
JontheEchidnaI'm surprised, the university has us using a linux lab, (gnome3, yech) and we can remotely submit assignments via scp/ssh.04:40
JontheEchidna(and that linux lab is what we're using for this class)04:40
soeeRiddell, i did upgrade during the night 12.04 -> 12.1006:18
soeebut had no time to reboot machine and check if everyting is ok06:18
soeebut upgrade finished without any errors06:19
apacheloggerkubotu: order coffee06:33
* kubotu slides coffee with milk down the bar to apachelogger.06:33
apacheloggerkubotu: order a lot more coffee06:33
* kubotu slides a lot more coffee down the bar to apachelogger06:33
apacheloggergood news everyone!06:38
apacheloggerlibs is building, pim-runtime continues to fail, still 3 packages missing06:38
apacheloggeroh, actually it's more than 306:39
* shadeslayer looks06:54
shadeslayeryay, stupid chrome still hit by that stupid bug06:54
shadeslayerapachelogger: have you seen martin's email to kde-packagers about some critical bug06:55
shadeslayerpim-runtime ftbfs is weird06:56
shadeslayer!find libxerces06:57
ubottuFound: libxerces2-java, libxerces2-java-doc, libxerces2-java-gcj, libxerces-c-dev, libxerces-c-doc06:57
* shadeslayer fixes06:57
apacheloggershadeslayer: no07:02
apachelogger- workspace07:02
apachelogger  * kwin patch07:02
apacheloggermy notes file apparently has07:02
apacheloggerdon't ask me how07:02
apacheloggertext files are getting all intelligent Oo07:03
shadeslayerapachelogger: this is the first I'm facing this .. but should kdepim-runtime dep on libxerces-c-dev or libxerces-c3.107:04
shadeslayerbecause libxerces-c3.1 was pulled in automatically earlier07:04
shadeslayerbut libxerces-c-dev was never pulled in07:04
shadeslayerand I've never seen a build dep on just a library ... always on lib headers07:04
* shadeslayer is going to install precise this weekend, quantal's X is absolutely unusable07:06
shadeslayermmm ... need to sync github ff-kde with precise packaging07:08
apacheloggershadeslayer: where is the error anyway?07:08
shadeslayerapachelogger: can't find libs to link against I believe ( needs libxerces-c3.1  )07:08
apacheloggermake[4]: *** No rule to make target `/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libxerces-c.so', needed by `resources/kolabproxy/akonadi_kolabproxy_resource'.  Stop.07:09
apacheloggerwhy it appears the lib had a packaging error if the -dev was not pulled in07:09
shadeslayerthat was pulled in automagically earlier07:09
apacheloggerOR that dep is new07:09
shadeslayerthe former07:09
apacheloggerbogus packaging then07:09
apacheloggerOR that .so is in fact not public07:09
apachelogger(i.e. usually that .so would be a link to the sonamed version e.g. xerces-c.so.0.0.0, but it is only needed to find that sonamed version, thus only a dev requirement, so it should only be in -dev)07:10
apacheloggershadeslayer: please push your missing change to kdentwork07:13
apacheloggeronly things missing should be network and mplayerthumbs now07:14
apacheloggerand former needs packaging to begin with07:14
apacheloggeractually latter07:15
* apachelogger needs moar coffeee07:15
shadeslayerI just had coffee and I'm barely awake :|07:16
CIA-58[kdenetwork] Rohan Garg * 184 * debian/ (6 files in 2 dirs) * Compile with telepathy-qt support for krfb - Add fix_missing_header_include.diff to fix libvncviewer FTBFS07:17
shadeslayerapachelogger: ^ kfixed07:17
shadeslayeryou probably want to drop that patch07:17
shadeslayerI pushed it into SVN as well, so was most likely included in 4.9.107:18
* shadeslayer tickles apachelogger07:19
apacheloggerI do like dropping patches07:21
apacheloggershadeslayer: not the case07:24
shadeslayerdoes SVN have branches?07:24
shadeslayerbecause I just pushed to master07:24
apacheloggerSVN has definitely no master :P07:24
apacheloggeralso what's with the patch naming there?07:24
apacheloggershadeslayer: u fixing pim-runtime?07:26
shadeslayerapachelogger: I'm not sure what would be the /right/ way to do things there07:27
apacheloggeradd the build dep? :P07:27
shadeslayersure, but on the library or the header files :P07:27
apacheloggerthe one that contains the .so?!07:27
shadeslayer!find /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libxerces-c.so07:28
ubottuPackage/file /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libxerces-c.so does not exist in quantal07:28
apachelogger!find libxerces-c.so quantal07:28
ubottuPackage/file libxerces-c.so does not exist in quantal07:28
apachelogger!info libxerces-c-dev07:29
ubottulibxerces-c-dev (source: xerces-c): validating XML parser library for C++ (development files). In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.1-3 (quantal), package size 2849 kB, installed size 15281 kB07:29
apachelogger!info libxerces-c-dev quantal07:29
apacheloggerI broke it07:29
shadeslayerapachelogger: have you mooed today07:30
shadeslayer!find libxerces-c-3.1.so07:31
ubottuPackage/file libxerces-c-3.1.so does not exist in quantal07:31
MCR1Hi. Some people have troubles running python-qt4 applications on Quantal like the packages qbzr or trimage. They all fail with the same error: Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_widget_style_get: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed.07:37
MCR1Who can fix this ?07:37
MCR1I was told by didrocks that I might find the experts here :)07:37
agateauMCR1: sounds like a bug in the qgtk widget style07:38
agateauMCR1: do you get the same crash when running the app with "-style plastique" options07:39
shadeslayerapachelogger: fix uploaded07:39
MCR1agateau: one moment, checking :)07:40
MCR1agateau: wooow, this time a new crash. I could not start qbzr with this option, but when I tried trimage I got these errors:07:42
MCR1agateau: QNativeImage: Unable to attach to shared memory segment.07:43
MCR1X Error: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter) 907:43
MCR1Major opcode: 62 (X_CopyArea)07:43
MCR1trimage essentially opens in a 5000x5000 pixel window with completely black content07:45
tsdgeosagateau: if you're bored, assistant is crashing too (different issue altogether)07:45
agateautsdgeos: I am not bored :)07:45
agateauMCR1: if "-style plastique" does not work, you can try running qtconfig and change the style from there07:46
agateauMCR1: the gtk widget assert reminds me of a problem when overlay scrollbars where used with qgtk style07:46
agateauMCR1: iirc there is an environment variable to disable overlay scrollbars which you could try to set before running qbzr or trimage07:47
apachelogger(overlay scrollbars ought to be deactivated in Qt directly)07:48
apacheloggerin quantal anyway07:48
MCR1agateau: Okay, with style plastique qbzr now seems to work07:48
agateauMCR1: (or you can just uninstall overlay scrollbars temporarily)07:48
MCR1agateau: It was using GTK+ before07:48
agateauapachelogger: I wrote a set of patches to disable overlay scrollbars for oneiric, don't know if they are still there07:48
* agateau bets either the qt side or the gtk side of the patch got dropped07:49
MCR1agateau: but trimage still fails to open...07:49
MCR1trimage error: "sni-qt/3721" WARN  09:49:15.767 void StatusNotifierItemFactory::connectToSnw() Invalid interface to SNW_SERVICE07:50
MCR1then: QNativeImage: Unable to attach to shared memory segment.07:50
agateauapachelogger: looks good, can you check for the gtk patch?07:50
apacheloggerI could07:50
apacheloggerthat requires more time then07:50
apacheloggerand I am already distracted enough07:50
apacheloggershadeslayer: please go look for patch in gtk07:50
shadeslayerI'm looking at preinst stuff07:51
shadeslayerand not caffeinated enough07:51
agateauMCR1: the sni-qt can be ignored I think, the real problem is the 5000x5000 window07:51
* apachelogger pokes with a long pointy stick of foofoo07:51
agateauI do not run Quantal yet, so it's difficult to help more07:52
* MCR1 tries to pull coffee into the LAN cable...07:52
* agateau creates a Quantal VM07:52
MCR1agateau: Yes, I do not exactly know if it is 5000x5000, but it is scary big ;)07:52
MCR1agateau: The compiz close animation of it almost kills my system ;)07:53
* MCR1 hopes that the Compiz issues with virtual machines have already been fixed07:55
* MCR1 tries to update his vbox quantal installation...07:55
agateauMCR1: can you try to 1) set the Qt style back to GTK 2) run qbzr with "LIBOVERLAY_SCROLLBAR=0 qbzr"?08:00
agateauapachelogger: gtk patch is still there08:00
MCR1agateau: The syntax to run qbzr is "bzr qbzr log" for example, so I am not sure how to add LIBOVERLAY_SCROLLBAR=0 to that...08:03
agateauMCR1: you can run qbzr directly iirc08:04
agateauoh, no you can't08:05
apacheloggerqbzr is a set of plugins to bzr08:05
apacheloggerso simply set the var for bzr08:05
agateauMCR1: then try LIBOVERLAY_SCROLLBAR=0 bzr qlog08:05
* agateau hasn't used bzr for a long time :)08:05
* apachelogger envys agateau08:06
agateauapachelogger: you not loving the bazaar ?08:06
MCR1agateau: WORX :)08:06
jussibazaar sounds to me like somethign a japanese soldier would shout when charging... :P08:06
agateauthat would be tora tora tora :)08:07
apacheloggershadeslayer: please be reviewing lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/mplayerthumbs08:07
apacheloggeroh noes08:08
apacheloggerthe netwox is failing08:08
shadeslayerapachelogger: are you sure you want to have a install file?08:09
shadeslayerit's just one package :P08:09
MCR1agateau: So basically we found out that liboverlay_scrollbars are breaking GTK+ qt apps in Quantal, yes ? Now 1.How do we fix it ? 2.What about the scary big window ? :-D08:10
MCR1*of trimage08:11
agateauMCR1: can you try the LIBOVERLAY_SCROLLBAR trick with trimage as well?08:11
apacheloggershadeslayer: are you sure you want to insinuate that I have a useless install file?08:12
MCR1yes ofc. - but I guess there it was another problem, because I already changed the style to plastique, but I'll try...08:12
apacheloggerit's two packages :P08:12
apacheloggershadeslayer: before trying to smartass me, check your facts you lazy bum :P08:12
shadeslayerapachelogger: again, I don't think the install file is required :P08:13
apacheloggerit is08:13
apacheloggerdh does not care that a package has a -dbg suffix08:13
apacheloggerto it there are two packages08:13
MCR1agateau: The trick does not do the trick for trimage unfortunately...08:13
apacheloggermeaning debian/tmp does not get automatically thrown into package A)08:13
shadeslayerand why are you not using dh --with-kde ?08:14
apacheloggerdunno, stole that from dragon08:14
apacheloggerI recon the include takes care of that08:14
apacheloggeron that not08:14
shadeslayerseems that it does08:15
apacheloggerthe build system we use is utterly untransparent and whatnot08:15
apacheloggeralso ever changing08:15
apacheloggerI find this bad and a solution must therefore be found08:15
agateauMCR1: ok, so trimage problem is a different bug08:16
shadeslayerapachelogger: ok, ship it08:16
apacheloggerneeds FFe08:16
apacheloggerunless the binary from 4.8 is still in08:17
apacheloggerwhich would be spooky08:17
apacheloggeryah, needs FFe08:17
apacheloggeranyone in mood for a FFe?08:17
agateauMCR1: fixing it is going to require running Quantal Qt in gdb to figure out what the problem is08:17
shadeslayerI've annoyed the release team too much :P08:17
agateauMCR1: that is not going to happen today08:17
apacheloggerSubject: Review Request: Add phonon-vlc option to disable PulseAudio support08:18
apacheloggerwhy this should be fun08:18
* agateau is still download quantal iso from his loosy connection08:18
apacheloggeralso wrong channel 08:18
MCR1agateau: Yes, unfortunately - maybe it is best I'll file a bug against the trimage package as well, but I am not sure if it is still actively developed...08:18
apacheloggershadeslayer: pim-runtime still failing08:18
* shadeslayer opens furryfox08:19
MCR1agateau: Thx a lot for your fast help. Ping me if you need any testing or so...08:19
shadeslayer[ 95%] make[4]: *** No rule to make target `/usr/lib/libboost_thread-mt.so', needed by `resources/kolabproxy/akonadi_kolabproxy_resource'.  Stop.08:20
shadeslayer!find libboost_thread-mt.so08:21
ubottuPackage/file libboost_thread-mt.so does not exist in quantal08:21
agateauMCR1: ok08:21
shadeslayermost likely needs libboost-thread-dev08:21
shadeslayerapachelogger: stop eet :P08:22
apacheloggerwhat's with ET?08:22
apacheloggershadeslayer: you may want to add libboost-dev08:26
shadeslayerapachelogger: libboost1.49-dev is already there08:28
shadeslayer  Suggests: libboost-thread1.49-dev08:29
shadeslayerapachelogger: fixed08:35
shadeslayerapachelogger: how about we start setting up 4.9.1 imports and give packaging with recipes a shot later on08:37
shadeslayerbzr with recipes will make so much sense >.>08:38
shadeslayeryou could have a dedicated PPA for 4.9 where whenever someone fixes something in the 4.9 branch it gets packaged and uploaded to the QA ppa08:38
shadeslayerthen after spending 10 days in QA, we can release to Archive08:39
apacheloggershadeslayer: ok, you've just gone mad08:39
shadeslayerwhy? :P08:39
apacheloggeryou are talking about relying lunchpad to do things08:39
shadeslayeractually, recipes are quite reliable08:39
shadeslayerwe use them for neon don't we ? :D08:40
shadeslayerI wonder if there's a API to setup git imports08:40
apacheloggerI did not notice you are packaging from tags08:40
apacheloggerwhich BTW is not supported08:40
shadeslayerwe .. are? 08:40
apacheloggerso what you end up doing then is looking at git to identify which commit is tagged08:40
apacheloggerand then pin point the bzr revision that is that commit and set that in your recipe08:41
shadeslayerafaik we just import git master and package it up08:41
apacheloggerdo we do that for stable?08:41
shadeslayersure, instead of importing master, impor the 4.9 branch08:41
apacheloggerdo we do that for stable?08:41
shadeslayerlp supports importing git branches08:41
shadeslayerapachelogger: no, but we should08:42
apacheloggerso instead of packaging a QA'd snapshot of git we package a not QA'd snapshot of git08:42
apacheloggerwhy that sounds like an improvement08:42
shadeslayeruse specific revisions then08:43
apacheloggerread what I wrote about that08:43
shadeslayerapachelogger: it's just a bit of work, but then lp does most of the heavylifting08:43
apacheloggershadeslayer: a bit?08:44
apachelogger200 times manual look up of a commit08:44
shadeslayerok, bad idea08:48
shadeslayeraaannnnddd kdepim-runtime fails again09:10
shadeslayermake[4]: *** No rule to make target `/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcurl.so', needed by `resources/kolabproxy/akonadi_kolabproxy_resource'.  Stop.09:11
apacheloggerare you sure kolabproxy is not new?09:12
apacheloggerthat seems like a lot of missing lib foo for a patch release TBH09:12
shadeslayer!find kolabproxy09:12
ubottuPackage/file kolabproxy does not exist in quantal09:12
Riddellit's in /usr/bin/akonadi_kolabproxy_resource09:12
shadeslayerapachelogger: the underlying stack changed alot I think09:12
Riddellkdepim-runtime: /usr/bin/akonadi_kolabproxy_resource09:12
shadeslayerso, if we rebuild kdepim-runtime from archives, I'm certain it'll fail09:12
soeeRiddell, did you read my message ?09:35
Riddellsoee: your upgrade worked?09:36
Riddellrecord it on http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/232/builds/22516/testcases !09:37
soeeRiddell, upgrade yes without eny erros but i had no time to reboot and check how system works im gonna do it when i came home today09:37
soeeRiddell, but it wasn't iso09:38
soeejust simple distibution upgrade 09:38
Riddellyes that's an important test case, recorded on same tracker website09:40
soeealso it was 64bit09:40
soeeo some of this: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/232/builds/22627/testcases ?09:42
Riddellno upgrade is separate, search for upgrade kubuntu on http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/232/builds09:43
soeeok, done09:44
soeebeta 1 uses lightdm right as kdm was removed completly during upgrade process ?09:57
shadeslayermmm .. anyone have a idea how I can actually *lower* the resolution on KVM?10:07
shadeslayeror set a fixed resolution10:08
Riddellug our old kubuntu friend stylman in trouble http://yro.slashdot.org/story/12/09/05/1238214/bitfloor-joins-list-of-compromised-bitcoin-exchanges 10:26
shadeslayeroh my10:31
shadeslayerI can only hope he didn't lose alot of money10:34
shadeslayerno idea how that bitcoin stuff works tbh10:34
apacheloggerwikipedia has the good info10:34
apacheloggerI cannot explain as I always end up spewing sarcasm all over the coins10:35
Riddellmaybe I shouldn't have distracted him with Edinburgh Festival shows10:35
* apachelogger goes all meh on release packaging10:50
apacheloggershadeslayer: runtime still ftbfsing?10:50
shadeslayerapachelogger: I didn't fix it yet10:51
shadeslayerwas fixing some other stuff10:51
shadeslayerok, I can look at it now11:17
shadeslayerapachelogger: hm, no dev package for curl11:22
shadeslayerwell .. there's libcurl4-gnutls-dev11:22
shadeslayerand libcurl4-nss-dev11:22
shadeslayerhmmm ... nvm11:23
* shadeslayer crosses fingers and hopes pim-runtime builds now11:26
apachelogger~quantalX~ppaX or ~quantal~ppaX or ~ppaX~quantalX?11:39
* apachelogger thinks the last one is wrong11:39
Riddell~quantalX~ppaX is typical11:40
apacheloggerbut why number the series?11:40
Riddellhmm, just to fit in nicely with backports ~quantalX11:41
Riddellbut I guess it's not necessary11:41
apacheloggerperhaps ScottK has a rationale for the X11:41
Riddellfit in nicely isn't a good rationale?11:45
apacheloggerno, I meant why backports has it11:45
apacheloggernow I get it11:45
apacheloggerbash supremacy I say11:48
BluesKajHey all11:50
shadeslayerapachelogger: fix kdepim runtime so version stuff11:55
apacheloggershadeslayer: hm?11:57
apacheloggersimply bump everything to .111:57
shadeslayerdoing some other stuff 11:57
shadeslayerfix it fix it fix it11:57
apacheloggeralbert had this great idea of bumping that stuff globaly11:57
* apachelogger is fed up with .111:58
apacheloggershould have been done in 12 hours, yet it's 3 days now11:58
Riddellthis is always the case with SC releases11:58
Riddellthey always take longer than it seems they ought to11:59
apacheloggerthe automation is not scaling11:59
apacheloggerand bugged11:59
apacheloggerbulldog98: what is khighestversion doing?12:03
apacheloggeroh, who would have known, I already hacked a script for ppa uploads12:08
apacheloggerslightly dumb version tho12:08
bambeeI never understood why IM clients has both notifications support: message indicator & KDE notifications, I mean it's a kind of double notification for a single message. It would be nice to be able to disable them. For example, only get notifications for the indicator message (at work it is more inconspicuous )12:52
bambeehi btw12:52
Riddellyes that would be my preferred setting12:53
Riddellhaving support for both is fine but only 1 by default generally12:53
bambeeI agree, at least for quassel and kde-telepathy it would be nice... I will take a look at it12:55
Riddellbambee: well telepathy doesn't have message-indicator alas12:57
bulldog98_apachelogger: get’s the latest version from the secret loctaion13:00
bulldog98_get’s the versionnumber13:01
=== rdieter_laptop is now known as rdieter
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1046820] touch support seems broken since qt4-x11-4.8.1 @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1046820 (by Canmor Lam)13:32
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1046825] package libqtcore4 4:4.8.1-0ubuntu4.2 failed to install/upgrade: lectura insuficiente en b... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1046825 (by starky_00)13:32
ScottKBTW, backports has switched to a version number model, e.g. ~12.04.1 instead of name based (~precise1) so that we survive alphabet rollover here in a few years.13:58
Riddellhmm that might be an idea14:01
micahgumm...it's ~ubuntu12.04.1 :)14:02
apacheloggerI favor this move14:03
apacheloggerthe work... brrrr....14:04
apacheloggerdo we have a file on the system that actually maps a series name to a number?14:04
micahgapachelogger: distro-info maybe14:04
apacheloggeroh la la14:06
apacheloggermicahg: thx14:06
mparilloIs there a test case for installing Beta-1 to a VMWare Player?14:06
apacheloggerconsidering it is a proprietary tool I do not think so14:07
mparilloapachelogger: Thx. Basically what I have at work...I could let it run while on my day job.14:08
Riddellmparillo: that's just the install test case14:11
Riddellso any of the test cases can be done in vmware14:11
mparilloSo, is there a dummies guide on how to get started testing Beta-1?14:24
shadeslayerRiddell: question, does Kubuntu Beta 1 add org.kde.showActivityManager to the panel?14:26
Riddellshadeslayer: there's an activity manager plasmoid on the panel yes14:37
shadeslayerthat's weird14:37
shadeslayerbecause we don't add that14:37
shadeslayerI don't see it anywhere in the 00-defaultLayout.js script14:37
Riddelllet me double check14:37
Riddellyep it's there14:37
shadeslayerAND if I run panel = new Panel via desktop console in my quantal install it gives me a blank panel14:37
shadeslayerno activity manager stuff14:38
shadeslayerapachelogger: ^^ ideas?14:38
BluesKajI have a desktop toolbox that includes activities , at the top right 14:38
shadeslayernah, we're talking about the default panel on the live CD :)14:39
* shadeslayer is a bit confused as to where that comes from tbh14:39
BluesKajit's very similar to the panel toolbox but the icon is a grey bar with "Desktop " , written on it 14:41
BluesKajwish i could get rid of it ...don't use activities\14:42
apacheloggershadeslayer: if you do new Panel you get a new Panel, duh14:43
shadeslayerapachelogger: a empty one14:46
shadeslayerbut where does the showActivityManager widget come from?14:47
Riddellshadeslayer: does it magically add itself when creating a new activity?14:48
apacheloggershadeslayer: we add it?14:48
shadeslayerapachelogger: no we don't :P14:48
apacheloggerwhy do we not?14:49
apacheloggeractually I know where it comes from14:49
shadeslayerRiddell: possible, but the panel is created after the activity14:49
apacheloggerle update scripts of the upstream14:49
apacheloggercuz the upstream apparently thinks forcing stuff down people's throat helps PR or something14:49
shadeslayerah yes indeed : addShowActivitiesManagerPlasmoid.js14:50
Riddellooh, ready!14:50
* shadeslayer facepalms14:50
soeeRiddell, im home. System works fine :)14:50
Riddellproofreaders, how's this? https://wiki.kubuntu.org/QuantalQuetzal/Beta1/Kubuntu14:50
Riddellsoee: great14:50
mparilloShould it read  CD-sized  instead of  CD sizes?14:54
mparilloIs there an extra character at the end of: Regular users who want to help us test by finding, reporting, and/or fixing bugs involving installation, updgrades, and regular usage.`14:55
shadeslayerscreenshot has fedora icon in kicker14:56
mparilloYou link to KDE 4.9, but say: The latest testing release of KDE's Plasma Workspaces and Applications ? Is it still a testing release?14:57
tsimpsonduplicate "for" in the first line: "preparing for for the final"14:57
tsimpsonlove how no-one managed to see that :p14:57
mparilloDoes Calligra eq  the 'KDE Office Suite'?14:58
shadeslayerPointing users to a wiki page for feedback is a bit sad :(14:59
apacheloggersocial media I say14:59
apacheloggeralso 14:59
shadeslayerin order to edit said wiki page, you'd need to create a lp account14:59
apacheloggershadeslayer: do you have a problem with fedora *fistwave*14:59
shadeslayerapachelogger: aye :P14:59
* apachelogger smacks shadeslayer and leaves for today15:00
* shadeslayer shuts the door and tickles apachelogger15:00
mparilloSpace before ,: 'happening ,'15:00
tsimpsonshadeslayer: well, to report bugs you need an lp accout too. one would hope pre-release testers would be reporting bugs15:00
shadeslayertsimpson: sure, but what if you find no bugs but have genera feedback15:01
shadeslayerThings like, how was your experience with KDE and Kubuntu15:02
tsimpsonadd an "or email us ...." to the feedback page15:02
shadeslayerwhat can be done differently15:02
shadeslayerlike apachelogger said, needs social media :P15:02
shadeslayertwitter and identi.ca I say :)15:02
shadeslayertwitter/identi.ca/g+/facebook/email < in that order15:03
tsimpsonor put a nice, fancy form on kubuntu.org15:03
Riddellmparillo: yes but it's unclear if "office" is a good term for all its applications15:03
shadeslayerforms are nice as long as it's radio buttons and does not exceed more than 5 questions :D15:03
shadeslayers/it's/it has15:04
Riddellmparillo: fancy just making these changes yourself?15:04
tsimpsonI'd think it'd be more of a name: contact email: feedback:15:04
shadeslayerhm, that could work15:04
shadeslayercan you do that with drupal?15:05
Riddellshadeslayer: the feedback wiki pages aren't very popular any more, I guess wikis are out of fashion15:06
shadeslayerI'm still all for social media :P15:06
Riddellshadeslayer: the trouble is our social media presence isn't great15:07
tsimpsonI have 0 experience with drupal, but I'd certainly hope it can do simple HTML forms15:07
shadeslayeriirc we had a twitter account15:07
shadeslayerwe have a somewhat active G+ account15:07
Riddellkubuntu_news that is magically linked to our website in ways nobody knows15:07
shadeslayerhave not opened identi.ca in eons15:07
RiddellI'm yet to work out how g+ works, can people leave feedback on it?15:08
Riddellidenti.ca is just spam collection now I think15:08
shadeslayerThey just need to mention +Kubuntu I believe15:08
tsimpsonas you mention all the social media stuff, I just had a look around kubuntu.org and I can't find a link to any of them. maybe a good idea to add some links. maybe in the form of icons, eg in the footer15:12
shadeslayerbelieve it or not, no one is going to mail Kubuntu Devel with feedback15:13
shadeslayermaybe right after "Technologies Used"15:13
shadeslayerwe can add "Talk to us"15:13
shadeslayeror sth15:13
mparilloIf you list the social media links as a wishlist in Launchpad under kubuntu-website, I can try to do something with them.15:17
Riddelltsimpson: same issue, we don't have official social media accounts15:18
mparilloRiddell: I think I got all the proof-reading suggestions (except for the Fedora kickoff application launcher one).15:18
Riddellmparillo: great, thanks15:18
shadeslayerok, who uploaded that screenshot ? :P15:18
Riddellshadeslayer: which?15:30
shadeslayerthe one with the fedora icon in the kickoff15:30
Riddellwhere's that?15:30
Riddellclaydoh would have taken that from kde.org I guess15:31
Riddellshadeslayer: do you care about the amd64+mac image enough to test it?15:43
shadeslayerirrelevant, my mac can boot all of those images since my hardware is vastly different15:43
shadeslayerthose mac+amd64 images are for specific machines, don't know which ones15:44
mparillo_Fedora screenshot replaced.15:58
Riddellmparillo_: yo da man16:06
Riddellnow work out what sensible thing can be done to encourage feedback on g+ and anything else and we'll be there16:08
Riddellmparillo_: fancy drafting up a post for kubuntu.org ?16:10
mparillo_A release announcement?16:10
mparillo_And for feedback, I think I can put the place(s) for feedback on the Community page. I just need to know the consensus of the best sites / vehicles for that.16:11
Riddellwell https://wiki.kubuntu.org/QuantalQuetzal/Beta1/Kubuntu is the release announcement16:11
Riddellso just a short post pointing at that, the download location, upgrade instructions and maybe a few bullet points of features16:11
Riddelloh and the technical overview https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/TechnicalOverview/Beta116:12
mparillo_The technical overview is ubuntu-wide?16:12
RiddellI think the best sites will be those with account we control, which is only g+16:13
mparillo_Which is your g+ account? I know there is a fan account that was in the news a while back?16:14
Riddellthat's the one, https://plus.google.com/107577785796696065138/posts16:15
mparillo_KDE Paste ~/paste/54494016:20
cyphermoxScottK: thanks for reminding me about plasma-networkmanagement16:20
cyphermoxSorry I keep forgetting about this bit16:20
ScottKYou're welcome.16:20
ScottKNo problem.16:20
cyphermoxI'm going to look at the code now and propose a patch/merge if there is something wrong16:21
cyphermoxScottK: networkmanagement is still the right source, right?16:22
Riddellmparillo_: lovely16:22
Riddellmparillo_: stick that up now with the published box unticked so it's easy to do when the announce goes out16:23
ScottKcyphermox: Yes.16:24
cyphermoxlooks unaffected to me16:27
cyphermoxwell, actually just that people have the choice to create networks the way they want them, which doesn't block the evil wpa-none from being used16:27
Riddellmparillo_, anyone, I'm off out for a few hours, if the release happens before I return do post http://paste.kde.org/544940/ on the website16:36
mparillo_News Quantal Beta 1 Out has been created. That is Saved, but with the Published button not checked.16:39
mparillo_Riddell: The news article is posted; it is not published.16:45
apacheloggershadeslayer: ping17:38
apacheloggershadeslayer: all your runtime changery is not bzr17:43
jussiapachelogger: shadeslayer sleeps now... ;)17:59
apacheloggeras if he deserves sleep for repeatedly not pushing changes to bzr :(18:00
mikhasI can understand people that try to keep their sanity by avoiding bizarre whenever possible. =p18:01
apacheloggerme too, doesn't help the fact that we use it right now and people not running one command when they do an upload causes more work for me18:02
apacheloggeron a positive note .1 ought to be done for quantal18:02
apacheloggerany quantal ninjas around?18:03
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: ping18:05
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: pong18:05
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: do you still have 2 ssh keys?18:06
apacheloggerone dss and one rsa18:06
apacheloggershadeslayer bulldog98_ yofel_ ^ same question18:08
JontheEchidnathere's an id_dsa and a id_rsa in my ~/.ssh18:08
yofel_apachelogger: about being on quantal? yes, I'll update in a bit18:09
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: http://paste.kde.org/544988/18:09
apacheloggerchek the sigs please18:09
apacheloggeryofel_: no, about the keys18:09
apacheloggerbambee: 4 ssh keys?18:10
yofel_uh, I have a few18:10
apacheloggersrsly :O18:10
* yofel_ checks18:10
yofel_I don't share keys between PC's18:10
apacheloggerah, I guess 2 makes sense then18:10
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: yup, those are it18:10
apacheloggerperhaps you wanna pick one? :P18:10
apacheloggerjust a though :P18:11
yofel_yeah, those are the 2 that should be there18:11
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: why two keys if they are on the same machine? :P18:11
* yofel_ has some DSA keys lying around as well, but those are only 1K and obsolete18:12
apacheloggernew key file online, if you guys could review your keys that would be good18:12
yofel_file is missing from what I see18:13
yofel_only the backup one is there18:13
apacheloggerah, I broke it18:13
apacheloggerstupid command sequences all wrong18:13
yofel_only the backup one is there18:17
apacheloggerasked sho to fix it again ^^18:18
yofel_I moved the old file back18:18
yofel_still had the shell open18:18
apacheloggerah, we can shell now?18:19
apacheloggerah, sftp shell you mean?18:19
yofel_uh, shell always worked for me18:19
yofel_even back on ktown before it was taken down18:19
apacheloggerI thought it was deactivated at some point18:19
apacheloggergood to know though18:19
apacheloggernow the cleaned file should be online18:20
apacheloggeralso sent a mail to those who's keys I removed18:20
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
yofelapachelogger: upgrade went fine and 4.9 seems to work ok18:34
yofeldo we have a TODO item somewhere about updating the lightdm background?18:34
yofeluses old Ariya18:34
shadeslayerapachelogger: kdepim-runtime hackery was not pused to bzr because I assumed you were still working on it18:39
shadeslayerand I'm *very* tired18:40
apacheloggerthere's a new ariya?18:40
shadeslayerand yes, I can still get into ftpmaster from my work machine18:40
apacheloggeryofel: 18:40
shadeslayerthere is?18:40
yofelapachelogger: well, ksplash uses a new theme now, not the desktop background anymore. Lightdm uses the desktop background18:41
apacheloggeryofel: the one without stripes?18:43
ScottKRiddell: You back?  It's close and mparillo_ has vanished.19:02
ScottKNice.  Kubuntu.org is down.19:25
JontheEchidnapeople must be anticipating the release :P19:27
JontheEchidnaseems back up at any rate19:28
ScottKI'm all set to hit publish when the release is official.  The images are there now.19:31
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1046820] touch support seems broken since qt4-x11-4.8.1 @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1046820 (by Canmor Lam)19:48
ScottKapachelogger: Is upstream_Ensure-that-the-start-Client-to-build-up-the-ClientM.patch the patch for the regression that mgraesslin was whining about?20:08
apacheloggerScottK: aye20:36
ScottKExcellent.  Thanks.20:36
apacheloggerdid upstream always do all around soname changes for minor updates?20:38
apacheloggerthat is somewhat of a pita20:38
yofelapachelogger: the version usually changes with the kdelibs version, that why I usually use libfooABIVER* in install files21:00
yofelwhen doing new stuff21:00
apacheloggeryofel: yeah, I changed them to wildcard mostly now21:02
apacheloggerthough i think this ought to be discussed with le debian21:02
apacheloggerbecause quite frankly changing it to wildcard after every merge is a bit silly21:02
ScottKWildcard is also risky you miss the need for a rename.21:14
apacheloggerScottK: not so much if you do X.Y.*21:19
ScottKDid you get icecc figured out?21:44
ScottKWho's around that can update kubuntu.org when beta1 comes out?  IIRC Riddell  is snoozing or something and I have to leave soon.21:47
ScottKThe announce is already written, it just needs someone to tick publish and save it.21:47
RiddellI'm back21:48
RiddellScottK: got the URL that needs the tick?21:49
apacheloggerScottK: not quite, though I got sidetracked with .121:49
ScottKGlad you're back.21:49
ScottKapachelogger: OK.  I'll try to remember to harass you periodically.21:49
apacheloggerall I know for sure is that it does not seem to work but the scheduler is detected et al, it simply doesn't distribute the build21:50
apacheloggerwhich can of course have a number of reasons21:50
apacheloggerand is tedious to debug really21:50
ScottKI'm out for now.  See you all later.21:54
* yofel is off to bed - good night21:56
Riddellbeta 1 is out!22:05
JontheEchidnarewrite src/worker/org.kubuntu.qaptworker.xml (79%)22:33
JontheEchidnagit you so smart22:33
JontheEchidnaI tried to call a d-bus method and got kicked off the bug: http://paste.kde.org/545090/ :(22:36
JontheEchidna*off the bus22:37

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