
RAOFion: In an ideal world, yes. In the real world different renderers support different GL extensions (or GL versions), and exporting all GL extensions that can be implemented in software is user-hostile.00:03
slangasekRAOF: ah, heh.  Thanks for the explanation, I'd completely forgotten the name AIGLX :)00:04
ionHow about exporting all GL extensions but telling the user which ones are hardware-accelerated?00:04
RAOFGL doesn't support that :)00:05
ionA Mesa extension? :-P00:05
slangasekion: to what end?  when would you have more than two drivers in practice - one accelerated, one sw?00:06
slangasekI think the problem here is some oddball driver loaded that doesn't implement the bits that mesa's in-tree drivers do, no?00:07
RAOFThat's one possible problem, yes00:08
slangasekso even if mesa had awesome support for proxying unsupported extensions over to the llvmpipe swrast driver, that doesn't help if you're not using a mesa driver to begin with, I think00:08
slangasekbtw, did linaro's gles proxy lib ever manifest?00:09
slangasek(which, er, was supposed to handle exactly this sort of thing)00:10
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jdstrandbarry: re ufw> yep, as of 0.3202:40
pittiGood morning03:32
ajmitchhi pitti03:33
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SpamapSany reason not to upgrade a precise box to quantal right now?04:28
micahgSpamapS: qemu-kvm has some issues04:29
micahglibreoffice has no menus in non-unity envs04:29
SpamapSyeah I briefly looked at the critical bugs04:39
SpamapSjust sometimes people say NO WAYT THEARCHIVE IS BZORKEN when I do that ;)04:39
micahgSpamapS: the archive is frozen ATM :)04:40
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ahsanhi all05:04
ahsani wanted to write an upstart job which kicks in just before halt/reboot.05:05
ahsanany pointers on how to do that05:05
ahsanI tried with "start on runlevel [06]". But, I guess that starts as soon as runlevel 0 or 6 is reached05:06
RAOFAt what point in the shutdown process does it need to run? If it's ‘just as FOO is shutting down’, then ‘start on stopping $FOO’ would get you something like that.05:07
ahsanyeah, i was looking for something like that..05:07
ahsanlike a S89mytask in rc6.d for sysV05:08
RAOFYou can of course just have a sysv task if you want; upstart supports it.05:10
ahsanRAOF: ok, just wanted to do it the upstart way.05:11
RAOFThere probably is an event you can start on.05:11
ahsanyes, I was looking for that event. like you said "start on stopping foo"05:11
ahsanI am looking for that foo05:12
RAOFSo when does it need to run?05:15
ahsanjust before the halt/reboot is issued05:15
SpamapSahsan: what exactly do you want it to stop after?05:37
SpamapSahsan: shutdown has a very specific order.. stop services, kill processes, unmount network filesystems, stop networking, kill off straggler processes, unmount filesystems, halt/reboot05:38
SpamapSahsan: for instance, a few things do need to be stopped between unmounting network filesystems, and stopping networking. For those, 'stop on deconfiguring-networking' is a good choice, as it will block the shutdown until those things are stopped.05:44
SpamapSugh, touchpad on MBA 4,1 is not working now05:53
ahsanSpamapS: thanks, will give it a try05:59
ahsanSpamapS: I wanted to just delete a marker, as late as possible05:59
cc11rocksCan I delete a patch sent to Debian?06:00
SpamapSahsan: so you have to do it before filesystems are unmounted06:00
cc11rocksI accidentally submitted a duplicate to someone else's fix...06:00
ahsanSpamapS: ok, can you please tell the syntax06:02
ahsanSpamapS: "start on starting mountall" will be a race condition?06:07
SpamapSahsan: mountall is started during the system boot. I thought you wanted on shutdown06:08
ahsanSpamapS: oh, you're right. sorry06:09
ahsanSpamapS: btw, when does mountall stops? .. also, which task handles unmounting filesystems?06:10
SpamapSahsan: there's no event, currently, attached to unmounting filesystems, but you could either a) push it back to just before networking is deconfigured, or b) add the event to /etc/init.d/umountfs06:10
SpamapSahsan: mountall never stops IIRC06:11
SpamapSahsan: unmounting is done by /etc/init.d/umountfs06:11
ahsanSpamapS: thanks06:12
ahsanSpamapS: which event is emitted when networking is disconfigured06:17
ahsanie "start on stopping foo" .. whats foo here? or disconfiguring-network itself is an event which is emitted?06:18
dholbachgood morning07:00
dholbachbdrung, AFAICS ubuntu-packaging-guide is ready for upload :)07:07
MCR1didrocks: I noticed some important python applications do not work on Quantal (they all fail with the same error: Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_widget_style_get: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed) - who can/should I nerve with this ?07:16
MCR1didrocks: examples are qbzr or trimage packages...07:16
tsdgeosit happened again, a bug i just reported got duplicated of a private one https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/colord/+bug/1046690 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/103876807:17
ubottuError: Bug #1046690 is a duplicate of bug #1038768, but it is private (https://launchpad.net/bugs/1038768)07:17
ubottuError: malone bug 1038768 not found07:17
didrocksMCR1: those are using pygtk or pygi?07:17
tsdgeoscan someone mark the second public and tell me where i open a bug so that this doesn't happen again?07:17
MCR1didrocks: qbzr says it depends on python-qt4, python2.707:18
tsdgeosMCR1: yeah having the same problem :-/07:19
didrocksMCR1: ok, are all python applications having this kind of gtk warning qt apps?07:19
didrocksI wonder if it's not just the qt -> gtkstyle binding which is broken07:19
MCR1didrocks: trimage is also depending on python-qt4 and python >= 2.607:21
MCR1didrocks: I am not sure if all have this kind of warning, but many python applications work, while those 2 don't anymore, while at least trimage was working on Precise07:21
MCR1but I guess qbzr also works there...07:22
MCR1tsdgeos: Which python applications are creating this problem for you ?07:23
tsdgeosMCR1: to be honest i'm only using qbzr07:31
didrocksMCR1: so, I would say it's a Qt issue to not work with latest GtkStyle, maybe some people are knowledgeable on #kubuntu-devel07:31
MCR1didrocks: ok, I'll ask there. Thx. After all qbzr is a quite important tool for Ubuntu development as there is no real replacement I know of (bzr explorer is slow and buggy)07:33
tsdgeosit seems someone decided to break qt on quantal, assistant is also crashing on startup :D07:34
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brendanddoes anyone know why i might be seeing:09:15
brendandQt: Session management error: None of the authentication protocols specified are supported09:15
brendandin Precise (12.04.1)?09:15
brendandi read something about no X server - which couldn't be possible09:16
cjwatsonbarry: http://en.chys.info/2011/11/a-problem-with-pipes-in-python-3/ - gotcha, possibly worth mentioning somewhere.  Note my comment09:16
cjwatsonRelevant if you do things like  subp = subprocess.Popen(blah, stdout=subprocess.PIPE); for line in subp.stdout:  without universal_newlines=True09:17
cjwatsonBecause now it defaults to unbuffered for byte streams09:18
zygapitti, https://plus.google.com/116315264177593873442/posts/aQq8vV7gUnE :-)09:25
pittihey zyga09:32
pittizyga: ah, nice! this looks similar to what "apport-bug storage" is doing09:33
zygapitti, cool, I didn't know that09:33
pittizyga: hm, wouldn't it be easier to run udisksctl monitor? or is that missing some signals?09:33
zygapitti, I'll be using that to port checkbox to udisks209:33
zygapitti, no, it's just something I wrote for this task, the code is shared with checkbox actually09:33
pittizyga: anyway, if it helps, it should build just fine on precise, so we can put it into a PPA or so09:33
zygapitti, hmm, udisks2 in precise ... it might be cool but then again some things (mounting) will still happen via udisks109:34
zygapitti, I'll think about it but the focus right now is to get results from standard installs09:34
pittimakes sense09:35
zygapitti, so that we have predictable behavior in practice09:35
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xnoxmpt: what is your opinion on tooltips? bug 104579910:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1045799 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Manual partitioner: Add tooltips to icons 'Add', 'Remove', and 'Modify'" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104579910:43
* mpt reads the bug report10:43
mptxnox, is <https://launchpadlibrarian.net/114858452/result.png> how it looks with the default theme?10:49
mptThose are some weird icons.10:49
mptWait, that isn't even the installer, that's GParted!10:49
xnoxmpt: so I did change "Add partition","Remove partition", "Edit partition" to symbolic icons "+","-","cog"10:54
mptxnox, may I see a screenshot?10:54
xnoxmpt: now I am confused if people are confused about Gparted or Ubiquity.10:54
xnoxmpt: one moment.10:54
cjwatsonI suspect Erick is confused in ways that jibel is not.10:56
xnoxmpt: i really want the "Pencil" icon, instead of/in addition to a "cog"10:56
mptxnox, I specced "Change..." as text: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1bZ4yQIVgGaUGSYu3qiUHnQt3ieBZoqunP_DcleHCr3I/edit#heading=h.6zratkhfgk6010:59
xnoxmpt: I was naughty =)10:59
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bdrungdholbach: done.11:38
dholbachthanks bdrung! :)11:38
mptxnox, I don't know why you'd add tooltips post-UIF but not just switch to the specced label post-UIF11:46
xnoxmpt: here is link how it currently looks like https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/jsf4RKjSfg6IKFMoShVwtlh0btKKriD5FR8jiayHfxc?feat=directlink11:48
xnoxmpt: I personally hate tooltips and status bars with passion11:48
mptxnox, why don't the buttons have borders?11:49
xnoxmpt: also the right click menus11:49
xnoxmpt: ask the theme designers =/11:49
xnoxmpt: the border appears on mouse-over11:49
mptAre you sure this is a theme issue?11:49
xnoxmpt: the onces on the right are "button box" the onces on the left is "toolbar"11:49
mptDoes the theme say "whoa, this button has only an icon in it, I'm dropping the border"?11:49
mptxnox, ok, well don't do that then, use a normal button :-)11:50
xnoxmpt: I was naughty =) menubar is the easiest / quickest way to get symbolic icons, but I couldn't get mixed labels/icons in the same toolbar.11:50
xnoxmpt: =)))))11:51
mptMy designs can take only so much abuse before they break, you know.11:51
* xnox LOL11:51
xnoxmpt: ok. What about the size of the + and - ? big enough? just right? too small?11:52
mptxnox, looks right to me.11:54
xnoxmpt: let me change it to what it was suppose to be and then I'll give you another screenshot.11:54
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tjaaltonppa queue ~7h..13:25
SpamapShm, seems xserver-xorg-input-mtrack has restored my trackpad13:44
SpamapStho I seem to recall having lots of other problems with this driver13:44
tjaaltonrestored how?13:45
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SpamapStjaalton: with evdev, I get no working trackpad13:48
tjaaltonSpamapS: ok13:51
SpamapSbug 1046675 btw :)13:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1046675 in xorg (Ubuntu) "macbook air 4,1 trackpad does not work on upgrade to quantal from precise" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104667513:52
tjaaltonwell I've got xserver 1.13 ready, but nowhere to build it13:53
tjaaltonsince half the builders are idle or offline, queue ~7h13:53
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barrycjwatson: yes, that does seem unfortunate.  at least it's documented though ;)  http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/subprocess.html and search for 'bufsize'13:58
mptev, should configuration file prompts in upgrades (bug 86028) be considered errors like debconf prompts? What do you think?14:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 86028 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "RFE: ask all config-file questions at the start or end of the upgrade" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8602814:13
evmpt: I'm inclined to say yes, but we should chat with someone who knows conffiles better than I do.14:14
stgraberpitti: I'm not an archive admin, so can't commit to ubuntu-archive-tools14:26
slangasekmpt: a conffile prompt for a conffile that the user didn't edit is an error; a conffile prompt for a conffile that they did is the standard conflict resolution method; there's no way for us to tell the difference from an automated report14:26
pittistgraber: ah, I thought as ~ubuntu-release you were14:26
stgraberpitti: ~ubuntu-release now has direct queue admin rights on <dev> and <dev>-proposed, so I can accept packages but I'm not in ~ubuntu-archive14:28
mptslangasek, what would we need to change to make them distinguishable? (store the modification date somewhere? or a hash value?)14:29
slangasekmpt: there's nothing you can do14:29
slangasekit's *either* a user modifying it, *or* it's software going rogue and modifying it14:29
slangasekyou can't distinguish these unless you know what software is going rogue, e.g. by reproducing it in an autotest14:30
bdmurraybarry, pitti: could one of you review an aptdaemon merge proposal? https://code.launchpad.net/~brian-murray/aptdaemon/bug-875879/+merge/12297914:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 122979 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "[aiglx][intel][r300] Video playback is buggy under Compiz" [High,Fix released]14:32
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pittiurl 114:53
pittibdmurray: seems fine to me, thanks14:55
bdmurraypitti: are you going to upload aptdaemon then? also do you have any ideas for an SRU test case for this?15:11
pittiwe are still frozen anyway, and mvo is working on a few branches which I guess he'd want in soon as well, so I guess he'll do an upload soon15:11
mvoyeah, I would love to get a new version in on friday15:15
bdmurraymvo: do you have an idea of an sru test case for bug 875879?15:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 875879 in update-manager (Ubuntu Quantal) "update-manager crashed with AttributeError in show_diff(): 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87587915:16
shadeslayercjwatson: you mentioned a couple of days ago that something was misbuilt15:20
cjwatsonI fixed it15:21
cjwatsonThat was the cause of the iso-hybrid failures in live-build15:21
mvobdmurray: hm, we could have to find a package that changes the conffile during a upgrade, I could try to fabricate something15:27
BenCLaney: haskell-hint builds on ppc, and it looks like it's restrictions on architecture are based solely on needing ghci. Should I set it to Arch: any and update the build-deps to use ghc-ghci?15:29
mvobdmurray: hrm, hrm, so I created a artifical conffile prompt, but couldn't trigger the bug with it15:35
bdmurraymvo: with quantal or precise? errors.ubuntu.com doesn't show any quantal versions of the error for some reason15:36
mvobdmurray: tested on my precise box15:37
dholbachcan somebody please reject https://code.launchpad.net/~ianrob1201/ubuntu/quantal/libmoosex-semiaffordanceaccessor-perl/typo-fix/+merge/122370?15:39
BenCLaney: …so that seemed to the the correct way to handle it based on other packages, I've uploaded that change15:40
bdmurraymvo: that seems strange15:40
dholbachhttps://code.launchpad.net/~radumstoica/ubuntu/quantal/libnss-pgsql/typo-fix/+merge/122383 too please15:40
BenCLaney: And after that, it seems the transition is basically done for powerpc (two dep-waits that will eventually trigger today sometime)15:41
mvobdmurray: I put info how to reproduce into the bugreport now, its a artificial thing that should only be done in a VM15:41
bdmurraymvo: okay, thanks I'll have a look in a bit15:42
mvobdmurray: its really odd, the conffile is there and all but the diff looks valid instead of crashing15:42
xnoxdoes update-manager -d work against a local mirror?15:42
xnoxas in, when there is no network to archive.ubuntu.com15:43
xnoxbut there is to some other official mirror15:43
mvoxnox: if the mirror is the only server then yes, if you mix it with a official mirorr it will ocmment the local one out15:43
BenCinfinity: Is ghci segfaulting on arm?15:43
xnoxmvo: what if the official one times-out?15:43
xnoxmvo: or otherwise inaccessible? e.g. blocked by firewall?15:44
mvoxnox: I'm not sure, but I don't think its very clever in this case and will just fail15:44
xnoxmvo: ok.15:44
BenCIs anyone able to give me shell access to an arm box so I can try to fix ghc?15:48
tumbleweedBenC: http://arm.trystack.org/ <- public access to the calxeda machines15:50
tumbleweed(takes a while to get an account, but I can spin one up and give you acesss to it, if you want)15:50
BenCThanks, I think I'll actually just fire up a qemu15:50
tumbleweedyaeh, that works well enough for ARM15:51
mptev, interesting how errors.ubuntu.com has a spike in errors/day during the weekends, but trunk has a dip in the weekends.15:52
evhmm, nice spot15:52
mpt(In both cases the pattern might be clearer if they were PDT or CT days rather than UTC -- not that that means you should switch.)15:53
evsome day we'll calculate it by hour15:53
evand let you zoom in15:53
evI guess that doesn't help here15:53
xnoxmpt: buttons as per spec: https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/IX7RCztyVR5RU0OPsX2CXVh0btKKriD5FR8jiayHfxc?feat=directlink15:55
* xnox is dissappointed that (a) gtk does not have symbolic stock buttons (b) that I couldn't simply use + and - ascii characters for those "labels" and had to hack together symbolic image with empty text label next to it15:56
mptxnox, better, thanks. Someday we'll have buttons smart enough to glob together (like USC's Back and Forward buttons) if you put them right next to each other.15:57
mptA really smart theme could do that.15:57
xnoxmpt: well that was one reason I used toolbar buttons originally, naïvely thinking they'd do the globbing15:58
zyga-w510cr3, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1189171/15:58
cr3zyga-w510: sweet, thanks man!15:58
xnoxmpt: although in System Settings we have globbing! Open System Settings -> Appearance and notice that (all settings|appearance)15:59
shadeslayercjwatson: awesome, thanks :)16:00
xnoxmpt: I am committing this for now, can do globbing later.16:00
cr3zyga-w510: so, your Wacom ISDv4 E2 Finger touch doesn't seem to be detected as a multitouch device. is it appearing in the System Settings -> Wacom Graphics Tablet?16:00
shadeslayerlet's see if it works16:00
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zyga-w510cr3, yes16:00
zyga-w510cr3, it's dual touch technically16:00
cr3zyga-w510: technically, but it's not currently working as mutitouch, right?16:01
zyga-w510cr3, it does't work at all now16:01
zyga-w510cr3, touching the screen randomly moves the pointer around16:01
mptthanks xnox16:01
zyga-w510cr3, actually16:01
cr3zyga-w510: good for me, bad for me :) this is valuable information16:01
zyga-w510cr3, when I tried that just now it _did_ work16:01
cr3err, s/bad for me/bad for you/16:01
cr3zyga-w510: it's working as a touch device but not a multitouch device though, right?16:02
zyga-w510cr3, although a moment ago I'm pretty sure that id did something rather stupid and made the pointer dance around the screen16:02
zyga-w510cr3, in precise I did apply a few udev tweaks that I forgot about and got lost later when I wiped this machine16:02
cr3zyga-w510: ok, so we need to determine whether we want to test whether touchscreens work as touch devices separately from whether they work as multitouch devices16:02
zyga-w510cr3, definitely16:03
zyga-w510cr3, testing this now I realize one more thing is important and relevant for udisks2 and other tests16:04
zyga-w510cr3, the speed of discovery -- it's not instant16:04
zyga-w510cr3, I suspect there's some polling behind the scenes16:04
zyga-w510cr3, I'll add timestamps to my output so that we know better what to do, maybe the 20 second timeout should be changed16:04
cr3zyga-w510: while you're on that machine, could you also pastebin the output of /usr/share/checkbox/scripts/udev_resource? it's so great having all the scripts in checkbox readily available onthe live image to test hardware!16:05
zyga-w510cr3, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1189198/16:10
cr3zyga-w510: hehe, I meant the output of running that script :)16:12
zyga-w510I was curious after doing that16:12
zyga-w510why would you need it ;)16:12
cr3zyga-w510: I love the python3 part, barry will be proud :)16:13
zyga-w510cr3, that the script is written in python3?16:13
barrycr3: rock!16:14
cr3zyga-w510: lines 480 to 492 look pretty darn good!16:14
ogra_so drop the rest !16:14
cr3ogra_: we're still talking about lines, right? :)16:14
ogra_yeah, but then your code becomes *perfect*16:15
ogra_like a haiku :)16:15
zyga-w510cr3, in the pastebin?16:15
cr3ogra_: 0 lines == 0 bugs16:15
zyga-w510category touch?16:15
cr3zyga-w510: yeah, your wacom device seems to be properly detected by the udevadm parser. so at least we're reporting complete information and accurate too, as it's being properly recognized as a TOUCH device16:16
zyga-w510cr3, right, I understand that now, cool, that's very good16:16
cr3zyga-w510: we might need to refine that category for touch vs multitouch16:16
zyga-w510cr3, do you think you'd like a separate multi-touch category (or extra property somewhere)16:17
cr3zyga-w510: I'm very careful before adding categories, so we'll evaluate the need for it as we write tests16:18
zyga-w510barry, why oh why py3k/py2k bytes type is such a mess :-)16:18
zyga-w510barry, couldn't py3k use raw_bytes or something16:19
barryzyga-w510: i'm not sure what you mean ;)  okay, yeah it's a mess in py216:19
zyga-w510barry, I mean that since it means something totally different then for the sake of easier compatibility the true bytes type in py3k could have been called raw_bytes, leaving bytes as an alias of str to keep the old crappy behavior16:21
zyga-w510barry, I probably want the impossible16:21
zyga-w510(I now have to do the ord/chr dance)16:21
cr3ogra_: I find it unfortunate that the industry still rewards people adding code more than those removing it16:22
zyga-w510cr3, evolution did the same, mind you16:22
cr3zyga-w510: never settle for anything less than the impossible :)16:22
barryyeah, given that python 2 is a dead end, it's impossible :)16:22
* zyga-w510 wishes for py2.7.9(9) release with from __future__ import bytes3k16:23
zyga-w510to suck less16:23
cr3zyga-w510: evolution is slowly getting rid of the appendice routine16:23
cr3appendix in english, I mean16:24
zyga-w510barry, was there a 3to2 program or is there only 2to3?16:25
barryzyga-w510: pep 404 :)16:26
zyga-w510barry, but in all fairness that policy huts the transition -- I'm not asking for a real 2.816:26
barryzyga-w510: there's a rumored 3to2 program, but i've never tried it.  frankly i'm not a fan of 2to3 for production or development either (although a cool framework, it's just too slow)16:26
zyga-w510barry, it's like u getting back to 3k16:27
barryzyga-w510: yeah.  it's just that i think that if your py2 code is unicode clean, you will have a much easier time with the transition.  caveat that with the tricks we've learned, tools like the six module, and maybe even the re-introduction of u'' in py3.3 for the web framework guys16:28
cr3barry: wait, why reintroduce u'' for web framework guys?16:29
zyga-w510barry, what would you do when you had to ship 2/3 programs for the next few years?16:29
zyga-w510cr3, for 2to3 to indicate where it is safe, web is not unicode16:29
zyga-w510web is _B_Y_T_E_S_ man16:29
barrycr3: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0414/16:30
ScottKI have packages that run 2to3 at build time and ship both python and python3 binaries, it's not that hard.16:30
zyga-w510Scott, I wrote mine in py3 so I'm hosed16:30
didrocksScottK: waow, and you didn't have to adjust anything else?16:31
* didrocks always has some adjustement to do after running 2to316:31
barryzyga-w510: i agree, but i'm not the project leader of django/zope/cherrypy/wtfwebetckthxbye16:31
ScottKUpstream coded for it to be done that way.16:31
barryzyga-w510: i've written lots of single-code base py2/py3 compatible code.  it's not that hard16:31
didrocksah ok, it's not the pure python2 first draft, it had been adapated :)16:32
barryzyga-w510: w/o 2to316:32
infinityBenC: I haven't been paying attention to GHC (or much of anything) lately. :/16:32
zyga-w510barry, so did I today16:32
ScottKPersonally, I find it easier for stuff I'm writing to target 2.6+ and make the code work with python and python3.16:32
zyga-w510barry, except for bytes that I'm actually fixing now16:32
ScottKdidrocks: Yes.  It's upstream's method for supporting older than python2.6 and python3.16:32
cr3barry: thanks, I can appreciate this harsh reality: Most of those users couldn't care less about the "purity" of the Python language specification, they just want their websites and applications to work as well as possible.16:32
barryScottK: >= 2.6 is a requirement imho, but some folks have been able to go all the way back to 2.4 with single code base.16:33
didrocksScottK: that's nice :)16:33
zyga-w510cr3, end of quote ;)16:33
barryzyga-w510: yeah, that's what i mean.  the bytes v. strings model must be solid, which is not always easy. (e.g. email is both)16:33
ScottKSo is DNS.16:34
zyga-w510yeah, I fully agree16:34
barryScottK: yeah16:34
barryzyga-w510, cr3, ScottK: many people have found this compatibility library to be very helpful: http://packages.python.org/six/16:35
ScottKI've heard about it, but haven't used it.16:35
barryand of course it's available as python-six and python3-six16:35
zyga-w510cool, thanks16:35
barryi haven't needed to use it myself, but i've occasionally lifted tricks from it :)16:35
cr3barry: exponent is even more powerful than multiplication, so eight will certainly be even better than six!16:37
mptev, speak of the devil: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/114961700/libreoffice-upgrade.png16:37
evmpt: ICK16:38
cjwatsonbarry: Oh, which reminds me: am I safe to assume at this point that we really aren't going to revert to py2, and start ripping out compatibility code from ubiquity?16:38
cjwatsonIt's not a desperate hardship to keep it, but I kind of figure I'd have heard by now if we were going back16:39
zyga-w510barry, I wonder if angry mint-switching users will fork python2.7 and release minthoon-2.8 ;)16:40
xnoxzyga-w510: mint users are ok, until they take my packages from ubuntu (!) and report bugs against debian (!!) that it doesn't work with mint-foo (!!!)16:43
zyga-w510you can't blame them16:44
zyga-w510they go upstream, right16:44
silverarrowwhat`s wrong with mint then?16:44
xnoxsilverarrow: forking core libs & changing API&ABI without rebuilding r-deps in the whole archive.... shall I continue?16:45
barrycjwatson: no going backward only forward :)  it does mean will have to ship py2.7 and 3.3 for 12.10 and try again to remove 2.7 from the 13.04 isos, but i have no problem with you ripping out the compatibility code and making it a clean py3 app.  that's what we're doing with gwibber (though it won't make it for 12.10 obviously)16:46
ogra_silverarrow, supressing security updates16:46
silverarrowmight get messy16:46
barryzyga-w510: :)16:46
silverarrowubuntu have at least been very good with security updates16:47
xnoxbarry: should the rest of the task still be completed on the best effort bases from the python-versions spec?16:48
xnoxbarry: and is xapian the road-block blocking everything else?16:49
barryxnox: yes, if possible.  i've copied the spreadsheet to a new one for 13.04 and removed all the green.  i'll publish that soon, but i definitely want to get a jump on the ports for 13.04.16:50
barryxnox: xapian, twisted, and the launchpadlib stack are big blockers16:50
barryxnox: twisted is probably in the best shape (people are actively working on it).  the lplib stack and xapian are still the most problematic16:51
xnoxbarry: ok.16:52
xnoxbarry: by launchpadlib you mean the bug reporting integration for apps or just the pythonic api to talk to launchpad (e.g. stuff like lp-shell and etc)?16:52
barryxnox: well, actually, i will have to re-evaluate it for 13.04.  launchpad-integration was the package that needed porting but it no longer has an ubuntu-desktop task afaict16:57
barryxnox: if we can ignore that stack, i would be ecstatic16:57
xnoxbarry: yes, because it's dropped. We have whoopsie & apport instead.16:57
xnoxbarry: it's dead =) & on the way out.16:58
didrockssie? :)16:58
barryev you are my bff :)16:58
evbarry: well lets get bracelets made then16:59
[snake]can I compile something into a directory that I specify?16:59
[snake]with make16:59
barryxnox, ev: which cuts out wadllib, and a host of other really nasty and difficult to port stuff.  win!17:00
[snake]I've written a patch for xchat and I want to compile it somewhere where it doesn't overwrite my normal xchat17:00
* xnox is googling for custom made bracelets "whoop" for ev and "sie" for barry17:00
* xnox they will have "signed by didrocks" signature trademark. And inside will have a writting like in Lord of the Rings "To collect all bugs and unite all crashes..."17:01
didrocksheh :)17:01
[snake]target in the man page for make is where it compiles correct?17:02
xnox[snake]: #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on ubuntu. This a channel for developing ubuntu itself.17:03
[snake]xnox, what if I am make-ing ubuntu?17:03
mpt"Replace the customized configuration file '/etc/update-manager/release-upgrades'?" </irony>17:04
[snake]xnox, I mean, I'm not, but the question is just about make17:04
xnoxmpt: I call BS =)17:04
bismayHii I want to be an ubuntu app developer any suggestions from where I should start?? Currently i have knowledge of c and c++17:04
xnox[snake]: google for out of the tree builds, or VPATH builds then17:04
mptxnox, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/114963812/update-manager-conf-file.png17:04
tsimpson[snake]: set a different --prefix with configure17:05
mptbismay, questions like that are better in #ubuntu-app-devel, but the short answer is <http://developer.ubuntu.com/get-started/>17:06
[snake]tsimpson, oh, thanks :) I checked and target was just what you're compiling. so thanks for telling me that17:06
bismaympt, thanks..:)17:06
xnoxmpt: that bug was already reported =)17:06
mptxnox, I didn't see it when I searched.17:07
mptxnox, it's bug 1046942 if you want to mark it as a duplicate.17:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1046942 in update-manager (Ubuntu) ""Replace the customized configuration file '/etc/update-manager/release-upgrades'?"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104694217:07
xnoxbdmurray: what was the bug for Libreoffice prompt vs Prompt? Or is mpt the first reporter?17:08
mptI was not17:08
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xnoxmpt: wait.... why update manager. Me is confused.17:08
xnoxmaybe it's a different one17:09
mptxnox, the libreoffice one is bug 91835217:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 918352 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "Debconf prompt for /etc/libreoffice/sofficerc when upgrading to precise" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91835217:09
nuclearbobcan anybody field a casper question for me?17:09
mptNow I'm about to report a gdm one17:09
bdmurrayxnox: bug 104557917:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1045579 in software-properties (Ubuntu Quantal) "software-properties-gtk makes a change resulting in a conf file prompt on upgrade that's unnecessary" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104557917:10
xnoxbdmurray: thanks. mpt ^^^^17:10
xnoxmpt: I can totally understand how easy it is to relate your & that bug titles17:11
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mptxnox, also, it was filed against a different package, so I wouldn't have seen it anyway.17:25
xnoxmpt: haha. True. It has now been marked against the package that is causing the error, not the package where the file belongs nor the window that shows it.17:25
xnoxmpt: it's same way that adobe acrobat reader, is causing similar errors on gnome-mimetypes package upgrade. Or something like that =)17:26
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* mpt arrives at the "Remove obsolete packages" stage (bug 940789)17:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 940789 in update-manager (Ubuntu) ""Obsolete packages will be removed" dialogue is too tall for netbook screen with KDE front end" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94078917:34
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xnoxmpt: you are using KDE?!17:50
* xnox is a bit sad =(17:51
xnoxmpt: or does it affect gtk front-end as well?17:51
mptxnox, I think it affects GTK coincidentally17:55
mptIt's a typical GTK2 dialog that hasn't been ported to GTK3 and ballooned in height17:55
mptreported as bug 104695517:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1046955 in update-manager (Ubuntu) ""Remove obsolete packages?" prompt is taller than the screen" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104695517:56
xnoxmpt i will take it for the jam then.17:59
stokachuhi has anyone seen an error like this before > http://paste.ubuntu.com/1189405/18:18
stokachuattempting to checkout a branch on precise18:18
stokachunot sure if this is a launchpad issue or not18:20
mptstokachu, I get the same error, so I think it is a Launchpad problem. Try asking in #launchpad.18:22
mptstokachu, I get the same error, so I think it is a Launchpad problem. Try asking in #launchpad.18:22
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stokachumpt: thanks will do18:23
scott-workskaet: i have done what i can at this time18:33
skaetthanks scott-work18:33
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stokachucyphermox: is http://pad.lv/872824 something you would approve a full a quantal patch for precise even though strongswan has seen at least 2 release bumps18:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 872824 in network-manager-strongswan (Ubuntu Precise) "Network-manager locks up when adding strongSwan VPN connection" [Critical,Triaged]18:36
stokachuthere seems to be several code changes from precise to quantal and i dont think cherry-picking will be trivial18:38
cyphermoxstokachu: what about backporting strongswan? I think it should be doable, it's in universe and IIRC has no reverse-depends except itself18:41
cyphermoxstokachu: the bzr error, I got the same earlier this morning; but I don't know what causes it, let me know if you find out18:44
stokachucyphermox: ah, yea its a bug i had to add launchpad.packaging_verbosity = off to my ~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf18:44
stokachucyphermox: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/88861518:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 888615 in Bazaar "UDD branch freshness checker breaks on incomplete history" [High,Confirmed]18:45
stokachuthe history is incomplete on that branch as well18:45
stokachuit isn't showing the latest changelog for the released version of network-manager18:46
cyphermoxit isn't?18:46
cyphermoxstokachu: anyway, there is the right stuff in lp:~network-manager/network-manager/ubuntu.precise18:46
stokachunetwork-manager ( precise; urgency=low is the latest one in changelog18:46
cyphermoxlet me know if you18:46
cyphermoxneed to make changes, I'm preparing a SRU locally18:47
stokachuok will do18:47
stokachucyphermox: yea i think it would be best to backport strongswan and network-manager-strongswan to precise18:49
cyphermoxstokachu: can you file the appropriate bugs?18:50
stokachucyphermox: sure thing, thanks :)18:50
* micahg points stokachu at requestbackport18:51
stokachumicahg: ah nice18:51
evpitti: if you're still around. Why does apport-retrace now need a terminal emulator?19:08
evI can't find any other reference in the log19:08
trismev: it pops up a terminal to show progress when downloading packages if you use "Examine Locally" from the apport dialog (though depend might be a bit strong)19:12
evtrism: but that's in apport-gtk, not apport-retrace19:12
trismev: yes but apport-retrace enables the functionality19:14
evtrism: sure, but that seems the wrong way around to me. apport-retrace is a headless application, it doesn't need to pull in the universe.19:15
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trismev: good point, the changelog hints it was added a couple months ago in 2.2.3-0ubuntu1, not sure19:39
mterryev, heyo!  Do you know how to extract a trace-with-symbols from errors.ubuntu.com?19:59
dobeymterry: hrmm; actually, looking at the "Problem failed:/blah/blah" strings, I wonder if it is due to some obscurbe multiarch issue on the error reporting box that breaks the retracing20:01
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evmterry: can you point me at the problem you're looking at?20:07
mterryev, like https://errors.ubuntu.com/bucket/?id=failed%3A%2Fusr%2Fbin%2Findicator-weather%3A11%3Ax86_64%3A%2Flib%2Fx86_64-linux-gnu%2Flibglib-2.0.so.0.3200.3%2B1cf08%3A%2Fusr%2Flib%2Fx86_64-linux-gnu%2Flibdbusmenu-glib.so.4.0.13%2Baca2%3A%2Fusr%2Flib%2Fx86_64-linux-gnu%2Flibdbusmenu-glib.so.4.0.13%2Bcafa%3A%2Flib%2Fx86_64-linux-gnu%2Flibglib-2.0.so.0.3200.3%2B47d53%3A%2Flib%2Fx86_64-linux-gnu%2Flibglib-2.0.so.0.3200.3%2B480a0%3A%2Flib%2Fx86_64-linu20:11
evmterry: that's one that failed to retrace20:12
evmterry: https://bugs.launchpad.net/daisy/+bug/104441820:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1044418 in Daisy "Reprocess failed retraces" [Undecided,New]20:12
mterryev, OK...  is that what the "failed:" prefix means?20:12
evI'm making a note to make that more obvious20:12
evas this is not the first time it's come up20:12
mterryev, OK makes sense.  Thanks!20:13
jdstrandbarry: hi! are we expecting only one python3 in main? I see python3.3 in the archive is wanting to come in (I'd really prefer to support only one py2 and one py3)20:27
xnoxjdstrand: due to a bug in python3-defaults 3.3 will not become default, which blocks switching to it.20:29
xnoxjdstrand: so while it might be in the archive both 3.2 & 3.3 will not be supported (e.g. modules will not be compiled against both)20:29
xnoxjdstrand: my guess is that it will mean that python3.3 will be in universe this cycle.20:29
jdstrandxnox: thanks, that works fine for me20:30
* jdstrand points to http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.svg20:30
jdstrand'distribute' wants it in main20:31
barryjdstrand, xnox plus 3.3 final is not out yet, so yeah, we're carrying 3.2 and 3.3 for 12.1020:33
barryand we know that there are a few bugs in 3.3 that will bite people.  e.g. the ancient version of zope.interfaces is not compatible w/3.3 so we (and debian too) need to upgrade that to z.i 4.0.120:34
xnoxbarry: jdstrand cares about 3.3 in the main or in the universe ?20:34
xnoxbarry: will 3.3 be supported in any way (e.g. modules compiled for it)20:35
infinityMethinks this means 3.3 should stay in universe, and distribute should be made to love 3.2.20:35
barryyeah 3.3 in uni20:35
xnoxoh... yes, I agree with infinity.20:35
ScottKDistribute does love 3.2, it's just not monogamous20:35
barry% apt-cache showsrc python3.3 | grep -i section20:35
barrySection: universe/python20:35
barry 20:35
infinitybarry: Yeah, we know it's in universe, that's what started this whole conversation. :P20:36
barryoh :)20:36
infinitybarry: doko uploaded a version of distribute that build-deps on 3.320:36
jdstrandone of them in universe is all I care about :)20:36
infinitydoko: Plz fix.20:36
infinitydoko: Or I will.20:37
jdstrandthanks! :)20:37
barryinfinity lays the smackdown20:37
xnoxinfinity: I was about to ask how did a package manage to build-dep on 3.3 if only doko uploaded 3.3 & didn't add it as supported....20:37
ScottKinfinity: I'm sure he got an FFe before uploading that.20:37
infinityScottK: Sarcasm is unbecoming.20:38
* barry runs away back to #gwibber20:38
xnoxslangasek: was that I hint, I should write release notes ? =)20:43
xnoxslangasek: was that a hint, I should write release notes ? =)20:44
slangasekxnox: yes :)20:44
* infinity waits for the second "xnox: yes :)"20:44
xnoxslangasek: also the whiteboard needs clean up20:44
slangasekxnox: release note is a higher priority though, as this is currently a gap in the tech overview for beta120:45
dokoinfinity, xnox: distribute should support 3.3 as well20:45
dokobut maybe I'll just b-d on 3.220:45
xnoxdoko: danke.20:46
haakonnWhy is not ubuntu updating packages from debian sid? or at least my package20:46
infinitydoko: I was just fixing it to not b-d on 3.320:46
xnoxhaakonn: because ubuntu is currently frozen.20:46
dokoahh, thanks20:46
xnoxhaakonn: and so is debian.20:46
haakonnalready? ok20:46
xnoxhaakonn: check quantal release schedule, debian import freeze is quite early. This is when we stop auto syncing. You can request a sync with requestsync if it is suitable per ubuntu policy, you might also need FFe20:47
jbichahaakonn: it's short for Feature Freeze Exception, bug fixes are fine but new features need approval20:52
haakonnjbicha: Hm. it has both bugfixes and new features. Is it hard to get approval?21:00
jbichahaakonn: it depends; is it in universe? does it affect many other packages? how well tested is it?21:07
slangasekxnox: prelim release notes added to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/TechnicalOverview/Beta121:08
haakonnjbernard: it is in universe yes, and it does not affect any other packages. It has been tested for a month by me and a few other poeple.21:21
jbernardjbicha: ^21:22
haakonnyes, sorry21:22
jbernardhaakonn: no worries21:22
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