
superm1Twiggy2cents: check linux-firmware-nonfree01:30
marsilainenhi all, I have a mythbuntu 11.04 install which has been running fine for around a year now, but just recently (last few weeks) I've had a problem where the box keeps losing its network connection for some reason23:40
marsilainenevery so often - could be a few hours, could be a few days - it loses its connection to the network23:41
marsilainenit looks from the logs as though it goes searching for a new DHCP address, but fails23:41
marsilainenno other machines on my network seem to be having issues though23:41
marsilainengrateful for any ideas...23:42
bobweaverthat is backend ?23:42
bobweaveronly *23:42
marsilainenbackend & frontend23:42
bobweavernot sure though I am sure someone else can help23:43
bobweaverI am looking for help with meta data I am getting back data but no fan art from TMDB tvdb works great23:44
marsilainenit's even more of a problem since I'm using a hdhomerun as tuner - so when I lose network, I lose the ability to record TV :/23:44
bobweaverI have rm all pirated movies but it still wont get the fan art23:44
bobweavermarsilainen,  this is staic lease ?23:45
bobweaverthat you have ?23:45
marsilainenthe mythtv box gets IP from DHCP - the DHCP server is setup to give a particular IP to that box (based on MAC)23:46
bobweavercool  yeah I am not sure at all you hosts file is all good ? and you are not losing power correct23:46
marsilainenpretty much everything on my network is configured that way, and this is the only box with issues so I don't think it's a problem with the DHCP server or anything like that23:47
marsilainendefinitely no loss of power and I haven't really touched hosts file - at least not since I set it up a year ago23:47
bobweaver0.25 ? or 24 ?23:48
bobweavermyth that is23:48

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