
=== C0nfus3d is now known as M0hi
PetrosI am trying to set up lubuntu 12.04 from the alternate CD, with encrypted LVM. Ev'thng goes fine until i try to set up encryption. It says that the component cannot be loaded from CD. I have verified CD consistency - it shows OK. Got stucked.08:38
Petros*or stuck ? :D08:38
bioterrorlook for another tty09:18
bioterrorit will probably show you the error09:18
bioterrormaybe tty4 could be it09:19
mikeymHi, I've got a wee problem with my #lubuntu eeepc, I wonder if anyone knows how to sort it.11:09
kanlioti can guess11:10
mikeymThe function key gives access to functions like wifi on and off in the F-keys11:10
mikeymBut on my eeepc it also gives numbers over the u-p keys and the j-l and m11:11
mikeymFor some reason, I think maybe after an update, although ice been hibernating it gie a while so I can't be sure,11:12
mikeymThe keys are now number keys11:13
kanliot try this11:14
mikeymI thought it might be a keyboard issue, except weirdly the function key doesn't appear to be stuck as the F-key function keys still require you to hold Fn11:14
kanliotfn + numlock11:15
mikeymBrilliant, thank you.11:16
mikeymDidn't know such a thing rxisted11:17
JohnDoe_71Rushttp://www.webupd8.org/2012/09/customize-gtk3-gtk2-theme-colors-using.html will be good for customizing11:19
kanliotyou want that new tool in lubuntu?11:20
kanliottell the mailing list11:20
* kanliot actually installing the tool now11:21
Dice-Manhello people16:20
Dice-Manis there a way to use the vncviewer cmd in verbose mode ?16:20
Dice-Manit doesn't propose options to do that16:21
Dice-Manbut is there still any ways ?16:21
=== silverarrow_ is now known as silverarrow
vinitwhenever i play a movie or any video my xorg restarts.... any help21:46
kanliotvinit, i can only guess21:51
kanliotmaybe dirt on your monitor?21:51
kanliotdo you have a recent graphics card?  recent lubuntu?21:52
vinitno dirt.... on other os it works very fine.....21:53
vinitthe problem is in the bug list  but i am not able to find the solution21:54
kanliotplease link the bug21:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 760743 in xserver-xorg-video-openchrome (Ubuntu Natty) "Xorg crashes when a player plays a video - sync xserver-xorg-video-openchrome (1:0.2.904+svn920-1) from Debian resolve this problem" [High,Triaged]21:56
kanliotyou have a VIA graphics adapter?21:59
vinitno.. its SIS22:01
vinitya means via adapter of SIS22:01
holsteini had an SIS chip i just gave up one.. it was brutal.. that was 10.04 last time i tried22:01
holsteingave up on*22:02
kanliot12.04 Lubutnu?22:02
vinitlol.... ya i know its really outdated.. i am also planning to replace it.. but then also isnt there any solution.......22:04
vinityes it is 12.0422:04
holsteindoesnt really matter the age.. i dont think there was ever really good support for it.. i had issues with the vesa driver even22:06
vinitya sis chipsets dont support linux22:07
vinittheres no driver avaiable22:07
holsteinthe vesa driver usually works fine with everything22:07
kanliotyou might try 12.10 livecd just for the hell of it22:10
kanliotmight only take an hour22:11
kanliotto test it out22:11
vinitthanks kanliot for the suggestion .. but i might try that in near future22:13
kanlioton second thought, i wouldn't try it22:15
kanlioti don't see any changes22:15
kanliotopenchrome 0.3.1  does exisst vinit, but you'll have to install it yourself22:17
vinitthanks ... currently installing openchrome...lets see.....22:19

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