
silverarrowis anyone good with bug reporting for quantal testing?00:27
histosilverarrow: people in #ubuntu+100:28
silverarrowmy head is more like fogg00:39
phillwhow do you interrupt grub so as to put in nomodeset?01:43
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Blazemorephillw: hold shift08:23
Widgeteglad i am not the only one in here18:19
bioterrorcan we help you?18:19
Widgetemaybe, i am just kinda trying to learn my way around... learning both ubuntu and irc18:20
Widgetei am currently running this off a sd card, is it still possible to run cloud storage?18:20
bioterroryou can still quit this irc18:24
bioterrorit's just waste of time :D18:25
Widgetelol i have plenty of time to waste18:25
bioterrorthere you go! ;D18:27
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