
robotfuelI've uninstalled maas and now I can't re-install it. I get an error message about password authentication failed for "maas" when I try.01:17
jtvsmoser: would you be around for some help with omshell by any chance?03:10
jtvroaksoax maybe?03:37
lifelessbigjools: hi03:38
lifelessbigjools: shall we dance ?03:38
jtvOh hi lifeless03:38
jtvHe may still be lunching.03:38
bigjoolslifeless: I iz back04:21
lifelessvideo ?04:21
bigjoolsyarp, hang on04:21
bigjoolsjtv, want to join?04:22
bigjoolsthe call04:23
bigjoolsabout architecture04:23
jtvuh sure04:23
jtvbigjools: stuck again with dhcpd.  Error reporting is minimal.  I get an I/O error whenever I try a host with its IP address as the name.05:54
jtvWhich could mean just about anything.  There's certainly no attempt at I/O.05:54
jtvAt least, not at the level that strace would see.05:56
jtvThe server receives my omshell request, and replies with an I/O error.  That's pretty much all that strace sees.05:57
jtv(Surprisingly, dhcpd checks for errors from fprintf/fputs/fputc by seeing if they set errno — but ignoring return value.  I thought those functions were allowed to set a nonzero errno on successful runs, in which case the application should ignore it.)06:02
bigjoolsjtv: paste session06:04
jtvbigjools: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1188377/06:05
jtvProblem is, dhcpd can decide that the leases file isn't sane.  The logging in the source doesn't look very helpful, but I might try getting at it.06:05
bigjoolsjtv: you need quotes around the name value06:08
bigjools                                                              06:08
bigjools> set06:08
bigjoolsset name = ""06:08
jtvGrrr.  It parses an IP address quite happily.06:08
jtvDidn't see the quotes in the template, either.06:09
bigjoolsthen it's buggy :/06:09
jtvSo not clear where they come from in our Omshell class.06:09
jtvBut then how could it possibly work?06:09
jtvOh well, at least I managed to reproduce the problem with a quoted name.  Just not with the way we seem to do it in the Omshell code.06:09
jtvAren't you getting Omshell errors in your Q/A setup, with manage_dhcp enabled?06:11
bigjoolsomshell wasn;t getting called the last time I QAed06:11
bigjoolsyou fixed it recently06:11
jtvThat'd do it.06:12
jtvShall I just file a bug then, so that we at least check this?06:12
bigjoolswe also need06:12
bigjoolsset hardware-type = 106:12
bigjoolswhich is missing ATM06:12
* jtv files one bug, 2 cards06:13
bigjoolsjtv: "it would be good to see confirmation in Q/A" What?06:27
jtvThe "I/O error" I'm getting might still be something weird in my setup.  For whatever reason the omshell just accepts an IP address there, and parses & represents it in its own format.06:28
jtvMaybe it's just too generic and accepts any kind of argument though.06:29
jtvAnyway, I suspect we'd be wanting the generated hostname there, right?06:29
bigjoolsjtv: I recreated locally06:31
bigjoolsquoting fixes06:31
bigjoolsjtv: hostname is irrelevant actually06:31
jtvYes, I just don't know what the reason was why we had the ip address there.06:31
bigjoolsjtv: it just needs to be a fixed identifier06:32
jtvIf hostname is irrelevant, do we need it here at all!?06:32
bigjoolsIP address works fine06:32
jtvPuzzling stuff!06:32
bigjoolsomapi is shite06:32
jtvI'll note it on the bug.06:32
jtvIt's from an age when getting a string all the way to the user was a job in itself.06:32
jtvBut I don't see how the errno handling could have been correct or portable.06:33
jtverrno = 0;06:33
jtvif (errno) handle_error();06:33
jtvI've been bitten by that.  AFAIK standard-library functions can set a nonzero errno even on success.06:33
jtvWell, since we've discussed it now, I'll just write up that fix.06:37
jtvroaksoax, are you around?11:56
jtvToo early, probably -- sorry for waking you, better go back to sleep.  :)11:56
jtvDaviey, maybe you can help?  I'm creating a custom upstart job to run dhcpd with our own defaults & config, and updating HACKING.txt.  I have a few questions about it.11:57
roaksoaxjtv: not yet oficially but what's up :)11:58
jtvGood morning :011:58
roaksoaxmorning :)11:59
roaksoaxjtv: what are your questions about it?11:59
jtvI'm creating a custom upstart job, so that we can use custom config files that we're free to modify.11:59
jtv - Where do I put the upstart script?  In the maas package, or in the packaging branch, or elsewhere?11:59
jtv - Where do I put the new /etc/default/maas-dhcp-server config/script file?12:00
roaksoaxjtv: in the packaging branch12:00
jtvAh OK12:00
roaksoaxjtv: look at debian/maas.maas-celery.upstart12:00
roaksoaxjtv: look at debian/maas.maas-*.upstart12:00
jtv - Are we keeping the maas-dhcp package?  I'm updating HACKING.txt but just installing isc-dhcp-server won't do it any more.  You'll need the custom stuff installed.12:00
roaksoaxjtv: what's custom stuff?12:00
jtvAhh and I just add my own maas.maas-dhcp-server.upstart ?12:00
jtvThe custom upstart script and the custom /etc/default/... file.12:01
roaksoaxjtv: yes, well kind of. It would be: maas-dhcp.maas-dhcp-server.upstart12:01
jtvWow :)12:01
jtvSo that answers my question about the maas-dhcp package.12:01
roaksoaxjtv: and about the default, i think you can also do maas-dhcp.default12:01
roaksoaxand the package system will take care of installing them in the appropriate places12:01
jtvWill it all automatically be owned by maas:maas?12:01
roaksoaxjtv: nope12:02
jtvFor files we want to write to, I thought it'd make sense to skip the sudo dance while we're at it.12:02
jtvSay, maybe it would be good to have a quick face-to-face chat about it?12:02
roaksoaxjtv: so the idea is to write files in a maas owned location12:02
jtvThat way I can say I had a proper pre-imp call.  :)12:02
roaksoaxand dhcp would just source from there12:02
roaksoaxjtv: sure, give me 512:03
* jtv gives roaksoax 512:03
roaksoaxjtv: ready12:06
jtvSee if this works... https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/51b1cfe53b7b186ae3519d28fac1eff5b7ce2bdb?authuser=0&hl=en-GB12:06
smoserrbasak, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cloud-init/+bug/103106513:14
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1031065 in cloud-init (Ubuntu) "cloud-init-nonet runs 'start networking' explicitly" [Medium,Triaged]13:14
smoserright now i'm suspecting that you're hitting the other race condition that slangasek mentioned.13:15
smoserthat you have /run but not "virtual-filesystems".13:15
smoseryeah. thats the issue.13:16
smoseri wonder which if th evirtual fileysstems you're not getting.13:16
smoserrbasak, can you get the same log, but with '--verbose' added to the mountall command line in /etc/init/mountall.conf ?13:16
rbasaksmoser: sure. Though I'm running some tests right now - I'll need to do it a bit later13:17
rbasaksmoser: you still want the upstart --verbose too?13:17
jtvroaksoax: turns out the only real sticking point with the existing apparmor profile for dhcpd is the pidfile.  And I can't find any documentation to support having multiple profiles for the same executable...  what if we just hardlinked /usr/sbin/maas-dhcpd to /usr/sbin/dhcpd and created a new profile?14:55
jtvOh hi there smoser — thanks for spotting the fatal flaw in our grand config-writing scheme.  Currently working around it.14:56
smoserjtv, i talked with jdstrand about the apport changes.14:57
smoserand he's fine with them.14:57
jtvs/apport/apparmor/ ?14:57
smoserie, adding a sectoin to the apport stanza to allow maas to have well defined config.14:57
smoseri also use the words 'landscape' and 'launchpad' interchangeably14:57
jtvBurn in hell!14:57
jtvYou unox geeks are all the same.14:58
jtvRolix, Relix — what's the difference?14:58
roaksoaxjtv maybde jdstrand knows better14:58
roaksoaxsmoser but that doesnt solve precise14:58
smoserwe can solve that.14:59
smoserbut i'm hesitent to tell you how14:59
smoserbecause i think you'll like the idea for quantal also14:59
jtvAnd that's bad?  Now I'm curious.  :)15:00
smoserhold on, collecting data15:00
smoserok . so /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.dhcpd is pastebinned at http://paste.ubuntu.com/1189094/15:02
smosernote lines 57 and 5815:02
smoseri believe that renders to "/etc/apparmor.d/local/usr.sbin.dhcpd" (i'm not sure of the path, but obvioysly it does *something*)15:03
smoserthat file is *not* a config file, so its more ok for maas to poke at it15:03
jtvWhy isn't it a config file?15:03
jtv(It exists — I looked at it earlier)15:03
smoserhm.. strange that it exists.15:04
jtvPlaceholder comment, basically.15:04
jtvI guess mostly to stop the #include from breaking.15:04
jtvBut yes, I had that A-HAH moment too.  :(15:04
smoserwell jdstrand suggested it.15:04
smoserif it is a conf file, but you are explicitly expecting someone to update it, then thats broken by design15:05
jtvOr BSD, depending on your nomenclature.15:05
smoserwell, maybe its not so bad.15:05
smoserthe conf file prompt comes when you have local changes to a file and hte package has changes to the file15:05
smoserit would seem *very* unlikely for the package to ship a change to that header stub15:06
smoserand if it did, the package maintainer would surely be aware that they were going to force config file prompts for all users.15:06
smoserso they'd want to avoid if at all possible.15:06
smoseranyway... i'd much rather see us change that file, and would seem ok for us to do that for precise.15:06
jtvWouldn't the hardlink solution make it all a bit easier?15:07
jtvAssuming it would even work.15:07
smosera.) we shouldn't just look for the easiest solution15:07
smoserb.) how would you package the hardlink?15:08
jtvCreate it in postinst?15:08
smoserthen you have an unpackaged file in /usr/sbin15:08
smoserwhich screams WHAT_THE_%*#*_IS_THIS!15:08
jtvShip a dummy, replace with hardlink?15:08
smoserthen you have a file in /usr/bin that looks like it has been modified if you check checksums of your package15:09
smoserwhich, again screams *#*$**15:09
jtvTrue, true — but it's about the most policy-compliant trick we have so far, no?15:09
smoseri think editing the local file is ok. imo.15:10
smoserwith hardlink, what happens on upgrade of package?15:10
smoserwith upgrade of isc-dchp-server?15:10
jtvYou're right.15:10
smoserso my suggestion is update apparmor profile for quantal.15:11
smoserand we can even ask security team if they're ok with that change SRU to precise15:11
jtvJust add the maas directories & pidfile?15:11
smoseryeah. basically like eucalyptus15:11
smoserat least that is seemingly a designed solution to start off of15:12
* jtv was tempted, so tempted, to jam our own pidfile into /run/eucalyptus15:12
jtvActually the pidfile looks like the only one that we really can't circumvent decently.15:13
jtvThere is some wiggle room for our own leases and config files.15:13
smoserjtv, well we were still running into permission issues on those files15:13
smoserbut we could work around that.15:13
jtvWe could own them.15:14
smoserwell, there were issues.15:14
smoserat least when i actually tried this.15:14
jtvThe upstart script ensures ownership/permissions of the leases file (and backup).15:14
jtvI imagine maas installation would take care of ownership/permissions of the config file.15:15
smoseryou're saying running as the isc-dhcp user?15:15
jtvI was thinking of continuing to run dhcpd as dhcp, yes.15:15
jtvMake the config file owned by maas, but group dhcp.15:15
smoserif we can separate and run our own, i really think thats the best.15:16
jtvOr maas:maas for all I care, as long as dhcpd can read it.15:16
smoserthen you can know that you can just kill it15:16
smoserwhen the person pusshes the button "do not run dhcpd"15:16
smoserits is cleaner separation. and well known path.15:16
jtvWait... are you saying running as dhcp is best?  Or that running as maas is best?15:16
smoseri'm saying maas running/maintaining its own dhcpd is best.15:17
smoser*not* using the isc-dhcpd15:17
jtvOh, yes, that's what I'm coding up.15:17
jtvWell, it uses the isc-dhcpd *binary* of course.  But not its config etc.15:17
jtvBut we need at least a new pidfile in the apparmor profile, I think.  Everything else we _could_ keep as-is afaics.15:18
smoseryou could use /ltsp :)15:19
* jtv snarls at smoser15:20
jtvI guess I'll just add rules for /etc/maas/dhcpd.conf, /var/lib/maas/dhcpd.leases, and _something_ in /run.15:24
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
roaksoaxrvba: around?16:37
roaksoaxjtv: still around?16:39
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
roaksoaxallenap: are you?16:50
allenaproaksoax: I'm just passing (it's dinner time here). Email :-/17:25
roaksoaxallenap hehe just left for lunch myself im from the phone17:27
roaksoaxallenap just wantwd to know how to create a db migration to be able to add distro realease support17:28
roaksoaxif theres  template or what17:29
rvbaroaksoax: have a look at HACKING.txt, it's a one line command once you've made the change to the model code.17:29
roaksoaxrvba ok cool thanks17:31
smoserroaksoax, ok. you around19:08
roaksoaxsmoser: nope, this is an automated message19:08
roaksoaxsmoser: hehe, what's u?19:09
smoserok. so where can i get your dhcp fixed maas?19:09
roaksoaxsmoser: it is in the quantal archives, just not on the cd19:10
smoserah. ok.19:10
smoserso we have generally functional dhcpd?19:10
roaksoaxsmoser: maas-provision binary is the one generating the config19:11
roaksoaxso we just needed sudoers access to it19:11
roaksoaxnot the best approach obviously, but enough for now until we have the other fixes in place19:12
smoserroaksoax, ok. i'm gonna try to walk through this, so i'll probably bother you again19:12
=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk]
smoserroaksoax, ok.19:53
smoserso bug 1044229 is marked as fixed19:53
ubot5Launchpad bug 1044229 in MAAS "DHCP config doesn't get written unless an inhuman combination of scripts is run" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104422919:53
smoserand that was a dupe of bug 104406119:53
ubot5Launchpad bug 1044229 in MAAS "duplicate for #1044061 DHCP config doesn't get written unless an inhuman combination of scripts is run" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104422919:53
smoserso, how do i enable maas dhcp ?19:53
smoseroh. fun. from the api19:53
smoserany other way than api and ui ?19:54
smoserand i go to my maas ui and it has 'manage dhcp' but ihave no dhcp process running19:54
smoserroaksoax, ?20:03
roaksoaxsmoser give me a sec plz20:04
smoserissue is that dhcpd is not configured to listen on any interfaces20:04
roaksoaxsmoser you enable it by installing maad-dhcp20:09
smoser$ dpkg-query --show maas-dhcp20:11
smosermaas-dhcp       0.1+bzr971+dfsg-0ubuntu120:11
smoserbutton is highlighed in maas web ui20:11
smosermaas-dhcp installed20:11
smoserno isc-dhcp process20:12
smoserthat is everythign i've done so far20:12
smoser(except not added daily builds)20:12
smoseras you told me archive updates was good20:12
smoserroaksoax, what am i doing wrong?20:14
roaksoaxsmoser did you accept thr cresyion of the dhxp betwork20:14
smoserso, no20:14
roaksoaxsmoser so when you install maas-dhcp and say yes and configure the subnet then it gets enabled20:15
smoseri just dpkg-reconifgure maas-dhcp20:16
smoserand isc-dhcp-server still wont run20:16
=== bjf[afk] is now known as bjf
smoserwhat am i doing wrong?20:17
matsubarasmoser, roaksoax: I just reproduced the same thing in the lenovo lab20:18
matsubarainstalled the latest package, answered the dhcp config questions but isc-dhcp-server keeps respawning saying there's not subnet declaration for eth0, eth1 or eth220:19
matsubaraand /etc/dhcp/ doesn't have any maas config20:19
smoserroaksoax, is the version i have listed above sufficient?20:20
smoseryeah. i have latest package per https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/maas (44 minutes old)20:20
smoseroh wait. i have 0ubuntu1 and 0ubuntu2 is 44 minutes old20:21
matsubaraI'm using 0.1+bzr971+dfsg-0+972+74~ppa0~precise1 from https://code.launchpad.net/~maas-maintainers/+archive/dailybuilds20:23
matsubaraactually: 0.1+bzr971+dfsg-0+975+74~ppa0~precise120:23
matsubarawhich is the latest latest crack20:23
smoseryeah, an di just by hand applied https://launchpadlibrarian.net/114878785/maas_0.1%2Bbzr971%2Bdfsg-0ubuntu1_0.1%2Bbzr971%2Bdfsg-0ubuntu2.diff.gz20:24
smoserto no avail20:24
roaksoaxsmoser: ok i'm back20:32
smoseri can let you in if you want to poke around, but i20:36
smoseri've basically done nothing other than that pb20:36
roaksoaxsmoser: ok so, the first time you install maas-dhcp, if you configure it, and dhcp is disabled, then it will be enabled20:40
smoserso what are you saying ?20:40
smoserits enabled.20:40
smoserthats fine.20:40
smoserit doesnt run20:40
smoseror do anything20:40
smoserthats not.20:40
roaksoaxsmoser: right, but is it enabled on the WebUI?20:41
roaksoaxsmoser: and no config file in /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf?20:41
roaksoaxsmoser: have you rebooted the machine?20:41
roaksoaxi mean, restart apache2?20:41
roaksoaxor pserv or celery?20:41
smoserwell, /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf exists. as ait always did.20:42
roaksoaxsmoser: right, but maas should have written a config to it20:42
smoseri did for p in celery pserv txlongpoll; do sudo restart maas-$p; done20:42
smoserand have actually rebooted since installing maas.20:42
roaksoaxlet me see20:42
smoser[2012-09-06 20:44:27,803: INFO/PoolWorker-3] Not sending DHCP leases to server: not all required knowledge received from server yet.  Missing: api_credentials, maas_url, nodegroup_name20:44
roaksoaxsmoser: Version: 0.1+bzr971+dfsg-0ubuntu120:45
roaksoaxthat's the reason20:45
roaksoaxit is not ubuntu220:45
matsubararoaksoax, I get the same behaviour (not the same log entry though) on 0.1+bzr971+dfsg-0+975+74~ppa0~precise120:46
roaksoaxmatsubara: the fis is on packaging, not on upstream20:46
matsubaraah ok20:47
smoserroaksoax, i manually added the sudoers20:48
matsubarawhat's the package revno I should be using to build with?20:48
smoserand restarted since then20:48
roaksoaxsmoser: that should work then20:48
smoseryou can look.20:48
smoser$ sudo cat /etc/sudoers.d/99-maas-sudoers20:49
smosermaas ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/service isc-dhcp-server restart20:49
smosermaas ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/maas-provision20:49
roaksoaxmatsubara: the release ubuntu220:49
roaksoaxmatsubara: 1 before last one i think20:49
roaksoaxsmoser: disable/enable from the web ui20:50
smoser$ ls -altr /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf20:51
smoser-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3602 Jul 10 21:29 /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf20:51
roaksoaxsmoser: lket me check locally first as network is crappy20:51
smoser(Jul 10). no dice20:51
roaksoaxsmoser: is DNS enabled?20:54
smoseri have 2 nice check boxes checked20:55
smoser"Enable Dns", "Manage DHCP".  They're really pretty, and orange.20:55
roaksoaxsmoser:     return self.run(*args, **kwargs)21:01
roaksoax  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/provisioningserver/tasks.py", line 322, in restart_dhcp_server21:01
roaksoax    check_call(['sudo', 'service', 'isc-dhcp-server', 'restart'])21:01
roaksoax  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py", line 511, in check_call21:01
roaksoax    raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)21:01
roaksoaxCalledProcessError: CalledProcessError21:01
smoserwhere do you see that?21:02
smosernot wierd21:02
smoser"sudo service"21:02
smosermaas can't sudo21:02
roaksoaxwhich is weird21:02
roaksoaxsmoser: and magically, it now works21:03
smoserit can though21:03
smoserit is in /etc/sudoers.d/21:04
smoserfor maas21:04
smoserwhat magically works ?21:04
roaksoaxsmoser: DHCP config was written now21:04
smoser/etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf ?21:05
smoseron my system?21:05
roaksoaxsmoser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1189688/21:05
roaksoaxsmoser: on my test env21:05
roaksoaxlet me access yours21:05
roaksoaxsmoser: can you disable/enable dhcp config again please21:07
roaksoaxfrom maas webui21:07
roaksoaxsmoser: so just did a dpkg-reconfigure maas-dhcp and it worked21:09
roaksoaxsmoser: seems to be (wild guess) that when maas gets installed (maas-dhcp really) it tries to create the DHCP database, and enables it (that's why it is enabled on webui). However, since the creation of the dhcpd config file fails (because maas-provision not in sudoers) the dhcp client network doesn't become permanent21:11
roaksoaxso when we add maas-provision to sudoers21:11
roaksoaxand dpkg-reocnfigure maas-dhcp21:11
roaksoaxit success on creating21:11
roaksoaxhence the network is created21:11
smoseri will check your theory21:11
* roaksoax will try to finish the quantla support21:12
smoserit seems to have worked.21:15
smoseralthough i think i'd done that before21:15
smoserwhere did you see the stack trace you showed above?21:15
roaksoaxsmoser: celery log21:16
smoserhm.. i never saw that htere.21:17
smosermatsubara, could you open a bug based on the above?21:19
roaksoaxsmoser: there's  no bug really, it is fixed21:20
roaksoaxsmoser: the problem ois that it has not been released21:20
roaksoaxin the archives21:20
roaksoaxsmoser: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/maas/0.1+bzr971+dfsg-0ubuntu221:21
smoserroaksoax, ^21:22
smoserfile gets written now, but it is bad21:22
roaksoaxsmoser: isn't that wrong configuration21:23
roaksoaxsmoser: ah yes, it is badupstream side21:24
matsubarasmoser, roaksoax I think there's another bug. the dhcp config is written but next-server is set to, is that correct?21:24
smoseri was going to point that out21:24
* smoser has to go now21:24
roaksoaxmatsubara: *and* I think there's another issue21:24
roaksoaxsubnet netmask
roaksoaxthat should be the network address not the starting range21:25
roaksoaxmaas-provision asks for starting range21:25
roaksoaxand should probably calculate the network address21:25
matsubararoaksoax, this is the config the package wrote for me: https://pastebin.canonical.com/73987/21:25
matsubararoaksoax, this https://code.launchpad.net/~maas-maintainers/maas/packaging.precise has the latest fix you mention that's included in ubuntu2 right? My package was built from that source21:27
roaksoaxmatsubara: try dpkg-reconfigure maas21:27
matsubararoaksoax, ok. it offered to change the MAAS pxe address.21:28
roaksoaxmatsubara: err i meant maas-dhcp21:29
roaksoaxmatsubara: htat's a bug for sure when it tells next-server21:29
roaksoaxor mabe not as it bings to localhost21:29
roaksoaxwe;ll have to do some real pxde boot testing on that21:29
matsubararoaksoax, ok, reconfigured the maas-dhcp package, it asked me the same questions asked when I installed and the dhcpd.conf still have next-server as
roaksoaxmatsubara: that's a bug for sure21:31
matsubararoaksoax, that's what I'm doing :) when I pxe boot, the node gets a TFTP open timeout21:31
matsubararoaksoax, I'm going to file it, is it in the packaging or upstream?21:32
roaksoaxmatsubara: upstream21:32
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1047061 in MAAS "dhcpd.conf next-server set to" [Undecided,New]21:37
roaksoaxim off21:39
matsubararoaksoax, have a good one. Thanks!21:44

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