried adding the other in the script and it was still doing the same thing13:48
ThinkT510!chroot | Afdal13:48
ubottuAfdal: A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot13:48
krababbelAfdal: I see, no idea either, but on live cd you should still be able to read the partition and the boot log?13:48
krababbelAfdal: you did install ubuntu, didn't you?13:49
ghostnik11my resolution is stuck at 640 x 480 and i have edited xorg.conf and restarted x and still i am stuck at 640 x 480. how can i fix this issue?13:49
AfdalOh I think I need to enable dmraid first to mount this partition13:49
Afdalwhat's the command for that on a live cd13:49
Afdalno wait I guess I don't need to do that13:52
AfdalWhy can't I seem to mount this partition then...13:52
BuddMy laptop is setting a ton of IPv6 routes (one per connection, it seems), which are all redundant with the default route. Is this normal?13:54
BuddAlso, my laptop sets a default route (from radvd messages) that's a link-local address; I'd expect it to use the global one (though I'm not sure it matters)13:54
frowardsometimes I'll tell something to open, and nothing happens. So I'll click it again or hit enter. Then suddenly TEN OF THEM WILL OPEN13:55
frowardThis is annoying.13:55
frowardPlease fix this.13:55
frowardMaybe I just have to be patient. I dunno.13:55
ubottufilippo: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:56
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ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*14:00
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hex20decHi, I'm new to linux, and I was wondering why is it that when I launch an application from cli, I can't use that terminal afterwards? I can only use it if I close the app or hit ctrl+c.14:03
hex20decIs there a way to launch the app and for it to not be associated with that terminal?14:03
flametai1Does anybody know whether or not Wcid has problems connecting to networks that use WEP as security?14:05
ThinkT510hex20dec: nameofapp &14:05
hfichex20dec, use & symbol at the end of command14:05
hex20decThanks hfic, ThinkT51014:05
ThinkT510hex20dec: also, you can launch as many terminals as you like14:06
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=== Guest17220 is now known as Lb2
flametai1Or does nobody use Wcid? lol[14:06
hex20decThinkT510: I know that.14:06
ThinkT510!wep | flametai114:06
ubottuflametai1: WEP is totally insecure, don't use it, the full Wireless Documentation for Ubuntu can be found at:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs14:06
hex20decThinkT510: But it was annoying, because if I would launch an app from the terminal, and then close the terminal by accident, the app would close too.14:07
hex20decWhich is very annoying.14:07
frowardhe didn't ask for help setting up a network, he asked for help connecting >_>14:07
frowardand dang, the BOT is being a dick.14:07
flametai1ThinkT510, Thank you I know, but does Wcid have trouble connecting to it do you know of? I was using a Linux distro that uses Wcid and it won't connect to my home network and run properly, yet I connected to my phone using Wireless tether that uses a WPA2 and it ran just fine, would this be due to Wcid do you know?14:08
ThinkT510flametai1: no idea sorry, haven't used wicd since zenwalk14:09
ThinkT510flametai1: any reason you are using wep?14:09
mneptokflametai1: questions about other Linux distros are offtopic.14:09
hficloved zenwalk14:09
flametai1ThinkT510: I live in a very low tech area, so WEP really doesn't bother me that much, I probably will switch to WPA2 where I believe WCid has troubles connecting to WEP.14:10
ThinkT510flametai1: if you don't have to use wep then seriously consider switching to wpa14:11
BhaveshCan I install Ubuntu on my 8GB pen drive by installing its setup on another pen drive and then selecting the 8GB pen drive as the install destination with use entire disk?14:11
flametai1mneptok: I use various distros, and might use WCid for Ubuntu later down the road, so I don't see where the "off topic" part really comes in, it is a related question to any distro.14:11
hex20decThinkT510: Where can I read about those kinds of commands, like &, |, > etc.14:12
flametai1ThinkT510: I more than likely tonight, thank you for the info.14:12
flametai1will tonight*14:12
hex20decThinkT510: And what are they called?14:12
ThinkT510!terminal | hex20dec14:12
cfhowlettBhavesh: startup disk creator ...14:12
ubottuhex20dec: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal14:12
benbergmanis there a way to check when i unlocked my computer this morning?14:12
ThinkT510hex20dec: #bash could help you out more i reckon14:13
hex20decWill try #bash, thanks ThinkT51014:13
ThinkT510hex20dec: no worries :)14:13
Bhaveshcfhowlett: I use live boot currently but ubuntu 12.04 takes 5 to 8 minutes to boot from my pen drive14:14
Bhaveshcfhowlett: so, I think I should install it on my pen drive rather than live booting it everytime.14:14
cfhowlettBhavesh: seems like a long time ...perhaps with a lighter distro it'd run faster.  x/l/ubuntu are options.14:15
Bhaveshcfhowlett: I want to use it at my college where every pc is ubuntu 10.04 LTS about 300 of them. But the problem is.. I don't get to access root.14:16
Bhaveshcfhowlett: so the question is... can I directly install ubuntu 12.04 on my pen drive like you do on a hard disk14:16
Bhaveshmaybe I should just try it..14:17
cfhowlettBhavesh: I've never done it as i don't really get the difference between the startup disk and an installation to disk.14:18
cfhowlettBhavesh: maybe someone else can chime in on this?14:18
hficBhavesh, unetbootin14:19
ThinkT510Bhavesh: sure, you can install to usb just like you would a normal harddrive install, just make sure you put the bootloader on the usb too14:19
p1l0tSo I am out of harddrive space.. I have an 80GB harddrive and it is partitioned into two parts one 30GB and one 50GB. the 30GB was basically kept as a backup after an OS fail. I partitioned and reinstalled on the 50GB. I have already verified that I have backed up everything I need from the 30GB partition and I now wipe it out for the extra 30gb.. Only problem is that is the original and only one that is flagged as bootable..14:19
cfhowlettThinkT510: thanks.  that actually clarified things for me a bit.14:20
ThinkT510Bhavesh: also i'm not sure if your college would have disabled booting from usb in the bios, you'd need to check that14:20
BhaveshThinkT510: "just make sure you put the bootloader on the usb too" that will happen automatically at the time of installation right?14:20
BhaveshThinkT510: I checked it today :)14:20
cfhowlettBhavesh: it'll be OFFERED but not automatically done.14:20
Bhaveshcfhowlett: ok14:20
belgianguyanyone with Java skills here?14:22
belgianguyor an understanding of Midi ?14:22
pragma-der, ##java?14:22
gordonjcpI understand MIDI14:22
ThinkT510Bhavesh: i've always manually partitioned, you can check where the bootloader goes during the partitioning phase in the installer14:22
belgianguypragma-: they can't/won't help14:22
gordonjcpbelgianguy: #ubuntu-offtopic14:22
cfhowlettbelgianguy: ask in #ubuntustudio?14:22
ThinkT510Bhavesh: should be a dropdown list at the bottom14:22
BhaveshAlso when I booted from my usb the ubuntu 12.04 live boot connected to internet (wired network) but I could not load pages. Later I checked their ubuntu 10.04's and they had a wired network named Auto eth0 with a mac address. Now all I have to do is copy and paste the mac address to my 12.04's wired network settings?14:23
BhaveshThinkT510: ok14:23
p1l0tCan I resize partitions to trade space from one to another?14:26
ThinkT510p1l0t: sure, you'd need to do it from a livecd14:27
codemaniac!info FlightGear14:28
ubottuPackage FlightGear does not exist in precise14:28
p1l0tno cd drive ThinkT510 but I do have a bootable USB thingy with like 10.10 on it14:28
SachiruWhat would be the lightest window manager for ubuntu right now, intended for servers?14:28
ThinkT510p1l0t: a usb will be fine too, i tend to use partedmagic for that sort of thing but ubuntu livecd/usb comes with gparted14:29
rypervencheSachiru: None^^ Don't need one for a server.14:30
Bhaveshp1l0t: or you can do it with some partition editor if you already have windows installed14:30
SachiruLet me clarify:14:30
SachiruIntended for servers which will be managed by newbie admins who would want a gui.14:30
SachiruAnd rely on tools like synaptic.14:30
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rypervencheSachiru: We can teach you to use the command line :)14:30
p1l0tBhavesh: windows? what's that?14:31
SachiruIt's not for me.14:31
SachiruIf it were me, I wouldn't install a window manager.14:31
rypervencheSachiru: LXDE is small and usable.14:31
p1l0tThinkT510: cool thanks14:31
SachiruThat's what I needed.14:32
Bhaveshp1l0t: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Windows14:32
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:32
p1l0tmother of god14:33
SachiruMUCH BETTER.14:36
SachiruThanks for the LXDE recommendation, rypervenche.14:36
rypervencheSachiru: ^^14:37
SachiruThe provisioned 1GB of RAM for the VM is more than enough. Passing this on to the programming guy.14:37
SachiruAnd washing my hands of this whole debacle.14:37
CarlFKhow do I get to the package manager?14:38
ThinkT510software centre14:39
ThinkT510Twinlator: not installed by default anymore14:39
krababbelaptitude is better14:41
ThinkT510krababbel: thats not installed by default anymore either14:41
CarlFKI do cli stuff, but just gave a friend a box with Precise .. and now I can't figure out the gui way to install whatever flash is needed foryoutube14:41
TwinlatorThinkT510: But I think synaptic is very useful to discover and install packages.14:41
krababbeloh, at least on the alternative install it is ;14:41
ThinkT510Twinlator: yeah, i prefer it, first thing i usually install14:41
ThinkT510!aptitude | krababbel14:42
ubottukrababbel: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. You may encounter problems on multiarch installs (11.10 and higher) as aptitude cannot currently handle the same package with different architectures being installed at the same time. See http://pad.lv/831768 for more information.14:42
praz-17hello everyone14:43
ebs512having a very difficult time tryingto install this conky lua theme, can someone be of some assistance, there's at least 4 conkyrc files and it tells me to put them in the .conky folder with a sub folder of the name of the theme and create a startup application directing to the startup script, I did that and rebooted and once I boot back up into Ubuntu Gnome 3 the default conky pops up14:43
ThinkT510ebs512: i think by default it uses whateve is in /etc/conky/14:44
ebs512regardless if it is lua?14:44
ThinkT510ebs512: not sure about that sorry14:44
tdr112hello all , i have having problems installing ubuntu, after grub i am just getting a blank screen14:44
ThinkT510!nomodeset | tdr11214:45
ubottutdr112: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter14:45
tdr112i have tried that14:45
tdr112still blank14:45
ebs512if there is anyone here willing to try and help me install this conky theme, I would greatly appreciate it, I've been working on it going 2 hours with no luck14:45
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CarlFKThinkT510: you seem to understand what I am doing ... so what do I tell a new user for installing flash?14:46
ebs512well that might be why its gtk 2 I need gtk 3 :/14:46
ebs512any way to convert gtk2 to gtk 3?14:46
ThinkT510CarlFK: i've always used the flash from the repos14:47
Twinlatortdr112: you can into system by live cd or USB drive, and repair the grub2.14:47
ThinkT510!flash | CarlFK14:47
ubottuCarlFK: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash14:47
tdr112Twinlator: its a blank server14:48
tdr112new out of the box14:48
CarlFKThinkT510: "going to the Ubuntu Software Center"  how?!!  lol14:48
ThinkT510CarlFK: are you on unity?14:48
CarlFKThinkT510: whatever is the default for Precise14:49
ThinkT510CarlFK: yes, that is unity, there should be an icon for the software centre in the left panel14:49
ZhDongwin 的程序可以在ubuntu上安装吗?14:50
ThinkT510!ch | ZhDong14:50
ubottuZhDong: The Swiss !LoCo team can be found in #ubuntu-ch (please speak English there) - Deutschsprachiger Ubuntu Support in #ubuntu-de - Aide Ubuntu en français dans #ubuntu-fr - Supporto Ubuntu in Italiano in #ubuntu-it14:50
CarlFKThinkT510: right - gets you the same as hitting the "window" key, right ?14:50
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw14:50
LetoThe2nd!cn | ZhDong14:50
ubottuZhDong: please see above14:50
CarlFKoh wait...  panel.. um.. right14:50
ThinkT510CarlFK: the windows key brings up the dash14:50
ThinkT510LetoThe2nd: thanks, i got the wrong one14:51
TwinlatorZhDong: use VMware or virtualBox , if you don't want to use Vm, can use wine.14:51
CarlFKThinkT510: I need to bring up a fresh install... my box is 3 or 4 revs behind14:52
CarlFKThinkT510: but what you gave me is probablby what I needed, so thanks14:52
ThinkT510CarlFK: no worries :014:52
Lb2I'm trying to follow the DataRecovery page on the wiki (after I messed up my mdadm raid1 setup, I'm now left with an image of one of the partitions) and the tools like foremost seem to work, I'm wondering though if I can't mount the image directly as ext4, even though trying to do so gives me "group descriptions corrupted!" in dmesg?14:55
Sachin__Is there any way to make sure "root" user doesnt access my files?14:56
tsimpsonSachin__: root has no restrictions, by design14:56
dr_willisencrypt them14:57
borgfooHi, can someone told me if it's possible to update an ubuntu server to the state of one week ago. I want to update the half of my servers after the other half runs one week without problems.14:59
dr_willis'the state of one week ago' seems odd..15:02
dr_willisive never heard of that 'feature'15:03
borgfoodr_willis: I don't know how I can explain this good.15:04
ZepoHey Guys, little Question, how can I set the brightness of my laptop to be permanent. Even if I reduce it it is still resettet after a restart15:04
belgianguyokay, where would I find Ubuntu's MIDI interfaces?15:04
[snake]I installed gentoo on my desktop (in a  folder called gentoo) can I tell grub2 to boot into that?15:05
belgianguyeg check if I have them _at all_15:05
borgfoodr_willis: I want to have updates on the production servers after they working one week on the staging servers.15:05
[snake]belgianguy, what does eg mean?15:05
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borgfoodr_willis: If I make `apt-get update && apt-get upgrade` on the production servers after a week they are also getting updates which aren't tested one week on the staging servers.15:06
belgianguy[snake]: exempli gratia, for example :)15:06
[snake]belgianguy, oh.15:07
[snake]I installed gentoo on my desktop (in a  folder called gentoo) can I tell grub2 to boot into that?15:07
ThinkT510[snake]: uh, that isn't how you install gentoo, you need a seperate partition, also this is ubuntu support15:08
[snake]ThinkT510, the subject of my question is not about gentoo, it's about grub. and you can install gentoo into a folder.15:08
[snake]that's actually how you do it15:09
belgianguyI wouldn't know how to do that tbh15:09
belgianguyI'm an Ubuntu user :/15:09
belgianguythe Windows of all Linuxes15:09
* belgianguy hides15:09
[snake]belgianguy, haha, well- at least ubuntu is secure.15:10
billci have a belkin home base control center to make my home printers appear wireless can u tell me how to connect to ubuntu15:10
[snake]and the question is about grub, not gentoo. :p15:10
[snake]ThinkT510, so you're saying if I chroot into the folder on my desktop, it won't be a gentoo environment?15:11
[snake]ThinkT510, because I can use emerge and everything.15:12
Twinlatorbelgianguy: midi can be open in the /usr/share/applications15:12
belgianguythanks Twinlator15:12
ThinkT510[snake]: it might very well be but keeping it in your ubuntu partition inside a home folder is very unorthodox and makes no sense15:12
[snake]ThinkT510, I installed all of the software, and now I just need to boot it from grub, which I already know is possible. but I'm not sure how.15:12
[snake]ThinkT510, do I tell you how to use your computer?15:12
ThinkT510[snake]: have fun figuring it out15:13
[snake]ThinkT510, I will. I enjoy this kind of stuff.15:13
Xaratasfun is a good point. could someone explain why df says i have no inodes? https://www.privatepaste.com/5491359fd115:14
belgianguyis there a testsuite to see if I even _have_ MIDI?15:14
belgianguyor if my soundcard just can't play it?15:15
freedom1910 channel #unbrick15:15
freedom1910 channel #unbrick15:16
ThinkT510freedom1910: /join #nameofchannel15:17
billci have a belkin home base control unit that makes my home printers appear to b wireless can u tell how to connect to ubuntu15:17
jconnollyanyone have any clue what might be causing this weird issue?  I'm at the lightdm login screen... if I touch any key on my keyboard... X restarts15:18
KrishnanduHey guys, I have a driver for xf86free 3.x and 4.x. I'm using Ubuntu 12.04. Which one should I install? X -version shows X 1.0.0. So it's not xf86free I guess. Will that driver work on Xorg?15:18
roychriI want to script (automate) the installatino of mailutils.. .but when I do apt-get install mailutils, it asks for type of setup and hostname.  How can I automate this?15:19
paco_I have just download a driver for my computer wireless nic and still does not work does any one know how to make work a bradcom b43xx??15:20
auronandace!broadcom | paco_15:21
ubottupaco_: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx15:21
peterrusif I add a module to my blacklist.conf15:21
peterrusthen how come it is still loaded?15:22
paco_auronandace, yes15:22
peterrus(it crashes my kernel during boot)15:22
[snake]paco_, did you reboot?15:23
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paco_[snake], yes15:23
[snake]paco_, how many times?15:23
paco_[snake], several times15:23
[snake]paco_, hm... I'd suggest reading the link then :/15:23
paco_[snake], what link__15:24
new2ubuntucan anybody give me some basic idea about using LAMP?15:24
auronandace!lamp | new2ubuntu15:24
ubottunew2ubuntu: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)15:24
[snake]new2ubuntu, you can put pages in /var/www/15:24
KrishnanduHey guys, I have a driver for xf86free 3.x and 4.x. I'm using Ubuntu 12.04. Which one should I install? X -version shows X 1.0.0. So it's not xf86free I guess. Will that driver work on Xorg?15:24
[snake]paco_, the one from !broadcom | paco_15:25
[snake]!broadcom | paco_15:25
ubottupaco_: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx15:25
new2ubuntuubottu: i installed the LAMP but cant locate it15:26
ubottunew2ubuntu: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:26
[snake]new2ubuntu, "you can put pages in /var/www/" - [snake]15:26
new2ubuntu[snake]: yah15:27
[snake]new2ubuntu, what do you mean "can't locate it?"15:27
[snake]localhost will show your page on your computer15:28
new2ubuntu[snake]: i mean like the one which appears in windows i.e Wamp tab15:28
[snake]new2ubuntu, lamp doesn't come with that.15:28
[snake]new2ubuntu, personally I don't think you need it.15:29
[snake]new2ubuntu, if you want to stop apache: service apache2 stop15:29
[snake]in terminal15:29
[snake]if you want to check if it's running service apache2 status15:30
[snake]you can also start and restart it.15:30
new2ubuntu[snake]:ya i got that15:30
[snake]DamienCassou, hi15:30
=== |newbie| is now known as romeoh
TwinlatorKrishnandu: i'd suggest you to install 4.x, someone says that 3.x can't update to 4.x.15:30
[snake]new2ubuntu, other than that, I'm not sure what else you would need. I am running a server here. without the button :) I think the button actually gets in the way(ie the button from wamp)15:31
DamienCassouI've just installed precise. I have an external hdd connected with usb. Each time I plug it it is mounted read-only for me but read/write for root. What can I do please?15:31
new2ubuntu[snake]: one question...how can i run .php pages in server?15:32
[snake]new2ubuntu, They should run naturally I think.15:32
new2ubuntu[snake]: sory,dunt hab much idea bout these things...so dont mind!15:32
ZepoHey Guys, i just installed KDE on my Ubuntu 12.04 but there is no German langauge pack , how can I add it ?15:32
Twinlatornew2ubuntu: install apache 2.x and php515:32
[snake]Twinlator, I think he already has lamp15:33
new2ubuntuTwinlator: yes,i installed the lamp already15:33
TwinlatorOk, you can try to run wordpress15:34
[snake]new2ubuntu, have you tried using php on your server? is it not functioning properly?15:34
[snake]Twinlator, that is if you want a blog :P15:34
gskerI did an install of precise from an ISO image and the group 'admin' did not get created.  What creates it?15:34
gskerI've search through postinst in all the deb files and didn't find it.15:34
auronandacegsker: i think the group sudo replaces it15:35
gskerReally? They changed that?15:35
new2ubuntu[snake]: i guess i actually dont know the correct process to run php in localhost...15:35
gskerYup. You're right. Thanks.15:36
auronandacegsker: yeah, when i do id it doesn't show admin but it shows sudo15:36
[snake]new2ubuntu, write an index.php in /var/www/15:36
samuel_hello guys15:37
=== samuel_ is now known as samuel
[snake]new2ubuntu, maybe try putting this in it. <html><head><title> PHP Test Script </title></head><body><?php phpinfo( ); ?></body></html>15:37
samuelI am mounting some drives on my home folder15:37
samuelis there any way to hide them from nautilus?15:37
samuelI don't want them to be shown as mounted drives15:38
gskerThere are several packages that rely on the admin group -- like samba that did not get that news.15:38
new2ubuntu[snake]: where can i find /var/www?15:38
Twinlatornew2ubuntu: put your files(x.php) in the /var/www/, and use broswer to open localhost/x.php, if the file use available, it will run in the broswer.15:38
new2ubuntuthats the server directory i guess15:38
samuelI have tried adding them in as udev rules, but it is not working15:39
[snake]new2ubuntu, /var/www/ is at /var/www haha. open a folder and go to> computer >filesystem >var > www15:39
[snake]samuel, maybe you can try mounting the one for your home folder using fstab15:41
samuel[snake]: thanks, thats exactly how they are being mounted15:41
MonkeyDustnew2ubuntu  you want to work with apache and you don't know how to go to a folder? tip: first learn the basics15:41
[snake]samuel, oh... idk :P15:41
samuel[snake]: they are nfs shares (vbox shared folders)15:41
=== DjGeCk0 is now known as ^GeCk0^
ZepoCome on :| I installed KDE , patched the langauge, now it needs hell of time to load and I got no panel anymore ?15:42
[snake]Zepo, :( maybe it's a KDE bug?15:42
[snake]new2ubuntu, have you found it yet?15:43
cokemeI need help with configuring my ubuntu.15:43
cokemeCan anyone help?15:43
new2ubuntu[snake]: it works now15:43
MonkeyDustcokeme  start with a question15:43
[snake]cokeme, ask your question. don't ask to ask. :P15:43
[snake]new2ubuntu, your welcome :)15:43
cokemeMonkeyDust, [snake]: What is the best way to view porn on an ubuntu? I have lots of it and watch it all day, but I feel there has to be a faster way to watch all of this porn.15:44
=== dpac is now known as dpac|away
MonkeyDustcokeme  wrong channel15:44
MonkeyDustnot here please15:44
cokemeMonkeyDust: This is the support channel correct?15:44
[snake]cokeme, I'm uncomfortable with answering that question.15:44
DamienCassouI've just installed precise. I have an external hdd connected with usb and using ext4 file system. Each time I plug it, it is mounted read-only for me but read/write for root. What can I do to have it read/write for me please?15:45
MonkeyDust!coc > cokeme15:45
ubottucokeme, please see my private message15:45
cokeme[snake]: ok, let me rephrase that. What is the best way to watch a massive amount of media in only a short period of time? [I am a premature ejaculator]15:45
litropyHi, peeps - I'm just looking to set my three fans within my iMac to max speed in ubuntu.15:45
sir_tyrionWhat is the ubuntu chkconfig equivalent?15:46
MonkeyDustsir_tyrion  depends on what it does15:46
PMantis_Laptopsir_tyrion: update-rc.d15:46
new2ubuntu[snake]: do u hab any suggestions about the best portal for easier ubuntu tutorials15:47
ZepoHmm strange, Ubuntu 12.04 had a Error -> ExecutablePath usr/bin/nautilus15:47
Zeponautilus crashed with SIGABRT in raise()15:48
PMantis_LaptopHi guys, I'm upgrading a customer server from 10.04.4 to 12.04. In the middle of the upgrade, and it failed on slapd. I seem to be having this issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openldap/+bug/990742  I can pastebin anything to assist diagnostics.15:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 990742 in openldap (Ubuntu Quantal) "[SRU] slapd fails to upgrade: requires libsasl2-2 (>= 2.1.24) installed" [High,Fix released]15:48
[snake]new2ubuntu, I'm not sure. there is an ubuntu wiki I think.15:48
sir_tyrionWith update-rc.d, is the basename the full name of the scriptin the /etc/rc.x directories?15:48
sir_tyrionupdate-rc.d doesn't seem to have a list option15:49
new2ubuntu[snake]: its been only a week im using ubuntu.......and im really loving it.......its lot more awesome than windows.......15:49
[snake]new2ubuntu, yeah, I remember when I started using ubuntu.15:49
Xaratashm, @cokeme set the playspeed in mplayer to 1.5 than it is faster15:49
MonkeyDustPMantis_Laptop  better ask in #ubuntu-server15:49
PMantis_LaptopMonkeyDust: Reasonable... thanks15:50
paco_how do I activate my wireless nic because I do not see it with iwconfig15:50
imperial-superioifup wlan015:50
MonkeyDust!info rfkill | paco_15:51
ubottupaco_: rfkill (source: rfkill): tool for enabling and disabling wireless devices. In component main, is optional. Version 0.4-1ubuntu2 (precise), package size 8 kB, installed size 63 kB15:51
new2ubuntu[snake]: dude,thanx again.....gtg BYe15:51
notzehi there after starting my images i want automatically deploy diffrent software on my vps15:52
notzehow can i do that=15:52
notzee.g. install things from the repos and later 3rd party stuff15:52
rigohow do i shut down x server under xbmcbuntu?15:52
notzebut i have no clue whats the best solution for this15:52
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this currently may cause problems with multiarch) - See also !automate15:53
MonkeyDustrigo  better ask in #xbmc-linux, about 170 people there15:53
superjoewhat packages do I need to install to get sox to be able to decode AAC files?15:54
rigogosh thanks i didnt known that there is such a room. going there cheers15:55
notze<ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about automation15:55
lotuspsychjehowto fix a corrupt mose pointer every cold boot on precise 12.04.1 clean installed (on older ati card and driver radeon) nomodeset fixes the prob, but also disables compiz...15:55
notzestefg thx15:55
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning15:55
compdoclotuspsychje, do you need the driver?15:56
lotuspsychjecompdoc: no im already running radeon15:57
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lotuspsychjecompdoc: the strange thing is after a reboot mouse pointer back to normal again15:58
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compdoclotuspsychje, I try to use the default Ubuntu drivers whenever I can. The proprietary drivers cause problems for me15:59
lotuspsychjecompdoc: im also using radeon default came with install..tryed fxgrl but that was buggy for me15:59
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paco_I can not see my wireless nic with ifconfig or iwconfig does any one knows how to activate it??16:01
drhouse123I use gentoo because ubuntu is ...16:01
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:01
lotuspsychje!ot | drhouse12316:02
ubottudrhouse123: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:02
stefgactually Ubuntu is an ancient african saying for: I'm tired of compiling ...16:02
ZalHi, my MOTD on ubuntu 10.04 tells me "179 packages can be updated", but apt-get update doesn't show them. I've verified that I do not have an /etc/motd.tail file, and that /usr/lib/update-notifier/apt-check returns the same message. Is apt-check referring to the fact that I can update to "precise"?16:03
* steveg is away: DOOP!16:03
jetrosti am trying to edit my iptables, but i am running 12.04 server, so i don't have a GUI. is there a CLI-only version of firestarter, or something similar, with a simple way to view/edit the iptables?16:03
Zaljetrost, command-line iptables isn't too bad16:03
Zali.e., without firestarter16:03
* steveg is away: DOOP!16:04
MonkeyDust!away > steveg16:04
stefgZal: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW16:04
jetrostZal: oh, duh. i hadn't even tried that. i'll give it a shot, even though i'm not 100% sure what i'm doing with the iptables...16:04
Tellmarchcommand line iptables, on a server, when you don't know what you're doing, means that you'll likely lose all access to your server... but besides that it's not too bad16:04
Zalstefg, cool, that'd be for jetrost16:05
Zaljetrost, check out stefg's link too16:05
stefgZal. right... out of line error :-)16:05
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ZalTellmarch, probably just as easy to lock yourself out using firestarter I imagine :-) But yeah, proper caution is required (I typically use a script to test firewall changes, then flush them 30 seconds later, just in case)16:06
hficwhy when I go to create a user account it's asking me for my actual root password and not the session user I'm currently logged into?16:06
jetrostTellmarch: yeah, that may happen. but i'm running an instance of 12.04 server on an Amazon EC2 virtual machine, so creating a new one if i lose access isn't too big of a deal. would take about 2 minutes to get another one up and running to try again...16:06
jetrostZal: that script idea is pretty clever. i'll have to remember that. unfortunately, my scripting skills are pretty rudimentary, so it would take me longer to hack together a script than it would to just reload the image and try again if i fuddle something up16:08
Zalno ideas on why my MOTD says "179 packages can be updated" but apt doesn't see them?16:09
stefgZal: what happens if you just issue good old fashioned "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" ?16:12
SnapSnapDoes PlayonLinux work with "Games for Windows"?16:16
[snake]SnapSnap, I think that's what it's for.16:17
PMantis_LaptopNobody seems to be listening in #ubuntu_server, and I have a server that won't upgrade from 10.04.4 to 12.04 because of slapd:  slap_sasl_init: auxprop add plugin failed16:18
PMantis_LaptopSo far my efforts are not helping all the way.16:18
Zalstefg, I haven't tried that, because I'm under the impression that dist-upgrade will upgrade me to another ubuntu version, which is not desired in my case. Am I correct about what dist-upgrade does?16:18
[snake]PMantis_Laptop, it must be a config file somewhere.16:19
SnapSnap[snake], I knew it was for running Windows software on Linux, but I had some trouble installing a game that you have to log in to "Games for Windows" to play. Wasn't sure if that aspect of it could cause problems.16:19
[snake]PMantis_Laptop, you could go around the problem, that is download the 12.04 iso, backup all of your files and reinstall, then load everything back up.16:19
malletHi. I installed Ubuntu 12.04 and created a standard (non-administrative) user. But this standard user cannot shutdown the computer using the top right menu (under Unity). Do you know how I can allow shutdown (and reboot) for this user?16:19
PMantis_Laptopsnake: I would assume so, but that doesn't help much. :(16:20
PMantis_Laptopsnake: Upgrades should work, but that's a last resort. Unfortunately, being the first day of school, the teachers need the server up.16:20
[snake]PMantis_Laptop, oh... hm. what's the full problem?16:21
stefgZal: no, unless you're not messing with your sources.list and do not use update-manager dist-upgrade will only lift you to the lastest versions *inside your current ubuntu version*16:21
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)16:21
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade16:21
PMantis_Laptopsnake: During do-release-upgrade, it halted while upgrading slapd. The update script calls slapcat to export the directory, but this failed trying to init sasl.16:22
Zalstefg, so what's the difference between update and dist-upgrade? I've read lots of docs, but am not getting it apparently.16:22
PapaSierra2i'm trying to set up a cronjob for the first time. it's simply not work but i can't find any error log or whatever, any tips?16:22
ubottutrecca: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:22
stefgZal: very little.... the wording for dist-upgrade IMHO stems from the debian roots. it does different things on debian testing, but not on ubuntu16:23
Xarataszal: update -> install new versions of already installed packages; dist-upgade -> install a complete new version of the os16:23
Sidewinder1trecca, Not here..16:23
JosueGarcionumThe best way to upgrade your version of Ubuntu is to back-up all of the files you want to save, create a live cd of the version you want to upgrade to, and reinstall ubuntu.16:23
ZalPapaSierra2, does your script run OK from outside of cron?16:23
gordonjcpwhat is it with italians and !list?16:23
[snake]PMantis_Laptop, hm... I'm really not sure :/ that's really technical. but maybe you can google the problem. Does you name mean psycho mantis from  metal gear solid?16:23
Xaratasor am i wrong?16:23
Zalstefg, ok, so if there are "179 updates available", and apt-get update shows zero, then presumably those updates are available for packages that are NOT currently installed?16:24
Sidewinder1gordonjcp, That is a question that has baffled the sages for ages..16:24
gordonjcpXaratas: not quite16:24
gordonjcpXaratas: "update" updates the package lists, "dist-upgrade" pulls in the updated packages16:24
PMantis_Laptopsnake: I've googled for 2 hours. The bug filed says it's solved.  And no.. just Praying Mantis shortened.16:24
Zaler, that was for Xaratas, sorry16:24
PapaSierra2Zal, it works perfectly outside cron16:24
JosueGarcionumapt-get update only updates your software repos. The command you're looking for is sudo apt-get upgrade.16:25
ZalPapaSierra2, then the problem is likely your environment. cron uses a very limited environment compared to your logged in user16:25
PapaSierra2Zal, meaning it doesn't have permission?16:25
gordonjcpSidewinder1: it happens in a bunch of channels I'm in; someone from a .it IP addy shows up, says "ciao", says "!list", and then goes away again - or sometimes hangs about making racist comments in Italian16:25
stefgZal, no.... there's something smelly in that message... At least it's safe to run dist-upgarde and see if your MOTD changes after that16:25
DJonesZal: I had something similar a while back and it was down to a corrupted MOTD and it was showing old information16:25
PMantis_LaptopPapaSierra2: If something workg outside of cron, but not in cron, it's likely because of the environment not being setup when it runs... use the full path like "/usr/bin/grep" (for example) instead of "grep" in your scripts.16:26
ZalPapaSierra2, no, it would run as whatever user the cron job is configured as (root, by default). But you may not have a "HOME" director16:26
Zaly, for example16:26
ZalDJones, yes, checked that bug, and unfortunately it's not what I'm experiencing.16:26
hficwith vsftpd.conf If I specify pasv_addr_resolve=YES and pasv_address=blah.dy.blah do I have to specifiy anything else?16:26
Sidewinder1gordonjcp, That situation has been discussed adnausium; with no clear reason or answer. Just ignore "it". Heh,.16:27
Abel408Hey everyone. I'm having trouble setting up a smtp authentication server with postfix and SASL. I want to make it as simple as possible. Whats the difference between pam and shadow?16:27
XaratasZal: packages which are not installed are not counted, try aptitud if apt-get is unclear in its messages16:27
Xaratasmaybe it coud display something of more information16:27
ubottuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. You may encounter problems on multiarch installs (11.10 and higher) as aptitude cannot currently handle the same package with different architectures being installed at the same time. See http://pad.lv/831768 for more information.16:27
peterrusHow can I figure out if a certain module can be blacklisted?16:27
peterrusI have a module (asus-wmi) that I added to blacklist.conf16:27
peterrusbut its still loaded16:27
Zalthanks guys, "apt-get --dry-run dist-upgrade" shows the packages16:28
PapaSierra2Zal, PMantis_Laptop i now understand what you're saying. however i can't spot the issue: my case is incredibly simple: http://www.hastebin.com/figibevojo.bash16:28
ZalPapaSierra2, probably the "./" is messing you up. Try a full absolute path to the script.16:29
PMantis_LaptopPapaSierra2: You have a DOT in front of the path in the cron entry don't use the dot.16:29
PapaSierra2Zal PMantis_Laptop thanks, i added it there because it wasn't working and i starting "trying things". let me try without16:31
PapaSierra2still nothing :(16:32
PMantis_LaptopLook at your log file, or /var/log/daemon.log (I think) for the results of cron16:33
PapaSierra2it's not /var/log/daemon.log, i can't find what it actually is though16:35
PapaSierra2PMantis_Laptop http://www.hastebin.com/raw/fawejoyati16:36
someprimetimei just enabled a website in sites-available and i'm linking to my server the same way I do for all of my other websites and I'm getting a 400 bad request page from nginx on my server but i haven't even set nginx up16:36
someprimetimeany idea why this would be happening? all my other sites that i'm doing this with are fine.16:36
PMantis_LaptopPapaSierra2: ah /var/log/syslog. Run: tail -f /var/log/ssylog | grep cron   and wait a minute... it should show that's it's trying to run.16:36
oskar-Hi, how can I verify, that a SSL server is presenting a valid certificate chain with a trusted root certificate on top? I thought, that this would be possible with: "openssl s_client -CAfile ca.crt -connect server:port"  But that gives "Verify return code: 0 (ok)" with every CA file. What am I doing wrong?16:37
PapaSierra2PMantis_Laptop http://www.hastebin.com/raw/nifacilowi16:37
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PMantis_LaptopPapaSierra2: Of course... if you use a 1 at the beginning, it'll ONLY run at 1 minute past each hour. LOL16:39
ZalPapaSierra2, if you want it to run every minute, use *16:39
PapaSierra2aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh dammit!16:39
PMantis_LaptopPapaSierra2: Use the next minute... as a database dump every minute could be CATASTROPHIC to the server's memory if the DB is big.16:39
PapaSierra2of course my "every minute" was only to get immediate feedback that it's working16:40
PapaSierra2then it want every day16:40
PapaSierra2keeping telling myself to rtfm16:40
PMantis_LaptopPapaSierra2: Right. Then use: 31 3 * * *  to run it at 3:31 AM.16:41
ZalPapaSierra2, or just drop the script in /etc/cron.daily16:42
PapaSierra2yup! perfect. and it's working! thanks so much for your patience PMantis_Laptop and Zal16:42
PapaSierra2yup, i saw those directories16:42
PapaSierra2clever stuff. thanks folk16:42
PMantis_LaptopI believe that causes it to run exactly at midnight.. might not want everything to run then.16:42
PMantis_LaptopPapaSierra2: You're welcome.16:42
PapaSierra2no, not at midnight16:42
hficoskar-, at work we use curl to verify ssl chains. Look into using the curl command16:43
PapaSierra2they're suitably scrambled16:43
hwilde_help my sound is stuttering 11.04  http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=d305cc96e83735bd7b448165d147189dcb72b97116:43
PapaSierra2look at /etc/crontab and you'll see they occur at like 17 minutes passed the hour and crap like that16:43
PMantis_LaptopPapaSierra2: Oh, really? Guess I have some rtfming to do too. :)16:44
PapaSierra2PMantis_Laptop take a look http://www.hastebin.com/raw/wuxobajoto16:45
PapaSierra2i've got to go. thanks once again :)16:45
PMantis_LaptopPapaSierra2: Ahh, ok.. probably random at install. But all cron.daily scripts would run back to back. Still not always what I want. :)16:46
billci have a belkin home base control center i would like to connect to ubuntu16:47
PapaSierra2PMantis_Laptop quite right, so you'd need to take manual control to "scramble" them16:47
ZalPMantis_Laptop, I doubt it's random, more likely some arbitrary times chosen by debian/ubuntu developers16:49
akovialooking for help with a one-liner to launch my xbmc on the correct monitor. I need to use 3 commands and the first 2 go fine, but the third never executes16:54
akoviaxdotool mousemove 2500 0 && xbmc & devilspie -a16:54
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Abel408Anybody here get postfix working with sasl. I'm having a hard time16:56
Jef91Anyone here care to share the contents of their default /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf file please?16:58
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DJonesJef91: mine is http://pastebin.com/72WkFqmq17:01
CrashRainbowtronWhy can't I change my gnome panels in newer versions of Ubuntu?17:01
unless_Hello folks!17:01
Jef91thanks dj_ryan17:02
ForSparePartsAny chance someone here could tell me how to force 1080i in xrandr?17:02
PMantis_LaptopJef91: That's what mine is too.17:02
Guest13620anyone !!.. is there a way to reduce the unity search window size??17:03
Guest13620anyone !!.. is there a way to reduce the unity search window size??17:04
Guest13620anyone !!.. is there a way to reduce the unity search window size??17:04
DJonesGuest13620: There's possibly an option if you use MyUnity17:04
venecohi... how is the difference between lucid, lucid-updates and lucid-backports???17:04
venecohi... how is the difference between lucid, lucid-updates and lucid-backports repositories???17:05
unless_I am running a DNS Server at my local machine which doesn't have a static IP but I am just testing some domain configs. Then I want a help to figure how do I point a register server to my local DNS Server. Could someone help me please?17:05
Guest13620but Myunity dosent let 2D changes17:05
ForSparePartsGuest13620: you should wait a little longer between re-asking your question, otherwise people will accuse you of spamming.17:05
Guest13620Djones 2D dosent let changes in it17:05
Guest13620Djones 2D dosent let changes in it17:06
DJonesGuest13620: In that case, I don't know, myunity was my only suggestion17:07
Guest13620anyone !!.. is there a way to reduce the unity search window size??17:07
ForSparePartsGuest13620: Again, please don't keep asking over and over. It's rude, and distracting for other people in the channel -- your original question is still in the log, give people time to see it.17:08
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=== Guest13620 is now known as Ansii
Ansiii need to change the size of unity window..just as Guest 12620 did17:11
ikoniaAnsii: you are guest13620 - please don't pretend you are someone else17:11
DJonesAnsii: We saw your nick change17:11
DJones!patience | Ansii17:11
ubottuAnsii: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:11
ikoniaI'm not laughing17:11
OerHeksAnsii, maybe this page will help >> http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/03/how-to-adjust-size-of-unity-2d-launcher-and-icons17:11
bolosaurIs there anything I can do in Ubuntu to check which ports are open? Because I can't VNC through 5900 with my current modem.17:12
AnsiiOerHeks.. not the icons and the launcher. but the search window17:12
Zalbolosaur, netstat -vatnup17:12
PMantis_Laptopbolosaur: netstat -anp | grep "LISTEN "17:12
bolosaurthanks. is there any way to check if port 5900 is blocked too?17:12
bolosaurjust to be sure that im not missing anything17:12
Zalbolosaur, there's too many things that might be blocking, but "iptables -L" will show you if the local firewall is doing so.17:13
bolosaurZal: its most likely my modem17:13
bolosaurso im just wondering if theres any way to check if port 5900 is really being blocked17:13
Zalbolosaur, you can use tcpdump to determine if traffic is actually reaching the ubuntu machine17:14
cat-orzetengo problemas de los serios17:15
pirxno comprende! :)17:15
cat-orzeestoy por volver a winbug;(17:15
bolosaurWhat does netstat -vatnup do? It's just giving me a list of services17:15
bolosauror something like that17:15
Zalcat-orze, hablanos en ingles aqui, por favor17:15
Zalbolosaur, shows what is open/running on ports17:16
pirx"winbug", that sounds like the wrong channelos17:16
bolosaurOk so I did netstat -anp | grep "LISTEN" and it gave me a bunch of ports17:16
cat-orzeok, disculpame, no se hablar inglés pero ya lo intento. Disculp-me.17:16
bolosaurbut aren't these ports in the linux firewall?17:16
DJones!es | cat-orze17:17
ubottucat-orze: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.17:17
bolosaurwhat i want to do is test which ports actually go through my modem17:17
bolosaurbecause im sure that the modem is the problem17:17
Zalbolosaur, that has nothing to do with ubuntu, other than perhaps my tcpdump suggestion17:17
no_gravityHello Ubuntu people! Is there a way to overlay an image half transparent on the image of a webcam? Or in other words: I would like to mix a static image and the image coming from a camera.17:17
cat-orzeI'm a serius problem with drivers nvidia17:17
bolosaurzal: im wondering if ubuntu has a function for testing this17:17
cat-orzei can't compilate the new kernel 3.5.317:18
mutioI am looking for a working "xrandr ..." command line to set the screen dpi so that all fonts come out bigger by default17:18
bolosaurI tried open ports check tool, and it says all ports are closed, even 8017:19
bolosaurman thats weird17:19
oldereagleI am struggling with understanding gparted. Trying to make my windows partition smaller and ubuntu larger. I can select that the windows partition should be smaller (/dev/sda2), but after setting that i do not understand how to make ubuntu partition bigger (/dev/sda5)?17:20
cat-orzeplease i'm need help to install de new kernel or solution the conflict with nouveau vs nvidia17:21
cat-orzei'm use the ubuntu 12.0417:21
mutiocat-orze, have you tried blacklist.conf?17:22
no_gravityoldereagle: there is unused space (grey) behind your ubuntu partition?17:22
compdocoldereagle, /dev/sda5 tends to be the swap space17:22
cat-orzesomething I did, I added some lines17:23
oldereagleno_gravity, there is no unused space anywhere. But when I select to make win part smaller I get a grey unallocoated space in the middle. ...17:23
oldereaglecompdoc, swap is sda6 on my system...17:24
compdocoldereagle, good. Did you already shrink the windows partition?17:24
bolosaurOK I think I found a potential problem with my VNC listening on UBUNTU17:24
bolosauroh wait no17:24
atriushello all... i've got a 12.10LTS server system which is refusing to boot... vgscan is timing out for some reason and therefore there is no root to mount17:25
atriushuh... seems this channel is magic... now it is suddenly working?17:25
oldereaglecompdoc, no. I have not "done" it yet. Only selevted it to be smaller. I have not "Applied all operations" yet.17:25
no_gravityoldereagle: you have to make unallocated space after your ubuntu partition. maybe before would also work.17:25
mutioatrius, amazing, isn't it17:25
compdocatrius, you should boot the live cd/dvd and take a look at your drive17:26
atriusmutio: indeed17:26
atriuscompdoc: nothing wrong with the disk.. i could easily vgchange -ay from busybox.. i think it has more to do with my somewhat unusual setup.. the machine in question is a 16 core OpenStack server17:27
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compdocoldereagle, ok. so what you do is move the other parititons next to the windows partition until you get to the partition you want to grow. This is all very dangerous, btw. be sure you have a backup17:27
mutioatrius, but having a problem suddenly disappear gives you more information about the cause17:27
compdoc oldereagle, they say you should defrag the windows partition first - can help it from being damaged. then make the partition smaller17:27
cat-orzeI will return later, proves to delete the xorg with17:27
cat-orzerm / etc/X11/xorg.conf17:27
cat-orzeand install driver again17:28
atriusmutio: not really though... unless it was caused by a transient network issue or something of that nature.. right odd that17:28
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=== Yuan is now known as lenage
oldereaglecompdoc, ok. I have already defragged it. Will try to apply it now...17:29
Meeti m having a peculiar problem. at night after 10 pm or so, my internet speed suddenly plunges. I am not able to stream videos on youtube, facebook and g+ take eternity to load on all browsers. but torrent downloading is pretty much normal. i am getting my normal speeds (fractionally less). how do i find out the problem?17:32
mutioatrius, it could be that the linux storage driver isn't running perfectly stable, and so causes transient issues17:32
mutioMeet, are you on broadband?17:33
Meetmutio: yes17:33
atriusmutio: that seems perfectly logical at the moment.. but also scary.. can't really have this thing be that unstable17:33
tech1probably your isp17:33
tech1they cap certain traffic at certain times17:33
mutioMeet, if you are on broadband, you are sharing your bandwidth with everyone in your vicinity17:33
Meettech1 i called them. the technician checked the speeds when it was working normal and used speedtest.net to find out the speeds. but in the afternoon or evening they are normal so the problem was not seen at that time17:34
mutioMeet, so if everyone else goes online at 10pm, they use up more bandwidth which you can't have17:34
lickalotthas anyone seen an issue where the hard drives swap places within dev (for the boot parition)?  makes it a bitch to have automounts and nfs shares.....17:34
Meetmutio, but then how come torrent downloading is normal?17:34
lickalottif there a way to make it static?17:34
action09hi all17:34
BluesKajlickalott, separate drives or just partitions ?17:35
tech1torrent might use a different port17:35
mutioMeet, because torrents are usually forced to run slower anyways17:35
tech1its more likley isp capping if you can still get torrent downloading17:36
tech1i think17:36
tech1they just cap certain ports17:36
tech1not sure though17:36
lickalottserparate drives BluesKaj17:36
BluesKaj!UUID | lickalott17:36
ubottulickalott: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)17:36
action09how to convince ubuntu not to do update through ipv6... please17:36
Meettech1 torrent download is normal. so it does not seem they are capping. plus i have got an unlimited plan for broadband, without caps.17:36
mutioMeet, what's the normal speed you get for tottents compared to your best speed for everything else17:37
tech1i mean they are capping certain ports. and torrent dosnt use that port so it dosnt get capped17:37
tech1and there is no such thing as unlimited internet17:37
Meetthe speeds are pretty much crappy in this part but still normally for torrents i get about 400kbps17:38
Meetnow at  night this speed is about 350kbps, which i am fine with //  mutio17:38
mutioMeet, and what is your best speeds for web browsing?17:38
Meetmutio: the one from speedtest?17:38
oldereaglecompdoc, now I have the following in gparted. [/dev/sda2 60 GB]   [unallocated 153 gb]   [ /dev/sda5 72 gb]17:39
lickalottBluesKaj, now what?17:39
compdocoldereagle, this is what you wanted?17:39
atriusdamn... reboot... failed17:40
oldereaglecompdoc, halfway there... I would like to add the unallocted space to my existin 72GB Ubu partition....17:40
LoofIs there any way to prevent aptitude/apt-get from restarting a service that's being upgraded via 'install pkg'?17:40
LoofI want to upgrade... then do another few things... THEN restart it17:41
Meetmutio: 100kbps17:41
Meetit said 0.1mbps so roughly mabye 100 right? // mutio17:41
mutioMeet, that seems odd. usually ISPs cap torrents on general principles, but not the web browsing17:42
diegoAlguien habla español?17:42
DJones!es | diego17:43
ubottudiego: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.17:43
Meeti called them and they said no capping is done //mutio17:43
w_Power cable status not recognized on laptop17:43
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ZalMeet, they always say that. Who is your provider?17:43
tech1if they want to reduce traffic on their network, torrents might not make up much traffic17:43
lickalottBluesKaj, can I set that to be a static thing? or is it just going to be a crap shoot?17:43
TechnodicT_Hello room!17:44
tech1i used to have problems with online games but bit torrent would always work17:44
tech1im pretty sure it was the isp capping17:44
Guest98666Power cable status not recognized on laptop, only after restart it recognizes that the power cord is in. any help17:45
mutioIf it happens at a certain time of day, it does seem likely to be everyone else in the area going online17:45
TechnodicT_Wat brand of pc?17:46
ohzieEvery time I log into my laptop, the brightness is at 0% - is there a way to make that stop happening? I keep changing it to 100% and I've unchecked the dim-my-screen checkbox.17:46
TechnodicT_Guest what brand of computer?17:48
oldereaglecompdoc, this is how it looks now : http://i.imgur.com/YFjJH.png17:48
BluesKajlickalott, , this worked for me , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo17:48
DJonesohzie: I had the problem on 11.10 and I used this to solve it http://askubuntu.com/questions/79983/screen-brightness-resets-to-minimum-after-every-reboot17:49
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akSeyafolks, i just noticed... Unity is not asking for me to confirm when I delete a file17:49
akSeyahow can I change that?17:49
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action09sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.eth0.disable_ipv6=1 was my answer :)17:49
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ohziethank you, DJones17:49
=== dpac|away is now known as 1JTAACRDV
=== 1JTAACRDV is now known as dpac
MonkeyDustaction09  open a folder, click edit, preferences, behaviour17:50
MonkeyDustakSeya   open a folder, click edit, preferences, behaviour17:50
action09MonkeyDust ok ;)17:50
akSeyaMonkeyDust, the option is selected, but does not work :S17:51
ChogyDanis there a way to move a window to a different workspace other than right clicking the title bar?17:52
akSeyait asks when I try to remove from trash bin17:52
dlamif i do `dmesg`  is there a way to know what time the message was logged17:52
partyneed some help with a UDP program in C17:52
dlamis see some numbers to the left like....  [11470963.510217]17:52
ChogyDandlam: I believe that is seconds since boot17:53
ChogyDandlam: if you look at kern.log you may be able to see the whole boot process17:53
dlamahhhh ok17:53
Krishnanduparty Try ##c17:53
partyKrishnandu.. unable.. i am a newbie.. how to do that17:55
=== ansi is now known as ansii
ChogyDanparty: /join ##c17:56
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ansiiis it difficult to understand the entire linux mechanism.. like who makes it , who centrally organizes , who approves who is in the team how to start my comtribution to the code17:57
ChogyDanansii: imho, yes17:57
partyChogyDan can't seem to do that..Unable17:57
ansiiChongyDan can u give me knowledge on these things as i cant understand the understand the entire mechanis17:58
Pici!register | pth17:58
ubottupth: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode17:58
Picipth: mistell.17:58
Piciparty: You need to be registered to join ##C, see ubottu's message above17:58
ansiiChogyDan can u give me knowledge on these things as i cant understand the understand the entire mechanis17:59
oldereagleStill trying to figure out how to make my Ubuntu partition larger. It now looks like this : http://i.imgur.com/YFjJH.png Thanks for all help.17:59
Zalansii, what part do you wish to contribute to?17:59
akSeyai mean, a way to confirm moving a file to trash.. I just accidentally pressed Delete and a file was moved, i'm glad I noticed that.. if delete is pressed without noticing i would have to turn the trash can on the floor to see if a file was deleted.. it's not nice...17:59
pthis there a way to add a "show desktop" button to the launcher or panel in unity?17:59
ChogyDanansii: well, as far as I know, there are lot's of projects with lot's of codebases run by various people.  Beyond that, it get's specific.  I don't really know more than that17:59
bebojhi , anyone has this internal modem ? -17:59
bebojWireless 5620 EVDO-HSPA Mobile Broadband Mini-Card17:59
ansiiZal, firstly i want to know how things work17:59
ansiiwho is controlling this whole thing???18:00
wingdspur#/join #olug18:00
ansiiis there a company behind it>?? how is it all coordinated??18:00
ChogyDanansii: it is all controlled through launchpad.  Try looking at some bug reports there18:00
akSeyawith dconf-editor maybe18:00
Zalansii, "linux" is divided into (1) the kernel, and (2) every other individual component. Each component has it's own rules and organizational structure for contributions.18:00
Zalansii, there is no company in general, though many companies produce their own versions of linux.18:01
Zalansii, it's all just a mass volunteer effort, essentially18:01
=== michael_1 is now known as something_else
ansiiZal like Ubuntu is a open source right... but then who coordinates and approves packages made by people18:02
Bastian_bHello, I would like to know if someone knows a good process to follow in order to clean and remove gnome/unity panels to reinstall fresh ones please?18:02
t3hl33tb34tI'm pretty much here just to ask for help18:02
t3hl33tb34tsame as bastian18:02
deadmundansii: Each project has a leader..18:02
gordonjcp!ask | t3hl33tb34t18:02
ubottut3hl33tb34t: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:02
Zalansii, Different people coordinate and approve changes for different components of the operating system. You might want to read about "gift economy".18:02
deadmundansii: If people don't like how that leader is handling things the project can be forked and a new leader can be established18:02
JessicaWhow do you make a sysvinit script start at boot?18:02
ansiido people meet to approve the leaders???18:03
t3hl33tb34t!ask can someone please give me a walkthrough for installing ubuntu, I have problems reading the text on the web page18:03
ubottut3hl33tb34t: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:03
ansiideadmund do people meet to approve the leaders???18:03
Zalansii, no, anyone can declare themselves a project leader for a new project. If your project and leadership is good, then your project will be adopted into various linux distrubutions.18:03
t3hl33tb34tI can't quite... understand it.18:03
deadmundansii: I don't think you understand?18:03
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=== cnoobshameless is now known as party
deadmundansii: If I want to work on some project (like for example xchat).  I find the xchat website / code and talk to the people currently involved (leader or otherwise) and I join them.18:04
ansiiplease give me an example sir, i might be sounding dumb, but i want to know18:04
=== party is now known as CnoobShameless
t3hl33tb34tIs there seriously no one here who can help me?18:04
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Zalansii, it's a difficult concept for people used to the standard business model of production :-)18:04
deadmundansii: If I really hate how they're doing it I can take their current code, make a copy and start working on it under a slightly new name and be the leader myself or find a different leader or don't have a leader at all18:04
_Trullot3hl33tb34t, there are 1000 guides on how to install ubuntu18:05
ansiideadmund so u mean u need to find the people for your team?18:05
shlafrockhey guys, could someone tell me if those results are ok for web server http://pastebin.com/qMtq2Yru . I'm considering swap. Is it ok or not ok that it's being used ...18:05
DJonesansii: Anybody can develop packages, but only certain people can approve them to go into the official; ubuntu repositories, those people are selected by similar people, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU as a starter18:05
deadmundansii: If I wanted to create a team, then yes.18:05
t3hl33tb34tYes I know that, but I am completely unable to read most of those types of pages.18:05
Zalansii, or you could just do it solo, if you prefer18:05
JessicaWI tried adding it to default runlevels but it still won't start on boot. i.e. update-rc.d munge defaults18:05
gordonjcpt3hl33tb34t: what's hard to understand?18:05
deadmundansii: Or maybe I wanna be a team member, then I would have to find a leader for my team18:05
t3hl33tb34tI can't understand them18:05
t3hl33tb34tI'm not that tech savvy18:05
DJonesansii: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/GettingStarted18:05
gordonjcpt3hl33tb34t: get an image, copy it onto a USB stick or burn it to a CD, put it in18:05
t3hl33tb34tCD and boot from it right?18:05
Zalansii, whether or not anyone *uses* your project, or includes it in their linux distribution, depends on how good it is, and how good a leader you are.18:06
ansiiZal but can one do it solo.. u would need so much knowledge and info18:06
CnoobShamelesshow do i get identified with the servives18:06
gordonjcpt3hl33tb34t: remember if you create a CD, you're burning an ISO and not copying the file onto the disk18:06
Zalansii, yep, you would. Some people have it. Most people open their project to at least some other contributors18:06
deadmundansii: Ask Richard Stallman18:06
t3hl33tb34tI know that brah, I said software18:06
Jordan_Ut3hl33tb34t: Please follow the instructions here: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/install-ubuntu-desktop and tell use when you get to something you don't understand.18:06
t3hl33tb34tDaemon tools is pretty much my bitch.18:06
deadmundansii: He single-handedly wrote emacs18:06
gordonjcpt3hl33tb34t: I'm not familiar with that, but you sound like you know what you're doing with it18:07
gordonjcpt3hl33tb34t: so get an iso, burn a disc, boot off it18:07
ansiiwhere can i find Richard Stallman??18:07
ansiideadmund where can i finf Richard Scallman18:07
Zalansii, google :-)18:07
rypervencheansii: Underneath his man-hair.18:07
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:07
IdleOneansii: Not that it has anything to do with Ubuntu, but email him.18:07
deadmundansii: He's a celeb, you can't talk to likely.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Stallman18:07
t3hl33tb34tI think that page was the wrong one18:08
t3hl33tb34tit was talking about motu18:08
ansiideadmund ?what is emacs18:08
deadmundansii: I was just using him as an example because he's written large software projects entirely on his own.18:08
deadmundansii: emcas is a text editor / programming IDE18:08
gordonjcpt3hl33tb34t: so can you get as far as making a CD and booting it?  Do "try Ubuntu without installing", and you've still got the option to install *anyway*18:08
t3hl33tb34tMaybe I don't need ubuntu18:09
DJones!contribute | ansii18:09
ubottuansii: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu18:09
t3hl33tb34tI hear it has bad support for most programs...18:09
compdocoldereagle, sda4, sad5, and sda6 are one unit. Looks like you need to select sda4 and move that to move them all. Not really sure - Ive never tried this18:09
akSeyaPeople can accidentally press 'delete' and delete files accidentally without even realizing it, that is dangerous!18:09
ansiibut where can i learn to code like.. even develop a small application18:09
compdocoldereagle, ooops, I was scrolled back18:09
ansiideadmund but where can i learn to code like.. even develop a small application18:09
deadmundansii: Where can you learn to program in general?  Most people learn in college.  You can teach yourself using online courses for free too though.18:10
mutioansii, start small and work upwards18:10
oldereaglecompdoc, ok. perhaps I should try posting in the gparted forum. It was very easy to split my W7 partion in the first place when installing Ubuntu. Changing it afterward is not so easy.... :)18:11
ansiii know programming deadmund, but i guess not as intricate as making a standalone application and that too in linux, i've made application in visual basic but i dont know just where to start here, its so confusing18:11
compdocoldereagle, if you have no luck there, try the mailing list18:11
ansiideadmund i know c, and presently i am learning python, but i dont know where i am heading18:12
oldereaglecompdoc, ok. Thanks!18:12
mutioansii, there are vbbasic workalikes for linux18:12
deadmundansii: Well that's not a question I can answer.  Try reading higher level programming books.  and also google is your friend.18:12
deadmundansii: But you're not asking specific enough questions for me to answer really anymore.  I don't know where you're heading either.18:13
ansiideadmund.. as simple it gets.. i want to make a linux applicaiton18:13
gordonjcpansii: find a project that "scratches an itch"18:13
mutioansii, console or X?18:13
deadmundansii: write some python code, run it in linux, it is a linux application18:13
DJonesansii: This channel is specifically for Ubuntu support, you'll be better carrying on the discussion by joining #ubuntu-offtopic which is more of a general chat channel18:13
CnoobShamelesshow do i register!!18:16
sokelCnoobShameless for what18:16
wan26to freenode?18:16
sokelCnoobShameless: /msg nickserv register18:17
CnoobShamelesssokel for services so that i can join ##c18:17
oldcomputerho un problema..mi aiutate?18:17
akSeyareally??! no "Confirm move to trash" ??18:17
sokeloldcomputer: ingles?18:18
DJones!it | oldcomputer18:18
ubottuoldcomputer: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:18
delinquentmeubuntus file exploring system is nautilus right?18:18
sokeldelinquentme: It should be18:18
mutioakSeya, that's the power of linux. All power has it's risks18:18
akSeyayeap.. nautilus18:18
akSeyamutio, no, this is not the power of linux, this is only a bad design18:18
delinquentmeim attempting to look at the files in a particular VM ... im running natively a 10.04 install .. and the VM is a 12.0418:18
delinquentmeis there a way to open the VM's files in nautilus as if they were a local HD?18:19
mutioakSeya, if I want to delete a direct with 1000 files, I do not want to confirm each one18:19
sokeldelinquentme: Depends on what you're using. I typically mount the vhd.18:19
gordonjcpdelinquentme: depends what format they are in18:19
akSeyamutio, "Are you sure you want to delete the selected 1000 files (Y/n)?"18:20
trismakSeya: bug 95853 (marked won't fix upstream, so don't hold your breath)18:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 95853 in Ayatana Design "Nautilus: too easy to move files/folders to Trash (single key press of "Delete")" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9585318:20
delinquentmethe files are .ova files sokel gordonjcp18:20
gordonjcpdelinquentme: I don't know what those are, what created them?18:20
sokeldelinquentme and gordonjcp: That's a virtual box appliance.18:21
mutioakSeya, I guess you'd hate how you can permanently erase your entire harddrive with one command line18:21
sokelI don't think it's possible to mount them, like I would a VHD18:21
DJonesakSeya: The delete key doesn't actually delete, it just moves to trash, if you press Shift+Delete, that does delete but asks for a confirmation18:21
delinquentmeyeah thats how I loaded them VirtualBox> File > Import Appliance18:21
sokeldelinquentme: There's features of virtualbox that allow you to modify files within a VM. Do a bit of research. I personally don't mess with it.18:22
ansiihow do i list chsnnels to do with python??18:22
ansiihow do i list chsnnels to do with python??   anyone???18:23
delinquentmeansii, you can ask in #freenode18:23
akSeyaDJones, yeah, but if I accidentally press delete without seeing, i can delete a file and don't even noticing it untill I need it18:23
CnoobShamelesspeople, how do i register18:23
akSeyait's dumb18:23
Pici!register | CnoobShameless18:23
ubottuCnoobShameless: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode18:23
keshavhello pple18:23
hficSo, I lost the ability to sudo. I resolved that , but when I go to open a gui that needs a sudo I don't have the ability to choose the user to open with. It only lets me choose root. How can I resolve this? :/18:27
MonkeyDusthfic  it's either the logged in user, or sudo18:27
hficMonkeyDust, I'm logged in as a user with sudo privs. I added my login to a group and forgot the -a. So I loaded a liveCD and added myself back to sudoers. Now I have this issue?18:29
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mutiohfic, why not just undo everything and then do it right with the "-a"?18:31
hficmutio, when you add a user to a group and don't use -a it removes the user from the sudoers group. .. So you can't just 'do it right'18:32
Salonika-7greedings from greece18:32
Salonika-7maria  ?18:32
bonahfic : try " exit"18:32
hficbona, what? ... that doesn't make sense18:33
hfichttp://imgur.com/hiVDt .. I've lost the ability to choose the userID I wish to install with. I can sudo now, but need this option for gui installs.18:33
jilebedevHi - can someone point me to an article on how ubuntu synchronizes its system time in a networked environment?18:34
jilebedevHow do I force re-synchronization with the Windows master time server? I noticed one of my ubuntu servers is off by a few minutes and that concerns me.18:35
mutiohfic, what if you create another user id for the task, and add it to the sudo'ers group with the "-a", the kill the first user id altogether?18:35
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akSeyachanged permission in ~/.local/share/Trash to 500 . now it will say I have no permission and will ask if I want to permanently remove the files18:35
sokeljilebedev: It has something to do with the ntp service. Look about restarting it, perhaps, assuming the windows master is in the configurations.18:35
akSeyait's better than having delete to automatically move files to trash18:35
hficmutio, the -a is a command line flag. I'm editing the config .. so the flag doesn't matter18:35
jilebedevsokel: thanks, I'll read up on ntp.18:35
akSeyabut I still think it's kind of absurd...18:36
hficmutio, I think your missing the understanding of -a .. This flag KEEPS you in the group.18:36
mutiohifc, exactly. so do it right with another new userid, and then delete the user id everything has gotten messed up on18:37
Troy^is there a way to get a status displayed when typing mv to move large files?18:38
MonkeyDustTroy^  use rsync --progress for large files18:38
hficmutio, your asking me to create a whole new ID ... that's probably a very last option resort. Not a config edit.18:38
TheLordOfTimeTroy^:  use rsync --progress if you want the "progress" of a move / change18:39
Troy^instead of mv? or use it on junction with mv?18:39
belgianguyso I installed timidity and got it to play a MIDI file18:39
keshavbhattTroy get help with mv man18:40
belgianguynow I want to make my own "notes" in Java and hook that output to tilidity18:40
hiloTroy^ you can also try this instead of the mv or rsync http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=88409318:40
hiloTroy^ rsync is instead of and will give you the most verbose progress18:40
Troy^ok thanks18:41
MonkeyDustTroy^  use rsync --progress --remove-source-files for large files18:41
keshavbhatthilo  r sync not used yet but zsync once to sync iso over http18:41
hiloTroy^ You can also use rsync to move between different computers which is nice for backups and whatnot (its intended purpose I think)18:42
delinquentmeif I've got a VM that boots up into the command prompt ... how do I run the GUI ?18:42
hilokeshavbhatt what?18:42
Troy^alright thanks alot hilo18:42
hilodelinquentme: startx18:42
dgroganIn Ubuntu Software Center, when I search for droid in All Software, I get two packages: 1) Freedroid and 2) Android User Ausgabe.  If I search for fonts-droid, I get package: fonts-droid.  Why doesn't fonts-droid show up when I search for droid?18:42
dgroganI'm on precise18:42
keshavbhattnothing hilo18:42
keshavbhattdgrogan me too18:43
sokeldgrogan: Because there's a dash. That's why.18:43
keshavbhatthilo u know about zsync/18:43
mutiodelinquentme, be sure to not startx from root18:43
delinquentmenoted ... well so it says startx isnt installed18:44
delinquentmeis that normal?18:44
delinquentmemutio, hilo18:44
mutiodelinquentme, that would tend to imply you might not have X installed18:44
sokelPretty typical, ubuntu changing things that shouldn't be changed.18:44
delinquentmemutio, I mean I'm just trying to see if im running some crazy niche version of 12.0418:45
dgrogandelinquentme: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop18:46
mutiodelinquentme, are you getting into this virtual machine from like VMware or something/18:46
delinquentmemutio, yeap VM18:46
mutiodelinquentme, then there's always the possibility it couldn't install X because the installer was prevented from detecting your hardware18:48
FACEFACEFACEI'm installing Ubuntu to a MacBook pro and got to the install screen. I got to the advanced options thing but I don't know how to partition off a swap and hardware partition.18:48
FACEFACEFACE*errr, harddrive partition. not hardware18:48
gmagnohello, I can't play sound with my laptop speaker, how to configure it?18:49
MonkeyDustFACEFACEFACE  what do you mean, "partition off a swap and a harddrive partition"?18:50
gmagnois there any procedure I can do to be sure that the speaker works and plays sound?18:50
MonkeyDustgmagno  start with alsamixer in a terminal18:50
skaCan I remove accounsservice and dbus from a server system?18:51
FACEFACEFACEmonkeydust: Well I have a hard drive, and I need to partition off swap space on disk and space for actual usage, right?18:51
Jordan_UFACEFACEFACE: Why are you using the "advanced options"?18:51
hiloFACEFACEFACE: just make a partition for sway about the size of your RAM, and make the rest of the disk ext4 as the root18:52
MonkeyDustFACEFACEFACE  by "partition off", you mean create?18:52
mutioska, dbus might be a good oneto keep18:52
skamutio: why?18:52
FACEFACEFACEI'm using advanced because I can't do this automatically on Mac. At least, thats what documentation led me to believe.18:52
gmagnoMonkeyDust, have done it18:52
Jordan_UFACEFACEFACE: The documentation is probably wrong. Which documentation are you referring to>18:53
gmagnoMonkeyDust, speaker bar was already high. Beep bar wasn't Ive put it high18:53
mutioska, offhand I vaguely remember it has some important system functions related to the hardware18:53
gmagnois there any command in the terminal to make a sound?18:53
FACEFACEFACEMactel Support Wiki18:53
Jordan_UFACEFACEFACE: There are many of those. Please link to the specific page.18:54
MonkeyDustgmagno  play /usr/share/sounds/alsa/*18:54
dj_ryanso, latest precise gnome-settings-daemon is now renamed sir-crash-a-lot18:54
skagmagno: beep18:54
FACEFACEFACEjordan_u: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MactelSupportTeam/AppleIntelInstallation18:54
wan26dj_ryan, add the oneconf service to that18:55
dj_ryanwan26: amen18:55
sokelFACEFACEFACE: According to that you can probably just say 'use free remaining space'. Like honestly.18:55
thedanglerso I installed ubuntu on my shitty hp and did some upgrades and now combiz doesn't work. Only thing that loads is the background image. Anything I can do?18:56
FACEFACEFACEJordan_U: Not sure I understand. Where in the installer is that?18:56
sokelthedangler: What kind upgrades?18:56
Jordan_UFACEFACEFACE: Indeed, that guide repeats the common myth that the proper place to install grub's boot sector is to a partition. That is wrong. Unfortunately I need to go now, sorry.18:57
FACEFACEFACEOh no! How do install, then?18:57
dj_ryanseriously though, latest update of precise has made gnome-settings-daemon crashtastic18:58
MonkeyDustdj_ryan  no rants here, please18:58
Jordan_UFACEFACEFACE: Following those directions will work, it's just less than ideal and prone to breaking (grub no longer able to boot).18:58
FACEFACEFACEHow can I make it work, then?18:59
gmagnoMonkeyDust, ska, play works. But "beep -f 1000 -l 4" does no sound (not sure it works like that though). Btw, I asking about speaker sounds because I installed centerim5 and I would like to hear some notification sounds everytime someone talks to me. Although I've enabled that feature, I can't here any sound...18:59
sokelFACEFACEFACE: Read the tutorial, for the last time.18:59
thedanglersokel I dunno i installed and it wanted to do upgrades, so I ran them.19:00
gmagnomates in #centerim does not help much either, they 25 people there.... :-/19:00
sokelthedangler: You mean updates. Could be a kernel problem.19:00
sokelthedangler: Boot a previous kernel.19:00
thedanglersokel: I did the windows easy install, cuz I was lazy19:01
MonkeyDustthedangler  wubi?19:01
MonkeyDustthedangler  wubi is a pseudo-instalation inside windows19:04
delinquentmedgrogan, after installing ubuntu-desktop ... I've run " sudo ubuntu-desktop" and im getting "command not found" .. mind you this is after installing it19:05
hwilde_help my sound is stuttering 11.04  http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=d305cc96e83735bd7b448165d147189dcb72b97119:05
delinquentmemaybe its not in the PATH?19:05
dgrogandelinquentme: after installing it just run startx19:06
MonkeyDustdelinquentme  ubuntu-desktop is a meta-package, it's not a command19:06
sokelthedangler: You did 'upgrades'. Reboot your system and select a kernel to boot. It's pretty simple.19:06
delinquentmeoooo! things are happening!!!19:06
delinquentmeOk awesome!  Nowww what was this shared folder thing about19:07
JoaoSantanahi all19:07
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Alpha-Omegawhy was there a new linux kernel released?19:10
BlackBishopwhy not ?19:10
sokelYeah, why not. Let's break things further.19:11
Alpha-OmegaBlackBishop: was there a bug in the previous?19:11
hiloAlpha-0mega It is an active project..... thankfully19:11
baizonseems so19:11
interciao a tutti19:11
BlackBishopnot all releases are bug-fixing releases !19:11
BlackBishopmaybe improvements .. new features ..19:11
Alpha-Omegahilo: no, just didn't think there'd be a new kernel version until 12.1019:11
sokelInstall a kernel, leave it if it works. Like honestly.19:11
BlackBishopor just changes..19:11
hiloAlpha-Omega: kernel development does not alway coincide with Ubuntu releases19:12
Alpha-Omegait's just that ubuntu isn't rolling release, that's why I'm wondering why we're getting a new kernel if there's no new ubuntu release19:12
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hiloAlpha-Omega: they are separate projects. Ubuntu makes use of the linux kernal19:12
sokelKernels are always released periodically when they feel like it, obviously.19:12
sokelWhich is why everything breaks so easily.19:12
sokelCan never have a stable revision.19:12
Alpha-Omegahilo: yeah, but the kernel is modified by ubuntu no?19:12
sokelYes. And that's the problem. :)19:13
hiloAlpha-Omega yes, they try to stay up to date19:13
hiloAlpha-Omega Linux project releases new kernels, Ubuntu integrates it into their OS in an upgrade19:13
ThinkT510Alpha-Omega: if you are using the default repos then the kernel wouldn't be updated to a major new version19:13
JoaoSantanaTalking about kernels, can someone point to a kernel build HOWTO to Ubuntu?19:13
sokelI prefer CentOS/RHEL kernels, personally. I have yet to run into a broken one, whether it's stock or from elrepo.19:13
ThinkT510!compile | JoaoSantana19:14
ubottuJoaoSantana: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall19:14
BlackBishopsokel: I prefer my gentoo one .. I have yet to need to upgrade it ..19:14
ThinkT510JoaoSantana: sorry, wrong factoid19:14
ThinkT510!kernel | JoaoSantana19:14
ubottuJoaoSantana: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)19:14
sokelBlackBishop: If you're going to compile your own kernel, go ahead. But if there's vulnerabilities that can destroy your system, you're at fault.19:14
hiloThe different distros have different uses and strengths19:14
Alpha-Omegahilo: the only issue is that I'm on 3.2 right now and the latest is 3.5.3, something tells me that when I do a dist-upgrade, I won't be on 3.5.3, so why even randomly update the kernel19:15
mazehey everyone19:15
BlackBishopsokel: like you're gonna hold ubuntu responsible for something if it breaks on your system !19:15
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JoaoSantanaThinkT510, thanks19:15
sokelBlackBishop: I don't, because I'm using an enterprise kernel.19:15
mazetotal noob here, was wondering which book to read first to teach me the basics, sysadmin, rutebook, or abs?19:15
ubottuThe Ubuntu Kernel gets updated in stages.  If you have the updated kernel, but do not have the corresponding restricted modules, you may be leaving yourself with no X when you reboot.  If you have compiled binary versions of your video driver, eg from the nVidia site, you will need to recompile them for the new kernel.  This is normal, and not a bug.19:15
BlackBishopor for private use or the company ?19:15
BlackBishopI guess you're paying for that enterprise support ..19:16
sokelBlackBishop: I'm using a kernel that is based for Enterprise Level os's, that's RHEL/CentOS. Because at least that way, their releases don't cause my system to not boot up or modules not to load right or other various issues.19:16
mazesomeone? :P19:16
sokelBlackBishop: No, I don't.19:16
sokelBlackBishop: All free. It's obtainable from all the distros.19:17
ThinkT510Alpha-Omega: it isn't random updates, its mostly bug fixes and sometimes a few features (like newer drivers)19:17
BlackBishopwell, still. enterprise or not, you will be responsible for updating it and the problem it causes even if a bug slips in ..19:17
Alpha-Omegayep, the new kernel release is 3.2.0-30 and I'm on 3.2.0-29, so it seems like a bugfix19:17
sokelBlackBishop: I've been using enterprise kernels for years. Never have issues.19:17
BlackBishopmay it be gentoo or debian or anything else, you're liable for it unless you're paying and someone else is liable for those mistakes.19:18
Alpha-Omegadoesn't the kernel get fragmented as hell damn19:18
BlackBishopI've been using my kernel for years ( with updates from time to time ), no problem ! :)19:18
BlackBishopno biggie to run 2 - 3 commands each time ..19:18
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BlackBishopyou're just as liable as I am for security problems.19:18
Alpha-Omega217 MB of additional space will be used, what kind of kernel update is this lol19:18
sokelBlackBishop: It's a wonder why so many people after a kernel upgrade on these new distros have problems. Obviously the devs are stupid :)19:18
hiloAlpha-Omega: it isn't random, there is a pipeline19:19
BlackBishopobviously :)19:19
BlackBishopnever ran into any problems on any distro so far .. may it be sles/fedora/debian/ubuntu/gentoo/bsd ( yes, I do actually use most of them on different servers/desktops )19:19
Alpha-Omega6 upgraded, 3 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. Need to get 51.2 MB of archives. After this operation, 217 MB of additional disk space will be used.19:19
Alpha-OmegaBlackBishop: Arch f**ked me over and that's when I switched over to Ubuntu19:20
centrelinkAlpha-Omega: you f**ked yourself over by not reading the documentation19:20
Alpha-Omegacentrelink: nope19:20
ThinkT510centrelink +119:21
gordonjcpArch just began annoying me19:21
gordonjcpso I switched back to Ubuntu19:21
ozetteHow can I get permission to create dirs on a remote server, I'm trying to bring over files but I get denied.19:21
ozetteIve tried filezilla, now just doing sftp command19:21
gordonjcpozette: you need to ensure that the user you're logging into on the remote server has permission to write the files19:21
Alpha-Omegacentrelink: that day I didn't update or anything, I click on an icon to change theme and boom X crashes, I try changing DE, nothing, all this from changing my icon theme in KDE19:21
ozettegordonjcp, it's my own user, the admin. How can I get sudo rights?19:22
gordonjcpArch is a great distro for people who want to fiddle about with tiny details, but for experienced users it's not much good19:22
gordonjcpozette: What exactly are you trying to do?19:22
Alpha-Omegagordonjcp: Arch with it's AUR, annoying as hell, the package manager is quick and somewhat powerful, but the management sucks19:22
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:23
BlackBishopAlpha-Omega: what centrelink said.19:23
ozettegoronjcp, I sftp'd into my server, It's running a website. I want to bring over files to the www folder, but it is heavily protected19:23
gordonjcpAlpha-Omega: AUR is really good, I love the package management19:23
AntzzzDoes anyone here have an IMEI calculator to create me an unlock code for my LG-P930 ?19:23
ozettegordonjcp, I want to update some files19:23
Alpha-OmegaBlackBishop: changing the icon theme, I need to read the documentation for that? lol19:23
gordonjcpAlpha-Omega: I just don't have the time or inclination to fiddle about with pointless crap19:23
centrelinkaur is leaps and bounds ahead of googling for a ppa or whatever on ubuntu19:23
gordonjcpozette: okay, where are they?19:23
BlackBishopyou need to read docs for everything dude19:23
gordonjcpBlackBishop: ... and that's why I no longer use Arch ;-)19:24
ozettegordonjcp, Local they're in my home folder, but I want to bring them over to my remote's www folder19:24
Alpha-OmegaBlackBishop: ehh screw that, I want to actually use the computer, not have it as a hobby19:24
gordonjcpBlackBishop: I'm not interested in trawling through pages and pages and pages of badly-written rubbish in a foreign language19:24
ozettegordonjcp, But I don't know how to gain permission, I've tried so many ways to get files into that folder ..19:24
KishiRecently, I've performed a dist-upgrade. In some magical way it managed to screw up the X server, and everytime I'm booting up, I'm pushed into console instead.19:24
delinquentmethe best way to share files between a local system is with ubuntu1?19:24
gordonjcpozette: right, so you're deploying to (say) /var/www ?19:25
delinquentmeThat sounds messed?19:25
ozettegordonjcp, yes19:25
Alpha-Omegaso is there any reason this kernel update used 217MB of additional space on my HD, curious19:25
KishiI don't even know where to look for the cause.19:25
gordonjcpozette: tbh the quickest and easiest way would be to scp them across to your homedir on the remote, then ssh in, sudo cp ~/myfiles/* /var/www19:25
gordonjcpozette: look into proper web deployment stuff like fabric, if you're doing this a lot19:25
DogLoverHow come Win7 doesn't recognize Ubuntu 11.04 computer on my wireless network?19:26
ozettegordonjcp, I see19:26
ThinkT510Alpha-Omega: you sure its just the kernel being updated?19:26
gordonjcpozette: you can also fiddle about with setting group permissions on /var/www but that gets a bit scary19:26
BlackBishopgordonjcp: your problem then ! you sleep as good as your bed is done ! ( YOU chose your distro ! )19:26
ozettegordonjcp, Isnt there a way to do it directly? Is it so heavily protected?19:26
hiloAlpha-Omega: there are a lot of packages that get updated when you update a kernel version19:26
gordonjcpBlackBishop: exactly.  I *like* Arch, I just can't live with it as a daily driver19:26
Lesterwoodguys, i'm in college (20) and want alcohol, but the drinking age is 21, how do i get alcohol?19:26
gordonjcpozette: you could do something like add yourself to the www-data group and set the directory group writeable, but this may have security issues19:26
centrelinkLesterwood: install gentoo19:27
gordonjcpLesterwood: #ubuntu-offtopic, and live in a sane country19:27
BlackBishopyou need more practice ! ;)19:27
Alpha-OmegaThinkT510: that and glib-networking glib-networking-common glib-networking-services19:27
hiloDogLover: what do you mean, 'recognize'? What exactly are you trying to do?19:27
ozettegordonjcp, Yes I've thought of that, and thought it would make an unwanted risk19:27
gordonjcpozette: well there you go19:28
DogLoverThe ubuntu PC doesn't show up on the list of PC's on my network on my Win7 PC. I am wanting to share a folder from Ubuntu desktop19:28
gordonjcpozette: you could do something clever with git ;-)19:28
KishiSo... any clues what could have happened to the X server?19:28
Alpha-Omegahilo: yeah but if each minor bugfix release added 217MB of additional HD Space, the Linux kernel would be like 10 TB by now19:28
ozettegordonjcp, ok but what is "fabric"?19:28
DogLoverIs there a 'Make Discoverable' option in Ubuntu?19:28
BlackBishopAlpha-Omega: old ones get deleted ..19:28
hiloAlpha-Omega: not all releases do, some actually free space as the packages that support that version fluctuate in size19:28
ThinkT510!samba | DogLover19:29
ubottuDogLover: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.19:29
Alpha-OmegaBlackBishop: I kind of forgot about that, you're right19:29
gordonjcpozette: http://docs.fabfile.org/en/1.4.3/index.html19:29
ThinkT510BlackBishop: actually, you'd need to delete them through the package manager yourself19:29
ozettegordonjcp, thanks alot19:30
gordonjcpozette: it is awesome19:30
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DogLoverOk, but how come the Ubuntu PC doesn't show up on the list of PC's on the network?19:30
ozettegordonjcp, seems nice19:31
hiloDogLover: it will once samba is installed and configured to allow that19:31
hiloDogLover: Samba is the service on your Ubuntu machine that listens and responds to your Windows machine when it goes searching19:32
DogLoverI will try that19:32
atriusthis is extremely annoying... on boot.. vgscan appears to fail.. it gives up as there is no root.. drops to busybox.. where upon i do a vgscan that immediately works... ctrl+d and it boots normally (more or less)19:33
KishiOK, so, If I can't find help here, could anyone please at least recommend me another channel where I could possibly look for help?19:33
KishiIt's a bit sad without GUI, having only console to feed eyes on.19:33
ThinkT510Kishi: what do you need help with?19:33
KishiI've just performed a dist-upgrade.19:33
guntbertKishi: you are in the proper channel here, just be patient please19:33
KishiIn some magical way it managed to screw up X server.19:34
KishiNow every time I boot, X server fails to load19:34
FlowRiserKishi, it happened to me too19:34
KishiAnd I get a console session instead19:34
ThinkT510Kishi: probably because of the graphics driver19:34
FlowRiserKishi, it is the graphics driver; i could only fix it by reinstalling ubuntu19:35
KishiMight be. I've had MUCH issues with the NVIDIA driver I've got19:35
KishiActually, I couldn't even install it properly19:35
FlowRiserKishi, it happened the same to me too; i tried installing the drivers, but the only one which works is the original one that ubuntu comes with O.o19:36
KishiWell, I've got 2 cards on my comp19:36
KishiOne built-in which sucks, and an NVIDIA one19:36
KishiI got a lot of trouble installing the driver on Kubuntu19:36
FlowRiserKishi, what built-in card do you have, ATI ?19:36
hiloKishi: what version did you upgrade to19:36
KishiI don't know, really.19:36
FlowRiserKishi, if it's ATI than it might be a bug O.o19:37
FlowRiserKishi, cause it happened to me too19:37
lickalottanyone here used UUID to mount in fstab?19:37
dr_willislickalott:  the default fstab does it thay way.. so all ubuntu users do..19:37
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KishiAnyway NVIDIA X Server Settings greet me with a pop-up message that I don't have X server configured for use with the card or something like that19:38
hilolickalott: yus and you should19:38
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)19:38
KishiEven though I've run their nvidia-xconfig script19:38
KishiWhich modifies xorg.conf19:38
KishiSo it would run NVIDIA drivers19:38
jiffe98anyone use weechat?  I seem to have problems with the display getting messed up when people send non-ascii characters19:38
lickalotttrying, but it's not working.19:38
lickalottdoes this look right? http://paste2.org/p/219461619:38
KishiIf it's issue with graphics card, I guess using old xorg.conf file could do the trick19:39
KishiToo bad I didn't back it up -_-19:39
dr_willisjiffe98:  never noticed the issue. there is a weechat channel also19:39
dr_willisi dont need an xorg.conf for my normal nvidia setup. just if im using twinview19:40
ozetteAt some directories I get the message: "Couldn't canonicalise: No such file or directory", How can I get it to create those folders?19:40
ozettewhen doing sftp19:40
guntbertlickalott: what is not working?19:40
hilolickalott: you are missing trailing " 0 0" for your nfs entries19:41
pirxi just installed a 12.04 server with a bunch of vlan interfaces. all those work fine. but i cant get name resolution working. i have set the name server to "" (google). but when i try to do a "host whatever.com", i see no packets sent out from the server at all... i have tcpdumped all interfaces while doing this (udp port 53)19:41
owertywho can help to partition hdd for win7?19:41
DogLoverHey! I found a method waaaay easier to get access to shared folders! Just share the folder on Win7 and access it from Ubuntu.19:41
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KishiI've even registered on Nvnews vbulletin regarding this issue19:41
KishiIt's been more than a week and they still didn't activate my account19:41
pirxi can do a "dig @ whatever.com" just fine though19:41
lickalottguntbert rebooted and no mounts.  when i mount -a I get "mount.nfs: remote share not in 'host:dir' format"19:41
ansiisir can anyone help me with django installation19:41
ansiiecho /home/ansi/django-trunk > /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django.pth19:41
hiloDogLover: lol okay but the shared folder is on Windows, not your Linux box19:41
ansiiecho /home/ansi/django-trunk > /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django.pth   Permission denied19:42
louiematcould anyone tell me how to put a driver on the hard drive  - what command to use? (a dpkg  -i or -i) for debian Ubuntu 12.0419:42
Piciansii: echo /home/ansi/django-trunk | sudo tee /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django.pth19:42
hilolickalott: use hostname:/path19:42
guntbertlickalott: I never knew that you can use uuids for nfs shares too, where did they come from?19:42
DJoneslickalott: My NFS drives are mounted like /media/Music nfs rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,intr19:42
hilolickalott: or IP Address:/path19:42
DogLoverThat is fine. I didn't really care which one it was on.19:42
pirxanyone knows how to troubleshoot name resolution issues? (there are no iptables rules at all, yet)19:42
DogLoverI needed this for a render farm setup, so this will work fine!19:43
KishiYou mean the only way to get X server back is reinstalling my OS? -_-19:43
ansiiPICI!!! thanks a lot19:43
jgcampbell300hey guys ... i need to make life a bit easyer today ... anyone know of a all in one pice of software that ... is graphical , netmap, port map, flowchart .. type of system ... im looking for something i can visualy design my network with tools to monitor and administer it when im done deploying it ... been using zenmap but would like to see something a bit more graphical19:43
hiloYeah UUID doesn't make sense for nfs mounting. lol sorry19:43
DogLoverSee ya!19:44
lickalottbrb... i'll explain19:45
KishiWow, a single update screwed up whole X server. I really believe there's some easy way to fix it tho19:46
sokelPretty typical.19:46
louiematFloodBot1 -  could you tell me how to put a driver on the hard drive  - what command to use? (a dpkg  -i or -i) for debian19:46
ansiiPici pls help with this one also19:46
ansiiln -s /home/ansi/django-trunk/django/bin/django-admin.py /usr/local/bin19:46
jkeatsErr http://us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-updates/main linux-libc-dev amd64 3.2.0-25.4019:46
jkeatswhy am I getting a 403 on this?19:46
jkeatsand a 404 from security.ubuntu.com?19:46
ansiiln -s /home/ansi/django-trunk/django/bin/django-admin.py /usr/local/bin permission denied19:47
jkeatsErr http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-security/main linux-libc-dev amd64 3.2.0-25.40 # 404...?19:47
BluesKajKishi, have you tried the recovery kernel , then choose "repair packages"  from the dialog19:47
ThinkT510jkeats: look at the space before precise19:47
KishiBluesKaj: Recovery kernel?19:47
BluesKajyes the in grub , Kishi19:48
KishiWell, I've had revovery mode option in GRUB19:48
KishiI did try it19:48
KishiAnd used some fixing options19:48
KishiBut it didn't help.19:48
jkeatsshould be ubuntu/dists/precise/ ...?19:48
BluesKajcorrection : ' in the grub menu , Kishi19:48
* jkeats looks at ec2 :/19:48
guntbertKishi: you could also try to use one of the older kernels19:48
BluesKajKishi, , but did you choose the repair packages option19:49
KishiI've selected some dpkg option19:49
KishiI don't remember, really19:49
pirxhmm, i just realized that DNS queries get routed back to localhost (tcpdumped interface 'lo') on this newly installed 12.04 server. what could be the cause of that?19:50
ZepoHey Guys, I ined a bit help. I installed KDE on my U 12.04 , but it didnt worked well and was uglys19:50
Zeponow I removed it but I still got the KDE login interface19:50
jkeatswhat should that deb line read?19:50
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louiematamy_ coulod you help me could you tell me how to put a driver on the hard drive  - what command to use? (a dpkg  -i or -i) for debian19:50
yeatspirx: 'cat /etc/resolv.conf' - what's there?19:50
ZepoHow do i colplete remove KDE/stuff from ubuntu ?19:50
KishiBluesKaj: I did pretty much everything that didn't involve playing around with the console19:50
jkeatsdeb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu precise main # ?19:51
gordonjcplouiemat: a driver for what?19:51
yeatsZepo: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/pureubuntu19:51
BluesKajKishi, what's your graphics card ?19:51
louiematscanner - Epson v3019:51
makezanhey guys i have a question about ssh. I'm trying to setup a two factor authentication for ssh into my machine. I got paranoid after I saw several IPs trying to connect with different users that I didn't know. So I did the following in /etc/sshd_config ,  AllowUsers me     PasswordAuthentication no    PermitRootLogin no    . the issue now is that I am not able to ssh-copy-id over to my server.19:51
lickalotthilo, guntbert, DJones, do it all started a long time ago in a galaxy far far away....  (serious face)  When I installed it was against sda.  i have 3 500GB drives in this system that show up as sdb sdc sdd.  I have them auto mounted to /media/<foldernamehere> and everything was fantastic until i rebooted.  once I rebooted i noticed that /dev/sdb1 (which was mounted to  /media/share1) was now19:52
lickalottthe device that hosted the /boot partition.19:52
makezanBad port 'umask 077; test -d ~/.ssh || mkdir ~/.ssh ; cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'19:52
pirxyeats: nothing. resolvconf (some new thing) is used. and i have "nameserver" in /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/original19:52
gordonjcplouiemat: google for "epson V30 ubuntu", grab the first likely-looking result19:52
louiematI've had this installed but had to reinstall system19:52
wan26makezan, you changed the default port it listens on right?19:53
lickalottSo...in an effort to not have the /dev stuff swapped around, i started to use the UUID instead.  now they won't mount at all19:53
makezanyes i did wan2619:53
wan26sorry just checking19:53
delinquentmeSo I would like to change the permissions of the home dir ( ~/  ) of a VM that I've got running on my computer ... is this difficult?  I was unable to automatically add the permissions19:53
sstamakezan: helps if you do the ssh-copy-id before you disallow password auth...19:53
makezan wan id I try to  ssh-copy-id  -p XXX19:53
hilolickalott: okay but there is no NFS involved.19:53
Zepoyeats This only help for k/x/l buntu or not ?19:53
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hwilde_help my sound is stuttering 11.04  http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=d305cc96e83735bd7b448165d147189dcb72b97119:53
lickalottall of those paths are in my exports file19:53
guntbertlickalott: you only use uuids for local drives, do you really have a nfs server?19:54
yeatsZepo: you're trying to get back to regular ubuntu, no?19:54
jiffe98anyone know a simple way for me to test unicode through ssh?19:54
KishiBluesKaj: Basically, none at this time. I have 2 cards, one old and weak, and a new NVIDIA card. I was trying to install drivers for the NVIDIA card, and I did, only to see that for some reason they can't associate themselves with the X server19:54
lickalottthey are all local drives guntbert19:54
Zepoyeats I only want to remove KDE19:54
makezanssta wan26 my keys have a password too. does that matter?19:54
guntbertlickalott: its not useful to mount local drives via nfs19:54
hilolickalott: you shouldn't use exports or nfs.19:54
yeatsZepo: how did you install KDE?19:54
Zeposudo apt-get install kde-standarts19:54
Zepoor omething*19:54
lickalottOHHHHHH...... you're talking about the nfs for type19:54
hilolickalott: mount them by uuid and use their actual filesystem type to mount and NOT NFS19:54
louiematI t is esci-interpreter-gt-f720_0.0-1_amd64.deb- how woyld you enter this19:54
sstamakezan: no, that's fine...but you have to do it *before* you lock out password auth...otherwise it can't copy the ID19:55
wan26makezan, no it doesnt matter the more layers of protection you can deploy, the better19:55
KishiBluesKaj: The nvidia-xconfig script I was instructed to run has changed the xorg.conf file, to use the NVIDIA card instead of the old one. But since It didn't work, my OS simply didn't use any card at all19:55
delinquentme " Could not change the permissions of folder bety "  .. is what im getting .. when doing the right click > sharing options > share this folder method19:55
gyre007if im setting up sudoers giving nopasswd access to 2 commands, does there have to be a comma between them or jus space ? ie NOPASSWD: cmd1 cmd2 ?19:56
yeatsZepo: I'm not sure then - you could try the command listed on the site, though some of those packages may not be installed19:56
BluesKajkishi so you installed nvidia-current driver ?19:56
hilodelinquentme: press alt-F2 and type in "gksudo nautilus" Then try using that specific window (it is running as root)19:56
makezanwan26 ssta  and just wondering, when i say AllowUsers UserA, does that mean user on the client has to be UserA, or when i'm connecting I specify UserA@IP:PORT19:56
hariomI am logged into a non sudoer user. I am trying to open a file using gedit. I get this error: (gedit:28230): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0.019:57
KishiBluesKaj: I've downloaded the driver from their website, it did match my model, I did follow their instructions, and yet something failed.19:57
louiematgordenjcp - did you see my reply?19:57
lickalottk, no errors that time hilo19:57
sstagyre007: comma19:58
KishiBluesKaj: Well, maybe if I run the installation script again, I will at least get the X server back19:58
KishiBluesKaj: I doubt it will be that simple though.19:58
PRabyteid like to join an ubuntu cloud, is there a program i load, or do i need to install a cloud capable desktop? also, what are the other promoted options like - non enterprise, just to test here with a few computers.19:58
pirxah, resolved! found my problem! while fixing the vlan stuff i had removed the "dns-nameserver" lines in /etc/network/interfaces19:58
atriusi'm about to give up on ubuntu on this server19:58
hilolickalott: win.19:58
lickalotttrue!   thanks!!19:58
BluesKajKishi, did you reboot immediately after installing the nvidia driver , becuase if X is running when you install it , the driver won't enable until you do19:58
atriusseems that i have to reboot it at least twice to get it to come up.. as opposed to just dropping to a blank black screen and sitting there19:59
makezanssh-copy-id -p PORT USER@IP19:59
makezanBad port 'umask 077; test -d ~/.ssh || mkdir ~/.ssh ; cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'19:59
KishiBluesKaj: I did reboot my system while still in console mode. I've ran nvidia-xconfig on X server though, but I doubt it matters.20:00
PRabyteat first glance there seems to be a lot of diff programs related to cloud and how to use it an such20:00
BluesKajKishi, ok , sudo apt-get install nvidia-current  ,in the terminal , then reboot20:00
guntbertmakezan: did you actually type PORT?20:00
PRabytejuju for example.20:00
makezanlol no i'm hidding port and user ID just for sake of it. guntbert20:01
KishiBluesKaj: K. Since I'm on Windows now, and I'm not using any VMs, I'll have to reboot now, so I'll be back in a few minutes20:01
makezananything in Capital letters has a value. guntbert20:01
isbrichow to redirect output from time? ie time ls 2>&1 > out20:01
BluesKajKishi, don't worry about xconfig for now , it should auto generate20:02
shade34321how would I go about adding NIS users while installing ubuntu, during installation instead of providing a user I just supply the NIS info20:02
brokI'm trying to set up an FTP server in ubuntu. All signs keep pointing towards vsftpd. I'm trying to edit the config file but it won't let me- I'm guessing it wants root password, which I have, but no prompt comes up. What do I do? ALternately, is there a gui-based FTP server like Filezilla I can use?20:02
louiematKishi - I had to rebuild my install aster nvidia problems - I read some ware  that nvidia is aware of the problems with Ubuntu20:03
hariomI am logged into a non sudoer user. I am trying to open a file using gedit. I get this error: (gedit:28230): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0.020:03
guntbertmakezan: according to man ssh-copy-id there is no option -p20:03
makezanso I figured that the problem was I was supposed to type it this way. ssh-copy-id '-p PORT USER@ID'                                                      but I get Permission denied (publickey).20:03
hariomHow to fix it and allow to open gedit20:04
ZepoHow do I change the login screen in U12.0420:04
MonkeyDustZepo  change in what way?20:04
makezanhttp://mikegerwitz.com/ssh-copy-id-and-sshd-port/ guntbert20:04
ZepoFrom KDE to gnome 320:04
carter_can anyone help me i downloaded minecraft and now i am getting a error message20:04
guntberthariom: do all other applications work?20:04
zykotick9hariom: are you logged in through ssh?20:04
Orangercarter_: #minecraft20:04
carter_thats a channel?20:05
Orangerno, that's a cat !20:05
hariomguntbert, zykotick9: Not ssh. Its on my local system20:05
carter_well im new at linux and so far the people helping at it r jerks20:05
dr_willis# designates an irc channel20:05
guntbertmakezan: so you found it? all well?20:05
zykotick9hariom: do other gui apps work?  Are you sure you aren't sshed?20:06
Orangercarter_: Ok, but minecraft is diferent than linux ;)20:06
Orangercarter_: They will more be able to help you there : #minecraft20:06
carter_so why do you have a channel for it? obviously its important20:06
BluesKajcarter_,which linux , and which jerks ?20:06
hariomguntbert, zykotick9:  I am on a local sysetm (NOT ON SSH). I have created a user which is not in sudoer list. If I use gedit for opening a file, I get that error. I have GUI as I have installed xdm xorg and gnome-core installed.20:07
Orangerouf, he left..20:07
MonkeyDustso it goes Oranger20:07
BluesKajdon't need hisa"attitude " anyway20:08
hariomguntbert, zykotick9: Other apps like network configuraiton/ proxy setting etc works well20:08
KishiBluesKaj: I've had nvidia-current installed allready20:08
KishiBluesKaj: Homever I've ran the driver installing script again20:08
hariomHow to fix this error:  (gedit:28230): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0.020:08
KishiKishi: And it worked.20:08
BluesKajwhat script , Kishi ? do you mean the command ?20:09
KishiBluesKaj: The nvidia driver installation script I've downloaded from their website earlier20:09
EricJA newbie question if there ever was one: my user is not the owner of a directory, but member of the group that owns it. Permissions on the folder is 775. Why can't I create files in that folder?20:09
guntberthariom: how did you invoke gedit - from command line?20:09
EricJ(I obviously want only members of that group to have write permissions)20:10
hariomguntbert: yea20:10
guntbertEricJ: did you log out/in after adding the user to that group?20:10
EricJguntbert: yes.20:10
BluesKajKishi, so you have X running and you're logged into the desktop on ubuntu?20:10
KishiBluesKaj: It appears so.20:10
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KishiBluesKaj: And I don't know how the hell it happened20:11
BluesKajok Kishi , good20:11
KishiBluesKaj: But the drivers appear to be finally synced with the X server!20:11
BluesKajrebooting helps the dust settle sometimes , Kishi :)20:11
KishiBluesKaj: I'd say it was reinstalling :D20:12
guntberthariom: I am fishing around: does it work for other users?20:12
KishiBluesKaj: I suspect that dist-upgrade had some  update for X server or whatever,   and I had to reinstall drivers after that20:12
KishiBluesKaj: And now everything works like a charm.20:13
BlackBishopintel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset 6 port SATA AHCI Controller, is this sata 1 or sata 2 ? :|20:13
KishiWell, thanks.20:14
BlackBishopany ideas anybody ?20:14
hariomguntbert: I worked. I tried: xhost +20:14
KishiSee you 'round, guys.20:14
isbrichow to redirect output from time? ie time ls 2>&1 > out20:14
guntbertEricJ: please pastebin the output of  id; ls -l /var/www/ubuntu-auto.cfg20:14
BluesKajwell , Kishi,  frankly I haven't much luck with the nvidia-drivers from their website ...prefer the drivers that are tried and tested for ubuntu ...I hope it sticks and works well for you20:14
colemanhelp installing nvidia card?20:14
brokUrk, I apparently disconnected.20:14
brokAnyway, anyone have any thoughts regarding FTP hosting?20:15
guntberthariom: xhost + is very insecure ™ and should not be necessary20:15
wan26Same here, compiling the proprietary nvidia drivers gave me more issues, the ubuntu default works fine20:15
jcromartiewhat does it mean when I see files in my filesystem that are executable, but the shell complains with "No such file or directory" when I try to execute them?20:15
jcromartiethe files show up as dark gray in ls20:16
wan26did you type it like ./progname?20:16
makezanguntbert i still get Permission denied (publickey).20:16
makezanI wonder what the issue is20:16
zykotick9jcromartie: just a guess, but you have a 64bit OS trying a 32bit executable20:16
guntbertjcromartie: you must give the path to that file, in the current directory it be like  ./somefile20:16
jcromartieI know how to run programs.20:16
jcromartiezykotick9: I think you're on to something20:16
guntbertmakezan: did you set the sshd to acccept public key auth?20:17
jcromartiezykotick9: in fact, it's a JRE bundled with a server product20:17
jcromartiezykotick9: file yields "jre/bin/java: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.2.5, not stripped"20:17
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makezanguntbert I think so. isn't it PubkeyAuthentication yes20:18
designbybeckanyone else notice that Amazon updated their player for videos again and it broke it for Linux....again....20:18
designbybeckAnyone know a workaround?20:18
zykotick9jcromartie: sorry man, i have NO idea how 32/64bit works in ubuntu with multiarch.  (in old versions i could help, not now)20:19
guntbertmakezan: yes, correct - next step ssh into the system normally and check the permissions and contents of .ssh/authorized_keys20:19
jcromartiezykotick9: dang… now I wish the problem was just me not knowing how to execute a program :P20:19
makezan-rw-r--r--  1 USERA USERA  740 Sep  5 15:47 id_rsa.pub20:20
makezanguntbert it was a security of 740 is that too restricted?20:20
guntbertmakezan: no, too open, it needs 700  if I remember correctly20:21
wan26i know it's probably not this simple, but 'java [prog]'20:21
guntbertmakezan: not the id file!20:21
makezanguntbert the folder?20:22
guntbertmakezan: no the file authorized_keys20:23
guntbertmakezan: actually it needs 40020:23
MonkeyDustmakezan  type ls ~/.ssh/20:24
guntbertMonkeyDust: he needs ls -l :)20:24
makezanhttp://pastie.org/4670071 guntbert MonkeyDust20:25
guntbertmakezan: is that on the remoote machine? then its fine, check the contents of that file20:26
okay"Moreover, although the Ubuntu OS is free and open source software, Ubuntu Cola should not be confused with "open source" colas such as OpenCola."20:26
makezanhey I'm also missing a logic. And bare with me if this sounds stupid, but if on the client, you can just ssh-copy-id that means anyone can just copy their id to your server and allow themselves to ssh into it. what's the flaw in that logic?20:26
dr_willismakezan:  if they have a user account...20:27
guntbertmakezan: you need to be able to log in to that account in the first place20:27
kurtwp_makezan: you first need to get into the server to copy the rsa_id keys over20:27
dr_willisyou still login the first time20:27
StephenM|2hi there...  Would anyone be kind enough to help with a networking issue??20:28
makezankurtwp_ guntbert dr_willis i'm not at machine I was connected through vnc and lost the connection due to a copy paste bug remmina has. but I will switch the config to allow passwords first, then try to copy ssh id, then disable passwords, then try to ssh.20:29
zorgborghi guys, ./configure doesn't work in the (extracted tar) gimp directory, any ideas why would this be?20:30
penguinmancan you pastebin the error zorgborg?20:30
micomhi, i have installed ubuntu last days, my roommates are complaining on lags, every 20 seconds ping increase for a second and get normal, when i turn off computer problem dissapeare20:30
BarkingFishzorgborg, could you post up the results of ls -alh on that directory, please - stick them on the pastebin :)20:31
martin_hey guys, I have this problem that's driving me insane. Every third or so mouse click registers as a double click. this makes windows maximise when I intend to move them, among other things.20:31
zorgborgpenguinman: theres: bash: ./configure: Permission denied20:31
BarkingFishmicom - are you using a shared internet connection?20:31
martin_I'm running ubuntu 12.04 with all the latest updates20:32
zorgborgthen sudo ./configure says command not found20:32
micomBarkingFish: yes20:32
penguinmanok, so it doesn't have a configure script then20:32
micomBarkingFish: one network connection for 3 computers20:32
BarkingFishok - how are you all connecting, micom? wireless or cable?20:32
micomBarkingFish: cables20:33
zorgborgBarkingFish: you mean with -d for just the directory or for its contents?20:33
micomthere was no problem with win7 BarkingFish20:33
kurtwp_micom: check for dup IP20:33
micomits looks like undefined app generete a lot of network traffic every 20 sec20:33
penguinmanzorgborg, try this "ls | grep configure" and see if any results pop up20:33
BarkingFishzorgborg, just the whole directory, cd into it, zorgborg - and type ls -alh   then copy the output to paste.ubuntu.com20:33
micomkurtwp_: its only 3 comp there is no conf20:33
guntbertmakezan: thats a sound plan - Good luck!20:34
kurtwp_micom: are the IP static20:34
makezanguntbert thanks. it should work I think20:34
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micomkurtwp_: dhcp20:34
zorgborgpenguinman: that gives two files configure (bold and pink) and configure.ac (sam)20:36
penguinmanok, i see the problem, try this "chmod +x ./configure"20:36
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makezanwhich brings me to my second question. Anyone knows how to have vino-server start before I can login into machine. Right now the way it works is, when i'm sshed into my machine and I reboot through ssh. the vnc server will not start. until I am physically there to login. vnc4server kept giving me this grey screen with check boxes. any other utility you guys recommend?20:36
thiebaudeim trying to play rhythmbox, after a few minutes it say :Python (v2.7) requires to install plugins to play media files of the following type: text/html decoder20:37
kurtwp_micom: dhcp - you can still have a dup IP - the dhcp server can still hand out the same IP to two PCs if it thinks the other pc released it20:37
thiebauderequired plugin could not be found20:37
micomevery 20 sec? kurtwp_20:37
Mir09hi all20:37
zorgborgpenguinman: cheers its working now :) is that likely because I'd dwnloaded n extracted on another comp and transferred it to this one via usb?20:37
thiebaudeit searches for the plugin, but can't find it, wonder if anyone could help, thanks20:38
wan26yeah that's happened to me zorg20:38
penguinmanzorgborg, yeah, configure wasn't marked as executible was the issue20:38
StephenM|2kurtwp micom I get the same thing happening here to.  It seems to be a fairly recent occurance.20:38
kurtwp_micom:  you can download wireshark and see what is taking up all the bandwidth20:38
micomkurtwp_:  i will, i see it on "system monitor" graph20:38
micomthere is like ________^_______^________^20:39
penguinmanzorgborg, "sh ./configure" would also have worked20:39
zorgborgpenguinman: cheers ill take note of that :)20:39
wan26thiebaude, i think you need gstreamer plugins20:39
micomStephenM|2: have you find a solution?20:39
thiebaudewan26, software center says they are installed already20:39
thiebaudei might need and alternative to rhythmbox20:40
StephenM|2No sorry micom - Usually it kind of sorts itself out, but I have a different issue at the minute that's more pressing lol20:40
marko-_-thiebaude, to be honest there are quiet a lot of applications like rhythmbox20:40
marko-_-the closest one would be banshee20:40
marko-_-even the gui is similiar20:40
thiebaudemarko-_-, yea i could try that20:41
wan26depends, i just use vlc from videolan20:41
micomsth is uplouding data into net from my ubuntu! i need investigation20:41
Mir09thiebaude, amarok20:41
marko-_-vlc sucks for music20:41
marko-_-ohhh amarok WAS awesome20:41
marko-_-but kde are gui nazis so yeah :p20:41
wan26it probably does as i dont use playlists ect lol20:41
thiebaudeok thanks guys for the suggestions20:41
Mir09thiebaude, I've mistake.. is amarock the name :)20:42
StephenM|2At the minute I only get DNS resolution when I connect my work VPN - I'm sure its a network config problem, but I'm not sure where to start20:42
Mir09marko-_-, yeah I know xD20:42
micomdropbox LAN sync Discovery Protocol20:43
micomwhat kind of shit is on my box;/20:44
Mir09sakang, yeah.. clementine is also nice20:44
StephenM|2I can connect to my wireless router get IP address, gateway and DNS from DHCP, but unless I connect to the work VPN I can't get anywhere20:44
micomcheck proxy20:44
ace_me_I get sendmail[15552]: ruleset=check_relay, arg1=localhost, arg2=, relay=localhost [], reject=451 4.3.0 Temporary system failure. Please try again later and I assume I I no longer get emails from my server20:44
sakangMir09: clementine is what when amarok WAS20:45
Mir09sakang, true20:46
designbybeckis it all Flash on Linux or just Amazon Videos that is broke?20:46
designbybeckyoutube still works20:47
designbybeckjust must be AMazon I guess20:47
penguinmanflash is iffy on linux. always has been20:47
BluesKajdesignbybeck, got a url to test ?20:47
penguinmana lot better than it used to be though20:47
sakangaudacious is also nice alt for music player20:47
zykotick9moc ftw ;)20:48
marko-_-does anyone know why my computer freezes after my screen turns of after 10 minutes (to save battery)? I'm using ubuntu 12.04 with an integraded intel card and a nvidia GPU and i'm using bumblebee (it's not it's fault)20:49
micomhow to turn off this feature in ubuntu "dropbox lan sync discovery protocol"?20:50
penguinmanif you absolutely need good flash support chrome is probably your best option. google licensed the source from adobe and its built directly in. and unlike adobe, google actually does active linux development20:50
Tellmarchmarko-_-, i don't know, but there is a bug in 12.04 where when the screen turns off, the GPU/CPU actually go to 100% usage20:51
Tellmarchit might be related20:51
designbybeckBluesKaj:  Any video on Prime Videos on Amazon20:51
designbybeckso I guess you'd have to have an account20:51
kurtwp_micom:  in the GUI I just right mouse click on the dropbox icon and select prefernece and un check enable lan sync20:51
Tellmarchmarko-_-, so i'd start by checking if it's the case on your computer20:51
designbybeckpenguinman:  videos were working20:51
marko-_-Tellmarch, how would i do that?20:51
designbybeckI'm thinking they changed their DRM videos again and broke it for Linux ....again20:51
BluesKajdesignbybeck, can't play them here, so I can't test20:51
Tellmarchmarko-_-, well, either access with ssh while the screen is turned off and check with top20:52
penguinmandesignbybeck, wouldn't surprise me. i actually have to run windows in virtualbox to use netflix....20:52
Tellmarchor maybe a graphical monitor with a graph that you can see just after coming back from the screen saving20:53
marko-_-Tellmarch, yeah good point20:53
marko-_-i'll do that20:53
wan26I *purchased* two audio books from audible a while back, and copied the aax files over to my ubuntu machine, i no longer use windows, is there any prog in ubuntu that will just let me play those or should i just fire up xp in a vm and convert?20:54
pyrrhicI get a black screen after leaving my pc idle, it's still on. But when I come back I see nothing but a black screen. Ideas?20:54
penguinmanwan26, hmm, not sure. vlc might handle it.20:54
Tellmarchor maybe xine20:54
Tellmarchsince it's the only result from apt-cache search aax20:55
Tellmarchbut it's just a guess :p20:55
Mir09wan26, I think Banshee20:55
jribTellmarch: a front-end has "aax" in its name20:55
wan26I'll give those a shot, (been meaning to tackle this for a while) thanks for the suggestions guys20:55
Tellmarchoh, not xine then :)20:55
designbybeckpenguinman: i was a long user of netflex but finally dropped them because of their lack of Linux support...and pay for Amazon and Hulu, but now Amazon is being mean!20:56
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penguinmani've actually considered dropping netflix for a while now. Once we get steam and decent gaming I'll only have the windows box around for work anyway.20:57
penguinmanwhat gets me is they have support for android, but not desktop linux....20:58
ThinkT510penguinman: market share20:58
zykotick9penguinman: android has nothing to do with gnu/linux, or even just linux kernel really - as it's a fork...20:58
designbybeckah...looks like it their HD DRM stuff on AMazon, I got another video to play21:00
BluesKajpenguinman, yeah I noticed that , like it's deliberate slight to Linux, as if Linux is offensive to them , but I think they just can't be bothered catering to such a "small market"21:00
pyrrhicBlack screen after idling; Ubuntu 12.04 - Ideas?21:00
ThinkT510pyrrhic: move mouse21:01
k1lpyrrhic: screensaver? :)21:01
wan26pyrrhic, settings>brightness&lock to never?21:01
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pyrrhicMight have to look into that. I've never seen a screensaver go jet black. Lol.21:03
sokelAndroid actually uses the major portion of linux. The kernel. It's a big deal, especially when the kernel runs the phone and has the phone's drivers etc. Sounds like linux to me.21:03
louiematcan anyone tell me whats wrong with this command, to put a driver for a scanner --louiemat@louis-PinGuyOS:~$ sudo -i esci-interpreter-gt-f720_0.1.1-2_amd64.deb21:04
louiemat[sudo] password for louiemat:21:04
louiemat-bash: esci-interpreter-gt-f720_0.1.1-2_amd64.deb: command not found21:04
louiemat 21:04
FloodBot1louiemat: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:04
melodiein which chan is it more relevant to ask questions about creating a remix with the "from scratch" howto ?21:04
gordonjcplouiemat: it's not a command, mostly21:04
ThinkT510louiemat: pinguyos isn't supported here21:04
zykotick9sokel: the android changes are NOT included in "linux", they forked it (it's kept in it's own repository, separate from "linux")21:04
hIchamATQUESTION : how can I increase the size of tty buffer, because when I use the SHIFT+PAGEUP the buffer is very limitted21:05
melodieabout my question the howto I try to use is here : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomizationFromScratch21:06
jribhIchamAT: I don't know.  Maybe just use screen or tmux instead?21:07
solenzohello everyone21:07
solenzocan somebody help me with 3gmodem?21:08
dj_ryana question, i have a dual monitor, triple head ATI setup, but xrandr tells me 2 of the monitors are 'disconnected' even though they have the xroot background set21:08
solenzoi have anydata 635 wa modem i cant connect via hsdpa mode21:08
nrgy2211hello. newb question. how could i make multi part .rar files from command line?21:10
bwlangwtf: do-release-upgrade -> 447 new packages are going to be21:11
bwlanginstalled   (how can figure out what's depending on all that stuff)21:11
MonkeyDust!rar > nrgy221121:11
ubottunrgy2211, please see my private message21:11
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k1lbwlang: do release upgrade is a version upgrade of ubuntu. that is no surprise that there are so many packages21:13
BluesKajbwlang, that's the nature of upgrading to new release , it upgrades your package to new versions21:13
bwlangk1l: it's a surprise to me.  I don't want all this x11 stuff on this machine.21:14
k1lbwlang: its not installing anything new. its just upgrading21:14
bwlangk1l: i don't think so " 447 new packages are going to be installed. 617 packages are going to be upgraded."21:14
BluesKajbwlang, it's your choice ,, you can run without X if you want ...have fun :)21:15
nrgy2211ah boo. i gotta still register winrar even if it's a linux version -_-21:15
bwlangBluesKaj: this machine has run with out X for years, i just need to figure which package is depending on all this new stuff and uninstall it prior to the upgrade, but I can't tell which one is the "gateway drug"21:16
k1lbwlang: if there is a new kernel its a new install and not a upgrade. its the same when running apt-get upgrade vs apt-get dist-upgrade21:16
bwlangk1l: a new kernel won't be depending on x11proto-randr-dev21:16
auronandace!dist-upgrade | k1l21:17
ubottuk1l: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.21:17
bwlangautonandance: I do want to upgrade to precise… and i expect some additions - but not so many.21:17
BluesKajbwlang, that's right , but graphics driver probly need the kernel source stuff21:18
bwlangBluesKaj: there should be no graphics driver… this is a headless machine.21:18
BluesKajbwlang, are you upgrading the server edition then make sure that's you've got, but that depends on the metod you're fllowing21:21
BaribalHi. What command line tool(s) can I use to find out what connection where to causes how much traffic?21:23
jribBaribal: iftop21:23
BaribalI just had >500MB/h outbound traffic on my server and I'd like to know why.21:23
bwlangBaribal: i like iptraf21:23
chemist^hello everyone21:24
chemist^i've got a problem :)21:24
bwlangBaribal: ntop will give run long term and log the flows if that's what your looking for.21:24
chemist^or question better...21:24
chemist^is it possible that my wired connection is preventing applications in wine to connect to the internet?21:25
chemist^i have a wired 802.1x ttls connection21:25
lesslessis it possible to use aucdtect which requires libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3 on 12.04?21:25
BaribalHeh, iptraf goes wild. That may have to do with me logging in over ssh. :)21:26
OerHeks!info libc621:26
ubottulibc6 (source: eglibc): Embedded GNU C Library: Shared libraries. In component main, is required. Version 2.15-0ubuntu10 (precise), package size 3699 kB, installed size 9105 kB21:26
bwlangBaribal: you can do some simple filtering with iptraf, but i use tcpdump for a more detailed view that is specific to certain hosts.21:27
unless_Hello folks!21:28
hazelCan anyone tell me how i find out if I'm running 32 bit or 64 bit ubuntu?21:29
roobarb1hello. I cannot install emacs23-el. Message is here: http://pastebin.com/s9ni5P9J "you have requested an impossible situation"21:29
auronandacehazel: uname -a21:29
zykotick9hazel: "uname -m" is shorter ;)21:29
hazelthanks ya'll21:30
roobarb1Is lucid's emacs23-el broken?21:30
chemist^is it possible that my 802.1x secured wired connection is the cause that's preventing applications in wine to connect to the internet?21:30
trismroobarb1: what is: apt-cache policy emacs23-el emacs23-common;21:32
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roobarb1trism: results here http://pastebin.com/K60txN2z21:35
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trismroobarb1: ahh you have a newer version of emacs23-common manually installed, you should add lucid-updates to /etc/apt/sources.list and you can upgrade everything to 23.1+1-4ubuntu7.321:38
dj_ryanwhich process is responsible for the windows-p aka mod4-p shortcut? its tweaking xrandr21:38
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roobarb1trism: oh. Thanks for the diagnosis. I'll check /etc/apt/sources.list21:39
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chemist^is it possible that my 802.1x secured wired connection is the cause that's preventing applications in wine to connect to the internet?? anyone plz?21:40
trismroobarb1: you can use: software-properties-gtk; to update it with a gui if you prefer, just check lucid-updates on the Updates tab21:40
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yubahaqi have a problem21:41
yubahaqi have upgraded to ubuntu 11.0421:42
k1l!ask | yubahaq21:42
ubottuyubahaq: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:42
yubahaqi want to delete all unity21:42
yubahaqand install gnome shell21:42
k1l!notunity | yubahaq21:42
ubottuyubahaq: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic21:42
roobarb1trism: great tip again!21:42
k1lyubahaq: and dont press enter after every word21:42
gordonjcpyubahaq: upgrading to 11.04 is a problem, right enough21:43
TJ-chemist^: Unlikely; what is failing?21:43
yubahaqyah very serious21:43
gordonjcpyubahaq: upgrade to 12.0421:43
chemist^TJ-: pokerstars21:44
yubahaqbecause opengl does not work properly, i have problems with graphic and space card21:44
chemist^TJ-: i don't have any other application installed with wine21:44
yubahaqi want to upgrade more but keep saying your card want be supported21:45
yubahaqthat's why i didn't upgraded to more release21:45
TJ-chemist^: It would help to launch the application from a terminal and capture the log that wine generates about what it is doing. That might reveal the problem21:45
adacIs there something wrong with ssh lately?21:45
chemist^TJ- ill do that right away21:46
MonkeyDustadac  "wrong"?21:46
TJ-chemist^: just enable the network/internet classes. This list will help you figure out which one to specify http://wiki.winehq.org/DebugChannels21:46
TJ-chemist^: Off the top of my head, I *think* you need at least "inetcomm" but I think also "wininet" and/or "winhttp" and similar21:47
chemist^hmm..ok ...this is a bit complicated21:48
roobarb1trism: Thank you. apt-get is happy now. And I have elisp sources to browse now!21:48
TJ-chemist^: I remember that feeling when I had to do it a couple yeara go21:48
jetrosti'm getting this error in an application's log file: "Cannot load library icui18n: ..." and so I want to install the ICU package, but it is not showing up in an aptitude search [$ aptitude search icu]. how can i find this package and install it? i think i want one of the packages on this page: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+source/icu21:49
in0culai did dist-upgrade, i do i install the kernel header?21:50
adacMonkeyDust, I cannot access some of my servers. Strange errors like to often failed login ans such21:50
TJ-adac: turn on SSH debugging on the client; that might reveal the issue21:51
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melodiemaybe since a moment ago I could up my question21:52
technikfreaki running in save mode 45 what could be the problem?21:52
adacTJ-, how to do that?21:52
melodieis there someone interested about remix from scratch who could help me with a few questions ?21:52
TJ-adac: "man ssh"21:52
melodiemaking a remix from scratch ? is there a dedicated chan for this sort of topic ?21:53
rizwanfacebook unable to open in pidgin21:55
rizwanmelodie: unable to open in pidgin21:55
TJ-adac: If I recall correctly, it's something like "ssh -o LogLevel=DEBUG ...."21:55
MonkeyDustmelodie  gentoo is for purists and hardcore, start there21:55
rizwanMonkeyDust :- facebook chat unable to open in pidgin21:56
MonkeyDustrizwan  i use neither pidgin, not facebook21:57
adacTJ-, yes that did the trick, thank you21:57
rizwanthanks for the reply monkeyDust21:57
rizwanTJ :facebook chat  unable to open in pidgin21:58
TJ-rizwan: shame it isn't the entire Facebook site :p21:58
e66how to fix Errors were encountered while processing: /var/cache/apt/archives/firefox_15.0+build1-0ubuntu0.12.04.1_amd64.deb E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)21:58
rizwanTJ- yes but why its not opening chat in pidgin , dont want to open site always for chatting on facebook21:59
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TJ-rizwan: No idea22:00
MonkeyDustrizwan  facebook is a site, not a protocol22:00
rizwanok, thanks TJ :)22:00
phy1729My old kernels aren't getting purged from /boot so I can't upgrade to the latest what ought I do?22:01
rizwanfacebook chat can de done using xmpp protocol22:01
rizwanMonkeyDust : facebook chat can de done using xmpp protocol22:02
linus@phy1729 use an install disc22:02
jetrosti'm getting this error in an application's log file: "Cannot load library icui18n: ..." and so I want to install the ICU package, but it is not showing up in an aptitude search [$ aptitude search icu]. how can i find this package and install it? i think i want one of the packages on this page: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+source/icu22:02
rizwanby using pidgin or empathy22:02
phy1729linus: to do what? reinstall?22:02
TJ-phy1729: use "apt-get remove" to remove the "linux-image-<version>" and "linux-headers-<version>" packages you no longer want. List the installed version with "dpkg-query -l 'linux-image*' | grep '^ii' "22:03
frowzyHey kids! how do I configure the giant bar with all the icons on the left of my screen? Also, what is it called?22:03
linusno install new over top current install22:03
phy1729I'm just realizing that the box is noramlly not rebooted whould rebooting help?22:03
jetrosti'm getting this error in an application's log file: "Cannot load library icui18n: ..." and so I want to install the ICU package, but it is not showing up in an aptitude search [$ aptitude search icu]. how can i find this package and install it? i think i want one of the packages on this page: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+source/icu22:03
skulltiphow do i compile audiere?22:04
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall22:04
frowzyI am going to keep a running list of my problems with Ubuntu, and keep a blog or something. It's that bad.22:05
TJ-jetrost: Well, that "i18n" is short for "internationalisation" and means the package is one containing language/culture specific items22:05
MonkeyDustrizwan  http://blog.caseyho.com/2010/02/how-to-enable-facebook-chat-in-pidgin.html22:05
linus@frowzy if you have a problem fix it and post that to your blog. thats how open source works22:05
dr_willisor post the fix at askubuntu.com22:06
jetrostTJ-: oh really? that's good to know. i will just ignore it then since i don't need internationalisation. thank you!22:06
TJ-jetrost: what release of Ubuntu are you using? What application is causing that message?22:06
MonkeyDustfrowzy  or if you have ideas, post them in !brainstorm22:06
frowzylinus: I just need to know really basic things, like "what is the bar with the icons on the left of my screen called, so I can google my problems with it"22:06
frowzyI googled "ubuntu tutorial" and I got shit tons of spam.22:06
dr_willisfrowzy:  theres a good postibng on that at askubuntu.com22:07
dr_willis!manual | frowzy22:07
ubottufrowzy: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/22:07
frowzyMonkeyDust: when I have solutoins?22:07
dr_willisthey relly need tomake a link to that manual on the desktop22:07
frowzythanks dr_willis :)22:07
TJ-jetrost: icu-doc == "Description-en: API documentation for ICU classes and functions. ICU is a C++ and C library that provides robust and full-featured Unicode and locale support.  This package contains HTML files documenting the ICU APIs."22:07
dr_willisfrowzy:  tip #1 - press and hold super key - to see keyboard shortcut display22:07
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frowzydr_willis: DUDE AWESOME22:07
dr_willisfrowzy:  the webupd8 and omgubuntu sites are the main sites i use along with askubuntu.com  for learning neat tricks22:08
TJ-jetrost: On Precise apt-file search shows: "libicu-dev: /usr/lib/libicui18n.so"22:08
frowzyAnd the manual is downloadable! So I can read it at home! Willis you've been the singularly most helpful (to me!) person in this channel :D :D22:09
TJ-jetrost: and "lib32icu48: /usr/lib32/libicui18n.so.48" <--- that would be the one I think your system wants, unless you're on 64-bit system, then you'd want "libicu48"22:09
jetrostTJ-: oh, i'm on 12.04 server. i'll see about installing the libicu-dev package and see if that solves the error22:10
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dr_willisfrowzy:  i imagine the reason theres no link to it on the desktop is it wasent done when the 12.045 was relased22:10
TJ-jetole: not the -dev package, one of those others I've just mentioned, depending on 32-bit or 64-bit operating system22:10
frowzyI figured out why ubuntu "feels" sluggish to me, who can I tell about this?22:11
rizwanMonkeyDust: thanks for link, after following link getting this error " account was disabled because you signed on from another location:22:11
jetrostTJ-: ok i'll try the lib32icu48 package22:11
linusUbuntu doest want to need a manual. That is why it isnt on the desktop22:11
MonkeyDustfrowzy  or ideas to get something solved22:11
dr_willisits the 'people' that want and need a manual..22:12
rizwanMonkeyDust: thanks for link, after following link getting this error " account was disabled because you signed on from another location:22:14
melodieMonkeyDust, I don't need that kind of advice. (?)22:14
frowzy!brainstorm Ubuntu "feels" sluggish when I use my laptop's touchpad, but not a USB mouse. This is because ubuntu/gnome/something "eats" the first few clicks on a button or menu, sometimes.22:14
linusubuntu is linux for human beings. These are also called people. The objective is to make it intuitive enough not to need a manual.22:14
Guest14387how different is ubuntu server kernel from debian whizzy.. a lot or almost the same?22:14
xanguarizwan: try to change your facebook password22:14
melodieI am not a purist, I am learning to do something interesting22:14
sokelUbuntu... intuitive lol. That's hilarious.22:15
frowzy!brainstorm Ubuntu inexplicably delays by ~30 seconds the result of the fn + volume up/down key combo on my asus laptop.22:15
ubottufrowzy: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:15
ubottuPost your ideas for Ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!22:15
frowzywait did he pm me22:15
linus@guest14387 the answer could be a tiny bit or a whole lot. It first depends on when each kernel was built22:15
frowzyI'm not using a REAL irc client because Xchat (hilariously!) doesn't work in ubuntu.22:15
dr_willisfrowzy:  xchat works fine for me here on ubuntu.22:16
dr_willisi tend to use weechat however these days22:16
adaccadaSeveral SSH server now tell me this: "Received disconnect from 178.63.xxx.x.xx: 2: Too many authentication failures for root" etc. This happens since i updated my system yesterday. Any ideas?22:16
frowzyHuh, it won't for me. I have this problem: http://help.dal.net/faqs/connections.html#registered22:16
linusstart by checking with uname -r22:16
frowzywhere the issue is "some IRC software is slow"22:16
rizwanxangua: for other passwords authentication failed22:16
sokelfrowzy: irssi is the way to go. Console all the way.22:17
dr_willisHavent been to dalnet in years.. so no idea on dalnet..22:17
xanguarizwan: did you already change your facebook password and introduce the new one in pidgin account manager¿22:17
frowzysokel: Look, some of us just don't like consoles. Okay?22:17
linus@adaccada with ubuntu since sudo is installed by default you shouldnt be able to ssh as root22:17
linuslogin as a regular user then us sudo or sudo su22:17
rizwanoh, understood, doing now, and will let u know once its done22:17
linusif you do have a ssh root user id delete it22:18
adaccadalinus, this is also happening on non root accounts22:18
Guest14387linus: debian kernel 3.2.0 and whatever is current in Ubuntu server 12.0422:18
bobweaver!su | linus22:18
ubottulinus: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo22:18
rizwanxangua : oh, understood, doing now, and will let u know once its done22:18
sokelsudo -i, enter, type passwd, now root has a password. Now you can ssh into it. Congrats.22:18
bobweaversudo -i  .....22:18
dr_willisdont use 'sudo su' use sudo -s or sudo -i.22:18
bobweaversorry linus (about the bot )22:18
xangua!noroot  | rizwan22:18
ubotturizwan: We do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.22:18
linus@guest14387 then the kernels should be pretty close, if you want to go further you could check the exact revision number of your kernels then compare the distribution specific patches22:19
adaccadalinus I really have no clue anymore. It happens on different servers with differnet accounts22:19
Guest14387linus: thanks22:20
frowzyMonkeyDust: !brainstorm only worked for the first idea I threw out, now ubotto is just mocking me >_>22:20
dr_willisfrowzy:  its opened a query window to you i imagine22:21
countleycan anyone recomend a good torrent downloader for ubuntu22:21
dr_willis /msg  ubottu  help22:21
frowzydr_willis: yes, but now it's mocking me in PM.22:21
xanguacountley: transmission is the default22:21
dr_williscountley:  theres dozens of torrent clients out for Ubuntu and linux. it depends on your needs.22:21
IdleOnefrowzy: ubottu is an info bot, you need to read the info it provides22:21
frowzyAh, now I see my mistake. I trusted the word of a user over the bot.22:22
rizwanxangua: changed password from facebook site and tried, same error i m getting22:22
bobweaverfrowzy,  it is a supy bot     !ssh ssh is used for blah blah blah   then the team has to aprove22:22
frowzyI have yet to truly understand the zen of ubuntu.22:22
xanguarizwan: did you change it in pidgin¿22:22
dr_willis'linux is all about legos and layers' thats the zen of linux.22:23
xanguaand saved it*22:23
JPetersonfix please "sudo ulimit -c unlimited" "env: ulimit: No such file or directory"22:23
rizwanxangua: yes22:23
bobweaverJPeterson,  I hate to say this but man sudo22:23
rizwanxangua: error is " (03:51:18 AM) chat.facebook.com: Your account is temporarily unavailable. Regain access by logging into your account from your computer's web browser: http://www.facebook.com/22:24
JPetersonbobweaver: you mean go f yourself?22:24
xanguarizwan: once had the 'connected from another location' problem and changing my password solved it...no idea then sorry22:24
linus@dr_willis that is pretty good explination and id add software pattens are bullshit22:24
bobweaverJPeterson,  env is a intrepeder for langs like   #!/usr/bin/env bash22:24
rizwanThanks xangua :)22:24
IdleOneJPeterson: Please mind the language/acronyms.22:24
frowzydr_willis: how do I learn to be kind and helpful like you without becoming jaded?22:24
bobweaverJPeterson,  meaning that it can not find it22:25
dr_willisfrowzy:  i am jaded. ;) i just keep it in check.22:25
dr_willisfrowzy:  and you learn to use /ignore a lot.22:25
JPetersonim sorry for my confusing question. maybe this is easier to understand. how do i run ulimit -c unlimited?22:25
bobweaverlol dr_jesus22:25
bobweaverdang tab compleations22:25
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sporkboxIs it true that Ubuntu is not adopting systemd? I'm looking for distros that aren't switching (or forcing users to switch to it).22:26
dr_willissporkbox:  last i heard. they are sticking with Upstart for the time being22:26
bobweaverJPeterson,  I am sorry I just walked into this and you give me a Hello I am trying to do _____ and when I do ____ this _____ happens ?22:26
sporkboxdr_willis: Alright, cool. Do you know any other distros that aren't switching? Gentoo's sticking with OpenRC for now and there's a lot of opposition to systemd there (good news for me)22:27
dr_willissporkbox:  i belive they are eventually  switching. perhaps in the next lts.. hard to tell22:27
JPetersoni have the day's simplest question, why cant i run "sudo ulimit -c unlimited"22:27
dr_willisNo idea. its basically a non-issue to me sporkbox .22:27
sporkboxAlright. Thanks for letting me know, though.22:27
dr_willisJPeterson:  perhaps thats not the proper way to set the ulimnit22:28
countleydr_willis: fast downloads22:28
JPetersondr_willis: thanks riddler22:28
JPetersonany more clues?22:28
dr_willismentions how to set it22:28
countleythats all my needs22:28
bobweaverJPeterson,  is this for script ? if so make into C ?  #include <ulimit.h>22:29
frowzyOther noobs: This was helpful to me: http://www.howtogeek.com/112974/how-to-customize-ubuntu-with-ubuntu-tweak/22:29
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gothI'm trying to use libreoffice calc22:30
dr_willissudo ulimit dosent make sence.. since  that would get applied to the root users shell, then the shell would exit...22:31
rizwandr_willis : (04:00:27 AM) chat.facebook.com: Your account is temporarily unavailable. Regain access by logging into your account from your computer's web browser: http://www.facebook.com/22:31
gothI would like to add a big (fat) border to mark "segments"22:31
gothbut inside those I want non-fat borders22:31
gothhow do I do that?22:31
dr_willisrizwan:  i dont facebook chat. so no idea.  and when i do.. its on my phone. :)22:31
bobweaverNo dr_willis  because it is c it calls header files which in itsself says env where are you ?22:31
excelsiorbtw, dr_willis rocks22:31
bobweaverLimiting users like that .....22:32
rizwandr_willis : ok, thanks :)22:32
bobweavera nice sleep 12 could be in effect22:32
rizwanJPeterson : (04:00:27 AM) chat.facebook.com: Your account is temporarily unavailable. Regain access by logging into your account from your computer's web browser: http://www.facebook.com/22:33
rajviHi all22:33
rizwanRajvi : (04:00:27 AM) chat.facebook.com: Your account is temporarily unavailable. Regain access by logging into your account from your computer's web browser: http://www.facebook.com/22:33
frowzygoth: try #libreoffice maybe?22:34
bobweaverrizwan,  Oo22:34
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frowzygoth: (I got that from http://www.libreoffice.org/get-help/ )22:34
rajvirizwan: How?22:34
rizwanbobweaver : (04:00:27 AM) chat.facebook.com: Your account is temporarily unavailable. Regain access by logging into your account from your computer's web browser: http://www.facebook.com/22:35
rizwanrajvi : dont know but getting that error22:35
bobweaver!ot | rizwan22:35
ubotturizwan: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:35
rajviWell, I use Tor networks often, if it did happened its not usual for me ;)22:35
bobweaverI dont even have a facebook account22:36
rajviRizwan: Stick with the guidelines22:36
UbuntuBookProHey everyone! How do I install firmware for wireless networks?22:36
rizwanRajvi: Tor netwoks is same as facebook ?22:36
ubottuTor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl22:36
dr_willisTor is not the same as facebook22:36
linus@UbuntuBookPro you dont need firmware for wireless networks22:37
MonkeyDustrizwan  please type /join #ubuntu-offtopic22:37
bobweaverUbuntuBookPro,  please open your terminal and enter ins lspci -nn | grep -200    then PASTEBIN the results the bot will tell you more22:37
UbuntuBookProOut of the box it says "device not ready (firmware missing)"22:37
UbuntuBookProAlright will do!22:37
rajviBye every122:37
bobweaver!pastebin | UbuntuBookPro22:37
ubottuUbuntuBookPro: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:37
bobweaverwoops UbuntuBookPro  it should be       lspci -nn | grep 20022:38
bobweaversorry about that22:38
dr_willisUbuntuBookPro:  the addational-drivers tool can normally download and install needed extra files/drivers for wireless and video cards.22:38
UbuntuBookProMmkay, where is that willis?22:39
dr_willisin the menus22:39
dr_willisdash has a search feature22:39
UbuntuBookProbobweaver ins is not a command. did i do something wrong?22:39
dr_willisor run 'jockey-gtk' :)22:39
bobweaverUbuntuBookPro,  lspci -nn22:40
UbuntuBookProwill do22:40
SyleronI am having issues installing ubuntu on my iMac was wondering if there was anyone who could help me? x.x22:40
bobweaverI am guessing that it is a lpphy broadcom card22:40
bobweaverjust a guess22:40
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sin_taxCan anyone tell me what SEC_TYPE="ext2" means on my sdc? http://pastebin.com/rxNdmgVu22:43
bobweaverUbuntuBookPro,  14e4:4331 << is you card so   sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer && sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter22:43
bobweaverUbuntuBookPro,  then restart the computer22:44
UbuntuBookProThanks, bobweaver! I'm going to update for now and will do that after :)22:44
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rizwandr_willis : apt-get install tor22:44
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bobweaverUbuntuBookPro,  if you like I wrote a tutorial all about your wireless card22:44
rizwandr_willis: installed tor using above22:45
UbuntuBookProIf what you said won't work, I'll check it out.22:45
UbuntuBookProThanks again, about to restart~22:45
linusive studied that b43 page alot working with airodump-ng22:46
somanHas Linux a TEXT and UNICODE macros for C++ coding?22:46
linus@soman i use scite22:47
dr_willisthat would be a feature of the IDE/Compiler?22:47
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frowzyFellow ubuntu noobs, this was extremely helpful to me in adjusting ubuntu to expected parameters: http://www.techdrivein.com/2012/06/25-things-i-did-after-installing-ubuntu.html22:48
bobweaversoman,  qtcreator ? cmake gui ?22:48
linusthose are text edit features for easier code viewing22:48
somanlinus: what you mean? I just want to port own app from Win where I written it using mingw22:48
linusg++ yourappname.cpp22:48
somanI written my app using TEXT macro but I cannot build it in Ubuntu because compiler doesn't want to 'eat' TEXT22:49
bobweaversoman,  http://doc.qt.nokia.com/qtcreator-2.4/creator-tool-chains.html22:49
bobweaversoman,  look up22:49
lesslessis it possible to use aucdtect which requires libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3 on 12.04?22:49
UbuntuBookProbobweaver it still says device not ready (firmware missing)22:50
linusok so you are looking for a library replacement22:50
MonkeyDustwhat was the command again, to have the ubuntu dots, instead of the xubuntu line, when booting the pc?22:50
dr_willisMonkeyDust:  you mean change the default pymounth theme?22:50
MonkeyDustdr_willis  yeah22:50
bobweaverUbuntuBookPro,     pastebin     apt-cache policy firmware-b43-installer22:50
bobweaverUbuntuBookPro,  also rfkill list all22:51
linusI always change plymouth through synaptic, just install or remove the one you want22:51
dr_willisplymouth-theme-solar      is my fave. ;)22:51
bobweaversudo update-alternitive --config text-pylmoth and also deafult-pylmouth22:51
bobweaversorry about the spelling22:51
dr_willissudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth22:52
dr_willissudo update-initramfs -u22:52
UbuntuBookProbobweaver: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1187944/22:52
bobweaverthen what is http://doc.qt.nokia.com/qtcreator-2.4/creator-tool-chains.html22:52
ironfootHello I have a problem using the code mysql_num_rows is not responding correctly is there someone who can help me with this delima???22:52
bobweaveryou beet me too iut dr_jesus22:52
bobweaverUbuntuBookPro,  rfkill unblock all   && sudo rmmod b43 && sudo modprobe b4322:53
dr_willisi just cut/pasted from teh askubuntu url ;P22:54
bobweaverlol dr_willis22:54
Jeruvyironfoot, you could try #mysql also.22:54
UbuntuBookPrommkay, now what do I need to do?22:54
bobweaverUbuntuBookPro,  rfkill unblock all   && sudo rmmod b43 && sudo modprobe b4322:54
linustoolchains are libraries that let you build a program one system for another system22:54
bobweaverin the terminal ^^22:54
dr_willismy system boots so fast. i barely see the plymouth screen22:55
bobweaveryup just like MinGW linus22:55
UbuntuBookProbobweaver i did that. now will it work, or...?22:55
GolfgeoHi all, got a small problem... My notebook seems to be locked into a cpu speed of 1000 mhrtz while I would like it to be higher like when it is connected to an adapter...22:55
bobweaverUbuntuBookPro,  lets see a paste of            lsmod22:56
Golfgeowow, my English is bad today haha22:56
Golfgeobasicly, when connected to the main power net it goes higher and now on the bat. it's locked into the minimal cpu cycles... so... how to change it?22:57
linusmingws finished product is designed to be used on the system you are using.22:57
UbuntuBookProbobweaver: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1187947/22:57
linusmingw = gcc or g++  toolchain = android22:58
bobweaverSDK ?22:59
linusyes an SDK is a toolchain22:59
bobweaveranyways UbuntuBookPro  please read this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10796508 post 4422:59
linusbut an SDK is more because it contains libraries23:00
linusa toolchain is just the compiler. I used a PPC toolchain in ubuntu x86 to compile a linux kernel for my wii23:00
DynV64 bit version of http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop fetch a file ending with amd64 but the system it's to be installed on is intel, will it work?23:04
dj_whohi, all23:04
linusintel maked both 64 and 32 bit processors23:05
dj_whoi've instaled y-ppa-manager but have no icons in app23:05
dj_whoicons are in /usr/share/y-ppa-manager/icons23:06
DynVlinus: does this mean that amd64 version will work on an intel 64bit or not?23:06
dj_whobut y-ppa is not using them23:06
bobweaverdj_ryan,  why not /us/share/pixmaps ?23:06
DynVit will work or not?23:06
dj_whodont know23:07
linusamd64 is just the name given to that branch of the linux kernel23:07
bobweaverdj_who,  what icons are you talking about ?23:07
Jordan_UDynV: Yes. "AMD64" refers to any 64 bit x86 compatible processor, which includes intel's.23:07
dj_whoy-add.png for example23:08
dj_whoin y-ppa menu23:08
DynVso AMD64 & Intel 64 are just synonyms to x86-64 ?23:08
bobweaverdj_who,  I am sorry I do not follow23:08
UbuntuBookProbobweaver my network card is not on that list.23:08
dj_whoi know ubuntu search them in /usr/share/icon23:08
FrowzieWell, something crashed in my ubuntu thingee. The edges of all my windows disappeared.23:09
FrowzieI tried hitting Ctrl alt del to log out, but I got a blank white screen..23:09
dj_whobut yppa instals them in /usr/share/y-ppa-manager/icons23:09
skulltipis openAL a good audio lib to develop with?23:09
Frowzieso I hit it again, everything rebooted. Sad.23:09
bobweaverUbuntuBookPro,  now yes it is look at the number that is in [14e4:<Number>]23:09
skulltipgood as in won't roll off and vanish in the next two years?23:09
linus@frowzie ctrl alt del isnt a good idea23:09
linustry crtl f223:10
bobweaverUbuntuBookPro,  what is the version of your ubuntu ? 12.04 ? 11.10 ?23:10
linusthen login and do sudo reboot now23:10
UbuntuBookProthere are like 4 different numbers listed when i do that command, tho23:10
Frowzielinus: I'll do that now23:10
Frowzienext time.23:11
Jordan_U!sysrq | Frowzie23:11
ubottuFrowzie: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key23:11
linusmaybe when you are in the other terminal you can just killall the offender so you dont hace to restart23:11
UbuntuBookPro16b4, 16bc, 0000, and 4331 are the numbers listed.23:12
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:12
bobweaverUbuntuBookPro,  here lets add my driver for b43 that I made23:12
bobweaverUbuntuBookPro,  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:josephjamesmills/beta && sudo apt-get update  && sudo apt-get install b43patch23:12
bobweaverUbuntuBookPro,  then reboot23:13
ebs512hey guys I am trying to run the bionic conky config file, I keep getting the following error, anyone know how to fix this http://paste.ubuntu.com/1187965/23:13
FrowzieJordan_U: thank you!23:14
bobweaverebs512,  you are missing files23:14
UbuntuBookProAlright, time to reboot!23:14
ebs512I dont know which ones ;/I have googled up and down and have found similar posts relating to the issue but everything that worked for other people isnt working for me, what exactly is it I need?23:14
Jordan_Uskulltip: http://0pointer.de/blog/projects/guide-to-sound-apis.html23:14
Jordan_UFrowzie: You're welcome.23:15
bobweaverebs512,  it says in your paste23:15
abhinavmehtaI'm having some problem with plexmediaserver, can I ask here..?23:15
bobweavereach one of thouse files are needed ebs51223:15
bobweaver!ask | abhinavmehta23:16
ubottuabhinavmehta: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:16
ebs512synaptic package manager?23:16
bobweaverebs512,  where is the conkey script that you are gotting this from ?23:16
bobweavergetting *23:16
Alpha-Omegaquestion: when you do purge, does it delete the configs from just the root directory or your home folder as well?23:17
abhinavmehtaI'm having problem with plexmedia client on iOS, can see that video has subtitles, but doesn't get loaded on iOS client…works fine on PC and MAc client.23:17
zykotick9Alpha-Omega: NOT in home folder!23:17
Jordan_UAlpha-Omega: Only System wide configuration files.23:17
Alpha-Omegazykotick9: so just from root ok23:17
Alpha-Omegaok thanks23:17
Jordan_Uabhinavmehta: What does that have to do with Ubuntu?23:17
abhinavmehtaJordan_U: correct, I also feel the same…I've asked this on iOS channel but they said, this is not there concern…ask on ubuntu23:18
Alpha-Omegaand one more question: should I purge: linux-headers-3.2.0-29 linux-headers-3.2.0-29-generic when removing or might this destroy something?23:19
ebs512nevermind it is apparently for gnome 223:19
ebs512is there a specific place I can find conky scripts for gnome 3?23:20
Troy^rsync --progress --remove-source-files doesn't seem to be working this is on a folder with .mp3 inside and i'm getting skipping directory .23:20
Jordan_Uabhinavmehta: It sounds like the correct place to ask would be Plex's support venues.23:20
FrowzieWeird, Ubuntu Tweak disappeared. Also weird, 64bit packages won't install ("wrong architecture").. I'm pretty sure I installed 64bit linux.23:20
WeThePeopleebs512, define conky23:20
bobweaverebs512,  try gnome-look23:21
ebs512conky is a configurable script to have custom system monitors on the desktop23:21
abhinavmehtaJordan_U: k23:21
Troy^someone help me out with my rsync issue? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1187976/ maybe i'm not using the proper syntax?23:21
bobweaverbut conky sould run either was23:21
bobweaverway *23:21
ebs512for gtk2 and gtk3?23:21
ebs512all gtk2 I have tried dont work unless they are specifically ported to gtk323:22
stacczis this the correct place for a noob to ask questions?23:22
xanguaebs512: 'conky-colors' has no problem with unity or gnome-shell23:22
ebs512im in gnome 3, thank you xangua,  not to be picky but I want one on the right side of the desktop due to my axe menu and dock23:23
SyleronSo.. Trying to install Ubuntu on my iMac. I chose to install instead of trying it live. As soon as I get the wallpaper for Ubuntu and the top bar shows it disappears. A loading icon shows and then goes to a black screen after a few minutes. Does anyone have an idea why?23:23
IlikeMoose2i just installed nfs-common so i can share files between 2 systems i have on the same network, how do i go about accessing the files???23:25
IlikeMoose2i can't seem to pull anything up in nautilus23:25
WeThePeopleilikemoose2, did you designate a folder?23:26
Troy^IlikeMoose: \\ip.of.system\23:26
IlikeMoose2not yet 1 sec23:26
OnlyodinNFS or Samba?23:26
Jordan_Ustaccz: This is the Ubuntu support channel, where both new and experienced users are welcome to ask questions, yes.23:27
econdudeawesomehowdy all! Where should I ask for help setting up an ssh server?23:27
Troy^i guess i should setup NFS instead of samba...23:28
Alpha-Omegadamnit, I'm trying to get minidlna to work, I set the directory in the config file and my device detects the dlna server, but no files show up, can anyone explain why?23:28
m6d4Troy^: are you missing -a with rsync ?23:28
h22turboecondudeawesome: google23:28
Jordan_U!google | h22turbo23:28
ubottuh22turbo: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.23:28
econdudeawesomeh22turbo: I'm looking for more... interactive help23:28
h22turbo!blah | Jordan_U23:28
econdudeawesomeI'm wanting to make sure it's actually secured before I go live with it. I'm not much of a networker, unfortunately23:29
Alpha-Omegacould there be a permissions error or something?23:29
Jordan_Uecondudeawesome: If you just want to be able to ssh into your machine, "sudo apt-get install openssh-server" is all you need. Is there more you want to do?23:29
h22turboecondudeawesome: first, sudo apt-get install openssh-client openssh-server23:29
econdudeawesomeJordan_U: I think it would be good to make it as secure as possible. But I dont want to clog up #ubuntu with off-topic questions, so I figured it'd be better to ask for a better venue23:30
Jordan_Uecondudeawesome: This question is on-topic for this channel (also on topic for #ubuntu-server, but we can continue here).23:31
econdudeawesomeSo, once I install the server (and client, h22? I already ssh into other machines, but want to set up ssh into this machine)23:31
econdudeawesomehow do I go about securing things?23:31
Jordan_Uecondudeawesome: Is this machine going to be accessible from the internet?23:31
Troy^can NFS be accessed by Windows machine?23:31
econdudeawesomeJordan_U: yes23:32
melodiegood night23:32
econdudeawesomeit is behind a router that I can set a firewall up on23:32
h22turboecondudeawesome: id recommend pub key auth, but that depends on what you will be using the box for... are clients going to login to it? a bunch of clients? just you SSH'ing in?23:32
federicoHi. Does any of you know webdesign?23:32
h22turboecondudeawesome: will u be ssh'ing in from many different pcs?23:33
econdudeawesomeh22turbo: Just me. Going to use it to ssh into for a programming course23:33
econdudeawesomeh22turbo: maybe 3 or 4 total23:33
WeThePeoplefederico, wrong channel23:33
WeThePeoplemabe see css or html23:33
h22turboecondudeawesome: umm, i would just change the default port (22) to something different and use a very secure password, and install fail2ban or denyhosts23:33
federicoThank you :)23:34
Alpha-Omegathe log for minidlna says: inotify.c:89: error: inotify_add_watch(/media/STORAGE) [Permission denied]23:34
m6d4Troy^: yes you can - http://sagehacks.wordpress.com/2009/01/21/howto-mount-nfs-shares-under-windows-7/23:34
Alpha-OmegaI'm starting the service with sudo, don't understand why it doesn't access /media/STORAGE23:34
lickalotttroy it's an add-on in windows 7.  what version do you have?23:35
econdudeawesomeh22turbo: does the port really matter? Also, would you recommend a secure password + secure auth?23:35
Troy^ultimate lickalott23:35
h22turboecondudeawesome: well, changing the default port will help agains ssh bruteforcing... "people" scan for port 22 then try to bruteforce names and passwords. so, changing it would be a lot better23:36
lickalottcontrol panel > apps and features > turn on or off windows components > NFS23:36
Troy^hmm what is the best way to find out if my external harddrive connected to my ubuntu server is being picked up as usb2.0 or 1.123:36
h22turboecondudeawesome: & secure key auth is the best... but in your case, i'd just do secure pass, change def port, and fail2ban or denyhosts. its up to you tho23:36
econdudeawesomeh22turbo: ah, so it'd skip over it if it's a different port?23:36
Dynamit_irssigood night every one23:37
econdudeawesomewhat is fail2ban and denyhosts?23:37
econdudeawesomeGood night Dynamit_irssi23:37
WeThePeoplegood day everyone23:37
lickalottyou add it to the actual shared folder (i.e. if you share out in /etc/exports /home/troy/vids/porn  and the alias is porn you would add IPADDRESS:/porn as the nfs)23:37
h22turboecondudeawesome: thats pretty much brute protection. after so many failed login attempts... it will add the host to deny.hosts and block that "user" from accessing ssh or anything from your ip23:37
econdudeawesomeis it fail2ban AND denyhosts or fail2ban OR denyhosts?23:38
h22turboits OR23:38
h22turbo2 different things.. but do the same23:38
econdudeawesomeh22turbo: okay. Is one superior to the other?23:39
h22turboi always use denyhosts... always have... but check them both out23:39
Zalpretty simple stuff, fail2ban works fine too23:39
h22turboecondudeawesome: they both do the same thing... denyhosts is easier imo23:39
h22turboecondudeawesome: very easy to setup and config23:39
h22turboand works great23:40
econdudeawesomeI'll check that out then23:40
Troy^hmm my connected external drive may be interfaced using usb1.1 or usb2.0 how can i tell?23:40
econdudeawesomereading over the fail2ban vs denyhosts vs iptables thread in the forums23:41
actionParsnipTroy^: dmesg | less      may give clues23:41
h22turboecondudeawesome: everyone here hates when you say google it.... but google has tons of tutorials on ssh servers on ubuntu... and also how to secure or harden everything23:41
Alpha-Omegacan anyone help me with my minidlna issue?23:42
econdudeawesomeh22turbo: I know, and I try not to bother the community about things I can look up. But setting up ssh to my confidence has always eluded me23:42
actionParsnipAlpha-Omega: ask and see :)23:42
Alpha-OmegaactionParsnip: I already did :P23:42
econdudeawesomeyaye actionParsnip is on (he/she is awesome)23:42
skr00tI have followed the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/serverguide/samba-dc.html but I when I try to connect a client machine to the DC it says it can't find it.23:43
actionParsnipAlpha-Omega: i came in after you asked, what is the issue please/23:43
actionParsnipAlpha-Omega: have you seen this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MiniDLNA23:43
h22turboecondudeawesome: if u need anything or have any questions... we'll help u out23:43
Alpha-OmegaI'm trying to get minidlna to work, I set the directory in the config file and my device detects the dlna server, but no files show up, can anyone explain why? the log for minidlna says: inotify.c:89: error: inotify_add_watch(/media/STORAGE) [Permission denied]23:43
Alpha-OmegaactionParsnip: yeah, I've read that23:43
y_nkAlpha-Omega: maybe you should sudo it ; sudo minidlna -R23:43
Alpha-Omegaseems to be a permission issue23:44
econdudeawesomeh22turbo: one last quick question: i'm behind a router that has multiple items connected to it--if this is device #3 today, how to I ssh into that? IP:3?23:44
Alpha-Omegay_nk: I did sudo minidlna start23:44
Alpha-Omegasudo service minidlna start23:44
Troy^actionParsnip: i can find my internal HD's in that output23:44
Alpha-Omegathat's what I did23:44
Zalecondudeawesome, from outside the network?23:44
econdudeawesomeZal yes23:45
Alpha-Omegay_nk: wow, what the hell, that did it :P23:45
h22turboecondudeawesome: you will prob have to set a static ip on ur linux box, then port forward 22 to the priv ip of that box, then from outside the network, u'll have to use your pub ip (from your ISP) or get a dynamic DNS if it changes23:45
Alpha-Omegay_nk: but can't I start the service with sudo service minidlna start? so I can start it with my computer if I wanted to?23:45
econdudeawesomeh22turbo: oh. Well, off to google then I guess :D23:45
Zalecondudeawesome, you have to set up your router to forward the incoming connection to the appropriate machine inside the network.23:45
Alpha-Omegaand what's the difference if I start with sudo service or just run the command?23:46
skr00tCan anyone give me a hand with my Domain Controller issues?23:46
econdudeawesomeZal: how do I do that, generally?23:46
y_nkAlpha-Omega: i don't know i was just doing a quick guess :p23:46
h22turboecondudeawesome: let us know if u need help or cant figure something out23:46
Troy^actionParsnip: this is all i really found http://paste.ubuntu.com/1188009/23:46
Zalecondudeawesome, usually you adjust settings on the router through it's web interface.23:46
h22turboecondudeawesome: go in to your router's admin settings page... setup port forwarding23:46
h22turboecondudeawesome: does ur linux box change prib IPs? (192.168.x.x)23:47
Alpha-Omegay_nk: weird, when I do sudo service minidlna start again, no files :(23:47
Alpha-Omegareally weird23:47
y_nkdamn :/23:47
econdudeawesomeh22turbo: only after a reboot of the router or the system I believe. Im there (, using an old FiOS router/Ationtec)23:47
kalledeltaHi all, has anyone here used Dells new R620/R720?23:47
y_nkcould anyone help me with an awk command i'm trying to build ?23:48
actionParsnipTroy^: could use hdparm to test read and write speed23:48
econdudeawesomeokay, I think I found the port forwarding page23:48
=== atrius_away is now known as atrius
h22turboecondudeawesome: u can set your linux box to use a static priv IP address, then on your router admin page... setup port forwarding to forward incoming connections on port 22 to your linux box static ip23:48
Troy^actionParsnip: yea i set this linux box up and ran out of sata ports as there is only 2 of them. Also they aren't even 3gb ports lol23:48
actionParsnipTroy^: probably fast enough for what you need23:49
econdudeawesomeh22turbo: got it. So set private ip as static, then forward to the port I chose (not 22)23:49
actionParsnipkalledelta: those look nice23:49
Troy^actionParsnip: you are right.. just no more room for drives really.23:49
y_nki'm trying to launch a command anytime a line appears in a log file. I know how to read the log file (with tail -f), pipe awk, but i'm lost after that23:50
skr00tWhat is the default admin group in Ubuntu?23:50
=== atrius is now known as atrius_away
actionParsnipTroy^: you can run 127 devices off 1 USB controller :)23:50
=== atrius_away is now known as atrius
h22turboecondudeawesome: Yep! when outside your network (school, whatever) you will have to SSH to your pub ip or setup dynamic dns service incase it ever changes23:50
kalledeltaactionParsnip: they really are, but I can't get my R720 to work properly.. it doesn't boot after first installation… (stock 12.04)23:50
Troy^actionParsnip: slow as heck lol23:50
actionParsnipkalledelta: tried the boot option: nomodeset23:50
=== atrius is now known as atrius_away
actionParsnipTroy^: if its for a backup, its ok. depends on the use of the drive really23:51
econdudeawesomeh22turbo: I'm pretty sure it's dynamic, but just in case I think I'll set up a daily cron job23:51
kalledeltaactionParsnip: is that a kernel boot option?23:51
actionParsnipkalledelta: yes23:51
dalek_I need help with Scribus in Ubuntu - where is the help channel for Scribus?23:51
econdudeawesometo email the ip ;-)23:51
jribskr00t: depends on your ubuntu version.  It's "sudo" in the current one23:51
Adeeb12Can someone please help me with this small problem, I cannot add additional software sources. After adding them, when I try updating... it gives me errors23:51
h22turboecondudeawesome: daily cron job for?23:52
skr00tI'm on 12.4.123:52
jribAdeeb12: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list* and the errors (including the command you ran)23:52
skr00tthank you, jrib23:52
ebs512hey guys have a bigger problem now, my sound is all the way upon my laptop and I am getting no sound, the device for sound says Dummy Output23:52
econdudeawesomeh22turbo: email out the public ip to myself23:52
jribskr00t: on 12.04 it should be "sudo"23:52
skr00tim in that group23:52
actionParsnipjrib: glad itchanged to sudo, matches closer with Debian23:52
h22turboecondudeawesome: it would be easier to setup a dynamic dns at noip.com. they have a linux client that runs in the background and updates if anything changes23:53
skr00tbut when i try to run ifconfig from a terminal it says i lack administrative priveleges23:53
jribactionParsnip: well "admin" was better than "wheel" :P23:53
jribskr00t: are you doing "sudo ifconfig"?23:53
skr00tobviously it works with sudo, but im wondering if thats the cause for me not being able to join the domain23:53
Troy^actionParsnip: i dont think hdparm works for usb drives honestly. my usb drive isn't really in /dev/ unless i can't find it lol23:53
kalledeltaactionParsnip: no, haven't tried it… it's kind of hard testing it also, since I do a PXE installation and when the server is finished, it reboots and doesn't get up...23:53
econdudeawesomeh22turbo: will check it out. Shouldn't change tho, right? If on a cable network? Man, I feel clueless when it comes to networking practicum23:53
h22turboecondudeawesome: then you just need to remember your DNS u pick (myleetbox.noip.com or whatever) and not worry about checking an email for the IP23:53
econdudeawesomeh22turbo: but then what use do I have for my alpine + conky setup? :P ;-)23:54
econdudeawesomeJust kidding23:54
h22turboecondudeawesome: im not sure about FIOS... but i think they hardly ever change customers ips23:54
WeThePeoplefios ?23:54
actionParsnipTroy^: sudo fdisk -l     willshow you what it is23:54
h22turboverizon fiso23:54
jribskr00t: well being in the sudo group will only affect your ability to actually run the sudo command.  What is it you are trying to accomplish?23:55
h22turbo= awesomeness23:55
actionParsnipkalledelta: give it a go, can help23:55
econdudeawesomeh22turbo: its no longer on a fios network, just use the router cause its decent23:55
Troy^actionParsnip: it is /dev/sdd but hdparm doesn't like it23:55
skr00tjrib, i just followed the guide to setup ubuntu as the primary domain controller23:55
skr00tnow on a windows client, im trying to join the domain23:55
h22turboecondudeawesome: ohhh ok... unless you're on DSL, IPs hardly ever change unless u reboot your modem23:55
dalek_help! In Scribus... how do I click/select an unclickable image frame when using a template?23:56
actionParsnipTroy^: could try sdparm23:56
kalledeltaactionParsnip: yes, I will.. but I need to do it remote, so it will probably take a while… :-/23:56
skr00tbut i get the error that domain either does not exist or could not be contacted23:56
actionParsnipkalledelta: may need a smarthands23:56
h22turboecondudeawesome: that made no sense... lol sry... ips dont change unless u reboot ur modem23:56
actionParsnipkalledelta: if the ssh service is started you can SSH in and apply it23:56
Troy^actionParsnip: fizz@server:/dev$ sdparm /dev/sdd23:56
Troy^open error: /dev/sdd [read only]: Permission denied23:56
econdudeawesomeh22turbo: which I unfortunately have to do time to time--crappy local resupplier of cable, but ah well23:56
jribskr00t: well I don't know much about that but my suggestion would be to 1) include the guide you are following in your question and 2) pastebin exactly what you are running and the full output23:56
kalledeltaactionParsnip: the problem is.. it doesn't boot… can't get passed grub23:56
dalek_Anyone here know how to use Scribus?23:57
kalledeltaactionParsnip: when I hold the shift-key (locally), it just says GRUB and stalls23:57
Troy^actionParsnip: disregard that lol i ran it with sudo it gives me: /dev/sdd: WD        My Book 1140      101223:57
h22turboecondudeawesome: but its still good to setup a noip.com dynamic dns and use the noip update client. then u can just SSH to mybox.noip.com (regardless of what ur ip might be)23:57
skr00tjrib, i did include the in my first question. here it is again: https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/serverguide/samba-dc.html23:57
actionParsnipkalledelta: you don't need to boot to apply boot options, you can hold SHIFT at boot and add it to the boot there23:57
econdudeawesomeh22turbo: are they that trustworthy?23:57
skr00tjrib, as for what im running, absolutely nothing. im on windows trying to join the domain as i normally would.23:57
jribskr00t: why not follow the 12.04 guide?23:57
skr00ti didnt see one?23:57
skr00ti guess my google-foo is lacking23:58
h22turboecondudeawesome: ohh yea, they update every 30min or hour or something... and work great23:58
jribskr00t: just change 11.04 to 12.04 in your url (the guide may be the same, I don't know)23:58
econdudeawesomewe'll see how it goes23:58
kalledeltaactionParsnip: Normally yes, but I can't get that far to enter any boot options.. as I said, it just says "GRUB" and it doesn't matter what I press on the keyboard.. it's just ctrl-alt-del that works23:58
skr00tjrib, just did that. it looks to be exactly the same23:58
skr00toh snap, i think i may have found it23:58
h22turboecondudeawesome: if u setup a cron to email u your ip daily, what happens if the ip changed, but the cron already ran and sent you the wrong ip? then ur stuck....23:58
dalek_no one is awake in the #scribus channel... Does anyone is here know anything about using Scribus on Ubuntu?23:58
skr00tdoesnt exactly make sense, but ill try it23:58
jriby_nk: try #bash or #awk maybe23:59
h22turboecondudeawesome: with noip... you connect to mybox.noip.com and dont worry about what ur ip is23:59
h22turboit keeps everything updated if it changes23:59
skr00tjrib, i had missed the line saying i need to make a 'machines' group23:59
skr00tjust did it, wil ltry again23:59
skr00t:-/ same error23:59

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