
holsteinvagrantc: ubuntu has the pae kernel as default now, is that the issue?00:00
vagrantcis there an "alternate installer" for xubuntu?00:00
vagrantcholstein: yes, that's the issue.00:01
holsteincdimages.ubuntu.com is not loading for me.. i would search "xubuntu 12.04 alterate download" and check back if its not loading for you00:04
vagrantclooks like there's a variant of the installer for non-pae systems, i'll just grab that.00:06
Crumsonwoo first time installing xubuntu00:50
Guest59943I think I just stopped Thunderbird from crashing.  Anyone else had trouble with extensions geared toward Unity?01:19
isackingHello, I works on xubuntu 12.04. After connecting Kinect and running glview, I get "Number of devices found: 0". Does anyone know why?04:12
isackingHello, I works on xubuntu 12.04. After connecting Kinect and running glview, I get "Number of devices found: 0". Does anyone know why?05:08
pleia2isacking: instead of repeating your question, perhaps post to ubuntuforums.org or askubuntu.com ? I don't know if anyone here even has a kinect :) there are lots more people using those other resources so your posting will be seen by more folks who can help05:09
isackingpleia2: Ok, thank you05:11
pleia2sure, good luck05:11
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isackingDoes anyone know how to set the themes of login window in xubuntu 12.04?06:24
olbihello, need some help: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1186942/08:29
olbithis bug is from yesterday on 1 of my computers08:29
olbiI have checked in another clean instalation with same software and there wasn't any similar08:30
TheSheepolbi: how is that a bug?08:33
TheSheepolbi: use apt-get08:34
olbiI try :)08:35
olbiomg, aptitude caused problems, apt-get fixed it, grrrr, zzzzz08:42
olbiproblems was with LibreOffice PPA :/08:48
olbibut I want LO 3.5x, no 3.4.4 :P Have to try again install it08:48
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AfdalI'm using an on-board RAID0 partition and I'm having trouble booting Xubuntu09:54
AfdalEvery time I get past the step "Starting printing spool/server    [OK]"09:54
AfdalThe boot just stalls09:54
AfdalIt doesn't freeze but it doesn't do anything else09:55
AfdalI can hear my computer fan slow down too like it's stopped trying to process anything09:55
AfdalErm, "Stating CUPS printing spooler/server     [OK]"09:57
Mathiascan i install xubuntu on a harddrive on one machine and then just transfer the content to another machine?12:54
TheSheepMathias: "transfer"?12:57
MathiasTheSheep: clone the disk12:57
TheSheepI don't know what you mean by "clone"12:58
TheSheepif you copy the whole disk with dd, it will work12:59
Mathiaseven if it's another machine?12:59
olbiclonning disk is very easy if another this have same size13:12
olbiI use for it Parted Magic with CloneZilla13:12
Mathiasolbi: i know how i clone disks13:13
olbiso You want copy configs and files only?13:13
Mathiasbut what i actually asked was "can i just move an xubuntu installation to a different computer?"13:13
olbiyou want install it with PXE?13:14
olbior what? cause I dont understand you now :P13:14
olbimove you mean clone or what?13:14
Mathiasmoving and cloning should'nt matteR :P13:15
GridCubeMathias, i13:15
GridCubet should not matter13:15
MathiasGridCube: ok13:15
Mathiasfinally a clear answer :P13:16
GridCubeyou can install the system on a disk, remove it and place it on another computer13:16
Mathiasmakes installing it on new computers way faster :P13:17
GridCubeMathias, but theres a catch if you do this by, and i quote "cloning"13:17
GridCubethe fstab points to UUID's if you use different disks the uuids are different13:18
GridCubeyou need to change the uuids from fstab, and from grub213:18
Mathiasthat should'nt be too difficult :P13:19
GridCubeeverything else its like a livecd13:19
GridCubeit should autodetect your stuff13:19
GridCubeMathias, if you change the uuid to relative paths (/dev/sda#) it should be safer13:20
GridCubedont know about grub13:20
Mathiasfirst thing i'm going to do is just installing it on one system, then just switch the disk between a laptop and a desktop13:21
Mathiasmakes having a synced system much faster :P13:21
AfdalAnyone know what it means when a fresh install hangs at "Starting CUPS printing spooler/server     [OK]" when trying to boot?13:37
Mathiasisn't that just the cups-shit?13:53
MathiasAfdal: printing and stuff over networks13:53
recon69_lapgot some junk in my repository list , but looking in  /etc/apt/sources.list I can seem to find the entries ,  should i look else where?13:54
recon69_lapfor example Err http://ppa.launchpad.net precise/main i386 Packages                     404  Not Found13:55
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AfdalHow can I fix it Mathias?14:09
xubuntu773my xubuntu start very slow, what can i do14:09
recon_lapxubuntu get a faster computer? ;)14:10
xubuntu773jup 16gb ram14:10
xubuntu773is in my pc14:11
ochosixubuntu773: how often have you re-booted?14:11
xubuntu773after the login, i wait 2minutes14:11
ochosioh, that's odd14:11
ochosiwhat version and did you do a clean install?14:12
recon_lapxubuntu773, first tell us how long slow is? then have a look in the bootlog to see if any software is failing14:12
xubuntu773ubuntu server to xubuntu -> apt-get install xubunut-desktop14:12
Mathiasxubuntu773: do a clean install14:13
xubuntu773where is the bootlog14:13
recon_lapcat /var/log/boot.log14:13
xubuntu773thank you14:13
Mathiasthe server package has loads of servers/daemons to start up14:14
recon_lapxubuntu773: true, servers are not really meant to be rebooted often14:14
ochosixubuntu773: you can also try to have a look at ~/.xsession-errosr14:14
xubuntu773oh shit, the error list is very long14:17
Mathiasmmm, errors14:18
Mathiasfeed us14:18
xubuntu773cannot connect to brltty at :014:18
recon_lapis installing the GUI on top of a server ever going to give you a stable/fast UI14:18
Mathiasrecon_lap: hopefully, no14:19
recon_lapso maybe a fresh install using the desktop ISO probably the quickest way to fix login speed14:20
Mathiasxubuntu773: yup14:20
xubuntu773ok and the desktop or the alternative cd?14:21
xubuntu773what is better14:21
Mathiasjust go for the desktop14:21
xubuntu773thank you14:21
recon_lapxubuntu773: well sound like you computer is hi-spec, so the desktop , main differ is alternative uses text based installer for low spec mechines14:22
xubuntu773it is a hi-spec maschine14:22
xubuntu773thank you for all :)14:23
G__81I am running xubuntu 12.04 but for some reason the terminal maximize shortcut (Alt + F7) gets broken after i save it also. It works immediately after i save it but then once i reboot it gets lost15:07
G__81anyone facing this ?15:07
GridCubenot really15:09
GridCubei know of alt-f5 and f615:10
GridCubebut not of f7 :/15:10
G__81yeah the Alt+F7 is what the options say15:12
G__81i set it and it works the first time15:12
G__81then it fails again15:12
mips1911I can't save my nvidia-settings and keep on getting "Unable to open X config file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' for writing. Can't save it to my /home either15:12
SysiG__81: other shortcuts still work?15:12
G__81Sysi, the others work fine15:13
G__81i have now set it to Alt+F3. I ll see if it works15:14
G__81Sysi,  WARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to: /tmp/keyring-XmmRTc/pkcs11: No such file or directory15:14
G__81The other problem is that when i do git pull from any website i get this warning15:14
G__81WARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to: /tmp/keyring-XmmRTc/pkcs11: No such file or directory15:14
G__81how do i get rid off this ?15:14
G__81this is a bug. The shortcut for maximize does not work15:44
xubuntu975i've got a problem on xubuntu with the graphic driver15:46
xubuntu975i've got a eeepc 1025c15:47
xubuntu975and xubuntu works good, but in 800x60015:47
xubuntu975and when i install the driver, i've got a black screen, and xubuntu can't restart15:48
mips1911I can't save my nvidia-settings xorg output and if I save it manualy (copy & paste) it's not applied at  reboot15:48
xubuntu975i reboot, it tell me: "could not write bytes, broken pipes"15:48
xubuntu975no one can help me ?15:49
GridCube!patience | xubuntu97515:51
ubottuxubuntu975: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/15:51
xubuntu975it'es my fourth installation, it's boring, but i want to stay with linux, please if someone got a solution, tell me15:51
GridCubexubuntu975, does your computer have nvidia graphics? what does your lspci says about VGA? (do: lspci | grep "VGA"   to find out)15:53
xubuntu975sorry, reboot15:57
xubuntu975i have a intel cedarview graphic card15:58
xubuntu975Intel GMA3600/365015:59
akovialooking for help with a one-liner to launch my xbmc on the correct monitor. I need to use 3 commands and the first 2 go fine, but the third never executes16:48
akoviaxdotool mousemove 2500 0 && xbmc & devilspie -a16:49
akoviaif I execute devilspie -a on a separate terminal, all is well.16:50
TheSheepakovia: you want && not &16:54
TheSheep& just makes it go into background16:55
akoviatried that, apparently && will only execute the third command if the second has an exit status of 1, which I don't want it to exit16:56
akoviaeither way, it doesn't work. Also tried ||16:56
TheSheepah, then just use ;16:57
akoviasame =\, wondering if I need some wait command or something as i can execute the third command in a new terminal and it works fine16:58
Mathiasakovia: try firing it up into a background(?) screen16:58
Mathiaslet me look through man :P16:59
Mathiaswas it the 2nd command?16:59
akoviathird not firing17:00
Mathiasxdotool mousemove 2500 0; screen -d xbmc; devilspie -a17:00
akoviaxdotool mousemove 2500 0 && xbmc works fine17:00
Mathiasi think that should do the trick17:00
akovianeed to install screen...sec17:01
Mathiasscreen should be preinstalled :P17:01
akovia$ xdotool mousemove 2500 0; screen -d xbmc; devilspie -a17:02
akoviaThe program 'screen' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:17:02
akoviasudo apt-get install screen17:02
akoviabah..There is no screen to be detached matching xbmc17:02
Mathiashmm, need more reading in man then :P17:03
akoviabtw, this is a nvidia Twinview setup17:03
akoviahence, the reason I can't just $DISPLAY:0.1 xbmc17:03
Mathiasxdotool mousemove 2500 0; screen -d -m xbmc; devilspie -a17:05
Mathiasi think that should do the trick :)17:06
akoviawell.. it did launch, but it still didn't accept the last command, it may indeed need some sort of wait command17:07
Mathiasxdotool mousemove 2500 0; screen -d -m xbmc; sleep 5s; devilspie -a17:07
Mathiasis 5 seconds enough?17:08
akoviai was looking at the mans for wait and time lol17:08
akoviaI LOVE YOU!!, err I mean TYVM17:08
Mathiastime just times how long a command took :P17:09
Mathiasno problem17:09
akoviaomg, this has taken all morning17:09
Mathiasbeen there :P17:10
Mathiasyou fight with something just to discover that there is a really easy way :P17:10
akovialol, at least it was a one liner instead of some cobbled script17:11
akoviawell off to the next tweak to bend this thing to my will, once again, many thanks17:13
Mathiasi just had to do that :P17:18
xubuntu478hello, i can't install xubuntu, my graphic card nvidia geforce gtx 550 ti don't show the install manager18:13
holsteinxubuntu478: you can try "nomodeset".. its down at the bottom of the menu if you tap shift booting the live CD18:17
xubuntu478i can't see the menu18:18
holsteinxubuntu478: i would reboot the installer.. start tapping shift right after the bios. you should see f6 at the bottom18:18
xubuntu478only a black screen and a blinking cursor18:18
Mathiasxubuntu478: then you did something wrong :P18:19
TheSheepxubuntu478: do you have more than one graphics card in there?18:19
holsteinxubuntu478: you can always try installing with the alternate install disc and using a custom xorg.conf18:19
xubuntu478only one graphic card18:20
xubuntu089Hola a todos... ¿alguien habla español?18:21
holsteinhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/162075/my-computer-boots-to-a-black-screen-what-options-do-i-have-to-fix-it is what i expect to see xubuntu47818:21
Mathiasxubuntu478: #xubuntu.es or something18:21
holstein!es | xubuntu08918:21
ubottuxubuntu089: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #xubuntu-es; escriba "/join #xubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. Si nadie responde, puedes intentar preguntando en #ubuntu-es.18:21
xubuntu478the alternate install is  successfully but after grub is the black screen back18:22
xubuntu089In fact I speak a little of English but I was checking this channel, thank you very much XD18:23
holsteinxubuntu478: you can try http://alexcovac.hubpages.com/hub/How-to-configure-Xorg-in-Ubuntu18:23
holsteinhowever method you want to use to try the vesa driver is what i suggest18:24
xubuntu478Thank you very much18:24
someone235hi, how can I set my mouse sensitivity?18:26
holsteinsomeone235: you looked in xfce4-settings ?18:27
someone235holstein, I've got there Sensitivity and Accelartion, what does it mean?18:28
someone235it says somesing in pixels18:29
holsteinsomeone235: i usually just play with those settings.. you can always fire up a live CD and test without worrying about breaking anything... or make a new user, or try the guest account18:29
someone235holstein, my problem is that when I click just a short click with the middle button on a link, three new tabs get opened18:33
someone235or when I click "x" on one window, the window that behind it is closing too18:34
someone235because it gets two clicks...18:34
davidvjI am having a problem with a 'laggy' system and notice that a /usr/bin/X11 task is very active in the task manager18:51
davidvjOn investigation I find that there are colies of the X11 subfolder replicated at multiple levels ... at least 12 levels.18:52
davidvjI have 244060 items contained in the /usr folder totalling 3.6 GB18:55
davidvjcopies ..not colies ;=))18:56
palomahow can i see a list of wifi connections on the network applet?18:57
davidvjIf you click on the connection symbol and edit connections you should see what you are looking for18:59
palomadavidvj, i dont see any list of all the wifi connections around my area19:17
RedDragonHi evryone :)19:34
xubuntu469why xubuntu uses only gimp 2.6 and not 2.820:10
knomegimp 2.8 was not released early enough to be included in 12.0420:11
xubuntu469can I install through the software management20:13
knomenot from the official repositories20:14
xubuntu469have you got a link to this repository20:15
SandvichHello, I'd like some help.21:12
SandvichI've got Ubuntu on my Gaming-PC and I've got an old laptop which I'd like to install Xubuntu21:13
SandvichCurrently running XP, I've mounted the Xubuntu ISO, How would I install it?21:13

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