
tjaaltonRAOF: hey, could you check libglu from git that it's reasonably packaged? mainly ripped off from mesa, but in case I missed something..06:10
tjaaltonmerging xserver 1.1306:15
LLStarkstjaalton, and break fglrx?06:42
tjaaltonLLStarks: it's already broken06:43
tjaaltonwe have rc5 in quantal06:43
LLStarkskinda sad that amd makes a driver that can only be used for a few days a year if you are an alpha tester06:43
tjaaltonat least you have a proper replacement06:44
LLStarksradeon is not a replacement lol06:45
tjaaltonsays you06:46
* RAOF is perfectly happy on radeon06:46
LLStarksi hear bridgman and deucher don't even coordinate on what features are okay to open source06:47
RAOFThat sounds like an odd complaint; AFAIK, video decode is the only thing that's not available.06:47
tjaaltonand power management, aiui06:48
LLStarkspowerxpress needs work too06:49
LLStarksenduro or whatever its called now06:49
LLStarkscan't use it without prime or fglrx06:50
LLStarksatpx doesn't work06:50
RAOFI'm not sure how much power management is ‘we don't have the specs’ versus ‘we don't have the manpower’. Certainly it's substantially worse than fglrx.06:51
RAOFWhat's atpx?06:51
tjaaltondoesn't vdpau work with it nowadays?06:52
RAOFYeah, but shaders only. The video decode hardware is tied up with the video encryption hardware, and there be dragons.06:52
RAOFAt least, that's what I gathered at XDC.06:52
RAOFAlthough there's been some reverse-engineered decode support happening recently, IIRC.06:53
LLStarksRAOF, i think amd just open sourced the acpi06:53
RAOFLLStarks: The acpi for what?06:53
LLStarksenduro laptops06:54
tjaaltonthat's nice06:55
RAOFAh. The switcheroo interface. I take it they've settled on just the one now, then? :)06:57
RAOFtjaalton: Seems like now would be a good time to clean up those lintian messages?06:59
tjaaltonRAOF: libglu or xserver?07:04
RAOFtjaalton: libglu.07:04
tjaaltonoh right, ha07:05
tjaaltonhmm, dunno about the itp bug07:12
RAOFOh, I'd ignore that.07:12
RAOFBut you might as well fix the copyright address, drop all those ancient Conflicts, and add a symbols file.07:13
tjaaltonreplaced the address with an url07:16
tjaaltonand the source package warnings are due to me not being in uploaders07:25
tjaaltondon't dare to add myself there :P07:25
tjaaltonuploaded libglu to the queue08:01
tjaaltonoh dang08:02
tjaaltonforgot the symbols file08:02
tjaaltonbut, it hasn't got new ones for years I think08:02
RAOFOh, yeah.08:13
RAOFAFAIK there shouldn't be any new symbols in libglu, ever. The symbols file is just a nice heads up should we break something in the build :)08:14
tjaaltonuploaded openchrome 0.3.1, let's hope it doesn't need a FFe09:11
tjaaltonwe should probably ask for an exception for driver point-releases09:12
ml|vacationwell those are usually a good idea11:06
ml|vacationbut with raof on release team, shouldn't be a problem :)11:06
tjaaltonwacom 0.17.0 fails to build miserably11:07
Prf_JakobSoo the daily quantal iso freaks out a bit.13:53
Prf_JakobThe installer started at 2560x160013:54
Prf_Jakob"Try Ubuntu" mode fixed that tho.13:54
tjaaltonthat's with a vmware virtual machine?13:55
Prf_Jakoboh, yeah13:55
tjaaltoni've seen a bug about that but can't find it now13:58
tjaaltonbtw, vmmouse doesn't use signal-safe logging14:02
Prf_JakobIs that bad?14:12
tjaaltonnot sure14:13
Prf_JakobAnd is that a Xorg 1.13 feature?14:13
tjaaltonlogs in 1039157 look bad :)14:13
tjaaltonbug 103915714:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1039157 in linux (Ubuntu Precise) "vmwgfx kernel module not loaded by default" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103915714:13
tjaaltonnot that any released evdev version has that either14:13
Prf_JakobBtw, do you work for canonical?14:14
Prf_Jakobk, (put you into a contact list for devs).14:14
Prf_JakobI'm going on a extended leave, so I'm writing things down for other VMware devs :)14:15
Prf_JakobMmm it went 2560x1600 after I installed it as well.14:16
Prf_JakobIs Quantal using Wayland?14:17
tjaaltonso the splash screen has 25x16 or just X?14:17
tjaaltonassuming the bug above isn't fixed yet, what if you force load vmwgfx via kernel cmdline?14:19
tjaaltonit should use kms then?14:19
Prf_JakobYeah it worked fine when I loaded the kernel module.14:19
tjaaltonok, so it's the same bug14:19
tjaaltonor a symptom of it14:19
Prf_JakobTho I don't know if thats because I restarted lightdm14:20
Prf_JakobOr because kms fixed it.14:20
Prf_JakobOh right, dave sent out some patches to dri-devel that fixes that.14:20
tjaaltondumb ioctl patch?14:21
Prf_JakobFeature request, disable the dash blur effect when on llvmpipe, that thing kills performance.14:21
Prf_JakobNo, let me look it up.14:21
tjaaltoni bet there are people on it :)14:21
tjaaltonsince no unity2d anymore14:22
Prf_JakobHeh somebody already resent a identical patch :)14:22
Prf_JakobLike right now.14:22
tjaalton"add MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE so vmwgfx loads at boot"14:22
Prf_JakobThere is one by Dave as well, along with a config adding patch.14:23
Prf_JakobYou should apply both of Daves, and enable the config, that way you can remove the config hack in xf86-video-vmware.14:23
tjaaltonoh right, those ones14:25
tjaaltonI'll let tim know :)14:25
Prf_Jakobhttp://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/dri-devel/2012-August/027124.html & http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/dri-devel/2012-August/027125.html14:25
Prf_JakobI RB them all here http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/dri-devel/2012-August/027139.html14:25
Prf_JakobOk I replyed to rtg's email.14:33
Prf_JakobIs he on IRC? Is he a X or Kernel guy+14:33
tjaaltonon #ubuntu-kernel14:35
tjaaltonenough uploads for one day.. mesa, xserver, -intel, -openchrome15:27
dupondjehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/1046505 => just happend again to me on same site :p17:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1046505 in xorg (Ubuntu) "i915_hangcheck_hung" [Undecided,New]17:00
tjaaltondupondje: would be nice if you could upstream it to bugs.fd.o17:32
dupondjehttps://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54611 there :)17:42
ubottuFreedesktop bug 54611 in Driver/intel "i915_hangcheck_hung" [Normal,New]17:43
tjaaltongreat :)17:46
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
shadeslayertjaalton: more weirdness, if I now boot without nomodeset, it hangs at : fb conflicting fb hw usage radeondrmfb vs efi vga18:44
tjaaltonthe beta got silently released, it seems20:31
bjsniderwhat beta?20:33
bjsniderhad to do that20:33
tjaaltonjust noticed all the uploads went in20:34
* dupondje really likes the response times on bugs.fd.o20:48

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