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ScottKtumbleweed: There's no policy re non-Canonical.05:12
ScottKAlso there's very little I can't do now that Canonical people can do re archive admin.  Soon it should be ~no difference thanks to cjwatson.05:13
micahgajmitch: there are 3 non-Canonical AAs ATM05:17
ScottKTrue, although all the ones not me were Canonical when they joined the team.  Hobbsee was the other person to become archive-admin even though not at Canonical.  She was also a buildd admin, which I am not.05:32
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dholbachgood morning07:00
gesergood morning dholbach07:06
dholbachhi geser07:07
bkerensaanyone awake?07:52
bkerensaI have been tinkering with MoM and was wondering when I have a patch generated by MoM do I attach this to a bug or what is the process going forward?07:53
dholbachbkerensa, either that or if you have a branch, push it to lp:~<yourid>/ubuntu/quantal/<package>/<somename> and run bzr lp-propose08:09
tumbleweedbkerensa: you do need to review the patch generated by MoM08:12
tumbleweedand write the changelog entry by hand08:12
tumbleweedideally, you should review the entire delta08:13
bkerensatumbleweed: Ahh ok I did get the manual changelog entry08:13
bkerensatumbleweed: ok08:13
bkerensatumbleweed: It doesn't appear to have made the patch?08:24
bkerensaI don't see a latex2rtf_1.9.19-4.2ubuntu3.patch08:24
tumbleweedno, you generate that yourself with debdiff08:25
tumbleweedanyway, surely it should be versioned 1.9.19-4.2ubuntu1 ?08:25
* bkerensa checks08:27
cjwatsonScottK: heh, in fact nothing at the moment, since we haven't yet got our privileged shell access back following the datacentre move08:50
=== Kiall is now known as zz_Kiall
cjwatsonTBH I haven't missed it much08:51
cjwatsonScottK: I think functionally about the only two things we might still care about are creating test rebuild archives and (for buildd admins) updating chroots.  Oh and looking at publisher logs.08:51
cjwatson(So, yeah, I can still do the latter)08:52
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=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
dupondjesomebody around here that ever used reprepro?13:01
Adri2000dupondje: yes13:08
dupondjeAdri2000: gpgme gave error GPGME:11:  Bad passphrase13:13
dupondjeany idea on that ?13:13
tumbleweedjtaylor: re blcr. Did we ever ask the ubuntu kernel people to add a Breaks? (or should we add one to blcr-dkms?)13:18
Adri2000dupondje: I guess that's when including a package into the repository, and you have configured gpg signature? you gpg key has a passphrase? from what I recall, when I used that, it was with no-passphrase gpg keys13:23
tumbleweedAdri2000: a gpg key doesn't need to have a passphrase. But it's a really good idea to have one. esp if you have upload rights13:27
Adri2000tumbleweed: thanks, I know that :) I was talking of managing a repository with reprepro, where you want to have the repo automatically signed. the dedicated gpg key used for that might have no passphrase, so that the process can be easily automated13:36
tumbleweedyeah, that's what I'd do13:36
Adri2000(of course that key should not be used anywhere else and in particular should not be a personal key that has upload rights to ubuntu :))13:36
tumbleweedyes. And the users of the repository should be aware that uploads are automatically signed13:36
dupondjeAdri2000: but it doesn't work with pass protected keys ?13:39
Adri2000dupondje: don't think I've ever tried. but I guess if you have gpg-agent running, it might just work13:43
tumbleweedit does work with password protected keys13:43
tumbleweedyou just type passwords in a lot when processing uploads13:44
tumbleweed(or use an agent, yes)13:44
tumbleweedoh, no. We are the subject of a full-blown LWN article http://lwn.net/Articles/514856/13:47
Laney"Ubuntu's point of view"13:49
tumbleweedI think we have a consensus that it's a problem13:50
dupondjeAdri2000: well I installed gpg-agent13:50
dupondjeit just errors, without ever asking me the passwd13:50
Adri2000dupondje: try to make it work first outside the reprepro context? i.e. gpg --sign something should work without asking the passphrase. then reprepro should work as well13:56
dupondjegpg: cancelled by user14:17
dupondjeeh what!14:17
dupondjenever had a chance to enter somethoing14:17
gesercheck if the right environment variable for gnupg-agent is set (GPG_...). Not sure if it's still true but seahorse can also act as a gpg-agent and overrides the same variable with his own data but isn't compatible.14:39
geserI had to disable seahorse as acting as a gpg-agent to not had to reset the variables on every login.14:40
dupondjegeser: gpg-agent: gpg-agent running and available14:46
dupondjeGPG_TTY is set14:46
dupondjeits a SSH connection btw (remote server)14:46
* tumbleweed hasn't seen any comment on the new-arb proposal from security people yet. I thought as soon as we let apps talk to X, it was game over?15:38
jdstrandtumbleweed: there is a lot in the proposal for scheduled work. one is dealing with X15:42
* tumbleweed knew I should have read the whole thing...15:45
ogra_heh, if you have the time :)15:47
tumbleweedexactly :/15:47
* ogra_ thinks persia needs to return to IRC soon, he clearly writes to long mails if he isnt occupied by chatting :)15:48
tumbleweedoeer my calendar says MOTU-Meeting in 10 mins15:51
* tumbleweed decamps to the pub15:53
dholbachcoolbhavi, what do you think about tuesdays 15 utc and thursdays 8 utc? that'd give us two times, that might work for utc+ and utc- areas16:30
Laneyxnox: looks like london is go16:31
Laneywhich tube station is the office at? also how do I be allowed to go in?16:31
xnoxLaney: hmm? you are coming or not coming?16:31
coolbhavidholbach, both times seems good :)16:31
Laneythe first one16:31
dholbachcoolbhavi, we can try it for a couple of weeks to see how it works16:32
iulianLaney: Westminster is quite close to Millbank.16:32
dholbachthe idea would be to show a couple of simple bug fixes and answer questions16:32
Laneyiulian: it's not millbank no more16:32
iulianWhere is it?16:32
xnoxLaney: southwark & follow the orange lamp posts16:33
xnoxLaney: until you see a building... with blue fins hanging of the sides of it....16:33
coolbhavidholbach, thanks it sounds great!16:33
* xnox is not kidding16:33
xnoxLaney: it's barclays bike / walking distance from waterloo as well if you fancy16:34
coolbhavidholbach, count me in :)16:34
LaneyI get in to St Pancras16:34
xnoxLaney: get to jubilee line as soon as you can & enjoy the ride =)16:34
xnoxsouthwark is on the jubilee line =)16:35
Laneybut do i have to tell someone i'm coming?16:35
coolbhavidholbach, but 8 UTC is my work timings here and I can make it at 15 UTC which is perfect for me since ll be at home after work16:36
dholbachsure, that sounds great16:37
coolbhavithanks again!16:37
iulianHm, Southwark.16:42
Laneyiulian: coming?16:43
iulianLaney: Should I?16:44
iulianI've got to wait for a bloke to come in the morning to fix the boiler, then I have to go to uni.16:45
iulianI'll probably be there, don't know.16:45
iulianLaney: When do you get here?16:46
xnoxiulian: it looks like saturday and no friday16:48
Laneyyeah, saturday16:48
LaneyI'll still try to be there 0930ish16:48
iulianxnox: Oh, even better.16:52
iulianLaney: I can come and get you from King's Cross if you want.16:53
sladenLaney: St Pancras -> Pimlico was good, when it was Millbank.  But now about equidistance the otherside of Westminster, at  http://www.openstreetmap.org/?way=123072295  so you might aswell go Thameslink to Blackfriars and use the new south-entrance out of Blackfriars17:13
didrocksthat's what I did when I went to bluefinn17:15
didrocksreally easy, 5 minutes walk then17:15
didrocksyou just need to double check you take the south-entrance :)17:16
* sladen grins.17:16
sladenhad a long walk one day did you :)17:16
didrockssladen: not even a bad story here, I was just lost and asked twice before exiting the station :)17:17
didrockssladen: I was more last at St Pancras to take the right train17:17
iulianIt's easier to just take the Northen line to London bridge and then either get off there or take the Jubilee line one more station to Southwark.17:17
* iulian knows that area pretty well.17:17
didrocks40 minutes in St Pancras, went to the subway's direction, didn't find the right train (was on the opposite station apparently)17:18
didrockswasn't fun, even if it's just next to Eurostar's finally :)17:18
iulianKing's cross is a big place.17:18
didrocksI learnt that the hard way :)17:19
iulianYea, apparently you did. :)17:19
sladendidrocks: where to/from?  out of King's Cross, or the domestic high-speed services to Kent, or the Midland Main Line northwards?17:19
didrockssladen: I remember having to take "First Capital Connect"17:21
didrocksbut there is also a "First Capital" or something similar in King's Cross17:21
didrocksor Capital Connect17:21
didrocksanyway, I thought that the missing word was just an abbreviation :)17:21
sladenThey're both called FCC as they're going to connect them up (the commuter trains into KX, and the commuter trains into St.P will both run into the tunnels and all of them will carry on south to Blackfrairs (and beyond)17:23
sladenthey built the tunnels 10 years ago, but are still working on the rest of the job17:23
didrocksah ok :)17:24
didrocksso it will finally makes sense17:24
sladenhttp://osm.org/?relation=2400656  are the tunnels not-yet-used.  But it's all part of massive RER-style project; hence the longer platforms at Blackfriars and the new second entrance/exit17:32
didrocksgotcha ;)17:33
jtaylortumbleweed: blcr, I never asked anyone for breaks, but it might be a good idea17:57
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