
cbx33is it right that my laptop fan is running at a higher rpm in low latency kernel?06:46
ailo-wcbx33: Could be.07:11
cbx33i guess cos the higher "load" on the system to be low latency07:11
ailo-wIt uses a bit more cpu, but I don't think it's too much07:11
ailo-wWe haven't done any tests on that yet07:12
ailo-wDon't know if anyone has07:12
cbx33ailo-w, thanks07:12
cbx33just comparing to me standard build07:12
cbx33I bought an AudioBox USB yesterday and was playing with it with Ardour 3 Beta07:12
cbx33suffered from a few xruns07:12
cbx33and actually a rather unstable system - thought it may have been because my frames/period was too low07:13
ailo-wcbx33: At which frames/period? And are you using the pulseaudio bridge?07:13
cbx33i was using JACK with 12807:14
ailo-wUbuntu Studio is set to use the bridge by default07:14
cbx33ahh maybe that's it07:14
ailo-wAlso, some usb devices don't work well at lower latencies07:14
ailo-wcbx33: How is the performance with your internal card, in comparison?07:14
cbx33I installed xubuntu and then a load of packages - if I install ubuntu-studio package will it set that up for me?07:14
ailo-wcbx33: To remove the PA bridge, uninstall pulseaudio-module-jack, and restart pulseaudio07:14
cbx33ailo, in all honesty I never did any real recording with Ardour on 12807:15
cbx33I used 128 for linux sampler07:15
cbx33as I found the keyboard too delayed with 20ms07:15
ailo-wcbx33: Usually, with the low latency kernel, you can get a pretty stable performance at 64, depending on your HW07:15
cbx33it's an i5 - laptop07:15
ailo-wintegrated grahpics07:15
ailo-wNever tried one of those yet07:16
cbx33it's ok07:16
cbx33a few little quirks here and there07:16
cbx33so what does the bridge do ?07:16
ailo-wIt makes PA connect to jack, when you start jack07:17
ailo-wOr, rather, jackdbus07:17
ailo-wcbx33: Did you set up realtime privilege?07:17
ailo-wcbx33: Installing packages is not enough07:17
cbx33i get the flashing RT - so i think it's working07:17
ailo-wcbx33: See the log07:18
ailo-wcbx33: To get realtime privilege, say yes when asked while installing jackd07:18
ailo-wThe file should be /etc/security/limits.d/audio.conf and not audio.conf.disabled07:19
cbx33lemme check07:19
ailo-wcbx33: Also, add yourself to audio group07:19
ailo-wsudo usermod -a -G audio $USER07:19
cbx33@audio   -  rtprio     9507:19
cbx33@audio   -  memlock    unlimited07:19
cbx33#@audio   -  nice      -1907:19
ailo-wIf you didnt' do those things, you don't have realtime privilege07:19
cbx33i am in the audio group07:19
ailo-wOk, so you're all set up07:19
cbx33JACK server starting in realtime mode with priority 1007:20
ailo-wcbx33: I'd remove the bridge. Do testing with both the internal card and the usb for comparison07:20
cbx33so what does the bridge affect07:21
cbx33does it just make JACK do more work than it has to?07:21
ailo-wIt usually gives you an occasional xrun at lower latencies07:21
ailo-wI don't know why07:21
ailo-wMaybe it just needs to be improved07:22
cbx33The following packages will be REMOVED07:23
cbx33  pulseaudio-module-jack ubuntustudio-recording07:23
cbx33ailo-w, that implies that the pulse module is included with ubuntustudio-recording right?07:23
ailo-wcbx33: Seems like it. Removing the meta will not affect anything07:25
cbx33no i know :)07:25
cbx33will try that later07:29
cbx33it's removed07:29
ailo-wGoing to try performance on this old P4 just for fun.07:30
cbx33the audiobox has a resolution of 24bit07:30
cbx33what does jack support?07:30
ailo-wI'm on a lxde desktop right now actually. Installed ubuntu onto a usb stick07:36
ailo-wPretty stable at 64 frames/period07:38
ailo-wUsing the internal card07:38
ailo-wno xruns yet07:38
ailo-wcbx33: If you find that the usb device is less stable than your internal, try using the rtirq script to your benefit07:43
ailo-wThe package is called rtirq-init, and I believe it comes with the kernel07:43
ailo-w-lowlatency that is07:43
ailo-wBut, you might need to adjust it07:43
cbx33ok thanks07:44
cbx33lemme copy that07:44
cbx33be back later07:45
ailo-wcbx33: To see how your realtime prios are, use the command: ps -eo comm,rtprio07:45
ailo-wI do get an occasional xrun.07:50
ailo-wEven without the bridge. But this device isn't exactly pro audio07:51
=== wook is now known as Guest66157
akhilahi there! anyone willing to give out some info please??10:58
ailoakhila: Just ask11:03
ailoakhila: Usually if one has a question, you just ask and wait for someone to respond. Takes a while sometimes11:04
akhilaokay. thanks.11:06
akhilaTesting Ubuntu Studio. I'm actually new to it. Opened Orage. and then Globaltime11:06
akhilaThe window has two buttons which appear very much merged.11:07
akhilaand it actually shows anly local time.11:07
akhilais it how it should be??11:07
akhilaRunning studios on VirtualBox11:07
ailoakhila: I guess so11:12
ailoakhila: Most of the desktop related stuff come directly from Xubuntu/XFCE11:12
ailoSo, you might find more detailed answers on their channel11:13
akhilaokay. thank you :)11:13
ailoakhila: If you rather have multimedia type of questions, this is a good place for that11:14
akhilaActually I was directed to you to ask these very questions. Anyways, thank you for the information and your valuable time.11:18
chimbohi all13:29
smartboyhwHi chimbo, how can we help ya?13:29
=== chimbo is now known as cbx33
cbx33sorry wrong nick13:30
smartboyhwOh OK13:30
cbx33ailo helped me a bit earlier13:30
cbx33had a question regarding the rt irq stuff for USB13:30
smartboyhwUh huh13:30
smartboyhwailo: Help cbx33:)13:30
cbx33also just popped in to say hi13:30
cbx33I bought a Presonus AudioBox and used it on JACK last night13:31
cbx33worked very well indeed13:31
cbx33tried to use it with it's own DAW on windows 7 early this morning.....and the whole thing just froze13:31
cbx33makes me laugh13:31
cbx33no exageration13:31
cbx33i had a few issues last night but I think that's because I was being cheeky with my frames/period13:32
holsteincould be the settings... i find linux can be more graceful at failing13:32
cbx33i had a few xruns13:32
cbx33then i loaded audacity and got a never ending stream of xruns and everything just froze13:33
cbx33ardour didn't seem to like it much13:33
cbx33but then I am running SVN ardour313:33
cbx33so i guess I should expect oddities13:33
holsteinaudacity really doesnt work well with JACK13:33
cbx33I won't be trying that again13:33
holsteinits not something anyone really works at making stable13:33
ailo-wcbx33: ardour aught to be quite reliable.13:34
cbx33the presonus is nice - i hooked up my guitar and used guitarix13:34
ailo-wcbx33: How's your performance now? And did you compare with your internal yet?13:34
cbx33ailo-w: even the SVN build?13:34
cbx33ailo-w: not yet, in the UK...lunch hour :)13:34
cbx33will have to wait till i get home13:34
ailo-wcbx33: At least when it comes to the jack part of it. The same guy behind ardour and jack13:34
cbx33ailo-w: of course13:35
cbx33I get a strange race condition too when using positional in ardour13:35
cbx33the first time i click on a position in ardour....both Jack and Ardour try to play catch up and get it wrong13:35
cbx33the second time i click it's ok13:35
cbx33so i just double click on the timeline now :)13:36
ailo-wThat sounds terrible13:36
cbx33maybe that was frame related too....but i seem to recall i tried it last night and it was still bad even on a higher frame seeting13:36
ailo-wcbx33: You should report it13:36
cbx33well the playhead moved...but you got zero audio13:36
cbx33then o nthe second click, the audio returned13:36
cbx33gonna try the low latency kernel tonight.....except I don't like that my fan speed is higher with it13:37
ailo-wcbx33: One thing you could try is to lock the cpu to a lower speed13:38
ailo-wcbx33: You might not need it to be at full13:38
cbx33this was when it was idling though13:38
cbx33maybe it's because the lowlatency kernel is further behind13:38
cbx33ie...powermanagement may have changed13:40
cbx33maybe i should install 64bit ubuntu13:40
ailo-wtime to go home..13:41
len-dtcbx33, I haven't had that experience. The fan doesn't run that much for me till the cpu speed ramps up to full13:53
cbx33mine is definitely faster on low-latency13:56
cbx33which bugs me13:56
len-dtIt could be that mine is a low power atom.13:56
cbx33is preempt still around?13:56
cbx33yeh mine is an i513:56
smartboyhwi5 here13:56
cbx33gee you can do recording on an atom?13:56
cbx33thinking of getting an SSD for this bad boy13:57
smartboyhwcbx33: Why not?13:57
len-dtyes, even at half speed (800 Mhz)13:57
cbx33len-dt: that's awesome13:58
cbx33I think my frames/period was too low13:58
cbx33or maybe I just have too much crap installed on my system :)13:59
cbx33gonna take a look at processes tonight and see what I can clean up13:59
len-dt128 for live use (guitarix for example) is about the highest you want to go. For recording 1024 is pretty normal14:00
cbx33yeh that's what I thought14:00
cbx33guitarix is nice!14:00
cbx33i was playing my Ibanez through it last night14:00
cbx33very impressed14:01
cbx33my problem is with linux sampler - playing piano, I really need 128, as higher than that, I can feel the latency - and sometimes you want to "play" with the full multitrack14:01
len-dtcbx33, I like it too. I haven't had a real guitar amp in ages.14:01
cbx33if that makes sense14:01
cbx33it's a shame yo ucan't change them realtime14:01
cbx33len-dt: care to share any good setups - would be greatly appreciated sometime14:02
len-dtThat makes sense. I would try using an external sound module (in my case whatever is in the synth I use for a KB) to get the midi into the computer when recording.14:03
len-dtthen just use the sampler for play back.14:03
cbx33len-dt: yeh I could do that14:04
cbx33I have a Korg X5D14:04
cbx33I could also just use a GM midi14:04
* len-dt uses an old dx714:04
cbx33and as you say pipe it through linux sampler for playback14:04
cbx33but now I use an Alesis QX4914:04
cbx33anyone want an RM1x?14:05
len-dtI'm not really a KB player... so the model names don't mean anything to me.14:05
cbx33Yamaha RM1x is a dance music thingy14:05
len-dtI can't play piano, but can add string pad kinds of things14:05
cbx33bought it because I wanted to do midi loop programming14:06
cbx33but never really used it much14:06
cbx33found it listed o na site as vintage the other day14:06
len-dtThat happens14:06
len-dtmy DX7 is from 1982 or so14:06
len-dtI like the feel of it14:07
ailocbx33: You can change latency on the fly with ardour, or any other application with jack control that allows it14:07
ailoqjackctl doesn't do that14:07
cbx33ailo you got home quick14:08
smartboyhwThat's quick ailo really14:08
ailoIt's not far. I have a fast bike :)14:09
ailoNo, a racer bike. I don't know the right term. For regular roads14:10
ailoA bicycle anyway14:10
cbx33yeh i cycle too14:10
cbx33about 3.6 miles each way14:10
ailoI picked it up this summer14:13
ailoIt's fun14:13
ailocbx33: Wait, is this your device? http://wiki.linuxmusicians.com/doku.php?id=presounus_audiobox_1818vsl14:16
smartboyhwHmm I will go and join linuxmusicians forums now:)14:16
ailocbx33: Another thing you might want to check is whether changing usb port makes a difference. Check the IRQ's with: cat /proc/interrupts14:17
cbx33ailo: nooooooooooooooooooo not an 181814:17
cbx33just 2in2out14:17
ailotoo bad14:17
cbx33i have an maudio delta 1010lt though14:18
len-dtcbx33, same machine?14:18
ailocbx33: That'll at least serve great for comparison14:18
cbx33delta1010 in a laptop :p14:21
cbx33I would love an 1818VSL though :p14:22
ailoI'm thinking of trading my focusrite sapphire pro 40 for it14:23
ailoIt's great, but it's firewire. Which kind of limits the options14:23
cbx33well all i will say is my presonus sounded amazing14:23
cbx33ahh yeh14:23
cbx33they did a tudio bundle wit hthe presonus firewire - which i got very excited about14:23
cbx33until i realised i didn't have firewire14:23
cbx33can someone do me a favour - google for presonus m714:24
cbx33and go to images....14:24
cbx33I'm a little new to condenser mics14:24
cbx33it has a grill on front and back14:24
cbx33and sounds different if you sing into the front or the back14:24
cbx33is it a cardioid response?14:25
ailocbx33: Yea14:25
cbx33and you can choose which side to use for different applications?14:25
cbx33or would you only ever use one side14:25
ailocbx33: With cardoid, you can only use the one side14:25
cbx33it still sounded nice on the other side - but a bit more bass heavy14:26
cbx33you'd never believe I have a degree in acoustical engineering would you :p14:27
ailocbx33: The other side should sound like someone talking with their back turned towards you14:27
ailoDepends a bit on the room acoustics, whether you get a lot of high frequency into the mic that way14:28
cbx33ahh room acoustics - that was a fun lecture14:28
cbx33or series - the wave equation in 3D space - derivation14:28
cbx33http://www.presonus.com/community/Learn/Equalizer-Terms-and-Tips - found this yesterday looks quite useful14:29
ailoI had once opened my mic, and screwed the actual microhpone the wrong way. I friend borrowed it and said the sound sucked, and that even his low value mic was sounding better14:30
ailoI came to check. Turned it around, and suddenly the vocals started to sound really sharp14:30
cbx33well ailo, I've only done limited recording with the presonus, like only got it yesterday, but have been exceedingly happy with it's performance and sound quality14:31
cbx33oh a question guys....the USB should act almost like a decoupler shouldn't it?14:31
cbx33I have a dynamic mic, AKG D69S and it was picking up the fan hum rom the laptop14:32
cbx33that must have been some kind of electromagnetic effect right14:32
cbx33i mean the is no way noise could have gotten from the laptop to the USB in/outs as that would have been a digital signal right?14:32
len-dtcbx33, that should be... but if you are using power from the usb there may be some noise transfer14:33
cbx33ahh I am14:33
len-dtThe box has to power it's pre amp from something.14:33
cbx33need to buy a USB hub and an optoisolator maybe :p14:33
ailocbx33: Depends. Some combination of laptops and devices will introduce ground hum, if the laptop is connected to an electrical outlet14:33
cbx33the M7 didn't suffer the same14:33
cbx33no it was not 50Hz14:34
cbx33it was much higher14:34
cbx33a whine14:34
len-dtDoes your interface have a power plug on it?14:34
ailoThe M7 should be a lot less forgiving when it comes to general noise in the room14:34
cbx33len-dt: no14:34
ailoUsually, any computer will be too noisy for a condenser14:34
cbx33powered through USB14:34
len-dtYa, some are either or, thought I would ask.14:35
len-dtMine has its own PS because it has tubes in it.14:35
cbx33ailo - I had a little "noise" but only white14:35
ailoI once got clicking noise in some dynamic mics14:36
ailoTook us a while to figure out what it was. There was a vacuum cleaner next to the drums14:36
ailoSomething about magnetism14:36
ailoIt sounded like audio dropouts, which of course made me think it was the computer first, but since it only happened to some mics, it really bothered us for a while14:37
cbx33i had a nasty earth loop 10 years ago14:40
cbx33sorted it by twisting a paperclip around the rack ears of the behringer and the lexicon15:01
cbx33ailo: I used to run Logic on an AMD K6-2 500 Mhz15:10
cbx33didn't get a whole lot of love fro mthat15:10
ailoLogic? Was that the old Windows version?15:15
ailoIt had it's own sound, thanks to it's builtin plugins15:15
cbx33I was furious when they went mac only15:25
cbx33but i did love the midi raouting and patching it did15:25
ailoI never got the logic of it. I much preferred cubase. Been a few years since I had Windows now though15:26
cbx33i would love a better midi "munger"15:26
cbx33mididings is nice - but with a gui it would be killer15:26
cbx33the fade in/out on ardour - is there a way to "curve" rather than linear?15:27
ailoHaven't done much with it. But, I bet the boys at #ardour would know15:27
cbx33yeh - it's a little too early in there atm :)15:27
smartboyhwailo: I will go sleep now15:27
cbx33ailo do you use a multitracker?15:35
ailocbx33: You mean, like Ardour? I don't use DAWs that much these days. Mostly puredata15:41
cbx33JACK capable?15:47
cbx33hey all18:47
cbx33guitarix has a head that brings my machine to a crawl18:47
cbx33sends JACK to 100%18:48
holsteinit happens.. you tried the support channel?18:48
holsteini would guess they will askk if you are running the lastest from them, and you probably arent18:49
holsteincbx33: if youd like to file a bug report though... go for it18:49
cbx33must be my USB device related18:49
holsteincould be18:49
cbx33ailo, you around?18:50
cbx33with XRUNS.....what does count and notifications mean18:50
cbx33what's the difference?18:50
cbx33what does that mean?18:50
holsteincbx33: i could look that up, but i would try and catch las in #ubuntu18:51
holsteinhe wrote it, and would know18:51
cbx33lemme rtfm18:52
holsteini remember the (*)'s being not as important though18:52
holsteincbx33: i like to see none there though18:52
cbx33i know18:52
holsteincbx33: i dont think las would mind you asking18:52
cbx33i talk to las a fair amount18:52
cbx33i think i should try to low latency kernel18:52
holsteincbx33: yeah, if you arent, thats first thing18:53
cbx33does anyone know does rtirq work with lowlatency kernel18:53
cbx33or just RT kernel18:53
holsteincbx33: i know we didnt get the message about rt privs not being possible when testing the lowlatency kernel18:54
holsteini would try lowlatency, then RT18:54
holsteini actually have a USB device that works much better with the generic18:54
cbx33well this one doesn't apparently18:55
cbx33i know people ate using the 18in18out version in linux18:55
cbx33and it works well18:55
cbx33mines just a 2in2out18:55
cbx33guess i just need to get the settings right18:55
holsteincbx33: its just one random device.. i just happend to test it that way18:55
cbx33guitarix -> funkmuscle -> jazz19:00
cbx33ruins my machine19:00
cbx33both on internal and external audio device19:00
len-dtcbx33, that does seem to be fixed in the new version. I had a few that really slowed my machine down too.19:02
cbx33new version as in?19:02
cbx33I mean I'm getting 100% DSP here :)19:03
len-dtBut if you are running 12.04 you should have something pretty new19:03
holsteinthats something we should look at and maybe backport19:03
cbx33the thing that is funny is that though I hit 100% DSP, my CPU fan doesn't spin up19:03
len-dtit seems to say it is 0.24.019:04
cbx33maybe that's it then19:06
cbx33len-dt, which version has the fix19:10
cbx33it's the push-pull ones that do it19:12
len-dtI had the one with the sort of gold/bronze color GUI where the main heqad would come up and the rack was separate. the new one has everything in the rack and by default comes up grey with presets at the bottom.19:28
len-dtthe old one had about half of the presets did bad things.19:29
len-dtI think there may even be a newer one, but I am not sure.19:29
len-dtHis web page says 0.24.019:31
len-dtcbx33, I have found the ladspa guitarix plugins a pain. any time there is no track where it is active strange things happen.19:39
len-dtfor example if a cut out a portion of a track becasue of background noise (or my bad playing) the guitarix plugin doesn't like that.19:40
len-dthowever, my machine is a 10 year old P4 and can only handle so much.19:41
cbx33heheh I can't believe you're able to do anything on that19:42
len-dtI had 5 or 6 tracks playing by then with other effects on abnout 2/3 of them.19:43
holsteinaudio is not that big a deal19:43
holsteinits video that is pretty hard to handle with an old system19:44
len-dtI recorded without effects at a lower latency and added effects after at a higher one.19:44
holsteinlen-dt: i do that just for good measure on my dual core :)19:44
cbx33len-dt, good job19:45
len-dtThe only xruns I seem to get are when I hit the |< to go back to the track start.19:46
len-dtdual monitors seems to be pretty common for audio work.19:47
cbx33that's true19:47
cbx33len-dt, is guitarix hard to build?19:48
len-dtI just downloaded the package from the ubuntu repos with synaptic19:48
cbx33so you're running 12.0419:49
cbx33so how come we got different versions?19:49
cbx330.20.2 here19:49
len-dthave you run the upgrade19:50
cbx33i'm up to date as far as i know19:50
len-dtopen synaptic and see if it will let you install a newer one19:51
cbx33mine says 0.20.2-3ubuntu119:52
len-dtif you scroll over it should say installed and latest version19:52
cbx33latest = installed19:53
cbx33what sources are you using19:53
cbx33some ppa or something?19:54
len-dtwhile I do have kzstudio, that particular package doesn't seem to have come from there.19:54
len-dtThe section says Multimedia(universe) the maintainer says Roland Stigge19:56
cbx33apt-cache madison guitarix19:56
len-dtIf you right click on the guitarix entry in synaptic and select properties in common it gives some info19:57
cbx33  guitarix | 0.20.2-3ubuntu1 | http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise/universe i386 Packages19:57
cbx33  guitarix | 0.20.2-3ubuntu1 | http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise/universe Sources19:57
len-dtLet me check my netbook which is more stock.19:58
cbx33apt-cache madison will give you the source of the package19:59
len-dtWell, it apears you are right. I must be getting this from kxstudio. The one on my netbook is the old one20:04
cbx33ok - ty len-dt20:04
cbx33hopefuly it'll be updated in the next ubu release20:04
len-dtI will have to check 12.10 (on the other drive right now) and see what that has.20:05
cbx33is kx a direct competitor to ubustudio?20:05
cbx33how is 12.10 shaping up?20:05
len-dtkxstudio is a group of apps meant to sit on top of ubuntu.20:05
len-dt12.10 seem pretty good mostly UI improvements though20:05
len-dtkxstudio is actually on the ubuntu servers I think20:06
len-dtYa ppa.launchpad.net/kxstudio-team/ppa/ubuntu precice20:07
len-dtholstein, It seems you are right about backporting guitarix.20:08
cbx33do people ever change the periods/buffer setting in JACK?20:11
len-dt12.10 has guitarix 0.22.420:14
cbx33ok that's better20:14
len-dt yes people change that20:14
cbx33what effect does it have20:14
len-dtIt effects latency along with frames/period. I have heard that 3 is better for USB IFs20:15
len-dtI have not tried that though.20:16
cbx33I will try that20:16
len-dtanyway, I need lunch then I have some papers to do. Bye now.20:17
cbx33laters len-dt20:18
cbx33thanks for the help20:18
cbx33do people here get xruns when they open/close apps20:41

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