[14:42] Anyone awake? [14:45] hey Derath-Srvr [14:45] Hey paultag! HOw goes it? [14:45] Derath-Srvr: livin' the dream! How are you? [14:45] And how's the state next door? lol [14:46] hahaha, which one? :) [14:46] Doing well, been working a lot lately, now that I have a steady job :) [14:46] Where you at these days? [14:46] woo! [14:46] where at? [14:46] Netsmart Technologies [14:46] ntst.com [14:46] :) [14:47] Aren't you still in Penn? [14:47] NACK, never been there :) [14:47] I'm in Boston, MA [14:47] I'll be at OLF, though! [14:47] Cool! [14:48] Speaking of... I need to rouse up the leads here... gilbert, Cheri703, jacob_, thafreak any of you awake??? [14:49] I'm around [14:49] OLF is offering us a free booth if someone wants to sign for it [14:49] oooo [14:49] I have nothing to put in it [14:49] but...oooo [14:49] we can get an approved loco swag dump [14:49] I forwarded the email out to the mailing list [14:49] paultag: can we do that in less than 2 weeks? [14:50] unknown [14:50] it's up to canonical [14:50] * Cheri703 didn't get the email, how long ago did you send it? [14:50] if you filed today, perhaps. [14:50] Cheri703: might be in moderation [14:50] I can poke some people if necessary [14:50] didn't get any anything about it [14:50] Cheri703: email the loco council or poke czajkowski and see if she can help [14:50] Really??? granted I haven't seen mail in the mailing list in forever and a day as well [14:51] Cheri703: drop my name and see if she can rush it :) [14:51] * Cheri703 has to either find a channel she's in or remember how to initiate a pm in quassel without clicking on the name >_< [14:51] worst comes to worst, we have swag at OLF and can throw it around for shits and giggles [14:51] Cheri703: #ubuntu-locoteams [14:52] ahhh, thank you [14:52] Could also contact George [14:52] sure [14:52] Derath-Srvr: Jorge can't help here, he'd push to LoCo Council [14:52] sorry Jorge [14:52] I know, I was on the LoCo Council :) [14:52] * Derath-Srvr shrugs [14:52] He got the money back to me for paying for the power pretty quick, once he got involved [14:52] sure [14:52] but the loco approved package stuff goes through the LC [14:53] plus, cz is a canonical employee too :) [14:53] Ah, k [14:53] Has the mailing list addy changed? [14:54] Cheri703: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuAtConferences [14:54] I even wrote that email :) [14:55] I'll DM CZ as well [14:55] I'm about to pm her [14:55] ah, kk [14:56] did you send off the email for the stuff, or? you said you wrote the email [14:56] I don't know if it's changed [14:57] ok, not sure who we'd have receive it. [14:57] I offered that we could pay any expedited shipping costs [14:58] Yeah, I sent the email last night from my phone... one sec for addy I used [14:58] Cheri703: I bribed her, canonical should be able to foot it [14:58] heh [14:58] info@shippit, Derath-Srvr [14:58] I think he means mailing list [14:58] oh, kk [14:59] wtf??? [14:59] hrm? [14:59] I know I sent one to the list, but it's not on my phone, nor in gmail... [15:01] Okay, let me send again from webmail... [15:02] Okay, see if it pops in within the next 5 minutes [15:03] Basically, we just need someone to sign for the booth (i.e. responsible for damages, etc) [15:04] we'd also need someone to be there to set it up and tear it down. I am in Mansfield, and might be catching a ride with canthus13, or else I'd have to rent a car for the weekend, which...pricey [15:05] Well, for us there's not that much "Setup and tear down"... we have a banner (jacob I believe), and whatever boxes of disks, cards, etc [15:05] Don't even know if we'd have power with the free booth... [15:05] can you email the guy and ask? [15:06] Well, I was hoping to leave it up to those that are actually more involved than me lol, since gilbert came over to Dayton, I passed the reigns to him [15:06] ah, gotcha [15:07] Okay, so that email worked... lol [15:08] what questions should I be asking? [15:08] I could receive the pack if need be, I'll be there [15:08] will we have power? [15:08] what else? [15:08] ok, thanks [15:08] Pretty much that is it... And whoever will sign for them will have some forms to fill out and fax back to him [15:09] Cheri: if you need me to, just email me and let me know, I'll send my addy [15:09] k [15:09] you're in dayton? [15:09] Yeah [15:10] And working in Dublin lol [15:10] ew [15:10] EXactly... and for additional salt in that... 3rd shift [15:10] D: [15:10] at least you're going against traffic? [15:10] I'll be driving home friday to sleep and drive back out Sat morning [15:10] True [15:11] when we were dating, my husband lived in wilmington, and I lived near bethel road [15:11] that was...fun [15:11] lol [15:11] May be moving to Dublin next year though... have to see if I can sell my house [15:12] nice [15:23] Well, time for me to head to bed... Cheri: can you let me know in the next couple of days? I'll try to pop in on my screen session tonight from work [15:25] yeah, definitely! [15:25] I will keep you posted. thanks! [15:25] np! [15:28] detaching, laters! [22:25] some asshat is trying to hack my mail server. :P [22:26] I really should add dovecot to fail2ban. [23:07] lolz [23:08] i'm getting business cards printed up w/my gpg fingerprint [23:08] what should I have it say under my name? [23:09] bit wrangler? [23:09] turologist as taggerdoodles put it once... [23:40] Heh. [23:40] The idiot is trying games and nobody, among other stupid ideas. [23:40] brother [23:41] let me know if he tries stud and god too [23:42] I got into FOSS because I hate licensing.[A [23:42] d'oh [23:42] fail [23:42] heh.